1 /*
2 * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17 #include "Keymaster.h"
19 #include <android-base/logging.h>
20 #include <keymasterV4_1/authorization_set.h>
21 #include <keymasterV4_1/keymaster_utils.h>
23 namespace android {
24 namespace vold {
26 using ::android::hardware::hidl_string;
27 using ::android::hardware::hidl_vec;
28 using ::android::hardware::keymaster::V4_0::SecurityLevel;
~KeymasterOperation()30 KeymasterOperation::~KeymasterOperation() {
31 if (mDevice) mDevice->abort(mOpHandle);
32 }
updateCompletely(const char * input,size_t inputLen,const std::function<void (const char *,size_t)> consumer)34 bool KeymasterOperation::updateCompletely(const char* input, size_t inputLen,
35 const std::function<void(const char*, size_t)> consumer) {
36 uint32_t inputConsumed = 0;
38 km::ErrorCode km_error;
39 auto hidlCB = [&](km::ErrorCode ret, uint32_t inputConsumedDelta,
40 const hidl_vec<km::KeyParameter>& /*ignored*/,
41 const hidl_vec<uint8_t>& _output) {
42 km_error = ret;
43 if (km_error != km::ErrorCode::OK) return;
44 inputConsumed += inputConsumedDelta;
45 consumer(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&_output[0]), _output.size());
46 };
48 while (inputConsumed != inputLen) {
49 size_t toRead = static_cast<size_t>(inputLen - inputConsumed);
50 auto inputBlob = km::support::blob2hidlVec(
51 reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&input[inputConsumed]), toRead);
52 auto error = mDevice->update(mOpHandle, hidl_vec<km::KeyParameter>(), inputBlob,
53 km::HardwareAuthToken(), km::VerificationToken(), hidlCB);
54 if (!error.isOk()) {
55 LOG(ERROR) << "update failed: " << error.description();
56 mDevice = nullptr;
57 return false;
58 }
59 if (km_error != km::ErrorCode::OK) {
60 LOG(ERROR) << "update failed, code " << int32_t(km_error);
61 mDevice = nullptr;
62 return false;
63 }
64 if (inputConsumed > inputLen) {
65 LOG(ERROR) << "update reported too much input consumed";
66 mDevice = nullptr;
67 return false;
68 }
69 }
70 return true;
71 }
finish(std::string * output)73 bool KeymasterOperation::finish(std::string* output) {
74 km::ErrorCode km_error;
75 auto hidlCb = [&](km::ErrorCode ret, const hidl_vec<km::KeyParameter>& /*ignored*/,
76 const hidl_vec<uint8_t>& _output) {
77 km_error = ret;
78 if (km_error != km::ErrorCode::OK) return;
79 if (output) output->assign(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&_output[0]), _output.size());
80 };
81 auto error = mDevice->finish(mOpHandle, hidl_vec<km::KeyParameter>(), hidl_vec<uint8_t>(),
82 hidl_vec<uint8_t>(), km::HardwareAuthToken(),
83 km::VerificationToken(), hidlCb);
84 mDevice = nullptr;
85 if (!error.isOk()) {
86 LOG(ERROR) << "finish failed: " << error.description();
87 return false;
88 }
89 if (km_error != km::ErrorCode::OK) {
90 LOG(ERROR) << "finish failed, code " << int32_t(km_error);
91 return false;
92 }
93 return true;
94 }
96 /* static */ bool Keymaster::hmacKeyGenerated = false;
Keymaster()98 Keymaster::Keymaster() {
99 auto devices = KmDevice::enumerateAvailableDevices();
100 if (!hmacKeyGenerated) {
101 KmDevice::performHmacKeyAgreement(devices);
102 hmacKeyGenerated = true;
103 }
104 for (auto& dev : devices) {
105 // Do not use StrongBox for device encryption / credential encryption. If a security chip
106 // is present it will have Weaver, which already strengthens CE. We get no additional
107 // benefit from using StrongBox here, so skip it.
