1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 package com.android.compatibility.common.tradefed.testtype;
19 import com.android.compatibility.common.tradefed.build.CompatibilityBuildHelper;
20 import com.android.compatibility.common.tradefed.result.InvocationFailureHandler;
21 import com.android.compatibility.common.tradefed.result.SubPlanHelper;
22 import com.android.compatibility.common.tradefed.targetprep.NetworkConnectivityChecker;
23 import com.android.compatibility.common.tradefed.testtype.suite.CompatibilityTestSuite;
24 import com.android.compatibility.common.tradefed.util.RetryFilterHelper;
25 import com.android.compatibility.common.tradefed.util.RetryType;
26 import com.android.compatibility.common.tradefed.util.UniqueModuleCountUtil;
27 import com.android.compatibility.common.util.IInvocationResult;
28 import com.android.compatibility.common.util.ResultHandler;
29 import com.android.compatibility.common.util.TestFilter;
30 import com.android.ddmlib.Log.LogLevel;
31 import com.android.tradefed.build.IBuildInfo;
32 import com.android.tradefed.config.ConfigurationException;
33 import com.android.tradefed.config.Option;
34 import com.android.tradefed.config.Option.Importance;
35 import com.android.tradefed.config.OptionClass;
36 import com.android.tradefed.config.OptionCopier;
37 import com.android.tradefed.device.DeviceNotAvailableException;
38 import com.android.tradefed.device.DeviceUnresponsiveException;
39 import com.android.tradefed.device.ITestDevice;
40 import com.android.tradefed.invoker.IInvocationContext;
41 import com.android.tradefed.invoker.InvocationContext;
42 import com.android.tradefed.log.ITestLogger;
43 import com.android.tradefed.log.LogUtil.CLog;
44 import com.android.tradefed.result.ITestInvocationListener;
45 import com.android.tradefed.result.InputStreamSource;
46 import com.android.tradefed.result.LogDataType;
47 import com.android.tradefed.suite.checker.ISystemStatusChecker;
48 import com.android.tradefed.suite.checker.ISystemStatusCheckerReceiver;
49 import com.android.tradefed.suite.checker.StatusCheckerResult;
50 import com.android.tradefed.suite.checker.StatusCheckerResult.CheckStatus;
51 import com.android.tradefed.testtype.Abi;
52 import com.android.tradefed.testtype.IAbi;
53 import com.android.tradefed.testtype.IBuildReceiver;
54 import com.android.tradefed.testtype.IDeviceTest;
55 import com.android.tradefed.testtype.IInvocationContextReceiver;
56 import com.android.tradefed.testtype.IRemoteTest;
57 import com.android.tradefed.testtype.IShardableTest;
58 import com.android.tradefed.testtype.ITestCollector;
59 import com.android.tradefed.testtype.suite.TestSuiteInfo;
60 import com.android.tradefed.util.AbiFormatter;
61 import com.android.tradefed.util.AbiUtils;
62 import com.android.tradefed.util.ArrayUtil;
63 import com.android.tradefed.util.MultiMap;
64 import com.android.tradefed.util.StreamUtil;
65 import com.android.tradefed.util.TimeUtil;
67 import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
69 import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
70 import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
71 import java.io.PrintWriter;
72 import java.util.ArrayList;
73 import java.util.Arrays;
74 import java.util.Collection;
75 import java.util.HashSet;
76 import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
77 import java.util.LinkedList;
78 import java.util.List;
79 import java.util.Set;
80 import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
81 import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
83 /**
84  * A Test for running Compatibility Suites.
85  * @deprecated use {@link CompatibilityTestSuite} instead.
86  */
87 @Deprecated
88 @OptionClass(alias = "compatibility")
89 public class CompatibilityTest implements IDeviceTest, IShardableTest, IBuildReceiver,
90         ISystemStatusCheckerReceiver, ITestCollector,
91         IInvocationContextReceiver {
93     public static final String INCLUDE_FILTER_OPTION = "include-filter";
94     public static final String EXCLUDE_FILTER_OPTION = "exclude-filter";
95     public static final String SUBPLAN_OPTION = "subplan";
96     public static final String MODULE_OPTION = "module";
97     public static final String TEST_OPTION = "test";
98     public static final String PRECONDITION_ARG_OPTION = "precondition-arg";
99     public static final String MODULE_ARG_OPTION = "module-arg";
100     public static final String TEST_ARG_OPTION = "test-arg";
101     public static final char TEST_OPTION_SHORT_NAME = 't';
102     public static final String RETRY_OPTION = "retry";
103     public static final String RETRY_TYPE_OPTION = "retry-type";
104     public static final String ABI_OPTION = "abi";
105     public static final String SHARD_OPTION = "shards";
106     public static final String SKIP_DEVICE_INFO_OPTION = "skip-device-info";
107     public static final String SKIP_PRECONDITIONS_OPTION = "skip-preconditions";
108     public static final String SKIP_HOST_ARCH_CHECK = "skip-host-arch-check";
109     public static final String PRIMARY_ABI_RUN = "primary-abi-only";
110     public static final String DEVICE_TOKEN_OPTION = "device-token";
111     public static final String LOGCAT_ON_FAILURE_SIZE_OPTION = "logcat-on-failure-size";
113     // Constants for checking invocation or preconditions preparation failure
114     private static final int NUM_PREP_ATTEMPTS = 10;
115     private static final int MINUTES_PER_PREP_ATTEMPT = 2;
