1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #include "SingleManifestTest.h"
19 #include <aidl/metadata.h>
20 #include <android-base/properties.h>
21 #include <android-base/strings.h>
22 #include <binder/IServiceManager.h>
23 #include <binder/Parcel.h>
24 #include <binder/Status.h>
25 #include <gmock/gmock.h>
26 #include <hidl-util/FqInstance.h>
27 #include <hidl/HidlTransportUtils.h>
28 #include <vintf/parse_string.h>
30 #include <algorithm>
32 #include "utils.h"
34 using ::testing::AnyOf;
36 namespace android {
37 namespace vintf {
38 namespace testing {
40 using android::FqInstance;
41 using android::vintf::toFQNameString;
43 // For devices that launched <= Android O-MR1, systems/hals/implementations
44 // were delivered to companies which either don't start up on device boot.
LegacyAndExempt(const FQName & fq_name)45 bool LegacyAndExempt(const FQName &fq_name) {
46   return GetShippingApiLevel() <= 27 && !IsAndroidPlatformInterface(fq_name);
47 }
FailureHalMissing(const FQName & fq_name,const std::string & instance)49 void FailureHalMissing(const FQName &fq_name, const std::string &instance) {
50   if (LegacyAndExempt(fq_name)) {
51     cout << "[  WARNING ] " << fq_name.string() << "/" << instance
52          << " not available but is exempted because it is legacy. It is still "
53             "recommended to fix this."
54          << endl;
55   } else {
56     ADD_FAILURE() << fq_name.string() << "/" << instance << " not available.";
57   }
58 }
FailureHashMissing(const FQName & fq_name,bool vehicle_hal_in_automotive_device)60 void FailureHashMissing(const FQName &fq_name,
61                         bool vehicle_hal_in_automotive_device) {
62   if (LegacyAndExempt(fq_name)) {
63     cout << "[  WARNING ] " << fq_name.string()
64          << " has an empty hash but is exempted because it is legacy. It is "
65             "still recommended to fix this. This is because it was compiled "
66             "without being frozen in a corresponding current.txt file."
67          << endl;
68   } else if (vehicle_hal_in_automotive_device) {
69     cout << "[  WARNING ] " << fq_name.string()
70          << " has an empty hash but is exempted because it is IVehicle in an"
71             "automotive device."
72          << endl;
73   } else if (base::GetProperty("ro.build.version.codename", "") != "REL") {
74     cout << "[  WARNING ] " << fq_name.string()
75          << " has an empty hash but is exempted because it is not a release "
76             "build"
77          << endl;
78   } else {
79     ADD_FAILURE()
80         << fq_name.string()
81         << " has an empty hash. This is because it was compiled "
82            "without being frozen in a corresponding current.txt file.";
83   }
84 }
86 template <typename It>
RangeInstancesToString(const std::pair<It,It> & range)87 static string RangeInstancesToString(const std::pair<It, It> &range) {
88   std::stringstream ss;
89   for (auto it = range.first; it != range.second; ++it) {
90     if (it != range.first) ss << ", ";
91     ss << it->second.string();
92   }
93   return ss.str();
94 }
96 template <typename Container>
InstancesToString(const Container & container)97 static string InstancesToString(const Container &container) {
98   std::stringstream ss;
99   for (auto it = container.begin(); it != container.end(); ++it) {
100     if (it != container.begin()) ss << ", ";
101     ss << *it;
102   }
103   return ss.str();
104 }
ToFqInstance(const string & interface,const string & instance)106 static FqInstance ToFqInstance(const string &interface,
107                                const string &instance) {
108   FqInstance fq_interface;
109   FqInstance ret;
111   if (!fq_interface.setTo(interface)) {
112     ADD_FAILURE() << interface << " is not a valid FQName";
113     return ret;
114   }
115   if (!ret.setTo(fq_interface.getPackage(), fq_interface.getMajorVersion(),
116                  fq_interface.getMinorVersion(), fq_interface.getInterface(),
117                  instance)) {
118     ADD_FAILURE() << "Cannot convert to FqInstance: " << interface << "/"
119                   << instance;
120   }
121   return ret;
122 }
124 // Given android.foo.bar@x.y::IFoo/default, attempt to get
125 // android.foo.bar@x.y::IFoo/default, android.foo.bar@x.(y-1)::IFoo/default,
126 // ... android.foo.bar@x.0::IFoo/default until the passthrough HAL is retrieved.
