1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #include "zip_cd_entry_map.h"
19 #include <android-base/logging.h>
20 #include <log/log.h>
22 /*
23  * Round up to the next highest power of 2.
24  *
25  * Found on http://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html.
26  */
RoundUpPower2(uint32_t val)27 static uint32_t RoundUpPower2(uint32_t val) {
28   val--;
29   val |= val >> 1;
30   val |= val >> 2;
31   val |= val >> 4;
32   val |= val >> 8;
33   val |= val >> 16;
34   val++;
36   return val;
37 }
ComputeHash(std::string_view name)39 static uint32_t ComputeHash(std::string_view name) {
40   return static_cast<uint32_t>(std::hash<std::string_view>{}(name));
41 }
43 // Convert a ZipEntry to a hash table index, verifying that it's in a valid range.
GetCdEntryOffset(std::string_view name,const uint8_t * start) const44 std::pair<ZipError, uint64_t> CdEntryMapZip32::GetCdEntryOffset(std::string_view name,
45                                                                 const uint8_t* start) const {
46   const uint32_t hash = ComputeHash(name);
48   // NOTE: (hash_table_size - 1) is guaranteed to be non-negative.
49   uint32_t ent = hash & (hash_table_size_ - 1);
50   while (hash_table_[ent].name_offset != 0) {
51     if (hash_table_[ent].ToStringView(start) == name) {
52       return {kSuccess, hash_table_[ent].name_offset};
53     }
54     ent = (ent + 1) & (hash_table_size_ - 1);
55   }
57   ALOGV("Zip: Unable to find entry %.*s", static_cast<int>(name.size()), name.data());
58   return {kEntryNotFound, 0};
59 }
AddToMap(std::string_view name,const uint8_t * start)61 ZipError CdEntryMapZip32::AddToMap(std::string_view name, const uint8_t* start) {
62   const uint64_t hash = ComputeHash(name);
63   uint32_t ent = hash & (hash_table_size_ - 1);
65   /*
66    * We over-allocated the table, so we're guaranteed to find an empty slot.
67    * Further, we guarantee that the hashtable size is not 0.
68    */
69   while (hash_table_[ent].name_offset != 0) {
70     if (hash_table_[ent].ToStringView(start) == name) {
71       // We've found a duplicate entry. We don't accept duplicates.
72       ALOGW("Zip: Found duplicate entry %.*s", static_cast<int>(name.size()), name.data());
73       return kDuplicateEntry;
74     }
75     ent = (ent + 1) & (hash_table_size_ - 1);
76   }
78   // `name` has already been validated before entry.
79   const char* start_char = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(start);
80   hash_table_[ent].name_offset = static_cast<uint32_t>(name.data() - start_char);
81   hash_table_[ent].name_length = static_cast<uint16_t>(name.size());
82   return kSuccess;
83 }
ResetIteration()85 void CdEntryMapZip32::ResetIteration() {
86   current_position_ = 0;
87 }
Next(const uint8_t * cd_start)89 std::pair<std::string_view, uint64_t> CdEntryMapZip32::Next(const uint8_t* cd_start) {
90   while (current_position_ < hash_table_size_) {
91     const auto& entry = hash_table_[current_position_];
92     current_position_ += 1;
94     if (entry.name_offset != 0) {
95       return {entry.ToStringView(cd_start), entry.name_offset};
96     }
97   }
98   // We have reached the end of the hash table.
99   return {};
100 }
CdEntryMapZip32(uint16_t num_entries)102 CdEntryMapZip32::CdEntryMapZip32(uint16_t num_entries) {
103   /*
104    * Create hash table.  We have a minimum 75% load factor, possibly as
105    * low as 50% after we round off to a power of 2.  There must be at
106    * least one unused entry to avoid an infinite loop during creation.
107    */
108   hash_table_size_ = RoundUpPower2(1 + (num_entries * 4) / 3);
109   hash_table_ = {
110       reinterpret_cast<ZipStringOffset*>(calloc(hash_table_size_, sizeof(ZipStringOffset))), free};
111 }
Create(uint16_t num_entries)113 std::unique_ptr<CdEntryMapInterface> CdEntryMapZip32::Create(uint16_t num_entries) {
114   auto entry_map = new CdEntryMapZip32(num_entries);
115   CHECK(entry_map->hash_table_ != nullptr)
116       << "Zip: unable to allocate the " << entry_map->hash_table_size_
117       << " entry hash_table, entry size: " << sizeof(ZipStringOffset);
118   return std::unique_ptr<CdEntryMapInterface>(entry_map);
119 }
Create()121 std::unique_ptr<CdEntryMapInterface> CdEntryMapZip64::Create() {
122   return std::unique_ptr<CdEntryMapInterface>(new CdEntryMapZip64());
123 }
AddToMap(std::string_view name,const uint8_t * start)125 ZipError CdEntryMapZip64::AddToMap(std::string_view name, const uint8_t* start) {
126   const auto [it, added] =
127       entry_table_.insert({name, name.data() - reinterpret_cast<const char*>(start)});
128   if (!added) {
129     ALOGW("Zip: Found duplicate entry %.*s", static_cast<int>(name.size()), name.data());
130     return kDuplicateEntry;
131   }
132   return kSuccess;
133 }
GetCdEntryOffset(std::string_view name,const uint8_t *) const135 std::pair<ZipError, uint64_t> CdEntryMapZip64::GetCdEntryOffset(std::string_view name,
136                                                                 const uint8_t* /*cd_start*/) const {
137   const auto it = entry_table_.find(name);
138   if (it == entry_table_.end()) {
139     ALOGV("Zip: Could not find entry %.*s", static_cast<int>(name.size()), name.data());
140     return {kEntryNotFound, 0};
141   }
143   return {kSuccess, it->second};
144 }
ResetIteration()146 void CdEntryMapZip64::ResetIteration() {
147   iterator_ = entry_table_.begin();
148 }
Next(const uint8_t *)150 std::pair<std::string_view, uint64_t> CdEntryMapZip64::Next(const uint8_t* /*cd_start*/) {
151   if (iterator_ == entry_table_.end()) {
152     return {};
153   }
155   return *iterator_++;
156 }