117     @Option(name = SUBPLAN_OPTION,
118             description = "the subplan to run",
119             importance = Importance.IF_UNSET)
120     private String mSubPlan;
122     @Option(name = INCLUDE_FILTER_OPTION,
123             description = "the include module filters to apply.",
124             importance = Importance.ALWAYS)
125     private Set<String> mIncludeFilters = new HashSet<>();
127     @Option(name = EXCLUDE_FILTER_OPTION,
128             description = "the exclude module filters to apply.",
129             importance = Importance.ALWAYS)
130     private Set<String> mExcludeFilters = new HashSet<>();
132     @Option(name = MODULE_OPTION,
133             shortName = 'm',
134             description = "the test module to run.",
135             importance = Importance.IF_UNSET)
136     private String mModuleName = null;
138     @Option(name = TEST_OPTION,
139             shortName = TEST_OPTION_SHORT_NAME,
140             description = "the test run.",
141             importance = Importance.IF_UNSET)
142     private String mTestName = null;
144     @Option(name = PRECONDITION_ARG_OPTION,
145             description = "the arguments to pass to a precondition. The expected format is"
146                     + "\"<arg-name>:<arg-value>\"",
147             importance = Importance.ALWAYS)
148     private List<String> mPreconditionArgs = new ArrayList<>();
150     @Option(name = MODULE_ARG_OPTION,
151             description = "the arguments to pass to a module. The expected format is"
152                     + "\"<module-name>:<arg-name>:[<arg-key>:=]<arg-value>\"",
153             importance = Importance.ALWAYS)
154     private List<String> mModuleArgs = new ArrayList<>();
156     @Option(name = TEST_ARG_OPTION,
157             description = "the arguments to pass to a test. The expected format is"
158                     + "\"<test-class>:<arg-name>:[<arg-key>:=]<arg-value>\"",
159             importance = Importance.ALWAYS)
160     private List<String> mTestArgs = new ArrayList<>();
162     @Option(name = RETRY_OPTION,
163             shortName = 'r',
164             description = "retry a previous session's failed and not executed tests.",
165             importance = Importance.IF_UNSET)
166     private Integer mRetrySessionId = null;
168     @Option(name = RETRY_TYPE_OPTION,
169             description = "used with " + RETRY_OPTION + ", retry tests of a certain status. "
170             + "Possible values include \"failed\", \"not_executed\", and \"custom\".",
171             importance = Importance.IF_UNSET)
172     private RetryType mRetryType = null;
174     @Option(name = ABI_OPTION,
175             shortName = 'a',
176             description = "the abi to test.",
177             importance = Importance.IF_UNSET)
178     private String mAbiName = null;
180     @Option(name = SHARD_OPTION,
181             description = "split the modules up to run on multiple devices concurrently. "
182                     + "Deprecated, use --shard-count instead.")
183     @Deprecated
184     private int mShards = 1;
186     @Option(name = SKIP_DEVICE_INFO_OPTION,
187             shortName = 'd',
188             description = "Whether device info collection should be skipped")
189     private boolean mSkipDeviceInfo = false;
191     @Option(name = SKIP_HOST_ARCH_CHECK,
192             description = "Whether host architecture check should be skipped")
193     private boolean mSkipHostArchCheck = false;
195     @Option(name = SKIP_PRECONDITIONS_OPTION,
196             shortName = 'o',
197             description = "Whether preconditions should be skipped")
198     private boolean mSkipPreconditions = false;
200     @Option(name = PRIMARY_ABI_RUN,
201             description = "Whether to run tests with only the device primary abi. "
202                     + "This override the --abi option.")
203     private boolean mPrimaryAbiRun = false;
205     @Option(name = DEVICE_TOKEN_OPTION,
206             description = "Holds the devices' tokens, used when scheduling tests that have"
207                     + "prerequisites such as requiring a SIM card. Format is <serial>:<token>",
208             importance = Importance.ALWAYS)
209     private List<String> mDeviceTokens = new ArrayList<>();
211     @Option(name = "bugreport-on-failure",
212             description = "Take a bugreport on every test failure. " +
213                     "Warning: can potentially use a lot of disk space.")
214     private boolean mBugReportOnFailure = false;
216     @Option(name = "logcat-on-failure",
217             description = "Take a logcat snapshot on every test failure.")
218     private boolean mLogcatOnFailure = false;
220     @Option(name = LOGCAT_ON_FAILURE_SIZE_OPTION,
221             description = "The max number of logcat data in bytes to capture when "
222             + "--logcat-on-failure is on. Should be an amount that can comfortably fit in memory.")
223     private int mMaxLogcatBytes = 500 * 1024; // 500K
225     @Option(name = "screenshot-on-failure",
226             description = "Take a screenshot on every test failure.")
227     private boolean mScreenshotOnFailure = false;
229     @Option(name = "reboot-before-test",
230             description = "Reboot the device before the test suite starts.")
231     private boolean mRebootBeforeTest = false;
233     @Option(name = "reboot-on-failure",
234             description = "Reboot the device after every test failure.")