108 if (dev->halVersion().securityLevel != SecurityLevel::STRONGBOX) {
109 mDevice = std::move(dev);
110 break;
111 }
112 }
113 if (!mDevice) return;
114 auto& version = mDevice->halVersion();
115 LOG(INFO) << "Using " << version.keymasterName << " from " << version.authorName
116 << " for encryption. Security level: " << toString(version.securityLevel)
117 << ", HAL: " << mDevice->descriptor() << "/" << mDevice->instanceName();
118 }
generateKey(const km::AuthorizationSet & inParams,std::string * key)120 bool Keymaster::generateKey(const km::AuthorizationSet& inParams, std::string* key) {
121 km::ErrorCode km_error;
122 auto hidlCb = [&](km::ErrorCode ret, const hidl_vec<uint8_t>& keyBlob,
123 const km::KeyCharacteristics& /*ignored*/) {
124 km_error = ret;
125 if (km_error != km::ErrorCode::OK) return;
126 if (key) key->assign(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&keyBlob[0]), keyBlob.size());
127 };
129 auto error = mDevice->generateKey(inParams.hidl_data(), hidlCb);
130 if (!error.isOk()) {
131 LOG(ERROR) << "generate_key failed: " << error.description();
132 return false;
133 }
134 if (km_error != km::ErrorCode::OK) {
135 LOG(ERROR) << "generate_key failed, code " << int32_t(km_error);
136 return false;
137 }
138 return true;
139 }
exportKey(const KeyBuffer & kmKey,std::string * key)141 bool Keymaster::exportKey(const KeyBuffer& kmKey, std::string* key) {
142 auto kmKeyBlob = km::support::blob2hidlVec(std::string(kmKey.data(), kmKey.size()));
143 km::ErrorCode km_error;
144 auto hidlCb = [&](km::ErrorCode ret, const hidl_vec<uint8_t>& exportedKeyBlob) {
145 km_error = ret;
146 if (km_error != km::ErrorCode::OK) return;
147 if (key)
148 key->assign(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&exportedKeyBlob[0]), exportedKeyBlob.size());
149 };
150 auto error = mDevice->exportKey(km::KeyFormat::RAW, kmKeyBlob, {}, {}, hidlCb);
151 if (!error.isOk()) {
152 LOG(ERROR) << "export_key failed: " << error.description();
153 return false;
154 }
155 if (km_error != km::ErrorCode::OK) {
156 LOG(ERROR) << "export_key failed, code " << int32_t(km_error);
157 return false;
158 }
159 return true;
160 }
deleteKey(const std::string & key)162 bool Keymaster::deleteKey(const std::string& key) {
163 auto keyBlob = km::support::blob2hidlVec(key);
164 auto error = mDevice->deleteKey(keyBlob);
165 if (!error.isOk()) {
166 LOG(ERROR) << "delete_key failed: " << error.description();
167 return false;
168 }
169 if (error != km::ErrorCode::OK) {
170 LOG(ERROR) << "delete_key failed, code " << int32_t(km::ErrorCode(error));
171 return false;
172 }
173 return true;
174 }
upgradeKey(const std::string & oldKey,const km::AuthorizationSet & inParams,std::string * newKey)176 bool Keymaster::upgradeKey(const std::string& oldKey, const km::AuthorizationSet& inParams,
177 std::string* newKey) {
178 auto oldKeyBlob = km::support::blob2hidlVec(oldKey);
179 km::ErrorCode km_error;
180 auto hidlCb = [&](km::ErrorCode ret, const hidl_vec<uint8_t>& upgradedKeyBlob) {
181 km_error = ret;
182 if (km_error != km::ErrorCode::OK) return;
183 if (newKey)
184 newKey->assign(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&upgradedKeyBlob[0]),
185 upgradedKeyBlob.size());
186 };
187 auto error = mDevice->upgradeKey(oldKeyBlob, inParams.hidl_data(), hidlCb);
188 if (!error.isOk()) {
189 LOG(ERROR) << "upgrade_key failed: " << error.description();
190 return false;
191 }
192 if (km_error != km::ErrorCode::OK) {
193 LOG(ERROR) << "upgrade_key failed, code " << int32_t(km_error);
194 return false;
195 }
196 return true;
197 }
begin(km::KeyPurpose purpose,const std::string & key,const km::AuthorizationSet & inParams,const km::HardwareAuthToken & authToken,km::AuthorizationSet * outParams)199 KeymasterOperation Keymaster::begin(km::KeyPurpose purpose, const std::string& key,
