__cxa_finalize LIBC libc.so libGLES_mali.so __cxa_atexit __register_atfork __stack_chk_fail __stack_chk_guard pthread_mutex_destroy pthread_mutex_init pthread_mutex_lock pthread_mutex_unlock __aeabi_memclr4 LIBC_N __errno free malloc prctl pthread_create pthread_join sem_destroy sem_init sem_post sem_wait usleep __aeabi_d2ulz __vsnprintf_chk fclose fopen fprintf gettimeofday __aeabi_memclr __aeabi_memclr8 __aeabi_memcpy cmpbe_chunk_read_MBS2 cmpbe_chunk_stream_init_for_read __aeabi_memcpy4 __aeabi_memcpy8 ilogbf libm.so ldexpf powf stdlibp_neon_soft_f32_to_f16 pthread_attr_setstacksize pthread_attr_destroy pthread_attr_init __aeabi_memset4 __aeabi_uldivmod __poll_chk __ppoll_chk __read_chk __write_chk clock_gettime close eventfd ppoll _ZdlPv islower isinf strlen toupper __gnu_strerror_r isnan memcmp pipe read sem_trywait __fgets_chk getenv getpid __strlen_chk __strncpy_chk2 fseek strchr strncmp strncpy strtol strtoul accept bind connect fcntl listen recvfrom sendto shutdown socket osup_sync_object_init osup_sync_object_set_and_broadcast osup_sync_object_term osup_sync_object_wait strtoull environ getuid localtime_r time __memcpy_chk osup_sync_object_timedwait pthread_self osup_sync_object_clear egl_feature_add_extension_string osup_mutex_static_get strnlen config_compatible_with_format egl_color_buffer_flush_mapping_to_cpu egl_color_buffer_flush_mapping_to_gpu egl_color_buffer_force_cpu_sync egl_color_buffer_format_get_afbc_size egl_color_buffer_format_get_planes egl_color_buffer_format_is_afbc_split_mode egl_color_buffer_format_is_afbc_wideblk_mode egl_color_buffer_format_needs_y_inversion egl_color_buffer_get_age egl_color_buffer_get_crop_rectangle egl_color_buffer_get_early_display egl_color_buffer_get_fence egl_color_buffer_get_format egl_color_buffer_get_height egl_color_buffer_get_line_stride egl_color_buffer_get_mapped_address egl_color_buffer_get_non_thread_safe egl_color_buffer_get_num_planes egl_color_buffer_get_plane_dims egl_color_buffer_get_rotation egl_color_buffer_get_width egl_color_buffer_get_y_inversion egl_color_buffer_get_yuva_comp_sizes egl_color_buffer_increment_age egl_color_buffer_is_secure egl_color_buffer_lock egl_color_buffer_map egl_color_buffer_new egl_color_buffer_release egl_color_buffer_retain egl_color_buffer_rgb_format_get_bpp egl_color_buffer_set_age egl_color_buffer_set_crop_rectangle egl_color_buffer_set_early_display egl_color_buffer_set_fence egl_color_buffer_set_non_thread_safe egl_color_buffer_set_rotation egl_color_buffer_unlock egl_color_buffer_unmap egl_color_buffer_user_property_enabled egl_color_buffer_user_property_get egl_color_buffer_user_property_set egl_color_buffer_validate_format egl_color_buffer_validate_render_target egl_color_buffer_wrap_external egl_color_buffer_wrap_external_planar eglp_color_buffer_wait_unlock lseek eglChooseConfig eglGetConfigAttrib eglGetConfigs eglp_config_set_attributes eglp_get_attribute_value eglCreateContext eglDestroyContext eglQueryContext eglGetDisplay eglInitialize eglTerminate egl_winsys_get_implementation osup_register_unload_callback eglCreateImageKHR eglDestroyImageKHR sscanf __fwrite_chk atoi eglBindAPI eglBindTexImage eglClientWaitSyncKHR eglCopyBuffers eglCreatePbufferFromClientBuffer eglCreatePbufferSurface eglCreatePixmapSurface eglCreateSyncKHR eglCreateWindowSurface eglDestroySurface eglDestroySyncKHR eglGetCurrentContext eglGetCurrentDisplay eglGetCurrentSurface eglGetError eglGetProcAddress eglGetSyncAttribKHR eglMakeCurrent eglQueryAPI eglQueryString eglQuerySurface eglReleaseTexImage eglReleaseThread eglSetDamageRegionKHR eglSurfaceAttrib eglSwapBuffers eglSwapInterval eglWaitClient eglWaitGL eglWaitNative eglWaitSyncKHR eglp_check_attribute_present fflush fwrite glFinish glFlush egl_env_set eglp_call_color_buffer_wait_unlock eglp_call_config_get_color_buffer_format eglp_color_buffer_format_to_string eglp_display_create_default_configs eglp_find_unterminated_state eglp_get_color_buffer_format_supported eglp_get_color_buffer_format_table eglp_has_display_terminated eglp_read_write_buffer eglp_string_to_color_buffer_format eglp_wait_buffer_displayed osup_thread_callback_set osup_thread_data_get osup_thread_data_set egl_display_release egl_surface_release egl_window_buffer_displayed eglp_swap_buffers dup egl_check_display_valid_and_retain egl_check_surface_current egl_check_surface_valid_and_retain egl_export_platform_fence egl_get_winsys_display egl_get_winsys_surface egl_magic_surface_set_displayed_callback egl_magic_surface_set_winsys_surface egl_register_gles_blob_cache_callbacks egl_set_error mali_egl_image_get_buffer_ext_phandle mali_egl_image_get_buffer_ext_type mali_egl_image_get_buffer_size mali_egl_image_get_format __open_2 fstat ioctl mmap munmap mmap64 perror gles_vertexp_bb_neon_transform_and_produce_clip_bits gles_vertexp_neon_indices_scan_4xu16 gles_vertexp_neon_indices_scan_4xu16_restart gles_vertexp_neon_indices_scan_4xu32 gles_vertexp_neon_indices_scan_4xu32_restart calloc glAlphaFunc glAlphaFuncx glAlphaFuncxOES glBindFramebufferOES glBindRenderbufferOES glBlendEquationOES glBlendEquationSeparateOES glBlendFuncSeparateOES glCheckFramebufferStatusOES glClearColorx glClearColorxOES glClearDepthfOES glClearDepthx glClearDepthxOES glClientActiveTexture glClipPlanef glClipPlanefOES glClipPlanex glClipPlanexOES glColor4f glColor4ub glColor4x glColor4xOES glColorPointer glCurrentPaletteMatrixOES glDeleteFramebuffersOES glDeleteRenderbuffersOES glDepthRangefOES glDepthRangex glDepthRangexOES glDisableClientState glDrawTexfOES glDrawTexfvOES glDrawTexiOES glDrawTexivOES glDrawTexsOES glDrawTexsvOES glDrawTexxOES glDrawTexxvOES glEnableClientState glFogf glFogfv glFogx glFogxOES glFogxv glFogxvOES glFramebufferRenderbufferOES glFramebufferTexture2DOES glFrustumf glFrustumfOES glFrustumx glFrustumxOES glGenFramebuffersOES glGenRenderbuffersOES glGenerateMipmapOES glGetClipPlanef glGetClipPlanefOES glGetClipPlanex glGetClipPlanexOES glGetFixedv glGetFixedvOES glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivOES glGetLightfv glGetLightxv glGetLightxvOES glGetMaterialfv glGetMaterialxv glGetMaterialxvOES glGetRenderbufferParameterivOES glGetTexEnvfv glGetTexEnviv glGetTexEnvxv glGetTexEnvxvOES glGetTexGenfvOES glGetTexGenivOES glGetTexGenxvOES glGetTexParameterxv glGetTexParameterxvOES glIsFramebufferOES glIsRenderbufferOES glLightModelf glLightModelfv glLightModelx glLightModelxOES glLightModelxv glLightModelxvOES glLightf glLightfv glLightx glLightxOES glLightxv glLightxvOES glLineWidthx glLineWidthxOES glLoadIdentity glLoadMatrixf glLoadMatrixx glLoadMatrixxOES glLoadPaletteFromModelViewMatrixOES glLogicOp glMaterialf glMaterialfv glMaterialx glMaterialxOES glMaterialxv glMaterialxvOES glMatrixIndexPointerOES glMatrixMode glMultMatrixf glMultMatrixx glMultMatrixxOES glMultiTexCoord4b glMultiTexCoord4bOES glMultiTexCoord4f glMultiTexCoord4x glMultiTexCoord4xOES glNormal3f glNormal3x glNormal3xOES glNormalPointer glOrthof glOrthofOES glOrthox glOrthoxOES glPointParameterf glPointParameterfv glPointParameterx glPointParameterxOES glPointParameterxv glPointParameterxvOES glPointSize glPointSizePointerOES glPointSizex glPointSizexOES glPolygonOffsetx glPolygonOffsetxOES glPopMatrix glPushMatrix glQueryMatrixxOES glRenderbufferStorageOES glRotatef glRotatex glRotatexOES glSampleCoveragex glSampleCoveragexOES glScalef glScalex glScalexOES glShadeModel glTexCoordPointer glTexEnvf glTexEnvfv glTexEnvi glTexEnviv glTexEnvx glTexEnvxOES glTexEnvxv glTexEnvxvOES glTexGenfOES glTexGenfvOES glTexGeniOES glTexGenivOES glTexGenxOES glTexGenxvOES glTexParameterx glTexParameterxOES glTexParameterxv glTexParameterxvOES glTranslatef glTranslatex glTranslatexOES glVertexPointer glWeightPointerOES glActiveShaderProgram glAttachShader glBeginQuery glBeginQueryEXT glBeginTransformFeedback glBindAttribLocation glBindBufferBase glBindBufferRange glBindFramebuffer glBindImageTexture glBindProgramPipeline glBindRenderbuffer glBindSampler glBindTransformFeedback glBindVertexBuffer glBlendColor glBlendEquation glBlendEquationSeparate glBlendEquationSeparatei glBlendEquationSeparateiEXT glBlendEquationSeparateiOES glBlendEquationi glBlendEquationiEXT glBlendEquationiOES glBlendFuncSeparate glBlendFuncSeparatei glBlendFuncSeparateiEXT glBlendFuncSeparateiOES glBlendFunci glBlendFunciEXT glBlendFunciOES glBlitFramebuffer glBufferStorageEXT glCheckFramebufferStatus glClearBufferfi glClearBufferfv glClearBufferiv glClearBufferuiv glClientWaitSync glColorMaski glColorMaskiEXT glColorMaskiOES glCompileShader glCompressedTexImage3D glCompressedTexImage3DOES glCompressedTexSubImage3D glCompressedTexSubImage3DOES glCopyBufferSubData glCopyImageSubData glCopyImageSubDataEXT glCopyImageSubDataOES glCopyTexSubImage3D glCopyTexSubImage3DOES glCreateProgram glCreateShader glCreateShaderProgramv glDeleteFramebuffers glDeleteProgram glDeleteProgramPipelines glDeleteQueries glDeleteQueriesEXT glDeleteRenderbuffers glDeleteSamplers glDeleteShader glDeleteSync glDeleteTransformFeedbacks glDetachShader glDisableVertexAttribArray glDisablei glDisableiEXT glDisableiOES glDispatchCompute glDispatchComputeIndirect glDrawArraysIndirect glDrawArraysInstanced glDrawBuffers glDrawElementsBaseVertex glDrawElementsBaseVertexEXT glDrawElementsBaseVertexOES glDrawElementsIndirect glDrawElementsInstanced glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexEXT glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexOES glDrawRangeElements glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertexEXT glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertexOES glEnableVertexAttribArray glEnablei glEnableiEXT glEnableiOES glEndQuery glEndQueryEXT glEndTransformFeedback glFenceSync glFlushMappedBufferRange glFramebufferParameteri glFramebufferRenderbuffer glFramebufferTexture glFramebufferTexture2D glFramebufferTexture3DOES glFramebufferTextureEXT glFramebufferTextureLayer glFramebufferTextureMultisampleMultiviewOVR glFramebufferTextureMultiviewOVR glFramebufferTextureOES glGenFramebuffers glGenProgramPipelines glGenQueries glGenQueriesEXT glGenRenderbuffers glGenSamplers glGenTransformFeedbacks glGenerateMipmap glGetActiveAttrib glGetActiveUniform glGetActiveUniformBlockName glGetActiveUniformBlockiv glGetActiveUniformsiv glGetAttachedShaders glGetAttribLocation glGetBooleani_v glGetBufferParameteri64v glGetFragDataLocation glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv glGetFramebufferParameteriv glGetInteger64i_v glGetInteger64v glGetIntegeri_v glGetInternalformativ glGetMultisamplefv glGetProgramBinary glGetProgramBinaryOES glGetProgramInfoLog glGetProgramInterfaceiv glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog glGetProgramPipelineiv glGetProgramResourceIndex glGetProgramResourceLocation glGetProgramResourceName glGetProgramResourceiv glGetProgramiv glGetQueryObjecti64vEXT glGetQueryObjectivEXT glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT glGetQueryObjectuiv glGetQueryObjectuivEXT glGetQueryiv glGetQueryivEXT glGetRenderbufferParameteriv glGetSamplerParameterIiv glGetSamplerParameterIivEXT glGetSamplerParameterIivOES glGetSamplerParameterIuiv glGetSamplerParameterIuivEXT glGetSamplerParameterIuivOES glGetSamplerParameterfv glGetSamplerParameteriv glGetShaderInfoLog glGetShaderPrecisionFormat glGetShaderSource glGetShaderiv glGetStringi glGetSynciv glGetTexLevelParameterfv glGetTexLevelParameteriv glGetTexParameterIiv glGetTexParameterIivEXT glGetTexParameterIivOES glGetTexParameterIuiv glGetTexParameterIuivEXT glGetTexParameterIuivOES glGetTransformFeedbackVarying glGetUniformBlockIndex glGetUniformIndices glGetUniformLocation glGetUniformfv glGetUniformiv glGetUniformuiv glGetVertexAttribIiv glGetVertexAttribIuiv glGetVertexAttribPointerv glGetVertexAttribfv glGetVertexAttribiv glGetnUniformfv glGetnUniformfvEXT glGetnUniformfvKHR glGetnUniformiv glGetnUniformivEXT glGetnUniformivKHR glGetnUniformuiv glGetnUniformuivKHR glInvalidateFramebuffer glInvalidateSubFramebuffer glIsEnabledi glIsEnablediEXT glIsEnablediOES glIsFramebuffer glIsProgram glIsProgramPipeline glIsQuery glIsQueryEXT glIsRenderbuffer glIsSampler glIsShader glIsSync glIsTransformFeedback glLinkProgram glMapBufferRange glMemoryBarrier glMemoryBarrierByRegion glMinSampleShading glMinSampleShadingOES glPatchParameteri glPatchParameteriEXT glPatchParameteriOES glPauseTransformFeedback glPrimitiveBoundingBox glPrimitiveBoundingBoxEXT glPrimitiveBoundingBoxOES glProgramBinary glProgramBinaryOES glProgramParameteri glProgramUniform1f glProgramUniform1fv glProgramUniform1i glProgramUniform1iv glProgramUniform1ui glProgramUniform1uiv glProgramUniform2f glProgramUniform2fv glProgramUniform2i glProgramUniform2iv glProgramUniform2ui glProgramUniform2uiv glProgramUniform3f glProgramUniform3fv glProgramUniform3i glProgramUniform3iv glProgramUniform3ui glProgramUniform3uiv glProgramUniform4f glProgramUniform4fv glProgramUniform4i glProgramUniform4iv glProgramUniform4ui glProgramUniform4uiv glProgramUniformMatrix2fv glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv glProgramUniformMatrix3fv glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv glProgramUniformMatrix4fv glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv glQueryCounterEXT glReadBuffer glReleaseShaderCompiler glRenderbufferStorage glRenderbufferStorageMultisample glResumeTransformFeedback glSampleMaski glSamplerParameterIiv glSamplerParameterIivEXT glSamplerParameterIivOES glSamplerParameterIuiv glSamplerParameterIuivEXT glSamplerParameterIuivOES glSamplerParameterf glSamplerParameterfv glSamplerParameteri glSamplerParameteriv glShaderBinary glShaderSource glStencilFuncSeparate glStencilMaskSeparate glStencilOpSeparate glTexBuffer glTexBufferEXT glTexBufferOES glTexBufferRange glTexBufferRangeEXT glTexBufferRangeOES glTexImage3D glTexImage3DOES glTexParameterIiv glTexParameterIivEXT glTexParameterIivOES glTexParameterIuiv glTexParameterIuivEXT glTexParameterIuivOES glTexStorage2D glTexStorage2DMultisample glTexStorage3D glTexStorage3DEXT glTexStorage3DMultisample glTexStorage3DMultisampleOES glTexSubImage3D glTexSubImage3DOES glTransformFeedbackVaryings glUniform1f glUniform1fv glUniform1i glUniform1iv glUniform1ui glUniform1uiv glUniform2f glUniform2fv glUniform2i glUniform2iv glUniform2ui glUniform2uiv glUniform3f glUniform3fv glUniform3i glUniform3iv glUniform3ui glUniform3uiv glUniform4f glUniform4fv glUniform4i glUniform4iv glUniform4ui glUniform4uiv glUniformBlockBinding glUniformMatrix2fv glUniformMatrix2x3fv glUniformMatrix2x4fv glUniformMatrix3fv glUniformMatrix3x2fv glUniformMatrix3x4fv glUniformMatrix4fv glUniformMatrix4x2fv glUniformMatrix4x3fv glUseProgram glUseProgramStages glValidateProgram glValidateProgramPipeline glVertexAttrib1f glVertexAttrib1fv glVertexAttrib2f glVertexAttrib2fv glVertexAttrib3f glVertexAttrib3fv glVertexAttrib4f glVertexAttrib4fv glVertexAttribBinding glVertexAttribDivisor glVertexAttribFormat glVertexAttribI4i glVertexAttribI4iv glVertexAttribI4ui glVertexAttribI4uiv glVertexAttribIFormat glVertexAttribIPointer glVertexAttribPointer glVertexBindingDivisor glWaitSync glActiveTexture glBindBuffer glBindTexture glBindVertexArray glBindVertexArrayOES glBlendBarrier glBlendBarrierKHR glBlendFunc glBufferData glBufferSubData glClear glClearColor glClearDepthf glClearStencil glColorMask glCompressedTexImage2D glCompressedTexSubImage2D glCopyTexImage2D glCopyTexSubImage2D glCullFace glDebugMessageCallback glDebugMessageCallbackKHR glDebugMessageControl glDebugMessageControlKHR glDebugMessageInsert glDebugMessageInsertKHR glDeleteBuffers glDeleteTextures glDeleteVertexArrays glDeleteVertexArraysOES glDepthFunc glDepthMask glDepthRangef glDisable glDiscardFramebufferEXT glDrawArrays glDrawElements glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES glEnable glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT glFrontFace glGenBuffers glGenTextures glGenVertexArrays glGenVertexArraysOES glGetBooleanv glGetBufferParameteriv glGetBufferPointerv glGetBufferPointervOES glGetDebugMessageLog glGetDebugMessageLogKHR glGetError glGetFloatv glGetGraphicsResetStatus glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT glGetGraphicsResetStatusKHR glGetIntegerv glGetObjectLabel glGetObjectLabelKHR glGetObjectPtrLabel glGetObjectPtrLabelKHR glGetPointerv glGetPointervKHR glGetString glGetTexParameterfv glGetTexParameteriv glHint glIsBuffer glIsEnabled glIsTexture glIsVertexArray glIsVertexArrayOES glLineWidth glMapBufferOES glObjectLabel glObjectLabelKHR glObjectPtrLabel glObjectPtrLabelKHR glPixelStorei glPolygonOffset glPopDebugGroup glPopDebugGroupKHR glPushDebugGroup glPushDebugGroupKHR glReadPixels glReadnPixels glReadnPixelsEXT glReadnPixelsKHR glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT __strchr_chk glSampleCoverage glScissor glStencilFunc glStencilMask glStencilOp glTexImage2D glTexParameterf glTexParameterfv glTexParameteri glTexParameteriv glTexStorage2DEXT glTexSubImage2D glUnmapBuffer glUnmapBufferOES glViewport printf putchar puts strcmp strcpy uname __aeabi_memset8 write sigemptyset sigprocmask sigaction sigaddset raise setjmp longjmp wmemcpy wmemset __readlink_chk __getcwd_chk open opendir lstat mkdir getcwd link closedir futimens strsep symlink rename statfs readlink remove posix_fallocate readdir __pread_chk pread pthread_mutex_trylock __aeabi_memset unlink sigaltstack pthread_rwlock_unlock pthread_rwlock_wrlock stdlibp_neon_f32x16_to_f16x16 stdlibp_neon_f32x4_to_f16x4 rand setrlimit mallinfo pthread_sigmask getrusage isatty dup2 getpagesize sigfillset srand getrlimit kill execve fork alarm execv _exit pthread_rwlock_init pthread_rwlock_rdlock pthread_rwlock_destroy waitpid strsignal wait cosf __aeabi_f2lz sqrtf __aeabi_d2lz __aeabi_f2ulz __aeabi_l2d __aeabi_l2f __aeabi_ul2d __aeabi_ul2f strftime ilogb ldexp pow deflate deflateBound deflateEnd deflateInit_ inflate inflateEnd inflateInit_ qsort dl_iterate_phdr libdl.so dlclose dlerror dlopen dlsym osup_d_mutex_term osup_dlclose osup_dlopen osup_dlsym osup_get_number_of_cpu_cores osup_mutex_lock osup_mutex_unlock osup_sem_init osup_sem_post osup_sem_term osup_sem_timedwait osup_sem_trywait osup_sem_wait osup_spinlock_lock osup_spinlock_term osup_spinlock_unlock osup_thread_callback_unset osup_thread_create osup_thread_getname osup_thread_setdeferrability osup_thread_setname pthread_cond_broadcast pthread_cond_destroy pthread_cond_init pthread_cond_timedwait pthread_cond_wait pthread_condattr_destroy pthread_condattr_init pthread_condattr_setclock pthread_getspecific pthread_key_create pthread_key_delete pthread_mutexattr_destroy pthread_mutexattr_init pthread_mutexattr_settype pthread_setspecific sem_timedwait stat sysconf osup_deregister_unload_callback pthread_once __android_log_write stderr stdout __fread_chk feof fread __android_log_print strerror malioc_compile malioc_get_api_version malioc_get_capabilities malioc_release_capabilities malioc_release_outputs strdup strstr strtok_r vkAcquireImageANDROID vkGetSwapchainGrallocUsageANDROID vkQueueSignalReleaseImageANDROID vkAllocateCommandBuffers vkAllocateDescriptorSets vkAllocateMemory vkBeginCommandBuffer vkBindBufferMemory vkBindBufferMemory2KHR vkBindImageMemory vkBindImageMemory2KHR vkCmdBeginQuery vkCmdBeginRenderPass vkCmdBindDescriptorSets vkCmdBindIndexBuffer vkCmdBindPipeline vkCmdBindVertexBuffers vkCmdBlitImage vkCmdClearAttachments vkCmdClearColorImage vkCmdClearDepthStencilImage vkCmdCopyBuffer vkCmdCopyBufferToImage vkCmdCopyImage vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer vkCmdCopyQueryPoolResults vkCmdDebugMarkerBeginEXT vkCmdDebugMarkerEndEXT vkCmdDebugMarkerInsertEXT vkCmdDispatch vkCmdDispatchIndirect vkCmdDraw vkCmdDrawIndexed vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirectCountAMD vkCmdDrawIndirect vkCmdDrawIndirectCountAMD vkCmdEndQuery vkCmdEndRenderPass vkCmdExecuteCommands vkCmdFillBuffer vkCmdNextSubpass vkCmdPipelineBarrier vkCmdProcessCommandsNVX vkCmdPushConstants vkCmdPushDescriptorSetKHR vkCmdPushDescriptorSetWithTemplateKHR vkCmdReserveSpaceForCommandsNVX vkCmdResetEvent vkCmdResetQueryPool vkCmdResolveImage vkCmdSetBlendConstants vkCmdSetDepthBias vkCmdSetDepthBounds vkCmdSetDeviceMaskKHX vkCmdSetDiscardRectangleEXT vkCmdSetEvent vkCmdSetLineWidth vkCmdSetSampleLocationsEXT vkCmdSetScissor vkCmdSetStencilCompareMask vkCmdSetStencilReference vkCmdSetStencilWriteMask vkCmdSetViewport vkCmdSetViewportWScalingNV vkCmdUpdateBuffer vkCmdWaitEvents vkCmdWriteTimestamp vkCreateBuffer vkCreateBufferView vkCreateCommandPool vkCreateComputePipelines vkCreateDebugReportCallbackEXT vkCreateDescriptorPool vkCreateDescriptorSetLayout vkCreateDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR vkCreateDevice vkCreateDisplayPlaneSurfaceKHR vkCreateEvent vkCreateFence vkCreateFramebuffer vkCreateGraphicsPipelines vkCreateImage vkCreateImageView vkCreateIndirectCommandsLayoutNVX vkCreateInstance vkCreateObjectTableNVX vkCreatePipelineCache vkCreatePipelineLayout vkCreateQueryPool vkCreateRenderPass vkCreateSampler vkCreateSamplerYcbcrConversionKHR vkCreateSemaphore vkCreateShaderModule vkCreateSharedSwapchainsKHR vkCreateValidationCacheEXT vkDebugMarkerSetObjectNameEXT vkDebugMarkerSetObjectTagEXT vkDebugReportMessageEXT vkDestroyBuffer vkDestroyBufferView vkDestroyCommandPool vkDestroyDebugReportCallbackEXT vkDestroyDescriptorPool vkDestroyDescriptorSetLayout vkDestroyDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR vkDestroyDevice vkDestroyEvent vkDestroyFence vkDestroyFramebuffer vkDestroyImage vkDestroyImageView vkDestroyIndirectCommandsLayoutNVX vkDestroyInstance vkDestroyObjectTableNVX vkDestroyPipeline vkDestroyPipelineCache vkDestroyPipelineLayout vkDestroyQueryPool vkDestroyRenderPass vkDestroySampler vkDestroySamplerYcbcrConversionKHR vkDestroySemaphore vkDestroyShaderModule vkDestroySurfaceKHR vkDestroyValidationCacheEXT vkDeviceWaitIdle vkDisplayPowerControlEXT vkEndCommandBuffer vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties vkEnumerateDeviceLayerProperties vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties vkEnumerateInstanceLayerProperties vkEnumeratePhysicalDeviceGroupsKHX vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges vkFreeCommandBuffers vkFreeDescriptorSets vkFreeMemory vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements2KHR vkGetDeviceGroupPeerMemoryFeaturesKHX vkGetDeviceMemoryCommitment vkGetDeviceProcAddr vkGetDeviceQueue vkGetEventStatus vkGetFenceFdKHR vkGetFenceStatus vkGetImageMemoryRequirements vkGetImageMemoryRequirements2KHR vkGetImageSparseMemoryRequirements vkGetImageSparseMemoryRequirements2KHR vkGetImageSubresourceLayout vkGetInstanceProcAddr vkGetMemoryFdKHR vkGetMemoryFdPropertiesKHR vkGetPastPresentationTimingGOOGLE vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalBufferPropertiesKHR vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalFencePropertiesKHR vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalImageFormatPropertiesNV vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalSemaphorePropertiesKHR vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures2KHR vkGetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties vkGetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties2KHR vkGetPhysicalDeviceGeneratedCommandsPropertiesNVX vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2KHR vkGetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties vkGetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties2KHR vkGetPhysicalDeviceMultisamplePropertiesEXT vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties2KHR vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties2KHR vkGetPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatProperties vkGetPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatProperties2KHR vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilities2EXT vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilities2KHR vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceFormats2KHR vkGetPipelineCacheData vkGetQueryPoolResults vkGetRefreshCycleDurationGOOGLE vkGetRenderAreaGranularity vkGetSemaphoreFdKHR vkGetSwapchainCounterEXT vkGetSwapchainStatusKHR vkGetValidationCacheDataEXT vkImportFenceFdKHR vkImportSemaphoreFdKHR vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges vkMapMemory vkMergePipelineCaches vkMergeValidationCachesEXT vkQueueBindSparse vkQueueSubmit vkQueueWaitIdle vkRegisterDeviceEventEXT vkRegisterDisplayEventEXT vkRegisterObjectsNVX vkReleaseDisplayEXT vkResetCommandBuffer vkResetCommandPool vkResetDescriptorPool vkResetEvent vkResetFences vkSetEvent vkSetHdrMetadataEXT vkTrimCommandPoolKHR vkUnmapMemory vkUnregisterObjectsNVX vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplateKHR vkUpdateDescriptorSets vkWaitForFences HMI vkEnumerateInstanceVersion stdlibp_neon_hard_f32_to_f16 access fileno ftello abort strspn tolower _ZN4llvm7Bifrost18BifrostShaderPiece11createPieceEPKvj _ZN4llvm7Bifrost32BifrostFixedFunctionVertexShader10addPaddingEv _ZN4llvm7Bifrost32BifrostFixedFunctionVertexShader6appendERKNS0_18BifrostShaderPieceE cmpbe_chunk_stream_init cmpbe_chunk_write_MBS2 __aeabi_memmove sinf pthread_setschedparam sched_get_priority_max sched_get_priority_min __aeabi_ldivmod _Znwj __cxa_pure_virtual __progname _ZSt7nothrow _ZnwjRKSt9nothrow_t clCreateFromEGLImageKHR clEnqueueAcquireEGLObjectsKHR clEnqueueReleaseEGLObjectsKHR clEnqueueSVMFreeARM clEnqueueSVMMapARM clEnqueueSVMMemFillARM clEnqueueSVMMemcpyARM clEnqueueSVMUnmapARM clIcdGetPlatformIDsKHR clImportMemoryARM clSVMAllocARM clSVMFreeARM clSetKernelArgSVMPointerARM clSetKernelExecInfoARM clBuildProgram clCompileProgram clCreateBuffer clCreateCommandQueue clCreateCommandQueueWithProperties clCreateContext clCreateContextFromType clCreateImage clCreateImage2D clCreateImage3D clCreateKernel clCreateKernelsInProgram clCreatePipe clCreateProgramWithBinary clCreateProgramWithBuiltInKernels clCreateProgramWithSource clCreateSampler clCreateSamplerWithProperties clCreateSubBuffer clCreateSubDevices clCreateUserEvent clEnqueueBarrier clEnqueueBarrierWithWaitList clEnqueueCopyBuffer clEnqueueCopyBufferRect clEnqueueCopyBufferToImage clEnqueueCopyImage clEnqueueCopyImageToBuffer clEnqueueFillBuffer clEnqueueFillImage clEnqueueMapBuffer clEnqueueMapImage clEnqueueMarker clEnqueueMarkerWithWaitList clEnqueueMigrateMemObjects clEnqueueNDRangeKernel clEnqueueNativeKernel clEnqueueReadBuffer clEnqueueReadBufferRect clEnqueueReadImage clEnqueueSVMFree clEnqueueSVMMap clEnqueueSVMMemFill clEnqueueSVMMemcpy clEnqueueSVMUnmap clEnqueueTask clEnqueueUnmapMemObject clEnqueueWaitForEvents clEnqueueWriteBuffer clEnqueueWriteBufferRect clEnqueueWriteImage clFinish clFlush clGetCommandQueueInfo clGetContextInfo clGetDeviceIDs clGetDeviceInfo clGetEventInfo clGetEventProfilingInfo clGetExtensionFunctionAddress clGetExtensionFunctionAddressForPlatform clGetImageInfo clGetKernelArgInfo clGetKernelInfo clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo clGetMemObjectInfo clGetPipeInfo clGetPlatformIDs clGetPlatformInfo clGetProgramBuildInfo clGetProgramInfo clGetSamplerInfo clGetSupportedImageFormats clLinkProgram clReleaseCommandQueue clReleaseContext clReleaseDevice clReleaseEvent clReleaseKernel clReleaseMemObject clReleaseProgram clReleaseSampler clRetainCommandQueue clRetainContext clRetainDevice clRetainEvent clRetainKernel clRetainMemObject clRetainProgram clRetainSampler clSVMAlloc clSVMFree clSetCommandQueueProperty clSetEventCallback clSetKernelArg clSetKernelArgSVMPointer clSetKernelExecInfo clSetMemObjectDestructorCallback clSetUserEventStatus clUnloadCompiler clUnloadPlatformCompiler clWaitForEvents _ZN4llvm7Bifrost32BifrostFixedFunctionVertexShader15NumPaddingBytesE cmpbe_chunk_stream_destroy _ZN4llvm11raw_ostream14flush_nonemptyEv _ZN4llvm12MemoryBuffer12getMemBufferENS_9StringRefES1_b _ZN4llvm13llvm_shutdownEv _ZN4llvm18raw_string_ostreamD1Ev _ZN4llvm19parseAssemblyStringENS_9StringRefERNS_12SMDiagnosticERNS_11LLVMContextEPNS_11SlotMappingE _ZN4llvm23EnableABIBreakingChecksE _ZN4llvm3sys9MutexImpl7acquireEv _ZN4llvm3sys9MutexImpl7releaseEv _ZN4llvm7parseIRENS_15MemoryBufferRefERNS_12SMDiagnosticERNS_11LLVMContextE _ZNK4llvm11NamedMDNode10getOperandEj _ZNK4llvm12MemoryBuffer15getMemBufferRefEv _ZNK4llvm6Module11getFunctionENS_9StringRefE _ZNK4llvm6Module13getDataLayoutEv _ZNK4llvm6Module16getNamedMetadataERKNS_5TwineE _ZNK4llvm8MDString9getStringEv _ZNK4llvm9StringRef5splitERNS_15SmallVectorImplIS0_EES0_ib _ZNSt3__119__shared_weak_count14__release_weakEv _ZTVN4llvm18raw_string_ostreamE _ZN4llvm10DataLayout5resetENS_9StringRefE _ZN4llvm10DataLayoutD1Ev _ZN4llvm10UndefValue3getEPNS_4TypeE _ZN4llvm10VectorType3getEPNS_4TypeEj _ZN4llvm17InsertElementInstC1EPNS_5ValueES2_S2_RKNS_5TwineEPNS_11InstructionE _ZN4llvm17ShuffleVectorInstC1EPNS_5ValueES2_S2_RKNS_5TwineEPNS_11InstructionE _ZN4llvm21ConstantAggregateZero3getEPNS_4TypeE _ZN4llvm4Type10getInt32TyERNS_11LLVMContextE _ZN4llvm4UsernwEjj _ZN4llvm5Value17stripPointerCastsEv _ZN4llvm6Module17getGlobalVariableENS_9StringRefEb _ZN4llvm8Constant15destroyConstantEv _ZN4llvm8Constant15getIntegerValueEPNS_4TypeERKNS_5APIntE _ZNK4llvm10DataLayouteqERKS0_ _ZNK4llvm10StructType7getNameEv _ZNK4llvm4Type13getScalarTypeEv _ZNK4llvm5Value10getContextEv _ZNK4llvm5Value10getNumUsesEv _ZNK4llvm5Value7getNameEv _ZNK4llvm8Constant23removeDeadConstantUsersEv _ZdaPv memchr _ZN4llvm11raw_ostream5writeEPKcj _ZN4llvm4errsEv _ZNK4llvm5APInt25countLeadingZerosSlowCaseEv _ZNK4llvm5Twine3strEv _ZNK4llvm5Twine5printERNS_11raw_ostreamE _ZN4llvm13StringMapImpl11RehashTableEj _ZN4llvm13StringMapImpl15LookupBucketForENS_9StringRefE _ZN4llvm15SmallVectorBase8grow_podEPvjj _ZN4llvm16parseBitcodeFileENS_15MemoryBufferRefERNS_11LLVMContextE _ZN4llvm18WriteBitcodeToFileEPKNS_6ModuleERNS_11raw_ostreamEbPKNS_18ModuleSummaryIndexEb _ZN4llvm4dbgsEv _ZN4llvm6ModuleD1Ev _ZNK4llvm13StringMapImpl7FindKeyENS_9StringRefE _ZNKSt3__16locale9use_facetERNS0_2idE _ZNKSt3__18ios_base6getlocEv _ZNSt3__15ctypeIcE2idE _ZNSt3__16localeC1Ev _ZNSt3__16localeD1Ev _ZNSt3__17num_putIcNS_19ostreambuf_iteratorIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEEEE2idE _ZNSt3__18ios_base4initEPv _ZNSt3__18ios_base5clearEj _ZNSt3__18ios_baseD2Ev _ZSt18uncaught_exceptionv _ZTCNSt3__118basic_stringstreamIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEE0_NS_13basic_istreamIcS2_EE _ZTVNSt3__115basic_streambufIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEEE _ZTVNSt3__115basic_stringbufIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEE _ZTVNSt3__118basic_stringstreamIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEE _Znaj _ZN4llvm10CallbackVH6anchorEv _ZN4llvm10StructType6createERNS_11LLVMContextENS_8ArrayRefIPNS_4TypeEEENS_9StringRefEb _ZN4llvm10StructType6createERNS_11LLVMContextENS_9StringRefE _ZN4llvm10TypeFinder3runERKNS_6ModuleEb _ZN4llvm11CloneModuleEPKNS_6ModuleE _ZN4llvm11GlobalValue11materializeEv _ZN4llvm11LLVMContext20setDiagnosticHandlerEPFvRKNS_14DiagnosticInfoEPvES4_b _ZN4llvm11NamedMDNode10addOperandEPNS_6MDNodeE _ZN4llvm11ValueMapper11mapConstantERKNS_8ConstantE _ZN4llvm11ValueMapper9mapMDNodeERKNS_6MDNodeE _ZN4llvm11ValueMapperC1ERNS_8ValueMapIPKNS_5ValueENS_6WeakVHENS_14ValueMapConfigIS4_NS_3sys10SmartMutexILb0EEEEEEENS_10RemapFlagsEPNS_20ValueMapTypeRemapperEPNS_17ValueMaterializerE _ZN4llvm11ValueMapperD1Ev _ZN4llvm12FunctionType3getEPNS_4TypeENS_8ArrayRefIS2_EEb _ZN4llvm12GlobalObject12setAlignmentEj _ZN4llvm14ConstantVector8getSplatEjPNS_8ConstantE _ZN4llvm14GlobalVariable14setInitializerEPNS_8ConstantE _ZN4llvm14GlobalVariableC1ERNS_6ModuleEPNS_4TypeEbNS_11GlobalValue12LinkageTypesEPNS_8ConstantERKNS_5TwineEPS0_NS5_15ThreadLocalModeEjb _ZN4llvm15ValueHandleBase12AddToUseListEv _ZN4llvm15ValueHandleBase17RemoveFromUseListEv _ZN4llvm15ValueHandleBase20AddToExistingUseListEPPS0_ _ZN4llvm16MetadataTracking7untrackEPvRNS_8MetadataE _ZN4llvm17CloneFunctionIntoEPNS_8FunctionEPKS0_RNS_8ValueMapIPKNS_5ValueENS_6WeakVHENS_14ValueMapConfigIS7_NS_3sys10SmartMutexILb0EEEEEEEbRNS_15SmallVectorImplIPNS_10ReturnInstEEEPKcPNS_14ClonedCodeInfoEPNS_20ValueMapTypeRemapperEPNS_17ValueMaterializerE _ZN4llvm19SmallPtrSetImplBase14insert_imp_bigEPKv _ZN4llvm20ValueMapTypeRemapper6anchorEv _ZN4llvm4UsernwEj _ZN4llvm5Value32stripPointerCastsNoFollowAliasesEv _ZN4llvm5Value7setNameERKNS_5TwineE _ZN4llvm6Linker11linkModulesERNS_6ModuleENSt3__110unique_ptrIS1_NS3_14default_deleteIS1_EEEEj _ZN4llvm6Module19getOrInsertFunctionENS_9StringRefEPNS_12FunctionTypeE _ZN4llvm6Module24getOrInsertNamedMetadataENS_9StringRefE _ZN4llvm8Constant12getNullValueEPNS_4TypeE _ZN4llvm8FunctionC1EPNS_12FunctionTypeENS_11GlobalValue12LinkageTypesERKNS_5TwineEPNS_6ModuleE _ZN4llvm9ArrayType3getEPNS_4TypeEy _ZNK4llvm10StructType17isLayoutIdenticalEPS0_ _ZNK4llvm11GlobalValue13isDeclarationEv _ZNK4llvm11NamedMDNode14getNumOperandsEv _ZNK4llvm11NamedMDNode7getNameEv _ZNK4llvm14ConstantVector13getSplatValueEv _ZNK4llvm18ConstantDataVector13getSplatValueEv _ZNK4llvm22ConstantDataSequential14getNumElementsEv _ZNK4llvm4Type12getPointerToEj _ZNK4llvm5Value4dumpEv _ZNK4llvm6Module22getModuleFlagsMetadataEv _ZNK4llvm6Module24getIdentifiedStructTypesEv _ZNK4llvm8Function15getFunctionTypeEv _ZNK4llvm8Function16isMaterializableEv _ZNK4llvm8Function18BuildLazyArgumentsEv _ZNK4llvm9StringRef4findES0_j _ZTVN4llvm27DiagnosticPrinterRawOStreamE LLVMInitializeBifrostTarget LLVMInitializeBifrostTargetInfo LLVMInitializeBifrostTargetMC _ZN4llvm14TargetRegistry12lookupTargetERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEERS7_ _ZN4llvm15MCTargetOptionsC1Ev _ZN4llvm36createTargetTransformInfoWrapperPassENS_16TargetIRAnalysisE _ZN4llvm6TripleC1ERKNS_5TwineE _ZN4llvm6legacy11PassManager3addEPNS_4PassE _ZN4llvm6legacy11PassManager3runERNS_6ModuleE _ZN4llvm6legacy11PassManagerC1Ev _ZN4llvm6legacy11PassManagerD1Ev _ZN4llvm11SplitStringENS_9StringRefERNS_15SmallVectorImplIS0_EES0_ _ZN4llvm11raw_ostream5writeEh _ZN4llvm12MemoryBuffer7getFileERKNS_5TwineExbb _ZN4llvm12PassRegistry15getPassRegistryEv _ZN4llvm13initializeIPOERNS_12PassRegistryE _ZN4llvm14initializeCoreERNS_12PassRegistryE _ZN4llvm14raw_fd_ostreamC1ENS_9StringRefERNSt3__110error_codeENS_3sys2fs9OpenFlagsE _ZN4llvm16initializeTargetERNS_12PassRegistryE _ZN4llvm18initializeAnalysisERNS_12PassRegistryE _ZN4llvm20initializeScalarOptsERNS_12PassRegistryE _ZN4llvm21TargetLibraryInfoImplC1ERKNS_6TripleE 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_ZN4llvm4Pass17dumpPassStructureEj _ZN4llvm4Pass18getAsImmutablePassEv _ZN4llvm4Pass18getAsPMDataManagerEv _ZN4llvm4Pass18preparePassManagerERNS_7PMStackE _ZN4llvm4Pass26getAdjustedAnalysisPointerEPKv _ZN4llvm5Value18replaceAllUsesWithEPS0_ _ZN4llvm8Function17dropAllReferencesEv _ZNK4llvm10ModulePass17createPrinterPassERNS_11raw_ostreamERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS3_11char_traitsIcEENS3_9allocatorIcEEEE _ZNK4llvm10ModulePass27getPotentialPassManagerTypeEv _ZNK4llvm12ConstantExpr15getWithOperandsENS_8ArrayRefIPNS_8ConstantEEEPNS_4TypeEbS6_ _ZNK4llvm3Use7getUserEv _ZNK4llvm4Pass11getPassNameEv _ZNK4llvm4Pass14verifyAnalysisEv _ZNK4llvm4Pass16getAnalysisUsageERNS_13AnalysisUsageE _ZNK4llvm4Pass5printERNS_11raw_ostreamEPKNS_6ModuleE _ZNK4llvm5Value26assertModuleIsMaterializedEv _ZNSt3__111__call_onceERVmPvPFvS2_E _ZN4llvm10DataLayout5clearEv _ZN4llvm11ConstantInt3getEPNS_11IntegerTypeEyb _ZN4llvm11Instruction11setMetadataEjPNS_6MDNodeE _ZN4llvm11Instruction15eraseFromParentEv _ZN4llvm11Instruction16setFastMathFlagsENS_13FastMathFlagsE _ZN4llvm11InstructionC2EPNS_4TypeEjPNS_3UseEjPS0_ _ZN4llvm12ConstantExpr16getShuffleVectorEPNS_8ConstantES2_S2_PNS_4TypeE _ZN4llvm12ConstantExpr7getCastEjPNS_8ConstantEPNS_4TypeEb _ZN4llvm12FunctionPass17assignPassManagerERNS_7PMStackENS_15PassManagerTypeE _ZN4llvm13AnalysisUsage15setPreservesCFGEv _ZN4llvm14ConstantVector3getENS_8ArrayRefIPNS_8ConstantEEE _ZN4llvm16MetadataTracking5trackEPvRNS_8MetadataENS_12PointerUnionIPNS_15MetadataAsValueEPS2_EE _ZN4llvm16MetadataTracking7retrackEPvRNS_8MetadataES1_ _ZN4llvm21SymbolTableListTraitsINS_11InstructionEE13addNodeToListEPS1_ _ZN4llvm4PassD2Ev _ZN4llvm4Type10getInt16TyERNS_11LLVMContextE _ZN4llvm4Type9getInt8TyERNS_11LLVMContextE _ZN4llvm4Type9getIntNTyERNS_11LLVMContextEj __muldf3 _ZN4llvm4User13getDescriptorEv __divdf3 _ZN4llvm4UsernwEjjj _ZN4llvm8CallInst4initEPNS_12FunctionTypeEPNS_5ValueENS_8ArrayRefIS4_EENS5_INS_17OperandBundleDefTIS4_EEEERKNS_5TwineE __gedf2 _ZN4llvm8CastInst6CreateENS_11Instruction7CastOpsEPNS_5ValueEPNS_4TypeERKNS_5TwineEPS1_ __ltdf2 __aeabi_ddiv __gtdf2 __nedf2 __eqdf2 __ledf2 _ZN4llvm9Intrinsic14getDeclarationEPNS_6ModuleENS0_2IDENS_8ArrayRefIPNS_4TypeEEE __cmpdf2 _ZN4llvm9StoreInstC1EPNS_5ValueES2_bjPNS_11InstructionE __aeabi_cdcmple __aeabi_dcmpeq __aeabi_cdrcmple _ZNK4llvm10DataLayout19getABITypeAlignmentEPNS_4TypeE __aeabi_cdcmpeq _ZNK4llvm12FunctionPass17createPrinterPassERNS_11raw_ostreamERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS3_11char_traitsIcEENS3_9allocatorIcEEEE __aeabi_dcmpgt _ZNK4llvm12FunctionPass27getPotentialPassManagerTypeEv __fixunsdfsi _ZNK4llvm4Type19getScalarSizeInBitsEv __aeabi_dcmple _ZNK4llvm8Function10getContextEv __aeabi_dcmpge _ZNK4llvm8Function13getReturnTypeEv __ltsf2 __lesf2 __gtsf2 __gesf2 __eqsf2 __aeabi_cfrcmple __cmpsf2 _ZTVN4llvm8CallInstE __nesf2 __aeabi_fcmpeq __aeabi_fcmple __aeabi_cfcmpeq __aeabi_cfcmple __aeabi_fcmpge __aeabi_fcmpgt _ZN4llvm11BitCastInstC1EPNS_5ValueEPNS_4TypeERKNS_5TwineEPNS_11InstructionE _ZN4llvm11ConstantInt3getEPNS_4TypeEyb _ZN4llvm11InstructionD2Ev _ZN4llvm14BinaryOperator6CreateENS_11Instruction9BinaryOpsEPNS_5ValueES4_RKNS_5TwineEPS1_ _ZN4llvm17GetElementPtrInst13setIsInBoundsEb _ZN4llvm17GetElementPtrInst14getIndexedTypeEPNS_4TypeENS_8ArrayRefIPNS_5ValueEEE _ZN4llvm17GetElementPtrInst4initEPNS_5ValueENS_8ArrayRefIS2_EERKNS_5TwineE _ZN4llvm4Type10getFloatTyERNS_11LLVMContextE _ZN4llvm4Type9getHalfTyERNS_11LLVMContextE _ZN4llvm4User6anchorEv _ZN4llvm4UserdlEPv _ZN4llvm7CmpInst6CreateENS_11Instruction8OtherOpsENS0_9PredicateEPNS_5ValueES5_RKNS_5TwineEPS1_ _ZN4llvm8LoadInstC2EPNS_4TypeEPNS_5ValueERKNS_5TwineEbjPNS_11InstructionE _ZN4llvm9FPExtInstC1EPNS_5ValueEPNS_4TypeERKNS_5TwineEPNS_11InstructionE _ZNK4llvm10DataLayout14getPointerSizeEj _ZNK4llvm10DataLayout15getStructLayoutEPNS_10StructTypeE _ZTVN4llvm17GetElementPtrInstE _ZN4llvm10ConstantFP3getEPNS_4TypeEd _ZN4llvm11ConstantInt3getEPNS_4TypeERKNS_5APIntE _ZN4llvm11IntegerType3getERNS_11LLVMContextEj _ZN4llvm12ConstantExpr16getInsertElementEPNS_8ConstantES2_S2_PNS_4TypeE _ZN4llvm12ConstantExpr17getExtractElementEPNS_8ConstantES2_PNS_4TypeE _ZN4llvm12ConstantExpr5getOrEPNS_8ConstantES2_ _ZN4llvm12ConstantExpr6getAndEPNS_8ConstantES2_ _ZN4llvm18ExtractElementInstC1EPNS_5ValueES2_RKNS_5TwineEPNS_11InstructionE _ZN4llvm4Type11getDoubleTyERNS_11LLVMContextE _ZN4llvm4Type9getInt1TyERNS_11LLVMContextE _ZN4llvm5APInt12initSlowCaseEyb _ZN4llvm5APInt6setBitEj _ZN4llvm5APInt8clearBitEj _ZN4llvm7CmpInst6anchorEv _ZN4llvm7CmpInstC2EPNS_4TypeENS_11Instruction8OtherOpsENS0_9PredicateEPNS_5ValueES7_RKNS_5TwineEPS3_ _ZN4llvm8SExtInstC1EPNS_5ValueEPNS_4TypeERKNS_5TwineEPNS_11InstructionE _ZN4llvm8ZExtInstC1EPNS_5ValueEPNS_4TypeERKNS_5TwineEPNS_11InstructionE _ZN4llvm9FenceInstC1ERNS_11LLVMContextENS_14AtomicOrderingENS_20SynchronizationScopeEPNS_11InstructionE _ZNK4llvm4Type11isIntegerTyEj _ZNK4llvm4Type22getPrimitiveSizeInBitsEv _ZNK4llvm5APInt13EqualSlowCaseEy __aeabi_dsub _ZNK4llvm8Constant11isNullValueEv __adddf3 _ZNK4llvm8Constant14isAllOnesValueEv __aeabi_drsub __subdf3 __aeabi_ui2d _ZTVN4llvm8ICmpInstE __floatsidf LLVMInitializeBifrostAsmPrinter __aeabi_dadd __floatunsidf __aeabi_f2d __floatundidf __aeabi_i2d __extendsfdf2 __floatdidf __aeabi_dcmplt __fixdfdi __aeabi_fcmplt __fixsfdi __fixunssfdi __fixunsdfdi __aeabi_dmul __aeabi_d2uiz _ZN4llvm10AllocaInstC1EPNS_4TypeEPNS_5ValueERKNS_5TwineEPNS_11InstructionE _ZN4llvm10BasicBlockC1ERNS_11LLVMContextERKNS_5TwineEPNS_8FunctionEPS0_ _ZN4llvm10DataLayoutC1EPKNS_6ModuleE _ZN4llvm10ReturnInstC1ERNS_11LLVMContextEPNS_5ValueEPNS_11InstructionE _ZN4llvm11Instruction18setHasNoSignedWrapEb _ZN4llvm11Instruction20setHasNoUnsignedWrapEb _ZN4llvm11Instruction9getModuleEv _ZN4llvm11raw_ostream16SetBufferAndModeEPcjNS0_10BufferKindE _ZN4llvm11raw_ostream6handleEv _ZN4llvm11raw_ostreamD2Ev _ZN4llvm11raw_ostreamlsERKNS_18format_object_baseE _ZN4llvm11raw_ostreamlsEm _ZN4llvm12AttributeSet3getERNS_11LLVMContextEjNS_8ArrayRefINS_9Attribute8AttrKindEEE _ZN4llvm12ConstantExpr14getInsertValueEPNS_8ConstantES2_NS_8ArrayRefIjEEPNS_4TypeE _ZN4llvm12ConstantExpr6getAddEPNS_8ConstantES2_bb _ZN4llvm12ConstantExpr6getMulEPNS_8ConstantES2_bb _ZN4llvm12FunctionType3getEPNS_4TypeEb _ZN4llvm12GlobalObject11setMetadataEjPNS_6MDNodeE _ZN4llvm14MCConstantExpr6createExRNS_9MCContextE _ZN4llvm14createSROAPassEv _ZN4llvm14raw_fd_ostreamD1Ev _ZN4llvm15InsertValueInst4initEPNS_5ValueES2_NS_8ArrayRefIjEERKNS_5TwineE _ZN4llvm15MetadataAsValue3getERNS_11LLVMContextEPNS_8MetadataE _ZN4llvm15ValueAsMetadata3getEPNS_5ValueE _ZN4llvm18format_object_base4homeEv _ZN4llvm19raw_svector_ostream10write_implEPKcj _ZN4llvm19raw_svector_ostream11pwrite_implEPKcjy _ZN4llvm29createAlwaysInlinerLegacyPassEb _ZN4llvm30createInstructionCombiningPassEb _ZN4llvm4Mali13MaliMDBuilder15addUInt32AttribENS_9StringRefEj _ZN4llvm4Mali19MaliModuleMDBuilder13finishShadersEv _ZN4llvm4Mali19MaliModuleMDBuilder16addComputeShaderERNS_8FunctionE _ZN4llvm4Mali19MaliModuleMDBuilder9addSymbolENS_9StringRefE _ZN4llvm4Mali19MaliModuleMDBuilderC1ERNS_6ModuleEj21cmpbe_chunk_VELA_lang _ZN4llvm4Mali19MaliModuleMDBuilderD1Ev _ZN4llvm4Mali19MaliSymbolMDBuilder10setAddressEy _ZN4llvm4Mali19MaliSymbolMDBuilder11setMBS2TypeEP16cmpbe_chunk_TYPE _ZN4llvm4Mali19MaliSymbolMDBuilder12setSemanticsEj _ZN4llvm4Mali19MaliSymbolMDBuilder14setInitializerEPNS_8ConstantE _ZN4llvm4Mali19MaliSymbolMDBuilder15setAddressSpaceEj _ZN4llvm4Mali19MaliSymbolMDBuilder6finishEv _ZN4llvm4Mali19MaliSymbolMDBuilder7setSizeEy _ZN4llvm4Mali24createMaliIRValidatePassEPKNS_13TargetMachineEPb _ZN4llvm4Type12getInt8PtrTyERNS_11LLVMContextEj _ZN4llvm4Type9getVoidTyERNS_11LLVMContextE _ZN4llvm6MDNode18replaceOperandWithEjPNS_8MetadataE _ZN4llvm6Module13setDataLayoutERKNS_10DataLayoutE _ZN4llvm6ModuleC1ENS_9StringRefERNS_11LLVMContextE _ZN4llvm6Triple15setObjectFormatENS0_16ObjectFormatTypeE _ZN4llvm7MDTuple7getImplERNS_11LLVMContextENS_8ArrayRefIPNS_8MetadataEEENS4_11StorageTypeEb _ZN4llvm8Argument10removeAttrENS_12AttributeSetE _ZN4llvm8MDString3getERNS_11LLVMContextENS_9StringRefE _ZN4llvm9MCContextC1EPKNS_9MCAsmInfoEPKNS_14MCRegisterInfoEPKNS_16MCObjectFileInfoEPKNS_9SourceMgrEb _ZN4llvm9StoreInstC1EPNS_5ValueES2_bPNS_11InstructionE _ZNK4llvm10BasicBlock10getContextEv _ZNK4llvm10DataLayout24getPointerTypeSizeInBitsEPNS_4TypeE _ZNK4llvm11GEPOperator20getSourceElementTypeEv _ZNK4llvm11Instruction15getMetadataImplENS_9StringRefE _ZNK4llvm11raw_ostream21preferred_buffer_sizeEv _ZNK4llvm12AttributeSet11getNumSlotsEv _ZNK4llvm12AttributeSet18getParamAttributesEj _ZNK4llvm12GlobalObject14getAllMetadataERNS_15SmallVectorImplINSt3__14pairIjPNS_6MDNodeEEEEE _ZNK4llvm13CompositeType14getTypeAtIndexEPKNS_5ValueE _ZNK4llvm19raw_svector_ostream11current_posEv _ZNK4llvm5APInt8toStringEjb _ZNK4llvm6Triple11getArchNameEv _ZNK4llvm8Argument12hasByValAttrEv _ZNK4llvm8Argument8getArgNoEv _ZNK4llvm8Constant19getAggregateElementEPS0_ _ZNSt3__19to_stringEi _ZTVN4llvm19raw_svector_ostreamE EnableJoinSplits EnableLoadPRE EnablePRE HugeRegion OptGatherStaticData SinkCommon SplitEdges _ZN4llvm3sys2fs6accessERKNS_5TwineENS1_10AccessModeE __udivdi3 __divdi3 _ZNSt3__17num_getIcNS_19istreambuf_iteratorIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEEEE2idE _ZN4llvm11LLVMContextC1Ev _ZN4llvm11LLVMContextD1Ev _ZN4llvm3sys9MutexImplC1Eb _ZN4llvm3sys9MutexImplD1Ev _ZNKSt3__119__shared_weak_count13__get_deleterERKSt9type_info _ZNSt3__119__shared_weak_countD2Ev __aeabi_llsr __aeabi_llsl __ashldi3 __lshrdi3 _ZN5clang14TextDiagnosticC1ERN4llvm11raw_ostreamERKNS_11LangOptionsEPNS_17DiagnosticOptionsE _ZN5clang18DiagnosticConsumer16HandleDiagnosticENS_17DiagnosticsEngine5LevelERKNS_10DiagnosticE _ZN5clang18DiagnosticConsumerD2Ev 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_ZN4llvm28PostDominatorTreeWrapperPass2IDE _ZN4llvm42initializePostDominatorTreeWrapperPassPassERNS_12PassRegistryE realloc _ZN4llvm20CallGraphWrapperPass2IDE _ZN4llvm6Module18eraseNamedMetadataEPNS_11NamedMDNodeE _ZN4llvm13StringMapImpl4initEj _ZN5clang13CodeGenerator13ReleaseModuleEv _ZN5clang13CodeGenerator9GetModuleEv _ZN5clang14CodeGenOptionsC1Ev _ZN5clang14IdentifierInfoC1Ev _ZN5clang17CreateLLVMCodeGenERNS_17DiagnosticsEngineEN4llvm9StringRefERKNS_19HeaderSearchOptionsERKNS_19PreprocessorOptionsERKNS_14CodeGenOptionsERNS2_11LLVMContextEPNS_18CoverageSourceInfoE _ZN5clang17DiagnosticsEngine9setClientEPNS_18DiagnosticConsumerEb _ZN5clang24DoPrintPreprocessedInputERNS_12PreprocessorEPN4llvm11raw_ostreamERKNS_25PreprocessorOutputOptionsE _ZN5clang24VerifyDiagnosticConsumerC1ERNS_17DiagnosticsEngineE _ZN5clang4Sema11getTypeNameERKNS_14IdentifierInfoENS_14SourceLocationEPNS_5ScopeEPNS_12CXXScopeSpecEbbNS_9OpaquePtrINS_8QualTypeEEEbbPPS1_ 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_ZN5clang12HeaderSearchD1Ev _ZN5clang12ModuleLoaderD2Ev _ZN5clang12Preprocessor10InitializeERKNS_10TargetInfoEPS2_ _ZN5clang12PreprocessorC1EN4llvm18IntrusiveRefCntPtrINS_19PreprocessorOptionsEEERNS_17DiagnosticsEngineERNS_11LangOptionsERNS_13SourceManagerERNS_12HeaderSearchERNS_12ModuleLoaderEPNS_20IdentifierInfoLookupEbNS_19TranslationUnitKindE _ZN5clang12PreprocessorD1Ev _ZN5clang13DiagnosticIDsC1Ev _ZN5clang13DiagnosticIDsD1Ev _ZN5clang13SelectorTableC1Ev _ZN5clang13SelectorTableD1Ev _ZN5clang13SourceManager20overrideFileContentsEPKNS_9FileEntryEPN4llvm12MemoryBufferEb _ZN5clang13SourceManagerC1ERNS_17DiagnosticsEngineERNS_11FileManagerEb _ZN5clang13SourceManagerD1Ev _ZN5clang17DiagnosticsEngine19setSeverityForGroupENS_4diag6FlavorEN4llvm9StringRefENS1_8SeverityENS_14SourceLocationE _ZN5clang17DiagnosticsEngineC1EN4llvm18IntrusiveRefCntPtrINS_13DiagnosticIDsEEEPNS_17DiagnosticOptionsEPNS_18DiagnosticConsumerEb _ZN5clang17DiagnosticsEngineD1Ev _ZN5clang7Builtin7Context16InitializeTargetERKNS_10TargetInfoEPS3_ _ZN5clang7Builtin7Context25InitializeSpecificBuiltinEN4llvm9StringRefERNS_15IdentifierTableE _ZN5clang11DeclContext7addDeclEPNS_4DeclE _ZN5clang11ParmVarDecl6CreateERNS_10ASTContextEPNS_11DeclContextENS_14SourceLocationES5_PNS_14IdentifierInfoENS_8QualTypeEPNS_14TypeSourceInfoENS_12StorageClassEPNS_4ExprE _ZN5clang12FunctionDecl6CreateERNS_10ASTContextEPNS_11DeclContextENS_14SourceLocationERKNS_19DeclarationNameInfoENS_8QualTypeEPNS_14TypeSourceInfoENS_12StorageClassEbbb _ZN5clang12FunctionDecl9setParamsERNS_10ASTContextEN4llvm8ArrayRefIPNS_11ParmVarDeclEEE _ZN5clang18DeclarationNameLocC1ENS_15DeclarationNameE _ZN5clang18IdentifierResolver7AddDeclEPNS_9NamedDeclE _ZN5clang4Decl12setAttrsImplERKN4llvm11SmallVectorIPNS_4AttrELj4EEERNS_10ASTContextE _ZNK5clang10ASTContext14getPointerTypeENS_8QualTypeE _ZNK5clang10ASTContext20getAddrSpaceQualTypeENS_8QualTypeEj 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_ZNK4llvm17DominatorTreeBaseINS_10BasicBlockEE9dominatesEPKS1_S4_ _ZNK4llvm4Type5printERNS_11raw_ostreamEbb _ZN4llvm16CallGraphSCCPass17assignPassManagerERNS_7PMStackENS_15PassManagerTypeE _ZNK4llvm16CallGraphSCCPass16getAnalysisUsageERNS_13AnalysisUsageE _ZNK4llvm16CallGraphSCCPass17createPrinterPassERNS_11raw_ostreamERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS3_11char_traitsIcEENS3_9allocatorIcEEEE _ZN4llvm4Mali12TexIntrinsic9createTexEPNS_9IRBuilderINS_14ConstantFolderENS_24IRBuilderDefaultInserterEEEPNS_6ModuleENS_8ArrayRefIPNS_5ValueEEERKNS_5TwineEPNS_4TypeENS0_6TexArg16TextureArgument1ENSI_16TextureArgument2ENSI_16TextureArgument3ENSI_16TextureArgument4ENSI_16TextureArgument5ENSI_16TextureArgument6ENSI_16TextureArgument7Ebii __strncpy_chk ftell isalpha isupper strtod __memset_chk cfold_bifrost_recip_fast_f32 cfold_bifrost_rsqrt_fast_f32 _ZN4llvm13TargetMachine11setOptLevelENS_10CodeGenOpt5LevelE _ZN4llvm21llvm_is_multithreadedEv _ZN4llvm4Mali17StaticPassManager3runERNS_6ModuleE _ZN4llvm4Mali17StaticPassManagerC1Ev _ZN4llvm4Mali17StaticPassManagerD1Ev _ZN4llvm4Mali22initializePassRegistryERNS_12PassRegistryE _ZN4llvm7Bifrost22buildStaticPassManagerERNS_4Mali17StaticPassManagerENS_9StringRefENS_10PassConfigE18compiler_opt_levelbRNS_13TargetMachineENS7_15CodeGenFileTypeERNS_17raw_pwrite_streamEPKNS_21TargetLibraryInfoImplE _ZN4llvm7Bifrost22initializePassRegistryERNS_12PassRegistryE fputs _ZN4llvm10AllocaInst12setAlignmentEj _ZN4llvm10BranchInstC1EPNS_10BasicBlockEPNS_11InstructionE _ZN4llvm10BranchInstC1EPNS_10BasicBlockES2_PNS_5ValueEPNS_11InstructionE _ZN4llvm10StructType3getERNS_11LLVMContextENS_8ArrayRefIPNS_4TypeEEEb _ZN4llvm12ConstantExpr10getCompareEtPNS_8ConstantES2_b _ZN4llvm12ConstantExpr14getPointerCastEPNS_8ConstantEPNS_4TypeE _ZN4llvm12ConstantExpr15getExtractValueEPNS_8ConstantENS_8ArrayRefIjEEPNS_4TypeE _ZN4llvm12ConstantExpr3getEjPNS_8ConstantES2_jPNS_4TypeE _ZN4llvm12ConstantExpr6getNegEPNS_8ConstantEbb 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_ZN4llvm14BinaryOperator9CreateNotEPNS_5ValueERKNS_5TwineEPNS_11InstructionE _ZN4llvm16DISubroutineType7getImplERNS_11LLVMContextENS_6DINode7DIFlagsEhPNS_8MetadataENS5_11StorageTypeEb _ZN4llvm16ExtractValueInst14getIndexedTypeEPNS_4TypeENS_8ArrayRefIjEE _ZN4llvm16ExtractValueInst4initENS_8ArrayRefIjEERKNS_5TwineE _ZN4llvm16UnaryInstructionD2Ev _ZN4llvm17AtomicCmpXchgInstC1EPNS_5ValueES2_S2_NS_14AtomicOrderingES3_NS_20SynchronizationScopeEPNS_11InstructionE _ZN4llvm4Mali13MaliMDBuilder9addAttribENS_9StringRefEPNS_8MetadataE _ZN4llvm4Mali19MaliModuleMDBuilder14addBlendShaderERNS_8FunctionE _ZN4llvm4Mali19MaliModuleMDBuilder14addVertexPieceERNS_8FunctionE _ZN4llvm4Mali19MaliModuleMDBuilder15addVertexShaderERNS_8FunctionE _ZN4llvm4Mali19MaliModuleMDBuilder17addFragmentShaderERNS_8FunctionE _ZN4llvm4Mali19MaliModuleMDBuilder17addGeometryShaderERNS_8FunctionE _ZN4llvm4Mali19MaliModuleMDBuilder28addTessellationControlShaderERNS_8FunctionE 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_ZN4llvm10AsmPrinter15PrintAsmOperandEPKNS_12MachineInstrEjjPKcRNS_11raw_ostreamE _ZN4llvm10AsmPrinter16EmitConstantPoolEv _ZN4llvm10AsmPrinter16EmitFunctionBodyEv _ZN4llvm10AsmPrinter16doInitializationERNS_6ModuleE _ZN4llvm10AsmPrinter17EmitJumpTableInfoEv _ZN4llvm10AsmPrinter18EmitFunctionHeaderEv _ZN4llvm10AsmPrinter18EmitGlobalConstantERKNS_10DataLayoutEPKNS_8ConstantE _ZN4llvm10AsmPrinter18EmitGlobalVariableEPKNS_14GlobalVariableE _ZN4llvm10AsmPrinter20SetupMachineFunctionERNS_15MachineFunctionE _ZN4llvm10AsmPrinter21PrintAsmMemoryOperandEPKNS_12MachineInstrEjjPKcRNS_11raw_ostreamE _ZN4llvm10AsmPrinter22EmitFunctionEntryLabelEv _ZN4llvm10AsmPrinter28EmitMachineConstantPoolValueEPNS_24MachineConstantPoolValueE _ZN4llvm10AsmPrinterC2ERNS_13TargetMachineENSt3__110unique_ptrINS_10MCStreamerENS3_14default_deleteIS5_EEEE _ZN4llvm10AsmPrinterD2Ev _ZN4llvm10MCStreamer11EmitRawTextERKNS_5TwineE _ZN4llvm10MCStreamer9EmitZerosEy _ZN4llvm11APFloatBase10IEEEdoubleEv _ZN4llvm11APFloatBase10IEEEsingleEv _ZN4llvm11APFloatBase15PPCDoubleDoubleEv _ZN4llvm12MCBinaryExpr6createENS0_6OpcodeEPKNS_6MCExprES4_RNS_9MCContextE _ZN4llvm15MCSymbolRefExpr6createENS_9StringRefENS0_11VariantKindERNS_9MCContextE _ZN4llvm15MCSymbolRefExpr6createEPKNS_8MCSymbolENS0_11VariantKindERNS_9MCContextE _ZN4llvm15SmallVectorImplINS_9MCOperandEEaSERKS2_ _ZN4llvm17BifrostAsmPrinter14doFinalizationERNS_6ModuleE _ZN4llvm17BifrostAsmPrinter15EmitInstructionEPKNS_12MachineInstrE _ZN4llvm17BifrostAsmPrinter16doInitializationERNS_6ModuleE _ZN4llvm17BifrostAsmPrinter18EmitGlobalVariableEPKNS_14GlobalVariableE _ZN4llvm17BifrostAsmPrinter19EmitFunctionBodyEndEv _ZN4llvm17BifrostAsmPrinter20runOnMachineFunctionERNS_15MachineFunctionE _ZN4llvm17BifrostAsmPrinter22EmitFunctionEntryLabelEv _ZN4llvm17BifrostAsmPrinter9LowerToMCEPKNS_12MachineInstrERNS_7Bifrost14BifrostMCTupleEPNS4_13BifrostMCInstE _ZN4llvm17BifrostAsmPrinterC1ERNS_13TargetMachineENSt3__110unique_ptrINS_10MCStreamerENS3_14default_deleteIS5_EEEE _ZN4llvm17BifrostAsmPrinterC2ERNS_13TargetMachineENSt3__110unique_ptrINS_10MCStreamerENS3_14default_deleteIS5_EEEE _ZN4llvm19MachineFunctionInfoD2Ev _ZN4llvm19MachineFunctionPass13runOnFunctionERNS_8FunctionE _ZN4llvm19getTheBifrostTargetEv _ZN4llvm21getTheBifrost32TargetEv _ZN4llvm23SmallVectorTemplateBaseINS_7Bifrost14BifrostMCTupleELb0EE4growEj _ZN4llvm26BifrostMachineFunctionInfo10propertiesE _ZN4llvm26createBifrostMCInstPrinterERKNS_6TripleEjRKNS_9MCAsmInfoERKNS_11MCInstrInfoERKNS_14MCRegisterInfoE _ZN4llvm7Bifrost13BifrostMCExpr6CreateEPKNS_6MCExprENS1_6HiLoTyENS1_10AbsPCRelTyERNS_9MCContextE _ZN4llvm7Bifrost13InstructionDB11getClauseTyEj _ZN4llvm7Bifrost14BifrostMCTupleC1Eb _ZN4llvm7Bifrost15BifrostMCClause24transformCompOnlyAliasesERKNS_14MCRegisterInfoE _ZN4llvm7Bifrost15BifrostMCClauseC1Ev _ZN4llvm7Bifrost16needs64RegistersERKNS_15MachineFunctionE 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_ZNSt3__16vectorIhNS_9allocatorIhEEE21__push_back_slow_pathIhEEvOT_ _ZTVN4llvm7Bifrost20BifrostMCCodeEmitterE div _ZN4llvm14MCObjectWriterD2Ev _ZN4llvm18MCMBS2ObjectWriter11writeObjectERNS_11MCAssemblerERKNS_11MCAsmLayoutE _ZN4llvm7Bifrost23BifrostMBS2ObjectWriter11writeObjectERNS_11MCAssemblerERKNS_11MCAsmLayoutE _ZNK4llvm14MCObjectWriter38isSymbolRefDifferenceFullyResolvedImplERKNS_11MCAssemblerERKNS_8MCSymbolERKNS_10MCFragmentEbb _ZNK4llvm14MCObjectWriter38isSymbolRefDifferenceFullyResolvedImplERKNS_11MCAssemblerERKNS_8MCSymbolES6_b _ZNK4llvm14MCObjectWriter6isWeakERKNS_8MCSymbolE _ZTVN4llvm7Bifrost23BifrostMBS2ObjectWriterE my_free my_malloc my_report_error _ZN4llvm14TargetRegistry14RegisterTargetERNS_6TargetEPKcS4_PFbNS_6Triple8ArchTypeEEb OptImmHex _ZN4llvm11raw_ostream9write_hexEy _ZN4llvm13MCInstPrinterD2Ev _ZN4llvm18BifrostInstPrinter10printDebugEPKNS_7Bifrost13BifrostMCInstERNS_11raw_ostreamEyy _ZN4llvm18BifrostInstPrinter12printCommentEPKNS_6MCInstERNS_11raw_ostreamE 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_ZNSt3__16__sortIRN4llvm10less_firstEPNS_4pairIjPNS1_12MachineInstrEEEEEvT0_S9_T_ _ZNSt3__16__sortIRNS_6__lessIxxEEPxEEvT0_S5_T_ _ZNSt3__16vectorIN4llvm5SUnitENS_9allocatorIS2_EEE24__emplace_back_slow_pathIJRPNS1_6SDNodeEjEEEvDpOT_ _ZNSt3__16vectorIN4llvm5SUnitENS_9allocatorIS2_EEE7reserveEj _ZNSt3__17__sort4IRN4llvm10less_firstEPNS_4pairIjPNS1_12MachineInstrEEEEEjT0_S9_S9_S9_T_ _ZNSt3__17__sort5IRNS_6__lessIxxEEPxEEjT0_S5_S5_S5_S5_T_ _ZN4llvm10ConstantFP3getERNS_11LLVMContextERKNS_7APFloatE _ZN4llvm12HandleSDNodeD2Ev _ZN4llvm12SelectionDAG10InsertNodeEPNS_6SDNodeE _ZN4llvm12SelectionDAG10getEHLabelERKNS_5SDLocENS_7SDValueEPNS_8MCSymbolE _ZN4llvm12SelectionDAG10getMemmoveENS_7SDValueERKNS_5SDLocES1_S1_S1_jbbNS_18MachinePointerInfoES5_ _ZN4llvm12SelectionDAG11AddDbgValueEPNS_10SDDbgValueEPNS_6SDNodeEb _ZN4llvm12SelectionDAG11getDbgValueEPNS_6MDNodeES2_PNS_6SDNodeEjbyRKNS_8DebugLocEj _ZN4llvm12SelectionDAG11getMCSymbolEPNS_8MCSymbolENS_3EVTE 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_ZNK4llvm5APInt4ashrERKS0_ _ZNK4llvm5APInt4ashrEj _ZNK4llvm5APInt4lshrERKS0_ _ZNK4llvm5APInt4rotlERKS0_ _ZNK4llvm5APInt4rotrERKS0_ _ZNK4llvm5APInt4sdivERKS0_ _ZNK4llvm5APInt4sremERKS0_ _ZNK4llvm5APInt4udivERKS0_ _ZNK4llvm5APInt4uremERKS0_ _ZNK4llvm5APInt8byteSwapEv _ZNK4llvm5APInt9getHiBitsEj _ZNK4llvm5APIntmlERKS0_ _ZNK4llvm6SDNode7ProfileERNS_16FoldingSetNodeIDE _ZNK4llvm6detail9IEEEFloat14bitwiseIsEqualERKS1_ _ZNK4llvm6detail9IEEEFloat16convertToIntegerEPyjbNS_11APFloatBase12roundingModeEPb _ZNK4llvm6detail9IEEEFloat16convertToIntegerERNS_6APSIntENS_11APFloatBase12roundingModeEPb _ZNSt3__16__treeIN4llvm3EVTENS2_14compareRawBitsENS_9allocatorIS2_EEE25__emplace_unique_key_argsIS2_JRKS2_EEENS_4pairINS_15__tree_iteratorIS2_PNS_11__tree_nodeIS2_PvEEiEEbEERKT_DpOT0_ _ZNSt3__16__treeIN4llvm3EVTENS2_14compareRawBitsENS_9allocatorIS2_EEE7destroyEPNS_11__tree_nodeIS2_PvEE _ZNSt3__16__treeINS_12__value_typeIN4llvm3EVTEPNS2_6SDNodeEEENS_19__map_value_compareIS3_S6_NS3_14compareRawBitsELb1EEENS_9allocatorIS6_EEE14__erase_uniqueIS3_EEjRKT_ _ZNSt3__16__treeINS_12__value_typeIN4llvm3EVTEPNS2_6SDNodeEEENS_19__map_value_compareIS3_S6_NS3_14compareRawBitsELb1EEENS_9allocatorIS6_EEE25__emplace_unique_key_argsIS3_JRKNS_21piecewise_construct_tENS_5tupleIJRKS3_EEENSH_IJEEEEEENS_4pairINS_15__tree_iteratorIS6_PNS_11__tree_nodeIS6_PvEEiEEbEERKT_DpOT0_ _ZNSt3__16__treeINS_12__value_typeIN4llvm3EVTEPNS2_6SDNodeEEENS_19__map_value_compareIS3_S6_NS3_14compareRawBitsELb1EEENS_9allocatorIS6_EEE7destroyEPNS_11__tree_nodeIS6_PvEE _ZNSt3__16__treeINS_12__value_typeINS_4pairINS_12basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEEhEEPN4llvm6SDNodeEEENS_19__map_value_compareIS9_SD_NS_4lessIS9_EELb1EEENS6_ISD_EEE12__find_equalIS9_EERPNS_16__tree_node_baseIPvEERPNS_15__tree_end_nodeISO_EERKT_ 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_ZN4llvm15SmallVectorImplINS_19SelectionDAGBuilder11BitTestCaseEEaSERKS3_ _ZN4llvm15SmallVectorImplINS_3EVTEEaSEOS2_ _ZN4llvm15SmallVectorImplINS_3EVTEEaSERKS2_ _ZN4llvm15SmallVectorImplINS_3MVTEEaSEOS2_ _ZN4llvm15SmallVectorImplINS_3MVTEEaSERKS2_ _ZN4llvm15getFCmpCondCodeENS_7CmpInst9PredicateE _ZN4llvm15getICmpCondCodeENS_7CmpInst9PredicateE _ZN4llvm16SelectionDAGISel14LowerArgumentsERKNS_8FunctionE _ZN4llvm17BranchProbability22normalizeProbabilitiesINSt3__111__wrap_iterIPS0_EEEEvT_S6_ _ZN4llvm17BranchProbability22normalizeProbabilitiesIPS0_EEvT_S3_ _ZN4llvm17BranchProbabilityC1Ejj _ZN4llvm17MachineBasicBlock18setSuccProbabilityENSt3__111__wrap_iterIPPS0_EENS_17BranchProbabilityE _ZN4llvm17MachineBasicBlock23addSuccessorWithoutProbEPS0_ _ZN4llvm17ShuffleVectorInst12getMaskValueEPNS_8ConstantEj _ZN4llvm17ShuffleVectorInst14getShuffleMaskEPNS_8ConstantERNS_15SmallVectorImplIiEE _ZN4llvm17addLandingPadInfoERKNS_14LandingPadInstERNS_17MachineBasicBlockE 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_ZN4llvm5RTLIB11getUINTTOFPENS_3EVTES1_ _ZN4llvm5RTLIB8getFPEXTENS_3EVTES1_ _ZN4llvm13DFAPacketizer16reserveResourcesEPKNS_11MCInstrDescE _ZN4llvm13DFAPacketizer19canReserveResourcesEPKNS_11MCInstrDescE _ZN4llvm21ResourcePriorityQueue13scheduledNodeEPNS_5SUnitE _ZN4llvm21ResourcePriorityQueue16SUSchedulingCostEPNS_5SUnitE _ZN4llvm21ResourcePriorityQueue16regPressureDeltaEPNS_5SUnitEb _ZN4llvm21ResourcePriorityQueue16reserveResourcesEPNS_5SUnitE _ZN4llvm21ResourcePriorityQueue18initNumRegDefsLeftEPNS_5SUnitE _ZN4llvm21ResourcePriorityQueue19isResourceAvailableEPNS_5SUnitE _ZN4llvm21ResourcePriorityQueue19numberRCValPredInSUEPNS_5SUnitEj _ZN4llvm21ResourcePriorityQueue19numberRCValSuccInSUEPNS_5SUnitEj _ZN4llvm21ResourcePriorityQueue19rawRegPressureDeltaEPNS_5SUnitEj _ZN4llvm21ResourcePriorityQueue24getSingleUnscheduledPredEPNS_5SUnitE _ZN4llvm21ResourcePriorityQueue32adjustPriorityOfUnscheduledPredsEPNS_5SUnitE _ZN4llvm21ResourcePriorityQueue3popEv 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_ZNSt3__112__hash_tableINS_17__hash_value_typeIPKN4llvm12DILocalScopeENS2_12LexicalScopeEEENS_22__unordered_map_hasherIS5_S7_NS_4hashIS5_EELb1EEENS_21__unordered_map_equalIS5_S7_NS_8equal_toIS5_EELb1EEENS_9allocatorIS7_EEE20__node_insert_uniqueEPNS_11__hash_nodeIS7_PvEE _ZNSt3__112__hash_tableINS_17__hash_value_typeIPKN4llvm12DILocalScopeENS2_12LexicalScopeEEENS_22__unordered_map_hasherIS5_S7_NS_4hashIS5_EELb1EEENS_21__unordered_map_equalIS5_S7_NS_8equal_toIS5_EELb1EEENS_9allocatorIS7_EEE6rehashEj _ZNSt3__112__hash_tableINS_17__hash_value_typeIPKN4llvm12DILocalScopeENS2_12LexicalScopeEEENS_22__unordered_map_hasherIS5_S7_NS_4hashIS5_EELb1EEENS_21__unordered_map_equalIS5_S7_NS_8equal_toIS5_EELb1EEENS_9allocatorIS7_EEE8__rehashEj _ZN4llvm11IntervalMapINS_9SlotIndexEjLj4ENS_15IntervalMapInfoIS1_EEE10deleteNodeENS_15IntervalMapImpl7NodeRefEj _ZN4llvm11IntervalMapINS_9SlotIndexEjLj4ENS_15IntervalMapInfoIS1_EEE10visitNodesEMS4_FvNS_15IntervalMapImpl7NodeRefEjE 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_ZNK4llvm17DominatorTreeBaseINS_17MachineBasicBlockEE9dominatesEPKNS_15DomTreeNodeBaseIS1_EES6_ _ZNK4llvm17DominatorTreeBaseINS_17MachineBasicBlockEEixEPS1_ _ZNK4llvm20MachineDominatorTree13verifyDomTreeEv _ZNK4llvm20MachineDominatorTree14verifyAnalysisEv _ZNK4llvm20MachineDominatorTree16getAnalysisUsageERNS_13AnalysisUsageE _ZNK4llvm20MachineDominatorTree5printERNS_11raw_ostreamEPKNS_6ModuleE _ZNK4llvm2cl6parserIbE15printOptionDiffERKNS0_6OptionEbNS0_11OptionValueIbEEj _ZNSt3__16vectorIPN4llvm15DomTreeNodeBaseINS1_17MachineBasicBlockEEENS_9allocatorIS5_EEE21__push_back_slow_pathIS5_EEvOT_ _ZTVN4llvm20MachineDominatorTreeE _ZTVN4llvm2cl3optIbLb1ENS0_6parserIbEEEE _ZN4llvm12MachineInstrC1ERNS_15MachineFunctionERKNS_11MCInstrDescENS_8DebugLocEb _ZN4llvm12MachineInstrC1ERNS_15MachineFunctionERKS0_ _ZN4llvm13WinEHFuncInfoC1Ev _ZN4llvm15MachineFunction10addCleanupEPNS_17MachineBasicBlockE _ZN4llvm15MachineFunction14getFilterIDForERNSt3__16vectorIjNS1_9allocatorIjEEEE 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_ZN4llvm17MachineMemOperandC2ENS_18MachinePointerInfoENS0_5FlagsEyjRKNS_9AAMDNodesEPKNS_6MDNodeENS_20SynchronizationScopeENS_14AtomicOrderingESA_ _ZN4llvm18MachinePointerInfo13getDependencyERNS_15MachineFunctionE _ZN4llvm18MachinePointerInfo16getDependencyAllERNS_15MachineFunctionE _ZN4llvm18MachinePointerInfo6getGOTERNS_15MachineFunctionE _ZN4llvm18report_fatal_errorENS_9StringRefEb _ZN4llvm19MachineRegisterInfo12moveOperandsEPNS_14MachineOperandES2_j _ZN4llvm19MachineRegisterInfo22addRegOperandToUseListEPNS_14MachineOperandE _ZN4llvm19MachineRegisterInfo27removeRegOperandFromUseListEPNS_14MachineOperandE _ZN4llvm7CmpInst16getPredicateNameENS0_9PredicateE _ZN4llvm7hashing6detail23hash_combine_range_implIjEENSt3__19enable_ifIXsr16is_hashable_dataIT_EE5valueENS_9hash_codeEE4typeEPS5_S9_ _ZNK4llvm12MachineInstr17isLoadFoldBarrierEv _ZNK4llvm12MachineInstr18isConstantValuePHIEv _ZNK4llvm12MachineInstr20findInlineAsmFlagIdxEjPj _ZNK4llvm12MachineInstr21getRegClassConstraintEjPKNS_15TargetInstrInfoEPKNS_18TargetRegisterInfoE _ZNK4llvm12MachineInstr23findFirstPredOperandIdxEv _ZNK4llvm12MachineInstr27getRegClassConstraintEffectEjPKNS_19TargetRegisterClassEPKNS_15TargetInstrInfoEPKNS_18TargetRegisterInfoE _ZNK4llvm12MachineInstr29hasRegisterImplicitUseOperandEj _ZNK4llvm12MachineInstr34getRegClassConstraintEffectForVRegEjPKNS_19TargetRegisterClassEPKNS_15TargetInstrInfoEPKNS_18TargetRegisterInfoEb _ZNK4llvm12MachineInstr38getRegClassConstraintEffectForVRegImplEjjPKNS_19TargetRegisterClassEPKNS_15TargetInstrInfoEPKNS_18TargetRegisterInfoE _ZNK4llvm12MachineInstr9emitErrorENS_9StringRefE _ZNK4llvm14MachineOperand5printERNS_11raw_ostreamERNS_17ModuleSlotTrackerEPKNS_18TargetRegisterInfoEPKNS_19TargetIntrinsicInfoEPKNS_15TargetInstrInfoE _ZNK4llvm17MachineMemOperand5printERNS_11raw_ostreamERNS_17ModuleSlotTrackerE _ZNK4llvm17MachineMemOperand7ProfileERNS_16FoldingSetNodeIDE 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_ZN4llvm8LoopBaseINS_17MachineBasicBlockENS_11MachineLoopEEC2EPS1_ _ZN4llvm8LoopBaseINS_17MachineBasicBlockENS_11MachineLoopEEC2Ev _ZN4llvm8LoopBaseINS_17MachineBasicBlockENS_11MachineLoopEED1Ev _ZN4llvm8LoopBaseINS_17MachineBasicBlockENS_11MachineLoopEED2Ev _ZNK4llvm12LoopInfoBaseINS_17MachineBasicBlockENS_11MachineLoopEE10getLoopForEPKS1_ _ZNK4llvm12LoopInfoBaseINS_17MachineBasicBlockENS_11MachineLoopEE12getLoopDepthEPKS1_ _ZNK4llvm12LoopInfoBaseINS_17MachineBasicBlockENS_11MachineLoopEE12isLoopHeaderEPKS1_ _ZNK4llvm12LoopInfoBaseINS_17MachineBasicBlockENS_11MachineLoopEE3endEv _ZNK4llvm12LoopInfoBaseINS_17MachineBasicBlockENS_11MachineLoopEE4rendEv _ZNK4llvm12LoopInfoBaseINS_17MachineBasicBlockENS_11MachineLoopEE5beginEv _ZNK4llvm12LoopInfoBaseINS_17MachineBasicBlockENS_11MachineLoopEE5emptyEv _ZNK4llvm12LoopInfoBaseINS_17MachineBasicBlockENS_11MachineLoopEE5printERNS_11raw_ostreamE _ZNK4llvm12LoopInfoBaseINS_17MachineBasicBlockENS_11MachineLoopEE6rbeginEv _ZNK4llvm12LoopInfoBaseINS_17MachineBasicBlockENS_11MachineLoopEE6verifyERKNS_17DominatorTreeBaseIS1_EE _ZNK4llvm12LoopInfoBaseINS_17MachineBasicBlockENS_11MachineLoopEEixEPKS1_ _ZNK4llvm15MachineLoopInfo16getAnalysisUsageERNS_13AnalysisUsageE _ZNK4llvm15MachineLoopInfo17findLoopPreheaderEPNS_11MachineLoopEb _ZNK4llvm8LoopBaseINS_17MachineBasicBlockENS_11MachineLoopEE10verifyLoopEv _ZNK4llvm8LoopBaseINS_17MachineBasicBlockENS_11MachineLoopEE11block_beginEv _ZNK4llvm8LoopBaseINS_17MachineBasicBlockENS_11MachineLoopEE11getSubLoopsEv _ZNK4llvm8LoopBaseINS_17MachineBasicBlockENS_11MachineLoopEE11isLoopLatchEPKS1_ _ZNK4llvm8LoopBaseINS_17MachineBasicBlockENS_11MachineLoopEE12getExitBlockEv _ZNK4llvm8LoopBaseINS_17MachineBasicBlockENS_11MachineLoopEE12getExitEdgesERNS_15SmallVectorImplINSt3__14pairIPKS1_S8_EEEE _ZNK4llvm8LoopBaseINS_17MachineBasicBlockENS_11MachineLoopEE12getLoopDepthEv _ZNK4llvm8LoopBaseINS_17MachineBasicBlockENS_11MachineLoopEE12getLoopLatchEv 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_ZN4llvm10VirtRegMap18hasKnownPreferenceEj _ZN4llvm11IntervalMapINS_9SlotIndexEPNS_12LiveIntervalELj16ENS_15IntervalMapInfoIS1_EEE14const_iterator12pathFillFindES1_ _ZN4llvm11IntervalMapINS_9SlotIndexEjLj16ENS_15IntervalMapInfoIS1_EEE10deleteNodeENS_15IntervalMapImpl7NodeRefEj _ZN4llvm11IntervalMapINS_9SlotIndexEjLj16ENS_15IntervalMapInfoIS1_EEE10visitNodesEMS4_FvNS_15IntervalMapImpl7NodeRefEjE _ZN4llvm12RegAllocBase13VerifyEnabledE _ZN4llvm12RegAllocBase14TimerGroupNameE _ZN4llvm12RegAllocBase16allocatePhysRegsEv _ZN4llvm12RegAllocBase16postOptimizationEv _ZN4llvm12RegAllocBase21TimerGroupDescriptionE _ZN4llvm12RegAllocBase4initERNS_10VirtRegMapERNS_13LiveIntervalsERNS_13LiveRegMatrixE _ZN4llvm12RegAllocBase6anchorEv _ZN4llvm13LiveRangeEdit8Delegate6anchorEv _ZN4llvm14BlockFrequencydVENS_17BranchProbabilityE _ZN4llvm14BlockFrequencymLENS_17BranchProbabilityE _ZN4llvm14SpillPlacement12addPrefSpillENS_8ArrayRefIjEEb _ZN4llvm14SpillPlacement14addConstraintsENS_8ArrayRefINS0_15BlockConstraintEEE _ZN4llvm14SpillPlacement17scanActiveBundlesEv _ZN4llvm14SpillPlacement2IDE _ZN4llvm14SpillPlacement6finishEv _ZN4llvm14SpillPlacement7iterateEv _ZN4llvm14SpillPlacement7prepareERNS_9BitVectorE _ZN4llvm14SpillPlacement8addLinksENS_8ArrayRefIjEE _ZN4llvm16RegisterRegAlloc8RegistryE _ZN4llvm19createInlineSpillerERNS_19MachineFunctionPassERNS_15MachineFunctionERNS_10VirtRegMapE _ZN4llvm29calculateSpillWeightsAndHintsERNS_13LiveIntervalsERNS_15MachineFunctionEPNS_10VirtRegMapERKNS_15MachineLoopInfoERKNS_25MachineBlockFrequencyInfoEPFffjjE _ZN4llvm29createGreedyRegisterAllocatorEv _ZNSt3__111__sift_downIRNS_4lessINS_4pairIjjEEEENS_11__wrap_iterIPS3_EEEEvT0_S9_T_NS_15iterator_traitsIS9_E15difference_typeES9_ _ZNSt3__16__treeIjNS_4lessIjEENS_9allocatorIjEEE14__assign_multiINS_21__tree_const_iteratorIjPNS_11__tree_nodeIjPvEEiEEEEvT_SD_ _ZTVN4llvm12RegAllocBaseE _ZTVN4llvm13LiveRangeEditE _ZN4llvm17RegisterClassInfoC2Ev _ZN4llvm13CoalescerPair12setRegistersEPKNS_12MachineInstrE _ZN4llvm13CoalescerPair4flipEv _ZN4llvm13LiveRangeEdit17eliminateDeadDefsERNS_15SmallVectorImplIPNS_12MachineInstrEEENS_8ArrayRefIjEEPNS_9AAResultsE _ZN4llvm19RegisterCoalescerIDE _ZNK4llvm14MCRegisterInfo19getMatchingSuperRegEjjPKNS_15MCRegisterClassE _ZN4llvm10LiveRegSet4initERKNS_19MachineRegisterInfoE _ZN4llvm10LiveRegSet5clearEv _ZN4llvm13PressureDiffs14addInstructionEjRKNS_16RegisterOperandsERKNS_19MachineRegisterInfoE _ZN4llvm13PressureDiffs4initEj _ZN4llvm14RegionPressure10openBottomENS_26MachineInstrBundleIteratorIKNS_12MachineInstrELb0EEE _ZN4llvm14RegionPressure5resetEv _ZN4llvm14RegionPressure7openTopENS_26MachineInstrBundleIteratorIKNS_12MachineInstrELb0EEE _ZN4llvm15PrintVRegOrUnitEjPKNS_18TargetRegisterInfoE _ZN4llvm16IntervalPressure10openBottomENS_9SlotIndexE _ZN4llvm16IntervalPressure5resetEv _ZN4llvm16IntervalPressure7openTopENS_9SlotIndexE 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_ZNK4llvm16RegisterPressure4dumpEPKNS_18TargetRegisterInfoE _ZNK4llvm18RegPressureTracker11getCurrSlotEv _ZNK4llvm18RegPressureTracker11isTopClosedEv _ZNK4llvm18RegPressureTracker14getLiveLanesAtEjNS_9SlotIndexE _ZNK4llvm18RegPressureTracker14isBottomClosedEv _ZNK4llvm18RegPressureTracker16getLastUsedLanesEjNS_9SlotIndexE _ZNK4llvm18RegPressureTracker16getLiveThroughAtEjNS_9SlotIndexE _ZNK4llvm18RegPressureTracker4dumpEv _ZNSt3__16vectorIjNS_9allocatorIjEEE6assignIPjEENS_9enable_ifIXaasr21__is_forward_iteratorIT_EE5valuesr16is_constructibleIjNS_15iterator_traitsIS7_E9referenceEEE5valueEvE4typeES7_S7_ _ZN4llvm12RegScavenger11addRegUnitsERNS_9BitVectorEj _ZN4llvm12RegScavenger14removeRegUnitsERNS_9BitVectorEj _ZN4llvm12RegScavenger14setLiveInsUsedERKNS_17MachineBasicBlockE _ZN4llvm12RegScavenger15findSurvivorRegENS_26MachineInstrBundleIteratorINS_12MachineInstrELb0EEERNS_9BitVectorEjRS3_ _ZN4llvm12RegScavenger16getRegsAvailableEPKNS_19TargetRegisterClassE _ZN4llvm12RegScavenger18enterBasicBlockEndERNS_17MachineBasicBlockE _ZN4llvm12RegScavenger21determineKillsAndDefsEv _ZN4llvm12RegScavenger4initERNS_17MachineBasicBlockE _ZN4llvm12RegScavenger8backwardEv _ZNK4llvm12RegScavenger13FindUnusedRegEPKNS_19TargetRegisterClassE _ZNK4llvm12RegScavenger9isRegUsedEjb _ZN4llvm26RenameIndependentSubregsIDE _ZN4llvm34initializeResetMachineFunctionPassERNS_12PassRegistryE _ZTVN4llvm26DiagnosticInfoISelFallbackE _ZN4llvm13ConstantRangeC1ENS_5APIntES1_ _ZN4llvm13IRBuilderBase12CreateMemCpyEPNS_5ValueES2_S2_jbPNS_6MDNodeES4_S4_S4_ _ZN4llvm15ScalarEvolution10getAddExprERNS_15SmallVectorImplIPKNS_4SCEVEEENS2_11NoWrapFlagsE _ZN4llvm15ScalarEvolution10getMulExprERNS_15SmallVectorImplIPKNS_4SCEVEEENS2_11NoWrapFlagsE _ZN4llvm15ScalarEvolution11getConstantEPNS_4TypeEyb _ZN4llvm15ScalarEvolution11getSMaxExprERNS_15SmallVectorImplIPKNS_4SCEVEEE _ZN4llvm15ScalarEvolution11getUDivExprEPKNS_4SCEVES3_ _ZN4llvm15ScalarEvolution11getUMaxExprERNS_15SmallVectorImplIPKNS_4SCEVEEE _ZN4llvm15ScalarEvolution13getAddRecExprERNS_15SmallVectorImplIPKNS_4SCEVEEEPKNS_4LoopENS2_11NoWrapFlagsE _ZN4llvm15ScalarEvolution15getTruncateExprEPKNS_4SCEVEPNS_4TypeE _ZN4llvm15ScalarEvolution17getSignExtendExprEPKNS_4SCEVEPNS_4TypeE _ZN4llvm15ScalarEvolution17getZeroExtendExprEPKNS_4SCEVEPNS_4TypeE _ZN4llvm15ScalarEvolution7getSCEVEPNS_5ValueE _ZN4llvm15ScalarEvolution8getRangeEPKNS_4SCEVENS0_13RangeSignHintE _ZN4llvm17replaceDbgDeclareEPNS_5ValueES1_PNS_11InstructionERNS_9DIBuilderEbi _ZN4llvm19createSafeStackPassEPKNS_13TargetMachineE _ZN4llvm24replaceDbgValueForAllocaEPNS_10AllocaInstEPNS_5ValueERNS_9DIBuilderEi _ZN4llvm26replaceDbgDeclareForAllocaEPNS_10AllocaInstEPNS_5ValueERNS_9DIBuilderEbi _ZN4llvm9DIBuilderC1ERNS_6ModuleEb _ZN4llvm9safestack11StackLayout13computeLayoutEv _ZN4llvm9safestack11StackLayout9addObjectEPKNS_5ValueEjjRKNS0_13StackColoring9LiveRangeE 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_ZN4llvm21callTargetMachineCtorINS_14StackProtectorEEEPNS_4PassEPNS_13TargetMachineE _ZN4llvm24createStackProtectorPassEPKNS_13TargetMachineE _ZN4llvm8DebugLoc3getEjjPKNS_6MDNodeES3_ _ZNK4llvm14StackProtector24ContainsProtectableArrayEPNS_4TypeERbbb _ZTVN4llvm14StackProtectorE _ZTVN4llvm18ValueMapCallbackVHIPKNS_10AllocaInstENS_14StackProtector13SSPLayoutKindENS_14ValueMapConfigIS3_NS_3sys10SmartMutexILb0EEEEEEE _ZN4llvm15SmallVectorImplIPNS_12LiveIntervalEEaSEOS3_ _ZN4llvm15SmallVectorImplIPNS_17MachineMemOperandEEaSEOS3_ _ZN4llvm19StackSlotColoringIDE _ZN4llvm23SmallVectorTemplateBaseINS_11SmallVectorIPNS_12LiveIntervalELj4EEELb0EE4growEj _ZN4llvm23SmallVectorTemplateBaseINS_11SmallVectorIPNS_17MachineMemOperandELj8EEELb0EE4growEj _ZNSt3__16vectorIPN4llvm12LiveIntervalENS_9allocatorIS3_EEE21__push_back_slow_pathIS3_EEvOT_ _ZN4llvm14TailDuplicator19tailDuplicateBlocksEv _ZN4llvm15TailDuplicateIDE 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_ZN5clang19RecursiveASTVisitorI20BlockDetectorVisitorE39TraverseOMPTeamsDistributeSimdDirectiveEPNS_31OMPTeamsDistributeSimdDirectiveEPN4llvm15SmallVectorImplINS5_14PointerIntPairIPNS_4StmtELj1EbNS5_21PointerLikeTypeTraitsIS9_EENS5_18PointerIntPairInfoIS9_Lj1ESB_EEEEEE _ZN5clang19RecursiveASTVisitorI20BlockDetectorVisitorE40TraverseSubstNonTypeTemplateParmPackExprEPNS_32SubstNonTypeTemplateParmPackExprEPN4llvm15SmallVectorImplINS5_14PointerIntPairIPNS_4StmtELj1EbNS5_21PointerLikeTypeTraitsIS9_EENS5_18PointerIntPairInfoIS9_Lj1ESB_EEEEEE _ZN5clang19RecursiveASTVisitorI20BlockDetectorVisitorE41TraverseOMPDistributeParallelForDirectiveEPNS_33OMPDistributeParallelForDirectiveEPN4llvm15SmallVectorImplINS5_14PointerIntPairIPNS_4StmtELj1EbNS5_21PointerLikeTypeTraitsIS9_EENS5_18PointerIntPairInfoIS9_Lj1ESB_EEEEEE 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_ZN5clang19RecursiveASTVisitorI20EnqueueKernelVisitorE18TraverseReturnStmtEPNS_10ReturnStmtEPN4llvm15SmallVectorImplINS5_14PointerIntPairIPNS_4StmtELj1EbNS5_21PointerLikeTypeTraitsIS9_EENS5_18PointerIntPairInfoIS9_Lj1ESB_EEEEEE _ZN5clang19RecursiveASTVisitorI20EnqueueKernelVisitorE18TraverseSEHTryStmtEPNS_10SEHTryStmtEPN4llvm15SmallVectorImplINS5_14PointerIntPairIPNS_4StmtELj1EbNS5_21PointerLikeTypeTraitsIS9_EENS5_18PointerIntPairInfoIS9_Lj1ESB_EEEEEE _ZN5clang19RecursiveASTVisitorI20EnqueueKernelVisitorE18TraverseSwitchStmtEPNS_10SwitchStmtEPN4llvm15SmallVectorImplINS5_14PointerIntPairIPNS_4StmtELj1EbNS5_21PointerLikeTypeTraitsIS9_EENS5_18PointerIntPairInfoIS9_Lj1ESB_EEEEEE _ZN5clang19RecursiveASTVisitorI20EnqueueKernelVisitorE19TraverseCXXFoldExprEPNS_11CXXFoldExprEPN4llvm15SmallVectorImplINS5_14PointerIntPairIPNS_4StmtELj1EbNS5_21PointerLikeTypeTraitsIS9_EENS5_18PointerIntPairInfoIS9_Lj1ESB_EEEEEE 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_ZN5clang19RecursiveASTVisitorI20EnqueueKernelVisitorE25VisitOMPCopyprivateClauseEPNS_20OMPCopyprivateClauseE _ZN5clang19RecursiveASTVisitorI20EnqueueKernelVisitorE25VisitOMPLastprivateClauseEPNS_20OMPLastprivateClauseE _ZN5clang19RecursiveASTVisitorI20EnqueueKernelVisitorE26TraverseArrayInitIndexExprEPNS_18ArrayInitIndexExprEPN4llvm15SmallVectorImplINS5_14PointerIntPairIPNS_4StmtELj1EbNS5_21PointerLikeTypeTraitsIS9_EENS5_18PointerIntPairInfoIS9_Lj1ESB_EEEEEE _ZN5clang19RecursiveASTVisitorI20EnqueueKernelVisitorE26TraverseArraySubscriptExprEPNS_18ArraySubscriptExprEPN4llvm15SmallVectorImplINS5_14PointerIntPairIPNS_4StmtELj1EbNS5_21PointerLikeTypeTraitsIS9_EENS5_18PointerIntPairInfoIS9_Lj1ESB_EEEEEE _ZN5clang19RecursiveASTVisitorI20EnqueueKernelVisitorE26TraverseArrayTypeTraitExprEPNS_18ArrayTypeTraitExprEPN4llvm15SmallVectorImplINS5_14PointerIntPairIPNS_4StmtELj1EbNS5_21PointerLikeTypeTraitsIS9_EENS5_18PointerIntPairInfoIS9_Lj1ESB_EEEEEE 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_ZNSt3__17__sort5IRNS_6__lessINS_12basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEES7_EEPS7_EEjT0_SB_SB_SB_SB_T_ _ZN4llvm15SmallVectorImplIN5clang7CodeGen11CallArgList14CallArgCleanupEEaSEOS5_ _ZN4llvm15SmallVectorImplIN5clang7CodeGen11CallArgList14CallArgCleanupEEaSERKS5_ _ZN4llvm15SmallVectorImplIN5clang7CodeGen11CallArgList9WritebackEEaSEOS5_ _ZN4llvm15SmallVectorImplIN5clang7CodeGen11CallArgList9WritebackEEaSERKS5_ _ZN4llvm15SmallVectorImplIN5clang7CodeGen7CallArgEEaSEOS4_ _ZN4llvm15SmallVectorImplIN5clang7CodeGen7CallArgEEaSERKS4_ _ZN5clang13CXXMethodDecl29getCorrespondingMethodInClassEPKNS_13CXXRecordDeclEb _ZN5clang20FunctionTemplateDecl18findSpecializationEN4llvm8ArrayRefINS_16TemplateArgumentEEERPv _ZN5clang7CodeGen14CodeGenVTables14getSubVTTIndexEPKNS_13CXXRecordDeclENS_13BaseSubobjectE _ZN5clang7CodeGen15CodeGenFunction11emitDestroyENS0_7AddressENS_8QualTypeEPFvRS1_S2_S3_Eb _ZN5clang7CodeGen15CodeGenFunction13EmitTrapCheckEPN4llvm5ValueE 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_ZN4llvm14FuncletPadInstC2ENS_11Instruction13FuncletPadOpsEPNS_5ValueENS_8ArrayRefIS4_EEjRKNS_5TwineEPS1_ _ZN4llvm17CleanupReturnInstC1EPNS_5ValueEPNS_10BasicBlockEjPNS_11InstructionE _ZN4llvm21SymbolTableListTraitsINS_11InstructionEE21transferNodesFromListERS2_NS_14ilist_iteratorINS_12ilist_detail12node_optionsIS1_Lb1ELb0EvEELb0ELb0EEES8_ _ZN5clang7CodeGen12EHScopeStack10popCleanupEv _ZN5clang7CodeGen12EHScopeStack10pushFilterEj _ZN5clang7CodeGen12EHScopeStack13popNullFixupsEv _ZN5clang7CodeGen12EHScopeStack8allocateEj _ZN5clang7CodeGen12EHScopeStack9popFilterEv _ZN5clang7CodeGen13EHPersonality19MSVC_except_handlerE _ZN5clang7CodeGen13EHPersonality23MSVC_C_specific_handlerE _ZN5clang7CodeGen15CodeGenFunction16EmitCXXTemporaryEPKNS_12CXXTemporaryENS_8QualTypeENS0_7AddressE _ZN5clang7CodeGen15CodeGenFunction18getEHDispatchBlockENS0_12EHScopeStack15stable_iteratorE _ZN5clang7CodeGen15CodeGenFunction24getNormalCleanupDestSlotEv 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_ZNSt3__13mapIPKN5clang8CallExprEN4llvm8SmallSetIPNS1_4DeclELj10ENS_4lessIS8_EEEENS9_IS4_EENS_9allocatorINS_4pairIKS4_SB_EEEEEixEOS4_ _ZNSt3__13mapIPKN5clang8CallExprEN4llvm8SmallSetIPNS1_4DeclELj10ENS_4lessIS8_EEEENS9_IS4_EENS_9allocatorINS_4pairIKS4_SB_EEEEEixERSF_ _ZN4llvm10ConstantFP11getInfinityEPNS_4TypeEb _ZN4llvm12ConstantExpr7getFRemEPNS_8ConstantES2_ _ZN4llvm13IRBuilderBase13CreateMemMoveEPNS_5ValueES2_S2_jbPNS_6MDNodeES4_S4_ _ZN4llvm13IRBuilderBase16CreateMaskedLoadEPNS_5ValueEjS2_S2_RKNS_5TwineE _ZN4llvm13IRBuilderBase17CreateMaskedStoreEPNS_5ValueES2_jS2_ _ZN4llvm4Type12getIntNPtrTyERNS_11LLVMContextEjj _ZN4llvm6Triple17getArchTypePrefixENS0_8ArchTypeE _ZN4llvm6detail9IEEEFloat22makeSmallestNormalizedEb _ZN4llvm9Intrinsic24getIntrinsicForMSBuiltinEPKcNS_9StringRefE _ZN4llvm9Intrinsic25getIntrinsicForGCCBuiltinEPKcNS_9StringRefE _ZN5clang14analyze_os_log24computeOSLogBufferLayoutERNS_10ASTContextEPKNS_8CallExprERNS0_17OSLogBufferLayoutE 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_ZN5clang6Parser33LexTemplateFunctionForLateParsingERN4llvm11SmallVectorINS_5TokenELj4EEE _ZN5clang6Parser34CodeCompleteInConditionalExclusionEv _ZN5clang6Parser34CodeCompletePreprocessorExpressionEv _ZN5clang6Parser35StashAwayMethodOrFunctionBodyTokensEPNS_4DeclE _ZN5clang6Parser35handleUnexpectedCodeCompletionTokenEv _ZN5clang6Parser36ParseDeclarationOrFunctionDefinitionERNS0_25ParsedAttributesWithRangeEPNS_15ParsingDeclSpecENS_15AccessSpecifierE _ZN5clang6Parser37DiagnoseMissingSemiAfterTagDefinitionERNS_8DeclSpecENS_15AccessSpecifierENS0_15DeclSpecContextEPNS0_18LateParsedAttrListE _ZN5clang6Parser38parseObjCTypeArgsAndProtocolQualifiersENS_14SourceLocationENS_9OpaquePtrINS_8QualTypeEEEbRS1_ _ZN5clang6Parser41ParseMicrosoftIfExistsExternalDeclarationEv _ZN5clang6Parser41TryAnnotateTypeOrScopeTokenAfterScopeSpecEbbRNS_12CXXScopeSpecEb _ZN5clang6Parser42ParseOpenMPDeclarativeDirectiveWithExtDeclERNS_15AccessSpecifierERNS0_25ParsedAttributesWithRangeENS_17TypeSpecifierTypeEPNS_4DeclE 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_ZN5clang4Sema15ActOnGCCAsmStmtENS_14SourceLocationEbbjjPPNS_14IdentifierInfoEN4llvm15MutableArrayRefIPNS_4ExprEEES9_S8_S9_S1_ _ZN5clang4Sema20LookupInlineAsmFieldEN4llvm9StringRefES2_RjNS_14SourceLocationE _ZN5clang4Sema21GetOrCreateMSAsmLabelEN4llvm9StringRefENS_14SourceLocationEb _ZN5clang4Sema25LookupInlineAsmIdentifierERNS_12CXXScopeSpecENS_14SourceLocationERNS_13UnqualifiedIdERN4llvm23InlineAsmIdentifierInfoEb _ZN5clang4Sema27LookupInlineAsmVarDeclFieldEPNS_4ExprEN4llvm9StringRefERNS3_23InlineAsmIdentifierInfoENS_14SourceLocationE _ZN5clang6Parser19ParseAsmOperandsOptERN4llvm15SmallVectorImplIPNS_14IdentifierInfoEEERNS2_IPNS_4ExprEEESA_ _ZN5clang6Parser20ParseMSAsmIdentifierERN4llvm15SmallVectorImplINS_5TokenEEERjPvb _ZN5clang6Parser26ParseMicrosoftAsmStatementENS_14SourceLocationE _ZNK4llvm9SourceMgr23FindBufferContainingLocENS_5SMLocE _ZNSt3__16removeIPNS_12basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEEA5_cEET_S9_S9_RKT0_ 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_ZN5clang6Parser22ParseTemplateParameterEjj _ZN5clang6Parser23ParseTemplateParametersEjRN4llvm15SmallVectorImplIPNS_4DeclEEERNS_14SourceLocationES8_ _ZN5clang6Parser25DiagnoseMisplacedEllipsisENS_14SourceLocationES1_bb _ZN5clang6Parser25ParseLateTemplatedFuncDefERNS_18LateParsedTemplateE _ZN5clang6Parser25ParseTemplateArgumentListERN4llvm11SmallVectorINS_22ParsedTemplateArgumentELj16EEE _ZN5clang6Parser26ParseTemplateParameterListEjRN4llvm15SmallVectorImplIPNS_4DeclEEE _ZN5clang6Parser29ParseNonTypeTemplateParameterEjj _ZN5clang6Parser29ParseTemplateTemplateArgumentEv _ZN5clang6Parser30ParseTemplateTemplateParameterEjj _ZN5clang6Parser30isStartOfTemplateTypeParameterEv _ZN5clang6Parser35ParseSingleDeclarationAfterTemplateEjRKNS0_18ParsedTemplateInfoERNS_21ParsingDeclRAIIObjectERNS_14SourceLocationENS_15AccessSpecifierEPNS_13AttributeListE _ZN5clang6Parser40ParseTemplateDeclarationOrSpecializationEjRNS_14SourceLocationENS_15AccessSpecifierEPNS_13AttributeListE 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_ZN5clang20GenericSelectionExprC1ERKNS_10ASTContextENS_14SourceLocationEPNS_4ExprEN4llvm8ArrayRefIPNS_14TypeSourceInfoEEENS8_IS6_EES4_S4_bj _ZN5clang20NumericLiteralParser13GetFloatValueERN4llvm7APFloatE _ZN5clang20NumericLiteralParser15GetIntegerValueERN4llvm5APIntE _ZN5clang20NumericLiteralParserC1EN4llvm9StringRefENS_14SourceLocationERNS_12PreprocessorE _ZN5clang20OverloadCandidateSet18BestViableFunctionERNS_4SemaENS_14SourceLocationERPNS_17OverloadCandidateEb _ZN5clang21FunctionCallFilterCCC17ValidateCandidateERKNS_14TypoCorrectionE _ZN5clang21FunctionCallFilterCCCC2ERNS_4SemaEjbPNS_10MemberExprE _ZN5clang22NestedNameSpecifierLoc13getDataLengthEPNS_19NestedNameSpecifierE _ZN5clang22TypoCorrectionConsumer17getNextCorrectionEv _ZN5clang24ConversionFixItGenerator18compareTypesSimpleENS_7CanQualINS_4TypeEEES3_RNS_4SemaENS_14SourceLocationENS_13ExprValueKindE _ZN5clang24ConversionFixItGenerator18tryToFixConversionEPKNS_4ExprENS_8QualTypeES4_RNS_4SemaE 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_ZN5clang4Sema23ActOnOpenMPSharedClauseEN4llvm8ArrayRefIPNS_4ExprEEENS_14SourceLocationES6_S6_ _ZN5clang4Sema23BuildOverloadedCallExprEPNS_5ScopeEPNS_4ExprEPNS_20UnresolvedLookupExprENS_14SourceLocationEN4llvm15MutableArrayRefIS4_EES7_S4_bb _ZN5clang4Sema23BuildUnaryTransformTypeENS_8QualTypeENS_18UnaryTransformType7UTTKindENS_14SourceLocationE _ZN5clang4Sema23CheckAssignmentOperandsEPNS_4ExprERNS_12ActionResultIS2_Lb1EEENS_14SourceLocationENS_8QualTypeE _ZN5clang4Sema23CheckTollFreeBridgeCastENS_8QualTypeEPNS_4ExprE _ZN5clang4Sema23ConvertArgumentsForCallEPNS_8CallExprEPNS_4ExprEPNS_12FunctionDeclEPKNS_17FunctionProtoTypeEN4llvm8ArrayRefIS4_EENS_14SourceLocationEb _ZN5clang4Sema23RequireCompleteExprTypeEPNS_4ExprERNS0_13TypeDiagnoserE _ZN5clang4Sema23checkPseudoObjectIncDecEPNS_5ScopeENS_14SourceLocationENS_17UnaryOperatorKindEPNS_4ExprE _ZN5clang4Sema23checkPseudoObjectRValueEPNS_4ExprE 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_ZN5clang4Sema25ActOnOpenMPNumTeamsClauseEPNS_4ExprENS_14SourceLocationES3_S3_ _ZN5clang4Sema25ActOnOpenMPPriorityClauseEPNS_4ExprENS_14SourceLocationES3_S3_ _ZN5clang4Sema25ActOnOpenMPProcBindClauseENS_24OpenMPProcBindClauseKindENS_14SourceLocationES2_S2_S2_ _ZN5clang4Sema25ActOnOpenMPScheduleClauseENS_28OpenMPScheduleClauseModifierES1_NS_24OpenMPScheduleClauseKindEPNS_4ExprENS_14SourceLocationES5_S5_S5_S5_S5_S5_ _ZN5clang4Sema25BuildCXXTypeConstructExprEPNS_14TypeSourceInfoENS_14SourceLocationEN4llvm15MutableArrayRefIPNS_4ExprEEES3_ _ZN5clang4Sema25BuildDependentDeclRefExprERKNS_12CXXScopeSpecENS_14SourceLocationERKNS_19DeclarationNameInfoEPKNS_24TemplateArgumentListInfoE _ZN5clang4Sema25BuildObjCEncodeExpressionENS_14SourceLocationEPNS_14TypeSourceInfoES1_ _ZN5clang4Sema25BuildPseudoDestructorExprEPNS_4ExprENS_14SourceLocationENS_3tok9TokenKindERKNS_12CXXScopeSpecEPNS_14TypeSourceInfoES3_S3_NS_27PseudoDestructorTypeStorageE _ZN5clang4Sema25EmitRelatedResultTypeNoteEPKNS_4ExprE 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_ZN4llvm15SmallVectorImplIPN5clang10ReturnStmtEEaSERKS4_ _ZN4llvm15SmallVectorImplIPN5clang10SwitchStmtEEaSERKS4_ _ZN4llvm15SmallVectorImplIPN5clang20TemplateTypeParmDeclEEaSERKS4_ _ZN4llvm15SmallVectorImplIPN5clang4ExprEEaSERKS4_ _ZN4llvm15SmallVectorImplIPN5clang4StmtEEaSERKS4_ _ZN5clang10LambdaExpr6CreateERKNS_10ASTContextEPNS_13CXXRecordDeclENS_11SourceRangeENS_20LambdaCaptureDefaultENS_14SourceLocationEN4llvm8ArrayRefINS_13LambdaCaptureEEEbbNSA_IPNS_4ExprEEES8_b _ZN5clang13CXXRecordDecl12CreateLambdaERKNS_10ASTContextEPNS_11DeclContextEPNS_14TypeSourceInfoENS_14SourceLocationEbbNS_20LambdaCaptureDefaultE _ZN5clang13LambdaCaptureC1ENS_14SourceLocationEbNS_17LambdaCaptureKindEPNS_7VarDeclES1_ _ZN5clang21TemplateParameterList6CreateERKNS_10ASTContextENS_14SourceLocationES4_N4llvm8ArrayRefIPNS_9NamedDeclEEES4_PNS_4ExprE _ZN5clang4Sema15BuildLambdaExprENS_14SourceLocationES1_PNS_4sema15LambdaScopeInfoE 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_ZNSt3__16__treeINS_12__value_typeIjN4llvm9StringMapINS2_11SmallVectorIN5clang14TypoCorrectionELj1EEENS2_15MallocAllocatorEEEEENS_19__map_value_compareIjSA_NS_4lessIjEELb1EEENS_9allocatorISA_EEE7destroyEPNS_11__tree_nodeISA_PvEE _ZNSt3__16__treeIPN5clang4DeclENS_4lessIS3_EENS_9allocatorIS3_EEE7destroyEPNS_11__tree_nodeIS3_PvEE _ZNSt3__16vectorINS_4pairIPN5clang8TypoExprENS2_4Sema13TypoExprStateEEENS_9allocatorIS7_EEE21__push_back_slow_pathIS7_EEvOT_ _ZNSt3__16vectorINS_4pairIPN5clang9NamedDeclES4_EENS_9allocatorIS5_EEE21__push_back_slow_pathIS5_EEvOT_ _ZTVN5clang19VisibleDeclConsumerE _ZTVN5clang21FunctionCallFilterCCCE _ZTVN5clang22TypoCorrectionConsumerE _ZN5clang10ASTContext26propertyTypesAreCompatibleENS_8QualTypeES1_ _ZN5clang12ObjCImplDecl25addPropertyImplementationEPNS_20ObjCPropertyImplDeclE _ZN5clang16ObjCPropertyDecl16findPropertyDeclEPKNS_11DeclContextEPKNS_14IdentifierInfoENS_21ObjCPropertyQueryKindE 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_ZNSt3__127__insertion_sort_incompleteIRN5clang17BeforeThanCompareINS1_14SourceLocationEEEPS3_EEbT0_S7_T_ _ZNSt3__16__sortIRN5clang17BeforeThanCompareINS1_14SourceLocationEEEPS3_EEvT0_S7_T_ _ZNSt3__17__sort3IRN5clang17BeforeThanCompareINS1_14SourceLocationEEEPS3_EEjT0_S7_S7_T_ _ZNSt3__17__sort4IRN5clang17BeforeThanCompareINS1_14SourceLocationEEEPS3_EEjT0_S7_S7_S7_T_ _ZNSt3__17__sort5IRN5clang17BeforeThanCompareINS1_14SourceLocationEEEPS3_EEjT0_S7_S7_S7_S7_T_ _ZTVN5clang4Sema18BoundTypeDiagnoserIJNS_8QualTypeEEEE _ZTVN5clang4Sema18BoundTypeDiagnoserIJiEEE _ZN4llvm15SmallVectorImplIN5clang9UninitUse6BranchEEaSEOS4_ _ZN4llvm15SmallVectorImplIN5clang9UninitUse6BranchEEaSERKS4_ _ZN4llvm23SmallVectorTemplateBaseIN5clang9UninitUseELb0EE4growEj _ZN5clang12threadSafety19ThreadSafetyHandlerD2Ev _ZN5clang12threadSafety23runThreadSafetyAnalysisERNS_19AnalysisDeclContextERNS0_19ThreadSafetyHandlerEPPNS0_9BeforeSetE _ZN5clang12threadSafety25getLockKindFromAccessKindENS0_10AccessKindE 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_ZNSt3__15dequeIPKN5clang8CFGBlockENS_9allocatorIS4_EEE19__add_back_capacityEv _ZNSt3__16vectorINS_4pairIPKN5clang7VarDeclEN4llvm14PointerIntPairIPNS6_11SmallVectorINS2_9UninitUseELj2EEELj1EbNS6_21PointerLikeTypeTraitsISB_EENS6_18PointerIntPairInfoISB_Lj1ESD_EEEEEENS_9allocatorISH_EEE21__push_back_slow_pathISH_EEvOT_ _ZN5clang20CodeCompleteConsumerD0Ev _ZN5clang20CodeCompleteConsumerD1Ev _ZN5clang20CodeCompleteConsumerD2Ev _ZN5clang20CodeCompletionString5Chunk10CreateTextEPKc _ZN5clang20CodeCompletionString5Chunk14CreateOptionalEPS0_ _ZN5clang20CodeCompletionString5Chunk16CreateResultTypeEPKc _ZN5clang20CodeCompletionString5Chunk17CreateInformativeEPKc _ZN5clang20CodeCompletionString5Chunk17CreatePlaceholderEPKc _ZN5clang20CodeCompletionString5Chunk22CreateCurrentParameterEPKc _ZN5clang20CodeCompletionString5ChunkC1ENS0_9ChunkKindEPKc _ZN5clang20CodeCompletionString5ChunkC2ENS0_9ChunkKindEPKc _ZN5clang20CodeCompletionStringC1EPKNS0_5ChunkEjj18CXAvailabilityKindPPKcjN4llvm9StringRefES6_ 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_ZN5clang4sema17FunctionScopeInfo19WeakObjectProfileTyC1EPKNS_4ExprEPKNS_16ObjCPropertyDeclE _ZN5clang4sema17FunctionScopeInfo19WeakObjectProfileTyC2EPKNS_11DeclRefExprE _ZN5clang4sema17FunctionScopeInfo19WeakObjectProfileTyC2EPKNS_15ObjCIvarRefExprE _ZN5clang4sema17FunctionScopeInfo19WeakObjectProfileTyC2EPKNS_19ObjCPropertyRefExprE _ZN5clang4sema17FunctionScopeInfo19WeakObjectProfileTyC2EPKNS_4ExprEPKNS_16ObjCPropertyDeclE _ZN5clang4sema17FunctionScopeInfoD0Ev _ZN5clang4sema17FunctionScopeInfoD1Ev _ZN5clang4sema23CapturedRegionScopeInfoD0Ev _ZN5clang4sema23CapturedRegionScopeInfoD1Ev _ZN5clang4sema23CapturedRegionScopeInfoD2Ev _ZN4llvm22DeleteContainerSecondsINS_8DenseMapIPKvPN5clang15ManagedAnalysisENS_12DenseMapInfoIS3_EENS_6detail12DenseMapPairIS3_S6_EEEEEEvRT_ _ZN5clang10CFGStmtMap5BuildEPNS_3CFGEPNS_9ParentMapE _ZN5clang10CFGStmtMapD1Ev _ZN5clang12ScopeContext7ProfileERN4llvm16FoldingSetNodeIDE _ZN5clang15LocationContext13ProfileCommonERN4llvm16FoldingSetNodeIDENS0_11ContextKindEPNS_19AnalysisDeclContextEPKS0_PKv _ZN5clang15LocationContextD0Ev _ZN5clang15LocationContextD1Ev _ZN5clang15LocationContextD2Ev _ZN5clang15ManagedAnalysisD0Ev _ZN5clang15ManagedAnalysisD1Ev _ZN5clang15ManagedAnalysisD2Ev _ZN5clang17StackFrameContext7ProfileERN4llvm16FoldingSetNodeIDE _ZN5clang19AnalysisDeclContext13getCFGStmtMapEv _ZN5clang19AnalysisDeclContext13getStackFrameEPKNS_15LocationContextEPKNS_4StmtEPKNS_8CFGBlockEj _ZN5clang19AnalysisDeclContext15getAnalysisImplEPKv _ZN5clang19AnalysisDeclContext16isInStdNamespaceEPKNS_4DeclE _ZN5clang19AnalysisDeclContext17getUnoptimizedCFGEv _ZN5clang19AnalysisDeclContext22getReferencedBlockVarsEPKNS_9BlockDeclE _ZN5clang19AnalysisDeclContext25getBlockInvocationContextEPKNS_15LocationContextEPKNS_9BlockDeclEPKv _ZN5clang19AnalysisDeclContext25getLocationContextManagerEv _ZN5clang19AnalysisDeclContext25getPseudoConstantAnalysisEv 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_ZN5clang21analyze_format_string19FormatStringHandlerD1Ev _ZN5clang21analyze_format_string19ParseLengthModifierERNS0_15FormatSpecifierERPKcS4_RKNS_11LangOptionsEb _ZN5clang21analyze_format_string19ParsePositionAmountERNS0_19FormatStringHandlerEPKcRS4_S4_NS0_15PositionContextE _ZN5clang21analyze_format_string22ParseNonPositionAmountERPKcS2_Rj _ZN5clang21analyze_format_string25ParseUTF8InvalidSpecifierEPKcS2_Rj _ZNK5clang21analyze_format_string14OptionalAmount8toStringERN4llvm11raw_ostreamE _ZNK5clang21analyze_format_string7ArgType21getRepresentativeTypeERNS_10ASTContextE _ZTVN5clang21analyze_format_string19FormatStringHandlerE _ZN4llvm23SmallVectorTemplateBaseIN24OSLogFormatStringHandler7ArgDataELb0EE4growEj _ZTV24OSLogFormatStringHandler _ZN5clang16PostOrderCFGView6anchorEv _ZN5clang16PostOrderCFGViewC1EPKNS_3CFGE _ZN5clang16PostOrderCFGViewC2EPKNS_3CFGE _ZNK5clang16PostOrderCFGView17BlockOrderCompareclEPKNS_8CFGBlockES4_ 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_ZN5clang10VectorTypeC2ENS_4Type9TypeClassENS_8QualTypeEjS3_NS0_10VectorKindE _ZN5clang12DecltypeTypeC1EPNS_4ExprENS_8QualTypeES3_ _ZN5clang12TemplateNameC1EPNS_21DependentTemplateNameE _ZN5clang12TemplateNameC1EPNS_21QualifiedTemplateNameE _ZN5clang12TemplateNameC1EPNS_25OverloadedTemplateStorageE _ZN5clang12TemplateNameC1EPNS_32SubstTemplateTemplateParmStorageE _ZN5clang12TemplateNameC1EPNS_36SubstTemplateTemplateParmPackStorageE _ZN5clang14ObjCObjectTypeC2ENS_8QualTypeES1_N4llvm8ArrayRefIS1_EENS3_IPNS_16ObjCProtocolDeclEEEb _ZN5clang14TypeOfExprTypeC1EPNS_4ExprENS_8QualTypeE _ZN5clang14TypeOfExprTypeC2EPNS_4ExprENS_8QualTypeE _ZN5clang15ASTRecordLayout7DestroyERNS_10ASTContextE _ZN5clang15DeclarationName7compareES0_S0_ _ZN5clang15ast_type_traits11ASTNodeKind11getFromNodeERKNS_4DeclE _ZN5clang15ast_type_traits11ASTNodeKind11getFromNodeERKNS_4StmtE _ZN5clang16ObjCProtocolDecl19lookupProtocolNamedEPNS_14IdentifierInfoE 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_ZNSt3__16__treeINS_12__value_typeIxxEENS_19__map_value_compareIxS2_NS_4lessIxEELb1EEENS_9allocatorIS2_EEE12__find_equalIxEERPNS_16__tree_node_baseIPvEENS_21__tree_const_iteratorIS2_PNS_11__tree_nodeIS2_SC_EEiEERPNS_15__tree_end_nodeISE_EESF_RKT_ _ZNSt3__16__treeINS_12__value_typeIxxEENS_19__map_value_compareIxS2_NS_4lessIxEELb1EEENS_9allocatorIS2_EEE7destroyEPNS_11__tree_nodeIS2_PvEE _ZN4llvm12EarlyCSEPass3runERNS_8FunctionERNS_15AnalysisManagerIS1_JEEE _ZN4llvm17MemorySSAAnalysis3KeyE _ZN4llvm20MemorySSAWrapperPass2IDE _ZN4llvm34initializeMemorySSAWrapperPassPassERNS_12PassRegistryE _ZN4llvm7hashing6detail23hash_combine_range_implINS_4User17value_op_iteratorEEENS_9hash_codeET_S6_ _ZN4llvm9MemorySSA18removeMemoryAccessEPNS_12MemoryAccessE _ZN4llvm9MemorySSA9getWalkerEv _ZNK4llvm11Instruction13isIdenticalToEPKS0_ _ZNK4llvm11Instruction24isIdenticalToWhenDefinedEPKS0_ _ZNK4llvm19TargetTransformInfo18getTgtMemIntrinsicEPNS_13IntrinsicInstERNS_16MemIntrinsicInfoE 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_ZNK4llvm18FunctionComparator14cmpBasicBlocksEPKNS_10BasicBlockES3_ _ZNK4llvm18FunctionComparator15cmpGlobalValuesEPNS_11GlobalValueES2_ _ZNK4llvm18FunctionComparator16cmpRangeMetadataEPKNS_6MDNodeES3_ _ZNK4llvm18FunctionComparator16compareSignatureEv _ZNK4llvm18FunctionComparator23cmpOperandBundlesSchemaEPKNS_11InstructionES3_ _ZNK4llvm18FunctionComparator6cmpMemENS_9StringRefES1_ _ZNK4llvm18FunctionComparator7cmpGEPsEPKNS_11GEPOperatorES3_ _ZNK4llvm18FunctionComparator8cmpAttrsENS_12AttributeSetES1_ _ZNK4llvm18FunctionComparator8cmpTypesEPNS_4TypeES2_ _ZNK4llvm18FunctionComparator9cmpAPIntsERKNS_5APIntES3_ _ZNK4llvm18FunctionComparator9cmpValuesEPKNS_5ValueES3_ _ZNK4llvm9AttributeltES0_ _ZNK4llvm9InlineAsm15getFunctionTypeEv _ZN4llvm30FunctionImportGlobalProcessing10getLinkageEPKNS_11GlobalValueEb _ZN4llvm30FunctionImportGlobalProcessing20doImportAsDefinitionEPKNS_11GlobalValueE _ZN4llvm30FunctionImportGlobalProcessing23processGlobalForThinLTOERNS_11GlobalValueE 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_Z17_mali_frexpe_sf32j _Z17_mali_frexpe_sf64y _Z17_mali_frexpm_sf16t _Z17_mali_frexpm_sf32j _Z17_mali_frexpm_sf64y _Z17_mali_s16_to_sf16s9roundmode _Z17_mali_s32_to_sf32i9roundmode _Z17_mali_s64_to_sf64x9roundmode _Z17_mali_sf16_to_s16t9roundmode _Z17_mali_sf16_to_u16t9roundmode _Z17_mali_sf32_to_s32j9roundmode _Z17_mali_sf32_to_u32j9roundmode _Z17_mali_sf64_to_s64y9roundmode _Z17_mali_sf64_to_u64y9roundmode _Z17_mali_u16_to_sf16t9roundmode _Z17_mali_u32_to_sf32j9roundmode _Z17_mali_u64_to_sf64y9roundmode _Z17cmpbe_bfr_cf_cbrtj _Z18_mali_sf16_to_sf32t _Z18_mali_sf32_to_sf16j9roundmode _Z18_mali_sf64_to_sf16y9roundmode _Z18_mali_sf64_to_sf32y9roundmode _Z21cmpbe_bfr_cf_copysignjj _Z21cmpbe_bfr_cf_cos_sf32jj _Z21cmpbe_bfr_cf_pow_sf32jj _Z21cmpbe_bfr_cf_sin_sf32jj _Z22cmpbe_bfr_cf_acos_sf32j _Z22cmpbe_bfr_cf_asin_sf32j _Z22cmpbe_bfr_cf_atan_sf32j _Z22cmpbe_bfr_cf_exp2_sf32j _Z22cmpbe_bfr_cf_powr_sf32jj _Z22cmpbe_bfr_cf_sqrt_sf16t _Z22cmpbe_bfr_cf_sqrt_sf32j _Z22cmpbe_bfr_cf_sqrt_sf64y _Z23cmpbe_bfr_cf_atan2_sf32jj _Z23cmpbe_bfr_cf_cospi_sf32j _Z23cmpbe_bfr_cf_recip_sf16t _Z23cmpbe_bfr_cf_recip_sf64y _Z23cmpbe_bfr_cf_rsqrt_sf16t _Z23cmpbe_bfr_cf_rsqrt_sf64y _Z23cmpbe_bfr_cf_sinpi_sf32j _Z24_mali_s64_to_sf64_stickyx _Z24_mali_u64_to_sf64_stickyy _Z25_mali_sf64_to_sf32_stickyy _Z26cmpbe_bfr_cf_exp_fast_sf32j _Z26cmpbe_bfr_cf_half_exp_sf32j _Z26cmpbe_bfr_cf_half_log_sf32j _Z26cmpbe_bfr_cf_log_fast_sf32j _Z27cmpbe_bfr_cf_half_exp2_sf32j _Z27cmpbe_bfr_cf_half_log2_sf32j _Z27cmpbe_bfr_cf_half_sqrt_sf32j _Z28_mali_max_nan_propagate_sf16tt _Z28_mali_max_nan_propagate_sf32jj _Z28_mali_max_nan_propagate_sf64yy _Z28_mali_min_nan_propagate_sf16tt _Z28_mali_min_nan_propagate_sf32jj _Z28_mali_min_nan_propagate_sf64yy _Z28cmpbe_bfr_cf_half_rsqrt_sf32j _ZN4llvm28ConstantFoldBinaryOpOperandsEjPNS_8ConstantES1_RKNS_10DataLayoutE _ZN4llvm33ConstantFoldLoadThroughGEPIndicesEPNS_8ConstantENS_8ArrayRefIS1_EE 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_ZNSt3__16__treeINS_12__value_typeIPN4llvm10BasicBlockEPNS2_8IntervalEEENS_19__map_value_compareIS4_S7_NS_4lessIS4_EELb1EEENS_9allocatorIS7_EEE7destroyEPNS_11__tree_nodeIS7_PvEE _ZNSt3__16vectorINS_4pairIPN4llvm8IntervalENS_11__wrap_iterIPPNS2_10BasicBlockEEEEENS_9allocatorISA_EEE21__push_back_slow_pathISA_EEvOT_ _ZNSt3__16vectorIPN4llvm10BasicBlockENS_9allocatorIS3_EEE6insertINS_11__wrap_iterIPS3_EEEENS_9enable_ifIXaasr21__is_forward_iteratorIT_EE5valuesr16is_constructibleIS3_NS_15iterator_traitsISC_E9referenceEEE5valueESA_E4typeENS8_IPKS3_EESC_SC_ _ZNSt3__16vectorIPN4llvm8IntervalENS_9allocatorIS3_EEE21__push_back_slow_pathIRKS3_EEvOT_ _ZTVN4llvm17IntervalPartitionE _ZN4llvm13IDFCalculatorINS_7InverseIPNS_10BasicBlockEEEE15setLiveInBlocksERKNS_15SmallPtrSetImplIS3_EE _ZN4llvm13IDFCalculatorINS_7InverseIPNS_10BasicBlockEEEE17resetLiveInBlocksEv _ZN4llvm13IDFCalculatorINS_7InverseIPNS_10BasicBlockEEEE17setDefiningBlocksERKNS_15SmallPtrSetImplIS3_EE 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_ZN4llvm13LazyCallGraph6RefSCCC1ERS0_ _ZN4llvm13LazyCallGraph6RefSCCC2ERS0_ _ZN4llvm13LazyCallGraph9buildSCCsERNS0_6RefSCCENS_14iterator_rangeINSt3__116reverse_iteratorIPPNS0_4NodeEEEEE _ZN4llvm13LazyCallGraphC1EOS0_ _ZN4llvm13LazyCallGraphC1ERNS_6ModuleE _ZN4llvm13LazyCallGraphC2EOS0_ _ZN4llvm13LazyCallGraphC2ERNS_6ModuleE _ZN4llvm13LazyCallGraphaSEOS0_ _ZN4llvm15SmallVectorImplINS_13LazyCallGraph4EdgeEEaSEOS3_ _ZN4llvm15SmallVectorImplINSt3__14pairIPNS_13LazyCallGraph4NodeENS3_13edge_iteratorEEEEaSEOS8_ _ZN4llvm15SmallVectorImplINSt3__14pairIPvjEEEaSEOS5_ _ZN4llvm15SmallVectorImplIPNS_13LazyCallGraph3SCCEEaSEOS4_ _ZN4llvm15SmallVectorImplIPNS_13LazyCallGraph4NodeEE4swapERS4_ _ZN4llvm15SmallVectorImplIPNS_13LazyCallGraph6RefSCCEEaSEOS4_ _ZN4llvm15SmallVectorImplIPNS_8FunctionEEaSEOS3_ _ZN4llvm15SmallVectorImplIPvEaSEOS2_ _ZN4llvm24LazyCallGraphPrinterPass3runERNS_6ModuleERNS_15AnalysisManagerIS1_JEEE _ZN4llvm24LazyCallGraphPrinterPassC1ERNS_11raw_ostreamE 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_ZNK4llvm13ConstantRange4umaxERKS0_ _ZNK4llvm13ConstantRange4uminERKS0_ _ZNK4llvm24LazyValueInfoWrapperPass16getAnalysisUsageERNS_13AnalysisUsageE _ZNSt3__112__deque_baseINS_4pairIPN4llvm10BasicBlockEPNS2_5ValueEEENS_9allocatorIS7_EEED2Ev _ZNSt3__114__split_bufferIPNS_4pairIPN4llvm10BasicBlockEPNS2_5ValueEEENS_9allocatorIS8_EEE10push_frontEOS8_ _ZNSt3__114__split_bufferIPNS_4pairIPN4llvm10BasicBlockEPNS2_5ValueEEENS_9allocatorIS8_EEE9push_backEOS8_ _ZNSt3__114__split_bufferIPNS_4pairIPN4llvm10BasicBlockEPNS2_5ValueEEERNS_9allocatorIS8_EEE10push_frontERKS8_ _ZNSt3__114__split_bufferIPNS_4pairIPN4llvm10BasicBlockEPNS2_5ValueEEERNS_9allocatorIS8_EEE9push_backEOS8_ _ZNSt3__15dequeINS_4pairIPN4llvm10BasicBlockEPNS2_5ValueEEENS_9allocatorIS7_EEE19__add_back_capacityEv _ZNSt3__16vectorIPN4llvm10BasicBlockENS_9allocatorIS3_EEE6insertINS1_14TerminatorInst12SuccIteratorIPS8_S2_EEEENS_9enable_ifIXaasr21__is_forward_iteratorIT_EE5valuesr16is_constructibleIS3_NS_15iterator_traitsISD_E9referenceEEE5valueENS_11__wrap_iterIPS3_EEE4typeENSH_IPKS3_EESD_SD_ _ZTVN4llvm24LazyValueInfoWrapperPassE _ZN4llvm10lintModuleERKNS_6ModuleE _ZN4llvm12lintFunctionERKNS_8FunctionE _ZN4llvm14createLintPassEv _ZN4llvm8CastInst10isNoopCastENS_11Instruction7CastOpsEPNS_4TypeES4_S4_ _ZNK4llvm12ConstantExpr10getIndicesEv _ZNK4llvm5Value30getPointerDereferenceableBytesERKNS_10DataLayoutERb _ZN4llvm13createLAAPassEv _ZN4llvm14LoopAccessInfo11analyzeLoopEPNS_9AAResultsEPNS_8LoopInfoEPKNS_17TargetLibraryInfoEPNS_13DominatorTreeE _ZN4llvm14LoopAccessInfo14canAnalyzeLoopEv _ZN4llvm14LoopAccessInfo14recordAnalysisENS_9StringRefEPNS_11InstructionE _ZN4llvm14LoopAccessInfo20collectStridedAccessEPNS_5ValueE 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_ZNK4llvm14LoopAccessInfo5printERNS_11raw_ostreamEj _ZNK4llvm14LoopAccessInfo9isUniformEPNS_5ValueE _ZNK4llvm16MemoryDepChecker10Dependence5printERNS_11raw_ostreamEjRKNS_15SmallVectorImplIPNS_11InstructionEEE _ZNK4llvm16MemoryDepChecker10Dependence9isForwardEv _ZNK4llvm18SCEVUnionPredicate5printERNS_11raw_ostreamEj _ZNK4llvm21TargetLibraryInfoImpl22isFunctionVectorizableENS_9StringRefE _ZNK4llvm22RuntimePointerChecking11printChecksERNS_11raw_ostreamERKNS_15SmallVectorImplINSt3__14pairIPKNS0_16CheckingPtrGroupES8_EEEEj _ZNK4llvm22RuntimePointerChecking13needsCheckingERKNS0_16CheckingPtrGroupES3_ _ZNK4llvm22RuntimePointerChecking14generateChecksEv _ZNK4llvm22RuntimePointerChecking5printERNS_11raw_ostreamEj _ZNK4llvm24LoopAccessLegacyAnalysis16getAnalysisUsageERNS_13AnalysisUsageE _ZNK4llvm24LoopAccessLegacyAnalysis5printERNS_11raw_ostreamEPKNS_6ModuleE _ZNK4llvm25PredicatedScalarEvolution5printERNS_11raw_ostreamEj _ZNK4llvm30DiagnosticInfoOptimizationBase6getMsgEv _ZNSt3__16__treeIN4llvm18EquivalenceClassesINS1_14PointerIntPairIPNS1_5ValueELj1EbNS1_21PointerLikeTypeTraitsIS5_EENS1_18PointerIntPairInfoIS5_Lj1ES7_EEEEE7ECValueENS_4lessISC_EENS_9allocatorISC_EEE7destroyEPNS_11__tree_nodeISC_PvEE _ZNSt3__16vectorIN4llvm14PointerIntPairIPNS1_5ValueELj1EbNS1_21PointerLikeTypeTraitsIS4_EENS1_18PointerIntPairInfoIS4_Lj1ES6_EEEENS_9allocatorIS9_EEE21__push_back_slow_pathIRKS9_EEvOT_ _ZTVN4llvm24LoopAccessLegacyAnalysisE _ZN4llvm10make_rangeINS_11po_iteratorIPKNS_15DomTreeNodeBaseINS_10BasicBlockEEENS_11SmallPtrSetIS6_Lj8EEELb0ENS_11GraphTraitsIS6_EEEEEENS_14iterator_rangeIT_EESD_SD_ _ZN4llvm10make_rangeINS_11po_iteratorIPNS_10BasicBlockENS_11SmallPtrSetIS3_Lj8EEELb0ENS_11GraphTraitsIS3_EEEEEENS_14iterator_rangeIT_EESA_SA_ _ZN4llvm10post_orderIPKNS_15DomTreeNodeBaseINS_10BasicBlockEEEEENS_14iterator_rangeINS_11po_iteratorIT_NS_11SmallPtrSetINS_11GraphTraitsIS8_E7NodeRefELj8EEELb0ESB_EEEERKS8_ _ZN4llvm10post_orderIPNS_10BasicBlockEEENS_14iterator_rangeINS_11po_iteratorIT_NS_11SmallPtrSetINS_11GraphTraitsIS5_E7NodeRefELj8EEELb0ES8_EEEERKS5_ _ZN4llvm12LoopAnalysis3runERNS_8FunctionERNS_15AnalysisManagerIS1_JEEE _ZN4llvm12LoopInfoBaseINS_10BasicBlockENS_4LoopEE10removeLoopENSt3__111__wrap_iterIPKPS2_EE _ZN4llvm12LoopInfoBaseINS_10BasicBlockENS_4LoopEE11removeBlockEPS1_ _ZN4llvm12LoopInfoBaseINS_10BasicBlockENS_4LoopEE13changeLoopForEPS1_PS2_ _ZN4llvm12LoopInfoBaseINS_10BasicBlockENS_4LoopEE13releaseMemoryEv _ZN4llvm12LoopInfoBaseINS_10BasicBlockENS_4LoopEE15addTopLevelLoopEPS2_ _ZN4llvm12LoopInfoBaseINS_10BasicBlockENS_4LoopEE18changeTopLevelLoopEPS2_S4_ _ZN4llvm12LoopInfoBaseINS_10BasicBlockENS_4LoopEE23isNotAlreadyContainedInEPKS2_S5_ _ZN4llvm12LoopInfoBaseINS_10BasicBlockENS_4LoopEEC1EOS3_ _ZN4llvm12LoopInfoBaseINS_10BasicBlockENS_4LoopEEC1Ev _ZN4llvm12LoopInfoBaseINS_10BasicBlockENS_4LoopEEC2EOS3_ _ZN4llvm12LoopInfoBaseINS_10BasicBlockENS_4LoopEEC2Ev _ZN4llvm12LoopInfoBaseINS_10BasicBlockENS_4LoopEED1Ev _ZN4llvm12LoopInfoBaseINS_10BasicBlockENS_4LoopEEaSEOS3_ _ZN4llvm12po_ext_beginIPNS_10BasicBlockENS_19LoopBlocksTraversalEEENS_15po_ext_iteratorIT_T0_EES5_RS6_ _ZN4llvm13PrintLoopPass3runERNS_4LoopERNS_15AnalysisManagerIS1_JEEE _ZN4llvm13PrintLoopPassC1ERNS_11raw_ostreamERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS3_11char_traitsIcEENS3_9allocatorIcEEEE _ZN4llvm13PrintLoopPassC1Ev _ZN4llvm13PrintLoopPassC2ERNS_11raw_ostreamERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS3_11char_traitsIcEENS3_9allocatorIcEEEE _ZN4llvm13PrintLoopPassC2Ev _ZN4llvm15LoopPrinterPass3runERNS_8FunctionERNS_15AnalysisManagerIS1_JEEE _ZN4llvm15callDefaultCtorINS_19LoopInfoWrapperPassEEEPNS_4PassEv _ZN4llvm16LoopVerifierPass3runERNS_8FunctionERNS_15AnalysisManagerIS1_JEEE _ZN4llvm16PopulateLoopsDFSINS_10BasicBlockENS_4LoopEE14insertIntoLoopEPS1_ _ZN4llvm16PopulateLoopsDFSINS_10BasicBlockENS_4LoopEE8traverseEPS1_ _ZN4llvm19LoopInfoWrapperPass13runOnFunctionERNS_8FunctionE 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_ZN4llvm15ScalarEvolution20getNoWrapFlagsFromUBEPKNS_5ValueE _ZN4llvm15ScalarEvolution20getRangeViaFactoringEPKNS_4SCEVES3_S3_j _ZN4llvm15ScalarEvolution20isMonotonicPredicateEPKNS_14SCEVAddRecExprENS_7CmpInst9PredicateERb _ZN4llvm15ScalarEvolution21containsAddRecurrenceEPKNS_4SCEVE _ZN4llvm15ScalarEvolution21forgetMemoizedResultsEPKNS_4SCEVE _ZN4llvm15ScalarEvolution21isImpliedCondOperandsENS_7CmpInst9PredicateEPKNS_4SCEVES5_S5_S5_ _ZN4llvm15ScalarEvolution21isSCEVExprNeverPoisonEPKNS_11InstructionE _ZN4llvm15ScalarEvolution21rewriteUsingPredicateEPKNS_4SCEVEPKNS_4LoopERNS_18SCEVUnionPredicateE _ZN4llvm15ScalarEvolution22computeLoopDispositionEPKNS_4SCEVEPKNS_4LoopE _ZN4llvm15ScalarEvolution23GetMinTrailingZerosImplEPKNS_4SCEVE _ZN4llvm15ScalarEvolution23computeBlockDispositionEPKNS_4SCEVEPKNS_10BasicBlockE _ZN4llvm15ScalarEvolution23getTruncateOrSignExtendEPKNS_4SCEVEPNS_4TypeE _ZN4llvm15ScalarEvolution24computeExitLimitFromCondEPKNS_4LoopEPNS_5ValueEPNS_10BasicBlockES7_bb 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_ZNSt3__16vectorINS_4pairIPKN4llvm4LoopENS2_8OptionalINS_11__wrap_iterIPKPS3_EEEEEENS_9allocatorISD_EEE21__push_back_slow_pathISD_EEvOT_ _ZNSt3__16vectorINS_4pairIPN4llvm5ValueEPNS2_11ConstantIntEEENS_9allocatorIS7_EEE21__push_back_slow_pathIRKS7_EEvOT_ _ZTVN4llvm10FoldingSetINS_13SCEVPredicateEEE _ZTVN4llvm10FoldingSetINS_4SCEVEEE _ZTVN4llvm11SCEVUnknownE _ZTVN4llvm13SCEVPredicateE _ZTVN4llvm15ScalarEvolution14SCEVCallbackVHE _ZTVN4llvm17SCEVWrapPredicateE _ZTVN4llvm18SCEVEqualPredicateE _ZTVN4llvm18ValueMapCallbackVHIPNS_5ValueENS_17SCEVWrapPredicate18IncrementWrapFlagsENS_14ValueMapConfigIS2_NS_3sys10SmartMutexILb0EEEEEEE _ZTVN4llvm26ScalarEvolutionWrapperPassE _ZN4llvm12SCEVAAResult12GetBaseValueEPKNS_4SCEVE _ZN4llvm15callDefaultCtorINS_17SCEVAAWrapperPassEEEPNS_4PassEv _ZN4llvm17SCEVAAWrapperPass13runOnFunctionERNS_8FunctionE _ZN4llvm17SCEVAAWrapperPassC1Ev _ZN4llvm17SCEVAAWrapperPassC2Ev _ZN4llvm23createSCEVAAWrapperPassEv 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_ZN4llvm21TargetLibraryInfoImplaSERKS0_ _ZN4llvm23SmallVectorTemplateBaseINS_2cl6parserINS_21TargetLibraryInfoImpl13VectorLibraryEE10OptionInfoELb0EE4growEj _ZN4llvm28TargetLibraryInfoWrapperPass6anchorEv _ZN4llvm28TargetLibraryInfoWrapperPassC1ERKNS_6TripleE _ZN4llvm28TargetLibraryInfoWrapperPassC1Ev _ZN4llvm28TargetLibraryInfoWrapperPassC2ERKNS_21TargetLibraryInfoImplE _ZN4llvm28TargetLibraryInfoWrapperPassC2ERKNS_6TripleE _ZN4llvm28TargetLibraryInfoWrapperPassC2Ev _ZN4llvm2cl5applyINS0_3optINS_21TargetLibraryInfoImpl13VectorLibraryELb0ENS0_6parserIS4_EEEENS0_12OptionHiddenEJNS0_4descENS0_11initializerIS4_EENS0_11ValuesClassEEEEvPT_RKT0_DpRKT1_ _ZN4llvm6Triple9normalizeENS_9StringRefE _ZNK4llvm21TargetLibraryInfoImpl21getScalarizedFunctionENS_9StringRefERj _ZNK4llvm21TargetLibraryInfoImpl21getVectorizedFunctionENS_9StringRefEj _ZNK4llvm21TargetLibraryInfoImpl22isValidProtoForLibFuncERKNS_12FunctionTypeENS_7LibFunc4FuncEPKNS_10DataLayoutE _ZNSt3__118__insertion_sort_3IRPFbRKN4llvm7VecDescES4_EPS2_EEvT0_S9_T_ _ZNSt3__127__insertion_sort_incompleteIRPFbRKN4llvm7VecDescES4_EPS2_EEbT0_S9_T_ _ZNSt3__16__sortIRPFbRKN4llvm7VecDescES4_EPS2_EEvT0_S9_T_ _ZNSt3__16vectorIN4llvm7VecDescENS_9allocatorIS2_EEE6assignIPS2_EENS_9enable_ifIXaasr21__is_forward_iteratorIT_EE5valuesr16is_constructibleIS2_NS_15iterator_traitsIS9_E9referenceEEE5valueEvE4typeES9_S9_ _ZNSt3__16vectorIN4llvm7VecDescENS_9allocatorIS2_EEE6insertIPKS2_EENS_9enable_ifIXaasr21__is_forward_iteratorIT_EE5valuesr16is_constructibleIS2_NS_15iterator_traitsISA_E9referenceEEE5valueENS_11__wrap_iterIPS2_EEE4typeENSE_IS8_EESA_SA_ _ZNSt3__17__sort4IRPFbRKN4llvm7VecDescES4_EPS2_EEjT0_S9_S9_S9_T_ _ZTVN4llvm28TargetLibraryInfoWrapperPassE _ZTVN4llvm2cl11OptionValueINS_21TargetLibraryInfoImpl13VectorLibraryEEE _ZTVN4llvm2cl15OptionValueCopyINS_21TargetLibraryInfoImpl13VectorLibraryEEE _ZTVN4llvm2cl3optINS_21TargetLibraryInfoImpl13VectorLibraryELb0ENS0_6parserIS3_EEEE 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_ZN4llvm10MCStreamer16EmitGPRel64ValueEPKNS_6MCExprE _ZN4llvm10MCStreamer16EmitSLEB128ValueEPKNS_6MCExprE _ZN4llvm10MCStreamer16EmitTPRel32ValueEPKNS_6MCExprE _ZN4llvm10MCStreamer16EmitTPRel64ValueEPKNS_6MCExprE _ZN4llvm10MCStreamer16EmitULEB128ValueEPKNS_6MCExprE _ZN4llvm10MCStreamer17EmitAssemblerFlagENS_15MCAssemblerFlagE _ZN4llvm10MCStreamer17EmitCodeAlignmentEjj _ZN4llvm10MCStreamer17EmitDTPRel32ValueEPKNS_6MCExprE _ZN4llvm10MCStreamer17EmitDTPRel64ValueEPKNS_6MCExprE _ZN4llvm10MCStreamer17EmitFileDirectiveENS_9StringRefE _ZN4llvm10MCStreamer17EmitWeakReferenceEPNS_8MCSymbolEPKS1_ _ZN4llvm10MCStreamer17emitValueToOffsetEPKNS_6MCExprEhNS_5SMLocE _ZN4llvm10MCStreamer18EmitCFIEndProcImplERNS_16MCDwarfFrameInfoE _ZN4llvm10MCStreamer18EmitCVLocDirectiveEjjjjbbNS_9StringRefENS_5SMLocE _ZN4llvm10MCStreamer19EmitBundleAlignModeEj _ZN4llvm10MCStreamer20EmitCFIStartProcImplERNS_16MCDwarfFrameInfoE _ZN4llvm10MCStreamer20EmitValueToAlignmentEjxjj 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_ZN4llvm16MCTargetStreamerD1Ev _ZNSt3__16vectorIN4llvm16MCCFIInstructionENS_9allocatorIS2_EEE21__push_back_slow_pathIRKS2_EEvOT_ _ZNSt3__16vectorIN4llvm16MCDwarfFrameInfoENS_9allocatorIS2_EEE21__push_back_slow_pathIRKS2_EEvOT_ _ZNSt3__16vectorIN4llvm5WinEH11InstructionENS_9allocatorIS3_EEE21__push_back_slow_pathIRKS3_EEvOT_ _ZNSt3__16vectorIPN4llvm5WinEH9FrameInfoENS_9allocatorIS4_EEE21__push_back_slow_pathIS4_EEvOT_ _ZTVN4llvm10MCStreamerE _ZTVN4llvm16MCTargetStreamerE _ZN4llvm15MCSubtargetInfo13ToggleFeatureENS_9StringRefE _ZN4llvm15MCSubtargetInfo13ToggleFeatureERKNS_13FeatureBitsetE _ZN4llvm15MCSubtargetInfo13ToggleFeatureEy _ZN4llvm15MCSubtargetInfo16ApplyFeatureFlagENS_9StringRefE _ZN4llvm15MCSubtargetInfo18setDefaultFeaturesENS_9StringRefES1_ _ZN4llvm17SubtargetFeatures13ToggleFeatureERNS_13FeatureBitsetENS_9StringRefENS_8ArrayRefINS_18SubtargetFeatureKVEEE _ZN4llvm17SubtargetFeatures14getFeatureBitsENS_9StringRefENS_8ArrayRefINS_18SubtargetFeatureKVEEES4_ 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_ZNK4llvm13ConstantRange8binaryOrERKS0_ _ZNK4llvm13ConstantRange9binaryAndERKS0_ _ZNK4llvm5APInt10sextOrSelfEj _ZN4llvm10ConstantFP19destroyConstantImplEv _ZN4llvm10ConstantFP3getEPNS_4TypeENS_9StringRefE _ZN4llvm10ConstantFP6anchorEv _ZN4llvm10ConstantFP6getNaNEPNS_4TypeEbj _ZN4llvm10ConstantFPC1EPNS_4TypeERKNS_7APFloatE _ZN4llvm10ConstantFPC2EPNS_4TypeERKNS_7APFloatE _ZN4llvm10UndefValue19destroyConstantImplEv _ZN4llvm10hash_valueERKNS_5APIntE _ZN4llvm10hash_valueERKNS_7APFloatE _ZN4llvm11ConstantInt19destroyConstantImplEv _ZN4llvm11ConstantInt19isValueValidForTypeEPNS_4TypeEy _ZN4llvm11ConstantInt6anchorEv _ZN4llvm11ConstantIntC1EPNS_11IntegerTypeERKNS_5APIntE _ZN4llvm11ConstantIntC2EPNS_11IntegerTypeERKNS_5APIntE _ZN4llvm11GlobalValue19destroyConstantImplEv _ZN4llvm11GlobalValue23handleOperandChangeImplEPNS_5ValueES2_ _ZN4llvm12BlockAddress19destroyConstantImplEv _ZN4llvm12BlockAddress23handleOperandChangeImplEPNS_5ValueES2_ _ZN4llvm12BlockAddress6lookupEPKNS_10BasicBlockE 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_ZN4llvm14ConstantVector19destroyConstantImplEv _ZN4llvm14ConstantVector23handleOperandChangeImplEPNS_5ValueES2_ _ZN4llvm14ConstantVector7getImplENS_8ArrayRefIPNS_8ConstantEEE _ZN4llvm14ConstantVectorC1EPNS_10VectorTypeENS_8ArrayRefIPNS_8ConstantEEE _ZN4llvm14ConstantVectorC2EPNS_10VectorTypeENS_8ArrayRefIPNS_8ConstantEEE _ZN4llvm17ConstantAggregateC1EPNS_13CompositeTypeENS_5Value7ValueTyENS_8ArrayRefIPNS_8ConstantEEE _ZN4llvm17ConstantAggregateC2EPNS_13CompositeTypeENS_5Value7ValueTyENS_8ArrayRefIPNS_8ConstantEEE _ZN4llvm17ConstantDataArray3getERNS_11LLVMContextENS_8ArrayRefIdEE _ZN4llvm17ConstantDataArray3getERNS_11LLVMContextENS_8ArrayRefIfEE _ZN4llvm17ConstantDataArray6anchorEv _ZN4llvm17ConstantTokenNone19destroyConstantImplEv _ZN4llvm18ConstantDataVector3getERNS_11LLVMContextENS_8ArrayRefIdEE _ZN4llvm18ConstantDataVector3getERNS_11LLVMContextENS_8ArrayRefIfEE _ZN4llvm18ConstantDataVector6anchorEv _ZN4llvm18ConstantDataVector8getSplatEjPNS_8ConstantE 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_ZNK4llvm21ConstantAggregateZero14getNumElementsEv _ZNK4llvm21ConstantAggregateZero15getElementValueEPNS_8ConstantE _ZNK4llvm21ConstantAggregateZero16getStructElementEj _ZNK4llvm21ConstantAggregateZero20getSequentialElementEv _ZNK4llvm22ConstantDataSequential17getElementAsFloatEj _ZNK4llvm22ConstantDataSequential17getElementPointerEj _ZNK4llvm22ConstantDataSequential18getElementAsDoubleEj _ZNK4llvm25GetElementPtrConstantExpr20getResultElementTypeEv _ZNK4llvm25GetElementPtrConstantExpr20getSourceElementTypeEv _ZTVN4llvm10ConstantFPE _ZTVN4llvm10UndefValueE _ZTVN4llvm11ConstantIntE _ZTVN4llvm12BlockAddressE _ZTVN4llvm12ConstantDataE _ZTVN4llvm13ConstantArrayE _ZTVN4llvm14ConstantStructE _ZTVN4llvm14ConstantVectorE _ZTVN4llvm17ConstantAggregateE _ZTVN4llvm17ConstantDataArrayE _ZTVN4llvm17ConstantTokenNoneE _ZTVN4llvm17UnaryConstantExprE _ZTVN4llvm18BinaryConstantExprE _ZTVN4llvm18ConstantDataVectorE _ZTVN4llvm18SelectConstantExprE _ZTVN4llvm19CompareConstantExprE _ZTVN4llvm19ConstantPointerNullE _ZTVN4llvm21ConstantAggregateZeroE _ZTVN4llvm22ConstantDataSequentialE _ZTVN4llvm23InsertValueConstantExprE _ZTVN4llvm24ExtractValueConstantExprE _ZTVN4llvm25GetElementPtrConstantExprE _ZTVN4llvm25InsertElementConstantExprE _ZTVN4llvm25ShuffleVectorConstantExprE _ZTVN4llvm26ExtractElementConstantExprE _ZTVN4llvm8ConstantE LLVMAddAlias LLVMAddAttributeAtIndex LLVMAddCallSiteAttribute LLVMAddCase LLVMAddClause LLVMAddDestination LLVMAddFunction LLVMAddGlobal LLVMAddGlobalInAddressSpace LLVMAddIncoming LLVMAddNamedMetadataOperand LLVMAddTargetDependentFunctionAttr LLVMAlignOf LLVMAppendBasicBlock LLVMAppendBasicBlockInContext LLVMArrayType LLVMBasicBlockAsValue LLVMBlockAddress LLVMBuildAShr LLVMBuildAdd LLVMBuildAddrSpaceCast LLVMBuildAggregateRet LLVMBuildAlloca LLVMBuildAnd LLVMBuildArrayAlloca LLVMBuildArrayMalloc LLVMBuildAtomicCmpXchg LLVMBuildAtomicRMW LLVMBuildBinOp LLVMBuildBitCast LLVMBuildBr LLVMBuildCall LLVMBuildCast LLVMBuildCondBr LLVMBuildExactSDiv LLVMBuildExactUDiv LLVMBuildExtractElement LLVMBuildExtractValue LLVMBuildFAdd LLVMBuildFCmp LLVMBuildFDiv LLVMBuildFMul LLVMBuildFNeg LLVMBuildFPCast LLVMBuildFPExt LLVMBuildFPToSI LLVMBuildFPToUI LLVMBuildFPTrunc LLVMBuildFRem LLVMBuildFSub LLVMBuildFence LLVMBuildFree LLVMBuildGEP LLVMBuildGlobalString LLVMBuildGlobalStringPtr LLVMBuildICmp LLVMBuildInBoundsGEP LLVMBuildIndirectBr LLVMBuildInsertElement LLVMBuildInsertValue LLVMBuildIntCast LLVMBuildIntToPtr LLVMBuildInvoke LLVMBuildIsNotNull LLVMBuildIsNull LLVMBuildLShr LLVMBuildLandingPad LLVMBuildLoad LLVMBuildMalloc LLVMBuildMul LLVMBuildNSWAdd LLVMBuildNSWMul LLVMBuildNSWNeg LLVMBuildNSWSub LLVMBuildNUWAdd LLVMBuildNUWMul LLVMBuildNUWNeg LLVMBuildNUWSub LLVMBuildNeg LLVMBuildNot LLVMBuildOr LLVMBuildPhi LLVMBuildPointerCast LLVMBuildPtrDiff LLVMBuildPtrToInt LLVMBuildResume LLVMBuildRet LLVMBuildRetVoid LLVMBuildSDiv LLVMBuildSExt LLVMBuildSExtOrBitCast LLVMBuildSIToFP LLVMBuildSRem LLVMBuildSelect LLVMBuildShl LLVMBuildShuffleVector LLVMBuildStore LLVMBuildStructGEP LLVMBuildSub LLVMBuildSwitch LLVMBuildTrunc LLVMBuildTruncOrBitCast LLVMBuildUDiv LLVMBuildUIToFP LLVMBuildURem LLVMBuildUnreachable LLVMBuildVAArg LLVMBuildXor LLVMBuildZExt LLVMBuildZExtOrBitCast LLVMClearInsertionPosition LLVMConstAShr LLVMConstAdd LLVMConstAddrSpaceCast LLVMConstAllOnes LLVMConstAnd LLVMConstArray LLVMConstBitCast LLVMConstExactSDiv LLVMConstExactUDiv LLVMConstExtractElement LLVMConstExtractValue LLVMConstFAdd LLVMConstFCmp LLVMConstFDiv LLVMConstFMul LLVMConstFNeg LLVMConstFPCast LLVMConstFPExt LLVMConstFPToSI LLVMConstFPToUI LLVMConstFPTrunc LLVMConstFRem LLVMConstFSub LLVMConstGEP LLVMConstICmp LLVMConstInBoundsGEP LLVMConstInlineAsm LLVMConstInsertElement LLVMConstInsertValue LLVMConstInt LLVMConstIntCast LLVMConstIntGetSExtValue LLVMConstIntGetZExtValue LLVMConstIntOfArbitraryPrecision LLVMConstIntOfString LLVMConstIntOfStringAndSize LLVMConstIntToPtr LLVMConstLShr LLVMConstMul LLVMConstNSWAdd LLVMConstNSWMul LLVMConstNSWNeg LLVMConstNSWSub LLVMConstNUWAdd LLVMConstNUWMul LLVMConstNUWNeg LLVMConstNUWSub LLVMConstNamedStruct LLVMConstNeg LLVMConstNot LLVMConstNull LLVMConstOr LLVMConstPointerCast LLVMConstPointerNull LLVMConstPtrToInt LLVMConstReal LLVMConstRealGetDouble LLVMConstRealOfString LLVMConstRealOfStringAndSize LLVMConstSDiv LLVMConstSExt LLVMConstSExtOrBitCast LLVMConstSIToFP LLVMConstSRem LLVMConstSelect LLVMConstShl LLVMConstShuffleVector LLVMConstString LLVMConstStringInContext LLVMConstStruct LLVMConstStructInContext LLVMConstSub LLVMConstTrunc LLVMConstTruncOrBitCast LLVMConstUDiv LLVMConstUIToFP LLVMConstURem LLVMConstVector LLVMConstXor LLVMConstZExt LLVMConstZExtOrBitCast LLVMContextCreate LLVMContextDispose LLVMContextGetDiagnosticContext LLVMContextGetDiagnosticHandler LLVMContextSetDiagnosticHandler LLVMContextSetYieldCallback LLVMCountBasicBlocks LLVMCountIncoming LLVMCountParamTypes LLVMCountParams LLVMCountStructElementTypes LLVMCreateBuilder LLVMCreateBuilderInContext LLVMCreateEnumAttribute LLVMCreateFunctionPassManager LLVMCreateFunctionPassManagerForModule LLVMCreateMemoryBufferWithContentsOfFile LLVMCreateMemoryBufferWithMemoryRange LLVMCreateMemoryBufferWithMemoryRangeCopy LLVMCreateMemoryBufferWithSTDIN LLVMCreateMessage LLVMCreateModuleProviderForExistingModule LLVMCreatePassManager LLVMCreateStringAttribute LLVMDeleteBasicBlock LLVMDeleteFunction LLVMDeleteGlobal LLVMDisposeBuilder LLVMDisposeMemoryBuffer LLVMDisposeMessage LLVMDisposeModule LLVMDisposeModuleProvider LLVMDisposePassManager LLVMDoubleType LLVMDoubleTypeInContext LLVMDumpModule LLVMDumpType LLVMDumpValue LLVMFP128Type LLVMFP128TypeInContext LLVMFinalizeFunctionPassManager LLVMFloatType LLVMFloatTypeInContext LLVMFunctionType LLVMGetAlignment LLVMGetAllocatedType LLVMGetArrayLength LLVMGetAsString LLVMGetAttributeCountAtIndex LLVMGetAttributesAtIndex LLVMGetBasicBlockName LLVMGetBasicBlockParent LLVMGetBasicBlockTerminator LLVMGetBasicBlocks LLVMGetBufferSize LLVMGetBufferStart LLVMGetCallSiteAttributeCount LLVMGetCallSiteAttributes LLVMGetCallSiteEnumAttribute LLVMGetCallSiteStringAttribute LLVMGetCalledValue LLVMGetClause LLVMGetCmpXchgFailureOrdering LLVMGetCmpXchgSuccessOrdering LLVMGetCondition LLVMGetConstOpcode LLVMGetCurrentDebugLocation LLVMGetDLLStorageClass LLVMGetDataLayout LLVMGetDataLayoutStr LLVMGetDiagInfoDescription LLVMGetDiagInfoSeverity LLVMGetElementAsConstant LLVMGetElementType LLVMGetEntryBasicBlock LLVMGetEnumAttributeAtIndex LLVMGetEnumAttributeKind LLVMGetEnumAttributeKindForName LLVMGetEnumAttributeValue LLVMGetFCmpPredicate LLVMGetFirstBasicBlock LLVMGetFirstFunction LLVMGetFirstGlobal LLVMGetFirstInstruction LLVMGetFirstParam LLVMGetFirstUse LLVMGetFunctionCallConv LLVMGetGC LLVMGetGlobalParent LLVMGetGlobalPassRegistry LLVMGetICmpPredicate LLVMGetIncomingBlock LLVMGetIncomingValue LLVMGetIndices LLVMGetInitializer LLVMGetInsertBlock LLVMGetInstructionCallConv 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LLVMGetPreviousParam LLVMGetReturnType LLVMGetSection LLVMGetStringAttributeAtIndex LLVMGetStringAttributeKind LLVMGetStringAttributeValue LLVMGetStructElementTypes LLVMGetStructName LLVMGetSuccessor LLVMGetSwitchDefaultDest LLVMGetTarget LLVMGetThreadLocalMode LLVMGetTypeByName LLVMGetTypeContext LLVMGetTypeKind LLVMGetUndef LLVMGetUnwindDest LLVMGetUsedValue LLVMGetUser LLVMGetValueKind LLVMGetValueName LLVMGetVectorSize LLVMGetVisibility LLVMGetVolatile LLVMHalfType LLVMHalfTypeInContext LLVMHasMetadata LLVMHasPersonalityFn LLVMHasUnnamedAddr LLVMInitializeCore LLVMInitializeFunctionPassManager LLVMInsertBasicBlock LLVMInsertBasicBlockInContext LLVMInsertIntoBuilder LLVMInsertIntoBuilderWithName LLVMInstructionClone LLVMInstructionEraseFromParent LLVMInstructionRemoveFromParent LLVMInt128Type LLVMInt128TypeInContext LLVMInt16Type LLVMInt16TypeInContext LLVMInt1Type LLVMInt1TypeInContext LLVMInt32Type LLVMInt32TypeInContext LLVMInt64Type LLVMInt64TypeInContext LLVMInt8Type LLVMInt8TypeInContext LLVMIntType LLVMIntTypeInContext LLVMIsAAddrSpaceCastInst LLVMIsAAllocaInst LLVMIsAArgument LLVMIsABasicBlock LLVMIsABinaryOperator LLVMIsABitCastInst LLVMIsABlockAddress LLVMIsABranchInst LLVMIsACallInst LLVMIsACastInst LLVMIsACatchPadInst LLVMIsACatchReturnInst LLVMIsACleanupPadInst LLVMIsACleanupReturnInst LLVMIsACmpInst LLVMIsAConstant LLVMIsAConstantAggregateZero LLVMIsAConstantArray LLVMIsAConstantDataArray LLVMIsAConstantDataSequential LLVMIsAConstantDataVector LLVMIsAConstantExpr LLVMIsAConstantFP LLVMIsAConstantInt LLVMIsAConstantPointerNull LLVMIsAConstantStruct LLVMIsAConstantTokenNone LLVMIsAConstantVector LLVMIsADbgDeclareInst LLVMIsADbgInfoIntrinsic LLVMIsAExtractElementInst LLVMIsAExtractValueInst LLVMIsAFCmpInst LLVMIsAFPExtInst LLVMIsAFPToSIInst LLVMIsAFPToUIInst LLVMIsAFPTruncInst LLVMIsAFuncletPadInst LLVMIsAFunction LLVMIsAGetElementPtrInst LLVMIsAGlobalAlias LLVMIsAGlobalObject LLVMIsAGlobalValue LLVMIsAGlobalVariable LLVMIsAICmpInst LLVMIsAIndirectBrInst LLVMIsAInlineAsm LLVMIsAInsertElementInst LLVMIsAInsertValueInst LLVMIsAInstruction LLVMIsAIntToPtrInst LLVMIsAIntrinsicInst LLVMIsAInvokeInst LLVMIsALandingPadInst LLVMIsALoadInst LLVMIsAMDNode LLVMIsAMDString LLVMIsAMemCpyInst LLVMIsAMemIntrinsic LLVMIsAMemMoveInst LLVMIsAMemSetInst LLVMIsAPHINode LLVMIsAPtrToIntInst LLVMIsAResumeInst LLVMIsAReturnInst LLVMIsASExtInst LLVMIsASIToFPInst LLVMIsASelectInst LLVMIsAShuffleVectorInst LLVMIsAStoreInst LLVMIsASwitchInst LLVMIsATerminatorInst LLVMIsATruncInst LLVMIsAUIToFPInst LLVMIsAUnaryInstruction LLVMIsAUndefValue LLVMIsAUnreachableInst LLVMIsAUser LLVMIsAVAArgInst LLVMIsAZExtInst LLVMIsAtomicSingleThread LLVMIsCleanup LLVMIsConditional LLVMIsConstant LLVMIsConstantString LLVMIsDeclaration LLVMIsEnumAttribute LLVMIsExternallyInitialized LLVMIsFunctionVarArg LLVMIsGlobalConstant LLVMIsInBounds LLVMIsMultithreaded LLVMIsNull LLVMIsOpaqueStruct LLVMIsPackedStruct LLVMIsStringAttribute LLVMIsTailCall LLVMIsThreadLocal LLVMIsUndef LLVMLabelType LLVMLabelTypeInContext LLVMMDNode LLVMMDNodeInContext LLVMMDString LLVMMDStringInContext LLVMModuleCreateWithName LLVMModuleCreateWithNameInContext LLVMMoveBasicBlockAfter LLVMMoveBasicBlockBefore LLVMPPCFP128Type LLVMPPCFP128TypeInContext LLVMPointerType LLVMPositionBuilder LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd LLVMPositionBuilderBefore LLVMPrintModuleToFile LLVMPrintModuleToString LLVMPrintTypeToString LLVMPrintValueToString LLVMRemoveBasicBlockFromParent LLVMRemoveCallSiteEnumAttribute LLVMRemoveCallSiteStringAttribute LLVMRemoveEnumAttributeAtIndex LLVMRemoveStringAttributeAtIndex LLVMReplaceAllUsesWith LLVMRunFunctionPassManager LLVMRunPassManager LLVMSetAlignment LLVMSetAtomicSingleThread LLVMSetCleanup LLVMSetCmpXchgFailureOrdering LLVMSetCmpXchgSuccessOrdering LLVMSetCondition LLVMSetCurrentDebugLocation LLVMSetDLLStorageClass LLVMSetDataLayout LLVMSetExternallyInitialized LLVMSetFunctionCallConv LLVMSetGC LLVMSetGlobalConstant LLVMSetInitializer LLVMSetInstDebugLocation LLVMSetInstrParamAlignment LLVMSetInstructionCallConv LLVMSetIsInBounds LLVMSetLinkage LLVMSetMetadata LLVMSetModuleIdentifier LLVMSetModuleInlineAsm LLVMSetNormalDest LLVMSetOperand LLVMSetOrdering LLVMSetParamAlignment LLVMSetPersonalityFn LLVMSetSection LLVMSetSuccessor LLVMSetTailCall LLVMSetTarget LLVMSetThreadLocal LLVMSetThreadLocalMode LLVMSetUnnamedAddr LLVMSetUnwindDest LLVMSetValueName LLVMSetVisibility LLVMSetVolatile LLVMShutdown LLVMSizeOf LLVMStartMultithreaded LLVMStopMultithreaded LLVMStructCreateNamed LLVMStructGetTypeAtIndex LLVMStructSetBody LLVMStructType LLVMStructTypeInContext LLVMTypeIsSized LLVMTypeOf LLVMValueAsBasicBlock LLVMValueIsBasicBlock LLVMVectorType LLVMVoidType LLVMVoidTypeInContext LLVMX86FP80Type LLVMX86FP80TypeInContext LLVMX86MMXType LLVMX86MMXTypeInContext _Z22LLVMTokenTypeInContextP17LLVMOpaqueContext _ZN4llvm10InvokeInst12addAttributeEjNS_9AttributeE _ZN4llvm10InvokeInst15removeAttributeEjNS_9StringRefE _ZN4llvm11LLVMContext16setYieldCallbackEPFvPS0_PvES2_ _ZN4llvm12MemoryBuffer8getSTDINEv _ZN4llvm32initializeVerifierLegacyPassPassERNS_12PassRegistryE _ZN4llvm33initializePrintBasicBlockPassPassERNS_12PassRegistryE _ZN4llvm36initializePrintModulePassWrapperPassERNS_12PassRegistryE _ZN4llvm38initializePrintFunctionPassWrapperPassERNS_12PassRegistryE _ZN4llvm4Type11getInt128TyERNS_11LLVMContextE _ZN4llvm6legacy19FunctionPassManager14doFinalizationEv _ZN4llvm6legacy19FunctionPassManager16doInitializationEv _ZN4llvm8CallInst10CreateFreeEPNS_5ValueEPNS_10BasicBlockE _ZN4llvm8CallInst12CreateMallocEPNS_10BasicBlockEPNS_4TypeES4_PNS_5ValueES6_PNS_8FunctionERKNS_5TwineE _ZN4llvm8CallInst15removeAttributeEjNS_9StringRefE _ZN4llvm8DebugLocC1EPKNS_6MDNodeE _ZN4llvm8Function15removeAttributeEjNS_9StringRefE _ZN4llvm8Function7clearGCEv _ZNK4llvm11LLVMContext20getDiagnosticContextEv _ZNK4llvm11LLVMContext20getDiagnosticHandlerEv _ZNK4llvm13IRBuilderBase28getCurrentFunctionReturnTypeEv _ZN4llvm15SmallVectorImplINS_18TypedTrackingMDRefINS_6MDNodeEEEEaSEOS4_ _ZN4llvm9DIBuilder12createFriendEPNS_6DITypeES2_ _ZN4llvm9DIBuilder15createClassTypeEPNS_7DIScopeENS_9StringRefEPNS_6DIFileEjyjyNS_6DINode7DIFlagsEPNS_6DITypeENS_24MDTupleTypedArrayWrapperIS6_EES9_PNS_6MDNodeES3_ _ZN4llvm9DIBuilder15createUnionTypeEPNS_7DIScopeENS_9StringRefEPNS_6DIFileEjyjNS_6DINode7DIFlagsENS_24MDTupleTypedArrayWrapperIS6_EEjS3_ _ZN4llvm9DIBuilder17trackIfUnresolvedEPNS_6MDNodeE _ZN4llvm9DIBuilder20createImportedModuleEPNS_7DIScopeEPNS_16DIImportedEntityEj _ZN4llvm9DIBuilder20createImportedModuleEPNS_7DIScopeEPNS_8DIModuleEj _ZN4llvm9DIBuilder21createExternalTypeRefEjPNS_6DIFileENS_9StringRefE _ZN4llvm9DIBuilder21createUnspecifiedTypeENS_9StringRefE _ZN4llvm9DIBuilderC2ERNS_6ModuleEb _ZN4llvm10DataLayout12setAlignmentENS_13AlignTypeEnumEjjj _ZN4llvm10DataLayout14parseSpecifierENS_9StringRefE _ZN4llvm10DataLayout18InvalidPointerElemE _ZN4llvm10DataLayout19setPointerAlignmentEjjjj _ZN4llvm10DataLayout20InvalidAlignmentElemE _ZN4llvm10DataLayout20getManglingComponentERKNS_6TripleE _ZN4llvm10DataLayout21findPointerLowerBoundEj _ZN4llvm10DataLayout4initEPKNS_6ModuleE _ZN4llvm10DataLayoutC2EPKNS_6ModuleE _ZN4llvm10DataLayoutD2Ev _ZN4llvm12StructLayoutC1EPNS_10StructTypeERKNS_10DataLayoutE _ZN4llvm12StructLayoutC2EPNS_10StructTypeERKNS_10DataLayoutE _ZN4llvm15LayoutAlignElem3getENS_13AlignTypeEnumEjjj _ZN4llvm16PointerAlignElem3getEjjjj _ZNK4llvm10DataLayout12getAlignmentEPNS_4TypeEb _ZNK4llvm10DataLayout16getAlignmentInfoENS_13AlignTypeEnumEjbPNS_4TypeE _ZNK4llvm10DataLayout30getPreferredTypeAlignmentShiftEPNS_4TypeE _ZNK4llvm15LayoutAlignElemeqERKS0_ _ZNK4llvm16PointerAlignElemeqERKS0_ _ZN4llvm12GlobalObject13eraseMetadataEj _ZN4llvm15DebugInfoFinder11processTypeEPNS_6DITypeE _ZN4llvm15DebugInfoFinder12processScopeEPNS_7DIScopeE _ZN4llvm15DebugInfoFinder12processValueERKNS_6ModuleEPKNS_12DbgValueInstE _ZN4llvm15DebugInfoFinder13addSubprogramEPNS_12DISubprogramE 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_ZN4llvm15DICompositeType18getODRTypeIfExistsERNS_11LLVMContextERNS_8MDStringE _ZN4llvm6MDNode10setOperandEjPNS_8MetadataE _ZN4llvm6MDNode22storeDistinctInContextEv _ZN4llvm6MDNodeC2ERNS_11LLVMContextEjNS_8Metadata11StorageTypeENS_8ArrayRefIPS3_EES7_ _ZN4llvm6MDNodenwEjj _ZN4llvm7hashing6detail23hash_combine_range_implIKyEENSt3__19enable_ifIXsr16is_hashable_dataIT_EE5valueENS_9hash_codeEE4typeEPS6_SA_ _ZNK4llvm11LLVMContext23isODRUniquingDebugTypesEv _ZN4llvm8DebugLocC2EPKNS_10DILocationE _ZN4llvm8DebugLocC2EPKNS_6MDNodeE _ZNK4llvm8DebugLoc13getFnDebugLocEv _ZNK4llvm8DebugLoc17getInlinedAtScopeEv _ZNK4llvm8DebugLoc4dumpEv _ZN4llvm18OptimizationRemarkC2EPKcNS_9StringRefEPNS_11InstructionE _ZN4llvm18OptimizationRemarkC2EPKcNS_9StringRefERKNS_8DebugLocEPNS_5ValueE _ZN4llvm23DiagnosticInfoInlineAsmC1ERKNS_11InstructionERKNS_5TwineENS_18DiagnosticSeverityE _ZN4llvm23DiagnosticInfoInlineAsmC2ERKNS_11InstructionERKNS_5TwineENS_18DiagnosticSeverityE 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_ZN4llvm15CatchSwitchInstC2EPNS_5ValueEPNS_10BasicBlockEjRKNS_5TwineEPNS_11InstructionE _ZN4llvm15CatchSwitchInstC2EPNS_5ValueEPNS_10BasicBlockEjRKNS_5TwineES4_ _ZN4llvm15CatchSwitchInstC2ERKS0_ _ZN4llvm15InsertValueInstC1ERKS0_ _ZN4llvm15InsertValueInstC2ERKS0_ _ZN4llvm15LLVMContextImpl20getOrInsertBundleTagENS_9StringRefE _ZN4llvm15UnreachableInst13setSuccessorVEjPNS_10BasicBlockE _ZN4llvm15UnreachableInstC2ERNS_11LLVMContextEPNS_10BasicBlockE _ZN4llvm15UnreachableInstC2ERNS_11LLVMContextEPNS_11InstructionE _ZN4llvm16ExtractValueInstC1ERKS0_ _ZN4llvm16ExtractValueInstC2ERKS0_ _ZN4llvm16UnaryInstructionD0Ev _ZN4llvm16UnaryInstructionD1Ev _ZN4llvm17AddrSpaceCastInstC1EPNS_5ValueEPNS_4TypeERKNS_5TwineEPNS_10BasicBlockE _ZN4llvm17AddrSpaceCastInstC2EPNS_5ValueEPNS_4TypeERKNS_5TwineEPNS_10BasicBlockE _ZN4llvm17AddrSpaceCastInstC2EPNS_5ValueEPNS_4TypeERKNS_5TwineEPNS_11InstructionE _ZN4llvm17AtomicCmpXchgInst4InitEPNS_5ValueES2_S2_NS_14AtomicOrderingES3_NS_20SynchronizationScopeE _ZN4llvm17AtomicCmpXchgInstC1EPNS_5ValueES2_S2_NS_14AtomicOrderingES3_NS_20SynchronizationScopeEPNS_10BasicBlockE _ZN4llvm17AtomicCmpXchgInstC2EPNS_5ValueES2_S2_NS_14AtomicOrderingES3_NS_20SynchronizationScopeEPNS_10BasicBlockE _ZN4llvm17AtomicCmpXchgInstC2EPNS_5ValueES2_S2_NS_14AtomicOrderingES3_NS_20SynchronizationScopeEPNS_11InstructionE _ZN4llvm17CleanupReturnInst13setSuccessorVEjPNS_10BasicBlockE _ZN4llvm17CleanupReturnInst4initEPNS_5ValueEPNS_10BasicBlockE _ZN4llvm17CleanupReturnInstC1EPNS_5ValueEPNS_10BasicBlockEjS4_ _ZN4llvm17CleanupReturnInstC1ERKS0_ _ZN4llvm17CleanupReturnInstC2EPNS_5ValueEPNS_10BasicBlockEjPNS_11InstructionE _ZN4llvm17CleanupReturnInstC2EPNS_5ValueEPNS_10BasicBlockEjS4_ _ZN4llvm17CleanupReturnInstC2ERKS0_ _ZN4llvm17GetElementPtrInst6anchorEv _ZN4llvm17GetElementPtrInstC1ERKS0_ _ZN4llvm17GetElementPtrInstC2ERKS0_ _ZN4llvm17InsertElementInstC1EPNS_5ValueES2_S2_RKNS_5TwineEPNS_10BasicBlockE 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_ZN4llvm25GetElementPtrConstantExpr6anchorEv _ZN4llvm25InsertElementConstantExpr6anchorEv _ZN4llvm25ShuffleVectorConstantExpr6anchorEv _ZN4llvm26ExtractElementConstantExpr6anchorEv _ZN4llvm6MDNode16deleteAsSubclassEv _ZN4llvm6MDNode17dropAllReferencesEv _ZN4llvm6MDNodedlEPv _ZN4llvm7hashing6detail23hash_combine_range_implIKPNS_8MetadataEEENSt3__19enable_ifIXsr16is_hashable_dataIT_EE5valueENS_9hash_codeEE4typeEPS8_SC_ _ZN4llvm7hashing6detail23hash_combine_range_implIPKNS_9MDOperandEEENS_9hash_codeET_S7_ _ZN4llvm9OptBisectC1Ev _ZTVN4llvm10FoldingSetINS_13AttributeImplEEE _ZTVN4llvm10FoldingSetINS_16AttributeSetImplEEE _ZTVN4llvm10FoldingSetINS_16AttributeSetNodeEEE PrintAfter PrintAfterAll PrintBefore PrintBeforeAll PrintFuncsList _Z28ShouldPrintBeforeOrAfterPassPKN4llvm8PassInfoERNS_2cl4listIS2_bNS_14PassNameParserEEE _ZN4llvm13FPPassManager11runOnModuleERNS_6ModuleE _ZN4llvm13FPPassManager14doFinalizationERNS_6ModuleE _ZN4llvm13FPPassManager16doInitializationERNS_6ModuleE 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_ZN4llvm4yaml6Output15endFlowSequenceEv _ZN4llvm4yaml6Output15matchEnumScalarEPKcb _ZN4llvm4yaml6Output16beginFlowMappingEv _ZN4llvm4yaml6Output16preflightElementEjRPv _ZN4llvm4yaml6Output17beginBitSetScalarERb _ZN4llvm4yaml6Output17beginFlowSequenceEv _ZN4llvm4yaml6Output17blockScalarStringERNS_9StringRefE _ZN4llvm4yaml6Output17matchEnumFallbackEv _ZN4llvm4yaml6Output17postflightElementEPv _ZN4llvm4yaml6Output19outputUpToEndOfLineENS_9StringRefE _ZN4llvm4yaml6Output20preflightFlowElementEjRPv _ZN4llvm4yaml6Output21canElideEmptySequenceEv _ZN4llvm4yaml6Output21postflightFlowElementEPv _ZN4llvm4yaml6Output6mapTagENS_9StringRefEb _ZN4llvm4yaml6Output6outputENS_9StringRefE _ZN4llvm4yaml6Output7flowKeyENS_9StringRefE _ZN4llvm4yaml6Output8setErrorERKNS_5TwineE _ZN4llvm4yaml6Output9paddedKeyENS_9StringRefE _ZN4llvm4yaml6OutputC2ERNS_11raw_ostreamEPvi _ZN4llvm4yaml6OutputD0Ev _ZN4llvm4yaml6OutputD2Ev 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_ZTVN4llvm4yaml5Input5HNodeE _ZTVN4llvm4yaml5Input8MapHNodeE _ZTVN4llvm4yaml5InputE _ZTVN4llvm4yaml6OutputE _ZN4llvm11raw_ostream11SetBufferedEv _ZN4llvm11raw_ostream14copy_to_bufferEPKcj _ZN4llvm11raw_ostreamD0Ev _ZN4llvm11raw_ostreamD1Ev _ZN4llvm11raw_ostreamlsERKNS_14FormattedBytesE _ZN4llvm12write_doubleERNS_11raw_ostreamEdNS_10FloatStyleENS_8OptionalIjEE _ZN4llvm13write_integerERNS_11raw_ostreamExjNS_12IntegerStyleE _ZN4llvm13write_integerERNS_11raw_ostreamEyjNS_12IntegerStyleE _ZN4llvm14raw_fd_ostream10resetColorEv _ZN4llvm14raw_fd_ostream10write_implEPKcj _ZN4llvm14raw_fd_ostream11changeColorENS_11raw_ostream6ColorsEbb _ZN4llvm14raw_fd_ostream11pwrite_implEPKcjy _ZN4llvm14raw_fd_ostream12reverseColorEv _ZN4llvm14raw_fd_ostream4seekEy _ZN4llvm14raw_fd_ostreamC2ENS_9StringRefERNSt3__110error_codeENS_3sys2fs9OpenFlagsE _ZN4llvm14raw_fd_ostreamC2Eibb _ZN4llvm14raw_fd_ostreamD0Ev _ZN4llvm14raw_fd_ostreamD2Ev _ZN4llvm16raw_null_ostream10write_implEPKcj _ZN4llvm16raw_null_ostream11pwrite_implEPKcjy _ZN4llvm16raw_null_ostreamD0Ev _ZN4llvm16raw_null_ostreamD2Ev _ZN4llvm18raw_string_ostream10write_implEPKcj _ZN4llvm18raw_string_ostreamD0Ev _ZN4llvm18raw_string_ostreamD2Ev _ZN4llvm9write_hexERNS_11raw_ostreamEyNS_13HexPrintStyleENS_8OptionalIjEE _ZNK4llvm14raw_fd_ostream10has_colorsEv _ZNK4llvm14raw_fd_ostream12is_displayedEv _ZNK4llvm14raw_fd_ostream21preferred_buffer_sizeEv _ZNK4llvm16raw_null_ostream11current_posEv _ZTVN4llvm11raw_ostreamE _ZTVN4llvm14raw_fd_ostreamE _ZTVN4llvm18format_object_baseE llvm_strlcpy _ZN4llvm13write_integerERNS_11raw_ostreamEijNS_12IntegerStyleE _ZN4llvm13write_integerERNS_11raw_ostreamEjjNS_12IntegerStyleE _ZN4llvm13write_integerERNS_11raw_ostreamEljNS_12IntegerStyleE _ZN4llvm13write_integerERNS_11raw_ostreamEmjNS_12IntegerStyleE _ZN4llvm18isPrefixedHexStyleENS_13HexPrintStyleE _ZN4llvm19getDefaultPrecisionENS_10FloatStyleE _ZNSt3__113unordered_mapIjN4llvm11SmallVectorIjLj4EEENS_4hashIjEENS_8equal_toIjEENS_9allocatorINS_4pairIKjS3_EEEEEixERSA_ _ZN4llvm3sys14CompareAndSwapEPVjjj _ZN4llvm3sys8StrErrorEv _Z19_essl_mempool_clearP12_tag_mempool _Z25_essl_mempool_get_trackerPK12_tag_mempool _Z13ParseMBS2TypeN4llvm9StringRefEP12_tag_mempool _Z18mbs2type_to_stringP16cmpbe_chunk_TYPE _ZN10MDMBS2Type11initMempoolEv _ZN10MDMBS2TypeC1EN4llvm9StringRefE _ZN10MDMBS2TypeC1EP16cmpbe_chunk_TYPE _ZN10MDMBS2TypeC2EN4llvm9StringRefE _ZN10MDMBS2TypeC2EP16cmpbe_chunk_TYPE _ZN10MDMBS2TypeD2Ev LLVM_cmpbep_chunk_parse_TYPE LLVM_cmpbep_lir_scanner_get_token cmpbe_chunk_export_TYPE_local _Z10eval_expfxjj _Z10eval_rsqrtj _Z16_mali_equal_sf32jj _Z8eval_rcpj _Z9eval_logdj _ZN4llvm7Bifrost16BifrostInstrEval4evalEjRj _ZN4llvm7Bifrost16BifrostInstrEval7computeENS0_5ModIdES2_ _ZN4llvm7Bifrost8Sequence10FRECIP_f32INS0_16BifrostInstrEvalEjPjEEvRT_T0_T1_ _ZN4llvm7Bifrost8Sequence10FRSQRT_f32INS0_16BifrostInstrEvalEjPjEEvRT_T0_T1_ 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execute_secondary_command_list begin_subpass copy_buffer copy_image copy_image_SRCBLOCKSIZE1X1 copy_image_SRCBLOCKSIZE4X4 copy_image_DSTBLOCKSIZE1X1 copy_image_SRCBLOCKSIZE1X1_DSTBLOCKSIZE1X1 copy_image_SRCBLOCKSIZE4X4_DSTBLOCKSIZE1X1 copy_image_DSTBLOCKSIZE4X4 copy_image_SRCBLOCKSIZE1X1_DSTBLOCKSIZE4X4 copy_image_SRCBLOCKSIZE4X4_DSTBLOCKSIZE4X4 copy_image_uncompressed copy_image_uncompressed_V8DEPTH copy_image_uncompressed_V8STENCIL copy_image_uncompressed_V8STENCILFROMU8 copy_image_uncompressed_V8STENCILTOU8 copy_query_pool_results dispatch_indirect execute_secondary fill_buffer geom_allocator geom_block geom_layer geom_reorder geom_sum index_scan index_scan_VERTEXOFFSET index_scan_RESTART index_scan_RESTART_BITS16 index_scan_RESTART_VERTEXOFFSET process_occlusion_query remove_adjacency tess_pass1_ISOLINE tess_pass1_TRIANGLE tess_pass1_QUAD tess_pass1_GEOMETRY_TRIANGLE tess_pass1_GEOMETRY_QUAD tess_pass2_allocator tess_pass2_allocator_IDVS tess_pass2_allocator_GEOMETRY tess_pass2_block tess_pass2_patch tess_pass2_sum tess_pass3_index_ISOLINE tess_pass3_index_TRIANGLE tess_pass3_index_QUAD tess_pass3_index_TRIANGLE_TRIANGLEOUT tess_pass3_index_QUAD_TRIANGLEOUT tess_pass3_index_GEOMETRY_TRIANGLE_TRIANGLEOUT tess_pass3_index_GEOMETRY_QUAD_TRIANGLEOUT tess_pass3_point_ISOLINE tess_pass3_point_TRIANGLE tess_pass3_point_QUAD tess_pass4_index tess_pass4_index_GEOMETRY tess_pass4_point xfb crc_flags_pilot fragment_pilots modify_depth #version 310 es #extension GL_ARM_increased_rt : enable precision highp int; precision highp float; vec4 ivec4 uvec4 void main() { fragColor%i = clear_color_%i; 3 sampler isampler usampler 2 #version 310 es #extension GL_OES_sample_variables : enable #extension GL_OES_shader_multisample_interpolation : enable precision highp int; precision highp float; layout(location = 0) out %s fragColor0; layout(binding = 0) uniform highp %s%sD sampler0; #version 310 es #extension GL_ARM_increased_rt : enable #extension GL_OES_sample_variables : enable #extension GL_OES_shader_multisample_interpolation : enable precision highp int; precision highp float; sample in vec2 tex_coord; sampler2D isampler2D usampler2D layout(location = %d) out %s fragColor%d; layout(binding = %d) uniform highp %s%s sampler%d; ivec2 tex_coord_2dms = ivec2( interpolateAtOffset(tex_coord, vec2(0.0))); fragColor%d = texelFetch(sampler%d, tex_coord_2dms, gl_SampleID); tileBufferReadRGBA16ARM tileBufferReadRGBA32ARM tileBufferReadRG11B10ARM vec3 #version 310 es #extension GL_ARM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_raw_explicit : enable #extension GL_ARM_increased_rt : enable precision highp float; #define R%i(i) color%i += %s(%i, i) layout(location = %i) out %s color%i; rgba32f image2D rgba32ui uimage2D tess_pass1 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/= 0 <RESERVED> 1 <RESERVED> 2 <RESERVED> 3 <RESERVED> 4 TMIx_MESSAGES_SENT 5 TMIx_MESSAGES_RECEIVED 6 TMIx_GPU_ACTIVE 7 TMIx_IRQ_ACTIVE 8 TMIx_JS0_JOBS 9 TMIx_JS0_TASKS 10 TMIx_JS0_ACTIVE 11 <RESERVED> 12 TMIx_JS0_WAIT_READ 13 TMIx_JS0_WAIT_ISSUE 14 TMIx_JS0_WAIT_DEPEND 15 TMIx_JS0_WAIT_FINISH 16 TMIx_JS1_JOBS 17 TMIx_JS1_TASKS 18 TMIx_JS1_ACTIVE 19 <RESERVED> 20 TMIx_JS1_WAIT_READ 21 TMIx_JS1_WAIT_ISSUE 22 TMIx_JS1_WAIT_DEPEND 23 TMIx_JS1_WAIT_FINISH 24 TMIx_JS2_JOBS 25 TMIx_JS2_TASKS 26 TMIx_JS2_ACTIVE 27 <RESERVED> 28 TMIx_JS2_WAIT_READ 29 TMIx_JS2_WAIT_ISSUE 30 TMIx_JS2_WAIT_DEPEND 31 TMIx_JS2_WAIT_FINISH 32 <RESERVED> 33 <RESERVED> 34 <RESERVED> 35 <RESERVED> 36 <RESERVED> 37 <RESERVED> 38 <RESERVED> 39 <RESERVED> 40 <RESERVED> 41 <RESERVED> 42 <RESERVED> 43 <RESERVED> 44 <RESERVED> 45 <RESERVED> 46 <RESERVED> 47 <RESERVED> 48 <RESERVED> 49 <RESERVED> 50 <RESERVED> 51 <RESERVED> 52 <RESERVED> 53 <RESERVED> 54 <RESERVED> 55 <RESERVED> 56 <RESERVED> 57 <RESERVED> 58 <RESERVED> 59 <RESERVED> 60 <RESERVED> 61 <RESERVED> 62 <RESERVED> 63 <RESERVED> 4 TMIx_TILER_ACTIVE 5 TMIx_JOBS_PROCESSED 6 TMIx_TRIANGLES 7 TMIx_LINES 8 TMIx_POINTS 9 TMIx_FRONT_FACING 10 TMIx_BACK_FACING 11 TMIx_PRIM_VISIBLE 12 TMIx_PRIM_CULLED 13 TMIx_PRIM_CLIPPED 14 TMIx_PRIM_SAT_CULLED 15 TMIx_BIN_ALLOC_INIT 16 TMIx_BIN_ALLOC_OVERFLOW 17 TMIx_BUS_READ 18 <RESERVED> 19 TMIx_BUS_WRITE 20 TMIx_LOADING_DESC 21 TMIx_IDVS_POS_SHAD_REQ 22 TMIx_IDVS_POS_SHAD_WAIT 23 TMIx_IDVS_POS_SHAD_STALL 24 TMIx_IDVS_POS_FIFO_FULL 25 TMIx_PREFETCH_STALL 26 TMIx_VCACHE_HIT 27 TMIx_VCACHE_MISS 28 TMIx_VCACHE_LINE_WAIT 29 TMIx_VFETCH_POS_READ_WAIT 30 TMIx_VFETCH_VERTEX_WAIT 31 TMIx_VFETCH_STALL 32 TMIx_PRIMASSY_STALL 33 TMIx_BBOX_GEN_STALL 34 TMIx_IDVS_VBU_HIT 35 TMIx_IDVS_VBU_MISS 36 TMIx_IDVS_VBU_LINE_DEALLOCATE 37 TMIx_IDVS_VAR_SHAD_REQ 38 TMIx_IDVS_VAR_SHAD_STALL 39 TMIx_BINNER_STALL 40 TMIx_ITER_STALL 41 TMIx_COMPRESS_MISS 42 TMIx_COMPRESS_STALL 43 TMIx_PCACHE_HIT 44 TMIx_PCACHE_MISS 45 TMIx_PCACHE_MISS_STALL 46 TMIx_PCACHE_EVICT_STALL 47 TMIx_PMGR_PTR_WR_STALL 48 TMIx_PMGR_PTR_RD_STALL 49 TMIx_PMGR_CMD_WR_STALL 50 TMIx_WRBUF_ACTIVE 51 TMIx_WRBUF_HIT 52 TMIx_WRBUF_MISS 53 TMIx_WRBUF_NO_FREE_LINE_STALL 54 TMIx_WRBUF_NO_AXI_ID_STALL 55 TMIx_WRBUF_AXI_STALL 59 TMIx_UTLB_TRANS 60 TMIx_UTLB_TRANS_HIT 61 TMIx_UTLB_TRANS_STALL 62 TMIx_UTLB_TRANS_MISS_DELAY 63 TMIx_UTLB_MMU_REQ 4 TMIx_FRAG_ACTIVE 5 TMIx_FRAG_PRIMITIVES 6 TMIx_FRAG_PRIM_RAST 7 TMIx_FRAG_FPK_ACTIVE 8 TMIx_FRAG_STARVING 9 TMIx_FRAG_WARPS 10 TMIx_FRAG_PARTIAL_WARPS 11 TMIx_FRAG_QUADS_RAST 12 TMIx_FRAG_QUADS_EZS_TEST 13 TMIx_FRAG_QUADS_EZS_UPDATE 14 TMIx_FRAG_QUADS_EZS_KILL 15 TMIx_FRAG_LZS_TEST 16 TMIx_FRAG_LZS_KILL 17 <RESERVED> 18 TMIx_FRAG_PTILES 19 TMIx_FRAG_TRANS_ELIM 20 TMIx_QUAD_FPK_KILLER 21 <RESERVED> 22 TMIx_COMPUTE_ACTIVE 23 TMIx_COMPUTE_TASKS 24 TMIx_COMPUTE_WARPS 25 TMIx_COMPUTE_STARVING 26 TMIx_EXEC_CORE_ACTIVE 27 TMIx_EXEC_ACTIVE 28 TMIx_EXEC_INSTR_COUNT 29 TMIx_EXEC_INSTR_DIVERGED 30 TMIx_EXEC_INSTR_STARVING 31 TMIx_ARITH_INSTR_SINGLE_FMA 32 TMIx_ARITH_INSTR_DOUBLE 33 TMIx_ARITH_INSTR_MSG 34 TMIx_ARITH_INSTR_MSG_ONLY 35 TMIx_TEX_INSTR 36 TMIx_TEX_INSTR_MIPMAP 37 TMIx_TEX_INSTR_COMPRESSED 38 TMIx_TEX_INSTR_3D 39 TMIx_TEX_INSTR_TRILINEAR 40 TMIx_TEX_COORD_ISSUE 41 TMIx_TEX_COORD_STALL 42 TMIx_TEX_STARVE_CACHE 43 TMIx_TEX_STARVE_FILTER 44 TMIx_LS_MEM_READ_FULL 45 TMIx_LS_MEM_READ_SHORT 46 TMIx_LS_MEM_WRITE_FULL 47 TMIx_LS_MEM_WRITE_SHORT 48 TMIx_LS_MEM_ATOMIC 49 TMIx_VARY_INSTR 50 TMIx_VARY_SLOT_32 51 TMIx_VARY_SLOT_16 52 TMIx_ATTR_INSTR 53 TMIx_ARITH_INSTR_FP_MUL 54 TMIx_BEATS_RD_FTC 55 TMIx_BEATS_RD_FTC_EXT 56 TMIx_BEATS_RD_LSC 57 TMIx_BEATS_RD_LSC_EXT 58 TMIx_BEATS_RD_TEX 59 TMIx_BEATS_RD_TEX_EXT 60 TMIx_BEATS_RD_OTHER 61 TMIx_BEATS_WR_LSC 62 TMIx_BEATS_WR_TIB 4 TMIx_MMU_REQUESTS 5 <RESERVED> 6 <RESERVED> 7 <RESERVED> 8 <RESERVED> 9 <RESERVED> 10 <RESERVED> 12 <RESERVED> 13 <RESERVED> 14 <RESERVED> 15 <RESERVED> 16 TMIx_L2_RD_MSG_IN 17 TMIx_L2_RD_MSG_IN_STALL 18 TMIx_L2_WR_MSG_IN 19 TMIx_L2_WR_MSG_IN_STALL 20 TMIx_L2_SNP_MSG_IN 21 TMIx_L2_SNP_MSG_IN_STALL 22 TMIx_L2_RD_MSG_OUT 23 TMIx_L2_RD_MSG_OUT_STALL 24 TMIx_L2_WR_MSG_OUT 25 TMIx_L2_ANY_LOOKUP 26 TMIx_L2_READ_LOOKUP 27 TMIx_L2_WRITE_LOOKUP 28 TMIx_L2_EXT_SNOOP_LOOKUP 29 TMIx_L2_EXT_READ 30 TMIx_L2_EXT_READ_NOSNP 31 TMIx_L2_EXT_READ_UNIQUE 32 TMIx_L2_EXT_READ_BEATS 33 TMIx_L2_EXT_AR_STALL 34 TMIx_L2_EXT_AR_CNT_Q1 35 TMIx_L2_EXT_AR_CNT_Q2 36 TMIx_L2_EXT_AR_CNT_Q3 37 TMIx_L2_EXT_RRESP_0_127 38 TMIx_L2_EXT_RRESP_128_191 39 TMIx_L2_EXT_RRESP_192_255 40 TMIx_L2_EXT_RRESP_256_319 41 TMIx_L2_EXT_RRESP_320_383 42 TMIx_L2_EXT_WRITE 43 TMIx_L2_EXT_WRITE_NOSNP_FULL 44 TMIx_L2_EXT_WRITE_NOSNP_PTL 45 TMIx_L2_EXT_WRITE_SNP_FULL 46 TMIx_L2_EXT_WRITE_SNP_PTL 47 TMIx_L2_EXT_WRITE_BEATS 48 TMIx_L2_EXT_W_STALL 49 TMIx_L2_EXT_AW_CNT_Q1 50 TMIx_L2_EXT_AW_CNT_Q2 51 TMIx_L2_EXT_AW_CNT_Q3 52 TMIx_L2_EXT_SNOOP 53 TMIx_L2_EXT_SNOOP_STALL 54 TMIx_L2_EXT_SNOOP_RESP_CLEAN 55 TMIx_L2_EXT_SNOOP_RESP_DATA 56 TMIx_L2_EXT_SNOOP_INTERNAL MALI_TIMELINE_BUFFER_CNT MALI_TIMELINE_AUTOFLUSH_TIME MALI_TIMELINE_UDS_LOSSLESS_MODE MALI_TIMELINE_OUTFILE_PREFIX Endpoint connected. Endpoint connection failed. Failed to acquire kernel timeline stream descriptor (%d). Check if kernel has timeline stream enabled in its configuration. The kernel timeline stream descriptor is busy (attached to different application). MALI_HWC_DUMP_SAMPLING_INTERVAL MALI_HWC_DUMP_PER_FRAME HWC stream enabling was attempted, however no counter mask was set. MALI_GPUPERF_PERIOD [HWCF] usleep in poll thread failed [HWCF] HWC reader setup in poll thread failed. [HWCF] Setting sampling period in poll thread failed. [HWCF] Failed to release sample buffer. [HWCF] Timeout while waiting for sample buffer. [MIPE_RPC] error encountered - unavailable command %u. ERROR In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cinstr/src/mali_cinstr_qmanager.c line: 502 [QUEUE_MANAGER] %p failed to set non-blocking mode on pipe descriptors In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cinstr/src/mali_cinstr_qmanager.c line: 271 In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cinstr/src/mali_cinstr_qmanager.c line: 323 [QUEUE_MANAGER] %p poll failed api_name NDRANGEKERNEL TASK NATIVEKERNEL READBUFFER WRITEBUFFER COPYBUFFER READIMAGE WRITEIMAGE COPYIMAGE COPYIMAGETOBUFFER COPYBUFFERTOIMAGE MAPBUFFER MAPIMAGE UNMAPMEMOBJECT ACQUIREGLOBJECTS RELEASEGLOBJECTS READBUFFERRECT WRITEBUFFERRECT COPYBUFFERRECT USER ACQUIREEGLOBJECTS RELEASEEGLOBJECTS INVALID MIGRATEMEMOBJECTS MARKERWITHWAITLIST BARRIERWITHWAITLIST MARKER BARRIER WAITFOREVENTS ENQUEUE_WAITFOREVENTS FLUSH FINISH api_type CONTEXT_TYPE_EGL CONTEXT_TYPE_OPENGLES CONTEXT_TYPE_OPENCL atom_type ATOM_TYPE_SOFT ATOM_TYPE_GPU CINSTR_TL_NEW_KERNEL New kernel @tp kernel CINSTR_TL_ATTRIB_KERNEL_NAME TL attrib kernel name @tps kernel,name CINSTR_TL_DEL_KERNEL Delete kernel CINSTR_TL_ATTRIB_THREAD_API_NAME @tI CINSTR_TL_BLOCK_QUEUE TL thread blocked until queued commands are finished queue CINSTR_TL_NBLOCK_QUEUE TL thread unblocked CINSTR_TL_ATTRIB_CLOSURE_TIMESTAMPS TL attrib closure timestamps @tpLL closure,timestamp_start,timestamp_end CINSTR_TL_RET_CLOSURE_KERNEL TL ret closure to kernel @tpp closure,kernel CINSTR_TL_NEW_CTX New context ctx CINSTR_TL_ATTRIB_CTX_API_TYPE TL attrib ctx api_type @tpI ctx,api_type CINSTR_TL_ATTRIB_CTX_API_VERSION TL attrib ctx api_version ctx,api_version CINSTR_TL_ATTRIB_CTX_CTX_NR TL attrib ctx ctx_nr ctx,ctx_nr CINSTR_TL_RET_CTX_CTX TL ret ctx to ctx ctx1,ctx2 CINSTR_TL_NEW_LPU New lpu lpu CINSTR_TL_ATTRIB_LPU_LPU_NR TL attrib lpu lpu_nr lpu,lpu_nr CINSTR_TL_LIFELINK_LPU_CTX TL lifelink lpu to ctx lpu,ctx CINSTR_TL_NEW_QUEUE New queue CINSTR_TL_ATTRIB_QUEUE_DEVICE_NAME TL attrib queue device name queue,device_name CINSTR_TL_RET_QUEUE_CTX TL ret queue to ctx queue,ctx CINSTR_TL_NEW_COMMAND New command command CINSTR_TL_ATTRIB_COMMAND_API_NAME TL attrib command api_name command,api_name CINSTR_TL_RET_COMMAND_QUEUE TL ret command to queue command,queue CINSTR_TL_NEW_EVENT New event event CINSTR_TL_DEP_COMMAND_EVENT TL event depends on command command,event CINSTR_TL_RET_EVENT_CTX TL ret event to ctx event,ctx CINSTR_TL_DEP_EVENT_COMMAND TL commands depends on event @tppI event,command,implicit_dependency CINSTR_TL_RET_CLOSURE_COMMAND TL command retains closure closure,command CINSTR_TL_NEW_CLOSURE New closure closure CINSTR_TL_NEW_ATOM New atom @tpIII atom,atom_nr,atom_type,atom_subtype CINSTR_TL_RET_CLOSURE_ATOM TL ret closure to atom closure,atom CINSTR_TL_RET_ATOM_CTX TL ret atom to ctx atom,ctx CINSTR_TL_RET_CLOSURE_LPU TL ret closure to lpu closure,lpu CINSTR_TL_DEL_CTX Delete context CINSTR_TL_DEL_QUEUE Delete queue CINSTR_TL_DEL_COMMAND Delete command CINSTR_TL_DEL_EVENT Delete event CINSTR_TL_NRET_CLOSURE_ATOM TL nret closure to atom CINSTR_TL_DEL_ATOM Delete atom atom CINSTR_TL_NRET_ATOM_CTX TL nret atom to ctx CINSTR_TL_NRET_CLOSURE_LPU TL nret closure to lpu CINSTR_TL_NRET_CLOSURE_COMMAND TL command nret closure CINSTR_TL_ENUM Timeline value sIs arg_name,enum_value,enum_name CINSTR_PROCESS_ATTRIB Process attributes I process_id eglCreateImageKHR eglDestroyImageKHR eglCreateSyncKHR eglDestroySyncKHR eglClientWaitSyncKHR eglGetSyncAttribKHR eglWaitSyncKHR eglSwapBuffersWithDamageEXT eglSwapBuffersWithDamageKHR eglSetDamageRegionKHR eglChooseConfig eglCopyBuffers eglCreateContext eglCreatePbufferSurface eglCreatePixmapSurface eglCreateWindowSurface eglDestroyContext eglDestroySurface eglGetConfigAttrib eglGetConfigs eglGetCurrentDisplay eglGetCurrentSurface eglGetDisplay eglGetError eglGetProcAddress eglInitialize eglMakeCurrent eglQueryContext eglQueryString eglQuerySurface eglSwapBuffers eglTerminate eglWaitGL eglWaitNative eglBindTexImage eglReleaseTexImage eglSurfaceAttrib eglSwapInterval eglBindAPI eglQueryAPI eglCreatePbufferFromClientBuffer eglReleaseThread eglWaitClient eglGetCurrentContext eglGetPlatformDisplayEXT eglCreatePlatformWindowSurfaceEXT eglCreatePlatformPixmapSurfaceEXT EGL_KHR_config_attribs EGL_KHR_image EGL_KHR_image_base EGL_KHR_fence_sync EGL_KHR_wait_sync EGL_KHR_gl_colorspace EGL_KHR_get_all_proc_addresses EGL_IMG_context_priority EGL_KHR_no_config_context EGL_ARM_pixmap_multisample_discard EGL_ARM_implicit_external_sync EGL_KHR_gl_texture_2D_image EGL_KHR_gl_renderbuffer_image EGL_KHR_create_context EGL_KHR_surfaceless_context EGL_KHR_gl_texture_cubemap_image EGL_EXT_create_context_robustness EGL_EXT_client_extensions EGL_EXT_platform_base EGL_KHR_client_get_all_proc_addresses EGL_KHR_platform_android In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/egl/src/mali_egl_window_surface.c line: 1519 %s%d /dev/mali ERROR: The DDK (built for 0x%x r%dp%d status range [%d..%d]) is not compatible with this Mali GPU device, %s detected as 0x%x r%dp%d status %d. file %s is not of a compatible version (user %d.%d, kernel %d.%d) opening of kernel driver memory mapping of tracking handle initializing of kernel context flags allocation of GPU properties DDK compatibility check initializing of job dispatch context an invalid initialization state Mali-G72 Mali-G51 In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/base/src/mali_base_kbase.c line: 288 Could not notify message handler of driver termination. As a result, your application may not terminate properly. In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/base/src/mali_base_kbase.c line: 325 reading from event semaphore fd, events in queue and semaphore count probably out of sync GL_OES_byte_coordinates GL_OES_fixed_point GL_OES_single_precision GL_OES_matrix_get GL_OES_compressed_paletted_texture GL_OES_point_size_array GL_OES_point_sprite GL_OES_read_format GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_stencil8 GL_OES_framebuffer_object GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_EXT_read_format_bgra GL_OES_matrix_palette GL_OES_extended_matrix_palette GL_OES_draw_texture GL_OES_blend_equation_separate GL_OES_blend_func_separate GL_OES_blend_subtract GL_OES_stencil_wrap GL_OES_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_OES_query_matrix GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_EGL_image_external GL_OES_EGL_sync GL_OES_texture_npot GL_OES_vertex_half_float GL_OES_required_internalformat GL_OES_vertex_array_object GL_OES_mapbuffer GL_OES_fbo_render_mipmap GL_OES_element_index_uint GL_ARM_rgba8 GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer GL_EXT_texture_storage GL_OES_texture_compression_astc GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_hdr GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_sliced_3d GL_EXT_texture_compression_astc_decode_mode GL_OES_surfaceless_context GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture GL_OES_texture_cube_map GL_KHR_debug GL_EXT_sRGB GL_EXT_robustness GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_ARM_mali_shader_binary GL_OES_depth_texture GL_OES_depth_texture_cube_map GL_OES_standard_derivatives GL_OES_EGL_image_external_essl3 GL_EXT_texture_rg GL_EXT_texture_type_2_10_10_10_REV GL_EXT_shadow_samplers GL_EXT_occlusion_query_boolean GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query GL_OES_get_program_binary GL_OES_texture_3D GL_OES_texture_stencil8 GL_EXT_shader_pixel_local_storage GL_ARM_shader_framebuffer_fetch GL_ARM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_depth_stencil GL_ARM_mali_program_binary GL_EXT_sRGB_write_control GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_R8 GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_RG8 GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced_coherent GL_OES_texture_storage_multisample_2d_array GL_OES_shader_image_atomic GL_EXT_draw_buffers_indexed GL_OES_draw_buffers_indexed GL_EXT_texture_border_clamp GL_OES_texture_border_clamp GL_EXT_texture_cube_map_array GL_OES_texture_cube_map_array GL_OES_sample_variables GL_OES_sample_shading GL_OES_shader_multisample_interpolation GL_EXT_shader_io_blocks GL_OES_shader_io_blocks GL_EXT_tessellation_shader GL_OES_tessellation_shader GL_EXT_primitive_bounding_box GL_OES_primitive_bounding_box GL_EXT_geometry_shader GL_OES_geometry_shader GL_ANDROID_extension_pack_es31a GL_EXT_gpu_shader5 GL_OES_gpu_shader5 GL_EXT_texture_buffer GL_OES_texture_buffer GL_EXT_copy_image GL_OES_copy_image GL_EXT_shader_non_constant_global_initializers GL_EXT_color_buffer_half_float GL_EXT_color_buffer_float GL_EXT_YUV_target GL_OVR_multiview GL_OVR_multiview2 GL_OVR_multiview_multisampled_render_to_texture GL_KHR_robustness GL_KHR_robust_buffer_access_behavior GL_EXT_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_OES_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_EXT_protected_textures GL_EXT_buffer_storage glActiveShaderProgram glActiveTexture glAlphaFunc glAlphaFuncx glAlphaFuncxOES glAttachShader glBeginQuery glBeginQueryEXT glBeginTransformFeedback glBindAttribLocation glBindBuffer glBindBufferBase glBindBufferRange glBindFramebuffer glBindFramebufferOES glBindImageTexture glBindProgramPipeline glBindRenderbuffer glBindRenderbufferOES glBindSampler glBindTexture glBindTransformFeedback glBindVertexArray glBindVertexArrayOES glBindVertexBuffer glBlendBarrier glBlendBarrierKHR glBlendColor glBlendEquation glBlendEquationOES glBlendEquationSeparate glBlendEquationSeparateOES glBlendEquationSeparatei glBlendEquationSeparateiEXT glBlendEquationSeparateiOES glBlendEquationi glBlendEquationiEXT glBlendEquationiOES glBlendFunc glBlendFuncSeparate glBlendFuncSeparateOES glBlendFuncSeparatei glBlendFuncSeparateiEXT glBlendFuncSeparateiOES glBlendFunci glBlendFunciEXT glBlendFunciOES glBlitFramebuffer glBufferData glBufferStorageEXT glBufferSubData glCheckFramebufferStatus glCheckFramebufferStatusOES glClear glClearBufferfi glClearBufferfv glClearBufferiv glClearBufferuiv glClearColor glClearColorx glClearColorxOES glClearDepthf glClearDepthfOES glClearDepthx glClearDepthxOES glClearStencil glClientActiveTexture glClientWaitSync glClipPlanef glClipPlanefOES glClipPlanex glClipPlanexOES glColor4f glColor4ub glColor4x glColor4xOES glColorMask glColorMaski glColorMaskiEXT glColorMaskiOES glColorPointer glCompileShader glCompressedTexImage2D glCompressedTexImage3D glCompressedTexImage3DOES glCompressedTexSubImage2D glCompressedTexSubImage3D glCompressedTexSubImage3DOES glCopyBufferSubData glCopyImageSubData glCopyImageSubDataEXT glCopyImageSubDataOES glCopyTexImage2D glCopyTexSubImage2D glCopyTexSubImage3D glCopyTexSubImage3DOES glCreateProgram glCreateShader glCreateShaderProgramv glCullFace glCurrentPaletteMatrixOES glDebugMessageCallback glDebugMessageCallbackKHR glDebugMessageControl glDebugMessageControlKHR glDebugMessageInsert glDebugMessageInsertKHR glDeleteBuffers glDeleteFramebuffers glDeleteFramebuffersOES glDeleteProgram glDeleteProgramPipelines glDeleteQueries glDeleteQueriesEXT glDeleteRenderbuffers glDeleteRenderbuffersOES glDeleteSamplers glDeleteShader glDeleteSync glDeleteTextures glDeleteTransformFeedbacks glDeleteVertexArrays glDeleteVertexArraysOES glDepthFunc glDepthMask glDepthRangef glDepthRangefOES glDepthRangex glDepthRangexOES glDetachShader glDisable glDisableClientState glDisableVertexAttribArray glDisablei glDisableiEXT glDisableiOES glDiscardFramebufferEXT glDispatchCompute glDispatchComputeIndirect glDrawArrays glDrawArraysIndirect glDrawArraysInstanced glDrawBuffers glDrawElements glDrawElementsBaseVertex glDrawElementsBaseVertexEXT glDrawElementsBaseVertexOES glDrawElementsIndirect glDrawElementsInstanced glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexEXT glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexOES glDrawRangeElements glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertexEXT glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertexOES glDrawTexfOES glDrawTexfvOES glDrawTexiOES glDrawTexivOES glDrawTexsOES glDrawTexsvOES glDrawTexxOES glDrawTexxvOES glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES glEnable glEnableClientState glEnableVertexAttribArray glEnablei glEnableiEXT glEnableiOES glEndQuery glEndQueryEXT glEndTransformFeedback glFenceSync glFinish glFlush glFlushMappedBufferRange glFogf glFogfv glFogx glFogxOES glFogxv glFogxvOES glFramebufferParameteri glFramebufferRenderbuffer glFramebufferRenderbufferOES glFramebufferTexture glFramebufferTexture2D glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT glFramebufferTexture2DOES glFramebufferTexture3DOES glFramebufferTextureEXT glFramebufferTextureLayer glFramebufferTextureMultisampleMultiviewOVR glFramebufferTextureMultiviewOVR glFramebufferTextureOES glFrontFace glFrustumf glFrustumfOES glFrustumx glFrustumxOES glGenBuffers glGenFramebuffers glGenFramebuffersOES glGenProgramPipelines glGenQueries glGenQueriesEXT glGenRenderbuffers glGenRenderbuffersOES glGenSamplers glGenTextures glGenTransformFeedbacks glGenVertexArrays glGenVertexArraysOES glGenerateMipmap glGenerateMipmapOES glGetActiveAttrib glGetActiveUniform glGetActiveUniformBlockName glGetActiveUniformBlockiv glGetActiveUniformsiv glGetAttachedShaders glGetAttribLocation glGetBooleani_v glGetBooleanv glGetBufferParameteri64v glGetBufferParameteriv glGetBufferPointerv glGetBufferPointervOES glGetClipPlanef glGetClipPlanefOES glGetClipPlanex glGetClipPlanexOES glGetDebugMessageLog glGetDebugMessageLogKHR glGetError glGetFixedv glGetFixedvOES glGetFloatv glGetFragDataLocation glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivOES glGetFramebufferParameteriv glGetGraphicsResetStatus glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT glGetGraphicsResetStatusKHR glGetInteger64i_v glGetInteger64v glGetIntegeri_v glGetIntegerv glGetInternalformativ glGetLightfv glGetLightxv glGetLightxvOES glGetMaterialfv glGetMaterialxv glGetMaterialxvOES glGetMultisamplefv glGetObjectLabel glGetObjectLabelKHR glGetObjectPtrLabel glGetObjectPtrLabelKHR glGetPointerv glGetPointervKHR glGetProgramBinary glGetProgramBinaryOES glGetProgramInfoLog glGetProgramInterfaceiv glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog glGetProgramPipelineiv glGetProgramResourceIndex glGetProgramResourceLocation glGetProgramResourceName glGetProgramResourceiv glGetProgramiv glGetQueryObjecti64vEXT glGetQueryObjectivEXT glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT glGetQueryObjectuiv glGetQueryObjectuivEXT glGetQueryiv glGetQueryivEXT glGetRenderbufferParameteriv glGetRenderbufferParameterivOES glGetSamplerParameterIiv glGetSamplerParameterIivEXT glGetSamplerParameterIivOES glGetSamplerParameterIuiv glGetSamplerParameterIuivEXT glGetSamplerParameterIuivOES glGetSamplerParameterfv glGetSamplerParameteriv glGetShaderInfoLog glGetShaderPrecisionFormat glGetShaderSource glGetShaderiv glGetString glGetStringi glGetSynciv glGetTexEnvfv glGetTexEnviv glGetTexEnvxv glGetTexEnvxvOES glGetTexGenfvOES glGetTexGenivOES glGetTexGenxvOES glGetTexLevelParameterfv glGetTexLevelParameteriv glGetTexParameterIiv glGetTexParameterIivEXT glGetTexParameterIivOES glGetTexParameterIuiv glGetTexParameterIuivEXT glGetTexParameterIuivOES glGetTexParameterfv glGetTexParameteriv glGetTexParameterxv glGetTexParameterxvOES glGetTransformFeedbackVarying glGetUniformBlockIndex glGetUniformIndices glGetUniformLocation glGetUniformfv glGetUniformiv glGetUniformuiv glGetVertexAttribIiv glGetVertexAttribIuiv glGetVertexAttribPointerv glGetVertexAttribfv glGetVertexAttribiv glGetnUniformfv glGetnUniformfvEXT glGetnUniformfvKHR glGetnUniformiv glGetnUniformivEXT glGetnUniformivKHR glGetnUniformuiv glGetnUniformuivKHR glHint glInvalidateFramebuffer glInvalidateSubFramebuffer glIsBuffer glIsEnabled glIsEnabledi glIsEnablediEXT glIsEnablediOES glIsFramebuffer glIsFramebufferOES glIsProgram glIsProgramPipeline glIsQuery glIsQueryEXT glIsRenderbuffer glIsRenderbufferOES glIsSampler glIsShader glIsSync glIsTexture glIsTransformFeedback glIsVertexArray glIsVertexArrayOES glLightModelf glLightModelfv glLightModelx glLightModelxOES glLightModelxv glLightModelxvOES glLightf glLightfv glLightx glLightxOES glLightxv glLightxvOES glLineWidth glLineWidthx glLineWidthxOES glLinkProgram glLoadIdentity glLoadMatrixf glLoadMatrixx glLoadMatrixxOES glLoadPaletteFromModelViewMatrixOES glLogicOp glMapBufferOES glMapBufferRange glMaterialf glMaterialfv glMaterialx glMaterialxOES glMaterialxv glMaterialxvOES glMatrixIndexPointerOES glMatrixMode glMemoryBarrier glMemoryBarrierByRegion glMinSampleShading glMinSampleShadingOES glMultMatrixf glMultMatrixx glMultMatrixxOES glMultiTexCoord4b glMultiTexCoord4bOES glMultiTexCoord4f glMultiTexCoord4x glMultiTexCoord4xOES glNormal3f glNormal3x glNormal3xOES glNormalPointer glObjectLabel glObjectLabelKHR glObjectPtrLabel glObjectPtrLabelKHR glOrthof glOrthofOES glOrthox glOrthoxOES glPatchParameteri glPatchParameteriEXT glPatchParameteriOES glPauseTransformFeedback glPixelStorei glPointParameterf glPointParameterfv glPointParameterx glPointParameterxOES glPointParameterxv glPointParameterxvOES glPointSize glPointSizePointerOES glPointSizex glPointSizexOES glPolygonOffset glPolygonOffsetx glPolygonOffsetxOES glPopDebugGroup glPopDebugGroupKHR glPopMatrix glPrimitiveBoundingBox glPrimitiveBoundingBoxEXT glPrimitiveBoundingBoxOES glProgramBinary glProgramBinaryOES glProgramParameteri glProgramUniform1f glProgramUniform1fv glProgramUniform1i glProgramUniform1iv glProgramUniform1ui glProgramUniform1uiv glProgramUniform2f glProgramUniform2fv glProgramUniform2i glProgramUniform2iv glProgramUniform2ui glProgramUniform2uiv glProgramUniform3f glProgramUniform3fv glProgramUniform3i glProgramUniform3iv glProgramUniform3ui glProgramUniform3uiv glProgramUniform4f glProgramUniform4fv glProgramUniform4i glProgramUniform4iv glProgramUniform4ui glProgramUniform4uiv glProgramUniformMatrix2fv glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv glProgramUniformMatrix3fv glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv glProgramUniformMatrix4fv glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv glPushDebugGroup glPushDebugGroupKHR glPushMatrix glQueryCounterEXT glQueryMatrixxOES glReadBuffer glReadPixels glReadnPixels glReadnPixelsEXT glReadnPixelsKHR glReleaseShaderCompiler glRenderbufferStorage glRenderbufferStorageMultisample glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT glRenderbufferStorageOES glResumeTransformFeedback glRotatef glRotatex glRotatexOES glSampleCoverage glSampleCoveragex glSampleCoveragexOES glSampleMaski glSamplerParameterIiv glSamplerParameterIivEXT glSamplerParameterIivOES glSamplerParameterIuiv glSamplerParameterIuivEXT glSamplerParameterIuivOES glSamplerParameterf glSamplerParameterfv glSamplerParameteri glSamplerParameteriv glScalef glScalex glScalexOES glScissor glShadeModel glShaderBinary glShaderSource glStencilFunc glStencilFuncSeparate glStencilMask glStencilMaskSeparate glStencilOp glStencilOpSeparate glTexBuffer glTexBufferEXT glTexBufferOES glTexBufferRange glTexBufferRangeEXT glTexBufferRangeOES glTexCoordPointer glTexEnvf glTexEnvfv glTexEnvi glTexEnviv glTexEnvx glTexEnvxOES glTexEnvxv glTexEnvxvOES glTexGenfOES glTexGenfvOES glTexGeniOES glTexGenivOES glTexGenxOES glTexGenxvOES glTexImage2D glTexImage3D glTexImage3DOES glTexParameterIiv glTexParameterIivEXT glTexParameterIivOES glTexParameterIuiv glTexParameterIuivEXT glTexParameterIuivOES glTexParameterf glTexParameterfv glTexParameteri glTexParameteriv glTexParameterx glTexParameterxOES glTexParameterxv glTexParameterxvOES glTexStorage2D glTexStorage2DEXT glTexStorage2DMultisample glTexStorage3D glTexStorage3DEXT glTexStorage3DMultisample glTexStorage3DMultisampleOES glTexSubImage2D glTexSubImage3D glTexSubImage3DOES glTransformFeedbackVaryings glTranslatef glTranslatex glTranslatexOES glUniform1f glUniform1fv glUniform1i glUniform1iv glUniform1ui glUniform1uiv glUniform2f glUniform2fv glUniform2i glUniform2iv glUniform2ui glUniform2uiv glUniform3f glUniform3fv glUniform3i glUniform3iv glUniform3ui glUniform3uiv glUniform4f glUniform4fv glUniform4i glUniform4iv glUniform4ui glUniform4uiv glUniformBlockBinding glUniformMatrix2fv glUniformMatrix2x3fv glUniformMatrix2x4fv glUniformMatrix3fv glUniformMatrix3x2fv glUniformMatrix3x4fv glUniformMatrix4fv glUniformMatrix4x2fv glUniformMatrix4x3fv glUnmapBuffer glUnmapBufferOES glUseProgram glUseProgramStages glValidateProgram glValidateProgramPipeline glVertexAttrib1f glVertexAttrib1fv glVertexAttrib2f glVertexAttrib2fv glVertexAttrib3f glVertexAttrib3fv glVertexAttrib4f glVertexAttrib4fv glVertexAttribBinding glVertexAttribDivisor glVertexAttribFormat glVertexAttribI4i glVertexAttribI4iv glVertexAttribI4ui glVertexAttribI4uiv glVertexAttribIFormat glVertexAttribIPointer glVertexAttribPointer glVertexBindingDivisor glVertexPointer glViewport glWaitSync glWeightPointerOES gl_mali_ViewportTransform gl_mali_rotate gl_mali_rotate_invert gl_mali_rotate_point_coord gl_mali_FragCoordOffset gl_DepthRange.near gl_DepthRange.far gl_DepthRange.diff gl_mali_TextureSizesVertex gl_mali_TextureGatherMirrorVertex gl_mali_TextureSizesFragment gl_mali_SampleNumMask gl_mali_ImageSizesFragment gl_mali_SamplePosition gl_mali_SampleBuffers gl_mali_TextureGatherMirrorFragment gl_mali_TextureSizesTessCtrl gl_mali_NumWorkGroupsTessCtrl gl_mali_PatchVerticesInTessCtrl gl_mali_TextureGatherMirrorTessCtrl gl_mali_TextureSizesTessEval gl_mali_NumWorkGroupsTessEval gl_mali_PatchVerticesInTessEval gl_mali_TextureGatherMirrorTessEval gl_mali_TextureSizesGeometry gl_mali_NumWorkGroupsGeometry gl_mali_TextureGatherMirrorGeometry gl_mali_PrimitivesGenerated gl_mali_TessIsPreviousGeometry gl_mali_TessIsPreviousFragment gl_mali_non_rmu_buffer gl_mali_ColorSpaceCoeffCompute gl_mali_ColorSpaceCoeffVertex MPB1 VRSN SSEP STRI VERT CTRL EVAL GEOM FRAG BATT COMP Link failed because of missing vertex shader. Link failed because of invalid vertex shader. Link failed because of missing fragment shader. Link failed because of invalid fragment shader. Link failed because of invalid compute shader. Link failed because of missing tessellation control shader. Link failed because of invalid tessellation control shader. Link failed because of missing tessellation evaluation shader. Link failed because of invalid tessellation evaluation shader. Link failed because of invalid geometry shader. Link failed because of missing shader. Link failed because of the mix between a compute shader and a non-compute shader. Link failed because the number of transform feedback varyings is > 0 and the program does not have a vertex, tessellation evaluation or geometry shader. Two or more active samplers of different type are assigned to the same texture unit. The program object is incomplete. adj_vert_elimination draw_indirect draw_indirect_idvs draw_indirect_index_scan geom_blocks geom_input_reorder geom_input_reorder_STATICCOUNTS geom_input_reorder_STATICCOUNTS_PG geom_layers primitives_generated primitives_generated_indirect tess_pass2_allocator_idvs tess_pass4_index_PG generate_mipmap_SAMPLE_T2D generate_mipmap_SAMPLE_T2D_W_ODD generate_mipmap_SAMPLE_T2D_H_ODD generate_mipmap_SAMPLE_T2D_WH_ODD generate_mipmap_SAMPLE_T3D generate_mipmap_SAMPLE_T3D_W_ODD generate_mipmap_SAMPLE_T3D_H_ODD generate_mipmap_SAMPLE_T3D_WH_ODD OpenGL ES-CM 1.1 v1.r10p0-01rel0.18d0462009affd05c324ea67886ec08c Error Warning Performance Information no error failed to allocate CPU memory failed to allocate GPU memory execution failed <program> is not a value generated by OpenGL <shader> is already attached to <program> another shader of the same type as <shader> is already attached to <program> <shader> is not attached to <program> <program> could not be made part of current state. <program> is not linked <maxLength> is less than 0 <maxCount> is less than 0 <pname> is not an accepted value <index> is invalid <name> starts with reserved prefix 'gl_' <program> is not a program object <transpose> is not GL_FALSE <location> is an invalid uniform location for the current program object and <location> is not equal to -1 <count> is less than 0 <primcount> is less than 0 there is no current program object <count> is greater than 1 and the indicated uniform variable is not an array variable uniform variable is not a matrix the wrong API function was called for setting a matrix the size of the uniform variable declared in the shader does not match the size indicated by the glUniform command glUniform1i and glUniform1iv are the only two functions that may be used to load uniform variables defined as sampler types image uniforms cannot be set with glUniform one of the integer variants of glUniform is used to load a uniform variable of type float, vec2, vec3, vec4, or an array of these one of the floating-point variants of glUniform is used to load a uniform variable of type u/int, u/ivec2, u/ivec3, u/ivec4, or an array of these <mode> is not an accepted value <type> is not an accepted value <width> is negative <height> is negative <depth> is negative bits other than GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT and GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT are set in <mask> <format> is not an accepted value <type> is GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5 and <format> is not GL_RGB (or) <type> is GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4 or GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1 and <format> is not GL_RGBA <shader> is zero <program> is zero <shader> is not a value generated by OpenGL <shaderType> is not an accepted value <bufSize> is less than 0 <propCount> is 0 <propCount> is 0 or negative <size> is less than 0 <shader> is not a shader object <face> is a value other than GL_FRONT, GL_BACK, or GL_FRONT_AND_BACK <sfail> is a value other than the eight defined symbolic constant values <dpfail> is a value other than the eight defined symbolic constant values <dppass> is a value other than the eight defined symbolic constant values <func> is not one of the eight accepted values <cap> is not one of the accepted values <precisionType> is not an accepted value <name> is not an accepted value <target> is not an accepted value <alignment> is specified as other than 1, 2, 4, or 8 <size> is not 1, 2, 3 or 4 <stride> is negative <stride> is larger than GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIB_STRIDE OpenGL ES API version mismatch input buffer pointer is NULL input buffer pointer is incorrectly aligned output buffer pointer is NULL texture unit assigned to uniform is outside allowed range image unit assigned to uniform is outside allowed range <n> is negative <param> is not an accepted value <texture> is not an accepted value <texture> was previously created with a target that doesn't match that of <target> <modeRGB> is not an accepted value <modeAlpha> is not an accepted value <sfactor> is not an accepted value <dfactor> is not an accepted value <srcRGB> is not an accepted value <dstRGB> is not an accepted value <srcAlpha> is not an accepted value <dstAlpha> is not an accepted value <border> is not zero <level> is not an accepted value <num_views> is not an accepted value <levels> is not an accepted value invalid dimensions <format> and <internalformat> mismatch <format>, <type> and <internalformat> are not a valid combination <index> is greater than or equal to GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES <index> is greater than or equal to GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS <index> is greater than or equal to the number of active varyings <index> is greater than or equal to the number of active shader storage variables <index> is greater than or equal to the number of active fragment outputs <index> is greater than or equal to the number of active transform feedback varyings <index> is greater than or equal to the number of active atomic counter buffers <index> is greater than or equal to the number of active buffer variables <index> is greater than or equal to the number of active shader storage blocks <usage> is not an accepted value <access> is not an accepted value the reserved buffer object 0 is bound to <target> currently bound framebuffer is not valid for this operation <textarget> is not valid <attachment> is not valid <pname> is not valid for this attachment <renderbuffer> is not an accepted value <renderbuffertarget> is not valid no renderbuffer bound to target GL_RENDERBUFFER <first> is negative <offset> is negative <offset> + <size> define a region of memory that extends beyond the allocated buffer <size> is zero or negative matrix stack overflow matrix stack underflow <near> or <far> is not positive, or <left> = <right>, or <bottom> = <top>, or <near> = <far> <left> = <right>, or <bottom> = <top>, or <near> = <far> <index> is greater than or equal to GL_MAX_PALETTE_MATRICES_OES <index> is greater than or equal to GL_MAX_LIGHTS <exponent> must be within the range [0,128] <cutoff> must be within the range [0,90] or the special value 180 <attenuation> is negative <plane> is invalid <image_size> is invalid <count> doesn't match actual count <binaryformat> is not an accepted value the data pointed to by <binary> does not follow the corresponding binary format the data pointed to by <binary> is not GL_MALI_SHADER_BINARY_ARM <length> is less than 0 <shaders> contain multiple vertex shaders or multiple fragment shaders <opcode> is invalid <width> is less than or equal to 0 <height> is less than or equal to 0 <depth> is less than or equal to 0 <image> is not a valid EGLImage <image> is a valid EGLImage but has an unsupported format texture format does not support mipmap generation texture is a depth texture texture dimensions are not powers of two texture is not complete texture is not cube complete texture is not cube array complete format does not allow sub-image uploads texture image does not exist cannot specify a default texture object from an EGLimage <internalformat> is a compressed texture format which is not valid for this command <internalformat> is not an accepted value the buffer is already mapped the buffer is not mapped the buffer to be mapped is zero-sized the object name has not been generated by glGenXXX <pointer> must be NULL when no buffer is bound to GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, and a non-default vertex attribute array is bound a query is currently active the name has not been generated query type mismatch query name is 0 query is active invalid query object entrypoint is not supported a default texture is bound to <target> the buffer/texture bound to <target> is immutable <end> is less than <start> <size> cannot be 1 <size> must be 4 <numAttachments> is less than 0 the current program state is not valid <layer> is not an accepted value <length> must not be zero the storage space needed exceeds the available address range invalid number of samples <samples> is negative <coord> is not an accepted value one of the signed integer variants of glUniform is used to load a uniform variable of type uint, uvec2, uvec3, uvec4, or an array of these one of the unsigned integer variants of glUniform is used to load a uniform variable of type int, ivec2, ivec3, ivec4, or an array of these <target> is GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT but the same object is not bound to DEPTH and STENCIL attachments input buffer is too small output buffer is too small output buffer pointer is incorrectly aligned <sampler> is not a sampler object an attachment has a color format which does not support blending advanced blending equation used with multiple color buffers fragment shader used with incompatible advanced blending equation shader pixel local storage is not allowed with multiple color attachments or draw buffers cannot delete current draw FBO when shader pixel local storage is enabled cannot change current draw FBO when shader pixel local storage is enabled cannot modify current draw FBO attachments when shader pixel local storage is enabled cannot modify draw buffers when shader pixel local storage is enabled shader pixel local storage is not allowed with incomplete framebuffers shader pixel local storage is not allowed with multisampled framebuffers cannot draw using a program which accesses shader pixel local storage when shader pixel local storage is not enabled Operation not allowed on the default framebuffer <n> must be 1 for the default framebuffer <n> specifies more than GL_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS the default framebuffer does not have numbered color attachments color attachments must be specified in order non-default framebuffers do not have a GL_BACK buffer no GL_READ_BUFFER no GL_DRAW_BUFFERS <filter> cannot be GL_LINEAR when <mask> includes GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT or GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT invalid <filter> <filter> cannot be GL_LINEAR with integer color attachments color attachments must have identical formats when resolving color attachments must have consistent integer types no depth attachment cannot read from and draw to the same buffer depth attachments must have identical formats no stencil attachment stencil attachments must have identical formats source and destination rectangles must match when resolving GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER is multisampled <framebufferObject> is invalid <drawbuffer> is invalid invalid buffer invalid buffer range invalid buffer offset alignment invalid buffer size alignment invalid buffer binding point <block_index> is greater than or equal to GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_BLOCKS <block_index> is greater than or equal to GL_ACTIVE_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCKS cannot delete a transform feedback object which has transform feedback operation active cannot bind a buffer to a transform feedback object which has transform feedback operation active invalid transform feedback object <target> must be GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK <bufferMode> must be GL_SEPARATE_ATTRIBS or GL_INTERLEAVED_ATTRIBS cannot bind a new transform feedback object while the currently bound transform feedback object has transform feedback operation that is active and not paused. <primitiveMode> is invalid transform feedback operation is not allowed with indexed primitives transform feedback operation is already active transform feedback operation is already inactive transform feedback operation is not active or is active and already paused transform feedback operation is not active or is active and not paused cannot change program while transform feedback is active and not paused <mode> is not compatible with the primitive mode for current transform feedback operation not enough space to perform primitive capture in buffers bound to the current transform feedback operation <index> is greater than or equal to GL_MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_SEPARATE_ATTRIBS <count> is greater than GL_MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_SEPARATE_ATTRIBS the program associated with transform feedback object has been changed the current active program does not have a vertex shader to be used by XFB the program pipeline object associated with transform feedback object has been changed cannot link a program used by transform feedback object cannot flush buffer dependencies invalid sync object invalid sync <condition> invalid sync <flags> invalid sync <timeout> destination equals source but ranges overlap glCopyTex* requires that the data types of the source and destination match glCopyTex* requires that the channel sizes of the source and destination match cannot use (src)sRGB->(dst)linear or (src)linear->(dst)RGB for glCopyTex* glCopyTex* cannot copy from a channel that does not exist in the source no read attachment for glCopyTex* identifier is not a valid object type <source> is not a valid debug message source <type> is not a valid debug message type <severity> is not a valid debug message severity invalid combination of debug message filters message passed to debug functions was too long label passed to debug functions was too long debug group stack overflow debug group stack underflow <value> is not GL_FALSE or GL_TRUE this function cannot be applied to the default vertex array object <attribindex> is greater than or equal to GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS <bindingindex> is greater than or equal to GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIB_BINDINGS <relativeoffset> is greater than GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIB_RELATIVE_OFFSET <programInterface> is invalid <index> is not in the range [0,3) for the work group query the number of work groups in x dimension exceeds the maximum limit the number of work groups in y dimension exceeds the maximum limit the number of work groups in z dimension exceeds the maximum limit there is no active compute shader for the compute dispatch <pipeline> has a false validation status <pipeline> is not a value generated by OpenGL <pipeline> is does not represent an existing pipeline object <program> cannot be bound for individual pipeline stages <program> is not a program or a shader <barriers> has invalid barrier bit set <region> is invalid invalid image binding point the texture bound to image unit is not immutable buffer with indirect commands is not bound transform feedback operation is not allowed with draw indirect not all vertex attributes are backed by buffers default VAO is not allowed to use with draw indirect index buffer is not bound One of the PPO's installed programs was re-linked with GL_PROGRAM_SEPARABLE flag set to GL_FALSE The program installed only for part of the stages it was linked for There is missing active program for the vertex stage There is missing active program for the fragment stage There is missing active program for the tessellation control stage There is missing active program for the tessellation evaluation stage There is missing active program for the geometry stage The number of varyings in the programA program differ from the number of varyings in the programB program Either the programA varying does not have a match in programB shader or they differ on declaration The sum of the number of active samplers for each active program exceeds the maximum number of texture image units allowed Any two active samplers in the set of active program objects are of different types, but refer to the same texture image unit The sum of the number of active shader storage blocks for the current program pipeline object exceeds the limit surfaces have a different number of samples surfaces have a different number of bits per pixel/block texture coordinates not aligned to block coordinates of compressed texture <mode> is not compatible with tesselation enabled <mode> is not compatible with tesselation disabled The prim mode sent to GS is not compatible with the current input geometry mode This extension is not supported the number of frame buffer layers specified is negative the number of frame buffer layers is invalid transform feedback is active and OVR multiview drawcall is being performed mixing tessellation and OVR multiview drawcalls are not allowed a geometry shader is present in the program and an OVR multiview drawcall is being performed a timer query is active and an OVR multiview drawcall is being performed OVR multiview extension is unsupported for this configuration read from framebuffer when number of views is greater than 1 is invalid the number of views declared in VS is not matching the number of views the drawcall is addressing The GLES context has been lost Adding <basevertex> to the given indices results in negative values Color mask cannot have a disabled component when used together with YUV color buffer. <flags> has any bits set other than GL_MAP_READ_BIT, GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT, GL_MAP_PERSISTENT_BIT_EXT, GL_MAP_COHERENT_BIT_EXT, GL_DYNAMIC_STORAGE_BIT_EXT and GL_CLIENT_STORAGE_BIT_EXT #version 310 es #extension GL_ARM_explicit_attribute_access : require layout(local_size_x=1) in; layout(binding=%d, std430) buffer vertex_data_block { uint instance_count; uint vertex_count; uint padded_vertex_count; int base_vertex; uint prim_restart; uint base_index; } vertex_data; layout(binding=%d, std430) buffer OutputAdSSBO { AD output_ad[]; }; struct XFBvar { uint explicit_loc; uint ad_count; uint stride; int buffer_pos; }; layout(binding=%d, std430) buffer XfbvarsSSBO { XFBvar xfbvar[]; }; layout(binding=%d, std430) buffer ExlocToAdIdxMapSSBO { uint exloc_adidx_map[]; }; layout(binding=%d, std430) buffer MaxPrimitivesSSBO { uint max_primitives; }; layout(binding=%d, std430) buffer PrimitivesWrittenQuerySSBO { uint query_prims_written; }; layout(binding = %d, std430) buffer Growable { uint growable[]; }; struct IndexBuffer { uint offset; uint num_indices; uint cur_index; }; layout(binding=%d, std430) buffer LayeredIndexBufferSSBO { IndexBuffer indexbuffers[]; }; layout(location=%d) in %s inVal%d[%d]; layout(location=%d) out %s outVal%d[%d]; layout(location=%d) in %s inVal%d; layout(location=%d) out %s outVal%d; uvec2 indexbuffer_select() { uint minimum=~0u; uint layeridx=0u; uint prs_removed=0u; for (int i=0;i<indexbuffers.length();i++) { while (indexbuffers[i].cur_index<indexbuffers[i].num_indices && growable[indexbuffers[i].offset+indexbuffers[i].cur_index]==vertex_data.prim_restart) { indexbuffers[i].cur_index++; prs_removed++; } if (indexbuffers[i].cur_index<indexbuffers[i].num_indices && minimum>growable[indexbuffers[i].offset+indexbuffers[i].cur_index]) { minimum=growable[indexbuffers[i].offset+indexbuffers[i].cur_index]; layeridx=uint(i); } } return uvec2(layeridx, prs_removed); } layout(location=%d) out uint index_array; void main() { for (int i=0;i<xfbvar.length();i++) { if (exloc_adidx_map[xfbvar[i].explicit_loc] == ~0u) continue; for (uint j=0u;j<xfbvar[i].ad_count;j++) { output_ad[exloc_adidx_map[xfbvar[i].explicit_loc+j]].offset+=xfbvar[i].buffer_pos; } } uint out_addr=0u; uint prims_written=0u; for (uint i=0u;i<vertex_data.instance_count;i++) { %s%suint in_addr=0u; uint offset=i*vertex_data.padded_vertex_count; while (in_addr+%zuu < vertex_data.vertex_count && prims_written < max_primitives) { uint winding=0u; uint base_index=vertex_data.prim_restart; bool close_prim=false; uvec2 tmp=indexbuffer_select(); uint layeridx=tmp.x; in_addr+=tmp.y; if (indexbuffers[layeridx].cur_index+%zuu>=indexbuffers[layeridx].num_indices) { in_addr+=(indexbuffers[layeridx].num_indices-indexbuffers[layeridx].cur_index-1u); indexbuffers[layeridx].cur_index=indexbuffers[layeridx].num_indices; continue; } uint index%d=growable[indexbuffers[layeridx].offset+indexbuffers[layeridx].cur_index+%du]; uint index%d=loadExplicitARM(index_array, in_addr+%du); uint index%d=in_addr+offset+%du; if (index%d == vertex_data.prim_restart) { in_addr+=%du; indexbuffers[layeridx].cur_index+=%du; continue; } if (index%d == vertex_data.prim_restart) { in_addr+=%du; continue; } index%d+=offset; index%d=uint(int(index%d)+vertex_data.base_vertex); base_index=index0; close_prim=true; storeExplicitARM(outVal%d[%d], out_addr+%du, loadExplicitARM(inVal%d[%d], index%d)); storeExplicitARM(outVal%d, out_addr+%du, loadExplicitARM(inVal%d, index%d)); in_addr+=%zuu; indexbuffers[layeridx].cur_index+=%zuu; out_addr+=%zuu; prims_written++; in_addr+=%zuu; out_addr+=%zuu; prims_written++; winding^=1u; while (indexbuffers[layeridx].cur_index < indexbuffers[layeridx].num_indices && prims_written < max_primitives) { while (in_addr < vertex_data.vertex_count && prims_written < max_primitives) { uint index_next=growable[indexbuffers[layeridx].offset+indexbuffers[layeridx].cur_index]; uint index_next=loadExplicitARM(index_array, in_addr); uint index_next=in_addr+offset; if (index_next == vertex_data.prim_restart) { storeExplicitARM(outVal%d[%d], out_addr, loadExplicitARM(outVal%d[%d], out_addr-1u)); storeExplicitARM(outVal%d[%d], out_addr+1u, loadExplicitARM(inVal%d[%d], base_index)); storeExplicitARM(outVal%d, out_addr, loadExplicitARM(outVal%d, out_addr-1u)); storeExplicitARM(outVal%d, out_addr+1u, loadExplicitARM(inVal%d, base_index)); close_prim=false; out_addr+=2u; prims_written++; winding=0u; in_addr++; %sbreak; } indexbuffers[layeridx].cur_index++; index_next+=offset; index_next=uint(int(index_next)+vertex_data.base_vertex); storeExplicitARM(outVal%d[%d], out_addr, loadExplicitARM(outVal%d[%d], out_addr-1u)); storeExplicitARM(outVal%d[%d], out_addr+1u, loadExplicitARM(inVal%d[%d], index_next)); storeExplicitARM(outVal%d, out_addr, loadExplicitARM(outVal%d, out_addr-1u)); storeExplicitARM(outVal%d, out_addr+1u, loadExplicitARM(inVal%d, index_next)); in_addr++; %sout_addr+=2u; prims_written++; index0=growable[indexbuffers[layeridx].offset+indexbuffers[layeridx].cur_index-2u+winding]+offset; index0=uint(int(index0)+vertex_data.base_vertex); index1=growable[indexbuffers[layeridx].offset+indexbuffers[layeridx].cur_index-1u-winding]+offset; index1=uint(int(index1)+vertex_data.base_vertex); index0=loadExplicitARM(index_array, in_addr-2u+winding)+offset; index0=uint(int(index0)+vertex_data.base_vertex); index1=loadExplicitARM(index_array, in_addr-1u-winding)+offset; index1=uint(int(index1)+vertex_data.base_vertex); index0=in_addr-2u+winding+offset; index1=in_addr-1u-winding+offset; storeExplicitARM(outVal%d[%d], out_addr, loadExplicitARM(inVal%d[%d], index0)); storeExplicitARM(outVal%d[%d], out_addr+1u, loadExplicitARM(inVal%d[%d], index1)); storeExplicitARM(outVal%d[%d], out_addr+2u, loadExplicitARM(inVal%d[%d], index_next)); storeExplicitARM(outVal%d, out_addr, loadExplicitARM(inVal%d, index0)); storeExplicitARM(outVal%d, out_addr+1u, loadExplicitARM(inVal%d, index1)); storeExplicitARM(outVal%d, out_addr+2u, loadExplicitARM(inVal%d, index_next)); in_addr++; %sout_addr+=3u; winding^=1u; prims_written++; storeExplicitARM(outVal%d[%d], out_addr, loadExplicitARM(outVal%d[%d], out_addr-3u)); storeExplicitARM(outVal%d[%d], out_addr+1u, loadExplicitARM(outVal%d[%d], out_addr-1u)); storeExplicitARM(outVal%d[%d], out_addr+2u, loadExplicitARM(inVal%d[%d], index_next)); storeExplicitARM(outVal%d, out_addr, loadExplicitARM(outVal%d, out_addr-3u)); storeExplicitARM(outVal%d, out_addr+1u, loadExplicitARM(outVal%d, out_addr-1u)); storeExplicitARM(outVal%d, out_addr+2u, loadExplicitARM(inVal%d, index_next)); in_addr++; %sout_addr+=3u; prims_written++; } if (close_prim && prims_written < max_primitives) { out_addr+=2u; prims_written++; } } for (int i=0;i<xfbvar.length();i++) { xfbvar[i].buffer_pos+=int(out_addr*xfbvar[i].stride); } max_primitives-=prims_written; query_prims_written+=prims_written; } The %s %s variable %s does not match the %s variable declared in earlier shader stages. L0008 The variable %s %s is declared with inconsistent invariant qualifiers. Program object contains compute shader without an input layout qualifier specifying a fixed local size. compute vertex tessellation control tessellation evaluation geometry fragment Variable specified in the transform feedback varyings array is not declared as an output in the %s shader. Variable %s specified in the transform feedback varying array is of type struct. Struct members must be specified individually. Variable %s specified in the transform feedback varying array is of type array of struct. Struct members of array elements must be specified individually. More than one entry in the transform feedback varying array refers to the same output variable %s. An entry of the transform feedback varying array is an element of an array which is already captured: %s iscontained in %s. The total number of components to capture is %u and is greater than theconstant GL_MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_INTERLEAVED_COMPONENTS = %u. The number of variables specified in varyings is %u and is greater than the constant GL_MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_SEPARATE_ATTRIBS = %u. The number of components to capture in any output in varyings is %u and is greater than the constant GL_MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_SEPARATE_COMPONENTS = %u. Fragment shader uses a varying %s that has not been declared in the vertex shader. The %s input variable %s does not have a matching %s output variable. Builtin fragment shader variable gl_FragCoord is invariant while builtin vertex shader variable gl_Position is not. Builtin fragment shader variable gl_PointCoord is invariant while builtin vertex shader variable gl_PointSize is not. The %s variable %s and the %s variable %s are both declared with location %d. L0005 The number of %s uniform components (%u) is greater than the maximum number allowed (%u). The number of %s uniform vectors (%u) is greater than the maximum number allowed (%u). The number of combined %s uniform components (%u) is greater than the maximum number allowed (%u). The number of %s uniform blocks (%u) is greater than the maximum number allowed (%u). The number of combined shader storage blocks (%u) is greater than the maximum number allowed (%u). The number of %s samplers (%u) is greater than the maximum number allowed (%u). The number of combined samplers (%u) is greater than the maximum number allowed (%u). The number of %s image uniforms (%u) is greater than the maximum number allowed (%u). The number of combined image uniforms (%u) is greater than the maximum number allowed (%u). The number of %s shader storage blocks (%u) is greater than the maximum number allowed (%u). The number of %s atomic counters (%u) is greater than the maximum number allowed (%u). The number of %s atomic counter buffers (%u) is greater than the maximum number allowed (%u). The number of combined atomic counters (%u) is greater than the maximum number allowed (%u). The number of combined atomic counter buffers (%u) is greater than the maximum number allowed (%u). The number of geometry shader total output components (%u) is greater than the maximum number allowed (%u). The number of tessellation control shader total output components (%u) is greater than the maximum number allowed (%u). The number of %s shader per-patch output components (%u) is greater than the maximum number allowed (%u). The number of %s shader per-patch input components (%u) is greater than the maximum number allowed (%u). The number of %s shader output components (%u) is greater than the maximum number allowed (%u). The number of %s shader input components (%u) is greater than the maximum number allowed (%u). The number of %s and %s shader varying components (%u) is greater than the maximum number allowed (%u). Work group size for dimension X is too big. Work group size for dimension Y is too big. Work group size for dimension Z is too big. Max number of total work group invocations exceeded. The number of geometry shader output vertices (%u) is greater than the maximum number allowed (%u). L0001 Interface block member %s is missing explicit location qualifier. When some members are declared with explicit location either the block must be declared with explicit location, or all members must be correctly declared with explicit locations. F0001 Out of memory while setting error log gl_mali_rmu_data_area_ptr_frag gl_mali_rmu_data_area_ptr_vert gl_mali_rmu_data_area_ptr_comp gl_mali_tb_icd 1.2.8 floating-point integer boolean matrix array structure atomic counter interface block Explicit location '%d' assigned to vertex input '%s' is larger than the max supported value, '%d' The initial offset for attribute %s exceed the maximum attribute size. osu_mutex_lock osu_mutex_unlock osu_spinlock_lock osu_spinlock_unlock *!* In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/osu/platform_dummy/mali_osu.c line: 886 In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/osu/platform_dummy/mali_osu.c line: 901 In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/osu/platform_dummy/mali_osu_libhooks.c line: 100 <dummy> mali INIT In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cdbg/src/mali_cdbg_channels.c line: 567 Initing shared dests 0x%x: failed to init 0x%x. Some debug output may not appear due to this In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cdbg/src/mali_cdbg_channels.c line: 645 Initing dest bitpattern 0x%x for channel %d: failed dests bitpattern is 0x%x. Some debug output may not appear from this channel. In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cdbg/src/mali_cdbg_control.c line: 324 Failed to allocate %zu bytes for environment variable value In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cdbg/src/mali_cdbg_control.c line: 351 In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cdbg/src/mali_cdbg_control.c line: 217 Trailing '%c' at end of permissions '%s' In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cdbg/src/mali_cdbg_control.c line: 221 Missing '%c' in permissions '%s' In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cdbg/src/mali_cdbg_control.c line: 227 In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cdbg/src/mali_cdbg_control.c line: 251 Unrecognized feature name '%.