1# Treat LintError as fatal to catch invocation errors
2--fatal_check LintError
4# Downgrade existing errors to warnings
5--warning_check AppCompatResource                  # 55 occurences in 10 modules
6--warning_check AppLinkUrlError                    # 111 occurences in 53 modules
7--warning_check BlockedPrivateApi                  # 2 occurences in 2 modules
8--warning_check ByteOrderMark                      # 2 occurences in 2 modules
9--warning_check DuplicateActivity                  # 3 occurences in 3 modules
10--warning_check DuplicateDefinition                # 3623 occurences in 48 modules
11--warning_check DuplicateIds                       # 207 occurences in 22 modules
12--warning_check EllipsizeMaxLines                  # 12 occurences in 7 modules
13--warning_check ExtraTranslation                   # 21276 occurences in 27 modules
14--warning_check FontValidationError                # 4 occurences in 1 modules
15--warning_check FullBackupContent                  # 16 occurences in 1 modules
16--warning_check GetContentDescriptionOverride      # 3 occurences in 2 modules
17--warning_check HalfFloat                          # 31 occurences in 1 modules
18--warning_check HardcodedDebugMode                 # 99 occurences in 95 modules
19--warning_check ImpliedQuantity                    # 703 occurences in 27 modules
20--warning_check ImpliedTouchscreenHardware         # 4 occurences in 4 modules
21--warning_check IncludeLayoutParam                 # 11 occurences in 6 modules
22--warning_check Instantiatable                     # 145 occurences in 19 modules
23--warning_check InvalidPermission                  # 6 occurences in 4 modules
24--warning_check InvalidUsesTagAttribute            # 6 occurences in 2 modules
25--warning_check InvalidWakeLockTag                 # 111 occurences in 37 modules
26--warning_check JavascriptInterface                # 3 occurences in 2 modules
27--warning_check LibraryCustomView                  # 9 occurences in 4 modules
28--warning_check LogTagMismatch                     # 81 occurences in 13 modules
29--warning_check LongLogTag                         # 249 occurences in 12 modules
30--warning_check MenuTitle                          # 5 occurences in 4 modules
31--warning_check MissingClass                       # 537 occurences in 141 modules
32--warning_check MissingConstraints                 # 39 occurences in 10 modules
33--warning_check MissingDefaultResource             # 1257 occurences in 40 modules
34--warning_check MissingIntentFilterForMediaSearch  # 1 occurences in 1 modules
35--warning_check MissingLeanbackLauncher            # 3 occurences in 3 modules
36--warning_check MissingLeanbackSupport             # 2 occurences in 2 modules
37--warning_check MissingOnPlayFromSearch            # 1 occurences in 1 modules
38--warning_check MissingPermission                  # 2071 occurences in 150 modules
39--warning_check MissingPrefix                      # 46 occurences in 41 modules
40--warning_check MissingQuantity                    # 100 occurences in 1 modules
41--warning_check MissingSuperCall                   # 121 occurences in 36 modules
42--warning_check MissingTvBanner                    # 3 occurences in 3 modules
43--warning_check NamespaceTypo                      # 3 occurences in 3 modules
44--warning_check NetworkSecurityConfig              # 46 occurences in 12 modules
45--warning_check NewApi                             # 1996 occurences in 122 modules
46--warning_check NotSibling                         # 15 occurences in 10 modules
47--warning_check ObjectAnimatorBinding              # 14 occurences in 5 modules
48--warning_check OnClick                            # 49 occurences in 21 modules
49--warning_check Orientation                        # 77 occurences in 19 modules
50--warning_check Override                           # 385 occurences in 36 modules
51--warning_check ParcelCreator                      # 23 occurences in 2 modules
52--warning_check ProtectedPermissions               # 2413 occurences in 381 modules
53--warning_check Range                              # 80 occurences in 28 modules
54--warning_check RecyclerView                       # 1 occurences in 1 modules
55--warning_check ReferenceType                      # 4 occurences in 1 modules
56--warning_check ResourceAsColor                    # 19 occurences in 14 modules
57--warning_check RequiredSize                       # 52 occurences in 13 modules
58--warning_check ResAuto                            # 3 occurences in 1 modules
59--warning_check ResourceCycle                      # 37 occurences in 10 modules
60--warning_check ResourceType                       # 137 occurences in 36 modules
61--warning_check RestrictedApi                      # 28 occurences in 5 modules
62--warning_check RtlCompat                          # 9 occurences in 6 modules
63--warning_check ServiceCast                        # 3 occurences in 1 modules
64--warning_check SoonBlockedPrivateApi              # 5 occurences in 3 modules
65--warning_check StringFormatInvalid                # 148 occurences in 11 modules
66--warning_check StringFormatMatches                # 4800 occurences in 30 modules
67--warning_check UnknownId                          # 8 occurences in 7 modules
68--warning_check ValidFragment                      # 12 occurences in 5 modules
69--warning_check ValidRestrictions                  # 5 occurences in 1 modules
70--warning_check WebViewLayout                      # 3 occurences in 1 modules
71--warning_check WrongCall                          # 21 occurences in 3 modules
72--warning_check WrongConstant                      # 894 occurences in 126 modules
73--warning_check WrongManifestParent                # 10 occurences in 4 modules
74--warning_check WrongThread                        # 14 occurences in 6 modules
75--warning_check WrongViewCast                      # 1 occurences in 1 modules
77# TODO(b/158390965): remove this when lint doesn't crash
78--disable_check HardcodedDebugMode