235     private boolean mRebootOnFailure = false;
237     @Option(name = "reboot-per-module",
238             description = "Reboot the device before every module run.")
239     private boolean mRebootPerModule = false;
241     @Option(name = "skip-connectivity-check",
242             description = "Don't verify device connectivity between module execution.")
243     private boolean mSkipConnectivityCheck = false;
245     @Option(
246             name = "preparer-whitelist",
247             description =
248                     "Only run specific preparers."
249                             + "Specify zero or more ITargetPreparers as canonical class names. "
250                             + "e.g. \"com.android.compatibility.common.tradefed.targetprep.ApkInstaller\" "
251                             + "If not specified, all configured preparers are run.")
252     private Set<String> mPreparerAllowlist = new HashSet<>();
254     @Option(name = "skip-all-system-status-check",
255             description = "Whether all system status check between modules should be skipped")
256     private boolean mSkipAllSystemStatusCheck = false;
258     @Option(name = "skip-system-status-check",
259             description = "Disable specific system status checkers."
260             + "Specify zero or more SystemStatusChecker as canonical class names. e.g. "
261             + "\"com.android.compatibility.common.tradefed.targetprep.NetworkConnectivityChecker\" "
262             + "If not specified, all configured or whitelisted system status checkers are run.")
263     private Set<String> mSystemStatusCheckBlacklist = new HashSet<>();
265     @Option(name = "system-status-check-whitelist",
266             description = "Only run specific system status checkers."
267             + "Specify zero or more SystemStatusChecker as canonical class names. e.g. "
268             + "\"com.android.compatibility.common.tradefed.targetprep.NetworkConnectivityChecker\" "
269             + "If not specified, all configured system status checkers are run.")
270     private Set<String> mSystemStatusCheckWhitelist = new HashSet<>();
272     private List<ISystemStatusChecker> mListCheckers = new ArrayList<>();
274     @Option(name = "collect-tests-only",
275             description = "Only invoke the suite to collect list of applicable test cases. All "
276                     + "test run callbacks will be triggered, but test execution will not be "
277                     + "actually carried out.")
278     private Boolean mCollectTestsOnly = null;
280     @Option(name = "module-metadata-include-filter",
281             description = "Include modules for execution based on matching of metadata fields: "
282                     + "for any of the specified filter name and value, if a module has a metadata "
283                     + "field with the same name and value, it will be included. When both module "
284                     + "inclusion and exclusion rules are applied, inclusion rules will be "
285                     + "evaluated first. Using this together with test filter inclusion rules may "
286                     + "result in no tests to execute if the rules don't overlap.")
287     private MultiMap<String, String> mModuleMetadataIncludeFilter = new MultiMap<>();
289     @Option(name = "module-metadata-exclude-filter",
290             description = "Exclude modules for execution based on matching of metadata fields: "
291                     + "for any of the specified filter name and value, if a module has a metadata "
292                     + "field with the same name and value, it will be excluded. When both module "
293                     + "inclusion and exclusion rules are applied, inclusion rules will be "
294                     + "evaluated first.")
295     private MultiMap<String, String> mModuleMetadataExcludeFilter = new MultiMap<>();
297     private int mTotalShards;
298     private Integer mShardIndex = null;
299     private IModuleRepo mModuleRepo;
300     private ITestDevice mDevice;
301     private CompatibilityBuildHelper mBuildHelper;
303     // variables used for local sharding scenario
304     private static CountDownLatch sPreparedLatch;
305     private boolean mIsLocalSharding = false;
306     private boolean mIsSharded = false;
308     private IInvocationContext mInvocationContext;
310     /**
311      * Create a new {@link CompatibilityTest} that will run the default list of
312      * modules.
313      */
CompatibilityTest()314     public CompatibilityTest() {
315         this(1 /* totalShards */, new ModuleRepo(), 0);
316     }
318     /**
319      * Create a new {@link CompatibilityTest} that will run a sublist of
320      * modules.
321      */
CompatibilityTest(int totalShards, IModuleRepo moduleRepo, Integer shardIndex)322     public CompatibilityTest(int totalShards, IModuleRepo moduleRepo, Integer shardIndex) {
323         if (totalShards < 1) {
324             throw new IllegalArgumentException(
325                     "Must be at least 1 shard. Given:" + totalShards);
326         }
327         mTotalShards = totalShards;
328         mModuleRepo = moduleRepo;
329         mShardIndex = shardIndex;
330     }
332     /**
333      * {@inheritDoc}
334      */
335     @Override
getDevice()336     public ITestDevice getDevice() {
337         return mDevice;
338     }
340     /**
341      * {@inheritDoc}
342      */
343     @Override
setDevice(ITestDevice device)344     public void setDevice(ITestDevice device) {
345         mDevice = device;
346     }
348     /**
349      * {@inheritDoc}
350      */
351     @Override
setBuild(IBuildInfo buildInfo)352     public void setBuild(IBuildInfo buildInfo) {
353         mBuildHelper = new CompatibilityBuildHelper(buildInfo);
354     }
356     /**
357      * {@inheritDoc}
358      */
359     @Override
run(ITestInvocationListener listener)360     public void run(ITestInvocationListener listener) throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
361         try {
362             List<ISystemStatusChecker> checkers = new ArrayList<>();
363             // Get system status checkers
364             if (mSkipAllSystemStatusCheck) {
365                 CLog.d("Skipping system status checkers");
366             } else {
367                 checkSystemStatusBlackAndWhiteList();
368                 for (ISystemStatusChecker checker : mListCheckers) {
369                     if(shouldIncludeSystemStatusChecker(checker)) {
370                         checkers.add(checker);
371                     }
372                 }
373             }
375             LinkedList<IModuleDef> modules = initializeModuleRepo();
377             mExcludeFilters.clear();
378             mIncludeFilters.clear();
379             // Update BuildInfo in each shard to store the original command-line arguments from
380             // the session to be retried. These arguments will be serialized in the report later.