200 const km::AuthorizationSet& inParams,
201 const km::HardwareAuthToken& authToken,
202 km::AuthorizationSet* outParams) {
203 auto keyBlob = km::support::blob2hidlVec(key);
204 uint64_t mOpHandle;
205 km::ErrorCode km_error;
207 auto hidlCb = [&](km::ErrorCode ret, const hidl_vec<km::KeyParameter>& _outParams,
208 uint64_t operationHandle) {
209 km_error = ret;
210 if (km_error != km::ErrorCode::OK) return;
211 if (outParams) *outParams = _outParams;
212 mOpHandle = operationHandle;
213 };
215 auto error = mDevice->begin(purpose, keyBlob, inParams.hidl_data(), authToken, hidlCb);
216 if (!error.isOk()) {
217 LOG(ERROR) << "begin failed: " << error.description();
218 return KeymasterOperation(km::ErrorCode::UNKNOWN_ERROR);
219 }
220 if (km_error != km::ErrorCode::OK) {
221 LOG(ERROR) << "begin failed, code " << int32_t(km_error);
222 return KeymasterOperation(km_error);
223 }
224 return KeymasterOperation(mDevice.get(), mOpHandle);
225 }
isSecure()227 bool Keymaster::isSecure() {
228 return mDevice->halVersion().securityLevel != km::SecurityLevel::SOFTWARE;
229 }
earlyBootEnded()231 void Keymaster::earlyBootEnded() {
232 auto devices = KmDevice::enumerateAvailableDevices();
233 for (auto& dev : devices) {
234 auto error = dev->earlyBootEnded();
235 if (!error.isOk()) {
236 LOG(ERROR) << "earlyBootEnded call failed: " << error.description() << " for "
237 << dev->halVersion().keymasterName;
238 }
239 km::V4_1_ErrorCode km_error = error;
240 if (km_error != km::V4_1_ErrorCode::OK && km_error != km::V4_1_ErrorCode::UNIMPLEMENTED) {
241 LOG(ERROR) << "Error reporting early boot ending to keymaster: "
242 << static_cast<int32_t>(km_error) << " for "
243 << dev->halVersion().keymasterName;
244 }
245 }
246 }
248 } // namespace vold
249 } // namespace android
251 using namespace ::android::vold;
keymaster_compatibility_cryptfs_scrypt()253 int keymaster_compatibility_cryptfs_scrypt() {
254 Keymaster dev;
255 if (!dev) {
256 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to initiate keymaster session";
257 return -1;
258 }
259 return dev.isSecure();
260 }
write_string_to_buf(const std::string & towrite,uint8_t * buffer,uint32_t buffer_size,uint32_t * out_size)262 static bool write_string_to_buf(const std::string& towrite, uint8_t* buffer, uint32_t buffer_size,
263 uint32_t* out_size) {
264 if (!buffer || !out_size) {
265 LOG(ERROR) << "Missing target pointers";
266 return false;
267 }
268 *out_size = towrite.size();
269 if (buffer_size < towrite.size()) {
270 LOG(ERROR) << "Buffer too small " << buffer_size << " < " << towrite.size();
271 return false;
272 }
273 memset(buffer, '\0', buffer_size);
274 std::copy(towrite.begin(), towrite.end(), buffer);
275 return true;
276 }
keyParams(uint32_t rsa_key_size,uint64_t rsa_exponent,uint32_t ratelimit)278 static km::AuthorizationSet keyParams(uint32_t rsa_key_size, uint64_t rsa_exponent,
279 uint32_t ratelimit) {
280 return km::AuthorizationSetBuilder()
281 .RsaSigningKey(rsa_key_size, rsa_exponent)
282 .NoDigestOrPadding()
283 .Authorization(km::TAG_BLOB_USAGE_REQUIREMENTS, km::KeyBlobUsageRequirements::STANDALONE)
284 .Authorization(km::TAG_NO_AUTH_REQUIRED)
285 .Authorization(km::TAG_MIN_SECONDS_BETWEEN_OPS, ratelimit);
286 }
keymaster_create_key_for_cryptfs_scrypt(uint32_t rsa_key_size,uint64_t rsa_exponent,uint32_t ratelimit,uint8_t * key_buffer,uint32_t key_buffer_size,uint32_t * key_out_size)288 int keymaster_create_key_for_cryptfs_scrypt(uint32_t rsa_key_size, uint64_t rsa_exponent,
289 uint32_t ratelimit, uint8_t* key_buffer,
290 uint32_t key_buffer_size, uint32_t* key_out_size) {
291 if (key_out_size) {
292 *key_out_size = 0;
293 }
294 Keymaster dev;
295 if (!dev) {
296 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to initiate keymaster session";
297 return -1;
298 }
299 std::string key;