*s' in permissions '%s' In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cdbg/src/mali_cdbg_control.c line: 264 MALI In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cdbg/src/mali_cdbg_env.c line: 918 In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cdbg/src/mali_cdbg_env.c line: 857 Correct format for process specific variable key is {PROCESS_NAME}%c{FEATURE_NAME} In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cdbg/src/mali_cdbg_env.c line: 887 Failed to set variable %s=%s from default configuration file In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cdbg/src/mali_cdbg_env.c line: 547 In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cdbg/src/mali_cdbg_env.c line: 551 Line of default configuration file is too long to be processed In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cdbg/src/mali_cdbg_env.c line: 765 cdbgp_populate_from_system_environment Initialization of a handle to the system environment failed (%d) In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cdbg/src/mali_cdbg_env.c line: 788 Failed to set variable %s=%s from environment In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cdbg/src/mali_cdbg_failure.c line: 96 ==>[%s] (%s) %s: %s %s In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cdbg/src/mali_cdbg_print.c line: 256 In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cdbg/src/mali_cdbg_print.c line: 266 The winsys crop rectangle covers more or less than the external buffer size The winsys crop rectangle strays outside the external buffer size Private handle is NULL Runtime and build version of gralloc private structure does not match for handle %p. Errors will likely follow. Invalid formats. P010, P210 and Y410 only supported without AFBC. Shared attribute region not available to be mapped Failed to mmap shared attribute region err=%s Failed to mmap the gralloc attribute region. EGL color buffer format cannot be determined. eglDupNativeFenceFDANDROID eglSetBlobCacheFuncsANDROID mali_winsys EGL_BAD_NATIVE_WINDOW:NULL Window EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) Unknown error querying native window %d Buffer is protected but EGL_USE_PROTECTED_SURFACE is not set compiler_type openglessl tessellation_control tessellation_evaluation spirv true #define %s : Warning: architecture bifrost result_type render_target spilling_used work_registers_used uniform_registers_used arithmetic_cycles arithmetic_shortest_path arithmetic_longest_path load_store_cycles load_store_shortest_path load_store_longest_path texture_cycles texture_shortest_path texture_longest_path Mali-G71 r0p0 r0p1 r1p0 r1p1 Mali-TDVX r0p2 r0p3 Mali-TNOX Mali-TGOX Mali-TKAX Mali-TTRX Mali-TBOX Mali-TEGX openglessl_extensions vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties vkEnumerateInstanceLayerProperties vkCreateInstance vkAllocateCommandBuffers vkAllocateDescriptorSets vkAllocateMemory vkBeginCommandBuffer vkBindBufferMemory vkBindBufferMemory2KHR vkBindImageMemory vkBindImageMemory2KHR vkCmdBeginQuery vkCmdBeginRenderPass vkCmdBindDescriptorSets vkCmdBindIndexBuffer vkCmdBindPipeline vkCmdBindVertexBuffers vkCmdBlitImage vkCmdClearAttachments vkCmdClearColorImage vkCmdClearDepthStencilImage vkCmdCopyBuffer vkCmdCopyBufferToImage vkCmdCopyImage vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer vkCmdCopyQueryPoolResults vkCmdDebugMarkerBeginEXT vkCmdDebugMarkerEndEXT vkCmdDebugMarkerInsertEXT vkCmdDispatch vkCmdDispatchBaseKHX vkCmdDispatchIndirect vkCmdDraw vkCmdDrawIndexed vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirectCountAMD vkCmdDrawIndirect vkCmdDrawIndirectCountAMD vkCmdEndQuery vkCmdEndRenderPass vkCmdExecuteCommands vkCmdFillBuffer vkCmdNextSubpass vkCmdPipelineBarrier vkCmdProcessCommandsNVX vkCmdPushConstants vkCmdPushDescriptorSetKHR vkCmdPushDescriptorSetWithTemplateKHR vkCmdReserveSpaceForCommandsNVX vkCmdResetEvent vkCmdResetQueryPool vkCmdResolveImage vkCmdSetBlendConstants vkCmdSetDepthBias vkCmdSetDepthBounds vkCmdSetDeviceMaskKHX vkCmdSetDiscardRectangleEXT vkCmdSetEvent vkCmdSetLineWidth vkCmdSetSampleLocationsEXT vkCmdSetScissor vkCmdSetStencilCompareMask vkCmdSetStencilReference vkCmdSetStencilWriteMask vkCmdSetViewport vkCmdSetViewportWScalingNV vkCmdUpdateBuffer vkCmdWaitEvents vkCmdWriteTimestamp vkCreateBuffer vkCreateBufferView vkCreateCommandPool vkCreateComputePipelines vkCreateDebugReportCallbackEXT vkCreateDescriptorPool vkCreateDescriptorSetLayout vkCreateDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR vkCreateDevice vkCreateDisplayPlaneSurfaceKHR vkCreateEvent vkCreateFence vkCreateFramebuffer vkCreateGraphicsPipelines vkCreateImage vkCreateImageView vkCreateIndirectCommandsLayoutNVX vkCreateObjectTableNVX vkCreatePipelineCache vkCreatePipelineLayout vkCreateQueryPool vkCreateRenderPass vkCreateSampler vkCreateSamplerYcbcrConversionKHR vkCreateSemaphore vkCreateShaderModule vkCreateSharedSwapchainsKHR vkCreateValidationCacheEXT vkDebugMarkerSetObjectNameEXT vkDebugMarkerSetObjectTagEXT vkDebugReportMessageEXT vkDestroyBuffer vkDestroyBufferView vkDestroyCommandPool vkDestroyDebugReportCallbackEXT vkDestroyDescriptorPool vkDestroyDescriptorSetLayout vkDestroyDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR vkDestroyDevice vkDestroyEvent vkDestroyFence vkDestroyFramebuffer vkDestroyImage vkDestroyImageView vkDestroyIndirectCommandsLayoutNVX vkDestroyInstance vkDestroyObjectTableNVX vkDestroyPipeline vkDestroyPipelineCache vkDestroyPipelineLayout vkDestroyQueryPool vkDestroyRenderPass vkDestroySampler vkDestroySamplerYcbcrConversionKHR vkDestroySemaphore vkDestroyShaderModule vkDestroySurfaceKHR vkDestroyValidationCacheEXT vkDeviceWaitIdle vkDisplayPowerControlEXT vkEndCommandBuffer vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties vkEnumerateDeviceLayerProperties vkEnumeratePhysicalDeviceGroupsKHX vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges vkFreeCommandBuffers vkFreeDescriptorSets vkFreeMemory vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements2KHR vkGetDeviceGroupPeerMemoryFeaturesKHX vkGetDeviceMemoryCommitment vkGetDeviceProcAddr vkGetDeviceQueue vkGetEventStatus vkGetFenceFdKHR vkGetFenceStatus vkGetImageMemoryRequirements vkGetImageMemoryRequirements2KHR vkGetImageSparseMemoryRequirements vkGetImageSparseMemoryRequirements2KHR vkGetImageSubresourceLayout vkGetInstanceProcAddr vkGetMemoryFdKHR vkGetMemoryFdPropertiesKHR vkGetPastPresentationTimingGOOGLE vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalBufferPropertiesKHR vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalFencePropertiesKHR vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalImageFormatPropertiesNV vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalSemaphorePropertiesKHR vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures2KHR vkGetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties vkGetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties2KHR vkGetPhysicalDeviceGeneratedCommandsPropertiesNVX vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2KHR vkGetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties vkGetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties2KHR vkGetPhysicalDeviceMultisamplePropertiesEXT vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties2KHR vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties2KHR vkGetPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatProperties vkGetPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatProperties2KHR vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilities2EXT vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilities2KHR vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceFormats2KHR vkGetPipelineCacheData vkGetQueryPoolResults vkGetRefreshCycleDurationGOOGLE vkGetRenderAreaGranularity vkGetSemaphoreFdKHR vkGetSwapchainCounterEXT vkGetSwapchainStatusKHR vkGetValidationCacheDataEXT vkImportFenceFdKHR vkImportSemaphoreFdKHR vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges vkMapMemory vkMergePipelineCaches vkMergeValidationCachesEXT vkQueueBindSparse vkQueueSubmit vkQueueWaitIdle vkRegisterDeviceEventEXT vkRegisterDisplayEventEXT vkRegisterObjectsNVX vkReleaseDisplayEXT vkResetCommandBuffer vkResetCommandPool vkResetDescriptorPool vkResetEvent vkResetFences vkSetEvent vkSetHdrMetadataEXT vkTrimCommandPoolKHR vkUnmapMemory vkUnregisterObjectsNVX vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplateKHR vkUpdateDescriptorSets vkWaitForFences vulkan Mali Vulkan Driver ARM Limited vkAcquireImageANDROID VK_ANDROID_native_buffer vkGetSwapchainGrallocUsageANDROID vkQueueSignalReleaseImageANDROID VK_KHR_external_memory_capabilities VK_KHR_descriptor_update_template Invalid In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cframe/src/mali_cframe_mipmap.c line: 714 #define OUTPUT_TYPE vec4 #define SAMPLER_TYPE sampler2D #define OUTPUT_TYPE ivec4 #define SAMPLER_TYPE isampler2D #define OUTPUT_TYPE uvec4 #define SAMPLER_TYPE usampler2D #define RT_INDEX 0 #define RT_INDEX 1 #define RT_INDEX 2 #define RT_INDEX 3 layout(location = %d) out highp %s fragColor%d; layout(location = %d) uniform highp %s%s sampler%d; ivec2 tex_coord_2dms = ivec2( interpolateAtOffset( tex_coord, vec2( 0.0 ) ) ); fragColor%d = texelFetch( sampler%d, %s, %s ); gl_FragPositionARM tex_coord_2dms gl_SampleID fragColor%d = texelFetch( sampler%d, tex_coord_%s, 0); lookup_1x return tex_coord; lookup_4x_linear ivec2 base = tex_coord * ivec2(4, 1); ivec2 offset = ivec2(gl_SampleID, 0); return (base + offset); lookup_4x_row const ivec2 offsets[16] = ivec2[16]( ivec2(0, 0), ivec2(1, 0), ivec2(0, 1), ivec2(1, 1), ivec2(2, 0), ivec2(3, 0), ivec2(2, 1), ivec2(3, 1), ivec2(0, 2), ivec2(1, 2), ivec2(0, 3), ivec2(1, 3), ivec2(2, 2), ivec2(3, 2), ivec2(2, 3), ivec2(3, 3) ); ivec2 base = tex_coord * ivec2(2, 2); ivec2 offset = offsets[gl_SampleID]; return (base + offset); lookup_8x_linear ivec2 base = tex_coord * ivec2(8, 1); ivec2 offset = ivec2(gl_SampleID, 0); return (base + offset); lookup_8x_row const ivec2 offsets[16] = ivec2[16]( ivec2(0, 0), ivec2(1, 0), ivec2(0, 1), ivec2(1, 1), ivec2(2, 0), ivec2(3, 0), ivec2(2, 1), ivec2(3, 1), ivec2(0, 2), ivec2(1, 2), ivec2(0, 3), ivec2(1, 3), ivec2(2, 2), ivec2(3, 2), ivec2(2, 3), ivec2(3, 3) ); ivec2 base = tex_coord * ivec2(4, 2); ivec2 offset = offsets[gl_SampleID]; return (base + offset); lookup_16x_linear ivec2 base = tex_coord * ivec2(16, 1); ivec2 offset = ivec2(gl_SampleID, 0); return (base + offset); lookup_16x_row const ivec2 offsets[16] = ivec2[16]( ivec2(0, 0), ivec2(1, 0), ivec2(0, 1), ivec2(1, 1), ivec2(2, 0), ivec2(3, 0), ivec2(2, 1), ivec2(3, 1), ivec2(0, 2), ivec2(1, 2), ivec2(0, 3), ivec2(1, 3), ivec2(2, 2), ivec2(3, 2), ivec2(2, 3), ivec2(3, 3) ); ivec2 base = tex_coord * ivec2(4, 4); ivec2 offset = offsets[gl_SampleID]; return (base + offset); vec2 base = floor(tex_coord) * vec2(4.0, 1.0); vec2 offset = vec2(float(gl_SampleID) + 0.5, 0.5); return (base + offset); return tex_coord * 2.0; vec2 base = floor(tex_coord) * vec2(8.0, 1.0); vec2 offset = vec2(float(gl_SampleID) + 0.5, 0.5); return (base + offset); const vec2 offsets[16] = vec2[16]( vec2(0, 0), vec2(1, 0), vec2(0, 1), vec2(1, 1), vec2(2, 0), vec2(3, 0), vec2(2, 1), vec2(3, 1), vec2(0, 2), vec2(1, 2), vec2(0, 3), vec2(1, 3), vec2(2, 2), vec2(3, 2), vec2(2, 3), vec2(3, 3) ); vec2 base = floor(tex_coord) * vec2(4.0, 2.0); vec2 offset = offsets[gl_SampleID]; return (base + offset); vec2 base = floor(tex_coord) * vec2(16.0, 1.0); vec2 offset = vec2(float(gl_SampleID) + 0.5, 0.5); return (base + offset); const vec2 offsets[16] = vec2[16]( vec2(0, 0), vec2(1, 0), vec2(0, 1), vec2(1, 1), vec2(2, 0), vec2(3, 0), vec2(2, 1), vec2(3, 1), vec2(0, 2), vec2(1, 2), vec2(0, 3), vec2(1, 3), vec2(2, 2), vec2(3, 2), vec2(2, 3), vec2(3, 3) ); vec2 base = floor(tex_coord) * vec2(4.0, 4.0); vec2 offset = offsets[gl_SampleID]; return (base + offset); #version 310 es #extension GL_ARM_framebuffer_write : enable #extension GL_OES_sample_variables : enable #extension GL_OES_shader_multisample_interpolation : enable #extension GL_ARM_integer_fragment_position : enable #pragma disable_alpha_to_coverage precision highp int; precision highp float; sample in vec2 tex_coord; in vec2 tex_coord; ivec2 vec2 %s %s(%s tex_coord) { %s} %s tex_coord_%s = %s(%s); tex_coord gl_FragDepth = texelFetch( uniform_sampler, tex_coord_%s, 0).x; ivec2( floor( tex_coord ) ) gl_FragStencil = int( texelFetch( uniform_sampler, tex_coord_%s, 0).y ); gl_FragStencil = int( texture( uniform_sampler, tex_coord_%s).y ); depth_sampler x gl_FragDepth stencil_sampler y gl_FragStencil int %s = %s(texelFetch( %s, tex_coord_%s, 0).%s); dot(v.rgb, vec3(255.0/16777216.0, 255.0 / 65536.0, 0.99609381)) ( v.a * 255.0 ) vec4 v = texelFetch( depth_sampler, %s, %s ); vec4 v = texelFetch( depth_sampler, tex_coord_%s, 0); #version 300 es #extension GL_ARM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_raw_explicit : enable precision highp float; #define TILE_BUFFER_READ_%i %s layout(location = %i) out %s fragColor%i; fragColor%i = TILE_BUFFER_READ_%i(%i, 0) * 0.25 + TILE_BUFFER_READ_%i(%i, 1) * 0.25 + TILE_BUFFER_READ_%i(%i, 2) * 0.25 + TILE_BUFFER_READ_%i(%i, 3) * 0.25; #version 310 es #extension GL_EXT_YUV_target : enable #extension GL_OES_sample_variables : enable #extension GL_OES_shader_multisample_interpolation : enable precision highp int; precision highp float; sample in vec2 tex_coord; itu_601 itu_601_full_range itu_709 uniform __samplerExternal2DY2YEXT yuv_sampler%d; out vec4 color%d; yuv = texture( yuv_sampler%d, tex_coord ).rgb; rgb = yuv_2_rgb( yuv, %s ); color%d = vec4( rgb, 1.f ); . rb wb ab In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cutils/cstr/src/mali_cutils_cstr.c line: 1417 In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cutils/cstr/src/mali_cutils_cstr.c line: 1422 In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cutils/cstr/src/mali_cutils_cstr.c line: 1430 The destination buffer does not have terminating nul-character. In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cutils/cstr/src/mali_cutils_cstr.c line: 1440 In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cutils/cstr/src/mali_cutils_cstr.c line: 1487 ClipPlaneTie StageConstant0 StageConstant1 StageConstant2 StageConstant3 StageConstant4 StageConstant5 StageConstant6 StageConstant7 Rotate gl_mali_ColorSpaceCoeffFragment var_TexCoord0 var_TexCoord1 var_TexCoord2 var_TexCoord3 var_TexCoord4 var_TexCoord5 var_TexCoord6 var_TexCoord7 var_PrimaryColor var_PrimaryColorTwosided var_ClipPlaneSignedDist var_FogDist gl_FrontFacing In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cmar/src/mali_cmar_context.c line: 276 Failed to close fd to wake backend thread (error %d) In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cmar/src/mali_cmar_context.c line: 284 In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cmar/src/mali_cmar_context.c line: 296 In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cmar/src/mali_cmar_glexecutor_gpu.c line: 1869 ERROR: This will not progress, setup_atoms() failed without creating any atom, retrying won't help. In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cmar/src/mali_cmar_renderer.c line: 1244 GLSL.std.450 MatrixStride decoration (%u) is not large enough to hold the size of the whole matrix with calculated stride (%u) Node id too large (%d > %d) Node id %d is undefined Unexpected use of node %u, expected node of type %u Unrecognized execution model '%d' Duplicate matrix layout decorations Duplicate sampling decorations Duplicate interpolation decorations Two entry points with the same name and execution model declared Required capability not set for execution mode '%u'. Required execution model not set for execution mode '%u'. Unexpected return outside function Unexpected void return in a function (%u) not declared with void return type Switch instruction should have an odd instruction word length The struct with id '%u' pointed to by the 'Uniform' pointer '%u' must be decorated with either 'Block' or 'BufferBlock' The struct with id '%u' is decorated with both 'Block' and 'BufferBlock' Expected Binding and DescriptorSet decoration for variables in storage class 'Uniform' The Variable (id %u) is an Input/Output, but has no location and is not a BuiltIn Out of memory Opcode with an empty length SPIR-V word stream truncated at position %d Opcode %d has less than %d parameters Could not find an entrypoint with the specified name and stage MemorySemantic/Scope (id:%d) are not constants. Including all barrier address spaces instead. gles.tess.n_vertices gles.is_used spirv.is_push_constant spirv.descriptor_set spirv.input_attachment_index gles.per_patch gles.early_fragment_tests gl_mali_IndexBuffer gles.geom.invocations gles.geom.in_primitive_mode SPV_KHR_device_group gles.per_sample_shading workgroup_size.x workgroup_size.y workgroup_size.z gles.tess.ordering spirv.is_storage_image gles.component gles.location CDBG BASE CINSTR TL CMEM CMAR COBJ CPOM CDEPS CFRAME CBLEND OPENCL OPENGLES Channel: Unnamed Channel: Default Heap Channel: Framepool Channel: Frame Internal Channel: GPU Program Channel: EGL Color Plane Channel: GLES VAO Channel: Image Descriptor Channel: Texture Channel: Buffer Channel: CRC Buffer Channel: Unnamed (11) Channel: Unnamed (12) Channel: Unnamed (13) Channel: Unnamed (14) The interop memory object is no longer acquired or has never been acquired EVENT_UNKNOWN_COMMAND EVENT_MEMORY_NOT_ACQUIRED EVENT_DEPENDENCY_ERROR EVENT_OUT_OF_GPU_MEMORY EVENT_OUT_OF_MEMORY EVENT_TERMINATED EVENT_JOB_CONFIG_FAULT EVENT_JOB_POWER_FAULT EVENT_JOB_READ_FAULT EVENT_JOB_WRITE_FAULT EVENT_JOB_AFFINITY_FAULT EVENT_JOB_BUS_FAULT EVENT_INSTR_INVALID_PC EVENT_INSTR_INVALID_ENC EVENT_INSTR_TYPE_MISMATCH EVENT_INSTR_OPERAND_FAULT EVENT_INSTR_TLS_FAULT EVENT_INSTR_BARRIER_FAULT EVENT_INSTR_ALIGN_FAULT EVENT_DATA_INVALID_FAULT EVENT_TILE_RANGE_FAULT EVENT_STATE_FAULT EVENT_UNKNOWN EVENT_DELAYED_BUS_FAULT EVENT_SHAREABILITY_FAULT EVENT_TRANSLATION_FAULT_LEVEL1 EVENT_TRANSLATION_FAULT_LEVEL2 EVENT_TRANSLATION_FAULT_LEVEL3 EVENT_TRANSLATION_FAULT_LEVEL4 EVENT_PERMISSION_FAULT EVENT_TRANSTAB_BUS_FAULT_LEVEL1 EVENT_TRANSTAB_BUS_FAULT_LEVEL2 EVENT_TRANSTAB_BUS_FAULT_LEVEL3 EVENT_TRANSTAB_BUS_FAULT_LEVEL4 EVENT_ACCESS_FLAG EVENT_MEM_GROWTH_FAILED EVENT_TIMED_OUT EVENT_JOB_CANCELLED EVENT_BAG_INVALID The power policy has prevented the requested device from being powered on Calls to clEnqueueMigrateMemObjects don't do anything on this platform. A very large global_work_size was requested, this will a very long time to execute or result in an error due to lack of resources fill_image2d_int4 fill_image2d_uint4 fill_image2d_float4 fill_image3d_int4 fill_image3d_uint4 fill_image3d_float4 fill_image2d_array_int4 fill_image2d_array_uint4 fill_image2d_array_float4 fill_image1d_int4 fill_image1d_uint4 fill_image1d_float4 fill_image1d_array_int4 fill_image1d_array_uint4 fill_image1d_array_float4 fill_image1d_buffer_int4 fill_image1d_buffer_uint4 fill_image1d_buffer_float4 The requested SVM copy operation exceeds the bounds of the SVM allocation. The requested SVM fill operation exceeds the bounds of the SVM allocation. Requested printf buffer of %zu is too small, using %zu cl_arm_thread_limit_hint requested: %u, actual: %u, min value: %u, max value: %u, any value chosen between the min and max values may be rounded to the nearest available limit FULL_PROFILE ARM Platform ARM fill_buffer_1;fill_buffer_2;fill_buffer_4;fill_buffer_8;fill_buffer_16;fill_buffer_32;fill_buffer_64;fill_buffer_128;fill_image1d_int4;fill_image1d_uint4;fill_image1d_float4;fill_image1d_buffer_int4;fill_image1d_buffer_uint4;fill_image1d_buffer_float4;fill_image1d_array_int4;fill_image1d_array_uint4;fill_image1d_array_float4;fill_image2d_int4;fill_image2d_uint4;fill_image2d_float4;fill_image2d_array_int4;fill_image2d_array_uint4;fill_image2d_array_float4;fill_image3d_int4;fill_image3d_uint4;fill_image3d_float4 The arg_value used in a call to clSetKernelArgSVMPointer() is NULL. This may not be portable to other implementations. The image used as argument number %u for the kernel '%s' has a format that does not match its usage Trying to build a program which has kernels attached Passing options to a program created with binary will have no effect Info clGetPlatformIDs clGetPlatformInfo clGetDeviceIDs clGetDeviceInfo clCreateContext clCreateContextFromType clRetainContext clReleaseContext clGetContextInfo clCreateCommandQueue clRetainCommandQueue clReleaseCommandQueue clGetCommandQueueInfo clSetCommandQueueProperty clCreateBuffer clCreateSubBuffer clCreateImage2D clCreateImage3D clRetainMemObject clReleaseMemObject clGetSupportedImageFormats clGetMemObjectInfo clGetImageInfo clSetMemObjectDestructorCallback clCreateSampler clRetainSampler clReleaseSampler clGetSamplerInfo clCreateProgramWithSource clCreateProgramWithBinary clRetainProgram clReleaseProgram clBuildProgram clUnloadCompiler clGetProgramInfo clGetProgramBuildInfo clCreateKernel clCreateKernelsInProgram clRetainKernel clReleaseKernel clSetKernelArg clGetKernelInfo clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo clWaitForEvents clGetEventInfo clCreateUserEvent clRetainEvent clReleaseEvent clSetUserEventStatus clSetEventCallback clGetEventProfilingInfo clFlush clFinish clEnqueueReadBuffer clEnqueueReadBufferRect clEnqueueWriteBuffer clEnqueueWriteBufferRect clEnqueueCopyBuffer clEnqueueCopyBufferRect clEnqueueReadImage clEnqueueWriteImage clEnqueueCopyImage clEnqueueCopyImageToBuffer clEnqueueCopyBufferToImage clEnqueueMapBuffer clEnqueueMapImage clEnqueueUnmapMemObject clEnqueueNDRangeKernel clEnqueueTask clEnqueueNativeKernel clEnqueueMarker clEnqueueWaitForEvents clEnqueueBarrier clGetExtensionFunctionAddress clIcdGetPlatformIDsKHR clImportMemoryARM clCreateFromGLTexture clEnqueueFillBuffer clEnqueueFillImage clCreateImage clEnqueueMigrateMemObjects clGetKernelArgInfo clEnqueueMarkerWithWaitList clEnqueueBarrierWithWaitList clCreateSubDevices clSVMAllocARM clSVMFreeARM clEnqueueSVMFreeARM clEnqueueSVMMemcpyARM clEnqueueSVMMemFillARM clGetKernelSubGroupInfoKHR clCreateProgramWithIL clGetKernelSubgroupInfo clCloneKernel clGetDeviceAndHostTimer clGetHostTimer clSetDefaultDeviceCommandQueue clCreateProgramWithILKHR CL_GET_ARCH_POINTER_ARM clCreateFromEGLImageKHR clEnqueueAcquireEGLObjectsKHR clEnqueueReleaseEGLObjectsKHR clEnqueueSVMMapARM clEnqueueSVMUnmapARM clSetKernelArgSVMPointerARM clSetKernelExecInfoARM cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_byte_addressable_store cl_khr_3d_image_writes cl_khr_fp64 cl_khr_int64_base_atomics cl_khr_int64_extended_atomics cl_khr_fp16 cl_khr_icd cl_khr_egl_image cl_khr_image2d_from_buffer cl_khr_depth_images cl_khr_subgroups cl_khr_il_program cl_arm_core_id cl_arm_printf cl_arm_thread_limit_hint cl_arm_non_uniform_work_group_size cl_arm_import_memory cl_arm_import_memory_dma_buf cl_arm_import_memory_host cl_arm_import_memory_protected cl_arm_shared_virtual_memory cl_arm_integer_dot_product_int8 cl_arm_integer_dot_product_accumulate_int8 cl_arm_integer_dot_product_accumulate_int16 __bifl_global_offset_plus_hdsdv_offset __bifl_group_id_hardware_subdivision_offset __bifl_global_offset __bifl_global_size __bifl_local_size __bifl_enqueued_local_size __bifl_num_groups __bifl_work_dim __bifl_local_mem_size __bifl_private_mem_size __bifl_image_properties_table_ro __bifl_image_properties_table_w __bifl_sampler_array __bifl_printf_buffer __bifl_event_buffer __bifl_psv_struct_ptr __bifl_psv_const_init __bifl_default_cmd_queue __bifl_owner_payload __bifl_dse_commit_ptr 2.0 CL memory objects created using the CL/EGL image sharing extension cannot be used with a CL device that does not support the extension Unexpected block type (was expecting MBS2) Union 'block_mbs2' has more than one field set Stream truncated Unexpected block type (was expecting VEHW) Reported size for block VEHW is smaller than expected Reported size for block CBLE is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for optional_block CBLE Reported size for block CCOM is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for optional_block CCOM Reported size for block CFRA is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for optional_block CFRA Reported size for block CVER is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for optional_block CVER Reported size for block CTSC is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for optional_block CTSC Reported size for block CTSE is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for optional_block CTSE Reported size for block CGEO is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for optional_block CGEO Expected chunk not found Could not allocate memory for block SSRC Reported size for block SSRC is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for block D3DS Could not allocate memory for block STRI Value read for 'core' larger than VEHW_core_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED Unexpected block type (was expecting SSYM) Reported size for block SSYM is smaller than expected Unexpected block type (was expecting UBUF) Reported size for block UBUF is smaller than expected Unexpected block type (was expecting EBIN) Reported size for block EBIN is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for block SYMB Unexpected block type (was expecting SYMB) Reported size for block SYMB is smaller than expected Unexpected block type (was expecting STRI) Value read for 'semantics' larger than SYMB_semantics_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED Padding is not set to zero in field 'reserved' Unexpected block type (was expecting TYPE) Reported size for block TYPE is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for block RLOC Could not allocate memory for block RELO Could not allocate memory for block FIXP Could not allocate memory for block SINI Reported size for block SINI is smaller than expected Reported size for block TPAC is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for optional_block TPAC Reported size for block TPAR is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for optional_block TPAR Reported size for block TPGE is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for optional_block TPGE Reported size for block TPIB is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for optional_block TPIB Reported size for block TPMA is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for optional_block TPMA Reported size for block TPPO is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for optional_block TPPO Reported size for block TPQU is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for optional_block TPQU Reported size for block TPPR is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for optional_block TPPR Reported size for block TPPW is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for optional_block TPPW Reported size for block TPSA is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for optional_block TPSA Reported size for block TPST is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for optional_block TPST Value read for 'scalar_type' larger than TPGE_scalar_type_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED Value read for 'scalar_size' larger than TPGE_scalar_size_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED Value read for 'precision' larger than TPGE_precision_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED Value read for 'aux_qualifier' larger than TPGE_aux_qualifier_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED Value read for 'layout' larger than TPIB_layout_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED Value read for 'kind' larger than TPIB_kind_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED Could not allocate memory for block TPSE Value read for 'is_row_major' larger than 1 Unexpected block type (was expecting TPGE) Value read for 'address_space' larger than TPPO_address_space_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED Unexpected block type (was expecting RELO) Unexpected block type (was expecting FIXP) Could not allocate memory for binary Could not read entire binary chunk Could not allocate memory for block EPTA Unexpected block type (was expecting FSHA) Reported size for block FSHA is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for block DBUG Could not allocate memory for block GREL Reported size for block GREL is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for block BFRE Reported size for block BFRE is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for block FD3D Reported size for block FD3D is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for block XPTA Reported size for block XPTA is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for block VLKN Reported size for block VLKN is smaller than expected Unexpected block type (was expecting OBJC) Value read for 'flags' larger than FSHA_flags_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED Value read for 'variant' larger than FSHA_variant_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED Reported size for block SPDb is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for optional_block SPDb Reported size for block SPDc is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for optional_block SPDc Reported size for block SPDf is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for optional_block SPDf Reported size for block SPDv is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for optional_block SPDv Could not allocate memory for block PDSC Reported size for block PDSC is smaller than expected Padding is not set to zero in field 'rt_index' Padding is not set to zero in field 'size' Padding is not set to zero in field 'type' Value read for 'output_type' larger than FD3D_output_type_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED Could not allocate memory for block XPTL Unexpected block type (was expecting XPTL) Reported size for block XPTL is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for block XPTR Unexpected block type (was expecting XPTR) Reported size for block XPTR is smaller than expected Unexpected block type (was expecting CMMN) Reported size for block CMMN is smaller than expected Unexpected block type (was expecting KERN) Reported size for block KERN is smaller than expected Unexpected block type (was expecting VELA) Reported size for block VELA is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for block KPAR Could not allocate memory for block KWGS Reported size for block KWGS is smaller than expected Unexpected block type (was expecting KPAR) Reported size for block KPAR is smaller than expected Value read for 'flags' larger than KPAR_flags_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED Could not allocate memory for block FOTV Reported size for block FOTV is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for block LCAL Reported size for block LCAL is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for block BLDM Reported size for block BLDM is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for block AINF Reported size for block AINF is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for block OUTV Unexpected block type (was expecting OUTV) Reported size for block OUTV is smaller than expected Value read for 'flags' larger than BLDM_flags_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED Could not allocate memory for block ACHN Unexpected block type (was expecting ACHN) Reported size for block ACHN is smaller than expected Value read for 'kind' larger than ACHN_kind_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED Could not allocate memory for block GPOS Reported size for block GPOS is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for block VMVW Reported size for block VMVW is smaller than expected Value read for 'kind' larger than GPOS_kind_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED Unexpected block type (was expecting MTES) Reported size for block MTES is smaller than expected Value read for 'primitive_mode' larger than MTES_primitive_mode_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED Value read for 'vertex_spacing' larger than MTES_vertex_spacing_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED Value read for 'ordering' larger than MTES_ordering_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED Unexpected block type (was expecting MGEO) Reported size for block MGEO is smaller than expected Value read for 'layered_rendering' larger than 1 Value read for 'input_primitive_mode' larger than MGEO_input_primitive_mode_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED Value read for 'output_primitive_mode' larger than MGEO_output_primitive_mode_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED Data for binary 'stri' was not null-terminated Could not expand memory buffer Trying to write a value larger than symbol_flags_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'flags' Trying to write a value larger than SYMB_semantics_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'semantics' Union 'block_type' has more than one field set Trying to write a value larger than TPGE_scalar_type_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'scalar_type' Trying to write a value larger than TPGE_scalar_size_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'scalar_size' Trying to write a value larger than TPGE_precision_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'precision' Trying to write a value larger than TPGE_aux_qualifier_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'aux_qualifier' Trying to write a value larger than TPIB_layout_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'layout' Trying to write a value larger than TPIB_kind_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'kind' Trying to write a value larger than TPPO_address_space_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'address_space' Trying to write a value larger than RELO_kind_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'kind' Trying to write a value larger than FSHA_flags_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'flags' Trying to write a value larger than FSHA_variant_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'variant' Trying to write a value larger than TPGE_scalar_size_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'size'[] Trying to write a value larger than TPGE_scalar_type_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'type'[] Trying to write a value larger than FD3D_output_type_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'output_type' Trying to write a value larger than VELA_lang_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'lang' Trying to write a value larger than KPAR_flags_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'flags' Trying to write a value larger than BLDM_flags_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'flags' Trying to write a value larger than ACHN_kind_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'kind' Trying to write a value larger than GPOS_kind_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'kind' Trying to write a value larger than MTES_primitive_mode_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'primitive_mode' Trying to write a value larger than MTES_vertex_spacing_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'vertex_spacing' Trying to write a value larger than MTES_ordering_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'ordering' Trying to write a value larger than 1 for 'has_control_point_phase' Trying to write a value larger than MGEO_input_primitive_mode_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'input_primitive_mode' Trying to write a value larger than MGEO_output_primitive_mode_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'output_primitive_mode' Trying to write a value larger than VEHW_core_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'core' ipsccp loops lcssa memdep dse * ; kernel_arg_name kernel_arg_type kernel_arg_access_qual kernel_arg_addr_space kernel_arg_type_qual pipe <binary> _Z10atomic_decPU3AS3Vi _Z10atomic_decPU3AS3Vj _Z10atomic_addPU3AS1Vii _Z10atomic_addPU3AS1Vjj _Z10atomic_addPU3AS3Vii _Z10atomic_addPU3AS3Vjj _Z10atomic_subPU3AS1Vii _Z10atomic_subPU3AS1Vjj _Z10atomic_subPU3AS3Vii _Z10atomic_subPU3AS3Vjj _Z11atomic_xchgPU3AS1Vii _Z11atomic_xchgPU3AS1Vjj _Z11atomic_xchgPU3AS3Vii _Z11atomic_xchgPU3AS3Vjj _Z11atomic_xchgPU3AS1Vff _Z11atomic_xchgPU3AS3Vff _Z10atomic_minPU3AS1Vii _Z10atomic_minPU3AS1Vjj _Z10atomic_minPU3AS3Vii _Z10atomic_minPU3AS3Vjj _Z10atomic_maxPU3AS1Vii _Z10atomic_maxPU3AS1Vjj _Z10atomic_maxPU3AS3Vii _Z10atomic_maxPU3AS3Vjj _Z10atomic_andPU3AS1Vii _Z10atomic_andPU3AS1Vjj _Z10atomic_andPU3AS3Vii _Z10atomic_andPU3AS3Vjj _Z9atomic_orPU3AS1Vii _Z9atomic_orPU3AS1Vjj _Z9atomic_orPU3AS3Vii _Z9atomic_orPU3AS3Vjj _Z10atomic_xorPU3AS1Vii _Z10atomic_xorPU3AS1Vjj _Z10atomic_xorPU3AS3Vii _Z10atomic_xorPU3AS3Vjj _Z14atomic_cmpxchgPU3AS1Viii _Z14atomic_cmpxchgPU3AS1Vjjj _Z14atomic_cmpxchgPU3AS3Viii _Z14atomic_cmpxchgPU3AS3Vjjj _Z8atom_incPU3AS1Vi _Z8atom_incPU3AS1Vj _Z8atom_incPU3AS3Vi _Z8atom_incPU3AS3Vj _Z8atom_decPU3AS1Vi _Z8atom_decPU3AS1Vj _Z8atom_decPU3AS3Vi _Z8atom_decPU3AS3Vj _Z8atom_addPU3AS1Vii _Z8atom_addPU3AS1Vjj _Z8atom_addPU3AS3Vii _Z8atom_addPU3AS3Vjj _Z8atom_subPU3AS1Vii _Z8atom_subPU3AS1Vjj _Z8atom_subPU3AS3Vii _Z8atom_subPU3AS3Vjj _Z9atom_xchgPU3AS1Vii _Z9atom_xchgPU3AS1Vjj _Z9atom_xchgPU3AS3Vii _Z9atom_xchgPU3AS3Vjj _Z9atom_xchgPU3AS1Vff _Z9atom_xchgPU3AS3Vff _Z8atom_minPU3AS1Vii _Z8atom_minPU3AS1Vjj _Z8atom_minPU3AS3Vii _Z8atom_minPU3AS3Vjj _Z8atom_maxPU3AS1Vii _Z8atom_maxPU3AS1Vjj _Z8atom_maxPU3AS3Vii _Z8atom_maxPU3AS3Vjj _Z8atom_andPU3AS1Vii _Z8atom_andPU3AS1Vjj _Z8atom_andPU3AS3Vii _Z8atom_andPU3AS3Vjj _Z7atom_orPU3AS1Vii _Z7atom_orPU3AS1Vjj _Z7atom_orPU3AS3Vii _Z7atom_orPU3AS3Vjj _Z8atom_xorPU3AS1Vii _Z8atom_xorPU3AS1Vjj _Z8atom_xorPU3AS3Vii _Z8atom_xorPU3AS3Vjj _Z12atom_cmpxchgPU3AS1Viii _Z12atom_cmpxchgPU3AS1Vjjj _Z12atom_cmpxchgPU3AS3Viii _Z12atom_cmpxchgPU3AS3Vjjj llvm.global.annotations opencl.image1d_array_ro_t opencl.image2d_ro_t opencl.image2d_array_ro_t opencl.image2d_depth_ro_t opencl.image3d_ro_t opencl.image1d_wo_t opencl.image1d_array_wo_t opencl.image2d_wo_t opencl.image2d_array_wo_t opencl.image2d_depth_wo_t opencl.image3d_wo_t opencl.image1d_rw_t opencl.image1d_array_rw_t opencl.image1d_buffer_rw_t opencl.image2d_rw_t opencl.image2d_array_rw_t opencl.image2d_depth_rw_t opencl.image2d_array_depth_rw_t opencl.image3d_rw_t opencl.sampler_t opencl_event_t opencl.pipe_t_ro opencl.pipe_t_wo opencl_queue_t _Z12get_work_dimv get_work_dim bif.wd _Z15arm_get_core_idv arm_get_core_id bif.aci _Z19__get_printf_bufferv __get_printf_buffer bif.pbuf _Z12get_local_idj get_local_id bif.lid _Z13get_global_idj get_global_id bif.gid _Z14get_local_sizej get_local_size bif.lsz _Z15get_global_sizej get_global_size bif.gsz _Z17get_global_offsetj get_global_offset bif.goffs _Z12get_group_idj get_group_id bif.grpid _Z14get_num_groupsj get_num_groups bif.ng _Z20__get_first_local_idj __get_first_local_id bif.fli CLCS STRT TERM CLCC LLVM MBSX KRNL LIBR Dv5_ .v5 Dv .v p2 __bifl_psv_struct max min abs clz rhadd acosh asinh atan2 atanh cospi exp exp10 expm1 floor fma ilogb ldexp log log10 log1p mad pow round rsqrt sinpi trunc frexp clamp convert_ vstore half select _sat _rt _rte _rtz _half bitcast fpext cmp_zero_for_vector_select cmp_zero_for_scalar_select mad24 mad_hi mul24 mul_hi _rtp _rtn Number of tuples for shortest code path: %3g / %3g / %3g = %3g bfr opencl.samplers __translate_sampler_initializer blc Incorrect triple and/or datalayout! triple: %s, datalayout %s tDVx.r0p0 tEGx.r0p0 tGOx.r0p0 tHEx.r0p0 tHEx.r0p1 tHEx.r0p2 tHEx.r0p3 tKAx.r0p0 tMIx.r0p0 tMIx.r0p1 tNOx.r0p0 g71 g51 tDVx g72 tNOx tGOx tKAx tTRx tBOx tEGx -Wall -emit= opts bc none cl -core= error: warning: note: opencl.kernels ocl_image1d_ro ocl_image1d_wo ocl_image1d_rw ocl_image2d_ro ocl_image2d_wo ocl_image2d_rw ocl_image2d_array_ro ocl_image2d_array_wo ocl_image2d_array_rw ocl_image2d_depth_ro ocl_image2d_depth_wo ocl_image2d_depth_rw ocl_image2d_array_depth_ro ocl_image2d_array_depth_wo ocl_image2d_array_depth_rw ocl_image3d_ro ocl_image3d_wo ocl_image3d_rw <source> ./ Common module transform Analyze thread-dependent instructions / __pipe_t __reserve_id_t raw __builtin_inff __builtin_nanf __builtin_uadd_overflow __builtin_usub_overflow __builtin_umul_overflow pointer-arith enqueue_kernel get_kernel_work_group_size get_kernel_preferred_work_group_size_multiple get_kernel_max_sub_group_size_for_ndrange get_kernel_sub_group_count_for_ndrange to_local to_private to_global read_pipe commit_read_pipe reserve_read_pipe work_group_commit_read_pipe work_group_reserve_read_pipe sub_group_commit_read_pipe sub_group_reserve_read_pipe write_pipe commit_write_pipe reserve_write_pipe work_group_commit_write_pipe work_group_reserve_write_pipe sub_group_commit_write_pipe sub_group_reserve_write_pipe get_pipe_max_packets get_pipe_num_packets all #define cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics 1 #define cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics 1 #define cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics 1 #define cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics 1 #define cl_khr_byte_addressable_store 1 #define cl_khr_subgroups 1 #define cl_arm_core_id 1 #define cl_arm_printf 1 #define cl_arm_thread_limit_hint 1 cl_arm_sub_group_shuffle #define cl_arm_sub_group_shuffle 1 cl_khr_gl_msaa_sharing #define cl_khr_gl_msaa_sharing 1 #define cl_arm_integer_dot_product_int8 1 #define cl_arm_integer_dot_product_accumulate_int8 1 #define cl_arm_integer_dot_product_accumulate_int16 1 #define cl_khr_fp16 1 #define cl_khr_3d_image_writes 1 cl_clang_storage_class_specifiers #define cl_clang_storage_class_specifiers 1 cl_khr_select_fprounding_mode cl_khr_gl_sharing cl_khr_gl_event cl_khr_d3d10_sharing cl_khr_context_abort cl_khr_d3d11_sharing cl_khr_dx9_media_sharing cl_khr_initialize_memory cl_khr_gl_depth_images cl_khr_spir cl_khr_egl_event cl_khr_mipmap_image cl_khr_srgb_image_writes cl_khr_terminate_context cl_amd_media_ops cl_amd_media_ops2 /* * Copyright: * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * This confidential and proprietary software may be used only as authorized * by a licensing agreement from ARM Limited. * (C) COPYRIGHT 2015-2017 ARM Limited, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * The entire notice above must be reproduced on all authorized copies and * copies may only be made to the extent permitted by a licensing agreement * from ARM Limited. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef MALI_CLCC_SHARED_H_ #define MALI_CLCC_SHARED_H_ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** * @file mali_clcc_shared.h OpenCL runtime/compiler interface. * * This file defines shared data structures used by runtime, clcc and/or BIFL functions, * and sometimes test-code that requires internal "knowledge". * * Note that the structures defined here are sometimes included in CL-code, so should be * freestanding [not refer to types or structures outside of this unit]. * * Care should be taken to ensure data structures do not change alignment or size. Where * relevant, specific tests should be written to ensure the size/alignments are correct. */ /** * @addtogroup mcl OpenCL * @{ */ /** * @addtogroup mcl_clcc OpenCL C Compiler * @{ */ #ifdef __OPENCL_C_VERSION__ /* In the OpenCL C compiler, we need to define some types, which should match the corresponding * definition in the driver. */ typedef unsigned long u64; typedef unsigned int u32; typedef short s16; /* Prefix for OpenCL BIFL code */ #define CLCC_APPLY_PREFIX(x) __ ## x #define NDRANGE_RENAME(x) x ## _t #define ENUM_PREFIX_CL(x) CL_ ## x #else /** Prefix for the driver */ #define CLCC_APPLY_PREFIX(x) mcl_ ## x #define NDRANGE_RENAME(x) clcc_ ## x #define ENUM_PREFIX_CL(x) MCL_ ## x #endif #ifdef __OPENCL_C_VERSION__ #define CL_VERSION_1_0 100 #define CL_VERSION_1_1 110 #define CL_VERSION_1_2 120 #define CL_VERSION_2_0 200 #endif /** * @name "Enums" for the image channel data orders ( */ typedef enum clcc_channel_order { CLCC_R, CLCC_A, CLCC_RG, CLCC_RA, CLCC_RGB, CLCC_RGBA, CLCC_BGRA, CLCC_ARGB, CLCC_INTENSITY, CLCC_LUMINANCE, CLCC_Rx, CLCC_RGx, CLCC_RGBx, /* Introduced in CL 2.0 */ CLCC_DEPTH, /* Note CL_DEPTH_STENCIL is an extension, it is not supported presently. */ CLCC_DEPTH_STENCIL, CLCC_sRGB, CLCC_sRGBx, CLCC_sRGBA, CLCC_sBGRA, CLCC_ABGR, #if ( 1 == MALI_CL_2_0 ) CLCC_CHANNEL_ORDER_COUNT, #else #ifndef __OPENCL_C_VERSION__ CLCC_CHANNEL_ORDER_COUNT = CLCC_RGBx + 1 #endif #endif } clcc_channel_order; /** * @name "Enums" for the image channel data types ( */ typedef enum clcc_channel_type { CLCC_SNORM_INT8, CLCC_SNORM_INT16, CLCC_UNORM_INT8, CLCC_UNORM_INT16, CLCC_UNORM_SHORT_565, CLCC_UNORM_SHORT_555, CLCC_UNORM_INT_101010, CLCC_SIGNED_INT8, CLCC_SIGNED_INT16, CLCC_SIGNED_INT32, CLCC_UNSIGNED_INT8, CLCC_UNSIGNED_INT16, CLCC_UNSIGNED_INT32, CLCC_HALF_FLOAT, CLCC_FLOAT, CLCC_CHANNEL_TYPE_COUNT } clcc_channel_type; #if !defined(__OPENCL_C_VERSION__) || (__OPENCL_C_VERSION__ >= CL_VERSION_2_0) typedef struct { u32 work_dim; /**< Number of dimensions to describe the work to be done */ size_t global_work_size[3]; /**< Size of the global work-items */ size_t local_work_size[3]; /**< Defines the number of work-items per work-group */ size_t global_work_offset[3]; /**< Offsets used to calculate the global ID of a work-item */ } NDRANGE_RENAME(ndrange); typedef struct { char is_committed; /**< Indicates the data corresponding to this window has been read or written. */ u32 index; /**< Index of the first element from the reserved window. */ s16 count; /**< The window size. */ } clcc_reserve_id; #if defined (__OPENCL_C_VERSION__) && __OPENCL_C_VERSION__ >= CL_VERSION_2_0 #define MUTEX_TY atomic_flag #else #define MUTEX_TY u32 #endif typedef struct { u32 max_num_packets; /**< The pipe capacity. */ u32 packet_size; /**< The size of a single packet. */ volatile u32 count; /**< The number of packets in the buffer. */ volatile u32 reservation_count; /**< Total number of packets in the reserved windows. */ volatile u32 read_start; /**< The offset of the first window reserved for reading. */ volatile u32 read_end; /**< The offset of the last window reserved for reading. */ volatile u32 write_start; /**< The offset of the first window reserved for writing. */ volatile u32 write_end; /**< The offset of the last window reserved for writing. */ volatile MUTEX_TY mutex; /**< The mutex protecting the access to the buffer. */ volatile u32 read_count; /**< The count of all reads that have taken place. Used for logging only */ volatile u32 write_count; /**< The count of all writes that have taken place. Used for logging only */ } clcc_pipe; #undef MUTEX_TY #if defined(__OPENCL_C_VERSION__) && __OPENCL_C_VERSION__ >= CL_VERSION_2_0 typedef clcc_pipe __pipe_t; typedef clcc_reserve_id __reserve_id_t; #endif /* Add completion status values for events etc */ enum { ENUM_PREFIX_CL(COMPLETE) = 0x0, ENUM_PREFIX_CL(RUNNING) = 0x1, ENUM_PREFIX_CL(SUBMITTED) = 0x2, ENUM_PREFIX_CL(QUEUED) = 0x3 }; /* Type qualifiers */ enum { CL_KERNEL_ARG_TYPE_QUAL_NONE = 0, CL_KERNEL_ARG_TYPE_QUAL_CONST = (1 << 0), CL_KERNEL_ARG_TYPE_QUAL_RESTRICT = (1 << 1), CL_KERNEL_ARG_TYPE_QUAL_VOLATILE = (1 << 2), CL_KERNEL_ARG_TYPE_QUAL_PIPE = (1 << 3) }; /** * @brief mali_mcl_device_command_queue - command queue for device-side enqueue. * * This structure represents the queue that @c enqueue_kernel() enqueues the new work into. * The queue contains @c mcl_device_queue_content. The current design assumes that the queue * is simply big enough to handle all work, and therefore no requirement to track which entries * can be reused. For a fully functional implementation, this would have to be added (along with * quite a bit of other changes to make the whole device-side enqueue fully functional). * * The @c size is the total size of @c buffer. * * The @c alloc is the index that points to the first allocatable point in the buffer. This field is * updated by an atomic add operation, to ensure that simultaneous allocation of space is safe. * See diagram below. * * The @c commit is the index for the committed data. This is the index at which ALL data up to that point * has been filled in. This is updated by atomic compare exchang, to ensure that the data is always * complete up to the point indicated by this index. See diagram below. * * The @c queue is used to "remember" the host queue that this queue represents. This allows us to have * put the queue pointer value into the @c mcl_device_queue_content entry. * * Finally the @c buffer is the acutal storage for the queued work. The value of @c alloc and @c commit * are indices into @c buffer. (In other words, the first free address is at @c &buffer[alloc]). * * The driver-side maintains a "read pointer" that is not stored within this data structure, which * is the index up to which where the host side has processed the entries in the queue. * * Diagram showing the the queued format: * (For simplicity, in the below "filled in" means completely filled in and ready to be processed) * * +-----------------------+ <- buffer[0] * ! Queue Entry 0 ! * +-----------------------+ <- buffer[sizeof(mcl_device_queue_content) * 1] * ! Queue Entry 1 ! * +-----------------------+ * ! Queue Entry 2 ! * buffer[readptr]-> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Z ---------- Z (skipping over several entries) * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ! Queue Entry 8 ! (All entries up to this point are filled in) * buffer[commit]-> +-----------------------+ * ! Queue Entry 9 ! (Not finished filling in here) * +-----------------------+ * ! Queue Entry 10 ! (Finished, but waiting for 9 to be filled in) * buffer[alloc]-> +-----------------------+ * ! Queue Entry 11 ! (Not filled in at all, shouldn't be "touched") * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Z ---------- Z (skipping over several entries) * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * As we can see in the above, the host has processed up to entry number 2, the device has filled in 8 * entries that are ready for the host, and are in the process of filling in entry 9, where entry 10 * is already filled in, but has to wait for entry 9 to be filled in. The next call to @c enqueue_kernel * would use entry 11. */ typedef struct CLCC_APPLY_PREFIX(device_command_queue) { u32 size; /**< size of the entire buffer */ u32 alloc; /**< index to end of allocated space (first unallocated byte) */ u32 commit; /**< index to end of committed space (committed = filled in completely to that point) */ uintptr_t queue; /**< host-side queue-pointer - retrieved at a later stage, never used by device */ char buffer[1]; /**< Actual queue space. */ } CLCC_APPLY_PREFIX(device_command_queue); /** * Error codes used to give information about queue content. */ typedef enum { MCL_ENQUEUE_NO_ERROR, /**< No error, all good */ MCL_ENQUEUE_ERR_TOO_LARGE_CAPTURE, /**< Captured variables don't fit in block_context field */ MCL_ENQUEUE_ERR_TOO_LONG_NAME, /**< Kernel name too long for name field */ MCL_ENQUEUE_ERR_EMPTY_NAME, /**< Kernel name should not be 'empty' */ MCL_ENQUEUE_ERR_TOO_MANY_LOCALS, /**< Too many local values */ MCL_ENQUEUE_ERR_NO_EVENTS, /**< Can't allocate event */ } CLCC_APPLY_PREFIX(enqueue_errcodes); /** * MCL_MAX_LOCALS defines how many local sizes can be passed to enqueue_kernel. The * number choosen here is sufficient to cope with the conformance test. No intention * to support code more complex than the conformance test. */ #define MCL_MAX_LOCALS 3u /** * Data structure inside the queue. */ typedef struct CLCC_APPLY_PREFIX(device_queue_content) { u32 status; /**< Status per enqueue_errcodes enum above */ char name[128]; /**< Kernel/block actual name */ /** * Used to store the context of the block. It contains 32 bytes of fixed data. * Adding another 96 bytes allows for some captured arguments to the block-function. * enqueue_kernel should check that size fits. */ char block_context[128]; NDRANGE_RENAME(ndrange) ndrange; /**< ndrange describing the enqueued work */ uintptr_t queue; /**< Queue which this work should be enqueued onto */ uintptr_t owner_payload; /**< Owning payload for this kernel */ u32 num_locals; /**< Number of local sizes. */ size_t locals[MCL_MAX_LOCALS]; /**< Local sizes */ u32 magic; /**< Special magic value to identify end of block */ } CLCC_APPLY_PREFIX(device_queue_content); /** * Data structure for event list. * * @c free_list points to @c NULL if empty, otherwise to a free clk_event (whose "next" pointer indicates * where the next element in the list is, or @c NULL if it's the last element. * @c first_event is the address of the beggining of the event buffer. * @c last_event is the address of the end of the event buffer. * @c next_unused is the address of the first element in the event buffer that is not yet used. * The following should always be true: * @c first_event >= @c next_unused >= @c last_event */ typedef struct CLCC_APPLY_PREFIX(clk_event_admin) { void* free_list; void* first_event; void* last_event; void* next_unused; } CLCC_APPLY_PREFIX(clk_event_admin); #endif /* !defined(__OPENCL_C_VERSION__) || (__OPENCL_C_VERSION__ >= CL_VERSION_2_0) */ /** * @} */ /** * @} */ #ifdef __cplusplus } /* end of extern "C" */ #endif #endif /* MALI_CLCC_SHARED_H_ */ #ifdef cl_khr_fp64 #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64 : enable #endif #define NULL ((void*)0) typedef unsigned char uchar; typedef unsigned short ushort; typedef unsigned int uint; typedef unsigned long ulong; typedef __typeof__ (((int *)0) - ((int *)0)) ptrdiff_t; typedef half half2 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(2))); typedef half half3 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(3))); typedef half half4 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(4))); typedef half half8 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(8))); typedef half half16 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(16))); typedef float float2 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(2))); typedef float float3 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(3))); typedef float float4 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(4))); typedef float float8 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(8))); typedef float float16 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(16))); #ifdef cl_khr_fp64 typedef double double2 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(2))); typedef double double3 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(3))); typedef double double4 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(4))); typedef double double8 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(8))); typedef double double16 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(16))); #endif typedef char char2 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(2))); typedef char char3 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(3))); typedef char char4 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(4))); typedef char char8 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(8))); typedef char char16 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(16))); typedef uchar uchar2 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(2))); typedef uchar uchar3 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(3))); typedef uchar uchar4 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(4))); typedef uchar uchar8 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(8))); typedef uchar uchar16 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(16))); typedef short short2 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(2))); typedef short short3 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(3))); typedef short short4 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(4))); typedef short short8 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(8))); typedef short short16 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(16))); typedef ushort ushort2 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(2))); typedef ushort ushort3 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(3))); typedef ushort ushort4 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(4))); typedef ushort ushort8 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(8))); typedef ushort ushort16 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(16))); typedef int int2 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(2))); typedef int int3 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(3))); typedef int int4 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(4))); typedef int int8 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(8))); typedef int int16 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(16))); typedef uint uint2 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(2))); typedef uint uint3 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(3))); typedef uint uint4 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(4))); typedef uint uint8 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(8))); typedef uint uint16 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(16))); typedef long long2 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(2))); typedef long long3 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(3))); typedef long long4 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(4))); typedef long long8 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(8))); typedef long long16 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(16))); typedef ulong ulong2 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(2))); typedef ulong ulong3 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(3))); typedef ulong ulong4 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(4))); typedef ulong ulong8 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(8))); typedef ulong ulong16 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(16))); typedef half __clcc_half; typedef float __clcc_float; #ifdef cl_khr_fp64 typedef double __clcc_double; #endif typedef char __clcc_char; typedef bool __clcc_bool; typedef void* __clcc_block_void_t; typedef void* __clcc_block_t; typedef short __clcc_short; typedef int __clcc_int; typedef long __clcc_long; typedef void __clcc_void; #if __OPENCL_C_VERSION__ >= CL_VERSION_1_2 typedef read_only image1d_t __clcc_image1d_ro_t; typedef write_only image1d_t __clcc_image1d_wo_t; typedef read_write image1d_t __clcc_image1d_rw_t; #endif typedef read_only image2d_t __clcc_image2d_ro_t; typedef write_only image2d_t __clcc_image2d_wo_t; typedef read_write image2d_t __clcc_image2d_rw_t; typedef read_only image3d_t __clcc_image3d_ro_t; #ifdef cl_khr_3d_image_writes #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_3d_image_writes : enable typedef write_only image3d_t __clcc_image3d_wo_t; typedef read_write image3d_t __clcc_image3d_rw_t; #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_3d_image_writes : disable #endif #if __OPENCL_C_VERSION__ >= CL_VERSION_1_2 typedef read_only image1d_array_t __clcc_image1d_array_ro_t; typedef write_only image1d_array_t __clcc_image1d_array_wo_t; typedef read_write image1d_array_t __clcc_image1d_array_rw_t; typedef read_only image2d_array_t __clcc_image2d_array_ro_t; typedef write_only image2d_array_t __clcc_image2d_array_wo_t; typedef read_write image2d_array_t __clcc_image2d_array_rw_t; typedef read_only image1d_buffer_t __clcc_image1d_buffer_ro_t; typedef write_only image1d_buffer_t __clcc_image1d_buffer_wo_t; typedef read_write image1d_buffer_t __clcc_image1d_buffer_rw_t; #endif #if __OPENCL_C_VERSION__ >= CL_VERSION_2_0 typedef read_only image2d_depth_t __clcc_image2d_depth_ro_t; typedef write_only image2d_depth_t __clcc_image2d_depth_wo_t; typedef read_write image2d_depth_t __clcc_image2d_depth_rw_t; typedef read_only image2d_array_depth_t __clcc_image2d_array_depth_ro_t; typedef write_only image2d_array_depth_t __clcc_image2d_array_depth_wo_t; typedef read_write image2d_array_depth_t __clcc_image2d_array_depth_rw_t; #endif typedef sampler_t __clcc_sampler_t; typedef event_t __clcc_event_t; #if __OPENCL_C_VERSION__ >= CL_VERSION_2_0 typedef reserve_id_t __clcc_reserve_id_t; typedef pipe void __clcc_pipe_t; #endif #if (__OPENCL_C_VERSION__ >= CL_VERSION_2_0) || defined(__CLCC_ENABLE_CL20_ATOMICS__) #define ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(value) (value) #ifndef __ATOMIC_RELAXED #define __ATOMIC_RELAXED 0 #endif #ifndef __ATOMIC_CONSUME #define __ATOMIC_CONSUME 1 #endif #ifndef __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE #define __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE 2 #endif #ifndef __ATOMIC_RELEASE #define __ATOMIC_RELEASE 3 #endif #ifndef __ATOMIC_ACQ_REL #define __ATOMIC_ACQ_REL 4 #endif #ifndef __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST #define __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST 5 #endif typedef enum { memory_order_relaxed = __ATOMIC_RELAXED, memory_order_consume = __ATOMIC_CONSUME, memory_order_acquire = __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE, memory_order_release = __ATOMIC_RELEASE, memory_order_acq_rel = __ATOMIC_ACQ_REL, memory_order_seq_cst = __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST } memory_order; typedef enum { memory_scope_work_item, memory_scope_work_group, memory_scope_device, memory_scope_all_svm_devices, } memory_scope; #define ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(0) #endif #define __kernel_exec(X, typen) __kernel __attribute__((work_group_size_hint(X, 1, 1))) __attribute__((vec_type_hint(typen))) #define kernel_exec(X, typen) __kernel_exec(X, typen) #define NAN __builtin_nanf("") #define INFINITY __builtin_inff() #define HUGE_VALF INFINITY #define MAXFLOAT FLT_MAX #define FLT_DIG 6 #define FLT_MANT_DIG 24 #define FLT_MAX_10_EXP +38 #define FLT_MAX_EXP +128 #define FLT_MIN_10_EXP -37 #define FLT_MIN_EXP -125 #define FLT_RADIX 2 #define FLT_MAX 0x1.fffffep127f #define FLT_MIN 0x1.0p-126f #define FLT_EPSILON 0x1.0p-23f #define FP_ILOGBNAN 0x7fffffff #define FP_ILOGB0 0x80000000 #define M_E_F 2.71828174591064453125e+00f #define M_LOG2E_F 1.44269502162933349609e+00f #define M_LOG10E_F 4.34294492006301879883e-01f #define M_LN2_F 6.93147182464599609375e-01f #define M_LN10_F 2.30258512496948242188e+00f #define M_PI_F 3.14159274101257324219e+00f #define M_PI_2_F 1.57079637050628662109e+00f #define M_PI_4_F 7.85398185253143310547e-01f #define M_1_PI_F 3.18309873342514038086e-01f #define M_2_PI_F 6.36619746685028076172e-01f #define M_2_SQRTPI_F 1.12837922573089599609e+00f #define M_SQRT2_F 1.41421353816986083984e+00f #define M_SQRT1_2_F 7.07106769084930419922e-01f #ifdef cl_khr_fp64 #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64 : enable #define HUGE_VAL (as_double(0x7ff0000000000000)) #define DBL_DIG 15 #define DBL_MANT_DIG 53 #define DBL_MAX_10_EXP +308 #define DBL_MAX_EXP +1024 #define DBL_MIN_10_EXP -307 #define DBL_MIN_EXP -1021 #define DBL_MAX 0x1.fffffffffffffp1023 #define DBL_MIN 0x1.0p-1022 #define DBL_EPSILON 0x1.0p-52 #define DBL_RADIX 2 #define M_E 2.718281828459045090796 #define M_LOG2E 1.442695040888963387005 #define M_LOG10E 0.434294481903251816668 #define M_LN2 0.693147180559945286227 #define M_LN10 2.302585092994045901094 #define M_PI 3.141592653589793115998 #define M_PI_2 1.570796326794896557999 #define M_PI_4 0.785398163397448278999 #define M_1_PI 0.318309886183790691216 #define M_2_PI 0.636619772367581382433 #define M_2_SQRTPI 1.128379167095512558561 #define M_SQRT2 1.414213562373095145475 #define M_SQRT1_2 0.707106781186547572737 #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64 : disable #endif #ifdef cl_khr_fp16 #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp16 : enable #define HUGE_VAL (as_double(0x7ff0000000000000)) #define HALF_DIG 3 #define HALF_MANT_DIG 11 #define HALF_MAX_10_EXP +4 #define HALF_MAX_EXP +16 #define HALF_MIN_10_EXP -4 #define HALF_MIN_EXP -13 #define HALF_RADIX 2 #define HALF_MAX 0x1.ffcp15H #define HALF_MIN 0x1.0p-14H #define HALF_EPSILON 0x1.0p-10H #define M_E_H +0x1.5c0p1H #define M_LOG2E_H +0x1.714p0H #define M_LOG10E_H +0x1.bccp-2H #define M_LN2_H +0x1.630p-1H #define M_LN10_H +0x1.26cp1H #define M_PI_H +0x1.920p1H #define M_PI_2_H +0x1.920p0H #define M_PI_4_H +0x1.920p-1H #define M_1_PI_H +0x1.460p-2H #define M_2_PI_H +0x1.460p-1H #define M_2_SQRTPI_H +0x1.20cp0H #define M_SQRT2_H +0x1.6a0p0H #define M_SQRT1_2_H +0x1.6a0p-1H #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp16 : disable #endif #define CHAR_BIT 8 #define CHAR_MAX SCHAR_MAX #define CHAR_MIN SCHAR_MIN #define INT_MAX 2147483647 #define INT_MIN (-2147483647 - 1) #define LONG_MAX 0x7fffffffffffffffL #define LONG_MIN (-0x7fffffffffffffffL - 1) #define SCHAR_MAX 127 #define SCHAR_MIN (-127 - 1) #define SHRT_MAX 32767 #define SHRT_MIN (-32767 - 1) #define UCHAR_MAX 255 #define USHRT_MAX 65535 #define UINT_MIN 0u #define UINT_MAX 0xffffffff #define ULONG_MIN 0u #define ULONG_MAX 0xffffffffffffffffUL typedef enum { CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE = 1 << 0, CLK_GLOBAL_MEM_FENCE = 1 << 1, CLK_IMAGE_MEM_FENCE = 1 << 2, // CL2.0 - 6.1.3 } cl_mem_fence_flags; enum { CLK_NORMALIZED_COORDS_TRUE = (1 << 0) , CLK_NORMALIZED_COORDS_FALSE = (1 << 1) , CLK_ADDRESS_NONE = (1 << 2) , CLK_ADDRESS_CLAMP = (1 << 3) , CLK_ADDRESS_CLAMP_TO_EDGE = (1 << 4) , CLK_ADDRESS_REPEAT = (1 << 5) , CLK_ADDRESS_MIRRORED_REPEAT = (1 << 6) , CLK_FILTER_NEAREST = (1 << 7) , CLK_FILTER_LINEAR = (1 << 8) , }; enum{ CLK_SNORM_INT8 = CLCC_SNORM_INT8 , CLK_SNORM_INT16 = CLCC_SNORM_INT16 , CLK_UNORM_INT8 = CLCC_UNORM_INT8 , CLK_UNORM_INT16 = CLCC_UNORM_INT16 , CLK_UNORM_SHORT_565 = CLCC_UNORM_SHORT_565 , CLK_UNORM_SHORT_555 = CLCC_UNORM_SHORT_555 , CLK_UNORM_INT_101010 = CLCC_UNORM_INT_101010 , CLK_SIGNED_INT8 = CLCC_SIGNED_INT8 , CLK_SIGNED_INT16 = CLCC_SIGNED_INT16 , CLK_SIGNED_INT32 = CLCC_SIGNED_INT32 , CLK_UNSIGNED_INT8 = CLCC_UNSIGNED_INT8 , CLK_UNSIGNED_INT16 = CLCC_UNSIGNED_INT16 , CLK_UNSIGNED_INT32 = CLCC_UNSIGNED_INT32 , CLK_HALF_FLOAT = CLCC_HALF_FLOAT , CLK_FLOAT = CLCC_FLOAT , }; enum{ CLK_R = CLCC_R , CLK_A = CLCC_A , CLK_RG = CLCC_RG , CLK_RA = CLCC_RA , CLK_RGB = CLCC_RGB , CLK_RGBA = CLCC_RGBA , CLK_BGRA = CLCC_BGRA , CLK_ARGB = CLCC_ARGB , CLK_INTENSITY = CLCC_INTENSITY , CLK_LUMINANCE = CLCC_LUMINANCE , CLK_Rx = CLCC_Rx , CLK_RGx = CLCC_RGx , CLK_RGBx = CLCC_RGBx , #if __OPENCL_C_VERSION__ >= CL_VERSION_2_0 CLK_DEPTH = CLCC_DEPTH , CLK_DEPTH_STENCIL = CLCC_DEPTH_STENCIL, CLK_sRGB = CLCC_sRGB , CLK_sRGBx = CLCC_sRGBx , CLK_sRGBA = CLCC_sRGBA , CLK_sBGRA = CLCC_sBGRA , CLK_ABGR = CLCC_ABGR , #endif }; #if __OPENCL_C_VERSION__ >= CL_VERSION_2_0 #define CLK_NULL_RESERVE_ID NULL extern global int * global __pipe_log_buffer; extern global int is_null; /* Return status for device-side enqueue */ #define CLK_SUCCESS 0 #define CLK_ENQUEUE_FAILURE -1 /* Event and queue null values - same as pointer NULL in our world */ #define CLK_NULL_EVENT NULL #define CLK_NULL_QUEUE NULL /* Flags for device-side enqueue */ #define CLK_ENQUEUE_FLAGS_NO_WAIT 0 #define CLK_ENQUEUE_FLAGS_WAIT_KERNEL 1 #define CLK_ENQUEUE_FLAGS_WAIT_WORK_GROUP 2 /* Field names for capture_event_profiling_info() */ typedef enum { CLK_PROFILING_COMMAND_EXEC_TIME = 1 } clk_profiling_info; #endif #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION all : disable #if __OPENCL_C_VERSION__ >= CL_VERSION_2_0 #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_3d_image_writes : enable #endif contains-recursion Contains recursion pass Replace loads and stores to generic address space to AS specific loads and stores reqd_work_group_size reqd_work_group_size_multiple work_group_size_hint arm_thread_limit_hint kernel_attributes OpenCL kernel statistics 14ocl_image1d 20ocl_image1d_array 21ocl_image1d_buffer 14ocl_image2d 20ocl_image2d_array 14ocl_image3d 20ocl_image2d_depth 26ocl_image2d_array_depth ro wo rw double4 half8 float2 half5 __clcc_double __clcc_float half4 float5 float16 double8 double5 half2 double16 float4 half3 double2 __clcc_half double3 float8 half16 float3 uchar __clcc_char ushort3 ulong16 long16 ushort2 short2 uchar4 char4 ushort5 uchar3 short5 ushort4 ushort uchar16 ulong5 long5 uchar5 char5 uint4 int4 ulong2 uint __clcc_int uint3 int3 uint2 int2 char16 uint5 ulong3 __clcc_short ushort16 ulong8 char3 ulong uint16 uchar8 char8 uint8 int8 ulong4 ushort8 short4 int16 __clcc_long long2 short8 long4 uchar2 char2 short16 long8 short3 long3 int5 event_t *%8388352ushort2 *!C%8388353ushort2 size_t *%8388352double5 *!C%8388353double5 *%8388353float2 *!C%8388352float2 *%8388353long3 *!C%8388352long3 *%8388353double3 *!C%8388352double3 *%8388353short5 *!C%8388352short5 *%8388353float8 *!C%8388352float8 *%8388353uchar4 *!C%8388352uchar4 *%8388352half16 *!C%8388353half16 *%8388352ulong4 *!C%8388353ulong4 *%8388353char2 *!C%8388352char2 *%8388353uint5 *!C%8388352uint5 *%8388352char3 *!C%8388353char3 *%8388353__clcc_int *!C%8388352__clcc_int *%8388352ushort *!C%8388353ushort *%8388352int4 *!C%8388353int4 *%8388352char16 *!C%8388353char16 *%8388353__clcc_float *!C%8388352__clcc_float *%8388352float8 *!C%8388353float8 *%8388352uint5 *!C%8388353uint5 *%8388353float16 *!C%8388352float16 *%8388353char16 *!C%8388352char16 *%8388353ulong5 *!C%8388352ulong5 *%8388353double5 *!C%8388352double5 *%8388353uint8 *!C%8388352uint8 *%8388352half3 *!C%8388353half3 *%8388352char4 *!C%8388353char4 *%8388353double4 *!C%8388352double4 *%8388353__clcc_double *!C%8388352__clcc_double *%8388352__clcc_int *!C%8388353__clcc_int *%8388352uchar3 *!C%8388353uchar3 *%8388352uchar8 *!C%8388353uchar8 *%8388352uint *!C%8388353uint *%8388352uint2 *!C%8388353uint2 *%8388353uchar8 *!C%8388352uchar8 *%8388353uint2 *!C%8388352uint2 *%8388353int3 *!C%8388352int3 *%8388352ulong16 *!C%8388353ulong16 *%8388352ulong2 *!C%8388353ulong2 *%8388352int2 *!C%8388353int2 *%8388353char8 *!C%8388352char8 *%8388353long5 *!C%8388352long5 *%8388353ushort8 *!C%8388352ushort8 *%8388353half3 *!C%8388352half3 *%8388352ushort4 *!C%8388353ushort4 *%8388352long3 *!C%8388353long3 *%8388352uchar16 *!C%8388353uchar16 *%8388352half5 *!C%8388353half5 *%8388352ushort5 *!C%8388353ushort5 *%8388353float4 *!C%8388352float4 *%8388353uint *!C%8388352uint *%8388353double8 *!C%8388352double8 *%8388352double8 *!C%8388353double8 *%8388352__clcc_half *!C%8388353__clcc_half *%8388352__clcc_char *!C%8388353__clcc_char *%8388353short2 *!C%8388352short2 *%8388353long16 *!C%8388352long16 *%8388353char5 *!C%8388352char5 *%8388353half8 *!C%8388352half8 *%8388353int16 *!C%8388352int16 *%8388353__clcc_half *!C%8388352__clcc_half *%8388353short16 *!C%8388352short16 *%8388353ulong8 *!C%8388352ulong8 *%8388352long16 *!C%8388353long16 *%8388353__clcc_long *!C%8388352__clcc_long *%8388353ulong4 *!C%8388352ulong4 *%8388353double2 *!C%8388352double2 *%8388353int5 *!C%8388352int5 *%8388353int4 *!C%8388352int4 *%8388352uchar5 *!C%8388353uchar5 *%8388352uint8 *!C%8388353uint8 *%8388352float4 *!C%8388353float4 *%8388352ushort8 *!C%8388353ushort8 *%8388352ulong8 *!C%8388353ulong8 *%8388353char4 *!C%8388352char4 *%8388352short8 *!C%8388353short8 *%8388353half2 *!C%8388352half2 *%8388352short3 *!C%8388353short3 *%8388353__clcc_char *!C%8388352__clcc_char *%8388353short3 *!C%8388352short3 *%8388352short16 *!C%8388353short16 *%8388353char3 *!C%8388352char3 *%8388353ulong16 *!C%8388352ulong16 *%8388352short4 *!C%8388353short4 *%8388352long8 *!C%8388353long8 *%8388352long4 *!C%8388353long4 *%8388353uint16 *!C%8388352uint16 *%8388353ushort2 *!C%8388352ushort2 *%8388352uint3 *!C%8388353uint3 *%8388352int16 *!C%8388353int16 *%8388352uchar *!C%8388353uchar *%8388352uchar4 *!C%8388353uchar4 *%8388353uint4 *!C%8388352uint4 *%8388352short2 *!C%8388353short2 *%8388352ulong3 *!C%8388353ulong3 *%8388353short4 *!C%8388352short4 *%8388353ushort4 *!C%8388352ushort4 *%8388352int3 *!C%8388353int3 *%8388353uchar *!C%8388352uchar *%8388352half8 *!C%8388353half8 *%8388353ushort3 *!C%8388352ushort3 *%8388353uchar16 *!C%8388352uchar16 *%8388352ushort16 *!C%8388353ushort16 *%8388352double3 *!C%8388353double3 *%8388353ushort *!C%8388352ushort *%8388352uint16 *!C%8388353uint16 *%8388353long2 *!C%8388352long2 *%8388353int2 *!C%8388352int2 *%8388353half4 *!C%8388352half4 *%8388353ushort16 *!C%8388352ushort16 *%8388353float5 *!C%8388352float5 *%8388352uint4 *!C%8388353uint4 *%8388352__clcc_float *!C%8388353__clcc_float *%8388353long4 *!C%8388352long4 *%8388353short8 *!C%8388352short8 *%8388352double16 *!C%8388353double16 *%8388353half5 *!C%8388352half5 *%8388352float2 *!C%8388353float2 *%8388352half2 *!C%8388353half2 *%8388352ushort3 *!C%8388353ushort3 *%8388352__clcc_long *!C%8388353__clcc_long *%8388353float3 *!C%8388352float3 *%8388352char5 *!C%8388353char5 *%8388353ulong2 *!C%8388352ulong2 *%8388352ulong5 *!C%8388353ulong5 *%8388352float5 *!C%8388353float5 *%8388352half4 *!C%8388353half4 *%8388352__clcc_double *!C%8388353__clcc_double *%8388353double16 *!C%8388352double16 *%8388353long8 *!C%8388352long8 *%8388352int8 *!C%8388353int8 *%8388352double2 *!C%8388353double2 *%8388352uchar2 *!C%8388353uchar2 *%8388352long5 *!C%8388353long5 *%8388352short5 *!C%8388353short5 *%8388353ushort5 *!C%8388352ushort5 *%8388353half16 *!C%8388352half16 *%8388352__clcc_short *!C%8388353__clcc_short *%8388352float3 *!C%8388353float3 *%8388352int5 *!C%8388353int5 *%8388352char2 *!C%8388353char2 *%8388353ulong3 *!C%8388352ulong3 *%8388353__clcc_short *!C%8388352__clcc_short *%8388353int8 *!C%8388352int8 *%8388353uchar2 *!C%8388352uchar2 *%8388353uchar5 *!C%8388352uchar5 *%8388352long2 *!C%8388353long2 *%8388352ulong *!C%8388353ulong *%8388353uchar3 *!C%8388352uchar3 *%8388353ulong *!C%8388352ulong *%8388352float16 *!C%8388353float16 *%8388352double4 *!C%8388353double4 *%8388353uint3 *!C%8388352uint3 *%8388352char8 *!C%8388353char8 invalid *!V%8388353__clcc_int *!V%8388353uint *!V%8388352uint *!V%8388352__clcc_int __clcc_bool *!V%8388355atomic_int *%8388355__clcc_int memory_order memory_scope *!V%8388355atomic_uint *%8388355uint *!V%8388355atomic_long *%8388355__clcc_long *!V%8388355atomic_ulong *%8388355ulong *!V%8388355atomic_float *%8388355__clcc_float *!V%8388355atomic_double *%8388355__clcc_double *!Vatomic_int *__clcc_int *!Vatomic_uint *uint *!Vatomic_long *__clcc_long *!Vatomic_ulong *ulong *!Vatomic_float *__clcc_float *!Vatomic_double *__clcc_double *!V%8388352atomic_int *!V%8388352atomic_uint *!V%8388352atomic_long *!V%8388352atomic_ulong *!V%8388352atomic_float *!V%8388352atomic_double *!V%8388353atomic_int *!V%8388353atomic_uint *!V%8388353atomic_long *!V%8388353atomic_ulong *!V%8388353atomic_float *!V%8388353atomic_double __clcc_void *!V%8388355atomic_flag *!Vatomic_flag *!V%8388352atomic_flag *!V%8388353atomic_flag cl_mem_fence_flags *!V%8388352__clcc_float *!V%8388353__clcc_float *!V%8388352ulong *!V%8388353ulong *!V%8388353__clcc_long *!V%8388352__clcc_long clk_event_t clk_profiling_info *%8388352__clcc_void queue_t *clk_event_t *!C%8388352__clcc_void *!C%8388355__clcc_void *!C__clcc_void *!C%8388353__clcc_void __clcc_image2d_array_ro_t __clcc_image2d_array_rw_t __clcc_image1d_array_rw_t __clcc_image2d_array_depth_wo_t __clcc_image2d_array_wo_t __clcc_image1d_array_wo_t __clcc_image1d_array_ro_t __clcc_image2d_array_depth_ro_t __clcc_image2d_array_depth_rw_t __clcc_image2d_ro_t __clcc_image3d_wo_t __clcc_image2d_wo_t __clcc_image2d_depth_ro_t __clcc_image3d_rw_t __clcc_image3d_ro_t __clcc_image2d_depth_rw_t __clcc_image2d_depth_wo_t __clcc_image2d_rw_t __clcc_image1d_buffer_ro_t __clcc_image1d_buffer_rw_t __clcc_image1d_ro_t __clcc_image1d_rw_t __clcc_image1d_buffer_wo_t __clcc_image1d_wo_t *half4 *%8388355double8 *float3 *%8388355half4 *double4 *%8388355float3 *half16 *half5 *%8388355half3 *%8388355double3 *double16 *%8388355double4 *%8388355float5 *%8388355float4 *%8388355double16 *half8 *double3 *half3 *float2 *%8388355half16 *float5 *double8 *%8388355half2 *double2 *%8388355half5 *%8388355float2 *%8388355double5 *float4 *%8388355float16 *half2 *%8388355__clcc_half *%8388355half8 *double5 *float8 *%8388355float8 *__clcc_half *float16 *%8388355double2 *%8388355int4 *%8388355int2 *int4 *int5 *%8388355int3 *%8388355int8 *int16 *int3 *int2 *%8388355int5 *%8388355int16 *int8 reserve_id_t ndrange_t *!Csize_t *!C%8388354__clcc_char sampler_t *%8388355event_t *__clcc_char *uchar *%8388355ushort *__clcc_short *ushort *%8388355__clcc_short *%8388355__clcc_char *%8388355uchar *!C%8388354__clcc_half *!C%8388355__clcc_half *!C__clcc_half *!C%8388354__clcc_short *!C__clcc_double *!C%8388355__clcc_float *!C__clcc_int *!C%8388355uint *!C%8388354ulong *!C%8388354__clcc_double *!C%8388355uchar *!Cuchar *!C__clcc_float *!C%8388355__clcc_short *!C%8388354__clcc_int *!C%8388355ushort *!Cushort *!C%8388355__clcc_double *!C%8388354ushort *!C%8388355__clcc_int *!C%8388354uchar *!C%8388355__clcc_long *!C%8388354__clcc_long *!C%8388354uint *!Cuint *!C__clcc_char *!C%8388355__clcc_char *!C%8388355ulong *!C__clcc_long *!C%8388354__clcc_float *!C__clcc_short *!Culong intptr_t ptrdiff_t uintptr_t FeatureLimitedModifiersWithFMAtoADDTemporaries FeatureNumRegsVsNumThreads FeatureMessagePreloadDescriptor FeaturePrimaryShaderWait67 FeaturePixelFormatDescriptor_v7 FeatureMallocedIDVS FeatureTLSAddressHashing FeatureShaderResourceTables FeatureArch_WarpWidth16 FeatureISA_implements_instructions_warp_lane_mask FeatureISA_implements_instruction_clper FeatureISA_implements_instructions_double_width_shifts FeatureISA_implements_instructions_fma_pipe_shift_logic FeatureISA_implements_instructions_iaddc_isubb FeatureISA_implements_instructions_rot_xor_64 FeatureISA_implements_instructions_table2 FeaturePositionVariantEpilogue FeatureArch_WarpWidth4 FeatureISA_implements_64_bit_clauses FeatureISA_implements_sample_location_message_preloads FeatureArch_WarpWidth8 FeatureISA_implements_instruction_idp FeatureISA_implements_instruction_imuld FeatureISA_implements_instruction_dtsel FeatureISA_implements_instruction_csel_64 FeatureISA_implements_instruction_davg FeatureISA_implements_instruction_delta FeatureISA_implements_instruction_fadd_ascale FeatureISA_implements_instruction_fma_mscale FeatureISA_implements_instruction_fma_pipe_ldexp FeatureISA_implements_instruction_fma_pipe_mux FeatureISA_implements_instruction_fma_pipe_swz FeatureISA_implements_instruction_frexpe_de FeatureISA_implements_instruction_permute FeatureISA_implements_instruction_vn_asst3 FeatureISA_implements_instructions_add_pipe_compare_and_additions FeatureISA_implements_instructions_add_pipe_shift_logic FeatureISA_implements_instructions_fma_pipe_all_comparisons FeatureISA_implements_instructions_fma_pipe_all_conversions FeatureISA_implements_instructions_fma_pipe_integer_additions FeatureISA_implements_instructions_fma_pipe_logb_ilogb FeatureISA_implements_instructions_fp64 FeatureISA_implements_instructions_insert_extract FeatureISA_implements_instructions_rot_32 FeatureISA_implements_instructions_shift_add gles_addr_alloc fast_external_sampler_transform_variant normalize_before_llvm per_fragment_interpolation_variant %d:%d: %s: %s: ???? P0001 P0002 P0003 P0004 P0005 P0006 P0007 P0008 P0009 L0002 L0003 L0004 L0006 S0001 S0002 S0003 S0004 S0005 S0006 S0007 S0008 S0009 S0010 S0011 S0012 S0013 S0014 S0015 S0016 S0017 S0018 S0019 S0020 S0021 S0022 S0023 S0024 S0025 S0026 S0027 S0028 S0029 S0030 S0031 S0032 S0033 S0034 S0035 S0037 S0038 S0039 S0040 S0041 S0042 S0043 S0044 S0045 S0046 S0047 S0048 S0049 S0050 S0051 S0052 S0053 S0054 S0055 S0056 S0057 S0058 S0059 S0060 L0007 L0009 F0001 F0002 F0003 F0004 L0099 M0001 SPV01 SPV02 JSN01 Please contact support-mali@arm.com with the shader causing the problem, along with this error message. gl_Layer gles.geom.layered_rendering gles.geom.out_primitive_mode gles.geom.max_vertices gles.tess.primitive_mode gles.tess.vertex_spacing gles.tess.point_mode coverage_modified gles.has.jumpARM buffer_usage.color_read buffer_usage.depth_read buffer_usage.depth_write buffer_usage.stencil_read buffer_usage.stencil_write buffer_usage.local_storage_read buffer_usage.local_storage_write gles.yuv_output gles.blend_advanced.multiply gles.blend_advanced.screen gles.blend_advanced.overlay gles.blend_advanced.darken gles.blend_advanced.lighten gles.blend_advanced.colordodge gles.blend_advanced.colorburn gles.blend_advanced.hardlight gles.blend_advanced.softlight gles.blend_advanced.difference gles.blend_advanced.exclusion gles.blend_advanced.hsl_hue gles.blend_advanced.hsl_saturation gles.blend_advanced.hsl_color gles.blend_advanced.hsl_luminosity gles.local_storage_size gles.lang_desc VERSION_SPIRV VERSION_100 VERSION_300_ES VERSION_310_ES VERSION_320_ES entry_point_output_syms %and_or_tmp %ternary_tmp %out_param_tmp %matrix_spill_temp __blend0 __blend1 __blend2 __blend3 __blend4 __blend5 __blend6 Too many children for a node. Maximum allowed number is %u unknown float bool sampler1D sampler3D samplerCube sampler2DShadow samplerExternalOES struct mat sampler1DShadow sampler1DArray sampler2DArray samplerCubeArray sampler2DMSArray sampler1DArrayShadow sampler2DArrayShadow samplerCubeArrayShadow sampler2DMS samplerCubeShadow isampler3D isamplerCube isampler2DArray usampler3D usamplerCube usampler2DArray interface_block isampler2DMS usampler2DMS atomic_uint iimage2D image2DArray iimage2DArray uimage2DArray image3D iimage3D uimage3D imageCube iimageCube uimageCube isampler2DMSArray usampler2DMSArray isamplerCubeArray usamplerCubeArray imageCubeArray iimageCubeArray uimageCubeArray imageBuffer uimageBuffer iimageBuffer samplerBuffer isamplerBuffer usamplerBuffer __samplerExternal2DY2YEXT isampler1D usampler1D isampler1DArray usampler1DArray void unresolved array yuvCscStandardEXT main Missing main() function for shader gl_FragColor gl_FragData gl_FragColor and gl_FragData assigned in the same fragment shader gl_FragDepth is written to while using yuv output format gl_FragDepth used in the same shader as early_fragment_tests layout qualifier gl_LastFragDepthARM gl_LastFragDepthARM used in the same shader as early_fragment_tests layout qualifier gl_LastFragStencilARM used in the same shader as early_fragment_tests layout qualifier gl_Position EXT_tessellation_shader, OES_tessellation_shader or "320 es" language version required for tessellation shaders EXT_geometry_shader, OES_geometry_shader or "320 es" language version required for geometry shaders Shader contains static recursion Behavior of GL_OVR_multiview ignored, GL_OVR_multiview2 will be used with the specified behavior. Both GL_EXT_primitive_bounding_box and GL_OES_primitive_bounding_box are enabled, writing to both gl_BoundingBoxEXT and gl_BoundingBoxOES is not supported GL_OES_EGL_image_external is deprecated in ESSL 3 and later versions. Use GL_OES_EGL_image_external_essl3 instead Behavior of GL_OES_EGL_image_external ignored, GL_OES_EGL_image_external_essl3 will be used with the specified behavior. '#pragma STDGL invariant (all)' declaration can't be used in fragment shaders GL_OES_geometry_shader' or 'GL_EXT_geometry_shader GL_OES_gpu_shader5' or 'GL_EXT_gpu_shader5 GL_OES_shader_io_blocks' or 'GL_EXT_shader_io_blocks GL_OES_tessellation_shader' or 'GL_EXT_tessellation_shader GL_OES_texture_buffer' or 'GL_EXT_texture_buffer GL_OES_texture_cube_map_array' or 'GL_EXT_texture_cube_map_array debug_preprocessing_directives GL_ARM_all_samples_equal GL_ARM_jump GL_ARM_color_space_conversion GL_ARM_explicit_attribute_access GL_ARM_explicit_memory_access GL_ARM_explicit_opcodes GL_ARM_framebuffer_write GL_ARM_increased_rt GL_ARM_integer_fragment_position GL_ARM_internal_r8_layout GL_ARM_packed_arithmetic GL_ARM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_raw_explicit GL_ARM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_v2 __pixel_localEXT __pixel_local_inEXT __pixel_local_outEXT precise patch sample unknown version 100 300 es 310 320 gl_MaxTessControlImageUniforms gl_MaxTessEvaluationImageUniforms gl_MaxTessControlAtomicCounters gl_MaxTessEvaluationAtomicCounters gl_MaxTessControlAtomicCounterBuffers gl_MaxTessEvaluationAtomicCounterBuffers gl_MaxCombinedTextureImageUnits gl_MaxDrawBuffers gl_MaxFragmentInputVectors gl_MaxFragmentUniformVectors gl_MaxProgramTexelOffset gl_MaxTextureImageUnits gl_MaxVertexAttribs gl_MaxVertexOutputVectors gl_MaxVertexTextureImageUnits gl_MaxVertexUniformVectors gl_MinProgramTexelOffset gl_MaxAtomicCounterBindings gl_MaxAtomicCounterBufferSize gl_MaxCombinedAtomicCounterBuffers gl_MaxCombinedAtomicCounters gl_MaxCombinedImageUniforms gl_MaxComputeAtomicCounterBuffers gl_MaxComputeAtomicCounters gl_MaxComputeImageUniforms gl_MaxComputeTextureImageUnits gl_MaxComputeUniformComponents gl_MaxComputeWorkGroupCount gl_MaxComputeWorkGroupSize gl_MaxImageUnits gl_MaxVertexAtomicCounterBuffers gl_MaxVertexAtomicCounters gl_MaxVertexImageUniforms gl_MaxTessControlInputComponents gl_MaxTessControlOutputComponents gl_MaxTessControlTextureImageUnits gl_MaxTessControlUniformComponents gl_MaxTessControlTotalOutputComponents gl_MaxTessEvaluationInputComponents gl_MaxTessEvaluationOutputComponents gl_MaxTessEvaluationTextureImageUnits gl_MaxTessEvaluationUniformComponents gl_MaxTessPatchComponents gl_MaxPatchVertices gl_MaxTessGenLevel gl_MaxGeometryInputComponents gl_MaxGeometryOutputComponents gl_MaxGeometryImageUniforms gl_MaxGeometryTextureImageUnits gl_MaxGeometryOutputVertices gl_MaxGeometryTotalOutputComponents gl_MaxGeometryUniformComponents gl_MaxGeometryAtomicCounters gl_MaxGeometryAtomicCounterBuffers gl_PointSize gl_LastFragColorARM gl_LastFragStencilARM gl_SampleMask gl_SampleMaskIn gl_SamplePosition gl_PerVertex gl_TessCoord gl_BoundingBoxOES gl_BoundingBoxEXT gl_PrimitiveIDIn gl_MaxVaryingVectors Identifier name '%s' is too long (%d characters, allowed %d in %s) Expected token '%s', found '%s' Expected precision qualifier, got '%s' 'atomic_uint' type requires 'highp' precision qualifier. Expected type for precision qualifier, got '%s' All uses of invariant must be at global scope Keyword 'precise' is reserved Extension '%s' used, qualifier '%s' referred Keyword '%s' is reserved Expected identifier, found '%s' Illegal identifier name '%s' Only output values can be declared invariant Unexpected layout qualifier(s) found for uniform atomic_uint layout declaration binding layout qualifier has to be specifed for uniform atomic_uint layout declaration Binding point in layout declaration (binding = %lld) exceeds the number of atomic counter bindings (maximum allowed is %d) Unexpected layout qualifier(s) found for uniform block layout declaration Unexpected layout qualifiers(s) found for local storage block layout declaration 'early_fragment_tests' layout qualifier is allowed only in fragment shaders Primitive mode layout qualifiers are allowed only in tessellation evaluation shaders Vertex spacing layout qualifiers are allowed only in tessellation evaluation shaders Ordering layout qualifiers are allowed only in tessellation evaluation shaders 'point_mode' layout qualifier is allowed only in tessellation evaluation shaders Primitive mode layout qualifiers are allowed only in geometry shaders 'invocations' layout qualifiers are allowed only in geometry shaders 'num_views' layout qualifiers are allowed only in vertex shaders Unexpected layout qualifier(s) found for 'out' interface Blend support layout qualifier is allowed only in fragment shaders 'vertices' layout qualifier is allowed only in tessellation control shaders 'max_vertices' layout qualifier is allowed only in geometry shaders Value of 'max_vertices' layout qualifier not allowed to exceed gl_MaxGeometryOutputVertices Output primitive mode layout qualifiers are allowed only in geometry shaders Interface qualifier expected, got '%s' std430 layout qualifier can only be used in storage buffer layout declaration location binding offset local_size_x local_size_y local_size_z vertices invocations max_vertices num_views point_mode triangles quads isolines equal_spacing fractional_even_spacing fractional_odd_spacing cw ccw points lines lines_adjacency triangles_adjacency line_strip triangle_strip yuv Value for '%s' qualifier should be smaller than %u. Value for '%s' qualifier should be in the range 1 to %u. Expected layout qualifier identifier, got '%s' Redeclaration of %s layout qualifier with contradictory value in the same layout declaration Redeclaration of %s layout qualifier with contradictory value between layout declarations input primitive mode output primitive mode Expected token '%s', or '%s' found '%s' shared packed std140 row_major column_major r11f_g11f_b10f r32f rg16f rgb10_a2 rgba8 rg16 rgba8i rg16i rgb10_a2ui rgba8ui rg16ui r32ui std430 r8 rgba16f rgba8_snorm rgba32i rgba16i r32i rgba16ui blend_support_multiply blend_support_screen blend_support_overlay blend_support_darken blend_support_lighten blend_support_colordodge blend_support_colorburn blend_support_hardlight blend_support_softlight blend_support_difference blend_support_exclusion blend_support_hsl_hue blend_support_hsl_saturation blend_support_hsl_color blend_support_hsl_luminosity blend_support_all_equations %s qualifier was not set in the first declaraton or had a different value Non-variable '%s' declared invariant Variables of this kind cannot be declared invariant 'gl_FrontFacing' cannot be declared invariant invariant qualifier must be specified before any use of variable '%s' Non-variable '%s' declared precise Structure definition is not allowed inside an interface block Qualifiers specified in incorrect order or the qualifier is not allowed for the specified type Interpolation qualifier specified twice Storage qualifier specified twice invariant qualifier specified twice precise qualifier specified twice 'const' qualifier must be specified first Embedded interface block declaration is not allowed Interface blocks cannot have 'early_fragment_tests' qualifier Interface blocks cannot have blend qualifiers Interface blocks cannot have primitive mode qualifiers Interface blocks cannot have vertex spacing qualifiers Interface blocks cannot have ordering qualifiers Interface blocks cannot have 'point_mode' qualifier Interface blocks cannot have 'num_views' qualifier Interface blocks cannot have local size qualifier Interface blocks cannot have 'offset' qualifier Interface blocks cannot have 'yuv' qualifier Format qualifiers are illegal for this type of interface block Uniform blocks cannot have 'location' qualifier Storage blocks cannot have 'location' qualifier Image format layout qualifiers are illegal for local storage blocks Local storage blocks cannot have 'location' qualifier Invalid qualifier '%s' for interface block Uniform/buffer storage qualifiers are not allowed for input/output blocks Extension '%s' used, '%s' interface block declared Storage qualifier not allowed in parameter declaration Qualifier 'centroid' not allowed in parameter declaration Qualifier 'invariant' not allowed in parameter declaration Qualifier 'patch' not allowed in parameter declaration Qualifier 'sample' not allowed in parameter declaration Multiple variable qualifiers specified Storage qualifier not allowed in GLSL ES version 100 Parameter qualifier only allowed in parameter declarations Illegal qualifier for an interface block member Attribute declared inside a function Input variable declared inside a function Uniform variable declared inside a function Buffer variable declared inside a function Varying declared inside a function Output variable declared inside a function 'centroid out' variable declared inside a function 'patch in' variable declared inside a function 'patch out' variable declared inside a function 'sample in' variable declared inside a function 'sample out' variable declared inside a function Buffer variable declared outside buffer storage block 'early_fragment_tests' layout qualifier is only allowed for standalone interface qualifier 'in' Local size layout qualifier is only allowed in compute shader for standalone interface qualifier 'in' Primitive mode layout qualifiers are only allowed for standalone interface qualifier 'in' Vertex spacing layout qualifiers are only allowed for standalone interface qualifier 'in' Ordering layout qualifiers are only allowed for standalone interface qualifier 'in' 'point_mode' layout qualifier is only allowed for standalone interface qualifier 'in' Blend support layout qualifier is only allowed for standalone interface qualifier 'out' 'num_views' layout qualifier is only allowed for standalone interface qualifier 'in' The 'yuv' layout qualifier can only be used in fragment shaders Only 'out' variables can be qualified with the 'yuv' layout 'out' variables qualified with 'yuv' may not have multiple layout qualifiers Unexpected location qualifier for storage buffer Unexpected qualifier on input/output variable Unexpected layout qualifier on struct member Unexpected layout qualifier on non-interface variable Unexpected storage qualifier for struct member 'centroid' qualifier can be used only with 'in' and 'out' qualifiers 'patch' qualifier can be used only with 'in' and 'out' qualifiers 'sample' qualifier can be used only with 'in' and 'out' qualifiers Unexpected layout qualifier for an interface block member Unexpected 'location' qualifier for an interface block member Format qualifiers are not allowed for uniform block members Format qualifiers are not allowed for storage block members Format qualifiers are not allowed for io block members Embedded structure definition is not allowed Symbol '%s' redeclared Symbol '%s' hides declaration in the outer scope Typename expected, found '%s' Duplicate image format qualifier Image format qualifiers can't be used for non-image types Invalid layout qualifier for image type Interface block layout qualifiers can't be used for non-block declarations Boolean variable can't have a precision qualifier Inside structures, 'binding' qualifier can be used only for samplers and image variables. 'offset' layout qualifier is only allowed for 'atomic_uint' type Image must specify a format layout qualifier. Invalid format qualifier used with floating-point image type Invalid format qualifier used with integer image type Invalid format qualifier used with unsigned integer image type Image has to be qualified as 'readonly', 'writeonly' or both. Expected literal or '(', got '%s' Expected token ';' No matching '%s' length No matching function for call to '%s' barrier() used as operand in a selection operation Undeclared variable '%s' Type '%s' referred to as a variable Extension '%s' used, variable '%s' referred Error declaring interface block '%s', interface blocks can be declared only at global scope Interface block '%s' cannot be a named block interface block '%s' must be redeclared using its instance name gl_out interface block '%s' redeclared with invalid type Interface block '%s' has no members Symbol '%s' redeclared more than once Illegal interface block type for redeclaration of '%s' Member not part of the original block '%s' Symbol '%s' is already referred to and cannot be redeclared Member of the original block '%s' declared with different type Member of the original block '%s' declared with different qualifiers Struct '%s' contains unsized array '%s' gl_FragCoord <with no name> Function '%s' declared or defined inside function Symbol '%s' redeclared as a function %s label not within a switch statement multiple default labels in one switch no statement between a label and the end of the switch statement Missing valid declaration of the output patch vertex count ('vertices' layout qualifier) No output primitive mode specified in geometry shader Missing valid declaration of the output max vertices ('max_vertices' layout qualifier) $$ Too many shared variables declared variable parameter member function define undef if ifdef ifndef elif else endif error pragma extension version line Invalid identifier '%s' Error parsing constant expression Unexpected text found after #%s directive Unexpected text found after #else directive #%s directive found outside if-section Illegal use of %s #endif directive found outside if-section Unexpected text found after #endif directive #error:%s Extension directive must occur before any non-preprocessor tokens Expected extension name after #extension directive, found '%s' Invalid extension '%s' Expected ':' in #extension directive, found '%s' Required extensions need to be listed explicitly, '%s' is not allowed Extension '%s' not supported enable Enabled extensions need to be listed explicitly, '%s' is not allowed warn disable Unknown extension behavior '%s', expected one of: require, enable, warn, disable Unexpected text found after #extension directive #version must be on the first line in a program and only whitespace are allowed in the declaration Unexpected text found after #version directive Unknown preprocessing directive '%s' Unexpected token '%s' in argument list Token '%s' repeated in argument list Unexpected token '%s' at the end of argument list %empty% Macro '%s' redefined Cannot undefine a predefined macro '%s' Unexpected text found after #undef directive defined Error parsing constant expression, unknown identifier '%s' Language version '%s' unknown, this compiler only supports up to version '%s' Language version '%s' unknown, this compiler only supports up to version '%s %s' Unexpected end of macro invocation false highp inout invariant ivec3 lowp mat2 mat3 mat4 mediump precision return uniform varying while class union enum typedef template this goto switch default inline noinline public static extern external interface flat long short double fixed unsigned superp input output hvec2 hvec3 hvec4 dvec2 dvec3 dvec4 fvec2 fvec3 fvec4 sampler2DRect sampler3DRect sampler2DRectShadow sizeof cast namespace using layout centroid smooth case mat2x2 mat2x3 mat2x4 mat3x2 mat3x3 mat3x4 mat4x2 mat4x3 mat4x4 uvec2 uvec3 resource noperspective subroutine common partition active filter image1D iimage1D uimage1D image1DArray iimage1DArray uimage1DArray image1DShadow image2DShadow image1DArrayShadow image2DArrayShadow isampler2DRect usampler2DRect samplerOESExternal coherent restrict volatile readonly writeonly buffer undef_const c style comment _UNKNOWN end of file float-point literal signed integer literal unsigned integer literal # __NEWL { } , : = ( ) [ ] ! - + \ < > ? += -= *= /= <= >= == != ++ -- && || ^^ ~ ^ % | & >>= <<= >> << %= &= ^= |= identifier attribute break bvec2 bvec3 bvec4 const continue discard do for in out asm Compute shaders are supported starting from language version '%s %s'. Function '%s' not defined Too many vertex input variables Too many attributes Too many fragment input variables Too many vertex output variables Too many varyings Too many uniforms 'vertices' layout declaration %d has to match explicitly declared array size for '%s'. Array size must be defined. Function '%s' has non-void return type but no return statement. Cannot assign to arrays or structs with arrays Cannot modify sampler variable Cannot modify image variable Per-vertex output used as L-value should be indexed by gl_InvocationID. Cannot assign to a storage block variable Assignment of SSBO arrays is allowed only between two statically-sized arrays of same type and size. Type mismatch, cannot convert from '%s' to '%s' Function is declared void but return statement has an argument. Function is declared with a return value but return statement has no argument. 'discard' can only be used in fragment shaders. if() condition must be of boolean type. while() condition must be of boolean type. for() condition must be of boolean type. switch() condition must be a scalar integer. case label must be a constant integer expression. case label must be a scalar integer. Switch condition and case label must be of same type, cannot convert from '%s' to '%s' Duplicate case label previously used here Local storage blocks can be declared only in fragment shaders (block '%s'). Memory access qualifiers are allowed only for image variables and buffer variables. Cannot declare a variable of type void Cannot declare a variable of type atomic_uint inside structure const variable '%s' does not have an initializer Initializer for const variable '%s' must be a constant expression. Attribute variable '%s' with initializer Illegal type for attribute variable '%s' Attribute qualifier only allowed in vertex shaders Varying variable '%s' with initializer Illegal type for varying variable '%s' Uniform or storage buffer variable '%s' with initializer 'binding' qualifier can be used only for interface blocks, samplers, atomic_uint and image variables, found for '%s' 'location' qualifier is not allowed for atomic counters. Uniform or storage buffer variable '%s' of type '%s' Sampler variable '%s' declared without uniform qualifier Image variable '%s' declared without uniform qualifier atomic_uint variable '%s' declared without uniform qualifier Built-in variable '%s' can't have initializer Global variable initializer must be a constant expression Extension '%s' used, non-constant global variable initializer Integer fragment input variable '%s' inside interface block '%s' must be qualified with 'flat' qualifier. Image type '%s' is used inside interface block '%s' Incorrect qualifier is used on member inside interface block '%s' (only '%s' allowed) Extension '%s' used, variable '%s' with type '%s' referred Interpolation qualifiers can be used only for fragment inputs or vertex outputs, found for '%s' Interpolation qualifiers can be used only for fragment inputs or vertex outputs, found for member '%s' of '%s' It is not allowed to use more than one interpolation qualifier (struct variable '%s', member '%s') Integer member '%s' of struct variable '%s' must be qualified with 'flat' qualifier Per-vertex input '%s' should be declared as an array. User-defined input variables are not allowed in compute shaders, found '%s' Input blocks are forbidden in vertex shaders, found '%s' Input variable '%s' with initializer Illegal type for input variable '%s' 'centroid in' qualifier can't be used in vertex shaders (variable %s) 'patch in' only allowed in tessellation evaluation shaders (variable %s) . 'sample in' qualifier can't be used in vertex shaders (variable %s) Interpolation qualifiers can't be used for vertex shader input variable '%s' Integer fragment input variable '%s' must be qualified with 'flat' qualifier. Qualifier 'location' is not allowed on fragment input variable '%s'. User-defined output variables are not allowed in compute shaders, found '%s' Output blocks are forbidden in fragment shaders, found '%s' Illegal type for vertex output variable '%s' Illegal type for tessellation output variable '%s' Illegal type for geometry output variable '%s' Illegal type for fragment output variable '%s' 'centroid out' qualifier can't be used in fragment shaders (variable '%s'). 'patch out' only allowed in tessellation control shaders (variable '%s'). 'sample out' qualifier can't be used in fragment shaders (variable '%s'). Interpolation qualifiers can't be used for fragment shader output variable '%s'. Qualifier 'location' is not allowed on vertex output variable '%s'. Binding point for variable '%s' (binding = %lld) exceeds the number of uniform buffer bindings (maximum allowed is %d). Binding point for variable '%s' (binding = %lld) exceeds the number of storage buffer bindings (maximum allowed is %d). Binding point for variable '%s' (binding = %lld) exceeds the number of texture image units (maximum allowed is %d). Binding point for variable '%s' (binding = %lld) exceeds the number of image units (maximum allowed is %d). Binding point for variable '%s' (binding = %lld) exceeds the number of atomic counter bindings (maximum allowed is %d). 'binding' qualifier has to be specified for atomic_uint variable ('%s') 'offset' qualifier (%u) has to be a multiple of 4, found in variable '%s' 'offset' qualifier (%u) has to be unique for a given binding (%lld), found in variable '%s' 'offset' qualifier has to be less than the maximum allowed buffer size (%d) for a given binding (%lld), found in variable '%s' The type of the local storage block member '%s.%s' doesn't match the type of its format '%s' (type: '%s'). The type of the local storage block member '%s' doesn't match the type of its format '%s' (type: '%s'). Local storage block '%s' uses %d bytes of storage, maximum allowed size is %d bytes. Shared variables can be used only in compute shaders ('%s'). Shared variables must be global ('%s'). Shared variable %s can't have initializer. Function returns an array. Input qualifier used on return type Attribute qualifier used on return type Uniform qualifier used on return type Buffer qualifier used on return type Varying qualifier used on return type Output qualifier used on return type Const qualifier used on return type 'shared' qualifier used on return type Memory access qualifier used on return type Interpolation qualifier used on return type 'precise' qualifier used on return type Samplers cannot have out or inout parameter qualifier. Type atomic_uint cannot have out or inout parameter qualifier. Images cannot have out or inout parameter qualifier. Attribute qualifier used on function parameter Varying qualifier used on function parameter Uniform qualifier used on function parameter Buffer qualifier used on function parameter Extension '%s' used, parameter '%s' has type '%s' Extension '%s' used, unnamed parameter has type '%s' Overloading built-in function '%s' not allowed Parameter qualifiers of function definition do not match parameter qualifiers of function declaration for function '%s'. Function '%s' redeclared with different parameter qualifier(s) Extension '%s' used, default precision set Extension '%s' used, 'num_views' layout declaration set Extension '%s' used, layout declaration set 'invocations' qualifier value (%u) exceeds the maximum supported size (%u). '%s' qualifier value (%lld) exceeds the maximum supported size (%lld). gl_WorkGroupSize .length() operator used with arguments .length() operator can be used only on an array object. .length() operator cannot be used before a 'vertices' layout declaration .length() operator cannot be used before input primitive mode layout declaration Request for member "%s" of an array Cannot use field selector to access member of unnamed block Cannot read from a writeonly variable Struct "%s" has no member named "%s". Vector swizzle "%s" is bigger than 4. Swizzle field selector '%c' unknown Swizzle field selector out of range Vector swizzle "%s" mixes components from different sets Member reference or swizzle attempted on non-structure and non-vector Operand to ! must have boolean type. The one's complement operator operands must be of signed/unsigned integer types. Arithmetic unary operations only work with integer and floating-point values. L-value swizzle contains duplicate components. Cannot modify a local input variable Operand is not an lvalue. Remainder operands must be of signed/unsigned integer types. Remainder operands signs must match. Remainder operands cannot be vectors of differing size. Arithmetic operations not allowed on this type Type mismatch in multiplication between '%s' and '%s' Bitwise operations operands must be of signed/unsigned integer types. Bitwise operations operands signs must match. Bitwise operation operands cannot be vectors of different sizes. Shift operands must be of signed/unsigned integer types. The first operand of the shift operation is scalar, the second must be scalar as well. Shift operation operands cannot be vectors of different sizes. Equality operator on SSBO arrays is allowed only between two statically-sized arrays of same type and size. Cannot compare '%s' with '%s' Cannot compare arrays Cannot compare samplers Cannot compare atomic_uint variables Cannot compare yuvCscStandardEXT variables Cannot compare images Inequality operator on SSBO arrays is allowed only between two statically-sized arrays of same type and size. Cannot compare non-scalar types Cannot compare vectors or matrices Operands to &&, || and ^^ must have boolean type. Only integer expression allowed as array subscripts Negative array subscript Array subscript too big Outputs declared as arrays may only be indexed by a constant integral expression. Arrays of shader storage blocks may only be indexed by a constant integral expression. Arrays of uniform blocks may only be indexed by a constant integral expression. Extension '%s' used, dynamic indexing of uniform block Arrays of samplers may only be indexed by a constant integral expression. Extension '%s' used, dynamic indexing of array of samplers Negative matrix subscript Matrix subscript too big Negative vector subscript Vector subscript too big Only arrays, vectors and matrices can be indexed. Type mismatch in arithmetic operation between '%s' and '%s' ?: parameter must be of boolean type. ?: parameter must be of scalar type. 2nd and 3rd parameters of ?: must have the same type. Sampler can't be an l-value. Type atomic_uint can't be an l-value. Type yuvCscStandardEXT can't be an l-value. Image can't be an l-value. Variable '%s' is used before fixed local workgroup size is declared. Function call discards 'readonly' access qualifier. Function call discards 'writeonly' access qualifier. Function call discards 'volatile' access qualifier. Function call discards 'coherent' access qualifier. In function '%s', parameter %d has both 'const' and '%s' qualifiers. In function '%s' parameter 1 must be either a buffer or a shared variable. 'in' or 'out' 'in' Parameter 1 in function '%s' must be a variable or array element qualified with %s. Parameter 1 in function '%s' must be a user defined variable or array element qualified with %s. Both parameters of function '%s' must be constant. Render target mask parameter of function '%s' must be constant. No matching overload for function '%s' found Extension '%s' used, function call to '%s' texture3D texture3DProj texture3DLod texture3DProjLod shadow2DEXT shadow2DProjEXT texelFetch textureSize dFdx dFdy fwidth jumpARM convert_lRGB_to_sRGB convert_sRGB_to_lRGB __midgard_ld_attr_ei __midgard_st_attr_ei __midgard_ld_special_vec4 __midgard_ld_special_ivec4 all_samples_equal imageAtomicAdd imageAtomicMin imageAtomicMax imageAtomicAnd imageAtomicOr imageAtomicXor imageAtomicCompSwap imageAtomicExchange imageSize imageLoad imageStore texture textureLod textureGather textureGrad textureGatherOffsets barrier loadExplicitARM storeExplicitARM interpolateAtCentroid interpolateAtSample interpolateAtOffset EmitVertex EndPrimitive packedFma2x16 packedSub2x16 packedSwizzle2x16 packedNarrow32To16 packedNarrow32To8 packedZeroExtend16To32 packedZeroExtend8To32 textureProj load32ARM load64ARM load96ARM load128ARM store32ARM store64ARM store96ARM store128ARM rgb_2_yuv yuv_2_rgb Too few arguments for constructor Cannot construct a matrix from more than one matrix Cannot use arguments of type '%s' for built-in constructors Array constructor argument (#%d) type doesn't match the element type of the array (%s). Argument unused in constructor Arguments in wrong order for structure constructor Type mismatch, cannot convert argument #%u from '%s' to '%s' User declared in/out variables in compute shaders are only allowed together with an explicit location User declared in/out variables in compute shaders only allowed with functions 'loadExplicitARM' and 'storeExplicitARM' It is not allowed to declare array of arrays of interface blocks. std430 layout is allowed for storage blocks only. Too many used members in the uniform block '%s' It is not allowed to declare more than one local input block. It is not allowed to declare more than one local output block. gl_in Symbol '%s' redeclared with different precision Function '%s' redeclared with a different precision qualifier on the return type __emit_vertex_dispatch __end_primitive_dispatch __finalize_dispatch __end_primitive_count __end_primitive_output __finalize_count __finalize_output alloca_Lock alloca_Layer alloca_PrimitiveID alloca_GeometryIsCount alloca_GeometryVertexAcc alloca_GeometryIndexAcc alloca_VerticesGenerated alloca_PrimitivesGenerated srt_index ADD FADD FDIV FDIV_FAST FMUL FMULN FNEG FRCP FSUB MUL NEG SDIV SUB UDIV ALL ANY BCMP BCMP_ALL BCMP_ALL_2H BCMP_ANY BCMP_ANY_2H CL_ALL CL_ANY FCMP FCMP_ALL FCMP_ALL_2H FCMP_ANY FCMP_ANY_2H ICMP ICMP_ALL ICMP_ALL_2H ICMP_ANY ICMP_ANY_2H ABORT DISCARD ARM_JUMP KILL RET WRITEOUT WRITEOUT_D3D WRITEOUT_BLEND_JUMP BITCAST FPEXT BEXT BTOFP BTOI BTRUNC FPTOB FPTOSI FPTOUI FPTRUNC IEXT_LSHIFT IEXT_REPLICATE ITOB ITRUNC ITRUNC_KEEPHI ITRUNC_SSAT ITRUNC_USAT SEXT SITOFP UITOFP ZEXT ADDR_OF BUFFER_OF CALL CONSTANT GETPARAM GETRESULT GET_DCD_POINTER OFFSET_OF PHI SWIZZLE UNDEF VA_ARG VA_COPY VA_END VA_START VECTOR_COMBINE ACOS ASIN ATAN ATAN2 ATAN2PI ATANPI COS COS_FAST COSPI SIN SIN_FAST SINCOS SINPI TAN TAN_FAST TANPI CBRT EXP EXP10 EXP2 EXP_FAST LOG LOG10 LOG2 POW POWN POWR RSQ SQRT SQRT_FAST AND ANDN NAND NOR NOT OR ORN XNOR XOR MAD24 MUL24 SABS SABSDIFF SAVG SAVGR SCLAMP SMAD_HI SMAD_SAT SMAX SMIN SMUL_HI SSATADD SSATSUB UABS UABSDIFF UAVG UAVGR UCLAMP UMAD_HI UMAD_SAT UMAX UMIN UMUL_HI USATADD USATSUB CL_FMA CL_FMA_DOWN CL_FMA_TRUNC CL_FMA_UP FABS FABSMAX FABSMAX_NAN FABSMIN FABSMIN_NAN FCLAMP FMA FMA_DOWN FMA_TRUNC FMA_UP FMAX FMAX_NAN FMIN FMIN_NAN FTO16 ASHR CEIL CL_MIX CLS CLZ DEGREES FDECODE FENCODE FLOOR FMAD FMOD FRACT INDEX LSHR MIX MUX POPCNT RADIANS RINT ROTATE ROUND SDECODE SENCODE SHL SHUFFLE SHUFFLE2 SIGN SMOOTHSTEP STEP SUBVECTOR_UPDATE TRUNC UDECODE UENCODE UPSAMPLE CROSS DISTANCE DISTANCE_FAST DOT FACEFORWARD LENGTH LENGTH_FAST NORMALIZE REFLECT REFRACT CUBEMAP MOVDY MOVDZ MOVDW TEX_DELTA TEX_GRDESC TEX_GRDESC_DER TEX_TEX TEX_TEX_GRD TEX_TEX_INDEX MEMORY_FENCE ALD_VAR ALLOCA ALOAD ALOAD_EI ASTORE ASTORE_EI ATOMIC_ADD ATOMIC_AND ATOMIC_CMPXCHG ATOMIC_DEC ATOMIC_INC ATOMIC_OR ATOMIC_SMAX ATOMIC_SMIN ATOMIC_SUB ATOMIC_UMAX ATOMIC_UMIN ATOMIC_XCHG ATOMIC_XOR FLD_TEX FLD_VAR FLOAD FLOAD_EI FSTORE FSTORE_EI FST_TEX LD_UNIFORM LD_TILEBUFFER LD_TILEBUFFER_RAW LEA LEA_TEX LOAD MEMCPY SLD_TEX SLD_VAR SLOAD SLOAD_EI SSTORE SSTORE_EI SST_TEX ST_TILEBUFFER ST_TILEBUFFER_RAW STORE ULD_TEX ULD_VAR ULOAD ULOAD_EI USTORE USTORE_EI UST_TEX VOLATILE_LOAD VOLATILE_STORE DOT3R DOT3R_2H EXPFX FATAN2PI_IT1 FATAN2_IT1 FCLAMP_0_1 FCLAMP_0_INF FCLAMP_M1_1 FCOS_IT2 FDIV_IT1 FLUT_IT2 FPOWN_IT1 FPOWR_IT1 FPOW_IT1 FRCP_C FSINCOS_IT1 FSIN_IT2 FSQRT_IT1 FSQRT_IT2 FWMUL LOAD16_SEXT32 LOAD16_ZEXT32 LOAD8_SEXT32 LOAD8_ZEXT32 REDUCE4 SWMUL TEX_MOV_TEX UWMUL FENCODE_I SENCODE_I UENCODE_I IDENTITY SPILL SPLIT SCHEDULER_SPLIT MIDGARD_GET_LOCAL_ID MIDGARD_GET_GROUP_ID MIDGARD_GET_GLOBAL_ID MIDGARD_LD_PC PREALLOCATED_DEF VIEWPORT_TRANSFORM EXTERNAL_TRANSFORM GEOMETRY_VERTEX_ADDRESS GEOMETRY_INDEX_ADDRESS BUILTIN_CONSTRUCTOR STRUCT_CONSTRUCTOR GRAPH_BOUNDARY BFR_ATEST BFR_BLEND BFR_CUBEMAP_FACE_INDEX BFR_FLD_VAR_EXPLICIT BFR_FLD_VAR_SAMPLE BFR_FMA BFR_LANE_SELECT BFR_LD_TILE BFR_METADATA_OF BFR_PRIMITIVE_ID BFR_R60 BFR_R61 BFR_SAMPLE_POSITION_ARRAY BFR_ST_TILE BFR_VERTEX_ID BFR_VERTEX_OUTPUT_ID BFR_WMASK BFR_ZS_EMIT BFR_FRAG_POSITION SPV_SAMPLER_ADDR_OF_IMAGESAMPLER CMPBE_TERM_KIND_UNKNOWN CMPBE_TERM_KIND_JUMP CMPBE_TERM_KIND_EXIT CMPBE_TERM_KIND_BRNDOUT CMPBE_TERM_KIND_BRNDOUT_BLEND CMPBE_TERM_KIND_RETURN CMPBE_TERM_KIND_CALL CMPBE_TERM_KIND_BRD CMPBE_TERM_KIND_BRND 0x%llx %llu gles target kind compute_shader fragment_shader blend_shader vertex_shader tessellation_control_shader tessellation_evaluation_shader geometry_shader unknown_shader hw_rev compiler_opt_level essl_bool optimize_uniforms enable_register_uniform enable_register_uniform_realloc initialize_register_values enable_robustness force_one_view paged_uniforms aggregated_pilot essl_on_spirv workgroup_offset internal_shader bb%d Parse error (%d) at line %u, got '%s', expected '%s' Parse error (%d) at line %u, unknown meta-data section %.*s Parse error (%d) at line %u, unknown attribute %s Meta attribute error (%d) at line %u, got %s, expected vertex_shader, fragment_shader, blend_shader, compute_shader, tessellation_evaluation_shader, tessellation_control_shader or geometry_shader ir_cdeps_computed ir_after_expand ir_after_late_expand ir_after_legalize_swizzle ir_after_ir_copy late_expansion finite_math signed_zeros unsafe_math backend optimization_level gfx_hal Parse error (%d) at line %u, got %s, expected %s or %s Meta attribute error (%d) at line %u, got %s, expected d3d, spirv, gles or cl Parse error (%d) at line %u, got %s, expected %s or %s or integer value Parse error (%d) at line %u, failed to set compiler option %s to value %d Re-definition of function '%s' at line %u Use of undefined label '%s' at line %u Unexpected token '%s' at line %u Combiner does not match vector length at lineno: %u Swizzle does not match vector length at lineno: %u Parse error at line %u: expected comparison operator, got %s Error at line %u, invalid return structure, expected %u arguments i8 i16 i32 i64 f8 f16 f32 f64 b8 b16 b32 b64 p8 p16 p32 p64 addrspace size align semantics to address exit label control_dep entrypoint attribs _eq _ne _sge _sgt _sle _slt _uge _ugt _ule _ult _oeq _une _oge _ogt _ole _olt read_fence write_fence _blend _barrier _float _unsigned _signed _weights _compare _gather4r_compare _gather4r _gather4g _gather4b _gather4a _gather4 _test4 _cube _1d _2d _3d _clamp_fmax_0 _clamp_m1_1 _clamp_0_1 _dx _dy _fine _coarse _nobias _noclamp br brd brnd _attribute_primary _attribute_secondary _special _image _sampler _thread_local _workgroup_local _global _constant _uniform _ssbo _mali_ssbo _mali_ssbo_max_array_index _mali_image_sizes _mali_texture_sizes _mali_atomic_counters _mali_color_space_coeff _mali_texture_gather_mirror _mali_no_rmu _mali_no_rmu_per_view _mali_fragcoord_offset _mali_tb_icd _mali_vertex_is_previous _mali_vertex_id_offset _mali_texture_sizes_spirv _mali_sampler_spirv _mali_layer_max _mali_patch_vertices_in_tess_control _mali_patch_vertices_in_tess_evaluation _mali_point_size_parameters _mali_primitives_generated _mali_sample_buffers _mali_sample_num_mask _mali_sample_position _mali_tess_is_previous _mali_view_id _mali_viewport_transform _mali_rotate _mali_rotate_invert _mali_rotate_point_coord _mali_blend_color _vertex_index _instance_index _vertex_id _primitive_id _instance_id _sample_id _is_front_facing _point_coord _frag_coord _fb_color _fb_depth _fb_stencil _num_work_groups _work_group_size _work_group_id _local_invocation_id _global_invocation_id _subgroup_invocation_id _local_invocation_index _helper_invocation _position _point_size _frag_color _frag_data _frag_depth _frag_stencil _xfb_position _xfb_pointsize _invocation_id _patch_vertices_in _tess_coord _sample_position _sample_mask_in _layer _primitive_id_out _tess_level_outer _tess_level_inner _index_buffer _bounding_box _view_id _mali_frag_pilot_instance_id _per_vertex _frag_position _depth_range mbs2_address_space mbs2_private mbs2_global mbs2_local mbs2_constant mbs2_array_size mbs2_aux_qualifier mbs2_component mbs2_flags mbs2_instance_name mbs2_is_row_major mbs2_kind mbs2_uniform_buffer mbs2_storage_block mbs2_input_block mbs2_output_block mbs2_layout mbs2_location mbs2_major_stride mbs2_name mbs2_nof_columns mbs2_nof_members mbs2_offset mbs2_precision mbs2_unknown mbs2_highp mbs2_mediump mbs2_lowp mbs2_scalar_size mbs2_8 mbs2_16 mbs2_32 mbs2_64 mbs2_scalar_type mbs2_float mbs2_sint mbs2_uint mbs2_bool mbs2_semantics mbs2_stride mbs2_tpac mbs2_tpar mbs2_tpge mbs2_tpib mbs2_tpma mbs2_tppo mbs2_tppr mbs2_tppw mbs2_tpqu mbs2_tpsa mbs2_tpse mbs2_tpst mbs2_type mbs2_type_name mbs2_vector_size eof lit_float lit_int lit_swz lit_cmb varref id atstring meta labeldef labelref ... __marker_begin_of_cmpbe_op_tokens __marker_end_of_cmpbe_op_tokens alloca2const conditional_select constant_fold_blocks control_dep_calc cse_nodes geometry_static_vertex_count geometry_info.is_present gles.is_no_lod motion_blur_opt gl_mali_rmu_data_area_ptr_geom gl_mali_rmu_data_area_ptr_tesc gl_mali_rmu_data_area_ptr_tese pilot_shader inline_functions legalize_cfg loop_unroll ls_merge mem2reg no_index_buffer_variant optimize_basic_block_sequences optimize_basic_block_joins max_nodes_in_bb optimize_precision remove_dead_code remove_undefs rewrite_sampler_transform_variant rewrite_tex_ops cmpbep_sampler_srgb_workaround simplify_nodes split_blocks tls2alloca transform_for_multiview split_vector_combine transform_vector_combine varying_precision workgroup2alloca spirv_inline_blend_shader spirv_addr_alloc spirv.binding 'DescriptorSet' is larger than allowed maximum 'Binding' is larger than allowed maximum gles.binding keep_symbol current_variant_flags gles.vert.num_views ?? gl_mali_SSBO gl_mali_SSBOMaxSize gl_mali_ImageSizes gl_mali_TextureSizes gl_mali_AtomicCounters gl_mali_ColorSpaceCoeff gl_mali_TextureGatherMirror gl_mali_non_rmu_per_view_buffer gl_mali_VertexIsPreviousFragment gl_mali_TextureSizesSpirv gl_mali_SamplerSpirv gl_mali_PointSizeParameters gl_mali_TessIsPrevious gl_mali_ViewID gl_mali_BlendColor gl_DepthRange gl_VertexIndex gl_InstanceIndex gl_VertexID gl_PrimitiveID gl_InstanceID gl_PointCoord gl_NumWorkGroups gl_WorkGroupID gl_LocalInvocationID gl_GlobalInvocationID gl_LocalInvocationIndex gl_HelperInvocation gl_InvocationID gl_PatchVerticesIn gl_mali_TessCoord gl_TessLevelOuter gl_TessLevelInner gl_BoundingBox gl_mali_XFB_Position gl_mali_XFB_PointSize gl_mali_frag_pilot_InstanceID gl_SubgroupInvocationID gl_BaseVertex gl_BaseInstance gl_DrawID gl_SubgroupSize gl_SubgroupID gl_NumSubgroups gl_DeviceIndex $0x%x target_variants_flags Tuples: A / L / T / Overall Number of tuples emitted: %2g +%2g +%2g = %2g unknown minimum amount of tuples Number of tuples for shortest code path: %2g /%2g /%2g = %2g ( Number of tuples for longest code path: unknown maximum amount of tuples Note: The tuple counts do not include possible stalls due to cache misses. lir2llvm bifrost---mbs2 Debug Info Version bifrost.set.fau.ram.offset bifrost.set.uniform.buffer.offset vert frag tesc tese geom blend gles.geometry_info bifrost.blendshader.preserve.registers bifrost.features bifrost.set.attribute.index bifrost.set.imagesampler.index bifrost.set.image.index gl_mali_ImageSizesVertex gl_mali_ImageSizesGeometry gl_mali_ImageSizesTessCtrl gl_mali_ImageSizesTessEval gl_mali_ImageSizesCompute gl_mali_TextureGatherMirrorCompute gl_mali_TextureSizesCompute gl_mali_SSBOVertex gl_mali_SSBOTessCtrl gl_mali_SSBOTessEval gl_mali_SSBOGeometry gl_mali_SSBOFragment gl_mali_SSBOCompute gl_mali_ColorSpaceCoeffTessCtrl gl_mali_ColorSpaceCoeffTessEval gl_mali_ColorSpaceCoeffGeometry Location must be specified for all members because the first member has a location specified. Location must not be specified for any of the member because the first member does not have a location specified. Invalid layout qualifier ('location = %d', maximum allowed value is %d)' Invalid layout qualifier ('location = %u' specified earlier in the block).' Illegal to declare multiple fragment outputs when using the 'yuv' layout qualifier. Multiple output variables defined. Location must be specified for all outputs. Invalid layout qualifier ('location = %d', maximum allowed value is %d) for variable '%s' It is an error to write to the regular output variable '%s' and the local storage block '%s' Invalid layout qualifier ('location = %d') for variable '%s'. Same location value was used earlier radians degrees sin cos tan asin acos atan exp2 log2 sqrt inversesqrt sign ceil fract mod mix step smoothstep distance dot cross normalize faceforward reflect refract matrixCompMult lessThan lessThanEqual greaterThan greaterThanEqual equal notEqual any not memoryBarrier memoryBarrierAtomicCounter memoryBarrierBuffer memoryBarrierImage memoryBarrierShared groupMemoryBarrier packUnorm4x8 packSnorm4x8 unpackUnorm4x8 unpackSnorm4x8 textureGatherOffset atomicAdd atomicMin atomicMax atomicAnd atomicOr atomicXor atomicExchange atomicCompSwap bitfieldExtract bitfieldInsert bitfieldReverse bitCount findLSB findMSB uaddCarry usubBorrow umulExtended imulExtended atomicCounter atomicCounterDecrement atomicCounterIncrement textureOffset texelFetchOffset textureProjOffset textureLodOffset textureProjLod textureProjLodOffset textureGradOffset textureProjGrad textureProjGradOffset sinh cosh tanh roundEven modf isnan isinf floatBitsToInt floatBitsToUint intBitsToFloat uintBitsToFloat packSnorm2x16 unpackSnorm2x16 packUnorm2x16 unpackUnorm2x16 packHalf2x16 unpackHalf2x16 outerProduct transpose determinant inverse texture2D texture2DProj texture2DLod texture2DProjLod textureCube textureCubeLod ?inlined_frag_depth ?inlined_frag_stencil __global_to_attribute __start0 __start1 __start2 __start3 __start4 __start5 __start6 __start7 __startN __startMRT __startSPMRT __start Unknown FLUT_IT2 secondary function code "%02X". libunwind: %s %s:%d - %s external/libunwind_llvm/src/Unwind-EHABI.cpp unsupported register class during phase1 personality function said it would stop here, but now in phase2 it did not stop here external/libunwind_llvm/src/Registers.hpp unsupported arm register Unknown ARM float register index inlined table detected but pr function requires extra words bifrost.needs64regs bifrost.tls_size tessellationEvaluation.shaders __entry GP64Regs GPRegs BifrostCC_CSR EntryPointCC_CSR subreg_0 subreg_0_subreg_1 subreg_1 subreg_2 subreg_2_subreg_3 subreg_3 subreg_4 subreg_5 subreg_6 subreg_7 subreg_0_subreg_1_subreg_2 subreg_0_subreg_1_subreg_2_subreg_3 subreg_0_subreg_1_subreg_2_subreg_3_subreg_4 subreg_0_subreg_1_subreg_2_subreg_3_subreg_4_subreg_5 subreg_0_subreg_1_subreg_2_subreg_3_subreg_4_subreg_5_subreg_6 subreg_1_subreg_2_subreg_3_subreg_4_subreg_5 subreg_1_subreg_2_subreg_3_subreg_4_subreg_5_subreg_6 subreg_1_subreg_2_subreg_3_subreg_4_subreg_5_subreg_6_subreg_7 subreg_2_subreg_3_subreg_4 subreg_2_subreg_3_subreg_4_subreg_5_subreg_6 subreg_2_subreg_3_subreg_4_subreg_5_subreg_6_subreg_7 subreg_3_subreg_4_subreg_5_subreg_6_subreg_7 subreg_4_subreg_5 subreg_4_subreg_5_subreg_6 subreg_4_subreg_5_subreg_6_subreg_7 subreg_6_subreg_7 subreg_1_subreg_2 subreg_1_subreg_2_subreg_3 subreg_3_subreg_4 subreg_3_subreg_4_subreg_5 subreg_3_subreg_4_subreg_5_subreg_6 subreg_5_subreg_6 subreg_5_subreg_6_subreg_7 subreg_2_subreg_3_subreg_4_subreg_5 subreg_1_subreg_2_subreg_3_subreg_4 bifrost-stats Enable Bifrost statistics bifrost-stats-save Save Bifrost statistics in <filename> filename bifrost-stats-mod-path Use <path> as module name for the generated statistics path bifrost-view-graph-mi View machine-instruction level graph bifrost-instr-count enable static instruction counts enable static instruction counts and view the annotated CFG Enable Bifrost pre-RA scheduling Don't run preRA machine scheduler Possiblity to only do the analysis for specific dependencies.[0 = Memory, 1 = Hidden Reg, 2 = Data , 3 = All] Enable local dependency analysis Gather static numbers of the compiled shader ffsl labs llabs target-cpu target-features bifrost.varying.preload BifrostUpdateMode Bifrost Update mode BifrostVariants Bifrost Variants eptaMD gles.xpta BifrostInitializeRegisterValues Bifrost Initialize Register Values eval_regp Eval Register pressure custom_pre_ra Bifrost Custom Pre-RA Scheduler No other for such node BifrostInstrPatcher Patch instructions before post-RA scheduling. BifrostStaticInstrCount Bifrost Static Instruction Count Node bifrost.static.cycle.count bifrost.static.alt.cycle.count BifrostMachineVerifier Bifrost Machine Verifier BifrostClauseDepAnalysis Bifrost ClauseDep Analysis Break post-RA scheduling anti-dependencies: "critical", "all", or "none" Debug control MBBs that are scheduled BifrostPostRAScheduler Post-RA scheduler. BifrostFinalize Bifrost Finalizer bifrost.primary.shader.wait do not initialize stack pointer to 0 for entry points BifrostLateInstrPatcher Do late patching of instructions. bifrost.blend BifrostNoATestVariant Generate a variant without the ATEST instruction. late.codegen BifrostLatePassThroughAttr Bifrost Variants - late pass through attr BifrostLateAttrShader Bifrost Variants - late attr shader BifrostLatePosShader Bifrost Variants - late posistion shader BifrostLatePassThroughAttrAndAttribShader Bifrost Variants - late attr and attrib shader BifrostGlobalConstProp Bifrost Global Const Prop Bifrost propagate modifiers BifrostGlobalModifiers Bifrost Global Modifiers _dwb -> DGraph "]; :"> _start _end "/> -> BB color="#000000" color="#FF0000" color="#00FF00" color="#0000FF" </y:PolyLineEdge> </data> <data key="dngfx"> <y:NodeLabel textColor=" </y:NodeLabel> " alignment="right" autoSizePolicy="node_width" modelName="internal" modelPosition="t"> </y:ProxyAutoBoundsNode> BifrostDAGToDAGISel Bifrost Pre-Processing ISel DAG Bifrost Post-Processing ISel DAG Call EXTRACT_REGISTER INSERT_REGISTER PROPAGATE_REGISTER TEXC TEXC1 TEXC2 TEXC3 TEXC4 DUAL_TEX_128 DUAL_TEX_192 DUAL_TEX_256 FAU_RAM_ARG TEXS_2D TEXS_2D_NOLOD TEXS_CUBE ADD_SEG_BASE SUB_SEG_BASE FENCE in:ABS in:NEG in:LANE1 in:LANE2 in:LANE3 in:SWIZZLE.XX in:SWIZZLE.YX in:SWIZZLE.YY in:WIDEN.H in:WIDEN.L out:CLAMP[O, INF] out:CLAMP[-1, 1] out:CLAMP[0, 1]; out:SPLAT_BIT0 ATEST ATEST_MASK ZS_EMIT Z_EMIT S_EMIT ST_TILE LD_TILE ST_TILE_V3 LD_TILE_V3 LD_TILE_DEPTH LD_TILE_DEPTH_V3 LD_TILE_STENCIL LD_TILE_STENCIL_V3 SIB_LD_UATTR LD_ATTR LD_ATTR_V3 LD_UATTR LD_UATTR_V3 LD_ATTR_TEX LD_ATTR_TEX_V3 LD_UATTR_TEX LD_UATTR_TEX_V3 LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV_V3 LD_UATTR_TEX_CONV LD_UATTR_TEX_CONV_V3 ST_CVT ST_CVT_V3 ST_CVT_V3V3 ST_UCVT ST_UCVT_V3 ST_UCVT_V3V3 LD_CVT LD_CVT_V3 core_id lane_id DYNAMIC_STACKALLOC not supported for this type of MachineFunction blend_descriptor_0 blend_descriptor_1 blend_descriptor_2 blend_descriptor_3 blend_descriptor_4 blend_descriptor_5 blend_descriptor_6 blend_descriptor_7 BifrostPilotOffset Update store offsets in pilot shaders. gles.is_pilot BifrostSplitPhiUses Bifrost split PHI uses Decorate FAU names u0 u1 u2 u3 u4 u5 u6 u7 u8 u9 u10 u11 u12 u13 u14 u15 u16 u17 u18 u19 u20 u21 u22 u23 u24 u25 u26 u27 u28 u29 u30 u31 u32 u33 u34 u35 u36 u37 u38 u39 u40 u41 u42 u43 u44 u45 u46 u47 u48 u49 u50 u51 u52 u53 u54 u55 u56 u57 u58 u59 u60 u61 u62 u63 u64 u65 u66 u67 u68 u69 u70 u71 u72 u73 u74 u75 u76 u77 u78 u79 u80 u81 u82 u83 u84 u85 u86 u87 u88 u89 u90 u91 u92 u93 u94 u95 u96 u97 u98 u99 u100 u101 u102 u103 u104 u105 u106 u107 u108 u109 u110 u111 u112 u113 u114 u115 u116 u117 u118 u119 u120 u121 u122 u123 u124 u125 u126 u127 Flush-To-Zero mode Flags (default: IEEE standard mode): ftz_dx11 DX11 Mode ftz_hsa HSA FTZ Mode ftz_au IEEE Abrupt-Underflow Mode inf_suppress Infinity Suppression Enable nan_suppress NaN-Suppression Enable FP Exception mode Flags (default: FP exceptions enabled): fpe_ts Trascendental-Sequence mode fpe_pd Precise-Division mode fpe_psqr Precise-Square-Root mode Branch Reconvergence mode Flags (default: None): br_uncond Unconditional Branch Reconvergence br_pc PC-encoded Branch Reconvergence Execution Flow (default: Non-Back-ToBack): eos End of Shader ef_nbb Non-Back-To-Back ef_bb Back-To-Back ef_we Write Elision td Terminate Discarded Threads ncph Next-Clause Prefetch Hint No-Next-Clause Prefetch Hint osrb Outbound Staging Register Barrier dwb dwb(<0-7>, ...) Dependency Wait Bitmap ds ds(<0-7>) Dependency slot Message Indicator Flags (default: no message): mi_vl Varying Lookup mi_al Attribute Lookup mi_tl Texture Lookup mi_vtl Varying+Texture fused operation mi_ml Memory Load mi_ms Memory Store mi_ma Memory Atomic mi_db Dependency-Unit Barrier mi_bl Blend mi_tb Tile-Buffer Access mi_zst Z/Stencil Test mi_at mi_jm Job management c64 Clause 64 (no message) mi_cp Coprocessor Next-clause Message Indicator Flags (default: no message): nmi_vl nmi_al nmi_tl nmi_vtl nmi_ml nmi_ms nmi_ma nmi_db nmi_bl nmi_tb nmi_zst nmi_at nmi_jm nc64 Clause 64 (no message, unavailable on certain subtargets) nmi_cp warp_id framebuffer_size atest_datum eos:br_uncond, ef_nbb:br_pc, ef_nbb:br_uncond, ef_nbb, ef_bb:br_uncond, ef_bb, ef_we:br_uncond, ef_we M_none aadd aadds aaddu aaddus aand abs accumulate adec adecw afmax afmin ainc aincw all and any aor aor1 asmax asmax1 asmin aumax aumax1 aumin auto axor b0 b00 b0000 b0011 b01 b0101 b0123 b02 b03 b1 b10 b1032 b11 b1111 b12 b13 b2 b20 b21 b22 b2222 b2233 b23 b2323 b3 b30 b31 b32 b3210 b33 b3333 b4 b5 b6 b7 base2 bit bytes c call center centroid clamp_0_1 clamp_0_inf clamp_m1_1 clobber computed_lod conditional cycle_counter d0 divzero eq even explicit f1 f16 f32 f64 fp_zero frag_w frag_z ge gt gtlt h0 h00 h01 h1 h10 h11 h3 high i1 i64 inf inf0 infn int_zero inverse_c it1 it2 l3 le left log low lt m1 mask n nan_propagate nan_suppress natural ne neg not nz odd offset or pass1 pass2 pass3 pass4 pcrel pka point pow pown powr prefix preserve_null red replace retrieve return rootn round_down round_na round_odd round_up round_zero s16 s32 sample sat scale scale16 sext shift skip small smax smin sqrt stencil store stream subgroup2 subgroup4 subgroup8 sum system_timestamp tl total u16 u32 umax uniform v16 v2 v2f1 v2i1 v2inf v2infn v2smax v2smin v3 v32 v4 v4smax v4smin v8 w0 w1 wgl x xor y z z_stencil zero zero_lod zext None dst0 dst1 src0 src1 src2 src3 src4 src5 src0_mod src1_mod src2_mod src3_mod src4_mod src5_mod dst_mod Last arch_warpwidth16 arch_warpwidth4 arch_warpwidth8 flush-to-zero-dx11 Flush-to-zero mode for DX11 hw_issue_thex_753 hw_issue_tmix_7788 hw_issue_tmix_7789 hw_issue_tmix_7958 hw_issue_tmix_8248 hw_issue_tmix_8296 hw_issue_tmix_8301 hw_issue_tmix_8316 hw_issue_tmix_8343 hw_issue_tmix_8350 hw_issue_tmix_8395 hw_issue_tmix_8467 initialize-register-values Initialize register values to zero isa_implements_64_bit_clauses isa_implements_instruction_8_16_bit_atomics isa_implements_instruction_bar_rel isa_implements_instruction_blend_nop isa_implements_instruction_clper isa_implements_instruction_cop isa_implements_instruction_csel_64 isa_implements_instruction_davg isa_implements_instruction_delta isa_implements_instruction_dtsel isa_implements_instruction_fadd_ascale isa_implements_instruction_fma_mscale isa_implements_instruction_fma_pipe_ldexp isa_implements_instruction_fma_pipe_mux isa_implements_instruction_fma_pipe_swz isa_implements_instruction_frexpe_de isa_implements_instruction_get_except isa_implements_instruction_idp isa_implements_instruction_idx_reg isa_implements_instruction_imuld isa_implements_instruction_ldcln isa_implements_instruction_permute isa_implements_instruction_red isa_implements_instruction_repack isa_implements_instruction_rete isa_implements_instruction_set_except isa_implements_instruction_sleep isa_implements_instruction_trap isa_implements_instruction_vn_asst3 isa_implements_instructions_add_pipe_compare_and_additions isa_implements_instructions_add_pipe_shift_logic isa_implements_instructions_double_width_shifts isa_implements_instructions_fma_pipe_all_comparisons isa_implements_instructions_fma_pipe_all_conversions isa_implements_instructions_fma_pipe_integer_additions isa_implements_instructions_fma_pipe_logb_ilogb isa_implements_instructions_fma_pipe_shift_logic isa_implements_instructions_fp64 isa_implements_instructions_iaddc_isubb isa_implements_instructions_insert_extract isa_implements_instructions_rot_32 isa_implements_instructions_rot_xor_64 isa_implements_instructions_shift_add isa_implements_instructions_table2 isa_implements_instructions_warp_lane_mask isa_implements_sample_location_message_preloads limitedmodifierswithfmatoaddtemporaries mallocedidvs messagepreloaddescriptor numregsvsnumthreads pixelformatdescriptor_v7 32-bit bit pointers positionvariantepilogue tBOx.r0p0 Select the tBOx.r0p0 processor Select the tDVx processor Select the tDVx.r0p0 processor Select the tEGx processor Select the tEGx.r0p0 processor Select the tGOx processor Select the tGOx.r0p0 processor tHEx Select the tHEx processor Select the tHEx.r0p0 processor Select the tHEx.r0p1 processor Select the tHEx.r0p2 processor Select the tHEx.r0p3 processor Select the tKAx processor Select the tKAx.r0p0 processor tMIx Select the tMIx processor Select the tMIx.r0p0 processor Select the tMIx.r0p1 processor Select the tNOx processor Select the tNOx.r0p0 processor tSIx Select the tSIx processor tSIx.r0p0 Select the tSIx.r0p0 processor tSIx.r0p1 Select the tSIx.r0p1 processor tSIx.r1p0 Select the tSIx.r1p0 processor tSIx.r1p1 Select the tSIx.r1p1 processor Select the tTRx processor tTRx.r0p0 Select the tTRx.r0p0 processor bin-format-mbs2 generate MBS2 binary. Note: input should be MBS2 assembly .text feature_set gles.read_helper_invocation gles.is_view_dependent non_texelFetch_use gles.is_invariant gles.is_named_name dx.output_type gles.pilot spirv.used_sets blend.shaders dx.geom.stream_mask dx.geom.rasterizer_pos_slot dx.geom.nb_patch_vertices geometry.shaders dx.tess.max_tessfactor dx.tess.n_vertices_in dx.tess.has_control_point_phase tessellationControl.shaders bifrost.wls_size compute.shaders spirv.spdf_scalar_types spirv.spdf_scalar_sizes $ shader_src shader_src_lto dx.d3ds fragment.shaders mrtt vertex.shader.pieces hwver shader_lang fixup_R_BIFROST_LL28 fixup_R_BIFROST_M_7_3 fixup_R_BIFROST_LH28 fixup_R_BIFROST_LH04 fixup_R_BIFROST_HL28 fixup_R_BIFROST_HH32 fixup_R_BIFROST_L56 fixup_R_BIFROST_L04 fixup_R_BIFROST_H60 fixup_R_BIFROST_EC0_H15 fixup_R_BIFROST_EC0_HL13 fixup_R_BIFROST_EC0_HH32 fixup_R_BIFROST_EC0_H45 fixup_R_BIFROST_T0_32_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_T1_32_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_T2_32_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_T3_32_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_T4_32_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_T5_32_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_T6_32_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_T7_32_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_T0_64_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_T1_64_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_T2_64_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_T3_64_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_T4_64_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_T5_64_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_T6_64_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_T7_64_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_PCREL_LL28 fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_LH28 fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_LH04 fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_HL28 fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_HH32 fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_L56 fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_L04 fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_H60 fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_EC0_H15 fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_EC0_HL13 fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_EC0_HH32 fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_EC0_H45 fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_T0_32_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_T1_32_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_T2_32_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_T3_32_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_T4_32_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_T5_32_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_T6_32_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_T7_32_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_T0_64_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_T1_64_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_T2_64_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_T3_64_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_T4_64_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_T5_64_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_T6_64_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_T7_64_RRB generate MC debug dump |xxxx xxx xxxxxx|xxxxxxx xxxxxxx|xxxxxxx xxxxxxx|xxxxxxx xxxxxxx| Cannot use operand read mask in 32-bit Clause Too many source registers in Tuple Too many destination registers in Tuple Too many destination registers in last Tuple: max 1 Cannot read register from previous Tuple: use temporary Multiple destinations to the same register or register component Too many register slots in Tuple Invalid operand type Constant out of range Operand must be a simple immediate constant Cannot use .w0/.w1 modifiers on special symbols in clause 64 Conflict in FAU-RAM encoding Invalid oeprand type Too many constants in Clause Too many constants in Tuple: max 1 in 64-bit Clause Too many constants requiring PC-relative modification in clause Instruction must be in last tuple of clause Instruction must be in penultimate tuple of clause Invalid combination of modifiers and source operands Invalid combination of modifiers and null registers Instruction not valid on this target cl64 M bifrost-no-print-noops Don't print noops in assembly ouotput bifrost-print-imm-hex Print numeric literals as in hex representation IX(S): IX(I): TEX_SP GRDESC FETCH TEX NoBias Shadow GRdesc LOD-0 LOD Single G:rgba G:red G:blue F16 F32 UINT16 SINT16 UINT32 SINT32 Enable DAG combiner alias-analysis heuristics Enable DAG combiner's use of IR alias analysis Enable DAG combiner's use of TBAA Bypass the profitability model of load slicing DAG combiner may split indexing from loads list-burr Bottom-up register reduction list scheduling source Similar to list-burr but schedules in source order when possible Bottom-up register pressure aware list scheduling which tries to balance latency and register pressure Bottom-up register pressure aware list scheduling which tries to balance ILP and register pressure disable-sched-cycles Disable cycle-level precision during preRA scheduling disable-sched-reg-pressure Disable regpressure priority in sched=list-ilp disable-sched-live-uses Disable live use priority in sched=list-ilp disable-sched-vrcycle Disable virtual register cycle interference checks disable-sched-physreg-join Disable physreg def-use affinity Disable no-stall priority in sched=list-ilp Disable critical path priority in sched=list-ilp Disable scheduled-height priority in sched=list-ilp Disable scheduler's two-address hack Number of instructions to allow ahead of the critical path in sched=list-ilp Average inst/cycle whan no target itinerary exists. Roughly estimate the number of cycles that 'long latency'instructions take for targets with no itinerary cannot lower memory intrinsic in address space limit-float-precision Generate low-precision inline sequences for some float libcalls Enable fast-math-flags for DAG nodes Minimum density for building a jump table in a normal function Minimum density for building a jump table in an optsize function visitCatchSwitch not yet implemented! trap-func-name srcloc couldn't allocate output register for constraint ' inline asm not supported yet: don't know how to handle tied indirect register inputs inline asm error: This value type register class is not natively supported! Don't know how to handle indirect register inputs yet for constraint ' couldn't allocate input reg for constraint ' Unsupported asm: input constraint with a matching output constraint of incompatible type! no-jump-tables Display more information when dumping selection DAG nodes. MDNode fabs fneg fsqrt fsin fcos ftrunc ffloor fceil frint fround fexp fexp2 flog flog2 flog10 add sub mul mulhu mulhs sdiv udiv srem urem and or xor shl sra srl rotl rotr fadd fsub fmul fdiv fmad frem fpow smin smax umin umax fpowi setcc setcce addc adde saddo uaddo ssubo usubo smulo umulo subc sube cvt_ff cvt_fs cvt_fu cvt_sf cvt_uf cvt_ss cvt_su cvt_us cvt_uu brind br_jt brcond br_cc load store vaarg vacopy vaend trap bswap ctpop cttz ctlz setoeq setogt setoge setolt setole setone seto setuo setueq setugt setuge setult setule setune seteq setgt setge setlt setle setne <pre-inc> <pre-dec> <post-inc> <post-dec> <null> Enable verbose messages in the "fast" instruction selector Enable abort calls when "fast" instruction selection fails to lower an instruction: 0 disable the abort, 1 will abort but for args, calls and terminators, 2 will also abort for argument lowering, and 3 will never fallback to SelectionDAG. use Machine Branch Probability Info Instruction schedulers available (before register allocation): sdag Instruction Selection and Scheduling combine1 DAG Combining 1 legalize_types Type Legalization combine_lt DAG Combining after legalize types legalize_vec Vector Legalization legalize_types2 Type Legalization 2 combine_lv DAG Combining after legalize vectors legalize DAG Legalization combine2 DAG Combining 2 isel Instruction Selection sched Instruction Scheduling emit Instruction Creation cleanup Instruction Scheduling Cleanup statepoint-lowering StatepointMaxSlotsRequired Maximum number of stack slots required for a singe statepoint argument to '__builtin_return_address' must be a constant integer Attempt at an invalid promotion-related conversion Disable use of DFA during scheduling Track reg pressure and switch priority to in-depth Debug Info Emission dwarf DWARF Emission write_exception DWARF Exception Writer _tlv_bootstrap __morestack llvm.init.trampoline function-instrument Encoding = omit pcrel udata4 udata8 sdata4 pcrel udata4 pcrel sdata4 <unknown encoding> <inline asm> Inline asm not supported by this streamer because we don't have an asm parser for this target Nested variants found in inline asm string: ' Unterminated ${:foo} operand in inline asm string: ' Bad ${:} expression in inline asm string: ' Bad ${} expression in inline asm string: ' 0x%lx ExprLoc Blk Disable debug info printing Generate GNU-style pubnames and pubtypes Generate dwarf aranges use-unknown-locations Make an absence of debug location information explicit. Default Enable Disable dwarf-accel-tables Output prototype dwarf accelerator tables. Default for platform Enabled split-dwarf Output DWARF5 split debug info. generate-dwarf-pub-sections Generate DWARF pubnames and pubtypes sections dwarf-linkage-names Which DWARF linkage-name attributes to emit. All Abstract Abstract subprograms info_string skel_string writer DWARF Debug Writer Names ObjC namespac types Types Loc expr size ARange terminator Cannot find option named ' ) llvm.dbg.cu Generate DWARF4 type units. (anonymous namespace) sizetype On exception at call site Action: cleanup Action: has no landing pad On action: cleanup >> Action Record Catch TypeInfo Filter TypeInfo Cleanup No further actions Continue to action safeseh $cppxdata$ FinallyFunclet FilterFunction Null ExceptionHandler ToState $handlerMap$ TryLow TryHigh CatchHigh NumCatches HandlerArray Adjectives Type CatchObjOffset Handler ParentFrameOffset debug_loc Header Magic Hash in Bucket MaliAddrSpaceNormalize Mali normalize address space MaliAllocaChecker Detect use of alloca outside the entry-block MaliAlphaInfo Mali Alpha Channel Information Pass bifrost.alpha_info mali-epxand-lib-calls Expand calls to library functions into inlined IR MaliFunctionOrder Order functions mali-fuse-fma Fuse relaxed FAdd and FMul into FMA instructions MaliGlobalVarAlloc Mali Global Variable Allocation _Z6printfPU3AS2Kcz __commit_read_pipe_lock __commit_write_pipe_lock __reserve_read_pipe_lock __reserve_write_pipe_lock MaliIndexAllocation Mali Index Allocation Pass bifrost.attribute.masks MaliLDVarTranslator Translate old ldvar to new api MaliLegalizeV3 Legalize V3 types before LLVM's lowering Mali Dependency Domain attraccess Scope Tiles Scope Attributes Scope SideEffects Scope Blends MaliPassthroughAttr Vertex Shader Pass Through Attribute Optimization vertex.shaders MaliPromotePrecision Promote precision MaliScalarizer Mali Scalarization Pass mali-sink-epilogue Sink epilogue on the exit block of the IR Enable store load optimization MaliStoreLoadForwarding Mali store load forwarding MaliTexCombine bifrost.tmix.8343.yuv.texel.fetch Size of FAU memory in bytes bifrost.set.needs.uniform.buffer.memory bifrost.fau.ram.max.prealloc.addr MaliVectorTransform Mali Vector Transform Pass MaliVectElemConstProp Mali vector element constant prop MaliConvergence Mali Convergence symbols tu.attribs alignment addressSpace initializer gles.epta tessellationControl tessellationEvaluation machineinstr-printer print-bb print-function print-loop print-module machinemoduleanalysis machinemoduleinfo targetlibinfo targetpassconfig tti ISelPlaceholder ISel Placeholder AsmPrinterPlaceholderPass AsmPrinter Placeholder Mali ModulePass Manager MaliPM *** IR Dump Before *** IR Dump After *** ... Pass execution timing report ... Mali FunctionPass Manager Mali BasicBlockPass Manager Mali Loop Pass Manager MaliPreISel Mali pre instruction-selection passes MaliPreRegAlloc Mali pre-RA pass Solve FAU access conflicts while scheduling [0 = off, 1 = nopilot, 2 = pilot, 3 = uniform] bifrost.set.fau.const.offset Debug control for aggressive anti-dep breaker Threshold for partial unrolling Max number of predecessors to consider tail merging Min number of instructions to consider tail merging disable-cgp-branch-opts Disable branch optimizations in CodeGenPrepare disable-cgp-gc-opts Disable GC optimizations in CodeGenPrepare disable-cgp-select2branch Disable select to branch conversion. addr-sink-using-gep Address sinking in CGP using GEPs. enable-andcmp-sinking Enable sinkinig and/cmp into branches. disable-cgp-store-extract Disable store(extract) optimizations in CodeGenPrepare stress-cgp-store-extract Stress test store(extract) optimizations in CodeGenPrepare disable-cgp-ext-ld-promotion Disable ext(promotable(ld)) -> promoted(ext(ld)) optimization in CodeGenPrepare Stress test ext(promotable(ld)) -> promoted(ext(ld)) optimization in CodeGenPrepare Disable protection against removing loop preheaders Use profile info to add section prefix for hot/cold functions Skip merging empty blocks if (frequency of empty block) / (frequency of destination block) is greater than this ratio Force store splitting no matter what the target query says. .hot .cold promoted counting-function If present, stops packetizing after N instructions Detect Dead Lanes exn.obj Maximum number of instructions per speculated block. Turn all knobs to 11 Pop up a window to show edge bundle graphs ifcvt-fn-start ifcvt-fn-stop ifcvt-limit disable-ifcvt-simple disable-ifcvt-simple-false disable-ifcvt-triangle disable-ifcvt-triangle-rev ifcvt NumSimple Number of simple if-conversions performed NumSimpleFalse Number of simple (F) if-conversions performed NumTriangle Number of triangle if-conversions performed NumTriangleRev Number of triangle (R) if-conversions performed NumTriangleFalse Number of triangle (F) if-conversions performed NumTriangleFRev Number of triangle (F/R) if-conversions performed NumDiamonds Number of diamond if-conversions performed The page size of the target in bytes The max number of instructions to consider hoisting loads over (the algorithm is quadratic over this number) Enable lowering interleaved accesses to intrinsics Enable the "fast" instruction selector Enable the "global" instruction selector Enable the live debug variables pass %08X Use segment set for the computation of the live ranges of physregs. align-all-blocks Force the alignment of all blocks in the function. align-all-nofallthru-blocks Force the alignment of all blocks that have no fall-through predecessors (i.e. don't add nops that are executed). block-placement-exit-block-bias Block frequency percentage a loop exit block needs over the original exit to be considered the new exit. outline-optional-branches Outlining optional branches will place blocks that are optional branches, i.e. branches with a common post dominator, outside the hot path or chain outline-optional-threshold Don't outline optional branches that are a single block with an instruction count below this threshold loop-to-cold-block-ratio Outline loop blocks from loop chain if (frequency of loop) / (frequency of block) is greater than this ratio precise-rotation-cost Model the cost of loop rotation more precisely by using profile data. Force the use of precise cost loop rotation strategy. Cost that models the probabilistic risk of an instruction misfetch due to a jump comparing to falling through, whose cost is zero. Cost of jump instructions. Perform tail duplication during placement. Creates more fallthrough opportunites in outline branches. Perform branch folding during placement. Reduces code size. Instruction cutoff for tail duplication during layout. Tail merging during layout is forced to have a threshold that won't conflict. branch probability threshold in percentageto be considered very likely branch probability threshold in percentage to be considered very likely when profile is available Machine InstCombiner Verify machine dominator info (time consuming) Force the alignment of all functions. no-realign-stack split-stack FailedISel IsSSA Legalized NoPHIs NoVRegs RegBankSelected Selected TracksLiveness Print the full contents of regmask operands in IR dumps MachineLICM should avoid speculation MachineLICM should hoist even cheap instructions MachineLICM should sink instructions into loops to avoid register spills Enable Software Pipelining enable-pipeliner-opt-size Enable SWP at Os. Size limit for the the MII. Maximum stages allowed in the generated scheduled. Prune dependences between unrelated Phi nodes. Prune loop carried order dependences. Ignore RecMII Enable subregister liveness tracking. misched-topdown Force top-down list scheduling misched-bottomup Force bottom-up list scheduling misched-dcpl Print critical path length to stdout misched-limit Limit ready list to N instructions misched-regpressure Enable register pressure scheduling. misched-cyclicpath Enable cyclic critical path analysis. misched-cluster Enable memop clustering. misched-fusion Enable scheduling for macro fusion. verify-misched Verify machine instrs before and after machine scheduling mali-full-mode-delta Reg. pressure delta (relative to pressure set limit) to switch to full-reg mode Machine instruction scheduler to use Use the target's default scheduler choice. enable-misched Enable the machine instruction scheduling pass. Enable the post-ra machine instruction scheduling pass. TopQ Split critical edges during machine sinking Use block frequency info to find successors to sink Percentage threshold for splitting single-instruction critical edge. If the branch threshold is higher than this threshold, we allow speculative execution of up to 1 instruction to avoid branching to splitted critical edge Found machine code errors. Bad instruction parent pointer Missing BundledPred flag, BundledSucc was set on predecessor BundledPred flag is set, but BundledSucc not set on predecessor No bundle header Instruction has operand with wrong parent set BundledSucc flag set on last instruction in block MBB has duplicate entries in its successor list. FrameSetup is after another FrameSetup FrameDestroy is not after a FrameSetup FrameDestroy <n> is after FrameSetup <m> The exit stack state of a predecessor is inconsistent. The entry stack state of a successor is inconsistent. A return block ends with a FrameSetup. A return block ends with a nonzero stack adjustment. MBB has allocable live-in, but isn't entry or landing-pad. MBB has successor that isn't part of the function. MBB has predecessor that isn't part of the function. MBB has more than one landing pad successor MBB exits via unconditional fall-through but doesn't have exactly one CFG successor! MBB exits via unconditional fall-through but its successor differs from its CFG successor! MBB exits via unconditional fall-through but ends with a barrier instruction! MBB exits via unconditional fall-through but has a condition! MBB exits via unconditional branch but doesn't have exactly one CFG successor! MBB exits via unconditional branch but the CFG successor doesn't match the actual successor! MBB exits via unconditional branch but doesn't contain any instructions! MBB exits via unconditional branch but doesn't end with a barrier instruction! MBB exits via unconditional branch but the branch isn't a terminator instruction! MBB conditionally falls through out of function! MBB exits via conditional branch/fall-through but only has one CFG successor! MBB exits via conditional branch/fall-through but the CFG successor don't match the actual successor! MBB exits via conditional branch/fall-through but doesn't have exactly two CFG successors! MBB exits via conditional branch/fall-through but the CFG successors don't match the actual successors! MBB exits via conditional branch/fall-through but doesn't contain any instructions! MBB exits via conditional branch/fall-through but ends with a barrier instruction! MBB exits via conditional branch/fall-through but the branch isn't a terminator instruction! MBB exits via conditional branch/branch through but only has one CFG successor! MBB exits via conditional branch/branch through but the CFG successor don't match the actual successor! MBB exits via conditional branch/branch but doesn't have exactly two CFG successors! MBB exits via conditional branch/branch but the CFG successors don't match the actual successors! MBB exits via conditional branch/branch but doesn't contain any instructions! MBB exits via conditional branch/branch but doesn't end with a barrier instruction! MBB exits via conditional branch/branch but the branch isn't a terminator instruction! MBB exits via conditinal branch/branch but there's no condition! AnalyzeBranch returned invalid data! MBB live-in list contains non-physical register Instruction index out of order Non-terminator instruction after the first terminator Too few operands Found PHI instruction with NoPHIs property set Missing mayLoad flag Missing mayStore flag Debug instruction has a slot index Instruction inside bundle has a slot index Missing slot index Unexpected generic instruction in a Selected function type mismatch in generic instruction Generic instruction cannot have physical register Too few operands on inline asm Asm string must be an external symbol Asm flags must be an immediate Unknown asm flags Missing operands in last group Expected implicit register after groups : Explicit definition must be a register Explicit definition marked as use Explicit definition marked as implicit Tied use must be a register Operand should be tied Tied def doesn't match MCInstrDesc Explicit operand should not be tied Must be tied to a register Missing tie flags on tied operand Inconsistent tie links Explicit def tied to explicit use without tie constraint Explicit def should be tied to implicit use Two-address instruction operands must be identical Illegal physical register for instruction Generic virtual register invalid in a Selected function Generic virtual register must have a valid type Generic virtual register must have a bank in a RegBankSelected function Register bank is too small for virtual register Generic virtual register does not subregister index Virtual register does not match instruction constraint Invalid subregister index for virtual register Invalid register class for subregister index No largest legal super class exists. No matching super-reg register class. Illegal virtual register for instruction PHI operand is not in the CFG Missing fixed stack memoperand. Instruction loads from dead spill slot Instruction stores to dead spill slot Kill missing from LiveVariables No live subrange at use Virtual register has no live interval Using an undefined physical register Reading virtual register without a def Using a killed virtual register Multiple virtual register defs in SSA form Virtual register has no Live interval (def Block ends before last instruction index Virtual register killed in block, but needed live out. Virtual register defs don't dominate all uses. PHI operand is not live-out from predecessor Missing PHI operand LiveVariables: Block missing from AliveBlocks LiveVariables: Block should not be in AliveBlocks Missing live interval for virtual register Lane masks of sub ranges overlap in live interval Subrange lanemask is invalid Subrange must not be empty A Subrange is not covered by the main range Multiple connected components in live interval Value not live at VNInfo def and not marked unused Invalid VNInfo definition index PHIDef VNInfo is not defined at MBB start Early clobber def must be at an early-clobber slot Non-PHI, non-early clobber def must be at a register slot Foreign valno in live segment Live segment valno is marked unused Bad start of live segment, no basic block Live segment must begin at MBB entry or valno def Bad end of live segment, no basic block Live segment doesn't end at a valid instruction Live segment ends at B slot of an instruction Live segment ending at dead slot spans instructions Live segment ending at early clobber slot must be redefined by an EC def in the same instruction Instruction ending live segment on dead slot has no dead flag Instruction ending live segment doesn't read the register Register not marked live out of predecessor Different value live out of predecessor Disable critical edge splitting during PHI elimination Split all critical edges during PHI elimination Do not use an early exit if isLiveOutPastPHIs returns true. patchable-function Aggressive extension optimization Disable the peephole optimizer Disable advanced copy optimization Disable non-allocatable physical register copy optimization Limit the length of PHI chains to lookup Enable scheduling after register allocation Warn for stack size bigger than the given number Stack GOT JumpTable ConstantPool GlobalValueCallEntry ExternalSymbolCallEntry TargetCustom Dependency DependencyAll Spill mode for splitting live ranges speed lcr-max-depth Last chance recoloring max depth lcr-max-interf Last chance recoloring maximum number of considered interference at a time exhaustive-register-search Exhaustive Search for registers bypassing the depth and interference cutoffs of last chance recoloring Local reassignment can yield better allocation decisions, but may be compile time intensive enable-deferred-spilling Instead of spilling a variable right away, defer the actual code insertion to the end of the allocation. That way the allocator might still find a suitable coloring for this variable because of other evicted variables. Cost for first time use of callee-saved register. greedy Greedy Register Allocator register allocation failed: maximum depth for recoloring reached. Use -fexhaustive-register-search to skip cutoffs register allocation failed: maximum interference for recoloring reached. Use -fexhaustive-register-search to skip cutoffs register allocation failed: maximum interference and depth for recoloring reached. Use -fexhaustive-register-search to skip cutoffs spill Spiller evict Evict local_split Local Splitting global_split Global Splitting N Limit all regclasses to N registers Coalesce copies (default=true) Apply the terminal rule Coalesce copies on split edges (default=subtarget) Coalesce copies that span blocks (default=subtarget) Verify machine instrs before and after register coalescing Target machine is required __stack_chk_guard __stack_chk_fail unsafe_stack_static_top unsafe_stack_dynamic_ptr enable safe stack coloring enable safe stack layout Enable use of AA during MI DAG construction Enable use of TBAA during MI DAG construction The limit to use while constructing the DAG prior to scheduling, at which point a trade-off is made to avoid excessive compile time. A huge scheduling region will have maps reduced by this many nodes at a time. Defaults to HugeRegion / 2. enable the shrink-wrapping pass Disable stack coloring Do not optimize lifetime zones that are broken Treat stack lifetimes as starting on first use, not on START marker. Enable PatchPoint Liveness Analysis Pass stack-protector-buffer-size __stack_smash_handler Suppress slot sharing during stack coloring stackslotcoloring NumDead Number of trivially dead stack accesses eliminated Maximum instructions to consider tail duplicating Maximum instructions to consider tail duplicating blocks that end with indirect branches. Verify sanity of PHI instructions during taildup tailduplication NumTails Number of tails duplicated Warning: malformed PHI in BB# no-frame-pointer-elim Disable hazard detection during preRA scheduling Do not create extra branches to split comparison logic. Set minimum number of entries to use a jump table. Set maximum size of jump tables; zero for no limit. Minimum percentage (0-100) that a condition must be either true or false to assume that the condition is predictable __safestack_unsafe_stack_ptr __safestack_pointer_address __guard_local __ashlhi3 __ashlsi3 __ashldi3 __ashlti3 __lshrhi3 __lshrsi3 __lshrdi3 __lshrti3 __ashrhi3 __ashrsi3 __ashrdi3 __ashrti3 __mulhi3 __mulsi3 __muldi3 __multi3 __mulosi4 __mulodi4 __muloti4 __divqi3 __divhi3 __divsi3 __divdi3 __divti3 __udivqi3 __udivhi3 __udivsi3 __udivdi3 __udivti3 __modqi3 __modhi3 __modsi3 __moddi3 __modti3 __umodqi3 __umodhi3 __negsi2 __negdi2 __addsf3 __adddf3 __addtf3 __gcc_qadd __subsf3 __subdf3 __subxf3 __subtf3 __gcc_qsub __mulsf3 __muldf3 __mulxf3 __multf3 __gcc_qmul __divsf3 __divdf3 __divxf3 __divtf3 __gcc_qdiv fmodf fmod fmodl fmaf fmal __powisf2 __powidf2 __powixf2 __powitf2 sqrtf sqrtl logf logl log2f log2l log10f log10l expf expl exp2f exp2l sinf sinl cosf cosl powf powl ceilf ceill truncf truncl rintf rint rintl nearbyintf nearbyint nearbyintl roundf roundl floorf floorl fminf fmin fminl fmaxf fmax fmaxl copysignf copysign copysignl __gcc_stoq __gcc_dtoq __extenddftf2 __extendsftf2 __truncdfhf2 __truncxfhf2 __trunctfhf2 __truncdfsf2 __truncxfsf2 __trunctfsf2 __gcc_qtos __truncxfdf2 __trunctfdf2 __gcc_qtod __fixsfsi __fixdfsi __fixdfdi __fixdfti __fixxfsi __fixxfdi __fixxfti __fixtfsi __fixtfdi __fixtfti __gcc_qtou __fixunssfsi __fixunssfdi __fixunssfti __fixunsdfsi __fixunsdfdi __fixunsdfti __fixunsxfsi __fixunsxfdi __fixunsxfti __fixunstfsi __fixunstfdi __fixunstfti __floatsisf __floatsidf __floatsixf __floatsitf __gcc_itoq __floatdisf __floatdidf __floatdixf __floatditf __floattisf __floattidf __floattixf __floattitf __floatunsisf __floatunsidf __floatunsixf __floatunsitf __gcc_utoq __floatundisf __floatundidf __floatundixf __floatunditf __floatuntisf __floatuntidf __floatuntixf __floatuntitf __eqsf2 __eqdf2 __eqtf2 __gcc_qeq __nesf2 __nedf2 __netf2 __gcc_qne __gesf2 __gedf2 __getf2 __gcc_qge __ltsf2 __ltdf2 __lttf2 __gcc_qlt __lesf2 __ledf2 __letf2 __gcc_qle __gtsf2 __gtdf2 __gttf2 __gcc_qgt __unordsf2 __unorddf2 __unordtf2 __gcc_qunord memcpy memmove memset __llvm_memcpy_element_atomic_1 __llvm_memcpy_element_atomic_2 __llvm_memcpy_element_atomic_4 __llvm_memcpy_element_atomic_8 __llvm_memcpy_element_atomic_16 _Unwind_Resume __sync_val_compare_and_swap_1 __sync_val_compare_and_swap_2 __sync_val_compare_and_swap_4 __sync_val_compare_and_swap_8 __sync_val_compare_and_swap_16 __sync_lock_test_and_set_1 __sync_lock_test_and_set_2 __sync_lock_test_and_set_4 __sync_lock_test_and_set_8 __sync_lock_test_and_set_16 __sync_fetch_and_add_1 __sync_fetch_and_add_2 __sync_fetch_and_add_4 __sync_fetch_and_add_8 __sync_fetch_and_add_16 __sync_fetch_and_sub_1 __sync_fetch_and_sub_2 __sync_fetch_and_sub_4 __sync_fetch_and_sub_8 __sync_fetch_and_sub_16 __sync_fetch_and_and_1 __sync_fetch_and_and_2 __sync_fetch_and_and_4 __sync_fetch_and_and_8 __sync_fetch_and_and_16 __sync_fetch_and_or_1 __sync_fetch_and_or_2 __sync_fetch_and_or_4 __sync_fetch_and_or_8 __sync_fetch_and_or_16 __sync_fetch_and_xor_1 __sync_fetch_and_xor_2 __sync_fetch_and_xor_4 __sync_fetch_and_xor_8 __sync_fetch_and_xor_16 __sync_fetch_and_nand_1 __sync_fetch_and_nand_2 __sync_fetch_and_nand_4 __sync_fetch_and_nand_8 __sync_fetch_and_nand_16 __sync_fetch_and_max_1 __sync_fetch_and_max_2 __sync_fetch_and_max_4 __sync_fetch_and_max_8 __sync_fetch_and_max_16 __sync_fetch_and_umax_1 __sync_fetch_and_umax_2 __sync_fetch_and_umax_4 __sync_fetch_and_umax_8 __sync_fetch_and_umax_16 __sync_fetch_and_min_1 __sync_fetch_and_min_2 __sync_fetch_and_min_4 __sync_fetch_and_min_8 __sync_fetch_and_min_16 __sync_fetch_and_umin_1 __sync_fetch_and_umin_2 __sync_fetch_and_umin_4 __sync_fetch_and_umin_8 __sync_fetch_and_umin_16 __atomic_load __atomic_load_1 __atomic_load_2 __atomic_load_4 __atomic_load_8 __atomic_load_16 __atomic_store __atomic_store_1 __atomic_store_2 __atomic_store_4 __atomic_store_8 __atomic_store_16 __atomic_exchange __atomic_exchange_1 __atomic_exchange_2 __atomic_exchange_4 __atomic_exchange_8 __atomic_exchange_16 __atomic_compare_exchange __atomic_compare_exchange_1 __atomic_compare_exchange_2 __atomic_compare_exchange_4 __atomic_compare_exchange_8 __atomic_compare_exchange_16 __atomic_fetch_add_1 __atomic_fetch_add_2 __atomic_fetch_add_4 __atomic_fetch_add_8 __atomic_fetch_add_16 __atomic_fetch_sub_1 __atomic_fetch_sub_2 __atomic_fetch_sub_4 __atomic_fetch_sub_8 __atomic_fetch_sub_16 __atomic_fetch_and_1 __atomic_fetch_and_2 __atomic_fetch_and_4 __atomic_fetch_and_8 __atomic_fetch_and_16 __atomic_fetch_or_1 __atomic_fetch_or_2 __atomic_fetch_or_4 __atomic_fetch_or_8 __atomic_fetch_or_16 __atomic_fetch_xor_1 __atomic_fetch_xor_2 __atomic_fetch_xor_4 __atomic_fetch_xor_8 __atomic_fetch_xor_16 __atomic_fetch_nand_1 __atomic_fetch_nand_2 __atomic_fetch_nand_4 __atomic_fetch_nand_8 __atomic_fetch_nand_16 sincosf sincos sincosl __llvm_deoptimize Invalid refinement step for -recip. reciprocal-estimates .data .DW.stub .ctors .dtors .init_array .fini_array __TEXT __constructor __DATA __mod_init_func Objective-C Image Swift Version Objective-C Image Info Section Linker Options Invalid section specifier ' L_OBJC_IMAGE_INFO ' section type or attributes does not match previous section specifier .CRT$XCU .bss .bss. .tdata .tbss .gnu.linkonce.tb. .llvm.linkonce.tb. ELF COMDATs only support SelectionKind::Any, ' ' cannot be lowered. MachO doesn't support COMDATs, ' .rdata no-frame-pointer-elim-non-leaf disable-post-ra Disable Post Regalloc Scheduler disable-branch-fold Disable branch folding disable-tail-duplicate Disable tail duplication disable-early-taildup Disable pre-register allocation tail duplication disable-block-placement Disable probability-driven block placement enable-block-placement-stats Collect probability-driven block placement stats disable-ssc Disable Stack Slot Coloring disable-machine-dce Disable Machine Dead Code Elimination disable-early-ifcvt Disable Early If-conversion disable-machine-licm Disable Machine LICM disable-machine-cse Disable Machine Common Subexpression Elimination optimize-regalloc Enable optimized register allocation compilation path. disable-postra-machine-licm disable-machine-sink Disable Machine Sinking disable-lsr Disable Loop Strength Reduction Pass disable-constant-hoisting Disable ConstantHoisting disable-cgp Disable Codegen Prepare disable-copyprop Disable Copy Propagation pass disable-partial-libcall-inlining Disable Partial Libcall Inlining enable-implicit-null-checks Fold null checks into faulting memory operations print-lsr-output Print LLVM IR produced by the loop-reduce pass print-isel-input Print LLVM IR input to isel pass Dump garbage collector data verify-machineinstrs Verify generated machine code print-machineinstrs Print machine instrs pass-name option-unspecified global-isel-abort Enable abort calls when "global" instruction selection fails to lower/select an instruction: 0 disable the abort, 1 enable the abort, and 2 disable the abort but emit a diagnostic on failure misched-postra Run MachineScheduler post regalloc (independent of preRA sched) early-live-intervals Run live interval analysis earlier in the pipeline Enable the new, experimental CFL alias analysis in CodeGen steens anders both After pick register allocator based on -O option regalloc Register allocator to use stackrealign %vreg Use TargetSchedModel for latency lookup Use InstrItineraryData for latency lookup Coalesce copies by rescheduling (default=true) Clone multicolor basic blocks but do not demote cross funclet values Do not remove implausible terminators or other similar cleanups Cleanup funclets for the SEH personality cannot contain exceptional actions Cleanup funclets for the MSVC++ personality cannot contain exceptional actions xray-instruction-threshold An attempt to perform XRay instrumentation for an unsupported target. success newloaded atomicrmw.end atomicrmw.start loaded partword.cmpxchg.end partword.cmpxchg.failure partword.cmpxchg.loop cmpxchg.failure cmpxchg.nostore should_store Branch relaxation pass Disable inline spill hoisting stack name body ^(\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?$ maxCallFrameSize hasOpaqueSPAdjustment hasVAStart hasMustTailInVarArgFunc savePoint restorePoint type callee-saved-register spill-slot Verify during register allocation seed Seed Live Regs inline assembly requires more registers than available ran out of registers during register allocation Register Usage Information Propagation print register usage details collected for analysis. gc_map gc_stackentry llvm_gc_root_chain _Unwind_SjLj_Register _Unwind_SjLj_Unregister Specify the stackmap encoding version (default = 2) Stack Maps: tbaa scoped-noalias assumption-cache-tracker profile-summary-info collector-metadata machine-branch-prob pre-isel-intrinsic-lowering MaliMemDeps domtree basicaa loop-simplify scalar-evolution iv-users loop-reduce unreachableblockelim consthoist cfinserter lcssa-verification aa loop-deletion codegenprepare rewrite-symbols lazy-branch-prob lazy-block-freq opt-remark-emitter gvn MaliOptimizeNode instcombine simplifycfg sink postdomtree MaliTextureSkip adce constprop divergence MaliHWIssuesQuadVariant MaliHWIssues MaliTexCombineAnalysis MaliUniformAllocation MaliFeaturePresence branch-prob expand-isel-pseudos opt-phis slotindexes stack-coloring localstackalloc dead-mi-elimination machinedomtree machine-loops machinelicm machine-cse machinepostdomtree machine-block-freq machine-sink peephole-opt block-placement bifrost-fp-branch-fixup detect-dead-lanes processimpdefs unreachable-mbb-elimination livevars phi-node-elimination twoaddressinstruction liveintervals simple-register-coalescing rename-independent-subregs machine-scheduler machine-scheduler-cluster livedebugvars livestacks virtregmap liveregmatrix edge-bundles spill-code-placement virtregrewriter stack-slot-coloring shrink-wrap prologepilog branch-folder machine-cp postrapseudos freemachinefunction MaliTexelFetchYUV licm mali-aa GCC clang omp remark note {{ }} warning \n Line %0 objc_class objc_object isa objc_selector opencl_image1d_ro_t opencl_image1d_array_ro_t opencl_image1d_buffer_ro_t opencl_image2d_ro_t opencl_image2d_array_ro_t opencl_image2d_depth_ro_t opencl_image2d_array_depth_ro_t opencl_image2d_msaa_ro_t opencl_image2d_array_msaa_ro_t opencl_image2d_msaa_depth_ro_t opencl_image2d_array_msaa_depth_ro_t opencl_image3d_ro_t opencl_image1d_wo_t opencl_image1d_array_wo_t opencl_image1d_buffer_wo_t opencl_image2d_wo_t opencl_image2d_array_wo_t opencl_image2d_depth_wo_t opencl_image2d_array_depth_wo_t opencl_image2d_msaa_wo_t opencl_image2d_array_msaa_wo_t opencl_image2d_msaa_depth_wo_t opencl_image2d_array_msaa_depth_wo_t opencl_image3d_wo_t opencl_image1d_rw_t opencl_image1d_array_rw_t opencl_image1d_buffer_rw_t opencl_image2d_rw_t opencl_image2d_array_rw_t opencl_image2d_depth_rw_t opencl_image2d_array_depth_rw_t opencl_image2d_msaa_rw_t opencl_image2d_array_msaa_rw_t opencl_image2d_msaa_depth_rw_t opencl_image2d_array_msaa_depth_rw_t opencl_image3d_rw_t opencl_sampler_t opencl_clk_event_t opencl_reserve_id_t complex reserved Size __block_descriptor __isa __flags __reserved __FuncPtr __descriptor __vtbl_ptr_type __forwarding __size __copy_helper __destroy_helper __byref_variable_layout .str .base for.end for.inc vla omp.arraycpy.done omp.arraycpy.srcElementPast omp.arraycpy.destElementPast omp.arraycpy.dest.element rhs.begin vec_type_hint sanitize_thread_no_checking_at_run_time xray-always xray-never write_only read_write read_only kernel_arg_base_type dummy_arg_name Could not read profile %0: %1 Dwarf Version CodeView StrictVTablePointers StrictVTablePointersRequirement wchar_size min_enum_size Cross-DSO CFI nvvm-reflect-ftz cannot compile this %0 yet llvm.used llvm.compiler.used .cp.rodata opencl.sampler.constructors __CFConstantStringClassReference cfstring __DATA,__cfstring __objcFastEnumerationState <string literal> .cxx_destruct .cxx_construct linkage spec clang.decl.ptr llvm.ident llvm.gcov all-vtables -framework __cxxabiv1 std clang.global.decl.ptrs Enable value profiling Simple C++ TBAA Simple C/C++ TBAA omnipotent char any pointer vtable pointer <built-in> __asan_poison_cxx_array_cookie __asan_load_cxx_array_cookie memptr.adj memptr.ptr memptr.isvirtual __cxa_rethrow __cxa_allocate_exception __cxa_throw __cxa_begin_catch __cxa_end_catch __cxa_get_exception_ptr __clang_call_terminate _ZTVN10__cxxabiv117__class_type_infoE _ZTVN10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_infoE _ZTVN10__cxxabiv121__vmi_class_type_infoE _ZTVN10__cxxabiv116__enum_type_infoE _ZTVN10__cxxabiv119__pointer_type_infoE _ZTVN10__cxxabiv129__pointer_to_member_type_infoE __cxa_bad_typeid __dynamic_cast __cxa_bad_cast vtt __cxa_guard_acquire __cxa_guard_abort __cxa_guard_release __dso_handle member pointer representation requires a complete class type for %0 to perform this expression thunk memptr.cmp eh.ThrowInfo _CxxThrowException .xdata src is_most_derived eh.CatchableType __ImageBase ??_7type_info@@6B@ __RTtypeid __RTDynamicCast __RTCastToVoid is_complete_object should_call_delete rtti.CompleteObjectLocator rtti.ClassHierarchyDescriptor rtti.BaseClassDescriptor _purecall more than 32 guarded initializations _Init_thread_epoch _Init_thread_header _Init_thread_abort _Init_thread_footer __tlregdtor .CRT$XDU init llvm.asan.globals nosanitize hard soft argp.cur mips16 nomips16 sw0 sw1 hw0 hw1 hw2 hw3 hw4 hw5 interrupt ap.cur vaarg.addr IRQ FIQ SWI stack-probe-size .lib /FAILIFMISMATCH:" maxntidx minctasm nvvm.annotations overflow_arg_area_ptr overflow_arg_area reg_save_area indirect_arg opencl.kernel_wg_size_info movl %ebp, %ebp ## marker for objc_retainAutoreleaseReturnValue amdgpu-flat-work-group-size amdgpu-waves-per-eu amdgpu-num-sgpr amdgpu-num-vgpr opencl.ocl.version xcore.typestrings c: r: cr: v: cv: rv: crv: 0 b uc sc us ss ui si ul sl ull sll ft d ld opencl.spir.version atomic library call block.capture.addr struct.__block_descriptor struct.__block_literal_generic block .block_descriptor __copy_helper_block_ __destroy_helper_block_ BLOCK_BYREF_LAYOUT_EXTENDED BLOCK_BYREF_LAYOUT_STRONG BLOCK_BYREF_LAYOUT_WEAK BLOCK_BYREF_LAYOUT_NON_OBJECT byref.flags byref.size byref.copyHelper byref.disposeHelper byref.layout _Block_object_dispose _Block_object_assign _NSConcreteGlobalBlock _NSConcreteStackBlock __Block_byref_object_copy_ __Block_byref_object_dispose_ cudaSetupArgument cudaLaunch __cudaRegisterFatBinary entry __cuda_gpubin_handle __cudaRegisterFunction __cudaRegisterVar __cudaUnregisterFatBinary cannot yet compile %0 in this ABI calls through member pointers loads of member pointers member function pointer conversions member function pointer comparison member function pointer null testing array cookie initialization reading a new[] cookie complete object detection in ctor disable-tail-calls less-precise-fpmad denormal-fp-math no-trapping-math no-infs-fp-math no-nans-fp-math unsafe-fp-math use-soft-float no-signed-zeros-fp-math correctly-rounded-divide-sqrt-fp-math backchain nvptx-f32ftz coerce swifterror.temp .coerce inalloca.save agg.tmp clang.arc.no_objc_arc_exceptions icr.isnull funclet lambda conversion to variadic function __sanitizer_dtor_callback cleanup.dest cleanup.dest.slot this builtin expect that __builtin_coro_id has been used earlier in this function only one __builtin_coro_id can be used in a function __builtin_coro_id shall not be used in a C++ coroutine atexit this initialization requires a guard variable, which the kernel does not support __cxx_init_fn_ptr __gcc_personality_v0 __gcc_personality_sj0 __gcc_personality_seh0 __objc_personality_v0 __gxx_personality_v0 __gxx_personality_sj0 __gxx_personality_seh0 __gnu_objc_personality_v0 objc_exception_throw __gnustep_objcxx_personality_v0 __gnustep_objc_personality_v0 _except_handler3 __C_specific_handler __CxxFrameHandler3 exn.slot ehselector.slot exception_pointers abnormal_termination frame_pointer __exception_code __cxa_call_unexpected __cxa_free_exception __ubsan_vptr_type_cache extractVec nontemporal bf.load bf.shl bf.clear __cfi_slowpath_diag __cfi_slowpath arraydecay arrayidx temp.lvalue add_overflow builtin_unreachable cfi_check_fail divrem_overflow dynamic_type_cache_miss float_cast_overflow function_type_mismatch load_invalid_value missing_return mul_overflow negate_overflow nonnull_arg nonnull_return out_of_bounds shift_out_of_bounds sub_overflow type_mismatch vla_bound_not_positive agg.tmp.ensured arrayinit.begin arrayinit.next arrayinit.done .realp __mulhc3 __mulsc3 __muldc3 __multc3 __mulxc3 __divhc3 __divsc3 __divdc3 __divtc3 __divxc3 sext astype conv splat tobool GNU array range designator extension sh_prom llvm.mem.parallel_loop_access llvm.loop.vectorize.width llvm.loop.interleave.count llvm.loop.unroll.count llvm.loop.vectorize.enable llvm.loop.distribute.enable objects Obj-C fast enumeration for this runtime countByEnumeratingWithState count statemutations stateitems.ptr stateitems currentitem.ptr clang.arc.use objc_retain objc_retainBlock clang.arc.copy_on_escape objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue objc_unsafeClaimAutoreleasedReturnValue objc_release clang.imprecise_release objc_storeStrong objc_autorelease objc_autoreleaseReturnValue objc_retainAutoreleaseReturnValue objc_retainAutorelease objc_loadWeak objc_loadWeakRetained objc_storeWeak objc_initWeak objc_destroyWeak objc_moveWeak objc_copyWeak objc_autoreleasePoolPush objc_autoreleasePoolPop alloc drain r __assign_helper_atomic_property_ __copy_helper_atomic_property_ copy autorelease clang.arc.retainAutoreleasedReturnValueMarker _Unwind_Resume_or_Rethrow objc_begin_catch objc_end_catch objc_exception_rethrow objc_setProperty_atomic objc_setProperty_atomic_copy objc_setProperty_nonatomic objc_setProperty_nonatomic_copy objc_setCppObjectAtomic objc_getCppObjectAtomic GNUObjCMessageSend retain release objc_assign_ivar objc_assign_strongCast objc_assign_global objc_assign_weak objc_read_weak objc_memmove_collectable __objc_exec_class class_registerAlias_np alias .objc_protocol_list .objc_method_list NXConstantString .objc_sel_name __objc_id_type_info _ZTVN7gnustep7libobjc22__objc_class_type_infoE __objc_eh_typename_ .objc_protocol_name .objc_protocol __objc_class_name_ __objc_ivar_offset_value_ __objc_ivar_offset_ .objc_property_list objc_msgSend_fpret objc_msgSend_stret objc_msgSend objc_get_meta_class objc_get_class objc_lookup_class struct._objc_method_description struct._objc_method_description_list struct._objc_protocol_extension struct._objc_protocol struct._objc_protocol_list struct._objc_ivar struct._objc_ivar_list struct._objc_method_list struct._objc_class_extension struct._objc_class struct._objc_category struct._objc_symtab struct._objc_module struct._objc_exception_data _objc_super struct._prop_t struct._prop_list_t struct._objc_method struct._objc_cache Objective-C Version Objective-C Image Info Version Objective-C Garbage Collection Objective-C GC Only Objective-C Is Simulated Objective-C Class Properties OBJC_MODULES __OBJC,__module_info,regular,no_dead_strip OBJC_SYMBOLS __OBJC,__symbols,regular,no_dead_strip __TEXT,__objc_classname,cstring_literals __TEXT,__objc_methname,cstring_literals __TEXT,__objc_methtype,cstring_literals OBJC_SELECTOR_REFERENCES_ __OBJC,__message_refs,literal_pointers,no_dead_strip struct.__builtin_NSString __OBJC,__cstring_object,regular,no_dead_strip __DATA,__objc_stringobj,regular,no_dead_strip OBJC_CATEGORY_PROTOCOLS_ l_OBJC_$_PROP_LIST_ l_OBJC_$_CLASS_PROP_LIST_ __OBJC,__category,regular,no_dead_strip OBJC_CATEGORY_INSTANCE_METHODS_ OBJC_CATEGORY_CLASS_METHODS_ __OBJC,__cat_cls_meth,regular,no_dead_strip OBJC_INSTANCE_METHODS_ __OBJC,__inst_meth,regular,no_dead_strip __OBJC,__cls_meth,regular,no_dead_strip OBJC_PROTOCOL_INSTANCE_METHODS_ OBJC_PROTOCOL_CLASS_METHODS_ __DATA, __objc_const OBJC_CLASS_PROTOCOLS_ __OBJC,__class,regular,no_dead_strip __OBJC,__meta_class,regular,no_dead_strip OBJC_INSTANCE_VARIABLES_ __OBJC,__instance_vars,regular,no_dead_strip 0x0%x%s 0x%x%s __OBJC,__class_ext,regular,no_dead_strip objc_msgSendSuper2_stret objc_msgSendSuper_stret objc_msgSendSuper2 objc_msgSendSuper objc_msgSend_fp2ret objc_super objc_lookUpClass OBJC_CLASS_REFERENCES_ __OBJC,__cls_refs,literal_pointers,no_dead_strip Protocol objc_getProperty objc_setProperty objc_copyStruct objc_copyCppObjectAtomic NSAutoreleasePool objc_enumerationMutation propagating_exception objc_sync_enter objc_exception_try_exit objc_sync_exit objc_exception_try_enter _setjmp objc_exception_extract objc_exception_match weakread weakassign globalassign threadlocalassign objc_assign_threadlocal Byref variable layout: Block variable layout: BL_OPERATOR: BL_NON_OBJECT_BYTES: BL_NON_OBJECT_WORD: BL_STRONG: BL_BYREF: BL_UNRETAINED: OBJC_PROTOCOL_REFS_ OBJC_PROTOCOL_ __OBJC,__protocol,regular,no_dead_strip OBJC_PROTOCOL_METHOD_TYPES_ OBJC_$_PROP_PROTO_LIST_ OBJC_$_CLASS_PROP_PROTO_LIST_ l_OBJC_PROTOCOLEXT_ struct.__method_list_t struct._protocol_t struct._ivar_t struct._ivar_list_t struct._class_ro_t struct._class_t struct._category_t _message_ref_t struct._super_message_ref_t struct._objc_typeinfo OBJC_LABEL_CLASS_$ __DATA, __objc_classlist, regular, no_dead_strip OBJC_LABEL_NONLAZY_CLASS_$ __DATA, __objc_nlclslist, regular, no_dead_strip OBJC_LABEL_CATEGORY_$ __DATA, __objc_catlist, regular, no_dead_strip OBJC_LABEL_NONLAZY_CATEGORY_$ __DATA, __objc_nlcatlist, regular, no_dead_strip invariant.load __DATA, __objc_selrefs, literal_pointers, no_dead_strip OBJC_EHTYPE_id __DATA,__objc_const OBJC_CLASS_$_ _$_ l_OBJC_$_CATEGORY_INSTANCE_METHODS_ l_OBJC_$_CATEGORY_CLASS_METHODS_ l_OBJC_$_INSTANCE_METHODS_ l_OBJC_$_CLASS_METHODS_ l_OBJC_$_PROTOCOL_INSTANCE_METHODS_ _objc_empty_cache l_OBJC_CLASS_PROTOCOLS_$_ __DATA, __objc_ivar __DATA, __objc_data self isFlipped allocWithZone isKindOfClass respondsToSelector objectForKey objectAtIndex isEqualToString isEqual hash addObject l_ objc_msgSendSuper2_stret_fixup objc_msgSend_stret_fixup objc_msgSend_fpret_fixup objc_msgSendSuper2_fixup objc_msgSend_fixup __DATA, __objc_msgrefs, coalesced __DATA, __objc_superrefs, regular, no_dead_strip __DATA, __objc_protorefs, coalesced, no_dead_strip __DATA, __objc_classrefs, regular, no_dead_strip l_OBJC_$_PROTOCOL_REFS_ l_OBJC_$_PROTOCOL_METHOD_TYPES_ __DATA, __objc_protolist, coalesced, no_dead_strip opencl.image1d_ro_t opencl.image1d_buffer_ro_t opencl.image2d_array_depth_ro_t opencl.image2d_msaa_ro_t opencl.image2d_array_msaa_ro_t opencl.image2d_msaa_depth_ro_t opencl.image2d_array_msaa_depth_ro_t opencl.image1d_buffer_wo_t opencl.image2d_array_depth_wo_t opencl.image2d_msaa_wo_t opencl.image2d_array_msaa_wo_t opencl.image2d_msaa_depth_wo_t opencl.image2d_array_msaa_depth_wo_t opencl.image2d_msaa_rw_t opencl.image2d_array_msaa_rw_t opencl.image2d_msaa_depth_rw_t opencl.image2d_array_msaa_depth_rw_t opencl.clk_event_t opencl.reserve_id_t ident_t omp_in omp_out omp_priv omp_orig __kmpc_fork_call __kmpc_global_thread_num __kmpc_threadprivate_cached __kmpc_critical __kmpc_critical_with_hint __kmpc_threadprivate_register __kmpc_end_critical __kmpc_cancel_barrier __kmpc_barrier __kmpc_for_static_fini __kmpc_push_num_threads __kmpc_serialized_parallel __kmpc_end_serialized_parallel __kmpc_flush __kmpc_master __kmpc_end_master __kmpc_omp_taskyield __kmpc_single __kmpc_end_single __kmpc_omp_task_alloc __kmpc_omp_task __kmpc_copyprivate __kmpc_reduce __kmpc_reduce_nowait __kmpc_end_reduce __kmpc_end_reduce_nowait __kmpc_omp_task_begin_if0 __kmpc_omp_task_complete_if0 __kmpc_ordered __kmpc_end_ordered __kmpc_omp_taskwait __kmpc_taskgroup __kmpc_end_taskgroup __kmpc_push_proc_bind __kmpc_omp_task_with_deps __kmpc_omp_wait_deps __kmpc_cancellationpoint __kmpc_cancel __kmpc_push_num_teams __kmpc_fork_teams __kmpc_taskloop __kmpc_doacross_init __kmpc_doacross_fini __kmpc_doacross_post __kmpc_doacross_wait __tgt_target __tgt_target_teams __tgt_register_lib __tgt_unregister_lib __tgt_target_data_begin __tgt_target_data_end __tgt_target_data_update .cache. .gomp_critical_user_ .var .omp_offloading.device_images .omp_offloading.reg_unreg_var .omp_offloading.descriptor_unreg .omp_offloading.descriptor_reg .omp_offloading.entries omp_offload.info __tgt_offload_entry __tgt_device_image __tgt_bin_desc kmp_depend_info kmp_dim .omp_outlined. kmp_cmplrdata_t kmp_task_t kmp_task_t_with_privates .kmp_privates.t .atomic_reduction nvptx_warp_size nvptx_tid nvptx_num_threads _worker __kmpc_kernel_init abscond iszero expval cmpinf iseq isnormal fpclassify_result __builtin_dwarf_sp_column __builtin_init_dwarf_reg_size_table extend.cast extend.sext extend.zext __atomic_is_lock_free _setjmpex _setjmp3 __reserve_read_pipe __reserve_write_pipe __work_group_reserve_read_pipe __work_group_reserve_write_pipe __sub_group_reserve_read_pipe __sub_group_reserve_write_pipe __commit_read_pipe __commit_write_pipe __work_group_commit_read_pipe __work_group_commit_write_pipe __sub_group_commit_read_pipe __sub_group_commit_write_pipe __get_pipe_num_packets __enqueue_kernel_basic __enqueue_kernel_vaargs __enqueue_kernel_basic_events __enqueue_kernel_events_vaargs __get_kernel_work_group_size_impl __get_kernel_preferred_work_group_multiple_impl __get_kernel_max_sub_group_size_for_ndrange_impl __get_kernel_sub_group_count_for_ndrange_impl __builtin_thread_pointer argDescriptor argSize builtin function lane vcvt vmull vqshl_n vqshlu_n vrshr_n vtrn vuzp vzip rbit vget_lane vset_lane vld1_lane vqrshrn_n vqrshrun_n vqshrn_n vqshrun_n vrshrn_n vsli_n vsra_n vtbl1 vtbl2 vtbl3 vtbl4 vtbx1 vtbx2 vtbx3 vtbx4 ldxp ldxr stxp stxr vbsl fmla extract vmax vmin vabd vpadal vpmin vpmax vminnm vmaxnm vrecps vrnda vrndi vrndm vrndn vrndp vrndx vrndz vcvta vcvtm vcvtn vcvtp vmulx vnegd vpmaxnm vpminnm vsqrt vrbit vaddv vmaxv vminv vaddlv vsri_n vld1xN vld2 vld3 vld4 vld2_lane vld3_lane ap.val cmov sse2 sse3 avx2 fma4 bmi2 avx512cd avx512er avx512pf __cpu_model exec vabd_v vabdq_v vabs_v vabsq_v vaddhn_v vaesdq_v vaeseq_v vaesimcq_v vaesmcq_v vbsl_v vbslq_v vcage_v vcageq_v vcagt_v vcagtq_v vcale_v vcaleq_v vcalt_v vcaltq_v vcls_v vclsq_v vclz_v vclzq_v vcnt_v vcntq_v vcvt_f16_f32 vcvt_f32_f16 vcvt_f32_v vcvt_n_f32_v vcvt_n_s32_v vcvt_n_s64_v vcvt_n_u32_v vcvt_n_u64_v vcvt_s32_v vcvt_s64_v vcvt_u32_v vcvt_u64_v vcvta_s32_v vcvta_s64_v vcvta_u32_v vcvta_u64_v vcvtaq_s32_v vcvtaq_s64_v vcvtaq_u32_v vcvtaq_u64_v vcvtm_s32_v vcvtm_s64_v vcvtm_u32_v vcvtm_u64_v vcvtmq_s32_v vcvtmq_s64_v vcvtmq_u32_v vcvtmq_u64_v vcvtn_s32_v vcvtn_s64_v vcvtn_u32_v vcvtn_u64_v vcvtnq_s32_v vcvtnq_s64_v vcvtnq_u32_v vcvtnq_u64_v vcvtp_s32_v vcvtp_s64_v vcvtp_u32_v vcvtp_u64_v vcvtpq_s32_v vcvtpq_s64_v vcvtpq_u32_v vcvtpq_u64_v vcvtq_f32_v vcvtq_n_f32_v vcvtq_n_s32_v vcvtq_n_s64_v vcvtq_n_u32_v vcvtq_n_u64_v vcvtq_s32_v vcvtq_s64_v vcvtq_u32_v vcvtq_u64_v vext_v vextq_v vfma_v vfmaq_v vhadd_v vhaddq_v vhsub_v vhsubq_v vld1_dup_v vld1_v vld1q_dup_v vld1q_v vld2_lane_v vld2_v vld2q_lane_v vld2q_v vld3_lane_v vld3_v vld3q_lane_v vld3q_v vld4_lane_v vld4_v vld4q_lane_v vld4q_v vmax_v vmaxnm_v vmaxnmq_v vmaxq_v vmin_v vminnm_v vminnmq_v vminq_v vmovl_v vmovn_v vmul_v vmull_v vmulq_v vpadal_v vpadalq_v vpadd_v vpaddl_v vpaddlq_v vpaddq_v vpmax_v vpmin_v vqabs_v vqabsq_v vqadd_v vqaddq_v vqdmlal_v vqdmlsl_v vqdmulh_v vqdmulhq_v vqdmull_v vqmovn_v vqmovun_v vqneg_v vqnegq_v vqrdmulh_v vqrdmulhq_v vqrshl_v vqrshlq_v vqshl_n_v vqshl_v vqshlq_n_v vqshlq_v vqshlu_n_v vqshluq_n_v vqsub_v vqsubq_v vraddhn_v vrecpe_v vrecpeq_v vrecps_v vrecpsq_v vrhadd_v vrhaddq_v vrnd_v vrnda_v vrndaq_v vrndm_v vrndmq_v vrndn_v vrndnq_v vrndp_v vrndpq_v vrndq_v vrndx_v vrndxq_v vrshl_v vrshlq_v vrshr_n_v vrshrq_n_v vrsqrte_v vrsqrteq_v vrsqrts_v vrsqrtsq_v vrsubhn_v vsha1su0q_v vsha1su1q_v vsha256h2q_v vsha256hq_v vsha256su0q_v vsha256su1q_v vshl_n_v vshl_v vshll_n_v vshlq_n_v vshlq_v vshr_n_v vshrn_n_v vshrq_n_v vst1_v vst1q_v vst2_lane_v vst2_v vst2q_lane_v vst2q_v vst3_lane_v vst3_v vst3q_lane_v vst3q_v vst4_lane_v vst4_v vst4q_lane_v vst4q_v vsubhn_v vtrn_v vtrnq_v vtst_v vtstq_v vuzp_v vuzpq_v vzip_v vzipq_v vabdd_f64 vabds_f32 vabsd_s64 vaddlv_s32 vaddlv_u32 vaddlvq_s32 vaddlvq_u32 vaddv_f32 vaddv_s32 vaddv_u32 vaddvq_f32 vaddvq_f64 vaddvq_s32 vaddvq_s64 vaddvq_u32 vaddvq_u64 vcaged_f64 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vqdmullh_s16 vqdmulls_s32 vqmovnd_s64 vqmovnd_u64 vqmovnh_s16 vqmovnh_u16 vqmovns_s32 vqmovns_u32 vqmovund_s64 vqmovunh_s16 vqmovuns_s32 vqnegb_s8 vqnegd_s64 vqnegh_s16 vqnegs_s32 vqrdmulhh_s16 vqrdmulhs_s32 vqrshlb_s8 vqrshlb_u8 vqrshld_s64 vqrshld_u64 vqrshlh_s16 vqrshlh_u16 vqrshls_s32 vqrshls_u32 vqrshrnd_n_s64 vqrshrnd_n_u64 vqrshrnh_n_s16 vqrshrnh_n_u16 vqrshrns_n_s32 vqrshrns_n_u32 vqrshrund_n_s64 vqrshrunh_n_s16 vqrshruns_n_s32 vqshlb_n_s8 vqshlb_n_u8 vqshlb_s8 vqshlb_u8 vqshld_s64 vqshld_u64 vqshlh_n_s16 vqshlh_n_u16 vqshlh_s16 vqshlh_u16 vqshls_n_s32 vqshls_n_u32 vqshls_s32 vqshls_u32 vqshlub_n_s8 vqshluh_n_s16 vqshlus_n_s32 vqshrnd_n_s64 vqshrnd_n_u64 vqshrnh_n_s16 vqshrnh_n_u16 vqshrns_n_s32 vqshrns_n_u32 vqshrund_n_s64 vqshrunh_n_s16 vqshruns_n_s32 vqsubb_s8 vqsubb_u8 vqsubd_s64 vqsubd_u64 vqsubh_s16 vqsubh_u16 vqsubs_s32 vqsubs_u32 vrecped_f64 vrecpes_f32 vrecpxd_f64 vrecpxs_f32 vrshld_s64 vrshld_u64 vrsqrted_f64 vrsqrtes_f32 vrsqrtsd_f64 vrsqrtss_f32 vsha1cq_u32 vsha1h_u32 vsha1mq_u32 vsha1pq_u32 vshld_s64 vshld_u64 vslid_n_s64 vslid_n_u64 vsqaddb_u8 vsqaddd_u64 vsqaddh_u16 vsqadds_u32 vsrid_n_s64 vsrid_n_u64 vuqaddb_s8 vuqaddd_s64 vuqaddh_s16 vuqadds_s32 vcvt_n_f64_v vcvtq_n_f64_v vcvtx_f32_v printf_args vprintf __except oneway bycopy byref nonnull nullable null_unspecified super vector pixel _exception_info __exception_info GetExceptionInformation _exception_code GetExceptionCode _abnormal_termination __abnormal_termination AbnormalTermination top-level asm block property put macos macos_app_extension introduced deprecated obsoleted unavailable message strict replacement _Noreturn <> , swap acquire_capability acquire_shared_capability exclusive_lock_function shared_lock_function acquired_after acquired_before assert_capability assert_shared_capability assert_exclusive_lock assert_shared_lock exclusive_trylock_function guarded_by lock_returned locks_excluded pt_guarded_by release_capability release_shared_capability release_generic_capability unlock_function requires_capability exclusive_locks_required requires_shared_capability shared_locks_required shared_trylock_function try_acquire_capability try_acquire_shared_capability loop mode objc_bridge objc_bridge_mutable objc_bridge_related objc_gc objc_method_family objc_ownership ownership_holds ownership_returns ownership_takes param_typestate return_typestate set_typestate test_typestate type_tag_for_datatype type_visibility visibility instancetype attributes list , "" final __final sealed override access declaration { throw __is_abstract __is_arithmetic __is_array __is_assignable __is_base_of __is_class __is_complete_type __is_compound __is_const __is_constructible __is_convertible __is_convertible_to __is_destructible __is_empty __is_enum __is_floating_point __is_final __is_function __is_fundamental __is_integral __is_interface_class __is_literal __is_lvalue_expr __is_lvalue_reference __is_member_function_pointer __is_member_object_pointer __is_member_pointer __is_nothrow_assignable __is_nothrow_constructible __is_nothrow_destructible __is_object __is_pod __is_pointer __is_polymorphic __is_reference __is_rvalue_expr __is_rvalue_reference __is_same __is_scalar __is_sealed __is_signed __is_standard_layout __is_trivial __is_trivially_assignable __is_trivially_constructible __is_trivially_copyable __is_union __is_unsigned __is_void __is_volatile __bridge_retained tvos tvos_app_extension watchos_app_extension watchOS (App Extension) , * :: template () < :: = @class @end @end weak @protocol @compatibility_alias @synthesize @dynamic @throw inbranch notinbranch data link STDC unroll read push compiler user distribute vectorize interleave full reset pack show on unused begin runtime_checks __INTRIN_H do/while case ; auto && InternalPragmaState <MS inline asm> class amdgpu_flat_work_group_size amdgpu_num_sgpr amdgpu_num_vgpr amdgpu_waves_per_eu abi_tag address_space align_value aligned alignas _Alignas alloc_size always_inline __forceinline analyzer_noreturn annotate objc_arc_weak_reference_unavailable argument_with_type_tag pointer_with_type_tag assume_aligned availability blocks cdecl __cdecl _cdecl cf_audited_transfer cf_consumed cf_returns_not_retained cf_returns_retained cf_unknown_transfer constant device global host launch_bounds noreturn callable_when capability shared_capability carries_dependency cold __const constructor consumable consumable_auto_cast_state consumable_set_state_on_read convergent dllexport dllimport destructor disable_tail_calls empty_bases enable_if ext_vector_type fallthrough fastcall __fastcall _fastcall flag_enum flatten format format_arg gnu_inline guarded_var ibaction iboutlet iboutletcollection ifunc init_priority intel_ocl_bicc internal_linkage lto_visibility_public layout_version lockable nounroll ms_abi __single_inheritance __multiple_inheritance __virtual_inheritance __unspecified_inheritance novtable ms_struct may_alias minsize ns_consumed ns_consumes_self ns_returns_autoreleased ns_returns_not_retained ns_returns_retained naked neon_polyvector_type neon_vector_type noalias nocommon nodebug noduplicate no_instrument_function no_sanitize no_address_safety_analysis no_sanitize_address no_sanitize_thread no_sanitize_memory no_split_stack no_thread_safety_analysis nothrow not_tail_called objc_boxable objc_designated_initializer objc_exception objc_protocol_requires_explicit_implementation objc_independent_class __kindof NSObject objc_precise_lifetime objc_requires_property_definitions objc_requires_super objc_returns_inner_pointer objc_root_class objc_runtime_name objc_runtime_visible objc_subclassing_restricted __read_only __write_only __read_write __constant opencl_extension __generic generic __global __kernel __local local nosvm __private private opencl_unroll_hint opencl_version optnone overloadable pascal __pascal _pascal pass_object_size preserve_all preserve_most pt_guarded_var __ptr32 __ptr64 pure regcall __regcall regparm require_constant_initialization malloc returns_nonnull returns_twice __sptr scoped_lockable section allocate selectany sentinel stdcall __stdcall _stdcall swiftcall swift_context swift_error_result swift_indirect_result sysv_abi tls_model thiscall __thiscall _thiscall thread transparent_union _Nonnull _Null_unspecified _Nullable __uptr maybe_unused used uuid vecreturn __vectorcall xray_always_instrument xray_never_instrument ot cs lias func locks ommon evice ormat lobal ernel lloc ps16 _abi hared arget nused _const i_tag igned ounded leanup latten insize ebug null hrow _weak jc_gc tnone eg ction dcall eakref SObject nnotate onstant astcall utlet ockable nline ips16 eturn ntinel sv_abi hiscall ll xport mport nable_if lag_enum nterrupt y_alias _struct wiftcall ls_model ecreturn lloc_size pability umable ergent recated tructor ormat_arg u_inline arded_by ctorcall sibility lign_value _consumed nstructor uarded_var sanitize uplicate bjc_bridge navailable ector_size rn_unused ak_import vailability jc_boxable erloadable reserve_all dress_space ways_inline allable_when nit_priority unch_bounds ck_returned eserve_most _guarded_by eturns_twice t_typestate ift_context ec_type_hint quired_after sume_aligned udart_builtin evice_builtin ntel_ocl_bicc ocks_excluded o_split_stack xception wnership encl_version t_guarded_var est_typestate quired_before dgpu_num_ xt_vector_type ot_tail_called jc_root_class nership_ olds akes aram_typestate eturns_nonnull coped_lockable ype_visibility nlock_function nternal_linkage on_vector_type _consumes_self pencl_extension ass_object_size eturn_typestate alyzer_noreturn sert_capability jc_runtime_name nership_returns hared_capability ransparent_union quire_capability sert_shared_lock arries_dependency isable_tail_calls boutletcollection o_sanitize_ emory hread jc_method_family encl_unroll_hint elease_capability wift_error_result arn_unused_result mdgpu_waves_per_eu f_ udited_transfer eturns_retained nknown_transfer _sanitize_address _returns_retained bjc_ ridge_ utable elated equires_super equires_capability eon_polyvector_type bjc_runtime_visible eqd_work_group_size hared_lock_function ork_group_size_hint m_thread_limit_hint sert_exclusive_lock bjc_precise_lifetime ointer_with_type_tag ared_locks_required ift_indirect_result ype_tag_for_datatype ray_never_instrument rgument_with_type_tag o_instrument_function bjc_independent_class ry_acquire_capability ray_always_instrument f_returns_not_retained xclusive_lock_function orce_align_arg_pointer s_returns_ utoreleased ot_retained hared_trylock_function ssert_shared_capability xclusive_locks_required cquire_shared_capability o_thread_safety_analysis elease_shared_capability onsumable_auto_cast_state xclusive_trylock_function o_address_safety_analysis bjc_returns_inner_pointer mdgpu_flat_work_group_size evice_builtin_ urface_type exture_type esignated_initializer ubclassing_restricted lign aked no llocate table roperty estrict electany gnu:: :noreturn nu:: :nodiscard acked :deprecated :fallthrough :maybe_unused lang::optnone nu_inline isibility onstructor clang::c nvergent lang:: allthrough lways_inline wift_context ssume_aligned :carries_dependency nu::returns_nonnull nu::transparent_union lang::internal_linkage o_sanitize_thread ssert_capability nu::no_sanitize_address cquire_capability lang::requires_capability nu::swift_indirect_result gnu::no_instrument_function to_visibility_public lang::assert_shared_capability nu::no_address_safety_analysis _w64 ocal decl tr ascal lignas eneric rivate onnull rnel ndof tdcall ullable egcall ead_only ead_write rite_only ectorcall unspecified auto register __private_extern__ mutable __thread thread_local _Thread_local long long imaginary signed char __wchar_t wchar_t char16_t char32_t __int128 __float128 _Bool _Decimal32 _Decimal64 _Decimal128 __interface type-name typeof __auto_type (decltype) decltype(auto) __underlying_type __unknown_anytype _Atomic image1d_t image1d_array_t image1d_buffer_t image2d_t image2d_array_t image2d_depth_t image2d_array_depth_t image2d_msaa_t image2d_array_msaa_t image2d_msaa_depth_t image2d_array_msaa_depth_t image3d_t (error) __unaligned virtual explicit vsx power8-vector double __va_list_tag __int128_t __uint128_t SEL Class __NSConstantString type_info atomic_int atomic_long atomic_ulong atomic_float atomic_double atomic_flag atomic_intptr_t atomic_uintptr_t atomic_size_t atomic_ptrdiff_t cl_khr_int64_base_atomics cl_khr_int64_extended_atomics __builtin_ms_va_list __builtin_va_list () stack empty static_cast extdiv bpermd cp p c "%s", @"%@", c_str std::abs (void*) move unichar .c_str() (size_t)( , ... nil NULL operator statements condition expression new delete new[] delete[] ->* -> [] co_await args assign unsafe_unretained readwrite strong nonatomic atomic null_resettable IBAction selector macro import operator+ operator- operator* operator/ operator% operator^ operator& operator| operator~ operator! operator= operator< operator> operator+= operator-= operator*= operator/= operator%= operator^= operator&= operator|= operator<< operator>> operator<<= operator>>= operator== operator!= operator<= operator>= operator&& operator|| operator++ operator-- operator, operator->* operator-> operatorco_await operator new operator delete operator new[] operator delete[] operator() operator[] typename declarations string-literal qualifier protected parameters __bridge_transfer dynamic_cast reinterpret_cast const_cast std::type_info typeid expression-or-type expressions std::nullptr_t nullptr alignof noexcept sizeof... parameter-pack _Alignof friend __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ __FUNCTION__ __func__ _cmd _Complex _Imaginary @end protocol NSArray * struct <anonymous> __interface <anonymous> class <anonymous> union <anonymous> enum <anonymous> objectIn index AtIndexes NSIndexSet * indexes range object-type range: NSRange inRange insertObject insertObject: object insert atIndexes atIndexes: removeObjectFrom remove replaceObjectIn withObject withObject: replace with NSEnumerator enumeratorOf NSEnumerator * memberOf Object NSSet * intersect co_yield yield_value co_return return_value return_void initial_suspend final_suspend set_exception get_return_object __promise coroutine_traits promise_type current_exception typename static FILE printf const constexpr scanf " tune= fpmath= watchos ios_app_extension 'interrupt' global-dynamic local-dynamic initial-exec local-exec a CFString an NSString a string type NSString CFString strftime printf0 strfmon cmn_err vcmn_err zcmn_err kprintf freebsd_kprintf os_trace os_log gcc_diag gcc_cdiag gcc_cxxdiag gcc_tdiag __CFString NSMutableString string type weak_import mutex role consumed unconsumed _app_extension experimental initializer_list using value tuple_size get tuple_element inline (void) * : NSObject (id) forwardInvocation NSProxy object_getClass object_getClass( __builtin_trap this-> self-> less object_setClass object_setClass( @ BOOL isEqual: __autoreleasing __builtin_shufflevector _GUID bad_alloc align_val_t .