381             if (mRetrySessionId != null) {
382                 loadRetryCommandLineArgs(mRetrySessionId);
383             }
385             listener = new FailureListener(listener, getDevice(), mBugReportOnFailure,
386                     mLogcatOnFailure, mScreenshotOnFailure, mRebootOnFailure, mMaxLogcatBytes);
387             int moduleCount = modules.size();
388             if (moduleCount == 0) {
389                 CLog.logAndDisplay(LogLevel.INFO, "No module to run on %s.",
390                         mDevice.getSerialNumber());
391                 // Make sure we unlock other shards.
392                 if (sPreparedLatch != null) {
393                     sPreparedLatch.countDown();
394                 }
395                 return;
396             } else {
397                 int uniqueModuleCount = UniqueModuleCountUtil.countUniqueModules(modules);
398                 CLog.logAndDisplay(LogLevel.INFO, "Starting %d test sub-module%s on %s",
399                         uniqueModuleCount, (uniqueModuleCount > 1) ? "s" : "",
400                                 mDevice.getSerialNumber());
401             }
403             if (mRebootBeforeTest) {
404                 CLog.d("Rebooting device before test starts as requested.");
405                 mDevice.reboot();
406             }
408             if (mSkipConnectivityCheck) {
409                 String clazz = NetworkConnectivityChecker.class.getCanonicalName();
410                 CLog.logAndDisplay(LogLevel.INFO, "\"--skip-connectivity-check\" is deprecated, "
411                         + "please use \"--skip-system-status-check %s\" instead", clazz);
412                 mSystemStatusCheckBlacklist.add(clazz);
413             }
415             // Set values and run preconditions
416             boolean isPrepared = true; // whether the device has been successfully prepared
417             for (int i = 0; i < moduleCount; i++) {
418                 IModuleDef module = modules.get(i);
419                 module.setBuild(mBuildHelper.getBuildInfo());
420                 module.setDevice(mDevice);
421                 module.setPreparerAllowlist(mPreparerAllowlist);
422                 // don't set a value if unspecified
423                 if (mCollectTestsOnly != null) {
424                     module.setCollectTestsOnly(mCollectTestsOnly);
425                 }
426                 isPrepared &= module.prepare(mSkipPreconditions, mPreconditionArgs);
427             }
428             if (!isPrepared) {
429                 throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Failed preconditions on %s",
430                         mDevice.getSerialNumber()));
431             }
432             if (mIsLocalSharding) {
433                 try {
434                     sPreparedLatch.countDown();
435                     int attempt = 1;
436                     while(!sPreparedLatch.await(MINUTES_PER_PREP_ATTEMPT, TimeUnit.MINUTES)) {
437                         if (attempt > NUM_PREP_ATTEMPTS ||
438                                 InvocationFailureHandler.hasFailed(mBuildHelper)) {
439                             CLog.logAndDisplay(LogLevel.ERROR,
440                                     "Incorrect preparation detected, exiting test run from %s",
441                                     mDevice.getSerialNumber());
442                             return;
443                         }
444                         CLog.logAndDisplay(LogLevel.WARN, "waiting on preconditions");
445                         attempt++;
446                     }
447                 } catch (InterruptedException e) {
448                     throw new RuntimeException(e);
449                 }
450             }
451             // Module Repo is not useful anymore
452             mModuleRepo.tearDown();
453             mModuleRepo = null;
454             // Run the tests
455             while (!modules.isEmpty()) {
456                 // Make sure we remove the modules from the reference list when we are done with
457                 // them.
458                 IModuleDef module = modules.poll();
459                 long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
461                 if (mRebootPerModule) {
462                     if ("user".equals(mDevice.getProperty("ro.build.type"))) {
463                         CLog.e("reboot-per-module should only be used during development, "
464                             + "this is a\" user\" build device");
465                     } else {
466                         CLog.logAndDisplay(LogLevel.INFO, "Rebooting device before starting next "
467                             + "module");
468                         mDevice.reboot();
469                     }
470                 }
472                 // execute pre module execution checker
473                 if (checkers != null && !checkers.isEmpty()) {
474                     runPreModuleCheck(module.getName(), checkers, mDevice, listener);
475                 }
476                 IInvocationContext moduleContext = new InvocationContext();
477                 moduleContext.setConfigurationDescriptor(module.getConfigurationDescriptor());
478                 moduleContext.addInvocationAttribute(IModuleDef.MODULE_NAME, module.getName());
479                 moduleContext.addInvocationAttribute(IModuleDef.MODULE_ABI,
480                         module.getAbi().getName());
481                 // This format is not always true but for the deprecated runner this is best effort.