GetPassthroughService(const FqInstance & fq_instance)127 static sp<IBase> GetPassthroughService(const FqInstance &fq_instance) {
128   for (size_t minor_version = fq_instance.getMinorVersion();; --minor_version) {
129     // String out instance name from fq_instance.
130     FqInstance interface;
131     if (!interface.setTo(fq_instance.getPackage(),
132                          fq_instance.getMajorVersion(), minor_version,
133                          fq_instance.getInterface())) {
134       ADD_FAILURE() << fq_instance.string()
135                     << " doesn't contain a valid FQName";
136       return nullptr;
137     }
139     auto hal_service = VtsTrebleVintfTestBase::GetHalService(
140         interface.string(), fq_instance.getInstance(), Transport::PASSTHROUGH);
142     if (hal_service != nullptr) {
143       bool interface_chain_valid = false;
144       hal_service->interfaceChain([&](const auto &chain) {
145         for (const auto &intf : chain) {
146           if (intf == interface.string()) {
147             interface_chain_valid = true;
148             return;
149           }
150         }
151       });
152       if (!interface_chain_valid) {
153         ADD_FAILURE() << "Retrieved " << interface.string() << "/"
154                       << fq_instance.getInstance() << " as "
155                       << fq_instance.string()
156                       << " but interfaceChain() doesn't contain "
157                       << fq_instance.string();
158         return nullptr;
159       }
160       cout << "Retrieved " << interface.string() << "/"
161            << fq_instance.getInstance() << " as " << fq_instance.string()
162            << endl;
163       return hal_service;
164     }
166     if (minor_version == 0) {
167       return nullptr;
168     }
169   }
170   ADD_FAILURE() << "Should not reach here";
171   return nullptr;
172 }
174 // Tests that no HAL outside of the allowed set is specified as passthrough in
175 // VINTF.
TEST_P(SingleManifestTest,HalsAreBinderized)176 TEST_P(SingleManifestTest, HalsAreBinderized) {
177   multimap<Transport, FqInstance> instances;
178   ForEachHidlHalInstance(GetParam(), [&instances](const FQName &fq_name,
179                                                   const string &instance_name,
180                                                   Transport transport) {
181     FqInstance fqInstance;
182     ASSERT_TRUE(fqInstance.setTo(
183         fq_name.package(), fq_name.getPackageMajorVersion(),
184         fq_name.getPackageMinorVersion(), fq_name.name(), instance_name));
185     instances.emplace(transport, std::move(fqInstance));
186   });
188   for (auto it = instances.begin(); it != instances.end();
189        it = instances.upper_bound(it->first)) {
190     EXPECT_THAT(it->first, AnyOf(Transport::HWBINDER, Transport::PASSTHROUGH))
191         << "The following HALs has unknown transport specified in VINTF ("
192         << it->first << ", ordinal "
193         << static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Transport>>(it->first) << ")"
194         << RangeInstancesToString(instances.equal_range(it->first));
195   }
197   auto passthrough_declared_range =
198       instances.equal_range(Transport::PASSTHROUGH);
199   set<FqInstance> passthrough_declared;
200   std::transform(
201       passthrough_declared_range.first, passthrough_declared_range.second,
202       std::inserter(passthrough_declared, passthrough_declared.begin()),
203       [](const auto &pair) { return pair.second; });
205   set<FqInstance> passthrough_allowed;
206   for (const auto &declared_instance : passthrough_declared) {
207     auto hal_service = GetPassthroughService(declared_instance);
209     // For vendor extensions, hal_service may be null because we don't know
210     // its interfaceChain()[1] to call getService(). However, the base interface
211     // should be declared in the manifest, so other iterations of this for-loop
212     // verify that vendor extension.