* stringWithUTF8String valueWithBytes objCType bytes cnt integral keys NSCopying CFBridgingRelease __bridge __bridge_transfer CFBridgingRetain __bridge *( &( {} = {} 0.0 '\0' L'\0' u'\0' U'\0' list __invoke <top-level> __make_integer_seq __type_pack_element constexpr decltype catch try static_assert retain (or strong) (nonatomic) .firstprivate.temp .lastprivate.src .lastprivate.dst .reduction.lhs .linear.start .linear.step .copyin.src .copyin.dst .copyprivate.src .copyprivate.dst .devptr.temp or .omp.lb .omp.ub .omp.is_last .omp.stride .omp.iv .capture_expr. No conversion Lvalue-to-rvalue Array-to-pointer Function-to-pointer Function pointer conversion Qualification Integral promotion Floating point promotion Complex promotion Integral conversion Floating conversion Complex conversion Floating-integral conversion Pointer conversion Pointer-to-member conversion Boolean conversion Compatible-types conversion Derived-to-base conversion Vector conversion Vector splat Complex-real conversion Block Pointer conversion Transparent Union Conversion Writeback conversion OpenCL Zero Event Conversion C specific type conversion Incompatible pointer conversion __ objectForKeyedSubscript objectAtIndexedSubscript setObject forKeyedSubscript atIndexedSubscript UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER __context end #pragma unroll vectorize_width interleave_count unroll_count template<> (anonymous) cannot instantiate %0 yet instantiating variable definition NSError __kindof autoreleasing __strong __weak neon /* DISABLES CODE */ ( __block break; CF CG DADisk DADissenter DASessionRef hh h l q j z t I32 I64 L a m w D i o O u U X f F e E g G A s P n C S Z let BB_null #lit raise NSException arguments ;{}#@ __NSConstantString_tag __block_descriptor_withcopydispose CopyFuncPtr DestroyFuncPtr T __va_list __stack __gr_top __vr_top __ap aka pack Decl IRQ FIQ SWI ABORT UNDEF ByRef Full sw0 sw1 MT_To AAPCS <None> TemplateArgument TemplateName NestedNameSpecifierLoc QualType TypeLoc CXXCtorInitializer NestedNameSpecifier AccessSpecDecl BlockDecl CapturedDecl ClassScopeFunctionSpecializationDecl EmptyDecl ExportDecl ExternCContextDecl FileScopeAsmDecl FriendDecl FriendTemplateDecl ImportDecl LinkageSpecDecl NamedDecl LabelDecl NamespaceDecl NamespaceAliasDecl ObjCCompatibleAliasDecl ObjCContainerDecl ObjCCategoryDecl ObjCImplDecl ObjCCategoryImplDecl ObjCImplementationDecl ObjCInterfaceDecl ObjCProtocolDecl ObjCMethodDecl ObjCPropertyDecl TemplateDecl BuiltinTemplateDecl RedeclarableTemplateDecl ClassTemplateDecl FunctionTemplateDecl TypeAliasTemplateDecl VarTemplateDecl TemplateTemplateParmDecl TypeDecl TagDecl EnumDecl RecordDecl CXXRecordDecl ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl TemplateTypeParmDecl TypedefNameDecl ObjCTypeParamDecl TypeAliasDecl TypedefDecl UnresolvedUsingTypenameDecl UsingDecl UsingDirectiveDecl UsingPackDecl UsingShadowDecl ConstructorUsingShadowDecl ValueDecl BindingDecl DeclaratorDecl FieldDecl ObjCAtDefsFieldDecl ObjCIvarDecl FunctionDecl CXXMethodDecl CXXConstructorDecl CXXConversionDecl CXXDestructorDecl MSPropertyDecl NonTypeTemplateParmDecl VarDecl DecompositionDecl ImplicitParamDecl OMPCapturedExprDecl ParmVarDecl VarTemplateSpecializationDecl VarTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl EnumConstantDecl IndirectFieldDecl OMPDeclareReductionDecl UnresolvedUsingValueDecl OMPThreadPrivateDecl ObjCPropertyImplDecl PragmaCommentDecl PragmaDetectMismatchDecl StaticAssertDecl TranslationUnitDecl Stmt AsmStmt GCCAsmStmt MSAsmStmt AttributedStmt BreakStmt CXXCatchStmt CXXForRangeStmt CXXTryStmt CapturedStmt CompoundStmt ContinueStmt CoreturnStmt CoroutineBodyStmt DeclStmt DoStmt Expr AbstractConditionalOperator BinaryConditionalOperator ConditionalOperator AddrLabelExpr ArrayInitIndexExpr ArrayInitLoopExpr ArraySubscriptExpr ArrayTypeTraitExpr AsTypeExpr AtomicExpr BinaryOperator CompoundAssignOperator BlockExpr CXXBindTemporaryExpr CXXBoolLiteralExpr CXXConstructExpr CXXTemporaryObjectExpr CXXDefaultArgExpr CXXDefaultInitExpr CXXDeleteExpr CXXDependentScopeMemberExpr CXXFoldExpr CXXInheritedCtorInitExpr CXXNewExpr CXXNoexceptExpr CXXNullPtrLiteralExpr CXXPseudoDestructorExpr CXXScalarValueInitExpr CXXStdInitializerListExpr CXXThisExpr CXXThrowExpr CXXTypeidExpr CXXUnresolvedConstructExpr CXXUuidofExpr CallExpr CUDAKernelCallExpr CXXMemberCallExpr CXXOperatorCallExpr UserDefinedLiteral CastExpr ExplicitCastExpr CStyleCastExpr CXXFunctionalCastExpr CXXNamedCastExpr CXXConstCastExpr CXXDynamicCastExpr CXXReinterpretCastExpr CXXStaticCastExpr ObjCBridgedCastExpr ImplicitCastExpr CharacterLiteral ChooseExpr CompoundLiteralExpr ConvertVectorExpr CoroutineSuspendExpr CoawaitExpr CoyieldExpr DeclRefExpr DependentScopeDeclRefExpr DesignatedInitExpr DesignatedInitUpdateExpr ExprWithCleanups ExpressionTraitExpr ExtVectorElementExpr FloatingLiteral FunctionParmPackExpr GNUNullExpr GenericSelectionExpr ImaginaryLiteral ImplicitValueInitExpr InitListExpr IntegerLiteral LambdaExpr MSPropertyRefExpr MSPropertySubscriptExpr MaterializeTemporaryExpr MemberExpr NoInitExpr OMPArraySectionExpr ObjCArrayLiteral ObjCAvailabilityCheckExpr ObjCBoolLiteralExpr ObjCBoxedExpr ObjCDictionaryLiteral ObjCEncodeExpr ObjCIndirectCopyRestoreExpr ObjCIsaExpr ObjCIvarRefExpr ObjCMessageExpr ObjCPropertyRefExpr ObjCProtocolExpr ObjCSelectorExpr ObjCStringLiteral ObjCSubscriptRefExpr OffsetOfExpr OpaqueValueExpr OverloadExpr UnresolvedLookupExpr UnresolvedMemberExpr PackExpansionExpr ParenExpr ParenListExpr PredefinedExpr PseudoObjectExpr ShuffleVectorExpr SizeOfPackExpr StmtExpr StringLiteral SubstNonTypeTemplateParmExpr SubstNonTypeTemplateParmPackExpr TypeTraitExpr TypoExpr UnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr UnaryOperator VAArgExpr ForStmt GotoStmt IfStmt IndirectGotoStmt LabelStmt MSDependentExistsStmt NullStmt OMPExecutableDirective OMPAtomicDirective OMPBarrierDirective OMPCancelDirective OMPCancellationPointDirective OMPCriticalDirective OMPFlushDirective OMPLoopDirective OMPDistributeDirective OMPDistributeParallelForDirective OMPDistributeParallelForSimdDirective OMPDistributeSimdDirective OMPForDirective OMPForSimdDirective OMPParallelForDirective OMPParallelForSimdDirective OMPSimdDirective OMPTargetParallelForSimdDirective OMPTargetSimdDirective OMPTargetTeamsDistributeDirective OMPTargetTeamsDistributeParallelForDirective OMPTaskLoopDirective OMPTaskLoopSimdDirective OMPTeamsDistributeDirective OMPTeamsDistributeParallelForDirective OMPTeamsDistributeParallelForSimdDirective OMPTeamsDistributeSimdDirective OMPMasterDirective OMPOrderedDirective OMPParallelDirective OMPParallelSectionsDirective OMPSectionDirective OMPSectionsDirective OMPSingleDirective OMPTargetDataDirective OMPTargetDirective OMPTargetEnterDataDirective OMPTargetExitDataDirective OMPTargetParallelDirective OMPTargetParallelForDirective OMPTargetTeamsDirective OMPTargetUpdateDirective OMPTaskDirective OMPTaskgroupDirective OMPTaskwaitDirective OMPTaskyieldDirective OMPTeamsDirective ObjCAtCatchStmt ObjCAtFinallyStmt ObjCAtSynchronizedStmt ObjCAtThrowStmt ObjCAtTryStmt ObjCAutoreleasePoolStmt ObjCForCollectionStmt ReturnStmt SEHExceptStmt SEHFinallyStmt SEHLeaveStmt SEHTryStmt SwitchCase CaseStmt DefaultStmt SwitchStmt WhileStmt BuiltinType ComplexType PointerType BlockPointerType ReferenceType LValueReferenceType RValueReferenceType MemberPointerType ArrayType ConstantArrayType IncompleteArrayType VariableArrayType DependentSizedArrayType DependentSizedExtVectorType VectorType ExtVectorType FunctionType FunctionProtoType FunctionNoProtoType UnresolvedUsingType ParenType TypedefType AdjustedType DecayedType TypeOfExprType TypeOfType DecltypeType UnaryTransformType TagType RecordType EnumType ElaboratedType AttributedType TemplateTypeParmType SubstTemplateTypeParmType SubstTemplateTypeParmPackType TemplateSpecializationType AutoType InjectedClassNameType DependentNameType DependentTemplateSpecializationType PackExpansionType ObjCTypeParamType ObjCObjectType ObjCInterfaceType ObjCObjectPointerType PipeType AtomicType "))) ")]] (No spelling) __asm__ _Noreturn init_seg declare simd declare target vectorcall _vectorcall warn_unused nodiscard warn_unused_result weakref force_align_arg_pointer vector=sw0 vector=sw1 vector=hw0 vector=hw1 vector=hw2 vector=hw3 vector=hw4 vector=hw5 eic mutableCopy hidden NoCommentKind BlockCommandComment ParamCommandComment TParamCommandComment VerbatimBlockComment VerbatimLineComment ParagraphComment FullComment HTMLEndTagComment HTMLStartTagComment InlineCommandComment TextComment VerbatimBlockLineComment [in] [out] [in,out] rg ug ef ee ar me te rief elps aram nion uthor nd elper ethod truct rows uthors oclass etails ndcode ngroup arks urns fonly tion also bpage ypedef ersion arning bstract lback egory nstant efgroup unction ainpage verload erty ocol ecurity emplate ttention opyright erface ariant atexonly amespace aragraph extblock eakgroup textblock ddtogroup ndency scussion abstract addtogroup arg attention author authors brief bug callback category classdesign coclass code endcode copyright date def defgroup dependency details discussion enddot em exception f{ f} f[ f] f$ fn functiongroup headerfile helper helperclass helps htmlonly endhtmlonly ingroup instancesize latexonly endlatexonly li /link mainpage manonly endmanonly method methodgroup msc endmsc overload ownership par paragraph param performance post pre ref related relatedalso relates relatesalso remarks result returns rtfonly endrtfonly sa security see seealso since subpage subsection subsubsection superclass templatefield /textblock throws todo tparam var verbatim endverbatim weakgroup xmlonly endxmlonly field-padding AccessSpec Block Captured ClassScopeFunctionSpecialization Empty Export ExternCContext FileScopeAsm Friend FriendTemplate Import LinkageSpec Label Namespace NamespaceAlias ObjCCompatibleAlias ObjCCategory ObjCCategoryImpl ObjCImplementation ObjCInterface ObjCProtocol ObjCMethod ObjCProperty BuiltinTemplate ClassTemplate FunctionTemplate TypeAliasTemplate VarTemplate TemplateTemplateParm Enum Record CXXRecord ClassTemplateSpecialization ClassTemplatePartialSpecialization TemplateTypeParm ObjCTypeParam TypeAlias Typedef UnresolvedUsingTypename Using UsingDirective UsingPack UsingShadow ConstructorUsingShadow Binding Field ObjCAtDefsField ObjCIvar Function CXXMethod CXXConstructor CXXConversion CXXDestructor MSProperty NonTypeTemplateParm Var Decomposition ImplicitParam OMPCapturedExpr ParmVar VarTemplateSpecialization VarTemplatePartialSpecialization EnumConstant IndirectField OMPDeclareReduction UnresolvedUsingValue OMPThreadPrivate ObjCPropertyImpl PragmaComment PragmaDetectMismatch StaticAssert TranslationUnit BitCast LValueBitCast LValueToRValue NoOp BaseToDerived DerivedToBase UncheckedDerivedToBase Dynamic ToUnion ArrayToPointerDecay FunctionToPointerDecay NullToPointer NullToMemberPointer BaseToDerivedMemberPointer DerivedToBaseMemberPointer MemberPointerToBoolean ReinterpretMemberPointer UserDefinedConversion ConstructorConversion IntegralToPointer PointerToIntegral PointerToBoolean ToVoid VectorSplat IntegralCast IntegralToBoolean IntegralToFloating FloatingToIntegral FloatingToBoolean BooleanToSignedIntegral FloatingCast CPointerToObjCPointerCast BlockPointerToObjCPointerCast AnyPointerToBlockPointerCast ObjCObjectLValueCast FloatingRealToComplex FloatingComplexToReal FloatingComplexToBoolean FloatingComplexCast FloatingComplexToIntegralComplex IntegralRealToComplex IntegralComplexToReal IntegralComplexToBoolean IntegralComplexCast IntegralComplexToFloatingComplex ARCProduceObject ARCConsumeObject ARCReclaimReturnedObject ARCExtendBlockObject AtomicToNonAtomic even char_traits ocl_image1d_array_ro ocl_image1d_buffer_ro ocl_image2d_msaa_ro ocl_image2d_array_msaa_ro ocl_image2d_msaa_depth_ro ocl_image2d_array_msaa_depth_ro ocl_image1d_array_wo ocl_image1d_buffer_wo ocl_image2d_msaa_wo ocl_image2d_array_msaa_wo ocl_image2d_msaa_depth_wo ocl_image2d_array_msaa_depth_wo ocl_image1d_array_rw ocl_image1d_buffer_rw ocl_image2d_msaa_depth_rw ocl_image2d_array_msaa_depth_rw cannot yet mangle expression type %0 ?: operator with omitted middle operand cannot be mangled cannot yet mangle vec_step expression cannot yet mangle __builtin_omp_required_simd_align expression int8_t uint8_t int16_t uint16_t int32_t uint32_t int64_t uint64_t float64_t float32_t float16_t ? cannot mangle this dependent-length array yet __clang ocl_sampler ocl_event ocl_clkevent ocl_queue ocl_reserveid cannot mangle this built-in %0 type yet cannot mangle this dependent-sized extended vector type yet __m64 __vector cannot mangle this unresolved dependent type yet cannot mangle this typeof(expression) yet cannot mangle this typeof(type) yet cannot mangle this decltype() yet cannot mangle this unary transform type yet cannot mangle this template type parameter type yet cannot mangle this substituted parameter pack yet cannot mangle this template specialization type yet cannot mangle this 'auto' type yet cannot mangle this dependent name type yet cannot mangle this dependent template specialization type yet cannot mangle this pack expansion yet cannot mangle this OpenCL pipe type yet __s_GUID cannot mangle this conditional operator yet cannot mangle a local inside this block yet NSArray NSMutableArray NSDictionary NSMutableDictionary NSNumber NSMutableSet NSMutableOrderedSet NSValue stringWithString initWithUTF8String stringWithCString encoding initWithString arrayWithArray arrayWithObject arrayWithObjects initWithArray initWithObjects replaceObjectAtIndex atIndex dictionary dictionaryWithDictionary dictionaryWithObject forKey dictionaryWithObjects forKeys dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys initWithDictionary initWithObjectsAndKeys setValue numberWithChar numberWithUnsignedChar numberWithShort numberWithUnsignedShort numberWithInt numberWithUnsignedInt numberWithLong numberWithUnsignedLong numberWithLongLong numberWithUnsignedLongLong numberWithFloat numberWithDouble numberWithBool numberWithInteger numberWithUnsignedInteger initWithChar initWithUnsignedChar initWithShort initWithUnsignedShort initWithInt initWithUnsignedInt initWithLong initWithUnsignedLong initWithLongLong initWithUnsignedLongLong initWithFloat initWithDouble initWithBool initWithInteger initWithUnsignedInteger NSInteger NSUInteger asm __asm break; ) { ?: __array_rank __array_extent __c11_atomic_init( __c11_atomic_load( __c11_atomic_store( __c11_atomic_exchange( __c11_atomic_compare_exchange_strong( __c11_atomic_compare_exchange_weak( __c11_atomic_fetch_add( __c11_atomic_fetch_sub( __c11_atomic_fetch_and( __c11_atomic_fetch_or( __c11_atomic_fetch_xor( __atomic_load( __atomic_load_n( __atomic_store( __atomic_store_n( __atomic_exchange( __atomic_exchange_n( __atomic_compare_exchange( __atomic_compare_exchange_n( __atomic_fetch_add( __atomic_fetch_sub( __atomic_fetch_and( __atomic_fetch_or( __atomic_fetch_xor( __atomic_fetch_nand( __atomic_add_fetch( __atomic_sub_fetch( __atomic_and_fetch( __atomic_or_fetch( __atomic_xor_fetch( __atomic_nand_fetch( __cl20_atomic_fetch_min( __cl20_atomic_fetch_max( new throw >>>( -0123456789 '\\' '\'' '\a' '\b' '\f' '\n' '\r' %02x %04x %08x __builtin_types_compatible_p __has_nothrow_assign __has_nothrow_move_assign __has_nothrow_copy __has_nothrow_constructor __has_trivial_assign __has_trivial_move_assign __has_trivial_copy __has_trivial_constructor __has_trivial_move_constructor __has_trivial_destructor __has_virtual_destructor Builtin Complex Pointer BlockPointer LValueReference RValueReference MemberPointer ConstantArray IncompleteArray VariableArray DependentSizedArray DependentSizedExtVector Vector ExtVector FunctionProto FunctionNoProto UnresolvedUsing Paren Adjusted Decayed TypeOfExpr TypeOf Decltype UnaryTransform Elaborated Attributed SubstTemplateTypeParm SubstTemplateTypeParmPack TemplateSpecialization Auto InjectedClassName DependentName DependentTemplateSpecialization PackExpansion ObjCObject ObjCObjectPointer Pipe Atomic signed char unsigned char unsigned short unsigned int unsigned long unsigned long long unsigned __int128 __fp16 long double nullptr_t <overloaded function type> <bound member function type> <pseudo-object type> <dependent type> <unknown type> <ARC unbridged cast type> <builtin fn type> __read_only image1d_t __read_only image1d_array_t __read_only image1d_buffer_t __read_only image2d_t __read_only image2d_array_t __read_only image2d_depth_t __read_only image2d_array_depth_t __read_only image2d_msaa_t __read_only image2d_array_msaa_t __read_only image2d_msaa_depth_t __read_only image2d_array_msaa_depth_t __read_only image3d_t __write_only image1d_t __write_only image1d_array_t __write_only image1d_buffer_t __write_only image2d_t __write_only image2d_array_t __write_only image2d_depth_t __write_only image2d_array_depth_t __write_only image2d_msaa_t __write_only image2d_array_msaa_t __write_only image2d_msaa_depth_t __write_only image2d_array_msaa_depth_t __write_only image3d_t __read_write image1d_t __read_write image1d_array_t __read_write image1d_buffer_t __read_write image2d_t __read_write image2d_array_t __read_write image2d_depth_t __read_write image2d_array_depth_t __read_write image2d_msaa_t __read_write image2d_array_msaa_t __read_write image2d_msaa_depth_t entry entries %4llu | %4d | RTTI Unexpected vftable component type %0 for component number %1 lt gt quot apos \@&< MP EG mp hi ta nt au os ml rt rp ct elta circ amma rime igma appa cute rave ilde mbda loor ig ol re mall ke ng mg ] = @[] @[ @{} : @{ .0 converting to boxing syntax requires casting %0 to %1 @( NSUTF8StringEncoding NSASCIIStringEncoding %d #import/#pragma once files. %d included exactly once. %d max times a file is included. %d #includes skipped due to the multi-include optimization. Private .framework Modules module.modulemap module.map sccs ms ns il Headers Frameworks exclude export header module requires textual umbrella Darwin _Static_assert __objc_yes __objc_no concept __null __alignof __attribute __builtin_choose_expr __builtin_offsetof __builtin_va_arg __extension__ __imag __label__ __real __FUNCDNAME__ __FUNCSIG__ L__FUNCTION__ __is_literal_type __module_private__ __declspec __super __builtin_astype vec_step __builtin_omp_required_simd_align __pixel __bool __bridge_retain __covariant __contravariant __alignof__ __asm __attribute__ __complex __complex__ __const__ __decltype __imag__ __inline __inline__ __nullptr __real__ __restrict __restrict__ __signed __signed__ __typeof __typeof__ __volatile __volatile__ __w64 __uuidof __try __finally __leave __int64 __if_exists __if_not_exists __int8 _int8 __int16 _int16 __int32 _int32 _int64 _asm _alignof __builtin_alignof _uuidof _inline _declspec __builtin_convertvector __char16_t __char32_t __builtin_available // boost inttypes.h stdalign.h stdatomic.h stdbool.h stddef.h stdint.h stdio.h stdlib.h stdnoreturn.h string.h tgmath.h threads.h time.h uchar.h wchar.h wctype.h cassert ccomplex cctype cerrno cfenv cfloat cinttypes ciso646 climits clocale cmath csetjmp csignal cstdalign cstdarg cstdbool cstddef cstdint cstdio cstdlib cstring ctgmath ctime cuchar cwchar cwctype algorithm fstream regex functional locale scoped_allocator tuple future type_traits bitset memory shared_mutex typeindex chrono iomanip sstream typeinfo codecvt unordered_map iosfwd numeric stdexcept unordered_set condition_variable iostream ostream streambuf utility deque istream string valarray iterator random strstream forward_list limits ratio system_error aio.h arpa/inet.h cpio.h dirent.h dlfcn.h fcntl.h fmtmsg.h fnmatch.h ftw.h glob.h grp.h iconv.h langinfo.h libgen.h monetary.h mqueue.h ndbm.h net/if.h netdb.h netinet/in.h netinet/tcp.h nl_types.h poll.h pthread.h pwd.h regex.h sched.h search.h semaphore.h spawn.h strings.h stropts.h sys/ipc.h sys/mman.h sys/msg.h sys/resource.h sys/select.h sys/sem.h sys/shm.h sys/socket.h sys/stat.h sys/statvfs.h sys/time.h sys/times.h sys/types.h sys/uio.h sys/un.h sys/utsname.h sys/wait.h syslog.h tar.h termios.h trace.h ulimit.h unistd.h utime.h utmpx.h wordexp.h .h .H .hpp __has_feature __has_extension __has_builtin __has_attribute __has_declspec_attribute __has_include __has_include_next __has_warning __is_identifier __building_module __MODULE__ Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec address_sanitizer attribute_analyzer_noreturn attribute_availability attribute_availability_tvos attribute_availability_watchos attribute_availability_with_strict attribute_availability_with_replacement attribute_availability_in_templates attribute_cf_returns_not_retained attribute_cf_returns_retained attribute_cf_returns_on_parameters attribute_deprecated_with_message attribute_deprecated_with_replacement attribute_ext_vector_type attribute_ns_returns_not_retained attribute_ns_returns_retained attribute_ns_consumes_self attribute_ns_consumed attribute_cf_consumed attribute_objc_ivar_unused attribute_objc_method_family attribute_overloadable attribute_unavailable_with_message attribute_unused_on_fields c_thread_safety_attributes cxx_exceptions cxx_rtti enumerator_attributes nullability nullability_on_arrays memory_sanitizer thread_sanitizer dataflow_sanitizer efficiency_sanitizer objc_arr objc_arc objc_arc_weak objc_default_synthesize_properties objc_fixed_enum objc_instancetype objc_kindof objc_modules objc_nonfragile_abi objc_property_explicit_atomic objc_protocol_qualifier_mangling objc_weak_class objc_bool objc_subscripting objc_array_literals objc_dictionary_literals objc_boxed_expressions objc_boxed_nsvalue_expressions arc_cf_code_audited objc_bridge_id objc_bridge_id_on_typedefs objc_generics objc_generics_variance objc_class_property c_alignas c_alignof c_atomic c_generic_selections c_static_assert c_thread_local cxx_access_control_sfinae cxx_alias_templates cxx_alignas cxx_alignof cxx_atomic cxx_attributes cxx_auto_type cxx_constexpr cxx_decltype cxx_decltype_incomplete_return_types cxx_default_function_template_args cxx_defaulted_functions cxx_delegating_constructors cxx_deleted_functions cxx_explicit_conversions cxx_generalized_initializers cxx_implicit_moves cxx_inheriting_constructors cxx_inline_namespaces cxx_lambdas cxx_local_type_template_args cxx_nonstatic_member_init cxx_noexcept cxx_nullptr cxx_override_control cxx_range_for cxx_raw_string_literals cxx_reference_qualified_functions cxx_rvalue_references cxx_strong_enums cxx_static_assert cxx_thread_local cxx_trailing_return cxx_unicode_literals cxx_unrestricted_unions cxx_user_literals cxx_variadic_templates cxx_aggregate_nsdmi cxx_binary_literals cxx_contextual_conversions cxx_decltype_auto cxx_generic_lambdas cxx_init_captures cxx_relaxed_constexpr cxx_return_type_deduction cxx_variable_templates has_nothrow_assign has_nothrow_copy has_nothrow_constructor has_trivial_assign has_trivial_copy has_trivial_constructor has_trivial_destructor has_virtual_destructor is_abstract is_base_of is_class is_constructible is_convertible_to is_empty is_enum is_final is_literal is_standard_layout is_pod is_polymorphic is_sealed is_trivial is_trivially_assignable is_trivially_constructible is_trivially_copyable is_union modules safe_stack underlying_type PTH file uses an older PTH format that is no longer supported ON once pragma message pragma warning pragma error dump #pragma clang __debug llvm_fatal_error __VA_ARGS__ <scratch space> bounded cudart_builtin device_builtin device_builtin_surface_type device_builtin_texture_type nv_weak vector_size math.h not a builtin function __builtin_atan2 ddd Fnc __builtin_atan2f fff __builtin_atan2l LdLdLd __builtin_abs ii ncF __builtin_copysign __builtin_copysignf __builtin_copysignl __builtin_fabs dd __builtin_fabsf ff __builtin_fabsl LdLd __builtin_fmod __builtin_fmodf __builtin_fmodl __builtin_frexp ddi* Fn __builtin_frexpf ffi* __builtin_frexpl LdLdi* __builtin_huge_val nc __builtin_huge_valf __builtin_huge_vall Ld __builtin_inf __builtin_infl __builtin_labs LiLi __builtin_llabs LLiLLi __builtin_ldexp ddi __builtin_ldexpf ffi __builtin_ldexpl LdLdi __builtin_modf ddd* __builtin_modff fff* __builtin_modfl LdLdLd* __builtin_nan dcC* fcC* __builtin_nanl LdcC* __builtin_nans __builtin_nansf __builtin_nansl __builtin_powi __builtin_powif __builtin_powil __builtin_pow __builtin_powf __builtin_powl __builtin_acos __builtin_acosf __builtin_acosl __builtin_acosh __builtin_acoshf __builtin_acoshl __builtin_asin __builtin_asinf __builtin_asinl __builtin_asinh __builtin_asinhf __builtin_asinhl __builtin_atan __builtin_atanf __builtin_atanl __builtin_atanh __builtin_atanhf __builtin_atanhl __builtin_cbrt __builtin_cbrtf __builtin_cbrtl __builtin_ceil __builtin_ceilf __builtin_ceill __builtin_cos __builtin_cosf __builtin_cosh __builtin_coshf __builtin_coshl __builtin_cosl __builtin_erf __builtin_erff __builtin_erfl __builtin_erfc __builtin_erfcf __builtin_erfcl __builtin_exp __builtin_expf __builtin_expl __builtin_exp2 __builtin_exp2f __builtin_exp2l __builtin_expm1 __builtin_expm1f __builtin_expm1l __builtin_fdim __builtin_fdimf __builtin_fdiml __builtin_floor __builtin_floorf __builtin_floorl __builtin_fma dddd __builtin_fmaf ffff __builtin_fmal LdLdLdLd __builtin_fmax __builtin_fmaxf __builtin_fmaxl __builtin_fmin __builtin_fminf __builtin_fminl __builtin_hypot __builtin_hypotf __builtin_hypotl __builtin_ilogb __builtin_ilogbf __builtin_ilogbl iLd __builtin_lgamma __builtin_lgammaf __builtin_lgammal __builtin_llrint LLid __builtin_llrintf LLif __builtin_llrintl LLiLd __builtin_llround __builtin_llroundf __builtin_llroundl __builtin_log __builtin_log10 __builtin_log10f __builtin_log10l __builtin_log1p __builtin_log1pf __builtin_log1pl __builtin_log2 __builtin_log2f __builtin_log2l __builtin_logb __builtin_logbf __builtin_logbl __builtin_logf __builtin_logl __builtin_lrint Lid __builtin_lrintf Lif __builtin_lrintl LiLd __builtin_lround __builtin_lroundf __builtin_lroundl __builtin_nearbyint __builtin_nearbyintf __builtin_nearbyintl __builtin_nextafter __builtin_nextafterf __builtin_nextafterl __builtin_nexttoward ddLd __builtin_nexttowardf ffLd __builtin_nexttowardl __builtin_remainder __builtin_remainderf __builtin_remainderl __builtin_remquo dddi* __builtin_remquof fffi* __builtin_remquol LdLdLdi* __builtin_rint __builtin_rintf __builtin_rintl __builtin_round __builtin_roundf __builtin_roundl __builtin_scalbln ddLi __builtin_scalblnf ffLi __builtin_scalblnl LdLdLi __builtin_scalbn __builtin_scalbnf __builtin_scalbnl __builtin_sin __builtin_sinf __builtin_sinh __builtin_sinhf __builtin_sinhl __builtin_sinl __builtin_sqrt __builtin_sqrtf __builtin_sqrtl __builtin_tan __builtin_tanf __builtin_tanh __builtin_tanhf __builtin_tanhl __builtin_tanl __builtin_tgamma __builtin_tgammaf __builtin_tgammal __builtin_trunc __builtin_truncf __builtin_truncl __builtin_cabs dXd __builtin_cabsf fXf __builtin_cabsl LdXLd __builtin_cacos XdXd __builtin_cacosf XfXf __builtin_cacosh __builtin_cacoshf __builtin_cacoshl XLdXLd __builtin_cacosl __builtin_carg __builtin_cargf __builtin_cargl __builtin_casin __builtin_casinf __builtin_casinh __builtin_casinhf __builtin_casinhl __builtin_casinl __builtin_catan __builtin_catanf __builtin_catanh __builtin_catanhf __builtin_catanhl __builtin_catanl __builtin_ccos __builtin_ccosf __builtin_ccosl __builtin_ccosh __builtin_ccoshf __builtin_ccoshl __builtin_cexp __builtin_cexpf __builtin_cexpl __builtin_cimag __builtin_cimagf __builtin_cimagl __builtin_conj __builtin_conjf __builtin_conjl __builtin_clog __builtin_clogf __builtin_clogl __builtin_cproj __builtin_cprojf __builtin_cprojl __builtin_cpow XdXdXd __builtin_cpowf XfXfXf __builtin_cpowl XLdXLdXLd __builtin_creal __builtin_crealf __builtin_creall __builtin_csin __builtin_csinf __builtin_csinl __builtin_csinh __builtin_csinhf __builtin_csinhl __builtin_csqrt __builtin_csqrtf __builtin_csqrtl __builtin_ctan __builtin_ctanf __builtin_ctanl __builtin_ctanh __builtin_ctanhf __builtin_ctanhl __builtin_isgreater i. __builtin_isgreaterequal __builtin_isless __builtin_islessequal __builtin_islessgreater __builtin_isunordered __builtin_fpclassify iiiiii. __builtin_isfinite __builtin_isinf __builtin_isinf_sign __builtin_isnan __builtin_isnormal __builtin_signbit __builtin_signbitf __builtin_signbitl __builtin_canonicalize __builtin_canonicalizef __builtin_canonicalizel __builtin_clzs iUs __builtin_clz iUi __builtin_clzl iULi __builtin_clzll iULLi __builtin_ctzs __builtin_ctz __builtin_ctzl __builtin_ctzll __builtin_ffs __builtin_ffsl iLi __builtin_ffsll iLLi __builtin_parity __builtin_parityl __builtin_parityll __builtin_popcount __builtin_popcountl __builtin_popcountll __builtin_bswap16 UsUs __builtin_bswap32 UiUi __builtin_bswap64 ULLiULLi __builtin_bitreverse8 UcUc __builtin_bitreverse16 __builtin_bitreverse32 __builtin_bitreverse64 __builtin_constant_p nctu __builtin_classify_type __builtin___CFStringMakeConstantString FC*cC* __builtin___NSStringMakeConstantString __builtin_va_start vA. __builtin_va_end vA __builtin_va_copy vAA __builtin_stdarg_start __builtin_assume_aligned v*vC*z. __builtin_bcmp iv*v*z __builtin_bcopy vv*v*z __builtin_bzero vv*z nF __builtin_fprintf iP*cC*. Fp:1: __builtin_memchr v*vC*iz __builtin_memcmp ivC*vC*z __builtin_memcpy v*v*vC*z __builtin_memmove __builtin_mempcpy __builtin_memset v*v*iz __builtin_printf icC*. Fp:0: __builtin_stpcpy c*c*cC* __builtin_stpncpy c*c*cC*z __builtin_strcasecmp icC*cC* __builtin_strcat __builtin_strchr c*cC*i __builtin_strcmp __builtin_strcpy __builtin_strcspn zcC*cC* __builtin_strdup c*cC* __builtin_strlen zcC* __builtin_strncasecmp icC*cC*z __builtin_strncat __builtin_strncmp __builtin_strncpy __builtin_strndup c*cC*z __builtin_strpbrk c*cC*cC* __builtin_strrchr __builtin_strspn __builtin_strstr __builtin_wcschr w*wC*w __builtin_wcscmp iwC*wC* __builtin_wcslen zwC* __builtin_wcsncmp iwC*wC*z __builtin_wmemchr w*wC*wz __builtin_wmemcmp __builtin_return_address v*IUi __builtin_extract_return_addr v*v* __builtin_frame_address __builtin___clear_cache vc*c* __builtin_flt_rounds __builtin_setjmp iv** __builtin_longjmp vv**i __builtin_unwind_init v __builtin_eh_return_data_regno iIi __builtin_snprintf ic*zcC*. nFp:2: __builtin_vsprintf ic*cC*a nFP:1: __builtin_vsnprintf ic*zcC*a nFP:2: v* __builtin_eh_return vzv* __builtin_frob_return_addr __builtin_dwarf_cfa vv* Ui __builtin_extend_pointer ULLiv* __builtin_object_size zvC*i nu __builtin___memcpy_chk v*v*vC*zz __builtin___memccpy_chk v*v*vC*izz __builtin___memmove_chk __builtin___mempcpy_chk __builtin___memset_chk v*v*izz __builtin___stpcpy_chk __builtin___strcat_chk __builtin___strcpy_chk __builtin___strlcat_chk zc*cC*zz __builtin___strlcpy_chk __builtin___strncat_chk c*c*cC*zz __builtin___strncpy_chk __builtin___stpncpy_chk __builtin___snprintf_chk ic*zizcC*. Fp:4: __builtin___sprintf_chk ic*izcC*. Fp:3: __builtin___vsnprintf_chk ic*zizcC*a FP:4: __builtin___vsprintf_chk ic*izcC*a FP:3: __builtin___fprintf_chk iP*icC*. Fp:2: __builtin___printf_chk iicC*. __builtin___vfprintf_chk iP*icC*a FP:2: __builtin___vprintf_chk iicC*a FP:1: __builtin_unpredictable __builtin_expect LiLiLi __builtin_prefetch vvC*. __builtin_readcyclecounter ULLi nr __builtin_debugtrap __builtin_unreachable v. nct __builtin_alloca v*z __builtin_alloca_with_align v*zIz __builtin_call_with_static_chain __sync_fetch_and_add ccD*c. ssD*s. iiD*i. LLiLLiD*LLi. LLLiLLLiD*LLLi. __sync_fetch_and_sub __sync_fetch_and_or __sync_fetch_and_and tn __sync_fetch_and_xor __sync_fetch_and_nand __sync_add_and_fetch __sync_add_and_fetch_1 __sync_add_and_fetch_2 __sync_add_and_fetch_4 __sync_add_and_fetch_8 __sync_add_and_fetch_16 __sync_sub_and_fetch __sync_sub_and_fetch_1 __sync_sub_and_fetch_2 __sync_sub_and_fetch_4 __sync_sub_and_fetch_8 __sync_sub_and_fetch_16 __sync_or_and_fetch __sync_or_and_fetch_1 __sync_or_and_fetch_2 __sync_or_and_fetch_4 __sync_or_and_fetch_8 __sync_or_and_fetch_16 __sync_and_and_fetch __sync_and_and_fetch_1 __sync_and_and_fetch_2 __sync_and_and_fetch_4 __sync_and_and_fetch_8 __sync_and_and_fetch_16 __sync_xor_and_fetch __sync_xor_and_fetch_1 __sync_xor_and_fetch_2 __sync_xor_and_fetch_4 __sync_xor_and_fetch_8 __sync_xor_and_fetch_16 __sync_nand_and_fetch __sync_nand_and_fetch_1 __sync_nand_and_fetch_2 __sync_nand_and_fetch_4 __sync_nand_and_fetch_8 __sync_nand_and_fetch_16 __sync_bool_compare_and_swap __sync_bool_compare_and_swap_1 bcD*cc. __sync_bool_compare_and_swap_2 bsD*ss. __sync_bool_compare_and_swap_4 biD*ii. __sync_bool_compare_and_swap_8 bLLiD*LLiLLi. __sync_bool_compare_and_swap_16 bLLLiD*LLLiLLLi. __sync_val_compare_and_swap ccD*cc. ssD*ss. iiD*ii. LLiLLiD*LLiLLi. LLLiLLLiD*LLLiLLLi. __sync_lock_test_and_set __sync_lock_release __sync_lock_release_1 vcD*. __sync_lock_release_2 vsD*. __sync_lock_release_4 viD*. __sync_lock_release_8 vLLiD*. __sync_lock_release_16 vLLLiD*. __sync_swap __sync_swap_1 __sync_swap_2 __sync_swap_4 __sync_swap_8 __sync_swap_16 __c11_atomic_init __c11_atomic_load __c11_atomic_store __c11_atomic_exchange __c11_atomic_compare_exchange_strong __c11_atomic_compare_exchange_weak __c11_atomic_fetch_add __c11_atomic_fetch_sub __c11_atomic_fetch_and __c11_atomic_fetch_or __c11_atomic_fetch_xor __c11_atomic_thread_fence vi __c11_atomic_signal_fence __c11_atomic_is_lock_free iz __atomic_load_n __atomic_store_n __atomic_exchange_n __atomic_compare_exchange_n __atomic_fetch_add __atomic_fetch_sub __atomic_fetch_and __atomic_fetch_or __atomic_fetch_xor __atomic_fetch_nand __atomic_add_fetch __atomic_sub_fetch __atomic_and_fetch __atomic_or_fetch __atomic_xor_fetch __atomic_nand_fetch __atomic_test_and_set bvD*i __atomic_clear vvD*i __atomic_thread_fence __atomic_signal_fence __atomic_always_lock_free izvCD* __cl20_atomic_fetch_min __cl20_atomic_fetch_max __sync_synchronize __sync_fetch_and_min iiD*i __sync_fetch_and_max __sync_fetch_and_umin UiUiD*Ui __sync_fetch_and_umax __builtin_abort Fnr __builtin_index __builtin_rindex _alloca __assume vb _byteswap_ushort fnc _byteswap_ulong ULiULi _byteswap_uint64 __debugbreak ULi __GetExceptionInfo v*. ntu _InterlockedAnd8 ccD*c _InterlockedAnd16 ssD*s _InterlockedAnd LiLiD*Li _InterlockedCompareExchange8 ccD*cc _InterlockedCompareExchange16 ssD*ss _InterlockedCompareExchange LiLiD*LiLi _InterlockedCompareExchange64 LLiLLiD*LLiLLi _InterlockedCompareExchangePointer v*v*D*v*v* _InterlockedDecrement16 ssD* _InterlockedDecrement LiLiD* _InterlockedExchange _InterlockedExchange8 _InterlockedExchange16 _InterlockedExchangeAdd8 _InterlockedExchangeAdd16 _InterlockedExchangeAdd _InterlockedExchangePointer v*v*D*v* _InterlockedExchangeSub8 _InterlockedExchangeSub16 _InterlockedExchangeSub _InterlockedIncrement16 _InterlockedIncrement _InterlockedOr8 _InterlockedOr16 _InterlockedOr _InterlockedXor8 _InterlockedXor16 _InterlockedXor __noop __popcnt16 __popcnt __popcnt64 __readfsdword _ReturnAddress _rotl8 UcUcUc _rotl16 UsUsUc _rotl UiUii _lrotl ULiULii _rotl64 ULLiULLii _rotr8 _rotr16 _rotr _lrotr _rotr64 __va_start vc**. iJ fj setjmpex.h abort fr calloc v*zz _Exit realloc v*v*z memcmp strcpy strncpy strcmp strncmp strcat strncat strxfrm zc*cC*z memchr strchr strcspn strpbrk strrchr strspn strstr strtok strerror c*i strlen fp:0: fprintf fp:1: snprintf fp:2: sprintf ic*cC*. icC*a fP:0: vfprintf iP*cC*a fP:1: vsnprintf fP:2: vsprintf icC*R. fs:0: fscanf iP*RcC*R. fs:1: sscanf icC*RcC*R. vscanf icC*Ra fS:0: vfscanf iP*RcC*Ra fS:1: vsscanf icC*RcC*Ra isalnum fnU ctype.h isalpha isblank iscntrl isdigit isgraph islower isprint ispunct isspace isupper isxdigit tolower toupper wcschr wcscmp wcslen wcsncmp wmemchr wmemcmp setjmp setjmp.h longjmp vJi alloca stpcpy stpncpy strdup strndup rindex bzero strcasecmp strncasecmp _exit vfork __sigsetjmp iSJi sigsetjmp setjmp_syscall savectx qsetjmp getcontext iK* _longjmp siglongjmp vSJi strlcpy strlcat GGH. objc/message.h LdGH. XLdGH. vGH. GM*H. vM*H. objc_getClass GcC* objc/runtime.h objc_getMetaClass vG GG* objc/objc-auto.h GGG* GGGY Gv* objc/objc-exception.h iGG iG objc/objc-sync.h __builtin_objc_memmove_collectable NSLog vG. Foundation/NSObjCRuntime.h NSLogv vGa fne atan2f atan2l fabsf fabsl finite finitef finitel __finite __finitef __finitel frexpf frexpl ldexpf ldexpl modff modfl nan nanf nanl acosf acosl acoshf acoshl asinf asinl asinhf asinhl atanf atanl atanhf atanhl cbrt cbrtf cbrtl coshf coshl erf erff erfl erfc erfcf erfcl expm1f expm1l fdim fdimf fdiml hypot hypotf hypotl ilogbf ilogbl lgamma lgammaf lgammal llrint llrintf llrintl llround llroundf llroundl log1pf log1pl logb logbf logbl lrint lrintf lrintl lround lroundf lroundl nextafter nextafterf nextafterl nexttoward nexttowardf nexttowardl remainder remainderf remainderl scalbln scalblnf scalblnl scalbn scalbnf scalbnl sinhf sinhl tanf tanl tanhf tanhl tgamma tgammaf tgammal cabs complex.h cabsf cabsl cacos cacosf cacosl cacosh cacoshf cacoshl carg cargf cargl casin casinf casinl casinh casinhf casinhl catan catanf catanl catanh catanhf catanhl ccos ccosf ccosl ccosh ccoshf ccoshl cexp cexpf cexpl cimag cimagf cimagl conj conjf conjl clog clogf clogl cproj cprojf cprojl cpow cpowf cpowl creal crealf creall csin csinf csinl csinh csinhf csinhl csqrt csqrtf csqrtl ctan ctanf ctanl ctanh ctanhf ctanhl __sinpi __sinpif __cospi __cospif __tanpi __tanpif __exp10 __exp10f vv*vC*iC Blocks.h vvC*iC __builtin_annotation __builtin_assume __builtin_addcb UcUcCUcCUcCUc* __builtin_addcs UsUsCUsCUsCUs* __builtin_addc UiUiCUiCUiCUi* __builtin_addcl ULiULiCULiCULiCULi* __builtin_addcll ULLiULLiCULLiCULLiCULLi* __builtin_subcb __builtin_subcs __builtin_subc __builtin_subcl __builtin_subcll __builtin_add_overflow __builtin_sub_overflow __builtin_mul_overflow bUiCUiCUi* __builtin_uaddl_overflow bULiCULiCULi* __builtin_uaddll_overflow bULLiCULLiCULLi* __builtin_usubl_overflow __builtin_usubll_overflow __builtin_umull_overflow __builtin_umulll_overflow __builtin_sadd_overflow bSiCSiCSi* __builtin_saddl_overflow bSLiCSLiCSLi* __builtin_saddll_overflow bSLLiCSLLiCSLLi* __builtin_ssub_overflow __builtin_ssubl_overflow __builtin_ssubll_overflow __builtin_smul_overflow __builtin_smull_overflow __builtin_smulll_overflow __builtin_addressof v*v& __builtin_operator_new __builtin_operator_delete __builtin___get_unsafe_stack_start __builtin___get_unsafe_stack_ptr __builtin_nontemporal_store __builtin_nontemporal_load __builtin_coro_resume __builtin_coro_destroy __builtin_coro_done bv* __builtin_coro_promise v*v*IiIb __builtin_coro_size __builtin_coro_frame __builtin_coro_free __builtin_coro_id v*Iiv*v*v* __builtin_coro_alloc __builtin_coro_begin __builtin_coro_end vv*Ib __builtin_coro_suspend cIb __builtin_coro_param bv*v* Ui. __builtin_os_log_format_buffer_size zcC*. p:0:nut __builtin_os_log_format v*v*cC*. p:0:nt diff st rd ARC Lexical or Preprocessor Issue Semantic Issue Lambda Issue Parse Issue ARC Semantic Issue ARC and @properties ARC Casting Rules ARC Parse Issue ARC Weak References ARC Restrictions OpenMP Issue Inline Assembly Issue Modules Issue Coroutines Issue AST Deserialization Issue Backend Issue Related Result Type Issue Nullability Issue Generics Issue User-Defined Issue VTable ABI Issue Value Conversion Issue Documentation Issue ARC Retain Cycle Deprecations Format String Issue Cocoa API Issue #pragma message Directive Instrumentation Issue Unused Entity Issue NSInvocation's %0 is not safe to be used with an object with ownership other than __unsafe_unretained %0 attribute cannot be applied to types cannot open file '%0': %1 only special member functions may be defaulted only functions can have deleted definitions enumeration cannot be a template expected %0 expected %1 after %0 method name referenced in property setter attribute must end with ':' expected %0 or %1 expected namespace name expected string literal %select{in %1|for diagnostic message in static_assert|for optional message in 'availability' attribute}0 file '%0' modified since it was first processed integer literal is too large to be represented in any %select{signed |}0integer type character literal with user-defined suffix cannot be used here numeric literal with user-defined suffix cannot be used here invalid storage class specifier in function declarator string literal with user-defined suffix cannot be used here module '%0' is needed but has not been provided, and implicit use of module files is disabled cyclic dependency in module '%0': %1 no handler registered for module format '%0' %select{|umbrella }0header '%1' not found could not acquire lock file for module '%0': %1 timed out waiting to acquire lock file for module '%0' could not build module '%0' module '%0' not found error in loading module '%0' from prebuilt module path module '%0' %select{is incompatible with|requires}1 feature '%2' [rewriter] %0 nullability specifier %0 conflicts with existing specifier %1 directive '#pragma omp %0' cannot contain more than one '%1' clause%select{| with '%3' name modifier| with 'source' dependence}2 option '%0' cannot be specified with '%1' redefinition of parameter %0 %0 only allowed in __except block or filter expression %0 only allowed in __except filter expression %0 only allowed in __finally block expected '__except' or '__finally' block unknown target ABI '%0' unknown target CPU '%0' unknown FP unit '%0' unknown target triple '%0', please use -triple or -arch ABI '%0' is not supported on CPU '%1' ABI '%0' is not supported for '%1' execute only is not supported for the %0 sub-architecture the '%0' unit is not supported with this instruction set the %0 sub-architecture does not support unaligned accesses unable to make temporary file: %0 unable to rename temporary '%0' to output file '%1': '%2' %0 byte order mark detected in '%1', but encoding is not supported 'long long' is an extension when C99 mode is not enabled 'enable_if' is a clang extension 'long long' is a C++11 extension integer literal is too large to be represented in a signed integer type, interpreting as unsigned integer literal is too large to be represented in type 'long' and is subject to undefined behavior under C++98, interpreting as 'unsigned long'; this literal will %select{have type 'long long'|be ill-formed}0 in C++11 onwards variadic templates are a C++11 extension too many errors emitted, stopping now also found %1 %0 is hidden by a non-type declaration of %0 here declared here previous case defined here forward declaration of %0 subexpression not valid in a constant expression to match this %0 one possibility #pragma entered here previous declaration is here previous definition is here previous implicit declaration is here previous use is here definition of %0 is not complete until the closing '}' [rewriter] call returns pointer to GC managed memory; it will become unmanaged in ARC conflicting nullability specifier on parameter types, %0 conflicts with existing specifier %1 conflicting nullability specifier on return types, %0 conflicts with existing specifier %1 'long long' is incompatible with C++98 variadic templates are incompatible with C++98 redeclaration of method parameter %0 redefinition of method parameter %0 duplicate nullability specifier %0 integer literal is too large to be represented in type 'long', interpreting as 'unsigned long' per C89; this literal will %select{have type 'long long'|be ill-formed}0 in C99 onwards integer literal is too large to be represented in type 'long', interpreting as 'unsigned long' per C++98; this literal will %select{have type 'long long'|be ill-formed}0 in C++11 onwards analyzer-config option '%0' should contain only one '=' analyzer-config option '%0' has a key but no value -fobjc-arc is not supported on platforms using the legacy runtime -fobjc-arc is not supported on versions of OS X prior to 10.6 '%0' not supported, please use -iquote instead invalid argument '%0' not allowed with '%1' invalid argument '%0' only allowed with '%1' -fembed-bitcode is not supported on versions of iOS prior to 6.0 unable to open CC_PRINT_OPTIONS file: %0 the clang compiler does not support '%0' the clang compiler does not support '%0' for C++ on Darwin/i386 %0 command failed with exit code %1 (use -v to see invocation) unable to execute command: %0 %0 command failed due to signal (use -v to see invocation) compilation database '%0' could not be opened: %1 conflicting deployment targets, both '%0' and '%1' are present in environment Unsupported CUDA gpu architecture: %0 unsupported use of NVPTX for host compilation. GPU arch %1 requires CUDA version at least %3, but installation at %0 is %2. Use --cuda-path to specify a different CUDA install, or pass --no-cuda-version-check. defsym must be of the form: sym=value: %0 Value is not an integer: %0 -emit-llvm cannot be used when linking The option -fopenmp-targets must be used in conjunction with a -fopenmp option compatible with offloading, please use -fopenmp=libomp or -fopenmp=libiomp5. failing because environment variable '%0' is set invalid Xarch argument: '%0', cannot change driver behavior inside Xarch argument invalid Xarch argument: '%0', options requiring arguments are unsupported invalid arch name '%0' invalid argument '%0' to -fdebug-prefix-map invalid Darwin version number: %0 invalid output type '%0' for use with gcc tool invalid integral value '%1' in '%0' invalid deployment target for -stdlib=libc++ (requires %0 or later) invalid linker name in argument '%0' invalid float ABI '%0' OpenMP target is invalid: '%0' cannot use '%0' output with multiple -arch options invalid PGO instrumentor in argument '%0' invalid option '%0' not of the form <from-file>;<to-file> invalid runtime library name in argument '%0' invalid library name in argument '%0' invalid thread model '%0' in '%1' for this target invalid value '%1' in '%0' invalid version number in '%0' malformed sanitizer blacklist: '%0' option '-MG' requires '-M' or '-MM' argument to '%0' is missing (expected %1 value%s1) option '-fmodules-validate-once-per-build-session' requires '-fbuild-session-timestamp=<seconds since Epoch>' or '-fbuild-session-file=<file>' '%0': unable to use AST files with this tool cannot find CUDA installation. Provide its path via --cuda-path, or pass -nocudainc to build without CUDA includes. cannot find libdevice for %0. Provide path to different CUDA installation via --cuda-path, or pass -nocudalib to build without linking with libdevice. no input files '%0': unable to pass LLVM bit-code files to linker '%0': unable to use module files with this tool [no]neon is not accepted as modifier, please use [no]simd instead no such file or directory: '%0' The provided host compiler IR file '%0' is required to generate code for OpenMP target regions but cannot be found. The target '%0' is not a supported OpenMP host target. %0 in '%1' cannot specify '%0%1' when compiling multiple source files cannot specify -o when generating multiple output files incorrect format for -preamble-bytes=N,END ROPI is not compatible with c++ embedded and GOT-based position independence are incompatible unable to remove file: %0 unknown argument: '%0' language not recognized: '%0' unknown or ill-formed Objective-C runtime '%0' -E or -x required when input is from standard input use /Tc or /Tp to set input type for standard input unsupported value '%0' for -linker option unsupported option '%0' unsupported option '%0' for target '%1' unsupported argument '%1' to option '%0' unsupported runtime library '%0' for platform '%1' unsupported use of internal gcc -Z option '%0' there is no external assembler that can be used on this platform -fobjc-weak is not supported on the current deployment target -fobjc-weak is not supported in Objective-C garbage collection the target architecture '%0' is not supported by the target '%1' -ftest-module-file-extension argument '%0' is not of the required form 'blockname:major:minor:hashed:user info' AddressSanitizer doesn't support linking with debug runtime libraries yet diagnostic msg: %0 The last /TC or /TP option takes precedence over earlier instances -O4 is equivalent to -O3 ignoring -fapple-kext which is valid for C++ and Objective-C++ only cannot compress debug sections (zlib not installed) unknown platform, assuming -mfloat-abi=%0 argument '%0' is deprecated, use '%1' instead implicitly disabling vptr sanitizer because rtti wasn't enabled joined argument expects additional value: '%0' implicitly enabling rtti for exception handling argument '-fdiagnostics-show-hotness' requires profile-guided optimization information %0: '%1' input unused%select{ when '%3' is present|}2 %0: '%1' input unused in cpp mode falling back to %0 The OpenMP offloading target '%0' is similar to target '%1' already specified - will be ignored. optimization level '%0' is not supported; using '%1%2' instead overriding '%0' option with '%1' precompiled header '%0' was ignored because '%1' is not first '-include' %0: previously preprocessed input%select{ unused when '%2' is present|}1 option '%0' was ignored by the PS4 toolchain, using '-fPIC' environment variable SCE_ORBIS_SDK_DIR is set, but points to invalid or nonexistent directory '%0' treating '%0' input as '%1' when in C++ mode, this behavior is deprecated unable to find %0 directory, expected to be in '%1' unknown argument ignored in clang-cl: '%0' optimization flag '%0' is not supported for target '%1' argument unused during compilation: '%0' support for '/Yc' with more than one source file not implemented yet; flag ignored support for '/Yc' and '/Yu' with different filenames not implemented yet; flags ignored support for '%0' without a filename not implemented yet; flag ignored support for '%0' without a corresponding /FI flag not implemented yet; flag ignored optimization flag '%0' is not supported ignoring invalid -ftabstop value '%0', using default value %1 using sysroot for '%0' but targeting '%1' no such sysroot directory: '%0' ignoring '-mcompact-branches=' option because the '%0' architecture does not support it ignoring '-mnan=2008' option because the '%0' architecture does not support it ignoring '-mnan=legacy' option because the '%0' architecture does not support it action %0 not compiled in cannot link module '%0': %1 -dependency-file requires at least one -MT or -MQ option error in backend: %0 error opening '%0': %1 error reading '%0' error reading stdin: %0 expected a clang compiler command unable to handle compilation, expected exactly one compiler job in '%0' invalid value '%1' in '%0'; alignment must be a power of 2 cannot locate code-completion file %0 unable to find plugin '%0' no suitable precompiled header file found in directory '%0' PTH file '%0' does not designate an original source header file for -include-pth could not remap from missing file '%0' could not remap file '%0' to the contents of file '%1' unable to change standard output to binary unable to create target: '%0' unable to interface with target machine unable to load PCH file unable to load plugin '%0': '%1' unable to open output file '%0': '%1' invalid virtual filesystem overlay file '%0' no module named '%0' declared in module map file '%1' no module name provided; specify one with -fmodule-name= virtual filesystem overlay file '%0' not found cannot create includes file for module %0: %1 module interface compilation requires '-fmodules-ts' module map file '%0' not found file '%0' specified by '-fmodules-embed-file=' not found no submodule named %0 in module '%1' no submodule named %0 in module '%1'; did you mean '%2'? must specify system root with -isysroot when building a relocatable PCH file test module file extension '%0' has different version (%1.%2) than expected (%3.%4) no analyzer checkers are associated with '%0' '%0' diagnostics %select{expected|seen}1 but not %select{seen|expected}1: %2 invalid expected %0: %1 %select{expected|'expected-no-diagnostics'}0 directive cannot follow %select{'expected-no-diagnostics' directive|other expected directives}0 invalid range following '-' in expected %0 cannot find end ('}}') of expected %0 file '%0' could not be located in expected %1 missing or invalid line number following '@' in expected %0 cannot find start of regex ('{{') in %0 cannot find start ('{{') of expected %0 no expected directives found: consider use of 'expected-no-diagnostics' could not determine the original source location for %0:%1:%2 instantiated into assembly here FIX-IT applied suggested code changes FIX-IT unable to apply suggested code changes FIX-IT unable to apply suggested code changes in a macro FIX-IT detected an error it cannot fix current API version is '%0', but plugin was compiled with version '%1' macro was %select{defined|#undef'd}0 here use -analyzer-disable-all-checks to disable all static analyzer checkers %0; allow reordering by specifying '#pragma clang loop vectorize(enable)' before the loop. If the arrays will always be independent specify '#pragma clang loop vectorize(assume_safety)' before the loop or provide the '__restrict__' qualifier with the independent array arguments. Erroneous results will occur if these options are incorrectly applied! %0; allow reordering by specifying '#pragma clang loop vectorize(enable)' before the loop or by providing the compiler option '-ffast-math'. building module '%0' as '%1' finished building module '%0' -fsanitize-address-field-padding applied to %0 -fsanitize-address-field-padding ignored for %0 because it %select{is not C++|is packed|is a union|is trivially copyable|has trivial destructor|is standard layout|is in a blacklisted file|is blacklisted}1 unable to open CC_LOG_DIAGNOSTICS file: %0 (using stderr) unable to open CC_PRINT_HEADERS file: %0 (using stderr) stack frame size of %0 bytes in %q1 macro '%0' contains embedded newline; text after the newline is ignored overriding the module target triple with %0 unable to open file %0 for serializing diagnostics (%1) unable to merge a subprocess's serialized diagnostics unable to open statistics output file '%0': '%1' FIX-IT detected errors it could not fix; no output will be generated checker plugin '%0' is not compatible with this version of the analyzer missing submodule '%0' %select{definition|#undef}0 of configuration macro '%1' has no effect on the import of '%2'; pass '%select{-D%1=...|-U%1}0' on the command line to configure the module module file %0 cannot be loaded due to a configuration mismatch with the current compilation OpenCL version %0 does not support the option '%1' unknown %select{warning|remark}0 option '%1'%select{|; did you mean '%3'?}2 unknown %0 warning specifier: '%1' file '%0' has been modified since the AST file '%1' was built file '%0' has been modified since the module file '%1' was built input is not a PCH file: '%0' file '%0' has been modified since the precompiled header '%1' was built file '%0' from the precompiled header has been overridden malformed or corrupted AST file: '%0' malformed block record in PCH file: '%0' unable to read PCH file %0: '%1' module '%0' imported by AST file '%1' found in a different module map file (%2) than when the importing AST file was built (%3) module '%0' in AST file '%1' (imported by AST file '%2') is not defined in any loaded module map file; maybe you need to load '%3'? module '%0' was built in directory '%1' but now resides in directory '%2' module '%0' %select{uses|does not use}1 additional module map '%2'%select{| not}1 used when the module was built module '%0' is defined in both '%1' and '%2' file '%1' is not a valid precompiled %select{PCH|module|AST}0 file %select{PCH|module|AST}0 file '%1' not found%select{|: %3}2 AST file '%0' was not built as a module %select{PCH|module|AST}0 file '%1' is out of date and needs to be rebuilt%select{|: %3}2 %q0 has different definitions in different modules; %select{definition in module '%2' is here|defined here}1 instantiation of %q0 is different in different modules %q0 from module '%1' is not present in definition of %q2%select{ in module '%4'| provided earlier}3 %0 is currently enabled, but was not in the PCH file PCH file built from a different branch (%0) than the compiler (%1) %0 was %select{disabled|enabled}1 in PCH file but is currently %select{disabled|enabled}2 %0 differs in PCH file vs. current file definition of macro '%0' differs between the precompiled header ('%1') and the command line ('%2') macro '%0' was %select{defined|undef'd}1 in the precompiled header but %select{undef'd|defined}1 on the command line PCH was compiled with module cache path '%0', but the path is currently '%1' %select{command line contains|precompiled header was built with}0 '-detailed-preprocessing-record' but %select{precompiled header was not built with it|it is not present on the command line}0 %select{AST file|current translation unit}0 was compiled with the target feature'%1' but the %select{current translation unit is|AST file was}0 not PCH file was compiled for the %0 '%1' but the current translation unit is being compiled for target '%2' %select{command line contains|precompiled header was built with}0 '-undef' but %select{precompiled header was not built with it|it is not present on the command line}0 PCH file uses a newer PCH format that cannot be read PCH file uses an older PCH format that is no longer supported PCH file contains compiler errors after modifying system headers, please delete the module cache at '%0' imported by %select{|module '%2' in }1'%0' definition in module '%0' is here definition has no member %0 declaration of %0 does not match please rebuild precompiled header '%0' '%0' required by '%1' duplicate module file extension block name '%0' %select{precompiled header|module}0 uses __DATE__ or __TIME__ backslash and newline separated by space _Pragma takes a parenthesized string literal illegal character encoding in character literal illegal character encoding in string literal character too large for enclosing character literal type version control conflict marker in file 'defined' cannot be used as a macro name digit separator cannot appear at %select{start|end}0 of digit sequence embedding a #%0 directive within macro arguments is not supported %select{hex|octal}0 escape sequence out of range expected a module name in '__building_module' expression exponent has no digits builtin feature check macro requires a parenthesized identifier hexadecimal floating %select{constant|literal}0 requires %select{an exponent|a significand}1 \%0 used with no following hex digits invalid character '%0' character in raw string delimiter; use PREFIX( )PREFIX to delimit raw string invalid argument to convert to character invalid digit '%0' in %select{decimal|octal|binary}1 constant invalid or corrupt PTH file '%0' invalid suffix '%0' on %select{integer|floating}1 constant source file is not valid UTF-8 failure when lexing a string configuration macros are only allowed in top-level modules expected an attribute name expected configuration macro name after ',' expected ',' after conflicting module name expected a message describing the conflict with '%0' only '*' can be exported from an inferred submodule expected a feature name expected a header name after '%0' expected %select{module exclusion with 'exclude'|'export *'}0 expected '{' to start module '%0' expected '{' to start inferred submodule expected %select{library|framework}0 name as a string expected umbrella, header, submodule, or module export expected a module map file name expected module declaration expected module name expected '}' expected ']' to close attribute inferred framework modules cannot be 'explicit' 'explicit' is not permitted on top-level modules inferred submodule cannot be a framework submodule inferred submodules require a module with an umbrella redefinition of inferred submodule expected excluded module name no module named '%0' in '%1' no module named '%0' visible from '%1' expected a module name or '*' redefinition of module '%0' qualified module name can only be used to define modules at the top level only submodules and framework modules may be inferred with wildcard syntax umbrella for module '%0' already covers this directory umbrella directory '%0' not found skipping stray token use declarations are only allowed in top-level modules Unicode character literals may not contain multiple characters non-ASCII characters are not allowed outside of literals and identifiers Pascal string is too long '##' cannot appear at end of macro expansion '##' cannot appear at start of macro expansion expected 'begin' or 'end' pasting formed '%0', an invalid preprocessing token ':' without preceding '?' %0 must be used within a preprocessing directive division by zero in preprocessor expression already inside '#pragma clang arc_cf_code_audited' already inside '#pragma clang assume_nonnull' duplicate macro parameter name %0 empty filename #endif without #if '#pragma clang arc_cf_code_audited' was not ended within this file '#pragma clang assume_nonnull' was not ended within this file error opening file '%0': %1 missing %1 after %0 expected comma in macro parameter list expected end of line in preprocessor expression expected identifier in macro parameter list expected ')' in preprocessor expression expected value in expression expected "FILENAME" or <FILENAME> token is not a valid binary operator in a preprocessor subexpression function-like macro %0 is not defined invalid token at start of a preprocessor expression '%0' file not found '%0' file not found with <angled> include; use "quotes" instead cannot convert %0 token to an identifier floating point literal in preprocessor expression #import of type library is an unsupported Microsoft feature cannot #include files inside '#pragma clang arc_cf_code_audited' cannot #include files inside '#pragma clang assume_nonnull' #include nested too deeply invalid preprocessing directive can only poison identifier tokens invalid token in macro parameter list %select{character|integer}0 literal with user-defined suffix cannot be used in preprocessor constant expression %select{#line|GNU line marker}0 directive requires a simple digit sequence invalid filename for #line directive #line directive requires a positive integer argument invalid filename for line marker directive invalid flag line marker directive invalid line marker flag '2': cannot pop empty include stack line marker directive requires a positive integer argument macro name must be an identifier invalid #ident directive macro name missing missing ')' in macro parameter list nested parentheses not permitted in %0 variadic macros not supported in OpenCL C++ operator %0 (aka %1) used as a macro name remainder by zero in preprocessor expression '%select{#|#@}0' is not followed by a macro parameter not currently inside '#pragma clang arc_cf_code_audited' not currently inside '#pragma clang assume_nonnull' unterminated conditional directive attempt to use a poisoned identifier no macro named %0 pragma %select{message|warning|error}0 requires parenthesized string pragma %0 requires a parenthesized string raw string delimiter longer than 16 characters; use PREFIX( )PREFIX to delimit raw string differing user-defined suffixes ('%0' and '%1') in string literal concatenation too few arguments provided to function-like macro invocation too many arguments provided to function-like macro invocation universal character name refers to a control character character '%0' cannot be specified by a universal character name incomplete universal character name invalid universal character module %0 does not depend on a module exporting '%1' unsupported non-standard concatenation of string literals unterminated function-like macro invocation missing terminating ')' character unterminated /* comment raw string missing terminating delimiter )%0" escaped newline between */ characters at block comment end binary integer literals are a GNU extension binary integer literals are a C++14 extension ISO C99 requires whitespace after the macro name charizing operator #@ is a Microsoft extension pasting two '/' tokens into a '//' comment is a Microsoft extension treating Ctrl-Z as end-of-file is a Microsoft extension '$' in identifier embedding a directive within macro arguments has undefined behavior empty character constant empty macro arguments are a C99 feature multi-character character constant hexadecimal floating constants are a C99 feature hexadecimal floating literals are a C++1z feature imaginary constants are a GNU extension // comments are not allowed in this language must specify at least one argument for '...' parameter of variadic macro whitespace required after macro name invalid suffix on literal; C++11 requires a space between literal and identifier multi-line // comment named variadic macros are a GNU extension no newline at end of file use of non-standard escape character '\%0' expected 'ON' or 'OFF' or 'DEFAULT' in pragma token pasting of ',' and __VA_ARGS__ is a GNU extension __VA_ARGS__ can only appear in the expansion of a C99 variadic macro comma operator in operand of #if extra tokens at end of #%0 directive #ident is a language extension #import is a language extension #include_next is a language extension #include resolved using non-portable Microsoft search rules as: %0 C requires #line number to be less than %0, allowed as extension #line directive with zero argument is a GNU extension %0 macro redefined redefining builtin macro undefining builtin macro #warning is a language extension expected end of directive in pragma unknown pragma in STDC namespace string literal of length %0 exceeds maximum length %1 that %select{C90|ISO C99|C++}2 compilers are required to support extension used treating Unicode character as whitespace unknown escape sequence '\%0' missing terminating %select{'|'"'}0 character variadic macros are a C99 feature %0 is defined here; did you mean %1? submodule of top-level module '%0' implicitly imported here cannot use initializer list at the beginning of a macro argument macro %0 defined here to match this '{' to match this ']' previously defined here make '%0' a submodule of '%1' to ensure it can be found by name expanding this definition of %0 other definition of %0 parentheses are required around macro argument containing braced initializer list did you mean to use '\u'? null character(s) preserved in %select{char|string}0 literal null character ignored disabled expansion of recursive macro #elif after #else #elif without #if #else after #else #else without #if the #__include_macros directive is only for internal use by -imacros #include_next with absolute path #include_next in primary source file invalid string literal, ignoring final '\' macro is not used non-portable path to file '%0'; specified path differs in case from file name on disk current file is older than dependency %0 poisoning existing macro #pragma once in main file #pragma system_header ignored in main file trigraph converted to '%0' character trigraph ends block comment trigraph ignored ignored trigraph would end block comment treating #%select{include|import|include_next|__include_macros}0 as an import of module '%1' %select{using this character in an identifier|starting an identifier with this character}0 is incompatible with C99 unicode literals are incompatible with C99 character constant too long for its type binary integer literals are incompatible with C++ standards before C++14 digit separators are incompatible with C++ standards before C++14 identifier after literal will be treated as a reserved user-defined literal suffix in C++11 identifier after literal will be treated as a user-defined literal suffix in C++11 '%0' is a keyword in C++11 unicode literals are incompatible with C++ standards before C++1z hexadecimal floating literals are incompatible with C++ standards before C++1z empty macro arguments are incompatible with C++98 '<::' is treated as digraph '<:' (aka '[') followed by ':' in C++98 universal character name referring to a control character is incompatible with C++98 specifying character '%0' with a universal character name is incompatible with C++98 C++98 requires newline at end of file #line number greater than 32767 is incompatible with C++98 raw string literals are incompatible with C++98 using this character in an identifier is incompatible with C++98 unicode literals are incompatible with C++98 variadic macros are incompatible with C++98 macro expansion producing 'defined' has undefined behavior extraneous characters in character constant ignored __has_warning expected option name (e.g. "-Wundef") %0 is used as a header guard here, followed by #define of a different macro whitespace recommended after macro name top-level module '%0' in private module map, expected a submodule of '%1' unknown attribute '%0' module '%0' conflicts with already-imported module '%1': %2 '/*' within block comment include of non-modular header inside framework module '%0': '%1' include of non-modular header inside module '%0': '%1' ambiguous expansion of macro %0 %select{left|right}0 side of operator converted from negative value to unsigned: %1 expansion of date or time macro is not reproducible integer overflow in preprocessor expression %select{#line|GNU line marker}0 directive interprets number as decimal, not octal keyword is hidden by macro definition macro name is a reserved identifier ignoring redefinition of Objective-C qualifier macro %0 is not defined, evaluates to 0 missing argument to debug command '%0' unexpected debug command '%0' pragma diagnostic pop could not pop, no matching push pragma diagnostic expected 'error', 'warning', 'ignored', 'fatal', 'push', or 'pop' pragma diagnostic expected option name (e.g. "-Wundef") unexpected token in pragma diagnostic unknown warning group '%0', ignored unknown pragma ignored pragma include_alias expected '%0' pragma include_alias expected include filename angle-bracketed include <%0> cannot be aliased to double-quoted include "%1" double-quoted include "%0" cannot be aliased to angle-bracketed include <%1> pragma pop_macro could not pop '%0', no matching push_macro #pragma warning expected '%0' #pragma warning expected a warning number #pragma warning(push, level) requires a level between 0 and 4 #pragma warning expected 'push', 'pop', 'default', 'disable', 'error', 'once', 'suppress', 1, 2, 3, or 4 pragma STDC FENV_ACCESS ON is not supported, ignoring pragma incomplete universal character name; treating as '\' followed by identifier \%0 used with no following hex digits; treating as '\' followed by identifier universal character name refers to a surrogate character universal character names are only valid in C99 or C++; treating as '\' followed by identifier universal character names are only valid in C99 or C++ umbrella header for module '%0' does not include header '%1' use of private header from outside its module: '%0' interface types cannot specify '%select{private|protected}0' access use of address-of-label extension outside of a function body name defined in alias declaration must be an identifier alias declaration cannot be a pack expansion %select{partial specialization|explicit specialization|explicit instantiation}0 of alias templates is not permitted declaration of anonymous %0 must be a definition unknown cast annotation __bridge_retain; did you mean __bridge_retained? argument required after attribute __asm used with no assembly instructions 'asm goto' constructs are not supported yet cannot use %select{unicode|wide}0 string literal in 'asm' @defs is not supported in Objective-C++ unexpected '@' in member specification use of '@import' when modules are disabled %0 attribute cannot be applied to a module import %0 attribute cannot be applied to a module parentheses must be omitted if %0 attribute's argument list is empty an attribute list cannot appear here expected a platform name here unrecognized platform name %0 expected 'introduced', 'deprecated', or 'obsoleted' expected a platform name, e.g., 'macos' version for '%0' already specified '*' query has already been specified must handle potential future platforms with '*' redundant %0 availability change; only the last specified change will be used %0 is not an availability stage; use 'introduced', 'deprecated', or 'obsoleted' bit-field member cannot have an in-class initializer redeclaration of C++ built-in type 'bool' bracket nesting level exceeded maximum of %0 brackets are not allowed here; to declare an array, place the brackets after the %select{identifier|name}0 '_Noreturn' keyword must precede function declarator template template parameter requires 'class' after the parameter list missing return type for function %0; did you mean the constructor name %1? missing ',' between base or member initializers attribute %0 cannot have an argument list attribute '%0' cannot be used as an attribute pack attribute %0 cannot appear multiple times in an attribute specifier declaration does not declare a parameter '%0' qualifier may not appear after the virtual specifier '%1' unexpected end of default argument expression '= %select{default|delete}0' is a function definition and must occur in a standalone declaration default template argument for a template template parameter must be a class template destructor name %0 does not refer to a template expected a class name after '~' to name a destructor '~' in destructor name should be after nested name specifier duplicate 'virtual' in base specifier duplicate default generic association class member already marked '%0' cannot have both throw() and noexcept() clause on the same function use of empty enum missing ',' between enumerators unnamed enumeration must be a definition unexpected end of exception specification expected variable name or 'this' in lambda capture list expected 'case' keyword before expression expected catch expected class name 'typename' is redundant; base classes are implicitly types expected '::' after '__super' expected ',' or '>' in template-parameter-list expected ',' or ']' in lambda capture list expected '#pragma omp end declare target' expected '= constant-expression' or end of enumerator definition expected '=' or another designator expected expression expected external declaration expected a field designator, such as '.field = 4' expected function body after function declarator expected a foldable binary operator in fold expression variable declaration in condition must have an initializer variable declaration in condition cannot have a parenthesized initializer expected body of lambda expression expected '{' after base class list expected '{' in compound literal expected '<' after '%0' expected '(' after '%0' expected '(' for function-style cast or type construction expected member name or ';' after declaration specifiers expected class member or base class name expected method body method type specifier must start with '-' or '+' expected module declaration at start of module interface '@end' must appear in an Objective-C context expected the name of a parameter pack expected parentheses around type name in %0 expression expected property name expected ')' or ',' after '%0' expected a qualified name after 'typename' expected ')' after '%0' expected selector for Objective-C method expected ';' after attribute list expected ';' after expression expected ';' after method prototype expected ';' after namespace name expected ';' after static_assert expected ';' after %0 statement expected ';' at end of declaration list expected ';' at end of declaration expected ';' in 'for' statement specifier expected 'this' following '*' in lambda capture list expected statement expected template expected template parameter expected a type expected an identifier or template-id after '::' expected %select{identifier|unqualified-id}0 expected a version of the form 'major[.minor[.subminor]]' expected 'while' in do/while loop enumerations cannot be explicitly instantiated explicit template instantiation cannot have a definition; if this definition is meant to be an explicit specialization, add '<>' after the 'template' keyword explicit %select{specialization|instantiation}0 of non-template %1 %2 export declaration cannot be empty extraneous closing brace ('}') extraneous ')' after condition, expected a statement extraneous '%0' before ';' operators in fold expression must be the same 'co_await' modifier can only be applied to range-based for loop for range declaration must declare a variable range-based for loop requires type for loop variable cannot define a type in a friend declaration friend cannot be declared in an explicit instantiation; if this declaration is meant to be a friend declaration, remove the 'template' keyword 'friend' used outside of class function definition does not declare parameters function definition declared 'typedef' function definition is not allowed here unexpected %0 in function call; perhaps remove the %0? GNU-style inline assembly is disabled expected template name after 'template' keyword in nested name specifier %0 declared as a reference to a reference cannot cast 'super' (it isn't an expression) array bound cannot be deduced from an in-class initializer initializer list cannot be used on the %select{left|right}0 hand side of operator '%1' namespace alias cannot be inline nested namespace definition cannot be 'inline' cannot use %select{dot|arrow}0 operator on a type '%0' qualifier may not be applied to a reference invalid %0 at end of declaration; did you mean '='? expected ';' after top level declarator C++11 only allows consecutive left square brackets when introducing an attribute label at end of compound statement: expected statement %select{'mutable'|'constexpr'}0 cannot appear multiple times in a lambda declarator lambda requires '()' before %select{'mutable'|return type|attribute specifier|'constexpr'}0 string literal after 'operator' must be '""' string literal after 'operator' cannot have an encoding prefix '...' must %select{immediately precede declared identifier|be innermost component of anonymous pack declaration}0 expected %0 at end of module @try statement without a @catch and @finally clause C requires a comma prior to the ellipsis in a variadic function type use 'template' keyword to treat '%0' as a dependent template name missing '}' at end of definition of %q0 expected parameter declarator found '<::' after a %select{template name|const_cast|dynamic_cast|reinterpret_cast|static_cast}0 which forms the digraph '<:' (aka '[') and a ':', did you mean '< ::'? expected a module name after module%select{| import}0 expected ';' after module name __declspec attributes must be an identifier or string literal property declaration specifies '%0' accessor twice expected name of accessor method expected ',' or ')' at end of property accessor list expected '=' after '%0' putter for property must be specified as 'put', not 'set' property declaration cannot have an in-class initializer missing 'get=' or 'put=' property does not specify a getter or a putter expected 'get' or 'put' in property declaration MS-style inline assembly is not available: %0 Unsupported architecture '%0' for MS-style inline assembly %select{|a template declaration|an explicit template specialization|an explicit template instantiation}0 can only %select{|declare|declare|instantiate}0 a single entity namespaces can only be defined in global or namespace scope parameter named %0 is missing @%0 must be followed by a number to form an NSNumber object unexpected token after Objective-C string directive may only be specified in protocols only expected '=' for Objective-C getter expected '=' for Objective-C setter unknown property attribute %0 expected selector for Objective-C %select{setter|getter}0 expected type parameter name illegal interface qualifier illegal visibility specification missing '@end' attributes may not be specified on a category @implementation cannot have type parameters postfix attributes are not allowed on Objective-C directives postfix attributes are not allowed on Objective-C directives, place them in front of '%select{@interface|@protocol}0' properties are an Objective-C 2 feature property name cannot be a bit-field property requires fields to be named protocol qualifiers must precede type arguments '@end' appears where closing brace '}' is expected prefix attribute must be followed by an interface or protocol expected an Objective-C directive after '@' expected a related ObjectiveC class name, e.g., 'NSColor' expected a class method selector with single argument, e.g., 'colorWithCGColor:' function declaration is expected after 'declare simd' directive unexpected '%0' clause, '%1' is specified already unexpected '%0' clause, only 'to' or 'link' clauses expected expected identifier specifying the name of the 'omp critical' directive expected ',' or ')' in '%0' %select{clause|directive}1 expected identifier or one of the following operators: '+', '-', '*', '&', '|', '^', '&&', or '||' '#pragma omp %0' %select{|with '%2' clause }1cannot be an immediate substatement missing map type unexpected OpenMP clause '%0' in directive '#pragma omp %1' unexpected OpenMP directive '#pragma omp %0' expected an OpenMP directive incorrect map type, expected one of 'to', 'from', 'tofrom', 'alloc', 'release', or 'delete' incorrect map type modifier, expected 'always' ^^ is a reserved operator in OpenCL taking address of function is not allowed OpenCL only supports 'opencl_unroll_hint' attribute on for, while, and do statements out-of-line constructor for %0 cannot have template arguments qualified reference to %0 is a constructor name rather than a %select{template name|type}1 wherever a constructor can be declared '%0' keyword not permitted with interface types missing parentheses around the size of parameter pack %0 force_cuda_host_device end pragma without matching force_cuda_host_device begin pragma comment requires parenthesized identifier and optional string unknown kind of pragma comment pragma detect_mismatch is malformed; it requires two comma-separated string literals '#pragma fp_contract' can only appear at file scope or at the start of a compound statement invalid argument; expected 'enable'%select{|, 'full'}0%select{|, 'assume_safety'}1 or 'disable' %select{invalid|missing}0 option%select{ %1|}0; expected vectorize, vectorize_width, interleave, interleave_count, unroll, unroll_count, or distribute missing argument; expected %select{an integer value|'enable'%select{|, 'full'}1%select{|, 'assume_safety'}2 or 'disable'}0 missing argument to '#pragma %0'%select{|; expected %2}1 unexpected extra argument '%0' to '#pragma clang optimize' unexpected argument '%0' to '#pragma clang optimize'; expected 'on' or 'off' unexpected %0, expected to see one of %select{|'best_case', 'full_generality', }1'single_inheritance', 'multiple_inheritance', or 'virtual_inheritance' a space is required between a right angle bracket and an equals sign (use '> =') scoped enumeration requires a name range-based 'for' statement uses ':', not '=' expected parenthesized parameter pack name in 'sizeof...' expression statement expression not allowed at file scope '__super' cannot be used with a using declaration expected a property name in @synthesize %select{function|class|variable}0 cannot be defined in an explicit instantiation; if this declaration is meant to be a %select{function|class|variable}0 definition, remove the 'template' keyword identifier followed by '<' indicates a class template specialization but %0 %select{does not refer to a template|refers to a function template|<unused>|refers to a variable template|<unused>}1 a static_assert declaration cannot be a template cannot template a using %select{directive|declaration}0 'this' cannot be captured by reference a space is required between consecutive right angle brackets (use '> >') invalid comparison flag %0; use 'layout_compatible' or 'must_be_null' type trait requires %0%select{| or more}1 argument%select{|s}2; have %3 argument%s3 typename is allowed for identifiers only type name does not allow constexpr specifier to be specified type name does not allow function specifier to be specified type name does not allow storage class to be specified typename specifier refers to a non-type template type name requires a specifier or qualifier unexpected '@' in program unexpected ':' in nested name specifier; did you mean '::'? module declaration must be the first declaration in the translation unit unexpected module kind %0; expected 'implementation' or 'partition' attributes cannot be specified on namespace alias attributes cannot be specified on a nested namespace definition @implementation declaration cannot be protocol qualified unexpected namespace scope prior to decltype unexpected ';' before %0 '%0' cannot be a part of nested name specifier; did you mean ':'? unexpected type name %0: expected identifier type-id cannot have a name unknown template name %0 'static' may not be used without an array size 'static' may not be used with an unspecified variable length array size attribute with scope specifier cannot follow default scope specifier 'using namespace' is not allowed in classes version number must have non-zero major, minor, or sub-minor version ISO C++11 requires a parenthesized pack declaration to have a name alias declarations are a C++11 extension %0 applied to an expression is a GNU extension 'auto' storage class specifier is not permitted in C++11, and will not be supported in future releases '__auto_type' is a GNU extension %0 is a C11-specific feature generic selections are a C11-specific feature _Noreturn functions are a C11-specific feature _Static_assert is a C11-specific feature compound literals are a C99-specific feature variable declaration in for loop is a C99-specific feature enumeration types with a fixed underlying type are a Microsoft extension constexpr if is a C++1z extension 'constexpr' on lambda expressions is a C++1z extension enumeration types with a fixed underlying type are a C++11 extension 'decltype(auto)' type specifier is a C++14 extension ISO C++1z does not allow a decomposition group to be empty %select{defaulted|deleted}0 function definitions are a C++11 extension exception specification of '...' is a Microsoft extension ISO C requires a translation unit to contain at least one declaration commas at the end of enumerator lists are a C99-specific feature commas at the end of enumerator lists are a C++11 extension extern templates are a C++11 extension extra ';' %select{outside of a function|inside a %1|inside instance variable list|after member function definition}0 extra ';' outside of a function is a C++11 extension pack fold expression is a C++1z extension range-based for loop is a C++11 extension generalized initializer lists are a C++11 extension use of GNU address-of-label extension use of GNU array range extension use of GNU case range extension use of GNU ?: conditional expression extension, omitting middle operand use of GNU empty initializer extension use of GNU indirect-goto extension use of GNU 'missing =' extension in designator use of GNU old-style field designator extension use of GNU statement expression extension type-less parameter names in function declaration '%select{if|switch}0' initialization statements are a C++1z extension inline namespaces are a C++11 feature keyword '%0' will be made available as an identifier %select{here|for the remainder of the translation unit}1 'sealed' keyword is a Microsoft extension use of multiple declarators in a single using declaration is a C++1z extension nested namespace definition is a C++1z extension; define each namespace separately in-class initialization of non-static data member is a C++11 extension type nullability specifier %0 is a Clang extension '%0' keyword is a C++11 extension reference qualifiers on functions are a C++11 extension rvalue references are a C++11 extension scoped enumerations are a C++11 extension template template parameter using 'typename' is a C++1z extension '__thread' before '%0' default scope specifier for attributes is a C++1z extension pack expansion of using declaration is a C++1z extension use -fbracket-depth=N to increase maximum nesting level comma separating Objective-C messaging arguments or insert whitespace before ':' to use %0 as parameter name and have an empty entry in the selector insert ',' before '...' to silence this warning place '...' %select{immediately before declared identifier|here}0 to declare a function parameter pack preceding '...' declares a function parameter pack still within definition of %q0 here introduce a parameter name to make %0 part of the selector %select{class|protocol|category|class extension|implementation|category implementation}0 started here previous default generic association is here '%0' casts have no effect when not using ARC ignored %0 qualifier on asm attribute %0 ignored, because it is not attached to a declaration GCC does not allow %0 attribute in this position on a function definition 'unavailable' availability overrides all other availability information use of C-style parameters in Objective-C method declarations is deprecated nvcc does not allow '__%0__' to appear after '()' in lambdas 'decltype(auto)' type specifier is incompatible with C++ standards before C++14 use of right-shift operator ('>>') in template argument will require parentheses in C++11 attributes on %select{a namespace|an enumerator}0 declaration are incompatible with C++ standards before C++1z constexpr if is incompatible with C++ standards before C++1z constexpr on lambda expressions is incompatible with C++ standards before C++1z pack fold expression is incompatible with C++ standards before C++1z %select{if|switch}0 initialization statements are incompatible with C++ standards before C++1z nested namespace definition is incompatible with C++ standards before C++1z template template parameter using 'typename' is incompatible with C++ standards before C++1z default scope specifier for attributes is incompatible with C++ standards before C++1z use of multiple declarators in a single using declaration is incompatible with C++ standards before C++1z pack expansion using declaration is incompatible with C++ standards before C++1z alias declarations are incompatible with C++98 'alignas' is incompatible with C++98 alignof expressions are incompatible with C++98 C++11 attribute syntax is incompatible with C++98 'decltype' type specifier is incompatible with C++98 %select{defaulted|deleted}0 function definitions are incompatible with C++98 enumeration types with a fixed underlying type are incompatible with C++98 commas at the end of enumerator lists are incompatible with C++98 extern templates are incompatible with C++98 range-based for loop is incompatible with C++98 generalized initializer lists are incompatible with C++98 inline namespaces are incompatible with C++98 lambda expressions are incompatible with C++98 literal operators are incompatible with C++98 noexcept specifications are incompatible with C++98 noexcept expressions are incompatible with C++98 in-class initialization of non-static data members is incompatible with C++98 'nullptr' is incompatible with C++98 '%0' keyword is incompatible with C++98 reference qualifiers on functions are incompatible with C++98 rvalue references are incompatible with C++98 scoped enumerations are incompatible with C++98 static_assert declarations are incompatible with C++98 extra ';' outside of a function is incompatible with C++98 trailing return types are incompatible with C++98 consecutive right angle brackets are incompatible with C++98 (use '> >') add explicit braces to avoid dangling else use same version number separators '_' or '.'; as in 'major[.minor[.subminor]]' extra ';' after member function definition meaningless 'volatile' on asm outside function GCC does not allow an attribute in this position on a function declaration dependent %select{__if_not_exists|__if_exists}0 declarations are ignored qualifiers after comma in declarator list are ignored '...' in this location creates a C-style varargs function%select{, not a function parameter pack|}0 %0 used as the name of the previous parameter rather than as part of the selector protocol has no object type specified; defaults to qualified 'id' extra tokens at the end of '#pragma omp %0' are ignored expected '=' following '#pragma %select{align|options align}0' - ignored invalid alignment option in '#pragma %select{align|options align}0' - ignored OpenCL extension end directive mismatches begin directive - ignoring '#pragma comment %0' ignored expected action or ')' in '#pragma %0' - ignored missing ':' after %0 - ignoring missing ':' or ')' after %0 - ignoring expected identifier in '#pragma %0' - ignored expected 'compiler', 'lib', 'user', or a string literal for the section name in '#pragma %0' - ignored expected integer between %0 and %1 inclusive in '#pragma %2' - ignored missing '(' after '#pragma %0' - ignoring expected non-wide string literal in '#pragma %0' expected %select{'enable', 'disable', 'begin' or 'end'|'disable'}0 - ignoring expected ')' or ',' in '#pragma %0' missing ')' after '#pragma %0' - ignoring expected a stack label or a string literal for the section name in '#pragma %0' - ignored expected a string literal for the section name in '#pragma %0' - ignored expected push, pop or a string literal for the section name in '#pragma %0' - ignored OpenCL extension %0 is core feature or supported optional core feature - ignoring extra tokens at end of '#pragma %0' - ignored incorrect use of #pragma clang force_cuda_host_device begin|end '#pragma init_seg' is only supported when targeting a Microsoft environment %0 is not a recognized builtin%select{|; consider including <intrin.h> to access non-builtin intrinsics}1 unknown action for '#pragma %0' - ignored unknown action '%1' for '#pragma %0' - ignored incorrect use of '#pragma ms_struct on|off' - ignored unexpected '#pragma omp ...' in program expected 'align' following '#pragma options' - ignored expected integer or identifier in '#pragma pack' - ignored unknown OpenCL extension %0 - ignoring argument to '#pragma unroll' should not be in parentheses in CUDA C/C++ known but unsupported action '%1' for '#pragma %0' - ignored unsupported OpenCL extension %0 - ignoring expected '#pragma unused' argument to be a variable name semicolon before method body is ignored ignoring '%select{static|inline}0' keyword on explicit template instantiation empty symbolic operand name in inline assembly string invalid %% escape in inline assembly string invalid operand number in inline asm string unknown symbolic operand name in inline assembly string unterminated symbolic operand name in inline assembly string template parameter lists have a different number of parameters (%0 vs %1) template parameter has different kinds in different translation units field %0 declared with incompatible types in different translation units (%1 vs. %2) external function %0 declared with incompatible types in different translation units (%1 vs. %2) instance variable %0 declared with incompatible types in different translation units (%1 vs. %2) non-type template parameter declared with incompatible types in different translation units (%0 vs. %1) %select{class|instance}0 method %1 has a different number of parameters in different translation units (%2 vs. %3) %select{class|instance}0 method %1 has a parameter with a different types in different translation units (%2 vs. %3) %select{class|instance}0 method %1 has incompatible result types in different translation units (%2 vs. %3) %select{class|instance}0 method %1 is variadic in one translation unit and not variadic in another property %0 is implemented with %select{@synthesize|@dynamic}1 in one translation but %select{@dynamic|@synthesize}1 in another translation unit property %0 declared with incompatible types in different translation units (%1 vs. %2) class %0 has incompatible superclasses property %0 is synthesized to different ivars in different translation units (%1 vs. %2) parameter kind mismatch; parameter is %select{not a|a}0 parameter pack external variable %0 defined in multiple translation units external variable %0 declared with incompatible types in different translation units (%1 vs. %2) cannot import unsupported AST node %0 ambiguous vftable component for %0 introduced via covariant thunks; this is an inherent limitation of the ABI %select{read of|assignment to|increment of|decrement of}0 member %1 of union with %select{active member %3|no active member}2 is not allowed in a constant expression %select{read of|assignment to|increment of|decrement of}0 dereferenced null pointer is not allowed in a constant expression %select{read of|assignment to|increment of|decrement of}0 dereferenced one-past-the-end pointer is not allowed in a constant expression %select{read of|assignment to|increment of|decrement of}0 temporary is not allowed in a constant expression outside the expression that created the temporary %select{read of|assignment to|increment of|decrement of}0 object outside its lifetime is not allowed in a constant expression %select{read of|assignment to|increment of|decrement of}0 volatile %select{temporary|object %2|member %2}1 is not allowed in a constant expression %select{read of|assignment to|increment of|decrement of}0 volatile-qualified type %1 is not allowed in a constant expression cannot refer to element %0 of %select{array of %2 elements|non-array object}1 in a constant expression %select{alignment of|offset of the aligned pointer from}0 the base pointee object (%1 %plural{1:byte|:bytes}1) is %select{less than|not a multiple of}0 the asserted %2 %plural{1:byte|:bytes}2 value of the aligned pointer (%0) is not a multiple of the asserted %1 %plural{1:byte|:bytes}1 in call to '%0' constexpr evaluation hit maximum call limit (skipping %0 call%s0 in backtrace; use -fconstexpr-backtrace-limit=0 to see all) comparison of pointer to virtual member function %0 has unspecified value both arms of conditional operator are unable to produce a constant expression constexpr evaluation exceeded maximum depth of %0 calls floating point arithmetic produces %select{an infinity|a NaN}0 in implicit initialization for inherited constructor of %0 %select{reinterpret_cast|dynamic_cast|cast that performs the conversions of a reinterpret_cast|cast from %1}0 is not allowed in a constant expression cannot cast object of dynamic type %0 to type %1 %select{non-constexpr|undefined}0 %select{function|constructor}1 %2 cannot be used in a constant expression constructor inherited from base class %0 cannot be used in a constant expression; derived class cannot be implicitly initialized shift count %0 >= width of type %1 (%2 bit%s2) %select{read of|assignment to|increment of|decrement of}0 %select{temporary|variable}1 whose lifetime has ended signed left shift discards bits left shift of negative value %0 read of mutable member %0 is not allowed in a constant expression read of non-const variable %0 is not allowed in a constant expression read of non-constexpr variable %0 is not allowed in a constant expression modification of object of const-qualified type %0 is not allowed in a constant expression a constant expression cannot modify an object that is visible outside that expression negative shift count %0 control reached end of constexpr function %select{pointer|reference}0 to %select{|subobject of }1%select{temporary|%3}2 is not a constant expression non-literal type %0 cannot be used in a constant expression cannot %select{access base class of|access derived class of|access field of|access array element of|perform pointer arithmetic on|call member function on|access real component of|access imaginary component of}0 null pointer value %0 is outside the range of representable values of type %1 dereferenced pointer past the end of %select{|subobject of }0%select{temporary|%2}1 is not a constant expression cannot %select{access base class of|access derived class of|access field of|access array element of|ERROR|call member function on|access real component of|access imaginary component of}0 pointer past the end of object comparison of addresses of subobjects of different base classes has unspecified value comparison of address of base class subobject %0 of class %1 to field %2 has unspecified value comparison of address of fields %0 and %2 of %4 with differing access specifiers (%1 vs %3) has unspecified value subtracted pointers are not elements of the same array subtraction of pointers to type %0 of zero size constexpr evaluation hit maximum step limit; possible infinite loop? this use of statement expressions is not supported in a constant expression temporary created here %select{|implicit }0use of 'this' pointer is only allowed within the evaluation of a call to a 'constexpr' member function typeid applied to expression of polymorphic type %0 is not allowed in a constant expression %select{|sub}0object of type %1 is not initialized use of reference outside its lifetime is not allowed in a constant expression initializer of %0 is not a constant expression cannot construct object of type %0 with virtual base class in a constant expression cannot evaluate virtual function call in a constant expression comparison between unequal pointers to void has unspecified result covariant thunk required by %0 division by zero class has base type %0 bit-field %0 with type %1 and length %2 here also defined here enumerator %0 with value %1 here field %0 has type %1 here no corresponding base class here no corresponding enumerator here no corresponding field here field %0 is not a bit-field class has %0 base %plural{1:class|:classes}0 %select{class|instance}0 method %1 also declared here no corresponding superclass here property %0 is implemented with %select{@synthesize|@dynamic}1 here inherits from superclass %0 here property is synthesized to ivar %0 here %select{parameter|parameter pack}0 declared here %0 is a %select{struct|interface|union|class|enum}1 here template parameter declared here template parameter list also declared here declared here with type %0 %select{non-virtual|virtual}0 derivation here unimplemented constexpr lambda feature: %0 (coming soon!) overflow in expression; result is %0 with type %1 type %0 has incompatible definitions in different translation units add a deprecation attribute to the declaration to silence this warning previous command '%select{\|@}0%1' here previous command '%select{\|@}0%1' (an alias of '\%2') here end tag HTML tag started here did you mean '%0'? previous documentation unknown command tag name '%0'; did you mean '%1'? '%select{\|@}0%select{class|interface|protocol|struct|union}1' command should not be used in a comment attached to a non-%select{class|interface|protocol|struct|union}2 declaration duplicated command '%select{\|@}0%1' empty paragraph passed to '%select{\|@}0%1' command '%select{\|@}0%select{classdesign|coclass|dependency|helper|helperclass|helps|instancesize|ownership|performance|security|superclass}1' command should not be used in a comment attached to a non-container declaration declaration is marked with '\deprecated' command but does not have a deprecation attribute '%select{\|@}0%select{function|functiongroup|method|methodgroup|callback}1' command should be used in a comment attached to %select{a function|a function|an Objective-C method|an Objective-C method|a pointer to function}2 declaration HTML end tag '%0' is forbidden HTML end tag does not match any start tag HTML tag '%0' requires an end tag HTML start tag '%0' closed by '%1' HTML start tag prematurely ended, expected attribute name or '>' expected quoted string after equals sign parameter '%0' is already documented unrecognized parameter passing direction, valid directions are '[in]', '[out]' and '[in,out]' '%select{\|@}0param' command used in a comment that is not attached to a function declaration parameter '%0' not found in the function declaration whitespace is not allowed in parameter passing direction '%select{\|@}0%1' command used in a comment that is attached to a %select{function returning void|constructor|destructor|method returning void}2 '%select{\|@}0%1' command used in a comment that is not attached to a function or method declaration template parameter '%0' is already documented '%select{\|@}0tparam' command used in a comment that is not attached to a template declaration template parameter '%0' not found in the template declaration unknown command tag name '%select{\|@}0%1' command does not terminate a verbatim text block this builtin is only available on 64-bit targets cannot add 'abi_tag' attribute in a redeclaration %select{return|parameter|variable|field|instance variable|synthesized instance variable}0 type %1 is an abstract class %1 is a %select{private|protected}0 member of %3 %select{base class|inherited virtual base class}0 %1 has %select{private|protected}3 %select{default |copy |move |*ERROR* |*ERROR* |*ERROR*|}2constructor calling a %select{private|protected}0 constructor of class %2 ISO C++11 does not allow access declarations; use using declarations instead calling a %select{private|protected}1 destructor of class %0 base class %0 has %select{private|protected}1 destructor exception object of type %0 has %select{private|protected}1 destructor field of type %1 has %select{private|protected}2 destructor instance variable of type %0 has %select{private|protected}1 destructor temporary of type %0 has %select{private|protected}1 destructor variable of type %1 has %select{private|protected}2 destructor inherited virtual base class %1 has %select{private|protected}2 destructor field of type %0 has %select{private|protected}2 %select{default |copy |move |*ERROR* |*ERROR* |*ERROR* |}1constructor friend function %1 is a %select{private|protected}0 member of %3 capture of variable '%0' as type %1 calls %select{private|protected}3 %select{default |copy |move |*ERROR* |*ERROR* |*ERROR* |}2constructor address of overloaded function %0 is ambiguous cannot form member pointer of type %0 without '&' and class name address of overloaded function %0 does not match required type %1 address of overloaded function %0 cannot be converted to type %1 cannot take address of function %0 because parameter %1 has pass_object_size attribute 'delete' cannot delete objects of type %0 in address space '%1' 'new' cannot allocate objects of type %0 in address space '%1' cannot take address of function %0 becuase it has one or more non-tautological enable_if conditions alias definition of %0 after tentative definition definition %0 cannot also be an %select{alias|ifunc}1 only weak aliases are supported on darwin CUDA does not support aliases pack expansion used as argument for non-pack parameter of alias template extraneous template parameter list in alias template declaration %select{alias|ifunc}0 must point to a defined %select{variable or |}1function 'align_value' attribute requires integer constant %0 attribute cannot be applied to a %select{function parameter|variable with 'register' storage class|'catch' variable|bit-field}1 redeclaration has different alignment requirement (%1 vs %0) %0 must be specified on definition if it is specified on any declaration requested alignment is less than minimum alignment of %1 for type %0 'aligned' attribute requires integer constant requested alignment is dependent but declaration is not dependent requested alignment is not a power of 2 requested alignment must be %0 or smaller requested alignment must be %0 or greater invalid application of 'alignof' to a field of a class still being defined allocating an object of abstract class type %0 expected initializer ambiguous cast from base %0 to derived %1:%2 ambiguous conversion of delete expression of type %0 to a pointer ambiguous conversion from derived class %0 to base class %1:%2 constructor of %0 inherited from multiple base class subobjects member %0 found in multiple base classes of different types non-static member %0 found in multiple base-class subobjects of type %1:%2 ambiguous conversion from pointer to member of %select{base|derived}0 class %1 to pointer to member of %select{derived|base}0 class %2:%3 reference to %0 is ambiguous multiple suitable %0 functions in %1 a type named %0 is hidden by a declaration in a different namespace anonymous bit-field has negative width (%0) width of anonymous bit-field (%0 bits) exceeds %select{width|size}1 of its type (%2 bit%s2) anonymous property is not supported anonymous %select{struct|union}0 can only contain non-static data members member of anonymous %select{struct|union}0 redeclares %1 anonymous %select{struct|union}0 cannot contain a %select{private|protected}1 data member functions cannot be declared in an anonymous %select{struct|union}0 static members cannot be declared in an anonymous %select{struct|union}0 types cannot be declared in an anonymous %select{struct|union}0 anonymous %select{structs|structs and classes}0 must be %select{struct or union|class}0 members anonymous unions at namespace or global scope must be declared 'static' anonymous union at class scope must not have a storage specifier %select{x86|x86-64}0 'interrupt' attribute only applies to functions that have %select{a 'void' return type|only a pointer parameter optionally followed by an integer parameter|a pointer as the first parameter|a %2 type as the second parameter}1 interrupt service routine cannot be called directly must explicitly describe intended ownership of an object array parameter existing instance variable %1 for property %0 with %select{unsafe_unretained|assign}2 attribute must be __unsafe_unretained cannot perform atomic operation on a pointer to type %0: type has non-trivial ownership cannot capture __autoreleasing variable in a %select{block|lambda by copy}0 %select{__block variables|global variables|fields|instance variables}0 cannot have __autoreleasing ownership incompatible types casting %0 to %1 with a %select{__bridge|__bridge_transfer|__bridge_retained}2 cast cast of %select{Objective-C|block|C}0 pointer type %1 to %select{Objective-C|block|C}2 pointer type %3 cannot use %select{__bridge|__bridge_transfer|__bridge_retained}4 %select{cast|implicit conversion}0 of %select{Objective-C|block|C}1 pointer type %2 to %select{Objective-C|block|C}3 pointer type %4 requires a bridged cast collection expression type %0 is a forward declaration %select{implicit conversion|cast}0 of weak-unavailable object of type %1 to a __weak object of type %2 method implementation does not match its declaration ARC forbids explicit message send of %0 ARC forbids %select{implementation|synthesis}0 of %1 ARC forbids use of %0 in a @selector %select{|unsafe_unretained|strong|weak}1 property %0 may not also be declared %select{|__unsafe_unretained|__strong|__weak|__autoreleasing}2 %select{pointer|reference}1 to non-const type %0 with no explicit ownership init methods must return a type related to the receiver type method was declared as %select{an 'alloc'|a 'copy'|an 'init'|a 'new'}0 method, but its implementation doesn't match because %select{its result type is not an object pointer|its result type is unrelated to its receiver type}1 no visible @interface for %0 declares the selector %1 no known %select{instance|class}1 method for selector %0 %select{implicit conversion|cast}0 of %select{%2|a non-Objective-C pointer type %2|a block pointer|an Objective-C pointer|an indirect pointer to an Objective-C pointer}1 to %3 is disallowed with ARC multiple methods named %0 found with mismatched result, parameter type or attributes 'new' cannot allocate an array of %0 with no explicit ownership explicit ownership qualifier on cast result has no effect passing address of %select{non-local|non-scalar}0 object to __autoreleasing parameter for write-back ARC forbids %select{Objective-C objects|blocks}0 in %select{struct|interface|union|<<ERROR>>|enum}1 ARC forbids synthesizing a property of an Objective-C object with unspecified ownership or storage attribute performSelector names a selector which retains the object pseudo-destructor destroys object of type %0 with inconsistently-qualified type %1 receiver %0 for class message is a forward declaration receiver type %0 for instance message is a forward declaration existing instance variable %1 for strong property %0 may not be %select{|__unsafe_unretained||__weak}2 thread-local variable has non-trivial ownership: type is %0 incompatible pointer types passing retainable parameter of type %0to a CF function expecting %1 type class is incompatible with __weak references the result of a delegate init call must be immediately returned or assigned to 'self' cannot create __weak reference in file using manual reference counting dereferencing a __weak pointer is not allowed due to possible null value caused by race condition, assign it to strong variable first cannot create __weak reference because the current deployment target does not support weak references assignment of a weak-unavailable object to a __weak object synthesizing __weak instance variable of type %0, which does not support weak references parameter may not be qualified with an address space argument should be a value from %0 to %1 argument should be a multiple of %0 arithmetic on pointer to interface %0, which is not a constant size for this architecture and platform invalid special register for builtin array designator range [%0, %1] is empty array designator value '%0' is negative array designator cannot initialize non-array type %0 array designator index (%0) exceeds array bounds (%1) cannot initialize array %diff{of type $ with array of type $|with different type of array}0,1 initializing wide char array with incompatible wide string literal initializing wide char array with non-wide string literal cannot initialize array %diff{of type $ with non-constant array of type $|with different type of array}0,1 array initializer must be an initializer list%select{| or string literal| or wide string literal}0 initializing char array with wide string literal array size must be specified in new expressions array of abstract class type %0 array section does not specify contiguous storage ambiguous conversion of array size expression of type %0 to an integral or enumeration type array size expression of type %0 requires explicit conversion to type %1 array size expression has incomplete class type %0 size of array has non-integer type %0 array size expression must have integral or %select{|unscoped }0enumeration type, not %1 variable length array must be bound in function definition star modifier used outside of function prototype %0 used in non-outermost array type derivation %0 used in array declarator outside of function prototype array is too large (%0 elements) automatic variable qualified with an address space bad type for named register variable constraint '%0' expects an integer constant expression asm operand has incomplete type %0 more than one input constraint matches the same output '%0' register '%0' unsuitable for global register variables on this target invalid input constraint '%0' in asm invalid input size for constraint '%0' invalid lvalue in asm input for constraint '%0' invalid lvalue in asm output invalid output constraint '%0' in asm invalid output size for constraint '%0' invalid type %0 in asm input for constraint '%1' parameter references not allowed in naked functions 'this' pointer references not allowed in naked functions reference to a %select{bit-field|vector element|global register variable}0 in asm %select{input|output}1 with a memory constraint '%2' size of register '%0' does not match variable size unsupported inline asm: input with type %diff{$ matching output with type $|}0,1 asm constraint has an unexpected number of alternatives: %0 vs %1 unknown register name '%0' in asm type %0 in generic association compatible with previously specified type %1 type %0 in generic association incomplete type %0 in generic association not an object type type %0 in generic association is a variably modified type use of @defs is not supported on this architecture and platform address argument to atomic builtin must be a pointer (%0 invalid) address argument to atomic builtin must be a pointer to integer, floating-point or pointer (%0 invalid) address argument to atomic builtin must be a pointer to integer or pointer (%0 invalid) address argument to atomic builtin must be a pointer to 1,2,4,8 or 16 byte type (%0 invalid) address argument to load or store exclusive builtin must be a pointer to 1,2,4 or 8 byte type (%0 invalid) atomic variable can only be assigned to a compile time constant in the declaration statement in the program scope atomic %select{load|store}0 requires runtime support that is not available for this target address argument to bitwise atomic operation must be a pointer to %select{|atomic }0integer (%1 invalid) address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to _Atomic type (%0 invalid) address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to %select{|atomic }0integer or pointer (%1 invalid) address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to non-const _Atomic type (%0 invalid) address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to non-const type (%0 invalid) address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to a trivially-copyable type (%0 invalid) atomic property of reference type %0 cannot have non-trivial assignment operator _Atomic cannot be applied to %select{incomplete |array |function |reference |atomic |qualified |}0type %1 %select{||||||which is not trivially copyable}0 the type %0 is already explicitly ownership-qualified tls_model must be "global-dynamic", "local-dynamic", "initial-exec" or "local-exec" function type may not be qualified with an address space multiple address spaces specified for type address space is negative address space is larger than the maximum supported (%0) requested alignment must be %0 bytes or smaller %0 attribute argument is invalid: %select{max must be 0 since min is 0|min must not be greater than max}1 %0 attribute must be greater than 0 '%0' attribute requires parameter %1 to be a string %0 attribute requires parameter %1 to be %select{int or bool|an integer constant|a string|an identifier}2 %0 attribute parameter %1 is out of bounds %0 attribute parameter %1 is out of bounds: %plural{0:no parameters to index into|1:can only be 1, since there is one parameter|:must be between 1 and %2}2 %0 attribute requires integer constant between %1 and %2 inclusive %0 attribute requires %select{int or bool|an integer constant|a string|an identifier}1 invalid attribute argument %0 - expecting a vector or vectorizable scalar type Neon vector size must be 64 or 128 bits 'cleanup' argument %select{|%1 |%1 }0is not a %select{||single }0function 'cleanup' function %0 parameter has %diff{type $ which is incompatible with type $|incompatible type}1,2 'cleanup' function %0 must take 1 parameter '__declspec(dllexport)' cannot be applied to more than one default constructor in %0 attribute %q0 cannot be applied to a deleted function lambda cannot be declared %0 attribute %q0 cannot be applied to member of %q1 class %q0 must have external linkage when declared %q1 redeclaration of %q0 cannot add %q1 attribute %q0 cannot be thread local when declared %q1 definition of dllimport data dllimport cannot be applied to non-inline function definition definition of dllimport static field not allowed %0 attribute argument may only refer to a function parameter of integer type %0 attribute is invalid for the implicit this argument vector size not an integral multiple of component size invalid vector element type %0 multiple garbage collection attributes specified for type %0 attribute cannot be used with pointers to members %0 attribute is not supported in %select{C|C++|Objective-C}1 %0 attribute can only be applied once per parameter %select{overloaded function|redeclaration of}0 %1 must have the 'overloadable' attribute 'overloadable' function %0 must have a prototype %0 attribute only applies to%select{| constant}1 pointer arguments 'regparm' parameter must be between 0 and %0 inclusive 'regparm' is not valid on this platform %0 attribute requires OpenCL version %1%select{| or above}2 %0 attribute requires a positive integral compile time constant expression argument to 'section' attribute is not valid for this target: %0 'selectany' can only be applied to data items with external linkage 'sentinel' parameter 1 less than zero 'sentinel' parameter 2 not 0 or 1 vector size too large %0 attribute takes at least %1 argument%s1 %0 attribute takes no more than %1 argument%s1 %0 attribute is not supported for this target uuid attribute contains a malformed GUID the vecreturn attribute can only be used on a POD (plain old data) class or structure (i.e. no virtual functions) the vecreturn attribute can only be used on a class or structure with one member, which must be a vector weak declaration cannot have internal linkage weakref declaration of %0 must be in a global context weakref declaration must have internal linkage weakref declaration of %0 must also have an alias attribute %0 attribute only applies to %select{functions|unions|variables and functions|functions and global variables|functions, variables, and Objective-C interfaces|functions and methods|parameters|functions, methods and blocks|functions, methods, and classes|functions, methods, and parameters|functions, methods, and global variables|classes|enums|variables|methods|fields and global variables|structs|parameters and typedefs|variables and typedefs|thread-local variables|variables and fields|variables, data members and tag types|types and namespaces|Objective-C interfaces|methods and properties|struct or union|struct, union or class|types|Objective-C instance methods|init methods of interface or class extension declarations|variables, functions and classes|functions, variables, classes, and Objective-C interfaces|Objective-C protocols|variables with static or thread storage duration|functions, methods, properties, and global variables|structs, unions, and typedefs|structs and typedefs|interface or protocol declarations|kernel functions|non-K&R-style functions|variables, enums, fields and typedefs|functions, methods, enums, and classes|structs, classes, variables, functions, and inline namespaces|variables, functions, methods, types, enumerations, enumerators, labels, and non-static data members|classes and enumerations}1 %0 attribute %plural{0:takes no arguments|1:takes one argument|:requires exactly %1 arguments}1 zero vector size %0 and %1 attributes are not compatible cannot pass bit-field as __auto_type initializer in C '%select{auto|decltype(auto)|__auto_type}0' deduced as %1 in declaration of %2 and deduced as %3 in declaration of %4 cannot deduce return type %0 from returned value of type %1 '%select{auto|decltype(auto)}0' in return type deduced as %1 here but deduced as %2 in earlier return statement cannot deduce return type %0 for function with no return statements cannot deduce return type from initializer list cannot deduce return type %0 from omitted return expression function %0 with deduced return type cannot be used before it is defined function with deduced return type cannot be virtual cannot use __auto_type with initializer list in C 'auto' return without trailing return type; deduced return types are a C++14 extension new expression for type %0 contains multiple constructor arguments new expression for type %0 has incompatible constructor argument of type %1 new expression for type %0 cannot use list-initialization new expression for type %0 requires a constructor argument %select{'auto'|'decltype(auto)'|'__auto_type'}0 not allowed %select{in function prototype|in non-static struct member|in struct member|in non-static union member|in union member|in non-static class member|in interface member|in exception declaration|in template parameter|in block literal|in template argument|in typedef|in type alias|in function return type|in conversion function type|here|in lambda parameter|in type allocated by 'new'|in K&R-style function parameter}1%select{|||||||| until C++1z||||||||||}1 'auto' variable template instantiation is not allowed variable %0 with type %1 has incompatible initializer of type %2 cannot deduce actual type for variable %0 with type %1 from initializer list initializer for variable %0 with type %1 contains multiple expressions initializer for variable %0 with type %1 is empty cannot deduce type for variable %1 with type %2 from %select{parenthesized|nested}0 initializer list declaration of variable %0 with type %1 requires an initializer variable %0 declared with %select{'auto'|'decltype(auto)'|'__auto_type'}1 type cannot appear in its own initializer property implementation must have its declaration in the category %0 %select{const_cast||||C-style cast|functional-style cast}0 to %2, which is not a reference, pointer-to-object, or pointer-to-data-member address of overloaded function %0 cannot be cast to type %1 %select{const_cast|static_cast|reinterpret_cast|dynamic_cast|C-style cast|functional-style cast}0 from bit-field lvalue to reference type %2 %select{const_cast|static_cast|reinterpret_cast|dynamic_cast|C-style cast|functional-style cast}0 from %1 to %2 is not allowed cannot %select{||reinterpret_cast||C-style cast|}0 from member pointer type %1 to member pointer type %2 of different size %select{const_cast|static_cast|reinterpret_cast|dynamic_cast|C-style cast|functional-style cast}0 from %1 to %2 casts away qualifiers %select{const_cast|static_cast|reinterpret_cast|dynamic_cast|C-style cast|functional-style cast}0 from rvalue to reference type %2 %select{||reinterpret_cast||C-style cast|}0 from scalar %1 to vector %2 of different size %select{const_cast|static_cast|reinterpret_cast|dynamic_cast|C-style cast|functional-style cast}0 from %1 to %2, which are not related by inheritance, is not allowed %select{||reinterpret_cast||C-style cast|}0 from vector %1 to scalar %2 of different size %select{||reinterpret_cast||C-style cast|}0 from vector %1 to vector %2 of different size %0 is an incomplete type %0 is not a class %0 is not polymorphic %0 is not a pointer %0 is not a reference or pointer %0 cannot be used as the type of a kernel parameter cannot cast from lvalue of type %1 to rvalue reference type %2; types are not compatible left hand operand to %0 must be a %select{|pointer to }1class compatible with the right hand operand, but is %2 right hand operand to %0 has non-pointer-to-member type %1 cannot allocate %select{function|reference}1 type %0 with new %0 cannot be the name of a parameter property implementation must be in a class or category implementation property implementation must have its declaration in interface %0 or one of its extensions bad receiver type %0 reinterpret_cast cannot resolve overloaded function %0 to type %1 reinterpret_cast of a %0 to %1 needs its address, which is not allowed cast from pointer to smaller type %2 loses information cannot cast from rvalue of type %1 to rvalue reference type %2; types are not compatible cannot cast from type %1 to member pointer type %2 address of overloaded function %0 cannot be static_cast to type %1 cannot cast from type %1 to pointer type %2 %0 cannot be the name of a variable or data member base class %0 has a flexible array member unions cannot have base classes base class initializer %0 names both a direct base class and an inherited virtual base class constructor initializer %0 does not name a class base specifier must name a class %0 attribute cannot be applied to a base specifier binding %0 cannot appear in the initializer of its own decomposition declaration bit-field %0 has negative width (%1) named bit-field %0 has zero width width of bit-field %0 (%1 bits) exceeds %select{width|size}2 of its type (%3 bit%s3) variable is not assignable (missing __block type specifier) 'extern' variable cannot have an initializer __block attribute not allowed, only allowed on local variables __block attribute not allowed on declaration with a variably modified type non-void block should return a value block cannot return %select{array|function}0 type %1 blocks support disabled - compile with -fblocks or %select{pick a deployment target that supports them|for OpenCL 2.0 or above}0 reference to non-static member function must be called%select{|; did you mean to call it with no arguments?}0 %select{string|character|boolean|numeric}0 literal must be prefixed by '@' in a collection 'break' statement not in loop or switch statement first argument to __builtin_annotation must be an integer second argument to __builtin_annotation must be a non-wide string constant definition of builtin function %0 builtin functions must be directly called function-style cast to a builtin type can only take one argument argument to __builtin_longjmp must be a constant 1 __builtin_longjmp is not supported for the current target %0 needs target feature %1 '%0' is only available in %1 __builtin_setjmp is not supported for the current target %select{qualifier in |static |}0array size %select{||'[*] '}0is a C99 feature, not permitted in C++ calling %0 with incomplete return type %1 argument type %0 is incomplete calling function with incomplete return type %0 cannot find suitable %select{getter|setter}0 for property %1 cannot form a pointer-to-member to member %0 of reference type %1 cannot pass object with interface type %0 by value through variadic %select{function|block|method|constructor}1 cannot pass object with interface type %1 by value to variadic %select{function|block|method|constructor}2; expected type from format string was %3 cannot pass %select{expression of type %1|initializer list}0 to variadic %select{function|block|method|constructor}2 cannot pass %select{expression of type %1|initializer list}0 to variadic %select{function|block|method|constructor}2; expected type from format string was %3 __block variable %0 cannot be captured in a %select{lambda expression|captured statement}1 non-local lambda expression cannot have a capture-default %0 in capture list does not name a variable %0 can appear only once in a capture list %0 cannot be captured because it does not have automatic storage duration by-copy capture of value of abstract type %0 by-copy capture of variable %0 with incomplete type %1 %select{function|parameter}0 declared '[[carries_dependency]]' after its first declaration '[[carries_dependency]]' attribute only allowed on parameter in a function declaration or lambda 'case' statement not in switch statement operand of type %0 cannot be cast to a pointer type pointer cannot be cast to type %0 cannot type cast @selector expression cannot catch incomplete type %0 cannot catch pointer to incomplete type %0 cannot catch reference to incomplete type %0 @catch parameter is not a pointer to an interface type cannot catch exceptions by rvalue reference cannot catch variably modified type %0 cannot define %select{category|class extension}0 for undefined class %1 property declared in category %0 cannot be implemented in class implementation function declared '%0' here was previously declared %select{'%2'|without calling convention}1 function with no prototype cannot use the %0 calling convention variadic function cannot use %0 calling convention CFString literal is not a string constant circular inheritance between %0 and %1 cannot declare class extension for %0 after class implementation base %0 is marked '%select{final|sealed}1' property %0 is a class property; did you mean to access it with class '%1'? %0 redeclared with '%1' access property follows Cocoa naming convention for returning 'owned' objects the type %0 is not a pointer to a fast-enumerable object type of machine mode does not support base vector types %select{block pointer|pointer|reference}0 to function type %select{%2 |}1cannot have '%3' qualifier %select{variable|function}0 concept cannot be declared '%select{thread_local|inline|friend|constexpr}1' concept declarations may only appear in namespace scope %select{function|variable}0 concept cannot be %select{explicitly instantiated|explicitly specialized|partially specialized}1 'concept' cannot be applied on an %select{explicit instantiation|explicit specialization|partial specialization}0 'concept' can only appear on the definition of a function template or variable template operands to conditional of types%diff{ $ and $|}0,1 are incompatible in ARC mode conditional expression is ambiguous; %diff{$ can be converted to $ and vice versa|types can be convert to each other}0,1 conditional expression is ambiguous; %diff{$ and $|types}0,1 can be converted to several common types vector condition type %0 and result type %1 do not have elements of the same size vector condition type %0 and result type %1 do not have the same number of elements %select{left|right}1 operand to ? is void, but %select{right|left}1 operand is of type %0 CUDA special function 'cudaConfigureCall' must have scalar return type conflicting types for alias %0 instance variable %0 has conflicting bit-field width conflicting instance variable names: %0 vs %1 instance variable %0 has conflicting type%diff{: $ vs $|}1,2 virtual function %0 has different calling convention attributes %diff{($) than the function it overrides (which has calling convention $)|than the function it overrides}1,2 conflicting super class name %0 conflicting types for %0 argument to %0 must be a constant integer statement not allowed in constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 no return statement in constexpr function constexpr constructor must initialize all members destructor cannot be marked constexpr function try block not allowed in constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 variables defined in a constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 must be initialized variable of non-literal type %1 cannot be defined in a constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 %select{static|thread_local}1 variable not permitted in a constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 'main' is not allowed to be declared constexpr constexpr can only be used in variable and function declarations constexpr %select{function|constructor}1's %ordinal0 parameter type %2 is not a literal type constexpr function's return type %0 is not a literal type %select{non-constexpr declaration of %0 follows constexpr declaration|constexpr declaration of %0 follows non-constexpr declaration}1 non-void constexpr function %0 should return a value declaration of constexpr static data member %0 requires an initializer %select{class|struct|interface|union|enum}0 cannot be marked constexpr constexpr union constructor does not initialize any member constexpr variable cannot have non-literal type %0 constexpr variable %0 must be initialized by a constant expression virtual function cannot be constexpr constexpr %select{member function|constructor}0 not allowed in %select{struct|interface|class}1 with virtual base %plural{1:class|:classes}2 variably-modified type %0 cannot be used in a constexpr %select{function|constructor}1 copy constructor must pass its first argument by reference constructor cannot be declared '%0' constructor cannot be redeclared constructor cannot have a return type class extension has no primary class 'continue' statement not in loop statement conversion function must be a non-static member function conversion function cannot be redeclared conversion function cannot have a return type conversion function cannot convert to an array type conversion function cannot convert to a function type conversion function cannot be variadic cannot specify any part of a return type in the declaration of a conversion function%select{; put the complete type after 'operator'|; use a typedef to declare a conversion to %1|; use an alias template to declare a conversion to %1|}0 conversion function cannot have any parameters first two arguments to __builtin_convertvector must have the same number of elements first argument to __builtin_convertvector must be a vector second argument to __builtin_convertvector must be a vector type '&' must precede a capture when the capture default is '=' '%1' cannot be used in %select{a constructor|a destructor|a copy assignment operator|a move assignment operator|the 'main' function|a constexpr function|a function with a deduced return type|a varargs function}0 Objective-C methods as coroutines are not yet supported '%0' cannot be used outside a function %0 declares both 'return_value' and 'return_void' this function cannot be a coroutine: missing definition of specialization %q0 '%0' cannot be used in an unevaluated context return type of virtual function %3 is not covariant with the return type of the function it overrides (ambiguous conversion from derived class %0 to base class %1:%2) invalid covariant return for virtual function: %1 is a %select{private|protected}2 base class of %0 return type of virtual function %0 is not covariant with the return type of the function it overrides (%1 is incomplete) return type of virtual function %0 is not covariant with the return type of the function it overrides (%1 is not derived from %2) return type of virtual function %0 is not covariant with the return type of the function it overrides (class type %1 is more qualified than class type %2 return type of virtual function %0 is not covariant with the return type of the function it overrides (%1 has different qualifiers than %2) %select{constructor|destructor}1 %0 must not return void expression cannot use '%0' in %select{__device__|__global__|__host__|__host__ __device__}1 function __shared__ variable %0 cannot be 'extern' __shared__ local variables not allowed in %select{__device__|__global__|__host__|__host__ __device__}0 functions __constant__ variables must be global %select{__device__|__global__|__host__|__host__ __device__}0 function %1 cannot overload %select{__device__|__global__|__host__|__host__ __device__}2 function %3 constexpr function '%0' without __host__ or __device__ attributes cannot overload __device__ function with same signature. Add a __host__ attribute, or build with -fno-cuda-host-device-constexpr. cannot use variable-length arrays in %select{__device__|__global__|__host__|__host__ __device__}0 functions module name '%0' specified on command line does not match name of module %select{alias|ifunc}0 definition is part of a cycle dealloc return type must be correctly specified as 'void' under ARC, instead of %0 GNU decimal type extension not supported %0 attribute cannot be applied to a statement '%0' declared as an array with a negative size declarator requires an identifier '__declspec(thread)' applied to variable that already has a thread-local storage specifier 'decltype(auto)' cannot be combined with other type specifiers cannot form %select{pointer to|reference to|array of}0 'decltype(auto)' 'decltype(auto)' can only be used as a return type in a function declaration cannot deduce 'decltype(auto)' from initializer list 'decltype' cannot be used to name a declaration cannot decompose members of ambiguous base class %1 of %0:%2 cannot decompose class type %0 because it has an anonymous %select{struct|union}1 member decomposition declaration not permitted in this context cannot decompose class type %1: %select{its base classes %2 and|both it and its base class}0 %3 have non-static data members cannot decompose members of non-public base class %1 of %0 cannot decompose non-public member %0 of %1 decomposition declaration must be the only declaration in its group decomposition declaration cannot be declared with parentheses decomposition declaration %0 requires an initializer decomposition declaration cannot be declared %plural{1:'%1'|:with '%1' specifiers}0 cannot decompose this type; 'std::tuple_element<%0>::type' does not name a type cannot decompose this type; 'std::tuple_size<%0>::value' is not a valid integral constant expression decomposition declaration template not supported decomposition declaration cannot be declared with type %0; declared type must be 'auto' or reference to 'auto' cannot decompose %select{union|non-class, non-array}1 type %2 type %0 decomposes into %2 elements, but %select{only |}3%1 names were provided cannot decrement expression of type bool deduced non-type template argument does not have the same type as the corresponding template parameter%diff{ ($ vs $)|}0,1 deduced return types are a C++14 extension exception specifications of %select{return|argument}0 types differ default template argument in a class template partial specialization addition of default argument on redeclaration makes this constructor a %select{default|copy|move}0 constructor default initialization of an object of const type %0%select{| without a user-provided default constructor}1 'default' statement not in switch statement the parameter for an explicitly-defaulted copy assignment operator must be an lvalue reference type the parameter for this explicitly-defaulted copy %select{constructor|assignment operator}0 is const, but a member or base requires it to be non-const the parameter for an explicitly-defaulted move %select{constructor|assignment operator}0 may not be const an explicitly-defaulted %select{|copy |move }0constructor cannot have default arguments an explicitly-defaulted %select{copy|move}0 assignment operator may not have 'const'%select{, 'constexpr'|}1 or 'volatile' qualifiers explicitly-defaulted %select{copy|move}0 assignment operator must return %1 an explicitly-defaulted %select{|copy |move }0constructor cannot be variadic the parameter for an explicitly-defaulted %select{<<ERROR>>|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|<<ERROR>>}0 may not be volatile definition of explicitly defaulted %select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor|function}0 definition of implicitly declared %select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor|function}1 delegating constructors are permitted only in C++11 an initializer for a delegating constructor must appear alone converting delete expression from type %0 to type %1 invokes an explicit conversion function deleting incomplete class type %0; no conversions to pointer type cannot delete expression of type %0 deleted definition must be first declaration attempt to use a deleted function constructor inherited by %0 from base class %1 is implicitly deleted 'main' is not allowed to be deleted deleted function %0 cannot override a non-deleted function nested name specifier for a declaration cannot depend on a template parameter type of specialized non-type template argument depends on a template parameter of the partial specialization %select{declaration|definition}0 of %select{struct|interface|union|class|enum}1 in a dependent scope non-type template argument specializes a template parameter with dependent type %0 dereference of pointer to incomplete type %0 designator in initializer for scalar type %0 designator into flexible array member subobject destructor cannot be declared '%0' expected the class name after '~' to name a destructor destructor type %0 in object destruction expression does not match the type %1 of the object being destroyed expected the class name after '~' to name the enclosing class destructor must be a non-static member function destructor cannot be redeclared destructor cannot have a return type destructor cannot be declared as a template destructor cannot be declared using a %select{typedef|type alias}1 %0 of the class name destructor cannot be variadic destructor cannot have any parameters within a %select{__device__|__global__|__host__|__host__ __device__}0 function, only __shared__ variables may be marked 'static' conflicting asm label declaration of %0 has a different language linkage conflicting pass_object_size attributes on parameters virtual function %0 has a different return type %diff{($) than the function it overrides (which has return type $)|than the function it overrides}1,2 dimension expression does not evaluate to a constant unsigned int exception specifications are not allowed beyond a single level of indirection cannot cast %select{private|protected}2 base class %1 to %0 reference to %select{destructor|pseudo-destructor}0 must be called%select{|; did you mean to call it with no arguments?}1 reimplementation of category %1 for class %0 reimplementation of class %0 base class %0 specified more than once as a direct base class duplicate case value '%0' duplicate case value: '%0' and '%1' both equal '%2' duplicate interface definition for class %0 instance variable is already declared synthesized properties %0 and %1 both claim instance variable %2 definition with same mangled name as another definition duplicate member %0 duplicate declaration of method %0 property has a previous declaration dynamic property cannot have instance variable specification dynamic initialization is not supported for __device__, __constant__, and __shared__ variables. catch-all handler must come last ISO C requires a named parameter before '...' only function and template parameters can be parameter packs scalar initializer cannot be empty 'enable_if' attribute expression never produces a constant expression reference to %select{|scoped }0enumeration must use 'enum' not 'enum class' non-integral type %0 is an invalid underlying type mode %0 is not supported for enumeration types enumeration previously declared with %select{non|}0fixed underlying type enumeration previously declared as %select{un|}0scoped enumeration redeclared with different underlying type %0 (was %1) enumerator %0 does not exist in instantiation of %1 enumerator value is not representable in the underlying type %0 enumerator value %0 is not representable in the underlying type %1 the event_t type can only be used with __private address space qualifier exception specification of %0 uses itself exception specifications are not allowed in %select{typedefs|type aliases}0 exception specification is not available until end of class definition cannot use '%0' with exceptions disabled excess elements in %select{array|vector|scalar|union|struct}0 initializer excess elements in char array initializer %0 is not a class%select{ or namespace|, namespace, or enumeration}1 kernel must have void return type partial ordering for explicit instantiation of %0 is ambiguous explicit instantiation cannot be 'constexpr' explicit instantiation refers to static data member %q0 that is not an instantiation explicit instantiation declaration (with 'extern') follows explicit instantiation definition (without 'extern') duplicate explicit instantiation of %0 explicit instantiation of %0 in class scope explicit instantiation cannot be 'inline' explicit instantiation refers to member function %q0 that is not an instantiation explicit instantiation of %0 must occur at global scope explicit instantiation of non-templated type %0 explicit instantiation of %0 does not refer to a function template, variable template, member function, member class, or static data member explicit instantiation of typedef %0 explicit instantiation of %0 not in a namespace enclosing %1 explicit instantiation declaration requires a name explicit instantiation cannot have a storage class explicit instantiation of undefined function template %0 explicit instantiation of undefined %select{member class|member function|static data member}0 %1 of class template %2 explicit instantiation of undefined variable template %q0 explicit instantiation of %q0 must occur in namespace %1 explicit instantiation of %q0 must specify a template argument list 'explicit' can only be applied to a constructor or conversion function 'explicit' can only appear on non-static member functions 'explicit' can only be specified inside the class definition explicit specialization has extraneous, inconsistent storage class '%select{none|extern|static|__private_extern__|auto|register}0' export declaration appears within another export declaration %select{case value|enumerator value|non-type template argument|array size|constexpr if condition}0 is not a constant expression expression is not an %select{integer|integral}0 constant expression expression is not a string literal vector component access exceeds type %0 illegal vector component name '%0' illegal vector size (%0) declaration of %1 %select{with C language linkage|in global scope}0 conflicts with declaration %select{in global scope|with C language linkage}0 extern declaration of %0 follows non-extern declaration control reaches end of non-void block fallthrough annotation does not directly precede switch label fallthrough annotation is outside switch statement %0 attribute is only allowed on empty statements field %0 declared as a function field designator cannot initialize a %select{non-struct, non-union|non-class}0 type %1 field designator %0 does not refer to a non-static data member field designator %0 does not refer to any field in type %1 field designator %0 does not refer to any field in type %1; did you mean %2? field has incomplete type %0 data member instantiated with function type %0 field may not be qualified with an address space filter expression type should be an integral value not %0 declaration of %0 overrides a '%select{final|sealed}1' function first argument to __builtin_call_with_static_chain must not be a block call first argument to __builtin_call_with_static_chain must not be a builtin call first argument to __builtin_call_with_static_chain must be a non-member call expression first argument to __builtin_call_with_static_chain must not be a pseudo-destructor call first argument to 'va_arg' is of type %0 and not 'va_list' flexible array member %0 not allowed in otherwise empty %select{struct|interface|union|class|enum}1 flexible array member %0 of type %1 with non-trivial destruction initialization of flexible array member is not allowed flexible array requires brace-enclosed initializer flexible array member %0 in a union is not allowed flexible array member %0 not allowed in %select{struct|interface|union|class|enum}1 which has a virtual base class expression not permitted as operand of fold expression unary fold expression has empty expansion for operator '%0' with no fallback value binary fold expression has unexpanded parameter packs in both operands cannot use type %0 as a range invalid range expression of type %0; did you mean to dereference it with '*'? cannot use incomplete type %0 as a range invalid range expression of type %0; no viable '%select{begin|end}1' function available cannot use type %0 as an iterator range type %0 has '%select{begin|end}1' member but no '%select{end|begin}1' member loop variable %0 may not be declared %select{'extern'|'static'|'__private_extern__'|'auto'|'register'|'constexpr'}1 format attribute cannot specify the implicit this argument as the format string format argument not %0 format attribute requires variadic function function does not return %0 strftime format attribute requires 3rd parameter to be 0 ISO C++ forbids forward references to 'enum' types attempting to use the forward class %0 as superclass of %1 friend declaration of %0 does not match any declaration in %1 '%0' is invalid in friend declarations friend declaration specifying a default argument must be a definition friend declaration specifying a default argument must be the only declaration friend function cannot be defined in a local class friends cannot be members of the declaring class 'friend' must appear first in a non-function declaration incomplete result type %0 in function definition function cannot return %select{array|function}0 type %1 function cannot return qualified void type %0 declared return type of function concept must be 'bool' function concept cannot have exception specification function concept declaration must be a definition function concept cannot have any parameters %0 marked 'override' but does not override any member functions always_inline function %1 requires target feature '%2', but would be inlined into function %0 that is compiled without support for '%2' type %0 of function parameter pack does not contain any unexpanded parameter packs cannot specialize a function %0 within class scope function template partial specialization is not allowed function template specialization %0 ambiguously refers to more than one function template; explicitly specify%select{| additional}1 template arguments to identify a particular function template no function template matches function template specialization %0 weak attribute declared on a __strong type property in GC mode controlling expression type %0 compatible with %1 generic association types controlling expression type %0 not compatible with any generic association type no getter method for read from property call to global function %0 not configured cannot jump from this goto statement to its label cannot jump from this goto statement to label %0 inside an inline assembly block half precision constant requires cl_khr_fp16 type argument of iboutletcollection attribute cannot be a builtin type invalid type %0 as argument of iboutletcollection attribute ambiguous conversion from type %0 to an integral or unscoped enumeration type integral constant expression requires explicit conversion from %0 to %1 integral constant expression has incomplete class type %0 integral constant expression must have integral or unscoped enumeration type, not %0 integer constant expression evaluates to value %0 that cannot be represented in a %1-bit %select{signed|unsigned}2 integer type identifier %0 in object destruction expression does not name a type a parameter list without types is only allowed in a function definition ifunc resolver function must have no parameters ifunc resolver function must return a pointer illegal operation on Objective-C container subscripting array has incomplete element type %0 '%0' declared as array of %1 '%0' declared as array of functions of type %1 '%0' declared as array of references of type %1 '%0' does not point into a class '%0' declared as a member pointer to a reference of type %1 '%0' declared as a member pointer to void '%0' declared as a pointer to a reference of type %1 illegal initializer (only variables can be initialized) illegal initializer type %0 Objective-C message has incomplete result type %0 illegal qualifiers on @catch parameter %select{anonymous struct|union}0 member %1 has a non-trivial %select{constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}2 imaginary types are not supported initializer for aggregate with no elements requires explicit braces implicit instantiation of undefined member %0 cannot initialize object parameter of type %0 with an expression of type %1 you need to include <experimental/coroutine> before defining a coroutine this function cannot be a coroutine: %0 is not a class this function cannot be a coroutine: %q0 has no member named 'promise_type' you need to include <exception> before defining a coroutine that implicitly uses 'set_exception' cannot deduce type of initializer list because std::initializer_list was not found; include <initializer_list> static data member of type %0 must be initialized out of line default member initializer for %0 uses itself in-class initializer for static data member of type %0 requires 'constexpr' specifier non-const static data member must be initialized out of line in-class initializer for static data member is not a constant expression default member initializer for %1 needed within definition of enclosing class %0 outside of member functions static const volatile data member must be initialized out of line target exception specification is not superset of source base class has incomplete type %select{|pointer to |reference to }0incomplete type %1 is not allowed in exception specification member access into incomplete type %0 incomplete type %0 named in nested name specifier incomplete type in call to object of type %0 incomplete receiver type %0 cannot synthesize property %0 with incomplete type %1 incomplete type %0 where a complete type is required '@encode' of incomplete type %0 incomplete type %0 used in type trait expression 'typeid' of incomplete type %0 inconsistent number of instance variables specified defaulted definition of %select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator}0 is not constexpr exception specification of explicitly defaulted %select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}0 does not match the calculated one number of elements must be either one or match the size of the vector cannot %select{decrement|increment}0 expression of enum type %1 cannot jump from this indirect goto statement to one of its possible targets indirect goto in function with no address-of-label expressions cannot deduce type for lambda capture %0 from initializer of type %2 cannot deduce type for lambda capture %0 from initializer list initializer for lambda capture %0 contains multiple expressions initializer missing for lambda capture %0 cannot deduce type for lambda capture %1 from %select{parenthesized|nested}0 initializer list cannot initialize %select{a variable|a parameter|return object|an exception object|a member subobject|an array element|a new value|a value|a base class|a constructor delegation|a vector element|a block element|a complex element|a lambda capture|a compound literal initializer|a related result|a parameter of CF audited function}0 %diff{of type $ with an %select{rvalue|lvalue}2 of type $|with an %select{rvalue|lvalue}2 of incompatible type}1,3%select{|: different classes%diff{ ($ vs $)|}5,6|: different number of parameters (%5 vs %6)|: type mismatch at %ordinal5 parameter%diff{ ($ vs $)|}6,7|: different return type%diff{ ($ vs $)|}5,6|: different qualifiers (%select{none|const|restrict|const and restrict|volatile|const and volatile|volatile and restrict|const, volatile, and restrict}5 vs %select{none|const|restrict|const and restrict|volatile|const and volatile|volatile and restrict|const, volatile, and restrict}6)|: different exception specifications}4 initializer element is not a compile-time constant initialization of incomplete type %0 %select{|non-aggregate }0type %1 cannot be initialized with an initializer list init methods must return an object pointer type, not %0 initialization of non-aggregate type %0 with an initializer list cannot initialize Objective-C class type %0 can only use 'init_priority' attribute on file-scope definitions of objects of class type reference member of type %0 uninitialized initializer-string for char array is too long inline declaration of %0 follows non-inline definition inline declaration of %0 not allowed in block scope 'main' is not allowed to be declared inline non-inline namespace cannot be reopened as inline 'inline' can only appear on functions%select{| and non-local variables}0 invalid block pointer conversion %select{%diff{assigning to $ from $|assigning to different types}0,1|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|passing to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|returning from function with different return type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|initializing with expression of different type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|sending to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2 integer sequences must have integral element type integer sequences must have non-negative sequence length 'internal_linkage' attribute does not appear on the first declaration of %0 must use a qualified name when declaring a %select{constructor|destructor|conversion operator}0 as a friend invalid use of a cast in a inline asm context requiring an l-value: remove the cast or build with -fheinous-gnu-extensions value '%0' out of range for constraint '%1' invalid reinterpretation: sizes of %0 and %1 must match %0 attribute cannot be applied to virtual functions interface type cannot inherit from %select{'struct|non-public 'interface|'class}0 %1' collection element of type %0 is not an Objective-C object '_Complex %0' is invalid %select{function parameter|typedef|non-static data member}0 cannot be constexpr non-static data member cannot be constexpr%select{; did you intend to make it %select{const|static}0?|}1 constexpr variable declaration must be a definition invalid conversion between ext-vector type %0 and %1 invalid conversion between vector type %0 and integer type %1 of different size invalid conversion between vector type %0 and scalar type %1 invalid conversion between vector type%diff{ $ and $|}0,1 of different size invalid cpu feature string for builtin cannot combine with previous '%0' declaration specifier definition or redeclaration of %0 cannot name the global scope definition or redeclaration of %0 not allowed inside a block definition or redeclaration of %0 not allowed inside a function cannot define or redeclare %0 here because namespace %1 does not enclose namespace %2 cannot create a non-constant pointer to member function invalid use of incomplete type %0 %select{data member |non-public member function |static member function |user-declared constructor|user-declared destructor|operator |nested class }0%1 is not permitted within an interface type invalid use of member %0 in static member function incompatible constant for this __builtin_neon function invalid use of non-static data member %0 %0 is not a valid literal type for NSNumber invalid PCS type '__pixel' must be preceded by '__vector'. '%0' declaration specifier not allowed here %0 is not a valid property name (accessing an object of type %1) invalid protocol qualifiers on non-ObjC type '%0' qualifier is not allowed on a constructor '%0' qualifier is not allowed on a destructor %select{static |non-}0member function %select{of type %2 |}1cannot have '%3' qualifier receiver type %0 is not an Objective-C class 'super' is only valid in a method body '%0' cannot be signed or unsigned invalid use of '__super', this keyword can only be used inside class or member function scope invalid use of 'this' outside of a non-static member function '%0' is only allowed on variable declarations the %0 type cannot be used to declare a program scope variable an array type is not allowed here a function type is not allowed here type %2 of %select{explicit instantiation|explicit specialization|partial specialization|redeclaration}0 of %1 does not match expected type %3 cannot use '%0' with '__vector bool' cannot combine with previous '%0' declaration specifier. '__vector' must be first use of 'double' with '__vector' requires VSX support to be enabled (available on POWER7 or later) cannot use 'float' with '__vector' cannot use 'long' with '__vector' cannot use 'long double' with '__vector' use of 'long long' with '__vector bool' requires VSX support (available on POWER7 or later) or extended Altivec support (available on POWER8 or later) to be enabled '%select{|short|long|long long}0 %1' is invalid property %0 not found on object of type %1; did you mean to access instance variable %2? property %0 attempting to use instance variable %1 declared in super class %2 instance variables cannot be of reference type instance variable %0 accessed in class method kernel call to non-global function %0 kernel function %0 must be a free function or static member function kernel function type %0 must have void return type pointer arguments to kernel functions must reside in '__global', '__constant' or '__local' address space unnamed variable cannot be implicitly captured in a lambda expression lambda expression in default argument cannot capture any entity variable %0 with flexible array member cannot be captured in a lambda expression cannot assign to a variable captured by copy in a non-mutable lambda variable %0 cannot be implicitly captured in a lambda with no capture-default specified a lambda expression may not appear inside of a constant expression incomplete result type %0 in lambda expression cannot deduce lambda return type from initializer list lambda expression in an unevaluated operand string literal in language linkage specifier cannot have an encoding-prefix unknown linkage language cannot apply asm label to %select{variable|function}0 after its first use list-initializer for non-class type %0 must not be parenthesized non-template literal operator must have one or two parameters literal operator cannot have a default argument literal operator must have C++ linkage non-namespace scope '%0' cannot have a literal operator member parameter of literal operator must have type 'unsigned long long', 'long double', 'char', 'wchar_t', 'char16_t', 'char32_t', or 'const char *' literal operator %0 must be in a namespace or global scope invalid literal operator parameter type %0, did you mean %1? template parameter list for literal operator must be either 'char...' or 'typename T, T...' literal operator template cannot have any parameters '__local' variable cannot have an initializer %select{non-const|volatile}0 lvalue reference to type %1 cannot bind to an initializer list temporary %select{non-const|volatile}0 lvalue reference %diff{to type $ cannot bind to a temporary of type $|cannot bind to incompatible temporary}1,2 %select{non-const|volatile}0 lvalue reference %diff{to type $ cannot bind to a value of unrelated type $|cannot bind to a value of unrelated type}1,2 rvalue reference %diff{to type $ cannot bind to lvalue of type $|cannot bind to incompatible lvalue}0,1 %select{unknown|unsupported}0 machine mode %1 %select{first|second|third|fourth}0 parameter of 'main' (%select{argument count|argument array|environment|platform-specific data}0) must be of type %1 main cannot be declared as global variable 'main' must return 'int' too many parameters (%0) for 'main': must be 0, 2, or 3 %0 cannot be a template 'std::experimental::coroutine_traits' must be a class template 'std::current_exception' must be a function std::initializer_list must be a class template with a single type parameter control may reach end of non-void block member initializer %0 does not name a non-static data member or base class initializer %0 does not name a non-static data member or base class; did you mean the %select{base class|member}1 %2? call to non-static member function without an object argument out-of-line %select{declaration|definition}2 of %0 does not match any declaration in %1 out-of-line %select{declaration|definition}2 of %0 does not match any declaration in %1; did you mean %3? return type of out-of-line definition of %q0 differs from that in the declaration out-of-line definition of %0 from class %1 without definition extra qualification on member %0 member function %0 not viable: 'this' argument has type %1, but function is not marked %select{const|restrict|const or restrict|volatile|const or volatile|volatile or restrict|const, volatile, or restrict}2 initializer on function does not look like a pure-specifier member %0 has the same name as its class no member %0 in %1; it has not yet been instantiated non-friend class member %0 cannot have a qualified name class member cannot be redeclared multiple overloads of %0 instantiate to the same signature %1 base of member reference is a function; perhaps you meant to call it%select{| with no arguments}0? member pointer refers into non-class type %0 conversion from pointer to member of class %0 to pointer to member of class %1 via virtual base %2 is not allowed %select{instance|class}1 method %0 not found ; did you mean %2? exception specification in declaration does not match previous declaration exception specification in explicit instantiation does not match instantiated one inheritance model does not match %select{definition|previous declaration}0 uuid does not match previous declaration visibility does not match previous declaration instance variables may not be placed in %select{categories|class extension}0 missing actual type specifier for pipe string literal must be prefixed by '@' %select{constructor for %1 must explicitly initialize the|implicit default constructor for %1 must explicitly initialize the|cannot use constructor inherited from base class %4;}0 %select{base class|member}2 %3 %select{which|which|of %1}0 does not have a default constructor %0 is missing exception specification '%1' missing context for method declaration missing '[' at start of message send expression missing context for property implementation declaration property implementation in a category with no category declaration synthesized property %0 must either be named the same as a compatible instance variable or must explicitly name an instance variable C++ requires a type specifier for all declarations cannot use C++ 'try' in the same function as SEH '__try' mode attribute only supported for integer and floating-point types type of machine mode does not match type of base type @import of module '%0' in implementation of '%1'; use #import import of module '%0' appears within %1 %select{'module'|'module partition'|'module implementation'}0 declaration found while %select{not |not |}0building module interface %select{local variable|parameter|typedef}0 %1 cannot be declared __module_private__ local %select{struct|interface|union|class|enum}0 cannot be declared __module_private__ %select{template|partial|member}0 specialization cannot be declared __module_private__ import of module '%0' appears within same top-level module '%1' %select{declaration|definition|default argument|explicit specialization|partial specialization}0 of %1 must be imported from module '%2' before it is required missing '#include %3'; %select{declaration|definition|default argument|explicit specialization|partial specialization}0 of %1 must be imported from module '%2' before it is required %select{declaration|definition|default argument|explicit specialization|partial specialization}0 of %1 must be imported from one of the following modules before it is required:%2 '__leave' statement not in __try block '__builtin_ms_va_start' used in System V ABI function multiple initializations given for base %0 multiple default labels in one switch virtual function %q0 has more than one final overrider in %1 multiple initializations given for non-static member %0 initializing multiple members of union 'mutable' and 'const' cannot be mixed 'mutable' cannot be applied to functions 'mutable' can only be applied to member variables 'mutable' cannot be applied to references you need to include <guiddef.h> before using the '__uuidof' operator you need to include <typeinfo> before using the 'typeid' operator lookup of %0 in member access expression is ambiguous %0 cannot appear before '::' because it is not a class%select{ or namespace|, namespace, or enumeration}1; did you mean ':'? type %0 cannot be used prior to '::' because it has no members %select{call to non-static member function|use of non-static data member}0 %2 of %1 from nested type %3 nested redefinition of %0 'abi_tag' %0 missing in original declaration array 'new' cannot have initialization arguments only the first dimension of an allocated array may have dynamic size cannot allocate array of 'auto' allocation of incomplete type %0 no %select{getter|setter}0 defined for property %1 invalid use of '__super', %0 has no base classes cannot use dynamic_cast with -fno-rtti no matching function found in local scope no matching function %0 found in local scope; did you mean %3? no member named %0 in %1 no member named %0 in %1; did you mean to use '->' instead of '.'? no member named %0 in %1; did you mean %select{|simply }2%3? no template named %0 in %1; did you mean %select{|simply }2%3? cannot find interface declaration for %0 expression is not assignable no suitable member %0 in %1 no @interface declaration found in class messaging of %0 no template named %0; did you mean %1? cannot use typeid with -fno-rtti argument to noexcept specifier must be a constant expression a getter method is needed to perform a compound assignment on a property no getter method %1 for %select{increment|decrement}0 of property non-ASM statement in naked function is not supported non-deleted function %0 cannot override a deleted function non-extern declaration of %0 follows extern declaration declaration of non-local variable in 'for' loop non-static declaration of %0 follows static declaration non-thread-local declaration of %0 follows thread-local declaration template argument / label address difference / what did you expect? non-type template argument refers to subobject '%0' qualified name refers into a specialization of %select{function|variable}0 template %1 non-type template parameter %0 with type %1 has incompatible initializer of type %2 non-variable declaration in 'for' loop %0 is not virtual and cannot be declared pure block pointer to non-function type is invalid non-static data member defined out-of-line address argument to nontemporal builtin must be a pointer (%0 invalid) address argument to nontemporal builtin must be a pointer to integer, float, pointer, or a vector of such types (%0 invalid) block declared 'noreturn' should not return lambda declared 'noreturn' should not return function declared '[[noreturn]]' after its first declaration '_Noreturn' can only appear on functions %select{assignment to readonly property|no setter method %1 for assignment to property}0 %select{%select{increment|decrement}1 of readonly property|no setter method %2 for %select{increment|decrement}1 of property}0 cannot specialize a %select{dependent template|template template parameter}0 type %0 is not a direct or virtual base of %1 call to function %0 that is neither visible in the template definition nor found by argument-dependent lookup anonymous bit-field has non-integral type %0 bit-field %0 has non-integral type %1 no %select{struct|interface|union|class|enum}0 named %1 in %2 %0 attribute only applies to %select{Objective-C object|pointer|pointer-to-CF-pointer}1 parameters overriding method has mismatched ns_consumed attribute on its parameter 'NSObject' attribute is for pointer types only overriding method has mismatched ns_returns_%select{not_retained|retained}0 attributes nullability keyword %0 cannot be applied to multi-level pointer type %1 nullability specifier %0 cannot be applied to non-pointer type %1 array of interface %0 is invalid (probably should be an array of pointers) parameter of %0 attribute must be a single name of an Objective-C %select{class|protocol}1 attribute %0 can only be applied to @protocol definitions, not forward declarations parameter of %0 attribute must be 'id' when used on a typedef 'objc_bridge(id)' is only allowed on structs and typedefs of void pointers could not find Objective-C class %0 to convert %1 to %2 %0 must be name of an Objective-C class to be able to convert %1 to %2 %0 must be explicitly converted to %1; use %select{%objcclass2|%objcinstance2}3 method for this conversion CF object of type %0 is bridged to %1, which is not an Objective-C class Objective-C declarations may only appear in global scope cannot use '%0' with Objective-C exceptions disabled illegal type %0 used in a boxed expression incomplete type %0 used in a boxed expression Objective-C index expression has incomplete class type %0 method for accessing %select{dictionary|array}1 element must have Objective-C object return type instead of %0 '__kindof' specifier cannot be applied to non-object type %0 '__kindof' type specifier must precede the declarator literal construction method %0 has incompatible signature indexing expression is invalid because subscript type %0 has multiple type conversion functions non-trivially copyable type %0 cannot be used in a boxed expression ObjectiveC object of type %0 is bridged to %1, which is not valid CF object cannot assign to class object (%0 invalid) cannot catch an Objective-C object by value %select{extension|category}0 of non-parameterized class %1 cannot have type parameters forward declaration of non-parameterized class %0 cannot have type parameters class %0 previously declared with type parameters objc_precise_lifetime only applies to retainable types; type here is %0 property attributes '%0' and '%1' are mutually exclusive property with '%0' attribute must be of object type objc_root_class attribute may only be specified on a root class declaration cannot implement a category for class %0 that is only visible via the Objective-C runtime cannot implement subclass %0 of a superclass %1 that is only visible via the Objective-C runtime %select{dictionary|array}1 subscript base type %0 is not an Objective-C object method object parameter type %0 is not object type method index parameter type %0 is not integral type method key parameter type %0 is not object type expected method to %select{read|write}1 %select{dictionary|array}2 element not found on object of type %0 cannot assign to this %select{dictionary|array}1 because assigning method's 2nd parameter of type %0 is not an Objective-C pointer type indexing expression is invalid because subscript type %0 is not an Objective-C pointer indexing expression is invalid because subscript type %0 is not an integral or Objective-C pointer type @synchronized requires an Objective-C object type (%0 invalid) @throw requires an Objective-C object type (%0 invalid) type argument %0 does not satisfy the bound (%1) of type parameter %2 type argument %0 cannot explicitly specify nullability no type or protocol named %0 type argument %0 must be a pointer (requires a '*') type argument %0 is neither an Objective-C object nor a block type type argument %0 cannot be qualified with '%1' angle brackets contain both a %select{type|protocol}0 (%1) and a %select{protocol|type}0 (%2) type arguments cannot be applied to non-class type %0 type arguments cannot be applied to non-parameterized class %0 type arguments cannot be applied to already-specialized class type %0 too %select{many|few}0 type arguments for class %1 (have %2, expected %3) %select{forward class declaration|class definition|category|extension}0 has too %select{few|many}1 type parameters (expected %2, have %3) type bound %0 for type parameter %1 conflicts with %select{implicit|previous}2 bound %3%select{for type parameter %5|}4 type parameter %0 bound %1 cannot explicitly specify nullability missing type bound %0 for type parameter %1 in %select{@interface|@class}2 missing '*' in type bound %0 for type parameter %1 type bound %0 for type parameter %1 is not an Objective-C pointer type type bound %1 for type parameter %0 cannot be qualified with '%2' redeclaration of type parameter %0 %select{in|co|contra}0variant type parameter %1 conflicts with previous %select{in|co|contra}2variant type parameter %3 cannot declare variable inside @interface or @protocol interface type %1 cannot be %select{returned|passed}0 by value; did you forget * in %1? offsetof requires array type, %0 invalid cannot compute offset of bit-field %0 invalid application of 'offsetof' to a field of a virtual base offsetof of incomplete type %0 offsetof requires struct, union, or class type, %0 invalid argument of aligned clause should be array%select{ or pointer|, pointer, reference to array or reference to pointer}1, not %0 %select{a variable|a parameter|'this'}0 cannot appear in more than one aligned clause expected pointer, array, reference to pointer, or reference to array in 'is_device_ptr clause' OpenMP array section is not allowed here expected at least one 'to' clause or 'from' clause specified to '#pragma omp target update' the statement for 'atomic capture' must be a compound statement of form '{v = x; x binop= expr;}', '{x binop= expr; v = x;}', '{v = x; x = x binop expr;}', '{v = x; x = expr binop x;}', '{x = x binop expr; v = x;}', '{x = expr binop x; v = x;}' or '{v = x; x = expr;}', '{v = x; x++;}', '{v = x; ++x;}', '{++x; v = x;}', '{x++; v = x;}', '{v = x; x--;}', '{v = x; --x;}', '{--x; v = x;}', '{x--; v = x;}' where x is an l-value expression with scalar type the statement for 'atomic capture' must be an expression statement of form 'v = ++x;', 'v = --x;', 'v = x++;', 'v = x--;', 'v = x binop= expr;', 'v = x = x binop expr' or 'v = x = expr binop x', where x and v are both l-value expressions with scalar type the statement for 'atomic' must be an expression statement of form '++x;', '--x;', 'x++;', 'x--;', 'x binop= expr;', 'x = x binop expr' or 'x = expr binop x', where x is an l-value expression with scalar type the statement for 'atomic read' must be an expression statement of form 'v = x;', where v and x are both lvalue expressions with scalar type directive '#pragma omp atomic' cannot contain more than one 'read', 'write', 'update' or 'capture' clause the statement for 'atomic update' must be an expression statement of form '++x;', '--x;', 'x++;', 'x--;', 'x binop= expr;', 'x = x binop expr' or 'x = expr binop x', where x is an l-value expression with scalar type the statement for 'atomic write' must be an expression statement of form 'x = expr;', where x is a lvalue expression with scalar type bit fields cannot be used to specify storage in a '%0' clause arguments of OpenMP clause 'reduction' with bitwise operators cannot be of floating type arguments of OpenMP clause 'reduction' for 'min' or 'max' must be of %select{scalar|arithmetic}0 type const-qualified list item cannot be reduction const-qualified variable cannot be %0 constructs with the same name must have a 'hint' clause with the same value redefinition of user-defined reduction for type %0 %0 appears multiple times in clauses on the same declare target directive %0 must not appear in both clauses 'to' and 'link' 'depend' clauses cannot be mixed with '%0' clause expected %0 loop iteration variable expected '+' or '-' operation 'depend(%select{source|sink:vec}0)' clause%select{|s}0 cannot be mixed with 'depend(%select{sink:vec|source}0)' clause%select{s|}0 unexpected expression: number of expressions is larger than the number of associated loops declare target region may not be enclosed within another declare target region expected access to data field expected variable name as a base of the array %select{subscript|section}0 expected a reference to an integer-typed parameter expected expression containing only member accesses and/or array sections based on named variables expected a reference to a parameter specified in a 'uniform' clause %0 is not a global variable, static local variable or static data member %0 is not a global variable, static local variable or static data member; did you mean %1 expected variable name%select{| or data member of current class}0 expected variable name%select{|, data member of current class}0, array element or array section expression requires explicit conversion from %0 to %1 lastprivate variable cannot be firstprivate in '#pragma omp distribute' reduction variable in '#pragma omp teams' cannot be firstprivate in '#pragma omp distribute' private variable in '#pragma omp teams' cannot be firstprivate in '#pragma omp distribute' a firstprivate variable with incomplete type %0 '#pragma omp declare simd' can only be applied to functions arguments of '#pragma omp %0' must have %select{global storage|static storage duration}1 '%0' and '%1' clause are mutually exclusive and may not appear on the same directive the name of the construct must be specified in presence of 'hint' clause expression has incomplete class type %0 %select{map type '%1' is not allowed|map type must be specified}0 for '#pragma omp %2' %0 used in declare target directive is not a variable or a function name a lastprivate variable with incomplete type %0 argument of a linear clause should be of integral or pointer type, not %0 a linear variable with incomplete type %0 'linear' clause cannot be specified along with 'ordered' clause with a parameter variable with local storage in initial value of threadprivate variable '%0' statement cannot be used in OpenMP for loop could not calculate number of iterations calling 'operator-' with upper and lower loop bounds increment expression must cause %0 to %select{decrease|increase}1 on each iteration of OpenMP for loop condition of OpenMP for loop must be a relational comparison ('<', '<=', '>', or '>=') of loop variable %0 increment clause of OpenMP for loop must perform simple addition or subtraction on loop variable %0 initialization clause of OpenMP for loop is not in canonical form ('var = init' or 'T var = init') loop iteration variable in the associated loop of 'omp %1' directive may not be %0, predetermined as %2 variable must be of integer or %select{pointer|random access iterator}0 type variable already marked as mapped in current construct multiple array elements associated with the same variable are not allowed in map clauses of the same construct argument to '%0' clause must be a %select{non-negative|strictly positive}1 integer value variable %0 must have explicitly specified data sharing attributes expected at least one map clause for '#pragma omp %0' no more 'if' clause is allowed %select{statement after '#pragma omp %1' must be a for loop|expected %2 for loops after '#pragma omp %1'%select{|, but found only %4}3}0 expression must have integral or unscoped enumeration type, not %0 type %0 is not mappable to target unable to resolve declare reduction construct for type %0 variable can appear only once in OpenMP '%0' clause variable can appear only once in OpenMP 'target update' construct 'ordered' directive %select{without any clauses|with 'threads' clause}0 cannot be closely nested inside ordered region with specified parameter 'ordered' directive with 'depend' clause cannot be closely nested inside ordered region without specified parameter 'ordered' clause with a parameter can not be specified in '#pragma omp %0' directive original storage of expression in data environment is shared but data environment do not fully contain mapped expression storage orphaned 'omp %0' directives are prohibited; perhaps you forget to enclose the directive into a %select{|||target |teams }1region? %select{orphaned 'omp section' directives are prohibited, it|'omp section' directive}0 must be closely nested to a sections region%select{|, not a %1 region}0 argument of a reduction clause of a %0 construct must not appear in a firstprivate clause on a task construct the statement for '#pragma omp parallel sections' must be a compound statement statement in 'omp parallel sections' directive must be enclosed into a section region expected reference to one of the parameters of function %0%select{| or 'this'}1 parent region for 'omp %select{cancellation point/cancel}0' construct cannot be nowait parent region for 'omp %select{cancellation point/cancel}0' construct cannot be ordered pointer cannot be mapped along with a section derived from itself a private variable with incomplete type %0 region cannot be%select{| closely}0 nested inside '%1' region%select{|; perhaps you forget to enclose 'omp %3' directive into a parallel region?|; perhaps you forget to enclose 'omp %3' directive into a for or a parallel for region with 'ordered' clause?|; perhaps you forget to enclose 'omp %3' directive into a target region?|; perhaps you forget to enclose 'omp %3' directive into a teams region?}2 OpenMP constructs may not be nested inside an atomic region cannot nest 'critical' regions having the same name %0 OpenMP constructs may not be nested inside a simd region list item of type %0 is not valid for specified reduction operation: unable to provide default initialization value reduction variables may not be accessed in an explicit task a reduction list item with incomplete type %0 argument of OpenMP clause 'reduction' must reference the same object in all threads reduction type cannot be %select{qualified with 'const', 'volatile' or 'restrict'|a function|a reference|an array}0 type arguments of '#pragma omp %0' cannot be of reference type %1 directive must be at file or namespace scope %0 variable must be %1 same pointer derreferenced in multiple different ways in map clause expressions 'schedule' clause with 'nonmonotonic' modifier cannot be specified if an 'ordered' clause is specified 'nonmonotonic' modifier can only be specified with 'dynamic' or 'guided' schedule kind section of pointer to function type %0 section of pointer to incomplete type %0 section length is evaluated to a negative value %0 section length is unspecified and cannot be inferred because subscripted value is %select{not an array|an array of unknown bound}0 array section must be a subset of the original array the statement for '#pragma omp sections' must be a compound statement statement in 'omp sections' directive must be enclosed into a section region '%0' statement cannot be used in OpenMP simd region the 'copyprivate' clause must not be used with the 'nowait' clause single declaration is expected after 'declare simd' directive target construct with nested teams region contains statements outside of the teams construct threadprivate variables are not allowed in '%0' clause threadprivate variables cannot be used in target constructs threadprivate variable with incomplete type %0 array section %select{lower bound|length}0 is not an integer subscripted value is not an array or pointer expected %0 in OpenMP clause '%1' modifier '%0' cannot be used along with modifier '%1' mapped storage cannot be derived from a union incorrect reduction identifier, expected one of '+', '-', '*', '&', '|', '^', '&&', '||', 'min' or 'max' or declare reduction for type %0 expected %select{|one of}0 %1 directive name modifier%select{|s}0 expected pointer or reference to pointer in 'use_device_ptr' clause '#pragma omp %0' must appear in the scope of the %q1 variable declaration variable %0 cannot be threadprivate because it is %select{thread-local|a global named register variable}1 '#pragma omp %0' must precede all references to variable %q1 %0 variable cannot be in a %1 clause in '#pragma omp %2' directive arguments of OpenMP clause '%0' in '#pragma omp %2' directive cannot be of variably-modified type %1 one of 'for', 'parallel', 'sections' or 'taskgroup' is expected %0 variable cannot be %1 directive name modifier '%0' is not allowed for '#pragma omp %1' expected %select{'val' modifier|one of 'ref', val' or 'uval' modifiers}0 variable of non-reference type %0 can be used only with 'val' modifier, but used with '%1' the parameter of the 'ordered' clause must be greater than or equal to the parameter of the 'collapse' clause the value of 'simdlen' parameter must be less than or equal to the value of the 'safelen' parameter only %select{'omp_priv' or 'omp_orig'|'omp_in' or 'omp_out'}0 variables are allowed in %select{initializer|combiner}0 expression access specifier can only have annotation attributes only constructors take base initializers only enumeration types have underlying types bit-fields are not supported in OpenCL cannot refer to a block inside block the __block storage type is not permitted invalid number of arguments to function: %0 first argument to %0 must be a pipe type invalid pipe access modifier (expecting %0) invalid argument type to function %0 (expecting %1 having %2) invalid argument %0 to function: %1, expecting a generic pointer argument cannot cast non-zero value '%0' to 'event_t' casting to type %0 is not allowed variable in constant address space must be initialized blocks with parameters are not accepted in this prototype of enqueue_kernel call blocks used in enqueue_kernel call are expected to have parameters of type 'local void*' illegal call to enqueue_kernel, expected %0 argument type illegal call to enqueue_kernel, incorrect argument types illegal call to enqueue_kernel, parameter needs to be specified as integer type mismatch in number of block parameters and local size arguments passed declaring kernel argument of event type is not allowed Using %0 function requires the extension '%1' to be enabled invalid block variable declaration - using 'extern' storage class is disallowed pointers to functions are not allowed %select{non-kernel function|function scope}0 variable cannot be declared in %1 address space %select{program scope|static local|extern}0 variable must reside in %1 address space declaring variable of type %0 is not allowed %select{loading directly from|assigning directly to}0 pointer to type %1 requires cl_khr_fp16. Use vector data %select{load|store}0 builtin functions instead declaring function parameter of type %0 is not allowed; did you forget * ? image3d_t access qualifier write_only requires cl_khr_3d_image_writes extension to be enabled implicit declarations are not allowed implicit conversions between vector types (%0 and %1) are not permitted access qualifier can only be used for pipe and image type Argument and result of function %0 must have the same bitwidth invalid block variable declaration - must be %select{const qualified|initialized}0 access qualifier %0 can not be used for %1 %select{|prior to OpenCL version 2.0}2 declaring function return value of type %0 is not allowed %select{; did you forget * ?|}1 array of %0 type is invalid in OpenCL attribute %0 can only be applied to a kernel function multiple access qualifiers %select{function|kernel}0 cannot be called 'main' pointer to type %0 is invalid in OpenCL kernel parameter cannot be declared as a pointer to a pointer use of %select{type |declaration}0%1 requires %2 extension to be enabled return value cannot be qualified with address space missing const qualifier for global sampler invalid application of '%select{sizeof|alignof|vec_step|__builtin_omp_required_simd_align}0' to a void type taking address of a capture is not allowed block type cannot be used as expression in ternary expression in OpenCL type %0 can only be used as a function parameter in OpenCL the %0 type cannot be used to declare a structure or union field OpenCL version %0 does not support the '%1' %select{type qualifier|storage class specifier}2 invalid prototype, variadic arguments are not allowed in OpenCL expecting lvalue here variable length arrays are not supported in OpenCL invalid application of '__builtin_omp_required_simd_align' to an expression, only type is allowed circular pointer delegation detected use of 'operator->' on type %0 would invoke a sequence of more than %1 'operator->' calls %0 cannot take a dependent type as first parameter; use %1 instead first parameter of %0 must have type %1 parameter of %0 cannot have a default argument %0 cannot be declared inside a namespace %0 cannot be declared static in global scope %0 cannot have a dependent return type; use %1 instead %0 must return type %1 %0 template must have at least two parameters %0 must have at least one parameter %0 cannot take a dependent type as first parameter; use size_t (%1) instead %0 takes type size_t (%1) as first parameter parameter of overloaded %0 cannot have a default argument overloaded %0 must be a %select{unary|binary|unary or binary}2 operator (has %1 parameter%s1) overloaded %0 must be a non-static member function overloaded %0 must have at least one parameter of class or enumeration type parameter of overloaded post-%select{increment|decrement}1 operator must have type 'int' (not %0) overloaded %0 cannot be a static member function overloaded %0 cannot be variadic os_log() argument %0 is too big (%1 bytes, max %2) os_log() format argument is not a string constant defaulting this %select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}0 would delete it after its first declaration operand argument to overflow builtin must be an integer (%0 invalid) result argument to overflow builtin must be a pointer to a non-const integer (%0 invalid) exception specification of overriding function is more lax than base version call to %0 is ambiguous ambiguous conversion for %select{|static_cast|reinterpret_cast|dynamic_cast|C-style cast|functional-style cast}0 from %1 to %2 call to constructor of %0 is ambiguous call to member function %0 is ambiguous call to object of type %0 is ambiguous use of overloaded operator '%0' is ambiguous (with operand types %1 and %2) use of overloaded operator '%0' is ambiguous (operand type %1) call to %select{unavailable|deleted}0 function %1%2 %select{|static_cast|reinterpret_cast|dynamic_cast|C-style cast|functional-style cast}0 from %1 to %2 uses deleted function call to %select{unavailable|deleted}0 constructor of %1 call to %select{unavailable|deleted}0 member function %1%2 call to %select{unavailable|deleted}0 function call operator in type %1%2 overload resolution selected %select{unavailable|deleted}0 operator '%1'%2 call to implicitly-deleted %select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor|function}0 of %1 object of type %0 cannot be %select{constructed|copied|moved|assigned|assigned|destroyed}1 because its %select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}1 is implicitly deleted functions that differ only in their return type cannot be overloaded cannot convert %1 to %2 without a conversion operator type %0 does not provide a %select{subscript|call}1 operator no matching conversion for %select{|static_cast|reinterpret_cast|dynamic_cast|C-style cast|functional-style cast}0 from %1 to %2 no matching function for call to %0 no matching constructor for initialization of %0 no matching literal operator for call to %0%select{| with argument of type %2| with arguments of types %2 and %3}1%select{| or 'const char *'}4%select{|, and no matching literal operator template}5 no matching member function for call to %0 no matching function for call to object of type %0 no viable overloaded '%0' no viable overloaded operator[] for type %0 static and non-static member functions with the same parameter types cannot be overloaded reference to overloaded function could not be resolved; did you mean to call it%select{| with no arguments}0? 'ownership_returns' attribute index does not match; here it is %0 %0 attribute only applies to %select{pointer|integer}1 arguments pack expansion contains parameter packs %0 and %1 that have different lengths (%2 vs. %3) pack expansion contains parameter pack %0 that has a different length (%1 vs. %2) from outer parameter packs pack expansion for initialization of member %0 pack expansion does not contain any unexpanded parameter packs C does not support default arguments default arguments cannot be added to an out-of-line definition of a member of a %select{class template|class template partial specialization|nested class in a template}0 missing default argument on parameter missing default argument on parameter %0 default arguments can only be specified for parameters in a function declaration parameter pack cannot have a default argument redefinition of default argument default argument references local variable %0 of enclosing function default argument references parameter %0 default argument references 'this' default arguments cannot be added to a function template that has already been declared argument may not have 'void' type parameter name omitted %select{parameters|function return value}0 cannot have __fp16 type; did you forget * ? cannot parenthesize the name of a method when forming a member pointer %select{class|variable}0 template partial specialization does not specialize any template argument; to %select{declare|define}1 the primary template, remove the template argument list partial specialization of %0 does not use any of its template parameters ambiguous partial specializations of %0 class template partial specialization %0 cannot be redeclared partial specialization cannot be declared as a friend 'new' expression with placement arguments refers to non-placement 'operator delete' call to pointer to member function of type %0 drops '%1' qualifier%s2 pointer-to-member function type %0 can only be called on an %select{rvalue|lvalue}1 invalid use of pointer to member type after %select{.