482                 moduleContext.addInvocationAttribute(
483                         IModuleDef.MODULE_ID,
484                         String.format("%s %s", module.getAbi().getName(), module.getName()));
485                 mInvocationContext.setModuleInvocationContext(moduleContext);
486                 // Populate the module context with devices and builds
487                 for (String deviceName : mInvocationContext.getDeviceConfigNames()) {
488                     moduleContext.addAllocatedDevice(
489                             deviceName, mInvocationContext.getDevice(deviceName));
490                     moduleContext.addDeviceBuildInfo(
491                             deviceName, mInvocationContext.getBuildInfo(deviceName));
492                 }
493                 module.setInvocationContext(moduleContext);
494                 try {
495                     listener.testModuleStarted(moduleContext);
496                     module.run(listener);
497                 } catch (DeviceUnresponsiveException due) {
498                     // being able to catch a DeviceUnresponsiveException here implies that recovery
499                     // was successful, and test execution should proceed to next module
500                     ByteArrayOutputStream stack = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
501                     due.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(stack, true));
502                     StreamUtil.close(stack);
503                     CLog.w("Ignored DeviceUnresponsiveException because recovery was successful, "
504                             + "proceeding with next module. Stack trace: %s",
505                             stack.toString());
506                     CLog.w("This may be due to incorrect timeout setting on module %s",
507                             module.getName());
508                 } finally {
509                     // clear out module invocation context since we are now done with module
510                     // execution
511                     mInvocationContext.setModuleInvocationContext(null);
512                     listener.testModuleEnded();
513                 }
514                 long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
515                 long expected = module.getRuntimeHint();
516                 long delta = Math.abs(duration - expected);
517                 // Show warning if delta is more than 10% of expected
518                 if (expected > 0 && ((float)delta / (float)expected) > 0.1f) {
519                     CLog.logAndDisplay(LogLevel.WARN,
520                             "Inaccurate runtime hint for %s, expected %s was %s",
521                             module.getId(),
522                             TimeUtil.formatElapsedTime(expected),
523                             TimeUtil.formatElapsedTime(duration));
524                 }
525                 if (checkers != null && !checkers.isEmpty()) {
526                     runPostModuleCheck(module.getName(), checkers, mDevice, listener);
527                 }
528                 module = null;
529             }
530         } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
531             throw new RuntimeException("Failed to initialize modules", fnfe);
532         }
533     }
535     /**
536      * Initialize module repo.
537      *
538      * @return A list of module definition
539      * @throws DeviceNotAvailableException
540      * @throws FileNotFoundException
541      */
initializeModuleRepo()542     protected LinkedList<IModuleDef> initializeModuleRepo()
543             throws DeviceNotAvailableException, FileNotFoundException {
544         // FIXME: Each shard will do a full initialization which is not optimal. Need a way
545         // to be more specific on what to initialize.
546         synchronized (mModuleRepo) {
547             if (!mModuleRepo.isInitialized()) {
548                 setupFilters();
549                 // Initialize the repository, {@link CompatibilityBuildHelper#getTestsDir} can
550                 // throw a {@link FileNotFoundException}
551                 mModuleRepo.initialize(mTotalShards, mShardIndex, mBuildHelper.getTestsDir(),
552                         getAbis(), mDeviceTokens, mTestArgs, mModuleArgs, mIncludeFilters,
553                         mExcludeFilters, mModuleMetadataIncludeFilter, mModuleMetadataExcludeFilter,
554                         mBuildHelper.getBuildInfo());
556                 // Add the entire list of modules to the CompatibilityBuildHelper for reporting
557                 mBuildHelper.setModuleIds(mModuleRepo.getModuleIds());
559                 int count = UniqueModuleCountUtil.countUniqueModules(mModuleRepo.getTokenModules())
560                         + UniqueModuleCountUtil.countUniqueModules(
561                                   mModuleRepo.getNonTokenModules());
562                 CLog.logAndDisplay(LogLevel.INFO, "========================================");
563                 CLog.logAndDisplay(LogLevel.INFO, "Starting a run with %s unique modules.", count);
564                 CLog.logAndDisplay(LogLevel.INFO, "========================================");
565             } else {
566                 CLog.d("ModuleRepo already initialized.");
567             }
568             // Get the tests to run in this shard
569             return mModuleRepo.getModules(getDevice().getSerialNumber(), mShardIndex);
570         }
571     }
573     /**
574      * Gets the set of ABIs supported by both Compatibility and the device under test
575      *
576      * @return The set of ABIs to run the tests on
577      * @throws DeviceNotAvailableException
578      */
getAbis()579     Set<IAbi> getAbis() throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
580         Set<IAbi> abis = new LinkedHashSet<>();
581         Set<String> archAbis = getAbisForBuildTargetArch();
582         if (mPrimaryAbiRun) {
583             if (mAbiName == null) {
584                 // Get the primary from the device and make it the --abi to run.
585                 mAbiName = mDevice.getProperty("ro.product.cpu.abi").trim();
586             } else {
587                 CLog.d("Option --%s supersedes the option --%s, using abi: %s", ABI_OPTION,
588                         PRIMARY_ABI_RUN, mAbiName);
589             }
590         }
591         if (mAbiName != null) {
592             // A particular abi was requested, it still need to be supported by the build.
