1 /*
2  * Copyright 2016 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
19 #include <stdint.h>
21 #ifdef __cplusplus
22 extern "C" {
23 #endif /* __cplusplus */
25 #ifndef LDAC_BCO_API
26 #define LDAC_BCO_API
27 #endif /* LDAC_BCO_API */
29 /* This file contains the definitions, declarations and macros for an
30  * implementation of LDAC buffer control operation.
31  */
33 #define LDAC_BCO_ERR_NONE 0
34 #define LDAC_BCO_ERR_FATAL (-1)
36 /* LDAC BCO handle type */
37 typedef struct _ldacbt_bco_handle* HANDLE_LDAC_BCO;
39 typedef void (*decoded_data_callback_t)(uint8_t* buf, uint32_t len);
41 /* Prepare to use LDAC BCO.
42  *  - Register a callback function for passing decoded data.
43  *  - Allocation of LDAC BCO handle.
44  *  Format
45  *      HANDLE_LDAC_BCO ldac_BCO_init(decoded_data_callback_t decode_callback);
46  *  Arguments
47  *      decoded_data_callback_t decode_callback
48  *              Callback function that outputs PCM data after decoding.
49  *              (See also a2dp_codec_api.h)
50  *  Return value
51  *      HANDLE_LDAC_BCO for success, NULL for failure.
52  */
54 ldac_BCO_init(decoded_data_callback_t decode_callback);
56 /* End LDAC BCO.
57  *  - Release of LDAC BCO handle.
58  *  Format
59  *      int32_t ldac_BCO_cleanup(HANDLE_LDAC_BCO hLdacBco);
60  *  Arguments
61  *      HANDLE_LDAC_BCO  hLdacBco    LDAC BCO handle.
62  *  Return value
63  *      int32_t : Processing result.
64  *              LDAC_BCO_ERR_NONE:Successful completion
65  *              LDAC_BCO_ERR_FATAL:Error
66  *  Note
67  *      The function ldac_BCO_init() shall be called before calling this
68  *      function.
69  */
70 LDAC_BCO_API int32_t ldac_BCO_cleanup(HANDLE_LDAC_BCO hLdacBco);
72 /* Decode LDAC packets.
73  * - Perform buffer control and decode processing.
74  *  Format
75  *      int32_t ldac_BCO_decode_packet(HANDLE_LDAC_BCO hLdacBco, void *data,
76  *                                                            int32_t length);
77  * Arguments
78  *      HANDLE_LDAC_BCO  hLdacBco    LDAC BCO handle.
79  *      void *data                   LDAC packet.
80  *      int32_t length               LDAC packet size.
81  * Return value
82  *      int32_t : Processing result.
83  *              LDAC_BCO_ERR_NONE:Successful completion
84  *              LDAC_BCO_ERR_FATAL:Error
85  * Note
86  *      The function ldac_BCO_init() shall be called before calling this
87  *      function.
88  */
89 LDAC_BCO_API int32_t ldac_BCO_decode_packet(HANDLE_LDAC_BCO hLdacBco,
90                                             void* data, int32_t length);
92 /* Start decoding process.
93  *  - Start or resume decoder thread.
94  *  Format
95  *      int32_t ldac_BCO_start(HANDLE_LDAC_BCO hLdacBco);
96  *  Arguments
97  *      HANDLE_LDAC_BCO  hLdacBco    LDAC BCO handle.
98  *  Return value
99  *      int32_t : Processing result.
100  *              LDAC_BCO_ERR_NONE:Successful completion
101  *              LDAC_BCO_ERR_FATAL:Error
102  *  Note
103  *      The function ldac_BCO_init() shall be called before calling this
104  *      function.
105  */
106 LDAC_BCO_API int32_t ldac_BCO_start(HANDLE_LDAC_BCO hLdacBco);
108 /* Suspend decoding process.
109  *  - Suspend the decoder thread.
110  *  Format
111  *      int32_t ldac_BCO_suspend(HANDLE_LDAC_BCO hLdacBco);
112  *  Arguments
113  *      HANDLE_LDAC_BCO  hLdacBco    LDAC BCO handle.
114  *  Return value
115  *      int32_t : Processing result.
116  *              LDAC_BCO_ERR_NONE:Successful completion
117  *              LDAC_BCO_ERR_FATAL:Error
118  *  Note
119  *      The function ldac_BCO_init() shall be called before calling this
120  *      function.
121  */
122 LDAC_BCO_API int32_t ldac_BCO_suspend(HANDLE_LDAC_BCO hLdacBco);
124 /* Configure codec information.
125  *  - Set sample rate, bits/sample and channel mode.
126  *  Format
127  *      int32_t ldac_BCO_configure(HANDLE_LDAC_BCO hLdacBco,
128  *              int32_t sample_rate, int32_t bits_per_sample,
129  *              int32_t channel_mode);
130  *  Arguments
131  *      HANDLE_LDAC_BCO  hLdacBco    LDAC BCO handle.
132  *      int32_t sample_rate          sample rate.
133  *      int32_t bits_per_sample      bits/sample.
134  *      int32_t channel_mode         channel mode.
135  *  Return value
136  *      int32_t : Processing result.
137  *              LDAC_BCO_ERR_NONE:Successful completion
138  *              LDAC_BCO_ERR_FATAL:Error
139  *  Note
140  *      The function ldac_BCO_init() shall be called before calling this
141  *      function.
142  */
143 LDAC_BCO_API int32_t ldac_BCO_configure(HANDLE_LDAC_BCO hLdacBco,
144                                         int32_t sample_rate,
145                                         int32_t bits_per_sample,
146                                         int32_t channel_mode);
148 #ifdef __cplusplus
149 }
150 #endif /* __cplusplus */
152 #endif /* LDACBT_BCO_FOR_FLUORIDE_H__ */