*|->*}0 this builtin is only valid on POWER7 or later CPUs %select{incompatible|duplicate}0 directives '%1' and '%2' invalid argument of type %0; expected an integer type %select{invalid value '%0'; must be positive|value '%0' is too large}1 expected a for, while, or do-while loop to follow '%0' mac68k alignment pragma is not supported on this target #pragma visibility pop with no matching #pragma visibility push #pragma visibility push with no matching #pragma visibility pop instance variable %0 is private type of property %0 (%1) does not match type of accessor %2 (%3) property %0 found on object of type %1; did you mean to access it with the "." operator? use of Objective-C property in function nested in Objective-C container not supported, move function outside its container property %0 is already implemented property %0 has a variably modified type type of property %0 (%1) does not match type of instance variable %2 (%3) property access is using %0 method which is unavailable property %0 refers to an incomplete Objective-C class %1 (with no @interface available) property %0 not found on object of type %1 property %0 cannot be found in forward class object %1 property %0 not found on object of type %1; did you mean %2? synthesized properties %0 and %1 both claim setter %2 - use of this setter will cause unexpected behavior property cannot have array or function type %0 instance variable %0 is protected protocol has circular dependency object expression of non-scalar type %0 cannot be used in a pseudo-destructor expression call to pseudo-destructor cannot have any arguments %0 does not refer to a type name in pseudo-destructor expression; expected the name of type %1 the type of object expression %diff{($) does not match the type being destroyed ($)|does not match the type being destroyed}0,1 in pseudo-destructor expression friend declaration cannot have a pure-specifier exception declarator cannot be qualified friend function definition cannot be qualified with '%0' no function named %0 with type %1 was found in the specified scope qualified member access refers to a member in %0 %q0 is not a member of class %1 %select{property|instance variable}0 access cannot be qualified with '%1' @catch parameter declarator cannot be qualified parameter declarator cannot be qualified typedef declarator cannot be qualified cannot build range expression with array function parameter %0 since parameter with array type %1 is treated as pointer type %2 assigning to 'readonly' return result of an Objective-C message not allowed invalid type %0 to %1 operator %select{struct|union}0 kernel parameters may not contain pointers recursive evaluation of default argument trying to recursively use %0 as superclass of %1 redeclaration of %0 with a different type%diff{: $ vs $|}1,2 redefinition of %0 redefinition of %0 as different kind of symbol redefinition of %0 as an alias for a different namespace redefinition of %0 with a different type%diff{: $ vs $|}1,2 %select{typedef|type alias|type alias template}0 redefinition with different types%diff{ ($ vs $)|}1,2 redefinition of a 'extern inline' function %0 is not supported in %select{C99 mode|C++}1 redefinition of enumerator %0 redefinition of label %0 redefinition of %select{typedef|type alias}0 for variably-modified type %1 cannot refer to declaration with an array type inside block reference to %select{__device__|__global__|__host__|__host__ __device__}0 function %1 in %select{__device__|__global__|__host__|__host__ __device__}2 function reference to %select{__device__|__global__|__host__|__host__ __device__}0 function %1 in global initializer cannot refer to declaration of structure variable with flexible array member inside block reference initialization of type %0 with initializer of type %1 is ambiguous %0 does not refer to a value ref-qualifier '%select{&&|&}0' is not allowed on a constructor ref-qualifier '%select{&&|&}0' is not allowed on a destructor cannot overload a member function %select{without a ref-qualifier|with ref-qualifier '&'|with ref-qualifier '&&'}0 with a member function %select{without a ref-qualifier|with ref-qualifier '&'|with ref-qualifier '&&'}1 cannot refer to declaration with a variably modified type inside block binding value %diff{of type $ to reference to type $|to reference}0,1 drops %select{<<ERROR>>|'const'|'restrict'|'const' and 'restrict'|'volatile'|'const' and 'volatile'|'restrict' and 'volatile'|'const', 'restrict', and 'volatile'}2 qualifier%plural{1:|2:|4:|:s}2 reference %diff{to type $ could not bind to an %select{rvalue|lvalue}1 of type $|could not bind to %select{rvalue|lvalue}1 of incompatible type}0,2 reference to type %0 cannot bind to an initializer list %select{non-const|volatile}0 reference cannot bind to bit-field%select{| %1}2 %select{non-const|volatile}0 reference cannot bind to vector element '&' cannot precede a capture when the capture default is '&' reference cannot be initialized with multiple values pipes packet types cannot be of reference type reference to local %select{variable|binding}1 %0 declared in enclosing %select{%3|block literal|lambda expression|context}2 cannot form a reference to 'void' declaration of reference variable %0 requires an initializer reference to type %0 requires an initializer function declared with regparm(%0) attribute was previously declared %plural{0:without the regparm|:with the regparm(%1)}1 attribute %0 attribute cannot be repeated variable does not have a constant initializer cannot subclass a class that was declared with the 'objc_subclassing_restricted' attribute returning block that lives on the local stack @throw (rethrow) used outside of a @catch block void block should not return a value cannot return from %0 return in the catch of a function try block of a constructor is illegal return statement not allowed in coroutine; did you mean 'co_return'? %select{void function|void method|constructor|destructor}1 %0 must not return a value function declared with the ns_returns_retained attribute was previously declared without the ns_returns_retained attribute %0 cannot use 'super' because it is a root class rvalue reference type %0 is not allowed in exception specification sampler_t variable required - got %0 sampler_t initialization requires 32-bit integer, not %0 second argument to __builtin_call_with_static_chain must be of pointer type second argument to 'va_arg' is of abstract type %0 second argument to 'va_arg' is of incomplete type %0 %0 causes a section type conflict with %1 cannot use SEH '__try' in blocks, captured regions, or Obj-C method decls SEH '__try' is not supported on this target chosen constructor is explicit in copy-initialization selector element of type %0 cannot be a constant l-value expression selector element is not a valid lvalue selector element type %0 is not a valid object type of setter must be void initialization is not supported for __shared__ variables. requested shift is a vector of type %0 but the first operand is not a vector (%1) index for __builtin_shufflevector must be less than the total number of vector elements first two arguments to __builtin_shufflevector must have the same type first two arguments to __builtin_shufflevector must be vectors index for __builtin_shufflevector must be a constant integer invalid application of '%select{sizeof|alignof|vec_step|__builtin_omp_required_simd_align}0' to a function type invalid application of '%select{sizeof|alignof|vec_step|__builtin_omp_required_simd_align}0' to an incomplete type %1 invalid application of '%select{sizeof|alignof|typeof}0' to bit-field application of '%select{alignof|sizeof}1' to interface %0 is not supported on this architecture and platform %0 does not refer to the name of a parameter pack %0 does not refer to the name of a parameter pack; did you mean %1? specialization of member %q0 does not specialize an instantiated member explicit specialization of %0 after instantiation cannot specialize %select{|(with 'template<>') }0a member of an unspecialized template forward declaration of %select{class|struct|interface|union|enum}0 cannot have a nested name specifier static_assert expression is not an integral constant expression static_assert failed%select{ %1|}0 function declared in block scope cannot have 'static' storage class static data member %0 not allowed in anonymous struct static data member %0 not allowed in local class %1 static data member %0 already has an initializer cannot cast %0 to %1 via virtual base %2 variables in function scope cannot be declared static the 'static' modifier for the array size is not legal in new expressions kernel functions cannot be declared static 'main' is not allowed to be declared static static declaration of %0 follows non-static declaration static member %0 cannot be a bit-field 'static' can only be specified inside the class definition 'static' member function %0 overrides a virtual function in a base class interface type cannot be statically allocated unsupported standard library implementation: 'std::%0' is not a class template %0 attribute cannot be applied to a declaration static data member definition cannot specify a storage class @catch parameter cannot have storage specifier '%0' storage class specified for a member declaration existing instance variable %1 for strong property %0 may not be __weak subscript of pointer to function type %0 subscript of pointer to incomplete type %0 subscript requires size of interface %0, which is not constant for this architecture and platform use of '__super' inside a lambda is unsupported '%0' parameter must have pointer%select{| to unqualified pointer}1 type; type here is %2 'swift_error_result' parameter must follow 'swift_context' parameter 'swift_indirect_result' parameters must be first parameters of function '%0' parameter can only be used with swiftcall calling convention switch condition type %0 requires explicit conversion to %1 switch condition has incomplete class type %0 cannot jump from switch statement to this case label multiple conversions from switch condition type %0 to an integral or enumeration type @synthesize not allowed in a category's implementation @synthesize not allowed on a class property %0 cannot synthesize weak property in file using manual reference counting cannot synthesize weak property because the current deployment target does not support weak references invalid transaction abort code definition of type %0 conflicts with %select{typedef|type alias}1 of the same name implicit declaration introduced by elaborated type conflicts with a %select{non-struct type|non-class type|non-union type|non-enum type|typedef|type alias|template|type alias template|template template argument}0 of the same name %select{non-struct type|non-class type|non-union type|non-enum type|typedef|type alias|template|type alias template|template template argument}1 %0 cannot be referenced with a %select{struct|interface|union|class|enum}2 specifier friend type templates must use an elaborated type ambiguous constructor call when %select{copying variable|copying parameter|returning object|throwing object|copying member subobject|copying array element|allocating object|copying temporary|initializing base subobject|initializing vector element|capturing value}0 of type %1 %select{copying variable|copying parameter|returning object|throwing object|copying member subobject|copying array element|allocating object|copying temporary|initializing base subobject|initializing vector element|capturing value}0 of type %1 invokes deleted constructor copying a temporary object of incomplete type %0 no viable constructor %select{copying variable|copying parameter|returning object|throwing object|copying member subobject|copying array element|allocating object|copying temporary|initializing base subobject|initializing vector element|capturing value}0 of type %1 address taken in non-type template argument for template parameter of reference type %0 non-type template argument refers to non-static data member %0 %select{too few|too many}0 template arguments for %select{class template|function template|template template parameter|template}1 %2 sorry, non-type template argument of pointer-to-member type %1 that refers to member %q0 of a different class is not supported yet non-type template argument refers to non-static member function %0 template argument for non-type template parameter must be an expression template argument for template template parameter must be a class template%select{| or type alias template}0 template argument for template type parameter must be a type template argument for template type parameter must be a type; did you forget 'typename'? non-type template parameter of reference type %diff{$ cannot bind to template argument of type $|cannot bind to template of incompatible argument type}0,1 template argument for non-type template parameter is treated as function type %0 non-type template argument of type %0 is not a constant expression non-type template argument for template parameter of pointer type %0 must have its address taken non-type template argument of type %0 cannot be converted to a value of type %1 non-type template argument does not refer to any declaration non-type template argument of type %0 is not an integral constant expression non-type template argument of type %0 must have an integral or enumeration type non-type template argument does not refer to an object or function non-type template argument is not a pointer to member constant template argument does not refer to a class or alias template, or template template parameter non-type template argument refers to %select{function|object}0 %1 that does not have linkage template argument is the type of an unresolved overloaded function reference binding of non-type template parameter %diff{of type $ to template argument of type $|to template argument}0,1 ignores qualifiers non-type template argument of reference type %0 is not an object template template argument has different template parameters than its corresponding template template parameter non-type template argument refers to thread-local object null non-type template argument must be cast to template parameter type %0 null non-type template argument of type %0 does not match template parameter of type %1 cannot refer to %select{class|variable}0 template %1 without a template argument list template name refers to non-type template %0 templates cannot be declared inside of a local class %select{implicit|explicit}0 instantiation of undefined template %1 %select{implicit|explicit}0 instantiation of template %1 within its own definition missing 'template' keyword prior to dependent template name '%0%1' '%0%1' instantiated to a class template, not a function template %0 following the 'template' keyword does not refer to a template templates must have C++ linkage member %0 declared as a template extraneous 'template<>' in declaration of member %0 use of class template %0 requires template arguments a non-type template parameter cannot have type %0 template non-type parameter has a different type %0 in template %select{|template parameter }1redeclaration templates can only be declared in namespace or class scope template parameter missing a default argument template parameter redefines default argument template parameter has a different kind in template %select{|template parameter }0redeclaration %select{too few|too many}0 template parameters in template %select{|template parameter }1redeclaration template parameter list matching the non-templated nested type %0 should be empty ('template<>') template parameter pack cannot have a default argument template parameter pack must be the last template parameter declaration of %0 shadows template parameter default template argument not permitted on a friend template cannot add a default template argument to the definition of a member of a class template %select{template type|non-type template|template template}0 parameter%select{| pack}1 conflicts with previous %select{template type|non-type template|template template}0 parameter%select{ pack|}1 nested name specifier '%0' for declaration does not refer into a class, class template or class template partial specialization recursive template instantiation exceeded maximum depth of %0 explicit specialization of %0 in class scope cannot declare an explicit specialization in a friend explicit specialization of %0 in function scope %select{class template|class template partial|variable template|variable template partial|function template|member function|static data member|member class|member enumeration}0 specialization of %1 must originally be declared in namespace %2 %select{class template|class template partial|variable template|variable template partial|function template|member function|static data member|member class|member enumeration}0 specialization of %1 must originally be declared in the global scope default argument not permitted on an explicit %select{instantiation|specialization}0 of function %1 extraneous template parameter list in template specialization or out-of-line template definition template specialization declaration cannot be a friend template specialization requires 'template<>' template specialization or definition requires a template parameter list corresponding to the nested type %0 %select{class template|class template partial|variable template|variable template partial|function template|member function|static data member|member class|member enumeration}0 specialization of %1 must occur at global scope %select{class template|class template partial|variable template|variable template partial|function template|member function|static data member|member class|member enumeration}0 specialization of %1 not in a namespace enclosing %2 can only provide an explicit specialization for a class template, function template, variable template, or a member function, static data member, %select{or member class|member class, or member enumeration}0 of a class template extraneous 'template<>' in declaration of %0 %1 template template parameter must have its own template parameters a typedef cannot be a template cannot declare a class template with no name extraneous 'template<>' in declaration of variable %0 tentative definition has type %0 that is never completed 'this' cannot be %select{implicitly |}0captured in this context 'this' cannot be explicitly captured when the capture default is '=' 'this' cannot be%select{| implicitly}0 used in a static member function declaration initializer for thread-local variable must be a constant expression '%0' variables must have global storage thread-local declaration of %0 follows non-thread-local declaration type of thread-local variable has non-trivial destruction thread-local declaration of %0 with %select{static|dynamic}1 initialization follows declaration with %select{dynamic|static}1 initialization thread-local storage is not supported for the current target cannot throw an object of abstract type %0 cannot throw object of incomplete type %0 cannot throw pointer to object of incomplete type %0 alignment (%0) of thread-local variable %1 is greater than the maximum supported alignment (%2) for a thread-local variable on this target only one element declaration is allowed trailing return type may not be nested within parentheses function with trailing return type must specify return type 'auto', not %0 %0 cannot be defined in a type alias template %0 cannot be defined in a condition types may not be defined in a for range declaration %0 cannot be defined in a parameter type %0 cannot be defined in the result type of a function %0 cannot be defined in a type specifier type of property %0 in class extension does not match property type in primary class a parameter pack may not be accessed at an out of bounds index 'type_tag_for_datatype' attribute requires the initializer to be an %select{integer|integral}0 constant expression 'type_tag_for_datatype' attribute requires the initializer to be an %select{integer|integral}0 constant expression that can be represented by a 64 bit integer %0 is not supported on this target address of %select{bit-field|vector element|property expression|register variable}0 requested taking the address of a destructor taking the address of a temporary object of type %0 conversion %diff{from $ to $|between types}0,1 is ambiguous cannot assign to 'self' outside of a method in the init family cannot assign to 'self' in a class method arithmetic on a pointer to an incomplete type %0 fast enumeration variables cannot be modified in ARC by default; declare the variable __strong to allow this array type %0 is not assignable %select{cannot assign to return value because function %1 returns a const value|cannot assign to variable %1 with const-qualified type %2|cannot assign to %select{non-|}1static data member %2 with const-qualified type %3|cannot assign to non-static data member within const member function %1|read-only variable is not assignable}0 can't apply bitwise operation to non-integral vectors (%0) value of type %0 is not contextually convertible to 'bool' ordered compare requires two args of floating point type%diff{ ($ and $)|}0,1 floating point classification requires argument of floating point type (passed in %0) called object type %0 is not a function or function pointer too few %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to %select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, expected %1, have %2 too few %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to %select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, expected at least %1, have %2 too few %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to %select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, at least argument %1 must be specified too few %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to %select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, expected at least %1, have %2; did you mean %3? too few %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to %select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, single argument %1 was not specified too few %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to %select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, expected %1, have %2; did you mean %3? too many %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to %select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, expected %1, have %2 too many %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to %select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, expected at most %1, have %2 too many %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to %select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, expected at most single argument %1, have %2 arguments too many %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to %select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, expected at most %1, have %2; did you mean %3? too many %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to %select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, expected single argument %1, have %2 arguments too many %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to %select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, expected %1, have %2; did you mean %3? cast to incomplete type %0 cast to union type from type %0 not present in union '__builtin_choose_expr' requires a constant expression comparison of distinct block types%diff{ ($ and $)|}0,1 comparison of distinct pointer types%diff{ ($ and $)|}0,1 equality comparison between function pointer and void pointer (%0 and %1) comparison between pointer and integer (%0 and %1) used type %0 where integer or floating point type is required used type %0 where floating point type is not allowed used type %0 where arithmetic or pointer type is required incompatible operand types%diff{ ($ and $)|}0,1 non-pointer operand type %0 incompatible with %select{NULL|nullptr}1 %select{%diff{assigning to $ from incompatible type $|assigning to type from incompatible type}0,1|%diff{passing $ to parameter of incompatible type $|passing type to parameter of incompatible type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with incompatible result type $|returning type from a function with incompatible result type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to incompatible type $|converting type to incompatible type}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of incompatible type $|initializing type with an expression of incompatible type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of incompatible type $|sending type to parameter of incompatible type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to incompatible type $|casting type to incompatible type}0,1}2%select{|; dereference with *|; take the address with &|; remove *|; remove &}3%select{|: different classes%diff{ ($ vs $)|}5,6|: different number of parameters (%5 vs %6)|: type mismatch at %ordinal5 parameter%diff{ ($ vs $)|}6,7|: different return type%diff{ ($ vs $)|}5,6|: different qualifiers (%select{none|const|restrict|const and restrict|volatile|const and volatile|volatile and restrict|const, volatile, and restrict}5 vs %select{none|const|restrict|const and restrict|volatile|const and volatile|volatile and restrict|const, volatile, and restrict}6)|: different exception specifications}4 incompatible block pointer types %select{%diff{assigning to $ from $|assigning to different types}0,1|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|passing to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|returning from function with different return type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|initializing with expression of different type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|sending to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2 value of type %0 is not implicitly convertible to %1 conversion from %0 to %1 is not allowed in a converted constant expression conversion from %0 to %1 in converted constant expression would bind reference to a temporary variable has incomplete type %0 conversion function %diff{from $ to $|between types}0,1 invokes a deleted function vector is not assignable (contains duplicate components) used type %0 where integer is required operand of type %0 where arithmetic or pointer type is required fields must have a constant size: 'variable length array in structure' extension will never be supported cannot %select{decrement|increment}1 value of type %0 %select{%diff{assigning $ to $|assigning to different types}1,0|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|passing to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|returning from function with different return type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|initializing with expression of different type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|sending to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2 changes address space of pointer %select{%diff{assigning $ to $|assigning to different types}1,0|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|passing to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|returning from function with different return type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|initializing with expression of different type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|sending to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2 changes retain/release properties of pointer definition of variable with array type needs an explicit size or an initializer incomplete definition of type %0 incomplete type %0 is not assignable indirection requires pointer operand (%0 invalid) cannot take the address of an rvalue of type %0 extra '&' taking address of overloaded function invalid operands to binary expression (%0 and %1) pointer to function type %0 may not be 'restrict' qualified restrict requires a pointer or reference (%0 is invalid) restrict requires a pointer or reference instance variables must have a constant size assignment to cast is illegal, lvalue casts are not supported member reference type %0 is not a pointer %0 does not have a member named %1 %0 does not have a member named %1; did you mean %2? member reference base type %0 is not a structure or union member reference type %0 is %select{a|not a}1 pointer; did you mean to use '%select{->|.}1'? cannot refer to type member %0 in %1 with '%select{.|->}2' cannot refer to member %0 in %1 with '%select{.|->}2' %diff{return type $ must match previous return type $|return type must match previous return type}0,1 when %select{block literal|lambda expression}2 has unspecified explicit return type array size is negative non-object type %0 is not assignable no viable conversion%select{%diff{ from $ to $|}1,2|%diff{ from returned value of type $ to function return type $|}1,2}0 no viable conversion%diff{ from $ to incomplete type $|}0,1 %select{comparison between %diff{ ($ and $)|}0,1|arithmetic operation with operands of type %diff{ ($ and $)|}0,1|conditional operator with the second and third operands of type %diff{ ($ and $)|}0,1}2 which are pointers to non-overlapping address spaces ordered comparison between pointer and zero (%0 and %1) arithmetic on%select{ a|}0 pointer%select{|s}0 to%select{ the|}2 function type%select{|s}2 %1%select{| and %3}2 arithmetic on%select{ a|}0 pointer%select{|s}0 to void illegal storage class on file-scoped variable illegal storage class on function statement requires expression of integer type (%0 invalid) statement requires expression of scalar type (%0 invalid) %diff{$ and $ are not pointers to compatible types|pointers to incompatible types}0,1 array subscript is not an integer subscripted value is not an array, pointer, or vector invalid argument type %0 to unary expression vector operands do not have the same number of elements (%0 and %1) cannot convert between vector values of different size (%0 and %1) cannot convert between vector and non-scalar values (%0 and %1) zero-length arrays are not permitted in C++ unsupported: typedef changes linkage of anonymous type, but linkage was already computed typedef member %0 cannot be a bit-field typedef name must be an identifier missing 'typename' prior to dependent type name '%0%1' no type named %0 in %1 no type named 'type' in %0; 'enable_if' cannot be used to disable this declaration typename specifier refers to non-type member %0 in %1 typename specifier refers to a dependent using declaration for a value %0 in %1 %0 is unavailable %0 is unavailable in ARC %0 is unavailable: %1 %0 has unknown return type; cast the call to its declared return type no known method %select{%objcinstance1|%objcclass1}0; cast the message send to the method's return type %0 has unknown type; cast it to its declared type to use it declaration of %0 is missing in %1 class use of undeclared label %0 definition of class %0 must be available to use Objective-C %select{array literals|dictionary literals|numeric literals|boxed expressions|string literals}1 cannot find protocol declaration for %0 cannot find protocol declaration for %0; did you mean %1? use of undeclared %0 use of undeclared %0; did you mean %1? use of undeclared identifier %0 use of undeclared identifier %0; did you mean %1? cannot find interface declaration for %0; did you mean %1? cannot find interface declaration for %0, superclass of %1 cannot find interface declaration for %0, superclass of %1; did you mean %2? inline variable %q0 is not defined cannot determine underlying type of incomplete enumeration type %0 %select{expression|base type|declaration type|data member type|bit-field size|static assertion|fixed underlying type|enumerator value|using declaration|friend declaration|qualifier|initializer|default argument|non-type template parameter type|exception type|partial specialization|__if_exists name|__if_not_exists name|lambda|block}0 contains%plural{0: an|:}1 unexpanded parameter pack%plural{0:|1: %2|2:s %2 and %3|:s %2, %3, ...}1 friends can only be classes or functions unexpected interface name %0: expected expression unexpected namespace name %0: expected expression unexpected type name %0: expected expression cannot define the implicit copy assignment operator for %0, because non-static %select{reference|const}1 member %2 cannot use copy assignment operator %select{constructor for %1|implicit default constructor for %1|cannot use constructor inherited from %1:}0 must explicitly initialize the %select{reference|const}2 member %3 unions cannot be base classes union member %0 has reference type %1 the address of a declaration with unknown type can only be cast to a pointer type address-of operator cannot be applied to a call to a function with unknown return type function %0 with unknown type must be given a function type variable %0 with unknown type cannot be given a function type no type named %0 in %1; did you mean %select{|simply }2%3? unknown receiver %0; did you mean %1? unknown %select{type|class}1 name %0; did you mean %2? unknown type name %0 unknown type name %0; did you mean %1? must explicitly qualify name of member function when taking its address call to unsupported expression with unknown type %0 has unknown type, which is not supported for this kind of declaration unsupported expression with unknown type cannot cast %0 to its %select{private|protected}2 base class %1 illegal redeclaration of property in class extension %0 (attribute must be 'readwrite', while its primary must be 'readonly') illegal redeclaration of 'readwrite' property in class extension %0 (perhaps you intended this to be a 'readwrite' redeclaration of a 'readonly' public property?) use of default argument to function %0 that is declared later in class %1 must use '%1' tag to refer to type %0%select{| in this scope}2 use of %0 with tag type that does not match previous declaration using declaration cannot refer to class member using declaration cannot refer to a namespace using declaration cannot refer to a scoped enumerator target of using declaration conflicts with declaration already in scope declaration conflicts with target of using declaration already in scope using declaration cannot refer to a constructor %0 is not a direct base of %1, cannot inherit constructors using declaration cannot refer to a destructor cannot befriend target of using declaration using declaration refers to its own class using declaration refers into '%0', which is not a base class of %1 using declaration in class refers into '%0', which is not a class redeclaration of using declaration using declaration pack expansion at block scope produces multiple values using declaration cannot refer to a template specialization dependent using declaration resolved to type without 'typename' no namespace named %0 in %1; did you mean %select{|simply }2%3? no namespace named %0; did you mean %1? %select{|member}0 using declaration %1 instantiates to an empty pack using declaration requires a qualified name 'typename' keyword used on a non-type cannot call operator __uuidof on a type with multiple GUIDs cannot call operator __uuidof on a type with no GUID CUDA device code does not support va_arg 'va_start' used in function with fixed args 'va_start' used in %select{System V|Win64}0 ABI function array types cannot be value-initialized function types cannot be value-initialized variable concept declaration must be initialized variable template partial specialization %0 cannot be redefined no variable template matches%select{| partial}0 specialization no variable template matches specialization; did you mean to use %0 as function template instead? declared type of variable concept must be 'bool' %select{variable|static data member}0 instantiated with function type %1 variable-sized object may not be initialized 'new' cannot allocate object of variably modified type %0 non-type template parameter of variably modified type %0 variably modified type %0 cannot be used as a template argument 'typeid' of variably modified type %0 CUDA device code does not support variadic functions 'vec_step' requires built-in scalar or vector type, %0 invalid %select{too many|too few}0 elements in vector initialization (expected %1 elements, have %2) unions cannot have virtual functions 'virtual' cannot be specified on member function templates 'virtual' can only appear on non-static member functions 'virtual' can only be specified inside the class definition variable length array declaration cannot have 'extern' linkage variable length array declaration cannot have 'static' storage duration variable length array declaration not allowed at file scope variable length array cannot be formed during template argument deduction variably modified type declaration cannot have 'extern' linkage variably modified type declaration not allowed at file scope function declaration cannot have variably modified type 'void' must be the first and only parameter if specified 'void' as parameter must not have type qualifiers existing instance variable %1 for __weak property %0 must be __weak sampler type cannot be used with the __local and __global address space qualifiers this builtin is only available on x86-64 targets invalid rounding argument asm-specifier for input or output variable conflicts with asm clobber list initializer for aggregate is not a compile-time constant anonymous types declared in an anonymous %select{struct|union}0 are an extension types declared in an anonymous %select{struct|union}0 are a Microsoft extension anonymous %select{struct|union}0 cannot be '%1' anonymous unions are a C11 extension initialization of an array %diff{of type $ from a compound literal of type $|from a compound literal}0,1 is a GNU extension parenthesized initialization of a member array is a GNU extension implicit conversion from array size expression of type %0 to %select{integral|enumeration}1 type %2 is a C++11 extension 'auto' type specifier is a C++11 extension anonymous structs are a C11 extension %select{qualifier in |static |}0array size %select{||'[*] '}0is a C99 feature flexible array members are a C99 feature cast between pointer-to-function and pointer-to-object is an extension %select{case value|enumerator value|non-type template argument|array size|constexpr if condition}0 %select{cannot be narrowed from type %2 to %3|evaluates to %2, which cannot be narrowed to type %3}1 complex initialization specifying real and imaginary components is an extension use of this statement in a constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 is a C++14 extension multiple return statements in constexpr function is a C++14 extension constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 never produces a constant expression variable declaration in a constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 is a C++14 extension type definition in a constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 is a C++14 extension 'co_return' used in a function that uses neither 'co_await' nor 'co_yield' use of the %0 attribute is a C++14 extension use of the %0 attribute is a C++1z extension decomposition declarations are a C++1z extension default initialization of an object of const type %0%select{| without a user-provided default constructor}1 is a Microsoft extension cannot delete expression with pointer-to-'void' type %0 ISO C++11 does not allow conversion from string literal to %0 designated initializers are a C99 feature duplicate '%0' declaration specifier ISO C++1z does not allow dynamic exception specifications empty %select{struct|union}0 is a GNU extension befriending enumeration type %0 is a C++11 extension enumeration values exceed range of largest integer ISO C restricts enumerator values to range of 'int' (%0 is too %select{small|large}1) incremented enumerator value %0 is not representable in the largest integer type ambiguous use of internal linkage declaration %0 defined in multiple modules explicit conversion functions are a C++11 extension duplicate explicit instantiation of %0 ignored as a Microsoft extension qualifier in explicit instantiation of %q0 requires a template-id (a typedef is not permitted) explicit specialization cannot have a storage class expression is not an %select{integer|integral}0 constant expression; folding it to a constant is a GNU extension flexible array member %0 in otherwise empty %select{struct|interface|union|class|enum}1 is a GNU extension flexible array member %0 in otherwise empty %select{struct|interface|union|class|enum}1 is a Microsoft extension %0 may not be used as an array element due to flexible array member %0 may not be nested in a struct due to flexible array member flexible array initialization is a GNU extension flexible array member %0 in a union is a GNU extension flexible array member %0 in a union is a Microsoft extension 'begin' and 'end' returning different types (%0 and %1) is a C++1z extension ISO C forbids forward references to 'enum' types redeclaration of already-defined enum %0 is a GNU extension use of identifier %0 found via unqualified lookup into dependent bases of class templates is a Microsoft extension complex numbers are an extension in a freestanding C99 implementation unqualified friend declaration referring to type outside of the nearest enclosing namespace is a Microsoft extension; add a nested name specifier explicit specialization of %0 within class scope is a Microsoft extension anonymous structs are a GNU extension arithmetic on%select{ a|}0 pointer%select{|s}0 to%select{ the|}2 function type%select{|s}2 %1%select{| and %3}2 is a GNU extension subscript of a pointer to void is a GNU extension arithmetic on%select{ a|}0 pointer%select{|s}0 to void is a GNU extension jump from this goto statement to its label is a Microsoft extension function previously declared with an %select{explicit|implicit}0 exception specification redeclared with an %select{implicit|explicit}0 exception specification implicit declaration of function %0 is invalid in C99 implicitly declaring library function '%0' with type %1 in-class initializer for static data member of type %0 is a GNU extension in-class initializer for static data member is not a constant expression; folding it to a constant is a GNU extension ISO C++1z does not allow incrementing expression of type bool initialized lambda captures are a C++14 extension constant expression evaluates to %0 which cannot be narrowed to type %1 type %0 cannot be narrowed to %1 in initializer list non-constant-expression cannot be narrowed from type %0 to %1 in initializer list inline variables are a C++1z extension ISO C does not support '~' for complex conjugation of %0 complex integer types are a GNU extension ISO C does not support '++'/'--' on complex integer type %0 static %select{function|variable}0 %1 is used in an inline function with external linkage return type of 'main' is not 'int' ISO C++ does not allow 'main' to be used by a program too many braces around scalar initializer declaration specifier missing, defaulting to 'int' type specifier missing, defaults to 'int' ISO C90 forbids mixing declarations and code import of C++ module '%0' appears within extern "C" language linkage specification redundant #include of module '%0' appears within %1 anonymous %select{structs|unions}0 are a Microsoft extension static_cast between pointer-to-function and pointer-to-object is a Microsoft extension using the undeclared type %0 as a default template argument is a Microsoft extension non-type template argument containing a dereference operation is a Microsoft extension explicit constructor calls are a Microsoft extension forward references to 'enum' types are a Microsoft extension implicit conversion between pointer-to-function and pointer-to-object is a Microsoft extension %select{class template|class template partial|variable template|variable template partial|function template|member function|static data member|member class|member enumeration}0 specialization of %1 outside namespace enclosing %2 is a Microsoft extension template argument for template type parameter must be a type; omitted 'typename' is a Microsoft extension using declaration referring to inaccessible member '%0' (which refers to accessible member '%1') is a Microsoft compatibility extension 'mutable' on a reference type is a Microsoft extension lookup of %0 in member access expression is ambiguous; using member of %1 use of enumeration in a nested name specifier is a C++11 extension %select{%diff{assigning to $ from $|assigning to different types}0,1|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|passing to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|returning from function with different return type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|initializing with expression of different type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|sending to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2 discards qualifiers in nested pointer types when type is in parentheses, array cannot have dynamic size declaration does not declare anything %select{struct|union}0 without named members is a GNU extension non-class friend type %0 is a C++11 extension 'main' is not allowed to be declared _Noreturn using extended field designator is an extension offset of on non-POD type %0 offset of on non-standard-layout type %0 vector component name '%0' is an OpenCL version 2.2 feature replacement function %0 cannot be declared 'inline' out-of-line declaration of a member must be a definition parameter %0 was not declared, defaulting to type 'int' %diff{promoted type $ of K&R function parameter is not compatible with the parameter type $|promoted type of K&R function parameter is not compatible with parameter type}0,1 declared in a previous prototype %select{class|variable}0 template partial specialization is not more specialized than the primary template %select{class|variable}0 template partial specialization contains %select{a template parameter|template parameters}1 that cannot be deduced; this partial specialization will never be used plain '_Complex' requires a type specifier; assuming '_Complex double' predefined identifier is only valid inside function pseudo-destructors on type void are a Microsoft extension function definition with pure-specifier is a Microsoft extension redefinition of typedef %0 is a C11 feature ISO C++1z does not allow 'register' storage class specifier friend function %0 retaining previous language linkage is an extension %select{void function|void method|constructor|destructor}1 %0 should not return a value void %select{function|method|block}1 %0 should not return void expression non-void %select{function|method}1 %0 should return a value C++98 requires an accessible copy constructor for class %2 when binding a reference to a temporary; was %select{private|protected}0 no viable constructor %select{copying variable|copying parameter|returning object|throwing object|copying member subobject|copying array element|allocating object|copying temporary|initializing base subobject|initializing vector element|capturing value}0 of type %1; C++98 requires a copy constructor when binding a reference to a temporary invalid application of '%select{sizeof|alignof|vec_step}0' to a function type invalid application of '%select{sizeof|alignof|vec_step}0' to a void type '%0' is not permitted on a declaration of a type capture of '*this' by copy is a C++1z extension static_assert with no message is a C++1z extension static data member %0 in union is a C++11 extension redeclaring non-static %0 as static is a Microsoft extension string literal operator templates are a GNU extension ISO C90 does not allow subscripting non-lvalue array address non-type template argument cannot be surrounded by parentheses template argument uses local type %0 non-type template argument referring to %select{function|object}0 %1 with internal linkage is a C++11 extension template argument uses unnamed type 'template' keyword outside of a template default template arguments for a function template are a C++11 extension first declaration of %select{class template|class template partial|variable template|variable template partial|function template|member function|static data member|member class|member enumeration}0 specialization of %1 outside namespace %2 is a C++11 extension ISO C forbids taking the address of an expression of type 'void' method parameter type %diff{$ does not match super class method parameter type $|does not match super class method parameter type}0,1 C99 forbids casting nonscalar type %0 to the same type cast to union type is a GNU extension incompatible operand types (%0 and %1) pointer type mismatch%diff{ ($ and $)|}0,1 C99 forbids conditional expressions with only one void side pointer/integer type mismatch in conditional expression%diff{ ($ and $)|}0,1 %select{%diff{assigning to $ from $|assigning to different types}0,1|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|passing to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|returning from function with different return type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|initializing with expression of different type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|sending to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2 discards qualifiers incompatible function pointer types %select{%diff{assigning to $ from $|assigning to different types}0,1|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|passing to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|returning from function with different return type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|initializing with expression of different type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|sending to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2%select{|; dereference with *|; take the address with &|; remove *|; remove &}3 incompatible pointer types %select{%diff{assigning to $ from $|assigning to different types}0,1|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|passing to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|returning from function with different return type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|initializing with expression of different type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|sending to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2%select{|; dereference with *|; take the address with &|; remove *|; remove &}3 %select{%diff{assigning to $ from $|assigning to different types}0,1|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|passing to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|returning from function with different return type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|initializing with expression of different type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|sending to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2 converts between pointers to integer types with different sign incompatible integer to pointer conversion %select{%diff{assigning to $ from $|assigning to different types}0,1|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|passing to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|returning from function with different return type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|initializing with expression of different type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|sending to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2%select{|; dereference with *|; take the address with &|; remove *|; remove &}3 incompatible pointer to integer conversion %select{%diff{assigning to $ from $|assigning to different types}0,1|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|passing to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|returning from function with different return type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|initializing with expression of different type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|sending to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2%select{|; dereference with *|; take the address with &|; remove *|; remove &}3 %select{%diff{assigning to $ from $|assigning to different types}0,1|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|passing to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|returning from function with different return type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|initializing with expression of different type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|sending to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2 converts between void pointer and function pointer tentative definition of variable with internal linkage has incomplete non-array type %0 ISO C++ does not allow indirection on operand of type %0 ordered comparison of function pointers (%0 and %1) ordered comparison between pointer and zero (%0 and %1) is an extension ordered comparison between pointer and integer (%0 and %1) zero size arrays are an extension typedef requires a name 'typename' occurs outside of a template use of undeclared identifier %0; unqualified lookup into dependent bases of class template %1 is a Microsoft extension unelaborated friend declaration is a C++11 extension; specify '%select{struct|interface|union|class|enum}0' to befriend %1 union member %0 has reference type %1, which is a Microsoft extension using directive refers to implicitly-defined namespace 'std' field %0 with variable sized type %1 not at the end of a struct or class is a GNU extension variable templates are a C++14 extension 'main' is not allowed to be declared variadic variable length arrays are a C99 feature variable length array folded to constant array as an extension __final is a GNU extension, consider using C++11 final constrained by %select{|implicitly }1%select{private|protected}0 inheritance here %select{|implicitly }1declared %select{private|protected}0 here protected %select{constructor|destructor}0 can only be used to %select{construct|destroy}0 a base class subobject must name member using the type of the current context %0 can only access this member on an object of type %0 add a pair of parentheses to declare a variable candidate function made ineligible by enable_if declared with %0 attribute here allocated with 'new%select{[]|}0' here lookup in the object type %0 refers here lookup from the current scope refers here candidate found by name lookup is %q0 inherited from base class %0 here member found by ambiguous name lookup because of ambiguity in conversion %diff{of $ to $|between types}0,1 use __bridge to convert directly (no change in ownership) use %select{__bridge_retained|CFBridgingRetain call}1 to make an ARC object available as a +1 %0 use %select{__bridge_transfer|CFBridgingRelease call}1 to transfer ownership of a +1 %0 into ARC use __bridge with C-style cast to convert directly (no change in ownership) use __bridge_retained with C-style cast to make an ARC object available as a +1 %0 use __bridge_transfer with C-style cast to transfer ownership of a +1 %0 into ARC field has non-trivial ownership qualification declaration uses type that is ill-formed in ARC declaration in interface is not in the '%select{alloc|copy|init|new}0' family because %select{its result type is not an object pointer|its result type is unrelated to its receiver type}1 init method must return a type related to its receiver type declaration in interface block will be retained by %select{the captured object|an object strongly retained by the captured object}0 also accessed here declaration uses __weak, but ARC is disabled declaration uses __weak, which the current deployment target does not support array %0 declared here conversion to %select{integral|enumeration}0 type %1 declared here constraint '%0' is already present here use constraint modifier "%0" type %0 is incomplete setter and getter must both be synthesized, or both be user defined,or the property must be nonatomic attribute is here previous overload of function is here property should be changed to be readwrite %0 has been explicitly marked %select{unavailable|deleted|deprecated|partial}1 here explicitly cast the pointer to silence this warning base class %0 specified here bit-field is declared here did you mean to use __block %0? called by %0 %0 declared here callee declares array parameter as static here declaration missing '[[carries_dependency]]' attribute is here cast expression to void to silence warning consider defining %0 with the '%1' calling convention class is declared here explicitly declare getter %objcinstance0 with '%1' to return an 'unowned' object parameter of the 'collapse' clause compatible type %0 specified here place parentheses around the assignment to silence this warning use '==' to turn this assignment into an equality comparison use '!=' to turn this compound assignment into an inequality comparison conflicting attribute is here conflicting %0 here previous return statement is here member not initialized by constructor virtual base class declared here constructor declared here type conversion function declared here use 'static' to give inline function %0 internal linkage conflicting __device__ function declared here candidate template ignored: target attributes do not match this declaration is not a prototype; add 'void' to make it a prototype for a zero-parameter function declare the parameter __autoreleasing explicitly to suppress this warning declare the parameter __strong or capture a __block __strong variable to keep values alive across autorelease pools function is a coroutine due to use of '%select{co_await|co_yield|co_return}0' here declared %select{'returns_nonnull'|'nonnull'}0 here required by 'require_constant_initializer' attribute here during template argument deduction for %select{class|variable}0 template %select{partial specialization |}1%2 %3 in instantiation of default argument for '%0' required here default argument declared here in instantiation of default function argument expression for '%0' required here %0 defined here conversion to pointer type %0 qualify call to silence this warning %select{copy|move}0 assignment operator of %1 is implicitly deleted because field %2 is of %select{reference|const-qualified}4 type %3 copy constructor of %0 is implicitly deleted because field %1 is of rvalue reference type %2 copy %select{constructor|assignment operator}0 is implicitly deleted because %1 has a user-declared move %select{constructor|assignment operator}2 %select{default constructor of|constructor inherited by}0 %1 is implicitly deleted because all %select{data members|data members of an anonymous union member}2 are const-qualified %select{default constructor of|constructor inherited by}0 %1 is implicitly deleted because field %2 of %select{reference|const-qualified}4 type %3 would not be initialized virtual destructor requires an unambiguous, accessible 'operator delete' %select{default constructor of|copy constructor of|move constructor of|copy assignment operator of|move assignment operator of|destructor of|constructor inherited by}0 %1 is implicitly deleted because %select{base class %3|%select{||||variant }4field %3}2 has %select{no|a deleted|multiple|an inaccessible|a non-trivial}4 %select{%select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor|%select{default|corresponding|default|default|default}4 constructor}0|destructor}5%select{||s||}4 template parameter is used in default argument declared here must qualify identifier to find this declaration in dependent base class type %0 is declared here due to '%0' being dllexported%select{|; try compiling in C++11 mode}1 element %0 also has value %1 put the semicolon on a separate line to silence this warning remove parentheses to declare a variable change this ',' to a ';' to call %0 replace parentheses with an initializer to declare a variable jump enters lifetime of block which captures a destructible C++ object jump enters lifetime of block which strongly captures a variable jump enters lifetime of block which weakly captures a variable enum %0 was explicitly specialized here remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment declared here%select{ in module '%1'|}0 place parentheses around comparison expression to evaluate it first use '%0' instead jump exits scope of __block variable jump exits lifetime of block which captures a destructible C++ object jump exits lifetime of block which strongly captures a variable jump exits lifetime of block which weakly captures a variable jump exits scope of variable with __attribute__((cleanup)) jump exits catch block jump exits try block jump exits scope of variable with non-trivial destructor jump exits autoreleasepool block jump exits @catch block jump exits @finally block jump exits scope of __strong variable jump exits @synchronized block jump exits @try block jump exits scope of __weak variable jump exits __except block jump exits __finally block jump exits __try block jump exits scope of lifetime-extended temporary with non-trivial destructor explicit instantiation candidate function %q0 template here %1 explicit instantiation definition is here explicit instantiation refers here explicit specialization declared here while substituting explicitly-specified template arguments into function template %0 %1 'template<>' header not required for explicitly-specialized class %0 declared here extern "C" language linkage specification begins here declared %select{in global scope|with C language linkage}0 here did you forget ';'? field designator refers here final overrider of %q0 in %1 initialized flexible array member %0 is here selected '%select{begin|end}0' %select{function|template }1%2 with iterator type %3 in implicit call to 'operator%select{!=|*|++}0' for iterator of type %1 did you mean to use '%0'? treat the string as an argument to avoid this format string is defined here forward declaration of class here forward declaration of template entity is here found near match '%0' did you mean %0? while substituting deduced template arguments into function template %0 %1 in instantiation of function template specialization %q0 requested here function template %q0 matches specialization %1 suffix with parentheses to turn this into a function call prefix with the address-of operator to silence this warning or because setter is declared here, but no getter method %0 is found inline assembly label %0 declared here Guarded_by declared here. hidden overloaded virtual function %q0 declared here%select{|: different classes%diff{ ($ vs $)|}2,3|: different number of parameters (%2 vs %3)|: type mismatch at %ordinal2 parameter%diff{ ($ vs $)|}3,4|: different return type%diff{ ($ vs $)|}2,3|: different qualifiers (%select{none|const|restrict|const and restrict|volatile|const and volatile|volatile and restrict|const, volatile, and restrict}2 vs %select{none|const|restrict|const and restrict|volatile|const and volatile|volatile and restrict|const, volatile, and restrict}3)|: different exception specifications}1 type declaration hidden declaration hides type field of illegal %select{type|pointer type}0 %1 declared here class implementation is declared here when implemented by class %0 implicit %select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}0 inferred target collision: call to both %select{__device__|__global__|__host__|__host__ __device__}1 and %select{__device__|__global__|__host__|__host__ __device__}2 members %0 is an implicit parameter explicitly defaulted function was implicitly deleted here in implicit initialization of binding declaration %0 add 'constexpr' default member initializer declared here when looking up '%select{begin|end}0' function for range expression of type %1 in implicit initialization of %select{array element %1 with omitted initializer|field %1 with omitted initializer|trailing array elements in runtime-sized array new}0 in initialization of temporary of type %0 created to list-initialize this reference include the header <%0> or explicitly provide a declaration for '%1' conformance of forward class %0 to protocol %1 can not be confirmed possible target of indirect goto statement consider using __builtin_trap() or qualifying pointer with 'volatile' use '|=' to turn this inequality comparison into an or-assignment inherited constructor for %0 first required here insert an explicit cast to silence this issue insert 'break;' to avoid fall-through insert '%0;' to silence this warning add an explicit instantiation declaration to suppress this warning if %q0 is explicitly instantiated in another translation unit (skipping %0 context%s0 in backtrace; use -ftemplate-backtrace-limit=0 to see all) %select{implicit|explicit}0 instantiation first required here it delegates to instance variable is declared here lambda expression begins here implicit capture of lambda object due to conversion to block pointer here local declaration nearly matches type of %ordinal0 parameter of local declaration does not match definition%diff{ ($ vs $)|}1,2 the other acquisition of %0 '%1' is here %0 acquired here use '%0' for a bitwise operation remove constant to silence this warning add parentheses after the '!' to evaluate the %select{comparison|bitwise operator}0 first add parentheses around left hand side expression to silence this warning %select{decremented|incremented}0 here change return type to 'int' remove '_Noreturn' member is declared here member %0 declared here member declaration does not match because it %select{is|is not}0 const qualified member declaration nearly matches type of %ordinal0 parameter of member declaration does not match definition%diff{ ($ vs $)|}1,2 '->' applied to return value of the operator->() declared here implicit %select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}0 for %1 first required here explicitly cast the argument to size_t to silence this warning did you mean to compare the result of %0 instead? method %0 declared here compiler has implicitly changed method %0 return type method %0 is used for the forward class %0 begins here namespace %0 defined here consider using vld1_%0%1() to initialize a vector from memory, or vcreate_%0%1() to initialize from an integer constant consider using vld1q_%0%1() to initialize a vector from memory, or vcombine_%0%1(vcreate_%0%1(), vcreate_%0%1()) to initialize from integer constants not-yet-instantiated member is declared here %0 is not literal because it has base class %1 of non-literal type %0 is not literal because it has data member %1 of %select{non-literal|volatile}3 type %2 incomplete type %0 is not a literal type %0 is not literal because it is not an aggregate and has no constexpr constructors other than copy or move constructors %0 is not literal because it has a non-trivial destructor %0 is not literal because it has a user-provided destructor %select{struct|interface|class}0 with virtual base %plural{1:class|:classes}1 is not a literal type non-templated declaration is here because it has a default argument because type %0 has a virtual %select{member function|base class}1 because field %0 has an initializer because no %select{<<ERROR>>|constructor|constructor|assignment operator|assignment operator|<<ERROR>>}2 can be used to %select{<<ERROR>>|copy|move|copy|move|<<ERROR>>}2 %select{base class|field|an object}0 of type %3 because %select{base class of |field of |}0type %1 has no default constructor because type %0 has a member with %select{no|no|__strong|__weak|__autoreleasing}1 ownership because its parameter is %diff{of type $, not $|of the wrong type}2,3 because the function selected to %select{construct|copy|move|copy|move|destroy}2 %select{base class|field}0 of type %1 is not trivial because %select{base class of |field of |}0type %1 has a user-provided %select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}2 because it is a variadic function destructor for %0 is not trivial because it is virtual declaration missing '[[noreturn]]' attribute is here %0 should be declared prior to the call site%select{| or in %2| or in an associated namespace of one of its arguments}1 insert '%select{_Nonnull|_Nullable|_Null_unspecified}0' if the %select{pointer|block pointer|member pointer|array parameter}1 %select{should never be null|may be null|should not declare nullability}0 %0 specified here use nullability type specifier %0 to affect the innermost pointer type of %1 '%0' declared here method marked as designated initializer of the class here use 'isEqual:' instead %select{first|second|third}0 parameter has unexpected type %1 (should be %2) method returns unexpected type %0 (should be an object type) add a super class to fix this problem type parameter %0 declared here %select{expected assignment expression|expected compound statement|expected exactly two expression statements|expected in right hand side of the first expression}0 '%0' clause used here %select{expected an expression statement|expected built-in assignment operator|expected expression of scalar type|expected lvalue expression}0 %select{expected an expression statement|expected built-in binary or unary operator|expected unary decrement/increment operation|expected expression of scalar type|expected assignment expression|expected built-in binary operator|expected one of '+', '*', '-', '/', '&', '^', '%|', '<<', or '>>' built-in operations|expected in right hand side of expression}0 as specified in %select{'collapse'|'ordered'|'collapse' and 'ordered'}0 clause%select{||s}0 %select{|previous }0'hint' clause with value '%1' %select{|previous }0directive with no 'hint' clause specified defined as %0 implicitly determined as %0 loop step is expected to be %select{negative|positive}0 due to this condition %select{statement|directive}0 outside teams construct here nested teams construct here 'nowait' clause is here 'ordered' clause with specified parameter mappable type cannot be polymorphic %select{static data member is predetermined as shared|variable with static storage duration is predetermined as shared|loop iteration variable is predetermined as private|loop iteration variable is predetermined as linear|loop iteration variable is predetermined as lastprivate|constant variable is predetermined as shared|global variable is predetermined as shared|non-shared variable in a task construct is predetermined as firstprivate|variable with automatic storage duration is predetermined as private}0%select{|; perhaps you forget to enclose 'omp %2' directive into a parallel or another task region?}1 previous 'critical' region starts here '%0' clause is specified here previous clause with directive name modifier specified here previously referenced here mappable type cannot contain static members predetermined as a firstprivate in a task construct here previously declared '%0' here use -foperator-arrow-depth=N to increase 'operator->' limit 'operator->' declared here produces an object of type %0 (skipping %0 'operator->'%s0 in backtrace) overridden method is here overridden virtual function is here built-in candidate %0 candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function |function |constructor |is the implicit default constructor|is the implicit copy constructor|is the implicit move constructor|is the implicit copy assignment operator|is the implicit move assignment operator|inherited constructor|inherited constructor }0%2%select{| has different class%diff{ (expected $ but has $)|}4,5| has different number of parameters (expected %4 but has %5)| has type mismatch at %ordinal4 parameter%diff{ (expected $ but has $)|}5,6| has different return type%diff{ ($ expected but has $)|}4,5| has different qualifiers (expected %select{none|const|restrict|const and restrict|volatile|const and volatile|volatile and restrict|const, volatile, and restrict}4 but found %select{none|const|restrict|const and restrict|volatile|const and volatile|volatile and restrict|const, volatile, and restrict}5)| has different exception specification}3 candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function|function|constructor|constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor|inherited constructor}0 %select{|template }1not viable: requires%select{ at least| at most|}2 %3 argument%s3, but %4 %plural{1:was|:were}4 provided candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function|function|constructor|constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor|inherited constructor}0 %select{|template }1not viable: %select{requires at least|allows at most single|requires single}2 argument %3, but %plural{0:no|:%4}4 arguments were provided candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function |function |constructor |constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor|inherited constructor }0%1 not viable: %select{%ordinal6|'this'}5 argument (%2) is in address space %3, but parameter must be in address space %4 candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function |function |constructor |constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor|inherited constructor }0%1 not viable: cannot implicitly convert argument %diff{of type $ to $|type to parameter type}2,3 for %select{%ordinal5 argument|object argument}4 under ARC candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function |function |constructor |constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor|inherited constructor }0%1 not viable: cannot %select{convert from|convert from|bind}2 %select{base class pointer|superclass|base class object of type}2 %3 to %select{derived class pointer|subclass|derived class reference}2 %4 for %ordinal5 argument candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function |function |constructor |constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor|inherited constructor }0%1 not viable: no known conversion %diff{from $ to $|from argument type to parameter type}2,3 for %select{%ordinal5 argument|object argument}4%select{|; dereference the argument with *|; take the address of the argument with &|; remove *|; remove &}6 candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function |function |constructor |constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor|inherited constructor }0%1 not viable: cannot convert argument of incomplete type %diff{$ to $|to parameter type}2,3 for %select{%ordinal5 argument|object argument}4%select{|; dereference the argument with *|; take the address of the argument with &|; remove *|; remove &}6 candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function |function |constructor |constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor|inherited constructor }0%1 not viable: %ordinal4 argument (%2) would lose %select{const|restrict|const and restrict|volatile|const and volatile|volatile and restrict|const, volatile, and restrict}3 qualifier%select{||s||s|s|s}3 candidate %select{|function|||function|||||function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)||}0 not viable: 'this' argument has type %2, but method is not marked %select{const|restrict|const or restrict|volatile|const or volatile|volatile or restrict|const, volatile, or restrict}3 candidate template ignored: failed template argument deduction candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function |function |constructor |constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor|inherited constructor }0%1 not viable: %select{%ordinal6|'this'}5 argument (%2) has %select{no|__weak|__strong}3 ownership, but parameter has %select{no|__weak|__strong}4 ownership candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function |function |constructor |constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor|inherited constructor }0%1 not viable: cannot convert initializer list argument to %3 candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function |function |constructor |constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor|inherited constructor }0%1 not viable: expects an l-value for %select{%ordinal3 argument|object argument}2 candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function |function |constructor |constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor|inherited constructor }0%1 not viable: no overload of %3 matching %2 for %ordinal4 argument candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function |function |constructor |constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor|inherited constructor }0%1 not viable: %select{%ordinal6|'this'}5 argument (%2) has %select{no|__unsafe_unretained|__strong|__weak|__autoreleasing}3 ownership, but parameter has %select{no|__unsafe_unretained|__strong|__weak|__autoreleasing}4 ownership candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function|function|constructor|constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor|inherited constructor}0 not viable: call to %select{__device__|__global__|__host__|__host__ __device__|invalid}1 function from %select{__device__|__global__|__host__|__host__ __device__|invalid}2 function candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function |function |constructor |constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor|inherited constructor }0%1 not viable: %ordinal4 argument (%2) would lose __unaligned qualifier candidate template ignored: deduced type %diff{$ of %ordinal0 parameter does not match adjusted type $ of argument|of %ordinal0 parameter does not match adjusted type of argument}1,2%3 candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function |function |constructor |constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor|inherited constructor }0%1 has been %select{explicitly made unavailable|explicitly deleted|implicitly deleted}2 candidate template ignored: disabled by %0%1 candidate disabled: %0 candidate disabled due to OpenCL extension candidate template ignored: invalid explicitly-specified argument for template parameter %0 candidate template ignored: invalid explicitly-specified argument for %ordinal0 template parameter candidate template ignored: couldn't resolve reference to overloaded function %0 candidate address cannot be taken because parameter %0 has pass_object_size attribute candidate %select{constructor|template}0 ignored: instantiation %select{takes|would take}0 its own class type by value candidate template ignored: couldn't infer template argument %0 candidate template ignored: deduced conflicting %select{types|values|templates}0 for parameter %1%diff{ ($ vs. $)|}2,3 candidate template ignored: deduced values %diff{of conflicting types for parameter %0 (%1 of type $ vs. %3 of type $)|%1 and %3 of conflicting types for parameter %0}2,4 constructor from base class %0 inherited here candidate template ignored: substitution exceeded maximum template instantiation depth candidate template ignored: could not match %diff{$ against $|types}0,1 candidate template ignored: could not match %q0 against %q1 candidate template ignored: substitution failure%0%1 candidate template ignored: cannot deduce a type for %0 that would make %2 equal %1 conversion candidate of type %0 remaining %0 candidate%s0 omitted; pass -fshow-overloads=all to show them declared with index %0 here passing argument to parameter here passing argument to parameter %0 here parameter pack %0 declared here parameter of type %0 is declared here explicitly redeclare %0 to silence this warning partial specialization matches %0 non-deducible template parameter %0 inline function performs a conversion which is forbidden in ARC possible target for call place parentheses around the %0 expression to evaluate it first place parentheses around the '?:' expression to evaluate it first place parentheses around the '%0' expression to silence this warning module loaded from '%0' previous declaration of class template partial specialization %0 is here previously declared '%1' here previous attribute is here %0 is a builtin with type %1 for type %0 previous explicit instantiation is here previous initialization %select{|with side effects }0is here%select{| (side effects may not occur at run time)}0 previous inheritance model specified here previously defined as an alias for %0 previous template specialization is here previous uuid specified here did you mean to call the %0 method? while substituting prior template arguments into %select{non-type|template}0 template parameter%1 %2 use __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) attribute instead property %0 is declared %select{deprecated|unavailable|partial}1 here property declared here property synthesized here jump bypasses setup of __block variable jump bypasses initialization of variable with __attribute__((cleanup)) jump enters controlled statement of constexpr if jump bypasses initialization of catch block jump bypasses initialization of try block jump enters controlled statement of if available jump bypasses auto release push of @autoreleasepool block jump bypasses initialization of @catch block jump bypasses initialization of @finally block jump bypasses initialization of __strong variable jump bypasses initialization of @synchronized block jump bypasses initialization of @try block jump bypasses initialization of __weak variable jump bypasses initialization of __except block jump bypasses initialization of __finally block jump bypasses initialization of __try block jump bypasses variable initialization jump bypasses initialization of non-POD variable jump bypasses variable with a non-trivial destructor jump bypasses initialization of variable length array jump bypasses initialization of VLA type alias jump bypasses initialization of VLA typedef protocol is declared here protocol %0 has no definition protocol method is here it could also be property of type %0 declared here qualified call to %0::%1 is treated as a virtual call to %1 due to -fapple-kext unimplemented pure virtual method %0 in %1 receiver is instance of class declared here receiver expression is here receiver is treated with 'id' type for purpose of method lookup %select{reference|pointer}0 member declared here member with reference subobject declared here binding reference variable %0 here %select{const|reference}0 member %1 will never be initialized %0 returns a reference class template declared here use 'static_cast' to adjust the pointer correctly while %select{upcasting|downcasting}0 %select{overridden|current}0 method is explicitly declared 'instancetype'%select{| and is expected to return an instance of its class type}0 %select{overridden|current}0 method is part of the '%select{|alloc|copy|init|mutableCopy|new|autorelease|dealloc|finalize|release|retain|retainCount|self}1' method family%select{| and is expected to return an instance of its class type}0 %select{class|instance}0 method %1 is assumed to return an instance of its receiver type (%2) overridden method returns an instance of its class type remove the call to '%0' since unsigned values cannot be negative remove call to max function and unsigned zero argument remove std::move call here use function '%0' instead %select{function|method|block}0 has been explicitly marked sentinel here attempt to specialize declaration here explicitly specialized declaration is here use array indexing to silence this warning change size argument to be the size of the destination change the argument to be the free space in the destination buffer minus the terminating null byte did you mean %select{struct|interface|class}0 here? class with specified objc_requires_property_definitions attribute is declared here surrounding namespace with visibility attribute ends here surrounding namespace with visibility attribute starts here conversion to %select{integral|enumeration}0 type %1 non-type template argument refers to %select{function|object}0 here non-type template argument refers here template argument refers to function template %0, here class template %0 was explicitly specialized here in instantiation of template class %q0 requested here class template %0 was instantiated here template is declared here %select{function template|class template|variable template|type alias template|template template parameter}0 %1 declared here while checking a default template argument used here in instantiation of enumeration %q0 requested here in instantiation of exception specification for %0 requested here in instantiation of member class %q0 requested here in instantiation of member function %q0 requested here template non-type parameter has a different type %0 in template argument previous non-type template parameter with type %0 is here in instantiation of default member initializer %q0 requested here template parameter has a different kind in template argument template parameter is declared here %select{too few|too many}0 template parameters in template template argument previous default template argument defined here previous %select{template type|non-type template|template template}0 parameter%select{| pack}1 declared here %select{template type|non-type template|template template}0 parameter%select{| pack}1 does not match %select{template type|non-type template|template template}0 parameter%select{ pack|}1 in template argument previous template %select{declaration|template parameter}0 is here use -ftemplate-depth=N to increase recursive template instantiation depth in instantiation of static data member %q0 requested here in instantiation of template type alias %0 requested here unnamed type used in template argument was declared here in instantiation of variable template specialization %q0 requested here Thread warning in function '%0' %select{alignment|size}0 of first field is %1 bits %0 is incomplete %select{function %1 which returns const-qualified type %2 declared here|variable %1 declared const here|%select{non-|}1static data member %2 declared const here|member function %q1 is declared const here}0 did you mean to use '.' instead? use a tag name here to establish linkage prior to definition referenced member %0 is declared here enclose %0 in an @available check to silence this warning remove the %select{'%1' if its condition|condition if it}0 is always %select{false|true}2 during field initialization in %select{this|the implicit default}0 constructor uninitialized reference member is here %select{uninitialized use occurs|variable is captured by block}0 here silence by adding parentheses to mark code as explicitly dead use non-reference type %0 use reference type %0 to prevent copying use 'thread_local' to allow this use non-reference type %0 to keep the copy or type %1 to prevent copying used here used in initialization here implicit default constructor suppressed by user-declared constructor %select{|previous }0using declaration use %select{an alias declaration|a typedef declaration|a reference|a const variable|a constexpr variable}0 instead conflicting declaration target of using declaration add 'typename' to treat this using declaration as a type in value-initialization of type %0 here variable %0 is declared here variable %0 is%select{| explicitly}1 captured here initialize the variable %0 to silence this warning previous declaration of variable template partial specialization is here %select{%1 is a virtual base class of base class %2 declared here|virtual base class %1 declared here}0 which delegates to detected while default synthesizing properties in class implementation within field of type %0 declared here non-virtual member function marked '%0' hides virtual member %select{function|functions}1 only virtual member functions can be marked '%0' absolute value function %0 given an argument of type %1 but has parameter of type %2 which may cause truncation of value abstract class is marked '%select{final|sealed}0' initializer for virtual base class %0 of abstract class %1 will never be used access declarations are deprecated; use using declarations instead type of property %0 does not match type of accessor %1 acquiring %0 '%1' requires negative capability '%2' %0 '%1' must be acquired before '%2' Cycle in acquired_before/after dependencies, starting with '%0' operator '%0' has lower precedence than '%1'; '%1' will be evaluated first reference cannot be bound to dereferenced null pointer in well-defined C++ code; pointer may be assumed to always convert to true reference cannot be bound to dereferenced null pointer in well-defined C++ code; comparison may be assumed to always evaluate to %select{true|false}0 %select{alias|ifunc}2 will always resolve to %0 even if weak definition of %1 is overridden %select{alias|ifunc}1 will not be in section '%0' but in the same section as the %select{aliasee|resolver}2 second argument to __builtin_alloca_with_align is supposed to be in bits multiple suitable %0 functions for %1; no 'operator delete' function will be invoked if initialization throws an exception width of anonymous bit-field (%0 bits) exceeds width of its type; value will be truncated to %1 bit%s1 ARC %select{unused|__unsafe_unretained|__strong|__weak|__autoreleasing}0 lifetime qualifier on return type is ignored assigning %select{array literal|dictionary literal|numeric literal|boxed expression|<should not happen>|block literal}0 to a weak %select{property|variable}1; object will be released after assignment %select{destination for|source of}0 this %1 call is a pointer to ownership-qualified type %2 performSelector may cause a leak because its selector is unknown weak %select{variable|property|implicit property|instance variable}0 %1 may be accessed multiple times in this %select{function|method|block|lambda}2 and may be unpredictably set to nil; assign to a strong variable to keep the object alive weak %select{variable|property|implicit property|instance variable}0 %1 is accessed multiple times in this %select{function|method|block|lambda}2 but may be unpredictably set to nil; assign to a strong variable to keep the object alive capturing %0 strongly in this block is likely to lead to a retain cycle assigning retained object to %select{weak|unsafe_unretained}0 %select{property|variable}1; object will be released after assignment assigning retained object to unsafe property; object will be released after assignment method parameter of type %0 with no explicit ownership array index %0 is past the end of the array (which contains %1 element%s2) array index %0 is before the beginning of the array ignored asm label '%0' on automatic variable value size does not match register size specified by the constraint and modifier the argument to %0 has side effects that will be discarded memory order argument to atomic operation is invalid writable atomic property %0 cannot pair a synthesized %select{getter|setter}1 with a user defined %select{getter|setter}2 @protocol is using a forward protocol declaration of %0 'abi_tag' attribute on %select{non-inline|anonymous}0 namespace ignored consumed analysis attribute is attached to member of class '%0' which isn't marked as consumable attribute %0 after definition is ignored %0 attribute parameter %1 is negative and will be ignored propagating dll attribute to %select{already instantiated|explicitly specialized}0 base class template without dll attribute is not supported redeclaration of %q0 should not add %q1 attribute explicit instantiation declaration should not be 'dllexport' definition of dllimport static field %0 attribute can only be applied to instance variables or properties %0 attribute ignored %0 attribute ignored on inline function '%0' attribute cannot be specified on a definition 'nonnull' attribute applied to function with no pointer arguments 'nonnull' attribute when used on parameters takes no arguments %0 attribute ignored when parsing type 'packed' attribute was ignored on bit-fields with single-byte alignment in older versions of GCC and Clang %0 attribute only applies to a pointer or reference (%1 is invalid) attribute declaration must precede definition target does not support 'protected' visibility; using 'default' %0 attribute only applies to return values that are pointers %0 attribute only applies to return values that are pointers or references 'sentinel' attribute requires named arguments 'sentinel' attribute only supported for variadic %select{functions|blocks}0 %0 attribute argument not supported: %1 unknown visibility %0 attribute %0 cannot be applied to %select{functions|Objective-C method}1 without return value __weak attribute cannot be specified on a field declaration __weak attribute cannot be specified on an automatic variable when ARC is not enabled property is assumed atomic when auto-synthesizing the property readonly IBOutlet property %0 when auto-synthesized may not work correctly with 'nib' loader 'auto' storage class specifier is redundant and incompatible with C++11 auto property synthesis will not synthesize property %0 declared in protocol %1 'auto' deduced as 'id' in declaration of %0 auto property synthesis will not synthesize property %0; it will be implemented by its superclass, use @dynamic to acknowledge intention autosynthesized property %0 will use %select{|synthesized}1 instance variable %2, not existing instance variable %3 unknown platform %0 in availability macro feature cannot be %select{introduced|deprecated|obsoleted}0 in %1 version %2 before it was %select{introduced|deprecated|obsoleted}3 in version %4; attribute ignored cast from function call of type %0 to non-matching type %1 receiver type %0 is not 'id' or interface pointer, consider casting it to 'id' base class %0 is uninitialized when used here to access %q1 binding reference member %0 to stack allocated parameter %1 binding reference %select{|subobject of }1member %0 to a temporary value binding dereferenced null pointer to reference has undefined behavior width of bit-field %0 (%1 bits) exceeds the width of its type; value will be truncated to %2 bit%s2 '%0' within '%1' block captures an autoreleasing out-parameter, which may result in use-after-free bugs attribute %0 ignored, because it cannot be applied to omitted return type '%0' qualifier on omitted return type %1 has no effect switch condition has boolean value braces around scalar initializer 'break' is bound to loop, GCC binds it to switch use of unknown builtin %0 call to pure virtual member function %0 has undefined behavior; overrides of %0 in subclasses are not available in the %select{constructor|destructor}1 of %2 too %select{few|many}0 arguments in call to %1 cannot pass object of %select{non-POD|non-trivial}0 type %1 through variadic %select{function|block|method|constructor}2; call will abort at runtime cannot resolve lock expression empty case range specified overflow converting case value to switch condition type (%0 to %1) cast from %0 to %1 increases required alignment from %2 to %3 cast between incompatible calling conventions '%0' and '%1'; calls through this pointer may abort at runtime nonnull %select{function call|parameter}0 '%1' will evaluate to 'true' on first encounter cast of type %0 to %1 is deprecated; use sel_getName instead cast from %0 to %1 drops %select{const and volatile qualifiers|const qualifier|volatile qualifier}2 cast from %0 to %1 must have all intermediate pointers const qualified to be safe category is implementing a method which will also be implemented by its primary class calling convention %0 ignored for this target %0 calling convention ignored on constructor/destructor %0 calling convention ignored on variadic function cannot refer to a non-static member from the handler of a %select{constructor|destructor}0 function try block input conversion stopped due to an input byte that does not belong to the input codeset UTF-8 class method %objcclass0 not found (return type defaults to 'id') class method %objcclass0 not found (return type defaults to 'id'); did you mean %objcclass2? GCC does not allow the 'cleanup' attribute argument to be anything other than a simple identifier collection expression type %0 may not respond to %1 possible misuse of comma operator here %select{self-|array }0comparison always evaluates to %select{false|true|a constant}1 bitwise comparison always evaluates to %select{false|true}0 comparison of two values with different enumeration types%diff{ ($ and $)|}0,1 concatenated NSString literal for an NSArray expression - possibly missing a comma using the result of an assignment as a condition without parentheses conflicting distributed object modifiers on parameter type in declaration of %0 conflicting parameter types in declaration of %0%diff{: $ vs $|}1,2 conflicting distributed object modifiers on return type in declaration of %0 conflicting return type in declaration of %0%diff{: $ vs $|}1,2 conflicting variadic declaration of method and its implementation conflicting distributed object modifiers on parameter type in implementation of %0 conflicting parameter types in implementation of %0%diff{: $ vs $|}1,2 conflicting distributed object modifiers on return type in implementation of %0 conflicting return type in implementation of %0%diff{: $ vs $|}1,2 conversion function converting %0 to its base class %1 will never be used conversion function converting %0 to itself will never be used conversion function converting %0 to %1 will never be used constructor parameter %0 shadows the field %1 of %2 use of this statement in a constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 is incompatible with C++ standards before C++14 multiple return statements in constexpr function is incompatible with C++ standards before C++14 constexpr function with no return statements is incompatible with C++ standards before C++14 variable declaration in a constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 is incompatible with C++ standards before C++14 type definition in a constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 is incompatible with C++ standards before C++14 initialized lambda captures are incompatible with C++ standards before C++14 variable templates are incompatible with C++ standards before C++14 attribute %0 ignored, because it cannot be applied to a type 'constexpr' non-static member function will not be implicitly 'const' in C++14; add 'const' to avoid a change in behavior decomposition declarations are incompatible with C++ standards before C++1z inline variables are incompatible with C++ standards before C++1z by value capture of '*this' is incompatible with C++ standards before C++1z static_assert with no message is incompatible with C++ standards before C++1z non-type template parameters declared with %0 are incompatible with C++ standards before C++1z mangled name of %0 will change in C++17 due to non-throwing exception specification in function signature implicit conversion from array size expression of type %0 to %select{integral|enumeration}1 type %2 is incompatible with C++98 'auto' type specifier is incompatible with C++98 cast between pointer-to-function and pointer-to-object is incompatible with C++98 'constexpr' specifier is incompatible with C++98 constructor call from initializer list is incompatible with C++98 delegating constructors are incompatible with C++98 scalar initialized from empty initializer list is incompatible with C++98 befriending enumeration type %0 is incompatible with C++98 enumeration type in nested name specifier is incompatible with C++98 explicit conversion functions are incompatible with C++98 friend declaration naming a member of the declaring class is incompatible with C++98 jump from this goto statement to its label is incompatible with C++98 jump from this indirect goto statement to one of its possible targets is incompatible with C++98 initialization of initializer_list object is incompatible with C++98 use of non-static data member %0 in an unevaluated context is incompatible with C++98 non-class friend type %0 is incompatible with C++98 %select{anonymous struct|union}0 member %1 with a non-trivial %select{constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}2 is incompatible with C++98 passing object of trivial but non-POD type %0 through variadic %select{function|block|method|constructor}1 is incompatible with C++98 reference initialized from initializer list is incompatible with C++98 substitution failure due to access control is incompatible with C++98 static data member %0 in union is incompatible with C++98 jump from switch statement to this case label is incompatible with C++98 %select{copying variable|copying parameter|returning object|throwing object|copying member subobject|copying array element|allocating object|copying temporary|initializing base subobject|initializing vector element}1 of type %2 when binding a reference to a temporary would %select{invoke an inaccessible constructor|find no viable constructor|find ambiguous constructors|invoke a deleted constructor}0 in C++98 redundant parentheses surrounding address non-type template argument are incompatible with C++98 local type %0 as template argument is incompatible with C++98 use of null pointer as non-type template argument is incompatible with C++98 non-type template argument referring to %select{function|object}0 %1 with internal linkage is incompatible with C++98 unnamed type as template argument is incompatible with C++98 use of 'template' keyword outside of a template is incompatible with C++98 default template arguments for a function template are incompatible with C++98 %select{class template|class template partial|variable template|variable template partial|function template|member function|static data member|member class|member enumeration}0 specialization of %1 outside namespace %2 is incompatible with C++98 use of 'typename' outside of a template is incompatible with C++98 befriending %1 without '%select{struct|interface|union|class|enum}0' keyword is incompatible with C++98 '%0' type specifier is incompatible with C++98 inheriting constructors are incompatible with C++98 ms_struct may not produce Microsoft-compatible layouts for classes with base classes or virtual functions array backing the initializer list will be destroyed at the end of %select{the full-expression|the constructor}0 -dealloc is being overridden in a category declaration of %0 will not be visible outside of this function declaration shadows a %select{local variable|variable in %2|static data member of %2|field of %2}1 attribute %0 is ignored, place it after "%select{class|struct|interface|union|enum}1" to apply attribute to type declaration %plural{1:enumeration value %1 not explicitly handled in switch|2:enumeration values %1 and %2 not explicitly handled in switch|3:enumeration values %1, %2, and %3 not explicitly handled in switch|:%0 enumeration values not explicitly handled in switch: %1, %2, %3...}0 atomic by default property %0 has a user defined %select{getter|setter}1 (property should be marked 'atomic' if this is intended) constructor for %0 creates a delegation cycle %select{delete|destructor}0 called on %1 that is abstract but has non-virtual destructor 'delete' applied to a pointer-to-array type %0 treated as 'delete[]' deleting pointer to incomplete type %0 may cause undefined behavior %select{delete|destructor}0 called on non-final %1 that has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor %0 is deprecated 'deprecated' attribute on anonymous namespace ignored definition of implicit copy %select{constructor|assignment operator}1 for %0 is deprecated because it has a user-declared %select{copy %select{assignment operator|constructor}1|destructor}2 Implementing deprecated %select{method|class|category}0 %0 may be deprecated because the receiver type is unknown %0 is deprecated: %1 out-of-line definition of constexpr static data member is redundant in C++17 and is deprecated 'register' storage class specifier is deprecated and incompatible with C++1z conversion from string literal to %0 is deprecated explicit call to +initialize results in duplicate call to +initialize instance variable %0 is being directly accessed explicit call to [super initialize] should only be in implementation of +initialize %q0 redeclared inline; %1 attribute ignored double precision constant requires cl_khr_fp64, casting to single precision acquiring %0 '%1' that is already held duplicate definition of category %1 on interface %0 attribute %0 is already applied with different parameters attribute %0 is already applied element %0 has been implicitly assigned %1 which another element has been assigned multiple declarations of method %0 found and ignored duplicate protocol definition of %0 is ignored %select{destination for|source of|first operand of|second operand of}0 this %1 call is a pointer to %select{|class containing a }2dynamic class %3; vtable pointer will be %select{overwritten|copied|moved|compared}4 for loop has empty body format string is empty if statement has empty body empty parentheses interpreted as a function declaration range-based for loop has empty body switch statement has empty body while loop has empty body overflow in enumeration value equality comparison with extraneous parentheses exception of type %0 will be caught by earlier handler dynamic exception specifications are deprecated declaration requires an exit-time destructor expecting %0 '%1' to be held at start of each loop expecting %0 '%1' to be held at the end of function explicit instantiation of %0 that occurs after an explicit specialization has no effect 'extern' variable has an initializer control reaches end of non-void coroutine control reaches end of non-void function control reaches end of non-void lambda function declared 'noreturn' should not return fallthrough annotation in unreachable code field %0 is uninitialized when used here enumeration value %0 is out of range of flags in enumeration type %1 magnitude of floating-point constant too large for type %0; maximum is %1 magnitude of floating-point constant too small for type %0; minimum is %1 comparing floating point with == or != is unsafe 'begin' and 'end' returning different types (%0 and %1) is incompatible with C++ standards before C++1z loop variable %0 %diff{has type $ but is initialized with type $| is initialized with a value of a different type}1,2 resulting in a copy loop variable %0 of type %1 creates a copy from type %2 loop variable %0 is always a copy because the range of type %1 does not return a reference using '%%P' format specifier without precision %select{values of type|enum values with underlying type}2 '%0' should not be used as format arguments; add an explicit cast to %1 instead format specifies type %0 but the argument has %select{type|underlying type}2 %1 using '%0' format specifier annotation outside of os_log()/os_trace() invalid conversion specifier '%0' invalid position specified for %select{field width|field precision}0 cannot mix positional and non-positional arguments in format string '%0' %select{length modifier|conversion specifier}1 is not supported by ISO C using length modifier '%0' with conversion specifier '%1' is not supported by ISO C positional arguments are not supported by ISO C format string is not a string literal format string is not a string literal (potentially insecure) length modifier '%0' results in undefined behavior or no effect with '%1' conversion specifier format string should not be a wide string position arguments in format strings start counting at 1 (not 0) redefinition of forward class %0 of a typedef name of an object type is ignored cannot call function '%1' while %0 '%2' is held calling function '%1' requires holding %0 %select{'%2'|'%2' exclusively}3 instantiation of function %q0 required here, but no definition is available function definition inside an Objective-C container is deprecated %0 overrides a member function but is not marked 'override' Objective-C GC does not allow weak variables on the stack declaration requires a global constructor declaration requires a global destructor 'gnu_inline' attribute requires function to be marked 'inline', attribute ignored passing variable '%1' by reference requires holding %0 %select{'%2'|'%2' exclusively}3 %select{instance variable|property}2 with %0 attribute must be an object type (invalid %1) IBOutletCollection properties should be copy/strong and not assign assigning %select{field|instance variable}0 to itself inheritance model ignored on %select{primary template|partial specialization}0 size of static array must be an integer constant expression implicit truncation from %2 to bit-field changes value from %0 to %1 initialization of pointer of type %0 to null from a constant boolean expression implicit conversion discards imaginary component: %0 to %1 implicit conversion from enumeration type %0 to different enumeration type %1 implicit conversion increases floating-point precision: %0 to %1 implicit conversion turns floating-point number into integer: %0 to %1 implicit conversion loses floating-point precision: %0 to %1 implicit conversion of out of range value from %0 to %1 changes value from %2 to %3 implicit conversion from %0 to %1 changes non-zero value from %2 to %3 implicit conversion turns floating-point number into bool: %0 to %1 implicit conversion loses integer precision: %0 to %1 implicit conversion from %2 to %3 changes value from %0 to %1 implicit conversion changes signedness: %0 to %1 operand of ? changes signedness: %0 to %1 implicit conversion from %0 to %1 changes value from %2 to %3 implicit conversion of %select{NULL|nullptr}0 constant to %1 implicit boolean conversion of Objective-C object literal always evaluates to true address of%select{| function| array}0 '%1' will always evaluate to 'true' implicit conversion turns string literal into bool: %0 to %1 implicit conversion turns vector to scalar: %0 to %1 class property %0 requires method %1 to be defined - use @dynamic or provide a method implementation in this class implementation class property %0 requires method %1 to be defined - use @dynamic or provide a method implementation in this category default assign attribute on property %0 which implements NSCopying protocol is not appropriate with -fobjc-gc[-only] property is assumed atomic by default declaration of built-in function '%1' requires inclusion of the header <%0> implicit declaration of function %0 block implicitly retains 'self'; explicitly mention 'self' to indicate this is intended behavior direct base %0 is inaccessible due to ambiguity:%1 %select{%diff{assigning to $ from incompatible type $|assigning to type from incompatible type}0,1|%diff{passing $ to parameter of incompatible type $|passing type to parameter of incompatible type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with incompatible result type $|returning type from a function with incompatible result type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to incompatible type $|converting type to incompatible type}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of incompatible type $|initializing type with an expression of incompatible type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of incompatible type $|sending type to parameter of incompatible type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to incompatible type $|casting type to incompatible type}0,1}2 incompatible vector types %select{%diff{assigning to $ from $|assigning to different types}0,1|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|passing to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|returning from function with different return type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|initializing with expression of different type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|sending to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2 encoding of %0 type is incomplete because %1 component has unknown encoding incrementing expression of type bool is deprecated and incompatible with C++1z 'objc_independent_class' attribute may be put on a typedef only; attribute is ignored indirection of non-volatile null pointer will be deleted, not trap all paths through this function will call itself constant expression evaluates to %0 which cannot be narrowed to type %1 in C++11 type %0 cannot be narrowed to %1 in initializer list in C++11 non-constant-expression cannot be narrowed from type %0 to %1 in initializer list in C++11 initializing pointer member %0 with the stack address of parameter %1 %select{field|base class}0 %1 will be initialized after %select{field|base}2 %3 initializer overrides prior initialization of this subobject inline namespace reopened as a non-inline namespace instance method %objcinstance0 not found (return type defaults to 'id') instance method %objcinstance0 not found (return type defaults to 'id'); did you mean %objcinstance2? instance method %0 found instead of class method %1 cast to %1 from smaller integer type %0 'internal_linkage' attribute on a non-static local variable is ignored invalid use of a cast in an inline asm context requiring an l-value: accepted due to -fheinous-gnu-extensions, but clang may remove support for this in the future invalid capability name '%0'; capability name must be 'mutex' or 'role' invalid constructor form class in system header, should not be explicit local declaration of %0 hides instance variable declaration of instance variables in the interface is deprecated jump out of __finally block has undefined behavior ignored 'inline' attribute on kernel function %0 kernel function %0 is a member function; this may not be accepted by nvcc %0 '%1' is acquired exclusively and shared in the same scope %0 '%1' is not held on every path through here '&&' within '||' use of logical '%0' with constant operand logical not is only applied to the left hand side of this %select{comparison|bitwise operator}0 '%0' is bound to current loop, GCC binds it to the enclosing loop state of variable '%0' must match at the entry and exit of loop comparison of unsigned%select{| enum}2 expression %0 is always %1 only one parameter on 'main' declaration variable named 'main' with external linkage has undefined behavior bool literal returned from 'main' taking the max of %select{a value and unsigned zero|unsigned zero and a value}0 is always equal to the other value control may reach end of non-void coroutine control may reach end of non-void function control may reach end of non-void lambda variable %0 may be uninitialized when %select{used here|captured by block}1 %0 may not respond to %1 %0 will always overflow destination buffer size argument in %0 call is a comparison MIPS 'interrupt' attribute only applies to functions that have %select{no parameters|a 'void' return type}0 availability does not match previous declaration %select{|overriding }4method %select{introduced after|deprecated before|obsoleted before}0 %select{the protocol method it implements|overridden method}4 on %1 (%2 vs. %3) %select{|overriding }1method cannot be unavailable on %0 when %select{the protocol method it implements|its overridden method}1 is available 'delete%select{|[]}0' applied to a pointer that was allocated with 'new%select{[]|}0'; did you mean 'delete%select{[]|}0'? section does not match previous declaration suggest braces around initialization of subobject %plural{1:enumeration value %1 not handled in switch|2:enumeration values %1 and %2 not handled in switch|3:enumeration values %1, %2, and %3 not handled in switch|:%0 enumeration values not handled in switch: %1, %2, %3...}0 no case matching constant switch condition '%0' auto property synthesis is synthesizing property not explicitly synthesized missing field %0 initializer format string missing method has no return type specified; defaults to 'id' no previous prototype for function %0 missing sentinel in %select{function call|method dispatch|block call}0 no previous extern declaration for non-static variable %0 comparison of integers of different signs: %0 and %1 modifying constructor parameter %0 that shadows a field of %1 multiple methods named %0 found several methods with selector %0 of mismatched types are found for the @selector expression vector initializers are not compatible with NEON intrinsics in big endian mode auto property synthesis will not synthesize property %0 because it is 'readwrite' but it will be synthesized 'readonly' via another property auto property synthesis will not synthesize property %0 because it cannot share an ivar with another synthesized property %select{struct|interface|union|class|enum}0 %1 does not declare any constructor to initialize its non-modifiable members enums in the Microsoft ABI are signed integers by default; consider giving the enum %0 an unsigned underlying type to make this code portable %0 '%1' is still held at the end of function conflicting parameter types in declaration of %0: %1 vs %2 conflicting parameter types in implementation of %0: %1 vs %2 conflicting return type in declaration of %0: %1 vs %2 conflicting return type in implementation of %0: %1 vs %2 expression which evaluates to zero treated as a null pointer constant of type %0 cannot pass %select{non-POD|non-trivial}0 object of type %1 to variadic %select{function|block|method|constructor}2; expected type from format string was %3 %0 has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor comparison of nonnull %select{function call|parameter}0 '%1' %select{not |}2equal to a null pointer is '%select{true|false}2' on first encounter function %0 declared 'noreturn' should not return not a Doxygen trailing comment use of unary operator that may be intended as compound assignment (%0=) not enough variable arguments in %0 declaration to fit a sentinel case value not in enumerated type %0 integer constant not in range of enumerated type %0 %0 attribute only applies to %select{functions|methods|properties}1 that return %select{an Objective-C object|a pointer|a non-retainable pointer}2 'NSObject' attribute may be put on a typedef only; attribute is ignored null passed to a callee that requires a non-null argument use of NULL in arithmetic operation comparison between NULL and non-pointer %select{(%1 and NULL)|(NULL and %1)}0 comparison of %select{address of|function|array}0 '%1' %select{not |}2equal to a null pointer is always %select{true|false}2 synthesized setter %0 for null_resettable property %1 does not handle nil null returned from %select{function|method}0 that requires a non-null return value nullability specifier %0 cannot be applied to non-pointer type %1; did you mean to apply the specifier to the %select{pointer|block pointer|member pointer|function pointer|member function pointer}2? inferring '_Nonnull' for pointer type within %select{array|reference}0 is deprecated implicit conversion from nullable pointer %0 to non-nullable pointer type %1 %select{pointer|block pointer|member pointer}0 is missing a nullability type specifier (_Nonnull, _Nullable, or _Null_unspecified) array parameter is missing a nullability type specifier (_Nonnull, _Nullable, or _Null_unspecified) using %0 directive in %select{NSString|CFString}1 which is being passed as a formatting argument to the formatting %select{method|CFfunction}2 adding '%0' to '%1' might cause circular dependency in container object of type %0 is not compatible with %select{array element type|dictionary key type|dictionary value type}1 %2 designated initializer missing a 'super' call to a designated initializer of the super class designated initializer invoked a non-designated initializer designated initializer should only invoke a designated initializer on 'super' method override for the designated initializer of the superclass %objcinstance0 not found %0 bridges to %1, not %2 %0 cannot bridge to %1 assignment to Objective-C's isa is deprecated in favor of object_setClass() direct access to Objective-C's isa is deprecated in favor of object_getClass() direct comparison of %select{an array literal|a dictionary literal|a numeric literal|a boxed expression|}0 has undefined behavior method possibly missing a [super %0] call cannot catch an exception thrown with @throw in C++ in the non-unified exception model bitmasking for introspection of Objective-C object pointers is strongly discouraged objc_precise_lifetime is not meaningful for %select{__unsafe_unretained|__autoreleasing}0 objects 'copy' attribute must be specified for the block property when -fobjc-gc-only is specified default property attribute 'assign' not appropriate for non-GC object no 'assign', 'retain', or 'copy' attribute is specified - 'assign' is assumed retain'ed block property does not copy the block - use copy attribute instead setter cannot be specified for a readonly property using %0 with a literal is redundant parameterized class %0 already conforms to the protocols listed; did you forget a '*'? %0 attribute cannot be applied to %select{methods in protocols|dealloc}1 class %0 defined without specifying a base class convenience initializer missing a 'self' call to another initializer convenience initializer should not invoke an initializer on 'super' direct comparison of a string literal has undefined behavior use of old-style cast aligned clause will be ignored because the requested alignment is not a power of 2 zero linear step (%0 %select{|and other variables in clause }1should probably be const) OpenMP loop iteration variable cannot have more than 64 bits size and will be narrowed OpenMP only allows an ordered construct with the simd clause nested in a simd construct declaration is not declared in any declare target region array section %select{lower bound|length}0 is of type 'char' class implementation may not have super class %0 attribute is deprecated and ignored in OpenCL version %1 OpenCL extension attribute can only be used with function passing non-generic address space pointer to %0 generates dynamic conversion where it is not needed Blocks passed to enqueue_kernel cannot use %select{global|stack}0 variables that are a pointer type in the %select{local|private}1 address space predefined identifiers are not supported %0 should not return a null pointer unless it is declared 'throw()'%select{| or 'noexcept'}1 os_log() '%%n' format specifier is not allowed comparison of %select{constant %0|true|false}1 with %select{expression of type %2|boolean expression}3 is always %select{false|true}4 type %0 requires %1 bytes of alignment and the default allocator only guarantees %2 bytes overloaded operator %select{>>|<<}0 has higher precedence than comparison operator %q0 hides overloaded virtual %select{function|functions}1 padding %select{struct|interface|class}0 %1 with %2 %select{byte|bit}3%s2 to align anonymous bit-field padding %select{struct|interface|class}0 %1 with %2 %select{byte|bit}3%s2 to align %4 padding size of %0 with %1 %select{byte|bit}2%s1 to alignment boundary parameter '%0' not in expected state when the function returns: expected '%1', observed '%2' argument not in expected state; expected '%0', observed '%1' %0 is a large (%1 bytes) pass-by-value argument; pass it by reference instead ? parentheses were disambiguated as a function declaration %0 is only available conditionally %0 may be partial because the receiver type is unknown %0 is partial: %1 passing object of class type %0 through variadic %select{function|block|method|constructor}1%select{|; did you mean to call '%3'?}2 moving a temporary object prevents copy elision moving a local object in a return statement prevents copy elision taking the absolute value of %select{pointer|function|array}0 type %1 is suspicious dereference of type %1 that was reinterpret_cast from type %0 has undefined behavior #pragma options align=reset failed: %0 expected #pragma pack parameter to be '1', '2', '4', '8', or '16' specifying both a name and alignment to 'pop' is undefined value of #pragma pack(show) == %0 #pragma %0(pop, ...) failed: %1 only variables can be arguments to '#pragma unused' undeclared variable %0 used as an argument for '#pragma unused' %0 has lower precedence than %1; %1 will be evaluated first operator '?:' has lower precedence than '%0'; '%0' will be evaluated first object format flags cannot be used with '%0' conversion specifier '%select{*|.*}0' specified field %select{width|precision}0 is missing a matching 'int' argument field %select{width|precision}0 should have type %1, but argument has type %2 data argument not used by format string missing object format flag format string contains '\0' within the string body format string is not null-terminated flag '%0' is ignored when flag '%1' is present incomplete format specifier more '%%' conversions than data arguments '%0' is not a valid object format flag flag '%0' results in undefined behavior with '%1' conversion specifier %select{field width|precision}0 used with '%1' conversion specifier, resulting in undefined behavior data argument position '%0' exceeds the number of data arguments (%1) use of __private_extern__ on a declaration may not produce external symbol private to the linkage unit and is deprecated profile data may be out of date: of %0 function%s0, %1 %plural{1:has|:have}1 no data and %2 %plural{1:has|:have}2 mismatched data that will be ignored no profile data available for file "%0" property %0 not found on object of type %1; did you mean to access property %2? property attribute in class extension does not match the primary class '%1' attribute on property %0 does not match the property inherited from %2 property declared as returning non-retained objects; getter returning retained objects primary property declaration is implicitly strong while redeclaration in class extension is weak property access is using %0 method which is deprecated getter name mismatch between property redeclaration (%1) and its original declaration (%0) property type %0 is incompatible with type %1 inherited from %2 property of type %0 was selected for synthesis passing the value that '%1' points to by reference requires holding %0 %select{'%2'|'%2' exclusively}3 the pointer incremented by %0 refers past the end of the array (that contains %1 element%s2) the pointer decremented by %0 refers before the beginning of the array 'objc_independent_class' attribute may be put on Objective-C object pointer type only; attribute is ignored '%0' type qualifier%s1 on return type %plural{1:has|:have}1 no effect attribute 'readonly' of property %0 restricts attribute 'readwrite' of property inherited from %1 receiver %0 is a forward class and corresponding @interface may not exist incompatible redeclaration of library function %0 %q0 redeclared without %1 attribute: previous %1 ignored %q0 redeclared without 'dllimport' attribute: 'dllexport' attribute added #pragma redefine_extname is applicable to external C declarations only; not applied to %select{function|variable}0 %1 redefinition of %0 will not be visible outside of this function variable %0 is %select{decremented|incremented}1 both in the loop header and in the loop body redundant move in return statement reference %0 is not yet bound to a value when used here 'register' storage specifier on @catch parameter will be ignored 'reinterpret_cast' %select{from|to}3 class %0 %select{to|from}3 its %select{virtual base|base at non-zero offset}2 %1 behaves differently from 'static_cast' method is expected to return an instance of its class type %diff{$, but is declared to return $|, but is declared to return different type}0,1 protocol method is expected to return an instance of the implementing class, but is declared to return %0 %select{remainder|division}0 by zero is undefined returning address of label, which is local returning %select{address of|reference to}0 local temporary object %select{address of|reference to}0 stack memory associated with local variable %1 returned return state set for an unconsumable type '%0' return value not in expected state; expected '%0', observed '%1' return value of %0 is a large (%1 bytes) pass-by-value object; pass it by reference instead ? %0 has C-linkage specified, but returns user-defined type %1 which is incompatible with C %0 has C-linkage specified, but returns incomplete type %1 which could be incompatible with C instance method %0 is being used on 'Class' which is not in the root class comparison of %0 unsigned%select{| enum}2 expression is always %1 sampler initializer has invalid %0 bits zero field width in scanf format string is unused no closing ']' for '%%[' in scanf format string second argument to 'va_start' is not the last named parameter second argument to 'va_arg' is of promotable type %0; this va_arg has undefined behavior because arguments will be promoted to %1 second argument to 'va_arg' is of non-POD type %0 second argument to 'va_arg' is of ARC ownership-qualified type %0 explicitly assigning value of variable of type %0 to itself explicitly moving variable of type %0 to itself property %0 requires method %1 to be defined - use @synthesize, @dynamic or provide a method implementation in this class implementation property %0 requires method %1 to be defined - use @dynamic or provide a method implementation in this category shift count >= width of type shifting a negative signed value is undefined shift count is negative signed shift result (%0) requires %1 bits to represent, but %2 only has %3 bits signed shift result (%0) sets the sign bit of the shift expression's type (%1) and becomes negative expression with side effects will be evaluated despite being used as an operand to 'typeid' expression with side effects has no effect in an unevaluated context sizeof on pointer operation will return size of %0 instead of %1 sizeof on array function parameter will return size of %0 instead of %1 '%0' call operates on objects of type %1 while the size is based on a different type %2 did you mean to %select{dereference the argument to 'sizeof' (and multiply it by the number of elements)|remove the addressof in the argument to 'sizeof' (and multiply it by the number of elements)|provide an explicit length}0? argument to 'sizeof' in %0 call is the same pointer type %1 as the %select{destination|source}2; expected %3 or an explicit length variable %0 is %select{used|captured}1 uninitialized whenever %select{'%3' condition is %select{true|false}4|'%3' loop %select{is entered|exits because its condition is false}4|'%3' loop %select{condition is true|exits because its condition is false}4|switch %3 is taken|its declaration is reached|%3 is called}2 '%0' ignored on this declaration array argument is too small; contains %0 elements, callee requires at least %1 non-constant static local variable in inline function may be different in different files 'main' should not be declared static static variable %0 is suspiciously used within its own initialization this %select{function declaration is not|old-style function definition is not preceded by}0 a prototype adding %0 to a string pointer does not append to the string adding %0 to a string does not append to the string result of comparison against %select{a string literal|@encode}0 is unspecified (use strncmp instead) size argument in %0 call appears to be size of the source; expected the size of the destination the value of the size argument in 'strncat' is too large, might lead to a buffer overflow size argument in 'strncat' call appears to be size of the source the value of the size argument to 'strncat' is wrong %2 defined as %select{a struct|an interface|a class}0%select{| template}1 here but previously declared as %select{a struct|an interface|a class}3%select{| template}1 %select{struct|interface|class}0%select{| template}1 %2 was previously declared as a %select{struct|interface|class}3%select{| template}1 subtraction of pointers to type %0 of zero size has undefined behavior subobject initialization overrides initialization of other fields within its enclosing subobject array subscript is of type 'char' block could be declared with attribute 'noreturn' %select{function|method}0 %1 could be declared with attribute 'noreturn' the semantics of this intrinsic changed with GCC version 4.4 - the newer semantics are provided here taking address of packed member %0 of class or structure %q1 may result in an unaligned pointer value overlapping comparisons always evaluate to %select{false|true}0 non-type template argument with value '%0' converted to '%1' for unsigned template parameter of type %2 non-type template argument value '%0' truncated to '%1' for template parameter of type %2 exported templates are unsupported dependent nested name specifier '%0' for friend template declaration is not supported; ignoring this friend declaration dependent nested name specifier '%0' for friend class declaration is not supported; turning off access control for %1 extraneous template parameter list in template specialization pointer is initialized by a temporary array, which will be destroyed at the end of the full-expression tentative array definition assumed to have one element 'this' pointer cannot be null in well-defined C++ code; pointer may be assumed to always convert to true 'this' pointer cannot be null in well-defined C++ code; comparison may be assumed to always evaluate to %select{true|false}0 %0 attribute requires arguments whose type is annotated with 'capability' attribute; type here is %1 %0 attribute can only be applied in a context annotated with 'capability("mutex")' attribute %0 only applies to pointer types; type here is %1 ignoring %0 attribute because its argument is invalid Thread safety beta warning. Thread safety verbose warning. %select{alignment|size}0 of field %1 (%2 bits) does not match the %select{alignment|size}0 of the first field in transparent union; transparent_union attribute ignored first field of a transparent union cannot have %select{floating point|vector}0 type %1; transparent_union attribute ignored transparent_union attribute can only be applied to a union definition; attribute ignored transparent union definition must contain at least one field; transparent_union attribute ignored '%0' only applies to %select{function|pointer|Objective-C object or block pointer}1 types; type here is %2 specified %0 type tag requires a null pointer argument type %0 doesn't match specified %1 type tag %select{that requires %3|}2 this type tag was not designed to be used with this function '%0' qualifier on function type %1 has no effect '%0' qualifier on function type %1 has unspecified behavior '%0' qualifier on reference type %1 has no effect vector operands do not have the same elements sizes (%0 and %1) 'static' has no effect on zero-length arrays unannotated fall-through between switch labels unannotated fall-through between switch labels in partly-annotated function %0 may be unavailable because the receiver type is unknown undeclared selector %0 undeclared selector %0; did you mean %1? method definition for %0 not found cannot find protocol definition for %0 inline function %q0 is not defined %select{function|variable}0 %q1 has internal linkage but is not defined reinterpret_cast from %0 to %1 has undefined behavior %0 is only available on %1 %2 or newer __declspec attribute %0 is not supported method %0 in protocol %1 not implemented no method with selector %0 is implemented in this translation unit block pointer variable %0 is uninitialized when captured by block variable %0 is uninitialized when used within its own initialization reference %0 is not yet bound to a value when used within its own initialization variable %0 is uninitialized when %select{used here|captured by block}1 unknown attribute %0 ignored unknown sanitizer '%0' ignored releasing %0 '%1' that was not held releasing %0 '%1' using %select{shared|exclusive}2 access, expected %select{shared|exclusive}3 access packed attribute is unnecessary for %0 %select{function|variable}0 %1 is not needed and will not be emitted member function %0 is not needed and will not be emitted 'static' function %0 declared in header file should be declared 'static inline' code will never be executed 'break' will never be executed default label in switch which covers all enumeration values loop will run at most once (loop increment never executed) 'return' will never be executed multiple unsequenced modifications to %0 unsequenced modification and access to %0 taking the absolute value of unsigned type %0 has no effect Ignoring unsupported '%0' in the target attribute string ignoring return value of function declared with %0 attribute %select{%select{|in}1equality|relational}0 comparison result unused unused variable %0 container access result unused - container access should not be used for side effects unused exception parameter %0 expression result unused unused function %0 unused label %0 unused %select{typedef|type alias}0 %1 unused member function %0 unused parameter %0 private field %0 is not used ivar %0 which backs the property is not referenced in this property's accessor property access result unused - getters should not be used for side effects expression result unused; should this cast be to 'void'? expression result unused; assign into a variable to force a volatile load invalid invocation of method '%0' on object '%1' while it is in the '%2' state invalid invocation of method '%0' on a temporary object while it is in the '%1' state use of out-of-scope declaration of %0 %0 was marked unused but was used user-defined literal suffixes not starting with '_' are reserved%select{; no literal will invoke this operator|}0 using namespace directive in global context in header passing %select{an object that undergoes default argument promotion|an object of reference type|a parameter declared with the 'register' keyword}0 to 'va_start' has undefined behavior %select{reading|writing}1 the value pointed to by '%0' requires holding %select{any mutex|any mutex exclusively}1 %select{reading|writing}3 the value pointed to by '%1' requires holding %0 %select{'%2'|'%2' exclusively}3 instantiation of variable %q0 required here, but no definition is available %select{reading|writing}1 variable '%0' requires holding %select{any mutex|any mutex exclusively}1 %select{reading|writing}3 variable '%1' requires holding %0 %select{'%2'|'%2' exclusively}3 variable%select{s| %1|s %1 and %2|s %1, %2, and %3|s %1, %2, %3, and %4}0 used in loop condition not modified in loop body defaulted move assignment operator of %0 will move assign virtual base class %1 multiple times Use of 'long' with '__vector' is deprecated specifying vector types with the 'mode' attribute is deprecated; use the 'vector_size' attribute instead variable length array used weak identifier %0 never declared an already-declared variable is made a weak_import declaration %0 explicit template instantiation %0 will emit a vtable in every translation unit %0 has no out-of-line virtual method definitions; its vtable will be emitted in every translation unit using %select{integer|floating point|complex}1 absolute value function %0 when argument is of %select{integer|floating point|complex}2 type %select{|empty }0%select{struct|union}1 has size 0 in C, %select{size 1|non-zero size}2 in C++ _Generic and_eq bitand bitor compl not_eq or_eq xor_eq not_keyword compatibility_alias defs encode implementation finally synchronized autoreleasepool package required optional synthesize dynamic available *** Identifier Table Stats: # Identifiers: %d objc threadprivate parallel task simd sections single master critical taskyield taskwait taskgroup flush ordered teams cancel target data target enter data target exit data target parallel target parallel for target update parallel for parallel for simd parallel sections for simd cancellation point declare reduction taskloop taskloop simd end declare target distribute parallel for distribute parallel for simd distribute simd target parallel for simd target simd teams distribute teams distribute simd teams distribute parallel for simd teams distribute parallel for target teams target teams distribute target teams distribute parallel for num_threads safelen simdlen collapse firstprivate lastprivate reduction linear copyin copyprivate proc_bind schedule nowait untied mergeable write update capture seq_cst depend threads map num_teams thread_limit priority grainsize nogroup num_tasks hint dist_schedule defaultmap from use_device_ptr is_device_ptr threadprivate or thread local close spread guided runtime monotonic nonmonotonic val uval tofrom always scalar fun kernel-address leak array-bounds shift-exponent shift signed-integer-overflow unreachable vla-bound vptr unsigned-integer-overflow dataflow cfi-cast-strict cfi-derived-cast cfi-icall cfi-unrelated-cast cfi-nvcall cfi-vcall safe-stack undefined undefined-trap local-bounds bounds efficiency-cache-frag efficiency-working-set efficiency-all sfs 1 3 <<<INVALID BUFFER>> long int long unsigned int long long int long long unsigned int e-m:e-p:32:32-i1:8:32-i8:8:32-i16:16:32-i64:32-f64:32-a:0:32-n32 1 __builtin_bitrev __builtin_getid Si __builtin_getps __builtin_setps vUiUi r0 r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6 r7 r9 r10 r11 dp sp lr e-m:e-p:32:32:32-a:0-n16:32-i64:64:64-i32:32:32-i16:16:16-i1:8:8-f32:32:32-f64:64:64-v32:32:32-v64:64:64-v512:512:512-v1024:1024:1024-v2048:2048:2048 hexagonv4 __HEXAGON_V4__ 4 __QDSP6_V4__ hexagonv5 5 hexagonv55 hexagonv60 hvx hvx-double __HVXDBL__ __builtin_SI_to_SXTHI_asrh __builtin_brev_ldd LLi*LLi*LLi*i __builtin_brev_ldw i*i*i*i __builtin_brev_ldh s*s*s*i __builtin_brev_lduh Us*Us*Us*i __builtin_brev_ldb c*c*c*i __builtin_brev_ldub Uc*Uc*Uc*i __builtin_circ_ldd LLi*LLi*LLi*iIi __builtin_circ_ldw i*i*i*iIi __builtin_circ_ldh s*s*s*iIi __builtin_circ_lduh Us*Us*Us*iIi __builtin_circ_ldb c*c*c*iIi __builtin_circ_ldub Uc*Uc*Uc*iIi __builtin_brev_std LLi*LLi*LLii __builtin_brev_stw i*i*ii __builtin_brev_sth s*s*ii __builtin_brev_sthhi __builtin_brev_stb c*c*ii __builtin_circ_std LLi*LLi*LLiiIi __builtin_circ_stw i*i*iiIi __builtin_circ_sth s*s*iiIi __builtin_circ_sthhi __builtin_circ_stb c*c*iiIi __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_cmpeq iii __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_cmpgt __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_cmpgtu __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_cmpeqp iLLiLLi __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_cmpgtp __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_cmpgtup __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_rcmpeqi __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_rcmpneqi __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_rcmpeq __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_rcmpneq __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_bitsset __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_bitsclr __builtin_HEXAGON_C4_nbitsset __builtin_HEXAGON_C4_nbitsclr __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_cmpeqi __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_cmpgti __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_cmpgtui 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__builtin_HEXAGON_C2_mask LLii __builtin_HEXAGON_A2_vcmpbeq __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_vcmpbeqi iLLii __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_vcmpbeq_any __builtin_HEXAGON_A2_vcmpbgtu __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_vcmpbgtui __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_vcmpbgt __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_vcmpbgti __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_cmpbeq __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_cmpbeqi __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_cmpbgtu __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_cmpbgtui __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_cmpbgt __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_cmpbgti __builtin_HEXAGON_A2_vcmpheq __builtin_HEXAGON_A2_vcmphgt __builtin_HEXAGON_A2_vcmphgtu __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_vcmpheqi __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_vcmphgti __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_vcmphgtui __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_cmpheq __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_cmphgt __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_cmphgtu __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_cmpheqi __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_cmphgti __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_cmphgtui __builtin_HEXAGON_A2_vcmpweq __builtin_HEXAGON_A2_vcmpwgt __builtin_HEXAGON_A2_vcmpwgtu __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_vcmpweqi __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_vcmpwgti __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_vcmpwgtui __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_boundscheck iiLLi __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_tlbmatch __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_tfrpr __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_tfrrp __builtin_HEXAGON_C4_fastcorner9 __builtin_HEXAGON_C4_fastcorner9_not __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_acc_hh_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_acc_hh_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_acc_hl_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_acc_hl_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_acc_lh_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_acc_lh_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_acc_ll_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_acc_ll_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_nac_hh_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_nac_hh_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_nac_hl_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_nac_hl_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_nac_lh_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_nac_lh_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_nac_ll_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_nac_ll_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_acc_sat_hh_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_acc_sat_hh_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_acc_sat_hl_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_acc_sat_hl_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_acc_sat_lh_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_acc_sat_lh_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_acc_sat_ll_s0 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__builtin_neon_vaddlvq_u8 UsV16Sc __builtin_neon_vaddv_f32 fV2f __builtin_neon_vaddv_s16 sV4s __builtin_neon_vaddv_s32 iV2i __builtin_neon_vaddv_s8 ScV8Sc __builtin_neon_vaddv_u16 UsV4Us __builtin_neon_vaddv_u32 UiV2Ui __builtin_neon_vaddv_u8 __builtin_neon_vaddvq_f32 fV4f __builtin_neon_vaddvq_f64 dV2d __builtin_neon_vaddvq_s16 sV8s __builtin_neon_vaddvq_s32 iV4i __builtin_neon_vaddvq_s64 WiV2Wi __builtin_neon_vaddvq_s8 ScV16Sc __builtin_neon_vaddvq_u16 UsV8Us __builtin_neon_vaddvq_u32 UiV4Ui __builtin_neon_vaddvq_u64 UWiV2UWi __builtin_neon_vaddvq_u8 __builtin_neon_vaesdq_v __builtin_neon_vaeseq_v __builtin_neon_vaesimcq_v __builtin_neon_vaesmcq_v __builtin_neon_vbsl_v V8ScV8ScV8ScV8Sci __builtin_neon_vbslq_v V16ScV16ScV16ScV16Sci __builtin_neon_vcage_v __builtin_neon_vcaged_f64 UWidd __builtin_neon_vcageq_v __builtin_neon_vcages_f32 Uiff __builtin_neon_vcagt_v __builtin_neon_vcagtd_f64 __builtin_neon_vcagtq_v __builtin_neon_vcagts_f32 __builtin_neon_vcale_v __builtin_neon_vcaled_f64 __builtin_neon_vcaleq_v __builtin_neon_vcales_f32 __builtin_neon_vcalt_v __builtin_neon_vcaltd_f64 __builtin_neon_vcaltq_v __builtin_neon_vcalts_f32 __builtin_neon_vceqd_f64 __builtin_neon_vceqd_s64 __builtin_neon_vceqd_u64 __builtin_neon_vceqs_f32 __builtin_neon_vceqz_v __builtin_neon_vceqzd_f64 UWid __builtin_neon_vceqzd_s64 __builtin_neon_vceqzd_u64 UWiUWi __builtin_neon_vceqzq_v __builtin_neon_vceqzs_f32 Uif __builtin_neon_vcged_f64 __builtin_neon_vcged_s64 __builtin_neon_vcged_u64 __builtin_neon_vcges_f32 __builtin_neon_vcgez_v __builtin_neon_vcgezd_f64 __builtin_neon_vcgezd_s64 __builtin_neon_vcgezq_v __builtin_neon_vcgezs_f32 __builtin_neon_vcgtd_f64 __builtin_neon_vcgtd_s64 __builtin_neon_vcgtd_u64 __builtin_neon_vcgts_f32 __builtin_neon_vcgtz_v __builtin_neon_vcgtzd_f64 __builtin_neon_vcgtzd_s64 __builtin_neon_vcgtzq_v __builtin_neon_vcgtzs_f32 __builtin_neon_vcled_f64 __builtin_neon_vcled_s64 __builtin_neon_vcled_u64 __builtin_neon_vcles_f32 __builtin_neon_vclez_v 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__builtin_neon_vfma_v __builtin_neon_vfmad_lane_f64 dddV1dIi __builtin_neon_vfmad_laneq_f64 dddV2dIi __builtin_neon_vfmaq_lane_v V16ScV16ScV16ScV8ScIii __builtin_neon_vfmaq_laneq_v V16ScV16ScV16ScV16ScIii __builtin_neon_vfmaq_v __builtin_neon_vfmas_lane_f32 fffV2fIi __builtin_neon_vfmas_laneq_f32 fffV4fIi __builtin_neon_vget_lane_f32 __builtin_neon_vget_lane_f64 __builtin_neon_vget_lane_i16 __builtin_neon_vget_lane_i32 __builtin_neon_vget_lane_i64 __builtin_neon_vget_lane_i8 __builtin_neon_vgetq_lane_f32 __builtin_neon_vgetq_lane_f64 __builtin_neon_vgetq_lane_i16 __builtin_neon_vgetq_lane_i32 __builtin_neon_vgetq_lane_i64 __builtin_neon_vgetq_lane_i8 __builtin_neon_vhadd_v __builtin_neon_vhaddq_v __builtin_neon_vhsub_v __builtin_neon_vhsubq_v __builtin_neon_vld1_dup_v V8ScvC*i __builtin_neon_vld1_lane_v V8ScvC*V8ScIii __builtin_neon_vld1_v __builtin_neon_vld1_x2_v vv*vC*i __builtin_neon_vld1_x3_v __builtin_neon_vld1_x4_v __builtin_neon_vld1q_dup_v V16ScvC*i __builtin_neon_vld1q_lane_v V16ScvC*V16ScIii __builtin_neon_vld1q_v __builtin_neon_vld1q_x2_v __builtin_neon_vld1q_x3_v __builtin_neon_vld1q_x4_v __builtin_neon_vld2_dup_v __builtin_neon_vld2_lane_v vv*vC*V8ScV8ScIii __builtin_neon_vld2_v __builtin_neon_vld2q_dup_v __builtin_neon_vld2q_lane_v vv*vC*V16ScV16ScIii __builtin_neon_vld2q_v __builtin_neon_vld3_dup_v __builtin_neon_vld3_lane_v vv*vC*V8ScV8ScV8ScIii __builtin_neon_vld3_v __builtin_neon_vld3q_dup_v __builtin_neon_vld3q_lane_v vv*vC*V16ScV16ScV16ScIii __builtin_neon_vld3q_v __builtin_neon_vld4_dup_v __builtin_neon_vld4_lane_v vv*vC*V8ScV8ScV8ScV8ScIii __builtin_neon_vld4_v __builtin_neon_vld4q_dup_v __builtin_neon_vld4q_lane_v vv*vC*V16ScV16ScV16ScV16ScIii __builtin_neon_vld4q_v __builtin_neon_vldrq_p128 ULLLivC* __builtin_neon_vmax_v __builtin_neon_vmaxnm_v __builtin_neon_vmaxnmq_v __builtin_neon_vmaxnmv_f32 __builtin_neon_vmaxnmvq_f32 __builtin_neon_vmaxnmvq_f64 __builtin_neon_vmaxq_v __builtin_neon_vmaxv_f32 __builtin_neon_vmaxv_s16 __builtin_neon_vmaxv_s32 __builtin_neon_vmaxv_s8 __builtin_neon_vmaxv_u16 __builtin_neon_vmaxv_u32 __builtin_neon_vmaxv_u8 __builtin_neon_vmaxvq_f32 __builtin_neon_vmaxvq_f64 __builtin_neon_vmaxvq_s16 __builtin_neon_vmaxvq_s32 __builtin_neon_vmaxvq_s8 __builtin_neon_vmaxvq_u16 __builtin_neon_vmaxvq_u32 __builtin_neon_vmaxvq_u8 __builtin_neon_vmin_v __builtin_neon_vminnm_v __builtin_neon_vminnmq_v __builtin_neon_vminnmv_f32 __builtin_neon_vminnmvq_f32 __builtin_neon_vminnmvq_f64 __builtin_neon_vminq_v __builtin_neon_vminv_f32 __builtin_neon_vminv_s16 __builtin_neon_vminv_s32 __builtin_neon_vminv_s8 __builtin_neon_vminv_u16 __builtin_neon_vminv_u32 __builtin_neon_vminv_u8 __builtin_neon_vminvq_f32 __builtin_neon_vminvq_f64 __builtin_neon_vminvq_s16 __builtin_neon_vminvq_s32 __builtin_neon_vminvq_s8 __builtin_neon_vminvq_u16 __builtin_neon_vminvq_u32 __builtin_neon_vminvq_u8 __builtin_neon_vmovl_v __builtin_neon_vmovn_v __builtin_neon_vmul_lane_v __builtin_neon_vmul_laneq_v 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__builtin_msa_ilvr_w __builtin_msa_ilvr_d __builtin_msa_insert_b V16ScV16ScIUii __builtin_msa_insert_h V8SsV8SsIUii __builtin_msa_insert_w V4SiV4SiIUii __builtin_msa_insert_d V2SLLiV2SLLiIUiLLi __builtin_msa_insve_b V16ScV16ScIUiV16Sc __builtin_msa_insve_h V8SsV8SsIUiV8Ss __builtin_msa_insve_w V4SiV4SiIUiV4Si __builtin_msa_insve_d V2SLLiV2SLLiIUiV2SLLi __builtin_msa_ld_b V16Scv*Ii __builtin_msa_ld_h V8Ssv*Ii __builtin_msa_ld_w V4Siv*Ii __builtin_msa_ld_d V2SLLiv*Ii __builtin_msa_ldi_b V16cIi __builtin_msa_ldi_h V8sIi __builtin_msa_ldi_w V4iIi __builtin_msa_ldi_d V2LLiIi __builtin_msa_madd_q_h V8SsV8SsV8SsV8Ss __builtin_msa_madd_q_w V4SiV4SiV4SiV4Si __builtin_msa_maddr_q_h __builtin_msa_maddr_q_w __builtin_msa_maddv_b V16ScV16ScV16ScV16Sc __builtin_msa_maddv_h __builtin_msa_maddv_w __builtin_msa_maddv_d V2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLi __builtin_msa_max_a_b __builtin_msa_max_a_h __builtin_msa_max_a_w __builtin_msa_max_a_d __builtin_msa_max_s_b __builtin_msa_max_s_h __builtin_msa_max_s_w 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__builtin_amdgcn_div_fixupf __builtin_amdgcn_trig_preop __builtin_amdgcn_trig_preopf __builtin_amdgcn_rcp __builtin_amdgcn_rcpf __builtin_amdgcn_rsq __builtin_amdgcn_rsqf __builtin_amdgcn_rsq_clamp __builtin_amdgcn_rsq_clampf __builtin_amdgcn_sinf __builtin_amdgcn_cosf __builtin_amdgcn_log_clampf __builtin_amdgcn_ldexp __builtin_amdgcn_ldexpf __builtin_amdgcn_frexp_mant __builtin_amdgcn_frexp_mantf __builtin_amdgcn_frexp_exp __builtin_amdgcn_frexp_expf __builtin_amdgcn_fract __builtin_amdgcn_fractf __builtin_amdgcn_lerp __builtin_amdgcn_class bdi __builtin_amdgcn_classf bfi __builtin_amdgcn_cubeid __builtin_amdgcn_cubesc __builtin_amdgcn_cubetc __builtin_amdgcn_cubema __builtin_amdgcn_s_memtime __builtin_amdgcn_s_sleep vIi __builtin_amdgcn_s_incperflevel __builtin_amdgcn_s_decperflevel __builtin_amdgcn_uicmp LUiUiUiIi __builtin_amdgcn_uicmpl LUiLUiLUiIi __builtin_amdgcn_sicmp LUiiiIi __builtin_amdgcn_sicmpl LUiLiLiIi __builtin_amdgcn_fcmp LUiddIi __builtin_amdgcn_fcmpf LUiffIi __builtin_amdgcn_ds_swizzle __builtin_amdgcn_div_fixuph hhhh 16-bit-insts __builtin_amdgcn_rcph __builtin_amdgcn_rsqh __builtin_amdgcn_sinh __builtin_amdgcn_cosh __builtin_amdgcn_ldexph hhi __builtin_amdgcn_frexp_manth __builtin_amdgcn_frexp_exph sh __builtin_amdgcn_fracth __builtin_amdgcn_classh bhi __builtin_amdgcn_s_memrealtime s-memrealtime __builtin_amdgcn_read_exec __builtin_r600_implicitarg_ptr Uc*7 __builtin_r600_read_tgid_x __builtin_r600_read_tgid_y __builtin_r600_read_tgid_z __builtin_r600_read_tidig_x __builtin_r600_read_tidig_y __builtin_r600_read_tidig_z __builtin_r600_recipsqrt_ieee __builtin_r600_recipsqrt_ieeef tahiti r600 fiji palm sumo v32 v33 v34 v35 v36 v37 v38 v39 v40 v41 v42 v43 v44 v45 v46 v47 v48 v49 v50 v51 v52 v53 v54 v55 v56 v57 v58 v59 v60 v61 v62 v63 v64 v65 v66 v67 v68 v69 v70 v71 v72 v73 v74 v75 v76 v77 v78 v79 v80 v81 v82 v83 v84 v85 v86 v87 v88 v89 v90 v91 v92 v93 v94 v95 v96 v97 v98 v99 v100 v101 v102 v103 v104 v105 v106 v107 v108 v109 v110 v111 v112 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s102 s103 s104 s105 s106 s107 s108 s109 s110 s111 s112 s113 s114 s115 s116 s117 s118 s119 s120 s121 s122 s123 s124 s125 s126 s127 vcc scc flat_scratch exec_lo exec_hi vcc_lo vcc_hi flat_scratch_lo flat_scratch_hi E-m:e-p:32:32-i64:64-f128:64-n32-S64 sparc __sparcv9 __sparcv9__ __sparc_v9__ f934 leon2 at697e at697f leon3 ut699 gr712rc leon4 gr740 g0 g1 g2 g6 g7 o0 o1 o2 o3 o4 o5 o6 o7 l0 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 l7 i0 i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 i7 sun __svr4__ __SVR4 _XOPEN_SOURCE __C99FEATURES__ _LARGEFILE_SOURCE _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE __EXTENSIONS__ e-m:e-p:32:32-i64:64-f128:64-n32-S64 E-m:e-i64:64-n32:64-S128 E-m:e-i1:8:16-i8:8:16-i64:64-f128:64-a:8:16-n32:64 iv* transactional-execution __builtin_tbegin_nofloat __builtin_tbeginc nj __builtin_tx_nesting_depth __builtin_tx_assist __builtin_non_tx_store vULi*ULi __builtin_s390_lcbb UivC*Ii __builtin_s390_vlbb V16ScvC*Ii __builtin_s390_vll V16ScUivC* __builtin_s390_vstl vV16ScUiv* __builtin_s390_vperm __builtin_s390_vpdi V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLiIi __builtin_s390_vpksh __builtin_s390_vpkshs V16ScV8SsV8Ssi* __builtin_s390_vpksf __builtin_s390_vpksfs V8SsV4SiV4Sii* __builtin_s390_vpksg __builtin_s390_vpksgs V4SiV2SLLiV2SLLii* __builtin_s390_vpklsh __builtin_s390_vpklshs V16UcV8UsV8Usi* __builtin_s390_vpklsf __builtin_s390_vpklsfs V8UsV4UiV4Uii* __builtin_s390_vpklsg __builtin_s390_vpklsgs V4UiV2ULLiV2ULLii* __builtin_s390_vuphb V8SsV16Sc __builtin_s390_vuphh V4SiV8Ss __builtin_s390_vuphf V2SLLiV4Si __builtin_s390_vuplb __builtin_s390_vuplhw __builtin_s390_vuplf __builtin_s390_vuplhb V8UsV16Uc __builtin_s390_vuplhh V4UiV8Us __builtin_s390_vuplhf V2ULLiV4Ui __builtin_s390_vupllb __builtin_s390_vupllh __builtin_s390_vupllf __builtin_s390_vaq __builtin_s390_vacq __builtin_s390_vaccb __builtin_s390_vacch __builtin_s390_vaccf __builtin_s390_vaccg __builtin_s390_vaccq __builtin_s390_vacccq __builtin_s390_vavgb __builtin_s390_vavgh __builtin_s390_vavgf __builtin_s390_vavgg __builtin_s390_vavglb __builtin_s390_vavglh __builtin_s390_vavglf __builtin_s390_vavglg __builtin_s390_vceqbs V16ScV16ScV16Sci* __builtin_s390_vceqhs V8SsV8SsV8Ssi* __builtin_s390_vceqfs V4SiV4SiV4Sii* __builtin_s390_vceqgs V2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLii* __builtin_s390_vchbs __builtin_s390_vchhs __builtin_s390_vchfs __builtin_s390_vchgs __builtin_s390_vchlbs V16ScV16UcV16Uci* __builtin_s390_vchlhs V8SsV8UsV8Usi* __builtin_s390_vchlfs V4SiV4UiV4Uii* __builtin_s390_vchlgs V2SLLiV2ULLiV2ULLii* __builtin_s390_vcksm __builtin_s390_vclzb __builtin_s390_vclzh __builtin_s390_vclzf __builtin_s390_vclzg __builtin_s390_vctzb __builtin_s390_vctzh __builtin_s390_vctzf __builtin_s390_vctzg __builtin_s390_verimb V16UcV16UcV16UcV16UcIi __builtin_s390_verimh V8UsV8UsV8UsV8UsIi __builtin_s390_verimf V4UiV4UiV4UiV4UiIi __builtin_s390_verimg V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLiIi __builtin_s390_verllb V16UcV16UcUi __builtin_s390_verllh V8UsV8UsUi __builtin_s390_verllf V4UiV4UiUi __builtin_s390_verllg V2ULLiV2ULLiUi __builtin_s390_verllvb __builtin_s390_verllvh __builtin_s390_verllvf __builtin_s390_verllvg __builtin_s390_vgfmb __builtin_s390_vgfmh __builtin_s390_vgfmf __builtin_s390_vgfmg V16UcV2ULLiV2ULLi __builtin_s390_vgfmab V8UsV16UcV16UcV8Us __builtin_s390_vgfmah __builtin_s390_vgfmaf V2ULLiV4UiV4UiV2ULLi __builtin_s390_vgfmag V16UcV2ULLiV2ULLiV16Uc __builtin_s390_vmahb __builtin_s390_vmahh __builtin_s390_vmahf __builtin_s390_vmalhb __builtin_s390_vmalhh __builtin_s390_vmalhf __builtin_s390_vmaeb V8SsV16ScV16ScV8Ss __builtin_s390_vmaeh __builtin_s390_vmaef V2SLLiV4SiV4SiV2SLLi __builtin_s390_vmaleb __builtin_s390_vmaleh __builtin_s390_vmalef __builtin_s390_vmaob __builtin_s390_vmaoh __builtin_s390_vmaof __builtin_s390_vmalob __builtin_s390_vmaloh __builtin_s390_vmalof __builtin_s390_vmhb __builtin_s390_vmhh __builtin_s390_vmhf __builtin_s390_vmlhb __builtin_s390_vmlhh __builtin_s390_vmlhf __builtin_s390_vmeb __builtin_s390_vmeh __builtin_s390_vmef __builtin_s390_vmleb __builtin_s390_vmleh __builtin_s390_vmlef __builtin_s390_vmob __builtin_s390_vmoh __builtin_s390_vmof __builtin_s390_vmlob __builtin_s390_vmloh __builtin_s390_vmlof __builtin_s390_vpopctb __builtin_s390_vpopcth __builtin_s390_vpopctf __builtin_s390_vpopctg __builtin_s390_vsq __builtin_s390_vsbcbiq __builtin_s390_vsbiq __builtin_s390_vscbib __builtin_s390_vscbih __builtin_s390_vscbif __builtin_s390_vscbig __builtin_s390_vscbiq __builtin_s390_vsl __builtin_s390_vslb __builtin_s390_vsldb V16UcV16UcV16UcIi __builtin_s390_vsra __builtin_s390_vsrab __builtin_s390_vsrl __builtin_s390_vsrlb __builtin_s390_vsumb V4UiV16UcV16Uc __builtin_s390_vsumh __builtin_s390_vsumgh V2ULLiV8UsV8Us __builtin_s390_vsumgf __builtin_s390_vsumqf V16UcV4UiV4Ui __builtin_s390_vsumqg __builtin_s390_vtm iV16UcV16Uc __builtin_s390_vfaeb __builtin_s390_vfaebs V16UcV16UcV16UcIii* __builtin_s390_vfaeh V8UsV8UsV8UsIi __builtin_s390_vfaehs V8UsV8UsV8UsIii* __builtin_s390_vfaef V4UiV4UiV4UiIi __builtin_s390_vfaefs V4UiV4UiV4UiIii* __builtin_s390_vfaezb __builtin_s390_vfaezbs __builtin_s390_vfaezh __builtin_s390_vfaezhs __builtin_s390_vfaezf __builtin_s390_vfaezfs __builtin_s390_vfeeb __builtin_s390_vfeebs V16UcV16UcV16Uci* __builtin_s390_vfeeh __builtin_s390_vfeehs V8UsV8UsV8Usi* __builtin_s390_vfeef __builtin_s390_vfeefs V4UiV4UiV4Uii* __builtin_s390_vfeezb __builtin_s390_vfeezbs __builtin_s390_vfeezh __builtin_s390_vfeezhs __builtin_s390_vfeezf __builtin_s390_vfeezfs __builtin_s390_vfeneb __builtin_s390_vfenebs __builtin_s390_vfeneh __builtin_s390_vfenehs __builtin_s390_vfenef __builtin_s390_vfenefs __builtin_s390_vfenezb __builtin_s390_vfenezbs __builtin_s390_vfenezh __builtin_s390_vfenezhs __builtin_s390_vfenezf __builtin_s390_vfenezfs __builtin_s390_vistrb __builtin_s390_vistrbs V16UcV16Uci* __builtin_s390_vistrh __builtin_s390_vistrhs V8UsV8Usi* __builtin_s390_vistrf __builtin_s390_vistrfs V4UiV4Uii* __builtin_s390_vstrcb __builtin_s390_vstrcbs V16UcV16UcV16UcV16UcIii* __builtin_s390_vstrch __builtin_s390_vstrchs V8UsV8UsV8UsV8UsIii* __builtin_s390_vstrcf __builtin_s390_vstrcfs V4UiV4UiV4UiV4UiIii* __builtin_s390_vstrczb __builtin_s390_vstrczbs __builtin_s390_vstrczh __builtin_s390_vstrczhs __builtin_s390_vstrczf __builtin_s390_vstrczfs __builtin_s390_vfcedbs V2SLLiV2dV2di* __builtin_s390_vfchdbs __builtin_s390_vfchedbs __builtin_s390_vfidb V2dV2dIiIi __builtin_s390_vflndb __builtin_s390_vflpdb __builtin_s390_vfmadb __builtin_s390_vfmsdb __builtin_s390_vfsqdb __builtin_s390_vftcidb V2SLLiV2dIii* zEC12 arch10 arch11 z196 E-m:e-i1:8:16-i8:8:16-i64:64-f128:64-v128:64-a:8:16-n32:64 vx E-p:32:32:32-i1:8:8-i8:8:32-i16:16:32-i32:32:32-i64:32:32-f32:32:32-f64:32:32-v64:32:32-v128:32:32-v256:32:32-v512:32:32-v1024:32:32-a0:0:32-n32 tce __TCE__ __TCE_V1__ e-p:32:32:32-i1:8:8-i8:8:32-i16:16:32-i32:32:32-i64:32:32-f32:32:32-f64:32:32-v64:32:32-v128:32:32-v256:32:32-v512:32:32-v1024:32:32-a0:0:32-n32 tcele e-m:o-p:32:32-f64:32:64-f80:128-n8:16:32-S128 e-m:e-p:32:32-f64:32:64-f80:32-n8:16:32-S128 __x86_64__ i386 __tune_i386__ i486 __pentium_mmx__ 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__builtin_ia32_rcp28sd_round_mask __builtin_ia32_rcp28ss_round_mask __builtin_ia32_rcp28pd_mask __builtin_ia32_rcp28ps_mask __builtin_ia32_exp2pd_mask __builtin_ia32_exp2ps_mask __builtin_ia32_cvttps2dq512_mask V16iV16fV16iUsIi __builtin_ia32_cvttps2udq512_mask __builtin_ia32_cvttpd2dq512_mask V8iV8dV8iUcIi __builtin_ia32_cvttpd2udq512_mask __builtin_ia32_cmpps512_mask UsV16fV16fIiUsIi __builtin_ia32_cmpps256_mask UcV8fV8fIiUc __builtin_ia32_cmpps128_mask UcV4fV4fIiUc __builtin_ia32_pcmpeqb512_mask LLiV64cV64cLLi avx512bw __builtin_ia32_pcmpeqd512_mask sV16iV16is __builtin_ia32_pcmpeqq512_mask cV8LLiV8LLic __builtin_ia32_pcmpeqw512_mask iV32sV32si __builtin_ia32_pcmpeqb256_mask iV32cV32ci avx512vl,avx512bw __builtin_ia32_pcmpeqd256_mask cV8iV8ic __builtin_ia32_pcmpeqq256_mask cV4LLiV4LLic __builtin_ia32_pcmpeqw256_mask sV16sV16ss __builtin_ia32_pcmpeqb128_mask sV16cV16cs __builtin_ia32_pcmpeqd128_mask cV4iV4ic __builtin_ia32_pcmpeqq128_mask cV2LLiV2LLic __builtin_ia32_pcmpeqw128_mask 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__builtin_ia32_ucmpw128_mask __builtin_ia32_ucmpb256_mask __builtin_ia32_ucmpd256_mask __builtin_ia32_ucmpq256_mask __builtin_ia32_ucmpw256_mask __builtin_ia32_ucmpb512_mask __builtin_ia32_ucmpd512_mask __builtin_ia32_ucmpq512_mask __builtin_ia32_ucmpw512_mask __builtin_ia32_pabsb512_mask V64cV64cV64cULLi __builtin_ia32_pabsw512_mask V32sV32sV32sUi __builtin_ia32_packssdw512_mask V32sV16iV16iV32sUi __builtin_ia32_packsswb512_mask V64cV32sV32sV64cULLi __builtin_ia32_packusdw512_mask __builtin_ia32_packuswb512_mask __builtin_ia32_paddsb512_mask V64cV64cV64cV64cULLi __builtin_ia32_paddsw512_mask V32sV32sV32sV32sUi __builtin_ia32_paddusb512_mask __builtin_ia32_paddusw512_mask __builtin_ia32_pavgb512_mask __builtin_ia32_pavgw512_mask __builtin_ia32_pmaxsb512_mask __builtin_ia32_pmaxsw512_mask __builtin_ia32_pmaxub512_mask __builtin_ia32_pmaxuw512_mask __builtin_ia32_pminsb512_mask __builtin_ia32_pminsw512_mask __builtin_ia32_pminub512_mask __builtin_ia32_pminuw512_mask 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__builtin_ia32_scatterdiv4di vLLi*UcV4LLiV4LLiIi __builtin_ia32_scatterdiv4sf vf*UcV2LLiV4fIi __builtin_ia32_scatterdiv4si vi*UcV2LLiV4iIi __builtin_ia32_scatterdiv8sf vf*UcV4LLiV4fIi __builtin_ia32_scatterdiv8si vi*UcV4LLiV4iIi __builtin_ia32_scattersiv2df vd*UcV4iV2dIi __builtin_ia32_scattersiv2di vLLi*UcV4iV2LLiIi __builtin_ia32_scattersiv4df vd*UcV4iV4dIi __builtin_ia32_scattersiv4di vLLi*UcV4iV4LLiIi __builtin_ia32_scattersiv4sf vf*UcV4iV4fIi __builtin_ia32_scattersiv4si vi*UcV4iV4iIi __builtin_ia32_scattersiv8sf vf*UcV8iV8fIi __builtin_ia32_scattersiv8si vi*UcV8iV8iIi __builtin_ia32_vpermi2vard128_mask V4iV4iV4iV4iUc __builtin_ia32_vpermi2vard256_mask V8iV8iV8iV8iUc __builtin_ia32_vpermi2varpd128_mask V2dV2dV2LLiV2dUc __builtin_ia32_vpermi2varpd256_mask V4dV4dV4LLiV4dUc __builtin_ia32_vpermi2varps128_mask V4fV4fV4iV4fUc __builtin_ia32_vpermi2varps256_mask V8fV8fV8iV8fUc __builtin_ia32_vpermi2varq128_mask __builtin_ia32_vpermi2varq256_mask __builtin_ia32_vpermt2vard128_mask 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__builtin_ia32_psllv8hi __builtin_ia32_pslldi512 __builtin_ia32_psllqi512 V8LLiV8LLii __builtin_ia32_psrlv32hi __builtin_ia32_psrlv16hi __builtin_ia32_psrlv8hi __builtin_ia32_psrldi512 __builtin_ia32_psrlqi512 __builtin_ia32_psrav32hi __builtin_ia32_psrav16hi __builtin_ia32_psrav8hi __builtin_ia32_psravq128 __builtin_ia32_psravq256 __builtin_ia32_psraw512 __builtin_ia32_psrawi512 __builtin_ia32_psrlw512 __builtin_ia32_psrlwi512 __builtin_ia32_movdqa32load128_mask __builtin_ia32_movdqa32load256_mask __builtin_ia32_movdqa32load512_mask V16iV16iC*V16iUs __builtin_ia32_movdqa32store512_mask vV16i*V16iUs __builtin_ia32_movdqa64load512_mask V8LLiV8LLiC*V8LLiUc __builtin_ia32_movdqa64store512_mask vV8LLi*V8LLiUc __builtin_ia32_movdqa32store128_mask __builtin_ia32_movdqa32store256_mask __builtin_ia32_movdqa64load128_mask V2LLiV2LLiC*V2LLiUc __builtin_ia32_movdqa64load256_mask V4LLiV4LLiC*V4LLiUc __builtin_ia32_movdqa64store128_mask __builtin_ia32_movdqa64store256_mask 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__builtin_ia32_vpmultishiftqb256_mask __builtin_ia32_selectb_128 V16cUsV16cV16c __builtin_ia32_selectb_256 V32cUiV32cV32c __builtin_ia32_selectb_512 V64cULLiV64cV64c __builtin_ia32_selectw_128 V8sUcV8sV8s __builtin_ia32_selectw_256 V16sUsV16sV16s __builtin_ia32_selectw_512 V32sUiV32sV32s __builtin_ia32_selectd_128 V4iUcV4iV4i __builtin_ia32_selectd_256 V8iUcV8iV8i __builtin_ia32_selectd_512 V16iUsV16iV16i __builtin_ia32_selectq_128 V2LLiUcV2LLiV2LLi __builtin_ia32_selectq_256 V4LLiUcV4LLiV4LLi __builtin_ia32_selectq_512 V8LLiUcV8LLiV8LLi __builtin_ia32_selectps_128 V4fUcV4fV4f __builtin_ia32_selectps_256 V8fUcV8fV8f __builtin_ia32_selectps_512 V16fUsV16fV16f __builtin_ia32_selectpd_128 V2dUcV2dV2d __builtin_ia32_selectpd_256 V4dUcV4dV4d __builtin_ia32_selectpd_512 V8dUcV8dV8d __builtin_ia32_monitorx mwaitx __builtin_ia32_mwaitx vUiUiUi _ReadWriteBarrier _ReadBarrier _WriteBarrier __emul __emulu ULLiUiUi _AddressOfReturnAddress __stosb vUc*Ucz __mulh nch __umulh _mul128 LLiLLiLLiLLi* _umul128 ULLiULLiULLiULLi* __faststorefence __builtin_ia32_readeflags_u64 __builtin_ia32_writeeflags_u64 vULLi __builtin_ia32_cvtss2si64 LLiV4f __builtin_ia32_cvttss2si64 __builtin_ia32_cvtsd2si64 LLiV2d __builtin_ia32_cvttsd2si64 __builtin_ia32_crc32di __builtin_ia32_rdfsbase64 __builtin_ia32_rdgsbase64 __builtin_ia32_wrfsbase64 __builtin_ia32_wrgsbase64 __builtin_ia32_fxrstor64 __builtin_ia32_fxsave64 __builtin_ia32_xsave64 __builtin_ia32_xrstor64 __builtin_ia32_xsaveopt64 __builtin_ia32_xrstors64 __builtin_ia32_xsavec64 __builtin_ia32_xsaves64 __builtin_ia32_addcarryx_u64 UcUcULLiULLiULLi* __builtin_ia32_addcarry_u64 __builtin_ia32_subborrow_u64 __builtin_ia32_rdseed64_step __builtin_ia32_bextr_u64 __builtin_ia32_bzhi_di __builtin_ia32_pdep_di __builtin_ia32_pext_di __builtin_ia32_bextri_u64 ULLiULLiIULLi __builtin_ia32_pbroadcastq512_gpr_mask __builtin_ia32_pbroadcastq128_gpr_mask V2LLiULLiV2LLiUc __builtin_ia32_pbroadcastq256_gpr_mask V4LLiULLiV4LLiUc __builtin_ia32_vcvtsd2si64 LLiV2dIi __builtin_ia32_vcvtsd2usi64 ULLiV2dIi __builtin_ia32_vcvtss2si64 LLiV4fIi __builtin_ia32_vcvtss2usi64 ULLiV4fIi __builtin_ia32_vcvttsd2si64 __builtin_ia32_vcvttsd2usi64 __builtin_ia32_vcvttss2si64 __builtin_ia32_vcvttss2usi64 __builtin_ia32_cvtsi2sd64 V2dV2dLLiIi __builtin_ia32_cvtsi2ss64 V4fV4fLLiIi __builtin_ia32_cvtusi2sd64 V2dV2dULLiIi __builtin_ia32_cvtusi2ss64 V4fV4fULLiIi ax bx cx dx esp ebp {ax} {bx} {cx} {dx} {si} {di} im {st} x87 cx16 umip pcommit clwb mpx sgx lzcnt movbe prefetchwt1 popcnt prfchw -mmx c3 i686 c3-2 westmere ivybridge core-avx-i core-avx2 broadwell skylake skylake-avx512 cannonlake lakemont k6-2 k6-3 athlon-tbird athlon-4 athlon-xp athlon-mp athlon64 athlon64-sse3 athlon-fx k8-sse3 opteron opteron-sse3 barcelona x86-64 bp st(1) st(2) st(3) st(4) st(5) st(6) st(7) argp flags fpcr fpsr dirflag frame xmm0 xmm1 xmm2 xmm3 xmm4 xmm5 xmm6 xmm7 mm0 mm1 mm2 mm3 mm4 mm5 mm6 mm7 xmm8 xmm9 xmm10 xmm11 xmm12 xmm13 xmm14 xmm15 ymm0 ymm1 ymm2 ymm3 ymm4 ymm5 ymm6 ymm7 ymm8 ymm9 ymm10 ymm11 ymm12 ymm13 ymm14 ymm15 xmm16 xmm17 xmm18 xmm19 xmm20 xmm21 xmm22 xmm23 xmm24 xmm25 xmm26 xmm27 xmm28 xmm29 xmm30 xmm31 ymm16 ymm17 ymm18 ymm19 ymm20 ymm21 ymm22 ymm23 ymm24 ymm25 ymm26 ymm27 ymm28 ymm29 ymm30 ymm31 zmm0 zmm1 zmm2 zmm3 zmm4 zmm5 zmm6 zmm7 zmm8 zmm9 zmm10 zmm11 zmm12 zmm13 zmm14 zmm15 zmm16 zmm17 zmm18 zmm19 zmm20 zmm21 zmm22 zmm23 zmm24 zmm25 zmm26 zmm27 zmm28 zmm29 zmm30 zmm31 k2 k3 k4 k5 k7 al ah eax rax bl bh ebx rbx ch ecx rcx dl dh edx rdx esi rsi edi rdi rsp rbp r8d r8w r8b r9d r9w r9b r10d r10w r10b r11d r11w r11b r12d r12w r12b r13d r13w r13b r14d r14w r14b r15d r15w r15b __DragonFly__ __DragonFly_cc_version 100001 __FreeBSD_kernel__ __GLIBC__ e-m:x-p:32:32-i64:64-f80:32-n8:16:32-a:0:32-S32 _X86_ __INTEL__ __HAIKU__ e-m:e-p:32:32-i64:32-f64:32-f128:32-n8:16:32-a:0:32-S32 e-m:o-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128 __SEH__ _WIN64 WIN64 e-p:64:64:64-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:64:64-i128:128:128-i256:256:256-i512:512:512-i1024:1024:1024-i24:32:32-i48:64:64-i96:128:128-i192:256:256-n8:16:32:64 khr_byte_addressable_store khr_fp16 khr_fp64 khr_global_int32_base_atomics khr_global_int32_extended_atomics khr_int64_base_atomics khr_int64_extended_atomics khr_local_int32_base_atomics khr_local_int32_extended_atomics arm_core_id arm_printf e-m:e-p:32:32-i8:8-i16:16-i32:32-i64:64-i128:128-n8:16:32:64 e-m:e-i8:8-i16:16-i32:32-i64:64-i128:128-n8:16:32:64 e-p:32:32-i64:64-v16:16-v24:32-v32:32-v48:64-v96:128-v192:256-v256:256-v512:512-v1024:1024 SPIR32 e-i64:64-v16:16-v24:32-v32:32-v48:64-v96:128-v192:256-v256:256-v512:512-v1024:1024 SPIR64 e-m:e-p:32:32-i64:64-n32:64-S128 wasm32 __builtin_wasm_current_memory __builtin_wasm_grow_memory vz bleeding-edge simd128 .text.__startup wasm64 __RENDERSCRIPT__ ## #@ <<< >>> eod code_completion comment raw_identifier numeric_constant char_constant wide_char_constant utf8_char_constant utf16_char_constant utf32_char_constant string_literal wide_string_literal angle_string_literal utf8_string_literal utf16_string_literal utf32_string_literal l_square r_square l_paren r_paren l_brace r_brace period ellipsis amp ampamp ampequal star starequal plus plusplus plusequal minus arrow minusminus minusequal tilde exclaim exclaimequal slash slashequal percent percentequal lessless lessequal lesslessequal greater greatergreater greaterequal greatergreaterequal caret caretequal pipepipe pipeequal question colon semi equalequal comma hashhash hashat periodstar arrowstar coloncolon lesslessless greatergreatergreater caretcaret annot_cxxscope annot_typename annot_template_id annot_primary_expr annot_decltype annot_pragma_unused annot_pragma_vis annot_pragma_pack annot_pragma_parser_crash annot_pragma_captured annot_pragma_dump annot_pragma_msstruct annot_pragma_align annot_pragma_weak annot_pragma_weakalias annot_pragma_redefine_extname annot_pragma_fp_contract annot_pragma_ms_pointers_to_members annot_pragma_ms_vtordisp annot_pragma_ms_pragma annot_pragma_opencl_extension annot_pragma_openmp annot_pragma_openmp_end annot_pragma_loop_hint annot_module_include annot_module_begin annot_module_end /lib/Basic /src/tools/clang cfe/ llvm/ expected root node expected array expected integer version mismatch, expected 0 expected string expected mapping node for file or directory entry unknown value for 'type' missing key 'contents' or 'external-contents' 'use-external-name' is not supported for directories yes off missing key ' 7.0 7.5 8.0 sm_20 sm_21 sm_30 sm_32 sm_35 sm_37 sm_50 sm_52 sm_53 sm_60 sm_61 sm_62 compute_20 compute_30 compute_32 compute_35 compute_37 compute_50 compute_52 compute_53 compute_60 compute_61 compute_62 <unknown> __llvm_prf_names __llvm_covmap Number of metadatas above which we emit an index to enable lazy-loading LLVM4.0.0svn Size: inliner-function-import-stats basic verbose Enable inliner stats for imported functions NoDefinition Callee will not be inlined into Caller because its definition is unavailable NotInlined Inlined inlined into AlwaysInline should always be inlined (cost=always) NeverInline should never be inlined (cost=never) TooCostly too costly to inline (cost= Cost , threshold= Threshold IncreaseCostInOtherContexts Not inlining. Cost of inlining increases the cost of inlining in other contexts CanBeInlined can be inlined into with cost= (threshold= internalize-public-api-file A file containing list of symbol names to preserve A list of symbol names to preserve llvm.global_ctors llvm.global_dtors A file containing list of basic blocks to not extract Try to avoid reuse of byte array addresses using aliases Second argument of llvm.type.test must be metadata A member of a type identifier may not have an explicit section A global var member of a type identifier must be a definition Type offset must be a constant Type identifier may not contain both global variables and functions Unsupported architecture for jump tables .cfi.jumptable __cfi_global_var_init __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .text.cfi cortex-a8 jmp ${ b.w $ wasm.index bits How many functions in module could be used for MergeFunctions pass sanity check. '0' disables this check. Works only with '-debug' key. Profile file loaded by -sample-profile sample-profile-max-propagate-iterations Maximum number of iterations to go through when propagating sample block/edge weights through the CFG. Emit a warning if less than N% of records in the input profile are matched to the IR. Emit a warning if less than N% of samples in the input profile are matched to the IR. Inlined functions that account for more than N% of all samples collected in the parent function, will be inlined again. sample-profile of available profile records ( %) were applied available profile samples ( <UNKNOWN LOCATION> llvm.dbg.declare wholeprogramdevirt __cfi_check __cfi_check_fail Add an attribute to a function. This should be a pair of 'function-name:attribute-name', for example -force-attribute=foo:noinline. This option can be specified multiple times. norecurse readnone argmemonly safestack sanitize_address sanitize_memory sanitize_thread sspreq sspstrong uwtable import-instr-limit Only import functions with less than N instructions import-instr-evolution-factor As we import functions, multiply the `import-instr-limit` threshold by this factor before processing newly imported functions As we import functions called from hot callsite, multiply the `import-instr-limit` threshold by this factor before processing newly imported functions Multiply the `import-instr-limit` threshold for hot callsites Multiply the `import-instr-limit` threshold for cold callsites Print imported functions Enable import metadata like 'thinlto_src_module' thinlto_src_module summary-file The summary file to use for function importing. function-import Error importing module: .llvm. .val llvm.metadata Constant Hoisting Max recurse depth (default = 1000) .pre LoadPRE load eliminated by PRE LoadClobbered load of type not eliminated in favor of OtherAccess because it is clobbered by ClobberedBy LoadElim eliminated InfavorOfValue Disable memory promotion in LICM pass .lcssa Enable LSR phi elimination sroa endian_shift .extract .shift .insert oldload MaxUsesPerAllocaPartition Maximum number of uses of a partition MaxPartitionsPerAlloca Maximum number of partitions per alloca .gep scalarize-load-store Allow the scalarizer pass to scalarize loads and store .upto Do not separate the constant offset from a GEP instruction Verify this pass produces no dead code Split GEPs to a variadic base and a constant offset for better CSE Control the number of bonus instructions (default = 1) Speculative execution is not applied to basic blocks where the cost of the instructions to speculatively execute exceeds this limit. Speculative execution is not applied to basic blocks where the number of instructions that would not be speculatively executed exceeds this limit. Speculative execution is applied only to targets with divergent branches, even if the pass was configured to apply only to all targets. Speculatively execute instructions Speculatively execute instructions if target has divergent branches structurizecfg.uniform tailcallelim Enable partial-overwrite tracking in DSE early-cse NumCSECVP Number of compare instructions CVP'd Max integer bitwidth to consider in float2int(default=64) Max number of instructions to hoist (default unlimited = -1) Max number of basic blocks on the path between hoisting locations (default = 4, unlimited = -1) Hoist instructions from the beginning of the BB up to the maximum specified depth (default = 100, unlimited = -1) Maximum length of dependent chains to hoist (default = 10, unlimited = -1) verify-indvars Verify the ScalarEvolution result after running indvars Choose the strategy to replace exit value in IndVarSimplify never cheap indvars-post-increment-ranges Use post increment control-dependent ranges in IndVarSimplify indvars irce irce.loop.clone mainloop llvm.loop.unroll.disable llvm.loop.licm_versioning.disable Max block size to duplicate for jump threading The number of predecessors to search for a stronger condition to use to thread over a weaker condition .thr_comm Combine Adjacent Loads load-combine NumLoadsCombined Number of loads combined Prefetch write addresses Number of instructions to prefetch ahead Min stride to add prefetches Max number of iterations to prefetch ahead loop-data-prefetch Prefetched prefetched memory access Turn on DominatorTree and LoopInfo verification after Loop Distribution loop-distribute-non-if-convertible Whether to distribute into a loop that may not be if-convertible by the loop vectorizer The maximum number of SCEV checks allowed for Loop Distribution The maximum number of SCEV checks allowed for Loop Distribution for loop marked with #pragma loop distribute(enable) Enable the new, experimental LoopDistribution Pass MultipleExitBlocks multiple exit blocks NotLoopSimplifyForm loop is not in loop-simplify form MemOpsCanBeVectorized memory operations are safe for vectorization NoUnsafeDeps no unsafe dependences to isolate CantIsolateUnsafeDeps cannot isolate unsafe dependencies TooManySCEVRuntimeChecks too many SCEV run-time checks needed. loop-distribute Distribute distributed loop NotDistributed loop not distributed: use -Rpass-analysis=loop-distribute for more info loop not distributed: loop not distributed: failed explicitly specified loop distribution Use loop idiom recognition code size heuristics when compilingwith -Os/-Oz loop-idiom memset_pattern16 Interchange if you gain more than this number Max number of memchecks allowed per eliminated load on average The maximum number of SCEV checks allowed for Loop Load Elimination The maximum increment for loop rerolling The maximum number of failures to tolerate during fuzzy matching. (default: 400) The default maximum header size for automatic loop rotation Do not sink instructions that require cloning unless they execute less than this percent of the time. Do not sink instructions that have too many uses. unroll-threshold The baseline cost threshold for loop unrolling unroll-max-percent-threshold-boost The maximum 'boost' (represented as a percentage >= 100) applied to the threshold when aggressively unrolling a loop due to the dynamic cost savings. If completely unrolling a loop will reduce the total runtime from X to Y, we boost the loop unroll threshold to DefaultThreshold*std::min(MaxPercentThresholdBoost, X/Y). This limit avoids excessive code bloat. unroll-max-iteration-count-to-analyze Don't allow loop unrolling to simulate more than this number ofiterations when checking full unroll profitability unroll-count Use this unroll count for all loops including those with unroll_count pragma values, for testing purposes unroll-max-count Set the max unroll count for partial and runtime unrolling, fortesting purposes unroll-full-max-count Set the max unroll count for full unrolling, for testing purposes unroll-allow-partial Allows loops to be partially unrolled until -unroll-threshold loop size is reached. Allow generation of a loop remainder (extra iterations) when unrolling a loop. Unroll loops with run-time trip counts The max of trip count upper bound that is considered in unrolling Unrolled size limit for loops with an unroll(full) or unroll_count pragma. If the runtime tripcount for the loop is lower than the threshold, the loop is considered as flat and will be less aggressively unrolled. Allows loops to be peeled when the dynamic trip count is known to be low. LoopUnrollPass: DominatorTreeAnalysis not cached at a higher level LoopUnrollPass: LoopAnalysis not cached at a higher level LoopUnrollPass: ScalarEvolutionAnalysis not cached at a higher level LoopUnrollPass: OptimizationRemarkEmitterAnalysis not cached at a higher level loop-unroll UnrollAsDirectedTooLarge Unable to unroll loop as directed by unroll(enable) pragma because unrolled size is too large. FullUnrollAsDirectedTooLarge Unable to fully unroll loop as directed by unroll pragma because unrolled size is too large. CantFullUnrollAsDirectedRuntimeTripCount Unable to fully unroll loop as directed by unroll(full) pragma because loop has a runtime trip count. DifferentUnrollCountFromDirected Unable to unroll loop the number of times directed by unroll_count pragma because remainder loop is restricted (that could architecture specific or because the loop contains a convergent instruction) and so must have an unroll count that divides the loop trip multiple of TripMultiple . Unrolling instead UnrollCount time(s). llvm.loop.unroll.full llvm.loop.unroll.enable llvm.loop.unroll.runtime.disable Max loop size to unswitch Enable the use of the block frequency analysis to access PGO heuristics to minimize code growth in cold regions. Coldness threshold in percentage. The loop header frequency (relative to the entry frequency) is compared with this threshold to determine if non-trivial unswitching should be enabled. LoopVersioningLICM's minimum allowed percentageof possible invariant instructions per loop LoopVersioningLICM's threshold for maximum allowed loop nest/depth LVDomain LVAliasScope Weight of the branch likely to be taken (default = 2000) Weight of the branch unlikely to be taken (default = 1) The probability of a guard failing is assumed to be the reciprocal of this value (default = 1 << 20) gc.safepoint_poll rs4gc-clobber-non-live rs4gc-allow-statepoint-with-no-deopt-info __tmp_use base_ee is_base_value base_phi base_select base_ie base_sv deopt-lowering .relocated .casted Use full module build paths in the profile counter names for static functions. VP PGOFuncName ir fe adcg*704 ': can only link appending global with another appending global! Appending variables linked with different const'ness! Appending variables with different alignment need to be linked! Appending variables with different visibility need to be linked! Appending variables with different unnamed_addr need to be linked! Appending variables with different section name need to be linked! linking module flags ' ': IDs have conflicting override values ': IDs have conflicting behaviors ': IDs have conflicting values ': does not have the required value Linking COMDATs named ' Could not open input file: parse Parse IR irparse LLVM IR Parsing <string> constant bigger than 64 bits detected! constant bigger than 128 bits detected! Null bytes are not allowed in names end of file in string constant invalid value number (too large)! weak_odr appending unnamed_addr local_unnamed_addr externally_initialized extern_weak localdynamic initialexec localexec zeroinitializer caller within tail musttail notail triple source_filename unwind deplibs datalayout unordered acquire acq_rel singlethread nnan ninf arcp nsrnd fast exact inbounds inrange sideeffect alignstack inteldialect prefix prologue fastcc coldcc x86_stdcallcc x86_fastcallcc x86_thiscallcc x86_vectorcallcc arm_apcscc arm_aapcscc arm_aapcs_vfpcc msp430_intrcc avr_intrcc avr_signalcc ptx_kernel ptx_device spir_kernel spir_func x86_64_sysvcc x86_64_win64cc x86_regcallcc webkit_jscc swiftcc anyregcc preserve_mostcc preserve_allcc ghccc x86_intrcc hhvmcc hhvm_ccc cxx_fast_tlscc amdgpu_vs amdgpu_gs amdgpu_ps amdgpu_cs amdgpu_kernel attributes alwaysinline allocsize builtin byval inalloca dereferenceable dereferenceable_or_null inaccessiblememonly inaccessiblemem_or_argmemonly inlinehint inreg jumptable nest nobuiltin nocapture noimplicitfloat nonlazybind noredzone nounwind optsize returned signext sret swifterror swiftself zeroext opaque comdat exactmatch largest noduplicates samesize xchg nand blockaddress distinct uselistorder uselistorder_bb personality x86_fp80 fp128 ppc_fp128 metadata x86_mmx token lshr ashr icmp fcmp call zext fptrunc uitofp sitofp fptoui fptosi inttoptr ptrtoint addrspacecast va_arg indirectbr invoke resume cmpxchg atomicrmw fence getelementptr extractelement insertelement shufflevector extractvalue insertvalue landingpad cleanupret catchret catchswitch catchpad cleanuppad DW_TAG_ DW_ATE_ DW_VIRTUALITY_ DW_LANG_ DW_CC_ DW_OP_ DW_MACINFO_ DIFlag CSK_ NoDebug FullDebug LineTablesOnly expected function name in blockaddress use of undefined metadata '! expected '=' after name non-struct types may not be recursive expected 'global' or 'constant' expected '=' here Expected '!' here expected end of metadata node symbol with local linkage must have default visibility An alias or ifunc must have pointer type explicit pointee type doesn't match operand's pointee type redefinition of global '@ forward reference and definition of alias have different types invalid type for global variable expected '{' here cannot have an attribute group reference in an attribute group global variable reference must have pointer type ' defined with type ' expected string constant expected localdynamic, initialexec or localexec invalid use of function-only attribute expected '(' expected ')' expected metadata or 'align' Expected ordering on atomic instruction expected index void type only allowed for function results pointers to void are invalid - use i8* instead pointer to this type is invalid expected '*' in address space expected ',' in argument list expected ')' at end of argument list expected '...' at end of argument list for musttail call in varargs function invalid function return type expected number in address space zero element vector is illegal invalid vector element type ' is not a basic block invalid use of a non-first-class type instructions returning void cannot have a name expected value token expected end of struct constant expected end of packed struct expected end of constant constant vector must not be empty vector elements must have integer, pointer or floating point type vector element # is not of type ' expected end of array constant invalid array element type: array element # expected comma in inline asm expression expected constraint string expected '(' in block address expression expected comma in block address expression expected ')' in block address expression expected basic block name in blockaddress cannot take blockaddress inside a declaration referenced value is not a basic block cannot take address of numeric label after the function is defined expected '(' after constantexpr cast expected 'to' in constantexpr cast expected ')' at end of constantexpr cast invalid cast opcode for cast from ' ' to ' expected '(' in extractvalue constantexpr expected ')' in extractvalue constantexpr extractvalue operand must be aggregate type invalid indices for extractvalue expected '(' in insertvalue constantexpr expected comma in insertvalue constantexpr expected ')' in insertvalue constantexpr insertvalue operand must be aggregate type invalid indices for insertvalue insertvalue operand and field disagree in type: ' ' instead of ' expected '(' in compare constantexpr expected comma in compare constantexpr expected ')' in compare constantexpr compare operands must have the same type fcmp requires floating point operands icmp requires pointer or integer operands expected '(' in binary constantexpr expected comma in binary constantexpr expected ')' in binary constantexpr operands of constexpr must have same type nuw only applies to integer operations nsw only applies to integer operations constexpr requires integer operands expected '(' in logical constantexpr expected comma in logical constantexpr expected ')' in logical constantexpr constexpr requires integer or integer vector operands expected comma after getelementptr's type base of getelementptr must be a pointer getelementptr index must be an integer getelementptr vector index has a wrong number of elements base element of getelementptr must be sized invalid getelementptr indices inrange keyword may not appear on pointer operand expected three operands to select invalid operands to shufflevector expected two operands to extractelement invalid extractelement operands expected three operands to insertelement invalid insertelement operands DICompositeType DICompileUnit DISubprogram DILexicalBlock DILexicalBlockFile DIModule DITemplateTypeParameter DITemplateValueParameter DIGlobalVariable DILocalVariable DIObjCProperty DIImportedEntity DIMacro DIMacroFile expected metadata type missing required field 'scope' missing required field 'tag' missing required field 'name' missing required field 'value' missing required field 'file' missing 'distinct', required for !DISubprogram when 'isDefinition' missing required field 'type' expected '(' here expected unsigned integer expected ')' here invalid metadata-value-metadata roundtrip functions are not values, refer to them as pointers invalid use of function-local name invalid type for inline asm constraint string integer constant must have integer type floating point constant invalid for type floating point constant does not have type ' null must be a pointer type invalid type for undef constant invalid empty array initializer invalid type for null constant packed'ness of initializer and type don't match of struct initializer doesn't match struct element type expected a basic block function expected to be numbered '% expected function name expected '(' in function argument list 'builtin' attribute not valid on function functions with 'sret' argument must return void invalid forward reference to function as global value! invalid forward reference to function ' invalid redefinition of function ' redefinition of function '@ type of definition and forward reference of '@ ' disagree redefinition of argument '% duplicate case value in switch case value is not a constant integer expected ']' at end of block list Invalid result type for LLVM function too many arguments specified argument is not of expected type ' not enough parameters specified for call expected scope value for catchswitch expected 'unwind' after catchswitch scope expected 'caller' in catchswitch expected ',' after insertelement value fast-math-flags specified for call without floating-point scalar or vector return type atomic load must have explicit non-zero alignment stored value and pointer type do not match atomic store must have explicit non-zero alignment atomic store cannot use Acquire ordering cmpxchg failure argument shall be no stronger than the success argument cmpxchg failure ordering cannot include release semantics compare value and pointer type do not match new value and pointer type do not match cmpxchg operand must be a first class value expected binary operation in atomicrmw atomicrmw value and pointer type do not match atomicrmw operand must be an integer atomicrmw operand must be power-of-two byte-sized integer expected non-empty list of uselistorder indexes expected >= 2 uselistorder indexes invalid function forward reference in uselistorder_bb invalid declaration in uselistorder_bb invalid numeric label in uselistorder_bb expected basic block name in uselistorder_bb invalid basic block in uselistorder_bb expected type expected field label here column scope inlinedAt invalid field ' field ' ' cannot be specified more than once value for ' ' too large, limit is tag lowerBound file baseType extraData elements runtimeLang vtableHolder templateParams directory checksumkind checksum language producer isOptimized runtimeVersion splitDebugFilename emissionKind enums retainedTypes globals imports macros dwoId splitDebugInlining linkageName isLocal isDefinition scopeLine containingType virtuality virtualIndex thisAdjustment unit declaration variables discriminator exportSymbols nodes configMacros includePath isysroot expr setter getter entity expensive-combines Enable expensive instruction combines addconv .off .not .lobit .mask .elt split __memcpy_chk putchar chari puts fputc Aggregate arguments to code-extracted functions gep_ .reg2mem .reload inlined functions all functions imported functions inlined anywhere imported functions inlined into importing module non-imported functions inlined anywhere Convert noalias attributes to metadata during inlining. Convert align attributes to assumptions during inlining. Verify loop lcssa form (time consuming) llvm.loop gc-leaf-function Allow runtime unrolled loops to be unrolled with epilog instead of prolog. FullyUnrolled completely unrolled loop with iterations Peeled peeled loop by PeelCount PartialUnrolled unrolled loop by a factor of with a breakout at trip BreakoutTrip with trips per branch with run-time trip count Max average trip count which will cause loop peeling. Force a peel count regardless of profiling information. unroll_iter niter .nsub .ncmp Add no-alias annotation for instructions that are disambiguated by memchecks LVerDomain The maximum number of stores/phis MemorySSAwill consider trying to walk past (default = 100) Verify MemorySSA in legacy printer pass. Sanitizer interface function redefined: __sanitizer_stat_report __sanitizer_stat_init phi-node-folding-threshold Control the amount of phi node folding to perform (default = 2) simplifycfg-dup-ret Duplicate return instructions into unconditional branches simplifycfg-sink-common Sink common instructions down to the end block simplifycfg-hoist-cond-stores Hoist conditional stores if an unconditional store precedes Hoist conditional stores even if an unconditional store does not precede - hoist multiple conditional stores into a single predicated store When merging conditional stores, do so even if the resultant basic blocks are unlikely to be if-converted as a result Allow exactly one expensive instruction to be speculatively executed Limit maximum recursion depth when calculating costs of speculatively executed instructions branch_weights magicptr infloop switch.idx.cast switch.idx.mult switch.offset switch.cast switch.shiftamt switch.downshift switch.masked switch.gep inverted.cmp Treat error-reporting calls as cold Enable unsafe double to float shrinking for math lib calls strcmpload iprintf siprintf fiprintf Symbol Rewrite Map descriptor key must be a scalar descriptor value must be a scalar invalid regex: exactly one of transform or target must be specified unable to transforn in Disable generation of discriminator information. Perform shrink-wrap on lib calls with domain errors Perform shrink-wrap on lib calls with range errors Perform shrink-wrap on lib calls with pole errors foo bar baz quux barney snork zot blam hoge wibble wobble widget wombat ham eggs pluto spam We do not support this DWARF encoding yet! Enable interprocedural register allocation to reduce load/store at procedure calls. The maximum number of pointers may-alias sets may contain before degradation ..., cgscc-passmgr MaxSCCIterations Maximum CGSCCPassMgr iterations on one SCC -1 Recognize reduction patterns. Try to delinearize array references. Print dominance tree of function to 'dot' file (with no function bodies) Print postdominance tree of function to 'dot' file (with no function bodies) .dot '... for ' ' function " { }"]; __gnat_eh_personality ProcessCLRException rust_eh_personality Control the amount of inlining to perform (default = 225) Threshold for inlining functions with inline hint Threshold for inlining functions with cold attribute Threshold for hot callsites instcount NumGetElementPtrInst Number of GetElementPtr insts NumLoadInst Number of Load insts NumStoreInst Number of Store insts NumCallInst Number of Call insts NumInvokeInst Number of Invoke insts NumAllocaInst Number of Alloca insts Unusual: Return statement in function with noreturn attribute Undefined behavior: indirectbr with no destinations Undefined behavior: Null pointer dereference Undefined behavior: Write to read-only memory Undefined behavior: Write to text section Unusual: Load from function body Undefined behavior: Load from block address Undefined behavior: Call to block address Undefined behavior: Branch to non-blockaddress Undefined behavior: Buffer overflow Undefined behavior: Memory reference address is misaligned Undefined behavior: Call argument count mismatches callee argument count Undefined behavior: Call return type mismatches callee return type Undefined behavior: Call argument type mismatches callee parameter type Undefined behavior: Call with "tail" keyword references alloca Undefined behavior: memcpy source and destination overlap Undefined behavior: va_start called in a non-varargs function Unusual: unreachable immediately preceded by instruction without side effects Undefined result: sub(undef, undef) Undefined behavior: Division by zero Undefined result: Shift count out of range Undefined result: xor(undef, undef) Pessimization: Static alloca outside of entry block Undefined result: extractelement index out of range Use this to specify the default maximum number of instructions to scan backward from a given instruction, when searching for available loaded value force-vector-width Sets the SIMD width. Zero is autoselect. force-vector-interleave Sets the vectorization interleave count. Zero is autoselect. runtime-memory-check-threshold When performing memory disambiguation checks at runtime do not generate more than this number of comparisons (default = 8). Maximum number of comparisons done when trying to merge runtime memory checks. (default = 100) Maximum number of dependences collected by loop-access analysis (default = 100) Enable symbolic stride memory access versioning Enable conflict detection in loop-access analysis NoDep Unknown Forward ForwardButPreventsForwarding Backward BackwardVectorizable BackwardVectorizableButPreventsForwarding NotInnerMostLoop loop is not the innermost loop CFGNotUnderstood loop control flow is not understood by analyzer CantComputeNumberOfIterations could not determine number of loop iterations NonSimpleLoad read with atomic ordering or volatile read CantVectorizeInstruction instruction cannot be vectorized NonSimpleStore write with atomic ordering or volatile write CantIdentifyArrayBounds cannot identify array bounds CantCheckMemDepsAtRunTime cannot check memory dependencies at runtime UnsafeMemDep unsafe dependent memory operations in loop. Use #pragma loop distribute(enable) to allow loop distribution to attempt to isolate the offending operations into a separate loop loop-accesses ScalarEvolution must have been cached at a higher level AliasAnalysis must have been cached at a higher level cl::location(x) specified more than once! Verify loop info (time consuming) <deleted> <unnamed loop> llvm::StringRef llvm::getTypeName() [DesiredTypeName = llvm::Loop] DesiredTypeName = Clobber Def NonFuncLocal The number of instructions to scan in a block in memory dependency analysis (default = 100) The number of blocks to scan during memory dependency analysis (default = 1000) enable-objc-arc-opts enable/disable all ARC Optimizations ARCInstKind::Retain ARCInstKind::RetainRV ARCInstKind::ClaimRV ARCInstKind::RetainBlock ARCInstKind::Release ARCInstKind::Autorelease ARCInstKind::AutoreleaseRV ARCInstKind::AutoreleasepoolPush ARCInstKind::AutoreleasepoolPop ARCInstKind::NoopCast ARCInstKind::FusedRetainAutorelease ARCInstKind::FusedRetainAutoreleaseRV ARCInstKind::LoadWeakRetained ARCInstKind::StoreWeak ARCInstKind::InitWeak ARCInstKind::LoadWeak ARCInstKind::MoveWeak ARCInstKind::CopyWeak ARCInstKind::DestroyWeak ARCInstKind::StoreStrong ARCInstKind::CallOrUser ARCInstKind::Call ARCInstKind::User ARCInstKind::IntrinsicUser ARCInstKind::None objc_retainedObject objc_unretainedObject objc_unretainedPointer objc_retain_autorelease llvm.arc.annotation.bottomup.bbend String !Passed !Missed !Analysis !AnalysisFPCommute !AnalysisAliasing DebugLoc A count is hot if it exceeds the minimum count to reach this percentile of total counts. A count is cold if it is below the minimum count to reach this percentile of total counts. Verify region info (time consuming) print-region-style style of printing regions bb rn Show only simple regions in the graphviz viewer Print regions of function to 'dot' file (with no function bodies) Maximum number of iterations SCEV will symbolically execute a constant derived loop verify-scev Verify ScalarEvolution's backedge taken counts (slow) verify-scev-maps Verify no dangling value in ScalarEvolution's ExprValueMap (slow) Threshold for inlining multiplication operands into a SCEV Maximum depth of recursive compare complexity <nuw> <nsw> <nw> uglygep scevgep Vector functions library Accelerate SVML ??2@YAPAXI@Z ??2@YAPAXIABUnothrow_t@std@@@Z ??2@YAPEAX_K@Z ??2@YAPEAX_KAEBUnothrow_t@std@@@Z ??3@YAXPAX@Z ??3@YAXPAXABUnothrow_t@std@@@Z ??3@YAXPAXI@Z ??3@YAXPEAX@Z ??3@YAXPEAXAEBUnothrow_t@std@@@Z ??3@YAXPEAX_K@Z ??