593             if ((!mSkipHostArchCheck && !archAbis.contains(mAbiName)) ||
594                     !AbiUtils.isAbiSupportedByCompatibility(mAbiName)) {
595                 throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Your CTS hasn't been built with "
596                         + "abi '%s' support, this CTS currently supports '%s'.",
597                         mAbiName, archAbis));
598             } else {
599                 abis.add(new Abi(mAbiName, AbiUtils.getBitness(mAbiName)));
600                 return abis;
601             }
602         } else {
603             // Run on all abi in common between the device and CTS.
604             List<String> deviceAbis = Arrays.asList(AbiFormatter.getSupportedAbis(mDevice, ""));
605             for (String abi : deviceAbis) {
606                 if ((mSkipHostArchCheck || archAbis.contains(abi)) &&
607                         AbiUtils.isAbiSupportedByCompatibility(abi)) {
608                     abis.add(new Abi(abi, AbiUtils.getBitness(abi)));
609                 } else {
610                     CLog.d("abi '%s' is supported by device but not by this CTS build (%s), tests "
611                             + "will not run against it.", abi, archAbis);
612                 }
613             }
614             if (abis.isEmpty()) {
615                 throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("None of the abi supported by this"
616                        + " CTS build ('%s') are supported by the device ('%s').",
617                        archAbis, deviceAbis));
618             }
619             return abis;
620         }
621     }
623     /**
624      * Return the abis supported by the Host build target architecture.
625      * Exposed for testing.
626      */
getAbisForBuildTargetArch()627     protected Set<String> getAbisForBuildTargetArch() {
628         return AbiUtils.getAbisForArch(TestSuiteInfo.getInstance().getTargetArchs().get(0));
629     }
631     /**
632      * Check that the system status checker specified by option are valid.
633      */
checkSystemStatusBlackAndWhiteList()634     protected void checkSystemStatusBlackAndWhiteList() {
635         for (String checker : mSystemStatusCheckWhitelist) {
636             try {
637                 Class.forName(checker);
638             } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
639                 ConfigurationException ex = new ConfigurationException(
640                         String.format("--system-status-check-whitelist must contains valid class, "
641                                 + "%s was not found", checker), e);
642                 throw new RuntimeException(ex);
643             }
644         }
645         for (String checker : mSystemStatusCheckBlacklist) {
646             try {
647                 Class.forName(checker);
648             } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
649                 ConfigurationException ex = new ConfigurationException(
650                         String.format("--skip-system-status-check must contains valid class, "
651                                 + "%s was not found", checker), e);
652                 throw new RuntimeException(ex);
653             }
654         }
655     }
657     /**
658      * Resolve the inclusion and exclusion logic of system status checkers
659      *
660      * @param s the {@link ISystemStatusChecker} to perform filtering logic on
661      * @return True if the {@link ISystemStatusChecker} should be included, false otherwise.
662      */
shouldIncludeSystemStatusChecker(ISystemStatusChecker s)663     private boolean shouldIncludeSystemStatusChecker(ISystemStatusChecker s) {
664         String clazz = s.getClass().getCanonicalName();
665         boolean shouldInclude = mSystemStatusCheckWhitelist.isEmpty()
666                 || mSystemStatusCheckWhitelist.contains(clazz);
667         boolean shouldExclude = !mSystemStatusCheckBlacklist.isEmpty()
668                 && mSystemStatusCheckBlacklist.contains(clazz);
669         return shouldInclude && !shouldExclude;
670     }
672     @VisibleForTesting
runPreModuleCheck(String moduleName, List<ISystemStatusChecker> checkers, ITestDevice device, ITestLogger logger)673     void runPreModuleCheck(String moduleName, List<ISystemStatusChecker> checkers,
674             ITestDevice device, ITestLogger logger) throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
675         CLog.i("Running system status checker before module execution: %s", moduleName);
676         List<String> failures = new ArrayList<>();
677         for (ISystemStatusChecker checker : checkers) {
678             StatusCheckerResult result = checker.preExecutionCheck(device);
679             if (!CheckStatus.SUCCESS.equals(result.getStatus())) {
680                 failures.add(checker.getClass().getCanonicalName());
681                 CLog.w("System status checker [%s] failed", checker.getClass().getCanonicalName());
682             }
683         }
684         if (!failures.isEmpty()) {
685             CLog.w("There are failed system status checkers: %s capturing a bugreport",
686                     failures.toString());
687             try (InputStreamSource bugSource = device.getBugreport()) {
688                 logger.testLog(String.format("bugreport-checker-pre-module-%s", moduleName),
689                         LogDataType.BUGREPORT, bugSource);
690             }
691         }
692     }
694     @VisibleForTesting
runPostModuleCheck(String moduleName, List<ISystemStatusChecker> checkers, ITestDevice device, ITestLogger logger)695     void runPostModuleCheck(String moduleName, List<ISystemStatusChecker> checkers,
696             ITestDevice device, ITestLogger logger) throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
697         CLog.i("Running system status checker after module execution: %s", moduleName);
698         List<String> failures = new ArrayList<>();
699         for (ISystemStatusChecker checker : checkers) {
700             StatusCheckerResult result = checker.postExecutionCheck(device);
701             if (!CheckStatus.SUCCESS.equals(result.getStatus())) {
702                 failures.add(checker.getClass().getCanonicalName());
703                 CLog.w("System status checker [%s] failed", checker.getClass().getCanonicalName());
704             }
705         }
706         if (!failures.isEmpty()) {
707             CLog.w("There are failed system status checkers: %s capturing a bugreport",
708                     failures.toString());
709             try (InputStreamSource bugSource = device.getBugreport()) {
710                 logger.testLog(String.format("bugreport-checker-post-module-%s", moduleName),
711                         LogDataType.BUGREPORT, bugSource);
712             }
713         }
714     }
716     /**
717      * Sets the retry command-line args to be stored in the BuildInfo and serialized into the
718      * report upon completion of the invocation.
