1syntax = "proto3"; 2 3package aae.blemessagestream; 4 5option java_package = "com.android.car.BLEStreamProtos"; 6option java_outer_classname = "VersionExchangeProto"; 7 8message BLEVersionExchange { 9 // Minimum supported protobuf version. 10 int32 minSupportedMessagingVersion = 1; 11 12 // Maximum supported protobuf version. 13 int32 maxSupportedMessagingVersion = 2; 14 15 // Minimum supported version of the encryption engine. 16 int32 minSupportedSecurityVersion = 3; 17 18 // Maximum supported version of the encryption engine. 19 int32 maxSupportedSecurityVersion = 4; 20 21} 22