_U@YAPAXI@Z ??_U@YAPAXIABUnothrow_t@std@@@Z ??_U@YAPEAX_K@Z ??_U@YAPEAX_KAEBUnothrow_t@std@@@Z ??_V@YAXPAX@Z ??_V@YAXPAXABUnothrow_t@std@@@Z ??_V@YAXPAXI@Z ??_V@YAXPEAX@Z ??_V@YAXPEAXAEBUnothrow_t@std@@@Z ??_V@YAXPEAX_K@Z _IO_getc _IO_putc _ZdaPv _ZdaPvRKSt9nothrow_t _ZdaPvj _ZdaPvm _ZdlPv _ZdlPvRKSt9nothrow_t _ZdlPvj _ZdlPvm _Znaj _ZnajRKSt9nothrow_t _Znam _ZnamRKSt9nothrow_t _Znwj _ZnwjRKSt9nothrow_t _Znwm _ZnwmRKSt9nothrow_t __cxa_atexit __isoc99_scanf __isoc99_sscanf __memmove_chk __memset_chk __nvvm_reflect __sincospi_stret __sincospif_stret __sqrt_finite __sqrtf_finite __sqrtl_finite __stpcpy_chk __stpncpy_chk __strcpy_chk __strdup __strncpy_chk __strndup __strtok_r access atof atoi atol atoll bcmp bcopy chmod chown clearerr closedir ctermid exp10f exp10l fclose fdopen feof ferror fflush ffsll fgetc fgetpos fgets fileno flockfile flsl flsll fopen fopen64 fputs fread free fseek fseeko fseeko64 fsetpos fstat fstat64 fstatvfs fstatvfs64 ftell ftello ftello64 ftrylockfile funlockfile fwrite getc getc_unlocked getchar getenv getitimer getlogin_r getpwnam gets gettimeofday htonl htons isascii lchown lstat lstat64 memalign memccpy mempcpy memrchr mkdir mktime ntohl ntohs open open64 opendir pclose perror popen posix_memalign pread putc pwrite qsort readlink reallocf realpath rename rewind rmdir setbuf setitimer setvbuf stat stat64 statvfs statvfs64 strcoll strnlen strtod strtof strtok_r strtol strtold strtoll strtoul strtoull vceilf vfabsf llvm.fabs.f32 vfloorf vsqrtf llvm.sqrt.f32 vexpf vexpm1f vlogf vlog1pf vlog10f llvm.log10.f32 vlogbf vsinf llvm.sin.f32 vcosf llvm.cos.f32 vtanf vasinf vacosf vatanf vsinhf vcoshf vtanhf vasinhf vacoshf __svml_sin2 __svml_sin4 __svml_sin8 __svml_sinf4 __svml_sinf8 __svml_sinf16 __svml_cos2 __svml_cos4 __svml_cos8 __svml_cosf4 __svml_cosf8 __svml_cosf16 __svml_pow2 __svml_pow4 __svml_pow8 __svml_powf4 __svml_powf8 __svml_powf16 llvm.pow.f64 llvm.pow.f32 __svml_exp2 __svml_exp4 __svml_exp8 __svml_expf4 __svml_expf8 fwrite$UNIX2003 fputs$UNIX2003 _copysign Mali specific Alias Analysis print-all-alias-modref-info print-no-aliases <-> The minimum count to the direct call target for the promotion The percentage threshold for the promotion Max number of promotions for a single indirect call callsite MachOUniversalBinary::ObjectForArch::getAsObjectFile() called when Parent is a nullptr MachOUniversalBinary::ObjectForArch::getAsArchive() called when Parent is a nullptr File too small to be a Mach-O universal file contains zero architecture types bad magic number fat_arch structs would extend past the end of the file offset plus size of cputype ( ) extends past the end of the file align (2^ ) too large for cputype ( ) (maximum 2^ ) offset overlaps universal headers contains two of the same architecture (cputype ( Unknown architecture named: fat file does not contain .mbs2_code %d at offset name contains a leading space for archive member header at offset archive header truncated before the name field for archive member header at offset long name offset characters after the '/' are not all decimal numbers: ' ' for archive member header at offset past the end of the string table for archive member header at offset long name length characters after the #1/ are not all decimal numbers: ' extends past the end of the member or archive for archive member header at offset characters in size field in archive header are not all decimal numbers: ' characters in AccessMode field in archive header are not all decimal numbers: ' ' for the archive member header at offset characters in LastModified field in archive header are not all decimal numbers: ' characters in UID field in archive header are not all decimal numbers: ' characters in GID field in archive header are not all decimal numbers: ' File too small to be an archive IMAGE_REL_AMD64_ABSOLUTE IMAGE_REL_AMD64_ADDR64 IMAGE_REL_AMD64_ADDR32 IMAGE_REL_AMD64_ADDR32NB IMAGE_REL_AMD64_REL32 IMAGE_REL_AMD64_REL32_1 IMAGE_REL_AMD64_REL32_2 IMAGE_REL_AMD64_REL32_3 IMAGE_REL_AMD64_REL32_4 IMAGE_REL_AMD64_REL32_5 IMAGE_REL_AMD64_SECTION IMAGE_REL_AMD64_SECREL IMAGE_REL_AMD64_SECREL7 IMAGE_REL_AMD64_TOKEN IMAGE_REL_AMD64_SREL32 IMAGE_REL_AMD64_PAIR IMAGE_REL_AMD64_SSPAN32 IMAGE_REL_ARM_ABSOLUTE IMAGE_REL_ARM_ADDR32 IMAGE_REL_ARM_ADDR32NB IMAGE_REL_ARM_BRANCH24 IMAGE_REL_ARM_BRANCH11 IMAGE_REL_ARM_TOKEN IMAGE_REL_ARM_BLX24 IMAGE_REL_ARM_BLX11 IMAGE_REL_ARM_SECTION IMAGE_REL_ARM_SECREL IMAGE_REL_ARM_MOV32A IMAGE_REL_ARM_MOV32T IMAGE_REL_ARM_BRANCH20T IMAGE_REL_ARM_BRANCH24T IMAGE_REL_ARM_BLX23T IMAGE_REL_I386_ABSOLUTE IMAGE_REL_I386_DIR16 IMAGE_REL_I386_REL16 IMAGE_REL_I386_DIR32 IMAGE_REL_I386_DIR32NB mips2 micromips invalid section header entry size (e_shentsize) in ELF header section header table goes past the end of the file invalid alignment of section headers section table goes past the end of file invalid sh_type invalid section contents size invalid sh_entsize size is not a multiple of sh_entsize invalid section offset invalid section index invalid sh_type for string table, expected SHT_STRTAB empty string table string table non-null terminated index past the end of the symbol table invalid string offset ELF32-i386 ELF32-iamcu ELF32-x86-64 ELF32-arm-little ELF32-arm-big ELF32-avr ELF32-hexagon ELF32-lanai ELF32-mips ELF32-ppc ELF32-riscv ELF32-sparc ELF32-wasm ELF32-amdgpu ELF32-unknown ELF64-i386 ELF64-x86-64 ELF64-aarch64-little ELF64-aarch64-big ELF64-ppc64 ELF64-riscv ELF64-s390 ELF64-sparc ELF64-mips ELF64-wasm ELF64-amdgpu-hsacobj ELF64-amdgpu ELF64-BPF ELF64-unknown Invalid ELFCLASS! load commands extend past the end of the file load command cmdsize not a multiple of 8 cmdsize not a multiple of 4 LC_DATA_IN_CODE data in code info LC_LINKER_OPTIMIZATION_HINT linker optimization hints LC_FUNCTION_STARTS function starts data LC_SEGMENT_SPLIT_INFO split info data LC_DYLIB_CODE_SIGN_DRS code signing RDs data LC_CODE_SIGNATURE code signature data LC_DYLD_INFO LC_DYLD_INFO_ONLY LC_UUID command has incorrect cmdsize more than one LC_UUID command LC_SEGMENT_64 LC_SEGMENT LC_LOAD_DYLIB LC_LOAD_WEAK_DYLIB LC_LAZY_LOAD_DYLIB LC_REEXPORT_DYLIB LC_LOAD_UPWARD_DYLIB LC_ID_DYLINKER LC_LOAD_DYLINKER LC_DYLD_ENVIRONMENT LC_VERSION_MIN_MACOSX LC_VERSION_MIN_IPHONEOS LC_VERSION_MIN_TVOS LC_VERSION_MIN_WATCHOS LC_SOURCE_VERSION command more than one LC_SOURCE_VERSION command LC_MAIN command more than one LC_MAIN command LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO command LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO_64 command LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO_64 LC_SUB_FRAMEWORK cmdsize too small LC_SUB_FRAMEWORK sub_framework_command LC_SUB_UMBRELLA cmdsize too small LC_SUB_UMBRELLA sub_umbrella_command sub_umbrella LC_SUB_LIBRARY cmdsize too small LC_SUB_LIBRARY sub_library_command sub_library LC_SUB_CLIENT cmdsize too small LC_SUB_CLIENT sub_client_command LC_ROUTINES command more than one LC_ROUTINES and or LC_ROUTINES_64 command LC_ROUTINES_64 command more than one LC_ROUTINES_64 and or LC_ROUTINES command LC_UNIXTHREAD more than one LC_UNIXTHREAD command LC_THREAD for cmd value of: is obsolete and not supported contains LC_DYSYMTAB load command without a LC_SYMTAB load command ilocalsym in LC_DYSYMTAB load command extends past the end of the symbol table ilocalsym plus nlocalsym in LC_DYSYMTAB load command extends past the end of the symbol table nextdefsym in LC_DYSYMTAB load command extends past the end of the symbol table iextdefsym plus nextdefsym in LC_DYSYMTAB load command extends past the end of the symbol table nundefsym in LC_DYSYMTAB load command extends past the end of the symbol table iundefsym plus nundefsym in LC_DYSYMTAB load command extends past the end of the symbol table no LC_ID_DYLIB load command in dynamic library filetype bad section index: for symbol at index past the end of string table, for symbol at index GENERIC_RELOC_VANILLA GENERIC_RELOC_PAIR GENERIC_RELOC_SECTDIFF GENERIC_RELOC_PB_LA_PTR GENERIC_RELOC_LOCAL_SECTDIFF GENERIC_RELOC_TLV X86_64_RELOC_UNSIGNED X86_64_RELOC_SIGNED X86_64_RELOC_BRANCH X86_64_RELOC_GOT_LOAD X86_64_RELOC_GOT X86_64_RELOC_SUBTRACTOR X86_64_RELOC_SIGNED_1 X86_64_RELOC_SIGNED_2 X86_64_RELOC_SIGNED_4 X86_64_RELOC_TLV ARM_RELOC_VANILLA ARM_RELOC_PAIR ARM_RELOC_SECTDIFF ARM_RELOC_LOCAL_SECTDIFF ARM_RELOC_PB_LA_PTR ARM_RELOC_BR24 ARM_THUMB_RELOC_BR22 ARM_THUMB_32BIT_BRANCH ARM_RELOC_HALF ARM_RELOC_HALF_SECTDIFF ARM64_RELOC_UNSIGNED ARM64_RELOC_SUBTRACTOR ARM64_RELOC_BRANCH26 ARM64_RELOC_PAGE21 ARM64_RELOC_PAGEOFF12 ARM64_RELOC_GOT_LOAD_PAGE21 ARM64_RELOC_GOT_LOAD_PAGEOFF12 ARM64_RELOC_POINTER_TO_GOT ARM64_RELOC_TLVP_LOAD_PAGE21 ARM64_RELOC_TLVP_LOAD_PAGEOFF12 ARM64_RELOC_ADDEND PPC_RELOC_VANILLA PPC_RELOC_PAIR PPC_RELOC_BR14 PPC_RELOC_BR24 PPC_RELOC_HI16 PPC_RELOC_LO16 PPC_RELOC_HA16 PPC_RELOC_LO14 PPC_RELOC_SECTDIFF PPC_RELOC_PB_LA_PTR PPC_RELOC_HI16_SECTDIFF PPC_RELOC_LO16_SECTDIFF PPC_RELOC_HA16_SECTDIFF PPC_RELOC_JBSR PPC_RELOC_LO14_SECTDIFF PPC_RELOC_LOCAL_SECTDIFF Mach-O 64-bit unknown i386-apple-darwin x86_64 x86_64-apple-darwin x86_64h x86_64h-apple-darwin armv4t armv4t-apple-darwin armv5e armv5e-apple-darwin xscale xscale-apple-darwin armv6 armv6-apple-darwin armv6m armv6m-apple-darwin armv7 armv7-apple-darwin armv7em thumbv7em-apple-darwin armv7k armv7m armv7s arm64 pointer text abs32 text rel32 Unrecognized MachO magic number load command 0 extends past the end all load commands in the file Structure read out-of-range LC_SYMTAB cmdsize too small more than one LC_SYMTAB command LC_SYMTAB command symoff field of LC_SYMTAB command extends past the end of the file struct nlist_64 struct nlist symoff field plus nsyms field times sizeof( ) of LC_SYMTAB command symbol table stroff field of LC_SYMTAB command stroff field plus strsize field of LC_SYMTAB command string table LC_DYSYMTAB cmdsize too small more than one LC_DYSYMTAB command LC_DYSYMTAB command tocoff field of LC_DYSYMTAB command tocoff field plus ntoc field times sizeof(struct dylib_table_of_contents) of LC_DYSYMTAB command table of contents modtaboff field of LC_DYSYMTAB command struct dylib_module_64 struct dylib_module modtaboff field plus nmodtab field times sizeof( ) of LC_DYSYMTAB command module table extrefsymoff field of LC_DYSYMTAB command extrefsymoff field plus nextrefsyms field times sizeof(struct dylib_reference) of LC_DYSYMTAB command reference table indirectsymoff field of LC_DYSYMTAB command indirectsymoff field plus nindirectsyms field times sizeof(uint32_t) of LC_DYSYMTAB command indirect table extreloff field of LC_DYSYMTAB command extreloff field plus nextrel field times sizeof(struct relocation_info) of LC_DYSYMTAB command external relocation table locreloff field of LC_DYSYMTAB command locreloff field plus nlocrel field times sizeof(struct relocation_info) of LC_DYSYMTAB command local relocation table cmdsize too small command command more than one LC_DYLD_INFO and or LC_DYLD_INFO_ONLY command rebase_off field of rebase_off field plus rebase_size field of bind_off field of bind_off field plus bind_size field of weak_bind_off field of weak_bind_off field plus weak_bind_size field of lazy_bind_off field of lazy_bind_off field plus lazy_bind_size field of export_off field of LC_ID_DYLIB more than one LC_ID_DYLIB command LC_ID_DYLIB load command in non-dynamic library file type name.offset field too small, not past the end of the dylib_command struct name.offset field extends past the end of the load command name.offset field too small, not past the end of the dylinker_command struct more than one LC_VERSION_MIN_MACOSX, LC_VERSION_MIN_IPHONEOS, LC_VERSION_MIN_TVOS or LC_VERSION_MIN_WATCHOS command LC_RPATH cmdsize too small LC_RPATH path.offset field too small, not past the end of the rpath_command struct LC_RPATH path.offset field extends past the end of the load command LC_RPATH library name extends past the end of the load command more than one LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO and or LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO_64 command LC_LINKER_OPTION cmdsize too small LC_LINKER_OPTION string count .offset field too small, not past the end of the flavor in extends past end of command count in count not x86_THREAD_STATE64_COUNT for flavor number which is a x86_THREAD_STATE64 flavor in x86_THREAD_STATE64 extends past end of command in count not ARM_THREAD_STATE_COUNT for flavor number which is a ARM_THREAD_STATE flavor in ARM_THREAD_STATE extends past end of command in count not ARM_THREAD_STATE64_COUNT for flavor number which is a ARM_THREAD_STATE64 flavor in ARM_THREAD_STATE64 extends past end of command in PPC_THREAD_STATE extends past end of command in unknown cputype ( ) load command for command can't be checked LC_TWOLEVEL_HINTS has incorrect cmdsize more than one LC_TWOLEVEL_HINTS command offset field of LC_TWOLEVEL_HINTS command offset field plus nhints times sizeof(struct twolevel_hint) field of LC_TWOLEVEL_HINTS command two level hints Malformed MachO file. extends past the end all load commands in the file the mach header extends past the end of the file inconsistent cmdsize in for the number of sections offset field of section not past the headers of the file offset field plus size field of section size field of section greater than the segment addr field of section less than the segment's vmaddr addr field plus size of section greater than than the segment's vmaddr plus vmsize section contents reloff field of section reloff field plus nreloc field times sizeof(struct relocation_info) of section section relocation entries fileoff field in fileoff field plus filesize field in greater than vmsize field __PAGEZERO .version .vehw .cble .ccom .cfra .cver .ctsc .ctse .cgeo .ssrc .d3ds .variants start Expected integer Unable to allocate memory for optional_block CBLE Expected .cble stop Unable to allocate memory for optional_block CCOM Expected .ccom stop Unable to allocate memory for optional_block CFRA Expected .cfra stop Unable to allocate memory for optional_block CVER Expected .cver stop Unable to allocate memory for optional_block CTSC Expected .ctsc stop Unable to allocate memory for optional_block CTSE Expected .ctse stop Unable to allocate memory for optional_block CGEO Expected .cgeo stop Expected .ssrc stop Expected .d3ds stop Expected .variants stop .core Expected integer or string for enumerated type Invalid enumerated string value .major Unexpected name (was expecting type .major) .minor Unexpected name (was expecting type .minor) MALI_T60x MALI_T62x MALI_T76x MALI_T72x MALI_TFRx MALI_T86x MALI_T82x MALI_T83x MALI_TMIx MALI_TSIx MALI_THEx MALI_TNOx MALI_TKAx MALI_TTRx MALI_TGOx MALI_TDVx MALI_TBOx MALI_TEGx .suni Unexpected block type (was expecting .suni) .ubuf Unexpected block type (was expecting .ubuf) .svar Unexpected block type (was expecting .svar) .ebin Unexpected block type (was expecting .ebin) .count Unexpected name (was expecting type .count) .symb .name Unexpected block type (was expecting .name) .flags Unexpected name (was expecting type .flags) Value read for 'flags' larger than symbol_flags_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED .semantics Unexpected name (was expecting type .semantics) .address .binding Unexpected name (was expecting type .binding) .location Unexpected name (was expecting type .location) .type Unexpected block type (was expecting .type) .nof_rloc Unexpected name (was expecting type .nof_rloc) .rloc .nof_relo Unexpected name (was expecting type .nof_relo) .relo .nof_fixp Unexpected name (was expecting type .nof_fixp) .fixp .sini Expected .sini stop NONE MALI_SSBO MALI_SSBO_MAX_SIZE MALI_IMAGE_SIZES MALI_TEXTURE_SIZES MALI_ATOMIC_COUNTERS MALI_COLOR_SPACE_COEFF MALI_TEXTURE_GATHER_MIRROR MALI_NO_RMU MALI_NO_RMU_PER_VIEW MALI_TB_ICD MALI_VERTEX_IS_PREVIOUS MALI_TEXTURE_SIZES_SPIRV MALI_SAMPLER_SPIRV MALI_PATCH_VERTICES_IN_TESS_CONTROL MALI_PATCH_VERTICES_IN_TESS_EVALUATION MALI_POINT_SIZE_PARAMETERS MALI_PRIMITIVES_GENERATED MALI_SAMPLE_BUFFERS MALI_SAMPLE_NUM_MASK MALI_SAMPLE_POSITION MALI_TESS_IS_PREVIOUS MALI_VIEW_ID MALI_VIEWPORT_TRANSFORM MALI_ROTATE MALI_ROTATE_INVERT MALI_ROTATE_POINT_COORD MALI_BLEND_COLOR DEPTH_RANGE MALI_FRAGCOORD_OFFSET VERTEX_INDEX INSTANCE_INDEX VERTEX_ID PRIMITIVE_ID INSTANCE_ID SAMPLE_ID IS_FRONT_FACING POINT_COORD FRAG_COORD FB_COLOR FB_DEPTH FB_STENCIL NUM_WORK_GROUPS WORK_GROUP_SIZE WORK_GROUP_ID LOCAL_INVOCATION_ID GLOBAL_INVOCATION_ID LOCAL_INVOCATION_INDEX HELPER_INVOCATION INVOCATION_ID PATCH_VERTICES_IN TESS_COORD SAMPLE_POSITION SAMPLE_MASK_IN LAYER PRIMITIVE_ID_OUT TESS_LEVEL_OUTER TESS_LEVEL_INNER INDEX_BUFFER BOUNDING_BOX CLIP_POSITION CLAMPED_POINTSIZE FRAG_COLOR FRAG_DATA FRAG_DEPTH FRAG_STENCIL POSITION POINTSIZE VIEW_ID MALI_FRAG_PILOT_INSTANCE_ID PER_VERTEX FRAG_POSITION CLIP_DISTANCE CULL_DISTANCE SUBGROUP_INVOCATION_ID .tpac Unable to allocate memory for optional_block TPAC Expected .tpac stop .tpar Unable to allocate memory for optional_block TPAR Expected .tpar stop .tpge Unable to allocate memory for optional_block TPGE Expected .tpge stop .tpib Unable to allocate memory for optional_block TPIB Expected .tpib stop .tpma Unable to allocate memory for optional_block TPMA Expected .tpma stop .tppo Unable to allocate memory for optional_block TPPO Expected .tppo stop .tpqu Unable to allocate memory for optional_block TPQU Expected .tpqu stop .tppr Unable to allocate memory for optional_block TPPR Expected .tppr stop .tppw Unable to allocate memory for optional_block TPPW Expected .tppw stop .tpsa Unable to allocate memory for optional_block TPSA Expected .tpsa stop .tpst Unable to allocate memory for optional_block TPST .offset Unexpected name (was expecting type .offset) .array_size Unexpected name (was expecting type .array_size) .element_type Unexpected block type (was expecting .element_type) .scalar_type .vector_size .scalar_size Unexpected name (was expecting type .scalar_size) .precision Unexpected name (was expecting type .precision) .stride Unexpected name (was expecting type .stride) .aux_qualifier Unexpected name (was expecting type .aux_qualifier) .component Unexpected name (was expecting type .component) FLOAT SINT UINT 32 64 UNKNOWN HIGHP MEDIUMP LOWP .layout Unexpected name (was expecting type .layout) .kind Unexpected name (was expecting type .kind) .nof_members .tpse .instance_name Expected .instance_name stop UNIFORM_BUFFER STORAGE_BLOCK INPUT_BLOCK OUTPUT_BLOCK .nof_columns Unexpected name (was expecting type .nof_columns) .is_row_major Unexpected name (was expecting type .is_row_major) .major_stride Unexpected name (was expecting type .major_stride) .column_type Unexpected block type (was expecting .column_type) .address_space Unexpected name (was expecting type .address_space) .pointed_type Unexpected block type (was expecting .pointed_type) PRIVATE GLOBAL LOCAL .type_name .sym_idx .reg_offset Unexpected name (was expecting type .reg_offset) .uni_offset Unexpected name (was expecting type .uni_offset) .size Unexpected name (was expecting type .size) .section_idx ABS16 ABS32 ABS64 ATTR_INDEX_LS0 ATTR_INDEX_LS1 UNIFORM_INDEX_LS0 UNIFORM_INDEX_LS1 UNIFORM_BUFFER_INDEX_LS0 UNIFORM_BUFFER_INDEX_LS1 LS_DISPLACEMENT_LS0 LS_DISPLACEMENT_LS1 PSV_DISPLACEMENT .value Unexpected name (was expecting type .value) .needs_high Unexpected name (was expecting type .needs_high) Value read for 'needs_high' larger than 1 Could not allocate memory for field 'values' .values Unexpected name (was expecting type .values) .sizes .rt_num .aux_idx .nof_epta Unexpected name (was expecting type .nof_epta) .epta .data_section_offset Unexpected name (was expecting type .data_section_offset) .fsha Unexpected block type (was expecting .fsha) .entrypoint_name .dbug Expected .dbug stop .grel Expected .grel stop .bfre Expected .bfre stop .fd3d Expected .fd3d stop .xpta Expected .xpta stop .vlkn Expected .vlkn stop .objc Unexpected block type (was expecting .objc) Unexpected block type (was expecting EPTA) .sym_lhs_name Unexpected block type (was expecting .sym_lhs_name) .sym_lhs_offset Unexpected name (was expecting type .sym_lhs_offset) .sym_rhs_name Unexpected block type (was expecting .sym_rhs_name) .sym_rhs_offset Unexpected name (was expecting type .sym_rhs_offset) .tls_size Unexpected name (was expecting type .tls_size) .nof_reg Unexpected name (was expecting type .nof_reg) .nof_rmu Unexpected name (was expecting type .nof_rmu) .variant Unexpected name (was expecting type .variant) Unexpected block type (was expecting DBUG) Expected integer (binary reference number Expected integer (binary code size .nof_global_relo Unexpected name (was expecting type .nof_global_relo) .allow_merging_workgroups Unexpected name (was expecting type .allow_merging_workgroups) .allow_forward_pixel_kill Unexpected name (was expecting type .allow_forward_pixel_kill) .spdb Unable to allocate memory for optional_block SPDb Expected .spdb stop .spdc Unable to allocate memory for optional_block SPDc Expected .spdc stop .spdf Unable to allocate memory for optional_block SPDf Expected .spdf stop .spdv Unable to allocate memory for optional_block SPDv Expected .spdv stop .pdsc Expected .pdsc stop .ffbd_hi Unexpected name (was expecting type .ffbd_hi) .ffbd_lo Unexpected name (was expecting type .ffbd_lo) .preload_compute Unexpected name (was expecting type .preload_compute) .preload_fragment Unexpected name (was expecting type .preload_fragment) .rt_count Unexpected name (was expecting type .rt_count) Could not allocate memory for field 'rt_index' .rt_index Unexpected name (was expecting type .rt_index) Could not allocate memory for field 'size' Could not allocate memory for field 'type' Unexpected name (was expecting type .type) Could not allocate memory for field 'return_addr' .return_addr Unexpected name (was expecting type .return_addr) .preload_vertex Unexpected name (was expecting type .preload_vertex) .varying0 Unexpected name (was expecting type .varying0) .varying1 Unexpected name (was expecting type .varying1) .primary_shader_wait Unexpected name (was expecting type .primary_shader_wait) .output_type Unexpected name (was expecting type .output_type) DEPTH_NONE DEPTH_GENERAL DEPTH_GREATER_EQUAL DEPTH_LESS_EQUAL .nof_xptl Unexpected name (was expecting type .nof_xptl) .xptl .nof_rhs Unexpected name (was expecting type .nof_rhs) .xptr .constant_0 Unexpected name (was expecting type .constant_0) .constant_1 Unexpected name (was expecting type .constant_1) .constant_2 Unexpected name (was expecting type .constant_2) .constant_3 Unexpected name (was expecting type .constant_3) .swizzle_x Unexpected name (was expecting type .swizzle_x) .swizzle_y Unexpected name (was expecting type .swizzle_y) .swizzle_z Unexpected name (was expecting type .swizzle_z) .swizzle_w Unexpected name (was expecting type .swizzle_w) Expected .sym_rhs_name stop .used_set_bitmask Unexpected name (was expecting type .used_set_bitmask) .offset_first_sw_blend Unexpected name (was expecting type .offset_first_sw_blend) .cmmn Unexpected block type (was expecting .cmmn) .kern Unexpected block type (was expecting .kern) .vela .sinp .sout Unexpected block type (was expecting .sout) .simg Unexpected block type (was expecting .simg) .ssmp Unexpected block type (was expecting .ssmp) .s3bo Unexpected block type (was expecting .s3bo) .nof_ebin Unexpected name (was expecting type .nof_ebin) Could not allocate memory for block EBIN .lang ESSL1 ESSL3 ESSL310 OPENCL2 HLSL SPIRV ESSL320 .nof_kpar Unexpected name (was expecting type .nof_kpar) .kpar .workgroup_local_size Unexpected name (was expecting type .workgroup_local_size) .thread_limit_hint Unexpected name (was expecting type .thread_limit_hint) .workgroup_size Expected .workgroup_size stop .declared_name Unexpected block type (was expecting .declared_name) .uniform_name Unexpected block type (was expecting .uniform_name) Unexpected name (was expecting type .x) Unexpected name (was expecting type .y) Unexpected name (was expecting type .z) .output_vars .lcal Expected .lcal stop .bldm Expected .bldm stop .alpha_info Expected .alpha_info stop .nb_outputs .outputs .nb_locations_used Unexpected name (was expecting type .nb_locations_used) .local_storage_size Unexpected name (was expecting type .local_storage_size) .achn .sampler_name Unexpected block type (was expecting .sampler_name) Unexpected name (was expecting type .rt) .sampler_component Unexpected name (was expecting type .sampler_component) .uniform_component Unexpected name (was expecting type .uniform_component) CONSTANT_0 CONSTANT_1 SAMPLER UNIFORM UNIFORM_X_SAMPLER RT0 .gpos Expected .gpos stop .vmvw Expected .vmvw stop .sym_a_name Unexpected block type (was expecting .sym_a_name) .sym_b_name Unexpected block type (was expecting .sym_b_name) .num_views Unexpected name (was expecting type .num_views) .mtes Unexpected block type (was expecting .mtes) .n_vertices .primitive_mode .vertex_spacing Unexpected name (was expecting type .vertex_spacing) .ordering Unexpected name (was expecting type .ordering) .point_mode Unexpected name (was expecting type .point_mode) Value read for 'point_mode' larger than 1 .max_tessfactor Unexpected name (was expecting type .max_tessfactor) .has_control_point_phase Unexpected name (was expecting type .has_control_point_phase) Value read for 'has_control_point_phase' larger than 1 .n_vertices_in Unexpected name (was expecting type .n_vertices_in) UNSET ISOLINES TRIANGLES QUADS EQUAL FRACTIONAL_EVEN FRACTIONAL_ODD POW2 CCW CW .mgeo Unexpected block type (was expecting .mgeo) .gsvc Could not allocate memory for block GSVC Expected .gsvc stop .n_invocations Unexpected name (was expecting type .n_invocations) .max_vertices Unexpected name (was expecting type .max_vertices) .layered_rendering Unexpected name (was expecting type .layered_rendering) .input_primitive_mode Unexpected name (was expecting type .input_primitive_mode) .output_primitive_mode Unexpected name (was expecting type .output_primitive_mode) .stream_mask Unexpected name (was expecting type .stream_mask) .rasterizer_pos_slot Unexpected name (was expecting type .rasterizer_pos_slot) .nb_patch_vertices Unexpected name (was expecting type .nb_patch_vertices) POINTS LINES LINES_ADJACENCY TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY PATCH LINE_STRIP TRIANGLE_STRIP .nof_layers Unexpected name (was expecting type .nof_layers) Could not allocate memory for field 'index_counts' .index_counts Unexpected name (was expecting type .index_counts) .nof_vertices Unexpected name (was expecting type .nof_vertices) .primitives_generated Unexpected name (was expecting type .primitives_generated) .extra Unexpected name (was expecting type .extra) .shader_src Unexpected block type (was expecting .shader_src) .linked_shader_src Expected .linked_shader_src stop Unexpected block type (was expecting D3DS) stop trying to remove an unassigned memory R_X86_64_NONE R_X86_64_64 R_X86_64_PC32 R_X86_64_GOT32 R_X86_64_PLT32 R_X86_64_COPY R_X86_64_GLOB_DAT R_X86_64_JUMP_SLOT R_X86_64_RELATIVE R_X86_64_GOTPCREL R_X86_64_32 R_X86_64_32S R_X86_64_16 R_X86_64_PC16 R_X86_64_8 R_X86_64_PC8 R_X86_64_DTPMOD64 R_X86_64_DTPOFF64 R_X86_64_TPOFF64 R_X86_64_TLSGD R_X86_64_TLSLD R_X86_64_DTPOFF32 R_X86_64_GOTTPOFF R_X86_64_TPOFF32 R_X86_64_PC64 R_X86_64_GOTOFF64 R_X86_64_GOTPC32 R_X86_64_GOT64 R_X86_64_GOTPCREL64 R_X86_64_GOTPC64 R_X86_64_GOTPLT64 R_X86_64_PLTOFF64 R_X86_64_SIZE32 R_X86_64_SIZE64 R_X86_64_GOTPC32_TLSDESC R_X86_64_TLSDESC_CALL R_X86_64_TLSDESC R_X86_64_IRELATIVE R_X86_64_GOTPCRELX R_X86_64_REX_GOTPCRELX R_386_NONE R_386_32 R_386_PC32 R_386_GOT32 R_386_PLT32 R_386_COPY R_386_GLOB_DAT R_386_JUMP_SLOT R_386_RELATIVE R_386_GOTOFF R_386_GOTPC R_386_32PLT R_386_TLS_TPOFF R_386_TLS_IE R_386_TLS_GOTIE R_386_TLS_LE R_386_TLS_GD R_386_TLS_LDM R_386_16 R_386_PC16 R_386_8 R_386_PC8 R_386_TLS_GD_32 R_386_TLS_GD_PUSH R_386_TLS_GD_CALL R_386_TLS_GD_POP R_386_TLS_LDM_32 R_386_TLS_LDM_PUSH R_386_TLS_LDM_CALL R_386_TLS_LDM_POP R_386_TLS_LDO_32 R_386_TLS_IE_32 R_386_TLS_LE_32 R_386_TLS_DTPMOD32 R_386_TLS_DTPOFF32 R_386_TLS_TPOFF32 R_386_TLS_GOTDESC R_386_TLS_DESC_CALL R_386_TLS_DESC R_386_IRELATIVE R_386_GOT32X R_MIPS_NONE R_MIPS_16 R_MIPS_32 R_MIPS_REL32 R_MIPS_26 R_MIPS_HI16 R_MIPS_LO16 R_MIPS_GPREL16 R_MIPS_LITERAL R_MIPS_GOT16 R_MIPS_PC16 R_MIPS_CALL16 R_MIPS_GPREL32 R_MIPS_UNUSED1 R_MIPS_UNUSED2 R_MIPS_UNUSED3 R_MIPS_SHIFT5 R_MIPS_SHIFT6 R_MIPS_64 R_MIPS_GOT_DISP R_MIPS_GOT_PAGE R_MIPS_GOT_OFST R_MIPS_GOT_HI16 R_MIPS_GOT_LO16 R_MIPS_SUB R_MIPS_INSERT_A R_MIPS_INSERT_B R_MIPS_DELETE R_MIPS_HIGHER R_MIPS_HIGHEST R_MIPS_CALL_HI16 R_MIPS_CALL_LO16 R_MIPS_SCN_DISP R_MIPS_REL16 R_MIPS_ADD_IMMEDIATE R_MIPS_PJUMP R_MIPS_RELGOT R_MIPS_JALR R_MIPS_TLS_DTPMOD32 R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL32 R_MIPS_TLS_DTPMOD64 R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL64 R_MIPS_TLS_GD R_MIPS_TLS_LDM R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL_HI16 R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL_LO16 R_MIPS_TLS_GOTTPREL R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL32 R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL64 R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL_HI16 R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL_LO16 R_MIPS_GLOB_DAT R_MIPS_PC21_S2 R_MIPS_PC26_S2 R_MIPS_PC18_S3 R_MIPS_PC19_S2 R_MIPS_PCHI16 R_MIPS_PCLO16 R_MIPS16_26 R_MIPS16_GPREL R_MIPS16_GOT16 R_MIPS16_CALL16 R_MIPS16_HI16 R_MIPS16_LO16 R_MIPS16_TLS_GD R_MIPS16_TLS_LDM R_MIPS16_TLS_DTPREL_HI16 R_MIPS16_TLS_DTPREL_LO16 R_MIPS16_TLS_GOTTPREL R_MIPS16_TLS_TPREL_HI16 R_MIPS16_TLS_TPREL_LO16 R_MIPS_COPY R_MIPS_JUMP_SLOT R_MICROMIPS_26_S1 R_MICROMIPS_HI16 R_MICROMIPS_LO16 R_MICROMIPS_GPREL16 R_MICROMIPS_LITERAL R_MICROMIPS_GOT16 R_MICROMIPS_PC7_S1 R_MICROMIPS_PC10_S1 R_MICROMIPS_PC16_S1 R_MICROMIPS_CALL16 R_MICROMIPS_GOT_DISP R_MICROMIPS_GOT_PAGE R_MICROMIPS_GOT_OFST R_MICROMIPS_GOT_HI16 R_MICROMIPS_GOT_LO16 R_MICROMIPS_SUB R_MICROMIPS_HIGHER R_MICROMIPS_HIGHEST R_MICROMIPS_CALL_HI16 R_MICROMIPS_CALL_LO16 R_MICROMIPS_SCN_DISP R_MICROMIPS_JALR R_MICROMIPS_HI0_LO16 R_MICROMIPS_TLS_GD R_MICROMIPS_TLS_LDM R_MICROMIPS_TLS_DTPREL_HI16 R_MICROMIPS_TLS_DTPREL_LO16 R_MICROMIPS_TLS_GOTTPREL R_MICROMIPS_TLS_TPREL_HI16 R_MICROMIPS_TLS_TPREL_LO16 R_MICROMIPS_GPREL7_S2 R_MICROMIPS_PC23_S2 R_MICROMIPS_PC21_S1 R_MICROMIPS_PC26_S1 R_MICROMIPS_PC18_S3 R_MICROMIPS_PC19_S2 R_MIPS_NUM R_MIPS_PC32 R_MIPS_EH R_AARCH64_NONE R_AARCH64_ABS64 R_AARCH64_ABS32 R_AARCH64_ABS16 R_AARCH64_PREL64 R_AARCH64_PREL32 R_AARCH64_PREL16 R_AARCH64_MOVW_UABS_G0 R_AARCH64_MOVW_UABS_G0_NC R_AARCH64_MOVW_UABS_G1 R_AARCH64_MOVW_UABS_G1_NC R_AARCH64_MOVW_UABS_G2 R_AARCH64_MOVW_UABS_G2_NC R_AARCH64_MOVW_UABS_G3 R_AARCH64_MOVW_SABS_G0 R_AARCH64_MOVW_SABS_G1 R_AARCH64_MOVW_SABS_G2 R_AARCH64_LD_PREL_LO19 R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_LO21 R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21 R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21_NC R_AARCH64_ADD_ABS_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_LDST8_ABS_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_TSTBR14 R_AARCH64_CONDBR19 R_AARCH64_JUMP26 R_AARCH64_CALL26 R_AARCH64_LDST16_ABS_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_LDST32_ABS_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_LDST64_ABS_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_MOVW_PREL_G0 R_AARCH64_MOVW_PREL_G0_NC R_AARCH64_MOVW_PREL_G1 R_AARCH64_MOVW_PREL_G1_NC R_AARCH64_MOVW_PREL_G2 R_AARCH64_MOVW_PREL_G2_NC R_AARCH64_MOVW_PREL_G3 R_AARCH64_LDST128_ABS_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_MOVW_GOTOFF_G0 R_AARCH64_MOVW_GOTOFF_G0_NC R_AARCH64_MOVW_GOTOFF_G1 R_AARCH64_MOVW_GOTOFF_G1_NC R_AARCH64_MOVW_GOTOFF_G2 R_AARCH64_MOVW_GOTOFF_G2_NC R_AARCH64_MOVW_GOTOFF_G3 R_AARCH64_GOTREL64 R_AARCH64_GOTREL32 R_AARCH64_GOT_LD_PREL19 R_AARCH64_LD64_GOTOFF_LO15 R_AARCH64_ADR_GOT_PAGE R_AARCH64_LD64_GOT_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_LD64_GOTPAGE_LO15 R_AARCH64_TLSGD_ADR_PREL21 R_AARCH64_TLSGD_ADR_PAGE21 R_AARCH64_TLSGD_ADD_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_TLSGD_MOVW_G1 R_AARCH64_TLSGD_MOVW_G0_NC R_AARCH64_TLSLD_ADR_PREL21 R_AARCH64_TLSLD_ADR_PAGE21 R_AARCH64_TLSLD_ADD_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_TLSLD_MOVW_G1 R_AARCH64_TLSLD_MOVW_G0_NC R_AARCH64_TLSLD_LD_PREL19 R_AARCH64_TLSLD_MOVW_DTPREL_G2 R_AARCH64_TLSLD_MOVW_DTPREL_G1 R_AARCH64_TLSLD_MOVW_DTPREL_G1_NC R_AARCH64_TLSLD_MOVW_DTPREL_G0 R_AARCH64_TLSLD_MOVW_DTPREL_G0_NC R_AARCH64_TLSLD_ADD_DTPREL_HI12 R_AARCH64_TLSLD_ADD_DTPREL_LO12 R_AARCH64_TLSLD_ADD_DTPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_TLSLD_LDST8_DTPREL_LO12 R_AARCH64_TLSLD_LDST8_DTPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_TLSLD_LDST16_DTPREL_LO12 R_AARCH64_TLSLD_LDST16_DTPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_TLSLD_LDST32_DTPREL_LO12 R_AARCH64_TLSLD_LDST32_DTPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_TLSLD_LDST64_DTPREL_LO12 R_AARCH64_TLSLD_LDST64_DTPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_TLSIE_MOVW_GOTTPREL_G1 R_AARCH64_TLSIE_MOVW_GOTTPREL_G0_NC R_AARCH64_TLSIE_ADR_GOTTPREL_PAGE21 R_AARCH64_TLSIE_LD64_GOTTPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_TLSIE_LD_GOTTPREL_PREL19 R_AARCH64_TLSLE_MOVW_TPREL_G2 R_AARCH64_TLSLE_MOVW_TPREL_G1 R_AARCH64_TLSLE_MOVW_TPREL_G1_NC R_AARCH64_TLSLE_MOVW_TPREL_G0 R_AARCH64_TLSLE_MOVW_TPREL_G0_NC R_AARCH64_TLSLE_ADD_TPREL_HI12 R_AARCH64_TLSLE_ADD_TPREL_LO12 R_AARCH64_TLSLE_ADD_TPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_TLSLE_LDST8_TPREL_LO12 R_AARCH64_TLSLE_LDST8_TPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_TLSLE_LDST16_TPREL_LO12 R_AARCH64_TLSLE_LDST16_TPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_TLSLE_LDST32_TPREL_LO12 R_AARCH64_TLSLE_LDST32_TPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_TLSLE_LDST64_TPREL_LO12 R_AARCH64_TLSLE_LDST64_TPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_LD_PREL19 R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_ADR_PREL21 R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_ADR_PAGE21 R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_LD64_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_ADD_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_OFF_G1 R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_OFF_G0_NC R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_LDR R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_ADD R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_CALL R_AARCH64_TLSLE_LDST128_TPREL_LO12 R_AARCH64_TLSLE_LDST128_TPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_TLSLD_LDST128_DTPREL_LO12 R_AARCH64_TLSLD_LDST128_DTPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_COPY R_AARCH64_GLOB_DAT R_AARCH64_JUMP_SLOT R_AARCH64_RELATIVE R_AARCH64_TLS_DTPREL64 R_AARCH64_TLS_DTPMOD64 R_AARCH64_TLS_TPREL64 R_AARCH64_TLSDESC R_AARCH64_IRELATIVE R_AARCH64_P32_ABS32 R_AARCH64_P32_ABS16 R_AARCH64_P32_PREL32 R_AARCH64_P32_PREL16 R_AARCH64_P32_MOVW_UABS_G0 R_AARCH64_P32_MOVW_UABS_G0_NC R_AARCH64_P32_MOVW_UABS_G1 R_AARCH64_P32_MOVW_SABS_G0 R_AARCH64_P32_LD_PREL_LO19 R_AARCH64_P32_ADR_PREL_LO21 R_AARCH64_P32_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21 R_AARCH64_P32_ADD_ABS_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_P32_LDST8_ABS_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_P32_TSTBR14 R_AARCH64_P32_CONDBR19 R_AARCH64_P32_JUMP26 R_AARCH64_P32_CALL26 R_AARCH64_P32_LDST16_ABS_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_P32_LDST32_ABS_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_P32_LDST64_ABS_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_P32_MOVW_PREL_G0 R_AARCH64_P32_MOVW_PREL_G0_NC R_AARCH64_P32_MOVW_PREL_G1 R_AARCH64_P32_LDST128_ABS_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_P32_GOT_LD_PREL19 R_AARCH64_P32_ADR_GOT_PAGE R_AARCH64_P32_LD64_GOT_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_P32_LD32_GOTPAGE_LO14 R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLD_MOVW_DTPREL_G1 R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLD_MOVW_DTPREL_G0 R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLD_MOVW_DTPREL_G0_NC R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLD_ADD_DTPREL_HI12 R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLD_ADD_DTPREL_LO12 R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLD_ADD_DTPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLD_LDST8_DTPREL_LO12 R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLD_LDST8_DTPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLD_LDST16_DTPREL_LO12 R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLD_LDST16_DTPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLD_LDST32_DTPREL_LO12 R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLD_LDST32_DTPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLD_LDST64_DTPREL_LO12 R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLD_LDST64_DTPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_P32_TLSIE_ADR_GOTTPREL_PAGE21 R_AARCH64_P32_TLSIE_LD32_GOTTPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_P32_TLSIE_LD_GOTTPREL_PREL19 R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLE_MOVW_TPREL_G1 R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLE_MOVW_TPREL_G0 R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLE_MOVW_TPREL_G0_NC R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLE_ADD_TPREL_HI12 R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLE_ADD_TPREL_LO12 R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLE_ADD_TPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLE_LDST8_TPREL_LO12 R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLE_LDST8_TPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLE_LDST16_TPREL_LO12 R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLE_LDST16_TPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLE_LDST32_TPREL_LO12 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R_ARM_GOTRELAX R_ARM_GNU_VTENTRY R_ARM_GNU_VTINHERIT R_ARM_THM_JUMP11 R_ARM_THM_JUMP8 R_ARM_TLS_GD32 R_ARM_TLS_LDM32 R_ARM_TLS_LDO32 R_ARM_TLS_IE32 R_ARM_TLS_LE32 R_ARM_TLS_LDO12 R_ARM_TLS_LE12 R_ARM_TLS_IE12GP R_ARM_PRIVATE_0 R_ARM_PRIVATE_1 R_ARM_PRIVATE_2 R_ARM_PRIVATE_3 R_ARM_PRIVATE_4 R_ARM_PRIVATE_5 R_ARM_PRIVATE_6 R_ARM_PRIVATE_7 R_ARM_PRIVATE_8 R_ARM_PRIVATE_9 R_ARM_PRIVATE_10 R_ARM_PRIVATE_11 R_ARM_PRIVATE_12 R_ARM_PRIVATE_13 R_ARM_PRIVATE_14 R_ARM_PRIVATE_15 R_ARM_ME_TOO R_ARM_THM_TLS_DESCSEQ16 R_ARM_THM_TLS_DESCSEQ32 R_ARM_IRELATIVE R_AVR_NONE R_AVR_32 R_AVR_7_PCREL R_AVR_13_PCREL R_AVR_16 R_AVR_16_PM R_AVR_LO8_LDI R_AVR_HI8_LDI R_AVR_HH8_LDI R_AVR_LO8_LDI_NEG R_AVR_HI8_LDI_NEG R_AVR_HH8_LDI_NEG R_AVR_LO8_LDI_PM R_AVR_HI8_LDI_PM R_AVR_HH8_LDI_PM R_AVR_LO8_LDI_PM_NEG R_AVR_HI8_LDI_PM_NEG R_AVR_HH8_LDI_PM_NEG R_AVR_CALL R_AVR_LDI R_AVR_6 R_AVR_6_ADIW R_AVR_MS8_LDI R_AVR_MS8_LDI_NEG R_AVR_LO8_LDI_GS R_AVR_HI8_LDI_GS R_AVR_8 R_AVR_8_LO8 R_AVR_8_HI8 R_AVR_8_HLO8 R_AVR_SYM_DIFF 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R_SPARC_TLS_IE_ADD R_SPARC_TLS_LE_HIX22 R_SPARC_TLS_LE_LOX10 R_SPARC_TLS_DTPMOD32 R_SPARC_TLS_DTPMOD64 R_SPARC_TLS_DTPOFF32 R_SPARC_TLS_DTPOFF64 R_SPARC_TLS_TPOFF32 R_SPARC_TLS_TPOFF64 R_SPARC_GOTDATA_HIX22 R_SPARC_GOTDATA_LOX10 R_SPARC_GOTDATA_OP_HIX22 R_SPARC_GOTDATA_OP_LOX10 R_SPARC_GOTDATA_OP R_WEBASSEMBLY_NONE R_WEBASSEMBLY_DATA R_WEBASSEMBLY_FUNCTION R_AMDGPU_NONE R_AMDGPU_ABS32_LO R_AMDGPU_ABS32_HI R_AMDGPU_ABS64 R_AMDGPU_REL32 R_AMDGPU_REL64 The maximum nesting depth allowed for assembly macros. unexpected token .set .equ .equiv .ascii .asciz .string .byte .short .2byte .long .int .4byte .quad .8byte .octa .single .float .double .align .align32 .balign .balignw .balignl .p2align .p2alignw .p2alignl .org .fill .zero .extern .globl .global .lazy_reference .no_dead_strip .symbol_resolver .private_extern .reference .weak_definition .weak_reference .weak_def_can_be_hidden .comm .common .lcomm .abort .include .incbin .code16 .code16gcc .rept .rep .irp .irpc .endr .bundle_align_mode .bundle_lock .bundle_unlock .if .ifeq .ifge .ifgt .ifle .iflt .ifne .ifb .ifnb .ifc .ifeqs .ifnc .ifnes .ifdef .ifndef .ifnotdef .elseif .else .end .endif .skip .space .file .line .loc .stabs .cv_file .cv_func_id .cv_loc .cv_linetable .cv_inline_linetable .cv_inline_site_id .cv_def_range .cv_stringtable .cv_filechecksums .sleb128 .uleb128 .cfi_sections .cfi_startproc .cfi_endproc .cfi_def_cfa .cfi_def_cfa_offset .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset .cfi_def_cfa_register .cfi_offset .cfi_rel_offset .cfi_personality .cfi_lsda .cfi_remember_state .cfi_restore_state .cfi_same_value .cfi_restore .cfi_escape .cfi_signal_frame .cfi_undefined .cfi_register .cfi_window_save .macros_on .macros_off .macro .exitm .endm .endmacro .purgem .err .error .warning .reloc .dc .dc.a .dc.b .dc.d .dc.l .dc.s .dc.w .dc.x .dcb .dcb.b .dcb.d .dcb.l .dcb.s .dcb.w .dcb.x .ds .ds.b .ds.d .ds.l .ds.p .ds.s .ds.w .ds.x directional label undefined invalid use of pseudo-symbol '.' as a label invalid symbol redefinition not currently supported for this target unknown directive _emit _EMIT __EMIT ALIGN unexpected token in '.if' directive unexpected token in '.ifb' directive expected comma after first string for '.ifeqs' directive expected comma after first string for '.ifnes' directive Encountered a .elseif that doesn't follow an .if or an .elseif unexpected token in '.elseif' directive Encountered a .else that doesn't follow an .if or an .elseif Encountered a .endif that doesn't follow an .if or .else macros cannot be nested more than Use -asm-macro-max-nesting-depth to increase this limit. <instantiation> invalid argument identifier for formal argument cannot mix positional and keyword arguments ' in macro ' too many positional arguments expected identifier in ' ' directive out of range literal value unknown token in expression unexpected token in directive infinity inf in directive alignment must be a power of 2 alignment directive can never be satisfied in this many bytes, ignoring maximum bytes expression in '.org' directive unexpected token in '.fill' directive '.fill' directive with negative size has no effect '.fill' directive with size greater than 8 has been truncated to 8 '.fill' directive pattern has been truncated to 32-bits unexpected token in '.zero' directive expected identifier in directive invalid '.comm' or '.lcomm' directive size, can't be less than zero invalid '.comm' or '.lcomm' directive alignment, can't be less than zero unexpected token in '.abort' directive .abort detected. Assembly stopping. .abort ' ' detected. Assembly stopping. expected string in '.include' directive unexpected token in '.include' directive Could not find include file ' expected string in '.incbin' directive unexpected token in '.incbin' directive skip is negative Could not find incbin file ' expected absolute expression negative count has no effect unexpected token in ' Count is negative expected identifier in '.irp' directive expected comma in '.irp' directive expected End of Statement expected identifier in '.irpc' directive expected comma in '.irpc' directive unexpected token in '.irpc' directive expected end of statement unmatched '.endr' directive unexpected token after expression in '.bundle_align_mode' directive invalid bundle alignment size (expected between 0 and 30) invalid option for '.bundle_lock' directive align_to_end unexpected token after '.bundle_lock' directive option unexpected token in '.bundle_unlock' directive in ' file number less than one unexpected token in '.file' directive explicit path specified, but no file number file number already allocated unexpected token in '.line' directive unexpected token in '.loc' directive file number less than one in '.loc' directive unassigned file number in '.loc' directive line number less than zero in '.loc' directive column position less than zero in '.loc' directive prologue_end is_stmt is_stmt value not 0 or 1 is_stmt value not the constant value of 0 or 1 unsupported directive '.stabs' expected file number in '.cv_file' directive unexpected token in '.cv_file' directive unexpected token in '.cv_func_id' directive function id already allocated expected 'within' identifier in '.cv_inline_site_id' directive inlined_at expected 'inlined_at' identifier in '.cv_inline_site_id' directive expected line number after 'inlined_at' unexpected token in '.cv_inline_site_id' directive line number less than zero in '.cv_loc' directive column position less than zero in '.cv_loc' directive unexpected token in '.cv_linetable' directive expected SourceField in '.cv_inline_linetable' directive File id less than zero in '.cv_inline_linetable' directive expected SourceLineNum in '.cv_inline_linetable' directive Line number less than zero in '.cv_inline_linetable' directive Expected End of Statement Expected an identifier .eh_frame .debug_frame simple in '.cfi_startproc' directive unexpected token in '.cfi_signal_frame' expected identifier in '.macro' directive Vararg parameter ' ' should be last one in the list of parameters. missing parameter qualifier for ' vararg is not a valid parameter qualifier for ' pointless default value for required parameter ' no matching '.endmacro' in definition ' is already defined macro defined with named parameters which are not used in macro body, possible positional parameter found in body which will have no effect unexpected ' ' in file, no current macro definition expected identifier in '.purgem' directive unexpected token in '.purgem' directive ' is not defined unexpected token in '.end' directive .err encountered .error directive invoked in source file .error argument must be a string .warning directive invoked in source file .warning argument must be a string expected end of statement in '.warning' directive expression is not a constant value expression is negative expected comma expected relocation name expression must be relocatable unexpected token in .reloc directive unknown relocation name ' directive with negative repeat count has no effect literal value out of range for directive unexpected expression in _emit unexpected expression in align literal value not a power of two greater then zero while in macro instantiation unexpected backslash at end of string invalid variant ' invalid token in expression expected symbol variant after '@' unexpected token in variant, expected ')' unexpected modifier on variable reference expected ')' in parentheses expression .section .def .scl .endef .secrel32 .secidx .safeseh .linkonce .seh_proc .seh_endproc .seh_startchained .seh_endchained .seh_handler .seh_handlerdata .seh_pushreg .seh_setframe .seh_stackalloc .seh_savereg .seh_savexmm .seh_pushframe .seh_endprologue .weak expected comdat type such as 'discard' or 'largest' after protection bits offset is not a multiple of 16 size is not a multiple of 8 you must specify an offset on the stack .alt_entry .desc .indirect_symbol .lsym .subsections_via_symbols .dump .load .pushsection .popsection .previous .secure_log_unique .secure_log_reset .zerofill .data_region .end_data_region .const .const_data .constructor .cstring .destructor .dyld .fvmlib_init0 .fvmlib_init1 .lazy_symbol_pointer .linker_option .literal16 .literal4 .literal8 .mod_init_func .mod_term_func .non_lazy_symbol_pointer .thread_local_variable_pointer .objc_cat_cls_meth .objc_cat_inst_meth .objc_category .objc_class .objc_class_names .objc_class_vars .objc_cls_meth .objc_cls_refs .objc_inst_meth .objc_instance_vars .objc_message_refs .objc_meta_class .objc_meth_var_names .objc_meth_var_types .objc_module_info .objc_selector_strs .objc_string_object .objc_symbols .picsymbol_stub .static_const .static_data .symbol_stub .thread_init_func .tlv .ident .watchos_version_min .tvos_version_min .ios_version_min .macosx_version_min indirect symbol not in a symbol pointer or stub section expected identifier in .indirect_symbol directive unexpected token in '.indirect_symbol' directive ignoring directive .dump for now expected identifier after '.section' directive __text __data .secure_log_unique used but AS_SECURE_LOG_FILE environment variable unset. invalid '.tbss' directive size, can't be less thanzero __thread_bss expected segment name after '.zerofill' directive expected section name after comma in '.zerofill' directive invalid '.zerofill' directive alignment, can't be less than zero jt16 jt32 __bss __cstring __destructor __dyld __fvmlib_init0 __fvmlib_init1 __la_symbol_ptr __literal16 __literal4 __literal8 __mod_term_func __nl_symbol_ptr __thread_ptr __OBJC __cat_cls_meth __cat_inst_meth __category __class __class_vars __cls_meth __cls_refs __inst_meth __instance_vars __message_refs __meta_class __module_info __protocol __selector_strs __string_object __symbols __picsymbol_stub __static_const __static_data __symbol_stub __thread_data __thread_init __thread_vars invalid update specifier, comma expected invalid OS update number should only be used for overriding previous version_min directive .rodata .data.rel .data.rel.ro .symver .weakref .local .protected .internal .hidden .subsection Section cannot specifiy a group name while also acting as a member of the last group Mergeable section must specify the type expected '@<type>', '%<type>' or "<type>" entry size must be positive expected group name Linkage must be 'comdat' expected 'unique' expected commma unique id must be positive unique id is too large .note .preinit_array init_array fini_array preinit_array nobits progbits unknown section type DWARF2 only supports one section per compilation unit expected STT_<TYPE_IN_UPPER_CASE>, '#<type>', '%<type>' or "<type>" expected STT_<TYPE_IN_UPPER_CASE>, '#<type>', '@<type>', '%<type>' or "<type>" expected symbol type in directive unsupported attribute in '.type' directive unexpected token in '.type' directive expected a comma Print the global id for each value when reading the module summary Malformed block Invalid record Invalid value Invalid function metadata: incoming forward references Invalid ID Invalid cast Explicit gep type does not match pointee type of pointer operand EXTRACTVAL: Invalid instruction with 0 indices EXTRACTVAL: Invalid type EXTRACTVAL: Invalid struct index EXTRACTVAL: Invalid array index INSERTVAL: Invalid instruction with 0 indices INSERTVAL: Invalid type INSERTVAL: Invalid struct index INSERTVAL: Invalid array index Inserted value type doesn't match aggregate type Invalid type for value Explicit invoke type is not a function type Callee is not a pointer Callee is not of pointer to function type Explicit invoke type does not match pointee type of callee operand Personality function mismatch Old-style alloca with a non-pointer type Callee is not a pointer type Explicit call type does not match pointee type of callee operand Fast-math-flags specified for call without floating-point scalar or vector return type Invalid instruction with no BB Operand bundles found with no consumer Never resolved value found in function Invalid function metadata: outgoing forward refs Explicit gep operator type does not match pointee type of pointer operand Invalid alignment value Explicit load/store type does not match pointee type of pointer operand Never resolved function from blockaddress Invalid global variable comdat ID Invalid calling convention ID Bitwidth for integer type out of range Invalid TYPE table: Only named structs can be forward referenced Invalid Summary Block: record for version expected Invalid Summary Block: version expected Invalid summary version Alias expects aliasee summary to be parsed Name attachment that does not follow a combined record Array element type can't be an Array or a Blob Invalid abbrev number abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789._ Import full type definitions for ThinLTO. Invalid record: metadata strings with no strings Invalid record: metadata strings corrupt offset Invalid metadata attachment FK_Data_1 FK_Data_2 FK_Data_4 FK_Data_8 FK_PCRel_1 FK_PCRel_2 FK_PCRel_4 FK_PCRel_8 FK_GPRel_1 FK_GPRel_2 FK_GPRel_4 FK_GPRel_8 FK_DTPRel_4 FK_DTPRel_8 FK_TPRel_4 FK_TPRel_8 FK_SecRel_1 FK_SecRel_2 FK_SecRel_4 FK_SecRel_8 APP NO_APP .code32 .zero .ascii .asciz .byte .short .long .quad 0x%02x , 0x bytes cannot have fixups in virtual section! non-zero initializer found in section ' non-zero initializer found in virtual section As secure log file name (initialized from AS_SECURE_LOG_FILE env variable) llvm-mc (based on LLVM 4.0.0svn) Emitting values inside a locked bundle is forbidden <<invalid>> <<none>> DTPOFF DTPREL GOTOFF GOTREL GOTPCREL GOTTPOFF INDNTPOFF NTPOFF GOTNTPOFF TLSGD TLSLD TLSLDM TPOFF tlscall tlsdesc target1 target2 prel31 sbrel tlsldo higher highera highest highesta got@l got@h got@ha tocbase toc@l toc@h toc@ha dtpmod tprel@l tprel@h tprel@ha tprel@higher tprel@highera tprel@highest tprel@highesta dtprel@l dtprel@h dtprel@ha dtprel@higher dtprel@highera dtprel@highest dtprel@highesta got@tprel got@tprel@l got@tprel@h got@tprel@ha got@dtprel got@dtprel@l got@dtprel@h got@dtprel@ha got@tlsgd got@tlsgd@l got@tlsgd@h got@tlsgd@ha tlsgd got@tlsld got@tlsld@l got@tlsld@h got@tlsld@ha tlsld gotpcrel32@lo gotpcrel32@hi rel32@lo rel32@hi tlvp page ie ldplt got_prel Common symbol ' 0%llxh %llxh __eh_frame __ustring __textcoal_nt __const_coal __datacoal_nt __common __gcc_except_tab __LD __compact_unwind __DWARF __apple_names names_begin __apple_objc objc_begin __apple_namespac namespac_begin __apple_types types_begin __debug_abbrev section_abbrev __debug_info section_info __debug_line section_line __debug_frame __debug_pubnames __debug_pubtypes __debug_gnu_pubn __debug_gnu_pubt __debug_str __debug_loc section_debug_loc __debug_aranges __debug_ranges debug_range __debug_macinfo debug_macinfo __debug_inlined __debug_cu_index __debug_tu_index __LLVM_STACKMAPS __llvm_stackmaps __LLVM_FAULTMAPS __llvm_faultmaps .gcc_except_table .debug_abbrev .debug_info .debug_line .debug_pubnames .debug_pubtypes .debug_gnu_pubnames .debug_gnu_pubtypes .debug_str .debug_loc .debug_aranges .debug_ranges .debug_macinfo .apple_names .apple_objc .apple_namespaces .apple_types .debug_info.dwo .debug_types.dwo .debug_abbrev.dwo .debug_str.dwo .debug_line.dwo .debug_loc.dwo skel_loc .debug_str_offsets.dwo .debug_addr addr_sec .debug_cu_index .debug_tu_index .llvm_stackmaps .debug$S .debug$T .drectve .pdata .sxdata .tls$ 0123456789_.abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ S_REGULAR S_ZEROFILL cstring_literals S_CSTRING_LITERALS 4byte_literals S_4BYTE_LITERALS 8byte_literals S_8BYTE_LITERALS literal_pointers S_LITERAL_POINTERS non_lazy_symbol_pointers S_NON_LAZY_SYMBOL_POINTERS lazy_symbol_pointers S_LAZY_SYMBOL_POINTERS symbol_stubs S_SYMBOL_STUBS mod_init_funcs S_MOD_INIT_FUNC_POINTERS mod_term_funcs S_MOD_TERM_FUNC_POINTERS coalesced S_COALESCED S_GB_ZEROFILL interposing S_INTERPOSING 16byte_literals S_16BYTE_LITERALS S_DTRACE_DOF S_LAZY_DYLIB_SYMBOL_POINTERS thread_local_regular S_THREAD_LOCAL_REGULAR thread_local_zerofill S_THREAD_LOCAL_ZEROFILL thread_local_variables S_THREAD_LOCAL_VARIABLES thread_local_variable_pointers S_THREAD_LOCAL_VARIABLE_POINTERS thread_local_init_function_pointers S_THREAD_LOCAL_INIT_FUNCTION_POINTERS pure_instructions S_ATTR_PURE_INSTRUCTIONS S_ATTR_NO_TOC strip_static_syms S_ATTR_STRIP_STATIC_SYMS no_dead_strip S_ATTR_NO_DEAD_STRIP live_support S_ATTR_LIVE_SUPPORT unsupported directive in streamer No open frame parent function id not introduced by .cv_func_id or .cv_inline_site_id all .cv_loc directives for a function must be in the same section .seh_* directives are not supported on this target No open Win64 EH frame function! Chained unwind areas can't have handlers! EmitRawText called on an MCStreamer that doesn't support it, something must not be fully mc'ized 64bit private internal linkonce linkonce_odr weak weak_odr common appending extern_weak available_externally to not_atomic consume ssp x86. sse4a.movnt. avx.movnt. avx512.storent. sse2.storel.dq sse.storeu. sse2.storeu. avx.storeu. avx512.mask.storeu. sse2.pcmpeq. avx2.pcmpeq. sse2.pcmpgt. avx2.pcmpgt. sse.add.ss sse2.add.sd sse.sub.ss sse2.sub.sd sse.mul.ss sse2.mul.sd sse.div.ss sse2.div.sd avx512.mask.pcmpeq. avx512.mask.pcmpgt. sse41.pmaxsb sse2.pmaxs.w sse41.pmaxsd sse2.pmaxu.b sse41.pmaxuw sse41.pmaxud sse41.pminsb sse2.pmins.w sse41.pminsd sse2.pminu.b sse41.pminuw sse41.pminud avx512.mask.pminu sse2.cvtdq2pd sse2.cvtps2pd avx.cvtdq2.pd.256 avx.cvt.ps2.pd.256 avx512.mask.cvtdq2pd. avx512.mask.cvtudq2pd. cvtdq2 cvtudq2 cvtdq2pd cvtudq2pd cvtps2pd avx512.mask.loadu. avx512.mask.load. xop.vpcom xop.vpcmov sse42.crc32.64.8 avx.vbroadcast.s sse41.pmovsx sse41.pmovzx avx2.pmovsx avx2.pmovzx avx512.mask.pmovsx avx512.mask.pmovzx pmovsx avx.vbroadcastf128 avx2.vbroadcasti128 avx2.pbroadcast avx2.vbroadcast avx512.pbroadcast avx512.mask.broadcast.s avx512.mask.palignr. avx512.mask.valign. sse2.psll.dq avx2.psll.dq sse2.psrl.dq avx2.psrl.dq sse2.psll.dq.bs avx2.psll.dq.bs avx512.psll.dq.512 sse2.psrl.dq.bs avx2.psrl.dq.bs avx512.psrl.dq.512 sse41.pblendw sse41.blendp avx.blend.p avx2.pblendw avx2.pblendd. avx.vinsertf128. avx2.vinserti128 avx.vextractf128. avx2.vextracti128 stackprotectorcheck avx512.mask.perm.df. avx512.mask.perm.di. avx.vpermil. sse2.pshuf.d avx512.mask.vpermil.p avx512.mask.pshuf.d. sse2.pshufl.w avx512.mask.pshufl.w. sse2.pshufh.w avx512.mask.pshufh.w. avx512.mask.shuf.p avx512.mask.movddup avx512.mask.movshdup avx512.mask.movsldup avx512.mask.movshdup. avx512.mask.punpckl avx512.mask.unpckl. avx512.mask.punpckh avx512.mask.unpckh. avx512.mask.pand. avx512.mask.pandn. avx512.mask.por. avx512.mask.pxor. avx512.mask.and. avx512.mask.andn. avx512.mask.or. avx512.mask.xor. avx512.mask.padd. avx512.mask.psub. avx512.mask.pmull. avx512.mask.add.p avx512.mask.div.p avx512.mask.mul.p avx512.mask.sub.p avx512.mask.pshuf.b. avx512.mask.pmul.dq. avx512.mask.pmulu.dq. avx512.mask.psll .128 .256 avx512.mask.psrl avx512.mask.psra avx512.mask.move.s avx512.mask.vpermilvar. ps.128 pd.128 ps.256 pd.256 ps.512 pd.512 .old arm.neon.vclz llvm.ctlz. arm.neon.vcnt ^arm\.neon\.vld([1234]|[234]lane)\.v[a-z0-9]*$ .p0i8 ^arm\.neon\.vst([1234]|[234]lane)\.v[a-z0-9]*$ aarch64.thread.pointer arm.thread.pointer cttz. invariant.start invariant.end masked.load. masked.store. objectsize. avx512.mask.add.ps.256 avx512.mask.div.pd.128 avx512.mask.div.pd.256 avx512.mask.div.ps.128 avx512.mask.div.ps.256 avx512.mask.mul.pd.128 avx512.mask.mul.pd.256 avx512.mask.mul.ps.128 avx512.mask.mul.ps.256 avx512.mask.sub.pd.128 avx512.mask.sub.pd.256 avx512.mask.sub.ps.128 avx512.mask.sub.ps.256 avx512.mask.psll.d avx512.mask.psll.q avx512.mask.psll.w avx512.mask.psra.d avx512.mask.psra.q avx512.mask.psra.w avx512.mask.psrl.d avx512.mask.psrl.q avx512.mask.psrl.w avx512.mask.pslli avx512.mask.psrai avx512.mask.psrli avx512.mask.psllv avx512.mask.psrav avx512.mask.psrlv avx512.mask.store.p avx512.mask.store.b. avx512.mask.store.w. avx512.mask.store.d. avx512.mask.store.q. avx512.psll.dq avx512.psrl.dq sse41.ptest sse41.insertps sse41.dppd sse41.dpps sse41.mpsadbw avx.dp.ps.256 avx2.mpsadbw xop.vfrcz.ss xop.vfrcz.sd xop.vpermil2 decltype(nullptr) Address space 0 can never be non-integral Invalid address space, must be a 24bit integer Missing size specification for pointer in datalayout string Missing alignment specification for pointer in datalayout string Pointer ABI alignment must be a power of 2 Pointer preferred alignment must be a power of 2 Missing alignment specification in datalayout string ABI alignment specification must be >0 for non-aggregate types Zero width native integer type in datalayout string Unexpected trailing characters after mangling specifier in datalayout string Expected mangling specifier in datalayout string Unknown mangling specifier in datalayout string Unknown mangling in datalayout string Unknown specifier in datalayout string Invalid preferred alignment, must be a 16bit integer Invalid preferred alignment, must be a power of 2 Preferred alignment cannot be less than the ABI alignment number of bits must be a byte width multiple llvm.dbg.value DIFlagZero DIFlagPrivate DIFlagProtected DIFlagPublic DIFlagFwdDecl DIFlagAppleBlock DIFlagBlockByrefStruct DIFlagVirtual DIFlagArtificial DIFlagExplicit DIFlagPrototyped DIFlagObjcClassComplete DIFlagObjectPointer DIFlagVector DIFlagStaticMember DIFlagLValueReference DIFlagRValueReference DIFlagExternalTypeRef DIFlagSingleInheritance DIFlagMultipleInheritance DIFlagVirtualInheritance DIFlagIntroducedVirtual DIFlagBitField DIFlagNoReturn DIFlagMainSubprogram DIFlagIndirectVirtualBase CSK_MD5 CSK_SHA1 CSK_None pass-remarks pattern Enable optimization remarks from passes whose name match the given regular expression pass-remarks-missed Enable missed optimization remarks from passes whose name match the given regular expression pass-remarks-analysis Enable optimization analysis remarks from passes whose name match the given regular expression ) in Verify dominator info (time consuming) llvm. amdgcn hexagon nvvm s390 xcore not_intrinsic llvm.addressofreturnaddress llvm.adjust.trampoline llvm.annotation llvm.assume llvm.bitreverse llvm.bswap llvm.canonicalize llvm.ceil llvm.clear_cache llvm.convert.from.fp16 llvm.convert.to.fp16 llvm.convertff llvm.convertfsi llvm.convertfui llvm.convertsif llvm.convertss llvm.convertsu llvm.convertuif llvm.convertus llvm.convertuu llvm.copysign llvm.coro.alloc llvm.coro.begin llvm.coro.destroy llvm.coro.done llvm.coro.end llvm.coro.frame llvm.coro.free llvm.coro.id llvm.coro.param llvm.coro.promise llvm.coro.resume llvm.coro.save llvm.coro.size llvm.coro.subfn.addr llvm.coro.suspend llvm.cos llvm.ctlz llvm.ctpop llvm.cttz llvm.debugtrap llvm.donothing llvm.eh.dwarf.cfa llvm.eh.exceptioncode llvm.eh.exceptionpointer llvm.eh.return.i32 llvm.eh.return.i64 llvm.eh.sjlj.callsite llvm.eh.sjlj.functioncontext llvm.eh.sjlj.longjmp llvm.eh.sjlj.lsda llvm.eh.sjlj.setjmp llvm.eh.sjlj.setup.dispatch llvm.eh.typeid.for llvm.eh.unwind.init llvm.exp llvm.exp2 llvm.expect llvm.experimental.deoptimize llvm.experimental.gc.relocate llvm.experimental.gc.result llvm.experimental.gc.statepoint llvm.experimental.guard llvm.experimental.patchpoint.i64 llvm.experimental.patchpoint.void llvm.experimental.stackmap llvm.fabs llvm.floor llvm.flt.rounds llvm.fma llvm.fmuladd llvm.frameaddress llvm.gcread llvm.gcroot llvm.gcwrite llvm.get.dynamic.area.offset llvm.instrprof.increment llvm.instrprof.increment.step llvm.instrprof.value.profile llvm.invariant.end llvm.invariant.group.barrier llvm.invariant.start llvm.lifetime.end llvm.lifetime.start llvm.load.relative llvm.localaddress llvm.localescape llvm.localrecover llvm.log llvm.log10 llvm.log2 llvm.longjmp llvm.masked.compressstore llvm.masked.expandload llvm.masked.gather llvm.masked.load llvm.masked.scatter llvm.masked.store llvm.maxnum llvm.memcpy llvm.memcpy.element.atomic llvm.memmove llvm.memset llvm.minnum llvm.nearbyint llvm.objectsize llvm.pcmarker llvm.pow llvm.powi llvm.prefetch llvm.ptr.annotation llvm.read_register llvm.readcyclecounter llvm.returnaddress llvm.rint llvm.round llvm.sadd.with.overflow llvm.setjmp llvm.siglongjmp llvm.sigsetjmp llvm.sin llvm.smul.with.overflow llvm.sqrt llvm.ssub.with.overflow llvm.stackguard llvm.stackprotector llvm.stackrestore llvm.stacksave llvm.thread.pointer llvm.trap llvm.trunc llvm.type.checked.load llvm.type.test llvm.uadd.with.overflow llvm.umul.with.overflow llvm.usub.with.overflow llvm.va_copy llvm.va_end llvm.va_start llvm.var.annotation llvm.write_register llvm.aarch64.clrex llvm.aarch64.crc32b llvm.aarch64.crc32cb llvm.aarch64.crc32ch llvm.aarch64.crc32cw llvm.aarch64.crc32cx llvm.aarch64.crc32h llvm.aarch64.crc32w llvm.aarch64.crc32x llvm.aarch64.crypto.aesd llvm.aarch64.crypto.aese llvm.aarch64.crypto.aesimc llvm.aarch64.crypto.aesmc llvm.aarch64.crypto.sha1c llvm.aarch64.crypto.sha1h llvm.aarch64.crypto.sha1m llvm.aarch64.crypto.sha1p llvm.aarch64.crypto.sha1su0 llvm.aarch64.crypto.sha1su1 llvm.aarch64.crypto.sha256h llvm.aarch64.crypto.sha256h2 llvm.aarch64.crypto.sha256su0 llvm.aarch64.crypto.sha256su1 llvm.aarch64.dmb llvm.aarch64.dsb llvm.aarch64.hint llvm.aarch64.isb llvm.aarch64.ldaxp llvm.aarch64.ldaxr llvm.aarch64.ldxp llvm.aarch64.ldxr llvm.aarch64.neon.abs llvm.aarch64.neon.addhn llvm.aarch64.neon.addp llvm.aarch64.neon.cls llvm.aarch64.neon.fabd llvm.aarch64.neon.facge llvm.aarch64.neon.facgt llvm.aarch64.neon.faddv llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtas llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtau llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtms llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtmu llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtns llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtnu llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtps llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtpu llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtxn llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtzs llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtzu llvm.aarch64.neon.fmax llvm.aarch64.neon.fmaxnm llvm.aarch64.neon.fmaxnmp llvm.aarch64.neon.fmaxnmv llvm.aarch64.neon.fmaxp llvm.aarch64.neon.fmaxv llvm.aarch64.neon.fmin llvm.aarch64.neon.fminnm llvm.aarch64.neon.fminnmp llvm.aarch64.neon.fminnmv llvm.aarch64.neon.fminp llvm.aarch64.neon.fminv llvm.aarch64.neon.fmulx llvm.aarch64.neon.frecpe llvm.aarch64.neon.frecps llvm.aarch64.neon.frecpx llvm.aarch64.neon.frintn llvm.aarch64.neon.frsqrte llvm.aarch64.neon.frsqrts llvm.aarch64.neon.ld1x2 llvm.aarch64.neon.ld1x3 llvm.aarch64.neon.ld1x4 llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2 llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2lane llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2r llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3 llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3lane llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3r llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4 llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4lane llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4r llvm.aarch64.neon.pmul llvm.aarch64.neon.pmull llvm.aarch64.neon.pmull64 llvm.aarch64.neon.raddhn llvm.aarch64.neon.rbit llvm.aarch64.neon.rshrn llvm.aarch64.neon.rsubhn llvm.aarch64.neon.sabd llvm.aarch64.neon.saddlp llvm.aarch64.neon.saddlv llvm.aarch64.neon.saddv llvm.aarch64.neon.scalar.sqxtn llvm.aarch64.neon.scalar.sqxtun llvm.aarch64.neon.scalar.uqxtn llvm.aarch64.neon.shadd llvm.aarch64.neon.shll llvm.aarch64.neon.shsub llvm.aarch64.neon.smax llvm.aarch64.neon.smaxp llvm.aarch64.neon.smaxv llvm.aarch64.neon.smin llvm.aarch64.neon.sminp llvm.aarch64.neon.sminv llvm.aarch64.neon.smull llvm.aarch64.neon.sqabs llvm.aarch64.neon.sqadd llvm.aarch64.neon.sqdmulh llvm.aarch64.neon.sqdmull llvm.aarch64.neon.sqdmulls.scalar llvm.aarch64.neon.sqneg llvm.aarch64.neon.sqrdmulh llvm.aarch64.neon.sqrshl llvm.aarch64.neon.sqrshrn llvm.aarch64.neon.sqrshrun llvm.aarch64.neon.sqshl llvm.aarch64.neon.sqshlu llvm.aarch64.neon.sqshrn llvm.aarch64.neon.sqshrun llvm.aarch64.neon.sqsub llvm.aarch64.neon.sqxtn llvm.aarch64.neon.sqxtun llvm.aarch64.neon.srhadd llvm.aarch64.neon.srshl llvm.aarch64.neon.sshl llvm.aarch64.neon.sshll llvm.aarch64.neon.st1x2 llvm.aarch64.neon.st1x3 llvm.aarch64.neon.st1x4 llvm.aarch64.neon.st2 llvm.aarch64.neon.st2lane llvm.aarch64.neon.st3 llvm.aarch64.neon.st3lane llvm.aarch64.neon.st4 llvm.aarch64.neon.st4lane llvm.aarch64.neon.subhn llvm.aarch64.neon.suqadd llvm.aarch64.neon.tbl1 llvm.aarch64.neon.tbl2 llvm.aarch64.neon.tbl3 llvm.aarch64.neon.tbl4 llvm.aarch64.neon.tbx1 llvm.aarch64.neon.tbx2 llvm.aarch64.neon.tbx3 llvm.aarch64.neon.tbx4 llvm.aarch64.neon.uabd llvm.aarch64.neon.uaddlp llvm.aarch64.neon.uaddlv llvm.aarch64.neon.uaddv llvm.aarch64.neon.uhadd llvm.aarch64.neon.uhsub llvm.aarch64.neon.umax llvm.aarch64.neon.umaxp llvm.aarch64.neon.umaxv llvm.aarch64.neon.umin llvm.aarch64.neon.uminp llvm.aarch64.neon.uminv llvm.aarch64.neon.umull llvm.aarch64.neon.uqadd llvm.aarch64.neon.uqrshl llvm.aarch64.neon.uqrshrn llvm.aarch64.neon.uqshl llvm.aarch64.neon.uqshrn llvm.aarch64.neon.uqsub llvm.aarch64.neon.uqxtn llvm.aarch64.neon.urecpe llvm.aarch64.neon.urhadd llvm.aarch64.neon.urshl llvm.aarch64.neon.ursqrte llvm.aarch64.neon.ushl llvm.aarch64.neon.ushll llvm.aarch64.neon.usqadd llvm.aarch64.neon.vcopy.lane llvm.aarch64.neon.vcvtfp2fxs llvm.aarch64.neon.vcvtfp2fxu llvm.aarch64.neon.vcvtfp2hf llvm.aarch64.neon.vcvtfxs2fp llvm.aarch64.neon.vcvtfxu2fp llvm.aarch64.neon.vcvthf2fp llvm.aarch64.neon.vsli llvm.aarch64.neon.vsri llvm.aarch64.rbit llvm.aarch64.sdiv llvm.aarch64.sisd.fabd llvm.aarch64.sisd.fcvtxn llvm.aarch64.stlxp llvm.aarch64.stlxr llvm.aarch64.stxp llvm.aarch64.stxr llvm.aarch64.udiv llvm.amdgcn.atomic.dec llvm.amdgcn.atomic.inc llvm.amdgcn.buffer.atomic.add llvm.amdgcn.buffer.atomic.and llvm.amdgcn.buffer.atomic.cmpswap llvm.amdgcn.buffer.atomic.or llvm.amdgcn.buffer.atomic.smax llvm.amdgcn.buffer.atomic.smin llvm.amdgcn.buffer.atomic.sub llvm.amdgcn.buffer.atomic.swap llvm.amdgcn.buffer.atomic.umax llvm.amdgcn.buffer.atomic.umin llvm.amdgcn.buffer.atomic.xor llvm.amdgcn.buffer.load llvm.amdgcn.buffer.load.format llvm.amdgcn.buffer.store llvm.amdgcn.buffer.store.format llvm.amdgcn.buffer.wbinvl1 llvm.amdgcn.buffer.wbinvl1.sc llvm.amdgcn.buffer.wbinvl1.vol llvm.amdgcn.class llvm.amdgcn.cos llvm.amdgcn.cubeid llvm.amdgcn.cubema llvm.amdgcn.cubesc llvm.amdgcn.cubetc llvm.amdgcn.cvt.pk.u8.f32 llvm.amdgcn.dispatch.id llvm.amdgcn.dispatch.ptr llvm.amdgcn.div.fixup llvm.amdgcn.div.fmas llvm.amdgcn.div.scale llvm.amdgcn.ds.bpermute llvm.amdgcn.ds.permute llvm.amdgcn.ds.swizzle llvm.amdgcn.fcmp llvm.amdgcn.fmul.legacy llvm.amdgcn.fract llvm.amdgcn.frexp.exp llvm.amdgcn.frexp.mant llvm.amdgcn.groupstaticsize llvm.amdgcn.icmp llvm.amdgcn.image.atomic.add llvm.amdgcn.image.atomic.and llvm.amdgcn.image.atomic.cmpswap llvm.amdgcn.image.atomic.dec llvm.amdgcn.image.atomic.inc llvm.amdgcn.image.atomic.or llvm.amdgcn.image.atomic.smax llvm.amdgcn.image.atomic.smin llvm.amdgcn.image.atomic.sub llvm.amdgcn.image.atomic.swap llvm.amdgcn.image.atomic.umax llvm.amdgcn.image.atomic.umin llvm.amdgcn.image.atomic.xor llvm.amdgcn.image.gather4 llvm.amdgcn.image.gather4.b llvm.amdgcn.image.gather4.b.cl llvm.amdgcn.image.gather4.b.cl.o llvm.amdgcn.image.gather4.b.o llvm.amdgcn.image.gather4.c llvm.amdgcn.image.gather4.c.b llvm.amdgcn.image.gather4.c.b.cl llvm.amdgcn.image.gather4.c.b.cl.o llvm.amdgcn.image.gather4.c.b.o llvm.amdgcn.image.gather4.c.cl llvm.amdgcn.image.gather4.c.cl.o llvm.amdgcn.image.gather4.c.l llvm.amdgcn.image.gather4.c.l.o llvm.amdgcn.image.gather4.c.lz llvm.amdgcn.image.gather4.c.lz.o llvm.amdgcn.image.gather4.c.o llvm.amdgcn.image.gather4.cl llvm.amdgcn.image.gather4.cl.o llvm.amdgcn.image.gather4.l llvm.amdgcn.image.gather4.l.o llvm.amdgcn.image.gather4.lz llvm.amdgcn.image.gather4.lz.o llvm.amdgcn.image.gather4.o llvm.amdgcn.image.getlod llvm.amdgcn.image.getresinfo llvm.amdgcn.image.load llvm.amdgcn.image.load.mip llvm.amdgcn.image.sample llvm.amdgcn.image.sample.b llvm.amdgcn.image.sample.b.cl llvm.amdgcn.image.sample.b.cl.o llvm.amdgcn.image.sample.b.o llvm.amdgcn.image.sample.c llvm.amdgcn.image.sample.c.b llvm.amdgcn.image.sample.c.b.cl llvm.amdgcn.image.sample.c.b.cl.o llvm.amdgcn.image.sample.c.b.o llvm.amdgcn.image.sample.c.cd llvm.amdgcn.image.sample.c.cd.cl llvm.amdgcn.image.sample.c.cd.cl.o llvm.amdgcn.image.sample.c.cd.o llvm.amdgcn.image.sample.c.cl llvm.amdgcn.image.sample.c.cl.o llvm.amdgcn.image.sample.c.d llvm.amdgcn.image.sample.c.d.cl llvm.amdgcn.image.sample.c.d.cl.o llvm.amdgcn.image.sample.c.d.o llvm.amdgcn.image.sample.c.l llvm.amdgcn.image.sample.c.l.o llvm.amdgcn.image.sample.c.lz llvm.amdgcn.image.sample.c.lz.o llvm.amdgcn.image.sample.c.o llvm.amdgcn.image.sample.cd llvm.amdgcn.image.sample.cd.cl llvm.amdgcn.image.sample.cd.cl.o llvm.amdgcn.image.sample.cd.o llvm.amdgcn.image.sample.cl llvm.amdgcn.image.sample.cl.o llvm.amdgcn.image.sample.d llvm.amdgcn.image.sample.d.cl llvm.amdgcn.image.sample.d.cl.o llvm.amdgcn.image.sample.d.o llvm.amdgcn.image.sample.l llvm.amdgcn.image.sample.l.o llvm.amdgcn.image.sample.lz llvm.amdgcn.image.sample.lz.o llvm.amdgcn.image.sample.o llvm.amdgcn.image.store llvm.amdgcn.image.store.mip llvm.amdgcn.implicitarg.ptr llvm.amdgcn.interp.mov llvm.amdgcn.interp.p1 llvm.amdgcn.interp.p2 llvm.amdgcn.kernarg.segment.ptr llvm.amdgcn.ldexp llvm.amdgcn.lerp llvm.amdgcn.log.clamp llvm.amdgcn.mbcnt.hi llvm.amdgcn.mbcnt.lo llvm.amdgcn.mov.dpp llvm.amdgcn.mqsad.pk.u16.u8 llvm.amdgcn.mqsad.u32.u8 llvm.amdgcn.msad.u8 llvm.amdgcn.ps.live llvm.amdgcn.qsad.pk.u16.u8 llvm.amdgcn.queue.ptr llvm.amdgcn.rcp llvm.amdgcn.rcp.legacy llvm.amdgcn.readfirstlane llvm.amdgcn.readlane llvm.amdgcn.rsq llvm.amdgcn.rsq.clamp llvm.amdgcn.rsq.legacy llvm.amdgcn.s.barrier llvm.amdgcn.s.dcache.inv llvm.amdgcn.s.dcache.inv.vol llvm.amdgcn.s.dcache.wb llvm.amdgcn.s.dcache.wb.vol llvm.amdgcn.s.decperflevel llvm.amdgcn.s.getreg llvm.amdgcn.s.incperflevel llvm.amdgcn.s.memrealtime llvm.amdgcn.s.memtime llvm.amdgcn.s.sleep llvm.amdgcn.s.waitcnt llvm.amdgcn.sad.hi.u8 llvm.amdgcn.sad.u16 llvm.amdgcn.sad.u8 llvm.amdgcn.sffbh llvm.amdgcn.sin llvm.amdgcn.trig.preop llvm.amdgcn.wave.barrier llvm.amdgcn.workgroup.id.x llvm.amdgcn.workgroup.id.y llvm.amdgcn.workgroup.id.z llvm.amdgcn.workitem.id.x llvm.amdgcn.workitem.id.y llvm.amdgcn.workitem.id.z llvm.arm.cdp llvm.arm.cdp2 llvm.arm.clrex llvm.arm.crc32b llvm.arm.crc32cb llvm.arm.crc32ch llvm.arm.crc32cw llvm.arm.crc32h llvm.arm.crc32w llvm.arm.dbg llvm.arm.dmb llvm.arm.dsb llvm.arm.get.fpscr llvm.arm.hint llvm.arm.isb llvm.arm.ldaex llvm.arm.ldaexd llvm.arm.ldc llvm.arm.ldc2 llvm.arm.ldc2l llvm.arm.ldcl llvm.arm.ldrex llvm.arm.ldrexd llvm.arm.mcr llvm.arm.mcr2 llvm.arm.mcrr llvm.arm.mcrr2 llvm.arm.mrc llvm.arm.mrc2 llvm.arm.mrrc llvm.arm.mrrc2 llvm.arm.neon.aesd llvm.arm.neon.aese llvm.arm.neon.aesimc llvm.arm.neon.aesmc llvm.arm.neon.sha1c llvm.arm.neon.sha1h llvm.arm.neon.sha1m llvm.arm.neon.sha1p llvm.arm.neon.sha1su0 llvm.arm.neon.sha1su1 llvm.arm.neon.sha256h llvm.arm.neon.sha256h2 llvm.arm.neon.sha256su0 llvm.arm.neon.sha256su1 llvm.arm.neon.vabds llvm.arm.neon.vabdu llvm.arm.neon.vabs llvm.arm.neon.vacge llvm.arm.neon.vacgt llvm.arm.neon.vbsl llvm.arm.neon.vcls llvm.arm.neon.vcvtas llvm.arm.neon.vcvtau llvm.arm.neon.vcvtfp2fxs llvm.arm.neon.vcvtfp2fxu llvm.arm.neon.vcvtfp2hf llvm.arm.neon.vcvtfxs2fp llvm.arm.neon.vcvtfxu2fp llvm.arm.neon.vcvthf2fp llvm.arm.neon.vcvtms llvm.arm.neon.vcvtmu llvm.arm.neon.vcvtns llvm.arm.neon.vcvtnu llvm.arm.neon.vcvtps llvm.arm.neon.vcvtpu llvm.arm.neon.vhadds llvm.arm.neon.vhaddu llvm.arm.neon.vhsubs llvm.arm.neon.vhsubu llvm.arm.neon.vld1 llvm.arm.neon.vld2 llvm.arm.neon.vld2lane llvm.arm.neon.vld3 llvm.arm.neon.vld3lane llvm.arm.neon.vld4 llvm.arm.neon.vld4lane llvm.arm.neon.vmaxnm llvm.arm.neon.vmaxs llvm.arm.neon.vmaxu llvm.arm.neon.vminnm llvm.arm.neon.vmins llvm.arm.neon.vminu llvm.arm.neon.vmullp llvm.arm.neon.vmulls llvm.arm.neon.vmullu llvm.arm.neon.vmulp llvm.arm.neon.vpadals llvm.arm.neon.vpadalu llvm.arm.neon.vpadd llvm.arm.neon.vpaddls llvm.arm.neon.vpaddlu llvm.arm.neon.vpmaxs llvm.arm.neon.vpmaxu llvm.arm.neon.vpmins llvm.arm.neon.vpminu llvm.arm.neon.vqabs llvm.arm.neon.vqadds llvm.arm.neon.vqaddu llvm.arm.neon.vqdmulh llvm.arm.neon.vqdmull llvm.arm.neon.vqmovns llvm.arm.neon.vqmovnsu llvm.arm.neon.vqmovnu llvm.arm.neon.vqneg llvm.arm.neon.vqrdmulh llvm.arm.neon.vqrshiftns llvm.arm.neon.vqrshiftnsu llvm.arm.neon.vqrshiftnu llvm.arm.neon.vqrshifts llvm.arm.neon.vqrshiftu llvm.arm.neon.vqshiftns llvm.arm.neon.vqshiftnsu llvm.arm.neon.vqshiftnu llvm.arm.neon.vqshifts llvm.arm.neon.vqshiftsu llvm.arm.neon.vqshiftu llvm.arm.neon.vqsubs llvm.arm.neon.vqsubu llvm.arm.neon.vraddhn llvm.arm.neon.vrecpe llvm.arm.neon.vrecps llvm.arm.neon.vrhadds llvm.arm.neon.vrhaddu llvm.arm.neon.vrinta llvm.arm.neon.vrintm llvm.arm.neon.vrintn llvm.arm.neon.vrintp llvm.arm.neon.vrintx llvm.arm.neon.vrintz llvm.arm.neon.vrshiftn llvm.arm.neon.vrshifts llvm.arm.neon.vrshiftu llvm.arm.neon.vrsqrte llvm.arm.neon.vrsqrts llvm.arm.neon.vrsubhn llvm.arm.neon.vshiftins llvm.arm.neon.vshifts llvm.arm.neon.vshiftu llvm.arm.neon.vst1 llvm.arm.neon.vst2 llvm.arm.neon.vst2lane llvm.arm.neon.vst3 llvm.arm.neon.vst3lane llvm.arm.neon.vst4 llvm.arm.neon.vst4lane llvm.arm.neon.vtbl1 llvm.arm.neon.vtbl2 llvm.arm.neon.vtbl3 llvm.arm.neon.vtbl4 llvm.arm.neon.vtbx1 llvm.arm.neon.vtbx2 llvm.arm.neon.vtbx3 llvm.arm.neon.vtbx4 llvm.arm.qadd llvm.arm.qsub llvm.arm.rbit llvm.arm.set.fpscr llvm.arm.space llvm.arm.ssat llvm.arm.stc llvm.arm.stc2 llvm.arm.stc2l llvm.arm.stcl llvm.arm.stlex llvm.arm.stlexd llvm.arm.strex llvm.arm.strexd llvm.arm.undefined llvm.arm.usat llvm.arm.vcvtr llvm.arm.vcvtru llvm.bifrost.abs llvm.bifrost.abs.diffs llvm.bifrost.abs.diffu llvm.bifrost.acos llvm.bifrost.acosh llvm.bifrost.add.sats llvm.bifrost.add.satu llvm.bifrost.asin llvm.bifrost.asinh llvm.bifrost.atan llvm.bifrost.atan2 llvm.bifrost.atanh llvm.bifrost.atest llvm.bifrost.atest.mask llvm.bifrost.barrier llvm.bifrost.bitfield.extracts llvm.bifrost.bitfield.extractu llvm.bifrost.bitfield.insert llvm.bifrost.bitselect llvm.bifrost.blend llvm.bifrost.blend.d3d llvm.bifrost.blend.d3d.3 llvm.bifrost.blendshader.blend llvm.bifrost.cbrt llvm.bifrost.clamps llvm.bifrost.clampu llvm.bifrost.clper llvm.bifrost.clz llvm.bifrost.clz.m1 llvm.bifrost.copysign llvm.bifrost.cos.fast llvm.bifrost.cos.gles llvm.bifrost.cos.lookup llvm.bifrost.cosh llvm.bifrost.cospi llvm.bifrost.cubemap llvm.bifrost.cycle.counter llvm.bifrost.default.uniform.buffer llvm.bifrost.delta.x.coarse llvm.bifrost.delta.x.fine llvm.bifrost.delta.y.coarse llvm.bifrost.delta.y.fine llvm.bifrost.discard llvm.bifrost.divide llvm.bifrost.divide.round.ne llvm.bifrost.dual.tex.frag llvm.bifrost.dual.tex.no.frag llvm.bifrost.eureka llvm.bifrost.exp llvm.bifrost.exp.fast llvm.bifrost.exp10 llvm.bifrost.exp2 llvm.bifrost.exp2.fast llvm.bifrost.expm1 llvm.bifrost.fclamp llvm.bifrost.fma.round.down llvm.bifrost.fma.round.ne llvm.bifrost.fma.round.tz llvm.bifrost.fma.round.up llvm.bifrost.fmax llvm.bifrost.fmax.nan llvm.bifrost.fmin llvm.bifrost.fmin.nan llvm.bifrost.fmul.n llvm.bifrost.fptosi.down llvm.bifrost.fptosi.te llvm.bifrost.fptosi.tz llvm.bifrost.fptosi.up llvm.bifrost.fptoui.down llvm.bifrost.fptoui.te llvm.bifrost.fptoui.tz llvm.bifrost.fptoui.up llvm.bifrost.fptrunc.down llvm.bifrost.fptrunc.sticky llvm.bifrost.fptrunc.te llvm.bifrost.fptrunc.tz llvm.bifrost.fptrunc.up llvm.bifrost.frexpe llvm.bifrost.frexpm llvm.bifrost.fround.even llvm.bifrost.get.attribute.index llvm.bifrost.get.buffer.of llvm.bifrost.get.core.id llvm.bifrost.get.cumulative.coverage llvm.bifrost.get.fragment.xy llvm.bifrost.get.global.id llvm.bifrost.get.image.index llvm.bifrost.get.imagesampler.index llvm.bifrost.get.instance.index llvm.bifrost.get.internal.vertex.id llvm.bifrost.get.lane.id llvm.bifrost.get.local.id.01 llvm.bifrost.get.local.id.2f llvm.bifrost.get.primitive.facing llvm.bifrost.get.primitive.id llvm.bifrost.get.rasterizer.coverage llvm.bifrost.get.sample.position.array llvm.bifrost.get.sampler.index llvm.bifrost.get.uniform.buffer.offset llvm.bifrost.get.vertex.index llvm.bifrost.get.workgroup.id llvm.bifrost.hadds llvm.bifrost.haddu llvm.bifrost.half.divide llvm.bifrost.half.exp llvm.bifrost.half.exp10 llvm.bifrost.half.exp2 llvm.bifrost.half.exp2.mul llvm.bifrost.half.log llvm.bifrost.half.log10 llvm.bifrost.half.log2 llvm.bifrost.half.recip llvm.bifrost.half.rsqrt llvm.bifrost.half.sqrt llvm.bifrost.iaddc llvm.bifrost.idpadd.v2s16 llvm.bifrost.idpadd.v2u16 llvm.bifrost.idpadd.v4s8 llvm.bifrost.idpadd.v4u8 llvm.bifrost.ilogb llvm.bifrost.instance.index.pre.inc llvm.bifrost.isubb llvm.bifrost.kaboom llvm.bifrost.ld.attr llvm.bifrost.ld.attr.auto llvm.bifrost.ld.attr.tex llvm.bifrost.ld.attr.tex.conv llvm.bifrost.ld.cvt llvm.bifrost.ld.itile.stencil llvm.bifrost.ld.svar llvm.bifrost.ld.tile llvm.bifrost.ld.tile.depth llvm.bifrost.ld.uattr llvm.bifrost.ld.uattr.tex llvm.bifrost.ld.uattr.tex.conv llvm.bifrost.ld.ucvt llvm.bifrost.ld.uniform llvm.bifrost.ld.uniform.fau llvm.bifrost.ld.uvar llvm.bifrost.ld.var llvm.bifrost.ld.var.auto llvm.bifrost.ld.var.auto.t llvm.bifrost.ld.var.center.auto.t llvm.bifrost.ld.var.center.t llvm.bifrost.ld.var.flat llvm.bifrost.ld.var.flat.auto llvm.bifrost.ld.var.sys llvm.bifrost.ld.var.sys.center llvm.bifrost.ld.var.t llvm.bifrost.ld.var.uflat llvm.bifrost.ld.varpointcoord llvm.bifrost.ld.varw llvm.bifrost.ld.varz llvm.bifrost.ldexp llvm.bifrost.ldvar.and llvm.bifrost.ldvar.center llvm.bifrost.ldvar.centroid llvm.bifrost.ldvar.explicit llvm.bifrost.ldvar.flat llvm.bifrost.ldvar.noperspective llvm.bifrost.ldvar.or llvm.bifrost.ldvar.perspective llvm.bifrost.ldvar.provoking llvm.bifrost.ldvar.sample llvm.bifrost.lea.attr.auto llvm.bifrost.lea.attr.f16 llvm.bifrost.lea.attr.f32 llvm.bifrost.lea.attr.f64 llvm.bifrost.lea.attr.tex.conv.f16 llvm.bifrost.lea.attr.tex.conv.f32 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llvm.bifrost.permute.v2i16 llvm.bifrost.permute.v4i8 llvm.bifrost.pow llvm.bifrost.powr llvm.bifrost.private.addV3combine llvm.bifrost.private.cubemapV3 llvm.bifrost.private.fadd.rscale llvm.bifrost.private.fma.n.round.ne llvm.bifrost.private.fptrunc.down llvm.bifrost.private.fptrunc.sticky llvm.bifrost.private.fptrunc.te llvm.bifrost.private.fptrunc.tz llvm.bifrost.private.fptrunc.up llvm.bifrost.private.ld.attr.autoV3 llvm.bifrost.private.ld.attr.tex.convV3 llvm.bifrost.private.ld.attr.texV3 llvm.bifrost.private.ld.attrV3 llvm.bifrost.private.ld.cvtV3 llvm.bifrost.private.ld.cvtV3V3 llvm.bifrost.private.ld.itile.stencilV3 llvm.bifrost.private.ld.tile.depthV3 llvm.bifrost.private.ld.tileV3 llvm.bifrost.private.ld.uattr.tex.convV3 llvm.bifrost.private.ld.uattr.texV3 llvm.bifrost.private.ld.uattrV3 llvm.bifrost.private.ld.ucvtV3 llvm.bifrost.private.ld.ucvtV3V3 llvm.bifrost.private.ld.uniform.fauV3 llvm.bifrost.private.ld.uniformV3 llvm.bifrost.private.ld.var.auto.tV3 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llvm.x86.sse42.crc32.32.8 llvm.x86.sse42.crc32.64.64 llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpestri128 llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpestria128 llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpestric128 llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpestrio128 llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpestris128 llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpestriz128 llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpestrm128 llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpistri128 llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpistria128 llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpistric128 llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpistrio128 llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpistris128 llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpistriz128 llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpistrm128 llvm.x86.sse4a.extrq llvm.x86.sse4a.extrqi llvm.x86.sse4a.insertq llvm.x86.sse4a.insertqi llvm.x86.ssse3.pabs.b llvm.x86.ssse3.pabs.b.128 llvm.x86.ssse3.pabs.d llvm.x86.ssse3.pabs.d.128 llvm.x86.ssse3.pabs.w llvm.x86.ssse3.pabs.w.128 llvm.x86.ssse3.phadd.d llvm.x86.ssse3.phadd.d.128 llvm.x86.ssse3.phadd.sw llvm.x86.ssse3.phadd.sw.128 llvm.x86.ssse3.phadd.w llvm.x86.ssse3.phadd.w.128 llvm.x86.ssse3.phsub.d llvm.x86.ssse3.phsub.d.128 llvm.x86.ssse3.phsub.sw llvm.x86.ssse3.phsub.sw.128 llvm.x86.ssse3.phsub.w llvm.x86.ssse3.phsub.w.128 llvm.x86.ssse3.pmadd.ub.sw llvm.x86.ssse3.pmadd.ub.sw.128 llvm.x86.ssse3.pmul.hr.sw llvm.x86.ssse3.pmul.hr.sw.128 llvm.x86.ssse3.pshuf.b llvm.x86.ssse3.pshuf.b.128 llvm.x86.ssse3.psign.b llvm.x86.ssse3.psign.b.128 llvm.x86.ssse3.psign.d llvm.x86.ssse3.psign.d.128 llvm.x86.ssse3.psign.w llvm.x86.ssse3.psign.w.128 llvm.x86.subborrow.u32 llvm.x86.subborrow.u64 llvm.x86.tbm.bextri.u32 llvm.x86.tbm.bextri.u64 llvm.x86.vcvtph2ps.128 llvm.x86.vcvtph2ps.256 llvm.x86.vcvtps2ph.128 llvm.x86.vcvtps2ph.256 llvm.x86.wrfsbase.32 llvm.x86.wrfsbase.64 llvm.x86.wrgsbase.32 llvm.x86.wrgsbase.64 llvm.x86.wrpkru llvm.x86.xabort llvm.x86.xbegin llvm.x86.xend llvm.x86.xgetbv llvm.x86.xop.vfrcz.pd llvm.x86.xop.vfrcz.pd.256 llvm.x86.xop.vfrcz.ps llvm.x86.xop.vfrcz.ps.256 llvm.x86.xop.vfrcz.sd llvm.x86.xop.vfrcz.ss llvm.x86.xop.vpcmov llvm.x86.xop.vpcmov.256 llvm.x86.xop.vpcomb llvm.x86.xop.vpcomd llvm.x86.xop.vpcomq llvm.x86.xop.vpcomub llvm.x86.xop.vpcomud llvm.x86.xop.vpcomuq llvm.x86.xop.vpcomuw llvm.x86.xop.vpcomw llvm.x86.xop.vpermil2pd llvm.x86.xop.vpermil2pd.256 llvm.x86.xop.vpermil2ps llvm.x86.xop.vpermil2ps.256 llvm.x86.xop.vphaddbd llvm.x86.xop.vphaddbq llvm.x86.xop.vphaddbw llvm.x86.xop.vphadddq llvm.x86.xop.vphaddubd llvm.x86.xop.vphaddubq llvm.x86.xop.vphaddubw llvm.x86.xop.vphaddudq llvm.x86.xop.vphadduwd llvm.x86.xop.vphadduwq llvm.x86.xop.vphaddwd llvm.x86.xop.vphaddwq llvm.x86.xop.vphsubbw llvm.x86.xop.vphsubdq llvm.x86.xop.vphsubwd llvm.x86.xop.vpmacsdd llvm.x86.xop.vpmacsdqh llvm.x86.xop.vpmacsdql llvm.x86.xop.vpmacssdd llvm.x86.xop.vpmacssdqh llvm.x86.xop.vpmacssdql llvm.x86.xop.vpmacsswd llvm.x86.xop.vpmacssww llvm.x86.xop.vpmacswd llvm.x86.xop.vpmacsww llvm.x86.xop.vpmadcsswd llvm.x86.xop.vpmadcswd llvm.x86.xop.vpperm llvm.x86.xop.vprotb llvm.x86.xop.vprotbi llvm.x86.xop.vprotd llvm.x86.xop.vprotdi llvm.x86.xop.vprotq llvm.x86.xop.vprotqi llvm.x86.xop.vprotw llvm.x86.xop.vprotwi llvm.x86.xop.vpshab llvm.x86.xop.vpshad llvm.x86.xop.vpshaq llvm.x86.xop.vpshaw llvm.x86.xop.vpshlb llvm.x86.xop.vpshld llvm.x86.xop.vpshlq llvm.x86.xop.vpshlw llvm.x86.xrstor llvm.x86.xrstor64 llvm.x86.xrstors llvm.x86.xrstors64 llvm.x86.xsave llvm.x86.xsave64 llvm.x86.xsavec llvm.x86.xsavec64 llvm.x86.xsaveopt llvm.x86.xsaveopt64 llvm.x86.xsaves llvm.x86.xsaves64 llvm.x86.xsetbv llvm.x86.xtest llvm.xcore.bitrev llvm.xcore.checkevent llvm.xcore.chkct llvm.xcore.clre llvm.xcore.clrpt llvm.xcore.clrsr llvm.xcore.crc32 llvm.xcore.crc8 llvm.xcore.edu llvm.xcore.eeu llvm.xcore.endin llvm.xcore.freer llvm.xcore.geted llvm.xcore.getet llvm.xcore.getid llvm.xcore.getps llvm.xcore.getr llvm.xcore.getst llvm.xcore.getts llvm.xcore.in llvm.xcore.inct llvm.xcore.initcp llvm.xcore.initdp llvm.xcore.initlr llvm.xcore.initpc llvm.xcore.initsp llvm.xcore.inshr llvm.xcore.int llvm.xcore.mjoin llvm.xcore.msync llvm.xcore.out llvm.xcore.outct llvm.xcore.outshr llvm.xcore.outt llvm.xcore.peek llvm.xcore.setc llvm.xcore.setclk llvm.xcore.setd llvm.xcore.setev llvm.xcore.setps llvm.xcore.setpsc llvm.xcore.setpt llvm.xcore.setrdy llvm.xcore.setsr llvm.xcore.settw llvm.xcore.setv llvm.xcore.sext llvm.xcore.ssync llvm.xcore.syncr llvm.xcore.testct llvm.xcore.testwct llvm.xcore.waitevent llvm.xcore.zext ret phi <Invalid operator> selected values for vector select must be vectors vector select requires selected vectors to have the same vector length as select condition select condition must be i1 or <n x i1> prof fpmath tbaa.struct alias.scope deopt gc-transition Print PassManager debugging information Disabled disable debug output Arguments print pass arguments to pass to 'opt' Structure Executions Details print-before Print IR before specified passes print-after Print IR after specified passes print-before-all Print IR before each pass print-after-all Print IR after each pass filter-print-funcs function names Only print IR for functions whose name match this for all print-[before|after][-all] options Required Preserved Used Time each pass, printing elapsed time for each on exit pass BasicBlock Pass Manager function_entry_count function_section_prefix llvm.module.flags PIC Level PIE Level ProfileSummary Maximum optimization to perform SCC ( on llvm::StringRef llvm::getTypeName() [DesiredTypeName = llvm::Module] llvm::StringRef llvm::getTypeName() [DesiredTypeName = llvm::Function] InstrProf SampleProfile DetailedSummary ProfileFormat TotalCount MaxCount MaxInternalCount MaxFunctionCount NumCounts NumFunctions statepoint-id statepoint-num-patch-bytes i128 f128 ppcf128 isVoid glue x86mmx v2i1 v3i1 v4i1 v8i1 v16i1 v32i1 v64i1 v1i8 v2i8 v3i8 v4i8 v8i8 v16i8 v32i8 v64i8 v1i16 v2i16 v3i16 v4i16 v8i16 v16i16 v32i16 v1i32 Struct tag nodes must have an odd number of operands! Offset entries must be constants! Bitwidth between the offsets and struct type entries must match TBAA is only for loads, stores and calls! Old-style TBAA is no longer allowed, use struct-path TBAA instead Immutability tag on struct tag metadata must be a constant Immutability part of the struct tag metadata must be either 0 or 1 Malformed struct tag metadata: base and access-type should be non-null and point to Metadata nodes Offset must be constant integer Offset not zero at the point of scalar access Access bit-width not the same as description bit-width Did not see access type in access path! Broken module found, compilation aborted! Failed to strip malformed debug info Broken function found, compilation aborted! Functions may not have common linkage Functions cannot return aggregate values! Invalid struct return type! Attribute after last parameter! Attribute 'builtin' can only be applied to a callsite. Calling convention does not support varargs or perfect forwarding! Argument value does not match function argument type! Function arguments must have first-class types! Function takes metadata but isn't an intrinsic Function takes token but isn't an intrinsic Functions returns a token but isn't an intrinsic Referencing personality function in another module! unmaterialized function cannot have metadata function declaration may not have a !dbg attachment function declaration may not have a !prof attachment Function declaration shouldn't have a personality routine llvm intrinsics cannot be defined! Entry block to function must not have predecessors! blockaddress may not be used with the entry block! function must have a single !dbg attachment function !dbg attachment must be a subprogram function must have a single !prof attachment Invalid user of intrinsic instruction! Function is marked as dllimport, but not external. !dbg attachment points at wrong subprogram for function Global is external, but doesn't have external or weak linkage! huge alignment values are unsupported Global is used by function in a different module More than one parameter has attribute nest! More than one parameter has attribute returned! Incompatible argument and return types for 'returned' attribute Cannot have multiple 'swiftself' parameters! Cannot have multiple 'swifterror' parameters! Attributes 'readnone and readonly' are incompatible! Attributes 'readnone and writeonly' are incompatible! Attributes 'readonly and writeonly' are incompatible! Attributes 'readnone and inaccessiblemem_or_argmemonly' are incompatible! Attributes 'readnone and inaccessiblememonly' are incompatible! Attributes 'noinline and alwaysinline' are incompatible! Attribute 'optnone' requires 'noinline'! Attributes 'optsize and optnone' are incompatible! Attributes 'minsize and optnone' are incompatible! Attribute 'jumptable' requires 'unnamed_addr' element size number of elements Attributes 'byval', 'inalloca', 'nest', 'sret', 'nocapture', 'returned', 'swiftself', and 'swifterror' do not apply to return values! Attributes 'byval', 'inalloca', 'inreg', 'nest', and 'sret' are incompatible! Attributes 'inalloca and readonly' are incompatible! Attributes 'sret and returned' are incompatible! Attributes 'zeroext and signext' are incompatible! Wrong types for attribute: Attribute 'swifterror' only applies to parameters with pointer to pointer type! Attribute 'swifterror' only applies to parameters with pointer type! swifterror value can only be loaded and stored from, or as a swifterror argument! swifterror value should be the second operand when used by stores swifterror value when used in a callsite should be marked with swifterror attribute !prof annotations should have exactly 2 operands first operand should not be null expected string with name of the !prof annotation first operand should be 'function_entry_count' second operand should not be null expected integer argument to function_entry_count Invalid operand for global metadata! Expected no forward declarations! All nodes should be resolved! location requires a valid scope inlined-at should be a location invalid expression invalid tag invalid subrange count invalid pointer to member type invalid scope invalid base type invalid file invalid composite elements invalid vtable holder invalid reference flags class/union requires a filename invalid subroutine type ref invalid checksum kind compile units must be distinct invalid filename invalid emission kind invalid enum list invalid enum type invalid retained type list invalid retained type invalid global variable list invalid global variable ref invalid imported entity list invalid imported entity ref cannot have column info without line info invalid scope ref anonymous module invalid type ref local variable requires a valid scope Unexpected metadata round-trip through values function-local metadata used outside a function subprogram definitions must be distinct subprogram definitions must have a compile unit subprogram declarations must not have a compile unit Basic Block does not have terminator! PHI nodes must have at least one entry. If the block is dead, the PHI should be removed! PHINode should have one entry for each predecessor of its parent basic block! PHI node has multiple entries for the same basic block with different incoming values! PHI node entries do not match predecessors! Instruction has bogus parent pointer! Operand is null Found return instr that returns non-void in Function of void return type! Function return type does not match operand type of return inst! Terminator found in the middle of a basic block! Instruction not embedded in basic block! Instruction has a name, but provides a void value! Instruction referencing instruction not embedded in a basic block! Use of instruction is not an instruction! Instruction has null operand! Instruction operands must be first-class values! Cannot take the address of an intrinsic! Cannot invoke an intrinsic other than donothing, patchpoint, statepoint, coro_resume or coro_destroy Referencing function in another module! Referring to a basic block in another function! Referring to an argument in another function! Referencing global in another module! Cannot take the address of an inline asm! fpmath requires a floating point result! fpmath takes one operand! fpmath accuracy must have float type fpmath accuracy not a positive number! invalid fpmath accuracy! Ranges are only for loads, calls and invokes! nonnull applies only to pointer types nonnull applies only to load instructions, use attributes for calls or invokes align applies only to pointer types align applies only to load instructions, use attributes for calls or invokes align takes one operand! align metadata value must be an i64! align metadata value must be a power of 2! alignment is larger that implementation defined limit invalid !dbg metadata attachment Instruction does not dominate all uses! Invalid bitcast inttoptr not supported for non-integral pointers ptrtoint not supported for non-integral pointers It should have at least one range! The lower limit must be an integer! The upper limit must be an integer! Range types must match instruction type! Range must not be empty! Intervals are overlapping Intervals are not in order Intervals are contiguous dereferenceable, dereferenceable_or_null apply only to pointer types dereferenceable, dereferenceable_or_null apply only to load instructions, use attributes for calls or invokes dereferenceable, dereferenceable_or_null metadata value must be an i64! fragment is larger than or outside of variable fragment covers entire variable Branch condition is not 'i1' type! Switch constants must all be same type as switch value! Duplicate integer as switch case Indirectbr operand must have pointer type! Indirectbr destinations must all have pointer type! The unwind destination does not have an exception handling instruction! Called function is not the same type as the call! Called function requires more parameters than were provided! Incorrect number of arguments passed to called function! Call parameter type does not match function signature! inalloca argument for call has mismatched alloca swifterror argument for call has mismatched alloca swifterror argument should come from an alloca or parameter swifterror argument for call has mismatched parameter Attribute 'sret' cannot be used for vararg call arguments! Function has metadata parameter but isn't an intrinsic Function has token parameter but isn't an intrinsic Return type cannot be token for indirect call! Multiple deopt operand bundles Multiple gc-transition operand bundles Multiple funclet operand bundles Expected exactly one funclet bundle operand Funclet bundle operands should correspond to a FuncletPadInst inlinable function call in a function with debug info must have a !dbg location Intrinsic has incorrect return type! Intrinsic was not defined with variable arguments! Callsite was not defined with variable arguments! Intrinsic name not mangled correctly for type arguments! Should be: info argument of llvm.coro.begin must refer to an initialized constant info argument of llvm.coro.begin must refer to either a struct or an array is_zero_undef argument of bit counting intrinsics must be a constant int invalid llvm.dbg.declare intrinsic call 1 alignment argument of memory intrinsics must be a constant int alignment argument of memory intrinsics must be a power of 2 isvolatile argument of memory intrinsics must be a constant int element size of the element-wise atomic memory intrinsic must be a constant int element size of the element-wise atomic memory intrinsic must be a power of 2 incorrect alignment of the destination argument incorrect alignment of the source argument llvm.gcroot parameter #1 must be an alloca. llvm.gcroot parameter #2 must be a constant. llvm.gcroot parameter #1 must either be a pointer alloca, or argument #2 must be a non-null constant. Enclosing function does not use GC. llvm.init_trampoline parameter #2 must resolve to a function. invalid arguments to llvm.prefetch llvm.stackprotector parameter #2 must resolve to an alloca. size argument of memory use markers must be a constant integer llvm.invariant.end parameter #2 must be a constant integer llvm.localescape used outside of entry block multiple calls to llvm.localescape in one function llvm.localescape only accepts static allocas llvm.localrecover first argument must be function defined in this module idx argument of llvm.localrecover must be a constant int gc.statepoint support for inline assembly unimplemented gc.result operand #1 must be from a statepoint gc.result result type does not match wrapped callee wrong number of arguments gc.relocate must return a pointer or a vector of pointers safepoints should have unique landingpads safepoint block should be well formed gc relocate should be linked to a statepoint gc relocate is incorrectly tied to the statepoint gc.relocate operand #2 must be integer offset gc.relocate operand #3 must be integer offset gc.relocate: statepoint base index out of bounds gc.relocate: statepoint derived index out of bounds gc.statepoint: insufficient arguments gc.statement: number of call arguments must be constant integer gc.statepoint: mismatch in number of call arguments gc.statepoint: number of transition arguments must be a constant integer gc.statepoint: number of deoptimization arguments must be a constant integer gc.relocate: statepoint base index doesn't fall within the 'gc parameters' section of the statepoint call gc.relocate: statepoint derived index doesn't fall within the 'gc parameters' section of the statepoint call gc.relocate: relocated value must be a gc pointer gc.relocate: vector relocates to vector and pointer to pointer gc.relocate: relocating a pointer shouldn't change its address space eh.exceptionpointer argument must be a catchpad masked_load: must return a vector masked_load: mask must be vector masked_load: return must match pointer type masked_load: pass through and data type must match masked_load: vector mask must be same length as data masked_store: mask must be vector masked_store: storee must match pointer type masked_store: vector mask must be same length as data experimental_guard cannot be invoked experimental_guard must have exactly one "deopt" operand bundle experimental_deoptimize cannot be invoked experimental_deoptimize must have exactly one "deopt" operand bundle experimental_deoptimize return type must match caller return type calls to experimental_deoptimize must be followed by a return calls to experimental_deoptimize must be followed by a return of the value computed by experimental_deoptimize invalid llvm.dbg. intrinsic address/value intrinsic variable intrinsic expression llvm.dbg. intrinsic requires a !dbg attachment mismatched subprogram between llvm.dbg. variable and !dbg attachment gc.statepoint must read and write all memory to preserve reordering restrictions required by safepoint semantics gc.statepoint ID must be a constant integer gc.statepoint number of patchable bytes must be a constant integer gc.statepoint number of patchable bytes must be positive gc.statepoint callee must be of function pointer type gc.statepoint number of arguments to underlying call must be constant integer gc.statepoint number of arguments to underlying call must be positive gc.statepoint mismatch in number of vararg call args gc.statepoint doesn't support wrapping non-void vararg functions yet gc.statepoint mismatch in number of call args gc.statepoint flags must be constant integer unknown flag used in gc.statepoint flags argument gc.statepoint call argument does not match wrapped function type gc.statepoint number of transition arguments must be constant integer gc.statepoint number of transition arguments must be positive gc.statepoint number of deoptimization arguments must be constant integer gc.statepoint number of deoptimization arguments must be positive gc.statepoint too few arguments according to length fields illegal use of statepoint token gc.result or gc.relocate are the only value uses of a gc.statepoint gc.result connected to wrong gc.statepoint gc.relocate connected to wrong gc.statepoint ResumeInst needs to be in a function with a personality. The resume instruction should have a consistent result type inside a function. CleanupReturnInst needs to be provided a CleanupPad CleanupReturnInst must unwind to an EH block which is not a landingpad. CatchReturnInst needs to be provided a CatchPad CatchSwitchInst needs to be in a function with a personality. CatchSwitchInst not the first non-PHI instruction in the block. CatchSwitchInst has an invalid parent. CatchSwitchInst must unwind to an EH block which is not a landingpad. CatchSwitchInst cannot have empty handler list CatchSwitchInst handlers must be catchpads EH pad cannot be in entry block. Block containing LandingPadInst must be jumped to only by the unwind edge of an invoke. Block containg CatchPadInst must be jumped to only by its catchswitch. EH pad cannot handle exceptions raised within it A single unwind edge may only enter one EH pad EH pad jumps through a cycle of pads Integer arithmetic operators only work with integral types! Integer arithmetic operators must have same type for operands and result! Floating-point arithmetic operators only work with floating-point types! Floating-point arithmetic operators must have same type for operands and result! Logical operators only work with integral types! Logical operators must have same type for operands and result! Shift return type must be same as operands! Allocation instruction pointer not in the generic address space! Cannot allocate unsized type Alloca array size must have integer type Load operand must be a pointer. loading unsized types is not allowed Load cannot have Release ordering Atomic load must specify explicit alignment atomic load operand must have integer, pointer, or floating point type! Non-atomic load cannot have SynchronizationScope specified atomic memory access' size must be byte-sized atomic memory access' operand must have a power-of-two size Store operand must be a pointer. Stored value type does not match pointer operand type! storing unsized types is not allowed Store cannot have Acquire ordering Atomic store must specify explicit alignment atomic store operand must have integer, pointer, or floating point type! Non-atomic store cannot have SynchronizationScope specified GEP base pointer is not a vector or a vector of pointers GEP into unsized type! Invalid indices for GEP pointer type! GEP is not of right type for indices! Vector GEP result width doesn't match operand's Invalid GEP index vector width All GEP indices should be of integer type fence instructions may only have acquire, release, acq_rel, or seq_cst ordering. cmpxchg instructions must be atomic. cmpxchg instructions cannot be unordered. cmpxchg instructions failure argument shall be no stronger than the success argument First cmpxchg operand must be a pointer. cmpxchg operand must have integer or pointer type Expected value type does not match pointer operand type! atomicrmw instructions must be atomic. atomicrmw instructions cannot be unordered. First atomicrmw operand must be a pointer. atomicrmw operand must have integer type! Argument value type does not match pointer operand type! Invalid binary operation! Trunc only operates on integer Trunc only produces integer trunc source and destination must both be a vector or neither DestTy too big for Trunc ZExt only operates on integer ZExt only produces an integer zext source and destination must both be a vector or neither Type too small for ZExt SExt only operates on integer SExt only produces an integer sext source and destination must both be a vector or neither Type too small for SExt FPToUI source and dest must both be vector or scalar FPToUI source must be FP or FP vector FPToUI result must be integer or integer vector FPToUI source and dest vector length mismatch FPToSI source and dest must both be vector or scalar FPToSI source must be FP or FP vector FPToSI result must be integer or integer vector FPToSI source and dest vector length mismatch UIToFP source and dest must both be vector or scalar UIToFP source must be integer or integer vector UIToFP result must be FP or FP vector UIToFP source and dest vector length mismatch SIToFP source and dest must both be vector or scalar SIToFP source must be integer or integer vector SIToFP result must be FP or FP vector SIToFP source and dest vector length mismatch FPTrunc only operates on FP FPTrunc only produces an FP fptrunc source and destination must both be a vector or neither DestTy too big for FPTrunc FPExt only operates on FP FPExt only produces an FP fpext source and destination must both be a vector or neither DestTy too small for FPExt PtrToInt source must be pointer PtrToInt result must be integral PtrToInt type mismatch PtrToInt Vector width mismatch IntToPtr source must be an integral IntToPtr result must be a pointer IntToPtr type mismatch IntToPtr Vector width mismatch AddrSpaceCast source must be a pointer AddrSpaceCast result must be a pointer AddrSpaceCast must be between different address spaces AddrSpaceCast vector pointer number of elements mismatch CleanupPadInst needs to be in a function with a personality. CleanupPadInst not the first non-PHI instruction in the block. CleanupPadInst has an invalid parent. Unwind edges out of a funclet pad must have the same unwind dest Unwind edges out of a catch must have the same unwind dest as the parent catchswitch CatchPadInst needs to be in a function with a personality. CatchPadInst needs to be directly nested in a CatchSwitchInst. CatchPadInst not the first non-PHI instruction in the block. Both operands to ICmp instruction are not of the same type! Invalid operand types for ICmp instruction Invalid predicate in ICmp instruction! Both operands to FCmp instruction are not of the same type! Invalid operand types for FCmp instruction Invalid predicate in FCmp instruction! PHI nodes not grouped at top of basic block! PHI nodes cannot have token type! PHI node operands are not the same type as the result! cannot use musttail call with inline asm cannot guarantee tail call due to mismatched varargs cannot guarantee tail call due to mismatched parameter types cannot guarantee tail call due to mismatched calling conv cannot guarantee tail call due to mismatched ABI impacting function attributes bitcast following musttail call must use the call musttail call must be precede a ret with an optional bitcast musttail call result must be returned Invalid operands for select instruction! Select values must have same type as select instruction! User-defined operators should not live outside of a pass! Invalid extractelement operands! Invalid insertelement operands! Invalid shufflevector operands! Invalid ExtractValueInst operands! LandingPadInst needs at least one clause or to be a cleanup. The landingpad instruction should have a consistent result type inside a function. LandingPadInst needs to be in a function with a personality. Catch operand does not have pointer type! Filter operand is not an array of constants! EH pads can't handle each other's exceptions all indices passed to llvm.localrecover must be less than the number of arguments passed ot llvm.localescape in the parent function Global variable initializer type does not match global variable type! invalid linkage for intrinsic global variable wrong type for intrinsic global variable wrong initalizer for intrinsic global variable invalid llvm.used member members of llvm.used must be named Global is marked as dllimport, but not external !dbg attachment of global variable must be a DIGlobalVariableExpression Alias should have private, internal, linkonce, weak, linkonce_odr, weak_odr, or external linkage! Aliasee cannot be NULL! Alias and aliasee types should match! Aliasee should be either GlobalValue or ConstantExpr unrecognized named metadata node in the llvm.dbg namespace invalid compile unit comdat global value has private linkage invalid requirement on flag, flag is not present in module invalid requirement on flag, flag does not have the required value incorrect number of operands in module flag invalid behavior operand in module flag (expected constant integer) invalid behavior operand in module flag (unexpected constant) invalid ID operand in module flag (expected metadata string) invalid value for 'require' module flag (expected metadata pair) invalid value for 'require' module flag (first value operand should be a string) invalid value for 'append'-type module flag (expected a metadata node) module flag identifiers must be unique (or of 'require' type) incorrect number of operands in llvm.ident metadata invalid value for llvm.ident metadata entry operand(the operand should be a string) All DICompileUnits must be listed in llvm.dbg.cu All llvm.experimental.deoptimize declarations must have the same calling convention 0b 0x General options TRUE True FALSE False ' is invalid value for boolean argument! Try 0 or 1 ' value invalid for integer argument! ' value invalid for uint argument! Generic Options help-list Display list of available options (-help-list-hidden for more) help-list-hidden Display list of all available options help Display available options (-help-hidden for more) help-hidden Display all available options print-options Print non-default options after command line parsing print-all-options Print all option values after command line parsing Display the version of this program inconsistency in registered CommandLine options error - this positional option will never be matched, because it does not Require a value, and a cl::ConsumeAfter option is active! error - option can never match, because another positional argument will match an unbounded number of values, and this option does not require a value! not enough values! number DW_TAG_null DW_TAG_array_type DW_TAG_class_type DW_TAG_entry_point DW_TAG_enumeration_type DW_TAG_formal_parameter DW_TAG_imported_declaration DW_TAG_label DW_TAG_lexical_block DW_TAG_member DW_TAG_pointer_type DW_TAG_reference_type DW_TAG_compile_unit DW_TAG_string_type DW_TAG_structure_type DW_TAG_subroutine_type DW_TAG_typedef DW_TAG_union_type DW_TAG_unspecified_parameters DW_TAG_variant DW_TAG_common_block DW_TAG_common_inclusion DW_TAG_inheritance DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine DW_TAG_module DW_TAG_ptr_to_member_type DW_TAG_set_type DW_TAG_subrange_type DW_TAG_with_stmt DW_TAG_access_declaration DW_TAG_base_type DW_TAG_catch_block DW_TAG_const_type DW_TAG_constant DW_TAG_enumerator DW_TAG_file_type DW_TAG_friend DW_TAG_namelist DW_TAG_namelist_item DW_TAG_packed_type DW_TAG_subprogram DW_TAG_template_type_parameter DW_TAG_template_value_parameter DW_TAG_thrown_type DW_TAG_try_block DW_TAG_variant_part DW_TAG_variable DW_TAG_volatile_type DW_TAG_dwarf_procedure DW_TAG_restrict_type DW_TAG_interface_type DW_TAG_namespace DW_TAG_imported_module DW_TAG_unspecified_type DW_TAG_partial_unit DW_TAG_imported_unit DW_TAG_condition DW_TAG_shared_type DW_TAG_type_unit DW_TAG_rvalue_reference_type DW_TAG_template_alias DW_TAG_coarray_type DW_TAG_generic_subrange DW_TAG_dynamic_type DW_TAG_atomic_type DW_TAG_call_site DW_TAG_call_site_parameter DW_TAG_skeleton_unit DW_TAG_immutable_type DW_TAG_MIPS_loop DW_TAG_format_label DW_TAG_function_template DW_TAG_class_template DW_TAG_GNU_template_template_param DW_TAG_GNU_template_parameter_pack DW_TAG_GNU_formal_parameter_pack DW_TAG_APPLE_property DW_TAG_BORLAND_property DW_TAG_BORLAND_Delphi_string DW_TAG_BORLAND_Delphi_dynamic_array DW_TAG_BORLAND_Delphi_set DW_TAG_BORLAND_Delphi_variant DW_AT_sibling DW_AT_location DW_AT_name DW_AT_ordering DW_AT_byte_size DW_AT_bit_offset DW_AT_bit_size DW_AT_stmt_list DW_AT_low_pc DW_AT_high_pc DW_AT_language DW_AT_discr DW_AT_discr_value DW_AT_visibility DW_AT_import DW_AT_string_length DW_AT_common_reference DW_AT_comp_dir DW_AT_const_value DW_AT_containing_type DW_AT_default_value DW_AT_inline DW_AT_is_optional DW_AT_lower_bound DW_AT_producer DW_AT_prototyped DW_AT_return_addr DW_AT_start_scope DW_AT_bit_stride DW_AT_upper_bound DW_AT_abstract_origin DW_AT_accessibility DW_AT_address_class DW_AT_artificial DW_AT_base_types DW_AT_calling_convention DW_AT_count DW_AT_data_member_location DW_AT_decl_column DW_AT_decl_file DW_AT_decl_line DW_AT_declaration DW_AT_discr_list DW_AT_encoding DW_AT_external DW_AT_frame_base DW_AT_friend DW_AT_identifier_case DW_AT_macro_info DW_AT_namelist_item DW_AT_priority DW_AT_segment DW_AT_specification DW_AT_static_link DW_AT_type DW_AT_use_location DW_AT_variable_parameter DW_AT_virtuality DW_AT_vtable_elem_location DW_AT_allocated DW_AT_associated DW_AT_data_location DW_AT_byte_stride DW_AT_entry_pc DW_AT_use_UTF8 DW_AT_extension DW_AT_ranges DW_AT_trampoline DW_AT_call_column DW_AT_call_file DW_AT_call_line DW_AT_description DW_AT_binary_scale DW_AT_decimal_scale DW_AT_small DW_AT_decimal_sign DW_AT_digit_count DW_AT_picture_string DW_AT_mutable DW_AT_threads_scaled DW_AT_explicit DW_AT_object_pointer DW_AT_endianity DW_AT_elemental DW_AT_pure DW_AT_recursive DW_AT_signature DW_AT_main_subprogram DW_AT_data_bit_offset DW_AT_const_expr DW_AT_enum_class DW_AT_linkage_name DW_AT_string_length_bit_size DW_AT_string_length_byte_size DW_AT_rank DW_AT_str_offsets_base DW_AT_addr_base DW_AT_rnglists_base DW_AT_dwo_id DW_AT_dwo_name DW_AT_reference DW_AT_rvalue_reference DW_AT_macros DW_AT_call_all_calls DW_AT_call_all_source_calls DW_AT_call_all_tail_calls DW_AT_call_return_pc DW_AT_call_value DW_AT_call_origin DW_AT_call_parameter DW_AT_call_pc DW_AT_call_tail_call DW_AT_call_target DW_AT_call_target_clobbered DW_AT_call_data_location DW_AT_call_data_value DW_AT_noreturn DW_AT_alignment DW_AT_export_symbols DW_AT_deleted DW_AT_defaulted DW_AT_loclists_base DW_AT_MIPS_loop_begin DW_AT_MIPS_tail_loop_begin DW_AT_MIPS_epilog_begin DW_AT_MIPS_loop_unroll_factor DW_AT_MIPS_software_pipeline_depth DW_AT_MIPS_linkage_name DW_AT_MIPS_stride DW_AT_MIPS_abstract_name DW_AT_MIPS_clone_origin DW_AT_MIPS_has_inlines DW_AT_MIPS_stride_byte DW_AT_MIPS_stride_elem DW_AT_MIPS_ptr_dopetype DW_AT_MIPS_allocatable_dopetype DW_AT_MIPS_assumed_shape_dopetype DW_AT_MIPS_assumed_size DW_AT_sf_names DW_AT_src_info DW_AT_mac_info DW_AT_src_coords DW_AT_body_begin DW_AT_body_end DW_AT_GNU_vector DW_AT_GNU_template_name DW_AT_GNU_odr_signature DW_AT_GNU_macros DW_AT_GNU_dwo_name DW_AT_GNU_dwo_id DW_AT_GNU_ranges_base DW_AT_GNU_addr_base DW_AT_GNU_pubnames DW_AT_GNU_pubtypes DW_AT_GNU_discriminator DW_AT_BORLAND_property_read DW_AT_BORLAND_property_write DW_AT_BORLAND_property_implements DW_AT_BORLAND_property_index DW_AT_BORLAND_property_default DW_AT_BORLAND_Delphi_unit DW_AT_BORLAND_Delphi_class DW_AT_BORLAND_Delphi_record DW_AT_BORLAND_Delphi_metaclass DW_AT_BORLAND_Delphi_constructor DW_AT_BORLAND_Delphi_destructor DW_AT_BORLAND_Delphi_anonymous_method DW_AT_BORLAND_Delphi_interface DW_AT_BORLAND_Delphi_ABI DW_AT_BORLAND_Delphi_return DW_AT_BORLAND_Delphi_frameptr DW_AT_BORLAND_closure DW_AT_LLVM_include_path DW_AT_LLVM_config_macros DW_AT_LLVM_isysroot DW_AT_APPLE_optimized DW_AT_APPLE_flags DW_AT_APPLE_isa DW_AT_APPLE_block DW_AT_APPLE_major_runtime_vers DW_AT_APPLE_runtime_class DW_AT_APPLE_omit_frame_ptr DW_AT_APPLE_property_name DW_FORM_addr DW_FORM_block2 DW_FORM_block4 DW_FORM_data2 DW_FORM_data4 DW_FORM_data8 DW_FORM_string DW_FORM_block DW_FORM_block1 DW_FORM_data1 DW_FORM_flag DW_FORM_sdata DW_FORM_strp DW_FORM_udata DW_FORM_ref_addr DW_FORM_ref1 DW_FORM_ref2 DW_FORM_ref4 DW_FORM_ref8 DW_FORM_ref_udata DW_FORM_indirect DW_FORM_sec_offset DW_FORM_exprloc DW_FORM_flag_present DW_FORM_strx DW_FORM_addrx DW_FORM_ref_sup DW_FORM_strp_sup DW_FORM_data16 DW_FORM_line_strp DW_FORM_implicit_const DW_OP_addr DW_OP_deref DW_OP_const1u DW_OP_const1s DW_OP_const2u DW_OP_const2s DW_OP_const4u DW_OP_const4s DW_OP_const8u DW_OP_const8s DW_OP_constu DW_OP_consts DW_OP_dup DW_OP_drop DW_OP_over DW_OP_pick DW_OP_swap DW_OP_rot DW_OP_xderef DW_OP_abs DW_OP_and DW_OP_div DW_OP_minus DW_OP_mod DW_OP_mul DW_OP_neg DW_OP_not DW_OP_or DW_OP_plus DW_OP_plus_uconst DW_OP_shl DW_OP_shr DW_OP_shra DW_OP_xor DW_OP_skip DW_OP_bra DW_OP_eq DW_OP_ge DW_OP_gt DW_OP_le DW_OP_lt DW_OP_ne DW_OP_lit0 DW_OP_lit1 DW_OP_lit2 DW_OP_lit3 DW_OP_lit4 DW_OP_lit5 DW_OP_lit6 DW_OP_lit7 DW_OP_lit8 DW_OP_lit9 DW_OP_lit10 DW_OP_lit11 DW_OP_lit12 DW_OP_lit13 DW_OP_lit14 DW_OP_lit15 DW_OP_lit16 DW_OP_lit17 DW_OP_lit18 DW_OP_lit19 DW_OP_lit20 DW_OP_lit21 DW_OP_lit22 DW_OP_lit23 DW_OP_lit24 DW_OP_lit25 DW_OP_lit26 DW_OP_lit27 DW_OP_lit28 DW_OP_lit29 DW_OP_lit30 DW_OP_lit31 DW_OP_reg0 DW_OP_reg1 DW_OP_reg2 DW_OP_reg3 DW_OP_reg4 DW_OP_reg5 DW_OP_reg6 DW_OP_reg7 DW_OP_reg8 DW_OP_reg9 DW_OP_reg10 DW_OP_reg11 DW_OP_reg12 DW_OP_reg13 DW_OP_reg14 DW_OP_reg15 DW_OP_reg16 DW_OP_reg17 DW_OP_reg18 DW_OP_reg19 DW_OP_reg20 DW_OP_reg21 DW_OP_reg22 DW_OP_reg23 DW_OP_reg24 DW_OP_reg25 DW_OP_reg26 DW_OP_reg27 DW_OP_reg28 DW_OP_reg29 DW_OP_reg30 DW_OP_reg31 DW_OP_breg0 DW_OP_breg1 DW_OP_breg2 DW_OP_breg3 DW_OP_breg4 DW_OP_breg5 DW_OP_breg6 DW_OP_breg7 DW_OP_breg8 DW_OP_breg9 DW_OP_breg10 DW_OP_breg11 DW_OP_breg12 DW_OP_breg13 DW_OP_breg14 DW_OP_breg15 DW_OP_breg16 DW_OP_breg17 DW_OP_breg18 DW_OP_breg19 DW_OP_breg20 DW_OP_breg21 DW_OP_breg22 DW_OP_breg23 DW_OP_breg24 DW_OP_breg25 DW_OP_breg26 DW_OP_breg27 DW_OP_breg28 DW_OP_breg29 DW_OP_breg30 DW_OP_breg31 DW_OP_regx DW_OP_fbreg DW_OP_bregx DW_OP_piece DW_OP_deref_size DW_OP_xderef_size DW_OP_nop DW_OP_push_object_address DW_OP_call2 DW_OP_call4 DW_OP_call_ref DW_OP_form_tls_address DW_OP_call_frame_cfa DW_OP_bit_piece DW_OP_implicit_value DW_OP_stack_value DW_OP_implicit_pointer DW_OP_addrx DW_OP_constx DW_OP_entry_value DW_OP_const_type DW_OP_regval_type DW_OP_deref_type DW_OP_xderef_type DW_OP_convert DW_OP_reinterpret DW_OP_GNU_push_tls_address DW_OP_GNU_addr_index DW_OP_GNU_const_index DW_OP_LLVM_fragment DW_ATE_address DW_ATE_boolean DW_ATE_complex_float DW_ATE_float DW_ATE_signed DW_ATE_signed_char DW_ATE_unsigned DW_ATE_unsigned_char DW_ATE_imaginary_float DW_ATE_packed_decimal DW_ATE_numeric_string DW_ATE_edited DW_ATE_signed_fixed DW_ATE_unsigned_fixed DW_ATE_decimal_float DW_ATE_UTF DW_ATE_UCS DW_ATE_ASCII DW_ACCESS_public DW_ACCESS_protected DW_ACCESS_private DW_VIS_local DW_VIS_exported DW_VIS_qualified DW_VIRTUALITY_none DW_VIRTUALITY_virtual DW_VIRTUALITY_pure_virtual DW_LANG_C89 DW_LANG_C DW_LANG_Ada83 DW_LANG_C_plus_plus DW_LANG_Cobol74 DW_LANG_Cobol85 DW_LANG_Fortran77 DW_LANG_Fortran90 DW_LANG_Pascal83 DW_LANG_Modula2 DW_LANG_Java DW_LANG_C99 DW_LANG_Ada95 DW_LANG_Fortran95 DW_LANG_PLI DW_LANG_ObjC DW_LANG_ObjC_plus_plus DW_LANG_UPC DW_LANG_D DW_LANG_Python DW_LANG_OpenCL DW_LANG_Go DW_LANG_Modula3 DW_LANG_Haskell DW_LANG_C_plus_plus_03 DW_LANG_C_plus_plus_11 DW_LANG_OCaml DW_LANG_Rust DW_LANG_C11 DW_LANG_Swift DW_LANG_Julia DW_LANG_Dylan DW_LANG_C_plus_plus_14 DW_LANG_Fortran03 DW_LANG_Fortran08 DW_LANG_RenderScript DW_LANG_Mips_Assembler DW_LANG_GOOGLE_RenderScript DW_LANG_BORLAND_Delphi DW_ID_case_sensitive DW_ID_up_case DW_ID_down_case DW_ID_case_insensitive DW_CC_normal DW_CC_program DW_CC_nocall DW_CC_pass_by_reference DW_CC_pass_by_value DW_CC_GNU_borland_fastcall_i386 DW_CC_BORLAND_safecall DW_CC_BORLAND_stdcall DW_CC_BORLAND_pascal DW_CC_BORLAND_msfastcall DW_CC_BORLAND_msreturn DW_CC_BORLAND_thiscall DW_CC_BORLAND_fastcall DW_CC_LLVM_vectorcall DW_INL_not_inlined DW_INL_inlined DW_INL_declared_not_inlined DW_INL_declared_inlined DW_ORD_row_major DW_ORD_col_major DW_DSC_label DW_DSC_range DW_LNS_extended_op DW_LNS_copy DW_LNS_advance_pc DW_LNS_advance_line DW_LNS_set_column DW_LNS_negate_stmt DW_MACINFO_define DW_MACINFO_undef DW_MACINFO_start_file DW_MACINFO_end_file DW_MACINFO_vendor_ext DW_CFA_nop DW_CFA_advance_loc DW_CFA_offset DW_CFA_restore DW_CFA_set_loc DW_CFA_advance_loc1 DW_CFA_advance_loc2 DW_CFA_advance_loc4 DW_CFA_offset_extended DW_CFA_restore_extended DW_CFA_undefined DW_CFA_same_value DW_CFA_register DW_CFA_remember_state DW_CFA_restore_state DW_CFA_def_cfa DW_CFA_def_cfa_register DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset DW_CFA_def_cfa_expression DW_CFA_expression DW_CFA_offset_extended_sf DW_CFA_def_cfa_sf DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset_sf DW_APPLE_PROPERTY_readonly DW_APPLE_PROPERTY_getter DW_APPLE_PROPERTY_assign DW_APPLE_PROPERTY_readwrite DW_APPLE_PROPERTY_retain DW_APPLE_PROPERTY_copy DW_APPLE_PROPERTY_nonatomic DW_APPLE_PROPERTY_setter DW_APPLE_PROPERTY_atomic DW_APPLE_PROPERTY_weak DW_APPLE_PROPERTY_strong Execute graph viewer in the background. Creates tmp file litter. aaaaaa aa0000 00aa00 aa5500 0055ff aa00aa 00aaaa 555555 ff5555 55ff55 ffff55 5555ff ff55ff 55ffff ffaaaa aaffaa ffffaa aaaaff ffaaff aaffff xdg-open Graphviz xdot|xdot.py gv dot|fdp|neato|twopi|circo dotty fdp neato twopi circo : 0xb76 0xc08 0xc09 0xc0f 0xc20 0xc23 0xc24 0x51 0x06f krait /proc/cpuinfo <stdin> -%%%%%% BC ELF MZ /proc/self/fd/%d /proc/self/fd COLUMNS Seed for the random number generator 0123456789 arm2 arm3 arm6 arm7m arm8 arm810 strongarm strongarm110 strongarm1100 strongarm1110 arm7tdmi arm7tdmi-s arm710t arm720t arm9 arm9tdmi arm920 arm920t arm922t arm9312 arm940t ep9312 arm10tdmi arm1020t arm9e arm946e-s arm966e-s arm968e-s arm10e arm1020e arm1022e arm926ej-s arm1136j-s arm1136jf-s arm1136jz-s arm1176j-s arm1176jz-s mpcore mpcorenovfp arm1176jzf-s arm1156t2-s arm1156t2f-s cortex-m0 cortex-m0plus cortex-m1 sc000 cortex-a5 cortex-a7 cortex-a9 cortex-a12 cortex-a15 cortex-a17 cortex-r4 cortex-r4f cortex-r5 cortex-r7 cortex-r8 cortex-r52 sc300 cortex-m3 cortex-m4 cortex-m7 cortex-a32 cortex-a35 cortex-a53 cortex-a57 cortex-a72 cortex-a73 cyclone exynos-m1 exynos-m2 exynos-m3 iwmmxt swift -crc -dsp +fp-armv8 -fp-armv8 -crypto -neon falkor kryo vulcan +fullfp16 +spe +ras arm thumb eb vfp vfpv2 vfpv3 vfpv3-fp16 vfpv3-d16 vfpv3-d16-fp16 vfpv3xd vfpv3xd-fp16 vfpv4 vfpv4-d16 fpv4-sp-d16 fpv5-d16 fpv5-sp-d16 fp-armv8 neon-fp16 neon-vfpv4 neon-fp-armv8 crypto-neon-fp-armv8 softvfp armv2 armv2a 2A v2a armv3 armv3m 3M v3m armv4 4T v4t armv5t 5T armv5te 5TE v5e armv5tej 5TEJ armv6k 6K v6k armv6t2 6T2 v6t2 armv6kz 6KZ v6kz armv6-m 6-M v6m armv7-a 7-A armv7-r 7-R v7r armv7-m 7-M v7m armv7e-m 7E-M v7em armv8-a 8-A armv8.1-a 8.1-A v8.1a armv8.2-a 8.2-A v8.2a armv8-r 8-R v8r armv8-m.base 8-M.Baseline v8m.base armv8-m.main 8-M.Mainline v8m.main iwmmxt2 7-S v7s 7-K v7k crc dsp idiv sec virt fp16 -fullfp16 ras -ras maverick arm,thumb lse +lse -lse profile -spe fpe2 fpe3 vfp2 vfp3 vfp4 v6hl v6sm v6zk v7hl Unable to find target for this triple (no targets are registered) Enable -time-passes memory tracking (this may be slow) File to append -stats and -timer output to misc Miscellaneous Ungrouped Timers aarch64_be armeb bpfel bpfeb mipsel mips64el msp430 powerpc64 powerpc64le riscv32 riscv64 sparcv9 sparcel s390x thumbeb nvptx nvptx64 le32 le64 amdil amdil64 hsail hsail64 spir spir64 kalimba lanai shave renderscript32 renderscript64 opencl64 bifrost32 apple scei nvidia myriad mesa cloudabi darwin dragonfly freebsd fuchsia kfreebsd macosx netbsd openbsd solaris windows haiku minix rtems nacl bitrig cuda nvcl amdhsa elfiamcu mesa3d contiki gnuabi64 gnueabihf gnueabi gnux32 code16 eabi eabihf musl musleabi musleabihf msvc itanium cygnus amdopencl coreclr ppc32 systemz i786 i886 i986 coff macho mbs2 YAML #;/?:@&=+$,_.!~*'()[] Not dealing with this yet ,:?[]{} -?:,[]{}#&*!|>'"%@` \ Unexpected token. 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H j 0'_ X G CI @ e fd $r N 3 #z )K @ d 1 ( H ) e !C @Y e7B H XD ! P 0 D `-@ H [ 'AD + ? * [D @d 0 d . 1H j (%A @ ?A : G B X f{ eh C ? r J A a ? e'cd $6 z K @ d 1 aX1) p e &C # #z j AD: ^ D ? O | e t . I j H 0% B ?iX P <2D Od N %' #z ) D ? e H 0%B A ? h ` M B ?iX QCJ2x ? e N %' #z ! )K @ d 1 AX ) p e %C G B 9 @ S # O r @ @ # p /B H w 0!S X` e H \X e r % N #z I D e )S `@` e 0! px` e j @ Y C j`\d 8r pP N #z main index_record patch_offset processed_patch_info gl_WorkGroupID default_uniform_buffer gl_mali_SSBOCompute output_primitive partitioning viewport_size viewport_transform half_line_width connectivity_length_table_ connectivity_length_table )GA K e X @q 0 O `@ % p *C K A 0 e q * 0H H1 0 F X e q K D O * I2HX 0C X e @ D O p *P C` B ! X e * B @ | ,r D + # hHX1!A 1 H XD 0 d + @ # h !A @ 1 ( XD 0 d ) @ D w e @ P E w- `q *B @ !C X e XD 0 d * 0@ 'E X XD @ 0 d J @ ( H D 7 H P p J 0@ H) 0 @ D O P 1p +P D O ) N X % `q | d )` L` e H #@ |0! 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AI j !R `Y` e $ [ BE!(0 q e7 h $r `P I LX e 0N #z ) DX e !P |01 * [ @ | 3 m ,r D + ` # H1!A ` 1 8 XD 0 d + # !A 1 XD 0 d ) A F w e @I2 B w- `q I D e main point_record patch_offset processed_patch_info gl_WorkGroupID default_uniform_buffer output_primitive partitioning viewport_size viewport_transform half_line_width /GE K@ e X @q 0 O `@ % p J *C H F 0 e q * AH ! C X@ e @ H Z / p $ *A H HB !Q !- Y ed s ) & w - ! xX e h* XD 0 d ) P@@ e @XV # `q / U A wM @ \` `q -A V #A pY 2` [D 0 d -@ & Lf ! & 2V - 8 U0 9 fr)- 3 eP B @ \0 d Y e y /@Mc 0! & B e }Z @ G G ? 7 h 4f E ,0 k lZ \Wy@ e7 h Y @ ? e . 3 #z @ P # `q @ A D ? p I M H@ e CE H - p . AH k 0'D PX ? r @ Z A Cx ? e7 l $r N # #z /S qH ? B x = `q ) HX e !@ |` e P ZD 0 d -A @ D ? r 0& ,0 k ,Z S x@ e7 i $a O e <Z | e7 ) v . E+ #z @ P # `q I A D ? e )_ p@ e @ ; `q 4 /F Q A 0& B@x kx [D 0 d N A #z I D e main point_record patch_offset processed_patch_info gl_WorkGroupID default_uniform_buffer output_primitive partitioning viewport_size viewport_transform half_line_width /G C@ e @q 0 O @ % p ~ * @ N X % `q r /F H "@ \p Z ` [D 0 0 d *O d ? ! ` e ]H `s /G ae * 0& P( k Z WQ e7 k x@ e t N E+ #z -SEq @ | `q . P@ k H 0'@ p E <2 Q[V ?5 Ol 4gO x ? 4 Z ` x@ e7 1 | e y N %' #z . H k H 0'G ee 9 ? e b( r N %' #z . H k H2 0 C PX ? e q N %' #z /A [ %A ` XD ' P 0 D `/o H 'O "4? * Z ^ |` e7 m Z x@[ e t )A I ? e @_ yX `q @ d #% p )A @9 e | e q -@ Lf ! a 2V - E V0 E fr)- 3 eP B @ \0 d Y e y -e V C d 0'H \ }d9 lN X r # bh 4a@ 8 e G 9 8 k b R Y ? e 9 PU @ | 0 ) A@ e %_a G @ } ^ ? d 4eAYD O ? Z #z2 d P p # y I D ? e @ @ p . @ k 0!P X@ eG [ | e7 ( r N #z AQ I ? e p C I - p . H k I 0'D X ? $@ Z A x ? e7 l $r N #z /S H ? BHrx = `q ) HX e !@L |` e 8 ZD 0 d -A P ? 0& E ,0 k ,Z S x@ e7 i $a d O e <Z | e7 ) v . E+ #z @ P # `q I R ? e )_ @ e @E ; `q 4 /FCA X & B x k [ 0 t `s . P@ k !Q P ? e [ | e7 m $r @ @ N @@ k 0N #z )B pH e 0 OB |` e q N A #z I D e main point_record patch_offset processed_patch_info gl_WorkGroupID default_uniform_buffer output_primitive partitioning viewport_size viewport_transform half_line_width /G C@ e @q 0 O @ % p * @ N X % `q /C H "V |0 ! 8 P bd s *@ l ? ! ` e | e ] r * @ @ X # `q . TH k Z 0'W ee % 2 E tx0 e O aA ? e #=2 fY6 e Od A v 8 e y N E+ #z . H k 0 B PX ? e q . E+ #z @ \ `q . UH k 0'X p E ? Z AC ? e7 l $aX x e < }0 BcX ?5 Ol @ x($? e y )@ ( e ! | e 0{ XD 0 N A k b 0N f/ #z . @ k 0'G ee 9 P O ? e b ea 2 g > X 0 d w 0 N f/ #z . H k 0 D PX ? e q N E+ #z -Q $ e ! U ( Z #- & m Q (` C- # RZ&y t @ /O 2 A ? !@ yp - }F d * X f( gp 7 * [ " x@ e7 h $6 : } ) A@ e @# # `q @ d #% p )A C e # | e q -@ Lf ! 2V - XW V0 x) fr)- 3 eP x B @ \0 d 0Z e y ) AX e @) # `q @( d #% p )A E e h | e q -@( Lf ! 2V - `Y V0 *j' fr)- 3 eP(j B @ \0 d Z e y . h k '@ G ie Z [ O e7 i $gP x 2 Au )p Oj AY ? y P ) L e - 0%@ ~0 =z k b( a M e b =2 ^_ O O! ` z ? e y -B 8 ? 1!P y ? e X 0 s . z- #z @ # `q ) 4D w-- @ \ `q @ @ p ) . M H k ) 0% ? X b J Y H y@ e bh $ca Z E 8 0 P Od 7 { . #z % BZ GX r 9 @ x O r /H %I ! * ? e * Z P 0 t `s @ @ p . M H k i 0% ? X b J Y H y@ e bh $ca Z E 8 @ Od 7 { . #z % BZ GX r 9 @ x O r /H %I ! * ? e * ZD @ 0 d . H k 0 B X ? e q N #z @U ? p ) L e C | e C RI - p . H k 0'D X ? ,@ Z A x ? e7 l $r N #z /S H ? BHrx = `q )@ DX e !@FAxh e X XD 0 d -A P ? 0& E ,0 k lZ O x@ e7 h $a G e r <Z | e7 ) v . # #z @ P # `q I R ? e )_ @ e @E ; `q 4 /FCA & B x k [ 0 t `s . P@ k !A P ? eG C[ | e7 l $r @ N @@ k 0N #z )B pH e 0 OB |` e q N A #z I D e main index_buffer_uvec4 index_buffer_uint index_record gl_WorkGroupID gl_mali_SSBOCompute _connectivity_table connectivity_table J KX (-P D ? H 'F ( d d ` - k `s LA H p -D # ? 0& ,0 o 8D Od . #z L X `q @ D p # K @ d 1 !P ) E H@[ - !O 1(0 s e , OF3 si- \ aO 3(8 s e z P c s e \ X0 ? e y ) @@Z e !_ 0X0 s e , @ % \ r ) ? e A 0C 0 l . #b @ #% `q )A H ? e 0& \0 l :D Od . #b @ #% `q -N ? a 0 8 l q / . #b @ #% `q )C @ ? e 0 \0 l q N #b I D e main index_buffer_uvec4 index_buffer_uint index_record gl_WorkGroupID gl_mali_SSBOCompute _connectivity_table connectivity_table J KX ()F 0@ e H E e 1 `q A AH ?- p 4 -P D ? !A Q( e h Z |X e7 l $a x@ e P Z @ 0 d w D @ (p K P@ d 1 !P -P T [ !OEa(0 s e , I (@[ e \ aO `X0 s e , ( Z e \ O a 0 s e y )` a s e % X@Z : C Y ` as- \n Q ,` t ) p D e !A ? e ` XD 0 d ) DX e O y % `q B @ % p -A q ! x@ e M D P t `. @ l Hb 0!A X ? e XD 0 d N %' #b X . H l H 0%B X ? @ X e7 d $r 0 N %' #b x . H l H 0 A q e q N %' #b A H e p )O C ? e @ !y@ `q I D e main point_to_patch_uvec4 point_to_patch_uint point_buffer_uvec2 point_buffer_uint point_record processed_patch_info gl_WorkGroupID J C )O e D | `q T E @@ p ] . H m H (! 0X@Z e: 1<8 H x ? e'c) r @ ` $8 A !P p )B S a s e HA 'B P s * E N B +-'eki Q G e t ) H@f - 0%P (0V 1 P x8 e 3 e syX r QD : e + I w e y . % #b 8 @ X e q )QI H ? e %P p 5 /XGz ! F P `I `s - A I C H 0& A 8 m @ 5 e d $r N %' #b 8 /@ D[ % G |0 O ? Od Q | e A ?e p /@ 0@ H 0%@ C ` o p A c a D 7 e x L p 3 > S C | e 9 | N %' #j ) JA e 0! C 8 e{ 2 @ \8 u O# eS X ? w[ 8 Od w . # #j @ # `q @ # p -P N C 0& 8 m : PF @ 2 ;e ` e@ 4 ># R | e " v . #b %O E ? P XD 0 d N @ m 1 0N #b - A ?)X @ G # `q /A D @ \ `q @ )N @ D e 0! @ ? e D c . A #b @ @ \ `q : F @@ p G @@ % p H @@ % p @ D p E @@ % p F @@ % p q /\E!H @ |X ; `q ) H@ e C x@ e -D D ? 0 @E ,0 u q . #z @ P `q @ @ p -A D ? 0 E ,0 n q . #b h @ @ `q @ D p . @ m H 'C 0 e B" A F O | e `K $r J @@ ! ) h@f - 0%P (0V 1 @ x8 3 a@ PX8 e h L ` $x8 \ P |0 }L y -O d X & %' #b 0DF P $x@ e ` r N @ m 0N E+ #b 8 ) F ?)- ! P w e j I XD P 0 H `)A e H 0 \0 m q N %' #b /Q D[ % GX J < ON w ? O! a P ? e P E > Od w A ?a p O H ? e p -P D ? 0&@ \8 u P P g` x0 % p$ O 0S A S G e y )A P D e E #j q .@ 0A u 0# s B CL XD 0 d N E+ #j + c A CL 2 0! P G ? e 0 ? e c r N E+ #j + s$F CL H 0&@ x u 8 _ 3x ? O( | e t . %' #j @ # `q @ # p ) D ? e 0& \0 m * P @ `x0 aL a@ x e D0 Od w N # #b -A D ? 2 0& ,0 m 0 qP B | e S dr N # #b ) D ? e 0C \0 m N # #b X -O D ? 0& ,0 m ql D d N # #b X - B ? X @ G # `q @ % p @ D p . @ m H 'C 0 e B" A F P 4x `K L | e t J @@ ! ) H@f - 0%PM (0V 1 P y8 e 3 e B syX R o ! }L + Q ? e y )O H e 8 & % #b " y8 ? e r . A m 0%@ ` X 8 XD 0 d ) p e 8 C E #b -@ R OX ! P = ? - @ < M ? e \d $r A ?e p O H ? e p -I D ? b 0&P \8 ux O x@ # e # ? $ X ` % S A S G e 9 | )A P D e E #j q .@ 0A u 0# s L XD 0 d N E+ #j + c L 0! P G ? e 0 ? e c r N E+ #j + s$ L H2 0&@ x u 8 _ 3x ? O( | e t . %' #j @ # `q @ # p ) D ? e 0& \0 m P `(8 % + a BS ? e H E > Od w N # #b -A D ? 0& ,0 m 0 q B | e S dr N # #b ) D ? e 2 0C \0 m N # #b X -O D ? 0& ,0 m q, D d N # #b X - B ? X @J G # `q @ % p j @ D p i . h m H H 0 e q 0 J @@ -P Lf 0! E 2V - X 2 H 1x -- 3 aP s( e 0 P A "(@ \ ` x e y )O H@ e ( #A @ aL J" |F ONA X `X c " CL p X %' #b2 d ` 0X e y ) D ?'- b 0& |0 m m@ B 4 e'ed $r N E+ #b . #I m 0C w e N E+ #b H @ @ - p )C " e 0 \0 m q N E+ #b 8 )OM# - #Q p Q w ? O a L ? e X H Od w ) @X e ! x@ e XD & P 0 H `-A A ? H 0& ,0 m l0 P 0 e Od $eOQT p X * d w . % #b C E ? e . Q$i m H 0#O Q" ML} }@ @ 5 ?eL ed ,r . %' #b %A E ? x$ XD 0 d N A m H2 0N %' #b 8 ) Q$ D ? e H 0& \0 m r- D d N %' #b 8 ) Q D ? e H 0& \0 m bm D d . %' #b 8 %O E ? $ XD 0 d . Q$I m H2 0% Q* ?MX D d . %' #b 8 @ # `q - 3 ? C | e ) Ib ? e @ # `q @ % p @ D p , /N !H !X 1x -- * C Z 0 H `s )@ QH & ( |X e q> + #A H !@ 1 H XD 0 d ) D e ! 0%B @ ? < @ u d 8r . #j HA @ @ # `q @ @ # @ p I D e - A ?) HH 0& ,0 m D d . ! #b 8 @ pX e q N @ m 0 0N #b ` )- A@ ? ` @ , g 9 `q& . E H m 0C ` E e N #b - A ?) H8 0& ,0 m D d . ! #b 8 @ pX e q N @ m 0N #b ` - @ A ?) x 0& A ,0 m R, G ? e O S dr N b #b h . A H m 0C E e N b #b 8 -@ @ ? X H 0! X e @ D c N ! #b * * main inputs gl_GlobalInvocationID outputs constants num_attributes ) D` e @ ; `q I A LX e J r . A p 0 A X ? e q . #z @ `q I D e gl_FragCoord gl_FrontFacing gl_PointCoord gl_FragDepth K #A @) @ @ ! /1 , H)p +@ ! /1 L P)!@ X@ e J R | e $r ; K ` #1 aX1)N D e , 1#@IB @! / X 0 H `s )A D` e ) b # `q K #1 L i1/O ee L i# # ZD 0 d N < > @ gl_FragCoord gl_FrontFacing gl_PointCoord pilot_pos pilot_pc gl_FragDepth J 4 KX #$ @ )@ @ ` e !@ Xp & D #p @K @ h) < lX e @ C [ > gl_FragCoord gl_FrontFacing gl_PointCoord I LX e hN < > @c M C p drawcalls #version 310 es #extension GL_OES_sample_variables : enable precision highp int; precision highp float; in vec2 texcoord; layout(binding = 0) uniform highp sampler2D uniform_sampler; void main() { gl_FragDepth = texture(uniform_sampler, texcoord).x; } #version 310 es #extension GL_OES_sample_variables : enable precision highp int; precision highp float; in vec2 texcoord; layout(binding = 0) uniform highp sampler2D uniform_sampler; void main() { vec3 v = texture(uniform_sampler, texcoord).rgb; gl_FragDepth = dot(v, vec3(255.0/16777216.0, 255.0 / 65536.0, 0.99609381)); } #version 310 es #extension GL_OES_sample_variables : enable precision highp int; precision highp float; in vec2 texcoord; layout(binding = 0) uniform highp sampler2DMS uniform_sampler; void main() { gl_FragDepth = texelFetch(uniform_sampler, ivec2(floor(texcoord)), gl_SampleID).x; } #version 310 es #extension GL_OES_sample_variables : enable precision highp int; precision highp float; in vec2 texcoord; layout(binding = 0) uniform highp sampler2DMS uniform_sampler; void main() { vec3 v = texelFetch(uniform_sampler, ivec2(floor(texcoord)), gl_SampleID).rgb; gl_FragDepth = dot(v, vec3(255.0 / 16777216.0, 255.0 / 65536.0, 0.99609381)); } #version 310 es #extension GL_OES_sample_variables : enable #extension GL_ARM_framebuffer_write : enable precision highp int; precision highp float; in vec2 texcoord; layout(binding = 0) uniform highp isampler2D uniform_sampler; void main() { gl_FragStencil = texture(uniform_sampler, texcoord).x; } #version 310 es #extension GL_ARM_framebuffer_write : enable #extension GL_OES_sample_variables : enable precision highp int; precision highp float; in vec2 texcoord; layout(binding = 0) uniform highp isampler2DMS uniform_sampler; void main() { gl_FragStencil = texelFetch(uniform_sampler, ivec2(floor(texcoord)), gl_SampleID).x; } #version 310 es #extension GL_OES_sample_variables : enable #extension GL_ARM_framebuffer_write : enable precision highp int; precision highp float; in vec2 texcoord; layout(binding = 0) uniform highp sampler2D uniform_sampler; void main() { vec4 v = texture(uniform_sampler, texcoord).rgba; gl_FragDepth = v.r * 255.0 / 16777216.0 + v.g * 255.0 / 65536.0 + v.b * 0.99609381; gl_FragStencil = int(v.a * 255.0 + 0.5); } #version 310 es #extension GL_OES_sample_variables : enable #extension GL_ARM_framebuffer_write : enable precision highp int; precision highp float; in vec2 texcoord; layout(binding = 0) uniform highp sampler2DMS uniform_sampler; void main() { vec4 v = texelFetch(uniform_sampler, ivec2(floor(texcoord)), gl_SampleID).rgba; gl_FragDepth = v.r * 255.0 / 16777216.0 + v.g * 255.0 / 65536.0 + v.b * 0.99609381; gl_FragStencil = int(v.a * 255.0 + 0.5); } #version 310 es precision highp int; precision highp float; layout(%s, location = 0, binding = 0) uniform highp readonly %s src_image; in vec2 texcoord; layout(location = 0) out %s fragColor; void main() { fragColor = imageLoad(src_image, ivec2(texcoord)); } #version 310 es precision highp float; layout(binding = 0) uniform highp sampler2D tex; in vec4 texcoord; layout(location = 0) out mediump vec4 fragColor; void main() { fragColor = texture(tex, texcoord.xy); } #version 310 es precision highp float; layout(binding = 0) uniform highp sampler3D tex;in vec4 texcoord; layout(location = 0) out mediump vec4 fragColor; void main() { fragColor = 0.5 * (texture(tex, texcoord.xyz) + texture(tex, texcoord.xyw)); } ( 8 ? R 4? ? 5? 5? ? 5? ? ? ? ?- z o = _ @ < < H H @ @ H H H H @ @ H H @ @ @ @ @ @ ! " # $ % X & X ' @ ( @ ) X * X + , H - . / 0 1 2 3 X 4 X 5 6 7 X 8 X 9 : H ; @ < = > ? @ @ @ A H B @ C @ D @ E H F @ G H H H I @ J @ K H L H M H N H O H P @ Q @ R H S H T H U @ V @ W @ X @ Y @ Z @ [ @ \ H ] H ^ @ _ @ ` X a X b X c @ d @ e @ f @ g x h x i X j @ k @ l @ m @ n X o X p X q @ r @ s @ t @ u @ v @ w @ x @ y @ z @ { @ | X } X ~ X @ @ @ @ T T T T \ \ T T T T T T T T override default v1.r10p0-01rel0.18d0462009affd05c324ea67886ec08c Release timkle01 2018-07-15_22:41:55 U:r10p0-01rel0 gl_FragDepth mem2reg simplifycfg constprop instcombine basicaa early-cse lower-expect targetlibinfo globalopt deadargelim basiccg always-inline functionattrs lazy-value-info jump-threading correlated-propagation tailcallelim reassociate loop-simplify loop-rotate loop-unswitch scalar-evolution indvars loop-idiom loop-deletion loop-unroll memcpyopt strip-dead-prototypes e-i64:64-i128:128-i256:256-i512:512-i1024:1024-i24:32-i48:64-i96:128-i192:256-n8:16:32:64 e-m:e-i64:64-i128:128-n8:16:32:64 e-m:e-p:32:32-i64:64-i128:128-n8:16:32:64 Expected<T> must be checked before access or destruction. Unchecked Expected<T> contained error: Expected<T> value was in success state. (Note: Expected<T> values in success mode must still be checked prior to being destroyed). Linker failed. Symbol definition not found: Program aborted due to an unhandled Error: Error value was Success. (Note: Success values must still be checked prior to being destroyed). Optimizations failed. invalid source module. BIFL linker failed. kernelstats replace_math_bifs LLVM passes used Available LLVM passes Internal error: pass ' ' not initialized properly (out of memory error) ignoring pass ' ' (pass not registered) Failed to open file ' ' - using default pass sequence __bifrost_length __bifrost_normalize __bifrost_rotate __bitreverse __bifrost_idpadd_v4u8 __bifrost_idpadd_v4s8 __bifrost_idpadd_v2u16 __bifrost_idpadd_v2s16 add_sat sub_sat __bifrost_local_segment_base_address __bifrost_private_segment_base_address half_divide half_exp2 half_exp10 half_log2 half_log10 half_recip half_rsqrt half_sqrt native_cos native_divide native_exp native_exp2 native_exp10 native_log native_log2 native_log10 native_powr native_recip native_rsqrt native_sin native_sqrt __fmin_nan __bifrost_ldexp __accurate_f32_divide __bifrost_sqrt_round_ne __bifrost_fmax __bifrost_fmin __fmax_nan __bifrost_cos_lookup __bifrost_sin_lookup bitselect __bifrost_barrier arm_get_core_id __bifrost_get_workgroup_id __bifrost_get_global_id __bifrost_get_local_id_01 __bifrost_get_local_id_2f get_sub_group_local_id shuffle native_tan mem_fence read_mem_fence write_mem_fence get_max_sub_group_size Entry point: work registers used uniform registers used Tuples: A / L / T / Overall Number of tuples for shortest code path unknown (the shader contains printf calls) bound) Number of tuples for longest code path unknown (the shader contains printf calls) Number of tuples for longest code path unknown (the shader contains loops) Number of tuples for longest code path: Note: The tuple counts do not include possible stalls due to cache misses. kernel_param_ +initialize-register-values out-bifrost -cl-single-precision-constant -cl-denorms-are-zero -cl-opt-disable -cl-mad-enable -cl-no-signed-zeros -cl-unsafe-math-optimizations -cl-finite-math-only -cl-fast-relaxed-math __FAST_RELAXED_MATH__ -cl-strict-aliasing ignoring deprecated OpenCL C option '-cl-strict-aliasing' -cl-uniform-work-group-size -cl-arm-non-uniform-work-group-size -cl-arm-svm 'CL1.1' unsupported OpenCL C version ' ' (currently supported: -cl-kernel-arg-info unknown OpenCL C option ' __ENDIAN_LITTLE__ __IMAGE_SUPPORT__ cannot request -container=none with other container options cannot request for container with source code only OpenCL C option ' ' requires at least OpenCL C -create-library -enable-link-options -Werror unknown emit option " -fno-dim-interchange -fno-kernel-unroller -fno-kernel-vectorizer -fkernel-unroller optimisation option '-fkernel-unroller' ignored for this architecture -fkernel-unroller= -fkernel-unroller-stride optimisation option '-fkernel-unroller-stride' ignored for this architecture -fkernel-unroller-stride= -fkernel-vectorizer optimisation option '-fkernel-vectorizer' ignored for this architecture -fkernel-vectorizer= -fbasic-block-vectorizer optimisation option '-fbasic-block-vectorizer' ignored for this architecture -verify -allow-noinline -kernel-stats= kernel statistics file already exists -print-available-passes -print-pass-sequence -spirv-transit -pass-sequence-from-file= -pass-sequence= ignoring invalid optimization level ' -container= invalid chunk name '-container= invalid target name '-b -revision= -XINITIALIZE_REGISTER_VALUES -print-build-info -print-default-target unknown build option ' unknown compile option ' unknown link option ' unrecognised core/revision combination parameter missing invalid kernel name ' encountered invalid build options cannot open source file ' Failed to open directory: ./ Compiler frontend failed (error code Build called before compile. Compiler middle failed (error code Linking failed (error code #define __OPENCL_VERSION__ CL_VERSION_2_0 typedef unsigned int size_t; typedef signed int intptr_t; typedef unsigned int uintptr_t; #define __CLCC_ENABLE_CL20_ATOMICS__ #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_arm_printf : enable #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64 : enable Failed to open directory ' Failed to handle include build options the OpenCL program contains recursion. The following functions can call themselves: An OpenCL module cannot contain recursion. __to_global __to_local __to_private program contains no kernel information program contains invalid kernel information Kernel statistics is possibly collected on an unoptimized IR. This may cause inaccuracy in an argument access type computation. "name": " "type": " "scalar_ops": "vector_ops": "int_to_fp": "fp_to_int": "is_kernel": "basic_blocks": "insert_elements": "extract_elements": "shuffle_vectors": "loops": "max_loop_depth": "arguments": [ "llvm_type": " , "addr_space": , "access_qual": " , "cl_type": " , "access_type_qual": " , "access type": "calls": [ {"name": " "count": "bifls": [ {"mangled_name": " "unmangled_name": " "arith_types": { "operation_types": { __gpu_convert_image_to_index_ struct unnamed struct gl_mali_FragCoordOffset gl_mali_non_rmu_buffer , unknown e-m:e-p:32:32-i8:8-i16:16-i32:32-i64:64-i128:128-n8:16:32:64 e-m:e-i8:8-i16:16-i32:32-i64:64-i128:128-n8:16:32:64 Gens : Kills: LiveAnalysis: LiveIns : LiveOuts: LiveInsEngine Undefs: Invalid Early schedule: Node order: Critical path: Reg pressure: Reg critical: Reg excess: Frees Nodes: Max Preds cycle: pre_ra_sched Pre-RA Machine Scheduler Data Flow Analysis: error opening file ' ' for writing! done. digraph " digraph unnamed { label=" [shape=record, label="{ -> Node Third operand ins't a constant descriptor? TEXC opcode is/isn't convergent and shouldn't/should be! VAR_TEX opcode doesn't agree with it's LOD modifier! TEXS_2D opcode doesn't agree with it's LOD modifier! Copy expected to have a subregister attached to the input operand TLS memory access crossing 128-bit boundary! Illegal temporary register write! Invalid ModId ' ' on instruction ' ModId ' ' is the default modifier for family P_FMA_or_ADD P_FMA_and_ADD ConflictMask: NoConflict RegBlock RegBlockIn RegBlockPTOut RegBlockCTOut FAURAM ClauseBlock BB# Clause BBRegInfo use-def: (instr: def-use: label=" <edge id=" " source=" " target=" </edge> Digraph style=filled; node [fillcolor=white, style="filled"]; <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <graphml xmlns="http://graphml.graphdrawing.org/xmlns" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:y="http://www.yworks.com/xml/graphml" xmlns:yed="http://www.yworks.com/xml/yed/3" xsi:schemaLocation="http://graphml.graphdrawing.org/xmlns http://www.yworks.com/xml/schema/graphml/1.1/ygraphml.xsd"> <key for="node" id="dngfx" yfiles.type="nodegraphics"/> <key for="edge" id="degfx" yfiles.type="edgegraphics"/> <graph id="G" edgedefault="undirected"> </graph> </graphml> [shape=record,label=" <node id=" #000000 #FFCC00 </node> subgraph cluster_t label=""; fillcolor=white; <graph id=" [shape=rectangle,style=filled,color=red,label=" \<\- DepSlot"]; [shape=record,style=filled,fillcolor=red,label=" [shape=rectangle]; subgraph cluster_ label=""; fillcolor=lightseagreen [style=dashed]; <edge id="se "; fillcolor=grey; { rank=same; C empty; fillcolor=lightgrey; #FFFFFF #404040 _end -> _start [style=dashed,fillcolor=red]; <edge id="cfe <edge id="de Instruction Selection and Scheduling mem: 64-bit clauses not supported by the specified core. Invalid ShaderFlow flags combination. Valid combinations are: Modifiers: Families: Family Combinations: OM Families: (M_FORMAT_FRONTEND) (M_FORMAT_BACKEND) Warning: un-handled fiuxup kind: Clause layout: ClauseEncoding { Padding clause Header: Plg: Eplg: Clause Constants: FAURAM : RegBlock: FMA Inst: (temporary ADD Inst: RegBlock Enc: , %src2, %src3, %src4, %src5, %src6, %src7 , %src2, %src3, %src4, %src5, %src6, %src7, %src8, %src9 , %src2, %src3, %src4, %src5, %src6, %src7, %src8 , %src2, %src3, %src4, %src5, %src6, %src7, %src8, %src9, %src10 GRDESC_DER TexelOffset NoClamp ArrayEnable CubeMap LOD-explicit LOD-bias-low-clamp Weights G:green G:alpha F16.clamp_0_inf F16.clamp_m1_1 F16.clamp_0_1 F32.clamp_0_inf F32.clamp_m1_1 F32.clamp_0_1 [DUALTEX|PS: |SIMode| clause <<Unknown DAG Node>> Prefetch AtomicFence AtomicCmpSwap AtomicCmpSwapWithSuccess AtomicSwap AtomicLoadAdd AtomicLoadSub AtomicLoadAnd AtomicLoadOr AtomicLoadXor AtomicLoadNand AtomicLoadMin AtomicLoadMax AtomicLoadUMin AtomicLoadUMax AtomicLoad AtomicStore PCMarker ReadCycleCounter SrcValue EntryToken TokenFactor AssertSext AssertZext BasicBlock ValueType Register RegisterMask OpaqueConstant Constant ConstantFP GlobalAddress GlobalTLSAddress FrameIndex JumpTable GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE RETURNADDR ADDROFRETURNADDR FRAMEADDR LOCAL_RECOVER READ_REGISTER WRITE_REGISTER FRAME_TO_ARGS_OFFSET EH_DWARF_CFA EH_RETURN EH_SJLJ_SETJMP EH_SJLJ_LONGJMP EH_SJLJ_SETUP_DISPATCH ConstantPool TargetIndex ExternalSymbol BlockAddress BUILD_VECTOR OpaqueTargetConstant TargetConstant TargetConstantFP TargetGlobalAddress TargetGlobalTLSAddress TargetFrameIndex TargetJumpTable TargetConstantPool TargetExternalSymbol MCSymbol TargetBlockAddress CopyToReg CopyFromReg merge_values inlineasm eh_label handlenode fminnum fmaxnum fminnan fmaxnan fsincos fnearbyint smul_lohi umul_lohi sdivrem udivrem fcopysign fgetsign fcanonicalize vselect select_cc insert_vector_elt extract_vector_elt concat_vectors insert_subvector extract_subvector scalar_to_vector vector_shuffle carry_false shl_parts sra_parts srl_parts sign_extend zero_extend any_extend sign_extend_inreg any_extend_vector_inreg sign_extend_vector_inreg zero_extend_vector_inreg truncate fp_round flt_rounds fp_round_inreg fp_extend sint_to_fp uint_to_fp fp_to_sint fp_to_uint bitcast addrspacecast fp16_to_fp fp_to_fp16 callseq_start callseq_end catchret cleanupret masked_load masked_store masked_gather masked_scatter vastart dynamic_stackalloc extract_element build_pair stacksave stackrestore debugtrap lifetime.start lifetime.end gc_transition.start gc_transition.end get.dynamic.area.offset bitreverse cttz_zero_undef ctlz_zero_undef init_trampoline adjust_trampoline settrue settrue2 setfalse setfalse2 <APFloat( , anyext , trunc to <unknown> SelectionDAG has nodes: FastISel missed call: FastISel missed terminator: FastISel miss: In function: intrinsic % target intrinsic % unknown intrinsic # SelectionDAG::viewGraph is only available in debug builds on systems with Graphviz or gv! SelectionDAG::clearGraphAttrs is only available in debug builds on systems with Graphviz or gv! SelectionDAG::setGraphAttrs is only available in debug builds SelectionDAG::getGraphAttrs is only available in debug builds SelectionDAG::setGraphColor is only available in debug builds SelectionDAG::setSubgraphColor is only available in debug builds CROSS RC COPY plaintext=circle GraphRoot color=blue,style=dashed label =" Unprocessed value in a map! Value with legal type was transformed! Processed value not in any map! Value in multiple maps! ReplacedValues PromotedIntegers SoftenedFloats ScalarizedVectors ExpandedIntegers ExpandedFloats SplitVectors WidenedVectors PromotedFloats implicit-def: -byte Reload -byte Folded Reload -byte Spill -byte Folded Spill Reload Reuse DEBUG_VALUE: [fragment offset= [complex expression] (long double) Printing <null> Type Depth= Parent Loop BB Child Loop BB Depth invalid operand in inline asm: ' .intel_syntax .att_syntax Abbreviation @ , Offset: , Size: String: InlineString: LocList: : Size: bifrost.set.attribute.index bifrost.set.image.index bifrost.set.sampler.index bifrost.set.imagesampler.index gles.is_epta gles.xpta tu.attribs shader_lang gl_mali_TextureSizesVertex gl_mali_TextureSizesFragment gl_mali_TextureSizesCompute gl_mali_TextureSizesTessCtrl gl_mali_TextureSizesTessEval gl_mali_TextureSizesGeometry In Function: AAMDNodes not supported for: Argument Illegal bit size: Subtarget does not support fp64: Illegal vector size: Floating Point was expected: Integer was expected: Result Tex is/isn't convergent but shouldn't/should be! Operation is illegal in: Texel offset requires at least one argument: Shadow mapping requires at least one extra argument: Array enable requries at least one extra argument: 3D texturing requires an extra argument: Lod mode is illegal in: Should use tex according to the modifiers: Cube-map dimension expects one extra operand according to the modifier: Argument 7 has invalid input: Argument and result vector width mismatch: Invalid argument and result type combination: Argument 0 is expected to be a modifier intrinsic, but was: Argument 0 of argument 0 is expected to be undef, but was: Argument 0 of argument 0 is expected to be a modifier intrinsic, but was: Only the 'flat' modifier is allowed with ld.svar and ld.uvar: Second modifier invalid: First modifier invalid: digraph { " [ shape=box ] -> "BB# " -> "BB# " [ color=lightgray ] unsupported GC: GC roots for GC safe points for , live = { Clean updater: Null updater. updater with gap = , last start = : Area 1: Spills: Area 2: ********** INTERVALS ********** RegMasks: ********** MACHINEINSTRS ********** Live Registers: (uninitialized) (empty) [Unknown] Can't print out MachineBasicBlock because parent MachineFunction is null derived from LLVM BB EH LANDING PAD ADDRESS TAKEN bytes) Live Ins: Predecessors according to CFG: Successors according to CFG: MachineBlockFrequencyInfo::view is only available in debug builds on systems with Graphviz or gv! block-frequency-info: : float = , int = edge MBB# -> MBB# probability is =============================-------------------------------- Inorder PostDominator Tree: Inorder Dominator Tree: DFSNumbers invalid: slow queries. <<exit node>> # Machine code for function Function Live Ins: # End machine code for function MachineFunction::viewCFG is only available in debug builds on MachineFunction::viewCFGOnly is only available in debug builds on Frame Objects: variable sized , align= , fixed , at location [SP Jump Tables: Constant Pool: earlyclobber, ,read-undef imp-use internal <regmask more... <regliveout> <MCSym= <call frame instruction> <intrinsic:@ <intrinsic: Volatile (addrspace= (align= (alias.scope= (noalias= (nontemporal) (dereferenceable) (invariant) UNKNOWN [sideeffect] [mayload] [maystore] [isconvergent] [alignstack] [attdialect] [inteldialect] :[reguse :[regdef :[regdef-ec :[clobber tiedto:$ flags: FrameSetup FrameDestroy line no: inlined @[ indirect Loop at depth containing: <header> <latch> <exiting> GenericScheduler RegionPolicy: ShouldTrackPressure= OnlyTopDown= OnlyBottomUp= Critical Path(GS-RR ): Critical Path(PGS-RR ): ScheduleDAGMI::viewGraph is only available in debug builds on ensemble: pred=BB# pred=null head=BB# +instrs depth invalid height= succ=BB# succ=null tail=BB# height invalid , crit= trace BB# --> BB# instrs. cycles. <- BB# -> BB# Instruction: *** Bad machine code: - function: FrameDestroy < > is after FrameSetup < Predecessor BB# has exit state ( ), while BB# has entry state ( Successor BB# MBB is not in the predecessor list of the successor BB# MBB is not in the successor list of the predecessor BB# - basic block: BB# - instruction: Last instruction was at First terminator was: operands expected, but given. - operand is not a register. Register bank too small( ) to fit Expect register class but got nothing Register class does not support subreg index does not fully support subreg index Expected a register, but got a register Live stack: - liverange: - regunit: - v. register: - lanemask: - interval: - at: - ValNo: Block ends at last instruction was at Virtual register is used after the block. is a predecessor according to the CFG. must be live through the block. is not needed live through the block. still has defs or uses : valnos live into BB# , not live before Valno # live out of BB# Valno # - segment: FixedStack Max Pressure: Live In: Live Out: Curr Pressure: Error while trying to spill Allocas: Block liveness: ): begin , livein , liveout Alloca liveness: Stack regions: ), range Stack objects: Unknown <entry> ScheduleDAG::viewGraph is only available in debug builds on invalid DW.ref. $non_lazy_ptr /EXPORT: -export: .rodata.cst *** Code after LSR *** *** Final LLVM Code input to ISel *** After Instruction Selection Error: Super register of reserved register is not reserved. %physreg BadUnit~ ********** REGISTER MAP ********** -> fi# empty <ir-block badref> %ir-block. address-taken landing-pad successors: liveins: frame-setup debug-location %fixed-stack. %stack. target-flags( <unknown>) <unknown target flag> <unknown bitmask target flag> internal killed early-clobber debug-use (tied-def %const. target-index( %jump-table. blockaddress( liveout( <mcsymbol intrinsic(@ volatile non-temporal dereferenceable invariant jump-table constant-pool call-entry call-entry $ Dependency DependencyAll , align , !tbaa , !alias.scope , !noalias , !range same_value <mcsymbol> offset def_cfa_register def_cfa_offset def_cfa <unserializable cfi operation> <badref> <badreg> Clobbered Registers: shadow-stack callsites: callsite locations <Unprocessed operand> Register Direct Indirect Constant Constant Index [encoding: .byte , .byte , .short , .int live-out registers [encoding: .short , .byte 0, .byte expanded from here expanded from macro ' (skipping expansions in backtrace; use -fmacro-backtrace-limit=0 to see all) in file included from in module ' ' imported from while building module ' #define <uninit> @import /* clang -E: implicit import for " /* clang -E: implicit import for module /* clang -E -dI */ #pragma clang __debug #pragma message(" warning " error " diagnostic push diagnostic pop diagnostic warning ignored #pragma warning( #pragma warning(push #pragma warning(pop) #undef fatal error (clang) (in PCH) In file included from In included file: In module ' While building module ' fix-it:" File Line * (directive at (frontend) <unnamed-type- __block_literal_ top level *** Dumping IRgen Record Layout Record: Layout: <CGRecordLayout LLVMType: NonVirtualBaseLLVMType: IsZeroInitializable: BitFields:[ <CGBitFieldInfo Offset: IsSigned: StorageSize: StorageOffset: restrict __read_only __write_only __read_write __regcall3__ Expansion, Skipped, (Expanded file = eh.CatchableTypeArray. rtti.TypeDescriptor (ABIArgInfo Kind= Direct Type= InAlloca Offset= Indirect Align= ByVal= Realign= CoerceAndExpand Type= /DEFAULTLIB: llvm.named.register. _OBJC_CLASS_ __ObjC_Protocol_Holder_Ugly_Hack AnotherHack NSAutoreleasePool .objc_class_name_ .globl .objc_class_name_ .lazy_reference .objc_class_name_ .objc_category_name_ .globl .objc_category_name_ OBJC_CLASS_ OBJC_METACLASS_ _NSConstantStringClassReference objc_ehtype_vtable l_OBJC_$_CATEGORY_ OBJC_IVAR_$_ l_OBJC_PROTOCOL_REFERENCE_$_ l_OBJC_PROTOCOL_$_ l_OBJC_LABEL_PROTOCOL_$_ OBJC_CLASS_$_NSConstantString ;unknown;unknown;0;0;; __omp_offloading STATISTICS: <eof> parser at end of file <unknown> parser at unknown location : at annotation token : unknown current parser token : current parser token ' (anonymous) init_seg data_seg bss_seg const_seg code_seg section nounroll options visibility ms_struct redefine_extname FP_CONTRACT EXTENSION comment detect_mismatch pointers_to_members vtordisp intrinsic force_cuda_host_device optimize Flags: FnScope BreakScope ContinueScope DeclScope ControlScope ClassScope BlockScope TemplateParamScope FunctionPrototypeScope FunctionDeclarationScope AtCatchScope ObjCMethodScope SwitchScope TryScope FnTryCatchScope SEHTryScope SEHExceptScope OpenMPDirectiveScope OpenMPLoopDirectiveScope OpenMPSimdDirectiveScope Parent: (clang::Scope*) Depth: MSLastManglingNumber: MSCurManglingNumber: Entity : (clang::DeclContext*) NRVO not allowed NRVO candidate : (clang::VarDecl*) *** Semantic Analysis Stats: SFINAE diagnostics trapped. __attribute__(( sizeof( strlen( throw() noexcept noexcept( (vector of ' values) Variable Parameter CF audited function Parameter Exception Binding Temporary CompoundLiteral RelatedResult Delegating ArrayElement VectorElement ComplexElement LambdaCapture Failed sequence: too many initializers for reference array requires initializer list address of unaddressable function was taken array requires initializer list or string literal array requires initializer list or wide string literal narrow string into wide char array wide string into char array incompatible wide string into wide char array array type mismatch non-constant array initializer address of overloaded function failed overload resolution for reference initialization failed non-const lvalue reference bound to temporary non-const lvalue reference bound to bit-field non-const lvalue reference bound to vector element non-const lvalue reference bound to unrelated type rvalue reference bound to an lvalue reference initialization drops qualifiers reference initialization failed conversion failed conversion from property failed too many initializers for scalar referencing binding to initializer list initializer list for non-aggregate, non-scalar type overloading failed for user-defined conversion constructor overloading failed default initialization of a const variable initialization of incomplete type list initialization checker failure variable length array has an initializer initializer expression isn't contextually valid list constructor overloading failed list copy initialization chose explicit constructor Dependent sequence Normal sequence: resolve address of overloaded function derived-to-base (rvalue) derived-to-base (xvalue) derived-to-base (lvalue) bind reference to lvalue bind reference to a temporary final copy in class direct-initialization extraneous C++03 copy to temporary user-defined conversion via qualification conversion (rvalue) qualification conversion (xvalue) qualification conversion (lvalue) non-atomic-to-atomic conversion load (lvalue to rvalue) implicit conversion sequence ( implicit conversion sequence with narrowing prohibited ( list aggregate initialization unwrap reference initializer list rewrap reference initializer list constructor initialization list initialization via constructor zero initialization C assignment string initialization Objective-C object conversion indexing for array initialization loop array initialization loop array initialization array initialization (GNU extension) parenthesized array initialization pass by indirect copy and restore pass by indirect restore Objective-C object retension std::initializer_list from initializer list list initialization from std::initializer_list OpenCL sampler_t from integer constant OpenCL event_t from zero OpenCL queue_t from zero static_cast< result(s) , ambiguous , base paths present lookup results for (by copy constructor) (direct reference binding) (reference binding) No conversions required aggregate initialization Worst std::initializer_list element conversion: Standard conversion: User-defined conversion: Ellipsis conversion Ambiguous conversion Bad conversion #pragma nounroll disable assume_safety type name read_only write_only read_write *** Analysis Based Warnings Stats: functions analyzed ( w/o CFGs). CFG blocks built. average CFG blocks per function. max CFG blocks per function. functions analyzed for uninitialiazed variables variables analyzed. average variables per function. max variables per function. block visits. average block visits per function. max block visits per function. COMPLETION: (Hidden) Pattern : OVERLOAD: (scope) (block context: (ENTRY)] (EXIT)] (INDIRECT GOTO DISPATCH)] (NORETURN)] default catch ( Preds (Unreachable) Succs ({ ... ; (OperatorCall) (BindTemporary) (CXXConstructExpr, (Base initializer) (Delegating initializer) (Member initializer) (Implicit destructor) CFGNewAllocator( (Base object destructor) (Member object destructor) () (Temporary object destructor) (Temp Dtor) try ... static init do ... while ? ... : ... || ... && ... __builtin_choose_expr( switch Uninitialized Float: Vector: ComplexInt: ComplexFloat: LValue: <todo> Array: Struct bases: fields: Union: MemberPointer: <todo> AddrLabelDiff: <todo> <uninitialized> (char*) *** AST Context Stats: types total. Builtin types Complex Pointer BlockPointer LValueReference RValueReference MemberPointer ConstantArray IncompleteArray VariableArray DependentSizedArray DependentSizedExtVector ExtVector FunctionProto FunctionNoProto UnresolvedUsing Typedef Adjusted Decayed TypeOfExpr Decltype UnaryTransform Elaborated Attributed TemplateTypeParm SubstTemplateTypeParm SubstTemplateTypeParmPack TemplateSpecialization InjectedClassName DependentName DependentTemplateSpecialization PackExpansion ObjCTypeParam ObjCObject ObjCInterface ObjCObjectPointer Total bytes = implicit default constructors created implicit copy constructors created implicit move constructors created implicit copy assignment operators created implicit move assignment operators created implicit destructors created the global namespace the global scope block literal lambda expression namespace method function ' (vector of (no argument) template nullptr (no qualifiers) (no qualifiers) * ...] <<<NULL>>> LocInfo Type dependent instantiation_dependent variably_modified contains_unexpanded_pack imported written as lvalue reference static <invalid sloc> altivec altivec pixel altivec bool neon poly trailing_return volatile restrict noreturn produces_result regparm underlying_type depth index TemplateArgument nullptr integral template template expansion decltype(auto) undeduced expansions QualType parent in (local) hidden implicit referenced invalid constexpr first also in protected private capture this capture nested inline CXXCtorInitializer required optional readonly assign readwrite retain nonatomic atomic strong unsafe_unretained struct __module_private__ definition virtual typename covariant contravariant bounded virtual target nominated constructed mutable synthesize private protected public package default _delete delete trivial noexcept-unevaluated noexcept-uninstantiated <<NULL params x tls_dynamic callinit listinit combiner initializer dynamic compiler FallThrough SwiftContext SwiftErrorResult SwiftIndirectResult Annotate CFConsumed CarriesDependency NSConsumed PassObjectSize AMDGPUFlatWorkGroupSize AMDGPUNumSGPR AMDGPUNumVGPR AMDGPUWavesPerEU ARMInterrupt ARMThreadLimitHint AcquireCapability AcquiredAfter AcquiredBefore AlignMac68k Aligned AllocSize AlwaysInline AnalyzerNoReturn AnyX86Interrupt ArcWeakrefUnavailable ArgumentWithTypeTag AsmLabel AssertCapability AssertExclusiveLock AssertSharedLock AssumeAligned Availability C11NoReturn CFAuditedTransfer CFReturnsNotRetained CFReturnsRetained CFUnknownTransfer CUDAConstant CUDADevice CUDAGlobal CUDAHost CUDAInvalidTarget CUDALaunchBounds CUDAShared CXX11NoReturn CallableWhen Capability CapturedRecord Cleanup Constructor Consumable ConsumableAutoCast ConsumableSetOnRead Convergent DLLExport DLLImport Deprecated Destructor DisableTailCalls EmptyBases EnableIf ExclusiveTrylockFunction FastCall FlagEnum Flatten FormatArg GNUInline GuardedBy GuardedVar IBAction IBOutlet IBOutletCollection InitPriority IntelOclBicc InternalLinkage LTOVisibilityPublic LayoutVersion LockReturned LocksExcluded MSInheritance MSNoVTable MSP430Interrupt MSStruct MSVtorDisp MaxFieldAlignment MayAlias MinSize MipsInterrupt NSConsumesSelf NSReturnsAutoreleased NSReturnsNotRetained NSReturnsRetained NoAlias NoCommon NoDebug NoDuplicate NoInline NoInstrumentFunction NoMips16 NoReturn NoSanitize NoSplitStack NoThreadSafetyAnalysis NoThrow NonNull NotTailCalled OMPCaptureNoInit OMPThreadPrivateDecl ObjCBridge ObjCBridgeMutable ObjCBridgeRelated ObjCException ObjCExplicitProtocolImpl ObjCIndependentClass ObjCMethodFamily ObjCNSObject ObjCPreciseLifetime ObjCRequiresPropertyDefs ObjCRequiresSuper ObjCReturnsInnerPointer ObjCRootClass ObjCSubclassingRestricted OpenCLExtension OpenCLKernel OpenCLUnrollHint OpenCLVersion OptimizeNone Override Ownership ParamTypestate PreserveAll PreserveMost PtGuardedBy PtGuardedVar RegCall ReleaseCapability ReqdWorkGroupSize RequireConstantInit RequiresCapability Restrict ReturnTypestate ReturnsNonNull ReturnsTwice ScopedLockable Section SelectAny Sentinel SetTypestate SharedTrylockFunction StdCall SwiftCall SysVABI TLSModel TestTypestate ThisCall TransparentUnion TryAcquireCapability TypeTagForDatatype TypeVisibility Unavailable VecReturn VecTypeHint VectorCall Visibility WarnUnused WarnUnusedResult WeakImport WeakRef WorkGroupSizeHint X86ForceAlignArgPointer XRayInstrument AlignValue InitSeg LoopHint OMPDeclareSimdDecl OMPDeclareTargetDecl ObjCBoxable ObjCDesignatedInitializer ObjCRuntimeName ObjCRuntimeVisible OpenCLAccess Overloadable RenderScriptKernel Inherited Implicit Generic IsPointer Unavailable Strict Unknown Consumed Unconsumed Vectorize VectorizeWidth Interleave InterleaveCount Unroll UnrollCount Distribute Enable Disable Numeric AssumeSafety BestCase BS_Undefined BS_Inbranch BS_Notinbranch MT_Link OMF_None OMF_alloc OMF_copy OMF_init OMF_mutableCopy OMF_new AAPCS_VFP LayoutCompatible MustBeNull Default Hidden Protected IR_None IR_ARCForbiddenType IR_ForbiddenWeak IR_ARCForbiddenConversion IR_ARCInitReturnsUnrelated IR_ARCFieldWithOwnership <undeserialized declarations> StoredDeclsMap primary DeclarationName <undeserialized lookups> lvalue xvalue bitfield objcproperty vectorcomponent ' ComputeLHSTy= ComputeResultTy= (CXXTemporary elidable zeroing global functional cast to field array filler extended by selector= isFreeIvar class= super (instance) super (class) Kind=MethodRef Getter=" " Setter=" Kind=PropertyRef Property=" Messaging= Getter&Setter Kind=ArraySubscript GetterForArray=" Kind=DictionarySubscript GetterForDictionary=" " SetterForArray=" " SetterForDictionary=" ADL) = ' sizeof alignof vec_step __builtin_omp_required_simd_align <<<NULL>>> OMPClause <implicit> catch all Name=" explicitly implicitly Param=" ParamIndex= Position=< " CloseName=" Text=" Attrs: SelfClosing RenderNormal RenderBold RenderMonospaced RenderEmphasized Unable to print values of type Unable to dump values of type __attribute__((amdgpu_flat_work_group_size( __attribute__((amdgpu_num_sgpr( __attribute__((amdgpu_num_vgpr( __attribute__((amdgpu_waves_per_eu( __attribute__((interrupt(" __attribute__((arm_thread_limit_hint( __attribute__((abi_tag( [[gnu::abi_tag( __attribute__((acquire_capability( [[clang::acquire_capability( __attribute__((acquire_shared_capability( [[clang::acquire_shared_capability( __attribute__((exclusive_lock_function( __attribute__((shared_lock_function( __attribute__((acquired_after( __attribute__((acquired_before( __attribute__((alias(" [[gnu::alias(" __attribute__((align_value( __attribute__((aligned( [[gnu::aligned( __declspec(align( alignas( _Alignas( __attribute__((alloc_size( [[gnu::alloc_size( __attribute__((always_inline)) [[gnu::always_inline]] __forceinline __attribute__((analyzer_noreturn)) __attribute__((annotate(" __attribute__((interrupt)) __attribute__((objc_arc_weak_reference_unavailable)) __attribute__((argument_with_type_tag( __attribute__((pointer_with_type_tag( __asm__(" __attribute__((assert_capability( [[clang::assert_capability( __attribute__((assert_shared_capability( [[clang::assert_shared_capability( __attribute__((assert_exclusive_lock( __attribute__((assert_shared_lock( __attribute__((assume_aligned( [[gnu::assume_aligned( __attribute__((availability( , strict , introduced= , deprecated= , obsoleted= , unavailable __attribute__((blocks(" _Noreturn __attribute__((cdecl)) [[gnu::cdecl]] __cdecl _cdecl __attribute__((cf_audited_transfer)) __attribute__((cf_consumed)) __attribute__((cf_returns_not_retained)) __attribute__((cf_returns_retained)) __attribute__((cf_unknown_transfer)) __attribute__((constant)) __attribute__((device)) __attribute__((global)) __attribute__((host)) __attribute__((launch_bounds( __attribute__((shared)) [[noreturn]] __attribute__((callable_when( __attribute__((capability(" [[clang::capability(" __attribute__((shared_capability(" [[clang::shared_capability(" __attribute__((carries_dependency)) [[carries_dependency]] __attribute__((cleanup( [[gnu::cleanup( __attribute__((cold)) [[gnu::cold]] __attribute__((common)) [[gnu::common]] __attribute__((const)) [[gnu::const]] __attribute__((__const)) [[gnu::__const]] __attribute__((constructor( [[gnu::constructor( __attribute__((consumable(" __attribute__((consumable_auto_cast_state)) __attribute__((consumable_set_state_on_read)) __attribute__((convergent)) [[clang::convergent]] __declspec(dllexport) __attribute__((dllexport)) [[gnu::dllexport]] __declspec(dllimport) __attribute__((dllimport)) [[gnu::dllimport]] __attribute__((deprecated(" [[gnu::deprecated(" __declspec(deprecated(" [[deprecated(" __attribute__((destructor( [[gnu::destructor( __attribute__((disable_tail_calls)) [[clang::disable_tail_calls]] __declspec(empty_bases) __attribute__((enable_if( __attribute__((exclusive_trylock_function( [[fallthrough]] [[clang::fallthrough]] __attribute__((fastcall)) [[gnu::fastcall]] __fastcall _fastcall sealed __attribute__((flag_enum)) __attribute__((flatten)) [[gnu::flatten]] __attribute__((format( [[gnu::format( __attribute__((format_arg( [[gnu::format_arg( __attribute__((gnu_inline)) [[gnu::gnu_inline]] __attribute__((guarded_by( __attribute__((guarded_var)) __attribute__((hot)) [[gnu::hot]] __attribute__((ibaction)) __attribute__((iboutlet)) __attribute__((iboutletcollection( __attribute__((ifunc(" [[gnu::ifunc(" __attribute__((init_priority( #pragma init_seg __attribute__((intel_ocl_bicc)) __attribute__((internal_linkage)) [[clang::internal_linkage]] [[clang::lto_visibility_public]] __declspec(layout_version( __attribute__((lock_returned( __attribute__((locks_excluded( #pragma clang loop #pragma unroll #pragma nounroll __attribute__((ms_abi)) [[gnu::ms_abi]] __single_inheritance( __multiple_inheritance( __virtual_inheritance( __unspecified_inheritance( __declspec(novtable) __attribute__((interrupt( __attribute__((ms_struct)) [[gnu::ms_struct]] __attribute__((may_alias)) [[gnu::may_alias]] __attribute__((minsize)) __attribute__((mips16)) [[gnu::mips16]] __attribute__((mode( [[gnu::mode( __attribute__((ns_consumed)) __attribute__((ns_consumes_self)) __attribute__((ns_returns_autoreleased)) __attribute__((ns_returns_not_retained)) __attribute__((ns_returns_retained)) __attribute__((naked)) [[gnu::naked]] __declspec(naked) __declspec(noalias) __attribute__((nocommon)) [[gnu::nocommon]] __attribute__((nodebug)) [[gnu::nodebug]] __attribute__((noduplicate)) [[clang::noduplicate]] __attribute__((noinline)) [[gnu::noinline]] __declspec(noinline) __attribute__((no_instrument_function)) [[gnu::no_instrument_function]] __attribute__((nomips16)) [[gnu::nomips16]] __attribute__((noreturn)) [[gnu::noreturn]] __declspec(noreturn) __attribute__((no_sanitize( [[clang::no_sanitize( __attribute__((no_split_stack)) [[gnu::no_split_stack]] __attribute__((no_thread_safety_analysis)) __attribute__((nothrow)) [[gnu::nothrow]] __declspec(nothrow) __attribute__((nonnull( [[gnu::nonnull( __attribute__((not_tail_called)) [[clang::not_tail_called]] #pragma omp declare simd #pragma omp declare target __attribute__((objc_boxable)) __attribute__((objc_bridge( __attribute__((objc_bridge_mutable( __attribute__((objc_bridge_related( __attribute__((objc_designated_initializer)) __attribute__((objc_exception)) __attribute__((objc_protocol_requires_explicit_implementation)) __attribute__((objc_independent_class)) __attribute__((objc_method_family(" __attribute__((NSObject)) __attribute__((objc_precise_lifetime)) __attribute__((objc_requires_property_definitions)) __attribute__((objc_requires_super)) __attribute__((objc_returns_inner_pointer)) __attribute__((objc_root_class)) __attribute__((objc_runtime_name(" __attribute__((objc_runtime_visible)) __attribute__((objc_subclassing_restricted)) __read_only read_only __write_only write_only __read_write read_write __attribute__((opencl_extension(" __kernel kernel __attribute__((opencl_unroll_hint( __attribute__((opencl_version( __attribute__((optnone)) [[clang::optnone]] __attribute__((overloadable)) override __attribute__((ownership_holds( __attribute__((ownership_returns( __attribute__((ownership_takes( __attribute__((packed)) [[gnu::packed]] __attribute__((param_typestate(" __attribute__((pascal)) __pascal _pascal __attribute__((pass_object_size( __attribute__((pcs(" [[gnu::pcs(" __attribute__((preserve_all)) __attribute__((preserve_most)) __attribute__((pt_guarded_by( __attribute__((pt_guarded_var)) __attribute__((pure)) [[gnu::pure]] __attribute__((regcall)) [[gnu::regcall]] __regcall __attribute__((release_capability( [[clang::release_capability( __attribute__((release_shared_capability( [[clang::release_shared_capability( __attribute__((release_generic_capability( [[clang::release_generic_capability( __attribute__((unlock_function( __attribute__((kernel)) __attribute__((reqd_work_group_size( __attribute__((require_constant_initialization)) [[clang::require_constant_initialization]] __attribute__((requires_capability( [[clang::requires_capability( __attribute__((exclusive_locks_required( __attribute__((requires_shared_capability( [[clang::requires_shared_capability( __attribute__((shared_locks_required( __declspec(restrict) __attribute__((malloc)) [[gnu::malloc]] __attribute__((return_typestate(" __attribute__((returns_nonnull)) [[gnu::returns_nonnull]] __attribute__((returns_twice)) [[gnu::returns_twice]] __attribute__((scoped_lockable)) __attribute__((section(" [[gnu::section(" __declspec(allocate(" __declspec(selectany) __attribute__((sentinel( [[gnu::sentinel( __attribute__((set_typestate(" __attribute__((shared_trylock_function( __attribute__((stdcall)) [[gnu::stdcall]] __stdcall _stdcall __attribute__((swiftcall)) [[gnu::swiftcall]] __attribute__((swift_context)) [[gnu::swift_context]] __attribute__((swift_error_result)) [[gnu::swift_error_result]] __attribute__((swift_indirect_result)) [[gnu::swift_indirect_result]] __attribute__((sysv_abi)) [[gnu::sysv_abi]] __attribute__((tls_model(" [[gnu::tls_model(" __attribute__((target(" [[gnu::target(" __attribute__((test_typestate(" __attribute__((thiscall)) [[gnu::thiscall]] __thiscall _thiscall __declspec(thread) __attribute__((transparent_union)) [[gnu::transparent_union]] __attribute__((try_acquire_capability( [[clang::try_acquire_capability( __attribute__((try_acquire_shared_capability( [[clang::try_acquire_shared_capability( __attribute__((type_tag_for_datatype( __attribute__((type_visibility(" [[clang::type_visibility(" __attribute__((unavailable(" [[maybe_unused]] __attribute__((unused)) [[gnu::unused]] __attribute__((used)) [[gnu::used]] __declspec(uuid(" [uuid(" __attribute__((vecreturn)) __attribute__((vec_type_hint( __attribute__((vectorcall)) __vectorcall _vectorcall __attribute__((visibility(" [[gnu::visibility(" __attribute__((warn_unused)) [[nodiscard]] [[clang::warn_unused_result]] __attribute__((warn_unused_result)) [[gnu::warn_unused_result]] __attribute__((weak)) [[gnu::weak]] __attribute__((weak_import)) __attribute__((weakref(" [[gnu::weakref(" __attribute__((work_group_size_hint( __attribute__((force_align_arg_pointer)) __attribute__((xray_always_instrument)) [[clang::xray_always_instrument]] __attribute__((xray_never_instrument)) [[clang::xray_never_instrument]] simdlen( uniform aligned( linear( (anonymous *** Decl Stats: decls total. AccessSpec decls, each ( bytes) Block decls, Captured decls, ClassScopeFunctionSpecialization decls, Empty decls, Export decls, ExternCContext decls, FileScopeAsm decls, Friend decls, FriendTemplate decls, Import decls, LinkageSpec decls, Label decls, Namespace decls, NamespaceAlias decls, ObjCCompatibleAlias decls, ObjCCategory decls, ObjCCategoryImpl decls, ObjCImplementation decls, ObjCInterface decls, ObjCProtocol decls, ObjCMethod decls, ObjCProperty decls, BuiltinTemplate decls, ClassTemplate decls, FunctionTemplate decls, TypeAliasTemplate decls, VarTemplate decls, TemplateTemplateParm decls, Enum decls, Record decls, CXXRecord decls, ClassTemplateSpecialization decls, ClassTemplatePartialSpecialization decls, TemplateTypeParm decls, ObjCTypeParam decls, TypeAlias decls, Typedef decls, UnresolvedUsingTypename decls, Using decls, UsingDirective decls, UsingPack decls, UsingShadow decls, ConstructorUsingShadow decls, Binding decls, Field decls, ObjCAtDefsField decls, ObjCIvar decls, Function decls, CXXMethod decls, CXXConstructor decls, CXXConversion decls, CXXDestructor decls, MSProperty decls, NonTypeTemplateParm decls, Var decls, Decomposition decls, ImplicitParam decls, OMPCapturedExpr decls, ParmVar decls, VarTemplateSpecialization decls, VarTemplatePartialSpecialization decls, EnumConstant decls, IndirectField decls, OMPDeclareReduction decls, UnresolvedUsingValue decls, OMPThreadPrivate decls, ObjCPropertyImpl decls, PragmaComment decls, PragmaDetectMismatch decls, StaticAssert decls, TranslationUnit decls, #pragma omp end declare target __asm ( friend template < typename extern " inline @compatibility_alias @interface __covariant __contravariant @implementation @class @protocol bycopy oneway @required @optional @property readonly getter = setter = readwrite nonatomic null_resettable __module_private__ template<> typedef using typename using namespace mutable extern static __private_extern__ constexpr explicit = delete = default __thread _Thread_local thread_local #pragma omp declare reduction ( initializer( #pragma omp threadprivate @synthesize @dynamic static_assert( operator operator"" operator <using-directive> _block_invoke __cdecl __stdcall __fastcall __thiscall __vectorcall __regcall CLglobal CLlocal CLconstant CLgeneric CUdevice CUconstant CUshared __strong __autoreleasing U10__float128 11objc_object 10objc_class 13objc_selector 11ocl_sampler 9ocl_event 12ocl_clkevent 9ocl_queue 13ocl_reserveid U13block_pointer u8__uuidoft u8__uuidofz _SUBSTPACK_ v110_SUBSTPACK v18co_await v18co_yield dtdefpT ns_returns_retained U17pass_object_size ns_consumed u6typeof 12_GLOBAL__N_1 U8__kindof objcproto 8ocl_pipe U7_Atomic Ua9enable_ifI __cxx_global_var_init __dtor_ __filt_ _block_invoke_ <lambda_ <unnamed-enum- <unnamed-type-$S PAUocl_image1d_ro@@ PAUocl_image1d_array_ro@@ PAUocl_image1d_buffer_ro@@ PAUocl_image2d_ro@@ PAUocl_image2d_array_ro@@ PAUocl_image2d_depth_ro@@ PAUocl_image2d_array_depth_ro@@ PAUocl_image2d_msaa_ro@@ PAUocl_image2d_array_msaa_ro@@ PAUocl_image2d_msaa_depth_ro@@ PAUocl_image2d_array_msaa_depth_ro@@ PAUocl_image3d_ro@@ PAUocl_image1d_wo@@ PAUocl_image1d_array_wo@@ PAUocl_image1d_buffer_wo@@ PAUocl_image2d_wo@@ PAUocl_image2d_array_wo@@ PAUocl_image2d_depth_wo@@ PAUocl_image2d_array_depth_wo@@ PAUocl_image2d_msaa_wo@@ PAUocl_image2d_array_msaa_wo@@ PAUocl_image2d_msaa_depth_wo@@ PAUocl_image2d_array_msaa_depth_wo@@ PAUocl_image3d_wo@@ PAUocl_image1d_rw@@ PAUocl_image1d_array_rw@@ PAUocl_image1d_buffer_rw@@ PAUocl_image2d_rw@@ PAUocl_image2d_array_rw@@ PAUocl_image2d_depth_rw@@ PAUocl_image2d_array_depth_rw@@ PAUocl_image2d_msaa_rw@@ PAUocl_image2d_array_msaa_rw@@ PAUocl_image2d_msaa_depth_rw@@ PAUocl_image2d_array_msaa_depth_rw@@ PAUocl_image3d_rw@@ __block_invoke ??_C@_ ?filt$ __super *** Dumping AST Record Layout <ASTRecordLayout Size: DataSize: Alignment: FieldOffsets: [ (empty) vtable pointer) vftable pointer) vbtable pointer) (vtordisp for vbase [sizeof= , dsize= nvsize= , nvalign= | *** Stmt/Expr Stats: stmts/exprs total. <<<NULL STATEMENT>>> <null expr> continue; co_return while ( __builtin_astype( delete <forwarded> typeid( __uuidof( __builtin_choose_expr( __builtin_convertvector( co_await co_yield /*base*/ /*updater*/ _Generic( /*implicit*/ /*implicit*/( /*no init*/ @available(...) @encode( @protocol( @selector( __builtin_offsetof( __builtin_shufflevector( sizeof...( alignof _Alignof __alignof vec_step __builtin_omp_required_simd_align __builtin_va_arg( __if_exists ( __if_not_exists ( #pragma omp atomic num_threads( safelen( collapse( default( firstprivate lastprivate reduction( aligned copyprivate proc_bind( schedule( ordered mergeable seq_cst depend( device( threads num_teams( thread_limit( priority( grainsize( nogroup num_tasks( dist_schedule( defaultmap( use_device_ptr is_device_ptr #pragma omp barrier #pragma omp cancel #pragma omp cancellation point #pragma omp critical #pragma omp flush #pragma omp distribute #pragma omp distribute parallel for #pragma omp distribute parallel for simd #pragma omp distribute simd #pragma omp for #pragma omp for simd #pragma omp parallel for #pragma omp parallel for simd #pragma omp simd #pragma omp target parallel for simd #pragma omp target simd #pragma omp target teams distribute #pragma omp target teams distribute parallel for #pragma omp taskloop #pragma omp taskloop simd #pragma omp teams distribute #pragma omp teams distribute parallel for #pragma omp teams distribute parallel for simd #pragma omp teams distribute simd #pragma omp master #pragma omp ordered #pragma omp parallel #pragma omp parallel sections #pragma omp section #pragma omp sections #pragma omp single #pragma omp target data #pragma omp target #pragma omp target enter data #pragma omp target exit data #pragma omp target parallel #pragma omp target parallel for #pragma omp target teams #pragma omp target update #pragma omp task #pragma omp taskgroup #pragma omp taskwait #pragma omp taskyield #pragma omp teams @catch (...) { /* todo */ } @synchronized ( @catch( @finally @autoreleasepool __except ( <<unknown expr type>> __finally __leave; default: switch ( (no value) throw( noexcept __unaligned __global __local __constant __generic __attribute__((address_space( __unsafe_unretained volatile __restrict NULL TYPE _Complex __vector __pixel __vector __bool __vector __attribute__((neon_vector_type( __attribute__((neon_polyvector_type( __attribute__((__vector_size__( * sizeof( typeof typeof( decltype( __underlying_type( anonymous (anonymous namespace):: __kindof __ptr32 __ptr64 __sptr __uptr _Nonnull _Nullable _Null_unspecified type-parameter- decltype(auto) __auto_type read_only write_only _Atomic( __attribute__((ext_vector_type( __attribute__((ns_consumed)) __attribute__((pcs("aapcs"))) __attribute__((pcs("aapcs-vfp"))) __attribute__((regparm ( __attribute__(( address_space( __vector_size__( neon_vector_type( neon_polyvector_type( regparm( objc_gc( objc_ownership( autoreleasing noreturn fastcall stdcall thiscall swiftcall vectorcall sysv_abi regcall inteloclbicc preserve_most preserve_all VFTable indices for -- accessible via vbtable index vfptr at offset Construction vtable for (' Vtable for ' entries). vcall_offset ( vbase_offset ( offset_to_top ( [pure] [deleted] [return adjustment: non-virtual vbase offset offset [this adjustment: vcall offset offset () [complete] () [deleting] [unused] -- ( ) vtable address -- Virtual base offset offsets for ' Thunks for ' return adjustment: this adjustment: VTable indices for ' VFTable for () [scalar deleting] [return adjustment (to type ' vbptr at offset vbase # non-virtual] [this adjustment: vtordisp at vbptr at to the left, vboffset at in the vbtable, comments::Token Kind= .framework/ .system_framework Headers/ Frameworks/ PrivateHeaders/ MacroInfo builtin disabled allow_redefinitions_without_warning warn_if_unused header_guard #define <macro> DefMacroDirective UndefMacroDirective VisibilityMacroDirective from_pch Modules: Headers: .Private MacroState ambiguous overrides ModuleMacro active overridden endregion push_macro pop_macro system_header dependency diagnostic __debug arc_cf_code_audited assume_nonnull FENV_ACCESS CX_LIMITED_RANGE include_alias [StartOfLine] [LeadingSpace] [ExpandDisabled] [UnClean=' MACRO: *** Preprocessor Stats: directives found: #define. #undef. #include/#include_next/#import: source files entered. max include stack depth #if/#ifndef/#ifdef. #else/#elif. #endif. #pragma. #if/#ifndef#ifdef regions skipped obj/fn/builtin macros expanded, on the fast path. token paste (##) operations performed, Preprocessor Memory: B total BumpPtr: Macro Expanded Tokens: Predefines Buffer: Macros: #pragma push_macro Info: Poison Reasons: Comment Handlers: Header Map <can't format argument> *** File Manager Stats: real files found, real dirs found. virtual files found, virtual dirs found. dir lookups, dir cache misses. file lookups, file cache misses. <null selector> framework module [system] [extern_c] requires umbrella header " umbrella " config_macros [exhaustive] header " export conflict module * { export * <invalid loc> <invalid> <Spelling= *** Source Manager Stats: files mapped, mem buffers mapped. local SLocEntry's allocated ( bytes of capacity), B of Sloc address space used. loaded SLocEntries allocated, bytes of files mapped, files with line #'s computed, files with macro args computed. FileID scans: linear, binary. SLocEntry <FileID <SourceLocation covers <FileID included from contents overridden contents from spelling from macro range < aapcs16 aapcs-linux +neonfp -neonfp __attribute__((__ +fp64-denormals {st(1)} __OPENCL64__ version 4.0.0 { 'version': 0, 'case-sensitive': ' 'use-external-names': ' 'overlay-relative': ' 'ignore-non-existent-contents': ' 'roots': [ 'type': 'directory', 'name': " 'contents': [ 'type': 'file', 'external-contents': " Success End of File No coverage data found Unsupported coverage format version Truncated coverage data Malformed coverage data Map Name: Value: Value: [null] [null] Metadata: slot = Metadata: function = WARNING: Internalize couldn't load file ' '! Continuing as if it's empty. WARNING: BlockExtractor couldn't load file ' align all-ones :c}@plt int3 int3 int3 : Import Error renaming module irce: looking at loop irce: loop has inductive range checks: InductiveRangeCheck: Kind: Offset: Scale: Length: CheckUse: Operand: irce: in function constrained ExpressionTypeVariable, variable = ExpressionTypeConstant, constant = etype = opcode = ExpressionTypeBasic, operands = { ExpressionTypeCall, represents call at ExpressionTypeLoad, represents Load at with DefiningAccess ExpressionTypeStore, represents Store at ExpressionTypeAggregateValue, , intoperands = { ExpressionTypePhi, Base Pairs: (w/Relocation) derived Live Variables: Safepoint For: Number live values: Base Pairs (w/o Relocation): Unrecognized instrumentation profile encoding format Invalid instrumentation profile data (bad magic) Invalid instrumentation profile data (file header is corrupt) Unsupported instrumentation profile format version Unsupported instrumentation profile hash type Too much profile data Truncated profile data Malformed instrumentation profile data No profile data available for function Function control flow change detected (hash mismatch) Function basic block count change detected (counter mismatch) Counter overflow Function value site count change detected (counter mismatch) Failed to compress data (zlib) Failed to uncompress data (zlib) Empty raw profile file __profn_ , calls: sampled lines Samples collected in the function's body { No samples collected in the function's body Samples collected in inlined callsites { : inlined callee: No inlined callsites in this function Invalid sample profile data (bad magic) Unsupported sample profile format version Malformed sample profile data Unrecognized sample profile encoding format Profile encoding format unsupported for writing operations Truncated function name table Unimplemented feature Function: Unexpected end of memory buffer: Unexpected file type: Unexpected version: .repack ------- Dumping inliner stats for [ ] ------- -- List of inlined functions: Inlined function [ : #inlines = , #inlines_to_importing_module = -- Summary: All functions: , imported functions: = MemoryDef( = MemoryPhi( MemoryUse( MemorySSA for function: AliasSet[ alias, No access Ref Mod Mod/Ref [volatile] forwarding to Pointers: Unknown instructions: Alias Set Tracker: alias sets for pointer values. Alias sets for function ' Cached assumptions for function: BlockFrequencyInfo::view is only available in debug builds on systems with Graphviz or gv! Printing analysis results of BFI for function ---- Branch Probabilities ---- Printing analysis results of BPI for function Writing ' error opening file for writing! |<s64>truncated... Clearing all analysis results for: Invalidating all non-preserved analyses for: Invalidating analysis: Running analysis: Starting CGSCC pass manager run. Running pass: Finished CGSCC pass manager run. Deleting outgoing edge from ' Deleting internal edge from ' Enqueuing the existing RefSCC in the update worklist: Enqueuing a new RefSCC in the update worklist: Switch outgoing call edge to a ref edge from ' Switch outgoing ref edge to a call edge from ' Switch an internal ref edge to a call edge from ' Enqueuing the existing SCC in the worklist: Enqueuing a newly earlier in post-order SCC: Enqueuing the existing SCC in the worklist: Enqueuing a newly formed SCC: CallGraph Root is: <<null function: 0x Call graph node for function: ' Call graph node <<null function>> >> #uses= > calls function ' external node No call graph has been built! Call Graph SCC Pass Manager Printing <null> Function callgraph Call graph external node Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of Cost Model: Unknown cost for instruction: Delinearization on function In Loop with Header: AccessFunction: failed to delinearize Base offset: ArrayDecl[UnknownSize] with elements of bytes. ArrayRef DemandedBits: 0x Empty Point is < Distance is Line is confused consistent splitable da analyze - da analyze - split level = , iteration = DIVERGENT: DIVERGENT: Dominator tree Post dominance root node domonly postdom Post dominator tree postdomonly DomFrontier for BB <<exit node>> DominanceFrontier for function: IV Users for loop with backedge-taken count (post-inc with loop Printing <null> User Printing the call graph for module: Edges in function: RefSCC with call SCCs: SCC with functions: [style=dashed,label="ref"] Comparing group ( Against group ( Run-time memory checks: Grouped accesses: High: Member: Memory dependences are safe with a maximum dependence distance of with run-time checks Report: Dependences: Too many dependences, not recorded Store to invariant address was found in loop. SCEV assumptions: Expressions re-written: Loop access info in function ' Printing <null> block Loop Pass Manager Starting pass manager run. Finished in block from: The following are dereferenceable: (aligned) (unaligned) Compile unit: unknown-language( Subprogram: Global variable: unknown-encoding( unknown-tag( (identifier: ' PHITransAddr contains extra instructions: InstInput # PostDominatorTree for function: Functions in with hot/cold annotations: :hot entry :cold entry Region tree: End region tree Region Tree for function: <deleted> Region Pass Manager Printing <null> Block Region Graph Not implemented constraint=false colorscheme = "paired12" label = ""; style = filled; color = style = solid; regonly (trunc alignof( offsetof( ***COULDNOTCOMPUTE*** Classifying expressions for: --> Exits: <<Unknown>> LoopDispositions: { Determining loop execution counts for: Equal predicate: Added Flags: <multiple exits> backedge-taken count is Unpredictable backedge-taken count. max backedge-taken count is , actual taken count either this or zero. Unpredictable max backedge-taken count. Predicated backedge-taken count is Predicates: Unpredictable predicated backedge-taken count. pointers, call sites PartialAlias MustAlias ===== Alias Analysis Evaluator Report ===== Alias Analysis Evaluator Summary: No pointers! Total Alias Queries Performed no alias responses may alias responses partial alias responses must alias responses Alias Analysis Evaluator Pointer Alias Summary: Alias Analysis Mod/Ref Evaluator Summary: no mod/ref! Total ModRef Queries Performed no mod/ref responses mod responses ref responses mod & ref responses Alias Analysis Evaluator Mod/Ref Summary: : Ptr: ------------------------------------------------------------- Interval Contents: Interval Predecessors: Interval Successors: No object file for requested architecture The file was not recognized as a valid object file Invalid data was encountered while parsing the file The end of the file was unexpectedly encountered String table must end with a null terminator Invalid section index Bitcode section not found in object file Invalid symbol index .mbs2_asm remaining size of archive too small for next archive member header offset to next archive member past the end of the archive after member parsed instruction: [ .endmacro byte ptr word ptr dword ptr qword ptr xword ptr xmmword ptr ymmword ptr invalid hexadecimal floating-point constant: expected at least one significand digit invalid hexadecimal floating-point constant: expected exponent part 'p' invalid hexadecimal floating-point constant: expected at least one exponent digit unterminated comment invalid binary number invalid hexadecimal number unterminated single quote single quote way too long unterminated string constant invalid character in input Corrupted bitcode .cfi_startproc simple .cfi_endproc .syntax unified .subsections_via_symbols .linker_option " .data_region .data_region jt8 .data_region jt16 .data_region jt32 .end_data_region .watchos_version_min .tvos_version_min .ios_version_min .macosx_version_min .thumb_func .weakref .type function gnu_indirect_function tls_object no_type gnu_unique_object .hidden .indirect_symbol .internal .lazy_reference .local .no_dead_strip .symbol_resolver .alt_entry .private_extern .protected .reference .weak_definition .weak_def_can_be_hidden .def .endef .safeseh .secidx .secrel32 .size .comm .lcomm .zerofill .uleb128 .sleb128 .fill .p2align .p2alignw .p2alignl .balign .balignw .balignl .file .ident basic_block prologue_end epilogue_begin is_stmt discriminator .cv_file .cv_func_id .cv_inline_site_id within inlined_at .cv_loc .cv_linetable .cv_inline_linetable .cv_def_range .cv_stringtable .cv_filechecksums .cfi_sections .eh_frame , .debug_frame .debug_frame .cfi_def_cfa .cfi_def_cfa_offset .cfi_def_cfa_register .cfi_offset .cfi_personality .cfi_lsda .cfi_remember_state .cfi_restore_state .cfi_same_value .cfi_rel_offset .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset .cfi_escape .cfi_signal_frame .cfi_undefined .cfi_register .cfi_window_save .seh_proc .seh_endproc .seh_startchained .seh_endchained .seh_pushreg .seh_setframe .seh_stackalloc .seh_savereg .seh_savexmm .seh_pushframe .seh_endprologue .seh_handler , @unwind , @except .seh_handlerdata .intel_syntax noprefix .reloc encoding: [ fixup offset: , value: , kind: .bundle_align_mode .bundle_lock align_to_end .bundle_unlock <MCFixup Value: MCAlignFragment MCDataFragment MCCompactEncodedInstFragment MCFillFragment MCRelaxableFragment MCOrgFragment MCDwarfFragment MCDwarfCallFrameFragment MCLEBFragment MCSafeSEHFragment MCCVInlineLineTableFragment MCCVDefRangeTableFragment MCDummyFragment <MCFragment LayoutOrder: HasInstructions: BundlePadding: (emit nops) Alignment: ValueSize: MaxBytesToEmit: Contents:[ , Fixups:[ , AddrDelta: LineDelta: Signed: RangeStart: RangeEnd: <MCAssembler Sections:[ Symbols:[ , , Index: <MCOperand INVALID UNDEFINED <MCInst <MCInst # <MCSection Fragments:[ , .section one_only, discard, same_size, same_contents, associative, largest, newest, ,#alloc ,#execinstr ,#write ,#exclude init_array fini_array preinit_array progbits ,comdat ,unique, .subsection mach-o section specifier requires a segment whose length is between 1 and 16 characters mach-o section specifier requires a segment and section separated by a comma mach-o section specifier requires a section whose length is between 1 and 16 characters mach-o section specifier uses an unknown section type mach-o section specifier of type 'symbol_stubs' requires a size specifier mach-o section specifier has invalid attribute mach-o section specifier cannot have a stub size specified because it does not have type 'symbol_stubs' mach-o section specifier has a malformed stub size ' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor) ' is not a recognized feature for this target (ignoring feature) Available CPUs for this target: Available features for this target: Use +feature to enable a feature, or -feature to disable it. For example, llc -mcpu=mycpu -mattr=+feature1,-feature2 = comdat exactmatch largest noduplicates samesize = type ; Materializable ; Function Attrs: declare define section " prefix prologue personality !<unknown kind # <empty name> hidden protected dllimport dllexport webkit_jscc anyregcc preserve_mostcc preserve_allcc cxx_fast_tlscc x86_stdcallcc x86_fastcallcc x86_thiscallcc x86_regcallcc x86_vectorcallcc intel_ocl_bicc arm_apcscc arm_aapcscc arm_aapcs_vfpcc msp430_intrcc avr_intrcc avr_signalcc ptx_kernel ptx_device x86_64_sysvcc x86_64_win64cc spir_func spir_kernel swiftcc x86_intrcc hhvm_ccc amdgpu_vs amdgpu_gs amdgpu_ps amdgpu_cs amdgpu_kernel sideeffect alignstack inteldialect comdat <null operand!