213     if (hal_service == nullptr) {
214       cout << "Skip calling interfaceChain on " << declared_instance.string()
215            << " because it can't be retrieved directly." << endl;
216       continue;
217     }
219     // For example, given the following interfaceChain when
220     // hal_service is "android.hardware.mapper@2.0::IMapper/default":
221     // ["vendor.foo.mapper@1.0::IMapper",
222     //  "android.hardware.mapper@2.1::IMapper",
223     //  "android.hardware.mapper@2.0::IMapper",
224     //  "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase"],
225     // Allow the following:
226     // ["vendor.foo.mapper@1.0::IMapper/default",
227     //  "android.hardware.mapper@2.1::IMapper/default",
228     //  "android.hardware.mapper@2.0::IMapper/default"]
229     hal_service->interfaceChain([&](const auto &chain) {
230       vector<FqInstance> fq_instances;
231       std::transform(
232           chain.begin(), chain.end(), std::back_inserter(fq_instances),
233           [&](const auto &interface) {
234             return ToFqInstance(interface, declared_instance.getInstance());
235           });
237       bool allowing = false;
238       for (auto it = fq_instances.rbegin(); it != fq_instances.rend(); ++it) {
239         if (kPassthroughHals.find(it->getPackage()) != kPassthroughHals.end()) {
240           allowing = true;
241         }
242         if (allowing) {
243           cout << it->string() << " is allowed to be passthrough" << endl;
244           passthrough_allowed.insert(*it);
245         }
246       }
247     });
248   }
250   set<FqInstance> passthrough_not_allowed;
251   std::set_difference(
252       passthrough_declared.begin(), passthrough_declared.end(),
253       passthrough_allowed.begin(), passthrough_allowed.end(),
254       std::inserter(passthrough_not_allowed, passthrough_not_allowed.begin()));
256   EXPECT_TRUE(passthrough_not_allowed.empty())
257       << "The following HALs can't be passthrough under Treble rules: ["
258       << InstancesToString(passthrough_not_allowed) << "].";
259 }
261 // Tests that all HALs specified in the VINTF are available through service
262 // manager.
263 // This tests (HAL in manifest) => (HAL is served)
TEST_P(SingleManifestTest,HalsAreServed)264 TEST_P(SingleManifestTest, HalsAreServed) {
265   // Returns a function that verifies that HAL is available through service
266   // manager and is served from a specific set of partitions.
267   auto is_available_from =
268       [this](Partition expected_partition) -> HidlVerifyFn {
269     return [this, expected_partition](const FQName &fq_name,
270                                       const string &instance_name,
271                                       Transport transport) {
272       sp<IBase> hal_service;
274       if (transport == Transport::PASSTHROUGH) {
275         using android::hardware::details::canCastInterface;
277         // Passthrough services all start with minor version 0.
278         // there are only three of them listed above. They are looked
279         // up based on their binary location. For instance,
280         // V1_0::IFoo::getService() might correspond to looking up
281         // android.hardware.foo@1.0-impl for the symbol
282         // HIDL_FETCH_IFoo. For @1.1::IFoo to continue to work with
283         // 1.0 clients, it must also be present in a library that is
284         // called the 1.0 name. Clients can say:
285         //     mFoo1_0 = V1_0::IFoo::getService();
286         //     mFoo1_1 = V1_1::IFoo::castFrom(mFoo1_0);
287         // This is the standard pattern for making a service work
288         // for both versions (mFoo1_1 != nullptr => you have 1.1)
289         // and a 1.0 client still works with the 1.1 interface.
291         if (!IsAndroidPlatformInterface(fq_name)) {
292           // This isn't the case for extensions of core Google interfaces.
293           return;
294         }
296         const FQName lowest_name =
297             fq_name.withVersion(fq_name.getPackageMajorVersion(), 0);
298         hal_service = GetHalService(lowest_name, instance_name, transport);
299         EXPECT_TRUE(
300             canCastInterface(hal_service.get(), fq_name.string().c_str()))
301             << fq_name.string() << " is not on the device.";
302       } else {
303         hal_service = GetHalService(fq_name, instance_name, transport);
304       }
306       if (hal_service == nullptr) {
307         FailureHalMissing(fq_name, instance_name);
308         return;
309       }
311       EXPECT_EQ(transport == Transport::HWBINDER, hal_service->isRemote())
312           << "transport is " << transport << "but HAL service is "
313           << (hal_service->isRemote() ? "" : "not") << " remote.";
314       EXPECT_EQ(transport == Transport::PASSTHROUGH, !hal_service->isRemote())
315           << "transport is " << transport << "but HAL service is "
316           << (hal_service->isRemote() ? "" : "not") << " remote.";
318       if (!hal_service->isRemote()) return;
320       Partition partition = GetPartition(hal_service);
321       if (partition == Partition::UNKNOWN) return;
322       EXPECT_EQ(expected_partition, partition)
323           << fq_name.string() << "/" << instance_name << " is in partition "
324           << partition << " but is expected to be in " << expected_partition;
325     };
326   };
328   auto manifest = GetParam();
329   ForEachHidlHalInstance(manifest,
330                          is_available_from(PartitionOfType(manifest->type())));
331 }
333 // Tests that all HALs which are served are specified in the VINTF
334 // This tests (HAL is served) => (HAL in manifest)
TEST_P(SingleManifestTest,ServedHwbinderHalsAreInManifest)335 TEST_P(SingleManifestTest, ServedHwbinderHalsAreInManifest) {
336   auto manifest = GetParam();
337   auto expected_partition = PartitionOfType(manifest->type());
338   std::set<std::string> manifest_hwbinder_hals_ = GetHwbinderHals(manifest);
340   Return<void> ret = default_manager_->list([&](const auto &list) {
341     for (const auto &name : list) {
342       if (std::string(name).find(IBase::descriptor) == 0) continue;
344       FqInstance fqInstanceName;
345       EXPECT_TRUE(fqInstanceName.setTo(name));
347       auto service =
348           GetHalService(toFQNameString(fqInstanceName.getPackage(),
349                                        fqInstanceName.getVersion(),
350                                        fqInstanceName.getInterface()),
351                         fqInstanceName.getInstance(), Transport::HWBINDER);
352       ASSERT_NE(service, nullptr);
354       Partition partition = GetPartition(service);
355       if (partition == Partition::UNKNOWN) {
356         // Caught by SystemVendorTest.ServedHwbinderHalsAreInManifest
357         // if that test is run.