719      */
loadRetryCommandLineArgs(Integer sessionId)720     void loadRetryCommandLineArgs(Integer sessionId) {
721         IInvocationResult result = null;
722         try {
723             result = ResultHandler.findResult(mBuildHelper.getResultsDir(), sessionId);
724         } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
725             // We should never reach this point, because this method should only be called
726             // after setupFilters(), so result exists if we've gotten this far
727             throw new RuntimeException(e);
728         }
729         if (result == null) {
730             // Again, this should never happen
731             throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(
732                     "Could not find session with id %d", sessionId));
733         }
734         String retryCommandLineArgs = result.getCommandLineArgs();
735         if (retryCommandLineArgs != null) {
736             mBuildHelper.setRetryCommandLineArgs(retryCommandLineArgs);
737         }
738     }
740     /**
741      * Sets the include/exclude filters up based on if a module name was given or whether this is a
742      * retry run.
743      */
setupFilters()744     void setupFilters() throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
745         if (mRetrySessionId != null) {
746             // Load the invocation result
747             RetryFilterHelper helper = createRetryFilterHelper(mRetrySessionId);
748             helper.validateBuildFingerprint(mDevice);
749             helper.setCommandLineOptionsFor(this);
750             helper.populateRetryFilters();
751             mIncludeFilters = helper.getIncludeFilters();
752             mExcludeFilters = helper.getExcludeFilters();
753             helper.tearDown();
754         } else {
755             if (mSubPlan != null) {
756                 ISubPlan subPlan = SubPlanHelper.getSubPlanByName(mBuildHelper, mSubPlan);
757                 mIncludeFilters.addAll(subPlan.getIncludeFilters());
758                 mExcludeFilters.addAll(subPlan.getExcludeFilters());
759             }
760             if (mModuleName != null) {
761                 try {
762                     List<String> modules = ModuleRepo.getModuleNamesMatching(
763                             mBuildHelper.getTestsDir(), mModuleName);
764                     if (modules.size() == 0) {
765                         throw new IllegalArgumentException(
766                                 String.format("No modules found matching %s", mModuleName));
767                     } else if (modules.size() > 1) {
768                         throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Multiple modules found"
769                                 + " matching %s:\n%s\nWhich one did you mean?\n",
770                                 mModuleName, ArrayUtil.join("\n", modules)));
771                     } else {
772                         String module = modules.get(0);
773                         cleanFilters(mIncludeFilters, module);
774                         cleanFilters(mExcludeFilters, module);
775                         mIncludeFilters.add(
776                                 new TestFilter(mAbiName, module, mTestName).toString());
777                     }
778                 } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
779                     throw new RuntimeException(e);
780                 }
781             } else if (mTestName != null) {
782                 throw new IllegalArgumentException(
783                         "Test name given without module name. Add --module <module-name>");
784             }
785         }
786     }
788     /* Creates a new {@link RetryFilterHelper} from attributes of this object. */
createRetryFilterHelper(Integer retrySessionId)789     protected RetryFilterHelper createRetryFilterHelper(Integer retrySessionId) {
790         return new RetryFilterHelper(mBuildHelper, retrySessionId,
791                 mSubPlan, mIncludeFilters, mExcludeFilters, mAbiName, mModuleName, mTestName,
792                 mRetryType);
793     }
795     /* Helper method designed to remove filters in a list not applicable to the given module */
cleanFilters(Set<String> filters, String module)796     private static void cleanFilters(Set<String> filters, String module) {
797         Set<String> cleanedFilters = new HashSet<String>();
798         for (String filter : filters) {
799             if (module.equals(TestFilter.createFrom(filter).getName())) {
800                 cleanedFilters.add(filter); // Module name matches, filter passes
801             }
802         }
803         filters.clear();
804         filters.addAll(cleanedFilters);
805     }
807     /**
808      * {@inheritDoc}
809      */
810     @Override
split()811     public Collection<IRemoteTest> split() {
812         if (mShards <= 1) {
813             return null;
814         }
815         mIsLocalSharding = true;
816         List<IRemoteTest> shardQueue = new LinkedList<>();
817         for (int i = 0; i < mShards; i++) {
818             CompatibilityTest test = (CompatibilityTest) getTestShard(mShards, i);
819             test.mIsLocalSharding = true;
820             shardQueue.add(test);
821         }
822         sPreparedLatch = new CountDownLatch(shardQueue.size());