> ; uselistorder directives uselistorder ; ModuleID = ' source_filename = " target datalayout = " target triple = " module asm " attributes # distinct <temporary!> !DILocation( inlinedAt !DIExpression( !DIGlobalVariableExpression( !GenericDINode( operands: { !DISubrange( lowerBound !DIEnumerator( !DIBasicType( encoding !DIDerivedType( baseType extraData !DICompositeType( elements runtimeLang vtableHolder templateParams !DISubroutineType( !DIFile( checksumkind: !DICompileUnit( language isOptimized runtimeVersion emissionKind retainedTypes globals imports splitDebugInlining !DISubprogram( isLocal isDefinition scopeLine containingType virtuality virtualIndex thisAdjustment declaration variables !DILexicalBlock( !DILexicalBlockFile( discriminator !DINamespace( exportSymbols !DIModule( !DITemplateTypeParameter( !DITemplateValueParameter( !DIGlobalVariable( !DILocalVariable( !DIObjCProperty( attributes !DIImportedEntity( !DIMacro( !DIMacroFile( x86_fp80 ppc_fp128 metadata x86_mmx %"type addrspace( <badref> = musttail notail cleanup catch filter ] unwind to caller unwind to inalloca swifterror inbounds <unknown operation singlethread ; <label>: ; Error: Block without parent! No predecessors! preds = external addrspace( externally_initialized , section " thread_local(localdynamic) thread_local(initialexec) thread_local(localexec) <<NULL ALIASEE>> zeroinitializer inrange <placeholder or erroneous Constant> sanitize_address alwaysinline argmemonly builtin convergent swifterror swiftself inaccessiblememonly inaccessiblemem_or_argmemonly inalloca inlinehint jumptable minsize noalias nobuiltin nocapture noduplicate noimplicitfloat noinline nonlazybind nonnull noredzone norecurse nounwind optnone optsize readnone writeonly returned returns_twice signext sspstrong safestack sanitize_thread sanitize_memory uwtable zeroext allocsize( full-set empty-set Printing <null> Value : in function DominatorTree for function: Releasing pass ' Running pass ' on module ' basic block ' is not initialized. Verify if there is a pass dependency cycle. Required Passes: Error: Required pass not found! Possible causes: - Pass misconfiguration (e.g.: missing macros) - Corruption of the global PassRegistry Pass Arguments: ' is not preserving ' ' is the last user of following pass instances. Free these instances Executing Pass ' Made Modification ' Freeing Pass ' ' on BasicBlock ' ' on Function ' ' on Module ' ' on Region ' ' on Loop ' ' on Call Graph Nodes ' Analyses: Uninitialized Pass FunctionPass Manager ModulePass Manager BasicBlockPass Manager BISECT: running pass BISECT: running case ( BISECT: NOT running case ( Pass::print not implemented for pass: ' Basic Block in function ' ' does not have terminator! Multiple errors: Multiple errors Inconvertible error value. An error has occurred that could not be converted to a known std::error_code. Please file a bug. Number of memory regions: Bytes used: Bytes allocated: Bytes wasted: (includes alignment, etc) Recycler element size: Recycler element alignment: Number of elements free for recycling: : for the - option: (default: = *unknown option value* *no default* = *cannot print option value* : CommandLine Error: Option ' ' registered more than once! ' is all messed up! : Unknown command line argument ' '. Try: ' -help' : Did you mean '- : Not enough positional command line arguments specified! Must specify at least positional argument : See: - help : Too many positional arguments specified! Can specify at most positional arguments: See: -help This option category has no options. OVERVIEW: USAGE: [subcommand] [options] SUBCOMMAND ' SUBCOMMANDS: Type " <subcommand> -help" to get more help on a specific subcommand OPTIONS: LLVM (http://llvm.org/): version 4.0.0svn Optimized build Default target: Host CPU: LLVM ERROR: UNREACHABLE executed Error: Trying 'xdg-open' program... Running 'Graphviz' program... Running 'xdot.py' program... Running ' ' program... Running 'dotty' program... Error: Couldn't find a usable graph viewer program: Tried ' Remember to erase graph file: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu Program arguments: Child timed out but wouldn't die Child timed out Error waiting for child process Executable " " doesn't exist! Couldn't fork Can't redirect stderr to stdout Cannot dup2 Included from <stdin> error: warning: Cannot choose between targets " Registered Targets: (none) Error opening info-output-file ' for appending! ---User Time--- --System Time-- --User+System-- ---Wall Time--- ---Mem--- --- Name --- Total "time. ----- cstring:" std::string:" stringref:" smallstring:" formatv:" decUI:" decUL:" decULL:" decLL:" (Twine Stream-Start: Stream-End: Version-Directive: Tag-Directive: Document-Start: Document-End: Block-Entry: Block-End: Block-Sequence-Start: Block-Mapping-Start: Flow-Entry: Flow-Sequence-Start: Flow-Sequence-End: Flow-Mapping-Start: Flow-Mapping-End: Scalar: Block Scalar: Alias: Anchor: tag:yaml.org,2002:null tag:yaml.org,2002:str tag:yaml.org,2002:map tag:yaml.org,2002:seq A N $ , 4 < @C 7 @W 6 6 G6 6 (0 0 $0 #0 "0 =0 !0 >0 90 :0 ?0 0 '0 B0 %0 )0 A0 80 <0 ;0 -0 /0 @0 20 10 &0 30 40 80 70 60 50 $0 #0 "0 !0 =0 0 10 2 '0 )0 30 -0 .0 /0 80 ;0 <0 40 50 60 70 0 80 E 80 E 80 0 80 E 80 E 80 0 80 E 80 E 80 0 80 E 80 E 80 0 80 E 80 E 80 0 80 E 80 E 80 0 80 E 80 E 80 0 80 E 80 E 80 0 80 E 80 E 80 0 80 E 80 E 80 0 80 E 80 E 80 0 80 E 80 E 80 0 80 E 80 E 80 0 80 E 80 E 80 0 80 E 80 E 80 0 80 E 80 E 80 0 80 E 80 E 80 0 80 E 80 E 80 0 80 E 80 E 80 0 80 E 80 E 80 0 80 E 80 E 80 0 80 E 80 E 80 W0 V0 X0 0 \0 0 \0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 80 0 0 0 0 80 P ( 0 1 2 @ D H L P T V W X ` h p x ! 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UU UU UU UU UU UUUU UU UU UU UU : UU UU R Z UU UU UU & ~ UUUU UUUU z " a*9 * a* O a*9 j , - * - j a* * * a* j * a* * * a* j L * U " a*9 * * a* * j J S # a*9 * a*y a* * a*9 j , - j"!{W * # a*9 * -!; Jh J # a*9 j * , - 49 * a M j b + a* +## a* eKER +8 | VUU + $ - j < 9 a* * \ * a* * 2 a* Ji J a* * a* ni J S + a* j" * L ` * ,+0b Ji J s $ ,! * a* O a* jb ( - j"); * * O * ^ # a*9 * " B0 ; 2 j J # a*) * # a*9 * -!; Jh G J # a 1 g * -& ` J( # a* M s " a* O ^UUU k -&; * # a*9 o(c J S -& O * #a a*9 * a*1 L * a* * Ji a* J s UUU "e a* * 3 Ji 8 a*9 J s j ^ M j"( j a* * 5 a* * 0 , M * 8 "=[ ^UUU -& * a* O * J - j a*) j" + L ; * M O * * J - j a*) jb : L ; * M * = a* O * J - j a*) j : } L ; * L ' j"( ) - ) : - j * M *R * )y - ( * *W( J l )9 Fg ) mJ l jU( ^UUU M ; * ? a*) } M O * UUU * J - j a*) j ) }/ L ; * a* O * a*yW * } a* O * * J - jR a*) j 2 } L ; * < M O * UUU a*yW * * J - j a*) j ) </ L ; * a* O * * J - j a*) j i , L ; * L ' jB * ) - *3 s> -8/ U l a*9 ) - jr " ) : - * : X(9 *j F )9 J s * / ) ++ kU( hJ s tUU 8 "> * y> L + WUUU M O * * J - j2 : a*) jb 2 L ; * L O * * J - j a*) j" 2 ( L ; * i M O * * J - j" a*) j : i L ; * L ' j + ) - ) - j M * * ) - ; 8 ; j )9 J s * * )9 . 8c Z( J s j )yW L O * * J - j a*) j" " ( L ; * i M O * * J - j2 a*) j" " i L ; * M O * * J - j a*) j 2 ; L ; * L ' j ) - ) - j * 8 M *: " ) - * j )9 J s * * )9 .: 8c Z( J s j )yW -& * { a* O * J - j a*) j"h L ; * 8 M O * * J - j2 a*) jb + 8 L ; * ( M O * * J - j a*) j" 2 ( L ; * L ' j )n - ) - j * M * " ) - * * *W(9 J s )9 n Fc i . X( mJ s j )9 Z a*) * a*9 Z M * x a* UU a*yW * , a*9 * a* * \ M * =; z 3 + J s ^UUU -& * e a* O a* jb 2 * j - j"k ei6 L ; * -& * a* O $ a* j 2 * J - jbk 8N L ; * M * n a* O a* j" * j - j" yn L ; * $ L ' jB : ) - | a*9 U l ZUUU ) - j 2 ) j - j M ; * Y Z(9 *j F Z )9 J s * * )9 *c(+ 8jU( hJ s a* * z a*9 M * >N a*) y M O * * UUU * Z - j a*) jb " y L ; * a* O * a*yW * * y a* O * * * Z - j a*) jb( y L ; * M O * * UUU a*yW * * Z - j a*) jb( L ; * a* O * * * Z - j2 a*) jb " L ; * L ' j 2 ) - n6 -8+ U l & a*9 ) - j ( ) - * X(9 *j F )9 J s * / ) " ++ kU( hJ s tUU e 0 "> * x6 L / WUUU -&/ * * ' a* O ~ a* j * * - j L ; * ( 4 L O * * i a* jb * - j * ( 6 L ; * -& * * i a* O a* jb : * - j" i 6 L ; * L ' j ) - ) - j * M ; * " ) - { 8 *W(9 J s Z(9 { *c * * )9 mJ s )yW # -& O * e e M ' jb j , 49 -& J s $ - I J +i0 x J s jUUU jUUU + - j J4 9 a* * \ * a* *" 2 a* Ji J a* * j a* O + a* j L ` * 2j Ji J s ,! * a* li J S a* j ( - j"); * * * a* O " a*9 * 3 ' ii S J # a* O * j a* j " * - j : L ; * -& * j a* O a* jb * : - j ;6 L ; * M * j #) a* O H a* j 2 * * - j k ( L ; * X( j : > )9 *n(c ) - kJ s *8 X( : T a*9 mJ s UUU M * ` a*1 ^UUU a* * a*9 M * { a*) N M O * UUU * j - j a*) j" " L ; * a* O * a*yW * N a* O * * j - j J a*) j ( L ; * $I M O * UUU a*yW * * j - j J a*) j" 2 $ L ; * 8^ a* O * * j - j Z a*) j + 8 L ; * L ' j : ) - * 9> -8+ U l # a*9 ) - jr 2 ) - * J X(9 n F H )9 J s 4/ ) ++ o(0kU( hJ s tUU & "> * a > L / WUUU -&/ * a* O $ a* j : * J - jb H L ; * 2 L O * i a* j" * - j * ( 2 L ; * -& * i a* O a* j" * * - j i 2 L ; * L ' j 2 ) - ) - j * M * )a - 8 * *W(9 J s Z(9 *c * )9 mJ s )yW R e -& * * a* O i a* jb * - j * ( 6 L ; * i:0 M O * * a* jb : * - j" i 6 L ; * -& * * a* O a* jb 2 * - j j 6 L ; * L ' j * ) - ) - j " M ; ** : ) - * *W(9 J s Z(9 8c * * )9 mJ s )yW s -& * ( a* O i a* j" * * - j ( 2 L ; * i < M O * a* j" : * - j" i 2 L ; * -& * a* O a* j " * - j > L ; * L ' j * ) - ) - j M ** * )a - * * *W(9 J s Z(9 8c * )9 mJ s )yW a* j + a* +# a*9 eKER o p := j k e < "4 V jb+J - 49 - J( # $ a*9 s +i0 x VUU + - j J4 9 a* * a* * : a* Ji a*yW J \ * a* *" a* Ji J a* * j a* O + a* j L ` * 2j Ji J s ,! * a* li J S a* j 2 ( - j"); * * * a* O & 4 * ] Ji a* J s UUU # " a*9 * 3 Ji j J s 2 a*- * * J - j a*) j : L ; * -& * a* O * J - jB a*) j h aX L ; * e M O * * J - j Z a*) j 2 e L ; * ) - j " M * Ji J s ) - j * M *B " ) - * *W(9 J s < ) n Fc 4 X( mJ s :c ) FUU a*yW * , a* O * j a* jb * - j , & L ; * -& * j a* O a* j 2 * : - j k ;> L ; * ( " M O * j a* j * * - j ( . L ; * a* jr )b - * 8 a Z(9 J s & )9 J(c UUU jJ s ) * a*yW -& * a* O a* jb " * j - j" i6 L ; * -& * a* O $ a* j " * J - jb K L ; * ( 0 M O * i a* jb * * - j ( 6 L ; * L ' j" 2 ) - ) - j * M ; * ) - *h 8 *W(9 J s Z(9 (h *c * * )9 mJ s )yW L * a* V UUU J ) " a*9 * , a* Ji # a* J s a*9 a*) j ( a* * * - jB Z L ; *B 2 i6 - m $ a*1 P s a*yW * $I ' * a*yW * $ > L ; j M j ( ` a* ) J - j * ) Z - j " J M ; * : ) - * *W(9 J s )9 n Fc $ ) mJ s jU(9 M * LUU a*yW * a*9 * k s := j j "4 V * - a*9 * O * R a*yW * 1 g * -& ` J( # + a* M s " a* O ^UUU j -&; * # a*9 *h(c J S ( -& * / > ' ii J S , a* * a* O ^UUU " a*9 * m a* Ji # a* J s a*9 e 0 a*) j 2 a* * * J - jB+ Z L jR x a*9 rKY e M ; * Z a* * & L j e < - I 2 l J s ) Z - j ( ^ M ` Ji J s ) Z - j < < - I j" my) M Z ZJF a* *B a* a* *" + )! * X( i , a* P s e a*) j " a* * *yN - j M ; UUU y a*) j" + M ; UUU L # jb " L ` j" : & L ; : o Jb )8 - j2 2 M ; ) - j ( < - I 2 ) ZJ s ~) jb a*I a* *" a* a* *b + )! * X(9 MUU R - M * a* oUU a*yW * j" * m a* (i UUU J S " a*9 * m a* Ji # a* J s a*9 e a*) j : a* * * J - jB Z L ; jR 2 e - e M ; * Z a* * L j ( e < - I " a*9 eKCR )<_ - j 8^ M ` 4 X } t)9 ]J s ) Z - j * a* j a* *B a* a* * ,+ )! * X( Ji J s M * a* NUU a*) * a*yW ; -& O * e j"); jb r , #>; -& J s $ - I J +i0 x J s Z VUU + - j * J4 9 a* * \ * a* *" 2 a* Ji J a a* * j a* O + a* j j L ` * h b Ji J s ,! * a* li J S a* j : ( - j"); * j * * a* O & "> * ( a* U J ) UUU "a a*9 * i 3 ' J s , a*- * * - j a*) j" + 2 L ; * " M O * * - j j a*) jb : y6 L ; * ) - j . M j R s ) z - *" * 2 ) T *W( J s *0 )9 n YUU J - a*yW * e #>; jb C + a* >j $ < - I s a*9 | b " j jUUU + < - j J4 9 a* * , \ * a* *" a* Ji J m a* * * j a* O + a* j L ` * , 2j Ji J s ,! * * a a* oi J S a* jb 2 ( - j"); * , * * M O UUU " a*9 * j 3 + >ji J # * a* j : * - j : L ; * -& * j a* O a* j" : * - j 2 L ; * X( j " ) - *( * " L / mJ s h a*9 ) * < a* ^UUU M * a*9 j -& * a* O TUUU * - j a*) jbk 6 L ; * 2 M O * UUU * - j" a*) jbk k6 L ; * . M j" " )( - 8 * * )9 mJ s UUU ) - j : Z(! * F J s < a* * a*yW * FUU * O * R a* 2 a* Ji J 4yW * R L ; * R . a* j a* 0j a*9 J s . - j2 * a*9 * - j . - j : i & 49 j r / | j a*9 j + ,( a* . a* j , - j * +i a*9 j b - I + b j + - j" , 9 a* * j a* ** : i a* Ji a*yW J \ * a* * * a* Ji J -& * " - - UUU a*9 n UU UU UUUUUUUU 2 UUUU UUUU : UUUU UUUU UUUU UUUU n UUUU UUUU ) > ` * -& O a*9 * * a*}f *c .i . 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J s + --I Ji J s + - jb ( "> >V a*9 eKfR a* * a* * + a*yW ( - jb a* *r 2 ` : L jB a*) hi a -!; eK^R a* * a* * R; a*yW ( - I jB -E a* *BR# a*yK j a* * R a* j2 r -yI Ji -!; J j L ; *BR m < a* a*yK j a* * R ( j"! j2 2 -YI J) -!S K s j L ; *BR+ m < a* a*yK j a* * R ( j"! jB 2 -YI J) -!S J s a* j" L ; *BR3 m < a* a*yK j a* * R ( j"! jB 2 -YIM J) -!S J s a* j"+ L ; *BR+ m < a* a*yK j a* * R ( j"! jB 2 -YIM J) -!S J s a* j" L ; *BR3 m < a* a*yK j a* * R ( j"! jB 2 -YIM J) -!S J s V a* j"+ L ; *BR+ m < a* a*yK j a* * R ( j"! jB 2 -YIM J) -!S J s Z V a* j" L ; *RR3 m < a* j j a a*yK j a*)O * R ( j"! j" $ 2 - I J) -!S J s j Z a* j + h0 L ; j" * < a* J J s * - j X L j ) - j 2 + J - j + a* * a* j . a* * * a*9 * S# a* j m a*yK j a* O * R e) j"! jR 2 -YIM + &y a* J DB F Z V J a* j L ; j + mk0 a* J a* *RR j - a*yK j a* O * R e) j"! jB 2 -YIM + &y a* J DB F Z V J a* j L ; j : mk0 a* J a* *RR3 j ` a*yK j a* O * R ) j"! jb 2 -YIM + a* J DB F Z j a* jB+ < a* jB * J4 L ; j a* * S# j - a*yK j a* O * R e) j"! jR 2 -YIM + &y a* J DB F J a* j L ; j + mk0 a* J a* *RR j ` a*yK j a* O * R ) j"! jr 2 -YIM + a* J DB F j a* jB < a* jB : J4 L ; j a* * S3 j - a*yK j a* O * R e) j"! jR 2 -YIM + &y a* J DB F J a* j + L ; j * mk0 a* J a* *RR# j ` a*yK j a* O * R ( j"! j" 2 -YI J) !( -!S K s < a* jb 2 j6 L ; * a* * S m -&{K j a* O * R a* j r -yI Ji J L *"S+ )8 a* a*yK j a* jB a* * a* j r -yI Jh J ( - * 2 a* j * a* * a*9 j -yI + a* J s ( - I Ji J s - * * a*9 * w w w UU ^ UU UU > UU ~ . UU 6 : UU n f UU UU 2 n UUUU : * z J Z j * " : j > b : z . UU UU Z B UU UU UU UU R N UU UU UU J UU & UU UU UU UU UU UU UU & . UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU v UU 6 " UU UU UU UU UU UU UU & . UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU J UU & UU UU UU UU UU UU UU & . UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU J UU & UU UU UU UU UU UU UU & . UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU v UU 6 " UU UU UU UU UU UU UU & . UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UUUU UU UU * UUUU UU UU V Z B UU UU UU J UU & UU UU UU UU UU UU UU & . UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU n UU & . UU UU UU UU v UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU * UU * UU & . UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UUUU UU UU Z B UU UU UU UUUU UU R Z v UU UU UU " UUUU UU UU R F N UU UU UU UU r z UU UU UU UU UU UU b UU : " UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU : UU UU R Z UU UU UU UUUU UU UU . 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B 0l h2 /fL yB F -!+f J( 1 J S (J4 --I j % M S *x *_ J | O, a* J J s UUUU !. j R"!; j J 4} M ; j 4 T* dh J "! 9e l Z-!+ R g S 4M "=c K s ]k +> UUUU ZU 4 j m ,!/ o % j"); -M F S(9 yVq := j j 8 : 4 W j " P M +_ J | Z )% ]~ J UUU a*9 j .e - f") j 0 '> k +$ a* S s ZUUU * 4) j B 4 ) a*9 J s ZUUU y Q := j j 8 3 4 W j M + +_ J | S( x De @ "=; eJ A I &! UUUU J &T*)/ jb. y x * jM g K b -& e a/ a* eK 1 a*9 ZU Z - jB / a* j" * - j " , Z - j : j"); * 2 ( '> -!; M C N ,aX - R *ch ZUUU J ) 9 ^U Z e j"0 O jr+J R"0; 5 * # -& s $ } jUUU J 9 jb a* a* * a* jB (> - -& jR : (m - RUU , - jB -& jR* ,m - RUU - - jB -& jR * -m - RUU " - jB -& jR : "m - RUU & - jB -& jR* &m - RUU . - jB , -& *B * .m - : J M g J s .UUU ; a* * ;$ a*9 j J s j 0 jR* a 4wVi` J) M4- - J s * -! q 6 C -!+ M s a*9 : Z -& jb ) a* *UU% J a* j * e - J a* j " eY - J a* jb : e) - J a* * 2 ei - F ZUU J - a*yW * \ * a* jB (> - -& jR* (m - RUU , - jB -& jR * ,m - RUU - - jB -& jR : -m - RUU " - jB -& jR* "m - RUU & - jB -& jR * &m - RUU . - jB , -& *B : .m - : J M g J s .UUU ; a* * ;$ a*9 j J s j 0 jR a 4wVi` J) M4- - J s * -! q 6 C -!+ M s a*9 : Z -& jb ) a* *UU% J a* j ( e - J a* j eY - J a* jb * e) - J a* * " ei - F ZUU J - +} a* j 2 + a* a*9 eK + a* *2 , a* * * c a* O ) a* j L ` * m j Ji J s , ,! * * a* O | ( a*) j -u - n R s j"); jb 2 '> Q > % $ -!; M C -e - UUUU U ( " - j + j"); *j '> <~ $ -!; M C N "e - * Jh ZUUU J U ^U Z - J - jb -& jr " -,K - RUU " J - jb -& *r 2 ",K - RUU > a*9 j " z M 3` } ! 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B 0l h2 /fL yB F -!+f J( S J S (J4 --I j % M S *x *_ J | O, a* J J s UUUU !. j R"!; j J 4} M ; j 4 T* dh J "! 9e l Z-!+ R g S 4M "=c K s ]k +> UUUU ZU 4 j m ,!/ o % j"); -M F S(9 yVq := j j 8 : 4 W j : P M +_ J | Z )% ]~ J UUU a*9 j .e - f") j + 0 '> k +$ a* S s ZUUU * 4) j B 4 ) a*9 J s ZUUU y Q := j j 8 3 4 W j M + +_ J | S( x De @ "=; eJ A I &! UUUU J &T*)/ jb y x * jM g K b -& e a/ a* eK 1 a*9 ZU Z - jB * / a* j" " - j : , Z - j : j"); * + ( '> -!; M C N ,aX - R *ch ZUUU J ) 9 ^U Z e j"0 O jr C R"0; 5 * # -& s $ } jUUU J 9 jb a* a* * a* jB (> - -& jR 2 (m - RUU , - jB* -& jR ,m - RUU - - jB -& jR " -m - RUU " - jB -& jR 2 "m - RUU & - jB* -& jR &m - RUU . - jB , -& *B " .m - : J M g J s .UUU ; a* * ;$ a*9 j J s j 0 jR a 4wVi` J) M4- - J s * -! q 6 C -!+ M s a*9 : Z -& jb ) a* *UU% J a* j ( e - J a* j eY - J a* jb * e) - J a* * " ei - F ZUU J - a*yW * \ * a* jB (> - -& jR * (m - RUU , - jB -& jR : ,m - RUU - - jB -& jR* -m - RUU " - jB -& jR * "m - RUU & - jB -& jR : &m - RUU . - jB , -& *B* .m - : J M g J s .UUU ; a* * * ;$ a*9 j J s j 0 jR* a 4wVi` J) M4- - J s * -! q 6 C -!+ M s a*9 : Z -& jb ) a* *UU% J a* j * e - J a* j " eY - J a* jb : e) - J a* * 2 ei - F ZUU J - +} a* j + a* a*9 eK + a* *2 * , a* * c a* O ) a* j L ` * m j Ji J s , ,! * a* O ( a*) j + -u - n R s j"); jb '> Q > % $ -!; M C -e - UUUU U ( " - j j"); *j " '> <~ $ -!; M C N "e - * Jh ZUUU J U ^U Z - J - jb -& jr : -,K - RUU " J - jb -& *r* ",K - RUU > a*9 j : z M 3` } ! 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J s a* c ' s * E ; R * R f * :( *- 3 * -&{W * j 0 j" r] 'f$ &h * Z#0 Q A V C( + U ( j 0 . G J - J * U [ i - jb+ 8 h"0 o hh : M I A V * -! 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J G V < J - *o 0 R"0; l Z < * U - jb ' 0 ~) j " 0 `+- n + : *9 eK a - I Ji J s J a* * : e - ] " % a*) `KCR CUU M ; j a a* >k ZU J s $ j -!g < H() s Jh W aX I l -!g U jB e #1 ) [F . a* U JB N "9 +Q !0 aK 49 UU ZUUU 4 O * * 4 * * JUUU $ 6 L j" M <k e < ; J s a82j"! * Q L I e -!; UUUuUUU + J - j * L *i a*9 u -!; * a*y a* O * M * $ Z"0{W $ M * "> ZUUU a* * b a*yW ; j" a*9 z ">; j m a*= m #> j a( b#> - Jh m #= Q G V . J - j *i jUUU s Z m 8f*) ( j"( ch "> M l m !=' J !&; uK J j a f*) ( j mH "> M l a !=' J !&; uK J j d*)# * R"0{( Ji J - M * ; a*9 * L ' j 8 #= J !&; uK 8 M Ji J s JUUU f*) ( * 8><`M K < m a* P s PUU a L * X a* 8 M ; * 8 -& * $ w)9 h JUUU *M s -& * Jv) ! hh M O l M * M {W VUUU a*9 * M j" " 0 j * rK ( *-! : + J - a* j" * - Z L ' j 2 2 -YI + + - J s a* . a*9 rK UUUUU * 0 g s # " { ; F 8 K n $ P C r b 7 % ) U U U U z b UU UUUUUUUU " UU UU UUUU UU UU f UU " * UU UU UU UU UU UU J r f n UU UU j UU UU UUUU UU UU b UU : " UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU . UUUU : j : a*)K j * #J j " , g uB J * < -! * * j G tB V ,!'o Jhy a* O J s * a* j ( X L ' j X L ; o r := j j ) - j" *i0 * * Z ' 8 R S ) < - I j -E J / a*9 J s ! ; -) c A ; J s ^ * ; * R N * lx k # g n ; HB N # R , * ` & , > a*9 -K @ f j" e9 f 0 ( f c f c f J s $ 0 J(9 J( * + Z *G(9 n : *G( J s j"0 jr * , -yI + +m - J s J a* * " a*9 rK j"0 j : -yI + + - J s Z a* * 2 a*9 rK 3 ' * * $ a* J -5I J s ! $ --I- mi J S 3 j"+ J/ % n # ) C( J s a* a* * a*yW a* j" j j 0 j 2 z r] +z * j N j 0 J | Z r] +z : j g y> j 0 J | r] ? 8 - z * * n Z s a* j * a*9 j * a* * $ -! j a*Q J J s a* * a*9 * j"0 * -yI Ji a* J s a* J ! a*9 J s a* j ` - * M / jr( 2l a* ]z+ bK{ 3 ' jb j#0 q + -& J l j 0 .(y q g"0 ftK a*9 Z * U E [ - j m ~) p 6 < j"!' I { V , C( h D e 3 a*9 MK .!; B * q< - j" k *-9 J < - jb * -&+ -` j v s U Z + - j 2 , ~) b D + - IMK --I Ji J s , - j") z j "9 b H s a* j ` - | " a*9 eKCR : -! * &![ rUU k & L j M j" ,+ M ; U a* j" j -!g % &0 b m !1' A l L /v l u : L /vL IB M G ZU 0 L # j 2 L j M vT l Z#1 lh c S U s S ; U ZUUU ; J(! j Jh / j jE( M l ? h *V e < "9 M aB -!; U : a*-O j2 2 -& y + + - H s :2 )- ] n c x 4 U s n ; UUU * M ' * ** ' !>; U l a* O TUUU ^UUU -& n * *) a* OI l jUUU M ; * ?2 H( n *j R U a*9 * -!; * a*y / a*9 * a* O M * Z"0{W M * "> ZUUU 8 a* * ; a*yW a* * /=?2 a* bl( "# 3 eKCR 1 a*yW J a* j ( J4 - I Ji J s a* - * - I Ji J s 0 b ; * V O PUU a* * % - I- Ji J U a* j < - I Ji J s J a* - * " J4 - I Ji J s L b ; * Z V O PUU -& jb w)9 - j JF * !>+/ jb | a* UUU a* j i y^ "> j" a*= ` "> j M j 5. J - J G !&; Z 8 f*) ( jB O "> * M l 8 !=' J !&; uK J j y f*) ( jB x^ "> *O M l y !=' J !&; uK J j < f*) ( jB 9O "> *_ M l < !=' J !&; uK J j f*) ( * < a*) L ' j ) } R"0GO8 *bh . - l !&; - J R s JUUU f*) ( j } 0 L ' Uh k W"0 ^ .< - # | M ; l * JUUU * f*) ( * gM K W XUU J + -& * mM bi J S J a* * 82 -&/ * Z ] *m( #> U M {W ^UUU Z a* * 82 -&+ * J ] *o( M ; U l ZUUU+ 8 j"0 O j R"0; J : #&; uK * 9<c*) ( * M ; -& O * M * ( M {W VUUU a*9 * * M j2 * ;0 a* j * rK ( *-! * " > *-9 + bK a* j" * - Z L ' j 2 2 -YI + + - J s a* . a*9 rK UUUUU * 0 g s # " { ; F 8 K n $ P C r b 7 % ) U U U U Z b UU UUUUUUUU " UU UU UUUU UU UU f UU " * UU UU UU UU UU UU J r f n UU UU j UU UU UUUU UU UU b UU : " UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU n UUUU J : a*)K j * #J j " , g uB J * < -! * * j G tB V ,!'o Jhy a* O J s s * a* j ( X L ' j X L ; m r := j j ) J - j 8 * * XW k J S ) K4 - I jb -E J a* J s y A - J c A ; J s * ; - R j E K { ; s *c c O s E ; * f * , f - & L c N f R # j"0 j"+ -yI , + + - J s J a*9 (a - j"0 j : -yI + + - J s Z a* * 2 a*9 rK 3 ' * a* O 3 *: " J/ J) 3 % C( J s m a*yW * j 0 *2 * r] +z j j 0 J | r] +z j g ] ; J | e a*9 * &j0 "! j ) !#! f VJ ) 2 eKfR : "! ) JiRc a* ]J s % a*9 a* * a* : ki ~ a*9 J s a* j" : - jR M ; j M j + }y6c - a 3 j < Z"! ) Jh a j 0 . J G V < J - *o 0 R"0; l Z 2 * U - jb % 0 ~) j " 0 `+- n + : *9 eK a - I Ji J s J a* * : e - ] " % a*) `KCR CUU M ; j a a* >k ZU J s $ j -!g < H() s Jh W aX I l -!g U jB e #1 ) [F . a* U JB N "9 +Q !0 aK 49 UU ZUUU 4 O * * 4 * * JUUU $ 6 L j" M <k e < ; J s a82j"! * Q L I e -!; UUUuUUU + J - j * L *i a*9 u -!; * a*y a* O * M * $ Z"0{W $ M * "> ZUUU a* * b a*yW ; j" a*9 z ">; j m a*= m #> j a( b#> - Jh m #= Q G V . J - j *i jUUU s Z m 8f*); j"( j4 -7 / 8 o * L ' U ^ m R"0GO Jh s. - s !&; J f*); j mH4 "> M l a !=' J Q < ,7 .sK a a*9 Z d*)# * -7 1( Ji J - M * ; a*9 * L ' j 8 #= J !&; uK 8 M Ji J s JUUU f*); * -7 <9 a* P l PUU a L * X a* 8 M ; * 8 -& * $ w)9 h JUUU *M s -& * Jv) ! hh M O l M * M {W VUUU a*9 * M j" " 0 j * rK ( *-! : + J - a* j" * - Z L ' j 2 2 -YI + + - J s a* . a*9 rK UUUUU * 0 g s # " { ; F 8 K n $ P C r b 7 % ) U U U U z b UU UUUUUUUU " UU UU UUUU UU UU f UU " * UU UU UU UU UU UU J r f n UU UU j UU UU UUUU UU UU b UU : " UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU . UUUU : j : a*)K j * #J j " , g uB J * < -! * * j G tB V ,!'o Jhy a* O J s * a* j ( X L ' j X L ; o r := j j ) - j" *i0 * * Z ' 8 R S ) < - I j -E J / a*9 J s ! ; -) c A ; J s ^ * ; * R N * lx k # g n ; HB N # R , * ` & , > a*9 -K @ f j" e9 f 0 ( f c f c f J s $ 0 J(9 J( * + Z *G(9 n : *G( J s j"0 jr * , -yI + +m - J s J a* * " a*9 rK j"0 j : -yI + + - J s Z a* * 2 a*9 rK 3 ' * * $ a* J -5I J s ! $ --I- mi J S 3 j"+ J/ % n # ) C( J s a* a* * a*yW a* j" j j 0 j 2 z r] +z * j N j 0 J | Z r] +z : j g y> j 0 J | r] ? 8 - z * * n Z s a* j * a*9 j * a* * $ -! j a*Q J J s a* * a*9 * j"0 * -yI Ji a* J s a* J ! a*9 J s a* j ` - * M / jr( 2l a* ]z+ bK{ 3 ' jb j#0 q + -& J l j 0 .(y q g"0 ftK a*9 Z * U E [ - j m ~) p 6 < j"!' I { V , C( h D e 3 a*9 MK .!; B * q< - j" k *-9 J < - jb * -&+ -` j v s U Z + - j 2 , ~) b D + - IMK --I Ji J s , - j") z j "9 b H s a* j ` - | " a*9 eKCR : -! * &![ rUU k & L j M j" ,+ M ; U a* j" j -!g % &0 b m !1' A l L /v l u : L /vL IB M G ZU 0 L # j 2 L j M vT l Z#1 lh c S U s S ; U ZUUU ; J(! j Jh / j jE( M l ? h *V e < "9 M aB -!; U : a*-O j2 2 -& y + + - H s :2 )- ] n c x 4 U s n ; UUU * M ' * ** ' !>; U l a* O TUUU ^UUU -& n * *) a* OI l jUUU M ; * ?2 H( n *j R U a*9 * -!; * a*y / a*9 * a* O M * Z"0{W M * "> ZUUU 8 a* * ; a*yW a* * /=?2 a* bl( "# 3 eKCR 1 a*yW J a* j ( J4 - I Ji J s a* - * - I Ji J s 0 b ; * V O PUU a* * % - I- Ji J U a* j < - I Ji J s J a* - * " J4 - I Ji J s L b ; * Z V O PUU -& jb w)9 - j JF * !>+/ jb | a* UUU a* j i y^ "> j" a*= ` "> j M j 5. J - J G !&; Z f*); jB O "> * M l 8 !=' J a !&; uK 8 ,79 Z 8 f*); jB x^ "> *O M l y !=' J a !&; uK y ,79 Z f*); jB 9O "> *_ M l < !=' J Q ,7 .sK | a*9 Z < f*); * -7) } L ' j ) } R"0GO8 *bh 7. - l !&; d*) j ~ 0 L ' Uh k z R"0 ^ . - *! E M k M 8 a*9 TUUU J ( f*); * -7 0 XUU R + -& * mM bi J S J a* * 82 -&/ * Z ] *m( #> U M {W ^UUU Z a* * 82 -&+ * J ] *o( M ; U l ZUUU+ 8 j"0 O j R"0; J : #&; uK * 9<f*); * z +79 -& O * M * ( M {W VUUU a*9 * * M j2 * ;0 a* j * rK ( *-! * " > *-9 + bK a* j" * - Z L ' j 2 2 -YI + + - J s a* . a*9 rK UUUUU * 0 g s # " { ; F 8 K n $ P C r b 7 % ) U U U U - - F, * UUUU : j * Z J z . B UU UU UU UU UU v UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU * UU * UU & . UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU v UU 6 " UU UU UU UU UU UU UU & . UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU Z B UU UU UU UU UU Z B UU UU UU UU R Z v UU UU UU UU r z UU UU UU UU UU UU & UU UU V Z B UU UU UU " UU UU V Z B UU UU UU J UU & UU UU UU UU UU UU UU & . UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU J UU & UU UU UU UU UU UU UU & . UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU J UU & UU UU UU UU UU UU UU & . UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU J UU & UU UU UU UU UU UU UU & . UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU b UU : " UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU : UU UU R Z UU UU UU UUUU UU UU UUUU : j * Z J z . 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( - j : a* j ,_ - u [n") j ^ '> !H k * 4 Q s 4- a*9 UUUU eVq := j j 8 uM 4 W j M + X +_ J | M S( *d DU J M cJ A 4 -& UUUU U ( , - jr " -u - j * a*9 4 j"); j } '> H k * 4 Q s ZUUU eVq := j j 8 uM 4 W j M + X +_ J | M S( *d DU J M cJ A 4 -& UUUU U ( -} - jb 2 a*9 R s a* * - a* g -& jb -!; -p j VUU JF 0 -!; * ' * - j2 * j"0 Jhd 5 a*9 eK^R j -& * < *9 a B#'</ - I s a* U U 4M -! jb ' - e J s 49 jb " '<O - j a* * : a*yW a* * J -! jb( ' - 4 4! jb '<_ J - j a* *" * M * LUU % L ; jb * a* a* * " a* g @ > a* j 2 a* # a* J s a*9 a*9 * + a*= * &E - j j"0; -& * *9 A B V r - I s & - Im ri Z% J - U a* O * -! j & - J 4! j : & V J - s a*9 U C N VUU ! x jb r 9 jB/ a* a* * $Y - jb a* 2 g # & a* J s 6 a*9 J -& jr/ $ - RUU - jb J -& jr * - RUU ! - jb J -& jr : ! - RUU , - jb J -& jr/ , - RUU - - jb J -& jr * - - RUU " - j " a*9 " a* j : * A - * 2 : a*yW \ * $ - jb S a* u J s J -& jr * $ - RUU - jb J -& jr : - RUU ! - jb J -& jr/ ! - RUU , - jb J -& jr * , - RUU - - jb J -& jr : - - RUU a*9 j 2 a* a* j ( 8^ a*9 y~ a* j2 Z a* j * " E - . a* J s v a* Ji J s " a* j " * A - j : z a*9 a* j2 2 a* j a* " # :U a* J s V a*9 a* * a* * [A a* O + a* j 5 L ` * E j 9 ,! 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L * \ C \ {WQ s 8 L j" ( - I = , - J s \ * * # c] : R s ( - * a*9 r UUUUUUUU UUUUUUUU UUUUUUUU UUUUUUUU z n UUUU & UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU > UU UU b UU : " UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UUUU UU UU UUUU UUUU * ij a* j + - t R s * a* j : a* * a* * 8 a* L ** / - Jh J U a* * a* Ji J s a* * = a*yW L ; j" / - I J( bK / - *" * j P 1 2 -YI b ; L # Q s L ; : y. a* R s a*yK j z a* O * * - j2 UUUUUUU L * ; L ; * $ L U l kM R U a* * $ a* Ji J s -&{K j j a* O * -&; j2 - UUUUUUUUU g L j * L ; * C ' $ L U l | kM L ; * -&{K j j a* O * B -&; j2 - UUUUUUUUU g L j 2 L ; * C ' $ L U l | kM L ; * B -&{K j j a* O * -&; j2 - UUUUUUUUU g L j * L ; * C ' $ L U l | kM L ; * -&{K j j a* O * -&; j2 - UUUUUUUUU g L j : L ; * C ' $ L U l | kM L ; * f72 : * L ; * 2 ) - oh J # . a* * j -& O * J a* * , L * J 4 \ C I 0 \ {WQ s e L j" ( - I .L = , - J s 4 \ * #K c] :y R s ( - * * a*9 F UUUUUUUU z n UUUU F & UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU b UU : " UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UUUU UUUU * , a* * * - *v R"0 N b a* U *vi J ) U L / j" / - L * 6 L (h : a* P s WUU a*9 j + - * M * UUU L ; j / - L *"+ ' : L .e a* R s : j"0 O j "0 rK ) - j" L >( k < L ; U l L " ; 2 L C : Z )y - R s R UUUUUUUU UUUUUU UUUU . UU UU f UU " * UU UU UU UU UU UU j UUUU UU UU UUUU UU UU b UU : " UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UUUU UUUU a*9 j + - L ' j 2 -YI + * - J s : a*) * Z * j * O * X L j" ( - " n x' + M J.J i a*9 a* * a*9 + - j L / * > > a* J s $*8kM Ji J s L ; *2+ ) - G QUU J - a*9 b UUUUUUUU UU UUUU . UU UU f UU " * UU UU UU UU UU UU j UUUU UU UU UUUU UU UU b UU : " UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UUUU UUUU a*9 j + - L ' j" 2 -YI + * - J s z a*) * Z . X L j" ( - m J s a* * : a*) j") O * a* * f a* i J s + j - j * L %(6 a* U s > M Ji J s z L ; *2 : ) - * F PUU J - (< L ; * -& O * a* / j + - * oh ) a*9 JJB N (< L {W * M * # a* g ^UUU a* * f a* i J s + j - j * L %(6 a* U s > M Ji J s z L ; *2( ) - * F PUU J - (< L ; * -& O * * a* / j + - i*< L * M ; ) * - * 2 a*9 b UUUUUUUU UU UUUU . UU UU f UU " * UU UU UU UU UU UU j UUUU UU UU UUUU UU UU b UU : " UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UUUU UUUU a*9 j + - L ' j" 2 -YI + * - J s z a*) * Z . X L j" ( - m J s a* * : a*) j") O * a* * f a* i J s + j - j * L %(6 a* U s > M Ji J s z L ; *2 : ) - * F PUU J - (< L ; * -& O * a* / j + - * oh ) a*9 JJB N (< L {W * M * # a* g ^UUU a* * f a* i J s + j - j * L %(6 a* U s > M Ji J s z L ; *2( ) - * F PUU J - (< L ; * -& O * * a* / j + - i*< L * M ; ) * - * 2 a*9 b UUUUUUUU UU UUUU . UU UU f UU " * UU UU UU UU UU UU j UU UU UUUU UU UU b UU : " UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UUUU UUUU a*9 j" + - L ' j 2 -YI J) * - J s : a*) * Z L ; *" ( - *nh J J # , -! j * - " 9 : #. s < *i `6 re " J + : % j ZUUU * , - j" *%/ h ,!; M s *j ,!k n S ,8- *-/je aUU q jj-! QU um * / j / Y a* I l)s iji M / l v 8 #. k s & - R s L ' U . L j" : ) - *a W"0 ^ <ae] I g -8 ">; ue"D L . * - j a % ( e # 4 U d a*9 ZUUU j - j i 0 L ' j" ) J - *e R"0; N J . - j j - j j0 - I Ji J s : L ' j : ) J - *{ R"0; N J . * - j " l() ( * c M ( :gi J - #& . * * g&)K i [ *1 me J M 4 j"); U s * i M j ( 4 L c $m = 8-M O U l ] 2 C L g U s}U a*9 UUkTUU J L # j" ) - R *i Z R"0 a*9 TUUU J . : - j j a* j J L ' j : ) J - . : - j j a* j h <O L ' j ) J - 6 L ; U l M ; jB #& j 1 me F ^ . > - b * R s c*) ( * M NUU a* O * a 3 j j0 u) * a* * : ) J - a*9 a* j + - J & ! J s j a* Ji J s L ; ) - R r 2 UUUUUUUU UU UUUU . UU UU f UU " * UU UU UU UU UU UU j UU UU UUUU UU UU b UU : " UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UUUU UUUU j * a* j + - L ' j , 2 -YI J) * - J s L # ) > a*9 JJB N ( - j" * j - j" * - j" * * - j [ a* j * a*9 j" " a* j" : a* * 2 : a*) Z a* * ) - I Ji - a*yW J s a* j + $ - I Ji J s a* - * , - I Ji J s " b ; * V O PUU a* j a*) * J a* j2 - I r Ji JT $& *i j < hI" Z j+$ ue a I j * ] *h c & !. me s 9 UUU a* j * ( )= j M ' Q > * l * *)/ j * a* J / a* * ; a* J s P a* J c a* J s a*9 : a* j " a* D -&+/ J s : v) a*9 U s a* jb * a* j" 1 ` - * " a*9 eKCR *) j * U j$)'/ *N ( j - J | iv - j * . *n L ' M A _ L ; VUUU + - j i , L ; j " ) - *MF > ,! aKfR !&; a* jb : a* j" 2 a* j * a* j j"0 O j R"0; J J rK l() ( j _ M ( I ; s 4 ` ; ; a o S :: ,! aKfR a*u x L ' j a*9 bY M ; uKy UUU L ' * a*) xUU^UUU + a* * - I b a a*) P s a* * Lm a* t J s 0 6 L ' j y 0 L ' U b "= R G F J M p,l g e a* U lUU } M ; UU ZUUU < L ; j ( ) - :0m] U l s L 7 ki G ? 8 L G U lUU < L ; UU . - j !&; ] .L ' a*9 U l ZUUU * a* j j L ' j" " ) J - *y R"0; N J . - j * a* j L ' j") ) J - . - j * a* j 3< L ' j" " ) J - * { a*) Q l g i( J( W - #& Q l j % .a - j M ; 8k() ( * M sUU a*yW * a*9 * a* j . * a* O * a* O * a* j -& j ( a* Z < -&' * R \ .8 *jh o *] {WQ F J *UUU a* O * a* j * -& j a* Z < -&' * R \ .0 j ] ; U l J *UUU L ' j }/ a* L ; *" 2 ) - a*9 a* j" + - J ! 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J s j a* Ji J s L ; : ) - B UUUUUUUU UUUUUU UUUU . UU UU f UU " * UU UU UU UU UU UU j UUUU UU UU UUUU UU UU b UU : " UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UUUU UUUU z : a* j" + - 2 L ' j 2 -YI J) 3* - J s a*9 : a*) * Z L j" (, - 0 a* O * , -! j" * - *^ # ; Z2 s = a*9 *)/ * 3 a*9 Z% a* * a* 1 2 * a* O q "? * -&w H ZUUU J s q * P * 4 4M R @ wl =M l ql 4% - JhqS !3 iJ s {)9 + . - j" : ,!' r + a* J s H L c a*9 J s I L ; - j L ; * " ) - * F @UU J + L {W * ^ a*9 * -& O * a* jb* + - l"! j / a* 6 h *: rK M ; * , * o[ j"0 O a* * a* i z a*9 J s + : - j ( a* : ] |/0 M J s 2 a* z a*9 J l L ; *2 ) - *(F PUU J - : L ; * !.; * m a* O a* / j + - m L # * 2 a*9 Z rK a*9 B b " UUUUUUUU UU UUUU . UU UU f UU " * UU UU UU UU UU UU j UUUU UU UU UUUU UU UU b UU : " UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UUUU UUUU : : a* j" + - L ' j 2 -YI J) * - J s : a*) * Z L ; *" ( - *nh J J # j -!; *b * z - J * ? 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Block's instance name does not match. ~sep~ gl_mali 0 1 2 3 f 4 h h h h F 5 H P Q j X Y j Z j j V ` a k b k k X c k k X k X X ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( UNKNOWN BASE CCTX CDBG CDEPS CDSB CFRAME CINSTR CMAR CMATH CMEM COBJ CPOM CSTATE CUTILS EGL GLES CL COMP GPU OSU STDLIB UMP VG CMEMBASEALLOC VK VKPPLCACHE GFX GFXPROG HAL CLPOM `EGL_ANDROID_image_native_buffer EGL_ANDROID_recordable EGL_ANDROID_native_fence_sync EGL_ANDROID_framebuffer_target EGL_ANDROID_image_crop EGL_ANDROID_blob_cache EGL_KHR_partial_update EGL_KHR_mutable_render_buffer @ ? ? ? ? b c d e # GLSL.std.450 main 6 main ! 6 8 @ADEPQTU CBGFSRWV LMHI\]XY ONKJ_^[Z0145 !$%pqtu`ade3276#"'&srwvcbgf<=89,-()|}xylmhi?>;:/.+*~{zonkj ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! @ ! @ 0 ! @ ! @ @ ! @ ! @ ! ! ! @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! @ @ @ ` @ A " # " # " # & ' & ' & ' & ' & ' $ % $ % @ADEPQTU CBGFSRWV LMHI\]XY ONKJ_^[Z0145 !$%pqtu`ade3276#"'&srwvcbgf<=89,-()|}xylmhi?>;:/.+*~{zonkj @ADEPQTU CBGFSRWV LMHI\]XY ONKJ_^[Z0145 !$%pqtu`ade3276#"'&srwvcbgf<=89,-()|}xylmhi?>;:/.+*~{zonkj @ @ @ @ ` ` P p P 0 0 p p P P p 0 ` 0 ` @ @ @ d precision highp int; precision highp float; uniform OUTPUT_TYPE color; layout(location = RT_INDEX) out OUTPUT_TYPE fragColor; void main() { fragColor = color; } precision highp int; precision highp float; uniform OUTPUT_TYPE color; layout(yuv) out OUTPUT_TYPE fragColor; void main() { fragColor = color; } #version 310 es #extension GL_OES_sample_variables : enable precision highp int; precision highp float; in vec2 texcoord; uniform highp sampler2D uniform_sampler; vec2 %s(vec2 tex_coord) { %s} void main() { vec3 v = texture( uniform_sampler, %s( texcoord) ).rgb; gl_FragDepth = dot(v, vec3(255.0/16777216.0, 255.0 / 65536.0, 0.99609381)); } uniform highp sampler2DMS uniform_sampler; void main() { gl_FragDepth = texelFetch( uniform_sampler, %s, %s ).x; } #version 310 es #extension GL_OES_sample_variables : enable precision highp int; precision highp float; in vec2 texcoord; uniform highp sampler2DMS uniform_sampler; void main() { vec3 v = texelFetch( uniform_sampler, ivec2( floor( texcoord ) ), %s ).rgb; gl_FragDepth = dot(v, vec3(255.0/16777216.0, 255.0 / 65536.0, 0.99609381)); } uniform highp usampler2DMS uniform_sampler; void main() { gl_FragStencil = int( texelFetch( uniform_sampler, %s, %s ).y ); } #extension GL_ARM_shader_framebuffer_fetch : enable highp vec4 gl_LastFragColorARM; layout(location=RT_INDEX) out highp vec4 fragColor; void main() { fragColor = gl_LastFragColorARM; } #extension GL_ARM_shader_framebuffer_fetch : enable #extension GL_ARM_internal_r8_layout : enable precision highp int; precision highp float; uniform mat4 yuvmat; layout(r8, binding = 1) uniform writeonly mediump image2D img; layout(location = RT_INDEX) out vec4 fragColor; layout(location = 0) in vec2 fragCoord; void main() { vec4 yuvcolor = yuvmat * gl_LastFragColorARM; fragColor.rg = yuvcolor.yz; ivec2 coord = ivec2(floor(fragCoord.xy)); imageStore(img, coord, yuvcolor.x); } void main() { } 0 @ ` 01234567 MBS2 s VEHW CVER s CMMN s VELA SSYM SYMBP STRI attr_PrimaryColor $ TYPE TPGE SYMBL STRI attr_PointSize $ TYPE TPGE SYMBL STRI attr_TexCoord7 $ TYPE TPGE SYMBL STRI attr_TexCoord6 $ TYPE TPGE SYMBL STRI attr_TexCoord5 $ TYPE TPGE SYMBL STRI attr_TexCoord4 $ TYPE TPGE SYMBL STRI attr_TexCoord3 $ TYPE TPGE SYMBL STRI attr_TexCoord2 $ TYPE TPGE SYMBL STRI attr_TexCoord1 $ TYPE TPGE SYMBL STRI attr_TexCoord0 $ TYPE TPGE SYMBT STRI attr_SkinningWeights $ TYPE TPGE SYMBT STRI attr_SkinningIndices $ TYPE TPGE SYMBH STRI attr_Normal $ TYPE TPGE SYMBL STRI attr_Position $ TYPE TPGE SSYM SYMBT STRI var_ClipPlaneSignedDist $ TYPE TPGE SYMBH STRI var_FogDist $ TYPE TPGE SYMBl STRI var_PrimaryColorTwosided $ TYPE( TPAR TYPE TPGE SYMBP STRI var_PrimaryColor $ TYPE TPGE SYMBL STRI var_TexCoord7 $ TYPE TPGE SYMBL STRI var_TexCoord6 $ TYPE TPGE SYMBL STRI var_TexCoord5 $ TYPE TPGE SYMBL STRI var_TexCoord4 $ TYPE TPGE SYMBL STRI var_TexCoord3 $ TYPE TPGE SYMBL STRI var_TexCoord2 $ TYPE TPGE SYMBL STRI var_TexCoord1 $ TYPE TPGE SYMBL STRI var_TexCoord0 $ TYPE TPGE SYMBL STRI gl_PointSize $A TYPE TPGE SYMBH STRI gl_Position $@ TYPE TPGE SSYM8 SYMBX STRI FogFactor $ > TYPE TPGE RLOC > SYMBX STRI NumLights $ < TYPE TPGE RLOC < SYMBd STRI LightAttenuation 4 TYPE( TPAR TYPE TPGE SYMBx STRI LightSpotCosCutoffAngle 4 TYPE( TPAR TYPE TPGE RLOC SYMBt STRI LightSpotExponent 4 TYPE( TPAR TYPE TPGE RLOC SYMBd STRI LightSpotDirection 4 TYPE( TPAR TYPE TPGE SYMBp STRI LightPosition 4 TYPE( TPAR TYPE TPGE RLOC SYMB` STRI LightSpecular 4 p TYPE( TPAR TYPE TPGE SYMB` STRI LightDiffuse 4 0 TYPE( TPAR TYPE TPGE SYMBp STRI LightAmbient 4 P TYPE( TPAR TYPE TPGE RLOC P SYMBX STRI SceneColor $ P TYPE TPGE RLOC P SYMB\ STRI SceneAmbient $ X TYPE TPGE RLOC X SYMBh STRI MaterialSpecularExponent $ TYPE TPGE RLOC SYMBP STRI MaterialEmissive 4 TYPE TPGE SYMBd STRI MaterialDiffuseAlpha $ TYPE TPGE RLOC SYMBh STRI PointSizeAttenuationCoefs $ 0 TYPE TPGE RLOC 0 SYMB` STRI PointSizeParameters $ @ TYPE TPGE RLOC @ SYMBp STRI TextureMatrices 4 TYPE8 TPAR0 TYPE$ TPMA TPGE SYMBd STRI ClipPlaneCoefficients $ TYPE TPGE RLOC SYMBt STRI SkinningMatrices 4 TYPE8 TPAR0 TYPE$ TPMA TPGE SYMBX STRI NumBones $ TYPE TPGE RLOC SYMBt STRI ViewportTransform $ TYPE( TPAR TYPE TPGE RLOC SYMBl STRI ProjViewport $ TYPE$ TPMA TPGE RLOC @ SYMBt STRI ModelViewProjViewport $ ` TYPE$ TPMA TPGE RLOC ` @ SYMBh STRI ModelView $ TYPE$ TPMA TPGE RLOC @ SYMBl STRI NormalMatrix $ TYPE$ TPMA TPGE RLOC 0 SSYM SSYM SSYM UBUF EBIN RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA 7 STRIL transform__skinning_off__eyespacepos_off__eyespacenormal_all__normalize_all BFRE SPDv ` OBJC0 J # ) H( e ! 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I D6R e EBIN RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRIL transform__skinning_on__eyespacepos_all__eyespacenormal_on__normalize_off BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # * M G @A 0 e q ` @ E pP ` +@A ? D Q !P e ` Y P bd s ` -@ 8 ! e " 3 e S E D ) e ! Q 8 e F 1E % x D o ,) A e ! 8 e 0 F 1 I x D o Q ` e ) 8 e ! ! U 8 e X F 1 9 D o Q t G /@ J M $ # D X P ` bd s ` ) A e D %` @ y X KB e7 d $c P y D * A X P 8 e bh $6 ` zP ) @ A e %@ y $ 8 A e Od S y D ) A e ! d x e 0 T E p y D o ,) O A e ! U x e X U BJ y % o ,r 0 /@ J M $ # A D X P ` bd s ` ) A e D %` @ y X KB e7 d $c P y D * @ X P 8 e bh $6 ` zP ) @ A e %@ y 8 A e Od S y D ) A e ! d x e 0 T Ip y D o Q ` e ) O A e ! U x e X U DJ y o ,r /@ 0J M # A D X P ` bd s ` ) A e %` @ y X CB e7 d $c P y D * @ X P 8 e bh $6 ` zP ) @ A e $ %@ y 8 A e Od S y D ) A e D ! d x e 0 E Ip y D o ,) O A e ! U x e X E x e o $) A D e ! P E e 2 E e d $a Vp A e -b A e d Y @ E e ) D e ! @ E e @ 1 e A e d $a E e @ X e d Y T @ e ) A e ! 0 E e -b ( e d $a X( e 2 v @ e d Y & ( e ) Q4 , e ! U p e ! 0 e d $aC e h e' d Y X e 2 ) $ $ e ! 0X e ,` 9 C Y0 d $c F C <2 l i Y@ 8:J e 2 ?) I@ e ! `@ e @@1 X( e d $a X( e Ba |p + Y@ $y 9J e ? ) @ e 5 <% & < 6 ` 5) H * E C H\# Y f G e ) f A e 0& D- " U e d $a p E e 2 e d Y @ E e ) e ! P E e ( L 1 E e d $a Q l ` [ @ E+ 9J!z2 p Y A e ? ) AH@ e ! ` `@ e X 2 e d $a P E e 1 0 e h Y E e EBIN RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA 7 STRIh lighting__numlights_off__twosided_all__spotlight_all__specular_all__attenuation_all__colormaterial_all BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # ( L ` 0 X t ` ( @ E ! # C;` xN #z EBIN RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA 7 STRIh lighting__numlights_zero__twosided_all__spotlight_all__specular_all__attenuation_all__colormaterial_off BFRE SPDv ` OBJC N l # H 0) @@ e ! A e 1 XD 0 EBIN RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA 7 STRIt lighting__numlights_zero__twosided_all__spotlight_all__specular_all__attenuation_all__colormaterial_ambientdiffuse BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D L p/ ) Ah h C4 0! - D4_$ p ! B |4 3c df ! t# s DG 1 h ` lN #z EBIN RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA 7 STRIh lighting__numlights_one__twosided_off__spotlight_off__specular_off__attenuation_off__colormaterial_off BFRE SPDv ` OBJC + 2H@ !@ 2( 9J q e Pd $c X B I" @ l - d Y ( 6 e ? ) R e ! ( e E C x h ,a x u A I r Bi4 Rd Y A 7R e ? ) I2 F H4 H ! 86R e A @6R e d $c@A r LQ | e ( v# + D L 0! E ,` eW E /z - F ( h 8N #z EBIN` RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA 7 STRIt lighting__numlights_one__twosided_off__spotlight_off__specular_off__attenuation_off__colormaterial_ambientdiffuse BFRE SPDv ` OBJC` + 2H@ !@ 2( 9J q e Pd $c X B I" @ l - d Y ( 6 e ? ) R e ! ( e E C x h ,a x u A I r Bi4 Rd Y A 7R e ? +@A H h L ! X06R e Q 2 E e d $a @6R e a ( ` e ` dv/ +@ H h L H h e q# ) A $ e C A # @) $ e # @ G \ t e $a ` e H 0P` `X l - [ pX h N # @ 0N #z @ EBINd RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA 7 STRIh lighting__numlights_one__twosided_off__spotlight_off__specular_on__attenuation_off__colormaterial_off BFRE SPDv ` OBJCp + 2H@ !@ 2( 9J q e Pd $c X B I" @ l - d Y ( 6 e ? ) R e ! ( e E C x h ,a x u A I r Bi4 Rd Y A 7R e ? ) J A6RI4 # 86R A " G e ' a@ @ u ~ X T 0 C a Q Y x ' e ) e ! R v e a ` l h d $c H | lN P xp x {@f @ x e > y 0)pI C / ! I \ \p' e Xd $c@ A L p | p ` N ` x 9 @ @ | W* -p A h X H !UH |0 eG O ( e ( ` A r @M ` X g L Ad ,6! C 0Vc= u>z# @) ) ( e ! 1 eW B E (@ `[4/ $a E X4 p @ C$ e c Y @X t e N A G 0N #z EBIN RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA 7 STRIt lighting__numlights_one__twosided_off__spotlight_off__specular_on__attenuation_off__colormaterial_ambientdiffuse BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ 0h@ L # I2 @ R D X @ e Ro $a e > \ e 3`O I" @ l y ) A H 6 e ! \ ] e U @@ 1 n/ d $c C x h ? @A0( YJ e h Y u B e ? ) B A6Ri4 ! 86RE4 @ 0 t P T ` ta " G e R u/Fm Y 0 C e + C l #P ( p E > e o $a R v e a ` l h ,SF H | y + H C ! xp x R D X p $c`A L \p' e Xd Af PA > 9 | W* ; ?,@A` h Y # h )[ Y X r X 4gt X ! 8P X g eG @ 9! 2Vc= u>| ) L` e 0! \ ` e 8 @P` 1 ! e $a eW , e / ^ z D ) F$ e @ ! X to4 E C l ;` lc X h R XF 0 EBIN RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA 7 STRIh lighting__numlights_one__twosided_off__spotlight_off__specular_on__attenuation_on__colormaterial_off BFRE SPDv ` OBJC + 2H@ !@ 2( 9J q e Pd $c X B I" @ l - d Y ( 6 e ? ) R `4 ! / F4 H H |p ,a x @4 T A0 2 B e R( Y " 7R e ? + C6RM ! L" G e l` 0 S e d $c I @6Rm } D Q x u ~ T/ u/F < y + C l #P ( p p > PX0v e d $c@ @X8l L ` 2 ` 5b h d G | y +` C ! ( n4 ; |: @M / ( $aP , `Xx' @4 ; @f N4 > y W* ; ?,P F #@K2 CdN L E X h 1 ` a% |0 e O D X ( u @ 9 @ @ |! 2Vc= u>) A L A4 H! ! ~ e ` ? 0 a l d $c@H Gf L @ X P 9J q7 pN 0X0p@ e y ) ! A$ p4 @ 0! X P4 8 X ! B e7 d $a x T4 | B L c ^ ?z3 tG N #z EBIN\ RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA 7 STRIp lighting__numlights_one__twosided_off__spotlight_off__specular_on__attenuation_on__colormaterial_ambientdiffuse BFRE SPDv ` OBJC` + 2H@ !@ 2( 9J q e Pd $c X B A" G l - Y ( 6 e ? ) R e ! ( e E |p ,a x @4 T H2 s BI4 R( Y 7R e ? + A6Ri ! S(0 e @ ` e T ` da@M u ~ x T M0 C a Q Y B x ' e ) # e ! S v e a ` l h d $c S z DN PL"xp x {@f @B x e > y 0)` C / H ! \ l \x' e T> $c@ #N L @ ` " p , p e `? P 9 op 2 | +@ H h L $PI | x D2 e x8 8 ,ex r X' < u @ ' d e p 9 0Vc= u>|! +@ "H L ! # g P 1 PI x8J q ) G X0p@ e t ) A ( e @ C F @ @I A$ L H p/ ) H h e ! X - e ,b IR @ e d $a pX8 e ( e Y O! A e ) @ h e 0& /zB D ( " IB : X h ,a I , t4 p D E 0 } t Y | e N #z EBINT RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRIx lighting__numlights_one__numlights_many__twosided_off__spotlight_off__specular_all__attenuation_off__colormaterial_off BFRE SPDv ` OBJCP + I2H@ !@ 2( 9J q C x e Pl $c " l 2 ,` e ` Y B |h e ? /@ 0H f Q 2 A> < `q 0 ) e ! 7 e e d $a 1 n x D x u q Y@M ( YJ e ? ) Q B e ! M h C4 X F 7R Th ,c G6Rm b ` @Q u ~/ d [ u/F + PT ! MC e X 6E0 e h $a T v e a ` l h d [ O | +`K A !` xp x G X p $a ; P b d Af , t e > 9 ; ?| W* +pM p $@ x ,N e |0 e Z) gX X x H < M $r @M d \ eG @ 9! C 0Vc= u>| /@ Ff L `q# 0 )@ @ e 2 !PM 8 e P F X 0 0 S `s' 0 ) $ e HB # M L FE | e $) A$ e # } A N4/ d $c E l J 1 F P ( Q `. /z G 0# X L XD 0 d N A #z @ EBIN RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI lighting__numlights_one__numlights_many__twosided_off__spotlight_off__specular_all__attenuation_off__colormaterial_ambientdiffuse BFRE SPDv ` OBJC * ?zF G ! 3 @ e `$ XD 0 d @ D L p/ ) i h C4 ! ( - e_ , M3( 3` la@ X 9J e e Pd [ A B ? ) @$ A H4 # @ l x @ D d /@ H f " Q A> < `q 0 ) e ! 7 e e d $a $ 1 n " D y u q Y@Q4) YJ e ? ) C$' B e ! Q4 7Ra4 86R T ,a P e $H 4 C e # [ ` l )AQD D u ~ # E u/F A t ' e/ s da U e bE @X8l e i Y ` l e < + i@ #` Y ; @U5 / ( $ap @ Y- \x' e ; @f PQ > 9 ; ?| W* ,P 4I # h ) ( Y x 0Y X n 4gD @Y h C X :P Y g L 0 9 0Vc= u>|! )@ @ e H !PQ 8 e H X ' 0 0 S `s 0 + A& L B C Q @ e ) 5 $ e ! # e - 5* e 3` da @ ` e h 8 0 l d PA `CE y ) H O4 H 0! ( o4 EE ?z3 tG ` xN ! #z EBIN4 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRIx lighting__numlights_one__numlights_many__twosided_off__spotlight_off__specular_off__attenuation_all__colormaterial_off BFRE SPDv ` OBJC0 + I2H@ !@ 2( 9J q C x e Pl $c " l 2 ,` e ` Y B |h e ? /@ 0H f Q 2 A> < `q 0 ) e ! 7 e e d $a 1 n [ x @4? q Y@ ) YJ e ? ) " B e ! Q 7Ra4 p S 2 t T $a MC e X E @6R e Td [ ` 5 l )_ BP e H '@ N h ` X # 0 0 'S `s )@ @ e ! !P 8 e X 0 0 &S `s 0 + h L R ! | e P ` ? a l d $c | j T X0p@m Rh ,v ) U & e ! # # e l A x e' i P 0 #E t . /z G 0# X L XD 0 d N A #z @ EBINt RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI lighting__numlights_one__numlights_many__twosided_off__spotlight_on__spotlight_off__specular_all__attenuation_all__colormaterial_off BFRE SPDv ` OBJC` + I2H@ !@ 2( 9J q C x e Pl $c " l 2 ,` e ` Y B |h e ? /@ 0@ f H M < `q 0 ) e '@ 7 e 'S da 1 n K O S u? q> _ $y AP e y ) Q h C4 ! x e I q e Sd $a e m | + Y@ ) 9J e ? ) H@ e ! # `@i4 |2 @ YJ ,aP r B e ` P 6R P T ` S G6R e ? y ) t e (" ! T 8 e Bm` @Q$ @ u ~ d $c # u/F " X @ ' s2 [ S $ +PM 1 C ( `q )P H ? e B B 0X f L `q - $ D np %P +B m P Y0:q[4/ ' dc P |x ) P( k \0 e y 0 8@ ) ^ c $@ X8 zc ` ` 8 o ,a^ ,0 e I F ' PM fd \ t e'C 9 X| I e -Q P v ! @ l e l` P x p + ,c` ; @ / ( Af p #) e > 9 ; ?| W* ) A e ! E `y ; @ d 0dP | ,N eS |0 e Z z x \ eGI 9 0Vc= u>|! -@ A X !@Q e p 8 P X ?P Y g LA) t# -@ @ ? H M , L `q ' ) $ e # O L FE K | e $) M (F$ e ! g D4 ` G g , d ,a *C e < `CP ` P 0 #E y . /z G 0# X L XD 0 d N A #z @ EBIN RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI lighting__numlights_one__numlights_many__twosided_off__spotlight_on__spotlight_off__specular_on__specular_off__attenuation_on__attenuation_off__colormaterial_ambientdiffuse BFRE SPDv ` OBJC * ?zF G ! 3 @ e `$ XD 0 d @ D L p/ ) i h C4 ! ( - e_ , M3( 3` la@ X 9J e e Pd [ A B ? ) @$ A H4 # @ l x @ D d /@ @ f H Q < `q 0 ) 0 A e B '@ 7 e 'S da 1 n K S S u? q> _ ey AP e y ) U5 h C4 ! 0y e q e Sd $a e Qm | + Y@ U) 9J e ? ) &H@ e ! D+ `@i4 9}2 @ $ YJ ,aP r B e P 0 6R P T ` W% G6R e ? y ) T t e ! U 8 e m` @Ue @ u ~ d $c d u/F a " @ ' s2 [ $ +PQ4 1 C ) `q )P I ? e B X f L `q - e D np %P D3B m P PY0:q[4/ ' dc T |x E) P( k \0 e y 0 8@ ) D ^ c $@ Y8 z ` ` 8 o ,a^ ,0 e (K F D/ PM fd \ t e'C 9 X| I e -P\T v # @ l L 3m` P 4x p + ,c`Y& & ; @ 6 / ( Af p ) e > 9# ; ?| W* ) 69C e 2 ! E `y ; P $ d 0cp y ? H : AQ A> e O&S ` 3 p 9 @ @ | ) 5 $ e HC %` $ A h X/ 4 Y X 0Y n <a ) e Y0 m P"S j Y g eg= u>y! C @) ) M# D& e ! E, e < $ @ e d $a E e -< 5* e ` Y @ ` e ) # D e ! 0 e < @A `CE ` lr ) H O4 H 0! ( o4 EE ?z3 tG ` xN ! #z EBIN` RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI lighting__numlights_one__numlights_many__twosided_on__spotlight_on__spotlight_off__specular_all__attenuation_all__colormaterial_off BFRE SPDv ` OBJCP + I2H@ !@ 2( 9J q? C x e Pm $c " l 2 ,` e ` Y |` e ? I Lh e /H 0@ f < `q 0 ) e ! 7 e H # d <c 1 L p ` x S t7 q< _ 5y AP e y ) Q h u ! N h e `,Z q e Sd $a M e m Q | + Y@ ) 9J e ? ) H@ e # `@m h I 0 @ 0Y YJ e d $a $r Bi4 D G6Rm l 6R e ? y + A6RM !@ y ` e *J \ D u/Fm ,c Y , > e o Y T e ) D e " !N e X P \ & & `c \ t Z X ed w ? @ `A 1 p )N @ e C %P Y ? p ` X 0 &S `s+ + C A $ ! \ ` e -b \ e/ d $aP `Y08q[4 x" @ X Y@ x7 s , e y + ^ ![ PY P xa e c cp 8 q *` Y p C e d * PM C 9 j1? | E ) H t e C Y e -_ P v ! @ l e 3m` + ,aPM x_ 9 @ / {@f ` 5) e > y ; ?`p 2) A e ! `y ; @O | dP , (-N e |0 e Z z x \ eGI 9 0Vc= u>|! -P 4 A X %D Y- Y0 m 8P'S `aPQ ( p e 3 `R y@ ? e 6 # @) < z' K A L ) ( $ n4 H # &) h L .VM D ( ) A e ! x e ` g d ,c Bf p X0 @ x * Y@ |p e ; ?)@ x !p Y / 0 `!P 4c (p' { D P x * 8 @f ` , > 9 @ @ | W* + A h !E |0 eG O T Y ( ` u @ X g e Ad j $ eg= u>y r1? @)) N4 ! &B h4 X ' r @ e $c f l P 2 Bf : P 0 ` y . G 0# X L D ( d N A #z X . G 0C @ e N A #z @ EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI lighting__numlights_one__numlights_many__twosided_on__spotlight_on__spotlight_off__specular_on__specular_off__attenuation_on__attenuation_off__colormaterial_ambientdiffuse BFRE SPDv ` OBJC * ? A G C 3 @ e @ D L p/ ) i h C4 ! M ( - e_ , 3( 3` la@ X 9J e e Pd [ A B ? ) B$ A H4 # @ l h @ [E x@ e7 ` d/H @ f " < `q 0 ) e B ! 7 e H d <c $ 1 L $` %y S t7 q< _ vy AP e y ) U% h u ! R h e 4 q e Sd $a Q e Xm U | + Y@ U) 9J e ? ) I@ e # @ `@m "K 0 @ pY YJ e d $a #-r Bi4 D G6Rm l D 6R e ? y + A6RM !@ Sy ` e 2L \ u/Fm ,c ] , > e o Y U e ) E e H !N 3 e x Q \ & & `c \ t z X ed w ? @ A 1 p )N 0A e %P @Y ? $` X 0 &S `s+ + A $ H ! \ ` e -b \ e/ d $aP Y08q[4 * @ 0Y Y@ x7 s , e y + 4 ^ ![ Y P xa e c cp 8 q 2` Y p e d 43 PM C 9 j1? | E ) $I t e C PY e -_YP v ! A@ l e sm` + ,aPQ4 x_ 9 @ U / {@f ` v) e > y ; ?`p 2) U A e ! ` `y ; @S | dP , j-N e 5y0 Z z x]w)0 eGI 9 0Vc= u>|! -P u A X %D E - PY0 m 8P'S `aPU ) p e Z 3 `VEy@ ? e 6 # @) < z' K `A L " K U A& L HS ) $ e ! # e < T @ e d $a (B h C P 7yp x {@f @ y e > y 0)` A / ! ] = \ H-2 Yx' > ,e` p P b X P 0 $ 2 ` 4 h eGI y `p 2 < +E %h r X < 0 u @ ' ` 3 J > d 0& e d j E, eg= u>y r1? @)) 4 D e ! E e < @Y8f x h ,a 2 e x ! P @ e/ d Y E e + f l ! X ` e h y E e d $c Y g l 0l F P ( ` `) 0H O4 H 0! ( o4 EE ?z3 tG ` x. ! #z ! X o4 ` ED d ) @ O4 H 0# z tC XD 0 N ! #z EBIN RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA 7 STRI( pointsize__copy_off__attenuation_all BFRE SPDv OBJC EBIN` RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA 7 STRI$ pointsize__copy_on__attenuation_off BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # . z E H 0C \0 <m `N #b EBIN RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA 7 STRI$ pointsize__copy_on__attenuation_on BFRE SPDv ` OBJC@ * D ! X e ` K |p ,a J x S e } N e Tn Y \p e ) n H 0# K | P D ? @ X YJ e h $f z2pBE H < \8 <m # v N #b EBIN RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA 7 STRI fog__dist_off BFRE SPDv OBJC EBIN< RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA 7 STRI fog__dist_on BFRE SPDv ` OBJC . / A D 0C \ t e N #b ` EBIN RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA 7 STRI clipplane__plane0_off BFRE SPDv OBJC EBINT RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA 7 STRI clipplane__plane0_on BFRE SPDv ` OBJC . z#v D 0! X l e BaE 0X(| l d ,N #b ` EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect0__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 d Y U% ` e @ D D p1 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D0 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F3 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D% F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect0__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 l Y U% ` e @ D D p5 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D4 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F7 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D% F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect0__2 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 t Y U% ` e @ D D p9 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D8 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F; d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D% F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect0__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 | Y U% ` e @ D D p= +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D< d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F? d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D% F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect0__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pA +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D@ d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FC d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D% F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect0__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pE +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DD d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FG d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D% F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect0__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pI +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DH d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FK d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D% F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect0__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pM +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DL d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FO d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D% F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect1__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 d Y U% ` e @ D D p1 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D0 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F3 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D& F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect1__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 l Y U% ` e @ D D p5 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D4 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F7 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D& F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect1__2 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 t Y U% ` e @ D D p9 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D8 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F; d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D& F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect1__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 | Y U% ` e @ D D p= +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D< d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F? d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D& F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect1__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pA +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D@ d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FC d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D& F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect1__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pE +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DD d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FG d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D& F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect1__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pI +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DH d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FK d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D& F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect1__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pM +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DL d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FO d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D& F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect2__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 d Y U% ` e @ D D p1 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D0 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F3 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D' F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect2__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 l Y U% ` e @ D D p5 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D4 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F7 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D' F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect2__2 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 t Y U% ` e @ D D p9 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D8 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F; d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D' F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect2__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 | Y U% ` e @ D D p= +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D< d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F? d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D' F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect2__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pA +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D@ d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FC d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D' F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect2__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pE +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DD d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FG d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D' F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect2__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pI +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DH d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FK d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D' F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect2__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pM +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DL d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FO d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D' F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect3__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 d Y U% ` e @ D D p1 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D0 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F3 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D( F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect3__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 l Y U% ` e @ D D p5 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D4 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F7 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D( F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect3__2 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 t Y U% ` e @ D D p9 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D8 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F; d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D( F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect3__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 | Y U% ` e @ D D p= +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D< d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F? d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D( F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect3__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pA +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D@ d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FC d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D( F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect3__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pE +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DD d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FG d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D( F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect3__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pI +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DH d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FK d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D( F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect3__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pM +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DL d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FO d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D( F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect4__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 d Y U% ` e @ D D p1 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D0 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F3 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D) F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect4__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 l Y U% ` e @ D D p5 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D4 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F7 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D) F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect4__2 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 t Y U% ` e @ D D p9 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D8 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F; d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D) F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect4__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 | Y U% ` e @ D D p= +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D< d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F? d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D) F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect4__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pA +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D@ d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FC d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D) F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect4__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pE +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DD d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FG d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D) F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect4__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pI +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DH d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FK d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D) F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect4__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pM +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DL d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FO d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D) F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect5__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 d Y U% ` e @ D D p1 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D0 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F3 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D* F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect5__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 l Y U% ` e @ D D p5 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D4 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F7 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D* F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect5__2 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 t Y U% ` e @ D D p9 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D8 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F; d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D* F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect5__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 | Y U% ` e @ D D p= +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D< d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F? d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D* F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect5__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pA +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D@ d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FC d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D* F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect5__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pE +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DD d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FG d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D* F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect5__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pI +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DH d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FK d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D* F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect5__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pM +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DL d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FO d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D* F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect6__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 d Y U% ` e @ D D p1 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D0 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F3 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D+ F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect6__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 l Y U% ` e @ D D p5 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D4 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F7 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D+ F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect6__2 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 t Y U% ` e @ D D p9 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D8 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F; d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D+ F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect6__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 | Y U% ` e @ D D p= +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D< d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F? d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D+ F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect6__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pA +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D@ d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FC d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D+ F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect6__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pE +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DD d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FG d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D+ F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect6__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pI +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DH d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FK d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D+ F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect6__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pM +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DL d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FO d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D+ F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect7__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 d Y U% ` e @ D D p1 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D0 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F3 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D, F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect7__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 l Y U% ` e @ D D p5 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D4 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F7 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D, F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect7__2 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 t Y U% ` e @ D D p9 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D8 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F; d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D, F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect7__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 | Y U% ` e @ D D p= +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D< d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F? d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D, F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect7__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pA +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D@ d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FC d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D, F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect7__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pE +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DD d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FG d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D, F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect7__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pI +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DH d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FK d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D, F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect7__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pM +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DL d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FO d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D, F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal0__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p1 +@ R D ! S e E >D0 d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D2 d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D3 d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D% F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal0__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p5 +@ R D ! S e E >D4 d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D6 d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D7 d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D% F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal0__2 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p9 +@ R D ! S e E >D8 d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D: d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D; d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D% F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal0__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p= +@ R D ! S e E >D< d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D> d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D? d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D% F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal0__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pA +@ R D ! S e E >D@ d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DB d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DC d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D% F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal0__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pE +@ R D ! S e E >DD d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DF d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DG d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D% F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal0__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pI +@ R D ! S e E >DH d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DJ d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DK d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D% F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal0__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pM +@ R D ! S e E >DL d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DN d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DO d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D% F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal1__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p1 +@ R D ! S e E >D0 d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D2 d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D3 d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D& F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal1__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p5 +@ R D ! S e E >D4 d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D6 d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D7 d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D& F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal1__2 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p9 +@ R D ! S e E >D8 d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D: d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D; d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D& F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal1__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p= +@ R D ! S e E >D< d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D> d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D? d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D& F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal1__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pA +@ R D ! S e E >D@ d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DB d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DC d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D& F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal1__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pE +@ R D ! S e E >DD d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DF d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DG d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D& F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal1__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pI +@ R D ! S e E >DH d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DJ d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DK d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D& F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal1__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pM +@ R D ! S e E >DL d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DN d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DO d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D& F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal2__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p1 +@ R D ! S e E >D0 d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D2 d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D3 d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D' F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal2__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p5 +@ R D ! S e E >D4 d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D6 d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D7 d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D' F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal2__2 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p9 +@ R D ! S e E >D8 d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D: d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D; d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D' F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal2__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p= +@ R D ! S e E >D< d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D> d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D? d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D' F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal2__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pA +@ R D ! S e E >D@ d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DB d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DC d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D' F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal2__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pE +@ R D ! S e E >DD d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DF d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DG d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D' F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal2__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pI +@ R D ! S e E >DH d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DJ d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DK d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D' F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal2__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pM +@ R D ! S e E >DL d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DN d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DO d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D' F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal3__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p1 +@ R D ! S e E >D0 d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D2 d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D3 d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D( F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal3__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p5 +@ R D ! S e E >D4 d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D6 d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D7 d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D( F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal3__2 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p9 +@ R D ! S e E >D8 d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D: d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D; d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D( F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal3__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p= +@ R D ! S e E >D< d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D> d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D? d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D( F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal3__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pA +@ R D ! S e E >D@ d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DB d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DC d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D( F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal3__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pE +@ R D ! S e E >DD d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DF d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DG d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D( F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal3__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pI +@ R D ! S e E >DH d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DJ d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DK d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D( F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal3__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pM +@ R D ! S e E >DL d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DN d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DO d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D( F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal4__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p1 +@ R D ! S e E >D0 d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D2 d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D3 d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D) F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal4__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p5 +@ R D ! S e E >D4 d +@ C D " ! 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G e 84E D: d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D; d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D* F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal5__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p= +@ R D ! S e E >D< d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D> d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D? d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D* F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal5__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pA +@ R D ! S e E >D@ d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DB d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DC d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D* F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal5__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pE +@ R D ! S e E >DD d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DF d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DG d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D* F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal5__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pI +@ R D ! S e E >DH d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DJ d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DK d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D* F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal5__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pM +@ R D ! S e E >DL d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DN d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DO d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D* F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal6__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p1 +@ R D ! S e E >D0 d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D2 d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D3 d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D+ F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal6__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p5 +@ R D ! S e E >D4 d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D6 d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D7 d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D+ F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal6__2 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p9 +@ R D ! S e E >D8 d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D: d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D; d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D+ F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal6__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p= +@ R D ! S e E >D< d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D> d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D? d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D+ F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal6__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pA +@ R D ! S e E >D@ d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DB d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DC d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D+ F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal6__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pE +@ R D ! S e E >DD d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DF d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DG d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D+ F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal6__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pI +@ R D ! S e E >DH d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DJ d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DK d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D+ F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal6__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pM +@ R D ! S e E >DL d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DN d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DO d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D+ F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal7__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p1 +@ R D ! S e E >D0 d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D2 d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D3 d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D, F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal7__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p5 +@ R D ! S e E >D4 d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D6 d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D7 d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D, F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal7__2 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p9 +@ R D ! S e E >D8 d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D: d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D; d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D, F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal7__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p= +@ R D ! S e E >D< d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D> d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D? d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D, F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal7__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pA +@ R D ! S e E >D@ d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DB d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DC d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D, F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal7__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pE +@ R D ! S e E >DD d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DF d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DG d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D, F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal7__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pI +@ R D ! S e E >DH d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DJ d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DK d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D, F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal7__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pM +@ R D ! S e E >DL d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DN d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DO d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D, F Xd N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen0__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p1 +@ D " ! e G >D0 d +@ D C ! e A6E D2 d +@ D ! e A E D3 d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D% m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen0__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p5 +@ D " ! e G >D4 d +@ D C ! e A6E D6 d +@ D ! e A E D7 d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D% m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen0__2 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p9 +@ D " ! e G >D8 d +@ D C ! e A6E D: d +@ D ! e A E D; d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D% m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen0__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p= +@ D " ! e G >D< d +@ D C ! e A6E D> d +@ D ! e A E D? d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D% m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen0__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pA +@ D " ! e G >D@ d +@ D C ! e A6E DB d +@ D ! e A E DC d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D% m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen0__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pE +@ D " ! e G >DD d +@ D C ! e A6E DF d +@ D ! e A E DG d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D% m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen0__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pI +@ D " ! e G >DH d +@ D C ! e A6E DJ d +@ D ! e A E DK d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D% m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen0__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pM +@ D " ! e G >DL d +@ D C ! e A6E DN d +@ D ! e A E DO d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D% m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen1__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p1 +@ D " ! e G >D0 d +@ D C ! e A6E D2 d +@ D ! e A E D3 d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D& m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen1__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p5 +@ D " ! e G >D4 d +@ D C ! e A6E D6 d +@ D ! e A E D7 d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D& m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen1__2 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p9 +@ D " ! e G >D8 d +@ D C ! e A6E D: d +@ D ! e A E D; d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D& m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen1__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p= +@ D " ! e G >D< d +@ D C ! e A6E D> d +@ D ! e A E D? d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D& m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen1__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pA +@ D " ! e G >D@ d +@ D C ! e A6E DB d +@ D ! e A E DC d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D& m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen1__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pE +@ D " ! e G >DD d +@ D C ! e A6E DF d +@ D ! e A E DG d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D& m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen1__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pI +@ D " ! e G >DH d +@ D C ! e A6E DJ d +@ D ! e A E DK d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D& m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen1__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pM +@ D " ! e G >DL d +@ D C ! e A6E DN d +@ D ! e A E DO d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D& m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen2__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p1 +@ D " ! e G >D0 d +@ D C ! e A6E D2 d +@ D ! e A E D3 d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D' m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen2__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p5 +@ D " ! e G >D4 d +@ D C ! e A6E D6 d +@ D ! e A E D7 d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D' m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen2__2 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p9 +@ D " ! e G >D8 d +@ D C ! e A6E D: d +@ D ! e A E D; d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D' m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen2__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p= +@ D " ! e G >D< d +@ D C ! e A6E D> d +@ D ! e A E D? d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D' m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen2__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pA +@ D " ! e G >D@ d +@ D C ! e A6E DB d +@ D ! e A E DC d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D' m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen2__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pE +@ D " ! e G >DD d +@ D C ! e A6E DF d +@ D ! e A E DG d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D' m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen2__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pI +@ D " ! e G >DH d +@ D C ! e A6E DJ d +@ D ! e A E DK d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D' m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen2__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pM +@ D " ! e G >DL d +@ D C ! e A6E DN d +@ D ! e A E DO d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D' m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen3__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p1 +@ D " ! e G >D0 d +@ D C ! e A6E D2 d +@ D ! e A E D3 d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D( m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen3__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p5 +@ D " ! e G >D4 d +@ D C ! e A6E D6 d +@ D ! e A E D7 d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D( m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen3__2 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p9 +@ D " ! e G >D8 d +@ D C ! e A6E D: d +@ D ! e A E D; d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D( m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen3__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p= +@ D " ! e G >D< d +@ D C ! e A6E D> d +@ D ! e A E D? d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D( m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen3__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pA +@ D " ! e G >D@ d +@ D C ! e A6E DB d +@ D ! e A E DC d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D( m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen3__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pE +@ D " ! e G >DD d +@ D C ! e A6E DF d +@ D ! e A E DG d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D( m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen3__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pI +@ D " ! e G >DH d +@ D C ! e A6E DJ d +@ D ! e A E DK d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D( m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen3__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pM +@ D " ! e G >DL d +@ D C ! e A6E DN d +@ D ! e A E DO d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D( m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen4__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p1 +@ D " ! e G >D0 d +@ D C ! e A6E D2 d +@ D ! e A E D3 d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D) m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen4__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p5 +@ D " ! e G >D4 d +@ D C ! e A6E D6 d +@ D ! e A E D7 d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D) m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen4__2 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p9 +@ D " ! e G >D8 d +@ D C ! e A6E D: d +@ D ! e A E D; d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D) m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen4__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p= +@ D " ! e G >D< d +@ D C ! e A6E D> d +@ D ! e A E D? d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D) m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen4__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pA +@ D " ! e G >D@ d +@ D C ! e A6E DB d +@ D ! e A E DC d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D) m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen4__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pE +@ D " ! e G >DD d +@ D C ! e A6E DF d +@ D ! e A E DG d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D) m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen4__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pI +@ D " ! e G >DH d +@ D C ! e A6E DJ d +@ D ! e A E DK d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D) m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen4__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pM +@ D " ! e G >DL d +@ D C ! e A6E DN d +@ D ! e A E DO d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D) m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen5__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p1 +@ D " ! e G >D0 d +@ D C ! e A6E D2 d +@ D ! e A E D3 d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D* m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen5__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p5 +@ D " ! e G >D4 d +@ D C ! e A6E D6 d +@ D ! e A E D7 d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D* m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen5__2 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p9 +@ D " ! e G >D8 d +@ D C ! e A6E D: d +@ D ! e A E D; d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D* m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen5__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p= +@ D " ! e G >D< d +@ D C ! e A6E D> d +@ D ! e A E D? d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D* m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen5__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pA +@ D " ! e G >D@ d +@ D C ! e A6E DB d +@ D ! e A E DC d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D* m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen5__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pE +@ D " ! e G >DD d +@ D C ! e A6E DF d +@ D ! e A E DG d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D* m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen5__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pI +@ D " ! e G >DH d +@ D C ! e A6E DJ d +@ D ! e A E DK d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D* m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen5__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pM +@ D " ! e G >DL d +@ D C ! e A6E DN d +@ D ! e A E DO d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D* m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen6__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p1 +@ D " ! e G >D0 d +@ D C ! e A6E D2 d +@ D ! e A E D3 d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D+ m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen6__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p5 +@ D " ! e G >D4 d +@ D C ! e A6E D6 d +@ D ! e A E D7 d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D+ m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen6__2 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p9 +@ D " ! e G >D8 d +@ D C ! e A6E D: d +@ D ! e A E D; d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D+ m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen6__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p= +@ D " ! e G >D< d +@ D C ! e A6E D> d +@ D ! e A E D? d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D+ m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen6__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pA +@ D " ! e G >D@ d +@ D C ! e A6E DB d +@ D ! e A E DC d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D+ m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen6__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pE +@ D " ! e G >DD d +@ D C ! e A6E DF d +@ D ! e A E DG d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D+ m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen6__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pI +@ D " ! e G >DH d +@ D C ! e A6E DJ d +@ D ! e A E DK d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D+ m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen6__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pM +@ D " ! e G >DL d +@ D C ! e A6E DN d +@ D ! e A E DO d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D+ m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen7__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p1 +@ D " ! e G >D0 d +@ D C ! e A6E D2 d +@ D ! e A E D3 d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D, m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen7__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p5 +@ D " ! e G >D4 d +@ D C ! e A6E D6 d +@ D ! e A E D7 d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D, m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen7__2 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p9 +@ D " ! e G >D8 d +@ D C ! e A6E D: d +@ D ! e A E D; d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D, m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen7__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p= +@ D " ! e G >D< d +@ D C ! e A6E D> d +@ D ! e A E D? d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D, m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen7__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pA +@ D " ! e G >D@ d +@ D C ! e A6E DB d +@ D ! e A E DC d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D, m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen7__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pE +@ D " ! e G >DD d +@ D C ! e A6E DF d +@ D ! e A E DG d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D, m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen7__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pI +@ D " ! e G >DH d +@ D C ! e A6E DJ d +@ D ! e A E DK d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D, m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen7__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pM +@ D " ! e G >DL d +@ D C ! e A6E DN d +@ D ! e A E DO d ) e 0! 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Q4 7Ra4 86R T ,a P e $H 4 C e # [ ` l )AQD D u ~ # E u/F A t ' e/ s da U e bE @X8l e i Y ` l e < + i@ #` Y ; @U5 / ( $ap @ Y- \x' e ; @f PQ > 9 ; ?| W* ,P 4I # h ) ( Y x 0Y X n 4gD @Y h C X :P Y g L 0 9 0Vc= u>|! )@ @ e H !PQ 8 e H X ' 0 0 S `s 0 + A& L B C Q @ e ) 5 $ e ! # e - 5* e 3` da @ ` e h 8 0 l d PA `CE y ) H O4 H 0! ( o4 EE ?z3 tG ` xN ! #z J # . z E H 0C \0 <m `N #b * D ! X e ` K |p ,a J x S e } N e Tn Y \p e ) n H 0# K | P D ? @ X YJ e h $f z2pBE H < \8 <m # v N #b . / A D 0C \ t e N #b ` . z#v D 0! X l e BaE 0X(| l d ,N #b ` +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 d Y U% ` e @ D D p1 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D0 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F3 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D% F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 l Y U% ` e @ D D p5 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D4 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F7 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D% F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 t Y U% ` e @ D D p9 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D8 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F; d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D% F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 | Y U% ` e @ D D p= +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D< d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F? d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D% F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pA +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D@ d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FC d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D% F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pE +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DD d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FG d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D% F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pI +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DH d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FK d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D% F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pM +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DL d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FO d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D% F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 d Y U% ` e @ D D p1 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D0 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F3 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D& F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 l Y U% ` e @ D D p5 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D4 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F7 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D& F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 t Y U% ` e @ D D p9 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D8 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F; d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D& F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 | Y U% ` e @ D D p= +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D< d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F? d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D& F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pA +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D@ d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FC d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D& F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pE +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DD d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FG d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D& F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pI +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DH d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FK d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D& F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pM +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DL d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FO d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D& F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 d Y U% ` e @ D D p1 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D0 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F3 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D' F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 l Y U% ` e @ D D p5 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D4 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F7 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D' F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 t Y U% ` e @ D D p9 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D8 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F; d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D' F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 | Y U% ` e @ D D p= +@ D D ) ! 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E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 l Y U% ` e @ D D p5 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D4 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F7 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D( F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 t Y U% ` e @ D D p9 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D8 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F; d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D( F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 | Y U% ` e @ D D p= +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D< d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F? d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D( F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pA +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D@ d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FC d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D( F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pE +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DD d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FG d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D( F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pI +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DH d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FK d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D( F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pM +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DL d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FO d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D( F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 d Y U% ` e @ D D p1 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D0 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F3 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D) F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 l Y U% ` e @ D D p5 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D4 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F7 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D) F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 t Y U% ` e @ D D p9 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D8 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F; d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D) F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 | Y U% ` e @ D D p= +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D< d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F? d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D) F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pA +@ D D ) ! 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E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 t Y U% ` e @ D D p9 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D8 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F; d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D* F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 | Y U% ` e @ D D p= +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D< d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F? d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D* F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pA +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D@ d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FC d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D* F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pE +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DD d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FG d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D* F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pI +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DH d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FK d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D* F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pM +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DL d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FO d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D* F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 d Y U% ` e @ D D p1 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D0 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F3 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D+ F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 l Y U% ` e @ D D p5 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D4 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F7 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D+ F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 t Y U% ` e @ D D p9 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D8 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F; d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D+ F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 | Y U% ` e @ D D p= +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D< d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F? d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D+ F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pA +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D@ d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FC d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D+ F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pE +@ D D ) ! 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R$ E V B6 4G+l Bw Pg uM 7 H d@T b T 0 & 0Kp % m ! eX ` - M Y F ` %X `@ 0l@ A@ Y d " e `4A 2 ` : 1K@ gP AP 0 ip AP 0 V & PG0 f 6 Y , An 2n A hB 2lZ@q 2n A hB 2t\@t 2n A@ hB 2|^0 0K % F ` f ; h | , w b 0 nq D ` H 9L 8 [8 \ a ,>m Eo G nA NQ 19 , o m C 1 !Y $ n H 2 GM ERD 8 b ERD 8 r !L x nqH d $8 a I 9L 8 o I 9L 8 n I 9L 8 n I 9L 8 a ! hB 2 A0 , B8 nq D ` q= 0 y[ N a ` t ( 2( R b 4GR 0 " pCp 5! " R pC A! R$ 5 F v B6 4G+l Bw Pg uM 7 H d@S R S B0 & q 0Kp % l ! eX ` , ! M Y F ` %X `@ 0l@| 4G0 f q D 0 @ F ` z 6 Y , 1n AE A hB 2PS0n e A hB 2XU0 @ 0K@ % F ` ` f # A A F A0 i A " F0 A0 q A R F` A0 y h w , v b M8 a " % `@ 0l@ A@ Y " . nq D ` H 9L 8 [ S [8 \ a ,>m G nA NQX 19 , o m C 1 !Y $ n H 2 GM ERD 8 b ERD 8 r !L x nqH d I 9L 8 n I 9L 8 o I 9L 8 n I 9L 8 a ` t ( 2( R b 4 R 0T" pCp 9! " S pC E! R$ E V B6 4G+l Bw Pg uM 7 H d@T b T B0 & 0Kp % m ! eX ` - ! 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R$ E V B6 4G+l Bw Pg uM 7 H d@T b T 0 & 0Kp % m ! eX ` - M Y F ` %X `@ 0l@ A@ Y d " e `4A 2 ` : 1K@ gP AP 0 ip AP 0 V & PG0 f 6 Y , An 2n A hB 2lZ@q 2n A hB 2t\@t 2n A@ hB 2|^0 0K % F ` f ; h | , w b 0 nq D ` H 9L 8 [8 \ a ,>m Eo G nA NQ 19 , o m C 1 !Y $ n H 2 GM ERD 8 b ERD 8 r !L x nqH d $8 a I 9L 8 o I 9L 8 n I 9L 8 n I 9L 8 a ! hB 2 A0 , B8 nq D ` q= 0 y[ N a ` t ( 2( R b 4GR 0 " pCp 5! " R pC A! R$ 5 F v B6 4G+l Bw Pg uM 7 H d@S R S B0 & q 0Kp % l ! eX ` , ! M Y F ` %X `@ 0l@| 4G0 f q D 0 @ F ` z 6 Y , 1n AE A hB 2PS0n e A hB 2XU0 @ 0K@ % F ` ` f # A A F A0 i A " F0 A0 q A R F` A0 y h w , v b M8 a " % `@ 0l@ A@ Y " . nq D ` H 9L 8 [ S [8 \ a ,>m G nA NQX 19 , o m C 1 !Y $ n H 2 GM ERD 8 b ERD 8 r !L x nqH d I 9L 8 n I 9L 8 o I 9L 8 n I 9L 8 a ` t ( 2( R b 4 R 0T" pCp 9! " S pC E! R$ E V B6 4G+l Bw Pg uM 7 H d@T b T B0 & 0Kp % m ! eX ` - ! 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PSEUDO_BLEND_D3D_3_v4f32 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_iBI64_v4f32 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_iBI64_v4f32 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_iBI64_v4f32 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_iBI64_v4f32 ADD_BLEND_D1_D3D_v4f32 ADD_BLEND_Q1_D3D_v4f32 ADD_BLEND_D1_D2_D3D_v4f32 ADD_BLEND_Q1_Q2_D3D_v4f32 PSEUDO_BLEND_D3D_v4f32 ADD_LOAD_v4f32 PSEUDO_BLEND_v4f32 ADD_TEXS_2D_NOLOD_v4f32 FMA_and_ADD_TEXS_2D_DTSEL_NOLOD_v4f32 FMA_and_ADD_TEXS_2D_DTSEL_IMM_NOLOD_v4f32 ADD_TEXS_2D_LOD_v4f32 FMA_and_ADD_TEXS_2D_DTSEL_LOD_v4f32 FMA_and_ADD_TEXS_2D_DTSEL_IMM_LOD_v4f32 ADD_STORE_v4f32 ADD_BLEND_FRAG_v4f32 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_sBI_v4f32 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_sBI_v4f32 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_sBI_v4f32 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_sBI_v4f32 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_uBI_v4f32 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_uBI_v4f32 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_uBI_v4f32 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_uBI_v4f32 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_DTSEL_v4f32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL_v4f32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_DTSEL_v4f32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_v4f32 ADD_BLEND_CO_v4f32 ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_v4f32 ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_v4f32 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FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_uBI_v2i32 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_DTSEL_v2i32 FMA_and_ADD_LSHIFT_DOUBLE_CO_v2i32 ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_v2i32 ADD_AXCHG_CO_v2i32 ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_v2i32 FMA_and_ADD_ATOM_COMP_NORET_v2i32 FMA_and_ADD_ATOM_CMUX_NORET_v2i32 FMA_and_ADD_ATOM_COMP_RET_v2i32 FMA_and_ADD_ATOM_CMUX_RET_v2i32 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_iBI64_v3i32 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_iBI64_v3i32 ADD_LOAD_v3i32 ADD_STORE_v3i32 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_sBI_v3i32 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_sBI_v3i32 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_uBI_v3i32 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_uBI_v3i32 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_DTSEL_v3i32 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_iBI64_v4i32 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_iBI64_v4i32 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_iBI64_v4i32 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_iBI64_v4i32 ADD_BLEND_D1_D3D_v4i32 ADD_BLEND_Q1_D3D_v4i32 ADD_BLEND_D1_D2_D3D_v4i32 ADD_BLEND_Q1_Q2_D3D_v4i32 ADD_LOAD_v4i32 ADD_STORE_v4i32 ADD_BLEND_FRAG_v4i32 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_sBI_v4i32 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_sBI_v4i32 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_sBI_v4i32 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_sBI_v4i32 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_uBI_v4i32 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_uBI_v4i32 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_uBI_v4i32 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_uBI_v4i32 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_DTSEL_v4i32 ADD_BLEND_CO_v4i32 ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_v4i32 ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_v4i32 FMA_ATOM_C1_i32 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_WIDEN_16_iBI64_i32 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_WIDEN_8_iBI64_i32 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_iBI64_i32 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_iBI64_i32 FMA_and_ADD_AXCHG_CO_iBI64_i32 ADD_LOAD_WIDEN_16_i32 ADD_LOAD_WIDEN_8_i32 FMA_ISUBB_i32 FMA_ISUB_i32 ADD_ISUB_i32 FMA_IMSUB_i32 FMA_IMRSUB_i32 FMA_LSHIFT_RSUB_i32 ADD_LSHIFT_RSUB_i32 FMA_ARSHIFT_RSUB_i32 ADD_ARSHIFT_RSUB_i32 FMA_RSHIFT_RSUB_i32 ADD_RSHIFT_RSUB_i32 FMA_and_ADD_SEG_SUB_i32 FMA_LSHIFT_SUB_i32 ADD_LSHIFT_SUB_i32 FMA_ARSHIFT_SUB_i32 ADD_ARSHIFT_SUB_i32 FMA_RSHIFT_SUB_i32 ADD_RSHIFT_SUB_i32 FMA_IADDC_i32 ADD_BRANCHC_i32 FMA_ATOM_C_i32 FMA_IMAD_i32 ADD_LOAD_i32 FMA_IADD_i32 ADD_IADD_i32 FMA_and_ADD_SEG_ADD_i32 FMA_LSHIFT_ADD_i32 ADD_LSHIFT_ADD_i32 FMA_ARSHIFT_ADD_i32 ADD_ARSHIFT_ADD_i32 FMA_RSHIFT_ADD_i32 ADD_RSHIFT_ADD_i32 FMA_RED_i32 ADD_RED_i32 ADD_BAR_RED_i32 FMA_AND_i32 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FMA_ATOM_C1_RETURN_i32 FMA_ATOM_C_RETURN_i32 FMA_and_ADD_RETURN_i32 ADD_LD_TILE_CO_i32 ADD_ST_TILE_CO_i32 ADD_AXCHG_CO_i32 ADD_LD_CVT_CO_i32 ADD_ST_CVT_CO_i32 FMA_ICMP_i32 ADD_ICMP_i32 FMA_NOP_i32 ADD_NOP_i32 ADD_CLPER_SUBGROUP_i32 C_CALL_SETUP_i32 ADD_CLPER_i32 FMA_XOR_i32 ADD_XOR_i32 FMA_LSHIFT_XOR_i32 ADD_LSHIFT_XOR_i32 FMA_RSHIFT_XOR_i32 ADD_RSHIFT_XOR_i32 FMA_OR_i32 ADD_OR_i32 FMA_LSHIFT_OR_i32 ADD_LSHIFT_OR_i32 FMA_RSHIFT_OR_i32 ADD_RSHIFT_OR_i32 FMA_LSHIFT_i32 ADD_LSHIFT_i32 FMA_ARSHIFT_i32 ADD_ARSHIFT_i32 FMA_RSHIFT_i32 ADD_RSHIFT_i32 FMA_POPCOUNT_i32 FMA_NOT_i32 ADD_NOT_i32 FMA_LROT_i32 ADD_LROT_i32 FMA_RROT_i32 ADD_RROT_i32 FMA_INSERT_i32 FMA_DIS_INVALID_INST_i32 ADD_DIS_INVALID_INST_i32 FMA_DIS_AMBIGUOUS_INST_i32 ADD_DIS_AMBIGUOUS_INST_i32 FMA_ATOM_POST_i32 FMA_BITREV_i32 ADD_TEXC_NOCONV_i32 ADD_TEXC_ARG_NOCONV_i32 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_ARG_NOCONV_i32 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_ARG_NOCONV_i32 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_NOCONV_i32 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_NOCONV_i32 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ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_IMM_CO_v4s32 ADD_LD_ATTR_CO_v4s32 ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_CO_v4s32 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CO_v4s32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV_v4s32 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV_v4s32 FMA_EXTRACT1_s32 ADD_EXTRACT2_s32 FMA_IMEDIAN3_s32 FMA_IMIN3_s32 FMA_IMAX3_s32 FMA_ISUB_s32 ADD_ISUB_s32 FMA_HADD_s32 ADD_HADD_s32 FMA_IADD_s32 ADD_IADD_s32 ADD_IABSDIF_s32 ADD_BRANCH_s32 FMA_ICMPI_s32 ADD_ICMPI_s32 FMA_CSEL_s32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL_s32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_DTSEL_s32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_s32 FMA_SHADDXL_s32 PSEUDO_REM_s32 ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_CO_s32 ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_IMM_CO_s32 ADD_LD_ATTR_CO_s32 ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_CO_s32 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CO_s32 FMA_ICMP_s32 ADD_ICMP_s32 FMA_IAVGR_s32 FMA_IABS_s32 ADD_IABS_s32 PSEUDO_DIV_s32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV_s32 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV_s32 ADD_BRANCHZ_s32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL_v2u32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_DTSEL_v2u32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_v2u32 ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_CO_v2u32 ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_IMM_CO_v2u32 ADD_LD_ATTR_CO_v2u32 ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_CO_v2u32 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CO_v2u32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV_v2u32 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV_v2u32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL_v3u32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_DTSEL_v3u32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_v3u32 ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_CO_v3u32 ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_IMM_CO_v3u32 ADD_LD_ATTR_CO_v3u32 ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_CO_v3u32 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CO_v3u32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV_v3u32 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV_v3u32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL_v4u32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_DTSEL_v4u32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_v4u32 ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_CO_v4u32 ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_IMM_CO_v4u32 ADD_LD_ATTR_CO_v4u32 ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_CO_v4u32 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CO_v4u32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV_v4u32 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV_v4u32 FMA_EXTRACT1_u32 ADD_EXTRACT2_u32 FMA_IMEDIAN3_u32 FMA_IMIN3_u32 FMA_IMAX3_u32 FMA_ISUB_u32 ADD_ISUB_u32 FMA_HADD_u32 ADD_HADD_u32 FMA_IADD_u32 ADD_IADD_u32 ADD_IABSDIF_u32 ADD_BRANCH_u32 FMA_ICMPI_u32 ADD_ICMPI_u32 FMA_CSEL_u32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL_u32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_DTSEL_u32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_u32 FMA_SHADDXL_u32 PSEUDO_REM_u32 ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_CO_u32 ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_IMM_CO_u32 ADD_LD_ATTR_CO_u32 ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_CO_u32 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CO_u32 FMA_ICMP_u32 ADD_ICMP_u32 FMA_IAVGR_u32 PSEUDO_DIV_u32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV_u32 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV_u32 ADD_BRANCHZ_u32 FMA_CLZ_u32 FMA_and_ADD_PSEUDO_LOAD_BI_i192 FMA_and_ADD_PSEUDO_STORE_BI_i192 ADD_TEXC_NOCONV_i192 ADD_TEXC_ARG_NOCONV_i192 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_ARG_NOCONV_i192 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_ARG_NOCONV_i192 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_NOCONV_i192 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_NOCONV_i192 ADD_TEXC_CONV_i192 ADD_TEXC_ARG_CONV_i192 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_ARG_CONV_i192 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_ARG_CONV_i192 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_CONV_i192 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_CONV_i192 ADD_CUBEFACE2 PSEUDO_FLOG2 PSEUDO_HALF_LOG2 PSEUDO_ATAN2 PSEUDO_FEXP2 PSEUDO_HALF_EXP2 FMA_and_ADD_VN_ASST_V3 FMA_and_ADD_PSEUDO_LOAD_BI_i224 FMA_and_ADD_PSEUDO_STORE_BI_i224 ADD_TEXC_ARG_NOCONV_i224 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_ARG_NOCONV_i224 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_ARG_NOCONV_i224 ADD_TEXC_ARG_CONV_i224 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_ARG_CONV_i224 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_ARG_CONV_i224 ADD_LOAD_i24 ADD_STORE_i24 FMA_F32_TO_F64 ADD_F32_TO_F64 FMA_S64_TO_F64 ADD_S64_TO_F64 FMA_U64_TO_F64 ADD_U64_TO_F64 FMA_and_ADD_SHADDX_iBI64 FMA_S32_TO_S64 ADD_S32_TO_S64 FMA_F64_TO_S64 ADD_F64_TO_S64 FMA_U32_TO_U64 ADD_U32_TO_U64 FMA_F64_TO_U64 ADD_F64_TO_U64 PSEUDO_ATOM_C_64 PSEUDO_ATOM_CMUX_64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_iBI64_v2f64 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_iBI64_v2f64 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_iBI64_v2f64 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_iBI64_v2f64 ADD_LOAD_v2f64 ADD_STORE_v2f64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_sBI_v2f64 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_sBI_v2f64 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_sBI_v2f64 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_sBI_v2f64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_uBI_v2f64 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_uBI_v2f64 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_uBI_v2f64 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_uBI_v2f64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_DTSEL_v2f64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL_v2f64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_DTSEL_v2f64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_v2f64 ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_v2f64 ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_v2f64 ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_CO_v2f64 ADD_LD_ATTR_CO_v2f64 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CO_v2f64 FMA_and_ADD_VN_ASST_v2f64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV_v2f64 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV_v2f64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL_v3f64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_DTSEL_v3f64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_v3f64 ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_CO_v3f64 ADD_LD_ATTR_CO_v3f64 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CO_v3f64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV_v3f64 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV_v3f64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL_v4f64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_DTSEL_v4f64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_v4f64 ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_CO_v4f64 ADD_LD_ATTR_CO_v4f64 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CO_v4f64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV_v4f64 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV_v4f64 FMA_VN_ASST1_f64 ADD_VN_ASST2_f64 FMA_FMEDIAN3_f64 FMA_FMIN3_f64 FMA_FMAX3_f64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_iBI64_f64 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_iBI64_f64 FMA_and_ADD_AXCHG_CO_iBI64_f64 FMA_FMA_f64 FMA_ILOGB_f64 ADD_ILOGB_f64 FMA_LOGB_f64 ADD_LOGB_f64 ADD_LOAD_f64 FMA_FADD_f64 ADD_FADD_f64 FMA_FROUND_f64 FMA_FMUL_SLICE_f64 ADD_FREXPE_DE_f64 ADD_FADD_ASCALE_f64 FMA_FMA_MSCALE_f64 FMA_FMUL_MSCALE_f64 FMA_FMA_RSCALE_f64 ADD_FADD_RSCALE_f64 FMA_FMUL_RSCALE_f64 FMA_FREXPE_f64 ADD_FREXPE_f64 ADD_STORE_f64 FMA_FNEG_f64 ADD_FNEG_f64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_sBI_f64 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_sBI_f64 FMA_and_ADD_AXCHG_CO_sBI_f64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_uBI_f64 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_uBI_f64 FMA_and_ADD_AXCHG_CO_uBI_f64 FMA_CSEL_f64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_DTSEL_f64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL_f64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_DTSEL_f64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_f64 FMA_FMUL_f64 FMA_FREXPM_f64 ADD_FREXPM_f64 FMA_FMIN_f64 ADD_FMIN_f64 ADD_AXCHG_CO_f64 ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_CO_f64 ADD_LD_ATTR_CO_f64 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CO_f64 PSEUDO_FRECIP_f64 FMA_FCMP_f64 ADD_FCMP_f64 FMA_LDEXP_f64 ADD_LDEXP_f64 FMA_FABS_f64 ADD_FABS_f64 ADD_FPCLASS_f64 ADD_BRANCH_LOWBITS_f64 FMA_QUIET_f64 ADD_QUIET_f64 PSEUDO_FSQRT_f64 PSEUDO_FRSQRT_f64 PSEUDO_FDIV_f64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV_f64 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV_f64 FMA_FMAX_f64 ADD_FMAX_f64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_iBI64_v2i64 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_iBI64_v2i64 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_iBI64_v2i64 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_iBI64_v2i64 ADD_LOAD_v2i64 FMA_and_ADD_ATOM_PRE_AADD_v2i64 ADD_STORE_v2i64 FMA_and_ADD_ATOM_PRE_v2i64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_sBI_v2i64 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_sBI_v2i64 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_sBI_v2i64 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_sBI_v2i64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_uBI_v2i64 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_uBI_v2i64 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_uBI_v2i64 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_uBI_v2i64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_DTSEL_v2i64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL_v2i64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_DTSEL_v2i64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_v2i64 ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_v2i64 ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_v2i64 ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_CO_v2i64 ADD_LD_ATTR_CO_v2i64 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CO_v2i64 FMA_and_ADD_ATOM_COMP_NORET_v2i64 FMA_and_ADD_ATOM_CMUX_NORET_v2i64 FMA_and_ADD_ATOM_COMP_RET_v2i64 FMA_and_ADD_ATOM_CMUX_RET_v2i64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV_v2i64 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV_v2i64 FMA_ATOM_C1_i64 ADD_LOAD_WIDEN_32_i64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_WIDEN_32_iBI64_i64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_WIDEN_16_iBI64_i64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_WIDEN_8_iBI64_i64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_iBI64_i64 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_iBI64_i64 FMA_and_ADD_AXCHG_CO_iBI64_i64 ADD_LOAD_WIDEN_16_i64 ADD_LOAD_WIDEN_8_i64 FMA_ISUB_i64 ADD_ISUB_i64 FMA_IMSUB_i64 FMA_IMRSUB_i64 FMA_LSHIFT_RSUB_i64 ADD_LSHIFT_RSUB_i64 FMA_ARSHIFT_RSUB_i64 ADD_ARSHIFT_RSUB_i64 FMA_RSHIFT_RSUB_i64 ADD_RSHIFT_RSUB_i64 FMA_and_ADD_SEG_SUB_i64 FMA_LSHIFT_SUB_i64 ADD_LSHIFT_SUB_i64 FMA_ARSHIFT_SUB_i64 ADD_ARSHIFT_SUB_i64 FMA_RSHIFT_SUB_i64 ADD_RSHIFT_SUB_i64 FMA_ATOM_C_i64 FMA_IMAD_i64 ADD_LOAD_i64 FMA_IADD_i64 ADD_IADD_i64 FMA_and_ADD_SEG_ADD_i64 FMA_LSHIFT_ADD_i64 ADD_LSHIFT_ADD_i64 FMA_ARSHIFT_ADD_i64 ADD_ARSHIFT_ADD_i64 FMA_RSHIFT_ADD_i64 ADD_RSHIFT_ADD_i64 FMA_RED_i64 ADD_RED_i64 ADD_BAR_RED_i64 FMA_AND_i64 ADD_AND_i64 FMA_LSHIFT_AND_i64 ADD_LSHIFT_AND_i64 FMA_RSHIFT_AND_i64 ADD_RSHIFT_AND_i64 FMA_and_ADD_PSEUDO_CALL_IND_i64 FMA_DIS_INVALID_TUPLE_i64 ADD_DIS_INVALID_TUPLE_i64 ADD_ACMPSTORE_i64 ADD_STORE_i64 FMA_ATOM_PRE_i64 FMA_DIS_INVALID_CLAUSE_i64 ADD_DIS_INVALID_CLAUSE_i64 ADD_AXCHG_i64 ADD_ACMPXCHG_i64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_WIDEN_32_sBI_i64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_WIDEN_16_sBI_i64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_WIDEN_8_sBI_i64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_sBI_i64 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_sBI_i64 FMA_and_ADD_AXCHG_CO_sBI_i64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_WIDEN_32_uBI_i64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_WIDEN_16_uBI_i64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_WIDEN_8_uBI_i64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_uBI_i64 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_uBI_i64 FMA_and_ADD_AXCHG_CO_uBI_i64 PSEUDO_FI_i64 FMA_CSEL_i64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_DTSEL_i64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL_i64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_DTSEL_i64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_i64 FMA_and_ADD_CALL_i64 FMA_and_ADD_PSEUDO_CALL_i64 FMA_IMUL_i64 PSEUDO_IMUL_i64 FMA_SHADDXL_i64 ADD_LDCLN_i64 FMA_ATOM_C1_RETURN_i64 FMA_ATOM_C_RETURN_i64 FMA_and_ADD_RETURN_i64 ADD_LD_TILE_CO_i64 ADD_ST_TILE_CO_i64 ADD_AXCHG_CO_i64 FMA_and_ADD_LSHIFT_LONG_CO_i64 FMA_and_ADD_ARSHIFT_LONG_CO_i64 FMA_and_ADD_RSHIFT_LONG_CO_i64 FMA_and_ADD_LROT_LONG_CO_i64 FMA_and_ADD_RROT_LONG_CO_i64 ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_CO_i64 ADD_LD_ATTR_CO_i64 ADD_LD_CVT_CO_i64 ADD_ST_CVT_CO_i64 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CO_i64 FMA_ICMP_i64 ADD_ICMP_i64 FMA_PSEUDO_CMP_i64 FMA_NOP_i64 ADD_NOP_i64 C_CALL_SETUP_i64 FMA_XOR_i64 ADD_XOR_i64 FMA_LSHIFT_XOR_i64 ADD_LSHIFT_XOR_i64 FMA_RSHIFT_XOR_i64 ADD_RSHIFT_XOR_i64 FMA_LROT_XOR_i64 FMA_RROT_XOR_i64 FMA_OR_i64 ADD_OR_i64 FMA_LSHIFT_OR_i64 ADD_LSHIFT_OR_i64 FMA_RSHIFT_OR_i64 ADD_RSHIFT_OR_i64 FMA_LSHIFT_i64 ADD_LSHIFT_i64 FMA_ARSHIFT_i64 ADD_ARSHIFT_i64 FMA_RSHIFT_i64 ADD_RSHIFT_i64 FMA_NOT_i64 ADD_NOT_i64 FMA_LROT_i64 FMA_RROT_i64 FMA_INSERT_i64 FMA_DIS_INVALID_INST_i64 ADD_DIS_INVALID_INST_i64 FMA_DIS_AMBIGUOUS_INST_i64 ADD_DIS_AMBIGUOUS_INST_i64 FMA_ATOM_POST_i64 ADD_TEXC_NOCONV_i64 ADD_TEXC_ARG_NOCONV_i64 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_ARG_NOCONV_i64 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_ARG_NOCONV_i64 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_NOCONV_i64 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_NOCONV_i64 ADD_TEXC_CONV_i64 ADD_TEXC_ARG_CONV_i64 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_ARG_CONV_i64 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_ARG_CONV_i64 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_CONV_i64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV_i64 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_CONV_i64 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV_i64 FMA_MOV_i64 ADD_MOV_i64 PSEUDO_MOV_i64 FMA_MUX_i64 ADD_MUX_i64 C_CALL_DESTROY_i64 FMA_EXTRACT1_s64 ADD_EXTRACT2_s64 FMA_IMEDIAN3_s64 FMA_IMIN3_s64 FMA_IMAX3_s64 FMA_ISUB_s64 ADD_ISUB_s64 PSEUDO_RHADD_s64 FMA_HADD_s64 ADD_HADD_s64 PSEUDO_HADD_s64 FMA_IADD_s64 ADD_IADD_s64 ADD_IABSDIF_s64 FMA_CSEL_s64 PSEUDO_REM_s64 FMA_ICMP_s64 ADD_ICMP_s64 FMA_PSEUDO_CMP_s64 FMA_IAVGR_s64 FMA_IABS_s64 ADD_IABS_s64 PSEUDO_ABS_s64 PSEUDO_ISUB_SAT_s64 PSEUDO_IADD_SAT_s64 PSEUDO_DIV_s64 FMA_EXTRACT1_u64 ADD_EXTRACT2_u64 FMA_IMEDIAN3_u64 FMA_IMIN3_u64 FMA_IMAX3_u64 FMA_ISUB_u64 ADD_ISUB_u64 PSEUDO_RHADD_u64 FMA_HADD_u64 ADD_HADD_u64 PSEUDO_HADD_u64 FMA_IADD_u64 ADD_IADD_u64 ADD_IABSDIF_u64 ADD_LD_GCLK_u64 FMA_CSEL_u64 PSEUDO_REM_u64 PSEUDO_CLZ_M_u64 FMA_ICMP_u64 ADD_ICMP_u64 FMA_PSEUDO_CMP_u64 FMA_IAVGR_u64 PSEUDO_ISUB_SAT_u64 PSEUDO_IADD_SAT_u64 PSEUDO_DIV_u64 FMA_CLZ_u64 PSEUDO_CLZ_u64 FMA_and_ADD_VN_ASST_V4 ADD_FEXP_TABLE_u4 PSEUDO_TEXC_ARG_5 PSEUDO_TEXC_ARG_DTSEL_5 PSEUDO_TEXC_ARG_DTSEL_IMM_5 FMA_V2F32_TO_V2F16 ADD_V2F32_TO_V2F16 FMA_V2S16_TO_V2F16 ADD_V2S16_TO_V2F16 FMA_V2U16_TO_V2F16 ADD_V2U16_TO_V2F16 FMA_V2S8_TO_V2F16 ADD_V2S8_TO_V2F16 FMA_V2U8_TO_V2F16 ADD_V2U8_TO_V2F16 FMA_V2S32_TO_V2S16 FMA_V2F16_TO_V2S16 ADD_V2F16_TO_V2S16 FMA_V2S8_TO_V2S16 ADD_V2S8_TO_V2S16 FMA_V2U32_TO_V2U16 FMA_V2F16_TO_V2U16 ADD_V2F16_TO_V2U16 FMA_V2U8_TO_V2U16 ADD_V2U8_TO_V2U16 ADD_VN_ASST2_v2f16 FMA_FMEDIAN3_v2f16 FMA_FMIN3_v2f16 FMA_FMAX3_v2f16 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_iBI64_v2f16 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_iBI64_v2f16 FMA_and_ADD_AXCHG_CO_iBI64_v2f16 FMA_FMA_v2f16 FMA_DELTA_v2f16 ADD_DELTA_v2f16 FMA_ILOGB_v2f16 ADD_ILOGB_v2f16 FMA_LOGB_v2f16 ADD_LOGB_v2f16 ADD_LOAD_v2f16 FMA_FADD_v2f16 ADD_FADD_v2f16 FMA_FROUND_v2f16 ADD_FROUND_v2f16 ADD_FREXPE_DE_v2f16 ADD_FADD_ASCALE_v2f16 FMA_FMA_MSCALE_v2f16 FMA_FMUL_MSCALE_v2f16 FMA_FMA_RSCALE_v2f16 FMA_FMUL_RSCALE_v2f16 FMA_FREXPE_v2f16 ADD_FREXPE_v2f16 ADD_STORE_v2f16 FMA_FNEG_v2f16 ADD_FNEG_v2f16 FMA_DAVG_v2f16 ADD_DAVG_v2f16 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_sBI_v2f16 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_sBI_v2f16 FMA_and_ADD_AXCHG_CO_sBI_v2f16 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_uBI_v2f16 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_uBI_v2f16 FMA_and_ADD_AXCHG_CO_uBI_v2f16 FMA_CSEL_v2f16 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_DTSEL_v2f16 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL_v2f16 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_DTSEL_v2f16 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_v2f16 FMA_FMUL_v2f16 FMA_FREXPM_v2f16 ADD_FREXPM_v2f16 FMA_FMIN_v2f16 ADD_FMIN_v2f16 ADD_AXCHG_CO_v2f16 ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_CO_v2f16 ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_IMM_CO_v2f16 ADD_LD_ATTR_CO_v2f16 ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_CO_v2f16 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CO_v2f16 FMA_FCMP_v2f16 ADD_FCMP_v2f16 FMA_LDEXP_v2f16 ADD_LDEXP_v2f16 FMA_FMEDIAN3S_v2f16 FMA_FABS_v2f16 ADD_FABS_v2f16 FMA_QUIET_v2f16 ADD_QUIET_v2f16 PSEUDO_FSQRT_v2f16 PSEUDO_FDIV_v2f16 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV_v2f16 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV_v2f16 ADD_LD_VAR_SPECIAL_W_v2f16 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ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_SPECIAL_W_v3f16 ADD_LD_VAR_IMM_W_v3f16 ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_IMM_W_v3f16 ADD_LD_VAR_W_v3f16 ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_W_v3f16 ADD_LD_VAR_SPECIAL_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v3f16 ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_SPECIAL_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v3f16 ADD_LD_VAR_IMM_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v3f16 ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_IMM_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v3f16 ADD_LD_VAR_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v3f16 ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v3f16 ADD_VN_ASST3_v4f16 PSEUDO_BLEND_D3D_3_v4f16 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_iBI64_v4f16 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_iBI64_v4f16 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_iBI64_v4f16 FMA_and_ADD_AXCHG_CO_iBI64_v4f16 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_iBI64_v4f16 ADD_BLEND_D1_D3D_v4f16 ADD_BLEND_Q1_D3D_v4f16 ADD_BLEND_D1_D2_D3D_v4f16 ADD_BLEND_Q1_Q2_D3D_v4f16 PSEUDO_BLEND_D3D_v4f16 ADD_LOAD_v4f16 PSEUDO_BLEND_v4f16 ADD_TEXS_2D_NOLOD_v4f16 FMA_and_ADD_TEXS_2D_DTSEL_NOLOD_v4f16 FMA_and_ADD_TEXS_2D_DTSEL_IMM_NOLOD_v4f16 ADD_TEXS_2D_LOD_v4f16 FMA_and_ADD_TEXS_2D_DTSEL_LOD_v4f16 FMA_and_ADD_TEXS_2D_DTSEL_IMM_LOD_v4f16 ADD_STORE_v4f16 ADD_BLEND_FRAG_v4f16 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FMA_and_ADD_VAR_TEX_WITH_PRELOADS_DTSEL_W_CONV_v4f16 FMA_and_ADD_VAR_TEX_DTSEL_W_CONV_v4f16 FMA_and_ADD_VAR_TEX_WITH_PRELOADS_DTSEL_IMM_W_CONV_v4f16 FMA_and_ADD_VAR_TEX_DTSEL_IMM_W_CONV_v4f16 ADD_VAR_TEX_WITH_PRELOADS_W_CONV_v4f16 ADD_VAR_TEX_W_CONV_v4f16 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV_v4f16 ADD_LD_VAR_SPECIAL_W_v4f16 ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_SPECIAL_W_v4f16 ADD_LD_VAR_IMM_W_v4f16 ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_IMM_W_v4f16 ADD_LD_VAR_W_v4f16 ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_W_v4f16 ADD_LD_VAR_SPECIAL_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v4f16 ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_SPECIAL_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v4f16 ADD_LD_VAR_IMM_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v4f16 ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_IMM_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v4f16 ADD_LD_VAR_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v4f16 ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v4f16 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_iBI64_v8f16 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_iBI64_v8f16 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_iBI64_v8f16 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_iBI64_v8f16 ADD_LOAD_v8f16 ADD_STORE_v8f16 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_sBI_v8f16 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_sBI_v8f16 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_sBI_v8f16 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_sBI_v8f16 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_uBI_v8f16 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_uBI_v8f16 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_uBI_v8f16 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_uBI_v8f16 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_DTSEL_v8f16 ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_v8f16 ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_v8f16 FMA_VN_ASST1_f16 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_iBI64_f16 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_iBI64_f16 ADD_TEXS_2D_f16 ADD_LOAD_f16 ADD_TEXS_CUBE_f16 ADD_FATAN_TABLE_f16 ADD_STORE_f16 ADD_BRANCH_f16 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_sBI_f16 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_sBI_f16 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_uBI_f16 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_uBI_f16 FMA_and_ADD_VN_ASST_SCAL_f16 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_DTSEL_f16 FMA_and_ADD_TEXS_CUBE_DTSEL_f16 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL_f16 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_DTSEL_f16 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_f16 FMA_and_ADD_TEXS_CUBE_DTSEL_IMM_f16 PSEUDO_FDIV_IMM_f16 ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_CO_f16 ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_IMM_CO_f16 ADD_LD_ATTR_CO_f16 ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_CO_f16 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CO_f16 ADD_FRCP_f16 ADD_FRSQ_f16 ADD_VAR_TEX_WITH_PRELOADS_f16 ADD_FPCLASS_f16 ADD_FPOW_SC_DET_f16 PSEUDO_FSQRT_f16 ADD_FATAN_ASSIST_f16 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV_f16 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV_f16 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ADD_BRANCH_u16 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL_u16 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_DTSEL_u16 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_u16 PSEUDO_REM_u16 ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_CO_u16 ADD_LD_ATTR_CO_u16 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CO_u16 PSEUDO_DIV_u16 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV_u16 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV_u16 ADD_BRANCHZ_u16 FMA_and_ADD_PSEUDO_LOAD_BI_i256 FMA_and_ADD_PSEUDO_STORE_BI_i256 ADD_TEXC_NOCONV_i256 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_NOCONV_i256 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_NOCONV_i256 ADD_TEXC_CONV_i256 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_CONV_i256 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_CONV_i256 ADD_LOAD_i96 ADD_STORE_i96 ADD_LDCLN_i96 ADD_LD_TILE_CO_i96 ADD_ST_TILE_CO_i96 ADD_LD_CVT_CO_i96 ADD_ST_CVT_CO_i96 ADD_TEXC_ARG_NOCONV_i96 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_ARG_NOCONV_i96 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_ARG_NOCONV_i96 ADD_TEXC_ARG_CONV_i96 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_ARG_CONV_i96 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_ARG_CONV_i96 PSEUDO_TEXC_ARG_6 PSEUDO_TEXC_ARG_DTSEL_6 PSEUDO_TEXC_ARG_DTSEL_IMM_6 ADD_FSIN_TABLE_u6 ADD_FCOS_TABLE_u6 ADD_FSINCOS_OFFSET_u6 FMA_IMAD_i27 FMA_IMUL_i27 PSEUDO_TEXC_ARG_7 PSEUDO_TEXC_ARG_DTSEL_7 PSEUDO_TEXC_ARG_DTSEL_IMM_7 ADD_LOAD_i128 ADD_STORE_i128 ADD_LDCLN_i128 ADD_LD_TILE_CO_i128 ADD_ST_TILE_CO_i128 ADD_LD_CVT_CO_i128 ADD_ST_CVT_CO_i128 ADD_TEXC_NOCONV_i128 ADD_TEXC_ARG_NOCONV_i128 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_ARG_NOCONV_i128 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_ARG_NOCONV_i128 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_NOCONV_i128 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_NOCONV_i128 ADD_TEXC_CONV_i128 ADD_TEXC_ARG_CONV_i128 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_ARG_CONV_i128 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_ARG_CONV_i128 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_CONV_i128 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_CONV_i128 ADD_LOAD_i48 ADD_STORE_i48 ADD_LD_TILE_CO_i48 ADD_ST_TILE_CO_i48 ADD_LD_CVT_CO_i48 ADD_ST_CVT_CO_i48 FMA_V4S16_TO_V4S8 FMA_V4U16_TO_V4U8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_iBI64_v2i8 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_iBI64_v2i8 ADD_LOAD_v2i8 ADD_STORE_v2i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_sBI_v2i8 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_sBI_v2i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_uBI_v2i8 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_uBI_v2i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_DTSEL_v2i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_iBI64_v3i8 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_iBI64_v3i8 ADD_LOAD_v3i8 ADD_STORE_v3i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_sBI_v3i8 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_sBI_v3i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_uBI_v3i8 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_uBI_v3i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_DTSEL_v3i8 FMA_ATOM_C1_v4i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_iBI64_v4i8 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_iBI64_v4i8 FMA_and_ADD_AXCHG_CO_iBI64_v4i8 FMA_ISUB_v4i8 ADD_ISUB_v4i8 FMA_IMSUB_v4i8 FMA_IMRSUB_v4i8 FMA_LSHIFT_RSUB_v4i8 FMA_ARSHIFT_RSUB_v4i8 FMA_RSHIFT_RSUB_v4i8 FMA_LSHIFT_SUB_v4i8 FMA_ARSHIFT_SUB_v4i8 FMA_RSHIFT_SUB_v4i8 FMA_MKVEC_v4i8 FMA_ATOM_C_v4i8 FMA_IMAD_v4i8 ADD_LOAD_v4i8 FMA_IADD_v4i8 ADD_IADD_v4i8 FMA_IDPADD_v4i8 FMA_LSHIFT_ADD_v4i8 FMA_ARSHIFT_ADD_v4i8 FMA_RSHIFT_ADD_v4i8 FMA_RED_v4i8 ADD_RED_v4i8 FMA_LSHIFT_AND_v4i8 FMA_RSHIFT_AND_v4i8 ADD_STORE_v4i8 FMA_PERMUTE_v4i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_sBI_v4i8 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_sBI_v4i8 FMA_and_ADD_AXCHG_CO_sBI_v4i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_uBI_v4i8 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_uBI_v4i8 FMA_and_ADD_AXCHG_CO_uBI_v4i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_DTSEL_v4i8 FMA_IMUL_v4i8 FMA_ATOM_C1_RETURN_v4i8 FMA_ATOM_C_RETURN_v4i8 ADD_AXCHG_CO_v4i8 FMA_IDP_v4i8 FMA_ICMP_v4i8 ADD_ICMP_v4i8 FMA_LSHIFT_XOR_v4i8 FMA_RSHIFT_XOR_v4i8 FMA_LSHIFT_OR_v4i8 FMA_RSHIFT_OR_v4i8 FMA_LSHIFT_v4i8 ADD_LSHIFT_v4i8 FMA_ARSHIFT_v4i8 ADD_ARSHIFT_v4i8 FMA_RSHIFT_v4i8 ADD_RSHIFT_v4i8 FMA_ATOM_POST_v4i8 FMA_MUX_v4i8 ADD_MUX_v4i8 FMA_SWZ_v4i8 ADD_SWZ_v4i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_iBI64_v16i8 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_iBI64_v16i8 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_iBI64_v16i8 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_iBI64_v16i8 ADD_LOAD_v16i8 ADD_STORE_v16i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_sBI_v16i8 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_sBI_v16i8 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_sBI_v16i8 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_sBI_v16i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_uBI_v16i8 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_uBI_v16i8 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_uBI_v16i8 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_uBI_v16i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_DTSEL_v16i8 ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_v16i8 ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_v16i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_iBI64_v8i8 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_iBI64_v8i8 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_iBI64_v8i8 FMA_and_ADD_AXCHG_CO_iBI64_v8i8 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_iBI64_v8i8 ADD_LOAD_v8i8 ADD_STORE_v8i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_sBI_v8i8 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_sBI_v8i8 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_sBI_v8i8 FMA_and_ADD_AXCHG_CO_sBI_v8i8 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_sBI_v8i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_uBI_v8i8 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_uBI_v8i8 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_uBI_v8i8 FMA_and_ADD_AXCHG_CO_uBI_v8i8 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_uBI_v8i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_DTSEL_v8i8 ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_v8i8 ADD_AXCHG_CO_v8i8 ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_v8i8 FMA_ATOM_C1_i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_iBI64_i8 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_iBI64_i8 FMA_ATOM_C_i8 ADD_LOAD_i8 ADD_STORE_i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_sBI_i8 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_sBI_i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_uBI_i8 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_uBI_i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_DTSEL_i8 FMA_ATOM_C1_RETURN_i8 FMA_ATOM_C_RETURN_i8 FMA_ATOM_POST_i8 FMA_IMEDIAN3_v4s8 FMA_IMIN3_v4s8 FMA_IMAX3_v4s8 FMA_ISUB_v4s8 ADD_ISUB_v4s8 FMA_HADD_v4s8 ADD_HADD_v4s8 FMA_IADD_v4s8 ADD_IADD_v4s8 ADD_IABSDIF_v4s8 FMA_ICMP_v4s8 ADD_ICMP_v4s8 FMA_IAVGR_v4s8 FMA_IMEDIAN3S_v4s8 FMA_IABS_v4s8 ADD_IABS_v4s8 PSEUDO_REM_s8 PSEUDO_DIV_s8 FMA_IMEDIAN3_v4u8 FMA_IMIN3_v4u8 FMA_IMAX3_v4u8 FMA_ISUB_v4u8 ADD_ISUB_v4u8 FMA_HADD_v4u8 ADD_HADD_v4u8 FMA_IADD_v4u8 ADD_IADD_v4u8 ADD_UADIF_v4u8 ADD_FS_UADIF_v4u8 ADD_IABSDIF_v4u8 FMA_ICMP_v4u8 ADD_ICMP_v4u8 FMA_IAVGR_v4u8 FMA_IMEDIAN3S_v4u8 FMA_CLZ_v4u8 PSEUDO_REM_u8 PSEUDO_DIV_u8 FMA_VIEWPORT_TRANSFORM_R58R59 ADD_EUREKA ADD_IMOV_FMA FMA_and_ADD_PSEUDO_ISUBB G_FSUB FMA_SEG_SUB ADD_SEG_SUB FMA_and_ADD_PSEUDO_IADDC G_INTRINSIC ADD_INSTANCE_INDEX_PRE_INC G_FPTRUNC G_TRUNC ADD_TEXC PSEUDO_ATOM_PRE_C FMA_IDX_REG_READ G_LOAD G_FADD FMA_SEG_ADD ADD_SEG_ADD FMA_IMULD FMA_PSEUDO_IMULD G_AND FMA_and_ADD_IMULD_SCND ADD_BLEND LIFETIME_END ADD_JUMP_IND G_BRCOND LOAD_STACK_GUARD G_USUBE FMA_FMUL_CSLICE FMA_FENCE REG_SEQUENCE G_UADDE PSEUDO_HALF_DIVIDE BUNDLE ADD_LD_TILE ADD_ST_TILE PSEUDO_FSQRT_RNE PSEUDO_FDIV_ROUND_NE LOCAL_ESCAPE G_STORE CLAUSE FMA_RETE ADD_RETE FMA_IDX_REG_WRITE PSEUDO_S64_TO_F32_RTE PSEUDO_U64_TO_F32_RTE PSEUDO_F32_TO_S64_RTE PSEUDO_F32_TO_U64_RTE DBG_VALUE G_GLOBAL_VALUE PSEUDO_LENGTH_2F PSEUDO_NORM_2F PSEUDO_LENGTH_3F PSEUDO_NORM_3F PSEUDO_LENGTH_4F PSEUDO_NORM_4F IMPLICIT_DEF EXTRACT_SUBREG INSERT_SUBREG SUBREG_TO_REG PSEUDO_FLOG PSEUDO_HALF_LOG ADD_BRANCH_DIVERG ADD_BRANCH_NO_DIVERG PSEUDO_LENGTH_2H PSEUDO_NORM_2H PSEUDO_LENGTH_3H PSEUDO_NORM_3H PSEUDO_LENGTH_4H PSEUDO_NORM_4H FMA_and_ADD_ATOM_POST_LH PSEUDO_FATANH PSEUDO_FTANH PSEUDO_FASINH PSEUDO_FSINH PSEUDO_FACOSH PSEUDO_FCOSH FMA_and_ADD_SHADDX_sBI FMA_and_ADD_SHADDX_uBI PHI PSEUDO_FSINPI PSEUDO_FCOSPI G_FPTOSI G_FPTOUI ADD_REPACK ADD_CALL_NOSTACK FMA_AND_SMASK ADD_WMASK PSEUDO_ATEST_MASK ADD_LD_VAR_SPECIAL GC_LABEL EH_LABEL ADD_BAR_REL ADD_CUBE_SSEL FMA_DTSEL FMA_and_ADD_LEA_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL FMA_and_ADD_LEA_ATTR_DTSEL FMA_and_ADD_LEA_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL ADD_CUBE_TSEL G_SHL FMA_and_ADD_ATOM_POST_HL PATCHABLE_TAIL_CALL ADD_JUMP_CALL ADD_DOORBELL KILL G_FMUL G_MUL G_FREM G_SREM G_UREM FMA_DTSEL_IMM ADD_LD_VAR_IMM ADD_LEA_ATTR_IMM ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_IMM ADD_LEA_TEX_IMM ADD_KABOOM SEQ_YUV_FAST_TRANSFORM INLINEASM PSEUDO_FATAN CLAUSE_BEGIN PSEUDO_ASIN PSEUDO_FSIN CFI_INSTRUCTION PSEUDO_S64_TO_F32_RTN PSEUDO_U64_TO_F32_RTN PSEUDO_F32_TO_S64_RTN PSEUDO_F32_TO_U64_RTN G_SSUBO ADD_LEA_ATTR_CO ADD_ATEST_CO G_SADDO G_SMULO G_UMULO PSEUDO_FLOG1P PSEUDO_CUBEMAP STACKMAP FMA_TRAP ADD_TRAP ADD_SLEEP G_GEP ADD_BAR_PREP G_SITOFP G_UITOFP PSEUDO_HALF_RECIP G_FCMP G_ICMP ADD_JUMP ADD_COP ADD_BLEND_NOP FAULTING_LOAD_OP PATCHABLE_OP PSEUDO_S64_TO_F32_RTP PSEUDO_U64_TO_F32_RTP PSEUDO_F32_TO_S64_RTP PSEUDO_F32_TO_U64_RTP ADD_WMASK_SUBGROUP PSEUDO_FEXP PSEUDO_HALF_EXP ADD_LD_VAR G_BR ADD_BARRIER PATCHABLE_FUNCTION_ENTER G_ASHR G_LSHR G_XOR G_OR G_INTTOPTR ADD_LEA_ATTR ADD_LD_ATTR PSEUDO_POWR ADD_COP_R ADD_LD_VAR_SPECIAL_WITH_PRELOADS ADD_LD_VAR_IMM_WITH_PRELOADS ADD_LD_VAR_WITH_PRELOADS PSEUDO_FSIN_GLES PSEUDO_FCOS_GLES PSEUDO_ACOS PSEUDO_FCOS C_EOS ADD_COP_RS COPY_TO_REGCLASS G_INTRINSIC_W_SIDE_EFFECTS ADD_COP_S ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT G_EXTRACT G_SELECT FMA_and_ADD_ATOM_COMP_AADD_NORET FMA_and_ADD_ATOM_COMP_AADD_RET PATCHABLE_RET PSEUDO_RET ADD_JUMP_RET ADD_ZS_EMIT PSEUDO_ZS_EMIT PSEUDO_S_EMIT PSEUDO_Z_EMIT PATCHABLE_FUNCTION_EXIT G_FCONSTANT G_CONSTANT STATEPOINT PATCHPOINT G_PTRTOINT ADD_GET_EXCEPT FMA_SET_EXCEPT LIFETIME_START PSEUDO_FCBRT G_INSERT PSEUDO_HALF_RSQRT PSEUDO_HALF_SQRT G_BITCAST PSEUDO_FLOG10_FAST PSEUDO_FEXP10_FAST PSEUDO_FLOG2_FAST PSEUDO_FEXP2_FAST PSEUDO_FLOG_FAST PSEUDO_FEXP2_MUL_FAST PSEUDO_FSIN_FAST PSEUDO_FEXP_FAST PSEUDO_FCOS_FAST ADD_ATEST PSEUDO_ATEST FMA_and_ADD_IMULD_FRST ADD_IDX_REG_ASST FMA_VIEWPORT_TRANSFORM_STCVT PSEUDO_VIEWPORT_TRANSFORM_STCVT ADD_LD_CVT ADD_ST_CVT G_FPEXT G_SEXT G_ANYEXT G_ZEXT __MODS_1_T __MODS_2_T G_FDIV G_SDIV G_UDIV FMA_and_ADD_LEA_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV ADD_LEA_ATTR_TEX_CONV PSEUDO_POW ADD_ATOM_CX G_FRAME_INDEX ADD_LEA_TEX ADD_LEA_ATTR_TEX ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX FMA_JUMP_EX ADD_FPOW_SC_APPLY COPY PSEUDO_S64_TO_F32_RTZ PSEUDO_U64_TO_F32_RTZ PSEUDO_F32_TO_S64_RTZ PSEUDO_F32_TO_U64_RTZ FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL_v2auto FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_DTSEL_v2auto FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_v2auto ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_CO_v2auto ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_IMM_CO_v2auto ADD_LD_ATTR_CO_v2auto ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_CO_v2auto ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CO_v2auto FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV_v2auto ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV_v2auto ADD_LD_VAR_SPECIAL_W_v2auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_SPECIAL_W_v2auto ADD_LD_VAR_IMM_W_v2auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_IMM_W_v2auto ADD_LD_VAR_W_v2auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_W_v2auto ADD_LD_VAR_SPECIAL_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v2auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_SPECIAL_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v2auto ADD_LD_VAR_IMM_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v2auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_IMM_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v2auto ADD_LD_VAR_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v2auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v2auto FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL_v3auto FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_DTSEL_v3auto FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_v3auto ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_CO_v3auto ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_IMM_CO_v3auto ADD_LD_ATTR_CO_v3auto ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_CO_v3auto ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CO_v3auto FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV_v3auto ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV_v3auto ADD_LD_VAR_SPECIAL_W_v3auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_SPECIAL_W_v3auto ADD_LD_VAR_IMM_W_v3auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_IMM_W_v3auto ADD_LD_VAR_W_v3auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_W_v3auto ADD_LD_VAR_SPECIAL_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v3auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_SPECIAL_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v3auto ADD_LD_VAR_IMM_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v3auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_IMM_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v3auto ADD_LD_VAR_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v3auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v3auto FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL_v4auto FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_DTSEL_v4auto FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_v4auto ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_CO_v4auto ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_IMM_CO_v4auto ADD_LD_ATTR_CO_v4auto ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_CO_v4auto ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CO_v4auto FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV_v4auto ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV_v4auto ADD_LD_VAR_SPECIAL_W_v4auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_SPECIAL_W_v4auto ADD_LD_VAR_IMM_W_v4auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_IMM_W_v4auto ADD_LD_VAR_W_v4auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_W_v4auto ADD_LD_VAR_SPECIAL_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v4auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_SPECIAL_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v4auto ADD_LD_VAR_IMM_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v4auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_IMM_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v4auto ADD_LD_VAR_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v4auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v4auto FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL_auto FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_DTSEL_auto FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_auto ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_CO_auto ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_IMM_CO_auto ADD_LD_ATTR_CO_auto ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_CO_auto ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CO_auto FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV_auto ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV_auto ADD_LD_VAR_SPECIAL_W_auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_SPECIAL_W_auto ADD_LD_VAR_IMM_W_auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_IMM_W_auto ADD_LD_VAR_W_auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_W_auto ADD_LD_VAR_SPECIAL_WITH_PRELOADS_W_auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_SPECIAL_WITH_PRELOADS_W_auto ADD_LD_VAR_IMM_WITH_PRELOADS_W_auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_IMM_WITH_PRELOADS_W_auto ADD_LD_VAR_WITH_PRELOADS_W_auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_WITH_PRELOADS_W_auto 0 Q D ? g O @ w . 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FLOG10 HALF_LOG10 FEXP10 HALF_EXP10 <+*>PSEUDO_LOAD_BI.i160 <+*>PSEUDO_STORE_BI.i160 +TEXC_ARG_NOCONV.i160 <+*>TEXC_DTSEL_ARG_NOCONV.i160 <+*>TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_ARG_NOCONV.i160 +TEXC_ARG_CONV.i160 <+*>TEXC_DTSEL_ARG_CONV.i160 <+*>TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_ARG_CONV.i160 *CUBEFACE1 FEXPM1 *VIEWPORT_TRANSFORM_R58R59_Z0W1 *VIEWPORT_TRANSFORM_STCVT_Z0W1 *VIEWPORT_TRANSFORM_R58R59_W1 *VIEWPORT_TRANSFORM_STCVT_W1 PSEUDO_ATOM_C.32 PSEUDO_ATOM_CMUX.32 *S32_TO_F32 +S32_TO_F32 *U32_TO_F32 +U32_TO_F32 *F64_TO_F32 *F16_TO_F32 +F16_TO_F32 *S16_TO_F32 +S16_TO_F32 *U16_TO_F32 +U16_TO_F32 *S8_TO_F32 +S8_TO_F32 *U8_TO_F32 +U8_TO_F32 *F32_TO_S32 +F32_TO_S32 *S64_TO_S32 *F16_TO_S32 +F16_TO_S32 *S16_TO_S32 +S16_TO_S32 *S8_TO_S32 +S8_TO_S32 *F32_TO_U32 +F32_TO_U32 *U64_TO_U32 *F16_TO_U32 +F16_TO_U32 *U16_TO_U32 +U16_TO_U32 *U8_TO_U32 +U8_TO_U32 *VN_ASST1.f32 +VN_ASST2.f32 *FMEDIAN3.f32 *FMIN3.f32 *FMAX3.f32 <+*>LOAD_iBI64.f32 <+*>STORE_iBI64.f32 <+*>AXCHG_CO_iBI64.f32 *FMA.f32 *DELTA.f32 +DELTA.f32 +FRCBRT_APPROX_A.f32 *LOGB.f32 +LOGB.f32 *ILOGB.f32 +ILOGB.f32 +FRCBRT_APPROX_B.f32 +FRCBRT_APPROX_C.f32 +TEXS_2D.f32 +LOAD.f32 *FADD.f32 +FADD.f32 +FLOGD.f32 *FROUND.f32 +FROUND.f32 +DISCARD.f32 +TEXS_CUBE.f32 *FMUL_SLICE.f32 +FREXPE_DE.f32 +FADD_ASCALE.f32 *FADD_LSCALE.f32 *FMA_MSCALE.f32 *FMUL_MSCALE.f32 *FMA_RSCALE.f32 +FADD_RSCALE.f32 *FMUL_RSCALE.f32 +FLOG_TABLE.f32 +FATAN_TABLE.f32 *FREXPE.f32 +FREXPE.f32 +STORE.f32 *FNEG.f32 +FNEG.f32 *DAVG.f32 +DAVG.f32 +BRANCH.f32 <+*>LOAD_sBI.f32 <+*>STORE_sBI.f32 <+*>AXCHG_CO_sBI.f32 <+*>LOAD_uBI.f32 <+*>STORE_uBI.f32 <+*>AXCHG_CO_uBI.f32 <+*>VN_ASST_SCAL.f32 *CSEL.f32 <+*>LOAD_DTSEL.f32 <+*>TEXS_CUBE_DTSEL.f32 <+*>LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL.f32 <+*>LD_ATTR_DTSEL.f32 <+*>LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL.f32 *FMUL.f32 <+*>TEXS_CUBE_DTSEL_IMM.f32 *FREXPM.f32 +FREXPM.f32 *FMIN.f32 +FMIN.f32 +AXCHG_CO.f32 +LD_ATTR_IMM_CO.f32 +LD_VAR_FLAT_IMM_CO.f32 +LD_ATTR_CO.f32 +LD_VAR_FLAT_CO.f32 +LD_ATTR_TEX_CO.f32 +FRCP.f32 FRECIP.f32 *FCMP.f32 +FCMP.f32 *LDEXP.f32 +LDEXP.f32 +FEXP.f32 +FRSQ.f32 *FABS.f32 +FABS.f32 +FPCLASS.f32 +BRANCH_LOWBITS.f32 +FPOW_SC_DET.f32 *QUIET.f32 +QUIET.f32 FSQRT.f32 FRSQRT.f32 FRECIP_FAST.f32 FSQRT_FAST.f32 FRSQRT_FAST.f32 +FATAN_ASSIST.f32 FDIV.f32 <+*>LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV.f32 +LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV.f32 +LD_VAR_SPECIAL_W.f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_SPECIAL_W.f32 +LD_VAR_IMM_W.f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_IMM_W.f32 +LD_VAR_W.f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_W.f32 +LD_VAR_SPECIAL_WITH_PRELOADS_W.f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_SPECIAL_WITH_PRELOADS_W.f32 +LD_VAR_IMM_WITH_PRELOADS_W.f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_IMM_WITH_PRELOADS_W.f32 +LD_VAR_WITH_PRELOADS_W.f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_WITH_PRELOADS_W.f32 *FMAX.f32 +FMAX.f32 +VAR_TEX.f32 +FRCP_APPROX.f32 +FRSQ_APPROX.f32 +BRANCHZ.f32 <+*>LOAD_iBI64.v2f32 <+*>STORE_iBI64.v2f32 <+*>ACMPSTORE_CO_iBI64.v2f32 <+*>AXCHG_CO_iBI64.v2f32 <+*>ACMPXCHG_CO_iBI64.v2f32 +LOAD.v2f32 +STORE.v2f32 <+*>LOAD_sBI.v2f32 <+*>STORE_sBI.v2f32 <+*>ACMPSTORE_CO_sBI.v2f32 <+*>AXCHG_CO_sBI.v2f32 <+*>ACMPXCHG_CO_sBI.v2f32 <+*>LOAD_uBI.v2f32 <+*>STORE_uBI.v2f32 <+*>ACMPSTORE_CO_uBI.v2f32 <+*>AXCHG_CO_uBI.v2f32 <+*>ACMPXCHG_CO_uBI.v2f32 <+*>LOAD_DTSEL.v2f32 <+*>LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL.v2f32 <+*>LD_ATTR_DTSEL.v2f32 <+*>LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL.v2f32 +ACMPSTORE_CO.v2f32 +AXCHG_CO.v2f32 +ACMPXCHG_CO.v2f32 +LD_ATTR_IMM_CO.v2f32 +LD_VAR_FLAT_IMM_CO.v2f32 +LD_ATTR_CO.v2f32 +LD_VAR_FLAT_CO.v2f32 +LD_ATTR_TEX_CO.v2f32 <+*>VN_ASST.v2f32 <+*>LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV.v2f32 +LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV.v2f32 +LD_VAR_SPECIAL_W.v2f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_SPECIAL_W.v2f32 +LD_VAR_IMM_W.v2f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_IMM_W.v2f32 +LD_VAR_W.v2f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_W.v2f32 +LD_VAR_SPECIAL_WITH_PRELOADS_W.v2f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_SPECIAL_WITH_PRELOADS_W.v2f32 +LD_VAR_IMM_WITH_PRELOADS_W.v2f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_IMM_WITH_PRELOADS_W.v2f32 +LD_VAR_WITH_PRELOADS_W.v2f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_WITH_PRELOADS_W.v2f32 <+*>LOAD_iBI64.v3f32 <+*>STORE_iBI64.v3f32 +LOAD.v3f32 +STORE.v3f32 <+*>LOAD_sBI.v3f32 <+*>STORE_sBI.v3f32 <+*>LOAD_uBI.v3f32 <+*>STORE_uBI.v3f32 <+*>LOAD_DTSEL.v3f32 <+*>LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL.v3f32 <+*>LD_ATTR_DTSEL.v3f32 <+*>LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL.v3f32 +LD_ATTR_IMM_CO.v3f32 +LD_VAR_FLAT_IMM_CO.v3f32 +LD_ATTR_CO.v3f32 +LD_VAR_FLAT_CO.v3f32 +LD_ATTR_TEX_CO.v3f32 <+*>LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV.v3f32 +LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV.v3f32 +LD_VAR_SPECIAL_W.v3f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_SPECIAL_W.v3f32 +LD_VAR_IMM_W.v3f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_IMM_W.v3f32 +LD_VAR_W.v3f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_W.v3f32 +LD_VAR_SPECIAL_WITH_PRELOADS_W.v3f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_SPECIAL_WITH_PRELOADS_W.v3f32 +LD_VAR_IMM_WITH_PRELOADS_W.v3f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_IMM_WITH_PRELOADS_W.v3f32 +LD_VAR_WITH_PRELOADS_W.v3f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_WITH_PRELOADS_W.v3f32 <+*>LOAD_iBI64.v4f32 <+*>STORE_iBI64.v4f32 <+*>ACMPSTORE_CO_iBI64.v4f32 <+*>ACMPXCHG_CO_iBI64.v4f32 +BLEND_D1_D3D.v4f32 +BLEND_Q1_D3D.v4f32 +BLEND_D1_D2_D3D.v4f32 +BLEND_Q1_Q2_D3D.v4f32 +LOAD.v4f32 BLEND.v4f32 +TEXS_2D_NOLOD.v4f32 <+*>TEXS_2D_DTSEL_NOLOD.v4f32 <+*>TEXS_2D_DTSEL_IMM_NOLOD.v4f32 +TEXS_2D_LOD.v4f32 <+*>TEXS_2D_DTSEL_LOD.v4f32 <+*>TEXS_2D_DTSEL_IMM_LOD.v4f32 +STORE.v4f32 +BLEND_FRAG.v4f32 <+*>LOAD_sBI.v4f32 <+*>STORE_sBI.v4f32 <+*>ACMPSTORE_CO_sBI.v4f32 <+*>ACMPXCHG_CO_sBI.v4f32 <+*>LOAD_uBI.v4f32 <+*>STORE_uBI.v4f32 <+*>ACMPSTORE_CO_uBI.v4f32 <+*>ACMPXCHG_CO_uBI.v4f32 <+*>LOAD_DTSEL.v4f32 <+*>LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL.v4f32 <+*>LD_ATTR_DTSEL.v4f32 <+*>LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL.v4f32 +BLEND_CO.v4f32 +ACMPSTORE_CO.v4f32 +ACMPXCHG_CO.v4f32 +LD_ATTR_IMM_CO.v4f32 +LD_VAR_FLAT_IMM_CO.v4f32 +LD_ATTR_CO.v4f32 +LD_VAR_FLAT_CO.v4f32 +LD_ATTR_TEX_CO.v4f32 <+*>VAR_TEX_WITH_PRELOADS_DTSEL_W_NOCONV.v4f32 <+*>VAR_TEX_DTSEL_W_NOCONV.v4f32 <+*>VAR_TEX_WITH_PRELOADS_DTSEL_IMM_W_NOCONV.v4f32 <+*>VAR_TEX_DTSEL_IMM_W_NOCONV.v4f32 +VAR_TEX_WITH_PRELOADS_W_NOCONV.v4f32 +VAR_TEX_W_NOCONV.v4f32 <+*>LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV.v4f32 <+*>VAR_TEX_WITH_PRELOADS_DTSEL_W_CONV.v4f32 <+*>VAR_TEX_DTSEL_W_CONV.v4f32 <+*>VAR_TEX_WITH_PRELOADS_DTSEL_IMM_W_CONV.v4f32 <+*>VAR_TEX_DTSEL_IMM_W_CONV.v4f32 +VAR_TEX_WITH_PRELOADS_W_CONV.v4f32 +VAR_TEX_W_CONV.v4f32 +LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV.v4f32 +LD_VAR_SPECIAL_W.v4f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_SPECIAL_W.v4f32 +LD_VAR_IMM_W.v4f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_IMM_W.v4f32 +LD_VAR_W.v4f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_W.v4f32 +LD_VAR_SPECIAL_WITH_PRELOADS_W.v4f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_SPECIAL_WITH_PRELOADS_W.v4f32 +LD_VAR_IMM_WITH_PRELOADS_W.v4f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_IMM_WITH_PRELOADS_W.v4f32 +LD_VAR_WITH_PRELOADS_W.v4f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_WITH_PRELOADS_W.v4f32 *ATOM_C1.i32 <+*>LOAD_WIDEN_16_iBI64.i32 <+*>LOAD_WIDEN_8_iBI64.i32 <+*>LOAD_iBI64.i32 <+*>STORE_iBI64.i32 <+*>AXCHG_CO_iBI64.i32 +LOAD_WIDEN_16.i32 +LOAD_WIDEN_8.i32 *ISUBB.i32 *ISUB.i32 +ISUB.i32 *IMSUB.i32 *IMRSUB.i32 *LSHIFT_RSUB.i32 +LSHIFT_RSUB.i32 *RSHIFT_RSUB.i32 +RSHIFT_RSUB.i32 *ARSHIFT_RSUB.i32 +ARSHIFT_RSUB.i32 <+*>SEG_SUB.i32 *LSHIFT_SUB.i32 +LSHIFT_SUB.i32 *RSHIFT_SUB.i32 +RSHIFT_SUB.i32 *ARSHIFT_SUB.i32 +ARSHIFT_SUB.i32 *IADDC.i32 +BRANCHC.i32 *ATOM_C.i32 *IMAD.i32 +LOAD.i32 *IADD.i32 +IADD.i32 <+*>SEG_ADD.i32 *LSHIFT_ADD.i32 +LSHIFT_ADD.i32 *RSHIFT_ADD.i32 +RSHIFT_ADD.i32 *ARSHIFT_ADD.i32 +ARSHIFT_ADD.i32 *RED.i32 +RED.i32 +BAR_RED.i32 *AND.i32 +AND.i32 *LSHIFT_AND.i32 +LSHIFT_AND.i32 *RSHIFT_AND.i32 +RSHIFT_AND.i32 +SHIFT_DOUBLE.i32 *LSHIFT_DOUBLE.i32 *FLSHIFT_DOUBLE.i32 *RSHIFT_DOUBLE.i32 *ARSHIFT_DOUBLE.i32 *FRSHIFT_DOUBLE.i32 *LROT_DOUBLE.i32 *RROT_DOUBLE.i32 +STORE.i32 +ACMPSTORE.i32 *ICMPF.i32 +ICMPF.i32 +AXCHG.i32 +ACMPXCHG.i32 +BRANCH.i32 +SHADDXH.i32 <+*>LOAD_WIDEN_16_sBI.i32 <+*>LOAD_WIDEN_8_sBI.i32 <+*>LOAD_sBI.i32 <+*>STORE_sBI.i32 <+*>AXCHG_CO_sBI.i32 <+*>LOAD_WIDEN_16_uBI.i32 <+*>LOAD_WIDEN_8_uBI.i32 <+*>LOAD_uBI.i32 <+*>STORE_uBI.i32 <+*>AXCHG_CO_uBI.i32 *ICMPI.i32 +ICMPI.i32 *CSEL.i32 <+*>LOAD_DTSEL.i32 *IMUL.i32 *ICMPM.i32 +ICMPM.i32 +LDCLN.i32 *ATOM_C1_RETURN.i32 *ATOM_C_RETURN.i32 +LD_TILE_CO.i32 +ST_TILE_CO.i32 +AXCHG_CO.i32 +LD_CVT_CO.i32 +ST_CVT_CO.i32 *ICMP.i32 +ICMP.i32 *NOP.i32 +NOP.i32 +CLPER.i32 *OR.i32 +OR.i32 *XOR.i32 +XOR.i32 *LSHIFT_XOR.i32 +LSHIFT_XOR.i32 *RSHIFT_XOR.i32 +RSHIFT_XOR.i32 *LSHIFT_OR.i32 +LSHIFT_OR.i32 *RSHIFT_OR.i32 +RSHIFT_OR.i32 *LSHIFT.i32 +LSHIFT.i32 *RSHIFT.i32 +RSHIFT.i32 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<+*>ATOM_COMP_NORET.v2i32 <+*>ATOM_CMUX_NORET.v2i32 <+*>ATOM_COMP_RET.v2i32 <+*>ATOM_CMUX_RET.v2i32 <+*>LOAD_iBI64.v3i32 <+*>STORE_iBI64.v3i32 +LOAD.v3i32 +STORE.v3i32 <+*>LOAD_sBI.v3i32 <+*>STORE_sBI.v3i32 <+*>LOAD_uBI.v3i32 <+*>STORE_uBI.v3i32 <+*>LOAD_DTSEL.v3i32 <+*>LOAD_iBI64.v4i32 <+*>STORE_iBI64.v4i32 <+*>ACMPSTORE_CO_iBI64.v4i32 <+*>ACMPXCHG_CO_iBI64.v4i32 +BLEND_D1_D3D.v4i32 +BLEND_Q1_D3D.v4i32 +BLEND_D1_D2_D3D.v4i32 +BLEND_Q1_Q2_D3D.v4i32 +LOAD.v4i32 +STORE.v4i32 +BLEND_FRAG.v4i32 <+*>LOAD_sBI.v4i32 <+*>STORE_sBI.v4i32 <+*>ACMPSTORE_CO_sBI.v4i32 <+*>ACMPXCHG_CO_sBI.v4i32 <+*>LOAD_uBI.v4i32 <+*>STORE_uBI.v4i32 <+*>ACMPSTORE_CO_uBI.v4i32 <+*>ACMPXCHG_CO_uBI.v4i32 <+*>LOAD_DTSEL.v4i32 +BLEND_CO.v4i32 +ACMPSTORE_CO.v4i32 +ACMPXCHG_CO.v4i32 <+*>CALL_i32 <+*>RETURN_i32 *EXTRACT1.s32 +EXTRACT2.s32 *IMEDIAN3.s32 *IMIN3.s32 *IMAX3.s32 *ISUB.s32 +ISUB.s32 *HADD.s32 +HADD.s32 *IADD.s32 +IADD.s32 +IABSDIF.s32 +BRANCH.s32 *ICMPI.s32 +ICMPI.s32 *CSEL.s32 <+*>LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL.s32 <+*>LD_ATTR_DTSEL.s32 <+*>LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL.s32 *SHADDXL.s32 REM.s32 +LD_ATTR_IMM_CO.s32 +LD_VAR_FLAT_IMM_CO.s32 +LD_ATTR_CO.s32 +LD_VAR_FLAT_CO.s32 +LD_ATTR_TEX_CO.s32 *ICMP.s32 +ICMP.s32 *IAVGR.s32 *IABS.s32 +IABS.s32 DIV.s32 <+*>LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV.s32 +LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV.s32 +BRANCHZ.s32 <+*>LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL.v2s32 <+*>LD_ATTR_DTSEL.v2s32 <+*>LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL.v2s32 +LD_ATTR_IMM_CO.v2s32 +LD_VAR_FLAT_IMM_CO.v2s32 +LD_ATTR_CO.v2s32 +LD_VAR_FLAT_CO.v2s32 +LD_ATTR_TEX_CO.v2s32 <+*>LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV.v2s32 +LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV.v2s32 <+*>LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL.v3s32 <+*>LD_ATTR_DTSEL.v3s32 <+*>LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL.v3s32 +LD_ATTR_IMM_CO.v3s32 +LD_VAR_FLAT_IMM_CO.v3s32 +LD_ATTR_CO.v3s32 +LD_VAR_FLAT_CO.v3s32 +LD_ATTR_TEX_CO.v3s32 <+*>LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV.v3s32 +LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV.v3s32 <+*>LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL.v4s32 <+*>LD_ATTR_DTSEL.v4s32 <+*>LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL.v4s32 +LD_ATTR_IMM_CO.v4s32 +LD_VAR_FLAT_IMM_CO.v4s32 +LD_ATTR_CO.v4s32 +LD_VAR_FLAT_CO.v4s32 +LD_ATTR_TEX_CO.v4s32 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<+*>ACMPSTORE_CO_sBI.v4f16 <+*>AXCHG_CO_sBI.v4f16 <+*>ACMPXCHG_CO_sBI.v4f16 <+*>LOAD_uBI.v4f16 <+*>STORE_uBI.v4f16 <+*>ACMPSTORE_CO_uBI.v4f16 <+*>AXCHG_CO_uBI.v4f16 <+*>ACMPXCHG_CO_uBI.v4f16 <+*>LOAD_DTSEL.v4f16 <+*>LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL.v4f16 <+*>LD_ATTR_DTSEL.v4f16 <+*>LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL.v4f16 +BLEND_CO.v4f16 +ACMPSTORE_CO.v4f16 +AXCHG_CO.v4f16 +ACMPXCHG_CO.v4f16 +LD_ATTR_IMM_CO.v4f16 +LD_VAR_FLAT_IMM_CO.v4f16 +LD_ATTR_CO.v4f16 +LD_VAR_FLAT_CO.v4f16 +LD_ATTR_TEX_CO.v4f16 <+*>VN_ASST.v4f16 <+*>VAR_TEX_WITH_PRELOADS_DTSEL_W_NOCONV.v4f16 <+*>VAR_TEX_DTSEL_W_NOCONV.v4f16 <+*>VAR_TEX_WITH_PRELOADS_DTSEL_IMM_W_NOCONV.v4f16 <+*>VAR_TEX_DTSEL_IMM_W_NOCONV.v4f16 +VAR_TEX_WITH_PRELOADS_W_NOCONV.v4f16 +VAR_TEX_W_NOCONV.v4f16 <+*>LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV.v4f16 <+*>VAR_TEX_WITH_PRELOADS_DTSEL_W_CONV.v4f16 <+*>VAR_TEX_DTSEL_W_CONV.v4f16 <+*>VAR_TEX_WITH_PRELOADS_DTSEL_IMM_W_CONV.v4f16 <+*>VAR_TEX_DTSEL_IMM_W_CONV.v4f16 +VAR_TEX_WITH_PRELOADS_W_CONV.v4f16 +VAR_TEX_W_CONV.v4f16 +LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV.v4f16 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<+*>STORE_uBI.i16 <+*>LOAD_DTSEL.i16 *ATOM_C1_RETURN.i16 *ATOM_C_RETURN.i16 +LD_TILE_CO.i16 +ST_TILE_CO.i16 +LD_CVT_CO.i16 +ST_CVT_CO.i16 *ATOM_POST.i16 +TEXC_NOCONV.i16 <+*>TEXC_DTSEL_NOCONV.i16 <+*>TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_NOCONV.i16 +TEXC_CONV.i16 <+*>TEXC_DTSEL_CONV.i16 <+*>TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_CONV.i16 +BRANCHZ.i16 *ATOM_C1.v2i16 <+*>LOAD_iBI64.v2i16 <+*>STORE_iBI64.v2i16 <+*>AXCHG_CO_iBI64.v2i16 *ISUB.v2i16 +ISUB.v2i16 *IMSUB.v2i16 *IMRSUB.v2i16 *LSHIFT_RSUB.v2i16 *RSHIFT_RSUB.v2i16 *ARSHIFT_RSUB.v2i16 *LSHIFT_SUB.v2i16 *RSHIFT_SUB.v2i16 *ARSHIFT_SUB.v2i16 *MKVEC.v2i16 +MKVEC.v2i16 *ATOM_C.v2i16 *IMAD.v2i16 +LOAD.v2i16 *IADD.v2i16 +IADD.v2i16 *IDPADD.v2i16 *LSHIFT_ADD.v2i16 *RSHIFT_ADD.v2i16 *ARSHIFT_ADD.v2i16 *RED.v2i16 +RED.v2i16 *LSHIFT_AND.v2i16 *RSHIFT_AND.v2i16 +STORE.v2i16 *PERMUTE.v2i16 <+*>LOAD_sBI.v2i16 <+*>STORE_sBI.v2i16 <+*>AXCHG_CO_sBI.v2i16 <+*>LOAD_uBI.v2i16 <+*>STORE_uBI.v2i16 <+*>AXCHG_CO_uBI.v2i16 *CSEL.v2i16 <+*>LOAD_DTSEL.v2i16 *IMUL.v2i16 *ATOM_C1_RETURN.v2i16 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ambiguous-member-template analyzer-incompatible-plugin anonymous-pack-parens arc%arc-bridge-casts-disallowed-in-nonarc arc-maybe-repeated-use-of-weak arc-non-pod-memaccess arc-performSelector-leaks arc-repeated-use-of-weak arc-retain-cycles arc-unsafe-retained-assign array-bounds array-bounds-pointer-arithmetic asm asm-ignored-qualifier asm-operand-widths assign-enum assume at-protocol atomic-memory-ordering atomic-properties*atomic-property-with-user-defined-accessor attribute-packed-for-bitfield attributes auto-disable-vptr-sanitizer auto-import auto-storage-class auto-var-id availability backend-plugin backslash-newline-escape bad-function-cast bind-to-temporary-copy bitfield-constant-conversion bitfield-width bitwise-op-parentheses block-capture-autoreleasing bool-conversion bool-conversions braced-scalar-init bridge-cast builtin-macro-redefined builtin-memcpy-chk-size builtin-requires-header c++-compat c++0x-compat c++0x-extensions c++0x-narrowing c++11-compat(c++11-compat-deprecated-writable-strings c++11-compat-pedantic*c++11-compat-reserved-user-defined-literal c++11-extensions c++11-extra-semi c++11-inline-namespace c++11-long-long c++11-narrowing c++14-binary-literal c++14-compat c++14-compat-pedantic c++14-extensions c++1y-extensions c++1z-compat c++1z-extensions c++98-c++11-c++14-compat!c++98-c++11-c++14-compat-pedantic c++98-c++11-compat c++98-c++11-compat-pedantic c++98-compat#c++98-compat-bind-to-temporary-copy%c++98-compat-local-type-template-args c++98-compat-pedantic'c++98-compat-unnamed-type-template-args c11-extensions c99-compat c99-extensions cast-align cast-calling-convention cast-of-sel-type cast-qual char-align char-subscripts clang-cl-pch class-varargs comma comment comments compare-distinct-pointer-types complex-component-init conditional-type-mismatch conditional-uninitialized config-macros constant-conversion constant-logical-operand constexpr-not-const consumed conversion conversion-null coreturn-without-coawait covered-switch-default cstring-format-directive ctor-dtor-privacy cuda-compat custom-atomic-properties dangling-else dangling-field dangling-initializer-list date-time dealloc-in-category debug-compression-unavailable declaration-after-statement delegating-ctor-cycles delete-incomplete delete-non-virtual-dtor deprecated deprecated-attributes deprecated-declarations!deprecated-dynamic-exception-spec deprecated-implementations deprecated-increment-bool deprecated-objc-isa-usage%deprecated-objc-pointer-introspection5deprecated-objc-pointer-introspection-performSelector deprecated-register deprecated-writable-strings direct-ivar-access disabled-macro-expansion disabled-optimization discard-qual distributed-object-modifiers div-by-zero division-by-zero dll-attribute-on-redeclaration%dllexport-explicit-instantiation-decl dllimport-static-field-def documentation documentation-deprecated-sync documentation-html documentation-pedantic documentation-unknown-command dollar-in-identifier-extension double-promotion duplicate-decl-specifier duplicate-enum duplicate-method-arg duplicate-method-match duplicate-protocol dynamic-class-memaccess dynamic-exception-spec effc++ embedded-directive empty-body empty-decomposition empty-translation-unit encode-type endif-labels enum-compare enum-conversion enum-too-large exceptions exit-time-destructors expansion-to-defined explicit-initialize-call explicit-ownership-type extended-offsetof extern-c-compat extern-initializer extra extra-qualification extra-semi extra-tokens fallback flag-enum flexible-array-extensions float-conversion float-equal float-overflow-conversion float-zero-conversion for-loop-analysis format format-extra-args format-invalid-specifier format-non-iso format-nonliteral format-pedantic format-security format-y2k format-zero-length format=2 four-char-constants frame-larger-than= function-def-in-objc-container future-compat gcc-compat global-constructors gnu gnu-alignof-expression gnu-anonymous-struct gnu-array-member-paren-init gnu-auto-type gnu-binary-literal gnu-case-range gnu-complex-integer gnu-compound-literal-initializer gnu-conditional-omitted-operand gnu-designator gnu-empty-initializer gnu-empty-struct gnu-flexible-array-initializer gnu-flexible-array-union-member gnu-folding-constant gnu-imaginary-constant gnu-include-next gnu-label-as-value gnu-redeclared-enum gnu-statement-expression gnu-static-float-init$gnu-string-literal-operator-template gnu-union-cast"gnu-variable-sized-type-not-at-end gnu-zero-line-directive!gnu-zero-variadic-macro-arguments header-guard header-hygiene idiomatic-parentheses ignored-attributes ignored-optimization-argument ignored-pragma-intrinsic ignored-pragmas ignored-qualifiers implicit implicit-atomic-properties*implicit-conversion-floating-point-to-bool implicit-exception-spec-mismatch implicit-fallthrough!implicit-fallthrough-per-function implicit-function-declaration implicit-int implicit-retain-self implicitly-unsigned-literal import&import-preprocessor-directive-pedantic inaccessible-base include-next-absolute-path include-next-outside-header incompatible-exception-spec#incompatible-function-pointer-types"incompatible-library-redeclaration incompatible-ms-struct incompatible-pointer-types.incompatible-pointer-types-discards-qualifiers incompatible-property-type incompatible-sysroot incomplete-implementation incomplete-module incomplete-umbrella inconsistent-dllimport inconsistent-missing-override increment-bool infinite-recursion init-self initializer-overrides inline inline-asm inline-new-delete"instantiation-after-specialization int-conversion int-conversions int-to-pointer-cast int-to-void-pointer-cast integer-overflow invalid-command-line-argument invalid-constexpr invalid-iboutlet&invalid-initializer-from-system-header invalid-noreturn invalid-offsetof invalid-or-nonexistent-directory invalid-partial-specialization invalid-pch invalid-pp-token invalid-source-encoding invalid-token-paste jump-seh-finally keyword-compat keyword-macro knr-promoted-parameter language-extension-token large-by-value-copy liblto literal-conversion literal-range local-type-template-args logical-not-parentheses logical-op-parentheses long-long loop-analysis macro-redefined main main-return-type malformed-warning-check many-braces-around-scalar-init max-unsigned-zero memsize-comparison method-signatures microsoft microsoft-anon-tag microsoft-cast microsoft-charize microsoft-comment-paste microsoft-const-init microsoft-cpp-macro"microsoft-default-arg-redefinition microsoft-end-of-file microsoft-enum-forward-reference microsoft-enum-value microsoft-exception-spec microsoft-exists#microsoft-explicit-constructor-call microsoft-extra-qualification microsoft-fixed-enum microsoft-flexible-array microsoft-goto microsoft-include microsoft-mutable-reference microsoft-pure-definition microsoft-redeclare-static microsoft-sealed microsoft-template microsoft-union-member-reference microsoft-unqualified-friend microsoft-using-decl microsoft-void-pseudo-dtor mismatched-new-delete mismatched-parameter-types mismatched-return-types mismatched-tags missing-braces missing-declarations missing-exception-spec missing-field-initializers missing-format-attribute missing-include-dirs missing-method-return-type missing-noreturn missing-prototype-for-cc missing-prototypes missing-selector-name missing-sysroot missing-variable-declarations module-build module-conflict module-file-config-mismatch module-file-extension module-import-in-extern-c"modules-ambiguous-internal-linkage modules-import-nested-redundant most move msvc-include multichar multiple-move-vbase narrowing nested-anon-types nested-externs new-returns-null newline-eof non-gcc non-literal-null-conversion'non-modular-include-in-framework-module non-modular-include-in-module non-pod-varargs non-virtual-dtor nonnull nonportable-cfstrings nonportable-include-path nonportable-system-include-path!nonportable-vector-initialization null-arithmetic null-character null-conversion null-dereference nullability nullability-completeness"nullability-completeness-on-arrays nullability-declspec nullability-extension#nullability-inferred-on-nested-type nullable-to-nonnull-conversion+objc-autosynthesis-property-ivar-name-match objc-circular-container objc-cocoa-api objc-designated-initializers objc-forward-class-redefinition objc-interface-ivars objc-literal-compare objc-literal-conversion objc-macro-redefinition objc-method-access objc-missing-property-synthesis objc-missing-super-calls objc-multiple-method-names"objc-noncopy-retain-block-property objc-nonunified-exceptions objc-property-implementation objc-property-implicit-mismatch*objc-property-matches-cocoa-ownership-rule objc-property-no-attribute objc-property-synthesis#objc-protocol-method-implementation objc-protocol-property-synthesis objc-protocol-qualifiers"objc-readonly-with-setter-property objc-redundant-api-use objc-redundant-literal-use objc-root-class objc-string-compare objc-string-concatenation odr old-style-cast old-style-definition opencl-unsupported-rgba openmp-clauses openmp-loop-form openmp-target option-ignored out-of-line-declaration over-aligned overflow overlength-strings overloaded-shift-op-parentheses overloaded-virtual override-module overriding-method-mismatch overriding-t-option packed padded parentheses parentheses-equality partial-availability pass pass-analysis pass-failed pass-missed pch-date-time pedantic pedantic-core-features pessimizing-move pointer-arith pointer-bool-conversion pointer-sign pointer-to-int-cast pointer-type-mismatch potentially-evaluated-expression pragma-once-outside-header#pragma-system-header-outside-header pragmas&predefined-identifier-outside-function private-extern private-header private-module profile-instr-out-of-date profile-instr-unprofiled property-access-dot-syntax property-attribute-mismatch protocol%protocol-property-synthesis-ambiguity qualified-void-return-type range-loop-analysis readonly-iboutlet-property receiver-expr receiver-forward-class redeclared-class-member redundant-decls redundant-move register reinterpret-base-class remark-backend-plugin reorder requires-super-attribute reserved-id-macro reserved-user-defined-literal retained-language-linkage return-stack-address return-type return-type-c-linkage rtti-for-exceptions sanitize-address section selector selector-type-mismatch self-assign self-assign-field self-move semicolon-before-method-body sentinel sequence-point serialized-diagnostics shadow shadow-all shadow-field-in-constructor$shadow-field-in-constructor-modified shadow-ivar shadow-uncaptured-local shift-count-negative shift-count-overflow shift-negative-value shift-op-parentheses shift-overflow shift-sign-overflow shorten-64-to-32 sign-compare sign-conversion sign-promo signed-enum-bitfield sizeof-array-argument sizeof-array-decay sizeof-pointer-memaccess sometimes-uninitialized source-uses-openmp spir-compat stack-protector static-float-init static-in-inline$static-inline-explicit-instantiation static-local-in-inline static-self-init strict-aliasing strict-aliasing=0 strict-aliasing=1 strict-aliasing=2 strict-overflow strict-overflow=0 strict-overflow=1 strict-overflow=2 strict-overflow=3 strict-overflow=4 strict-overflow=5 strict-prototypes strict-selector-match string-compare string-conversion string-plus-char string-plus-int strlcpy-strlcat-size strncat-size super-class-method-mismatch switch switch-bool switch-default switch-enum%sync-fetch-and-nand-semantics-changed synth tautological-compare*tautological-constant-out-of-range-compare tautological-overlap-compare tautological-pointer-compare tautological-undefined-compare$tentative-definition-incomplete-type thread-safety thread-safety-analysis thread-safety-attributes thread-safety-beta thread-safety-negative thread-safety-precise thread-safety-reference thread-safety-verbose trigraphs type-limits type-safety typedef-redefinition typename-missing unable-to-open-stats-file unavailable-declarations undeclared-selector undef undefined-bool-conversion undefined-func-template undefined-inline undefined-internal undefined-reinterpret-cast undefined-var-template unevaluated-expression unguarded-availability unicode unicode-whitespace uninitialized unknown-argument unknown-attributes unknown-escape-sequence unknown-pragmas unknown-sanitizers unknown-warning-option unnamed-type-template-args unneeded-internal-declaration unneeded-member-function unreachable-code unreachable-code-aggressive unreachable-code-break unreachable-code-loop-increment unreachable-code-return unsequenced unsupported-cb#unsupported-dll-base-class-template unsupported-friend unsupported-nan unsupported-visibility unusable-partial-specialization unused unused-argument unused-command-line-argument unused-comparison unused-const-variable unused-exception-parameter 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__nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_envreg28 __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_envreg29 __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_envreg3 __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_envreg30 __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_envreg31 __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_envreg4 __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_envreg5 __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_envreg6 __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_envreg7 __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_envreg8 __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_envreg9 __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_gridid __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_laneid __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_lanemask_eq __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_lanemask_ge __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_lanemask_gt __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_lanemask_le __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_lanemask_lt __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_nctaid_w __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_nctaid_x __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_nctaid_y __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_nctaid_z __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_nsmid __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_ntid_w __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_ntid_x __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_ntid_y __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_ntid_z __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_nwarpid __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_pm0 __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_pm1 __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_pm2 __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_pm3 __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_smid __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_tid_w 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GCC: (GNU) 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease) Android clang version 5.0.300080 (based on LLVM 5.0.300080)
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tess_pass2_block tess_pass2_patch tess_pass2_sum tess_pass3_index_ISOLINE tess_pass3_index_TRIANGLE tess_pass3_index_QUAD tess_pass3_index_TRIANGLE_TRIANGLEOUT tess_pass3_index_QUAD_TRIANGLEOUT tess_pass3_index_GEOMETRY_TRIANGLE_TRIANGLEOUT tess_pass3_index_GEOMETRY_QUAD_TRIANGLEOUT tess_pass3_point_ISOLINE tess_pass3_point_TRIANGLE tess_pass3_point_QUAD tess_pass4_index tess_pass4_index_GEOMETRY tess_pass4_point xfb crc_flags_pilot fragment_pilots modify_depth #version 310 es #extension GL_ARM_increased_rt : enable precision highp int; precision highp float; vec4 ivec4 uvec4 void main() { fragColor%i = clear_color_%i; 3 sampler isampler usampler 2 #version 310 es #extension GL_OES_sample_variables : enable #extension GL_OES_shader_multisample_interpolation : enable precision highp int; precision highp float; layout(location = 0) out %s fragColor0; layout(binding = 0) uniform highp %s%sD sampler0; #version 310 es #extension GL_ARM_increased_rt : enable #extension GL_OES_sample_variables : enable #extension GL_OES_shader_multisample_interpolation : enable precision highp int; precision highp float; sample in vec2 tex_coord; sampler2D isampler2D usampler2D layout(location = %d) out %s fragColor%d; layout(binding = %d) uniform highp %s%s sampler%d; ivec2 tex_coord_2dms = ivec2( interpolateAtOffset(tex_coord, vec2(0.0))); fragColor%d = texelFetch(sampler%d, tex_coord_2dms, gl_SampleID); tileBufferReadRGBA16ARM tileBufferReadRGBA32ARM tileBufferReadRG11B10ARM vec3 #version 310 es #extension GL_ARM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_raw_explicit : enable #extension GL_ARM_increased_rt : enable precision highp float; #define R%i(i) color%i += %s(%i, i) layout(location = %i) out %s color%i; rgba32f image2D rgba32ui uimage2D tess_pass1 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/= 0 <RESERVED> 1 <RESERVED> 2 <RESERVED> 3 <RESERVED> 4 TMIx_MESSAGES_SENT 5 TMIx_MESSAGES_RECEIVED 6 TMIx_GPU_ACTIVE 7 TMIx_IRQ_ACTIVE 8 TMIx_JS0_JOBS 9 TMIx_JS0_TASKS 10 TMIx_JS0_ACTIVE 11 <RESERVED> 12 TMIx_JS0_WAIT_READ 13 TMIx_JS0_WAIT_ISSUE 14 TMIx_JS0_WAIT_DEPEND 15 TMIx_JS0_WAIT_FINISH 16 TMIx_JS1_JOBS 17 TMIx_JS1_TASKS 18 TMIx_JS1_ACTIVE 19 <RESERVED> 20 TMIx_JS1_WAIT_READ 21 TMIx_JS1_WAIT_ISSUE 22 TMIx_JS1_WAIT_DEPEND 23 TMIx_JS1_WAIT_FINISH 24 TMIx_JS2_JOBS 25 TMIx_JS2_TASKS 26 TMIx_JS2_ACTIVE 27 <RESERVED> 28 TMIx_JS2_WAIT_READ 29 TMIx_JS2_WAIT_ISSUE 30 TMIx_JS2_WAIT_DEPEND 31 TMIx_JS2_WAIT_FINISH 32 <RESERVED> 33 <RESERVED> 34 <RESERVED> 35 <RESERVED> 36 <RESERVED> 37 <RESERVED> 38 <RESERVED> 39 <RESERVED> 40 <RESERVED> 41 <RESERVED> 42 <RESERVED> 43 <RESERVED> 44 <RESERVED> 45 <RESERVED> 46 <RESERVED> 47 <RESERVED> 48 <RESERVED> 49 <RESERVED> 50 <RESERVED> 51 <RESERVED> 52 <RESERVED> 53 <RESERVED> 54 <RESERVED> 55 <RESERVED> 56 <RESERVED> 57 <RESERVED> 58 <RESERVED> 59 <RESERVED> 60 <RESERVED> 61 <RESERVED> 62 <RESERVED> 63 <RESERVED> 4 TMIx_TILER_ACTIVE 5 TMIx_JOBS_PROCESSED 6 TMIx_TRIANGLES 7 TMIx_LINES 8 TMIx_POINTS 9 TMIx_FRONT_FACING 10 TMIx_BACK_FACING 11 TMIx_PRIM_VISIBLE 12 TMIx_PRIM_CULLED 13 TMIx_PRIM_CLIPPED 14 TMIx_PRIM_SAT_CULLED 15 TMIx_BIN_ALLOC_INIT 16 TMIx_BIN_ALLOC_OVERFLOW 17 TMIx_BUS_READ 18 <RESERVED> 19 TMIx_BUS_WRITE 20 TMIx_LOADING_DESC 21 TMIx_IDVS_POS_SHAD_REQ 22 TMIx_IDVS_POS_SHAD_WAIT 23 TMIx_IDVS_POS_SHAD_STALL 24 TMIx_IDVS_POS_FIFO_FULL 25 TMIx_PREFETCH_STALL 26 TMIx_VCACHE_HIT 27 TMIx_VCACHE_MISS 28 TMIx_VCACHE_LINE_WAIT 29 TMIx_VFETCH_POS_READ_WAIT 30 TMIx_VFETCH_VERTEX_WAIT 31 TMIx_VFETCH_STALL 32 TMIx_PRIMASSY_STALL 33 TMIx_BBOX_GEN_STALL 34 TMIx_IDVS_VBU_HIT 35 TMIx_IDVS_VBU_MISS 36 TMIx_IDVS_VBU_LINE_DEALLOCATE 37 TMIx_IDVS_VAR_SHAD_REQ 38 TMIx_IDVS_VAR_SHAD_STALL 39 TMIx_BINNER_STALL 40 TMIx_ITER_STALL 41 TMIx_COMPRESS_MISS 42 TMIx_COMPRESS_STALL 43 TMIx_PCACHE_HIT 44 TMIx_PCACHE_MISS 45 TMIx_PCACHE_MISS_STALL 46 TMIx_PCACHE_EVICT_STALL 47 TMIx_PMGR_PTR_WR_STALL 48 TMIx_PMGR_PTR_RD_STALL 49 TMIx_PMGR_CMD_WR_STALL 50 TMIx_WRBUF_ACTIVE 51 TMIx_WRBUF_HIT 52 TMIx_WRBUF_MISS 53 TMIx_WRBUF_NO_FREE_LINE_STALL 54 TMIx_WRBUF_NO_AXI_ID_STALL 55 TMIx_WRBUF_AXI_STALL 59 TMIx_UTLB_TRANS 60 TMIx_UTLB_TRANS_HIT 61 TMIx_UTLB_TRANS_STALL 62 TMIx_UTLB_TRANS_MISS_DELAY 63 TMIx_UTLB_MMU_REQ 4 TMIx_FRAG_ACTIVE 5 TMIx_FRAG_PRIMITIVES 6 TMIx_FRAG_PRIM_RAST 7 TMIx_FRAG_FPK_ACTIVE 8 TMIx_FRAG_STARVING 9 TMIx_FRAG_WARPS 10 TMIx_FRAG_PARTIAL_WARPS 11 TMIx_FRAG_QUADS_RAST 12 TMIx_FRAG_QUADS_EZS_TEST 13 TMIx_FRAG_QUADS_EZS_UPDATE 14 TMIx_FRAG_QUADS_EZS_KILL 15 TMIx_FRAG_LZS_TEST 16 TMIx_FRAG_LZS_KILL 17 <RESERVED> 18 TMIx_FRAG_PTILES 19 TMIx_FRAG_TRANS_ELIM 20 TMIx_QUAD_FPK_KILLER 21 <RESERVED> 22 TMIx_COMPUTE_ACTIVE 23 TMIx_COMPUTE_TASKS 24 TMIx_COMPUTE_WARPS 25 TMIx_COMPUTE_STARVING 26 TMIx_EXEC_CORE_ACTIVE 27 TMIx_EXEC_ACTIVE 28 TMIx_EXEC_INSTR_COUNT 29 TMIx_EXEC_INSTR_DIVERGED 30 TMIx_EXEC_INSTR_STARVING 31 TMIx_ARITH_INSTR_SINGLE_FMA 32 TMIx_ARITH_INSTR_DOUBLE 33 TMIx_ARITH_INSTR_MSG 34 TMIx_ARITH_INSTR_MSG_ONLY 35 TMIx_TEX_INSTR 36 TMIx_TEX_INSTR_MIPMAP 37 TMIx_TEX_INSTR_COMPRESSED 38 TMIx_TEX_INSTR_3D 39 TMIx_TEX_INSTR_TRILINEAR 40 TMIx_TEX_COORD_ISSUE 41 TMIx_TEX_COORD_STALL 42 TMIx_TEX_STARVE_CACHE 43 TMIx_TEX_STARVE_FILTER 44 TMIx_LS_MEM_READ_FULL 45 TMIx_LS_MEM_READ_SHORT 46 TMIx_LS_MEM_WRITE_FULL 47 TMIx_LS_MEM_WRITE_SHORT 48 TMIx_LS_MEM_ATOMIC 49 TMIx_VARY_INSTR 50 TMIx_VARY_SLOT_32 51 TMIx_VARY_SLOT_16 52 TMIx_ATTR_INSTR 53 TMIx_ARITH_INSTR_FP_MUL 54 TMIx_BEATS_RD_FTC 55 TMIx_BEATS_RD_FTC_EXT 56 TMIx_BEATS_RD_LSC 57 TMIx_BEATS_RD_LSC_EXT 58 TMIx_BEATS_RD_TEX 59 TMIx_BEATS_RD_TEX_EXT 60 TMIx_BEATS_RD_OTHER 61 TMIx_BEATS_WR_LSC 62 TMIx_BEATS_WR_TIB 4 TMIx_MMU_REQUESTS 5 <RESERVED> 6 <RESERVED> 7 <RESERVED> 8 <RESERVED> 9 <RESERVED> 10 <RESERVED> 12 <RESERVED> 13 <RESERVED> 14 <RESERVED> 15 <RESERVED> 16 TMIx_L2_RD_MSG_IN 17 TMIx_L2_RD_MSG_IN_STALL 18 TMIx_L2_WR_MSG_IN 19 TMIx_L2_WR_MSG_IN_STALL 20 TMIx_L2_SNP_MSG_IN 21 TMIx_L2_SNP_MSG_IN_STALL 22 TMIx_L2_RD_MSG_OUT 23 TMIx_L2_RD_MSG_OUT_STALL 24 TMIx_L2_WR_MSG_OUT 25 TMIx_L2_ANY_LOOKUP 26 TMIx_L2_READ_LOOKUP 27 TMIx_L2_WRITE_LOOKUP 28 TMIx_L2_EXT_SNOOP_LOOKUP 29 TMIx_L2_EXT_READ 30 TMIx_L2_EXT_READ_NOSNP 31 TMIx_L2_EXT_READ_UNIQUE 32 TMIx_L2_EXT_READ_BEATS 33 TMIx_L2_EXT_AR_STALL 34 TMIx_L2_EXT_AR_CNT_Q1 35 TMIx_L2_EXT_AR_CNT_Q2 36 TMIx_L2_EXT_AR_CNT_Q3 37 TMIx_L2_EXT_RRESP_0_127 38 TMIx_L2_EXT_RRESP_128_191 39 TMIx_L2_EXT_RRESP_192_255 40 TMIx_L2_EXT_RRESP_256_319 41 TMIx_L2_EXT_RRESP_320_383 42 TMIx_L2_EXT_WRITE 43 TMIx_L2_EXT_WRITE_NOSNP_FULL 44 TMIx_L2_EXT_WRITE_NOSNP_PTL 45 TMIx_L2_EXT_WRITE_SNP_FULL 46 TMIx_L2_EXT_WRITE_SNP_PTL 47 TMIx_L2_EXT_WRITE_BEATS 48 TMIx_L2_EXT_W_STALL 49 TMIx_L2_EXT_AW_CNT_Q1 50 TMIx_L2_EXT_AW_CNT_Q2 51 TMIx_L2_EXT_AW_CNT_Q3 52 TMIx_L2_EXT_SNOOP 53 TMIx_L2_EXT_SNOOP_STALL 54 TMIx_L2_EXT_SNOOP_RESP_CLEAN 55 TMIx_L2_EXT_SNOOP_RESP_DATA 56 TMIx_L2_EXT_SNOOP_INTERNAL MALI_TIMELINE_BUFFER_CNT MALI_TIMELINE_AUTOFLUSH_TIME MALI_TIMELINE_UDS_LOSSLESS_MODE MALI_TIMELINE_OUTFILE_PREFIX Endpoint connected. Endpoint connection failed. Failed to acquire kernel timeline stream descriptor (%d). Check if kernel has timeline stream enabled in its configuration. The kernel timeline stream descriptor is busy (attached to different application). MALI_HWC_DUMP_SAMPLING_INTERVAL MALI_HWC_DUMP_PER_FRAME HWC stream enabling was attempted, however no counter mask was set. MALI_GPUPERF_PERIOD [HWCF] usleep in poll thread failed [HWCF] HWC reader setup in poll thread failed. [HWCF] Setting sampling period in poll thread failed. [HWCF] Failed to release sample buffer. [HWCF] Timeout while waiting for sample buffer. [MIPE_RPC] error encountered - unavailable command %u. ERROR In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cinstr/src/mali_cinstr_qmanager.c line: 502 [QUEUE_MANAGER] %p failed to set non-blocking mode on pipe descriptors In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cinstr/src/mali_cinstr_qmanager.c line: 271 In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cinstr/src/mali_cinstr_qmanager.c line: 323 [QUEUE_MANAGER] %p poll failed api_name NDRANGEKERNEL TASK NATIVEKERNEL READBUFFER WRITEBUFFER COPYBUFFER READIMAGE WRITEIMAGE COPYIMAGE COPYIMAGETOBUFFER COPYBUFFERTOIMAGE MAPBUFFER MAPIMAGE UNMAPMEMOBJECT ACQUIREGLOBJECTS RELEASEGLOBJECTS READBUFFERRECT WRITEBUFFERRECT COPYBUFFERRECT USER ACQUIREEGLOBJECTS RELEASEEGLOBJECTS INVALID MIGRATEMEMOBJECTS MARKERWITHWAITLIST BARRIERWITHWAITLIST MARKER BARRIER WAITFOREVENTS ENQUEUE_WAITFOREVENTS FLUSH FINISH api_type CONTEXT_TYPE_EGL CONTEXT_TYPE_OPENGLES CONTEXT_TYPE_OPENCL atom_type ATOM_TYPE_SOFT ATOM_TYPE_GPU CINSTR_TL_NEW_KERNEL New kernel @tp kernel CINSTR_TL_ATTRIB_KERNEL_NAME TL attrib kernel name @tps kernel,name CINSTR_TL_DEL_KERNEL Delete kernel CINSTR_TL_ATTRIB_THREAD_API_NAME @tI CINSTR_TL_BLOCK_QUEUE TL thread blocked until queued commands are finished queue CINSTR_TL_NBLOCK_QUEUE TL thread unblocked CINSTR_TL_ATTRIB_CLOSURE_TIMESTAMPS TL attrib closure timestamps @tpLL closure,timestamp_start,timestamp_end CINSTR_TL_RET_CLOSURE_KERNEL TL ret closure to kernel @tpp closure,kernel CINSTR_TL_NEW_CTX New context ctx CINSTR_TL_ATTRIB_CTX_API_TYPE TL attrib ctx api_type @tpI ctx,api_type CINSTR_TL_ATTRIB_CTX_API_VERSION TL attrib ctx api_version ctx,api_version CINSTR_TL_ATTRIB_CTX_CTX_NR TL attrib ctx ctx_nr ctx,ctx_nr CINSTR_TL_RET_CTX_CTX TL ret ctx to ctx ctx1,ctx2 CINSTR_TL_NEW_LPU New lpu lpu CINSTR_TL_ATTRIB_LPU_LPU_NR TL attrib lpu lpu_nr lpu,lpu_nr CINSTR_TL_LIFELINK_LPU_CTX TL lifelink lpu to ctx lpu,ctx CINSTR_TL_NEW_QUEUE New queue CINSTR_TL_ATTRIB_QUEUE_DEVICE_NAME TL attrib queue device name queue,device_name CINSTR_TL_RET_QUEUE_CTX TL ret queue to ctx queue,ctx CINSTR_TL_NEW_COMMAND New command command CINSTR_TL_ATTRIB_COMMAND_API_NAME TL attrib command api_name command,api_name CINSTR_TL_RET_COMMAND_QUEUE TL ret command to queue command,queue CINSTR_TL_NEW_EVENT New event event CINSTR_TL_DEP_COMMAND_EVENT TL event depends on command command,event CINSTR_TL_RET_EVENT_CTX TL ret event to ctx event,ctx CINSTR_TL_DEP_EVENT_COMMAND TL commands depends on event @tppI event,command,implicit_dependency CINSTR_TL_RET_CLOSURE_COMMAND TL command retains closure closure,command CINSTR_TL_NEW_CLOSURE New closure closure CINSTR_TL_NEW_ATOM New atom @tpIII atom,atom_nr,atom_type,atom_subtype CINSTR_TL_RET_CLOSURE_ATOM TL ret closure to atom closure,atom CINSTR_TL_RET_ATOM_CTX TL ret atom to ctx atom,ctx CINSTR_TL_RET_CLOSURE_LPU TL ret closure to lpu closure,lpu CINSTR_TL_DEL_CTX Delete context CINSTR_TL_DEL_QUEUE Delete queue CINSTR_TL_DEL_COMMAND Delete command CINSTR_TL_DEL_EVENT Delete event CINSTR_TL_NRET_CLOSURE_ATOM TL nret closure to atom CINSTR_TL_DEL_ATOM Delete atom atom CINSTR_TL_NRET_ATOM_CTX TL nret atom to ctx CINSTR_TL_NRET_CLOSURE_LPU TL nret closure to lpu CINSTR_TL_NRET_CLOSURE_COMMAND TL command nret closure CINSTR_TL_ENUM Timeline value sIs arg_name,enum_value,enum_name CINSTR_PROCESS_ATTRIB Process attributes I process_id eglCreateImageKHR eglDestroyImageKHR eglCreateSyncKHR eglDestroySyncKHR eglClientWaitSyncKHR eglGetSyncAttribKHR eglWaitSyncKHR eglSwapBuffersWithDamageEXT eglSwapBuffersWithDamageKHR eglSetDamageRegionKHR eglChooseConfig eglCopyBuffers eglCreateContext eglCreatePbufferSurface eglCreatePixmapSurface eglCreateWindowSurface eglDestroyContext eglDestroySurface eglGetConfigAttrib eglGetConfigs eglGetCurrentDisplay eglGetCurrentSurface eglGetDisplay eglGetError eglGetProcAddress eglInitialize eglMakeCurrent eglQueryContext eglQueryString eglQuerySurface eglSwapBuffers eglTerminate eglWaitGL eglWaitNative eglBindTexImage eglReleaseTexImage eglSurfaceAttrib eglSwapInterval eglBindAPI eglQueryAPI eglCreatePbufferFromClientBuffer eglReleaseThread eglWaitClient eglGetCurrentContext eglGetPlatformDisplayEXT eglCreatePlatformWindowSurfaceEXT eglCreatePlatformPixmapSurfaceEXT EGL_KHR_config_attribs EGL_KHR_image EGL_KHR_image_base EGL_KHR_fence_sync EGL_KHR_wait_sync EGL_KHR_gl_colorspace EGL_KHR_get_all_proc_addresses EGL_IMG_context_priority EGL_KHR_no_config_context EGL_ARM_pixmap_multisample_discard EGL_ARM_implicit_external_sync EGL_KHR_gl_texture_2D_image EGL_KHR_gl_renderbuffer_image EGL_KHR_create_context EGL_KHR_surfaceless_context EGL_KHR_gl_texture_cubemap_image EGL_EXT_create_context_robustness EGL_EXT_client_extensions EGL_EXT_platform_base EGL_KHR_client_get_all_proc_addresses EGL_KHR_platform_android In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/egl/src/mali_egl_window_surface.c line: 1519 %s%d /dev/mali ERROR: The DDK (built for 0x%x r%dp%d status range [%d..