358         return;
359       }
360       if (partition == expected_partition) {
361         EXPECT_NE(manifest_hwbinder_hals_.find(name),
362                   manifest_hwbinder_hals_.end())
363             << name << " is being served, but it is not in a manifest.";
364       }
365     }
366   });
367   EXPECT_TRUE(ret.isOk());
368 }
TEST_P(SingleManifestTest,ServedPassthroughHalsAreInManifest)370 TEST_P(SingleManifestTest, ServedPassthroughHalsAreInManifest) {
371   auto manifest = GetParam();
372   std::set<std::string> manifest_passthrough_hals_ =
373       GetPassthroughHals(manifest);
375   auto passthrough_interfaces_declared = [&manifest_passthrough_hals_](
376                                              const FQName &fq_name,
377                                              const string &instance_name,
378                                              Transport transport) {
379     if (transport != Transport::PASSTHROUGH) return;
381     // See HalsAreServed. These are always retrieved through the base interface
382     // and if it is not a google defined interface, it must be an extension of
383     // one.
384     if (!IsAndroidPlatformInterface(fq_name)) return;
386     const FQName lowest_name =
387         fq_name.withVersion(fq_name.getPackageMajorVersion(), 0);
388     sp<IBase> hal_service =
389         GetHalService(lowest_name, instance_name, transport);
390     if (hal_service == nullptr) {
391       ADD_FAILURE() << "Could not get service " << fq_name.string() << "/"
392                     << instance_name;
393       return;
394     }
396     Return<void> ret = hal_service->interfaceChain(
397         [&manifest_passthrough_hals_, &instance_name](const auto &interfaces) {
398           for (const auto &interface : interfaces) {
399             if (std::string(interface) == IBase::descriptor) continue;
401             const std::string instance =
402                 std::string(interface) + "/" + instance_name;
403             EXPECT_NE(manifest_passthrough_hals_.find(instance),
404                       manifest_passthrough_hals_.end())
405                 << "Instance missing from manifest: " << instance;
406           }
407         });
408     EXPECT_TRUE(ret.isOk());
409   };
410   ForEachHidlHalInstance(manifest, passthrough_interfaces_declared);
411 }
413 // Tests that HAL interfaces are officially released.
TEST_P(SingleManifestTest,InterfacesAreReleased)414 TEST_P(SingleManifestTest, InterfacesAreReleased) {
415   // Device support automotive features.
416   const static bool automotive_device =
417       DeviceSupportsFeature("android.hardware.type.automotive");
418   // Verifies that HAL are released by fetching the hash of the interface and
419   // comparing it to the set of known hashes of released interfaces.
420   HidlVerifyFn is_released = [](const FQName &fq_name,
421                                 const string &instance_name,
422                                 Transport transport) {
423     // See HalsAreServed. These are always retrieved through the base interface
424     // and if it is not a google defined interface, it must be an extension of
425     // one.