823         return shardQueue;
824     }
826     /**
827      * {@inheritDoc}
828      */
829     @Override
split(int shardCount)830     public Collection<IRemoteTest> split(int shardCount) {
831         if (shardCount <= 1 || mIsSharded) {
832             return null;
833         }
834         mIsSharded = true;
835         List<IRemoteTest> shardQueue = new LinkedList<>();
836         for (int i = 0; i < shardCount; i++) {
837             CompatibilityTest test = (CompatibilityTest) getTestShard(shardCount, i);
838             shardQueue.add(test);
839             test.mIsSharded = true;
840         }
841         return shardQueue;
842     }
getTestShard(int shardCount, int shardIndex)844     private IRemoteTest getTestShard(int shardCount, int shardIndex) {
845         CompatibilityTest test = new CompatibilityTest(shardCount, mModuleRepo, shardIndex);
846         OptionCopier.copyOptionsNoThrow(this, test);
847         // Set the shard count because the copy option on the previous line
848         // copies over the mShard value
849         test.mShards = 0;
850         return test;
851     }
853     /**
854      * {@inheritDoc}
855      */
856     @Override
setSystemStatusChecker(List<ISystemStatusChecker> systemCheckers)857     public void setSystemStatusChecker(List<ISystemStatusChecker> systemCheckers) {
858         mListCheckers = systemCheckers;
859     }
861     @Override
setCollectTestsOnly(boolean collectTestsOnly)862     public void setCollectTestsOnly(boolean collectTestsOnly) {
863         mCollectTestsOnly = collectTestsOnly;
864     }
866     /**
867      * Sets include-filters for the compatibility test
868      */
setIncludeFilter(Set<String> includeFilters)869     public void setIncludeFilter(Set<String> includeFilters) {
870         mIncludeFilters.addAll(includeFilters);
871     }
873     /**
874      * Sets exclude-filters for the compatibility test
875      */
setExcludeFilter(Set<String> excludeFilters)876     public void setExcludeFilter(Set<String> excludeFilters) {
877         mExcludeFilters.addAll(excludeFilters);
878     }
880     @Override
setInvocationContext(IInvocationContext invocationContext)881     public void setInvocationContext(IInvocationContext invocationContext) {
882         mInvocationContext = invocationContext;
883     }
885     /**
886      * @return the mSubPlan
887      */
getSubPlan()888     protected String getSubPlan() {
889         return mSubPlan;
890     }
892     /**
893      * @return the mIncludeFilters
894      */
getIncludeFilters()895     protected Set<String> getIncludeFilters() {
896         return mIncludeFilters;
897     }
899     /**
900      * @return the mExcludeFilters
901      */
getExcludeFilters()902     protected Set<String> getExcludeFilters() {
903         return mExcludeFilters;
904     }
906     /**
907      * @return the mModuleName
908      */
getModuleName()909     protected String getModuleName() {
910         return mModuleName;
911     }
913     /**
914      * @return the mTestName
915      */
getTestName()916     protected String getTestName() {
917         return mTestName;
918     }
920     /**
921      * @return the mModuleArgs
922      */
getModuleArgs()923     protected List<String> getModuleArgs() {
924         return mModuleArgs;
925     }
927     /**
928      * @return the mTestArgs
929      */
getTestArgs()930     protected List<String> getTestArgs() {
931         return mTestArgs;
932     }
934     /**
935      * @return the mRetryType
936      */
getRetryType()937     protected RetryType getRetryType() {
938         return mRetryType;
939     }
941     /**
942      * @return the mAbiName
943      */
getAbiName()944     protected String getAbiName() {
945         return mAbiName;
946     }
948     /**
949      * @return the mDeviceTokens
950      */
getDeviceTokens()951     protected List<String> getDeviceTokens() {
952         return mDeviceTokens;
953     }
955     /**
956      * @return the mModuleMetadataIncludeFilter
957      */
getModuleMetadataIncludeFilter()958     protected MultiMap<String, String> getModuleMetadataIncludeFilter() {
959         return mModuleMetadataIncludeFilter;
960     }
962     /**
963      * @return the mModuleMetadataExcludeFilter
964      */
getModuleMetadataExcludeFilter()965     protected MultiMap<String, String> getModuleMetadataExcludeFilter() {
966         return mModuleMetadataExcludeFilter;
967     }
969     /**
970      * @return the mTotalShards
971      */
getTotalShards()972     protected int getTotalShards() {
973         return mTotalShards;
974     }
976     /**
977      * @return the mShardIndex
978      */
getShardIndex()979     protected Integer getShardIndex() {
980         return mShardIndex;
981     }
983     /**
984      * @return the mBuildHelper
985      */
getBuildHelper()986     protected CompatibilityBuildHelper getBuildHelper() {
987         return mBuildHelper;
988     }
990     /**
991      * @return the mInvocationContext
992      */
getInvocationContext()993     protected IInvocationContext getInvocationContext() {
994         return mInvocationContext;
995     }
997     /**
998      * @return the mModuleRepo
999      */
getModuleRepo()1000     protected IModuleRepo getModuleRepo() {
1001         return mModuleRepo;
1002     }
1003 }