%d]) is not compatible with this Mali GPU device, %s detected as 0x%x r%dp%d status %d. file %s is not of a compatible version (user %d.%d, kernel %d.%d) opening of kernel driver memory mapping of tracking handle initializing of kernel context flags allocation of GPU properties DDK compatibility check initializing of job dispatch context an invalid initialization state Mali-G72 Mali-G51 In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/base/src/mali_base_kbase.c line: 288 Could not notify message handler of driver termination. As a result, your application may not terminate properly. In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/base/src/mali_base_kbase.c line: 325 reading from event semaphore fd, events in queue and semaphore count probably out of sync GL_OES_byte_coordinates GL_OES_fixed_point GL_OES_single_precision GL_OES_matrix_get GL_OES_compressed_paletted_texture GL_OES_point_size_array GL_OES_point_sprite GL_OES_read_format GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_stencil8 GL_OES_framebuffer_object GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_EXT_read_format_bgra GL_OES_matrix_palette GL_OES_extended_matrix_palette GL_OES_draw_texture GL_OES_blend_equation_separate GL_OES_blend_func_separate GL_OES_blend_subtract GL_OES_stencil_wrap GL_OES_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_OES_query_matrix GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_EGL_image_external GL_OES_EGL_sync GL_OES_texture_npot GL_OES_vertex_half_float GL_OES_required_internalformat GL_OES_vertex_array_object GL_OES_mapbuffer GL_OES_fbo_render_mipmap GL_OES_element_index_uint GL_ARM_rgba8 GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer GL_EXT_texture_storage GL_OES_texture_compression_astc GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_hdr GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_sliced_3d GL_EXT_texture_compression_astc_decode_mode GL_OES_surfaceless_context GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture GL_OES_texture_cube_map GL_KHR_debug GL_EXT_sRGB GL_EXT_robustness GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_ARM_mali_shader_binary GL_OES_depth_texture GL_OES_depth_texture_cube_map GL_OES_standard_derivatives GL_OES_EGL_image_external_essl3 GL_EXT_texture_rg GL_EXT_texture_type_2_10_10_10_REV GL_EXT_shadow_samplers GL_EXT_occlusion_query_boolean GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query GL_OES_get_program_binary GL_OES_texture_3D GL_OES_texture_stencil8 GL_EXT_shader_pixel_local_storage GL_ARM_shader_framebuffer_fetch GL_ARM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_depth_stencil GL_ARM_mali_program_binary GL_EXT_sRGB_write_control GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_R8 GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_RG8 GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced_coherent GL_OES_texture_storage_multisample_2d_array GL_OES_shader_image_atomic GL_EXT_draw_buffers_indexed GL_OES_draw_buffers_indexed GL_EXT_texture_border_clamp GL_OES_texture_border_clamp GL_EXT_texture_cube_map_array GL_OES_texture_cube_map_array GL_OES_sample_variables GL_OES_sample_shading GL_OES_shader_multisample_interpolation GL_EXT_shader_io_blocks GL_OES_shader_io_blocks GL_EXT_tessellation_shader GL_OES_tessellation_shader GL_EXT_primitive_bounding_box GL_OES_primitive_bounding_box GL_EXT_geometry_shader GL_OES_geometry_shader GL_ANDROID_extension_pack_es31a GL_EXT_gpu_shader5 GL_OES_gpu_shader5 GL_EXT_texture_buffer GL_OES_texture_buffer GL_EXT_copy_image GL_OES_copy_image GL_EXT_shader_non_constant_global_initializers GL_EXT_color_buffer_half_float GL_EXT_color_buffer_float GL_EXT_YUV_target GL_OVR_multiview GL_OVR_multiview2 GL_OVR_multiview_multisampled_render_to_texture GL_KHR_robustness GL_KHR_robust_buffer_access_behavior GL_EXT_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_OES_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_EXT_protected_textures GL_EXT_buffer_storage glActiveShaderProgram glActiveTexture glAlphaFunc glAlphaFuncx glAlphaFuncxOES glAttachShader glBeginQuery glBeginQueryEXT glBeginTransformFeedback glBindAttribLocation glBindBuffer glBindBufferBase glBindBufferRange glBindFramebuffer glBindFramebufferOES glBindImageTexture glBindProgramPipeline glBindRenderbuffer glBindRenderbufferOES glBindSampler glBindTexture glBindTransformFeedback glBindVertexArray glBindVertexArrayOES glBindVertexBuffer glBlendBarrier glBlendBarrierKHR glBlendColor glBlendEquation glBlendEquationOES glBlendEquationSeparate glBlendEquationSeparateOES glBlendEquationSeparatei glBlendEquationSeparateiEXT glBlendEquationSeparateiOES glBlendEquationi glBlendEquationiEXT glBlendEquationiOES glBlendFunc glBlendFuncSeparate glBlendFuncSeparateOES glBlendFuncSeparatei glBlendFuncSeparateiEXT glBlendFuncSeparateiOES glBlendFunci glBlendFunciEXT glBlendFunciOES glBlitFramebuffer glBufferData glBufferStorageEXT glBufferSubData glCheckFramebufferStatus glCheckFramebufferStatusOES glClear glClearBufferfi glClearBufferfv glClearBufferiv glClearBufferuiv glClearColor glClearColorx glClearColorxOES glClearDepthf glClearDepthfOES glClearDepthx glClearDepthxOES glClearStencil glClientActiveTexture glClientWaitSync glClipPlanef glClipPlanefOES glClipPlanex glClipPlanexOES glColor4f glColor4ub glColor4x glColor4xOES glColorMask glColorMaski glColorMaskiEXT glColorMaskiOES glColorPointer glCompileShader glCompressedTexImage2D glCompressedTexImage3D glCompressedTexImage3DOES glCompressedTexSubImage2D glCompressedTexSubImage3D glCompressedTexSubImage3DOES glCopyBufferSubData glCopyImageSubData glCopyImageSubDataEXT glCopyImageSubDataOES glCopyTexImage2D glCopyTexSubImage2D glCopyTexSubImage3D glCopyTexSubImage3DOES glCreateProgram glCreateShader glCreateShaderProgramv glCullFace glCurrentPaletteMatrixOES glDebugMessageCallback glDebugMessageCallbackKHR glDebugMessageControl glDebugMessageControlKHR glDebugMessageInsert glDebugMessageInsertKHR glDeleteBuffers glDeleteFramebuffers glDeleteFramebuffersOES glDeleteProgram glDeleteProgramPipelines glDeleteQueries glDeleteQueriesEXT glDeleteRenderbuffers glDeleteRenderbuffersOES glDeleteSamplers glDeleteShader glDeleteSync glDeleteTextures glDeleteTransformFeedbacks glDeleteVertexArrays glDeleteVertexArraysOES glDepthFunc glDepthMask glDepthRangef glDepthRangefOES glDepthRangex glDepthRangexOES glDetachShader glDisable glDisableClientState glDisableVertexAttribArray glDisablei glDisableiEXT glDisableiOES glDiscardFramebufferEXT glDispatchCompute glDispatchComputeIndirect glDrawArrays glDrawArraysIndirect glDrawArraysInstanced glDrawBuffers glDrawElements glDrawElementsBaseVertex glDrawElementsBaseVertexEXT glDrawElementsBaseVertexOES glDrawElementsIndirect glDrawElementsInstanced glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexEXT glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexOES glDrawRangeElements glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertexEXT glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertexOES glDrawTexfOES glDrawTexfvOES glDrawTexiOES glDrawTexivOES glDrawTexsOES glDrawTexsvOES glDrawTexxOES glDrawTexxvOES glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES glEnable glEnableClientState glEnableVertexAttribArray glEnablei glEnableiEXT glEnableiOES glEndQuery glEndQueryEXT glEndTransformFeedback glFenceSync glFinish glFlush glFlushMappedBufferRange glFogf glFogfv glFogx glFogxOES glFogxv glFogxvOES glFramebufferParameteri glFramebufferRenderbuffer glFramebufferRenderbufferOES glFramebufferTexture glFramebufferTexture2D glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT glFramebufferTexture2DOES glFramebufferTexture3DOES glFramebufferTextureEXT glFramebufferTextureLayer glFramebufferTextureMultisampleMultiviewOVR glFramebufferTextureMultiviewOVR glFramebufferTextureOES glFrontFace glFrustumf glFrustumfOES glFrustumx glFrustumxOES glGenBuffers glGenFramebuffers glGenFramebuffersOES glGenProgramPipelines glGenQueries glGenQueriesEXT glGenRenderbuffers glGenRenderbuffersOES glGenSamplers glGenTextures glGenTransformFeedbacks glGenVertexArrays glGenVertexArraysOES glGenerateMipmap glGenerateMipmapOES glGetActiveAttrib glGetActiveUniform glGetActiveUniformBlockName glGetActiveUniformBlockiv glGetActiveUniformsiv glGetAttachedShaders glGetAttribLocation glGetBooleani_v glGetBooleanv glGetBufferParameteri64v glGetBufferParameteriv glGetBufferPointerv glGetBufferPointervOES glGetClipPlanef glGetClipPlanefOES glGetClipPlanex glGetClipPlanexOES glGetDebugMessageLog glGetDebugMessageLogKHR glGetError glGetFixedv glGetFixedvOES glGetFloatv glGetFragDataLocation glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivOES glGetFramebufferParameteriv glGetGraphicsResetStatus glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT glGetGraphicsResetStatusKHR glGetInteger64i_v glGetInteger64v glGetIntegeri_v glGetIntegerv glGetInternalformativ glGetLightfv glGetLightxv glGetLightxvOES glGetMaterialfv glGetMaterialxv glGetMaterialxvOES glGetMultisamplefv glGetObjectLabel glGetObjectLabelKHR glGetObjectPtrLabel glGetObjectPtrLabelKHR glGetPointerv glGetPointervKHR glGetProgramBinary glGetProgramBinaryOES glGetProgramInfoLog glGetProgramInterfaceiv glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog glGetProgramPipelineiv glGetProgramResourceIndex glGetProgramResourceLocation glGetProgramResourceName glGetProgramResourceiv glGetProgramiv glGetQueryObjecti64vEXT glGetQueryObjectivEXT glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT glGetQueryObjectuiv glGetQueryObjectuivEXT glGetQueryiv glGetQueryivEXT glGetRenderbufferParameteriv glGetRenderbufferParameterivOES glGetSamplerParameterIiv glGetSamplerParameterIivEXT glGetSamplerParameterIivOES glGetSamplerParameterIuiv glGetSamplerParameterIuivEXT glGetSamplerParameterIuivOES glGetSamplerParameterfv glGetSamplerParameteriv glGetShaderInfoLog glGetShaderPrecisionFormat glGetShaderSource glGetShaderiv glGetString glGetStringi glGetSynciv glGetTexEnvfv glGetTexEnviv glGetTexEnvxv glGetTexEnvxvOES glGetTexGenfvOES glGetTexGenivOES glGetTexGenxvOES glGetTexLevelParameterfv glGetTexLevelParameteriv glGetTexParameterIiv glGetTexParameterIivEXT glGetTexParameterIivOES glGetTexParameterIuiv glGetTexParameterIuivEXT glGetTexParameterIuivOES glGetTexParameterfv glGetTexParameteriv glGetTexParameterxv glGetTexParameterxvOES glGetTransformFeedbackVarying glGetUniformBlockIndex glGetUniformIndices glGetUniformLocation glGetUniformfv glGetUniformiv glGetUniformuiv glGetVertexAttribIiv glGetVertexAttribIuiv glGetVertexAttribPointerv glGetVertexAttribfv glGetVertexAttribiv glGetnUniformfv glGetnUniformfvEXT glGetnUniformfvKHR glGetnUniformiv glGetnUniformivEXT glGetnUniformivKHR glGetnUniformuiv glGetnUniformuivKHR glHint glInvalidateFramebuffer glInvalidateSubFramebuffer glIsBuffer glIsEnabled glIsEnabledi glIsEnablediEXT glIsEnablediOES glIsFramebuffer glIsFramebufferOES glIsProgram glIsProgramPipeline glIsQuery glIsQueryEXT glIsRenderbuffer glIsRenderbufferOES glIsSampler glIsShader glIsSync glIsTexture glIsTransformFeedback glIsVertexArray glIsVertexArrayOES glLightModelf glLightModelfv glLightModelx glLightModelxOES glLightModelxv glLightModelxvOES glLightf glLightfv glLightx glLightxOES glLightxv glLightxvOES glLineWidth glLineWidthx glLineWidthxOES glLinkProgram glLoadIdentity glLoadMatrixf glLoadMatrixx glLoadMatrixxOES glLoadPaletteFromModelViewMatrixOES glLogicOp glMapBufferOES glMapBufferRange glMaterialf glMaterialfv glMaterialx glMaterialxOES glMaterialxv glMaterialxvOES glMatrixIndexPointerOES glMatrixMode glMemoryBarrier glMemoryBarrierByRegion glMinSampleShading glMinSampleShadingOES glMultMatrixf glMultMatrixx glMultMatrixxOES glMultiTexCoord4b glMultiTexCoord4bOES glMultiTexCoord4f glMultiTexCoord4x glMultiTexCoord4xOES glNormal3f glNormal3x glNormal3xOES glNormalPointer glObjectLabel glObjectLabelKHR glObjectPtrLabel glObjectPtrLabelKHR glOrthof glOrthofOES glOrthox glOrthoxOES glPatchParameteri glPatchParameteriEXT glPatchParameteriOES glPauseTransformFeedback glPixelStorei glPointParameterf glPointParameterfv glPointParameterx glPointParameterxOES glPointParameterxv glPointParameterxvOES glPointSize glPointSizePointerOES glPointSizex glPointSizexOES glPolygonOffset glPolygonOffsetx glPolygonOffsetxOES glPopDebugGroup glPopDebugGroupKHR glPopMatrix glPrimitiveBoundingBox glPrimitiveBoundingBoxEXT glPrimitiveBoundingBoxOES glProgramBinary glProgramBinaryOES glProgramParameteri glProgramUniform1f glProgramUniform1fv glProgramUniform1i glProgramUniform1iv glProgramUniform1ui glProgramUniform1uiv glProgramUniform2f glProgramUniform2fv glProgramUniform2i glProgramUniform2iv glProgramUniform2ui glProgramUniform2uiv glProgramUniform3f glProgramUniform3fv glProgramUniform3i glProgramUniform3iv glProgramUniform3ui glProgramUniform3uiv glProgramUniform4f glProgramUniform4fv glProgramUniform4i glProgramUniform4iv glProgramUniform4ui glProgramUniform4uiv glProgramUniformMatrix2fv glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv glProgramUniformMatrix3fv glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv glProgramUniformMatrix4fv glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv glPushDebugGroup glPushDebugGroupKHR glPushMatrix glQueryCounterEXT glQueryMatrixxOES glReadBuffer glReadPixels glReadnPixels glReadnPixelsEXT glReadnPixelsKHR glReleaseShaderCompiler glRenderbufferStorage glRenderbufferStorageMultisample glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT glRenderbufferStorageOES glResumeTransformFeedback glRotatef glRotatex glRotatexOES glSampleCoverage glSampleCoveragex glSampleCoveragexOES glSampleMaski glSamplerParameterIiv glSamplerParameterIivEXT glSamplerParameterIivOES glSamplerParameterIuiv glSamplerParameterIuivEXT glSamplerParameterIuivOES glSamplerParameterf glSamplerParameterfv glSamplerParameteri glSamplerParameteriv glScalef glScalex glScalexOES glScissor glShadeModel glShaderBinary glShaderSource glStencilFunc glStencilFuncSeparate glStencilMask glStencilMaskSeparate glStencilOp glStencilOpSeparate glTexBuffer glTexBufferEXT glTexBufferOES glTexBufferRange glTexBufferRangeEXT glTexBufferRangeOES glTexCoordPointer glTexEnvf glTexEnvfv glTexEnvi glTexEnviv glTexEnvx glTexEnvxOES glTexEnvxv glTexEnvxvOES glTexGenfOES glTexGenfvOES glTexGeniOES glTexGenivOES glTexGenxOES glTexGenxvOES glTexImage2D glTexImage3D glTexImage3DOES glTexParameterIiv glTexParameterIivEXT glTexParameterIivOES glTexParameterIuiv glTexParameterIuivEXT glTexParameterIuivOES glTexParameterf glTexParameterfv glTexParameteri glTexParameteriv glTexParameterx glTexParameterxOES glTexParameterxv glTexParameterxvOES glTexStorage2D glTexStorage2DEXT glTexStorage2DMultisample glTexStorage3D glTexStorage3DEXT glTexStorage3DMultisample glTexStorage3DMultisampleOES glTexSubImage2D glTexSubImage3D glTexSubImage3DOES glTransformFeedbackVaryings glTranslatef glTranslatex glTranslatexOES glUniform1f glUniform1fv glUniform1i glUniform1iv glUniform1ui glUniform1uiv glUniform2f glUniform2fv glUniform2i glUniform2iv glUniform2ui glUniform2uiv glUniform3f glUniform3fv glUniform3i glUniform3iv glUniform3ui glUniform3uiv glUniform4f glUniform4fv glUniform4i glUniform4iv glUniform4ui glUniform4uiv glUniformBlockBinding glUniformMatrix2fv glUniformMatrix2x3fv glUniformMatrix2x4fv glUniformMatrix3fv glUniformMatrix3x2fv glUniformMatrix3x4fv glUniformMatrix4fv glUniformMatrix4x2fv glUniformMatrix4x3fv glUnmapBuffer glUnmapBufferOES glUseProgram glUseProgramStages glValidateProgram glValidateProgramPipeline glVertexAttrib1f glVertexAttrib1fv glVertexAttrib2f glVertexAttrib2fv glVertexAttrib3f glVertexAttrib3fv glVertexAttrib4f glVertexAttrib4fv glVertexAttribBinding glVertexAttribDivisor glVertexAttribFormat glVertexAttribI4i glVertexAttribI4iv glVertexAttribI4ui glVertexAttribI4uiv glVertexAttribIFormat glVertexAttribIPointer glVertexAttribPointer glVertexBindingDivisor glVertexPointer glViewport glWaitSync glWeightPointerOES gl_mali_ViewportTransform gl_mali_rotate gl_mali_rotate_invert gl_mali_rotate_point_coord gl_mali_FragCoordOffset gl_DepthRange.near gl_DepthRange.far gl_DepthRange.diff gl_mali_TextureSizesVertex gl_mali_TextureGatherMirrorVertex gl_mali_TextureSizesFragment gl_mali_SampleNumMask gl_mali_ImageSizesFragment gl_mali_SamplePosition gl_mali_SampleBuffers gl_mali_TextureGatherMirrorFragment gl_mali_TextureSizesTessCtrl gl_mali_NumWorkGroupsTessCtrl gl_mali_PatchVerticesInTessCtrl gl_mali_TextureGatherMirrorTessCtrl gl_mali_TextureSizesTessEval gl_mali_NumWorkGroupsTessEval gl_mali_PatchVerticesInTessEval gl_mali_TextureGatherMirrorTessEval gl_mali_TextureSizesGeometry gl_mali_NumWorkGroupsGeometry gl_mali_TextureGatherMirrorGeometry gl_mali_PrimitivesGenerated gl_mali_TessIsPreviousGeometry gl_mali_TessIsPreviousFragment gl_mali_non_rmu_buffer gl_mali_ColorSpaceCoeffCompute gl_mali_ColorSpaceCoeffVertex MPB1 VRSN SSEP STRI VERT CTRL EVAL GEOM FRAG BATT COMP Link failed because of missing vertex shader. Link failed because of invalid vertex shader. Link failed because of missing fragment shader. Link failed because of invalid fragment shader. Link failed because of invalid compute shader. Link failed because of missing tessellation control shader. Link failed because of invalid tessellation control shader. Link failed because of missing tessellation evaluation shader. Link failed because of invalid tessellation evaluation shader. Link failed because of invalid geometry shader. Link failed because of missing shader. Link failed because of the mix between a compute shader and a non-compute shader. Link failed because the number of transform feedback varyings is > 0 and the program does not have a vertex, tessellation evaluation or geometry shader. Two or more active samplers of different type are assigned to the same texture unit. The program object is incomplete. adj_vert_elimination draw_indirect draw_indirect_idvs draw_indirect_index_scan geom_blocks geom_input_reorder geom_input_reorder_STATICCOUNTS geom_input_reorder_STATICCOUNTS_PG geom_layers primitives_generated primitives_generated_indirect tess_pass2_allocator_idvs tess_pass4_index_PG generate_mipmap_SAMPLE_T2D generate_mipmap_SAMPLE_T2D_W_ODD generate_mipmap_SAMPLE_T2D_H_ODD generate_mipmap_SAMPLE_T2D_WH_ODD generate_mipmap_SAMPLE_T3D generate_mipmap_SAMPLE_T3D_W_ODD generate_mipmap_SAMPLE_T3D_H_ODD generate_mipmap_SAMPLE_T3D_WH_ODD OpenGL ES-CM 1.1 v1.r10p0-01rel0.18d0462009affd05c324ea67886ec08c Error Warning Performance Information no error failed to allocate CPU memory failed to allocate GPU memory execution failed <program> is not a value generated by OpenGL <shader> is already attached to <program> another shader of the same type as <shader> is already attached to <program> <shader> is not attached to <program> <program> could not be made part of current state. <program> is not linked <maxLength> is less than 0 <maxCount> is less than 0 <pname> is not an accepted value <index> is invalid <name> starts with reserved prefix 'gl_' <program> is not a program object <transpose> is not GL_FALSE <location> is an invalid uniform location for the current program object and <location> is not equal to -1 <count> is less than 0 <primcount> is less than 0 there is no current program object <count> is greater than 1 and the indicated uniform variable is not an array variable uniform variable is not a matrix the wrong API function was called for setting a matrix the size of the uniform variable declared in the shader does not match the size indicated by the glUniform command glUniform1i and glUniform1iv are the only two functions that may be used to load uniform variables defined as sampler types image uniforms cannot be set with glUniform one of the integer variants of glUniform is used to load a uniform variable of type float, vec2, vec3, vec4, or an array of these one of the floating-point variants of glUniform is used to load a uniform variable of type u/int, u/ivec2, u/ivec3, u/ivec4, or an array of these <mode> is not an accepted value <type> is not an accepted value <width> is negative <height> is negative <depth> is negative bits other than GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT and GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT are set in <mask> <format> is not an accepted value <type> is GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5 and <format> is not GL_RGB (or) <type> is GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4 or GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1 and <format> is not GL_RGBA <shader> is zero <program> is zero <shader> is not a value generated by OpenGL <shaderType> is not an accepted value <bufSize> is less than 0 <propCount> is 0 <propCount> is 0 or negative <size> is less than 0 <shader> is not a shader object <face> is a value other than GL_FRONT, GL_BACK, or GL_FRONT_AND_BACK <sfail> is a value other than the eight defined symbolic constant values <dpfail> is a value other than the eight defined symbolic constant values <dppass> is a value other than the eight defined symbolic constant values <func> is not one of the eight accepted values <cap> is not one of the accepted values <precisionType> is not an accepted value <name> is not an accepted value <target> is not an accepted value <alignment> is specified as other than 1, 2, 4, or 8 <size> is not 1, 2, 3 or 4 <stride> is negative <stride> is larger than GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIB_STRIDE OpenGL ES API version mismatch input buffer pointer is NULL input buffer pointer is incorrectly aligned output buffer pointer is NULL texture unit assigned to uniform is outside allowed range image unit assigned to uniform is outside allowed range <n> is negative <param> is not an accepted value <texture> is not an accepted value <texture> was previously created with a target that doesn't match that of <target> <modeRGB> is not an accepted value <modeAlpha> is not an accepted value <sfactor> is not an accepted value <dfactor> is not an accepted value <srcRGB> is not an accepted value <dstRGB> is not an accepted value <srcAlpha> is not an accepted value <dstAlpha> is not an accepted value <border> is not zero <level> is not an accepted value <num_views> is not an accepted value <levels> is not an accepted value invalid dimensions <format> and <internalformat> mismatch <format>, <type> and <internalformat> are not a valid combination <index> is greater than or equal to GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES <index> is greater than or equal to GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS <index> is greater than or equal to the number of active varyings <index> is greater than or equal to the number of active shader storage variables <index> is greater than or equal to the number of active fragment outputs <index> is greater than or equal to the number of active transform feedback varyings <index> is greater than or equal to the number of active atomic counter buffers <index> is greater than or equal to the number of active buffer variables <index> is greater than or equal to the number of active shader storage blocks <usage> is not an accepted value <access> is not an accepted value the reserved buffer object 0 is bound to <target> currently bound framebuffer is not valid for this operation <textarget> is not valid <attachment> is not valid <pname> is not valid for this attachment <renderbuffer> is not an accepted value <renderbuffertarget> is not valid no renderbuffer bound to target GL_RENDERBUFFER <first> is negative <offset> is negative <offset> + <size> define a region of memory that extends beyond the allocated buffer <size> is zero or negative matrix stack overflow matrix stack underflow <near> or <far> is not positive, or <left> = <right>, or <bottom> = <top>, or <near> = <far> <left> = <right>, or <bottom> = <top>, or <near> = <far> <index> is greater than or equal to GL_MAX_PALETTE_MATRICES_OES <index> is greater than or equal to GL_MAX_LIGHTS <exponent> must be within the range [0,128] <cutoff> must be within the range [0,90] or the special value 180 <attenuation> is negative <plane> is invalid <image_size> is invalid <count> doesn't match actual count <binaryformat> is not an accepted value the data pointed to by <binary> does not follow the corresponding binary format the data pointed to by <binary> is not GL_MALI_SHADER_BINARY_ARM <length> is less than 0 <shaders> contain multiple vertex shaders or multiple fragment shaders <opcode> is invalid <width> is less than or equal to 0 <height> is less than or equal to 0 <depth> is less than or equal to 0 <image> is not a valid EGLImage <image> is a valid EGLImage but has an unsupported format texture format does not support mipmap generation texture is a depth texture texture dimensions are not powers of two texture is not complete texture is not cube complete texture is not cube array complete format does not allow sub-image uploads texture image does not exist cannot specify a default texture object from an EGLimage <internalformat> is a compressed texture format which is not valid for this command <internalformat> is not an accepted value the buffer is already mapped the buffer is not mapped the buffer to be mapped is zero-sized the object name has not been generated by glGenXXX <pointer> must be NULL when no buffer is bound to GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, and a non-default vertex attribute array is bound a query is currently active the name has not been generated query type mismatch query name is 0 query is active invalid query object entrypoint is not supported a default texture is bound to <target> the buffer/texture bound to <target> is immutable <end> is less than <start> <size> cannot be 1 <size> must be 4 <numAttachments> is less than 0 the current program state is not valid <layer> is not an accepted value <length> must not be zero the storage space needed exceeds the available address range invalid number of samples <samples> is negative <coord> is not an accepted value one of the signed integer variants of glUniform is used to load a uniform variable of type uint, uvec2, uvec3, uvec4, or an array of these one of the unsigned integer variants of glUniform is used to load a uniform variable of type int, ivec2, ivec3, ivec4, or an array of these <target> is GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT but the same object is not bound to DEPTH and STENCIL attachments input buffer is too small output buffer is too small output buffer pointer is incorrectly aligned <sampler> is not a sampler object an attachment has a color format which does not support blending advanced blending equation used with multiple color buffers fragment shader used with incompatible advanced blending equation shader pixel local storage is not allowed with multiple color attachments or draw buffers cannot delete current draw FBO when shader pixel local storage is enabled cannot change current draw FBO when shader pixel local storage is enabled cannot modify current draw FBO attachments when shader pixel local storage is enabled cannot modify draw buffers when shader pixel local storage is enabled shader pixel local storage is not allowed with incomplete framebuffers shader pixel local storage is not allowed with multisampled framebuffers cannot draw using a program which accesses shader pixel local storage when shader pixel local storage is not enabled Operation not allowed on the default framebuffer <n> must be 1 for the default framebuffer <n> specifies more than GL_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS the default framebuffer does not have numbered color attachments color attachments must be specified in order non-default framebuffers do not have a GL_BACK buffer no GL_READ_BUFFER no GL_DRAW_BUFFERS <filter> cannot be GL_LINEAR when <mask> includes GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT or GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT invalid <filter> <filter> cannot be GL_LINEAR with integer color attachments color attachments must have identical formats when resolving color attachments must have consistent integer types no depth attachment cannot read from and draw to the same buffer depth attachments must have identical formats no stencil attachment stencil attachments must have identical formats source and destination rectangles must match when resolving GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER is multisampled <framebufferObject> is invalid <drawbuffer> is invalid invalid buffer invalid buffer range invalid buffer offset alignment invalid buffer size alignment invalid buffer binding point <block_index> is greater than or equal to GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_BLOCKS <block_index> is greater than or equal to GL_ACTIVE_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCKS cannot delete a transform feedback object which has transform feedback operation active cannot bind a buffer to a transform feedback object which has transform feedback operation active invalid transform feedback object <target> must be GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK <bufferMode> must be GL_SEPARATE_ATTRIBS or GL_INTERLEAVED_ATTRIBS cannot bind a new transform feedback object while the currently bound transform feedback object has transform feedback operation that is active and not paused. <primitiveMode> is invalid transform feedback operation is not allowed with indexed primitives transform feedback operation is already active transform feedback operation is already inactive transform feedback operation is not active or is active and already paused transform feedback operation is not active or is active and not paused cannot change program while transform feedback is active and not paused <mode> is not compatible with the primitive mode for current transform feedback operation not enough space to perform primitive capture in buffers bound to the current transform feedback operation <index> is greater than or equal to GL_MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_SEPARATE_ATTRIBS <count> is greater than GL_MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_SEPARATE_ATTRIBS the program associated with transform feedback object has been changed the current active program does not have a vertex shader to be used by XFB the program pipeline object associated with transform feedback object has been changed cannot link a program used by transform feedback object cannot flush buffer dependencies invalid sync object invalid sync <condition> invalid sync <flags> invalid sync <timeout> destination equals source but ranges overlap glCopyTex* requires that the data types of the source and destination match glCopyTex* requires that the channel sizes of the source and destination match cannot use (src)sRGB->(dst)linear or (src)linear->(dst)RGB for glCopyTex* glCopyTex* cannot copy from a channel that does not exist in the source no read attachment for glCopyTex* identifier is not a valid object type <source> is not a valid debug message source <type> is not a valid debug message type <severity> is not a valid debug message severity invalid combination of debug message filters message passed to debug functions was too long label passed to debug functions was too long debug group stack overflow debug group stack underflow <value> is not GL_FALSE or GL_TRUE this function cannot be applied to the default vertex array object <attribindex> is greater than or equal to GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS <bindingindex> is greater than or equal to GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIB_BINDINGS <relativeoffset> is greater than GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIB_RELATIVE_OFFSET <programInterface> is invalid <index> is not in the range [0,3) for the work group query the number of work groups in x dimension exceeds the maximum limit the number of work groups in y dimension exceeds the maximum limit the number of work groups in z dimension exceeds the maximum limit there is no active compute shader for the compute dispatch <pipeline> has a false validation status <pipeline> is not a value generated by OpenGL <pipeline> is does not represent an existing pipeline object <program> cannot be bound for individual pipeline stages <program> is not a program or a shader <barriers> has invalid barrier bit set <region> is invalid invalid image binding point the texture bound to image unit is not immutable buffer with indirect commands is not bound transform feedback operation is not allowed with draw indirect not all vertex attributes are backed by buffers default VAO is not allowed to use with draw indirect index buffer is not bound One of the PPO's installed programs was re-linked with GL_PROGRAM_SEPARABLE flag set to GL_FALSE The program installed only for part of the stages it was linked for There is missing active program for the vertex stage There is missing active program for the fragment stage There is missing active program for the tessellation control stage There is missing active program for the tessellation evaluation stage There is missing active program for the geometry stage The number of varyings in the programA program differ from the number of varyings in the programB program Either the programA varying does not have a match in programB shader or they differ on declaration The sum of the number of active samplers for each active program exceeds the maximum number of texture image units allowed Any two active samplers in the set of active program objects are of different types, but refer to the same texture image unit The sum of the number of active shader storage blocks for the current program pipeline object exceeds the limit surfaces have a different number of samples surfaces have a different number of bits per pixel/block texture coordinates not aligned to block coordinates of compressed texture <mode> is not compatible with tesselation enabled <mode> is not compatible with tesselation disabled The prim mode sent to GS is not compatible with the current input geometry mode This extension is not supported the number of frame buffer layers specified is negative the number of frame buffer layers is invalid transform feedback is active and OVR multiview drawcall is being performed mixing tessellation and OVR multiview drawcalls are not allowed a geometry shader is present in the program and an OVR multiview drawcall is being performed a timer query is active and an OVR multiview drawcall is being performed OVR multiview extension is unsupported for this configuration read from framebuffer when number of views is greater than 1 is invalid the number of views declared in VS is not matching the number of views the drawcall is addressing The GLES context has been lost Adding <basevertex> to the given indices results in negative values Color mask cannot have a disabled component when used together with YUV color buffer. <flags> has any bits set other than GL_MAP_READ_BIT, GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT, GL_MAP_PERSISTENT_BIT_EXT, GL_MAP_COHERENT_BIT_EXT, GL_DYNAMIC_STORAGE_BIT_EXT and GL_CLIENT_STORAGE_BIT_EXT #version 310 es #extension GL_ARM_explicit_attribute_access : require layout(local_size_x=1) in; layout(binding=%d, std430) buffer vertex_data_block { uint instance_count; uint vertex_count; uint padded_vertex_count; int base_vertex; uint prim_restart; uint base_index; } vertex_data; layout(binding=%d, std430) buffer OutputAdSSBO { AD output_ad[]; }; struct XFBvar { uint explicit_loc; uint ad_count; uint stride; int buffer_pos; }; layout(binding=%d, std430) buffer XfbvarsSSBO { XFBvar xfbvar[]; }; layout(binding=%d, std430) buffer ExlocToAdIdxMapSSBO { uint exloc_adidx_map[]; }; layout(binding=%d, std430) buffer MaxPrimitivesSSBO { uint max_primitives; }; layout(binding=%d, std430) buffer PrimitivesWrittenQuerySSBO { uint query_prims_written; }; layout(binding = %d, std430) buffer Growable { uint growable[]; }; struct IndexBuffer { uint offset; uint num_indices; uint cur_index; }; layout(binding=%d, std430) buffer LayeredIndexBufferSSBO { IndexBuffer indexbuffers[]; }; layout(location=%d) in %s inVal%d[%d]; layout(location=%d) out %s outVal%d[%d]; layout(location=%d) in %s inVal%d; layout(location=%d) out %s outVal%d; uvec2 indexbuffer_select() { uint minimum=~0u; uint layeridx=0u; uint prs_removed=0u; for (int i=0;i<indexbuffers.length();i++) { while (indexbuffers[i].cur_index<indexbuffers[i].num_indices && growable[indexbuffers[i].offset+indexbuffers[i].cur_index]==vertex_data.prim_restart) { indexbuffers[i].cur_index++; prs_removed++; } if (indexbuffers[i].cur_index<indexbuffers[i].num_indices && minimum>growable[indexbuffers[i].offset+indexbuffers[i].cur_index]) { minimum=growable[indexbuffers[i].offset+indexbuffers[i].cur_index]; layeridx=uint(i); } } return uvec2(layeridx, prs_removed); } layout(location=%d) out uint index_array; void main() { for (int i=0;i<xfbvar.length();i++) { if (exloc_adidx_map[xfbvar[i].explicit_loc] == ~0u) continue; for (uint j=0u;j<xfbvar[i].ad_count;j++) { output_ad[exloc_adidx_map[xfbvar[i].explicit_loc+j]].offset+=xfbvar[i].buffer_pos; } } uint out_addr=0u; uint prims_written=0u; for (uint i=0u;i<vertex_data.instance_count;i++) { %s%suint in_addr=0u; uint offset=i*vertex_data.padded_vertex_count; while (in_addr+%zuu < vertex_data.vertex_count && prims_written < max_primitives) { uint winding=0u; uint base_index=vertex_data.prim_restart; bool close_prim=false; uvec2 tmp=indexbuffer_select(); uint layeridx=tmp.x; in_addr+=tmp.y; if (indexbuffers[layeridx].cur_index+%zuu>=indexbuffers[layeridx].num_indices) { in_addr+=(indexbuffers[layeridx].num_indices-indexbuffers[layeridx].cur_index-1u); indexbuffers[layeridx].cur_index=indexbuffers[layeridx].num_indices; continue; } uint index%d=growable[indexbuffers[layeridx].offset+indexbuffers[layeridx].cur_index+%du]; uint index%d=loadExplicitARM(index_array, in_addr+%du); uint index%d=in_addr+offset+%du; if (index%d == vertex_data.prim_restart) { in_addr+=%du; indexbuffers[layeridx].cur_index+=%du; continue; } if (index%d == vertex_data.prim_restart) { in_addr+=%du; continue; } index%d+=offset; index%d=uint(int(index%d)+vertex_data.base_vertex); base_index=index0; close_prim=true; storeExplicitARM(outVal%d[%d], out_addr+%du, loadExplicitARM(inVal%d[%d], index%d)); storeExplicitARM(outVal%d, out_addr+%du, loadExplicitARM(inVal%d, index%d)); in_addr+=%zuu; indexbuffers[layeridx].cur_index+=%zuu; out_addr+=%zuu; prims_written++; in_addr+=%zuu; out_addr+=%zuu; prims_written++; winding^=1u; while (indexbuffers[layeridx].cur_index < indexbuffers[layeridx].num_indices && prims_written < max_primitives) { while (in_addr < vertex_data.vertex_count && prims_written < max_primitives) { uint index_next=growable[indexbuffers[layeridx].offset+indexbuffers[layeridx].cur_index]; uint index_next=loadExplicitARM(index_array, in_addr); uint index_next=in_addr+offset; if (index_next == vertex_data.prim_restart) { storeExplicitARM(outVal%d[%d], out_addr, loadExplicitARM(outVal%d[%d], out_addr-1u)); storeExplicitARM(outVal%d[%d], out_addr+1u, loadExplicitARM(inVal%d[%d], base_index)); storeExplicitARM(outVal%d, out_addr, loadExplicitARM(outVal%d, out_addr-1u)); storeExplicitARM(outVal%d, out_addr+1u, loadExplicitARM(inVal%d, base_index)); close_prim=false; out_addr+=2u; prims_written++; winding=0u; in_addr++; %sbreak; } indexbuffers[layeridx].cur_index++; index_next+=offset; index_next=uint(int(index_next)+vertex_data.base_vertex); storeExplicitARM(outVal%d[%d], out_addr, loadExplicitARM(outVal%d[%d], out_addr-1u)); storeExplicitARM(outVal%d[%d], out_addr+1u, loadExplicitARM(inVal%d[%d], index_next)); storeExplicitARM(outVal%d, out_addr, loadExplicitARM(outVal%d, out_addr-1u)); storeExplicitARM(outVal%d, out_addr+1u, loadExplicitARM(inVal%d, index_next)); in_addr++; %sout_addr+=2u; prims_written++; index0=growable[indexbuffers[layeridx].offset+indexbuffers[layeridx].cur_index-2u+winding]+offset; index0=uint(int(index0)+vertex_data.base_vertex); index1=growable[indexbuffers[layeridx].offset+indexbuffers[layeridx].cur_index-1u-winding]+offset; index1=uint(int(index1)+vertex_data.base_vertex); index0=loadExplicitARM(index_array, in_addr-2u+winding)+offset; index0=uint(int(index0)+vertex_data.base_vertex); index1=loadExplicitARM(index_array, in_addr-1u-winding)+offset; index1=uint(int(index1)+vertex_data.base_vertex); index0=in_addr-2u+winding+offset; index1=in_addr-1u-winding+offset; storeExplicitARM(outVal%d[%d], out_addr, loadExplicitARM(inVal%d[%d], index0)); storeExplicitARM(outVal%d[%d], out_addr+1u, loadExplicitARM(inVal%d[%d], index1)); storeExplicitARM(outVal%d[%d], out_addr+2u, loadExplicitARM(inVal%d[%d], index_next)); storeExplicitARM(outVal%d, out_addr, loadExplicitARM(inVal%d, index0)); storeExplicitARM(outVal%d, out_addr+1u, loadExplicitARM(inVal%d, index1)); storeExplicitARM(outVal%d, out_addr+2u, loadExplicitARM(inVal%d, index_next)); in_addr++; %sout_addr+=3u; winding^=1u; prims_written++; storeExplicitARM(outVal%d[%d], out_addr, loadExplicitARM(outVal%d[%d], out_addr-3u)); storeExplicitARM(outVal%d[%d], out_addr+1u, loadExplicitARM(outVal%d[%d], out_addr-1u)); storeExplicitARM(outVal%d[%d], out_addr+2u, loadExplicitARM(inVal%d[%d], index_next)); storeExplicitARM(outVal%d, out_addr, loadExplicitARM(outVal%d, out_addr-3u)); storeExplicitARM(outVal%d, out_addr+1u, loadExplicitARM(outVal%d, out_addr-1u)); storeExplicitARM(outVal%d, out_addr+2u, loadExplicitARM(inVal%d, index_next)); in_addr++; %sout_addr+=3u; prims_written++; } if (close_prim && prims_written < max_primitives) { out_addr+=2u; prims_written++; } } for (int i=0;i<xfbvar.length();i++) { xfbvar[i].buffer_pos+=int(out_addr*xfbvar[i].stride); } max_primitives-=prims_written; query_prims_written+=prims_written; } The %s %s variable %s does not match the %s variable declared in earlier shader stages. L0008 The variable %s %s is declared with inconsistent invariant qualifiers. Program object contains compute shader without an input layout qualifier specifying a fixed local size. compute vertex tessellation control tessellation evaluation geometry fragment Variable specified in the transform feedback varyings array is not declared as an output in the %s shader. Variable %s specified in the transform feedback varying array is of type struct. Struct members must be specified individually. Variable %s specified in the transform feedback varying array is of type array of struct. Struct members of array elements must be specified individually. More than one entry in the transform feedback varying array refers to the same output variable %s. An entry of the transform feedback varying array is an element of an array which is already captured: %s iscontained in %s. The total number of components to capture is %u and is greater than theconstant GL_MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_INTERLEAVED_COMPONENTS = %u. The number of variables specified in varyings is %u and is greater than the constant GL_MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_SEPARATE_ATTRIBS = %u. The number of components to capture in any output in varyings is %u and is greater than the constant GL_MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_SEPARATE_COMPONENTS = %u. Fragment shader uses a varying %s that has not been declared in the vertex shader. The %s input variable %s does not have a matching %s output variable. Builtin fragment shader variable gl_FragCoord is invariant while builtin vertex shader variable gl_Position is not. Builtin fragment shader variable gl_PointCoord is invariant while builtin vertex shader variable gl_PointSize is not. The %s variable %s and the %s variable %s are both declared with location %d. L0005 The number of %s uniform components (%u) is greater than the maximum number allowed (%u). The number of %s uniform vectors (%u) is greater than the maximum number allowed (%u). The number of combined %s uniform components (%u) is greater than the maximum number allowed (%u). The number of %s uniform blocks (%u) is greater than the maximum number allowed (%u). The number of combined shader storage blocks (%u) is greater than the maximum number allowed (%u). The number of %s samplers (%u) is greater than the maximum number allowed (%u). The number of combined samplers (%u) is greater than the maximum number allowed (%u). The number of %s image uniforms (%u) is greater than the maximum number allowed (%u). The number of combined image uniforms (%u) is greater than the maximum number allowed (%u). The number of %s shader storage blocks (%u) is greater than the maximum number allowed (%u). The number of %s atomic counters (%u) is greater than the maximum number allowed (%u). The number of %s atomic counter buffers (%u) is greater than the maximum number allowed (%u). The number of combined atomic counters (%u) is greater than the maximum number allowed (%u). The number of combined atomic counter buffers (%u) is greater than the maximum number allowed (%u). The number of geometry shader total output components (%u) is greater than the maximum number allowed (%u). The number of tessellation control shader total output components (%u) is greater than the maximum number allowed (%u). The number of %s shader per-patch output components (%u) is greater than the maximum number allowed (%u). The number of %s shader per-patch input components (%u) is greater than the maximum number allowed (%u). The number of %s shader output components (%u) is greater than the maximum number allowed (%u). The number of %s shader input components (%u) is greater than the maximum number allowed (%u). The number of %s and %s shader varying components (%u) is greater than the maximum number allowed (%u). Work group size for dimension X is too big. Work group size for dimension Y is too big. Work group size for dimension Z is too big. Max number of total work group invocations exceeded. The number of geometry shader output vertices (%u) is greater than the maximum number allowed (%u). L0001 Interface block member %s is missing explicit location qualifier. When some members are declared with explicit location either the block must be declared with explicit location, or all members must be correctly declared with explicit locations. F0001 Out of memory while setting error log gl_mali_rmu_data_area_ptr_frag gl_mali_rmu_data_area_ptr_vert gl_mali_rmu_data_area_ptr_comp gl_mali_tb_icd 1.2.8 floating-point integer boolean matrix array structure atomic counter interface block Explicit location '%d' assigned to vertex input '%s' is larger than the max supported value, '%d' The initial offset for attribute %s exceed the maximum attribute size. osu_mutex_lock osu_mutex_unlock osu_spinlock_lock osu_spinlock_unlock *!* In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/osu/platform_dummy/mali_osu.c line: 886 In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/osu/platform_dummy/mali_osu.c line: 901 In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/osu/platform_dummy/mali_osu_libhooks.c line: 100 <dummy> mali INIT In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cdbg/src/mali_cdbg_channels.c line: 567 Initing shared dests 0x%x: failed to init 0x%x. Some debug output may not appear due to this In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cdbg/src/mali_cdbg_channels.c line: 645 Initing dest bitpattern 0x%x for channel %d: failed dests bitpattern is 0x%x. Some debug output may not appear from this channel. In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cdbg/src/mali_cdbg_control.c line: 324 Failed to allocate %zu bytes for environment variable value In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cdbg/src/mali_cdbg_control.c line: 351 In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cdbg/src/mali_cdbg_control.c line: 217 Trailing '%c' at end of permissions '%s' In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cdbg/src/mali_cdbg_control.c line: 221 Missing '%c' in permissions '%s' In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cdbg/src/mali_cdbg_control.c line: 227 In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cdbg/src/mali_cdbg_control.c line: 251 Unrecognized feature name '%.*s' in permissions '%s' In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cdbg/src/mali_cdbg_control.c line: 264 MALI In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cdbg/src/mali_cdbg_env.c line: 918 In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cdbg/src/mali_cdbg_env.c line: 857 Correct format for process specific variable key is {PROCESS_NAME}%c{FEATURE_NAME} In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cdbg/src/mali_cdbg_env.c line: 887 Failed to set variable %s=%s from default configuration file In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cdbg/src/mali_cdbg_env.c line: 547 In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cdbg/src/mali_cdbg_env.c line: 551 Line of default configuration file is too long to be processed In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cdbg/src/mali_cdbg_env.c line: 765 cdbgp_populate_from_system_environment Initialization of a handle to the system environment failed (%d) In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cdbg/src/mali_cdbg_env.c line: 788 Failed to set variable %s=%s from environment In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cdbg/src/mali_cdbg_failure.c line: 96 ==>[%s] (%s) %s: %s %s In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cdbg/src/mali_cdbg_print.c line: 256 In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cdbg/src/mali_cdbg_print.c line: 266 The winsys crop rectangle covers more or less than the external buffer size The winsys crop rectangle strays outside the external buffer size Private handle is NULL Runtime and build version of gralloc private structure does not match for handle %p. Errors will likely follow. Invalid formats. P010, P210 and Y410 only supported without AFBC. Shared attribute region not available to be mapped Failed to mmap shared attribute region err=%s Failed to mmap the gralloc attribute region. EGL color buffer format cannot be determined. eglDupNativeFenceFDANDROID eglSetBlobCacheFuncsANDROID mali_winsys EGL_BAD_NATIVE_WINDOW:NULL Window EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) Unknown error querying native window %d Buffer is protected but EGL_USE_PROTECTED_SURFACE is not set compiler_type openglessl tessellation_control tessellation_evaluation spirv true #define %s : Warning: architecture bifrost result_type render_target spilling_used work_registers_used uniform_registers_used arithmetic_cycles arithmetic_shortest_path arithmetic_longest_path load_store_cycles load_store_shortest_path load_store_longest_path texture_cycles texture_shortest_path texture_longest_path Mali-G71 r0p0 r0p1 r1p0 r1p1 Mali-TDVX r0p2 r0p3 Mali-TNOX Mali-TGOX Mali-TKAX Mali-TTRX Mali-TBOX Mali-TEGX openglessl_extensions vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties vkEnumerateInstanceLayerProperties vkCreateInstance vkAllocateCommandBuffers vkAllocateDescriptorSets vkAllocateMemory vkBeginCommandBuffer vkBindBufferMemory vkBindBufferMemory2KHR vkBindImageMemory vkBindImageMemory2KHR vkCmdBeginQuery vkCmdBeginRenderPass vkCmdBindDescriptorSets vkCmdBindIndexBuffer vkCmdBindPipeline vkCmdBindVertexBuffers vkCmdBlitImage vkCmdClearAttachments vkCmdClearColorImage vkCmdClearDepthStencilImage vkCmdCopyBuffer vkCmdCopyBufferToImage vkCmdCopyImage vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer vkCmdCopyQueryPoolResults vkCmdDebugMarkerBeginEXT vkCmdDebugMarkerEndEXT vkCmdDebugMarkerInsertEXT vkCmdDispatch vkCmdDispatchBaseKHX vkCmdDispatchIndirect vkCmdDraw vkCmdDrawIndexed vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirectCountAMD vkCmdDrawIndirect vkCmdDrawIndirectCountAMD vkCmdEndQuery vkCmdEndRenderPass vkCmdExecuteCommands vkCmdFillBuffer vkCmdNextSubpass vkCmdPipelineBarrier vkCmdProcessCommandsNVX vkCmdPushConstants vkCmdPushDescriptorSetKHR vkCmdPushDescriptorSetWithTemplateKHR vkCmdReserveSpaceForCommandsNVX vkCmdResetEvent vkCmdResetQueryPool vkCmdResolveImage vkCmdSetBlendConstants vkCmdSetDepthBias vkCmdSetDepthBounds vkCmdSetDeviceMaskKHX vkCmdSetDiscardRectangleEXT vkCmdSetEvent vkCmdSetLineWidth vkCmdSetSampleLocationsEXT vkCmdSetScissor vkCmdSetStencilCompareMask vkCmdSetStencilReference vkCmdSetStencilWriteMask vkCmdSetViewport vkCmdSetViewportWScalingNV vkCmdUpdateBuffer vkCmdWaitEvents vkCmdWriteTimestamp vkCreateBuffer vkCreateBufferView vkCreateCommandPool vkCreateComputePipelines vkCreateDebugReportCallbackEXT vkCreateDescriptorPool vkCreateDescriptorSetLayout vkCreateDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR vkCreateDevice vkCreateDisplayPlaneSurfaceKHR vkCreateEvent vkCreateFence vkCreateFramebuffer vkCreateGraphicsPipelines vkCreateImage vkCreateImageView vkCreateIndirectCommandsLayoutNVX vkCreateObjectTableNVX vkCreatePipelineCache vkCreatePipelineLayout vkCreateQueryPool vkCreateRenderPass vkCreateSampler vkCreateSamplerYcbcrConversionKHR vkCreateSemaphore vkCreateShaderModule vkCreateSharedSwapchainsKHR vkCreateValidationCacheEXT vkDebugMarkerSetObjectNameEXT vkDebugMarkerSetObjectTagEXT vkDebugReportMessageEXT vkDestroyBuffer vkDestroyBufferView vkDestroyCommandPool vkDestroyDebugReportCallbackEXT vkDestroyDescriptorPool vkDestroyDescriptorSetLayout vkDestroyDescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR vkDestroyDevice vkDestroyEvent vkDestroyFence vkDestroyFramebuffer vkDestroyImage vkDestroyImageView vkDestroyIndirectCommandsLayoutNVX vkDestroyInstance vkDestroyObjectTableNVX vkDestroyPipeline vkDestroyPipelineCache vkDestroyPipelineLayout vkDestroyQueryPool vkDestroyRenderPass vkDestroySampler vkDestroySamplerYcbcrConversionKHR vkDestroySemaphore vkDestroyShaderModule vkDestroySurfaceKHR vkDestroyValidationCacheEXT vkDeviceWaitIdle vkDisplayPowerControlEXT vkEndCommandBuffer vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties vkEnumerateDeviceLayerProperties vkEnumeratePhysicalDeviceGroupsKHX vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges vkFreeCommandBuffers vkFreeDescriptorSets vkFreeMemory vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements2KHR vkGetDeviceGroupPeerMemoryFeaturesKHX vkGetDeviceMemoryCommitment vkGetDeviceProcAddr vkGetDeviceQueue vkGetEventStatus vkGetFenceFdKHR vkGetFenceStatus vkGetImageMemoryRequirements vkGetImageMemoryRequirements2KHR vkGetImageSparseMemoryRequirements vkGetImageSparseMemoryRequirements2KHR vkGetImageSubresourceLayout vkGetInstanceProcAddr vkGetMemoryFdKHR vkGetMemoryFdPropertiesKHR vkGetPastPresentationTimingGOOGLE vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalBufferPropertiesKHR vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalFencePropertiesKHR vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalImageFormatPropertiesNV vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalSemaphorePropertiesKHR vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures2KHR vkGetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties vkGetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties2KHR vkGetPhysicalDeviceGeneratedCommandsPropertiesNVX vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2KHR vkGetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties vkGetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties2KHR vkGetPhysicalDeviceMultisamplePropertiesEXT vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties2KHR vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties2KHR vkGetPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatProperties vkGetPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatProperties2KHR vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilities2EXT vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilities2KHR vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceFormats2KHR vkGetPipelineCacheData vkGetQueryPoolResults vkGetRefreshCycleDurationGOOGLE vkGetRenderAreaGranularity vkGetSemaphoreFdKHR vkGetSwapchainCounterEXT vkGetSwapchainStatusKHR vkGetValidationCacheDataEXT vkImportFenceFdKHR vkImportSemaphoreFdKHR vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges vkMapMemory vkMergePipelineCaches vkMergeValidationCachesEXT vkQueueBindSparse vkQueueSubmit vkQueueWaitIdle vkRegisterDeviceEventEXT vkRegisterDisplayEventEXT vkRegisterObjectsNVX vkReleaseDisplayEXT vkResetCommandBuffer vkResetCommandPool vkResetDescriptorPool vkResetEvent vkResetFences vkSetEvent vkSetHdrMetadataEXT vkTrimCommandPoolKHR vkUnmapMemory vkUnregisterObjectsNVX vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplateKHR vkUpdateDescriptorSets vkWaitForFences vulkan Mali Vulkan Driver ARM Limited vkAcquireImageANDROID VK_ANDROID_native_buffer vkGetSwapchainGrallocUsageANDROID vkQueueSignalReleaseImageANDROID VK_KHR_external_memory_capabilities VK_KHR_descriptor_update_template Invalid In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cframe/src/mali_cframe_mipmap.c line: 714 #define OUTPUT_TYPE vec4 #define SAMPLER_TYPE sampler2D #define OUTPUT_TYPE ivec4 #define SAMPLER_TYPE isampler2D #define OUTPUT_TYPE uvec4 #define SAMPLER_TYPE usampler2D #define RT_INDEX 0 #define RT_INDEX 1 #define RT_INDEX 2 #define RT_INDEX 3 layout(location = %d) out highp %s fragColor%d; layout(location = %d) uniform highp %s%s sampler%d; ivec2 tex_coord_2dms = ivec2( interpolateAtOffset( tex_coord, vec2( 0.0 ) ) ); fragColor%d = texelFetch( sampler%d, %s, %s ); gl_FragPositionARM tex_coord_2dms gl_SampleID fragColor%d = texelFetch( sampler%d, tex_coord_%s, 0); lookup_1x return tex_coord; lookup_4x_linear ivec2 base = tex_coord * ivec2(4, 1); ivec2 offset = ivec2(gl_SampleID, 0); return (base + offset); lookup_4x_row const ivec2 offsets[16] = ivec2[16]( ivec2(0, 0), ivec2(1, 0), ivec2(0, 1), ivec2(1, 1), ivec2(2, 0), ivec2(3, 0), ivec2(2, 1), ivec2(3, 1), ivec2(0, 2), ivec2(1, 2), ivec2(0, 3), ivec2(1, 3), ivec2(2, 2), ivec2(3, 2), ivec2(2, 3), ivec2(3, 3) ); ivec2 base = tex_coord * ivec2(2, 2); ivec2 offset = offsets[gl_SampleID]; return (base + offset); lookup_8x_linear ivec2 base = tex_coord * ivec2(8, 1); ivec2 offset = ivec2(gl_SampleID, 0); return (base + offset); lookup_8x_row const ivec2 offsets[16] = ivec2[16]( ivec2(0, 0), ivec2(1, 0), ivec2(0, 1), ivec2(1, 1), ivec2(2, 0), ivec2(3, 0), ivec2(2, 1), ivec2(3, 1), ivec2(0, 2), ivec2(1, 2), ivec2(0, 3), ivec2(1, 3), ivec2(2, 2), ivec2(3, 2), ivec2(2, 3), ivec2(3, 3) ); ivec2 base = tex_coord * ivec2(4, 2); ivec2 offset = offsets[gl_SampleID]; return (base + offset); lookup_16x_linear ivec2 base = tex_coord * ivec2(16, 1); ivec2 offset = ivec2(gl_SampleID, 0); return (base + offset); lookup_16x_row const ivec2 offsets[16] = ivec2[16]( ivec2(0, 0), ivec2(1, 0), ivec2(0, 1), ivec2(1, 1), ivec2(2, 0), ivec2(3, 0), ivec2(2, 1), ivec2(3, 1), ivec2(0, 2), ivec2(1, 2), ivec2(0, 3), ivec2(1, 3), ivec2(2, 2), ivec2(3, 2), ivec2(2, 3), ivec2(3, 3) ); ivec2 base = tex_coord * ivec2(4, 4); ivec2 offset = offsets[gl_SampleID]; return (base + offset); vec2 base = floor(tex_coord) * vec2(4.0, 1.0); vec2 offset = vec2(float(gl_SampleID) + 0.5, 0.5); return (base + offset); return tex_coord * 2.0; vec2 base = floor(tex_coord) * vec2(8.0, 1.0); vec2 offset = vec2(float(gl_SampleID) + 0.5, 0.5); return (base + offset); const vec2 offsets[16] = vec2[16]( vec2(0, 0), vec2(1, 0), vec2(0, 1), vec2(1, 1), vec2(2, 0), vec2(3, 0), vec2(2, 1), vec2(3, 1), vec2(0, 2), vec2(1, 2), vec2(0, 3), vec2(1, 3), vec2(2, 2), vec2(3, 2), vec2(2, 3), vec2(3, 3) ); vec2 base = floor(tex_coord) * vec2(4.0, 2.0); vec2 offset = offsets[gl_SampleID]; return (base + offset); vec2 base = floor(tex_coord) * vec2(16.0, 1.0); vec2 offset = vec2(float(gl_SampleID) + 0.5, 0.5); return (base + offset); const vec2 offsets[16] = vec2[16]( vec2(0, 0), vec2(1, 0), vec2(0, 1), vec2(1, 1), vec2(2, 0), vec2(3, 0), vec2(2, 1), vec2(3, 1), vec2(0, 2), vec2(1, 2), vec2(0, 3), vec2(1, 3), vec2(2, 2), vec2(3, 2), vec2(2, 3), vec2(3, 3) ); vec2 base = floor(tex_coord) * vec2(4.0, 4.0); vec2 offset = offsets[gl_SampleID]; return (base + offset); #version 310 es #extension GL_ARM_framebuffer_write : enable #extension GL_OES_sample_variables : enable #extension GL_OES_shader_multisample_interpolation : enable #extension GL_ARM_integer_fragment_position : enable #pragma disable_alpha_to_coverage precision highp int; precision highp float; sample in vec2 tex_coord; in vec2 tex_coord; ivec2 vec2 %s %s(%s tex_coord) { %s} %s tex_coord_%s = %s(%s); tex_coord gl_FragDepth = texelFetch( uniform_sampler, tex_coord_%s, 0).x; ivec2( floor( tex_coord ) ) gl_FragStencil = int( texelFetch( uniform_sampler, tex_coord_%s, 0).y ); gl_FragStencil = int( texture( uniform_sampler, tex_coord_%s).y ); depth_sampler x gl_FragDepth stencil_sampler y gl_FragStencil int %s = %s(texelFetch( %s, tex_coord_%s, 0).%s); dot(v.rgb, vec3(255.0/16777216.0, 255.0 / 65536.0, 0.99609381)) ( v.a * 255.0 ) vec4 v = texelFetch( depth_sampler, %s, %s ); vec4 v = texelFetch( depth_sampler, tex_coord_%s, 0); #version 300 es #extension GL_ARM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_raw_explicit : enable precision highp float; #define TILE_BUFFER_READ_%i %s layout(location = %i) out %s fragColor%i; fragColor%i = TILE_BUFFER_READ_%i(%i, 0) * 0.25 + TILE_BUFFER_READ_%i(%i, 1) * 0.25 + TILE_BUFFER_READ_%i(%i, 2) * 0.25 + TILE_BUFFER_READ_%i(%i, 3) * 0.25; #version 310 es #extension GL_EXT_YUV_target : enable #extension GL_OES_sample_variables : enable #extension GL_OES_shader_multisample_interpolation : enable precision highp int; precision highp float; sample in vec2 tex_coord; itu_601 itu_601_full_range itu_709 uniform __samplerExternal2DY2YEXT yuv_sampler%d; out vec4 color%d; yuv = texture( yuv_sampler%d, tex_coord ).rgb; rgb = yuv_2_rgb( yuv, %s ); color%d = vec4( rgb, 1.f ); . rb wb ab In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cutils/cstr/src/mali_cutils_cstr.c line: 1417 In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cutils/cstr/src/mali_cutils_cstr.c line: 1422 In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cutils/cstr/src/mali_cutils_cstr.c line: 1430 The destination buffer does not have terminating nul-character. In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cutils/cstr/src/mali_cutils_cstr.c line: 1440 In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cutils/cstr/src/mali_cutils_cstr.c line: 1487 ClipPlaneTie StageConstant0 StageConstant1 StageConstant2 StageConstant3 StageConstant4 StageConstant5 StageConstant6 StageConstant7 Rotate gl_mali_ColorSpaceCoeffFragment var_TexCoord0 var_TexCoord1 var_TexCoord2 var_TexCoord3 var_TexCoord4 var_TexCoord5 var_TexCoord6 var_TexCoord7 var_PrimaryColor var_PrimaryColorTwosided var_ClipPlaneSignedDist var_FogDist gl_FrontFacing In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cmar/src/mali_cmar_context.c line: 276 Failed to close fd to wake backend thread (error %d) In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cmar/src/mali_cmar_context.c line: 284 In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cmar/src/mali_cmar_context.c line: 296 In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cmar/src/mali_cmar_glexecutor_gpu.c line: 1869 ERROR: This will not progress, setup_atoms() failed without creating any atom, retrying won't help. In file: vendor/arm/mali/gpu/cmar/src/mali_cmar_renderer.c line: 1244 GLSL.std.450 MatrixStride decoration (%u) is not large enough to hold the size of the whole matrix with calculated stride (%u) Node id too large (%d > %d) Node id %d is undefined Unexpected use of node %u, expected node of type %u Unrecognized execution model '%d' Duplicate matrix layout decorations Duplicate sampling decorations Duplicate interpolation decorations Two entry points with the same name and execution model declared Required capability not set for execution mode '%u'. Required execution model not set for execution mode '%u'. Unexpected return outside function Unexpected void return in a function (%u) not declared with void return type Switch instruction should have an odd instruction word length The struct with id '%u' pointed to by the 'Uniform' pointer '%u' must be decorated with either 'Block' or 'BufferBlock' The struct with id '%u' is decorated with both 'Block' and 'BufferBlock' Expected Binding and DescriptorSet decoration for variables in storage class 'Uniform' The Variable (id %u) is an Input/Output, but has no location and is not a BuiltIn Out of memory Opcode with an empty length SPIR-V word stream truncated at position %d Opcode %d has less than %d parameters Could not find an entrypoint with the specified name and stage MemorySemantic/Scope (id:%d) are not constants. Including all barrier address spaces instead. gles.tess.n_vertices gles.is_used spirv.is_push_constant spirv.descriptor_set spirv.input_attachment_index gles.per_patch gles.early_fragment_tests gl_mali_IndexBuffer gles.geom.invocations gles.geom.in_primitive_mode SPV_KHR_device_group gles.per_sample_shading workgroup_size.x workgroup_size.y workgroup_size.z gles.tess.ordering spirv.is_storage_image gles.component gles.location CDBG BASE CINSTR TL CMEM CMAR COBJ CPOM CDEPS CFRAME CBLEND OPENCL OPENGLES Channel: Unnamed Channel: Default Heap Channel: Framepool Channel: Frame Internal Channel: GPU Program Channel: EGL Color Plane Channel: GLES VAO Channel: Image Descriptor Channel: Texture Channel: Buffer Channel: CRC Buffer Channel: Unnamed (11) Channel: Unnamed (12) Channel: Unnamed (13) Channel: Unnamed (14) The interop memory object is no longer acquired or has never been acquired EVENT_UNKNOWN_COMMAND EVENT_MEMORY_NOT_ACQUIRED EVENT_DEPENDENCY_ERROR EVENT_OUT_OF_GPU_MEMORY EVENT_OUT_OF_MEMORY EVENT_TERMINATED EVENT_JOB_CONFIG_FAULT EVENT_JOB_POWER_FAULT EVENT_JOB_READ_FAULT EVENT_JOB_WRITE_FAULT EVENT_JOB_AFFINITY_FAULT EVENT_JOB_BUS_FAULT EVENT_INSTR_INVALID_PC EVENT_INSTR_INVALID_ENC EVENT_INSTR_TYPE_MISMATCH EVENT_INSTR_OPERAND_FAULT EVENT_INSTR_TLS_FAULT EVENT_INSTR_BARRIER_FAULT EVENT_INSTR_ALIGN_FAULT EVENT_DATA_INVALID_FAULT EVENT_TILE_RANGE_FAULT EVENT_STATE_FAULT EVENT_UNKNOWN EVENT_DELAYED_BUS_FAULT EVENT_SHAREABILITY_FAULT EVENT_TRANSLATION_FAULT_LEVEL1 EVENT_TRANSLATION_FAULT_LEVEL2 EVENT_TRANSLATION_FAULT_LEVEL3 EVENT_TRANSLATION_FAULT_LEVEL4 EVENT_PERMISSION_FAULT EVENT_TRANSTAB_BUS_FAULT_LEVEL1 EVENT_TRANSTAB_BUS_FAULT_LEVEL2 EVENT_TRANSTAB_BUS_FAULT_LEVEL3 EVENT_TRANSTAB_BUS_FAULT_LEVEL4 EVENT_ACCESS_FLAG EVENT_MEM_GROWTH_FAILED EVENT_TIMED_OUT EVENT_JOB_CANCELLED EVENT_BAG_INVALID The power policy has prevented the requested device from being powered on Calls to clEnqueueMigrateMemObjects don't do anything on this platform. A very large global_work_size was requested, this will a very long time to execute or result in an error due to lack of resources fill_image2d_int4 fill_image2d_uint4 fill_image2d_float4 fill_image3d_int4 fill_image3d_uint4 fill_image3d_float4 fill_image2d_array_int4 fill_image2d_array_uint4 fill_image2d_array_float4 fill_image1d_int4 fill_image1d_uint4 fill_image1d_float4 fill_image1d_array_int4 fill_image1d_array_uint4 fill_image1d_array_float4 fill_image1d_buffer_int4 fill_image1d_buffer_uint4 fill_image1d_buffer_float4 The requested SVM copy operation exceeds the bounds of the SVM allocation. The requested SVM fill operation exceeds the bounds of the SVM allocation. Requested printf buffer of %zu is too small, using %zu cl_arm_thread_limit_hint requested: %u, actual: %u, min value: %u, max value: %u, any value chosen between the min and max values may be rounded to the nearest available limit FULL_PROFILE ARM Platform ARM fill_buffer_1;fill_buffer_2;fill_buffer_4;fill_buffer_8;fill_buffer_16;fill_buffer_32;fill_buffer_64;fill_buffer_128;fill_image1d_int4;fill_image1d_uint4;fill_image1d_float4;fill_image1d_buffer_int4;fill_image1d_buffer_uint4;fill_image1d_buffer_float4;fill_image1d_array_int4;fill_image1d_array_uint4;fill_image1d_array_float4;fill_image2d_int4;fill_image2d_uint4;fill_image2d_float4;fill_image2d_array_int4;fill_image2d_array_uint4;fill_image2d_array_float4;fill_image3d_int4;fill_image3d_uint4;fill_image3d_float4 The arg_value used in a call to clSetKernelArgSVMPointer() is NULL. This may not be portable to other implementations. The image used as argument number %u for the kernel '%s' has a format that does not match its usage Trying to build a program which has kernels attached Passing options to a program created with binary will have no effect Info clGetPlatformIDs clGetPlatformInfo clGetDeviceIDs clGetDeviceInfo clCreateContext clCreateContextFromType clRetainContext clReleaseContext clGetContextInfo clCreateCommandQueue clRetainCommandQueue clReleaseCommandQueue clGetCommandQueueInfo clSetCommandQueueProperty clCreateBuffer clCreateSubBuffer clCreateImage2D clCreateImage3D clRetainMemObject clReleaseMemObject clGetSupportedImageFormats clGetMemObjectInfo clGetImageInfo clSetMemObjectDestructorCallback clCreateSampler clRetainSampler clReleaseSampler clGetSamplerInfo clCreateProgramWithSource clCreateProgramWithBinary clRetainProgram clReleaseProgram clBuildProgram clUnloadCompiler clGetProgramInfo clGetProgramBuildInfo clCreateKernel clCreateKernelsInProgram clRetainKernel clReleaseKernel clSetKernelArg clGetKernelInfo clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo clWaitForEvents clGetEventInfo clCreateUserEvent clRetainEvent clReleaseEvent clSetUserEventStatus clSetEventCallback clGetEventProfilingInfo clFlush clFinish clEnqueueReadBuffer clEnqueueReadBufferRect clEnqueueWriteBuffer clEnqueueWriteBufferRect clEnqueueCopyBuffer clEnqueueCopyBufferRect clEnqueueReadImage clEnqueueWriteImage clEnqueueCopyImage clEnqueueCopyImageToBuffer clEnqueueCopyBufferToImage clEnqueueMapBuffer clEnqueueMapImage clEnqueueUnmapMemObject clEnqueueNDRangeKernel clEnqueueTask clEnqueueNativeKernel clEnqueueMarker clEnqueueWaitForEvents clEnqueueBarrier clGetExtensionFunctionAddress clIcdGetPlatformIDsKHR clImportMemoryARM clCreateFromGLTexture clEnqueueFillBuffer clEnqueueFillImage clCreateImage clEnqueueMigrateMemObjects clGetKernelArgInfo clEnqueueMarkerWithWaitList clEnqueueBarrierWithWaitList clCreateSubDevices clSVMAllocARM clSVMFreeARM clEnqueueSVMFreeARM clEnqueueSVMMemcpyARM clEnqueueSVMMemFillARM clGetKernelSubGroupInfoKHR clCreateProgramWithIL clGetKernelSubgroupInfo clCloneKernel clGetDeviceAndHostTimer clGetHostTimer clSetDefaultDeviceCommandQueue clCreateProgramWithILKHR CL_GET_ARCH_POINTER_ARM clCreateFromEGLImageKHR clEnqueueAcquireEGLObjectsKHR clEnqueueReleaseEGLObjectsKHR clEnqueueSVMMapARM clEnqueueSVMUnmapARM clSetKernelArgSVMPointerARM clSetKernelExecInfoARM cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_byte_addressable_store cl_khr_3d_image_writes cl_khr_fp64 cl_khr_int64_base_atomics cl_khr_int64_extended_atomics cl_khr_fp16 cl_khr_icd cl_khr_egl_image cl_khr_image2d_from_buffer cl_khr_depth_images cl_khr_subgroups cl_khr_il_program cl_arm_core_id cl_arm_printf cl_arm_thread_limit_hint cl_arm_non_uniform_work_group_size cl_arm_import_memory cl_arm_import_memory_dma_buf cl_arm_import_memory_host cl_arm_import_memory_protected cl_arm_shared_virtual_memory cl_arm_integer_dot_product_int8 cl_arm_integer_dot_product_accumulate_int8 cl_arm_integer_dot_product_accumulate_int16 __bifl_global_offset_plus_hdsdv_offset __bifl_group_id_hardware_subdivision_offset __bifl_global_offset __bifl_global_size __bifl_local_size __bifl_enqueued_local_size __bifl_num_groups __bifl_work_dim __bifl_local_mem_size __bifl_private_mem_size __bifl_image_properties_table_ro __bifl_image_properties_table_w __bifl_sampler_array __bifl_printf_buffer __bifl_event_buffer __bifl_psv_struct_ptr __bifl_psv_const_init __bifl_default_cmd_queue __bifl_owner_payload __bifl_dse_commit_ptr 2.0 CL memory objects created using the CL/EGL image sharing extension cannot be used with a CL device that does not support the extension Unexpected block type (was expecting MBS2) Union 'block_mbs2' has more than one field set Stream truncated Unexpected block type (was expecting VEHW) Reported size for block VEHW is smaller than expected Reported size for block CBLE is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for optional_block CBLE Reported size for block CCOM is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for optional_block CCOM Reported size for block CFRA is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for optional_block CFRA Reported size for block CVER is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for optional_block CVER Reported size for block CTSC is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for optional_block CTSC Reported size for block CTSE is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for optional_block CTSE Reported size for block CGEO is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for optional_block CGEO Expected chunk not found Could not allocate memory for block SSRC Reported size for block SSRC is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for block D3DS Could not allocate memory for block STRI Value read for 'core' larger than VEHW_core_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED Unexpected block type (was expecting SSYM) Reported size for block SSYM is smaller than expected Unexpected block type (was expecting UBUF) Reported size for block UBUF is smaller than expected Unexpected block type (was expecting EBIN) Reported size for block EBIN is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for block SYMB Unexpected block type (was expecting SYMB) Reported size for block SYMB is smaller than expected Unexpected block type (was expecting STRI) Value read for 'semantics' larger than SYMB_semantics_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED Padding is not set to zero in field 'reserved' Unexpected block type (was expecting TYPE) Reported size for block TYPE is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for block RLOC Could not allocate memory for block RELO Could not allocate memory for block FIXP Could not allocate memory for block SINI Reported size for block SINI is smaller than expected Reported size for block TPAC is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for optional_block TPAC Reported size for block TPAR is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for optional_block TPAR Reported size for block TPGE is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for optional_block TPGE Reported size for block TPIB is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for optional_block TPIB Reported size for block TPMA is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for optional_block TPMA Reported size for block TPPO is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for optional_block TPPO Reported size for block TPQU is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for optional_block TPQU Reported size for block TPPR is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for optional_block TPPR Reported size for block TPPW is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for optional_block TPPW Reported size for block TPSA is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for optional_block TPSA Reported size for block TPST is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for optional_block TPST Value read for 'scalar_type' larger than TPGE_scalar_type_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED Value read for 'scalar_size' larger than TPGE_scalar_size_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED Value read for 'precision' larger than TPGE_precision_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED Value read for 'aux_qualifier' larger than TPGE_aux_qualifier_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED Value read for 'layout' larger than TPIB_layout_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED Value read for 'kind' larger than TPIB_kind_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED Could not allocate memory for block TPSE Value read for 'is_row_major' larger than 1 Unexpected block type (was expecting TPGE) Value read for 'address_space' larger than TPPO_address_space_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED Unexpected block type (was expecting RELO) Unexpected block type (was expecting FIXP) Could not allocate memory for binary Could not read entire binary chunk Could not allocate memory for block EPTA Unexpected block type (was expecting FSHA) Reported size for block FSHA is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for block DBUG Could not allocate memory for block GREL Reported size for block GREL is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for block BFRE Reported size for block BFRE is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for block FD3D Reported size for block FD3D is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for block XPTA Reported size for block XPTA is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for block VLKN Reported size for block VLKN is smaller than expected Unexpected block type (was expecting OBJC) Value read for 'flags' larger than FSHA_flags_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED Value read for 'variant' larger than FSHA_variant_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED Reported size for block SPDb is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for optional_block SPDb Reported size for block SPDc is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for optional_block SPDc Reported size for block SPDf is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for optional_block SPDf Reported size for block SPDv is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for optional_block SPDv Could not allocate memory for block PDSC Reported size for block PDSC is smaller than expected Padding is not set to zero in field 'rt_index' Padding is not set to zero in field 'size' Padding is not set to zero in field 'type' Value read for 'output_type' larger than FD3D_output_type_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED Could not allocate memory for block XPTL Unexpected block type (was expecting XPTL) Reported size for block XPTL is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for block XPTR Unexpected block type (was expecting XPTR) Reported size for block XPTR is smaller than expected Unexpected block type (was expecting CMMN) Reported size for block CMMN is smaller than expected Unexpected block type (was expecting KERN) Reported size for block KERN is smaller than expected Unexpected block type (was expecting VELA) Reported size for block VELA is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for block KPAR Could not allocate memory for block KWGS Reported size for block KWGS is smaller than expected Unexpected block type (was expecting KPAR) Reported size for block KPAR is smaller than expected Value read for 'flags' larger than KPAR_flags_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED Could not allocate memory for block FOTV Reported size for block FOTV is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for block LCAL Reported size for block LCAL is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for block BLDM Reported size for block BLDM is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for block AINF Reported size for block AINF is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for block OUTV Unexpected block type (was expecting OUTV) Reported size for block OUTV is smaller than expected Value read for 'flags' larger than BLDM_flags_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED Could not allocate memory for block ACHN Unexpected block type (was expecting ACHN) Reported size for block ACHN is smaller than expected Value read for 'kind' larger than ACHN_kind_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED Could not allocate memory for block GPOS Reported size for block GPOS is smaller than expected Could not allocate memory for block VMVW Reported size for block VMVW is smaller than expected Value read for 'kind' larger than GPOS_kind_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED Unexpected block type (was expecting MTES) Reported size for block MTES is smaller than expected Value read for 'primitive_mode' larger than MTES_primitive_mode_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED Value read for 'vertex_spacing' larger than MTES_vertex_spacing_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED Value read for 'ordering' larger than MTES_ordering_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED Unexpected block type (was expecting MGEO) Reported size for block MGEO is smaller than expected Value read for 'layered_rendering' larger than 1 Value read for 'input_primitive_mode' larger than MGEO_input_primitive_mode_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED Value read for 'output_primitive_mode' larger than MGEO_output_primitive_mode_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED Data for binary 'stri' was not null-terminated Could not expand memory buffer Trying to write a value larger than symbol_flags_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'flags' Trying to write a value larger than SYMB_semantics_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'semantics' Union 'block_type' has more than one field set Trying to write a value larger than TPGE_scalar_type_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'scalar_type' Trying to write a value larger than TPGE_scalar_size_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'scalar_size' Trying to write a value larger than TPGE_precision_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'precision' Trying to write a value larger than TPGE_aux_qualifier_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'aux_qualifier' Trying to write a value larger than TPIB_layout_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'layout' Trying to write a value larger than TPIB_kind_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'kind' Trying to write a value larger than TPPO_address_space_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'address_space' Trying to write a value larger than RELO_kind_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'kind' Trying to write a value larger than FSHA_flags_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'flags' Trying to write a value larger than FSHA_variant_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'variant' Trying to write a value larger than TPGE_scalar_size_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'size'[] Trying to write a value larger than TPGE_scalar_type_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'type'[] Trying to write a value larger than FD3D_output_type_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'output_type' Trying to write a value larger than VELA_lang_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'lang' Trying to write a value larger than KPAR_flags_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'flags' Trying to write a value larger than BLDM_flags_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'flags' Trying to write a value larger than ACHN_kind_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'kind' Trying to write a value larger than GPOS_kind_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'kind' Trying to write a value larger than MTES_primitive_mode_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'primitive_mode' Trying to write a value larger than MTES_vertex_spacing_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'vertex_spacing' Trying to write a value larger than MTES_ordering_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'ordering' Trying to write a value larger than 1 for 'has_control_point_phase' Trying to write a value larger than MGEO_input_primitive_mode_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'input_primitive_mode' Trying to write a value larger than MGEO_output_primitive_mode_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'output_primitive_mode' Trying to write a value larger than VEHW_core_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED for 'core' ipsccp loops lcssa memdep dse * ; kernel_arg_name kernel_arg_type kernel_arg_access_qual kernel_arg_addr_space kernel_arg_type_qual pipe <binary> _Z10atomic_decPU3AS3Vi _Z10atomic_decPU3AS3Vj _Z10atomic_addPU3AS1Vii _Z10atomic_addPU3AS1Vjj _Z10atomic_addPU3AS3Vii _Z10atomic_addPU3AS3Vjj _Z10atomic_subPU3AS1Vii _Z10atomic_subPU3AS1Vjj _Z10atomic_subPU3AS3Vii _Z10atomic_subPU3AS3Vjj _Z11atomic_xchgPU3AS1Vii _Z11atomic_xchgPU3AS1Vjj _Z11atomic_xchgPU3AS3Vii _Z11atomic_xchgPU3AS3Vjj _Z11atomic_xchgPU3AS1Vff _Z11atomic_xchgPU3AS3Vff _Z10atomic_minPU3AS1Vii _Z10atomic_minPU3AS1Vjj _Z10atomic_minPU3AS3Vii _Z10atomic_minPU3AS3Vjj _Z10atomic_maxPU3AS1Vii _Z10atomic_maxPU3AS1Vjj _Z10atomic_maxPU3AS3Vii _Z10atomic_maxPU3AS3Vjj _Z10atomic_andPU3AS1Vii _Z10atomic_andPU3AS1Vjj _Z10atomic_andPU3AS3Vii _Z10atomic_andPU3AS3Vjj _Z9atomic_orPU3AS1Vii _Z9atomic_orPU3AS1Vjj _Z9atomic_orPU3AS3Vii _Z9atomic_orPU3AS3Vjj _Z10atomic_xorPU3AS1Vii _Z10atomic_xorPU3AS1Vjj _Z10atomic_xorPU3AS3Vii _Z10atomic_xorPU3AS3Vjj _Z14atomic_cmpxchgPU3AS1Viii _Z14atomic_cmpxchgPU3AS1Vjjj _Z14atomic_cmpxchgPU3AS3Viii _Z14atomic_cmpxchgPU3AS3Vjjj _Z8atom_incPU3AS1Vi _Z8atom_incPU3AS1Vj _Z8atom_incPU3AS3Vi _Z8atom_incPU3AS3Vj _Z8atom_decPU3AS1Vi _Z8atom_decPU3AS1Vj _Z8atom_decPU3AS3Vi _Z8atom_decPU3AS3Vj _Z8atom_addPU3AS1Vii _Z8atom_addPU3AS1Vjj _Z8atom_addPU3AS3Vii _Z8atom_addPU3AS3Vjj _Z8atom_subPU3AS1Vii _Z8atom_subPU3AS1Vjj _Z8atom_subPU3AS3Vii _Z8atom_subPU3AS3Vjj _Z9atom_xchgPU3AS1Vii _Z9atom_xchgPU3AS1Vjj _Z9atom_xchgPU3AS3Vii _Z9atom_xchgPU3AS3Vjj _Z9atom_xchgPU3AS1Vff _Z9atom_xchgPU3AS3Vff _Z8atom_minPU3AS1Vii _Z8atom_minPU3AS1Vjj _Z8atom_minPU3AS3Vii _Z8atom_minPU3AS3Vjj _Z8atom_maxPU3AS1Vii _Z8atom_maxPU3AS1Vjj _Z8atom_maxPU3AS3Vii _Z8atom_maxPU3AS3Vjj _Z8atom_andPU3AS1Vii _Z8atom_andPU3AS1Vjj _Z8atom_andPU3AS3Vii _Z8atom_andPU3AS3Vjj _Z7atom_orPU3AS1Vii _Z7atom_orPU3AS1Vjj _Z7atom_orPU3AS3Vii _Z7atom_orPU3AS3Vjj _Z8atom_xorPU3AS1Vii _Z8atom_xorPU3AS1Vjj _Z8atom_xorPU3AS3Vii _Z8atom_xorPU3AS3Vjj _Z12atom_cmpxchgPU3AS1Viii _Z12atom_cmpxchgPU3AS1Vjjj _Z12atom_cmpxchgPU3AS3Viii _Z12atom_cmpxchgPU3AS3Vjjj llvm.global.annotations opencl.image1d_array_ro_t opencl.image2d_ro_t opencl.image2d_array_ro_t opencl.image2d_depth_ro_t opencl.image3d_ro_t opencl.image1d_wo_t opencl.image1d_array_wo_t opencl.image2d_wo_t opencl.image2d_array_wo_t opencl.image2d_depth_wo_t opencl.image3d_wo_t opencl.image1d_rw_t opencl.image1d_array_rw_t opencl.image1d_buffer_rw_t opencl.image2d_rw_t opencl.image2d_array_rw_t opencl.image2d_depth_rw_t opencl.image2d_array_depth_rw_t opencl.image3d_rw_t opencl.sampler_t opencl_event_t opencl.pipe_t_ro opencl.pipe_t_wo opencl_queue_t _Z12get_work_dimv get_work_dim bif.wd _Z15arm_get_core_idv arm_get_core_id bif.aci _Z19__get_printf_bufferv __get_printf_buffer bif.pbuf _Z12get_local_idj get_local_id bif.lid _Z13get_global_idj get_global_id bif.gid _Z14get_local_sizej get_local_size bif.lsz _Z15get_global_sizej get_global_size bif.gsz _Z17get_global_offsetj get_global_offset bif.goffs _Z12get_group_idj get_group_id bif.grpid _Z14get_num_groupsj get_num_groups bif.ng _Z20__get_first_local_idj __get_first_local_id bif.fli CLCS STRT TERM CLCC LLVM MBSX KRNL LIBR Dv5_ .v5 Dv .v p2 __bifl_psv_struct max min abs clz rhadd acosh asinh atan2 atanh cospi exp exp10 expm1 floor fma ilogb ldexp log log10 log1p mad pow round rsqrt sinpi trunc frexp clamp convert_ vstore half select _sat _rt _rte _rtz _half bitcast fpext cmp_zero_for_vector_select cmp_zero_for_scalar_select mad24 mad_hi mul24 mul_hi _rtp _rtn Number of tuples for shortest code path: %3g / %3g / %3g = %3g bfr opencl.samplers __translate_sampler_initializer blc Incorrect triple and/or datalayout! triple: %s, datalayout %s tDVx.r0p0 tEGx.r0p0 tGOx.r0p0 tHEx.r0p0 tHEx.r0p1 tHEx.r0p2 tHEx.r0p3 tKAx.r0p0 tMIx.r0p0 tMIx.r0p1 tNOx.r0p0 g71 g51 tDVx g72 tNOx tGOx tKAx tTRx tBOx tEGx -Wall -emit= opts bc none cl -core= error: warning: note: opencl.kernels ocl_image1d_ro ocl_image1d_wo ocl_image1d_rw ocl_image2d_ro ocl_image2d_wo ocl_image2d_rw ocl_image2d_array_ro ocl_image2d_array_wo ocl_image2d_array_rw ocl_image2d_depth_ro ocl_image2d_depth_wo ocl_image2d_depth_rw ocl_image2d_array_depth_ro ocl_image2d_array_depth_wo ocl_image2d_array_depth_rw ocl_image3d_ro ocl_image3d_wo ocl_image3d_rw <source> ./ Common module transform Analyze thread-dependent instructions / __pipe_t __reserve_id_t raw __builtin_inff __builtin_nanf __builtin_uadd_overflow __builtin_usub_overflow __builtin_umul_overflow pointer-arith enqueue_kernel get_kernel_work_group_size get_kernel_preferred_work_group_size_multiple get_kernel_max_sub_group_size_for_ndrange get_kernel_sub_group_count_for_ndrange to_local to_private to_global read_pipe commit_read_pipe reserve_read_pipe work_group_commit_read_pipe work_group_reserve_read_pipe sub_group_commit_read_pipe sub_group_reserve_read_pipe write_pipe commit_write_pipe reserve_write_pipe work_group_commit_write_pipe work_group_reserve_write_pipe sub_group_commit_write_pipe sub_group_reserve_write_pipe get_pipe_max_packets get_pipe_num_packets all #define cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics 1 #define cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics 1 #define cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics 1 #define cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics 1 #define cl_khr_byte_addressable_store 1 #define cl_khr_subgroups 1 #define cl_arm_core_id 1 #define cl_arm_printf 1 #define cl_arm_thread_limit_hint 1 cl_arm_sub_group_shuffle #define cl_arm_sub_group_shuffle 1 cl_khr_gl_msaa_sharing #define cl_khr_gl_msaa_sharing 1 #define cl_arm_integer_dot_product_int8 1 #define cl_arm_integer_dot_product_accumulate_int8 1 #define cl_arm_integer_dot_product_accumulate_int16 1 #define cl_khr_fp16 1 #define cl_khr_3d_image_writes 1 cl_clang_storage_class_specifiers #define cl_clang_storage_class_specifiers 1 cl_khr_select_fprounding_mode cl_khr_gl_sharing cl_khr_gl_event cl_khr_d3d10_sharing cl_khr_context_abort cl_khr_d3d11_sharing cl_khr_dx9_media_sharing cl_khr_initialize_memory cl_khr_gl_depth_images cl_khr_spir cl_khr_egl_event cl_khr_mipmap_image cl_khr_srgb_image_writes cl_khr_terminate_context cl_amd_media_ops cl_amd_media_ops2 /* * Copyright: * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * This confidential and proprietary software may be used only as authorized * by a licensing agreement from ARM Limited. * (C) COPYRIGHT 2015-2017 ARM Limited, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * The entire notice above must be reproduced on all authorized copies and * copies may only be made to the extent permitted by a licensing agreement * from ARM Limited. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef MALI_CLCC_SHARED_H_ #define MALI_CLCC_SHARED_H_ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** * @file mali_clcc_shared.h OpenCL runtime/compiler interface. * * This file defines shared data structures used by runtime, clcc and/or BIFL functions, * and sometimes test-code that requires internal "knowledge". * * Note that the structures defined here are sometimes included in CL-code, so should be * freestanding [not refer to types or structures outside of this unit]. * * Care should be taken to ensure data structures do not change alignment or size. Where * relevant, specific tests should be written to ensure the size/alignments are correct. */ /** * @addtogroup mcl OpenCL * @{ */ /** * @addtogroup mcl_clcc OpenCL C Compiler * @{ */ #ifdef __OPENCL_C_VERSION__ /* In the OpenCL C compiler, we need to define some types, which should match the corresponding * definition in the driver. */ typedef unsigned long u64; typedef unsigned int u32; typedef short s16; /* Prefix for OpenCL BIFL code */ #define CLCC_APPLY_PREFIX(x) __ ## x #define NDRANGE_RENAME(x) x ## _t #define ENUM_PREFIX_CL(x) CL_ ## x #else /** Prefix for the driver */ #define CLCC_APPLY_PREFIX(x) mcl_ ## x #define NDRANGE_RENAME(x) clcc_ ## x #define ENUM_PREFIX_CL(x) MCL_ ## x #endif #ifdef __OPENCL_C_VERSION__ #define CL_VERSION_1_0 100 #define CL_VERSION_1_1 110 #define CL_VERSION_1_2 120 #define CL_VERSION_2_0 200 #endif /** * @name "Enums" for the image channel data orders ( */ typedef enum clcc_channel_order { CLCC_R, CLCC_A, CLCC_RG, CLCC_RA, CLCC_RGB, CLCC_RGBA, CLCC_BGRA, CLCC_ARGB, CLCC_INTENSITY, CLCC_LUMINANCE, CLCC_Rx, CLCC_RGx, CLCC_RGBx, /* Introduced in CL 2.0 */ CLCC_DEPTH, /* Note CL_DEPTH_STENCIL is an extension, it is not supported presently. */ CLCC_DEPTH_STENCIL, CLCC_sRGB, CLCC_sRGBx, CLCC_sRGBA, CLCC_sBGRA, CLCC_ABGR, #if ( 1 == MALI_CL_2_0 ) CLCC_CHANNEL_ORDER_COUNT, #else #ifndef __OPENCL_C_VERSION__ CLCC_CHANNEL_ORDER_COUNT = CLCC_RGBx + 1 #endif #endif } clcc_channel_order; /** * @name "Enums" for the image channel data types ( */ typedef enum clcc_channel_type { CLCC_SNORM_INT8, CLCC_SNORM_INT16, CLCC_UNORM_INT8, CLCC_UNORM_INT16, CLCC_UNORM_SHORT_565, CLCC_UNORM_SHORT_555, CLCC_UNORM_INT_101010, CLCC_SIGNED_INT8, CLCC_SIGNED_INT16, CLCC_SIGNED_INT32, CLCC_UNSIGNED_INT8, CLCC_UNSIGNED_INT16, CLCC_UNSIGNED_INT32, CLCC_HALF_FLOAT, CLCC_FLOAT, CLCC_CHANNEL_TYPE_COUNT } clcc_channel_type; #if !defined(__OPENCL_C_VERSION__) || (__OPENCL_C_VERSION__ >= CL_VERSION_2_0) typedef struct { u32 work_dim; /**< Number of dimensions to describe the work to be done */ size_t global_work_size[3]; /**< Size of the global work-items */ size_t local_work_size[3]; /**< Defines the number of work-items per work-group */ size_t global_work_offset[3]; /**< Offsets used to calculate the global ID of a work-item */ } NDRANGE_RENAME(ndrange); typedef struct { char is_committed; /**< Indicates the data corresponding to this window has been read or written. */ u32 index; /**< Index of the first element from the reserved window. */ s16 count; /**< The window size. */ } clcc_reserve_id; #if defined (__OPENCL_C_VERSION__) && __OPENCL_C_VERSION__ >= CL_VERSION_2_0 #define MUTEX_TY atomic_flag #else #define MUTEX_TY u32 #endif typedef struct { u32 max_num_packets; /**< The pipe capacity. */ u32 packet_size; /**< The size of a single packet. */ volatile u32 count; /**< The number of packets in the buffer. */ volatile u32 reservation_count; /**< Total number of packets in the reserved windows. */ volatile u32 read_start; /**< The offset of the first window reserved for reading. */ volatile u32 read_end; /**< The offset of the last window reserved for reading. */ volatile u32 write_start; /**< The offset of the first window reserved for writing. */ volatile u32 write_end; /**< The offset of the last window reserved for writing. */ volatile MUTEX_TY mutex; /**< The mutex protecting the access to the buffer. */ volatile u32 read_count; /**< The count of all reads that have taken place. Used for logging only */ volatile u32 write_count; /**< The count of all writes that have taken place. Used for logging only */ } clcc_pipe; #undef MUTEX_TY #if defined(__OPENCL_C_VERSION__) && __OPENCL_C_VERSION__ >= CL_VERSION_2_0 typedef clcc_pipe __pipe_t; typedef clcc_reserve_id __reserve_id_t; #endif /* Add completion status values for events etc */ enum { ENUM_PREFIX_CL(COMPLETE) = 0x0, ENUM_PREFIX_CL(RUNNING) = 0x1, ENUM_PREFIX_CL(SUBMITTED) = 0x2, ENUM_PREFIX_CL(QUEUED) = 0x3 }; /* Type qualifiers */ enum { CL_KERNEL_ARG_TYPE_QUAL_NONE = 0, CL_KERNEL_ARG_TYPE_QUAL_CONST = (1 << 0), CL_KERNEL_ARG_TYPE_QUAL_RESTRICT = (1 << 1), CL_KERNEL_ARG_TYPE_QUAL_VOLATILE = (1 << 2), CL_KERNEL_ARG_TYPE_QUAL_PIPE = (1 << 3) }; /** * @brief mali_mcl_device_command_queue - command queue for device-side enqueue. * * This structure represents the queue that @c enqueue_kernel() enqueues the new work into. * The queue contains @c mcl_device_queue_content. The current design assumes that the queue * is simply big enough to handle all work, and therefore no requirement to track which entries * can be reused. For a fully functional implementation, this would have to be added (along with * quite a bit of other changes to make the whole device-side enqueue fully functional). * * The @c size is the total size of @c buffer. * * The @c alloc is the index that points to the first allocatable point in the buffer. This field is * updated by an atomic add operation, to ensure that simultaneous allocation of space is safe. * See diagram below. * * The @c commit is the index for the committed data. This is the index at which ALL data up to that point * has been filled in. This is updated by atomic compare exchang, to ensure that the data is always * complete up to the point indicated by this index. See diagram below. * * The @c queue is used to "remember" the host queue that this queue represents. This allows us to have * put the queue pointer value into the @c mcl_device_queue_content entry. * * Finally the @c buffer is the acutal storage for the queued work. The value of @c alloc and @c commit * are indices into @c buffer. (In other words, the first free address is at @c &buffer[alloc]). * * The driver-side maintains a "read pointer" that is not stored within this data structure, which * is the index up to which where the host side has processed the entries in the queue. * * Diagram showing the the queued format: * (For simplicity, in the below "filled in" means completely filled in and ready to be processed) * * +-----------------------+ <- buffer[0] * ! Queue Entry 0 ! * +-----------------------+ <- buffer[sizeof(mcl_device_queue_content) * 1] * ! Queue Entry 1 ! * +-----------------------+ * ! Queue Entry 2 ! * buffer[readptr]-> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Z ---------- Z (skipping over several entries) * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ! Queue Entry 8 ! (All entries up to this point are filled in) * buffer[commit]-> +-----------------------+ * ! Queue Entry 9 ! (Not finished filling in here) * +-----------------------+ * ! Queue Entry 10 ! (Finished, but waiting for 9 to be filled in) * buffer[alloc]-> +-----------------------+ * ! Queue Entry 11 ! (Not filled in at all, shouldn't be "touched") * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Z ---------- Z (skipping over several entries) * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * As we can see in the above, the host has processed up to entry number 2, the device has filled in 8 * entries that are ready for the host, and are in the process of filling in entry 9, where entry 10 * is already filled in, but has to wait for entry 9 to be filled in. The next call to @c enqueue_kernel * would use entry 11. */ typedef struct CLCC_APPLY_PREFIX(device_command_queue) { u32 size; /**< size of the entire buffer */ u32 alloc; /**< index to end of allocated space (first unallocated byte) */ u32 commit; /**< index to end of committed space (committed = filled in completely to that point) */ uintptr_t queue; /**< host-side queue-pointer - retrieved at a later stage, never used by device */ char buffer[1]; /**< Actual queue space. */ } CLCC_APPLY_PREFIX(device_command_queue); /** * Error codes used to give information about queue content. */ typedef enum { MCL_ENQUEUE_NO_ERROR, /**< No error, all good */ MCL_ENQUEUE_ERR_TOO_LARGE_CAPTURE, /**< Captured variables don't fit in block_context field */ MCL_ENQUEUE_ERR_TOO_LONG_NAME, /**< Kernel name too long for name field */ MCL_ENQUEUE_ERR_EMPTY_NAME, /**< Kernel name should not be 'empty' */ MCL_ENQUEUE_ERR_TOO_MANY_LOCALS, /**< Too many local values */ MCL_ENQUEUE_ERR_NO_EVENTS, /**< Can't allocate event */ } CLCC_APPLY_PREFIX(enqueue_errcodes); /** * MCL_MAX_LOCALS defines how many local sizes can be passed to enqueue_kernel. The * number choosen here is sufficient to cope with the conformance test. No intention * to support code more complex than the conformance test. */ #define MCL_MAX_LOCALS 3u /** * Data structure inside the queue. */ typedef struct CLCC_APPLY_PREFIX(device_queue_content) { u32 status; /**< Status per enqueue_errcodes enum above */ char name[128]; /**< Kernel/block actual name */ /** * Used to store the context of the block. It contains 32 bytes of fixed data. * Adding another 96 bytes allows for some captured arguments to the block-function. * enqueue_kernel should check that size fits. */ char block_context[128]; NDRANGE_RENAME(ndrange) ndrange; /**< ndrange describing the enqueued work */ uintptr_t queue; /**< Queue which this work should be enqueued onto */ uintptr_t owner_payload; /**< Owning payload for this kernel */ u32 num_locals; /**< Number of local sizes. */ size_t locals[MCL_MAX_LOCALS]; /**< Local sizes */ u32 magic; /**< Special magic value to identify end of block */ } CLCC_APPLY_PREFIX(device_queue_content); /** * Data structure for event list. * * @c free_list points to @c NULL if empty, otherwise to a free clk_event (whose "next" pointer indicates * where the next element in the list is, or @c NULL if it's the last element. * @c first_event is the address of the beggining of the event buffer. * @c last_event is the address of the end of the event buffer. * @c next_unused is the address of the first element in the event buffer that is not yet used. * The following should always be true: * @c first_event >= @c next_unused >= @c last_event */ typedef struct CLCC_APPLY_PREFIX(clk_event_admin) { void* free_list; void* first_event; void* last_event; void* next_unused; } CLCC_APPLY_PREFIX(clk_event_admin); #endif /* !defined(__OPENCL_C_VERSION__) || (__OPENCL_C_VERSION__ >= CL_VERSION_2_0) */ /** * @} */ /** * @} */ #ifdef __cplusplus } /* end of extern "C" */ #endif #endif /* MALI_CLCC_SHARED_H_ */ #ifdef cl_khr_fp64 #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64 : enable #endif #define NULL ((void*)0) typedef unsigned char uchar; typedef unsigned short ushort; typedef unsigned int uint; typedef unsigned long ulong; typedef __typeof__ (((int *)0) - ((int *)0)) ptrdiff_t; typedef half half2 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(2))); typedef half half3 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(3))); typedef half half4 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(4))); typedef half half8 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(8))); typedef half half16 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(16))); typedef float float2 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(2))); typedef float float3 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(3))); typedef float float4 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(4))); typedef float float8 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(8))); typedef float float16 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(16))); #ifdef cl_khr_fp64 typedef double double2 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(2))); typedef double double3 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(3))); typedef double double4 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(4))); typedef double double8 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(8))); typedef double double16 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(16))); #endif typedef char char2 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(2))); typedef char char3 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(3))); typedef char char4 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(4))); typedef char char8 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(8))); typedef char char16 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(16))); typedef uchar uchar2 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(2))); typedef uchar uchar3 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(3))); typedef uchar uchar4 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(4))); typedef uchar uchar8 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(8))); typedef uchar uchar16 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(16))); typedef short short2 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(2))); typedef short short3 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(3))); typedef short short4 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(4))); typedef short short8 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(8))); typedef short short16 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(16))); typedef ushort ushort2 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(2))); typedef ushort ushort3 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(3))); typedef ushort ushort4 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(4))); typedef ushort ushort8 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(8))); typedef ushort ushort16 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(16))); typedef int int2 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(2))); typedef int int3 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(3))); typedef int int4 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(4))); typedef int int8 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(8))); typedef int int16 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(16))); typedef uint uint2 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(2))); typedef uint uint3 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(3))); typedef uint uint4 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(4))); typedef uint uint8 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(8))); typedef uint uint16 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(16))); typedef long long2 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(2))); typedef long long3 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(3))); typedef long long4 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(4))); typedef long long8 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(8))); typedef long long16 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(16))); typedef ulong ulong2 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(2))); typedef ulong ulong3 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(3))); typedef ulong ulong4 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(4))); typedef ulong ulong8 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(8))); typedef ulong ulong16 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(16))); typedef half __clcc_half; typedef float __clcc_float; #ifdef cl_khr_fp64 typedef double __clcc_double; #endif typedef char __clcc_char; typedef bool __clcc_bool; typedef void* __clcc_block_void_t; typedef void* __clcc_block_t; typedef short __clcc_short; typedef int __clcc_int; typedef long __clcc_long; typedef void __clcc_void; #if __OPENCL_C_VERSION__ >= CL_VERSION_1_2 typedef read_only image1d_t __clcc_image1d_ro_t; typedef write_only image1d_t __clcc_image1d_wo_t; typedef read_write image1d_t __clcc_image1d_rw_t; #endif typedef read_only image2d_t __clcc_image2d_ro_t; typedef write_only image2d_t __clcc_image2d_wo_t; typedef read_write image2d_t __clcc_image2d_rw_t; typedef read_only image3d_t __clcc_image3d_ro_t; #ifdef cl_khr_3d_image_writes #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_3d_image_writes : enable typedef write_only image3d_t __clcc_image3d_wo_t; typedef read_write image3d_t __clcc_image3d_rw_t; #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_3d_image_writes : disable #endif #if __OPENCL_C_VERSION__ >= CL_VERSION_1_2 typedef read_only image1d_array_t __clcc_image1d_array_ro_t; typedef write_only image1d_array_t __clcc_image1d_array_wo_t; typedef read_write image1d_array_t __clcc_image1d_array_rw_t; typedef read_only image2d_array_t __clcc_image2d_array_ro_t; typedef write_only image2d_array_t __clcc_image2d_array_wo_t; typedef read_write image2d_array_t __clcc_image2d_array_rw_t; typedef read_only image1d_buffer_t __clcc_image1d_buffer_ro_t; typedef write_only image1d_buffer_t __clcc_image1d_buffer_wo_t; typedef read_write image1d_buffer_t __clcc_image1d_buffer_rw_t; #endif #if __OPENCL_C_VERSION__ >= CL_VERSION_2_0 typedef read_only image2d_depth_t __clcc_image2d_depth_ro_t; typedef write_only image2d_depth_t __clcc_image2d_depth_wo_t; typedef read_write image2d_depth_t __clcc_image2d_depth_rw_t; typedef read_only image2d_array_depth_t __clcc_image2d_array_depth_ro_t; typedef write_only image2d_array_depth_t __clcc_image2d_array_depth_wo_t; typedef read_write image2d_array_depth_t __clcc_image2d_array_depth_rw_t; #endif typedef sampler_t __clcc_sampler_t; typedef event_t __clcc_event_t; #if __OPENCL_C_VERSION__ >= CL_VERSION_2_0 typedef reserve_id_t __clcc_reserve_id_t; typedef pipe void __clcc_pipe_t; #endif #if (__OPENCL_C_VERSION__ >= CL_VERSION_2_0) || defined(__CLCC_ENABLE_CL20_ATOMICS__) #define ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(value) (value) #ifndef __ATOMIC_RELAXED #define __ATOMIC_RELAXED 0 #endif #ifndef __ATOMIC_CONSUME #define __ATOMIC_CONSUME 1 #endif #ifndef __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE #define __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE 2 #endif #ifndef __ATOMIC_RELEASE #define __ATOMIC_RELEASE 3 #endif #ifndef __ATOMIC_ACQ_REL #define __ATOMIC_ACQ_REL 4 #endif #ifndef __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST #define __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST 5 #endif typedef enum { memory_order_relaxed = __ATOMIC_RELAXED, memory_order_consume = __ATOMIC_CONSUME, memory_order_acquire = __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE, memory_order_release = __ATOMIC_RELEASE, memory_order_acq_rel = __ATOMIC_ACQ_REL, memory_order_seq_cst = __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST } memory_order; typedef enum { memory_scope_work_item, memory_scope_work_group, memory_scope_device, memory_scope_all_svm_devices, } memory_scope; #define ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(0) #endif #define __kernel_exec(X, typen) __kernel __attribute__((work_group_size_hint(X, 1, 1))) __attribute__((vec_type_hint(typen))) #define kernel_exec(X, typen) __kernel_exec(X, typen) #define NAN __builtin_nanf("") #define INFINITY __builtin_inff() #define HUGE_VALF INFINITY #define MAXFLOAT FLT_MAX #define FLT_DIG 6 #define FLT_MANT_DIG 24 #define FLT_MAX_10_EXP +38 #define FLT_MAX_EXP +128 #define FLT_MIN_10_EXP -37 #define FLT_MIN_EXP -125 #define FLT_RADIX 2 #define FLT_MAX 0x1.fffffep127f #define FLT_MIN 0x1.0p-126f #define FLT_EPSILON 0x1.0p-23f #define FP_ILOGBNAN 0x7fffffff #define FP_ILOGB0 0x80000000 #define M_E_F 2.71828174591064453125e+00f #define M_LOG2E_F 1.44269502162933349609e+00f #define M_LOG10E_F 4.34294492006301879883e-01f #define M_LN2_F 6.93147182464599609375e-01f #define M_LN10_F 2.30258512496948242188e+00f #define M_PI_F 3.14159274101257324219e+00f #define M_PI_2_F 1.57079637050628662109e+00f #define M_PI_4_F 7.85398185253143310547e-01f #define M_1_PI_F 3.18309873342514038086e-01f #define M_2_PI_F 6.36619746685028076172e-01f #define M_2_SQRTPI_F 1.12837922573089599609e+00f #define M_SQRT2_F 1.41421353816986083984e+00f #define M_SQRT1_2_F 7.07106769084930419922e-01f #ifdef cl_khr_fp64 #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64 : enable #define HUGE_VAL (as_double(0x7ff0000000000000)) #define DBL_DIG 15 #define DBL_MANT_DIG 53 #define DBL_MAX_10_EXP +308 #define DBL_MAX_EXP +1024 #define DBL_MIN_10_EXP -307 #define DBL_MIN_EXP -1021 #define DBL_MAX 0x1.fffffffffffffp1023 #define DBL_MIN 0x1.0p-1022 #define DBL_EPSILON 0x1.0p-52 #define DBL_RADIX 2 #define M_E 2.718281828459045090796 #define M_LOG2E 1.442695040888963387005 #define M_LOG10E 0.434294481903251816668 #define M_LN2 0.693147180559945286227 #define M_LN10 2.302585092994045901094 #define M_PI 3.141592653589793115998 #define M_PI_2 1.570796326794896557999 #define M_PI_4 0.785398163397448278999 #define M_1_PI 0.318309886183790691216 #define M_2_PI 0.636619772367581382433 #define M_2_SQRTPI 1.128379167095512558561 #define M_SQRT2 1.414213562373095145475 #define M_SQRT1_2 0.707106781186547572737 #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64 : disable #endif #ifdef cl_khr_fp16 #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp16 : enable #define HUGE_VAL (as_double(0x7ff0000000000000)) #define HALF_DIG 3 #define HALF_MANT_DIG 11 #define HALF_MAX_10_EXP +4 #define HALF_MAX_EXP +16 #define HALF_MIN_10_EXP -4 #define HALF_MIN_EXP -13 #define HALF_RADIX 2 #define HALF_MAX 0x1.ffcp15H #define HALF_MIN 0x1.0p-14H #define HALF_EPSILON 0x1.0p-10H #define M_E_H +0x1.5c0p1H #define M_LOG2E_H +0x1.714p0H #define M_LOG10E_H +0x1.bccp-2H #define M_LN2_H +0x1.630p-1H #define M_LN10_H +0x1.26cp1H #define M_PI_H +0x1.920p1H #define M_PI_2_H +0x1.920p0H #define M_PI_4_H +0x1.920p-1H #define M_1_PI_H +0x1.460p-2H #define M_2_PI_H +0x1.460p-1H #define M_2_SQRTPI_H +0x1.20cp0H #define M_SQRT2_H +0x1.6a0p0H #define M_SQRT1_2_H +0x1.6a0p-1H #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp16 : disable #endif #define CHAR_BIT 8 #define CHAR_MAX SCHAR_MAX #define CHAR_MIN SCHAR_MIN #define INT_MAX 2147483647 #define INT_MIN (-2147483647 - 1) #define LONG_MAX 0x7fffffffffffffffL #define LONG_MIN (-0x7fffffffffffffffL - 1) #define SCHAR_MAX 127 #define SCHAR_MIN (-127 - 1) #define SHRT_MAX 32767 #define SHRT_MIN (-32767 - 1) #define UCHAR_MAX 255 #define USHRT_MAX 65535 #define UINT_MIN 0u #define UINT_MAX 0xffffffff #define ULONG_MIN 0u #define ULONG_MAX 0xffffffffffffffffUL typedef enum { CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE = 1 << 0, CLK_GLOBAL_MEM_FENCE = 1 << 1, CLK_IMAGE_MEM_FENCE = 1 << 2, // CL2.0 - 6.1.3 } cl_mem_fence_flags; enum { CLK_NORMALIZED_COORDS_TRUE = (1 << 0) , CLK_NORMALIZED_COORDS_FALSE = (1 << 1) , CLK_ADDRESS_NONE = (1 << 2) , CLK_ADDRESS_CLAMP = (1 << 3) , CLK_ADDRESS_CLAMP_TO_EDGE = (1 << 4) , CLK_ADDRESS_REPEAT = (1 << 5) , CLK_ADDRESS_MIRRORED_REPEAT = (1 << 6) , CLK_FILTER_NEAREST = (1 << 7) , CLK_FILTER_LINEAR = (1 << 8) , }; enum{ CLK_SNORM_INT8 = CLCC_SNORM_INT8 , CLK_SNORM_INT16 = CLCC_SNORM_INT16 , CLK_UNORM_INT8 = CLCC_UNORM_INT8 , CLK_UNORM_INT16 = CLCC_UNORM_INT16 , CLK_UNORM_SHORT_565 = CLCC_UNORM_SHORT_565 , CLK_UNORM_SHORT_555 = CLCC_UNORM_SHORT_555 , CLK_UNORM_INT_101010 = CLCC_UNORM_INT_101010 , CLK_SIGNED_INT8 = CLCC_SIGNED_INT8 , CLK_SIGNED_INT16 = CLCC_SIGNED_INT16 , CLK_SIGNED_INT32 = CLCC_SIGNED_INT32 , CLK_UNSIGNED_INT8 = CLCC_UNSIGNED_INT8 , CLK_UNSIGNED_INT16 = CLCC_UNSIGNED_INT16 , CLK_UNSIGNED_INT32 = CLCC_UNSIGNED_INT32 , CLK_HALF_FLOAT = CLCC_HALF_FLOAT , CLK_FLOAT = CLCC_FLOAT , }; enum{ CLK_R = CLCC_R , CLK_A = CLCC_A , CLK_RG = CLCC_RG , CLK_RA = CLCC_RA , CLK_RGB = CLCC_RGB , CLK_RGBA = CLCC_RGBA , CLK_BGRA = CLCC_BGRA , CLK_ARGB = CLCC_ARGB , CLK_INTENSITY = CLCC_INTENSITY , CLK_LUMINANCE = CLCC_LUMINANCE , CLK_Rx = CLCC_Rx , CLK_RGx = CLCC_RGx , CLK_RGBx = CLCC_RGBx , #if __OPENCL_C_VERSION__ >= CL_VERSION_2_0 CLK_DEPTH = CLCC_DEPTH , CLK_DEPTH_STENCIL = CLCC_DEPTH_STENCIL, CLK_sRGB = CLCC_sRGB , CLK_sRGBx = CLCC_sRGBx , CLK_sRGBA = CLCC_sRGBA , CLK_sBGRA = CLCC_sBGRA , CLK_ABGR = CLCC_ABGR , #endif }; #if __OPENCL_C_VERSION__ >= CL_VERSION_2_0 #define CLK_NULL_RESERVE_ID NULL extern global int * global __pipe_log_buffer; extern global int is_null; /* Return status for device-side enqueue */ #define CLK_SUCCESS 0 #define CLK_ENQUEUE_FAILURE -1 /* Event and queue null values - same as pointer NULL in our world */ #define CLK_NULL_EVENT NULL #define CLK_NULL_QUEUE NULL /* Flags for device-side enqueue */ #define CLK_ENQUEUE_FLAGS_NO_WAIT 0 #define CLK_ENQUEUE_FLAGS_WAIT_KERNEL 1 #define CLK_ENQUEUE_FLAGS_WAIT_WORK_GROUP 2 /* Field names for capture_event_profiling_info() */ typedef enum { CLK_PROFILING_COMMAND_EXEC_TIME = 1 } clk_profiling_info; #endif #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION all : disable #if __OPENCL_C_VERSION__ >= CL_VERSION_2_0 #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_3d_image_writes : enable #endif contains-recursion Contains recursion pass Replace loads and stores to generic address space to AS specific loads and stores reqd_work_group_size reqd_work_group_size_multiple work_group_size_hint arm_thread_limit_hint kernel_attributes OpenCL kernel statistics 14ocl_image1d 20ocl_image1d_array 21ocl_image1d_buffer 14ocl_image2d 20ocl_image2d_array 14ocl_image3d 20ocl_image2d_depth 26ocl_image2d_array_depth ro wo rw double4 half8 float2 half5 __clcc_double __clcc_float half4 float5 float16 double8 double5 half2 double16 float4 half3 double2 __clcc_half double3 float8 half16 float3 uchar __clcc_char ushort3 ulong16 long16 ushort2 short2 uchar4 char4 ushort5 uchar3 short5 ushort4 ushort uchar16 ulong5 long5 uchar5 char5 uint4 int4 ulong2 uint __clcc_int uint3 int3 uint2 int2 char16 uint5 ulong3 __clcc_short ushort16 ulong8 char3 ulong uint16 uchar8 char8 uint8 int8 ulong4 ushort8 short4 int16 __clcc_long long2 short8 long4 uchar2 char2 short16 long8 short3 long3 int5 event_t *%8388352ushort2 *!C%8388353ushort2 size_t *%8388352double5 *!C%8388353double5 *%8388353float2 *!C%8388352float2 *%8388353long3 *!C%8388352long3 *%8388353double3 *!C%8388352double3 *%8388353short5 *!C%8388352short5 *%8388353float8 *!C%8388352float8 *%8388353uchar4 *!C%8388352uchar4 *%8388352half16 *!C%8388353half16 *%8388352ulong4 *!C%8388353ulong4 *%8388353char2 *!C%8388352char2 *%8388353uint5 *!C%8388352uint5 *%8388352char3 *!C%8388353char3 *%8388353__clcc_int *!C%8388352__clcc_int *%8388352ushort *!C%8388353ushort *%8388352int4 *!C%8388353int4 *%8388352char16 *!C%8388353char16 *%8388353__clcc_float *!C%8388352__clcc_float *%8388352float8 *!C%8388353float8 *%8388352uint5 *!C%8388353uint5 *%8388353float16 *!C%8388352float16 *%8388353char16 *!C%8388352char16 *%8388353ulong5 *!C%8388352ulong5 *%8388353double5 *!C%8388352double5 *%8388353uint8 *!C%8388352uint8 *%8388352half3 *!C%8388353half3 *%8388352char4 *!C%8388353char4 *%8388353double4 *!C%8388352double4 *%8388353__clcc_double *!C%8388352__clcc_double *%8388352__clcc_int *!C%8388353__clcc_int *%8388352uchar3 *!C%8388353uchar3 *%8388352uchar8 *!C%8388353uchar8 *%8388352uint *!C%8388353uint *%8388352uint2 *!C%8388353uint2 *%8388353uchar8 *!C%8388352uchar8 *%8388353uint2 *!C%8388352uint2 *%8388353int3 *!C%8388352int3 *%8388352ulong16 *!C%8388353ulong16 *%8388352ulong2 *!C%8388353ulong2 *%8388352int2 *!C%8388353int2 *%8388353char8 *!C%8388352char8 *%8388353long5 *!C%8388352long5 *%8388353ushort8 *!C%8388352ushort8 *%8388353half3 *!C%8388352half3 *%8388352ushort4 *!C%8388353ushort4 *%8388352long3 *!C%8388353long3 *%8388352uchar16 *!C%8388353uchar16 *%8388352half5 *!C%8388353half5 *%8388352ushort5 *!C%8388353ushort5 *%8388353float4 *!C%8388352float4 *%8388353uint *!C%8388352uint *%8388353double8 *!C%8388352double8 *%8388352double8 *!C%8388353double8 *%8388352__clcc_half *!C%8388353__clcc_half *%8388352__clcc_char *!C%8388353__clcc_char *%8388353short2 *!C%8388352short2 *%8388353long16 *!C%8388352long16 *%8388353char5 *!C%8388352char5 *%8388353half8 *!C%8388352half8 *%8388353int16 *!C%8388352int16 *%8388353__clcc_half *!C%8388352__clcc_half *%8388353short16 *!C%8388352short16 *%8388353ulong8 *!C%8388352ulong8 *%8388352long16 *!C%8388353long16 *%8388353__clcc_long *!C%8388352__clcc_long *%8388353ulong4 *!C%8388352ulong4 *%8388353double2 *!C%8388352double2 *%8388353int5 *!C%8388352int5 *%8388353int4 *!C%8388352int4 *%8388352uchar5 *!C%8388353uchar5 *%8388352uint8 *!C%8388353uint8 *%8388352float4 *!C%8388353float4 *%8388352ushort8 *!C%8388353ushort8 *%8388352ulong8 *!C%8388353ulong8 *%8388353char4 *!C%8388352char4 *%8388352short8 *!C%8388353short8 *%8388353half2 *!C%8388352half2 *%8388352short3 *!C%8388353short3 *%8388353__clcc_char *!C%8388352__clcc_char *%8388353short3 *!C%8388352short3 *%8388352short16 *!C%8388353short16 *%8388353char3 *!C%8388352char3 *%8388353ulong16 *!C%8388352ulong16 *%8388352short4 *!C%8388353short4 *%8388352long8 *!C%8388353long8 *%8388352long4 *!C%8388353long4 *%8388353uint16 *!C%8388352uint16 *%8388353ushort2 *!C%8388352ushort2 *%8388352uint3 *!C%8388353uint3 *%8388352int16 *!C%8388353int16 *%8388352uchar *!C%8388353uchar *%8388352uchar4 *!C%8388353uchar4 *%8388353uint4 *!C%8388352uint4 *%8388352short2 *!C%8388353short2 *%8388352ulong3 *!C%8388353ulong3 *%8388353short4 *!C%8388352short4 *%8388353ushort4 *!C%8388352ushort4 *%8388352int3 *!C%8388353int3 *%8388353uchar *!C%8388352uchar *%8388352half8 *!C%8388353half8 *%8388353ushort3 *!C%8388352ushort3 *%8388353uchar16 *!C%8388352uchar16 *%8388352ushort16 *!C%8388353ushort16 *%8388352double3 *!C%8388353double3 *%8388353ushort *!C%8388352ushort *%8388352uint16 *!C%8388353uint16 *%8388353long2 *!C%8388352long2 *%8388353int2 *!C%8388352int2 *%8388353half4 *!C%8388352half4 *%8388353ushort16 *!C%8388352ushort16 *%8388353float5 *!C%8388352float5 *%8388352uint4 *!C%8388353uint4 *%8388352__clcc_float *!C%8388353__clcc_float *%8388353long4 *!C%8388352long4 *%8388353short8 *!C%8388352short8 *%8388352double16 *!C%8388353double16 *%8388353half5 *!C%8388352half5 *%8388352float2 *!C%8388353float2 *%8388352half2 *!C%8388353half2 *%8388352ushort3 *!C%8388353ushort3 *%8388352__clcc_long *!C%8388353__clcc_long *%8388353float3 *!C%8388352float3 *%8388352char5 *!C%8388353char5 *%8388353ulong2 *!C%8388352ulong2 *%8388352ulong5 *!C%8388353ulong5 *%8388352float5 *!C%8388353float5 *%8388352half4 *!C%8388353half4 *%8388352__clcc_double *!C%8388353__clcc_double *%8388353double16 *!C%8388352double16 *%8388353long8 *!C%8388352long8 *%8388352int8 *!C%8388353int8 *%8388352double2 *!C%8388353double2 *%8388352uchar2 *!C%8388353uchar2 *%8388352long5 *!C%8388353long5 *%8388352short5 *!C%8388353short5 *%8388353ushort5 *!C%8388352ushort5 *%8388353half16 *!C%8388352half16 *%8388352__clcc_short *!C%8388353__clcc_short *%8388352float3 *!C%8388353float3 *%8388352int5 *!C%8388353int5 *%8388352char2 *!C%8388353char2 *%8388353ulong3 *!C%8388352ulong3 *%8388353__clcc_short *!C%8388352__clcc_short *%8388353int8 *!C%8388352int8 *%8388353uchar2 *!C%8388352uchar2 *%8388353uchar5 *!C%8388352uchar5 *%8388352long2 *!C%8388353long2 *%8388352ulong *!C%8388353ulong *%8388353uchar3 *!C%8388352uchar3 *%8388353ulong *!C%8388352ulong *%8388352float16 *!C%8388353float16 *%8388352double4 *!C%8388353double4 *%8388353uint3 *!C%8388352uint3 *%8388352char8 *!C%8388353char8 invalid *!V%8388353__clcc_int *!V%8388353uint *!V%8388352uint *!V%8388352__clcc_int __clcc_bool *!V%8388355atomic_int *%8388355__clcc_int memory_order memory_scope *!V%8388355atomic_uint *%8388355uint *!V%8388355atomic_long *%8388355__clcc_long *!V%8388355atomic_ulong *%8388355ulong *!V%8388355atomic_float *%8388355__clcc_float *!V%8388355atomic_double *%8388355__clcc_double *!Vatomic_int *__clcc_int *!Vatomic_uint *uint *!Vatomic_long *__clcc_long *!Vatomic_ulong *ulong *!Vatomic_float *__clcc_float *!Vatomic_double *__clcc_double *!V%8388352atomic_int *!V%8388352atomic_uint *!V%8388352atomic_long *!V%8388352atomic_ulong *!V%8388352atomic_float *!V%8388352atomic_double *!V%8388353atomic_int *!V%8388353atomic_uint *!V%8388353atomic_long *!V%8388353atomic_ulong *!V%8388353atomic_float *!V%8388353atomic_double __clcc_void *!V%8388355atomic_flag *!Vatomic_flag *!V%8388352atomic_flag *!V%8388353atomic_flag cl_mem_fence_flags *!V%8388352__clcc_float *!V%8388353__clcc_float *!V%8388352ulong *!V%8388353ulong *!V%8388353__clcc_long *!V%8388352__clcc_long clk_event_t clk_profiling_info *%8388352__clcc_void queue_t *clk_event_t *!C%8388352__clcc_void *!C%8388355__clcc_void *!C__clcc_void *!C%8388353__clcc_void __clcc_image2d_array_ro_t __clcc_image2d_array_rw_t __clcc_image1d_array_rw_t __clcc_image2d_array_depth_wo_t __clcc_image2d_array_wo_t __clcc_image1d_array_wo_t __clcc_image1d_array_ro_t __clcc_image2d_array_depth_ro_t __clcc_image2d_array_depth_rw_t __clcc_image2d_ro_t __clcc_image3d_wo_t __clcc_image2d_wo_t __clcc_image2d_depth_ro_t __clcc_image3d_rw_t __clcc_image3d_ro_t __clcc_image2d_depth_rw_t __clcc_image2d_depth_wo_t __clcc_image2d_rw_t __clcc_image1d_buffer_ro_t __clcc_image1d_buffer_rw_t __clcc_image1d_ro_t __clcc_image1d_rw_t __clcc_image1d_buffer_wo_t __clcc_image1d_wo_t *half4 *%8388355double8 *float3 *%8388355half4 *double4 *%8388355float3 *half16 *half5 *%8388355half3 *%8388355double3 *double16 *%8388355double4 *%8388355float5 *%8388355float4 *%8388355double16 *half8 *double3 *half3 *float2 *%8388355half16 *float5 *double8 *%8388355half2 *double2 *%8388355half5 *%8388355float2 *%8388355double5 *float4 *%8388355float16 *half2 *%8388355__clcc_half *%8388355half8 *double5 *float8 *%8388355float8 *__clcc_half *float16 *%8388355double2 *%8388355int4 *%8388355int2 *int4 *int5 *%8388355int3 *%8388355int8 *int16 *int3 *int2 *%8388355int5 *%8388355int16 *int8 reserve_id_t ndrange_t *!Csize_t *!C%8388354__clcc_char sampler_t *%8388355event_t *__clcc_char *uchar *%8388355ushort *__clcc_short *ushort *%8388355__clcc_short *%8388355__clcc_char *%8388355uchar *!C%8388354__clcc_half *!C%8388355__clcc_half *!C__clcc_half *!C%8388354__clcc_short *!C__clcc_double *!C%8388355__clcc_float *!C__clcc_int *!C%8388355uint *!C%8388354ulong *!C%8388354__clcc_double *!C%8388355uchar *!Cuchar *!C__clcc_float *!C%8388355__clcc_short *!C%8388354__clcc_int *!C%8388355ushort *!Cushort *!C%8388355__clcc_double *!C%8388354ushort *!C%8388355__clcc_int *!C%8388354uchar *!C%8388355__clcc_long *!C%8388354__clcc_long *!C%8388354uint *!Cuint *!C__clcc_char *!C%8388355__clcc_char *!C%8388355ulong *!C__clcc_long *!C%8388354__clcc_float *!C__clcc_short *!Culong intptr_t ptrdiff_t uintptr_t FeatureLimitedModifiersWithFMAtoADDTemporaries FeatureNumRegsVsNumThreads FeatureMessagePreloadDescriptor FeaturePrimaryShaderWait67 FeaturePixelFormatDescriptor_v7 FeatureMallocedIDVS FeatureTLSAddressHashing FeatureShaderResourceTables FeatureArch_WarpWidth16 FeatureISA_implements_instructions_warp_lane_mask FeatureISA_implements_instruction_clper FeatureISA_implements_instructions_double_width_shifts FeatureISA_implements_instructions_fma_pipe_shift_logic FeatureISA_implements_instructions_iaddc_isubb FeatureISA_implements_instructions_rot_xor_64 FeatureISA_implements_instructions_table2 FeaturePositionVariantEpilogue FeatureArch_WarpWidth4 FeatureISA_implements_64_bit_clauses FeatureISA_implements_sample_location_message_preloads FeatureArch_WarpWidth8 FeatureISA_implements_instruction_idp FeatureISA_implements_instruction_imuld FeatureISA_implements_instruction_dtsel FeatureISA_implements_instruction_csel_64 FeatureISA_implements_instruction_davg FeatureISA_implements_instruction_delta FeatureISA_implements_instruction_fadd_ascale FeatureISA_implements_instruction_fma_mscale FeatureISA_implements_instruction_fma_pipe_ldexp FeatureISA_implements_instruction_fma_pipe_mux FeatureISA_implements_instruction_fma_pipe_swz FeatureISA_implements_instruction_frexpe_de FeatureISA_implements_instruction_permute FeatureISA_implements_instruction_vn_asst3 FeatureISA_implements_instructions_add_pipe_compare_and_additions FeatureISA_implements_instructions_add_pipe_shift_logic FeatureISA_implements_instructions_fma_pipe_all_comparisons FeatureISA_implements_instructions_fma_pipe_all_conversions FeatureISA_implements_instructions_fma_pipe_integer_additions FeatureISA_implements_instructions_fma_pipe_logb_ilogb FeatureISA_implements_instructions_fp64 FeatureISA_implements_instructions_insert_extract FeatureISA_implements_instructions_rot_32 FeatureISA_implements_instructions_shift_add gles_addr_alloc fast_external_sampler_transform_variant normalize_before_llvm per_fragment_interpolation_variant %d:%d: %s: %s: ???? P0001 P0002 P0003 P0004 P0005 P0006 P0007 P0008 P0009 L0002 L0003 L0004 L0006 S0001 S0002 S0003 S0004 S0005 S0006 S0007 S0008 S0009 S0010 S0011 S0012 S0013 S0014 S0015 S0016 S0017 S0018 S0019 S0020 S0021 S0022 S0023 S0024 S0025 S0026 S0027 S0028 S0029 S0030 S0031 S0032 S0033 S0034 S0035 S0037 S0038 S0039 S0040 S0041 S0042 S0043 S0044 S0045 S0046 S0047 S0048 S0049 S0050 S0051 S0052 S0053 S0054 S0055 S0056 S0057 S0058 S0059 S0060 L0007 L0009 F0001 F0002 F0003 F0004 L0099 M0001 SPV01 SPV02 JSN01 Please contact support-mali@arm.com with the shader causing the problem, along with this error message. gl_Layer gles.geom.layered_rendering gles.geom.out_primitive_mode gles.geom.max_vertices gles.tess.primitive_mode gles.tess.vertex_spacing gles.tess.point_mode coverage_modified gles.has.jumpARM buffer_usage.color_read buffer_usage.depth_read buffer_usage.depth_write buffer_usage.stencil_read buffer_usage.stencil_write buffer_usage.local_storage_read buffer_usage.local_storage_write gles.yuv_output gles.blend_advanced.multiply gles.blend_advanced.screen gles.blend_advanced.overlay gles.blend_advanced.darken gles.blend_advanced.lighten gles.blend_advanced.colordodge gles.blend_advanced.colorburn gles.blend_advanced.hardlight gles.blend_advanced.softlight gles.blend_advanced.difference gles.blend_advanced.exclusion gles.blend_advanced.hsl_hue gles.blend_advanced.hsl_saturation gles.blend_advanced.hsl_color gles.blend_advanced.hsl_luminosity gles.local_storage_size gles.lang_desc VERSION_SPIRV VERSION_100 VERSION_300_ES VERSION_310_ES VERSION_320_ES entry_point_output_syms %and_or_tmp %ternary_tmp %out_param_tmp %matrix_spill_temp __blend0 __blend1 __blend2 __blend3 __blend4 __blend5 __blend6 Too many children for a node. Maximum allowed number is %u unknown float bool sampler1D sampler3D samplerCube sampler2DShadow samplerExternalOES struct mat sampler1DShadow sampler1DArray sampler2DArray samplerCubeArray sampler2DMSArray sampler1DArrayShadow sampler2DArrayShadow samplerCubeArrayShadow sampler2DMS samplerCubeShadow isampler3D isamplerCube isampler2DArray usampler3D usamplerCube usampler2DArray interface_block isampler2DMS usampler2DMS atomic_uint iimage2D image2DArray iimage2DArray uimage2DArray image3D iimage3D uimage3D imageCube iimageCube uimageCube isampler2DMSArray usampler2DMSArray isamplerCubeArray usamplerCubeArray imageCubeArray iimageCubeArray uimageCubeArray imageBuffer uimageBuffer iimageBuffer samplerBuffer isamplerBuffer usamplerBuffer __samplerExternal2DY2YEXT isampler1D usampler1D isampler1DArray usampler1DArray void unresolved array yuvCscStandardEXT main Missing main() function for shader gl_FragColor gl_FragData gl_FragColor and gl_FragData assigned in the same fragment shader gl_FragDepth is written to while using yuv output format gl_FragDepth used in the same shader as early_fragment_tests layout qualifier gl_LastFragDepthARM gl_LastFragDepthARM used in the same shader as early_fragment_tests layout qualifier gl_LastFragStencilARM used in the same shader as early_fragment_tests layout qualifier gl_Position EXT_tessellation_shader, OES_tessellation_shader or "320 es" language version required for tessellation shaders EXT_geometry_shader, OES_geometry_shader or "320 es" language version required for geometry shaders Shader contains static recursion Behavior of GL_OVR_multiview ignored, GL_OVR_multiview2 will be used with the specified behavior. Both GL_EXT_primitive_bounding_box and GL_OES_primitive_bounding_box are enabled, writing to both gl_BoundingBoxEXT and gl_BoundingBoxOES is not supported GL_OES_EGL_image_external is deprecated in ESSL 3 and later versions. Use GL_OES_EGL_image_external_essl3 instead Behavior of GL_OES_EGL_image_external ignored, GL_OES_EGL_image_external_essl3 will be used with the specified behavior. '#pragma STDGL invariant (all)' declaration can't be used in fragment shaders GL_OES_geometry_shader' or 'GL_EXT_geometry_shader GL_OES_gpu_shader5' or 'GL_EXT_gpu_shader5 GL_OES_shader_io_blocks' or 'GL_EXT_shader_io_blocks GL_OES_tessellation_shader' or 'GL_EXT_tessellation_shader GL_OES_texture_buffer' or 'GL_EXT_texture_buffer GL_OES_texture_cube_map_array' or 'GL_EXT_texture_cube_map_array debug_preprocessing_directives GL_ARM_all_samples_equal GL_ARM_jump GL_ARM_color_space_conversion GL_ARM_explicit_attribute_access GL_ARM_explicit_memory_access GL_ARM_explicit_opcodes GL_ARM_framebuffer_write GL_ARM_increased_rt GL_ARM_integer_fragment_position GL_ARM_internal_r8_layout GL_ARM_packed_arithmetic GL_ARM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_raw_explicit GL_ARM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_v2 __pixel_localEXT __pixel_local_inEXT __pixel_local_outEXT precise patch sample unknown version 100 300 es 310 320 gl_MaxTessControlImageUniforms gl_MaxTessEvaluationImageUniforms gl_MaxTessControlAtomicCounters gl_MaxTessEvaluationAtomicCounters gl_MaxTessControlAtomicCounterBuffers gl_MaxTessEvaluationAtomicCounterBuffers gl_MaxCombinedTextureImageUnits gl_MaxDrawBuffers gl_MaxFragmentInputVectors gl_MaxFragmentUniformVectors gl_MaxProgramTexelOffset gl_MaxTextureImageUnits gl_MaxVertexAttribs gl_MaxVertexOutputVectors gl_MaxVertexTextureImageUnits gl_MaxVertexUniformVectors gl_MinProgramTexelOffset gl_MaxAtomicCounterBindings gl_MaxAtomicCounterBufferSize gl_MaxCombinedAtomicCounterBuffers gl_MaxCombinedAtomicCounters gl_MaxCombinedImageUniforms gl_MaxComputeAtomicCounterBuffers gl_MaxComputeAtomicCounters gl_MaxComputeImageUniforms gl_MaxComputeTextureImageUnits gl_MaxComputeUniformComponents gl_MaxComputeWorkGroupCount gl_MaxComputeWorkGroupSize gl_MaxImageUnits gl_MaxVertexAtomicCounterBuffers gl_MaxVertexAtomicCounters gl_MaxVertexImageUniforms gl_MaxTessControlInputComponents gl_MaxTessControlOutputComponents gl_MaxTessControlTextureImageUnits gl_MaxTessControlUniformComponents gl_MaxTessControlTotalOutputComponents gl_MaxTessEvaluationInputComponents gl_MaxTessEvaluationOutputComponents gl_MaxTessEvaluationTextureImageUnits gl_MaxTessEvaluationUniformComponents gl_MaxTessPatchComponents gl_MaxPatchVertices gl_MaxTessGenLevel gl_MaxGeometryInputComponents gl_MaxGeometryOutputComponents gl_MaxGeometryImageUniforms gl_MaxGeometryTextureImageUnits gl_MaxGeometryOutputVertices gl_MaxGeometryTotalOutputComponents gl_MaxGeometryUniformComponents gl_MaxGeometryAtomicCounters gl_MaxGeometryAtomicCounterBuffers gl_PointSize gl_LastFragColorARM gl_LastFragStencilARM gl_SampleMask gl_SampleMaskIn gl_SamplePosition gl_PerVertex gl_TessCoord gl_BoundingBoxOES gl_BoundingBoxEXT gl_PrimitiveIDIn gl_MaxVaryingVectors Identifier name '%s' is too long (%d characters, allowed %d in %s) Expected token '%s', found '%s' Expected precision qualifier, got '%s' 'atomic_uint' type requires 'highp' precision qualifier. Expected type for precision qualifier, got '%s' All uses of invariant must be at global scope Keyword 'precise' is reserved Extension '%s' used, qualifier '%s' referred Keyword '%s' is reserved Expected identifier, found '%s' Illegal identifier name '%s' Only output values can be declared invariant Unexpected layout qualifier(s) found for uniform atomic_uint layout declaration binding layout qualifier has to be specifed for uniform atomic_uint layout declaration Binding point in layout declaration (binding = %lld) exceeds the number of atomic counter bindings (maximum allowed is %d) Unexpected layout qualifier(s) found for uniform block layout declaration Unexpected layout qualifiers(s) found for local storage block layout declaration 'early_fragment_tests' layout qualifier is allowed only in fragment shaders Primitive mode layout qualifiers are allowed only in tessellation evaluation shaders Vertex spacing layout qualifiers are allowed only in tessellation evaluation shaders Ordering layout qualifiers are allowed only in tessellation evaluation shaders 'point_mode' layout qualifier is allowed only in tessellation evaluation shaders Primitive mode layout qualifiers are allowed only in geometry shaders 'invocations' layout qualifiers are allowed only in geometry shaders 'num_views' layout qualifiers are allowed only in vertex shaders Unexpected layout qualifier(s) found for 'out' interface Blend support layout qualifier is allowed only in fragment shaders 'vertices' layout qualifier is allowed only in tessellation control shaders 'max_vertices' layout qualifier is allowed only in geometry shaders Value of 'max_vertices' layout qualifier not allowed to exceed gl_MaxGeometryOutputVertices Output primitive mode layout qualifiers are allowed only in geometry shaders Interface qualifier expected, got '%s' std430 layout qualifier can only be used in storage buffer layout declaration location binding offset local_size_x local_size_y local_size_z vertices invocations max_vertices num_views point_mode triangles quads isolines equal_spacing fractional_even_spacing fractional_odd_spacing cw ccw points lines lines_adjacency triangles_adjacency line_strip triangle_strip yuv Value for '%s' qualifier should be smaller than %u. Value for '%s' qualifier should be in the range 1 to %u. Expected layout qualifier identifier, got '%s' Redeclaration of %s layout qualifier with contradictory value in the same layout declaration Redeclaration of %s layout qualifier with contradictory value between layout declarations input primitive mode output primitive mode Expected token '%s', or '%s' found '%s' shared packed std140 row_major column_major r11f_g11f_b10f r32f rg16f rgb10_a2 rgba8 rg16 rgba8i rg16i rgb10_a2ui rgba8ui rg16ui r32ui std430 r8 rgba16f rgba8_snorm rgba32i rgba16i r32i rgba16ui blend_support_multiply blend_support_screen blend_support_overlay blend_support_darken blend_support_lighten blend_support_colordodge blend_support_colorburn blend_support_hardlight blend_support_softlight blend_support_difference blend_support_exclusion blend_support_hsl_hue blend_support_hsl_saturation blend_support_hsl_color blend_support_hsl_luminosity blend_support_all_equations %s qualifier was not set in the first declaraton or had a different value Non-variable '%s' declared invariant Variables of this kind cannot be declared invariant 'gl_FrontFacing' cannot be declared invariant invariant qualifier must be specified before any use of variable '%s' Non-variable '%s' declared precise Structure definition is not allowed inside an interface block Qualifiers specified in incorrect order or the qualifier is not allowed for the specified type Interpolation qualifier specified twice Storage qualifier specified twice invariant qualifier specified twice precise qualifier specified twice 'const' qualifier must be specified first Embedded interface block declaration is not allowed Interface blocks cannot have 'early_fragment_tests' qualifier Interface blocks cannot have blend qualifiers Interface blocks cannot have primitive mode qualifiers Interface blocks cannot have vertex spacing qualifiers Interface blocks cannot have ordering qualifiers Interface blocks cannot have 'point_mode' qualifier Interface blocks cannot have 'num_views' qualifier Interface blocks cannot have local size qualifier Interface blocks cannot have 'offset' qualifier Interface blocks cannot have 'yuv' qualifier Format qualifiers are illegal for this type of interface block Uniform blocks cannot have 'location' qualifier Storage blocks cannot have 'location' qualifier Image format layout qualifiers are illegal for local storage blocks Local storage blocks cannot have 'location' qualifier Invalid qualifier '%s' for interface block Uniform/buffer storage qualifiers are not allowed for input/output blocks Extension '%s' used, '%s' interface block declared Storage qualifier not allowed in parameter declaration Qualifier 'centroid' not allowed in parameter declaration Qualifier 'invariant' not allowed in parameter declaration Qualifier 'patch' not allowed in parameter declaration Qualifier 'sample' not allowed in parameter declaration Multiple variable qualifiers specified Storage qualifier not allowed in GLSL ES version 100 Parameter qualifier only allowed in parameter declarations Illegal qualifier for an interface block member Attribute declared inside a function Input variable declared inside a function Uniform variable declared inside a function Buffer variable declared inside a function Varying declared inside a function Output variable declared inside a function 'centroid out' variable declared inside a function 'patch in' variable declared inside a function 'patch out' variable declared inside a function 'sample in' variable declared inside a function 'sample out' variable declared inside a function Buffer variable declared outside buffer storage block 'early_fragment_tests' layout qualifier is only allowed for standalone interface qualifier 'in' Local size layout qualifier is only allowed in compute shader for standalone interface qualifier 'in' Primitive mode layout qualifiers are only allowed for standalone interface qualifier 'in' Vertex spacing layout qualifiers are only allowed for standalone interface qualifier 'in' Ordering layout qualifiers are only allowed for standalone interface qualifier 'in' 'point_mode' layout qualifier is only allowed for standalone interface qualifier 'in' Blend support layout qualifier is only allowed for standalone interface qualifier 'out' 'num_views' layout qualifier is only allowed for standalone interface qualifier 'in' The 'yuv' layout qualifier can only be used in fragment shaders Only 'out' variables can be qualified with the 'yuv' layout 'out' variables qualified with 'yuv' may not have multiple layout qualifiers Unexpected location qualifier for storage buffer Unexpected qualifier on input/output variable Unexpected layout qualifier on struct member Unexpected layout qualifier on non-interface variable Unexpected storage qualifier for struct member 'centroid' qualifier can be used only with 'in' and 'out' qualifiers 'patch' qualifier can be used only with 'in' and 'out' qualifiers 'sample' qualifier can be used only with 'in' and 'out' qualifiers Unexpected layout qualifier for an interface block member Unexpected 'location' qualifier for an interface block member Format qualifiers are not allowed for uniform block members Format qualifiers are not allowed for storage block members Format qualifiers are not allowed for io block members Embedded structure definition is not allowed Symbol '%s' redeclared Symbol '%s' hides declaration in the outer scope Typename expected, found '%s' Duplicate image format qualifier Image format qualifiers can't be used for non-image types Invalid layout qualifier for image type Interface block layout qualifiers can't be used for non-block declarations Boolean variable can't have a precision qualifier Inside structures, 'binding' qualifier can be used only for samplers and image variables. 'offset' layout qualifier is only allowed for 'atomic_uint' type Image must specify a format layout qualifier. Invalid format qualifier used with floating-point image type Invalid format qualifier used with integer image type Invalid format qualifier used with unsigned integer image type Image has to be qualified as 'readonly', 'writeonly' or both. Expected literal or '(', got '%s' Expected token ';' No matching '%s' length No matching function for call to '%s' barrier() used as operand in a selection operation Undeclared variable '%s' Type '%s' referred to as a variable Extension '%s' used, variable '%s' referred Error declaring interface block '%s', interface blocks can be declared only at global scope Interface block '%s' cannot be a named block interface block '%s' must be redeclared using its instance name gl_out interface block '%s' redeclared with invalid type Interface block '%s' has no members Symbol '%s' redeclared more than once Illegal interface block type for redeclaration of '%s' Member not part of the original block '%s' Symbol '%s' is already referred to and cannot be redeclared Member of the original block '%s' declared with different type Member of the original block '%s' declared with different qualifiers Struct '%s' contains unsized array '%s' gl_FragCoord <with no name> Function '%s' declared or defined inside function Symbol '%s' redeclared as a function %s label not within a switch statement multiple default labels in one switch no statement between a label and the end of the switch statement Missing valid declaration of the output patch vertex count ('vertices' layout qualifier) No output primitive mode specified in geometry shader Missing valid declaration of the output max vertices ('max_vertices' layout qualifier) $$ Too many shared variables declared variable parameter member function define undef if ifdef ifndef elif else endif error pragma extension version line Invalid identifier '%s' Error parsing constant expression Unexpected text found after #%s directive Unexpected text found after #else directive #%s directive found outside if-section Illegal use of %s #endif directive found outside if-section Unexpected text found after #endif directive #error:%s Extension directive must occur before any non-preprocessor tokens Expected extension name after #extension directive, found '%s' Invalid extension '%s' Expected ':' in #extension directive, found '%s' Required extensions need to be listed explicitly, '%s' is not allowed Extension '%s' not supported enable Enabled extensions need to be listed explicitly, '%s' is not allowed warn disable Unknown extension behavior '%s', expected one of: require, enable, warn, disable Unexpected text found after #extension directive #version must be on the first line in a program and only whitespace are allowed in the declaration Unexpected text found after #version directive Unknown preprocessing directive '%s' Unexpected token '%s' in argument list Token '%s' repeated in argument list Unexpected token '%s' at the end of argument list %empty% Macro '%s' redefined Cannot undefine a predefined macro '%s' Unexpected text found after #undef directive defined Error parsing constant expression, unknown identifier '%s' Language version '%s' unknown, this compiler only supports up to version '%s' Language version '%s' unknown, this compiler only supports up to version '%s %s' Unexpected end of macro invocation false highp inout invariant ivec3 lowp mat2 mat3 mat4 mediump precision return uniform varying while class union enum typedef template this goto switch default inline noinline public static extern external interface flat long short double fixed unsigned superp input output hvec2 hvec3 hvec4 dvec2 dvec3 dvec4 fvec2 fvec3 fvec4 sampler2DRect sampler3DRect sampler2DRectShadow sizeof cast namespace using layout centroid smooth case mat2x2 mat2x3 mat2x4 mat3x2 mat3x3 mat3x4 mat4x2 mat4x3 mat4x4 uvec2 uvec3 resource noperspective subroutine common partition active filter image1D iimage1D uimage1D image1DArray iimage1DArray uimage1DArray image1DShadow image2DShadow image1DArrayShadow image2DArrayShadow isampler2DRect usampler2DRect samplerOESExternal coherent restrict volatile readonly writeonly buffer undef_const c style comment _UNKNOWN end of file float-point literal signed integer literal unsigned integer literal # __NEWL { } , : = ( ) [ ] ! - + \ < > ? += -= *= /= <= >= == != ++ -- && || ^^ ~ ^ % | & >>= <<= >> << %= &= ^= |= identifier attribute break bvec2 bvec3 bvec4 const continue discard do for in out asm Compute shaders are supported starting from language version '%s %s'. Function '%s' not defined Too many vertex input variables Too many attributes Too many fragment input variables Too many vertex output variables Too many varyings Too many uniforms 'vertices' layout declaration %d has to match explicitly declared array size for '%s'. Array size must be defined. Function '%s' has non-void return type but no return statement. Cannot assign to arrays or structs with arrays Cannot modify sampler variable Cannot modify image variable Per-vertex output used as L-value should be indexed by gl_InvocationID. Cannot assign to a storage block variable Assignment of SSBO arrays is allowed only between two statically-sized arrays of same type and size. Type mismatch, cannot convert from '%s' to '%s' Function is declared void but return statement has an argument. Function is declared with a return value but return statement has no argument. 'discard' can only be used in fragment shaders. if() condition must be of boolean type. while() condition must be of boolean type. for() condition must be of boolean type. switch() condition must be a scalar integer. case label must be a constant integer expression. case label must be a scalar integer. Switch condition and case label must be of same type, cannot convert from '%s' to '%s' Duplicate case label previously used here Local storage blocks can be declared only in fragment shaders (block '%s'). Memory access qualifiers are allowed only for image variables and buffer variables. Cannot declare a variable of type void Cannot declare a variable of type atomic_uint inside structure const variable '%s' does not have an initializer Initializer for const variable '%s' must be a constant expression. Attribute variable '%s' with initializer Illegal type for attribute variable '%s' Attribute qualifier only allowed in vertex shaders Varying variable '%s' with initializer Illegal type for varying variable '%s' Uniform or storage buffer variable '%s' with initializer 'binding' qualifier can be used only for interface blocks, samplers, atomic_uint and image variables, found for '%s' 'location' qualifier is not allowed for atomic counters. Uniform or storage buffer variable '%s' of type '%s' Sampler variable '%s' declared without uniform qualifier Image variable '%s' declared without uniform qualifier atomic_uint variable '%s' declared without uniform qualifier Built-in variable '%s' can't have initializer Global variable initializer must be a constant expression Extension '%s' used, non-constant global variable initializer Integer fragment input variable '%s' inside interface block '%s' must be qualified with 'flat' qualifier. Image type '%s' is used inside interface block '%s' Incorrect qualifier is used on member inside interface block '%s' (only '%s' allowed) Extension '%s' used, variable '%s' with type '%s' referred Interpolation qualifiers can be used only for fragment inputs or vertex outputs, found for '%s' Interpolation qualifiers can be used only for fragment inputs or vertex outputs, found for member '%s' of '%s' It is not allowed to use more than one interpolation qualifier (struct variable '%s', member '%s') Integer member '%s' of struct variable '%s' must be qualified with 'flat' qualifier Per-vertex input '%s' should be declared as an array. User-defined input variables are not allowed in compute shaders, found '%s' Input blocks are forbidden in vertex shaders, found '%s' Input variable '%s' with initializer Illegal type for input variable '%s' 'centroid in' qualifier can't be used in vertex shaders (variable %s) 'patch in' only allowed in tessellation evaluation shaders (variable %s) . 'sample in' qualifier can't be used in vertex shaders (variable %s) Interpolation qualifiers can't be used for vertex shader input variable '%s' Integer fragment input variable '%s' must be qualified with 'flat' qualifier. Qualifier 'location' is not allowed on fragment input variable '%s'. User-defined output variables are not allowed in compute shaders, found '%s' Output blocks are forbidden in fragment shaders, found '%s' Illegal type for vertex output variable '%s' Illegal type for tessellation output variable '%s' Illegal type for geometry output variable '%s' Illegal type for fragment output variable '%s' 'centroid out' qualifier can't be used in fragment shaders (variable '%s'). 'patch out' only allowed in tessellation control shaders (variable '%s'). 'sample out' qualifier can't be used in fragment shaders (variable '%s'). Interpolation qualifiers can't be used for fragment shader output variable '%s'. Qualifier 'location' is not allowed on vertex output variable '%s'. Binding point for variable '%s' (binding = %lld) exceeds the number of uniform buffer bindings (maximum allowed is %d). Binding point for variable '%s' (binding = %lld) exceeds the number of storage buffer bindings (maximum allowed is %d). Binding point for variable '%s' (binding = %lld) exceeds the number of texture image units (maximum allowed is %d). Binding point for variable '%s' (binding = %lld) exceeds the number of image units (maximum allowed is %d). Binding point for variable '%s' (binding = %lld) exceeds the number of atomic counter bindings (maximum allowed is %d). 'binding' qualifier has to be specified for atomic_uint variable ('%s') 'offset' qualifier (%u) has to be a multiple of 4, found in variable '%s' 'offset' qualifier (%u) has to be unique for a given binding (%lld), found in variable '%s' 'offset' qualifier has to be less than the maximum allowed buffer size (%d) for a given binding (%lld), found in variable '%s' The type of the local storage block member '%s.%s' doesn't match the type of its format '%s' (type: '%s'). The type of the local storage block member '%s' doesn't match the type of its format '%s' (type: '%s'). Local storage block '%s' uses %d bytes of storage, maximum allowed size is %d bytes. Shared variables can be used only in compute shaders ('%s'). Shared variables must be global ('%s'). Shared variable %s can't have initializer. Function returns an array. Input qualifier used on return type Attribute qualifier used on return type Uniform qualifier used on return type Buffer qualifier used on return type Varying qualifier used on return type Output qualifier used on return type Const qualifier used on return type 'shared' qualifier used on return type Memory access qualifier used on return type Interpolation qualifier used on return type 'precise' qualifier used on return type Samplers cannot have out or inout parameter qualifier. Type atomic_uint cannot have out or inout parameter qualifier. Images cannot have out or inout parameter qualifier. Attribute qualifier used on function parameter Varying qualifier used on function parameter Uniform qualifier used on function parameter Buffer qualifier used on function parameter Extension '%s' used, parameter '%s' has type '%s' Extension '%s' used, unnamed parameter has type '%s' Overloading built-in function '%s' not allowed Parameter qualifiers of function definition do not match parameter qualifiers of function declaration for function '%s'. Function '%s' redeclared with different parameter qualifier(s) Extension '%s' used, default precision set Extension '%s' used, 'num_views' layout declaration set Extension '%s' used, layout declaration set 'invocations' qualifier value (%u) exceeds the maximum supported size (%u). '%s' qualifier value (%lld) exceeds the maximum supported size (%lld). gl_WorkGroupSize .length() operator used with arguments .length() operator can be used only on an array object. .length() operator cannot be used before a 'vertices' layout declaration .length() operator cannot be used before input primitive mode layout declaration Request for member "%s" of an array Cannot use field selector to access member of unnamed block Cannot read from a writeonly variable Struct "%s" has no member named "%s". Vector swizzle "%s" is bigger than 4. Swizzle field selector '%c' unknown Swizzle field selector out of range Vector swizzle "%s" mixes components from different sets Member reference or swizzle attempted on non-structure and non-vector Operand to ! must have boolean type. The one's complement operator operands must be of signed/unsigned integer types. Arithmetic unary operations only work with integer and floating-point values. L-value swizzle contains duplicate components. Cannot modify a local input variable Operand is not an lvalue. Remainder operands must be of signed/unsigned integer types. Remainder operands signs must match. Remainder operands cannot be vectors of differing size. Arithmetic operations not allowed on this type Type mismatch in multiplication between '%s' and '%s' Bitwise operations operands must be of signed/unsigned integer types. Bitwise operations operands signs must match. Bitwise operation operands cannot be vectors of different sizes. Shift operands must be of signed/unsigned integer types. The first operand of the shift operation is scalar, the second must be scalar as well. Shift operation operands cannot be vectors of different sizes. Equality operator on SSBO arrays is allowed only between two statically-sized arrays of same type and size. Cannot compare '%s' with '%s' Cannot compare arrays Cannot compare samplers Cannot compare atomic_uint variables Cannot compare yuvCscStandardEXT variables Cannot compare images Inequality operator on SSBO arrays is allowed only between two statically-sized arrays of same type and size. Cannot compare non-scalar types Cannot compare vectors or matrices Operands to &&, || and ^^ must have boolean type. Only integer expression allowed as array subscripts Negative array subscript Array subscript too big Outputs declared as arrays may only be indexed by a constant integral expression. Arrays of shader storage blocks may only be indexed by a constant integral expression. Arrays of uniform blocks may only be indexed by a constant integral expression. Extension '%s' used, dynamic indexing of uniform block Arrays of samplers may only be indexed by a constant integral expression. Extension '%s' used, dynamic indexing of array of samplers Negative matrix subscript Matrix subscript too big Negative vector subscript Vector subscript too big Only arrays, vectors and matrices can be indexed. Type mismatch in arithmetic operation between '%s' and '%s' ?: parameter must be of boolean type. ?: parameter must be of scalar type. 2nd and 3rd parameters of ?: must have the same type. Sampler can't be an l-value. Type atomic_uint can't be an l-value. Type yuvCscStandardEXT can't be an l-value. Image can't be an l-value. Variable '%s' is used before fixed local workgroup size is declared. Function call discards 'readonly' access qualifier. Function call discards 'writeonly' access qualifier. Function call discards 'volatile' access qualifier. Function call discards 'coherent' access qualifier. In function '%s', parameter %d has both 'const' and '%s' qualifiers. In function '%s' parameter 1 must be either a buffer or a shared variable. 'in' or 'out' 'in' Parameter 1 in function '%s' must be a variable or array element qualified with %s. Parameter 1 in function '%s' must be a user defined variable or array element qualified with %s. Both parameters of function '%s' must be constant. Render target mask parameter of function '%s' must be constant. No matching overload for function '%s' found Extension '%s' used, function call to '%s' texture3D texture3DProj texture3DLod texture3DProjLod shadow2DEXT shadow2DProjEXT texelFetch textureSize dFdx dFdy fwidth jumpARM convert_lRGB_to_sRGB convert_sRGB_to_lRGB __midgard_ld_attr_ei __midgard_st_attr_ei __midgard_ld_special_vec4 __midgard_ld_special_ivec4 all_samples_equal imageAtomicAdd imageAtomicMin imageAtomicMax imageAtomicAnd imageAtomicOr imageAtomicXor imageAtomicCompSwap imageAtomicExchange imageSize imageLoad imageStore texture textureLod textureGather textureGrad textureGatherOffsets barrier loadExplicitARM storeExplicitARM interpolateAtCentroid interpolateAtSample interpolateAtOffset EmitVertex EndPrimitive packedFma2x16 packedSub2x16 packedSwizzle2x16 packedNarrow32To16 packedNarrow32To8 packedZeroExtend16To32 packedZeroExtend8To32 textureProj load32ARM load64ARM load96ARM load128ARM store32ARM store64ARM store96ARM store128ARM rgb_2_yuv yuv_2_rgb Too few arguments for constructor Cannot construct a matrix from more than one matrix Cannot use arguments of type '%s' for built-in constructors Array constructor argument (#%d) type doesn't match the element type of the array (%s). Argument unused in constructor Arguments in wrong order for structure constructor Type mismatch, cannot convert argument #%u from '%s' to '%s' User declared in/out variables in compute shaders are only allowed together with an explicit location User declared in/out variables in compute shaders only allowed with functions 'loadExplicitARM' and 'storeExplicitARM' It is not allowed to declare array of arrays of interface blocks. std430 layout is allowed for storage blocks only. Too many used members in the uniform block '%s' It is not allowed to declare more than one local input block. It is not allowed to declare more than one local output block. gl_in Symbol '%s' redeclared with different precision Function '%s' redeclared with a different precision qualifier on the return type __emit_vertex_dispatch __end_primitive_dispatch __finalize_dispatch __end_primitive_count __end_primitive_output __finalize_count __finalize_output alloca_Lock alloca_Layer alloca_PrimitiveID alloca_GeometryIsCount alloca_GeometryVertexAcc alloca_GeometryIndexAcc alloca_VerticesGenerated alloca_PrimitivesGenerated srt_index ADD FADD FDIV FDIV_FAST FMUL FMULN FNEG FRCP FSUB MUL NEG SDIV SUB UDIV ALL ANY BCMP BCMP_ALL BCMP_ALL_2H BCMP_ANY BCMP_ANY_2H CL_ALL CL_ANY FCMP FCMP_ALL FCMP_ALL_2H FCMP_ANY FCMP_ANY_2H ICMP ICMP_ALL ICMP_ALL_2H ICMP_ANY ICMP_ANY_2H ABORT DISCARD ARM_JUMP KILL RET WRITEOUT WRITEOUT_D3D WRITEOUT_BLEND_JUMP BITCAST FPEXT BEXT BTOFP BTOI BTRUNC FPTOB FPTOSI FPTOUI FPTRUNC IEXT_LSHIFT IEXT_REPLICATE ITOB ITRUNC ITRUNC_KEEPHI ITRUNC_SSAT ITRUNC_USAT SEXT SITOFP UITOFP ZEXT ADDR_OF BUFFER_OF CALL CONSTANT GETPARAM GETRESULT GET_DCD_POINTER OFFSET_OF PHI SWIZZLE UNDEF VA_ARG VA_COPY VA_END VA_START VECTOR_COMBINE ACOS ASIN ATAN ATAN2 ATAN2PI ATANPI COS COS_FAST COSPI SIN SIN_FAST SINCOS SINPI TAN TAN_FAST TANPI CBRT EXP EXP10 EXP2 EXP_FAST LOG LOG10 LOG2 POW POWN POWR RSQ SQRT SQRT_FAST AND ANDN NAND NOR NOT OR ORN XNOR XOR MAD24 MUL24 SABS SABSDIFF SAVG SAVGR SCLAMP SMAD_HI SMAD_SAT SMAX SMIN SMUL_HI SSATADD SSATSUB UABS UABSDIFF UAVG UAVGR UCLAMP UMAD_HI UMAD_SAT UMAX UMIN UMUL_HI USATADD USATSUB CL_FMA CL_FMA_DOWN CL_FMA_TRUNC CL_FMA_UP FABS FABSMAX FABSMAX_NAN FABSMIN FABSMIN_NAN FCLAMP FMA FMA_DOWN FMA_TRUNC FMA_UP FMAX FMAX_NAN FMIN FMIN_NAN FTO16 ASHR CEIL CL_MIX CLS CLZ DEGREES FDECODE FENCODE FLOOR FMAD FMOD FRACT INDEX LSHR MIX MUX POPCNT RADIANS RINT ROTATE ROUND SDECODE SENCODE SHL SHUFFLE SHUFFLE2 SIGN SMOOTHSTEP STEP SUBVECTOR_UPDATE TRUNC UDECODE UENCODE UPSAMPLE CROSS DISTANCE DISTANCE_FAST DOT FACEFORWARD LENGTH LENGTH_FAST NORMALIZE REFLECT REFRACT CUBEMAP MOVDY MOVDZ MOVDW TEX_DELTA TEX_GRDESC TEX_GRDESC_DER TEX_TEX TEX_TEX_GRD TEX_TEX_INDEX MEMORY_FENCE ALD_VAR ALLOCA ALOAD ALOAD_EI ASTORE ASTORE_EI ATOMIC_ADD ATOMIC_AND ATOMIC_CMPXCHG ATOMIC_DEC ATOMIC_INC ATOMIC_OR ATOMIC_SMAX ATOMIC_SMIN ATOMIC_SUB ATOMIC_UMAX ATOMIC_UMIN ATOMIC_XCHG ATOMIC_XOR FLD_TEX FLD_VAR FLOAD FLOAD_EI FSTORE FSTORE_EI FST_TEX LD_UNIFORM LD_TILEBUFFER LD_TILEBUFFER_RAW LEA LEA_TEX LOAD MEMCPY SLD_TEX SLD_VAR SLOAD SLOAD_EI SSTORE SSTORE_EI SST_TEX ST_TILEBUFFER ST_TILEBUFFER_RAW STORE ULD_TEX ULD_VAR ULOAD ULOAD_EI USTORE USTORE_EI UST_TEX VOLATILE_LOAD VOLATILE_STORE DOT3R DOT3R_2H EXPFX FATAN2PI_IT1 FATAN2_IT1 FCLAMP_0_1 FCLAMP_0_INF FCLAMP_M1_1 FCOS_IT2 FDIV_IT1 FLUT_IT2 FPOWN_IT1 FPOWR_IT1 FPOW_IT1 FRCP_C FSINCOS_IT1 FSIN_IT2 FSQRT_IT1 FSQRT_IT2 FWMUL LOAD16_SEXT32 LOAD16_ZEXT32 LOAD8_SEXT32 LOAD8_ZEXT32 REDUCE4 SWMUL TEX_MOV_TEX UWMUL FENCODE_I SENCODE_I UENCODE_I IDENTITY SPILL SPLIT SCHEDULER_SPLIT MIDGARD_GET_LOCAL_ID MIDGARD_GET_GROUP_ID MIDGARD_GET_GLOBAL_ID MIDGARD_LD_PC PREALLOCATED_DEF VIEWPORT_TRANSFORM EXTERNAL_TRANSFORM GEOMETRY_VERTEX_ADDRESS GEOMETRY_INDEX_ADDRESS BUILTIN_CONSTRUCTOR STRUCT_CONSTRUCTOR GRAPH_BOUNDARY BFR_ATEST BFR_BLEND BFR_CUBEMAP_FACE_INDEX BFR_FLD_VAR_EXPLICIT BFR_FLD_VAR_SAMPLE BFR_FMA BFR_LANE_SELECT BFR_LD_TILE BFR_METADATA_OF BFR_PRIMITIVE_ID BFR_R60 BFR_R61 BFR_SAMPLE_POSITION_ARRAY BFR_ST_TILE BFR_VERTEX_ID BFR_VERTEX_OUTPUT_ID BFR_WMASK BFR_ZS_EMIT BFR_FRAG_POSITION SPV_SAMPLER_ADDR_OF_IMAGESAMPLER CMPBE_TERM_KIND_UNKNOWN CMPBE_TERM_KIND_JUMP CMPBE_TERM_KIND_EXIT CMPBE_TERM_KIND_BRNDOUT CMPBE_TERM_KIND_BRNDOUT_BLEND CMPBE_TERM_KIND_RETURN CMPBE_TERM_KIND_CALL CMPBE_TERM_KIND_BRD CMPBE_TERM_KIND_BRND 0x%llx %llu gles target kind compute_shader fragment_shader blend_shader vertex_shader tessellation_control_shader tessellation_evaluation_shader geometry_shader unknown_shader hw_rev compiler_opt_level essl_bool optimize_uniforms enable_register_uniform enable_register_uniform_realloc initialize_register_values enable_robustness force_one_view paged_uniforms aggregated_pilot essl_on_spirv workgroup_offset internal_shader bb%d Parse error (%d) at line %u, got '%s', expected '%s' Parse error (%d) at line %u, unknown meta-data section %.*s Parse error (%d) at line %u, unknown attribute %s Meta attribute error (%d) at line %u, got %s, expected vertex_shader, fragment_shader, blend_shader, compute_shader, tessellation_evaluation_shader, tessellation_control_shader or geometry_shader ir_cdeps_computed ir_after_expand ir_after_late_expand ir_after_legalize_swizzle ir_after_ir_copy late_expansion finite_math signed_zeros unsafe_math backend optimization_level gfx_hal Parse error (%d) at line %u, got %s, expected %s or %s Meta attribute error (%d) at line %u, got %s, expected d3d, spirv, gles or cl Parse error (%d) at line %u, got %s, expected %s or %s or integer value Parse error (%d) at line %u, failed to set compiler option %s to value %d Re-definition of function '%s' at line %u Use of undefined label '%s' at line %u Unexpected token '%s' at line %u Combiner does not match vector length at lineno: %u Swizzle does not match vector length at lineno: %u Parse error at line %u: expected comparison operator, got %s Error at line %u, invalid return structure, expected %u arguments i8 i16 i32 i64 f8 f16 f32 f64 b8 b16 b32 b64 p8 p16 p32 p64 addrspace size align semantics to address exit label control_dep entrypoint attribs _eq _ne _sge _sgt _sle _slt _uge _ugt _ule _ult _oeq _une _oge _ogt _ole _olt read_fence write_fence _blend _barrier _float _unsigned _signed _weights _compare _gather4r_compare _gather4r _gather4g _gather4b _gather4a _gather4 _test4 _cube _1d _2d _3d _clamp_fmax_0 _clamp_m1_1 _clamp_0_1 _dx _dy _fine _coarse _nobias _noclamp br brd brnd _attribute_primary _attribute_secondary _special _image _sampler _thread_local _workgroup_local _global _constant _uniform _ssbo _mali_ssbo _mali_ssbo_max_array_index _mali_image_sizes _mali_texture_sizes _mali_atomic_counters _mali_color_space_coeff _mali_texture_gather_mirror _mali_no_rmu _mali_no_rmu_per_view _mali_fragcoord_offset _mali_tb_icd _mali_vertex_is_previous _mali_vertex_id_offset _mali_texture_sizes_spirv _mali_sampler_spirv _mali_layer_max _mali_patch_vertices_in_tess_control _mali_patch_vertices_in_tess_evaluation _mali_point_size_parameters _mali_primitives_generated _mali_sample_buffers _mali_sample_num_mask _mali_sample_position _mali_tess_is_previous _mali_view_id _mali_viewport_transform _mali_rotate _mali_rotate_invert _mali_rotate_point_coord _mali_blend_color _vertex_index _instance_index _vertex_id _primitive_id _instance_id _sample_id _is_front_facing _point_coord _frag_coord _fb_color _fb_depth _fb_stencil _num_work_groups _work_group_size _work_group_id _local_invocation_id _global_invocation_id _subgroup_invocation_id _local_invocation_index _helper_invocation _position _point_size _frag_color _frag_data _frag_depth _frag_stencil _xfb_position _xfb_pointsize _invocation_id _patch_vertices_in _tess_coord _sample_position _sample_mask_in _layer _primitive_id_out _tess_level_outer _tess_level_inner _index_buffer _bounding_box _view_id _mali_frag_pilot_instance_id _per_vertex _frag_position _depth_range mbs2_address_space mbs2_private mbs2_global mbs2_local mbs2_constant mbs2_array_size mbs2_aux_qualifier mbs2_component mbs2_flags mbs2_instance_name mbs2_is_row_major mbs2_kind mbs2_uniform_buffer mbs2_storage_block mbs2_input_block mbs2_output_block mbs2_layout mbs2_location mbs2_major_stride mbs2_name mbs2_nof_columns mbs2_nof_members mbs2_offset mbs2_precision mbs2_unknown mbs2_highp mbs2_mediump mbs2_lowp mbs2_scalar_size mbs2_8 mbs2_16 mbs2_32 mbs2_64 mbs2_scalar_type mbs2_float mbs2_sint mbs2_uint mbs2_bool mbs2_semantics mbs2_stride mbs2_tpac mbs2_tpar mbs2_tpge mbs2_tpib mbs2_tpma mbs2_tppo mbs2_tppr mbs2_tppw mbs2_tpqu mbs2_tpsa mbs2_tpse mbs2_tpst mbs2_type mbs2_type_name mbs2_vector_size eof lit_float lit_int lit_swz lit_cmb varref id atstring meta labeldef labelref ... __marker_begin_of_cmpbe_op_tokens __marker_end_of_cmpbe_op_tokens alloca2const conditional_select constant_fold_blocks control_dep_calc cse_nodes geometry_static_vertex_count geometry_info.is_present gles.is_no_lod motion_blur_opt gl_mali_rmu_data_area_ptr_geom gl_mali_rmu_data_area_ptr_tesc gl_mali_rmu_data_area_ptr_tese pilot_shader inline_functions legalize_cfg loop_unroll ls_merge mem2reg no_index_buffer_variant optimize_basic_block_sequences optimize_basic_block_joins max_nodes_in_bb optimize_precision remove_dead_code remove_undefs rewrite_sampler_transform_variant rewrite_tex_ops cmpbep_sampler_srgb_workaround simplify_nodes split_blocks tls2alloca transform_for_multiview split_vector_combine transform_vector_combine varying_precision workgroup2alloca spirv_inline_blend_shader spirv_addr_alloc spirv.binding 'DescriptorSet' is larger than allowed maximum 'Binding' is larger than allowed maximum gles.binding keep_symbol current_variant_flags gles.vert.num_views ?? gl_mali_SSBO gl_mali_SSBOMaxSize gl_mali_ImageSizes gl_mali_TextureSizes gl_mali_AtomicCounters gl_mali_ColorSpaceCoeff gl_mali_TextureGatherMirror gl_mali_non_rmu_per_view_buffer gl_mali_VertexIsPreviousFragment gl_mali_TextureSizesSpirv gl_mali_SamplerSpirv gl_mali_PointSizeParameters gl_mali_TessIsPrevious gl_mali_ViewID gl_mali_BlendColor gl_DepthRange gl_VertexIndex gl_InstanceIndex gl_VertexID gl_PrimitiveID gl_InstanceID gl_PointCoord gl_NumWorkGroups gl_WorkGroupID gl_LocalInvocationID gl_GlobalInvocationID gl_LocalInvocationIndex gl_HelperInvocation gl_InvocationID gl_PatchVerticesIn gl_mali_TessCoord gl_TessLevelOuter gl_TessLevelInner gl_BoundingBox gl_mali_XFB_Position gl_mali_XFB_PointSize gl_mali_frag_pilot_InstanceID gl_SubgroupInvocationID gl_BaseVertex gl_BaseInstance gl_DrawID gl_SubgroupSize gl_SubgroupID gl_NumSubgroups gl_DeviceIndex $0x%x target_variants_flags Tuples: A / L / T / Overall Number of tuples emitted: %2g +%2g +%2g = %2g unknown minimum amount of tuples Number of tuples for shortest code path: %2g /%2g /%2g = %2g ( Number of tuples for longest code path: unknown maximum amount of tuples Note: The tuple counts do not include possible stalls due to cache misses. lir2llvm bifrost---mbs2 Debug Info Version bifrost.set.fau.ram.offset bifrost.set.uniform.buffer.offset vert frag tesc tese geom blend gles.geometry_info bifrost.blendshader.preserve.registers bifrost.features bifrost.set.attribute.index bifrost.set.imagesampler.index bifrost.set.image.index gl_mali_ImageSizesVertex gl_mali_ImageSizesGeometry gl_mali_ImageSizesTessCtrl gl_mali_ImageSizesTessEval gl_mali_ImageSizesCompute gl_mali_TextureGatherMirrorCompute gl_mali_TextureSizesCompute gl_mali_SSBOVertex gl_mali_SSBOTessCtrl gl_mali_SSBOTessEval gl_mali_SSBOGeometry gl_mali_SSBOFragment gl_mali_SSBOCompute gl_mali_ColorSpaceCoeffTessCtrl gl_mali_ColorSpaceCoeffTessEval gl_mali_ColorSpaceCoeffGeometry Location must be specified for all members because the first member has a location specified. Location must not be specified for any of the member because the first member does not have a location specified. Invalid layout qualifier ('location = %d', maximum allowed value is %d)' Invalid layout qualifier ('location = %u' specified earlier in the block).' Illegal to declare multiple fragment outputs when using the 'yuv' layout qualifier. Multiple output variables defined. Location must be specified for all outputs. Invalid layout qualifier ('location = %d', maximum allowed value is %d) for variable '%s' It is an error to write to the regular output variable '%s' and the local storage block '%s' Invalid layout qualifier ('location = %d') for variable '%s'. Same location value was used earlier radians degrees sin cos tan asin acos atan exp2 log2 sqrt inversesqrt sign ceil fract mod mix step smoothstep distance dot cross normalize faceforward reflect refract matrixCompMult lessThan lessThanEqual greaterThan greaterThanEqual equal notEqual any not memoryBarrier memoryBarrierAtomicCounter memoryBarrierBuffer memoryBarrierImage memoryBarrierShared groupMemoryBarrier packUnorm4x8 packSnorm4x8 unpackUnorm4x8 unpackSnorm4x8 textureGatherOffset atomicAdd atomicMin atomicMax atomicAnd atomicOr atomicXor atomicExchange atomicCompSwap bitfieldExtract bitfieldInsert bitfieldReverse bitCount findLSB findMSB uaddCarry usubBorrow umulExtended imulExtended atomicCounter atomicCounterDecrement atomicCounterIncrement textureOffset texelFetchOffset textureProjOffset textureLodOffset textureProjLod textureProjLodOffset textureGradOffset textureProjGrad textureProjGradOffset sinh cosh tanh roundEven modf isnan isinf floatBitsToInt floatBitsToUint intBitsToFloat uintBitsToFloat packSnorm2x16 unpackSnorm2x16 packUnorm2x16 unpackUnorm2x16 packHalf2x16 unpackHalf2x16 outerProduct transpose determinant inverse texture2D texture2DProj texture2DLod texture2DProjLod textureCube textureCubeLod ?inlined_frag_depth ?inlined_frag_stencil __global_to_attribute __start0 __start1 __start2 __start3 __start4 __start5 __start6 __start7 __startN __startMRT __startSPMRT __start Unknown FLUT_IT2 secondary function code "%02X". libunwind: %s %s:%d - %s external/libunwind_llvm/src/Unwind-EHABI.cpp unsupported register class during phase1 personality function said it would stop here, but now in phase2 it did not stop here external/libunwind_llvm/src/Registers.hpp unsupported arm register Unknown ARM float register index inlined table detected but pr function requires extra words bifrost.needs64regs bifrost.tls_size tessellationEvaluation.shaders __entry GP64Regs GPRegs BifrostCC_CSR EntryPointCC_CSR subreg_0 subreg_0_subreg_1 subreg_1 subreg_2 subreg_2_subreg_3 subreg_3 subreg_4 subreg_5 subreg_6 subreg_7 subreg_0_subreg_1_subreg_2 subreg_0_subreg_1_subreg_2_subreg_3 subreg_0_subreg_1_subreg_2_subreg_3_subreg_4 subreg_0_subreg_1_subreg_2_subreg_3_subreg_4_subreg_5 subreg_0_subreg_1_subreg_2_subreg_3_subreg_4_subreg_5_subreg_6 subreg_1_subreg_2_subreg_3_subreg_4_subreg_5 subreg_1_subreg_2_subreg_3_subreg_4_subreg_5_subreg_6 subreg_1_subreg_2_subreg_3_subreg_4_subreg_5_subreg_6_subreg_7 subreg_2_subreg_3_subreg_4 subreg_2_subreg_3_subreg_4_subreg_5_subreg_6 subreg_2_subreg_3_subreg_4_subreg_5_subreg_6_subreg_7 subreg_3_subreg_4_subreg_5_subreg_6_subreg_7 subreg_4_subreg_5 subreg_4_subreg_5_subreg_6 subreg_4_subreg_5_subreg_6_subreg_7 subreg_6_subreg_7 subreg_1_subreg_2 subreg_1_subreg_2_subreg_3 subreg_3_subreg_4 subreg_3_subreg_4_subreg_5 subreg_3_subreg_4_subreg_5_subreg_6 subreg_5_subreg_6 subreg_5_subreg_6_subreg_7 subreg_2_subreg_3_subreg_4_subreg_5 subreg_1_subreg_2_subreg_3_subreg_4 bifrost-stats Enable Bifrost statistics bifrost-stats-save Save Bifrost statistics in <filename> filename bifrost-stats-mod-path Use <path> as module name for the generated statistics path bifrost-view-graph-mi View machine-instruction level graph bifrost-instr-count enable static instruction counts enable static instruction counts and view the annotated CFG Enable Bifrost pre-RA scheduling Don't run preRA machine scheduler Possiblity to only do the analysis for specific dependencies.[0 = Memory, 1 = Hidden Reg, 2 = Data , 3 = All] Enable local dependency analysis Gather static numbers of the compiled shader ffsl labs llabs target-cpu target-features bifrost.varying.preload BifrostUpdateMode Bifrost Update mode BifrostVariants Bifrost Variants eptaMD gles.xpta BifrostInitializeRegisterValues Bifrost Initialize Register Values eval_regp Eval Register pressure custom_pre_ra Bifrost Custom Pre-RA Scheduler No other for such node BifrostInstrPatcher Patch instructions before post-RA scheduling. BifrostStaticInstrCount Bifrost Static Instruction Count Node bifrost.static.cycle.count bifrost.static.alt.cycle.count BifrostMachineVerifier Bifrost Machine Verifier BifrostClauseDepAnalysis Bifrost ClauseDep Analysis Break post-RA scheduling anti-dependencies: "critical", "all", or "none" Debug control MBBs that are scheduled BifrostPostRAScheduler Post-RA scheduler. BifrostFinalize Bifrost Finalizer bifrost.primary.shader.wait do not initialize stack pointer to 0 for entry points BifrostLateInstrPatcher Do late patching of instructions. bifrost.blend BifrostNoATestVariant Generate a variant without the ATEST instruction. late.codegen BifrostLatePassThroughAttr Bifrost Variants - late pass through attr BifrostLateAttrShader Bifrost Variants - late attr shader BifrostLatePosShader Bifrost Variants - late posistion shader BifrostLatePassThroughAttrAndAttribShader Bifrost Variants - late attr and attrib shader BifrostGlobalConstProp Bifrost Global Const Prop Bifrost propagate modifiers BifrostGlobalModifiers Bifrost Global Modifiers _dwb -> DGraph "]; :"> _start _end "/> -> BB color="#000000" color="#FF0000" color="#00FF00" color="#0000FF" </y:PolyLineEdge> </data> <data key="dngfx"> <y:NodeLabel textColor=" </y:NodeLabel> " alignment="right" autoSizePolicy="node_width" modelName="internal" modelPosition="t"> </y:ProxyAutoBoundsNode> BifrostDAGToDAGISel Bifrost Pre-Processing ISel DAG Bifrost Post-Processing ISel DAG Call EXTRACT_REGISTER INSERT_REGISTER PROPAGATE_REGISTER TEXC TEXC1 TEXC2 TEXC3 TEXC4 DUAL_TEX_128 DUAL_TEX_192 DUAL_TEX_256 FAU_RAM_ARG TEXS_2D TEXS_2D_NOLOD TEXS_CUBE ADD_SEG_BASE SUB_SEG_BASE FENCE in:ABS in:NEG in:LANE1 in:LANE2 in:LANE3 in:SWIZZLE.XX in:SWIZZLE.YX in:SWIZZLE.YY in:WIDEN.H in:WIDEN.L out:CLAMP[O, INF] out:CLAMP[-1, 1] out:CLAMP[0, 1]; out:SPLAT_BIT0 ATEST ATEST_MASK ZS_EMIT Z_EMIT S_EMIT ST_TILE LD_TILE ST_TILE_V3 LD_TILE_V3 LD_TILE_DEPTH LD_TILE_DEPTH_V3 LD_TILE_STENCIL LD_TILE_STENCIL_V3 SIB_LD_UATTR LD_ATTR LD_ATTR_V3 LD_UATTR LD_UATTR_V3 LD_ATTR_TEX LD_ATTR_TEX_V3 LD_UATTR_TEX LD_UATTR_TEX_V3 LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV_V3 LD_UATTR_TEX_CONV LD_UATTR_TEX_CONV_V3 ST_CVT ST_CVT_V3 ST_CVT_V3V3 ST_UCVT ST_UCVT_V3 ST_UCVT_V3V3 LD_CVT LD_CVT_V3 core_id lane_id DYNAMIC_STACKALLOC not supported for this type of MachineFunction blend_descriptor_0 blend_descriptor_1 blend_descriptor_2 blend_descriptor_3 blend_descriptor_4 blend_descriptor_5 blend_descriptor_6 blend_descriptor_7 BifrostPilotOffset Update store offsets in pilot shaders. gles.is_pilot BifrostSplitPhiUses Bifrost split PHI uses Decorate FAU names u0 u1 u2 u3 u4 u5 u6 u7 u8 u9 u10 u11 u12 u13 u14 u15 u16 u17 u18 u19 u20 u21 u22 u23 u24 u25 u26 u27 u28 u29 u30 u31 u32 u33 u34 u35 u36 u37 u38 u39 u40 u41 u42 u43 u44 u45 u46 u47 u48 u49 u50 u51 u52 u53 u54 u55 u56 u57 u58 u59 u60 u61 u62 u63 u64 u65 u66 u67 u68 u69 u70 u71 u72 u73 u74 u75 u76 u77 u78 u79 u80 u81 u82 u83 u84 u85 u86 u87 u88 u89 u90 u91 u92 u93 u94 u95 u96 u97 u98 u99 u100 u101 u102 u103 u104 u105 u106 u107 u108 u109 u110 u111 u112 u113 u114 u115 u116 u117 u118 u119 u120 u121 u122 u123 u124 u125 u126 u127 Flush-To-Zero mode Flags (default: IEEE standard mode): ftz_dx11 DX11 Mode ftz_hsa HSA FTZ Mode ftz_au IEEE Abrupt-Underflow Mode inf_suppress Infinity Suppression Enable nan_suppress NaN-Suppression Enable FP Exception mode Flags (default: FP exceptions enabled): fpe_ts Trascendental-Sequence mode fpe_pd Precise-Division mode fpe_psqr Precise-Square-Root mode Branch Reconvergence mode Flags (default: None): br_uncond Unconditional Branch Reconvergence br_pc PC-encoded Branch Reconvergence Execution Flow (default: Non-Back-ToBack): eos End of Shader ef_nbb Non-Back-To-Back ef_bb Back-To-Back ef_we Write Elision td Terminate Discarded Threads ncph Next-Clause Prefetch Hint No-Next-Clause Prefetch Hint osrb Outbound Staging Register Barrier dwb dwb(<0-7>, ...) Dependency Wait Bitmap ds ds(<0-7>) Dependency slot Message Indicator Flags (default: no message): mi_vl Varying Lookup mi_al Attribute Lookup mi_tl Texture Lookup mi_vtl Varying+Texture fused operation mi_ml Memory Load mi_ms Memory Store mi_ma Memory Atomic mi_db Dependency-Unit Barrier mi_bl Blend mi_tb Tile-Buffer Access mi_zst Z/Stencil Test mi_at mi_jm Job management c64 Clause 64 (no message) mi_cp Coprocessor Next-clause Message Indicator Flags (default: no message): nmi_vl nmi_al nmi_tl nmi_vtl nmi_ml nmi_ms nmi_ma nmi_db nmi_bl nmi_tb nmi_zst nmi_at nmi_jm nc64 Clause 64 (no message, unavailable on certain subtargets) nmi_cp warp_id framebuffer_size atest_datum eos:br_uncond, ef_nbb:br_pc, ef_nbb:br_uncond, ef_nbb, ef_bb:br_uncond, ef_bb, ef_we:br_uncond, ef_we M_none aadd aadds aaddu aaddus aand abs accumulate adec adecw afmax afmin ainc aincw all and any aor aor1 asmax asmax1 asmin aumax aumax1 aumin auto axor b0 b00 b0000 b0011 b01 b0101 b0123 b02 b03 b1 b10 b1032 b11 b1111 b12 b13 b2 b20 b21 b22 b2222 b2233 b23 b2323 b3 b30 b31 b32 b3210 b33 b3333 b4 b5 b6 b7 base2 bit bytes c call center centroid clamp_0_1 clamp_0_inf clamp_m1_1 clobber computed_lod conditional cycle_counter d0 divzero eq even explicit f1 f16 f32 f64 fp_zero frag_w frag_z ge gt gtlt h0 h00 h01 h1 h10 h11 h3 high i1 i64 inf inf0 infn int_zero inverse_c it1 it2 l3 le left log low lt m1 mask n nan_propagate nan_suppress natural ne neg not nz odd offset or pass1 pass2 pass3 pass4 pcrel pka point pow pown powr prefix preserve_null red replace retrieve return rootn round_down round_na round_odd round_up round_zero s16 s32 sample sat scale scale16 sext shift skip small smax smin sqrt stencil store stream subgroup2 subgroup4 subgroup8 sum system_timestamp tl total u16 u32 umax uniform v16 v2 v2f1 v2i1 v2inf v2infn v2smax v2smin v3 v32 v4 v4smax v4smin v8 w0 w1 wgl x xor y z z_stencil zero zero_lod zext None dst0 dst1 src0 src1 src2 src3 src4 src5 src0_mod src1_mod src2_mod src3_mod src4_mod src5_mod dst_mod Last arch_warpwidth16 arch_warpwidth4 arch_warpwidth8 flush-to-zero-dx11 Flush-to-zero mode for DX11 hw_issue_thex_753 hw_issue_tmix_7788 hw_issue_tmix_7789 hw_issue_tmix_7958 hw_issue_tmix_8248 hw_issue_tmix_8296 hw_issue_tmix_8301 hw_issue_tmix_8316 hw_issue_tmix_8343 hw_issue_tmix_8350 hw_issue_tmix_8395 hw_issue_tmix_8467 initialize-register-values Initialize register values to zero isa_implements_64_bit_clauses isa_implements_instruction_8_16_bit_atomics isa_implements_instruction_bar_rel isa_implements_instruction_blend_nop isa_implements_instruction_clper isa_implements_instruction_cop isa_implements_instruction_csel_64 isa_implements_instruction_davg isa_implements_instruction_delta isa_implements_instruction_dtsel isa_implements_instruction_fadd_ascale isa_implements_instruction_fma_mscale isa_implements_instruction_fma_pipe_ldexp isa_implements_instruction_fma_pipe_mux isa_implements_instruction_fma_pipe_swz isa_implements_instruction_frexpe_de isa_implements_instruction_get_except isa_implements_instruction_idp isa_implements_instruction_idx_reg isa_implements_instruction_imuld isa_implements_instruction_ldcln isa_implements_instruction_permute isa_implements_instruction_red isa_implements_instruction_repack isa_implements_instruction_rete isa_implements_instruction_set_except isa_implements_instruction_sleep isa_implements_instruction_trap isa_implements_instruction_vn_asst3 isa_implements_instructions_add_pipe_compare_and_additions isa_implements_instructions_add_pipe_shift_logic isa_implements_instructions_double_width_shifts isa_implements_instructions_fma_pipe_all_comparisons isa_implements_instructions_fma_pipe_all_conversions isa_implements_instructions_fma_pipe_integer_additions isa_implements_instructions_fma_pipe_logb_ilogb isa_implements_instructions_fma_pipe_shift_logic isa_implements_instructions_fp64 isa_implements_instructions_iaddc_isubb isa_implements_instructions_insert_extract isa_implements_instructions_rot_32 isa_implements_instructions_rot_xor_64 isa_implements_instructions_shift_add isa_implements_instructions_table2 isa_implements_instructions_warp_lane_mask isa_implements_sample_location_message_preloads limitedmodifierswithfmatoaddtemporaries mallocedidvs messagepreloaddescriptor numregsvsnumthreads pixelformatdescriptor_v7 32-bit bit pointers positionvariantepilogue tBOx.r0p0 Select the tBOx.r0p0 processor Select the tDVx processor Select the tDVx.r0p0 processor Select the tEGx processor Select the tEGx.r0p0 processor Select the tGOx processor Select the tGOx.r0p0 processor tHEx Select the tHEx processor Select the tHEx.r0p0 processor Select the tHEx.r0p1 processor Select the tHEx.r0p2 processor Select the tHEx.r0p3 processor Select the tKAx processor Select the tKAx.r0p0 processor tMIx Select the tMIx processor Select the tMIx.r0p0 processor Select the tMIx.r0p1 processor Select the tNOx processor Select the tNOx.r0p0 processor tSIx Select the tSIx processor tSIx.r0p0 Select the tSIx.r0p0 processor tSIx.r0p1 Select the tSIx.r0p1 processor tSIx.r1p0 Select the tSIx.r1p0 processor tSIx.r1p1 Select the tSIx.r1p1 processor Select the tTRx processor tTRx.r0p0 Select the tTRx.r0p0 processor bin-format-mbs2 generate MBS2 binary. Note: input should be MBS2 assembly .text feature_set gles.read_helper_invocation gles.is_view_dependent non_texelFetch_use gles.is_invariant gles.is_named_name dx.output_type gles.pilot spirv.used_sets blend.shaders dx.geom.stream_mask dx.geom.rasterizer_pos_slot dx.geom.nb_patch_vertices geometry.shaders dx.tess.max_tessfactor dx.tess.n_vertices_in dx.tess.has_control_point_phase tessellationControl.shaders bifrost.wls_size compute.shaders spirv.spdf_scalar_types spirv.spdf_scalar_sizes $ shader_src shader_src_lto dx.d3ds fragment.shaders mrtt vertex.shader.pieces hwver shader_lang fixup_R_BIFROST_LL28 fixup_R_BIFROST_M_7_3 fixup_R_BIFROST_LH28 fixup_R_BIFROST_LH04 fixup_R_BIFROST_HL28 fixup_R_BIFROST_HH32 fixup_R_BIFROST_L56 fixup_R_BIFROST_L04 fixup_R_BIFROST_H60 fixup_R_BIFROST_EC0_H15 fixup_R_BIFROST_EC0_HL13 fixup_R_BIFROST_EC0_HH32 fixup_R_BIFROST_EC0_H45 fixup_R_BIFROST_T0_32_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_T1_32_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_T2_32_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_T3_32_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_T4_32_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_T5_32_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_T6_32_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_T7_32_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_T0_64_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_T1_64_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_T2_64_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_T3_64_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_T4_64_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_T5_64_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_T6_64_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_T7_64_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_PCREL_LL28 fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_LH28 fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_LH04 fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_HL28 fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_HH32 fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_L56 fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_L04 fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_H60 fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_EC0_H15 fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_EC0_HL13 fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_EC0_HH32 fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_EC0_H45 fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_T0_32_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_T1_32_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_T2_32_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_T3_32_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_T4_32_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_T5_32_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_T6_32_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_T7_32_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_T0_64_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_T1_64_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_T2_64_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_T3_64_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_T4_64_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_T5_64_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_T6_64_RRB fixup_R_BIFROST_PCREL_T7_64_RRB generate MC debug dump |xxxx xxx xxxxxx|xxxxxxx xxxxxxx|xxxxxxx xxxxxxx|xxxxxxx xxxxxxx| Cannot use operand read mask in 32-bit Clause Too many source registers in Tuple Too many destination registers in Tuple Too many destination registers in last Tuple: max 1 Cannot read register from previous Tuple: use temporary Multiple destinations to the same register or register component Too many register slots in Tuple Invalid operand type Constant out of range Operand must be a simple immediate constant Cannot use .w0/.w1 modifiers on special symbols in clause 64 Conflict in FAU-RAM encoding Invalid oeprand type Too many constants in Clause Too many constants in Tuple: max 1 in 64-bit Clause Too many constants requiring PC-relative modification in clause Instruction must be in last tuple of clause Instruction must be in penultimate tuple of clause Invalid combination of modifiers and source operands Invalid combination of modifiers and null registers Instruction not valid on this target cl64 M bifrost-no-print-noops Don't print noops in assembly ouotput bifrost-print-imm-hex Print numeric literals as in hex representation IX(S): IX(I): TEX_SP GRDESC FETCH TEX NoBias Shadow GRdesc LOD-0 LOD Single G:rgba G:red G:blue F16 F32 UINT16 SINT16 UINT32 SINT32 Enable DAG combiner alias-analysis heuristics Enable DAG combiner's use of IR alias analysis Enable DAG combiner's use of TBAA Bypass the profitability model of load slicing DAG combiner may split indexing from loads list-burr Bottom-up register reduction list scheduling source Similar to list-burr but schedules in source order when possible Bottom-up register pressure aware list scheduling which tries to balance latency and register pressure Bottom-up register pressure aware list scheduling which tries to balance ILP and register pressure disable-sched-cycles Disable cycle-level precision during preRA scheduling disable-sched-reg-pressure Disable regpressure priority in sched=list-ilp disable-sched-live-uses Disable live use priority in sched=list-ilp disable-sched-vrcycle Disable virtual register cycle interference checks disable-sched-physreg-join Disable physreg def-use affinity Disable no-stall priority in sched=list-ilp Disable critical path priority in sched=list-ilp Disable scheduled-height priority in sched=list-ilp Disable scheduler's two-address hack Number of instructions to allow ahead of the critical path in sched=list-ilp Average inst/cycle whan no target itinerary exists. Roughly estimate the number of cycles that 'long latency'instructions take for targets with no itinerary cannot lower memory intrinsic in address space limit-float-precision Generate low-precision inline sequences for some float libcalls Enable fast-math-flags for DAG nodes Minimum density for building a jump table in a normal function Minimum density for building a jump table in an optsize function visitCatchSwitch not yet implemented! trap-func-name srcloc couldn't allocate output register for constraint ' inline asm not supported yet: don't know how to handle tied indirect register inputs inline asm error: This value type register class is not natively supported! Don't know how to handle indirect register inputs yet for constraint ' couldn't allocate input reg for constraint ' Unsupported asm: input constraint with a matching output constraint of incompatible type! no-jump-tables Display more information when dumping selection DAG nodes. MDNode fabs fneg fsqrt fsin fcos ftrunc ffloor fceil frint fround fexp fexp2 flog flog2 flog10 add sub mul mulhu mulhs sdiv udiv srem urem and or xor shl sra srl rotl rotr fadd fsub fmul fdiv fmad frem fpow smin smax umin umax fpowi setcc setcce addc adde saddo uaddo ssubo usubo smulo umulo subc sube cvt_ff cvt_fs cvt_fu cvt_sf cvt_uf cvt_ss cvt_su cvt_us cvt_uu brind br_jt brcond br_cc load store vaarg vacopy vaend trap bswap ctpop cttz ctlz setoeq setogt setoge setolt setole setone seto setuo setueq setugt setuge setult setule setune seteq setgt setge setlt setle setne <pre-inc> <pre-dec> <post-inc> <post-dec> <null> Enable verbose messages in the "fast" instruction selector Enable abort calls when "fast" instruction selection fails to lower an instruction: 0 disable the abort, 1 will abort but for args, calls and terminators, 2 will also abort for argument lowering, and 3 will never fallback to SelectionDAG. use Machine Branch Probability Info Instruction schedulers available (before register allocation): sdag Instruction Selection and Scheduling combine1 DAG Combining 1 legalize_types Type Legalization combine_lt DAG Combining after legalize types legalize_vec Vector Legalization legalize_types2 Type Legalization 2 combine_lv DAG Combining after legalize vectors legalize DAG Legalization combine2 DAG Combining 2 isel Instruction Selection sched Instruction Scheduling emit Instruction Creation cleanup Instruction Scheduling Cleanup statepoint-lowering StatepointMaxSlotsRequired Maximum number of stack slots required for a singe statepoint argument to '__builtin_return_address' must be a constant integer Attempt at an invalid promotion-related conversion Disable use of DFA during scheduling Track reg pressure and switch priority to in-depth Debug Info Emission dwarf DWARF Emission write_exception DWARF Exception Writer _tlv_bootstrap __morestack llvm.init.trampoline function-instrument Encoding = omit pcrel udata4 udata8 sdata4 pcrel udata4 pcrel sdata4 <unknown encoding> <inline asm> Inline asm not supported by this streamer because we don't have an asm parser for this target Nested variants found in inline asm string: ' Unterminated ${:foo} operand in inline asm string: ' Bad ${:} expression in inline asm string: ' Bad ${} expression in inline asm string: ' 0x%lx ExprLoc Blk Disable debug info printing Generate GNU-style pubnames and pubtypes Generate dwarf aranges use-unknown-locations Make an absence of debug location information explicit. Default Enable Disable dwarf-accel-tables Output prototype dwarf accelerator tables. Default for platform Enabled split-dwarf Output DWARF5 split debug info. generate-dwarf-pub-sections Generate DWARF pubnames and pubtypes sections dwarf-linkage-names Which DWARF linkage-name attributes to emit. All Abstract Abstract subprograms info_string skel_string writer DWARF Debug Writer Names ObjC namespac types Types Loc expr size ARange terminator Cannot find option named ' ) llvm.dbg.cu Generate DWARF4 type units. (anonymous namespace) sizetype On exception at call site Action: cleanup Action: has no landing pad On action: cleanup >> Action Record Catch TypeInfo Filter TypeInfo Cleanup No further actions Continue to action safeseh $cppxdata$ FinallyFunclet FilterFunction Null ExceptionHandler ToState $handlerMap$ TryLow TryHigh CatchHigh NumCatches HandlerArray Adjectives Type CatchObjOffset Handler ParentFrameOffset debug_loc Header Magic Hash in Bucket MaliAddrSpaceNormalize Mali normalize address space MaliAllocaChecker Detect use of alloca outside the entry-block MaliAlphaInfo Mali Alpha Channel Information Pass bifrost.alpha_info mali-epxand-lib-calls Expand calls to library functions into inlined IR MaliFunctionOrder Order functions mali-fuse-fma Fuse relaxed FAdd and FMul into FMA instructions MaliGlobalVarAlloc Mali Global Variable Allocation _Z6printfPU3AS2Kcz __commit_read_pipe_lock __commit_write_pipe_lock __reserve_read_pipe_lock __reserve_write_pipe_lock MaliIndexAllocation Mali Index Allocation Pass bifrost.attribute.masks MaliLDVarTranslator Translate old ldvar to new api MaliLegalizeV3 Legalize V3 types before LLVM's lowering Mali Dependency Domain attraccess Scope Tiles Scope Attributes Scope SideEffects Scope Blends MaliPassthroughAttr Vertex Shader Pass Through Attribute Optimization vertex.shaders MaliPromotePrecision Promote precision MaliScalarizer Mali Scalarization Pass mali-sink-epilogue Sink epilogue on the exit block of the IR Enable store load optimization MaliStoreLoadForwarding Mali store load forwarding MaliTexCombine bifrost.tmix.8343.yuv.texel.fetch Size of FAU memory in bytes bifrost.set.needs.uniform.buffer.memory bifrost.fau.ram.max.prealloc.addr MaliVectorTransform Mali Vector Transform Pass MaliVectElemConstProp Mali vector element constant prop MaliConvergence Mali Convergence symbols tu.attribs alignment addressSpace initializer gles.epta tessellationControl tessellationEvaluation machineinstr-printer print-bb print-function print-loop print-module machinemoduleanalysis machinemoduleinfo targetlibinfo targetpassconfig tti ISelPlaceholder ISel Placeholder AsmPrinterPlaceholderPass AsmPrinter Placeholder Mali ModulePass Manager MaliPM *** IR Dump Before *** IR Dump After *** ... Pass execution timing report ... Mali FunctionPass Manager Mali BasicBlockPass Manager Mali Loop Pass Manager MaliPreISel Mali pre instruction-selection passes MaliPreRegAlloc Mali pre-RA pass Solve FAU access conflicts while scheduling [0 = off, 1 = nopilot, 2 = pilot, 3 = uniform] bifrost.set.fau.const.offset Debug control for aggressive anti-dep breaker Threshold for partial unrolling Max number of predecessors to consider tail merging Min number of instructions to consider tail merging disable-cgp-branch-opts Disable branch optimizations in CodeGenPrepare disable-cgp-gc-opts Disable GC optimizations in CodeGenPrepare disable-cgp-select2branch Disable select to branch conversion. addr-sink-using-gep Address sinking in CGP using GEPs. enable-andcmp-sinking Enable sinkinig and/cmp into branches. disable-cgp-store-extract Disable store(extract) optimizations in CodeGenPrepare stress-cgp-store-extract Stress test store(extract) optimizations in CodeGenPrepare disable-cgp-ext-ld-promotion Disable ext(promotable(ld)) -> promoted(ext(ld)) optimization in CodeGenPrepare Stress test ext(promotable(ld)) -> promoted(ext(ld)) optimization in CodeGenPrepare Disable protection against removing loop preheaders Use profile info to add section prefix for hot/cold functions Skip merging empty blocks if (frequency of empty block) / (frequency of destination block) is greater than this ratio Force store splitting no matter what the target query says. .hot .cold promoted counting-function If present, stops packetizing after N instructions Detect Dead Lanes exn.obj Maximum number of instructions per speculated block. Turn all knobs to 11 Pop up a window to show edge bundle graphs ifcvt-fn-start ifcvt-fn-stop ifcvt-limit disable-ifcvt-simple disable-ifcvt-simple-false disable-ifcvt-triangle disable-ifcvt-triangle-rev ifcvt NumSimple Number of simple if-conversions performed NumSimpleFalse Number of simple (F) if-conversions performed NumTriangle Number of triangle if-conversions performed NumTriangleRev Number of triangle (R) if-conversions performed NumTriangleFalse Number of triangle (F) if-conversions performed NumTriangleFRev Number of triangle (F/R) if-conversions performed NumDiamonds Number of diamond if-conversions performed The page size of the target in bytes The max number of instructions to consider hoisting loads over (the algorithm is quadratic over this number) Enable lowering interleaved accesses to intrinsics Enable the "fast" instruction selector Enable the "global" instruction selector Enable the live debug variables pass %08X Use segment set for the computation of the live ranges of physregs. align-all-blocks Force the alignment of all blocks in the function. align-all-nofallthru-blocks Force the alignment of all blocks that have no fall-through predecessors (i.e. don't add nops that are executed). block-placement-exit-block-bias Block frequency percentage a loop exit block needs over the original exit to be considered the new exit. outline-optional-branches Outlining optional branches will place blocks that are optional branches, i.e. branches with a common post dominator, outside the hot path or chain outline-optional-threshold Don't outline optional branches that are a single block with an instruction count below this threshold loop-to-cold-block-ratio Outline loop blocks from loop chain if (frequency of loop) / (frequency of block) is greater than this ratio precise-rotation-cost Model the cost of loop rotation more precisely by using profile data. Force the use of precise cost loop rotation strategy. Cost that models the probabilistic risk of an instruction misfetch due to a jump comparing to falling through, whose cost is zero. Cost of jump instructions. Perform tail duplication during placement. Creates more fallthrough opportunites in outline branches. Perform branch folding during placement. Reduces code size. Instruction cutoff for tail duplication during layout. Tail merging during layout is forced to have a threshold that won't conflict. branch probability threshold in percentageto be considered very likely branch probability threshold in percentage to be considered very likely when profile is available Machine InstCombiner Verify machine dominator info (time consuming) Force the alignment of all functions. no-realign-stack split-stack FailedISel IsSSA Legalized NoPHIs NoVRegs RegBankSelected Selected TracksLiveness Print the full contents of regmask operands in IR dumps MachineLICM should avoid speculation MachineLICM should hoist even cheap instructions MachineLICM should sink instructions into loops to avoid register spills Enable Software Pipelining enable-pipeliner-opt-size Enable SWP at Os. Size limit for the the MII. Maximum stages allowed in the generated scheduled. Prune dependences between unrelated Phi nodes. Prune loop carried order dependences. Ignore RecMII Enable subregister liveness tracking. misched-topdown Force top-down list scheduling misched-bottomup Force bottom-up list scheduling misched-dcpl Print critical path length to stdout misched-limit Limit ready list to N instructions misched-regpressure Enable register pressure scheduling. misched-cyclicpath Enable cyclic critical path analysis. misched-cluster Enable memop clustering. misched-fusion Enable scheduling for macro fusion. verify-misched Verify machine instrs before and after machine scheduling mali-full-mode-delta Reg. pressure delta (relative to pressure set limit) to switch to full-reg mode Machine instruction scheduler to use Use the target's default scheduler choice. enable-misched Enable the machine instruction scheduling pass. Enable the post-ra machine instruction scheduling pass. TopQ Split critical edges during machine sinking Use block frequency info to find successors to sink Percentage threshold for splitting single-instruction critical edge. If the branch threshold is higher than this threshold, we allow speculative execution of up to 1 instruction to avoid branching to splitted critical edge Found machine code errors. Bad instruction parent pointer Missing BundledPred flag, BundledSucc was set on predecessor BundledPred flag is set, but BundledSucc not set on predecessor No bundle header Instruction has operand with wrong parent set BundledSucc flag set on last instruction in block MBB has duplicate entries in its successor list. FrameSetup is after another FrameSetup FrameDestroy is not after a FrameSetup FrameDestroy <n> is after FrameSetup <m> The exit stack state of a predecessor is inconsistent. The entry stack state of a successor is inconsistent. A return block ends with a FrameSetup. A return block ends with a nonzero stack adjustment. MBB has allocable live-in, but isn't entry or landing-pad. MBB has successor that isn't part of the function. MBB has predecessor that isn't part of the function. MBB has more than one landing pad successor MBB exits via unconditional fall-through but doesn't have exactly one CFG successor! MBB exits via unconditional fall-through but its successor differs from its CFG successor! MBB exits via unconditional fall-through but ends with a barrier instruction! MBB exits via unconditional fall-through but has a condition! MBB exits via unconditional branch but doesn't have exactly one CFG successor! MBB exits via unconditional branch but the CFG successor doesn't match the actual successor! MBB exits via unconditional branch but doesn't contain any instructions! MBB exits via unconditional branch but doesn't end with a barrier instruction! MBB exits via unconditional branch but the branch isn't a terminator instruction! MBB conditionally falls through out of function! MBB exits via conditional branch/fall-through but only has one CFG successor! MBB exits via conditional branch/fall-through but the CFG successor don't match the actual successor! MBB exits via conditional branch/fall-through but doesn't have exactly two CFG successors! MBB exits via conditional branch/fall-through but the CFG successors don't match the actual successors! MBB exits via conditional branch/fall-through but doesn't contain any instructions! MBB exits via conditional branch/fall-through but ends with a barrier instruction! MBB exits via conditional branch/fall-through but the branch isn't a terminator instruction! MBB exits via conditional branch/branch through but only has one CFG successor! MBB exits via conditional branch/branch through but the CFG successor don't match the actual successor! MBB exits via conditional branch/branch but doesn't have exactly two CFG successors! MBB exits via conditional branch/branch but the CFG successors don't match the actual successors! MBB exits via conditional branch/branch but doesn't contain any instructions! MBB exits via conditional branch/branch but doesn't end with a barrier instruction! MBB exits via conditional branch/branch but the branch isn't a terminator instruction! MBB exits via conditinal branch/branch but there's no condition! AnalyzeBranch returned invalid data! MBB live-in list contains non-physical register Instruction index out of order Non-terminator instruction after the first terminator Too few operands Found PHI instruction with NoPHIs property set Missing mayLoad flag Missing mayStore flag Debug instruction has a slot index Instruction inside bundle has a slot index Missing slot index Unexpected generic instruction in a Selected function type mismatch in generic instruction Generic instruction cannot have physical register Too few operands on inline asm Asm string must be an external symbol Asm flags must be an immediate Unknown asm flags Missing operands in last group Expected implicit register after groups : Explicit definition must be a register Explicit definition marked as use Explicit definition marked as implicit Tied use must be a register Operand should be tied Tied def doesn't match MCInstrDesc Explicit operand should not be tied Must be tied to a register Missing tie flags on tied operand Inconsistent tie links Explicit def tied to explicit use without tie constraint Explicit def should be tied to implicit use Two-address instruction operands must be identical Illegal physical register for instruction Generic virtual register invalid in a Selected function Generic virtual register must have a valid type Generic virtual register must have a bank in a RegBankSelected function Register bank is too small for virtual register Generic virtual register does not subregister index Virtual register does not match instruction constraint Invalid subregister index for virtual register Invalid register class for subregister index No largest legal super class exists. No matching super-reg register class. Illegal virtual register for instruction PHI operand is not in the CFG Missing fixed stack memoperand. Instruction loads from dead spill slot Instruction stores to dead spill slot Kill missing from LiveVariables No live subrange at use Virtual register has no live interval Using an undefined physical register Reading virtual register without a def Using a killed virtual register Multiple virtual register defs in SSA form Virtual register has no Live interval (def Block ends before last instruction index Virtual register killed in block, but needed live out. Virtual register defs don't dominate all uses. PHI operand is not live-out from predecessor Missing PHI operand LiveVariables: Block missing from AliveBlocks LiveVariables: Block should not be in AliveBlocks Missing live interval for virtual register Lane masks of sub ranges overlap in live interval Subrange lanemask is invalid Subrange must not be empty A Subrange is not covered by the main range Multiple connected components in live interval Value not live at VNInfo def and not marked unused Invalid VNInfo definition index PHIDef VNInfo is not defined at MBB start Early clobber def must be at an early-clobber slot Non-PHI, non-early clobber def must be at a register slot Foreign valno in live segment Live segment valno is marked unused Bad start of live segment, no basic block Live segment must begin at MBB entry or valno def Bad end of live segment, no basic block Live segment doesn't end at a valid instruction Live segment ends at B slot of an instruction Live segment ending at dead slot spans instructions Live segment ending at early clobber slot must be redefined by an EC def in the same instruction Instruction ending live segment on dead slot has no dead flag Instruction ending live segment doesn't read the register Register not marked live out of predecessor Different value live out of predecessor Disable critical edge splitting during PHI elimination Split all critical edges during PHI elimination Do not use an early exit if isLiveOutPastPHIs returns true. patchable-function Aggressive extension optimization Disable the peephole optimizer Disable advanced copy optimization Disable non-allocatable physical register copy optimization Limit the length of PHI chains to lookup Enable scheduling after register allocation Warn for stack size bigger than the given number Stack GOT JumpTable ConstantPool GlobalValueCallEntry ExternalSymbolCallEntry TargetCustom Dependency DependencyAll Spill mode for splitting live ranges speed lcr-max-depth Last chance recoloring max depth lcr-max-interf Last chance recoloring maximum number of considered interference at a time exhaustive-register-search Exhaustive Search for registers bypassing the depth and interference cutoffs of last chance recoloring Local reassignment can yield better allocation decisions, but may be compile time intensive enable-deferred-spilling Instead of spilling a variable right away, defer the actual code insertion to the end of the allocation. That way the allocator might still find a suitable coloring for this variable because of other evicted variables. Cost for first time use of callee-saved register. greedy Greedy Register Allocator register allocation failed: maximum depth for recoloring reached. Use -fexhaustive-register-search to skip cutoffs register allocation failed: maximum interference for recoloring reached. Use -fexhaustive-register-search to skip cutoffs register allocation failed: maximum interference and depth for recoloring reached. Use -fexhaustive-register-search to skip cutoffs spill Spiller evict Evict local_split Local Splitting global_split Global Splitting N Limit all regclasses to N registers Coalesce copies (default=true) Apply the terminal rule Coalesce copies on split edges (default=subtarget) Coalesce copies that span blocks (default=subtarget) Verify machine instrs before and after register coalescing Target machine is required __stack_chk_guard __stack_chk_fail unsafe_stack_static_top unsafe_stack_dynamic_ptr enable safe stack coloring enable safe stack layout Enable use of AA during MI DAG construction Enable use of TBAA during MI DAG construction The limit to use while constructing the DAG prior to scheduling, at which point a trade-off is made to avoid excessive compile time. A huge scheduling region will have maps reduced by this many nodes at a time. Defaults to HugeRegion / 2. enable the shrink-wrapping pass Disable stack coloring Do not optimize lifetime zones that are broken Treat stack lifetimes as starting on first use, not on START marker. Enable PatchPoint Liveness Analysis Pass stack-protector-buffer-size __stack_smash_handler Suppress slot sharing during stack coloring stackslotcoloring NumDead Number of trivially dead stack accesses eliminated Maximum instructions to consider tail duplicating Maximum instructions to consider tail duplicating blocks that end with indirect branches. Verify sanity of PHI instructions during taildup tailduplication NumTails Number of tails duplicated Warning: malformed PHI in BB# no-frame-pointer-elim Disable hazard detection during preRA scheduling Do not create extra branches to split comparison logic. Set minimum number of entries to use a jump table. Set maximum size of jump tables; zero for no limit. Minimum percentage (0-100) that a condition must be either true or false to assume that the condition is predictable __safestack_unsafe_stack_ptr __safestack_pointer_address __guard_local __ashlhi3 __ashlsi3 __ashldi3 __ashlti3 __lshrhi3 __lshrsi3 __lshrdi3 __lshrti3 __ashrhi3 __ashrsi3 __ashrdi3 __ashrti3 __mulhi3 __mulsi3 __muldi3 __multi3 __mulosi4 __mulodi4 __muloti4 __divqi3 __divhi3 __divsi3 __divdi3 __divti3 __udivqi3 __udivhi3 __udivsi3 __udivdi3 __udivti3 __modqi3 __modhi3 __modsi3 __moddi3 __modti3 __umodqi3 __umodhi3 __negsi2 __negdi2 __addsf3 __adddf3 __addtf3 __gcc_qadd __subsf3 __subdf3 __subxf3 __subtf3 __gcc_qsub __mulsf3 __muldf3 __mulxf3 __multf3 __gcc_qmul __divsf3 __divdf3 __divxf3 __divtf3 __gcc_qdiv fmodf fmod fmodl fmaf fmal __powisf2 __powidf2 __powixf2 __powitf2 sqrtf sqrtl logf logl log2f log2l log10f log10l expf expl exp2f exp2l sinf sinl cosf cosl powf powl ceilf ceill truncf truncl rintf rint rintl nearbyintf nearbyint nearbyintl roundf roundl floorf floorl fminf fmin fminl fmaxf fmax fmaxl copysignf copysign copysignl __gcc_stoq __gcc_dtoq __extenddftf2 __extendsftf2 __truncdfhf2 __truncxfhf2 __trunctfhf2 __truncdfsf2 __truncxfsf2 __trunctfsf2 __gcc_qtos __truncxfdf2 __trunctfdf2 __gcc_qtod __fixsfsi __fixdfsi __fixdfdi __fixdfti __fixxfsi __fixxfdi __fixxfti __fixtfsi __fixtfdi __fixtfti __gcc_qtou __fixunssfsi __fixunssfdi __fixunssfti __fixunsdfsi __fixunsdfdi __fixunsdfti __fixunsxfsi __fixunsxfdi __fixunsxfti __fixunstfsi __fixunstfdi __fixunstfti __floatsisf __floatsidf __floatsixf __floatsitf __gcc_itoq __floatdisf __floatdidf __floatdixf __floatditf __floattisf __floattidf __floattixf __floattitf __floatunsisf __floatunsidf __floatunsixf __floatunsitf __gcc_utoq __floatundisf __floatundidf __floatundixf __floatunditf __floatuntisf __floatuntidf __floatuntixf __floatuntitf __eqsf2 __eqdf2 __eqtf2 __gcc_qeq __nesf2 __nedf2 __netf2 __gcc_qne __gesf2 __gedf2 __getf2 __gcc_qge __ltsf2 __ltdf2 __lttf2 __gcc_qlt __lesf2 __ledf2 __letf2 __gcc_qle __gtsf2 __gtdf2 __gttf2 __gcc_qgt __unordsf2 __unorddf2 __unordtf2 __gcc_qunord memcpy memmove memset __llvm_memcpy_element_atomic_1 __llvm_memcpy_element_atomic_2 __llvm_memcpy_element_atomic_4 __llvm_memcpy_element_atomic_8 __llvm_memcpy_element_atomic_16 _Unwind_Resume __sync_val_compare_and_swap_1 __sync_val_compare_and_swap_2 __sync_val_compare_and_swap_4 __sync_val_compare_and_swap_8 __sync_val_compare_and_swap_16 __sync_lock_test_and_set_1 __sync_lock_test_and_set_2 __sync_lock_test_and_set_4 __sync_lock_test_and_set_8 __sync_lock_test_and_set_16 __sync_fetch_and_add_1 __sync_fetch_and_add_2 __sync_fetch_and_add_4 __sync_fetch_and_add_8 __sync_fetch_and_add_16 __sync_fetch_and_sub_1 __sync_fetch_and_sub_2 __sync_fetch_and_sub_4 __sync_fetch_and_sub_8 __sync_fetch_and_sub_16 __sync_fetch_and_and_1 __sync_fetch_and_and_2 __sync_fetch_and_and_4 __sync_fetch_and_and_8 __sync_fetch_and_and_16 __sync_fetch_and_or_1 __sync_fetch_and_or_2 __sync_fetch_and_or_4 __sync_fetch_and_or_8 __sync_fetch_and_or_16 __sync_fetch_and_xor_1 __sync_fetch_and_xor_2 __sync_fetch_and_xor_4 __sync_fetch_and_xor_8 __sync_fetch_and_xor_16 __sync_fetch_and_nand_1 __sync_fetch_and_nand_2 __sync_fetch_and_nand_4 __sync_fetch_and_nand_8 __sync_fetch_and_nand_16 __sync_fetch_and_max_1 __sync_fetch_and_max_2 __sync_fetch_and_max_4 __sync_fetch_and_max_8 __sync_fetch_and_max_16 __sync_fetch_and_umax_1 __sync_fetch_and_umax_2 __sync_fetch_and_umax_4 __sync_fetch_and_umax_8 __sync_fetch_and_umax_16 __sync_fetch_and_min_1 __sync_fetch_and_min_2 __sync_fetch_and_min_4 __sync_fetch_and_min_8 __sync_fetch_and_min_16 __sync_fetch_and_umin_1 __sync_fetch_and_umin_2 __sync_fetch_and_umin_4 __sync_fetch_and_umin_8 __sync_fetch_and_umin_16 __atomic_load __atomic_load_1 __atomic_load_2 __atomic_load_4 __atomic_load_8 __atomic_load_16 __atomic_store __atomic_store_1 __atomic_store_2 __atomic_store_4 __atomic_store_8 __atomic_store_16 __atomic_exchange __atomic_exchange_1 __atomic_exchange_2 __atomic_exchange_4 __atomic_exchange_8 __atomic_exchange_16 __atomic_compare_exchange __atomic_compare_exchange_1 __atomic_compare_exchange_2 __atomic_compare_exchange_4 __atomic_compare_exchange_8 __atomic_compare_exchange_16 __atomic_fetch_add_1 __atomic_fetch_add_2 __atomic_fetch_add_4 __atomic_fetch_add_8 __atomic_fetch_add_16 __atomic_fetch_sub_1 __atomic_fetch_sub_2 __atomic_fetch_sub_4 __atomic_fetch_sub_8 __atomic_fetch_sub_16 __atomic_fetch_and_1 __atomic_fetch_and_2 __atomic_fetch_and_4 __atomic_fetch_and_8 __atomic_fetch_and_16 __atomic_fetch_or_1 __atomic_fetch_or_2 __atomic_fetch_or_4 __atomic_fetch_or_8 __atomic_fetch_or_16 __atomic_fetch_xor_1 __atomic_fetch_xor_2 __atomic_fetch_xor_4 __atomic_fetch_xor_8 __atomic_fetch_xor_16 __atomic_fetch_nand_1 __atomic_fetch_nand_2 __atomic_fetch_nand_4 __atomic_fetch_nand_8 __atomic_fetch_nand_16 sincosf sincos sincosl __llvm_deoptimize Invalid refinement step for -recip. reciprocal-estimates .data .DW.stub .ctors .dtors .init_array .fini_array __TEXT __constructor __DATA __mod_init_func Objective-C Image Swift Version Objective-C Image Info Section Linker Options Invalid section specifier ' L_OBJC_IMAGE_INFO ' section type or attributes does not match previous section specifier .CRT$XCU .bss .bss. .tdata .tbss .gnu.linkonce.tb. .llvm.linkonce.tb. ELF COMDATs only support SelectionKind::Any, ' ' cannot be lowered. MachO doesn't support COMDATs, ' .rdata no-frame-pointer-elim-non-leaf disable-post-ra Disable Post Regalloc Scheduler disable-branch-fold Disable branch folding disable-tail-duplicate Disable tail duplication disable-early-taildup Disable pre-register allocation tail duplication disable-block-placement Disable probability-driven block placement enable-block-placement-stats Collect probability-driven block placement stats disable-ssc Disable Stack Slot Coloring disable-machine-dce Disable Machine Dead Code Elimination disable-early-ifcvt Disable Early If-conversion disable-machine-licm Disable Machine LICM disable-machine-cse Disable Machine Common Subexpression Elimination optimize-regalloc Enable optimized register allocation compilation path. disable-postra-machine-licm disable-machine-sink Disable Machine Sinking disable-lsr Disable Loop Strength Reduction Pass disable-constant-hoisting Disable ConstantHoisting disable-cgp Disable Codegen Prepare disable-copyprop Disable Copy Propagation pass disable-partial-libcall-inlining Disable Partial Libcall Inlining enable-implicit-null-checks Fold null checks into faulting memory operations print-lsr-output Print LLVM IR produced by the loop-reduce pass print-isel-input Print LLVM IR input to isel pass Dump garbage collector data verify-machineinstrs Verify generated machine code print-machineinstrs Print machine instrs pass-name option-unspecified global-isel-abort Enable abort calls when "global" instruction selection fails to lower/select an instruction: 0 disable the abort, 1 enable the abort, and 2 disable the abort but emit a diagnostic on failure misched-postra Run MachineScheduler post regalloc (independent of preRA sched) early-live-intervals Run live interval analysis earlier in the pipeline Enable the new, experimental CFL alias analysis in CodeGen steens anders both After pick register allocator based on -O option regalloc Register allocator to use stackrealign %vreg Use TargetSchedModel for latency lookup Use InstrItineraryData for latency lookup Coalesce copies by rescheduling (default=true) Clone multicolor basic blocks but do not demote cross funclet values Do not remove implausible terminators or other similar cleanups Cleanup funclets for the SEH personality cannot contain exceptional actions Cleanup funclets for the MSVC++ personality cannot contain exceptional actions xray-instruction-threshold An attempt to perform XRay instrumentation for an unsupported target. success newloaded atomicrmw.end atomicrmw.start loaded partword.cmpxchg.end partword.cmpxchg.failure partword.cmpxchg.loop cmpxchg.failure cmpxchg.nostore should_store Branch relaxation pass Disable inline spill hoisting stack name body ^(\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?