300 if (!dev.generateKey(keyParams(rsa_key_size, rsa_exponent, ratelimit), &key)) return -1;
301 if (!write_string_to_buf(key, key_buffer, key_buffer_size, key_out_size)) return -1;
302 return 0;
303 }
keymaster_upgrade_key_for_cryptfs_scrypt(uint32_t rsa_key_size,uint64_t rsa_exponent,uint32_t ratelimit,const uint8_t * key_blob,size_t key_blob_size,uint8_t * key_buffer,uint32_t key_buffer_size,uint32_t * key_out_size)305 int keymaster_upgrade_key_for_cryptfs_scrypt(uint32_t rsa_key_size, uint64_t rsa_exponent,
306 uint32_t ratelimit, const uint8_t* key_blob,
307 size_t key_blob_size, uint8_t* key_buffer,
308 uint32_t key_buffer_size, uint32_t* key_out_size) {
309 if (key_out_size) {
310 *key_out_size = 0;
311 }
312 Keymaster dev;
313 if (!dev) {
314 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to initiate keymaster session";
315 return -1;
316 }
317 std::string old_key(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(key_blob), key_blob_size);
318 std::string new_key;
319 if (!dev.upgradeKey(old_key, keyParams(rsa_key_size, rsa_exponent, ratelimit), &new_key))
320 return -1;
321 if (!write_string_to_buf(new_key, key_buffer, key_buffer_size, key_out_size)) return -1;
322 return 0;
323 }
keymaster_sign_object_for_cryptfs_scrypt(const uint8_t * key_blob,size_t key_blob_size,uint32_t ratelimit,const uint8_t * object,const size_t object_size,uint8_t ** signature_buffer,size_t * signature_buffer_size)325 KeymasterSignResult keymaster_sign_object_for_cryptfs_scrypt(
326 const uint8_t* key_blob, size_t key_blob_size, uint32_t ratelimit, const uint8_t* object,
327 const size_t object_size, uint8_t** signature_buffer, size_t* signature_buffer_size) {
328 Keymaster dev;
329 if (!dev) {
330 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to initiate keymaster session";
331 return KeymasterSignResult::error;
332 }
333 if (!key_blob || !object || !signature_buffer || !signature_buffer_size) {
334 LOG(ERROR) << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ":Invalid argument";
335 return KeymasterSignResult::error;
336 }
338 km::AuthorizationSet outParams;
339 std::string key(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(key_blob), key_blob_size);
340 std::string input(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(object), object_size);
341 std::string output;
342 KeymasterOperation op;
344 auto paramBuilder = km::AuthorizationSetBuilder().NoDigestOrPadding();
345 while (true) {
346 op = dev.begin(km::KeyPurpose::SIGN, key, paramBuilder, km::HardwareAuthToken(), &outParams);
347 if (op.errorCode() == km::ErrorCode::KEY_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED) {
348 sleep(ratelimit);
349 continue;
350 } else
351 break;
352 }
354 if (op.errorCode() == km::ErrorCode::KEY_REQUIRES_UPGRADE) {
355 LOG(ERROR) << "Keymaster key requires upgrade";
356 return KeymasterSignResult::upgrade;
357 }
359 if (op.errorCode() != km::ErrorCode::OK) {
360 LOG(ERROR) << "Error starting keymaster signature transaction: " << int32_t(op.errorCode());
361 return KeymasterSignResult::error;
362 }
364 if (!op.updateCompletely(input, &output)) {
365 LOG(ERROR) << "Error sending data to keymaster signature transaction: "
366 << uint32_t(op.errorCode());
367 return KeymasterSignResult::error;
368 }
370 if (!op.finish(&output)) {
371 LOG(ERROR) << "Error finalizing keymaster signature transaction: "
372 << int32_t(op.errorCode());
373 return KeymasterSignResult::error;
374 }
376 *signature_buffer = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(malloc(output.size()));
377 if (*signature_buffer == nullptr) {
378 LOG(ERROR) << "Error allocation buffer for keymaster signature";
379 return KeymasterSignResult::error;
380 }
381 *signature_buffer_size = output.size();
382 std::copy(output.data(), output.data() + output.size(), *signature_buffer);
383 return KeymasterSignResult::ok;
384 }