426     if (transport == Transport::PASSTHROUGH &&
427         (!IsAndroidPlatformInterface(fq_name) ||
428          fq_name.getPackageMinorVersion() != 0)) {
429       return;
430     }
432     sp<IBase> hal_service = GetHalService(fq_name, instance_name, transport);
434     if (hal_service == nullptr) {
435       FailureHalMissing(fq_name, instance_name);
436       return;
437     }
439     vector<string> iface_chain = GetInterfaceChain(hal_service);
441     vector<string> hash_chain{};
442     hal_service->getHashChain(
443         [&hash_chain](const hidl_vec<HashCharArray> &chain) {
444           for (const HashCharArray &hash_array : chain) {
445             vector<uint8_t> hash{hash_array.data(),
446                                  hash_array.data() + hash_array.size()};
447             hash_chain.push_back(Hash::hexString(hash));
448           }
449         });
451     ASSERT_EQ(iface_chain.size(), hash_chain.size());
452     for (size_t i = 0; i < iface_chain.size(); ++i) {
453       FQName fq_iface_name;
454       if (!FQName::parse(iface_chain[i], &fq_iface_name)) {
455         ADD_FAILURE() << "Could not parse iface name " << iface_chain[i]
456                       << " from interface chain of " << fq_name.string();
457         return;
458       }
459       string hash = hash_chain[i];
461       bool vehicle_hal_in_automotive_device =
462           automotive_device &&
463           fq_iface_name.string() ==
464               "android.hardware.automotive.vehicle@2.0::IVehicle";
465       if (hash == Hash::hexString(Hash::kEmptyHash)) {
466         FailureHashMissing(fq_iface_name, vehicle_hal_in_automotive_device);
467       } else if (IsAndroidPlatformInterface(fq_iface_name) &&
468                  !vehicle_hal_in_automotive_device) {
469         set<string> released_hashes = ReleasedHashes(fq_iface_name);
470         EXPECT_NE(released_hashes.find(hash), released_hashes.end())
471             << "Hash not found. This interface was not released." << endl
472             << "Interface name: " << fq_iface_name.string() << endl
473             << "Hash: " << hash << endl;
474       }
475     }
476   };
478   ForEachHidlHalInstance(GetParam(), is_released);
479 }
hashesForInterface(const std::string & name)481 static std::vector<std::string> hashesForInterface(const std::string &name) {
482   for (const auto &module : AidlInterfaceMetadata::all()) {
483     if (std::find(module.types.begin(), module.types.end(), name) !=
484         module.types.end()) {
485       return module.hashes;
486     }
487   }
488   return {};
489 }
491 // TODO(b/150155678): using standard code to do this
getInterfaceHash(const sp<IBinder> & binder)492 static std::string getInterfaceHash(const sp<IBinder> &binder) {
493   Parcel data;
494   Parcel reply;
495   data.writeInterfaceToken(binder->getInterfaceDescriptor());
496   status_t err =
497       binder->transact(IBinder::LAST_CALL_TRANSACTION - 1, data, &reply, 0);
498   if (err == UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION) {
499     // TODO(149952131): make sure all interfaces have hashes
500     return "<unknown transaction>";
501   }
502   binder::Status status;
503   EXPECT_EQ(OK, status.readFromParcel(reply));
504   EXPECT_TRUE(status.isOk()) << status.toString8().c_str();
505   std::string str;
506   EXPECT_EQ(OK, reply.readUtf8FromUtf16(&str));
507   return str;
508 }
510 // An AIDL HAL with VINTF stability can only be registered if it is in the
511 // manifest. However, we still must manually check that every declared HAL is
512 // actually present on the device.
TEST_P(SingleManifestTest,ManifestAidlHalsServed)513 TEST_P(SingleManifestTest, ManifestAidlHalsServed) {
514   AidlVerifyFn expect_available = [](const string &package,
515                                      const string &interface,
516                                      const string &instance) {
517     const std::string type = package + "." + interface;
518     const std::string name = type + "/" + instance;
519     sp<IBinder> binder =
520         defaultServiceManager()->waitForService(String16(name.c_str()));
521     EXPECT_NE(binder, nullptr) << "Failed to get " << name;
523     const std::string hash = getInterfaceHash(binder);
524     const std::vector<std::string> hashes = hashesForInterface(type);
526     if (hashes.empty()) {
527       std::cout << "[  WARNING ] NO HASHES FOUND FOR " << type << std::endl;
528       return;
529     }
531     EXPECT_TRUE(std::find(hashes.begin(), hashes.end(), hash) != hashes.end())
532         << "Interface " << name << " has an unrecognized hash: " << hash
533         << ". It must not be modified from source.";
534   };
536   ForEachAidlHalInstance(GetParam(), expect_available);
537 }
539 }  // namespace testing
540 }  // namespace vintf
541 }  // namespace android