$ maxCallFrameSize hasOpaqueSPAdjustment hasVAStart hasMustTailInVarArgFunc savePoint restorePoint type callee-saved-register spill-slot Verify during register allocation seed Seed Live Regs inline assembly requires more registers than available ran out of registers during register allocation Register Usage Information Propagation print register usage details collected for analysis. gc_map gc_stackentry llvm_gc_root_chain _Unwind_SjLj_Register _Unwind_SjLj_Unregister Specify the stackmap encoding version (default = 2) Stack Maps: tbaa scoped-noalias assumption-cache-tracker profile-summary-info collector-metadata machine-branch-prob pre-isel-intrinsic-lowering MaliMemDeps domtree basicaa loop-simplify scalar-evolution iv-users loop-reduce unreachableblockelim consthoist cfinserter lcssa-verification aa loop-deletion codegenprepare rewrite-symbols lazy-branch-prob lazy-block-freq opt-remark-emitter gvn MaliOptimizeNode instcombine simplifycfg sink postdomtree MaliTextureSkip adce constprop divergence MaliHWIssuesQuadVariant MaliHWIssues MaliTexCombineAnalysis MaliUniformAllocation MaliFeaturePresence branch-prob expand-isel-pseudos opt-phis slotindexes stack-coloring localstackalloc dead-mi-elimination machinedomtree machine-loops machinelicm machine-cse machinepostdomtree machine-block-freq machine-sink peephole-opt block-placement bifrost-fp-branch-fixup detect-dead-lanes processimpdefs unreachable-mbb-elimination livevars phi-node-elimination twoaddressinstruction liveintervals simple-register-coalescing rename-independent-subregs machine-scheduler machine-scheduler-cluster livedebugvars livestacks virtregmap liveregmatrix edge-bundles spill-code-placement virtregrewriter stack-slot-coloring shrink-wrap prologepilog branch-folder machine-cp postrapseudos freemachinefunction MaliTexelFetchYUV licm mali-aa GCC clang omp remark note {{ }} warning \n Line %0 objc_class objc_object isa objc_selector opencl_image1d_ro_t opencl_image1d_array_ro_t opencl_image1d_buffer_ro_t opencl_image2d_ro_t opencl_image2d_array_ro_t opencl_image2d_depth_ro_t opencl_image2d_array_depth_ro_t opencl_image2d_msaa_ro_t opencl_image2d_array_msaa_ro_t opencl_image2d_msaa_depth_ro_t opencl_image2d_array_msaa_depth_ro_t opencl_image3d_ro_t opencl_image1d_wo_t opencl_image1d_array_wo_t opencl_image1d_buffer_wo_t opencl_image2d_wo_t opencl_image2d_array_wo_t opencl_image2d_depth_wo_t opencl_image2d_array_depth_wo_t opencl_image2d_msaa_wo_t opencl_image2d_array_msaa_wo_t opencl_image2d_msaa_depth_wo_t opencl_image2d_array_msaa_depth_wo_t opencl_image3d_wo_t opencl_image1d_rw_t opencl_image1d_array_rw_t opencl_image1d_buffer_rw_t opencl_image2d_rw_t opencl_image2d_array_rw_t opencl_image2d_depth_rw_t opencl_image2d_array_depth_rw_t opencl_image2d_msaa_rw_t opencl_image2d_array_msaa_rw_t opencl_image2d_msaa_depth_rw_t opencl_image2d_array_msaa_depth_rw_t opencl_image3d_rw_t opencl_sampler_t opencl_clk_event_t opencl_reserve_id_t complex reserved Size __block_descriptor __isa __flags __reserved __FuncPtr __descriptor __vtbl_ptr_type __forwarding __size __copy_helper __destroy_helper __byref_variable_layout .str .base for.end for.inc vla omp.arraycpy.done omp.arraycpy.srcElementPast omp.arraycpy.destElementPast omp.arraycpy.dest.element rhs.begin vec_type_hint sanitize_thread_no_checking_at_run_time xray-always xray-never write_only read_write read_only kernel_arg_base_type dummy_arg_name Could not read profile %0: %1 Dwarf Version CodeView StrictVTablePointers StrictVTablePointersRequirement wchar_size min_enum_size Cross-DSO CFI nvvm-reflect-ftz cannot compile this %0 yet llvm.used llvm.compiler.used .cp.rodata opencl.sampler.constructors __CFConstantStringClassReference cfstring __DATA,__cfstring __objcFastEnumerationState <string literal> .cxx_destruct .cxx_construct linkage spec clang.decl.ptr llvm.ident llvm.gcov all-vtables -framework __cxxabiv1 std clang.global.decl.ptrs Enable value profiling Simple C++ TBAA Simple C/C++ TBAA omnipotent char any pointer vtable pointer <built-in> __asan_poison_cxx_array_cookie __asan_load_cxx_array_cookie memptr.adj memptr.ptr memptr.isvirtual __cxa_rethrow __cxa_allocate_exception __cxa_throw __cxa_begin_catch __cxa_end_catch __cxa_get_exception_ptr __clang_call_terminate _ZTVN10__cxxabiv117__class_type_infoE _ZTVN10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_infoE _ZTVN10__cxxabiv121__vmi_class_type_infoE _ZTVN10__cxxabiv116__enum_type_infoE _ZTVN10__cxxabiv119__pointer_type_infoE _ZTVN10__cxxabiv129__pointer_to_member_type_infoE __cxa_bad_typeid __dynamic_cast __cxa_bad_cast vtt __cxa_guard_acquire __cxa_guard_abort __cxa_guard_release __dso_handle member pointer representation requires a complete class type for %0 to perform this expression thunk memptr.cmp eh.ThrowInfo _CxxThrowException .xdata src is_most_derived eh.CatchableType __ImageBase ??_7type_info@@6B@ __RTtypeid __RTDynamicCast __RTCastToVoid is_complete_object should_call_delete rtti.CompleteObjectLocator rtti.ClassHierarchyDescriptor rtti.BaseClassDescriptor _purecall more than 32 guarded initializations _Init_thread_epoch _Init_thread_header _Init_thread_abort _Init_thread_footer __tlregdtor .CRT$XDU init llvm.asan.globals nosanitize hard soft argp.cur mips16 nomips16 sw0 sw1 hw0 hw1 hw2 hw3 hw4 hw5 interrupt ap.cur vaarg.addr IRQ FIQ SWI stack-probe-size .lib /FAILIFMISMATCH:" maxntidx minctasm nvvm.annotations overflow_arg_area_ptr overflow_arg_area reg_save_area indirect_arg opencl.kernel_wg_size_info movl %ebp, %ebp ## marker for objc_retainAutoreleaseReturnValue amdgpu-flat-work-group-size amdgpu-waves-per-eu amdgpu-num-sgpr amdgpu-num-vgpr opencl.ocl.version xcore.typestrings c: r: cr: v: cv: rv: crv: 0 b uc sc us ss ui si ul sl ull sll ft d ld opencl.spir.version atomic library call block.capture.addr struct.__block_descriptor struct.__block_literal_generic block .block_descriptor __copy_helper_block_ __destroy_helper_block_ BLOCK_BYREF_LAYOUT_EXTENDED BLOCK_BYREF_LAYOUT_STRONG BLOCK_BYREF_LAYOUT_WEAK BLOCK_BYREF_LAYOUT_NON_OBJECT byref.flags byref.size byref.copyHelper byref.disposeHelper byref.layout _Block_object_dispose _Block_object_assign _NSConcreteGlobalBlock _NSConcreteStackBlock __Block_byref_object_copy_ __Block_byref_object_dispose_ cudaSetupArgument cudaLaunch __cudaRegisterFatBinary entry __cuda_gpubin_handle __cudaRegisterFunction __cudaRegisterVar __cudaUnregisterFatBinary cannot yet compile %0 in this ABI calls through member pointers loads of member pointers member function pointer conversions member function pointer comparison member function pointer null testing array cookie initialization reading a new[] cookie complete object detection in ctor disable-tail-calls less-precise-fpmad denormal-fp-math no-trapping-math no-infs-fp-math no-nans-fp-math unsafe-fp-math use-soft-float no-signed-zeros-fp-math correctly-rounded-divide-sqrt-fp-math backchain nvptx-f32ftz coerce swifterror.temp .coerce inalloca.save agg.tmp clang.arc.no_objc_arc_exceptions icr.isnull funclet lambda conversion to variadic function __sanitizer_dtor_callback cleanup.dest cleanup.dest.slot this builtin expect that __builtin_coro_id has been used earlier in this function only one __builtin_coro_id can be used in a function __builtin_coro_id shall not be used in a C++ coroutine atexit this initialization requires a guard variable, which the kernel does not support __cxx_init_fn_ptr __gcc_personality_v0 __gcc_personality_sj0 __gcc_personality_seh0 __objc_personality_v0 __gxx_personality_v0 __gxx_personality_sj0 __gxx_personality_seh0 __gnu_objc_personality_v0 objc_exception_throw __gnustep_objcxx_personality_v0 __gnustep_objc_personality_v0 _except_handler3 __C_specific_handler __CxxFrameHandler3 exn.slot ehselector.slot exception_pointers abnormal_termination frame_pointer __exception_code __cxa_call_unexpected __cxa_free_exception __ubsan_vptr_type_cache extractVec nontemporal bf.load bf.shl bf.clear __cfi_slowpath_diag __cfi_slowpath arraydecay arrayidx temp.lvalue add_overflow builtin_unreachable cfi_check_fail divrem_overflow dynamic_type_cache_miss float_cast_overflow function_type_mismatch load_invalid_value missing_return mul_overflow negate_overflow nonnull_arg nonnull_return out_of_bounds shift_out_of_bounds sub_overflow type_mismatch vla_bound_not_positive agg.tmp.ensured arrayinit.begin arrayinit.next arrayinit.done .realp __mulhc3 __mulsc3 __muldc3 __multc3 __mulxc3 __divhc3 __divsc3 __divdc3 __divtc3 __divxc3 sext astype conv splat tobool GNU array range designator extension sh_prom llvm.mem.parallel_loop_access llvm.loop.vectorize.width llvm.loop.interleave.count llvm.loop.unroll.count llvm.loop.vectorize.enable llvm.loop.distribute.enable objects Obj-C fast enumeration for this runtime countByEnumeratingWithState count statemutations stateitems.ptr stateitems currentitem.ptr clang.arc.use objc_retain objc_retainBlock clang.arc.copy_on_escape objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue objc_unsafeClaimAutoreleasedReturnValue objc_release clang.imprecise_release objc_storeStrong objc_autorelease objc_autoreleaseReturnValue objc_retainAutoreleaseReturnValue objc_retainAutorelease objc_loadWeak objc_loadWeakRetained objc_storeWeak objc_initWeak objc_destroyWeak objc_moveWeak objc_copyWeak objc_autoreleasePoolPush objc_autoreleasePoolPop alloc drain r __assign_helper_atomic_property_ __copy_helper_atomic_property_ copy autorelease clang.arc.retainAutoreleasedReturnValueMarker _Unwind_Resume_or_Rethrow objc_begin_catch objc_end_catch objc_exception_rethrow objc_setProperty_atomic objc_setProperty_atomic_copy objc_setProperty_nonatomic objc_setProperty_nonatomic_copy objc_setCppObjectAtomic objc_getCppObjectAtomic GNUObjCMessageSend retain release objc_assign_ivar objc_assign_strongCast objc_assign_global objc_assign_weak objc_read_weak objc_memmove_collectable __objc_exec_class class_registerAlias_np alias .objc_protocol_list .objc_method_list NXConstantString .objc_sel_name __objc_id_type_info _ZTVN7gnustep7libobjc22__objc_class_type_infoE __objc_eh_typename_ .objc_protocol_name .objc_protocol __objc_class_name_ __objc_ivar_offset_value_ __objc_ivar_offset_ .objc_property_list objc_msgSend_fpret objc_msgSend_stret objc_msgSend objc_get_meta_class objc_get_class objc_lookup_class struct._objc_method_description struct._objc_method_description_list struct._objc_protocol_extension struct._objc_protocol struct._objc_protocol_list struct._objc_ivar struct._objc_ivar_list struct._objc_method_list struct._objc_class_extension struct._objc_class struct._objc_category struct._objc_symtab struct._objc_module struct._objc_exception_data _objc_super struct._prop_t struct._prop_list_t struct._objc_method struct._objc_cache Objective-C Version Objective-C Image Info Version Objective-C Garbage Collection Objective-C GC Only Objective-C Is Simulated Objective-C Class Properties OBJC_MODULES __OBJC,__module_info,regular,no_dead_strip OBJC_SYMBOLS __OBJC,__symbols,regular,no_dead_strip __TEXT,__objc_classname,cstring_literals __TEXT,__objc_methname,cstring_literals __TEXT,__objc_methtype,cstring_literals OBJC_SELECTOR_REFERENCES_ __OBJC,__message_refs,literal_pointers,no_dead_strip struct.__builtin_NSString __OBJC,__cstring_object,regular,no_dead_strip __DATA,__objc_stringobj,regular,no_dead_strip OBJC_CATEGORY_PROTOCOLS_ l_OBJC_$_PROP_LIST_ l_OBJC_$_CLASS_PROP_LIST_ __OBJC,__category,regular,no_dead_strip OBJC_CATEGORY_INSTANCE_METHODS_ OBJC_CATEGORY_CLASS_METHODS_ __OBJC,__cat_cls_meth,regular,no_dead_strip OBJC_INSTANCE_METHODS_ __OBJC,__inst_meth,regular,no_dead_strip __OBJC,__cls_meth,regular,no_dead_strip OBJC_PROTOCOL_INSTANCE_METHODS_ OBJC_PROTOCOL_CLASS_METHODS_ __DATA, __objc_const OBJC_CLASS_PROTOCOLS_ __OBJC,__class,regular,no_dead_strip __OBJC,__meta_class,regular,no_dead_strip OBJC_INSTANCE_VARIABLES_ __OBJC,__instance_vars,regular,no_dead_strip 0x0%x%s 0x%x%s __OBJC,__class_ext,regular,no_dead_strip objc_msgSendSuper2_stret objc_msgSendSuper_stret objc_msgSendSuper2 objc_msgSendSuper objc_msgSend_fp2ret objc_super objc_lookUpClass OBJC_CLASS_REFERENCES_ __OBJC,__cls_refs,literal_pointers,no_dead_strip Protocol objc_getProperty objc_setProperty objc_copyStruct objc_copyCppObjectAtomic NSAutoreleasePool objc_enumerationMutation propagating_exception objc_sync_enter objc_exception_try_exit objc_sync_exit objc_exception_try_enter _setjmp objc_exception_extract objc_exception_match weakread weakassign globalassign threadlocalassign objc_assign_threadlocal Byref variable layout: Block variable layout: BL_OPERATOR: BL_NON_OBJECT_BYTES: BL_NON_OBJECT_WORD: BL_STRONG: BL_BYREF: BL_UNRETAINED: OBJC_PROTOCOL_REFS_ OBJC_PROTOCOL_ __OBJC,__protocol,regular,no_dead_strip OBJC_PROTOCOL_METHOD_TYPES_ OBJC_$_PROP_PROTO_LIST_ OBJC_$_CLASS_PROP_PROTO_LIST_ l_OBJC_PROTOCOLEXT_ struct.__method_list_t struct._protocol_t struct._ivar_t struct._ivar_list_t struct._class_ro_t struct._class_t struct._category_t _message_ref_t struct._super_message_ref_t struct._objc_typeinfo OBJC_LABEL_CLASS_$ __DATA, __objc_classlist, regular, no_dead_strip OBJC_LABEL_NONLAZY_CLASS_$ __DATA, __objc_nlclslist, regular, no_dead_strip OBJC_LABEL_CATEGORY_$ __DATA, __objc_catlist, regular, no_dead_strip OBJC_LABEL_NONLAZY_CATEGORY_$ __DATA, __objc_nlcatlist, regular, no_dead_strip invariant.load __DATA, __objc_selrefs, literal_pointers, no_dead_strip OBJC_EHTYPE_id __DATA,__objc_const OBJC_CLASS_$_ _$_ l_OBJC_$_CATEGORY_INSTANCE_METHODS_ l_OBJC_$_CATEGORY_CLASS_METHODS_ l_OBJC_$_INSTANCE_METHODS_ l_OBJC_$_CLASS_METHODS_ l_OBJC_$_PROTOCOL_INSTANCE_METHODS_ _objc_empty_cache l_OBJC_CLASS_PROTOCOLS_$_ __DATA, __objc_ivar __DATA, __objc_data self isFlipped allocWithZone isKindOfClass respondsToSelector objectForKey objectAtIndex isEqualToString isEqual hash addObject l_ objc_msgSendSuper2_stret_fixup objc_msgSend_stret_fixup objc_msgSend_fpret_fixup objc_msgSendSuper2_fixup objc_msgSend_fixup __DATA, __objc_msgrefs, coalesced __DATA, __objc_superrefs, regular, no_dead_strip __DATA, __objc_protorefs, coalesced, no_dead_strip __DATA, __objc_classrefs, regular, no_dead_strip l_OBJC_$_PROTOCOL_REFS_ l_OBJC_$_PROTOCOL_METHOD_TYPES_ __DATA, __objc_protolist, coalesced, no_dead_strip opencl.image1d_ro_t opencl.image1d_buffer_ro_t opencl.image2d_array_depth_ro_t opencl.image2d_msaa_ro_t opencl.image2d_array_msaa_ro_t opencl.image2d_msaa_depth_ro_t opencl.image2d_array_msaa_depth_ro_t opencl.image1d_buffer_wo_t opencl.image2d_array_depth_wo_t opencl.image2d_msaa_wo_t opencl.image2d_array_msaa_wo_t opencl.image2d_msaa_depth_wo_t opencl.image2d_array_msaa_depth_wo_t opencl.image2d_msaa_rw_t opencl.image2d_array_msaa_rw_t opencl.image2d_msaa_depth_rw_t opencl.image2d_array_msaa_depth_rw_t opencl.clk_event_t opencl.reserve_id_t ident_t omp_in omp_out omp_priv omp_orig __kmpc_fork_call __kmpc_global_thread_num __kmpc_threadprivate_cached __kmpc_critical __kmpc_critical_with_hint __kmpc_threadprivate_register __kmpc_end_critical __kmpc_cancel_barrier __kmpc_barrier __kmpc_for_static_fini __kmpc_push_num_threads __kmpc_serialized_parallel __kmpc_end_serialized_parallel __kmpc_flush __kmpc_master __kmpc_end_master __kmpc_omp_taskyield __kmpc_single __kmpc_end_single __kmpc_omp_task_alloc __kmpc_omp_task __kmpc_copyprivate __kmpc_reduce __kmpc_reduce_nowait __kmpc_end_reduce __kmpc_end_reduce_nowait __kmpc_omp_task_begin_if0 __kmpc_omp_task_complete_if0 __kmpc_ordered __kmpc_end_ordered __kmpc_omp_taskwait __kmpc_taskgroup __kmpc_end_taskgroup __kmpc_push_proc_bind __kmpc_omp_task_with_deps __kmpc_omp_wait_deps __kmpc_cancellationpoint __kmpc_cancel __kmpc_push_num_teams __kmpc_fork_teams __kmpc_taskloop __kmpc_doacross_init __kmpc_doacross_fini __kmpc_doacross_post __kmpc_doacross_wait __tgt_target __tgt_target_teams __tgt_register_lib __tgt_unregister_lib __tgt_target_data_begin __tgt_target_data_end __tgt_target_data_update .cache. .gomp_critical_user_ .var .omp_offloading.device_images .omp_offloading.reg_unreg_var .omp_offloading.descriptor_unreg .omp_offloading.descriptor_reg .omp_offloading.entries omp_offload.info __tgt_offload_entry __tgt_device_image __tgt_bin_desc kmp_depend_info kmp_dim .omp_outlined. kmp_cmplrdata_t kmp_task_t kmp_task_t_with_privates .kmp_privates.t .atomic_reduction nvptx_warp_size nvptx_tid nvptx_num_threads _worker __kmpc_kernel_init abscond iszero expval cmpinf iseq isnormal fpclassify_result __builtin_dwarf_sp_column __builtin_init_dwarf_reg_size_table extend.cast extend.sext extend.zext __atomic_is_lock_free _setjmpex _setjmp3 __reserve_read_pipe __reserve_write_pipe __work_group_reserve_read_pipe __work_group_reserve_write_pipe __sub_group_reserve_read_pipe __sub_group_reserve_write_pipe __commit_read_pipe __commit_write_pipe __work_group_commit_read_pipe __work_group_commit_write_pipe __sub_group_commit_read_pipe __sub_group_commit_write_pipe __get_pipe_num_packets __enqueue_kernel_basic __enqueue_kernel_vaargs __enqueue_kernel_basic_events __enqueue_kernel_events_vaargs __get_kernel_work_group_size_impl __get_kernel_preferred_work_group_multiple_impl __get_kernel_max_sub_group_size_for_ndrange_impl __get_kernel_sub_group_count_for_ndrange_impl __builtin_thread_pointer argDescriptor argSize builtin function lane vcvt vmull vqshl_n vqshlu_n vrshr_n vtrn vuzp vzip rbit vget_lane vset_lane vld1_lane vqrshrn_n vqrshrun_n vqshrn_n vqshrun_n vrshrn_n vsli_n vsra_n vtbl1 vtbl2 vtbl3 vtbl4 vtbx1 vtbx2 vtbx3 vtbx4 ldxp ldxr stxp stxr vbsl fmla extract vmax vmin vabd vpadal vpmin vpmax vminnm vmaxnm vrecps vrnda vrndi vrndm vrndn vrndp vrndx vrndz vcvta vcvtm vcvtn vcvtp vmulx vnegd vpmaxnm vpminnm vsqrt vrbit vaddv vmaxv vminv vaddlv vsri_n vld1xN vld2 vld3 vld4 vld2_lane vld3_lane ap.val cmov sse2 sse3 avx2 fma4 bmi2 avx512cd avx512er avx512pf __cpu_model exec vabd_v vabdq_v vabs_v vabsq_v vaddhn_v vaesdq_v vaeseq_v vaesimcq_v vaesmcq_v vbsl_v vbslq_v vcage_v vcageq_v vcagt_v vcagtq_v vcale_v vcaleq_v vcalt_v vcaltq_v vcls_v vclsq_v vclz_v vclzq_v vcnt_v vcntq_v vcvt_f16_f32 vcvt_f32_f16 vcvt_f32_v vcvt_n_f32_v vcvt_n_s32_v vcvt_n_s64_v vcvt_n_u32_v vcvt_n_u64_v vcvt_s32_v vcvt_s64_v vcvt_u32_v vcvt_u64_v vcvta_s32_v vcvta_s64_v vcvta_u32_v vcvta_u64_v vcvtaq_s32_v vcvtaq_s64_v vcvtaq_u32_v vcvtaq_u64_v vcvtm_s32_v vcvtm_s64_v vcvtm_u32_v vcvtm_u64_v vcvtmq_s32_v vcvtmq_s64_v vcvtmq_u32_v vcvtmq_u64_v vcvtn_s32_v vcvtn_s64_v vcvtn_u32_v vcvtn_u64_v vcvtnq_s32_v vcvtnq_s64_v vcvtnq_u32_v vcvtnq_u64_v vcvtp_s32_v vcvtp_s64_v vcvtp_u32_v vcvtp_u64_v vcvtpq_s32_v vcvtpq_s64_v vcvtpq_u32_v vcvtpq_u64_v vcvtq_f32_v vcvtq_n_f32_v vcvtq_n_s32_v vcvtq_n_s64_v vcvtq_n_u32_v vcvtq_n_u64_v vcvtq_s32_v vcvtq_s64_v vcvtq_u32_v vcvtq_u64_v vext_v vextq_v vfma_v vfmaq_v vhadd_v vhaddq_v vhsub_v vhsubq_v vld1_dup_v vld1_v vld1q_dup_v vld1q_v vld2_lane_v vld2_v vld2q_lane_v vld2q_v vld3_lane_v vld3_v vld3q_lane_v vld3q_v vld4_lane_v vld4_v vld4q_lane_v vld4q_v vmax_v vmaxnm_v vmaxnmq_v vmaxq_v vmin_v vminnm_v vminnmq_v vminq_v vmovl_v vmovn_v vmul_v vmull_v vmulq_v vpadal_v vpadalq_v vpadd_v vpaddl_v vpaddlq_v vpaddq_v vpmax_v vpmin_v vqabs_v vqabsq_v vqadd_v vqaddq_v vqdmlal_v vqdmlsl_v vqdmulh_v vqdmulhq_v vqdmull_v vqmovn_v vqmovun_v vqneg_v vqnegq_v vqrdmulh_v vqrdmulhq_v vqrshl_v vqrshlq_v vqshl_n_v vqshl_v vqshlq_n_v vqshlq_v vqshlu_n_v vqshluq_n_v vqsub_v vqsubq_v vraddhn_v vrecpe_v vrecpeq_v vrecps_v vrecpsq_v vrhadd_v vrhaddq_v vrnd_v vrnda_v vrndaq_v vrndm_v vrndmq_v vrndn_v vrndnq_v vrndp_v vrndpq_v vrndq_v vrndx_v vrndxq_v vrshl_v vrshlq_v vrshr_n_v vrshrq_n_v vrsqrte_v vrsqrteq_v vrsqrts_v vrsqrtsq_v vrsubhn_v vsha1su0q_v vsha1su1q_v vsha256h2q_v vsha256hq_v vsha256su0q_v vsha256su1q_v vshl_n_v vshl_v vshll_n_v vshlq_n_v vshlq_v vshr_n_v vshrn_n_v vshrq_n_v vst1_v vst1q_v vst2_lane_v vst2_v vst2q_lane_v vst2q_v vst3_lane_v vst3_v vst3q_lane_v vst3q_v vst4_lane_v vst4_v vst4q_lane_v vst4q_v vsubhn_v vtrn_v vtrnq_v vtst_v vtstq_v vuzp_v vuzpq_v vzip_v vzipq_v vabdd_f64 vabds_f32 vabsd_s64 vaddlv_s32 vaddlv_u32 vaddlvq_s32 vaddlvq_u32 vaddv_f32 vaddv_s32 vaddv_u32 vaddvq_f32 vaddvq_f64 vaddvq_s32 vaddvq_s64 vaddvq_u32 vaddvq_u64 vcaged_f64 vcages_f32 vcagtd_f64 vcagts_f32 vcaled_f64 vcales_f32 vcaltd_f64 vcalts_f32 vcvtad_s64_f64 vcvtad_u64_f64 vcvtas_s32_f32 vcvtas_u32_f32 vcvtd_n_f64_s64 vcvtd_n_f64_u64 vcvtd_n_s64_f64 vcvtd_n_u64_f64 vcvtmd_s64_f64 vcvtmd_u64_f64 vcvtms_s32_f32 vcvtms_u32_f32 vcvtnd_s64_f64 vcvtnd_u64_f64 vcvtns_s32_f32 vcvtns_u32_f32 vcvtpd_s64_f64 vcvtpd_u64_f64 vcvtps_s32_f32 vcvtps_u32_f32 vcvts_n_f32_s32 vcvts_n_f32_u32 vcvts_n_s32_f32 vcvts_n_u32_f32 vcvtxd_f32_f64 vmaxnmv_f32 vmaxnmvq_f32 vmaxnmvq_f64 vmaxv_f32 vmaxv_s32 vmaxv_u32 vmaxvq_f32 vmaxvq_f64 vmaxvq_s32 vmaxvq_u32 vminnmv_f32 vminnmvq_f32 vminnmvq_f64 vminv_f32 vminv_s32 vminv_u32 vminvq_f32 vminvq_f64 vminvq_s32 vminvq_u32 vmull_p64 vmulxd_f64 vmulxs_f32 vpaddd_s64 vpaddd_u64 vpmaxnmqd_f64 vpmaxnms_f32 vpmaxqd_f64 vpmaxs_f32 vpminnmqd_f64 vpminnms_f32 vpminqd_f64 vpmins_f32 vqabsb_s8 vqabsd_s64 vqabsh_s16 vqabss_s32 vqaddb_s8 vqaddb_u8 vqaddd_s64 vqaddd_u64 vqaddh_s16 vqaddh_u16 vqadds_s32 vqadds_u32 vqdmulhh_s16 vqdmulhs_s32 vqdmullh_s16 vqdmulls_s32 vqmovnd_s64 vqmovnd_u64 vqmovnh_s16 vqmovnh_u16 vqmovns_s32 vqmovns_u32 vqmovund_s64 vqmovunh_s16 vqmovuns_s32 vqnegb_s8 vqnegd_s64 vqnegh_s16 vqnegs_s32 vqrdmulhh_s16 vqrdmulhs_s32 vqrshlb_s8 vqrshlb_u8 vqrshld_s64 vqrshld_u64 vqrshlh_s16 vqrshlh_u16 vqrshls_s32 vqrshls_u32 vqrshrnd_n_s64 vqrshrnd_n_u64 vqrshrnh_n_s16 vqrshrnh_n_u16 vqrshrns_n_s32 vqrshrns_n_u32 vqrshrund_n_s64 vqrshrunh_n_s16 vqrshruns_n_s32 vqshlb_n_s8 vqshlb_n_u8 vqshlb_s8 vqshlb_u8 vqshld_s64 vqshld_u64 vqshlh_n_s16 vqshlh_n_u16 vqshlh_s16 vqshlh_u16 vqshls_n_s32 vqshls_n_u32 vqshls_s32 vqshls_u32 vqshlub_n_s8 vqshluh_n_s16 vqshlus_n_s32 vqshrnd_n_s64 vqshrnd_n_u64 vqshrnh_n_s16 vqshrnh_n_u16 vqshrns_n_s32 vqshrns_n_u32 vqshrund_n_s64 vqshrunh_n_s16 vqshruns_n_s32 vqsubb_s8 vqsubb_u8 vqsubd_s64 vqsubd_u64 vqsubh_s16 vqsubh_u16 vqsubs_s32 vqsubs_u32 vrecped_f64 vrecpes_f32 vrecpxd_f64 vrecpxs_f32 vrshld_s64 vrshld_u64 vrsqrted_f64 vrsqrtes_f32 vrsqrtsd_f64 vrsqrtss_f32 vsha1cq_u32 vsha1h_u32 vsha1mq_u32 vsha1pq_u32 vshld_s64 vshld_u64 vslid_n_s64 vslid_n_u64 vsqaddb_u8 vsqaddd_u64 vsqaddh_u16 vsqadds_u32 vsrid_n_s64 vsrid_n_u64 vuqaddb_s8 vuqaddd_s64 vuqaddh_s16 vuqadds_s32 vcvt_n_f64_v vcvtq_n_f64_v vcvtx_f32_v printf_args vprintf __except oneway bycopy byref nonnull nullable null_unspecified super vector pixel _exception_info __exception_info GetExceptionInformation _exception_code GetExceptionCode _abnormal_termination __abnormal_termination AbnormalTermination top-level asm block property put macos macos_app_extension introduced deprecated obsoleted unavailable message strict replacement _Noreturn <> , swap acquire_capability acquire_shared_capability exclusive_lock_function shared_lock_function acquired_after acquired_before assert_capability assert_shared_capability assert_exclusive_lock assert_shared_lock exclusive_trylock_function guarded_by lock_returned locks_excluded pt_guarded_by release_capability release_shared_capability release_generic_capability unlock_function requires_capability exclusive_locks_required requires_shared_capability shared_locks_required shared_trylock_function try_acquire_capability try_acquire_shared_capability loop mode objc_bridge objc_bridge_mutable objc_bridge_related objc_gc objc_method_family objc_ownership ownership_holds ownership_returns ownership_takes param_typestate return_typestate set_typestate test_typestate type_tag_for_datatype type_visibility visibility instancetype attributes list , "" final __final sealed override access declaration { throw __is_abstract __is_arithmetic __is_array __is_assignable __is_base_of __is_class __is_complete_type __is_compound __is_const __is_constructible __is_convertible __is_convertible_to __is_destructible __is_empty __is_enum __is_floating_point __is_final __is_function __is_fundamental __is_integral __is_interface_class __is_literal __is_lvalue_expr __is_lvalue_reference __is_member_function_pointer __is_member_object_pointer __is_member_pointer __is_nothrow_assignable __is_nothrow_constructible __is_nothrow_destructible __is_object __is_pod __is_pointer __is_polymorphic __is_reference __is_rvalue_expr __is_rvalue_reference __is_same __is_scalar __is_sealed __is_signed __is_standard_layout __is_trivial __is_trivially_assignable __is_trivially_constructible __is_trivially_copyable __is_union __is_unsigned __is_void __is_volatile __bridge_retained tvos tvos_app_extension watchos_app_extension watchOS (App Extension) , * :: template () < :: = @class @end @end weak @protocol @compatibility_alias @synthesize @dynamic @throw inbranch notinbranch data link STDC unroll read push compiler user distribute vectorize interleave full reset pack show on unused begin runtime_checks __INTRIN_H do/while case ; auto && InternalPragmaState <MS inline asm> class amdgpu_flat_work_group_size amdgpu_num_sgpr amdgpu_num_vgpr amdgpu_waves_per_eu abi_tag address_space align_value aligned alignas _Alignas alloc_size always_inline __forceinline analyzer_noreturn annotate objc_arc_weak_reference_unavailable argument_with_type_tag pointer_with_type_tag assume_aligned availability blocks cdecl __cdecl _cdecl cf_audited_transfer cf_consumed cf_returns_not_retained cf_returns_retained cf_unknown_transfer constant device global host launch_bounds noreturn callable_when capability shared_capability carries_dependency cold __const constructor consumable consumable_auto_cast_state consumable_set_state_on_read convergent dllexport dllimport destructor disable_tail_calls empty_bases enable_if ext_vector_type fallthrough fastcall __fastcall _fastcall flag_enum flatten format format_arg gnu_inline guarded_var ibaction iboutlet iboutletcollection ifunc init_priority intel_ocl_bicc internal_linkage lto_visibility_public layout_version lockable nounroll ms_abi __single_inheritance __multiple_inheritance __virtual_inheritance __unspecified_inheritance novtable ms_struct may_alias minsize ns_consumed ns_consumes_self ns_returns_autoreleased ns_returns_not_retained ns_returns_retained naked neon_polyvector_type neon_vector_type noalias nocommon nodebug noduplicate no_instrument_function no_sanitize no_address_safety_analysis no_sanitize_address no_sanitize_thread no_sanitize_memory no_split_stack no_thread_safety_analysis nothrow not_tail_called objc_boxable objc_designated_initializer objc_exception objc_protocol_requires_explicit_implementation objc_independent_class __kindof NSObject objc_precise_lifetime objc_requires_property_definitions objc_requires_super objc_returns_inner_pointer objc_root_class objc_runtime_name objc_runtime_visible objc_subclassing_restricted __read_only __write_only __read_write __constant opencl_extension __generic generic __global __kernel __local local nosvm __private private opencl_unroll_hint opencl_version optnone overloadable pascal __pascal _pascal pass_object_size preserve_all preserve_most pt_guarded_var __ptr32 __ptr64 pure regcall __regcall regparm require_constant_initialization malloc returns_nonnull returns_twice __sptr scoped_lockable section allocate selectany sentinel stdcall __stdcall _stdcall swiftcall swift_context swift_error_result swift_indirect_result sysv_abi tls_model thiscall __thiscall _thiscall thread transparent_union _Nonnull _Null_unspecified _Nullable __uptr maybe_unused used uuid vecreturn __vectorcall xray_always_instrument xray_never_instrument ot cs lias func locks ommon evice ormat lobal ernel lloc ps16 _abi hared arget nused _const i_tag igned ounded leanup latten insize ebug null hrow _weak jc_gc tnone eg ction dcall eakref SObject nnotate onstant astcall utlet ockable nline ips16 eturn ntinel sv_abi hiscall ll xport mport nable_if lag_enum nterrupt y_alias _struct wiftcall ls_model ecreturn lloc_size pability umable ergent recated tructor ormat_arg u_inline arded_by ctorcall sibility lign_value _consumed nstructor uarded_var sanitize uplicate bjc_bridge navailable ector_size rn_unused ak_import vailability jc_boxable erloadable reserve_all dress_space ways_inline allable_when nit_priority unch_bounds ck_returned eserve_most _guarded_by eturns_twice t_typestate ift_context ec_type_hint quired_after sume_aligned udart_builtin evice_builtin ntel_ocl_bicc ocks_excluded o_split_stack xception wnership encl_version t_guarded_var est_typestate quired_before dgpu_num_ xt_vector_type ot_tail_called jc_root_class nership_ olds akes aram_typestate eturns_nonnull coped_lockable ype_visibility nlock_function nternal_linkage on_vector_type _consumes_self pencl_extension ass_object_size eturn_typestate alyzer_noreturn sert_capability jc_runtime_name nership_returns hared_capability ransparent_union quire_capability sert_shared_lock arries_dependency isable_tail_calls boutletcollection o_sanitize_ emory hread jc_method_family encl_unroll_hint elease_capability wift_error_result arn_unused_result mdgpu_waves_per_eu f_ udited_transfer eturns_retained nknown_transfer _sanitize_address _returns_retained bjc_ ridge_ utable elated equires_super equires_capability eon_polyvector_type bjc_runtime_visible eqd_work_group_size hared_lock_function ork_group_size_hint m_thread_limit_hint sert_exclusive_lock bjc_precise_lifetime ointer_with_type_tag ared_locks_required ift_indirect_result ype_tag_for_datatype ray_never_instrument rgument_with_type_tag o_instrument_function bjc_independent_class ry_acquire_capability ray_always_instrument f_returns_not_retained xclusive_lock_function orce_align_arg_pointer s_returns_ utoreleased ot_retained hared_trylock_function ssert_shared_capability xclusive_locks_required cquire_shared_capability o_thread_safety_analysis elease_shared_capability onsumable_auto_cast_state xclusive_trylock_function o_address_safety_analysis bjc_returns_inner_pointer mdgpu_flat_work_group_size evice_builtin_ urface_type exture_type esignated_initializer ubclassing_restricted lign aked no llocate table roperty estrict electany gnu:: :noreturn nu:: :nodiscard acked :deprecated :fallthrough :maybe_unused lang::optnone nu_inline isibility onstructor clang::c nvergent lang:: allthrough lways_inline wift_context ssume_aligned :carries_dependency nu::returns_nonnull nu::transparent_union lang::internal_linkage o_sanitize_thread ssert_capability nu::no_sanitize_address cquire_capability lang::requires_capability nu::swift_indirect_result gnu::no_instrument_function to_visibility_public lang::assert_shared_capability nu::no_address_safety_analysis _w64 ocal decl tr ascal lignas eneric rivate onnull rnel ndof tdcall ullable egcall ead_only ead_write rite_only ectorcall unspecified auto register __private_extern__ mutable __thread thread_local _Thread_local long long imaginary signed char __wchar_t wchar_t char16_t char32_t __int128 __float128 _Bool _Decimal32 _Decimal64 _Decimal128 __interface type-name typeof __auto_type (decltype) decltype(auto) __underlying_type __unknown_anytype _Atomic image1d_t image1d_array_t image1d_buffer_t image2d_t image2d_array_t image2d_depth_t image2d_array_depth_t image2d_msaa_t image2d_array_msaa_t image2d_msaa_depth_t image2d_array_msaa_depth_t image3d_t (error) __unaligned virtual explicit vsx power8-vector double __va_list_tag __int128_t __uint128_t SEL Class __NSConstantString type_info atomic_int atomic_long atomic_ulong atomic_float atomic_double atomic_flag atomic_intptr_t atomic_uintptr_t atomic_size_t atomic_ptrdiff_t cl_khr_int64_base_atomics cl_khr_int64_extended_atomics __builtin_ms_va_list __builtin_va_list () stack empty static_cast extdiv bpermd cp p c "%s", @"%@", c_str std::abs (void*) move unichar .c_str() (size_t)( , ... nil NULL operator statements condition expression new delete new[] delete[] ->* -> [] co_await args assign unsafe_unretained readwrite strong nonatomic atomic null_resettable IBAction selector macro import operator+ operator- operator* operator/ operator% operator^ operator& operator| operator~ operator! operator= operator< operator> operator+= operator-= operator*= operator/= operator%= operator^= operator&= operator|= operator<< operator>> operator<<= operator>>= operator== operator!= operator<= operator>= operator&& operator|| operator++ operator-- operator, operator->* operator-> operatorco_await operator new operator delete operator new[] operator delete[] operator() operator[] typename declarations string-literal qualifier protected parameters __bridge_transfer dynamic_cast reinterpret_cast const_cast std::type_info typeid expression-or-type expressions std::nullptr_t nullptr alignof noexcept sizeof... parameter-pack _Alignof friend __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ __FUNCTION__ __func__ _cmd _Complex _Imaginary @end protocol NSArray * struct <anonymous> __interface <anonymous> class <anonymous> union <anonymous> enum <anonymous> objectIn index AtIndexes NSIndexSet * indexes range object-type range: NSRange inRange insertObject insertObject: object insert atIndexes atIndexes: removeObjectFrom remove replaceObjectIn withObject withObject: replace with NSEnumerator enumeratorOf NSEnumerator * memberOf Object NSSet * intersect co_yield yield_value co_return return_value return_void initial_suspend final_suspend set_exception get_return_object __promise coroutine_traits promise_type current_exception typename static FILE printf const constexpr scanf " tune= fpmath= watchos ios_app_extension 'interrupt' global-dynamic local-dynamic initial-exec local-exec a CFString an NSString a string type NSString CFString strftime printf0 strfmon cmn_err vcmn_err zcmn_err kprintf freebsd_kprintf os_trace os_log gcc_diag gcc_cdiag gcc_cxxdiag gcc_tdiag __CFString NSMutableString string type weak_import mutex role consumed unconsumed _app_extension experimental initializer_list using value tuple_size get tuple_element inline (void) * : NSObject (id) forwardInvocation NSProxy object_getClass object_getClass( __builtin_trap this-> self-> less object_setClass object_setClass( @ BOOL isEqual: __autoreleasing __builtin_shufflevector _GUID bad_alloc align_val_t .* stringWithUTF8String valueWithBytes objCType bytes cnt integral keys NSCopying CFBridgingRelease __bridge __bridge_transfer CFBridgingRetain __bridge *( &( {} = {} 0.0 '\0' L'\0' u'\0' U'\0' list __invoke <top-level> __make_integer_seq __type_pack_element constexpr decltype catch try static_assert retain (or strong) (nonatomic) .firstprivate.temp .lastprivate.src .lastprivate.dst .reduction.lhs .linear.start .linear.step .copyin.src .copyin.dst .copyprivate.src .copyprivate.dst .devptr.temp or .omp.lb .omp.ub .omp.is_last .omp.stride .omp.iv .capture_expr. No conversion Lvalue-to-rvalue Array-to-pointer Function-to-pointer Function pointer conversion Qualification Integral promotion Floating point promotion Complex promotion Integral conversion Floating conversion Complex conversion Floating-integral conversion Pointer conversion Pointer-to-member conversion Boolean conversion Compatible-types conversion Derived-to-base conversion Vector conversion Vector splat Complex-real conversion Block Pointer conversion Transparent Union Conversion Writeback conversion OpenCL Zero Event Conversion C specific type conversion Incompatible pointer conversion __ objectForKeyedSubscript objectAtIndexedSubscript setObject forKeyedSubscript atIndexedSubscript UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER __context end #pragma unroll vectorize_width interleave_count unroll_count template<> (anonymous) cannot instantiate %0 yet instantiating variable definition NSError __kindof autoreleasing __strong __weak neon /* DISABLES CODE */ ( __block break; CF CG DADisk DADissenter DASessionRef hh h l q j z t I32 I64 L a m w D i o O u U X f F e E g G A s P n C S Z let BB_null #lit raise NSException arguments ;{}#@ __NSConstantString_tag __block_descriptor_withcopydispose CopyFuncPtr DestroyFuncPtr T __va_list __stack __gr_top __vr_top __ap aka pack Decl IRQ FIQ SWI ABORT UNDEF ByRef Full sw0 sw1 MT_To AAPCS <None> TemplateArgument TemplateName NestedNameSpecifierLoc QualType TypeLoc CXXCtorInitializer NestedNameSpecifier AccessSpecDecl BlockDecl CapturedDecl ClassScopeFunctionSpecializationDecl EmptyDecl ExportDecl ExternCContextDecl FileScopeAsmDecl FriendDecl FriendTemplateDecl ImportDecl LinkageSpecDecl NamedDecl LabelDecl NamespaceDecl NamespaceAliasDecl ObjCCompatibleAliasDecl ObjCContainerDecl ObjCCategoryDecl ObjCImplDecl ObjCCategoryImplDecl ObjCImplementationDecl ObjCInterfaceDecl ObjCProtocolDecl ObjCMethodDecl ObjCPropertyDecl TemplateDecl BuiltinTemplateDecl RedeclarableTemplateDecl ClassTemplateDecl FunctionTemplateDecl TypeAliasTemplateDecl VarTemplateDecl TemplateTemplateParmDecl TypeDecl TagDecl EnumDecl RecordDecl CXXRecordDecl ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl TemplateTypeParmDecl TypedefNameDecl ObjCTypeParamDecl TypeAliasDecl TypedefDecl UnresolvedUsingTypenameDecl UsingDecl UsingDirectiveDecl UsingPackDecl UsingShadowDecl ConstructorUsingShadowDecl ValueDecl BindingDecl DeclaratorDecl FieldDecl ObjCAtDefsFieldDecl ObjCIvarDecl FunctionDecl CXXMethodDecl CXXConstructorDecl CXXConversionDecl CXXDestructorDecl MSPropertyDecl NonTypeTemplateParmDecl VarDecl DecompositionDecl ImplicitParamDecl OMPCapturedExprDecl ParmVarDecl VarTemplateSpecializationDecl VarTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl EnumConstantDecl IndirectFieldDecl OMPDeclareReductionDecl UnresolvedUsingValueDecl OMPThreadPrivateDecl ObjCPropertyImplDecl PragmaCommentDecl PragmaDetectMismatchDecl StaticAssertDecl TranslationUnitDecl Stmt AsmStmt GCCAsmStmt MSAsmStmt AttributedStmt BreakStmt CXXCatchStmt CXXForRangeStmt CXXTryStmt CapturedStmt CompoundStmt ContinueStmt CoreturnStmt CoroutineBodyStmt DeclStmt DoStmt Expr AbstractConditionalOperator BinaryConditionalOperator ConditionalOperator AddrLabelExpr ArrayInitIndexExpr ArrayInitLoopExpr ArraySubscriptExpr ArrayTypeTraitExpr AsTypeExpr AtomicExpr BinaryOperator CompoundAssignOperator BlockExpr CXXBindTemporaryExpr CXXBoolLiteralExpr CXXConstructExpr CXXTemporaryObjectExpr CXXDefaultArgExpr CXXDefaultInitExpr CXXDeleteExpr CXXDependentScopeMemberExpr CXXFoldExpr CXXInheritedCtorInitExpr CXXNewExpr CXXNoexceptExpr CXXNullPtrLiteralExpr CXXPseudoDestructorExpr CXXScalarValueInitExpr CXXStdInitializerListExpr CXXThisExpr CXXThrowExpr CXXTypeidExpr CXXUnresolvedConstructExpr CXXUuidofExpr CallExpr CUDAKernelCallExpr CXXMemberCallExpr CXXOperatorCallExpr UserDefinedLiteral CastExpr ExplicitCastExpr CStyleCastExpr CXXFunctionalCastExpr CXXNamedCastExpr CXXConstCastExpr CXXDynamicCastExpr CXXReinterpretCastExpr CXXStaticCastExpr ObjCBridgedCastExpr ImplicitCastExpr CharacterLiteral ChooseExpr CompoundLiteralExpr ConvertVectorExpr CoroutineSuspendExpr CoawaitExpr CoyieldExpr DeclRefExpr DependentScopeDeclRefExpr DesignatedInitExpr DesignatedInitUpdateExpr ExprWithCleanups ExpressionTraitExpr ExtVectorElementExpr FloatingLiteral FunctionParmPackExpr GNUNullExpr GenericSelectionExpr ImaginaryLiteral ImplicitValueInitExpr InitListExpr IntegerLiteral LambdaExpr MSPropertyRefExpr MSPropertySubscriptExpr MaterializeTemporaryExpr MemberExpr NoInitExpr OMPArraySectionExpr ObjCArrayLiteral ObjCAvailabilityCheckExpr ObjCBoolLiteralExpr ObjCBoxedExpr ObjCDictionaryLiteral ObjCEncodeExpr ObjCIndirectCopyRestoreExpr ObjCIsaExpr ObjCIvarRefExpr ObjCMessageExpr ObjCPropertyRefExpr ObjCProtocolExpr ObjCSelectorExpr ObjCStringLiteral ObjCSubscriptRefExpr OffsetOfExpr OpaqueValueExpr OverloadExpr UnresolvedLookupExpr UnresolvedMemberExpr PackExpansionExpr ParenExpr ParenListExpr PredefinedExpr PseudoObjectExpr ShuffleVectorExpr SizeOfPackExpr StmtExpr StringLiteral SubstNonTypeTemplateParmExpr SubstNonTypeTemplateParmPackExpr TypeTraitExpr TypoExpr UnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr UnaryOperator VAArgExpr ForStmt GotoStmt IfStmt IndirectGotoStmt LabelStmt MSDependentExistsStmt NullStmt OMPExecutableDirective OMPAtomicDirective OMPBarrierDirective OMPCancelDirective OMPCancellationPointDirective OMPCriticalDirective OMPFlushDirective OMPLoopDirective OMPDistributeDirective OMPDistributeParallelForDirective OMPDistributeParallelForSimdDirective OMPDistributeSimdDirective OMPForDirective OMPForSimdDirective OMPParallelForDirective OMPParallelForSimdDirective OMPSimdDirective OMPTargetParallelForSimdDirective OMPTargetSimdDirective OMPTargetTeamsDistributeDirective OMPTargetTeamsDistributeParallelForDirective OMPTaskLoopDirective OMPTaskLoopSimdDirective OMPTeamsDistributeDirective OMPTeamsDistributeParallelForDirective OMPTeamsDistributeParallelForSimdDirective OMPTeamsDistributeSimdDirective OMPMasterDirective OMPOrderedDirective OMPParallelDirective OMPParallelSectionsDirective OMPSectionDirective OMPSectionsDirective OMPSingleDirective OMPTargetDataDirective OMPTargetDirective OMPTargetEnterDataDirective OMPTargetExitDataDirective OMPTargetParallelDirective OMPTargetParallelForDirective OMPTargetTeamsDirective OMPTargetUpdateDirective OMPTaskDirective OMPTaskgroupDirective OMPTaskwaitDirective OMPTaskyieldDirective OMPTeamsDirective ObjCAtCatchStmt ObjCAtFinallyStmt ObjCAtSynchronizedStmt ObjCAtThrowStmt ObjCAtTryStmt ObjCAutoreleasePoolStmt ObjCForCollectionStmt ReturnStmt SEHExceptStmt SEHFinallyStmt SEHLeaveStmt SEHTryStmt SwitchCase CaseStmt DefaultStmt SwitchStmt WhileStmt BuiltinType ComplexType PointerType BlockPointerType ReferenceType LValueReferenceType RValueReferenceType MemberPointerType ArrayType ConstantArrayType IncompleteArrayType VariableArrayType DependentSizedArrayType DependentSizedExtVectorType VectorType ExtVectorType FunctionType FunctionProtoType FunctionNoProtoType UnresolvedUsingType ParenType TypedefType AdjustedType DecayedType TypeOfExprType TypeOfType DecltypeType UnaryTransformType TagType RecordType EnumType ElaboratedType AttributedType TemplateTypeParmType SubstTemplateTypeParmType SubstTemplateTypeParmPackType TemplateSpecializationType AutoType InjectedClassNameType DependentNameType DependentTemplateSpecializationType PackExpansionType ObjCTypeParamType ObjCObjectType ObjCInterfaceType ObjCObjectPointerType PipeType AtomicType "))) ")]] (No spelling) __asm__ _Noreturn init_seg declare simd declare target vectorcall _vectorcall warn_unused nodiscard warn_unused_result weakref force_align_arg_pointer vector=sw0 vector=sw1 vector=hw0 vector=hw1 vector=hw2 vector=hw3 vector=hw4 vector=hw5 eic mutableCopy hidden NoCommentKind BlockCommandComment ParamCommandComment TParamCommandComment VerbatimBlockComment VerbatimLineComment ParagraphComment FullComment HTMLEndTagComment HTMLStartTagComment InlineCommandComment TextComment 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converting to boxing syntax requires casting %0 to %1 @( NSUTF8StringEncoding NSASCIIStringEncoding %d #import/#pragma once files. %d included exactly once. %d max times a file is included. %d #includes skipped due to the multi-include optimization. Private .framework Modules module.modulemap module.map sccs ms ns il Headers Frameworks exclude export header module requires textual umbrella Darwin _Static_assert __objc_yes __objc_no concept __null __alignof __attribute __builtin_choose_expr __builtin_offsetof __builtin_va_arg __extension__ __imag __label__ __real __FUNCDNAME__ __FUNCSIG__ L__FUNCTION__ __is_literal_type __module_private__ __declspec __super __builtin_astype vec_step __builtin_omp_required_simd_align __pixel __bool __bridge_retain __covariant __contravariant __alignof__ __asm __attribute__ __complex __complex__ __const__ __decltype __imag__ __inline __inline__ __nullptr __real__ __restrict __restrict__ __signed __signed__ __typeof __typeof__ __volatile __volatile__ __w64 __uuidof __try __finally __leave __int64 __if_exists __if_not_exists __int8 _int8 __int16 _int16 __int32 _int32 _int64 _asm _alignof __builtin_alignof _uuidof _inline _declspec __builtin_convertvector __char16_t __char32_t __builtin_available // 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stropts.h sys/ipc.h sys/mman.h sys/msg.h sys/resource.h sys/select.h sys/sem.h sys/shm.h sys/socket.h sys/stat.h sys/statvfs.h sys/time.h sys/times.h sys/types.h sys/uio.h sys/un.h sys/utsname.h sys/wait.h syslog.h tar.h termios.h trace.h ulimit.h unistd.h utime.h utmpx.h wordexp.h .h .H .hpp __has_feature __has_extension __has_builtin __has_attribute __has_declspec_attribute __has_include __has_include_next __has_warning __is_identifier __building_module __MODULE__ Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec address_sanitizer attribute_analyzer_noreturn attribute_availability attribute_availability_tvos attribute_availability_watchos attribute_availability_with_strict attribute_availability_with_replacement attribute_availability_in_templates attribute_cf_returns_not_retained attribute_cf_returns_retained attribute_cf_returns_on_parameters attribute_deprecated_with_message attribute_deprecated_with_replacement attribute_ext_vector_type attribute_ns_returns_not_retained attribute_ns_returns_retained attribute_ns_consumes_self attribute_ns_consumed attribute_cf_consumed attribute_objc_ivar_unused attribute_objc_method_family attribute_overloadable attribute_unavailable_with_message attribute_unused_on_fields c_thread_safety_attributes cxx_exceptions cxx_rtti enumerator_attributes nullability nullability_on_arrays memory_sanitizer thread_sanitizer dataflow_sanitizer efficiency_sanitizer objc_arr objc_arc objc_arc_weak objc_default_synthesize_properties objc_fixed_enum objc_instancetype objc_kindof objc_modules objc_nonfragile_abi objc_property_explicit_atomic objc_protocol_qualifier_mangling objc_weak_class objc_bool objc_subscripting objc_array_literals objc_dictionary_literals objc_boxed_expressions objc_boxed_nsvalue_expressions arc_cf_code_audited objc_bridge_id objc_bridge_id_on_typedefs objc_generics objc_generics_variance objc_class_property c_alignas c_alignof c_atomic c_generic_selections c_static_assert c_thread_local cxx_access_control_sfinae cxx_alias_templates cxx_alignas cxx_alignof cxx_atomic cxx_attributes cxx_auto_type cxx_constexpr cxx_decltype cxx_decltype_incomplete_return_types cxx_default_function_template_args cxx_defaulted_functions cxx_delegating_constructors cxx_deleted_functions cxx_explicit_conversions cxx_generalized_initializers cxx_implicit_moves cxx_inheriting_constructors cxx_inline_namespaces cxx_lambdas cxx_local_type_template_args cxx_nonstatic_member_init cxx_noexcept cxx_nullptr cxx_override_control cxx_range_for cxx_raw_string_literals cxx_reference_qualified_functions cxx_rvalue_references cxx_strong_enums cxx_static_assert cxx_thread_local cxx_trailing_return cxx_unicode_literals cxx_unrestricted_unions cxx_user_literals cxx_variadic_templates cxx_aggregate_nsdmi cxx_binary_literals cxx_contextual_conversions cxx_decltype_auto cxx_generic_lambdas cxx_init_captures cxx_relaxed_constexpr cxx_return_type_deduction cxx_variable_templates has_nothrow_assign has_nothrow_copy has_nothrow_constructor 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Fp:4: __builtin___sprintf_chk ic*izcC*. Fp:3: __builtin___vsnprintf_chk ic*zizcC*a FP:4: __builtin___vsprintf_chk ic*izcC*a FP:3: __builtin___fprintf_chk iP*icC*. Fp:2: __builtin___printf_chk iicC*. __builtin___vfprintf_chk iP*icC*a FP:2: __builtin___vprintf_chk iicC*a FP:1: __builtin_unpredictable __builtin_expect LiLiLi __builtin_prefetch vvC*. __builtin_readcyclecounter ULLi nr __builtin_debugtrap __builtin_unreachable v. nct __builtin_alloca v*z __builtin_alloca_with_align v*zIz __builtin_call_with_static_chain __sync_fetch_and_add ccD*c. ssD*s. iiD*i. LLiLLiD*LLi. LLLiLLLiD*LLLi. __sync_fetch_and_sub __sync_fetch_and_or __sync_fetch_and_and tn __sync_fetch_and_xor __sync_fetch_and_nand __sync_add_and_fetch __sync_add_and_fetch_1 __sync_add_and_fetch_2 __sync_add_and_fetch_4 __sync_add_and_fetch_8 __sync_add_and_fetch_16 __sync_sub_and_fetch __sync_sub_and_fetch_1 __sync_sub_and_fetch_2 __sync_sub_and_fetch_4 __sync_sub_and_fetch_8 __sync_sub_and_fetch_16 __sync_or_and_fetch __sync_or_and_fetch_1 __sync_or_and_fetch_2 __sync_or_and_fetch_4 __sync_or_and_fetch_8 __sync_or_and_fetch_16 __sync_and_and_fetch __sync_and_and_fetch_1 __sync_and_and_fetch_2 __sync_and_and_fetch_4 __sync_and_and_fetch_8 __sync_and_and_fetch_16 __sync_xor_and_fetch __sync_xor_and_fetch_1 __sync_xor_and_fetch_2 __sync_xor_and_fetch_4 __sync_xor_and_fetch_8 __sync_xor_and_fetch_16 __sync_nand_and_fetch __sync_nand_and_fetch_1 __sync_nand_and_fetch_2 __sync_nand_and_fetch_4 __sync_nand_and_fetch_8 __sync_nand_and_fetch_16 __sync_bool_compare_and_swap __sync_bool_compare_and_swap_1 bcD*cc. __sync_bool_compare_and_swap_2 bsD*ss. __sync_bool_compare_and_swap_4 biD*ii. __sync_bool_compare_and_swap_8 bLLiD*LLiLLi. __sync_bool_compare_and_swap_16 bLLLiD*LLLiLLLi. __sync_val_compare_and_swap ccD*cc. ssD*ss. iiD*ii. LLiLLiD*LLiLLi. LLLiLLLiD*LLLiLLLi. __sync_lock_test_and_set __sync_lock_release __sync_lock_release_1 vcD*. __sync_lock_release_2 vsD*. __sync_lock_release_4 viD*. __sync_lock_release_8 vLLiD*. __sync_lock_release_16 vLLLiD*. __sync_swap __sync_swap_1 __sync_swap_2 __sync_swap_4 __sync_swap_8 __sync_swap_16 __c11_atomic_init __c11_atomic_load __c11_atomic_store __c11_atomic_exchange __c11_atomic_compare_exchange_strong __c11_atomic_compare_exchange_weak __c11_atomic_fetch_add __c11_atomic_fetch_sub __c11_atomic_fetch_and __c11_atomic_fetch_or __c11_atomic_fetch_xor __c11_atomic_thread_fence vi __c11_atomic_signal_fence __c11_atomic_is_lock_free iz __atomic_load_n __atomic_store_n __atomic_exchange_n __atomic_compare_exchange_n __atomic_fetch_add __atomic_fetch_sub __atomic_fetch_and __atomic_fetch_or __atomic_fetch_xor __atomic_fetch_nand __atomic_add_fetch __atomic_sub_fetch __atomic_and_fetch __atomic_or_fetch __atomic_xor_fetch __atomic_nand_fetch __atomic_test_and_set bvD*i __atomic_clear vvD*i __atomic_thread_fence __atomic_signal_fence __atomic_always_lock_free izvCD* __cl20_atomic_fetch_min __cl20_atomic_fetch_max __sync_synchronize __sync_fetch_and_min iiD*i __sync_fetch_and_max __sync_fetch_and_umin UiUiD*Ui __sync_fetch_and_umax __builtin_abort Fnr __builtin_index __builtin_rindex _alloca __assume vb _byteswap_ushort fnc _byteswap_ulong ULiULi _byteswap_uint64 __debugbreak ULi __GetExceptionInfo v*. ntu _InterlockedAnd8 ccD*c _InterlockedAnd16 ssD*s _InterlockedAnd LiLiD*Li _InterlockedCompareExchange8 ccD*cc _InterlockedCompareExchange16 ssD*ss _InterlockedCompareExchange LiLiD*LiLi _InterlockedCompareExchange64 LLiLLiD*LLiLLi _InterlockedCompareExchangePointer v*v*D*v*v* _InterlockedDecrement16 ssD* _InterlockedDecrement LiLiD* _InterlockedExchange _InterlockedExchange8 _InterlockedExchange16 _InterlockedExchangeAdd8 _InterlockedExchangeAdd16 _InterlockedExchangeAdd _InterlockedExchangePointer v*v*D*v* _InterlockedExchangeSub8 _InterlockedExchangeSub16 _InterlockedExchangeSub _InterlockedIncrement16 _InterlockedIncrement _InterlockedOr8 _InterlockedOr16 _InterlockedOr _InterlockedXor8 _InterlockedXor16 _InterlockedXor __noop __popcnt16 __popcnt __popcnt64 __readfsdword _ReturnAddress _rotl8 UcUcUc _rotl16 UsUsUc _rotl UiUii _lrotl ULiULii _rotl64 ULLiULLii _rotr8 _rotr16 _rotr _lrotr _rotr64 __va_start vc**. iJ fj setjmpex.h abort fr calloc v*zz _Exit realloc v*v*z memcmp strcpy strncpy strcmp strncmp strcat strncat strxfrm zc*cC*z memchr strchr strcspn strpbrk strrchr strspn strstr strtok strerror c*i strlen fp:0: fprintf fp:1: snprintf fp:2: sprintf ic*cC*. icC*a fP:0: vfprintf iP*cC*a fP:1: vsnprintf fP:2: vsprintf icC*R. fs:0: fscanf iP*RcC*R. fs:1: sscanf icC*RcC*R. vscanf icC*Ra fS:0: vfscanf iP*RcC*Ra fS:1: vsscanf icC*RcC*Ra isalnum fnU ctype.h isalpha isblank iscntrl isdigit isgraph islower isprint ispunct isspace isupper isxdigit tolower toupper wcschr wcscmp wcslen wcsncmp wmemchr wmemcmp setjmp setjmp.h longjmp vJi alloca stpcpy stpncpy strdup strndup rindex bzero strcasecmp strncasecmp _exit vfork __sigsetjmp iSJi sigsetjmp setjmp_syscall savectx qsetjmp getcontext iK* _longjmp siglongjmp vSJi strlcpy strlcat GGH. objc/message.h LdGH. XLdGH. vGH. GM*H. vM*H. objc_getClass GcC* objc/runtime.h objc_getMetaClass vG GG* objc/objc-auto.h GGG* GGGY Gv* objc/objc-exception.h iGG iG objc/objc-sync.h __builtin_objc_memmove_collectable NSLog vG. Foundation/NSObjCRuntime.h NSLogv vGa fne atan2f atan2l fabsf fabsl finite finitef finitel __finite __finitef __finitel frexpf frexpl ldexpf ldexpl modff modfl nan nanf nanl acosf acosl acoshf acoshl asinf asinl asinhf asinhl atanf atanl atanhf atanhl cbrt cbrtf cbrtl coshf coshl erf erff erfl erfc erfcf erfcl expm1f expm1l fdim fdimf fdiml hypot hypotf hypotl ilogbf ilogbl lgamma lgammaf lgammal llrint llrintf llrintl llround llroundf llroundl log1pf log1pl logb logbf logbl lrint lrintf lrintl lround lroundf lroundl nextafter nextafterf nextafterl nexttoward nexttowardf nexttowardl remainder remainderf remainderl scalbln scalblnf scalblnl scalbn scalbnf scalbnl sinhf sinhl tanf tanl tanhf tanhl tgamma tgammaf tgammal cabs complex.h cabsf cabsl cacos cacosf cacosl cacosh cacoshf cacoshl carg cargf cargl casin casinf casinl casinh casinhf casinhl catan catanf catanl catanh catanhf catanhl ccos ccosf ccosl ccosh ccoshf ccoshl cexp cexpf cexpl cimag cimagf cimagl conj conjf conjl clog clogf clogl cproj cprojf cprojl cpow cpowf cpowl creal crealf creall csin csinf csinl csinh csinhf csinhl csqrt csqrtf csqrtl ctan ctanf ctanl ctanh ctanhf ctanhl __sinpi __sinpif __cospi __cospif __tanpi __tanpif __exp10 __exp10f vv*vC*iC Blocks.h vvC*iC __builtin_annotation __builtin_assume __builtin_addcb UcUcCUcCUcCUc* __builtin_addcs UsUsCUsCUsCUs* __builtin_addc UiUiCUiCUiCUi* __builtin_addcl ULiULiCULiCULiCULi* __builtin_addcll ULLiULLiCULLiCULLiCULLi* __builtin_subcb __builtin_subcs __builtin_subc __builtin_subcl __builtin_subcll __builtin_add_overflow __builtin_sub_overflow __builtin_mul_overflow bUiCUiCUi* __builtin_uaddl_overflow bULiCULiCULi* __builtin_uaddll_overflow bULLiCULLiCULLi* __builtin_usubl_overflow __builtin_usubll_overflow __builtin_umull_overflow __builtin_umulll_overflow __builtin_sadd_overflow bSiCSiCSi* __builtin_saddl_overflow bSLiCSLiCSLi* __builtin_saddll_overflow bSLLiCSLLiCSLLi* __builtin_ssub_overflow __builtin_ssubl_overflow __builtin_ssubll_overflow __builtin_smul_overflow __builtin_smull_overflow __builtin_smulll_overflow __builtin_addressof v*v& __builtin_operator_new __builtin_operator_delete __builtin___get_unsafe_stack_start __builtin___get_unsafe_stack_ptr __builtin_nontemporal_store __builtin_nontemporal_load __builtin_coro_resume __builtin_coro_destroy __builtin_coro_done bv* __builtin_coro_promise v*v*IiIb __builtin_coro_size __builtin_coro_frame __builtin_coro_free __builtin_coro_id v*Iiv*v*v* __builtin_coro_alloc __builtin_coro_begin __builtin_coro_end vv*Ib __builtin_coro_suspend cIb __builtin_coro_param bv*v* Ui. __builtin_os_log_format_buffer_size zcC*. p:0:nut __builtin_os_log_format v*v*cC*. p:0:nt diff st rd ARC Lexical or Preprocessor Issue Semantic Issue Lambda Issue Parse Issue ARC Semantic Issue ARC and @properties ARC Casting Rules ARC Parse Issue ARC Weak References ARC Restrictions OpenMP Issue Inline Assembly Issue Modules Issue Coroutines Issue AST Deserialization Issue Backend Issue Related Result Type Issue Nullability Issue Generics Issue User-Defined Issue VTable ABI Issue Value Conversion Issue Documentation Issue ARC Retain Cycle Deprecations Format String Issue Cocoa API Issue #pragma message Directive Instrumentation Issue Unused Entity Issue NSInvocation's %0 is not safe to be used with an object with ownership other than __unsafe_unretained %0 attribute cannot be applied to types cannot open file '%0': %1 only special member functions may be defaulted only functions can have deleted definitions enumeration cannot be a template expected %0 expected %1 after %0 method name referenced in property setter attribute must end with ':' expected %0 or %1 expected namespace name expected string literal %select{in %1|for diagnostic message in static_assert|for optional message in 'availability' attribute}0 file '%0' modified since it was first processed integer literal is too large to be represented in any %select{signed |}0integer type character literal with user-defined suffix cannot be used here numeric literal with user-defined suffix cannot be used here invalid storage class specifier in function declarator string literal with user-defined suffix cannot be used here module '%0' is needed but has not been provided, and implicit use of module files is disabled cyclic dependency in module '%0': %1 no handler registered for module format '%0' %select{|umbrella }0header '%1' not found could not acquire lock file for module '%0': %1 timed out waiting to acquire lock file for module '%0' could not build module '%0' module '%0' not found error in loading module '%0' from prebuilt module path module '%0' %select{is incompatible with|requires}1 feature '%2' [rewriter] %0 nullability specifier %0 conflicts with existing specifier %1 directive '#pragma omp %0' cannot contain more than one '%1' clause%select{| with '%3' name modifier| with 'source' dependence}2 option '%0' cannot be specified with '%1' redefinition of parameter %0 %0 only allowed in __except block or filter expression %0 only allowed in __except filter expression %0 only allowed in __finally block expected '__except' or '__finally' block unknown target ABI '%0' unknown target CPU '%0' unknown FP unit '%0' unknown target triple '%0', please use -triple or -arch ABI '%0' is not supported on CPU '%1' ABI '%0' is not supported for '%1' execute only is not supported for the %0 sub-architecture the '%0' unit is not supported with this instruction set the %0 sub-architecture does not support unaligned accesses unable to make temporary file: %0 unable to rename temporary '%0' to output file '%1': '%2' %0 byte order mark detected in '%1', but encoding is not supported 'long long' is an extension when C99 mode is not enabled 'enable_if' is a clang extension 'long long' is a C++11 extension integer literal is too large to be represented in a signed integer type, interpreting as unsigned integer literal is too large to be represented in type 'long' and is subject to undefined behavior under C++98, interpreting as 'unsigned long'; this literal will %select{have type 'long long'|be ill-formed}0 in C++11 onwards variadic templates are a C++11 extension too many errors emitted, stopping now also found %1 %0 is hidden by a non-type declaration of %0 here declared here previous case defined here forward declaration of %0 subexpression not valid in a constant expression to match this %0 one possibility #pragma entered here previous declaration is here previous definition is here previous implicit declaration is here previous use is here definition of %0 is not complete until the closing '}' [rewriter] call returns pointer to GC managed memory; it will become unmanaged in ARC conflicting nullability specifier on parameter types, %0 conflicts with existing specifier %1 conflicting nullability specifier on return types, %0 conflicts with existing specifier %1 'long long' is incompatible with C++98 variadic templates are incompatible with C++98 redeclaration of method parameter %0 redefinition of method parameter %0 duplicate nullability specifier %0 integer literal is too large to be represented in type 'long', interpreting as 'unsigned long' per C89; this literal will %select{have type 'long long'|be ill-formed}0 in C99 onwards integer literal is too large to be represented in type 'long', interpreting as 'unsigned long' per C++98; this literal will %select{have type 'long long'|be ill-formed}0 in C++11 onwards analyzer-config option '%0' should contain only one '=' analyzer-config option '%0' has a key but no value -fobjc-arc is not supported on platforms using the legacy runtime -fobjc-arc is not supported on versions of OS X prior to 10.6 '%0' not supported, please use -iquote instead invalid argument '%0' not allowed with '%1' invalid argument '%0' only allowed with '%1' -fembed-bitcode is not supported on versions of iOS prior to 6.0 unable to open CC_PRINT_OPTIONS file: %0 the clang compiler does not support '%0' the clang compiler does not support '%0' for C++ on Darwin/i386 %0 command failed with exit code %1 (use -v to see invocation) unable to execute command: %0 %0 command failed due to signal (use -v to see invocation) compilation database '%0' could not be opened: %1 conflicting deployment targets, both '%0' and '%1' are present in environment Unsupported CUDA gpu architecture: %0 unsupported use of NVPTX for host compilation. GPU arch %1 requires CUDA version at least %3, but installation at %0 is %2. Use --cuda-path to specify a different CUDA install, or pass --no-cuda-version-check. defsym must be of the form: sym=value: %0 Value is not an integer: %0 -emit-llvm cannot be used when linking The option -fopenmp-targets must be used in conjunction with a -fopenmp option compatible with offloading, please use -fopenmp=libomp or -fopenmp=libiomp5. failing because environment variable '%0' is set invalid Xarch argument: '%0', cannot change driver behavior inside Xarch argument invalid Xarch argument: '%0', options requiring arguments are unsupported invalid arch name '%0' invalid argument '%0' to -fdebug-prefix-map invalid Darwin version number: %0 invalid output type '%0' for use with gcc tool invalid integral value '%1' in '%0' invalid deployment target for -stdlib=libc++ (requires %0 or later) invalid linker name in argument '%0' invalid float ABI '%0' OpenMP target is invalid: '%0' cannot use '%0' output with multiple -arch options invalid PGO instrumentor in argument '%0' invalid option '%0' not of the form <from-file>;<to-file> invalid runtime library name in argument '%0' invalid library name in argument '%0' invalid thread model '%0' in '%1' for this target invalid value '%1' in '%0' invalid version number in '%0' malformed sanitizer blacklist: '%0' option '-MG' requires '-M' or '-MM' argument to '%0' is missing (expected %1 value%s1) option '-fmodules-validate-once-per-build-session' requires '-fbuild-session-timestamp=<seconds since Epoch>' or '-fbuild-session-file=<file>' '%0': unable to use AST files with this tool cannot find CUDA installation. Provide its path via --cuda-path, or pass -nocudainc to build without CUDA includes. cannot find libdevice for %0. Provide path to different CUDA installation via --cuda-path, or pass -nocudalib to build without linking with libdevice. no input files '%0': unable to pass LLVM bit-code files to linker '%0': unable to use module files with this tool [no]neon is not accepted as modifier, please use [no]simd instead no such file or directory: '%0' The provided host compiler IR file '%0' is required to generate code for OpenMP target regions but cannot be found. The target '%0' is not a supported OpenMP host target. %0 in '%1' cannot specify '%0%1' when compiling multiple source files cannot specify -o when generating multiple output files incorrect format for -preamble-bytes=N,END ROPI is not compatible with c++ embedded and GOT-based position independence are incompatible unable to remove file: %0 unknown argument: '%0' language not recognized: '%0' unknown or ill-formed Objective-C runtime '%0' -E or -x required when input is from standard input use /Tc or /Tp to set input type for standard input unsupported value '%0' for -linker option unsupported option '%0' unsupported option '%0' for target '%1' unsupported argument '%1' to option '%0' unsupported runtime library '%0' for platform '%1' unsupported use of internal gcc -Z option '%0' there is no external assembler that can be used on this platform -fobjc-weak is not supported on the current deployment target -fobjc-weak is not supported in Objective-C garbage collection the target architecture '%0' is not supported by the target '%1' -ftest-module-file-extension argument '%0' is not of the required form 'blockname:major:minor:hashed:user info' AddressSanitizer doesn't support linking with debug runtime libraries yet diagnostic msg: %0 The last /TC or /TP option takes precedence over earlier instances -O4 is equivalent to -O3 ignoring -fapple-kext which is valid for C++ and Objective-C++ only cannot compress debug sections (zlib not installed) unknown platform, assuming -mfloat-abi=%0 argument '%0' is deprecated, use '%1' instead implicitly disabling vptr sanitizer because rtti wasn't enabled joined argument expects additional value: '%0' implicitly enabling rtti for exception handling argument '-fdiagnostics-show-hotness' requires profile-guided optimization information %0: '%1' input unused%select{ when '%3' is present|}2 %0: '%1' input unused in cpp mode falling back to %0 The OpenMP offloading target '%0' is similar to target '%1' already specified - will be ignored. optimization level '%0' is not supported; using '%1%2' instead overriding '%0' option with '%1' precompiled header '%0' was ignored because '%1' is not first '-include' %0: previously preprocessed input%select{ unused when '%2' is present|}1 option '%0' was ignored by the PS4 toolchain, using '-fPIC' environment variable SCE_ORBIS_SDK_DIR is set, but points to invalid or nonexistent directory '%0' treating '%0' input as '%1' when in C++ mode, this behavior is deprecated unable to find %0 directory, expected to be in '%1' unknown argument ignored in clang-cl: '%0' optimization flag '%0' is not supported for target '%1' argument unused during compilation: '%0' support for '/Yc' with more than one source file not implemented yet; flag ignored support for '/Yc' and '/Yu' with different filenames not implemented yet; flags ignored support for '%0' without a filename not implemented yet; flag ignored support for '%0' without a corresponding /FI flag not implemented yet; flag ignored optimization flag '%0' is not supported ignoring invalid -ftabstop value '%0', using default value %1 using sysroot for '%0' but targeting '%1' no such sysroot directory: '%0' ignoring '-mcompact-branches=' option because the '%0' architecture does not support it ignoring '-mnan=2008' option because the '%0' architecture does not support it ignoring '-mnan=legacy' option because the '%0' architecture does not support it action %0 not compiled in cannot link module '%0': %1 -dependency-file requires at least one -MT or -MQ option error in backend: %0 error opening '%0': %1 error reading '%0' error reading stdin: %0 expected a clang compiler command unable to handle compilation, expected exactly one compiler job in '%0' invalid value '%1' in '%0'; alignment must be a power of 2 cannot locate code-completion file %0 unable to find plugin '%0' no suitable precompiled header file found in directory '%0' PTH file '%0' does not designate an original source header file for -include-pth could not remap from missing file '%0' could not remap file '%0' to the contents of file '%1' unable to change standard output to binary unable to create target: '%0' unable to interface with target machine unable to load PCH file unable to load plugin '%0': '%1' unable to open output file '%0': '%1' invalid virtual filesystem overlay file '%0' no module named '%0' declared in module map file '%1' no module name provided; specify one with -fmodule-name= virtual filesystem overlay file '%0' not found cannot create includes file for module %0: %1 module interface compilation requires '-fmodules-ts' module map file '%0' not found file '%0' specified by '-fmodules-embed-file=' not found no submodule named %0 in module '%1' no submodule named %0 in module '%1'; did you mean '%2'? must specify system root with -isysroot when building a relocatable PCH file test module file extension '%0' has different version (%1.%2) than expected (%3.%4) no analyzer checkers are associated with '%0' '%0' diagnostics %select{expected|seen}1 but not %select{seen|expected}1: %2 invalid expected %0: %1 %select{expected|'expected-no-diagnostics'}0 directive cannot follow %select{'expected-no-diagnostics' directive|other expected directives}0 invalid range following '-' in expected %0 cannot find end ('}}') of expected %0 file '%0' could not be located in expected %1 missing or invalid line number following '@' in expected %0 cannot find start of regex ('{{') in %0 cannot find start ('{{') of expected %0 no expected directives found: consider use of 'expected-no-diagnostics' could not determine the original source location for %0:%1:%2 instantiated into assembly here FIX-IT applied suggested code changes FIX-IT unable to apply suggested code changes FIX-IT unable to apply suggested code changes in a macro FIX-IT detected an error it cannot fix current API version is '%0', but plugin was compiled with version '%1' macro was %select{defined|#undef'd}0 here use -analyzer-disable-all-checks to disable all static analyzer checkers %0; allow reordering by specifying '#pragma clang loop vectorize(enable)' before the loop. If the arrays will always be independent specify '#pragma clang loop vectorize(assume_safety)' before the loop or provide the '__restrict__' qualifier with the independent array arguments. Erroneous results will occur if these options are incorrectly applied! %0; allow reordering by specifying '#pragma clang loop vectorize(enable)' before the loop or by providing the compiler option '-ffast-math'. building module '%0' as '%1' finished building module '%0' -fsanitize-address-field-padding applied to %0 -fsanitize-address-field-padding ignored for %0 because it %select{is not C++|is packed|is a union|is trivially copyable|has trivial destructor|is standard layout|is in a blacklisted file|is blacklisted}1 unable to open CC_LOG_DIAGNOSTICS file: %0 (using stderr) unable to open CC_PRINT_HEADERS file: %0 (using stderr) stack frame size of %0 bytes in %q1 macro '%0' contains embedded newline; text after the newline is ignored overriding the module target triple with %0 unable to open file %0 for serializing diagnostics (%1) unable to merge a subprocess's serialized diagnostics unable to open statistics output file '%0': '%1' FIX-IT detected errors it could not fix; no output will be generated checker plugin '%0' is not compatible with this version of the analyzer missing submodule '%0' %select{definition|#undef}0 of configuration macro '%1' has no effect on the import of '%2'; pass '%select{-D%1=...|-U%1}0' on the command line to configure the module module file %0 cannot be loaded due to a configuration mismatch with the current compilation OpenCL version %0 does not support the option '%1' unknown %select{warning|remark}0 option '%1'%select{|; did you mean '%3'?}2 unknown %0 warning specifier: '%1' file '%0' has been modified since the AST file '%1' was built file '%0' has been modified since the module file '%1' was built input is not a PCH file: '%0' file '%0' has been modified since the precompiled header '%1' was built file '%0' from the precompiled header has been overridden malformed or corrupted AST file: '%0' malformed block record in PCH file: '%0' unable to read PCH file %0: '%1' module '%0' imported by AST file '%1' found in a different module map file (%2) than when the importing AST file was built (%3) module '%0' in AST file '%1' (imported by AST file '%2') is not defined in any loaded module map file; maybe you need to load '%3'? module '%0' was built in directory '%1' but now resides in directory '%2' module '%0' %select{uses|does not use}1 additional module map '%2'%select{| not}1 used when the module was built module '%0' is defined in both '%1' and '%2' file '%1' is not a valid precompiled %select{PCH|module|AST}0 file %select{PCH|module|AST}0 file '%1' not found%select{|: %3}2 AST file '%0' was not built as a module %select{PCH|module|AST}0 file '%1' is out of date and needs to be rebuilt%select{|: %3}2 %q0 has different definitions in different modules; %select{definition in module '%2' is here|defined here}1 instantiation of %q0 is different in different modules %q0 from module '%1' is not present in definition of %q2%select{ in module '%4'| provided earlier}3 %0 is currently enabled, but was not in the PCH file PCH file built from a different branch (%0) than the compiler (%1) %0 was %select{disabled|enabled}1 in PCH file but is currently %select{disabled|enabled}2 %0 differs in PCH file vs. current file definition of macro '%0' differs between the precompiled header ('%1') and the command line ('%2') macro '%0' was %select{defined|undef'd}1 in the precompiled header but %select{undef'd|defined}1 on the command line PCH was compiled with module cache path '%0', but the path is currently '%1' %select{command line contains|precompiled header was built with}0 '-detailed-preprocessing-record' but %select{precompiled header was not built with it|it is not present on the command line}0 %select{AST file|current translation unit}0 was compiled with the target feature'%1' but the %select{current translation unit is|AST file was}0 not PCH file was compiled for the %0 '%1' but the current translation unit is being compiled for target '%2' %select{command line contains|precompiled header was built with}0 '-undef' but %select{precompiled header was not built with it|it is not present on the command line}0 PCH file uses a newer PCH format that cannot be read PCH file uses an older PCH format that is no longer supported PCH file contains compiler errors after modifying system headers, please delete the module cache at '%0' imported by %select{|module '%2' in }1'%0' definition in module '%0' is here definition has no member %0 declaration of %0 does not match please rebuild precompiled header '%0' '%0' required by '%1' duplicate module file extension block name '%0' %select{precompiled header|module}0 uses __DATE__ or __TIME__ backslash and newline separated by space _Pragma takes a parenthesized string literal illegal character encoding in character literal illegal character encoding in string literal character too large for enclosing character literal type version control conflict marker in file 'defined' cannot be used as a macro name digit separator cannot appear at %select{start|end}0 of digit sequence embedding a #%0 directive within macro arguments is not supported %select{hex|octal}0 escape sequence out of range expected a module name in '__building_module' expression exponent has no digits builtin feature check macro requires a parenthesized identifier hexadecimal floating %select{constant|literal}0 requires %select{an exponent|a significand}1 \%0 used with no following hex digits invalid character '%0' character in raw string delimiter; use PREFIX( )PREFIX to delimit raw string invalid argument to convert to character invalid digit '%0' in %select{decimal|octal|binary}1 constant invalid or corrupt PTH file '%0' invalid suffix '%0' on %select{integer|floating}1 constant source file is not valid UTF-8 failure when lexing a string configuration macros are only allowed in top-level modules expected an attribute name expected configuration macro name after ',' expected ',' after conflicting module name expected a message describing the conflict with '%0' only '*' can be exported from an inferred submodule expected a feature name expected a header name after '%0' expected %select{module exclusion with 'exclude'|'export *'}0 expected '{' to start module '%0' expected '{' to start inferred submodule expected %select{library|framework}0 name as a string expected umbrella, header, submodule, or module export expected a module map file name expected module declaration expected module name expected '}' expected ']' to close attribute inferred framework modules cannot be 'explicit' 'explicit' is not permitted on top-level modules inferred submodule cannot be a framework submodule inferred submodules require a module with an umbrella redefinition of inferred submodule expected excluded module name no module named '%0' in '%1' no module named '%0' visible from '%1' expected a module name or '*' redefinition of module '%0' qualified module name can only be used to define modules at the top level only submodules and framework modules may be inferred with wildcard syntax umbrella for module '%0' already covers this directory umbrella directory '%0' not found skipping stray token use declarations are only allowed in top-level modules Unicode character literals may not contain multiple characters non-ASCII characters are not allowed outside of literals and identifiers Pascal string is too long '##' cannot appear at end of macro expansion '##' cannot appear at start of macro expansion expected 'begin' or 'end' pasting formed '%0', an invalid preprocessing token ':' without preceding '?' %0 must be used within a preprocessing directive division by zero in preprocessor expression already inside '#pragma clang arc_cf_code_audited' already inside '#pragma clang assume_nonnull' duplicate macro parameter name %0 empty filename #endif without #if '#pragma clang arc_cf_code_audited' was not ended within this file '#pragma clang assume_nonnull' was not ended within this file error opening file '%0': %1 missing %1 after %0 expected comma in macro parameter list expected end of line in preprocessor expression expected identifier in macro parameter list expected ')' in preprocessor expression expected value in expression expected "FILENAME" or <FILENAME> token is not a valid binary operator in a preprocessor subexpression function-like macro %0 is not defined invalid token at start of a preprocessor expression '%0' file not found '%0' file not found with <angled> include; use "quotes" instead cannot convert %0 token to an identifier floating point literal in preprocessor expression #import of type library is an unsupported Microsoft feature cannot #include files inside '#pragma clang arc_cf_code_audited' cannot #include files inside '#pragma clang assume_nonnull' #include nested too deeply invalid preprocessing directive can only poison identifier tokens invalid token in macro parameter list %select{character|integer}0 literal with user-defined suffix cannot be used in preprocessor constant expression %select{#line|GNU line marker}0 directive requires a simple digit sequence invalid filename for #line directive #line directive requires a positive integer argument invalid filename for line marker directive invalid flag line marker directive invalid line marker flag '2': cannot pop empty include stack line marker directive requires a positive integer argument macro name must be an identifier invalid #ident directive macro name missing missing ')' in macro parameter list nested parentheses not permitted in %0 variadic macros not supported in OpenCL C++ operator %0 (aka %1) used as a macro name remainder by zero in preprocessor expression '%select{#|#@}0' is not followed by a macro parameter not currently inside '#pragma clang arc_cf_code_audited' not currently inside '#pragma clang assume_nonnull' unterminated conditional directive attempt to use a poisoned identifier no macro named %0 pragma %select{message|warning|error}0 requires parenthesized string pragma %0 requires a parenthesized string raw string delimiter longer than 16 characters; use PREFIX( )PREFIX to delimit raw string differing user-defined suffixes ('%0' and '%1') in string literal concatenation too few arguments provided to function-like macro invocation too many arguments provided to function-like macro invocation universal character name refers to a control character character '%0' cannot be specified by a universal character name incomplete universal character name invalid universal character module %0 does not depend on a module exporting '%1' unsupported non-standard concatenation of string literals unterminated function-like macro invocation missing terminating ')' character unterminated /* comment raw string missing terminating delimiter )%0" escaped newline between */ characters at block comment end binary integer literals are a GNU extension binary integer literals are a C++14 extension ISO C99 requires whitespace after the macro name charizing operator #@ is a Microsoft extension pasting two '/' tokens into a '//' comment is a Microsoft extension treating Ctrl-Z as end-of-file is a Microsoft extension '$' in identifier embedding a directive within macro arguments has undefined behavior empty character constant empty macro arguments are a C99 feature multi-character character constant hexadecimal floating constants are a C99 feature hexadecimal floating literals are a C++1z feature imaginary constants are a GNU extension // comments are not allowed in this language must specify at least one argument for '...' parameter of variadic macro whitespace required after macro name invalid suffix on literal; C++11 requires a space between literal and identifier multi-line // comment named variadic macros are a GNU extension no newline at end of file use of non-standard escape character '\%0' expected 'ON' or 'OFF' or 'DEFAULT' in pragma token pasting of ',' and __VA_ARGS__ is a GNU extension __VA_ARGS__ can only appear in the expansion of a C99 variadic macro comma operator in operand of #if extra tokens at end of #%0 directive #ident is a language extension #import is a language extension #include_next is a language extension #include resolved using non-portable Microsoft search rules as: %0 C requires #line number to be less than %0, allowed as extension #line directive with zero argument is a GNU extension %0 macro redefined redefining builtin macro undefining builtin macro #warning is a language extension expected end of directive in pragma unknown pragma in STDC namespace string literal of length %0 exceeds maximum length %1 that %select{C90|ISO C99|C++}2 compilers are required to support extension used treating Unicode character as whitespace unknown escape sequence '\%0' missing terminating %select{'|'"'}0 character variadic macros are a C99 feature %0 is defined here; did you mean %1? submodule of top-level module '%0' implicitly imported here cannot use initializer list at the beginning of a macro argument macro %0 defined here to match this '{' to match this ']' previously defined here make '%0' a submodule of '%1' to ensure it can be found by name expanding this definition of %0 other definition of %0 parentheses are required around macro argument containing braced initializer list did you mean to use '\u'? null character(s) preserved in %select{char|string}0 literal null character ignored disabled expansion of recursive macro #elif after #else #elif without #if #else after #else #else without #if the #__include_macros directive is only for internal use by -imacros #include_next with absolute path #include_next in primary source file invalid string literal, ignoring final '\' macro is not used non-portable path to file '%0'; specified path differs in case from file name on disk current file is older than dependency %0 poisoning existing macro #pragma once in main file #pragma system_header ignored in main file trigraph converted to '%0' character trigraph ends block comment trigraph ignored ignored trigraph would end block comment treating #%select{include|import|include_next|__include_macros}0 as an import of module '%1' %select{using this character in an identifier|starting an identifier with this character}0 is incompatible with C99 unicode literals are incompatible with C99 character constant too long for its type binary integer literals are incompatible with C++ standards before C++14 digit separators are incompatible with C++ standards before C++14 identifier after literal will be treated as a reserved user-defined literal suffix in C++11 identifier after literal will be treated as a user-defined literal suffix in C++11 '%0' is a keyword in C++11 unicode literals are incompatible with C++ standards before C++1z hexadecimal floating literals are incompatible with C++ standards before C++1z empty macro arguments are incompatible with C++98 '<::' is treated as digraph '<:' (aka '[') followed by ':' in C++98 universal character name referring to a control character is incompatible with C++98 specifying character '%0' with a universal character name is incompatible with C++98 C++98 requires newline at end of file #line number greater than 32767 is incompatible with C++98 raw string literals are incompatible with C++98 using this character in an identifier is incompatible with C++98 unicode literals are incompatible with C++98 variadic macros are incompatible with C++98 macro expansion producing 'defined' has undefined behavior extraneous characters in character constant ignored __has_warning expected option name (e.g. "-Wundef") %0 is used as a header guard here, followed by #define of a different macro whitespace recommended after macro name top-level module '%0' in private module map, expected a submodule of '%1' unknown attribute '%0' module '%0' conflicts with already-imported module '%1': %2 '/*' within block comment include of non-modular header inside framework module '%0': '%1' include of non-modular header inside module '%0': '%1' ambiguous expansion of macro %0 %select{left|right}0 side of operator converted from negative value to unsigned: %1 expansion of date or time macro is not reproducible integer overflow in preprocessor expression %select{#line|GNU line marker}0 directive interprets number as decimal, not octal keyword is hidden by macro definition macro name is a reserved identifier ignoring redefinition of Objective-C qualifier macro %0 is not defined, evaluates to 0 missing argument to debug command '%0' unexpected debug command '%0' pragma diagnostic pop could not pop, no matching push pragma diagnostic expected 'error', 'warning', 'ignored', 'fatal', 'push', or 'pop' pragma diagnostic expected option name (e.g. "-Wundef") unexpected token in pragma diagnostic unknown warning group '%0', ignored unknown pragma ignored pragma include_alias expected '%0' pragma include_alias expected include filename angle-bracketed include <%0> cannot be aliased to double-quoted include "%1" double-quoted include "%0" cannot be aliased to angle-bracketed include <%1> pragma pop_macro could not pop '%0', no matching push_macro #pragma warning expected '%0' #pragma warning expected a warning number #pragma warning(push, level) requires a level between 0 and 4 #pragma warning expected 'push', 'pop', 'default', 'disable', 'error', 'once', 'suppress', 1, 2, 3, or 4 pragma STDC FENV_ACCESS ON is not supported, ignoring pragma incomplete universal character name; treating as '\' followed by identifier \%0 used with no following hex digits; treating as '\' followed by identifier universal character name refers to a surrogate character universal character names are only valid in C99 or C++; treating as '\' followed by identifier universal character names are only valid in C99 or C++ umbrella header for module '%0' does not include header '%1' use of private header from outside its module: '%0' interface types cannot specify '%select{private|protected}0' access use of address-of-label extension outside of a function body name defined in alias declaration must be an identifier alias declaration cannot be a pack expansion %select{partial specialization|explicit specialization|explicit instantiation}0 of alias templates is not permitted declaration of anonymous %0 must be a definition unknown cast annotation __bridge_retain; did you mean __bridge_retained? argument required after attribute __asm used with no assembly instructions 'asm goto' constructs are not supported yet cannot use %select{unicode|wide}0 string literal in 'asm' @defs is not supported in Objective-C++ unexpected '@' in member specification use of '@import' when modules are disabled %0 attribute cannot be applied to a module import %0 attribute cannot be applied to a module parentheses must be omitted if %0 attribute's argument list is empty an attribute list cannot appear here expected a platform name here unrecognized platform name %0 expected 'introduced', 'deprecated', or 'obsoleted' expected a platform name, e.g., 'macos' version for '%0' already specified '*' query has already been specified must handle potential future platforms with '*' redundant %0 availability change; only the last specified change will be used %0 is not an availability stage; use 'introduced', 'deprecated', or 'obsoleted' bit-field member cannot have an in-class initializer redeclaration of C++ built-in type 'bool' bracket nesting level exceeded maximum of %0 brackets are not allowed here; to declare an array, place the brackets after the %select{identifier|name}0 '_Noreturn' keyword must precede function declarator template template parameter requires 'class' after the parameter list missing return type for function %0; did you mean the constructor name %1? missing ',' between base or member initializers attribute %0 cannot have an argument list attribute '%0' cannot be used as an attribute pack attribute %0 cannot appear multiple times in an attribute specifier declaration does not declare a parameter '%0' qualifier may not appear after the virtual specifier '%1' unexpected end of default argument expression '= %select{default|delete}0' is a function definition and must occur in a standalone declaration default template argument for a template template parameter must be a class template destructor name %0 does not refer to a template expected a class name after '~' to name a destructor '~' in destructor name should be after nested name specifier duplicate 'virtual' in base specifier duplicate default generic association class member already marked '%0' cannot have both throw() and noexcept() clause on the same function use of empty enum missing ',' between enumerators unnamed enumeration must be a definition unexpected end of exception specification expected variable name or 'this' in lambda capture list expected 'case' keyword before expression expected catch expected class name 'typename' is redundant; base classes are implicitly types expected '::' after '__super' expected ',' or '>' in template-parameter-list expected ',' or ']' in lambda capture list expected '#pragma omp end declare target' expected '= constant-expression' or end of enumerator definition expected '=' or another designator expected expression expected external declaration expected a field designator, such as '.field = 4' expected function body after function declarator expected a foldable binary operator in fold expression variable declaration in condition must have an initializer variable declaration in condition cannot have a parenthesized initializer expected body of lambda expression expected '{' after base class list expected '{' in compound literal expected '<' after '%0' expected '(' after '%0' expected '(' for function-style cast or type construction expected member name or ';' after declaration specifiers expected class member or base class name expected method body method type specifier must start with '-' or '+' expected module declaration at start of module interface '@end' must appear in an Objective-C context expected the name of a parameter pack expected parentheses around type name in %0 expression expected property name expected ')' or ',' after '%0' expected a qualified name after 'typename' expected ')' after '%0' expected selector for Objective-C method expected ';' after attribute list expected ';' after expression expected ';' after method prototype expected ';' after namespace name expected ';' after static_assert expected ';' after %0 statement expected ';' at end of declaration list expected ';' at end of declaration expected ';' in 'for' statement specifier expected 'this' following '*' in lambda capture list expected statement expected template expected template parameter expected a type expected an identifier or template-id after '::' expected %select{identifier|unqualified-id}0 expected a version of the form 'major[.minor[.subminor]]' expected 'while' in do/while loop enumerations cannot be explicitly instantiated explicit template instantiation cannot have a definition; if this definition is meant to be an explicit specialization, add '<>' after the 'template' keyword explicit %select{specialization|instantiation}0 of non-template %1 %2 export declaration cannot be empty extraneous closing brace ('}') extraneous ')' after condition, expected a statement extraneous '%0' before ';' operators in fold expression must be the same 'co_await' modifier can only be applied to range-based for loop for range declaration must declare a variable range-based for loop requires type for loop variable cannot define a type in a friend declaration friend cannot be declared in an explicit instantiation; if this declaration is meant to be a friend declaration, remove the 'template' keyword 'friend' used outside of class function definition does not declare parameters function definition declared 'typedef' function definition is not allowed here unexpected %0 in function call; perhaps remove the %0? GNU-style inline assembly is disabled expected template name after 'template' keyword in nested name specifier %0 declared as a reference to a reference cannot cast 'super' (it isn't an expression) array bound cannot be deduced from an in-class initializer initializer list cannot be used on the %select{left|right}0 hand side of operator '%1' namespace alias cannot be inline nested namespace definition cannot be 'inline' cannot use %select{dot|arrow}0 operator on a type '%0' qualifier may not be applied to a reference invalid %0 at end of declaration; did you mean '='? expected ';' after top level declarator C++11 only allows consecutive left square brackets when introducing an attribute label at end of compound statement: expected statement %select{'mutable'|'constexpr'}0 cannot appear multiple times in a lambda declarator lambda requires '()' before %select{'mutable'|return type|attribute specifier|'constexpr'}0 string literal after 'operator' must be '""' string literal after 'operator' cannot have an encoding prefix '...' must %select{immediately precede declared identifier|be innermost component of anonymous pack declaration}0 expected %0 at end of module @try statement without a @catch and @finally clause C requires a comma prior to the ellipsis in a variadic function type use 'template' keyword to treat '%0' as a dependent template name missing '}' at end of definition of %q0 expected parameter declarator found '<::' after a %select{template name|const_cast|dynamic_cast|reinterpret_cast|static_cast}0 which forms the digraph '<:' (aka '[') and a ':', did you mean '< ::'? expected a module name after module%select{| import}0 expected ';' after module name __declspec attributes must be an identifier or string literal property declaration specifies '%0' accessor twice expected name of accessor method expected ',' or ')' at end of property accessor list expected '=' after '%0' putter for property must be specified as 'put', not 'set' property declaration cannot have an in-class initializer missing 'get=' or 'put=' property does not specify a getter or a putter expected 'get' or 'put' in property declaration MS-style inline assembly is not available: %0 Unsupported architecture '%0' for MS-style inline assembly %select{|a template declaration|an explicit template specialization|an explicit template instantiation}0 can only %select{|declare|declare|instantiate}0 a single entity namespaces can only be defined in global or namespace scope parameter named %0 is missing @%0 must be followed by a number to form an NSNumber object unexpected token after Objective-C string directive may only be specified in protocols only expected '=' for Objective-C getter expected '=' for Objective-C setter unknown property attribute %0 expected selector for Objective-C %select{setter|getter}0 expected type parameter name illegal interface qualifier illegal visibility specification missing '@end' attributes may not be specified on a category @implementation cannot have type parameters postfix attributes are not allowed on Objective-C directives postfix attributes are not allowed on Objective-C directives, place them in front of '%select{@interface|@protocol}0' properties are an Objective-C 2 feature property name cannot be a bit-field property requires fields to be named protocol qualifiers must precede type arguments '@end' appears where closing brace '}' is expected prefix attribute must be followed by an interface or protocol expected an Objective-C directive after '@' expected a related ObjectiveC class name, e.g., 'NSColor' expected a class method selector with single argument, e.g., 'colorWithCGColor:' function declaration is expected after 'declare simd' directive unexpected '%0' clause, '%1' is specified already unexpected '%0' clause, only 'to' or 'link' clauses expected expected identifier specifying the name of the 'omp critical' directive expected ',' or ')' in '%0' %select{clause|directive}1 expected identifier or one of the following operators: '+', '-', '*', '&', '|', '^', '&&', or '||' '#pragma omp %0' %select{|with '%2' clause }1cannot be an immediate substatement missing map type unexpected OpenMP clause '%0' in directive '#pragma omp %1' unexpected OpenMP directive '#pragma omp %0' expected an OpenMP directive incorrect map type, expected one of 'to', 'from', 'tofrom', 'alloc', 'release', or 'delete' incorrect map type modifier, expected 'always' ^^ is a reserved operator in OpenCL taking address of function is not allowed OpenCL only supports 'opencl_unroll_hint' attribute on for, while, and do statements out-of-line constructor for %0 cannot have template arguments qualified reference to %0 is a constructor name rather than a %select{template name|type}1 wherever a constructor can be declared '%0' keyword not permitted with interface types missing parentheses around the size of parameter pack %0 force_cuda_host_device end pragma without matching force_cuda_host_device begin pragma comment requires parenthesized identifier and optional string unknown kind of pragma comment pragma detect_mismatch is malformed; it requires two comma-separated string literals '#pragma fp_contract' can only appear at file scope or at the start of a compound statement invalid argument; expected 'enable'%select{|, 'full'}0%select{|, 'assume_safety'}1 or 'disable' %select{invalid|missing}0 option%select{ %1|}0; expected vectorize, vectorize_width, interleave, interleave_count, unroll, unroll_count, or distribute missing argument; expected %select{an integer value|'enable'%select{|, 'full'}1%select{|, 'assume_safety'}2 or 'disable'}0 missing argument to '#pragma %0'%select{|; expected %2}1 unexpected extra argument '%0' to '#pragma clang optimize' unexpected argument '%0' to '#pragma clang optimize'; expected 'on' or 'off' unexpected %0, expected to see one of %select{|'best_case', 'full_generality', }1'single_inheritance', 'multiple_inheritance', or 'virtual_inheritance' a space is required between a right angle bracket and an equals sign (use '> =') scoped enumeration requires a name range-based 'for' statement uses ':', not '=' expected parenthesized parameter pack name in 'sizeof...' expression statement expression not allowed at file scope '__super' cannot be used with a using declaration expected a property name in @synthesize %select{function|class|variable}0 cannot be defined in an explicit instantiation; if this declaration is meant to be a %select{function|class|variable}0 definition, remove the 'template' keyword identifier followed by '<' indicates a class template specialization but %0 %select{does not refer to a template|refers to a function template|<unused>|refers to a variable template|<unused>}1 a static_assert declaration cannot be a template cannot template a using %select{directive|declaration}0 'this' cannot be captured by reference a space is required between consecutive right angle brackets (use '> >') invalid comparison flag %0; use 'layout_compatible' or 'must_be_null' type trait requires %0%select{| or more}1 argument%select{|s}2; have %3 argument%s3 typename is allowed for identifiers only type name does not allow constexpr specifier to be specified type name does not allow function specifier to be specified type name does not allow storage class to be specified typename specifier refers to a non-type template type name requires a specifier or qualifier unexpected '@' in program unexpected ':' in nested name specifier; did you mean '::'? module declaration must be the first declaration in the translation unit unexpected module kind %0; expected 'implementation' or 'partition' attributes cannot be specified on namespace alias attributes cannot be specified on a nested namespace definition @implementation declaration cannot be protocol qualified unexpected namespace scope prior to decltype unexpected ';' before %0 '%0' cannot be a part of nested name specifier; did you mean ':'? unexpected type name %0: expected identifier type-id cannot have a name unknown template name %0 'static' may not be used without an array size 'static' may not be used with an unspecified variable length array size attribute with scope specifier cannot follow default scope specifier 'using namespace' is not allowed in classes version number must have non-zero major, minor, or sub-minor version ISO C++11 requires a parenthesized pack declaration to have a name alias declarations are a C++11 extension %0 applied to an expression is a GNU extension 'auto' storage class specifier is not permitted in C++11, and will not be supported in future releases '__auto_type' is a GNU extension %0 is a C11-specific feature generic selections are a C11-specific feature _Noreturn functions are a C11-specific feature _Static_assert is a C11-specific feature compound literals are a C99-specific feature variable declaration in for loop is a C99-specific feature enumeration types with a fixed underlying type are a Microsoft extension constexpr if is a C++1z extension 'constexpr' on lambda expressions is a C++1z extension enumeration types with a fixed underlying type are a C++11 extension 'decltype(auto)' type specifier is a C++14 extension ISO C++1z does not allow a decomposition group to be empty %select{defaulted|deleted}0 function definitions are a C++11 extension exception specification of '...' is a Microsoft extension ISO C requires a translation unit to contain at least one declaration commas at the end of enumerator lists are a C99-specific feature commas at the end of enumerator lists are a C++11 extension extern templates are a C++11 extension extra ';' %select{outside of a function|inside a %1|inside instance variable list|after member function definition}0 extra ';' outside of a function is a C++11 extension pack fold expression is a C++1z extension range-based for loop is a C++11 extension generalized initializer lists are a C++11 extension use of GNU address-of-label extension use of GNU array range extension use of GNU case range extension use of GNU ?: conditional expression extension, omitting middle operand use of GNU empty initializer extension use of GNU indirect-goto extension use of GNU 'missing =' extension in designator use of GNU old-style field designator extension use of GNU statement expression extension type-less parameter names in function declaration '%select{if|switch}0' initialization statements are a C++1z extension inline namespaces are a C++11 feature keyword '%0' will be made available as an identifier %select{here|for the remainder of the translation unit}1 'sealed' keyword is a Microsoft extension use of multiple declarators in a single using declaration is a C++1z extension nested namespace definition is a C++1z extension; define each namespace separately in-class initialization of non-static data member is a C++11 extension type nullability specifier %0 is a Clang extension '%0' keyword is a C++11 extension reference qualifiers on functions are a C++11 extension rvalue references are a C++11 extension scoped enumerations are a C++11 extension template template parameter using 'typename' is a C++1z extension '__thread' before '%0' default scope specifier for attributes is a C++1z extension pack expansion of using declaration is a C++1z extension use -fbracket-depth=N to increase maximum nesting level comma separating Objective-C messaging arguments or insert whitespace before ':' to use %0 as parameter name and have an empty entry in the selector insert ',' before '...' to silence this warning place '...' %select{immediately before declared identifier|here}0 to declare a function parameter pack preceding '...' declares a function parameter pack still within definition of %q0 here introduce a parameter name to make %0 part of the selector %select{class|protocol|category|class extension|implementation|category implementation}0 started here previous default generic association is here '%0' casts have no effect when not using ARC ignored %0 qualifier on asm attribute %0 ignored, because it is not attached to a declaration GCC does not allow %0 attribute in this position on a function definition 'unavailable' availability overrides all other availability information use of C-style parameters in Objective-C method declarations is deprecated nvcc does not allow '__%0__' to appear after '()' in lambdas 'decltype(auto)' type specifier is incompatible with C++ standards before C++14 use of right-shift operator ('>>') in template argument will require parentheses in C++11 attributes on %select{a namespace|an enumerator}0 declaration are incompatible with C++ standards before C++1z constexpr if is incompatible with C++ standards before C++1z constexpr on lambda expressions is incompatible with C++ standards before C++1z pack fold expression is incompatible with C++ standards before C++1z %select{if|switch}0 initialization statements are incompatible with C++ standards before C++1z nested namespace definition is incompatible with C++ standards before C++1z template template parameter using 'typename' is incompatible with C++ standards before C++1z default scope specifier for attributes is incompatible with C++ standards before C++1z use of multiple declarators in a single using declaration is incompatible with C++ standards before C++1z pack expansion using declaration is incompatible with C++ standards before C++1z alias declarations are incompatible with C++98 'alignas' is incompatible with C++98 alignof expressions are incompatible with C++98 C++11 attribute syntax is incompatible with C++98 'decltype' type specifier is incompatible with C++98 %select{defaulted|deleted}0 function definitions are incompatible with C++98 enumeration types with a fixed underlying type are incompatible with C++98 commas at the end of enumerator lists are incompatible with C++98 extern templates are incompatible with C++98 range-based for loop is incompatible with C++98 generalized initializer lists are incompatible with C++98 inline namespaces are incompatible with C++98 lambda expressions are incompatible with C++98 literal operators are incompatible with C++98 noexcept specifications are incompatible with C++98 noexcept expressions are incompatible with C++98 in-class initialization of non-static data members is incompatible with C++98 'nullptr' is incompatible with C++98 '%0' keyword is incompatible with C++98 reference qualifiers on functions are incompatible with C++98 rvalue references are incompatible with C++98 scoped enumerations are incompatible with C++98 static_assert declarations are incompatible with C++98 extra ';' outside of a function is incompatible with C++98 trailing return types are incompatible with C++98 consecutive right angle brackets are incompatible with C++98 (use '> >') add explicit braces to avoid dangling else use same version number separators '_' or '.'; as in 'major[.minor[.subminor]]' extra ';' after member function definition meaningless 'volatile' on asm outside function GCC does not allow an attribute in this position on a function declaration dependent %select{__if_not_exists|__if_exists}0 declarations are ignored qualifiers after comma in declarator list are ignored '...' in this location creates a C-style varargs function%select{, not a function parameter pack|}0 %0 used as the name of the previous parameter rather than as part of the selector protocol has no object type specified; defaults to qualified 'id' extra tokens at the end of '#pragma omp %0' are ignored expected '=' following '#pragma %select{align|options align}0' - ignored invalid alignment option in '#pragma %select{align|options align}0' - ignored OpenCL extension end directive mismatches begin directive - ignoring '#pragma comment %0' ignored expected action or ')' in '#pragma %0' - ignored missing ':' after %0 - ignoring missing ':' or ')' after %0 - ignoring expected identifier in '#pragma %0' - ignored expected 'compiler', 'lib', 'user', or a string literal for the section name in '#pragma %0' - ignored expected integer between %0 and %1 inclusive in '#pragma %2' - ignored missing '(' after '#pragma %0' - ignoring expected non-wide string literal in '#pragma %0' expected %select{'enable', 'disable', 'begin' or 'end'|'disable'}0 - ignoring expected ')' or ',' in '#pragma %0' missing ')' after '#pragma %0' - ignoring expected a stack label or a string literal for the section name in '#pragma %0' - ignored expected a string literal for the section name in '#pragma %0' - ignored expected push, pop or a string literal for the section name in '#pragma %0' - ignored OpenCL extension %0 is core feature or supported optional core feature - ignoring extra tokens at end of '#pragma %0' - ignored incorrect use of #pragma clang force_cuda_host_device begin|end '#pragma init_seg' is only supported when targeting a Microsoft environment %0 is not a recognized builtin%select{|; consider including <intrin.h> to access non-builtin intrinsics}1 unknown action for '#pragma %0' - ignored unknown action '%1' for '#pragma %0' - ignored incorrect use of '#pragma ms_struct on|off' - ignored unexpected '#pragma omp ...' in program expected 'align' following '#pragma options' - ignored expected integer or identifier in '#pragma pack' - ignored unknown OpenCL extension %0 - ignoring argument to '#pragma unroll' should not be in parentheses in CUDA C/C++ known but unsupported action '%1' for '#pragma %0' - ignored unsupported OpenCL extension %0 - ignoring expected '#pragma unused' argument to be a variable name semicolon before method body is ignored ignoring '%select{static|inline}0' keyword on explicit template instantiation empty symbolic operand name in inline assembly string invalid %% escape in inline assembly string invalid operand number in inline asm string unknown symbolic operand name in inline assembly string unterminated symbolic operand name in inline assembly string template parameter lists have a different number of parameters (%0 vs %1) template parameter has different kinds in different translation units field %0 declared with incompatible types in different translation units (%1 vs. %2) external function %0 declared with incompatible types in different translation units (%1 vs. %2) instance variable %0 declared with incompatible types in different translation units (%1 vs. %2) non-type template parameter declared with incompatible types in different translation units (%0 vs. %1) %select{class|instance}0 method %1 has a different number of parameters in different translation units (%2 vs. %3) %select{class|instance}0 method %1 has a parameter with a different types in different translation units (%2 vs. %3) %select{class|instance}0 method %1 has incompatible result types in different translation units (%2 vs. %3) %select{class|instance}0 method %1 is variadic in one translation unit and not variadic in another property %0 is implemented with %select{@synthesize|@dynamic}1 in one translation but %select{@dynamic|@synthesize}1 in another translation unit property %0 declared with incompatible types in different translation units (%1 vs. %2) class %0 has incompatible superclasses property %0 is synthesized to different ivars in different translation units (%1 vs. %2) parameter kind mismatch; parameter is %select{not a|a}0 parameter pack external variable %0 defined in multiple translation units external variable %0 declared with incompatible types in different translation units (%1 vs. %2) cannot import unsupported AST node %0 ambiguous vftable component for %0 introduced via covariant thunks; this is an inherent limitation of the ABI %select{read of|assignment to|increment of|decrement of}0 member %1 of union with %select{active member %3|no active member}2 is not allowed in a constant expression %select{read of|assignment to|increment of|decrement of}0 dereferenced null pointer is not allowed in a constant expression %select{read of|assignment to|increment of|decrement of}0 dereferenced one-past-the-end pointer is not allowed in a constant expression %select{read of|assignment to|increment of|decrement of}0 temporary is not allowed in a constant expression outside the expression that created the temporary %select{read of|assignment to|increment of|decrement of}0 object outside its lifetime is not allowed in a constant expression %select{read of|assignment to|increment of|decrement of}0 volatile %select{temporary|object %2|member %2}1 is not allowed in a constant expression %select{read of|assignment to|increment of|decrement of}0 volatile-qualified type %1 is not allowed in a constant expression cannot refer to element %0 of %select{array of %2 elements|non-array object}1 in a constant expression %select{alignment of|offset of the aligned pointer from}0 the base pointee object (%1 %plural{1:byte|:bytes}1) is %select{less than|not a multiple of}0 the asserted %2 %plural{1:byte|:bytes}2 value of the aligned pointer (%0) is not a multiple of the asserted %1 %plural{1:byte|:bytes}1 in call to '%0' constexpr evaluation hit maximum call limit (skipping %0 call%s0 in backtrace; use -fconstexpr-backtrace-limit=0 to see all) comparison of pointer to virtual member function %0 has unspecified value both arms of conditional operator are unable to produce a constant expression constexpr evaluation exceeded maximum depth of %0 calls floating point arithmetic produces %select{an infinity|a NaN}0 in implicit initialization for inherited constructor of %0 %select{reinterpret_cast|dynamic_cast|cast that performs the conversions of a reinterpret_cast|cast from %1}0 is not allowed in a constant expression cannot cast object of dynamic type %0 to type %1 %select{non-constexpr|undefined}0 %select{function|constructor}1 %2 cannot be used in a constant expression constructor inherited from base class %0 cannot be used in a constant expression; derived class cannot be implicitly initialized shift count %0 >= width of type %1 (%2 bit%s2) %select{read of|assignment to|increment of|decrement of}0 %select{temporary|variable}1 whose lifetime has ended signed left shift discards bits left shift of negative value %0 read of mutable member %0 is not allowed in a constant expression read of non-const variable %0 is not allowed in a constant expression read of non-constexpr variable %0 is not allowed in a constant expression modification of object of const-qualified type %0 is not allowed in a constant expression a constant expression cannot modify an object that is visible outside that expression negative shift count %0 control reached end of constexpr function %select{pointer|reference}0 to %select{|subobject of }1%select{temporary|%3}2 is not a constant expression non-literal type %0 cannot be used in a constant expression cannot %select{access base class of|access derived class of|access field of|access array element of|perform pointer arithmetic on|call member function on|access real component of|access imaginary component of}0 null pointer value %0 is outside the range of representable values of type %1 dereferenced pointer past the end of %select{|subobject of }0%select{temporary|%2}1 is not a constant expression cannot %select{access base class of|access derived class of|access field of|access array element of|ERROR|call member function on|access real component of|access imaginary component of}0 pointer past the end of object comparison of addresses of subobjects of different base classes has unspecified value comparison of address of base class subobject %0 of class %1 to field %2 has unspecified value comparison of address of fields %0 and %2 of %4 with differing access specifiers (%1 vs %3) has unspecified value subtracted pointers are not elements of the same array subtraction of pointers to type %0 of zero size constexpr evaluation hit maximum step limit; possible infinite loop? this use of statement expressions is not supported in a constant expression temporary created here %select{|implicit }0use of 'this' pointer is only allowed within the evaluation of a call to a 'constexpr' member function typeid applied to expression of polymorphic type %0 is not allowed in a constant expression %select{|sub}0object of type %1 is not initialized use of reference outside its lifetime is not allowed in a constant expression initializer of %0 is not a constant expression cannot construct object of type %0 with virtual base class in a constant expression cannot evaluate virtual function call in a constant expression comparison between unequal pointers to void has unspecified result covariant thunk required by %0 division by zero class has base type %0 bit-field %0 with type %1 and length %2 here also defined here enumerator %0 with value %1 here field %0 has type %1 here no corresponding base class here no corresponding enumerator here no corresponding field here field %0 is not a bit-field class has %0 base %plural{1:class|:classes}0 %select{class|instance}0 method %1 also declared here no corresponding superclass here property %0 is implemented with %select{@synthesize|@dynamic}1 here inherits from superclass %0 here property is synthesized to ivar %0 here %select{parameter|parameter pack}0 declared here %0 is a %select{struct|interface|union|class|enum}1 here template parameter declared here template parameter list also declared here declared here with type %0 %select{non-virtual|virtual}0 derivation here unimplemented constexpr lambda feature: %0 (coming soon!) overflow in expression; result is %0 with type %1 type %0 has incompatible definitions in different translation units add a deprecation attribute to the declaration to silence this warning previous command '%select{\|@}0%1' here previous command '%select{\|@}0%1' (an alias of '\%2') here end tag HTML tag started here did you mean '%0'? previous documentation unknown command tag name '%0'; did you mean '%1'? '%select{\|@}0%select{class|interface|protocol|struct|union}1' command should not be used in a comment attached to a non-%select{class|interface|protocol|struct|union}2 declaration duplicated command '%select{\|@}0%1' empty paragraph passed to '%select{\|@}0%1' command '%select{\|@}0%select{classdesign|coclass|dependency|helper|helperclass|helps|instancesize|ownership|performance|security|superclass}1' command should not be used in a comment attached to a non-container declaration declaration is marked with '\deprecated' command but does not have a deprecation attribute '%select{\|@}0%select{function|functiongroup|method|methodgroup|callback}1' command should be used in a comment attached to %select{a function|a function|an Objective-C method|an Objective-C method|a pointer to function}2 declaration HTML end tag '%0' is forbidden HTML end tag does not match any start tag HTML tag '%0' requires an end tag HTML start tag '%0' closed by '%1' HTML start tag prematurely ended, expected attribute name or '>' expected quoted string after equals sign parameter '%0' is already documented unrecognized parameter passing direction, valid directions are '[in]', '[out]' and '[in,out]' '%select{\|@}0param' command used in a comment that is not attached to a function declaration parameter '%0' not found in the function declaration whitespace is not allowed in parameter passing direction '%select{\|@}0%1' command used in a comment that is attached to a %select{function returning void|constructor|destructor|method returning void}2 '%select{\|@}0%1' command used in a comment that is not attached to a function or method declaration template parameter '%0' is already documented '%select{\|@}0tparam' command used in a comment that is not attached to a template declaration template parameter '%0' not found in the template declaration unknown command tag name '%select{\|@}0%1' command does not terminate a verbatim text block this builtin is only available on 64-bit targets cannot add 'abi_tag' attribute in a redeclaration %select{return|parameter|variable|field|instance variable|synthesized instance variable}0 type %1 is an abstract class %1 is a %select{private|protected}0 member of %3 %select{base class|inherited virtual base class}0 %1 has %select{private|protected}3 %select{default |copy |move |*ERROR* |*ERROR* |*ERROR*|}2constructor calling a %select{private|protected}0 constructor of class %2 ISO C++11 does not allow access declarations; use using declarations instead calling a %select{private|protected}1 destructor of class %0 base class %0 has %select{private|protected}1 destructor exception object of type %0 has %select{private|protected}1 destructor field of type %1 has %select{private|protected}2 destructor instance variable of type %0 has %select{private|protected}1 destructor temporary of type %0 has %select{private|protected}1 destructor variable of type %1 has %select{private|protected}2 destructor inherited virtual base class %1 has %select{private|protected}2 destructor field of type %0 has %select{private|protected}2 %select{default |copy |move |*ERROR* |*ERROR* |*ERROR* |}1constructor friend function %1 is a %select{private|protected}0 member of %3 capture of variable '%0' as type %1 calls %select{private|protected}3 %select{default |copy |move |*ERROR* |*ERROR* |*ERROR* |}2constructor address of overloaded function %0 is ambiguous cannot form member pointer of type %0 without '&' and class name address of overloaded function %0 does not match required type %1 address of overloaded function %0 cannot be converted to type %1 cannot take address of function %0 because parameter %1 has pass_object_size attribute 'delete' cannot delete objects of type %0 in address space '%1' 'new' cannot allocate objects of type %0 in address space '%1' cannot take address of function %0 becuase it has one or more non-tautological enable_if conditions alias definition of %0 after tentative definition definition %0 cannot also be an %select{alias|ifunc}1 only weak aliases are supported on darwin CUDA does not support aliases pack expansion used as argument for non-pack parameter of alias template extraneous template parameter list in alias template declaration %select{alias|ifunc}0 must point to a defined %select{variable or |}1function 'align_value' attribute requires integer constant %0 attribute cannot be applied to a %select{function parameter|variable with 'register' storage class|'catch' variable|bit-field}1 redeclaration has different alignment requirement (%1 vs %0) %0 must be specified on definition if it is specified on any declaration requested alignment is less than minimum alignment of %1 for type %0 'aligned' attribute requires integer constant requested alignment is dependent but declaration is not dependent requested alignment is not a power of 2 requested alignment must be %0 or smaller requested alignment must be %0 or greater invalid application of 'alignof' to a field of a class still being defined allocating an object of abstract class type %0 expected initializer ambiguous cast from base %0 to derived %1:%2 ambiguous conversion of delete expression of type %0 to a pointer ambiguous conversion from derived class %0 to base class %1:%2 constructor of %0 inherited from multiple base class subobjects member %0 found in multiple base classes of different types non-static member %0 found in multiple base-class subobjects of type %1:%2 ambiguous conversion from pointer to member of %select{base|derived}0 class %1 to pointer to member of %select{derived|base}0 class %2:%3 reference to %0 is ambiguous multiple suitable %0 functions in %1 a type named %0 is hidden by a declaration in a different namespace anonymous bit-field has negative width (%0) width of anonymous bit-field (%0 bits) exceeds %select{width|size}1 of its type (%2 bit%s2) anonymous property is not supported anonymous %select{struct|union}0 can only contain non-static data members member of anonymous %select{struct|union}0 redeclares %1 anonymous %select{struct|union}0 cannot contain a %select{private|protected}1 data member functions cannot be declared in an anonymous %select{struct|union}0 static members cannot be declared in an anonymous %select{struct|union}0 types cannot be declared in an anonymous %select{struct|union}0 anonymous %select{structs|structs and classes}0 must be %select{struct or union|class}0 members anonymous unions at namespace or global scope must be declared 'static' anonymous union at class scope must not have a storage specifier %select{x86|x86-64}0 'interrupt' attribute only applies to functions that have %select{a 'void' return type|only a pointer parameter optionally followed by an integer parameter|a pointer as the first parameter|a %2 type as the second parameter}1 interrupt service routine cannot be called directly must explicitly describe intended ownership of an object array parameter existing instance variable %1 for property %0 with %select{unsafe_unretained|assign}2 attribute must be __unsafe_unretained cannot perform atomic operation on a pointer to type %0: type has non-trivial ownership cannot capture __autoreleasing variable in a %select{block|lambda by copy}0 %select{__block variables|global variables|fields|instance variables}0 cannot have __autoreleasing ownership incompatible types casting %0 to %1 with a %select{__bridge|__bridge_transfer|__bridge_retained}2 cast cast of %select{Objective-C|block|C}0 pointer type %1 to %select{Objective-C|block|C}2 pointer type %3 cannot use %select{__bridge|__bridge_transfer|__bridge_retained}4 %select{cast|implicit conversion}0 of %select{Objective-C|block|C}1 pointer type %2 to %select{Objective-C|block|C}3 pointer type %4 requires a bridged cast collection expression type %0 is a forward declaration %select{implicit conversion|cast}0 of weak-unavailable object of type %1 to a __weak object of type %2 method implementation does not match its declaration ARC forbids explicit message send of %0 ARC forbids %select{implementation|synthesis}0 of %1 ARC forbids use of %0 in a @selector %select{|unsafe_unretained|strong|weak}1 property %0 may not also be declared %select{|__unsafe_unretained|__strong|__weak|__autoreleasing}2 %select{pointer|reference}1 to non-const type %0 with no explicit ownership init methods must return a type related to the receiver type method was declared as %select{an 'alloc'|a 'copy'|an 'init'|a 'new'}0 method, but its implementation doesn't match because %select{its result type is not an object pointer|its result type is unrelated to its receiver type}1 no visible @interface for %0 declares the selector %1 no known %select{instance|class}1 method for selector %0 %select{implicit conversion|cast}0 of %select{%2|a non-Objective-C pointer type %2|a block pointer|an Objective-C pointer|an indirect pointer to an Objective-C pointer}1 to %3 is disallowed with ARC multiple methods named %0 found with mismatched result, parameter type or attributes 'new' cannot allocate an array of %0 with no explicit ownership explicit ownership qualifier on cast result has no effect passing address of %select{non-local|non-scalar}0 object to __autoreleasing parameter for write-back ARC forbids %select{Objective-C objects|blocks}0 in %select{struct|interface|union|<<ERROR>>|enum}1 ARC forbids synthesizing a property of an Objective-C object with unspecified ownership or storage attribute performSelector names a selector which retains the object pseudo-destructor destroys object of type %0 with inconsistently-qualified type %1 receiver %0 for class message is a forward declaration receiver type %0 for instance message is a forward declaration existing instance variable %1 for strong property %0 may not be %select{|__unsafe_unretained||__weak}2 thread-local variable has non-trivial ownership: type is %0 incompatible pointer types passing retainable parameter of type %0to a CF function expecting %1 type class is incompatible with __weak references the result of a delegate init call must be immediately returned or assigned to 'self' cannot create __weak reference in file using manual reference counting dereferencing a __weak pointer is not allowed due to possible null value caused by race condition, assign it to strong variable first cannot create __weak reference because the current deployment target does not support weak references assignment of a weak-unavailable object to a __weak object synthesizing __weak instance variable of type %0, which does not support weak references parameter may not be qualified with an address space argument should be a value from %0 to %1 argument should be a multiple of %0 arithmetic on pointer to interface %0, which is not a constant size for this architecture and platform invalid special register for builtin array designator range [%0, %1] is empty array designator value '%0' is negative array designator cannot initialize non-array type %0 array designator index (%0) exceeds array bounds (%1) cannot initialize array %diff{of type $ with array of type $|with different type of array}0,1 initializing wide char array with incompatible wide string literal initializing wide char array with non-wide string literal cannot initialize array %diff{of type $ with non-constant array of type $|with different type of array}0,1 array initializer must be an initializer list%select{| or string literal| or wide string literal}0 initializing char array with wide string literal array size must be specified in new expressions array of abstract class type %0 array section does not specify contiguous storage ambiguous conversion of array size expression of type %0 to an integral or enumeration type array size expression of type %0 requires explicit conversion to type %1 array size expression has incomplete class type %0 size of array has non-integer type %0 array size expression must have integral or %select{|unscoped }0enumeration type, not %1 variable length array must be bound in function definition star modifier used outside of function prototype %0 used in non-outermost array type derivation %0 used in array declarator outside of function prototype array is too large (%0 elements) automatic variable qualified with an address space bad type for named register variable constraint '%0' expects an integer constant expression asm operand has incomplete type %0 more than one input constraint matches the same output '%0' register '%0' unsuitable for global register variables on this target invalid input constraint '%0' in asm invalid input size for constraint '%0' invalid lvalue in asm input for constraint '%0' invalid lvalue in asm output invalid output constraint '%0' in asm invalid output size for constraint '%0' invalid type %0 in asm input for constraint '%1' parameter references not allowed in naked functions 'this' pointer references not allowed in naked functions reference to a %select{bit-field|vector element|global register variable}0 in asm %select{input|output}1 with a memory constraint '%2' size of register '%0' does not match variable size unsupported inline asm: input with type %diff{$ matching output with type $|}0,1 asm constraint has an unexpected number of alternatives: %0 vs %1 unknown register name '%0' in asm type %0 in generic association compatible with previously specified type %1 type %0 in generic association incomplete type %0 in generic association not an object type type %0 in generic association is a variably modified type use of @defs is not supported on this architecture and platform address argument to atomic builtin must be a pointer (%0 invalid) address argument to atomic builtin must be a pointer to integer, floating-point or pointer (%0 invalid) address argument to atomic builtin must be a pointer to integer or pointer (%0 invalid) address argument to atomic builtin must be a pointer to 1,2,4,8 or 16 byte type (%0 invalid) address argument to load or store exclusive builtin must be a pointer to 1,2,4 or 8 byte type (%0 invalid) atomic variable can only be assigned to a compile time constant in the declaration statement in the program scope atomic %select{load|store}0 requires runtime support that is not available for this target address argument to bitwise atomic operation must be a pointer to %select{|atomic }0integer (%1 invalid) address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to _Atomic type (%0 invalid) address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to %select{|atomic }0integer or pointer (%1 invalid) address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to non-const _Atomic type (%0 invalid) address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to non-const type (%0 invalid) address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to a trivially-copyable type (%0 invalid) atomic property of reference type %0 cannot have non-trivial assignment operator _Atomic cannot be applied to %select{incomplete |array |function |reference |atomic |qualified |}0type %1 %select{||||||which is not trivially copyable}0 the type %0 is already explicitly ownership-qualified tls_model must be "global-dynamic", "local-dynamic", "initial-exec" or "local-exec" function type may not be qualified with an address space multiple address spaces specified for type address space is negative address space is larger than the maximum supported (%0) requested alignment must be %0 bytes or smaller %0 attribute argument is invalid: %select{max must be 0 since min is 0|min must not be greater than max}1 %0 attribute must be greater than 0 '%0' attribute requires parameter %1 to be a string %0 attribute requires parameter %1 to be %select{int or bool|an integer constant|a string|an identifier}2 %0 attribute parameter %1 is out of bounds %0 attribute parameter %1 is out of bounds: %plural{0:no parameters to index into|1:can only be 1, since there is one parameter|:must be between 1 and %2}2 %0 attribute requires integer constant between %1 and %2 inclusive %0 attribute requires %select{int or bool|an integer constant|a string|an identifier}1 invalid attribute argument %0 - expecting a vector or vectorizable scalar type Neon vector size must be 64 or 128 bits 'cleanup' argument %select{|%1 |%1 }0is not a %select{||single }0function 'cleanup' function %0 parameter has %diff{type $ which is incompatible with type $|incompatible type}1,2 'cleanup' function %0 must take 1 parameter '__declspec(dllexport)' cannot be applied to more than one default constructor in %0 attribute %q0 cannot be applied to a deleted function lambda cannot be declared %0 attribute %q0 cannot be applied to member of %q1 class %q0 must have external linkage when declared %q1 redeclaration of %q0 cannot add %q1 attribute %q0 cannot be thread local when declared %q1 definition of dllimport data dllimport cannot be applied to non-inline function definition definition of dllimport static field not allowed %0 attribute argument may only refer to a function parameter of integer type %0 attribute is invalid for the implicit this argument vector size not an integral multiple of component size invalid vector element type %0 multiple garbage collection attributes specified for type %0 attribute cannot be used with pointers to members %0 attribute is not supported in %select{C|C++|Objective-C}1 %0 attribute can only be applied once per parameter %select{overloaded function|redeclaration of}0 %1 must have the 'overloadable' attribute 'overloadable' function %0 must have a prototype %0 attribute only applies to%select{| constant}1 pointer arguments 'regparm' parameter must be between 0 and %0 inclusive 'regparm' is not valid on this platform %0 attribute requires OpenCL version %1%select{| or above}2 %0 attribute requires a positive integral compile time constant expression argument to 'section' attribute is not valid for this target: %0 'selectany' can only be applied to data items with external linkage 'sentinel' parameter 1 less than zero 'sentinel' parameter 2 not 0 or 1 vector size too large %0 attribute takes at least %1 argument%s1 %0 attribute takes no more than %1 argument%s1 %0 attribute is not supported for this target uuid attribute contains a malformed GUID the vecreturn attribute can only be used on a POD (plain old data) class or structure (i.e. no virtual functions) the vecreturn attribute can only be used on a class or structure with one member, which must be a vector weak declaration cannot have internal linkage weakref declaration of %0 must be in a global context weakref declaration must have internal linkage weakref declaration of %0 must also have an alias attribute %0 attribute only applies to %select{functions|unions|variables and functions|functions and global variables|functions, variables, and Objective-C interfaces|functions and methods|parameters|functions, methods and blocks|functions, methods, and classes|functions, methods, and parameters|functions, methods, and global variables|classes|enums|variables|methods|fields and global variables|structs|parameters and typedefs|variables and typedefs|thread-local variables|variables and fields|variables, data members and tag types|types and namespaces|Objective-C interfaces|methods and properties|struct or union|struct, union or class|types|Objective-C instance methods|init methods of interface or class extension declarations|variables, functions and classes|functions, variables, classes, and Objective-C interfaces|Objective-C protocols|variables with static or thread storage duration|functions, methods, properties, and global variables|structs, unions, and typedefs|structs and typedefs|interface or protocol declarations|kernel functions|non-K&R-style functions|variables, enums, fields and typedefs|functions, methods, enums, and classes|structs, classes, variables, functions, and inline namespaces|variables, functions, methods, types, enumerations, enumerators, labels, and non-static data members|classes and enumerations}1 %0 attribute %plural{0:takes no arguments|1:takes one argument|:requires exactly %1 arguments}1 zero vector size %0 and %1 attributes are not compatible cannot pass bit-field as __auto_type initializer in C '%select{auto|decltype(auto)|__auto_type}0' deduced as %1 in declaration of %2 and deduced as %3 in declaration of %4 cannot deduce return type %0 from returned value of type %1 '%select{auto|decltype(auto)}0' in return type deduced as %1 here but deduced as %2 in earlier return statement cannot deduce return type %0 for function with no return statements cannot deduce return type from initializer list cannot deduce return type %0 from omitted return expression function %0 with deduced return type cannot be used before it is defined function with deduced return type cannot be virtual cannot use __auto_type with initializer list in C 'auto' return without trailing return type; deduced return types are a C++14 extension new expression for type %0 contains multiple constructor arguments new expression for type %0 has incompatible constructor argument of type %1 new expression for type %0 cannot use list-initialization new expression for type %0 requires a constructor argument %select{'auto'|'decltype(auto)'|'__auto_type'}0 not allowed %select{in function prototype|in non-static struct member|in struct member|in non-static union member|in union member|in non-static class member|in interface member|in exception declaration|in template parameter|in block literal|in template argument|in typedef|in type alias|in function return type|in conversion function type|here|in lambda parameter|in type allocated by 'new'|in K&R-style function parameter}1%select{|||||||| until C++1z||||||||||}1 'auto' variable template instantiation is not allowed variable %0 with type %1 has incompatible initializer of type %2 cannot deduce actual type for variable %0 with type %1 from initializer list initializer for variable %0 with type %1 contains multiple expressions initializer for variable %0 with type %1 is empty cannot deduce type for variable %1 with type %2 from %select{parenthesized|nested}0 initializer list declaration of variable %0 with type %1 requires an initializer variable %0 declared with %select{'auto'|'decltype(auto)'|'__auto_type'}1 type cannot appear in its own initializer property implementation must have its declaration in the category %0 %select{const_cast||||C-style cast|functional-style cast}0 to %2, which is not a reference, pointer-to-object, or pointer-to-data-member address of overloaded function %0 cannot be cast to type %1 %select{const_cast|static_cast|reinterpret_cast|dynamic_cast|C-style cast|functional-style cast}0 from bit-field lvalue to reference type %2 %select{const_cast|static_cast|reinterpret_cast|dynamic_cast|C-style cast|functional-style cast}0 from %1 to %2 is not allowed cannot %select{||reinterpret_cast||C-style cast|}0 from member pointer type %1 to member pointer type %2 of different size %select{const_cast|static_cast|reinterpret_cast|dynamic_cast|C-style cast|functional-style cast}0 from %1 to %2 casts away qualifiers %select{const_cast|static_cast|reinterpret_cast|dynamic_cast|C-style cast|functional-style cast}0 from rvalue to reference type %2 %select{||reinterpret_cast||C-style cast|}0 from scalar %1 to vector %2 of different size %select{const_cast|static_cast|reinterpret_cast|dynamic_cast|C-style cast|functional-style cast}0 from %1 to %2, which are not related by inheritance, is not allowed %select{||reinterpret_cast||C-style cast|}0 from vector %1 to scalar %2 of different size %select{||reinterpret_cast||C-style cast|}0 from vector %1 to vector %2 of different size %0 is an incomplete type %0 is not a class %0 is not polymorphic %0 is not a pointer %0 is not a reference or pointer %0 cannot be used as the type of a kernel parameter cannot cast from lvalue of type %1 to rvalue reference type %2; types are not compatible left hand operand to %0 must be a %select{|pointer to }1class compatible with the right hand operand, but is %2 right hand operand to %0 has non-pointer-to-member type %1 cannot allocate %select{function|reference}1 type %0 with new %0 cannot be the name of a parameter property implementation must be in a class or category implementation property implementation must have its declaration in interface %0 or one of its extensions bad receiver type %0 reinterpret_cast cannot resolve overloaded function %0 to type %1 reinterpret_cast of a %0 to %1 needs its address, which is not allowed cast from pointer to smaller type %2 loses information cannot cast from rvalue of type %1 to rvalue reference type %2; types are not compatible cannot cast from type %1 to member pointer type %2 address of overloaded function %0 cannot be static_cast to type %1 cannot cast from type %1 to pointer type %2 %0 cannot be the name of a variable or data member base class %0 has a flexible array member unions cannot have base classes base class initializer %0 names both a direct base class and an inherited virtual base class constructor initializer %0 does not name a class base specifier must name a class %0 attribute cannot be applied to a base specifier binding %0 cannot appear in the initializer of its own decomposition declaration bit-field %0 has negative width (%1) named bit-field %0 has zero width width of bit-field %0 (%1 bits) exceeds %select{width|size}2 of its type (%3 bit%s3) variable is not assignable (missing __block type specifier) 'extern' variable cannot have an initializer __block attribute not allowed, only allowed on local variables __block attribute not allowed on declaration with a variably modified type non-void block should return a value block cannot return %select{array|function}0 type %1 blocks support disabled - compile with -fblocks or %select{pick a deployment target that supports them|for OpenCL 2.0 or above}0 reference to non-static member function must be called%select{|; did you mean to call it with no arguments?}0 %select{string|character|boolean|numeric}0 literal must be prefixed by '@' in a collection 'break' statement not in loop or switch statement first argument to __builtin_annotation must be an integer second argument to __builtin_annotation must be a non-wide string constant definition of builtin function %0 builtin functions must be directly called function-style cast to a builtin type can only take one argument argument to __builtin_longjmp must be a constant 1 __builtin_longjmp is not supported for the current target %0 needs target feature %1 '%0' is only available in %1 __builtin_setjmp is not supported for the current target %select{qualifier in |static |}0array size %select{||'[*] '}0is a C99 feature, not permitted in C++ calling %0 with incomplete return type %1 argument type %0 is incomplete calling function with incomplete return type %0 cannot find suitable %select{getter|setter}0 for property %1 cannot form a pointer-to-member to member %0 of reference type %1 cannot pass object with interface type %0 by value through variadic %select{function|block|method|constructor}1 cannot pass object with interface type %1 by value to variadic %select{function|block|method|constructor}2; expected type from format string was %3 cannot pass %select{expression of type %1|initializer list}0 to variadic %select{function|block|method|constructor}2 cannot pass %select{expression of type %1|initializer list}0 to variadic %select{function|block|method|constructor}2; expected type from format string was %3 __block variable %0 cannot be captured in a %select{lambda expression|captured statement}1 non-local lambda expression cannot have a capture-default %0 in capture list does not name a variable %0 can appear only once in a capture list %0 cannot be captured because it does not have automatic storage duration by-copy capture of value of abstract type %0 by-copy capture of variable %0 with incomplete type %1 %select{function|parameter}0 declared '[[carries_dependency]]' after its first declaration '[[carries_dependency]]' attribute only allowed on parameter in a function declaration or lambda 'case' statement not in switch statement operand of type %0 cannot be cast to a pointer type pointer cannot be cast to type %0 cannot type cast @selector expression cannot catch incomplete type %0 cannot catch pointer to incomplete type %0 cannot catch reference to incomplete type %0 @catch parameter is not a pointer to an interface type cannot catch exceptions by rvalue reference cannot catch variably modified type %0 cannot define %select{category|class extension}0 for undefined class %1 property declared in category %0 cannot be implemented in class implementation function declared '%0' here was previously declared %select{'%2'|without calling convention}1 function with no prototype cannot use the %0 calling convention variadic function cannot use %0 calling convention CFString literal is not a string constant circular inheritance between %0 and %1 cannot declare class extension for %0 after class implementation base %0 is marked '%select{final|sealed}1' property %0 is a class property; did you mean to access it with class '%1'? %0 redeclared with '%1' access property follows Cocoa naming convention for returning 'owned' objects the type %0 is not a pointer to a fast-enumerable object type of machine mode does not support base vector types %select{block pointer|pointer|reference}0 to function type %select{%2 |}1cannot have '%3' qualifier %select{variable|function}0 concept cannot be declared '%select{thread_local|inline|friend|constexpr}1' concept declarations may only appear in namespace scope %select{function|variable}0 concept cannot be %select{explicitly instantiated|explicitly specialized|partially specialized}1 'concept' cannot be applied on an %select{explicit instantiation|explicit specialization|partial specialization}0 'concept' can only appear on the definition of a function template or variable template operands to conditional of types%diff{ $ and $|}0,1 are incompatible in ARC mode conditional expression is ambiguous; %diff{$ can be converted to $ and vice versa|types can be convert to each other}0,1 conditional expression is ambiguous; %diff{$ and $|types}0,1 can be converted to several common types vector condition type %0 and result type %1 do not have elements of the same size vector condition type %0 and result type %1 do not have the same number of elements %select{left|right}1 operand to ? is void, but %select{right|left}1 operand is of type %0 CUDA special function 'cudaConfigureCall' must have scalar return type conflicting types for alias %0 instance variable %0 has conflicting bit-field width conflicting instance variable names: %0 vs %1 instance variable %0 has conflicting type%diff{: $ vs $|}1,2 virtual function %0 has different calling convention attributes %diff{($) than the function it overrides (which has calling convention $)|than the function it overrides}1,2 conflicting super class name %0 conflicting types for %0 argument to %0 must be a constant integer statement not allowed in constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 no return statement in constexpr function constexpr constructor must initialize all members destructor cannot be marked constexpr function try block not allowed in constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 variables defined in a constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 must be initialized variable of non-literal type %1 cannot be defined in a constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 %select{static|thread_local}1 variable not permitted in a constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 'main' is not allowed to be declared constexpr constexpr can only be used in variable and function declarations constexpr %select{function|constructor}1's %ordinal0 parameter type %2 is not a literal type constexpr function's return type %0 is not a literal type %select{non-constexpr declaration of %0 follows constexpr declaration|constexpr declaration of %0 follows non-constexpr declaration}1 non-void constexpr function %0 should return a value declaration of constexpr static data member %0 requires an initializer %select{class|struct|interface|union|enum}0 cannot be marked constexpr constexpr union constructor does not initialize any member constexpr variable cannot have non-literal type %0 constexpr variable %0 must be initialized by a constant expression virtual function cannot be constexpr constexpr %select{member function|constructor}0 not allowed in %select{struct|interface|class}1 with virtual base %plural{1:class|:classes}2 variably-modified type %0 cannot be used in a constexpr %select{function|constructor}1 copy constructor must pass its first argument by reference constructor cannot be declared '%0' constructor cannot be redeclared constructor cannot have a return type class extension has no primary class 'continue' statement not in loop statement conversion function must be a non-static member function conversion function cannot be redeclared conversion function cannot have a return type conversion function cannot convert to an array type conversion function cannot convert to a function type conversion function cannot be variadic cannot specify any part of a return type in the declaration of a conversion function%select{; put the complete type after 'operator'|; use a typedef to declare a conversion to %1|; use an alias template to declare a conversion to %1|}0 conversion function cannot have any parameters first two arguments to __builtin_convertvector must have the same number of elements first argument to __builtin_convertvector must be a vector second argument to __builtin_convertvector must be a vector type '&' must precede a capture when the capture default is '=' '%1' cannot be used in %select{a constructor|a destructor|a copy assignment operator|a move assignment operator|the 'main' function|a constexpr function|a function with a deduced return type|a varargs function}0 Objective-C methods as coroutines are not yet supported '%0' cannot be used outside a function %0 declares both 'return_value' and 'return_void' this function cannot be a coroutine: missing definition of specialization %q0 '%0' cannot be used in an unevaluated context return type of virtual function %3 is not covariant with the return type of the function it overrides (ambiguous conversion from derived class %0 to base class %1:%2) invalid covariant return for virtual function: %1 is a %select{private|protected}2 base class of %0 return type of virtual function %0 is not covariant with the return type of the function it overrides (%1 is incomplete) return type of virtual function %0 is not covariant with the return type of the function it overrides (%1 is not derived from %2) return type of virtual function %0 is not covariant with the return type of the function it overrides (class type %1 is more qualified than class type %2 return type of virtual function %0 is not covariant with the return type of the function it overrides (%1 has different qualifiers than %2) %select{constructor|destructor}1 %0 must not return void expression cannot use '%0' in %select{__device__|__global__|__host__|__host__ __device__}1 function __shared__ variable %0 cannot be 'extern' __shared__ local variables not allowed in %select{__device__|__global__|__host__|__host__ __device__}0 functions __constant__ variables must be global %select{__device__|__global__|__host__|__host__ __device__}0 function %1 cannot overload %select{__device__|__global__|__host__|__host__ __device__}2 function %3 constexpr function '%0' without __host__ or __device__ attributes cannot overload __device__ function with same signature. Add a __host__ attribute, or build with -fno-cuda-host-device-constexpr. cannot use variable-length arrays in %select{__device__|__global__|__host__|__host__ __device__}0 functions module name '%0' specified on command line does not match name of module %select{alias|ifunc}0 definition is part of a cycle dealloc return type must be correctly specified as 'void' under ARC, instead of %0 GNU decimal type extension not supported %0 attribute cannot be applied to a statement '%0' declared as an array with a negative size declarator requires an identifier '__declspec(thread)' applied to variable that already has a thread-local storage specifier 'decltype(auto)' cannot be combined with other type specifiers cannot form %select{pointer to|reference to|array of}0 'decltype(auto)' 'decltype(auto)' can only be used as a return type in a function declaration cannot deduce 'decltype(auto)' from initializer list 'decltype' cannot be used to name a declaration cannot decompose members of ambiguous base class %1 of %0:%2 cannot decompose class type %0 because it has an anonymous %select{struct|union}1 member decomposition declaration not permitted in this context cannot decompose class type %1: %select{its base classes %2 and|both it and its base class}0 %3 have non-static data members cannot decompose members of non-public base class %1 of %0 cannot decompose non-public member %0 of %1 decomposition declaration must be the only declaration in its group decomposition declaration cannot be declared with parentheses decomposition declaration %0 requires an initializer decomposition declaration cannot be declared %plural{1:'%1'|:with '%1' specifiers}0 cannot decompose this type; 'std::tuple_element<%0>::type' does not name a type cannot decompose this type; 'std::tuple_size<%0>::value' is not a valid integral constant expression decomposition declaration template not supported decomposition declaration cannot be declared with type %0; declared type must be 'auto' or reference to 'auto' cannot decompose %select{union|non-class, non-array}1 type %2 type %0 decomposes into %2 elements, but %select{only |}3%1 names were provided cannot decrement expression of type bool deduced non-type template argument does not have the same type as the corresponding template parameter%diff{ ($ vs $)|}0,1 deduced return types are a C++14 extension exception specifications of %select{return|argument}0 types differ default template argument in a class template partial specialization addition of default argument on redeclaration makes this constructor a %select{default|copy|move}0 constructor default initialization of an object of const type %0%select{| without a user-provided default constructor}1 'default' statement not in switch statement the parameter for an explicitly-defaulted copy assignment operator must be an lvalue reference type the parameter for this explicitly-defaulted copy %select{constructor|assignment operator}0 is const, but a member or base requires it to be non-const the parameter for an explicitly-defaulted move %select{constructor|assignment operator}0 may not be const an explicitly-defaulted %select{|copy |move }0constructor cannot have default arguments an explicitly-defaulted %select{copy|move}0 assignment operator may not have 'const'%select{, 'constexpr'|}1 or 'volatile' qualifiers explicitly-defaulted %select{copy|move}0 assignment operator must return %1 an explicitly-defaulted %select{|copy |move }0constructor cannot be variadic the parameter for an explicitly-defaulted %select{<<ERROR>>|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|<<ERROR>>}0 may not be volatile definition of explicitly defaulted %select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor|function}0 definition of implicitly declared %select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor|function}1 delegating constructors are permitted only in C++11 an initializer for a delegating constructor must appear alone converting delete expression from type %0 to type %1 invokes an explicit conversion function deleting incomplete class type %0; no conversions to pointer type cannot delete expression of type %0 deleted definition must be first declaration attempt to use a deleted function constructor inherited by %0 from base class %1 is implicitly deleted 'main' is not allowed to be deleted deleted function %0 cannot override a non-deleted function nested name specifier for a declaration cannot depend on a template parameter type of specialized non-type template argument depends on a template parameter of the partial specialization %select{declaration|definition}0 of %select{struct|interface|union|class|enum}1 in a dependent scope non-type template argument specializes a template parameter with dependent type %0 dereference of pointer to incomplete type %0 designator in initializer for scalar type %0 designator into flexible array member subobject destructor cannot be declared '%0' expected the class name after '~' to name a destructor destructor type %0 in object destruction expression does not match the type %1 of the object being destroyed expected the class name after '~' to name the enclosing class destructor must be a non-static member function destructor cannot be redeclared destructor cannot have a return type destructor cannot be declared as a template destructor cannot be declared using a %select{typedef|type alias}1 %0 of the class name destructor cannot be variadic destructor cannot have any parameters within a %select{__device__|__global__|__host__|__host__ __device__}0 function, only __shared__ variables may be marked 'static' conflicting asm label declaration of %0 has a different language linkage conflicting pass_object_size attributes on parameters virtual function %0 has a different return type %diff{($) than the function it overrides (which has return type $)|than the function it overrides}1,2 dimension expression does not evaluate to a constant unsigned int exception specifications are not allowed beyond a single level of indirection cannot cast %select{private|protected}2 base class %1 to %0 reference to %select{destructor|pseudo-destructor}0 must be called%select{|; did you mean to call it with no arguments?}1 reimplementation of category %1 for class %0 reimplementation of class %0 base class %0 specified more than once as a direct base class duplicate case value '%0' duplicate case value: '%0' and '%1' both equal '%2' duplicate interface definition for class %0 instance variable is already declared synthesized properties %0 and %1 both claim instance variable %2 definition with same mangled name as another definition duplicate member %0 duplicate declaration of method %0 property has a previous declaration dynamic property cannot have instance variable specification dynamic initialization is not supported for __device__, __constant__, and __shared__ variables. catch-all handler must come last ISO C requires a named parameter before '...' only function and template parameters can be parameter packs scalar initializer cannot be empty 'enable_if' attribute expression never produces a constant expression reference to %select{|scoped }0enumeration must use 'enum' not 'enum class' non-integral type %0 is an invalid underlying type mode %0 is not supported for enumeration types enumeration previously declared with %select{non|}0fixed underlying type enumeration previously declared as %select{un|}0scoped enumeration redeclared with different underlying type %0 (was %1) enumerator %0 does not exist in instantiation of %1 enumerator value is not representable in the underlying type %0 enumerator value %0 is not representable in the underlying type %1 the event_t type can only be used with __private address space qualifier exception specification of %0 uses itself exception specifications are not allowed in %select{typedefs|type aliases}0 exception specification is not available until end of class definition cannot use '%0' with exceptions disabled excess elements in %select{array|vector|scalar|union|struct}0 initializer excess elements in char array initializer %0 is not a class%select{ or namespace|, namespace, or enumeration}1 kernel must have void return type partial ordering for explicit instantiation of %0 is ambiguous explicit instantiation cannot be 'constexpr' explicit instantiation refers to static data member %q0 that is not an instantiation explicit instantiation declaration (with 'extern') follows explicit instantiation definition (without 'extern') duplicate explicit instantiation of %0 explicit instantiation of %0 in class scope explicit instantiation cannot be 'inline' explicit instantiation refers to member function %q0 that is not an instantiation explicit instantiation of %0 must occur at global scope explicit instantiation of non-templated type %0 explicit instantiation of %0 does not refer to a function template, variable template, member function, member class, or static data member explicit instantiation of typedef %0 explicit instantiation of %0 not in a namespace enclosing %1 explicit instantiation declaration requires a name explicit instantiation cannot have a storage class explicit instantiation of undefined function template %0 explicit instantiation of undefined %select{member class|member function|static data member}0 %1 of class template %2 explicit instantiation of undefined variable template %q0 explicit instantiation of %q0 must occur in namespace %1 explicit instantiation of %q0 must specify a template argument list 'explicit' can only be applied to a constructor or conversion function 'explicit' can only appear on non-static member functions 'explicit' can only be specified inside the class definition explicit specialization has extraneous, inconsistent storage class '%select{none|extern|static|__private_extern__|auto|register}0' export declaration appears within another export declaration %select{case value|enumerator value|non-type template argument|array size|constexpr if condition}0 is not a constant expression expression is not an %select{integer|integral}0 constant expression expression is not a string literal vector component access exceeds type %0 illegal vector component name '%0' illegal vector size (%0) declaration of %1 %select{with C language linkage|in global scope}0 conflicts with declaration %select{in global scope|with C language linkage}0 extern declaration of %0 follows non-extern declaration control reaches end of non-void block fallthrough annotation does not directly precede switch label fallthrough annotation is outside switch statement %0 attribute is only allowed on empty statements field %0 declared as a function field designator cannot initialize a %select{non-struct, non-union|non-class}0 type %1 field designator %0 does not refer to a non-static data member field designator %0 does not refer to any field in type %1 field designator %0 does not refer to any field in type %1; did you mean %2? field has incomplete type %0 data member instantiated with function type %0 field may not be qualified with an address space filter expression type should be an integral value not %0 declaration of %0 overrides a '%select{final|sealed}1' function first argument to __builtin_call_with_static_chain must not be a block call first argument to __builtin_call_with_static_chain must not be a builtin call first argument to __builtin_call_with_static_chain must be a non-member call expression first argument to __builtin_call_with_static_chain must not be a pseudo-destructor call first argument to 'va_arg' is of type %0 and not 'va_list' flexible array member %0 not allowed in otherwise empty %select{struct|interface|union|class|enum}1 flexible array member %0 of type %1 with non-trivial destruction initialization of flexible array member is not allowed flexible array requires brace-enclosed initializer flexible array member %0 in a union is not allowed flexible array member %0 not allowed in %select{struct|interface|union|class|enum}1 which has a virtual base class expression not permitted as operand of fold expression unary fold expression has empty expansion for operator '%0' with no fallback value binary fold expression has unexpanded parameter packs in both operands cannot use type %0 as a range invalid range expression of type %0; did you mean to dereference it with '*'? cannot use incomplete type %0 as a range invalid range expression of type %0; no viable '%select{begin|end}1' function available cannot use type %0 as an iterator range type %0 has '%select{begin|end}1' member but no '%select{end|begin}1' member loop variable %0 may not be declared %select{'extern'|'static'|'__private_extern__'|'auto'|'register'|'constexpr'}1 format attribute cannot specify the implicit this argument as the format string format argument not %0 format attribute requires variadic function function does not return %0 strftime format attribute requires 3rd parameter to be 0 ISO C++ forbids forward references to 'enum' types attempting to use the forward class %0 as superclass of %1 friend declaration of %0 does not match any declaration in %1 '%0' is invalid in friend declarations friend declaration specifying a default argument must be a definition friend declaration specifying a default argument must be the only declaration friend function cannot be defined in a local class friends cannot be members of the declaring class 'friend' must appear first in a non-function declaration incomplete result type %0 in function definition function cannot return %select{array|function}0 type %1 function cannot return qualified void type %0 declared return type of function concept must be 'bool' function concept cannot have exception specification function concept declaration must be a definition function concept cannot have any parameters %0 marked 'override' but does not override any member functions always_inline function %1 requires target feature '%2', but would be inlined into function %0 that is compiled without support for '%2' type %0 of function parameter pack does not contain any unexpanded parameter packs cannot specialize a function %0 within class scope function template partial specialization is not allowed function template specialization %0 ambiguously refers to more than one function template; explicitly specify%select{| additional}1 template arguments to identify a particular function template no function template matches function template specialization %0 weak attribute declared on a __strong type property in GC mode controlling expression type %0 compatible with %1 generic association types controlling expression type %0 not compatible with any generic association type no getter method for read from property call to global function %0 not configured cannot jump from this goto statement to its label cannot jump from this goto statement to label %0 inside an inline assembly block half precision constant requires cl_khr_fp16 type argument of iboutletcollection attribute cannot be a builtin type invalid type %0 as argument of iboutletcollection attribute ambiguous conversion from type %0 to an integral or unscoped enumeration type integral constant expression requires explicit conversion from %0 to %1 integral constant expression has incomplete class type %0 integral constant expression must have integral or unscoped enumeration type, not %0 integer constant expression evaluates to value %0 that cannot be represented in a %1-bit %select{signed|unsigned}2 integer type identifier %0 in object destruction expression does not name a type a parameter list without types is only allowed in a function definition ifunc resolver function must have no parameters ifunc resolver function must return a pointer illegal operation on Objective-C container subscripting array has incomplete element type %0 '%0' declared as array of %1 '%0' declared as array of functions of type %1 '%0' declared as array of references of type %1 '%0' does not point into a class '%0' declared as a member pointer to a reference of type %1 '%0' declared as a member pointer to void '%0' declared as a pointer to a reference of type %1 illegal initializer (only variables can be initialized) illegal initializer type %0 Objective-C message has incomplete result type %0 illegal qualifiers on @catch parameter %select{anonymous struct|union}0 member %1 has a non-trivial %select{constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}2 imaginary types are not supported initializer for aggregate with no elements requires explicit braces implicit instantiation of undefined member %0 cannot initialize object parameter of type %0 with an expression of type %1 you need to include <experimental/coroutine> before defining a coroutine this function cannot be a coroutine: %0 is not a class this function cannot be a coroutine: %q0 has no member named 'promise_type' you need to include <exception> before defining a coroutine that implicitly uses 'set_exception' cannot deduce type of initializer list because std::initializer_list was not found; include <initializer_list> static data member of type %0 must be initialized out of line default member initializer for %0 uses itself in-class initializer for static data member of type %0 requires 'constexpr' specifier non-const static data member must be initialized out of line in-class initializer for static data member is not a constant expression default member initializer for %1 needed within definition of enclosing class %0 outside of member functions static const volatile data member must be initialized out of line target exception specification is not superset of source base class has incomplete type %select{|pointer to |reference to }0incomplete type %1 is not allowed in exception specification member access into incomplete type %0 incomplete type %0 named in nested name specifier incomplete type in call to object of type %0 incomplete receiver type %0 cannot synthesize property %0 with incomplete type %1 incomplete type %0 where a complete type is required '@encode' of incomplete type %0 incomplete type %0 used in type trait expression 'typeid' of incomplete type %0 inconsistent number of instance variables specified defaulted definition of %select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator}0 is not constexpr exception specification of explicitly defaulted %select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}0 does not match the calculated one number of elements must be either one or match the size of the vector cannot %select{decrement|increment}0 expression of enum type %1 cannot jump from this indirect goto statement to one of its possible targets indirect goto in function with no address-of-label expressions cannot deduce type for lambda capture %0 from initializer of type %2 cannot deduce type for lambda capture %0 from initializer list initializer for lambda capture %0 contains multiple expressions initializer missing for lambda capture %0 cannot deduce type for lambda capture %1 from %select{parenthesized|nested}0 initializer list cannot initialize %select{a variable|a parameter|return object|an exception object|a member subobject|an array element|a new value|a value|a base class|a constructor delegation|a vector element|a block element|a complex element|a lambda capture|a compound literal initializer|a related result|a parameter of CF audited function}0 %diff{of type $ with an %select{rvalue|lvalue}2 of type $|with an %select{rvalue|lvalue}2 of incompatible type}1,3%select{|: different classes%diff{ ($ vs $)|}5,6|: different number of parameters (%5 vs %6)|: type mismatch at %ordinal5 parameter%diff{ ($ vs $)|}6,7|: different return type%diff{ ($ vs $)|}5,6|: different qualifiers (%select{none|const|restrict|const and restrict|volatile|const and volatile|volatile and restrict|const, volatile, and restrict}5 vs %select{none|const|restrict|const and restrict|volatile|const and volatile|volatile and restrict|const, volatile, and restrict}6)|: different exception specifications}4 initializer element is not a compile-time constant initialization of incomplete type %0 %select{|non-aggregate }0type %1 cannot be initialized with an initializer list init methods must return an object pointer type, not %0 initialization of non-aggregate type %0 with an initializer list cannot initialize Objective-C class type %0 can only use 'init_priority' attribute on file-scope definitions of objects of class type reference member of type %0 uninitialized initializer-string for char array is too long inline declaration of %0 follows non-inline definition inline declaration of %0 not allowed in block scope 'main' is not allowed to be declared inline non-inline namespace cannot be reopened as inline 'inline' can only appear on functions%select{| and non-local variables}0 invalid block pointer conversion %select{%diff{assigning to $ from $|assigning to different types}0,1|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|passing to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|returning from function with different return type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|initializing with expression of different type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|sending to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2 integer sequences must have integral element type integer sequences must have non-negative sequence length 'internal_linkage' attribute does not appear on the first declaration of %0 must use a qualified name when declaring a %select{constructor|destructor|conversion operator}0 as a friend invalid use of a cast in a inline asm context requiring an l-value: remove the cast or build with -fheinous-gnu-extensions value '%0' out of range for constraint '%1' invalid reinterpretation: sizes of %0 and %1 must match %0 attribute cannot be applied to virtual functions interface type cannot inherit from %select{'struct|non-public 'interface|'class}0 %1' collection element of type %0 is not an Objective-C object '_Complex %0' is invalid %select{function parameter|typedef|non-static data member}0 cannot be constexpr non-static data member cannot be constexpr%select{; did you intend to make it %select{const|static}0?|}1 constexpr variable declaration must be a definition invalid conversion between ext-vector type %0 and %1 invalid conversion between vector type %0 and integer type %1 of different size invalid conversion between vector type %0 and scalar type %1 invalid conversion between vector type%diff{ $ and $|}0,1 of different size invalid cpu feature string for builtin cannot combine with previous '%0' declaration specifier definition or redeclaration of %0 cannot name the global scope definition or redeclaration of %0 not allowed inside a block definition or redeclaration of %0 not allowed inside a function cannot define or redeclare %0 here because namespace %1 does not enclose namespace %2 cannot create a non-constant pointer to member function invalid use of incomplete type %0 %select{data member |non-public member function |static member function |user-declared constructor|user-declared destructor|operator |nested class }0%1 is not permitted within an interface type invalid use of member %0 in static member function incompatible constant for this __builtin_neon function invalid use of non-static data member %0 %0 is not a valid literal type for NSNumber invalid PCS type '__pixel' must be preceded by '__vector'. '%0' declaration specifier not allowed here %0 is not a valid property name (accessing an object of type %1) invalid protocol qualifiers on non-ObjC type '%0' qualifier is not allowed on a constructor '%0' qualifier is not allowed on a destructor %select{static |non-}0member function %select{of type %2 |}1cannot have '%3' qualifier receiver type %0 is not an Objective-C class 'super' is only valid in a method body '%0' cannot be signed or unsigned invalid use of '__super', this keyword can only be used inside class or member function scope invalid use of 'this' outside of a non-static member function '%0' is only allowed on variable declarations the %0 type cannot be used to declare a program scope variable an array type is not allowed here a function type is not allowed here type %2 of %select{explicit instantiation|explicit specialization|partial specialization|redeclaration}0 of %1 does not match expected type %3 cannot use '%0' with '__vector bool' cannot combine with previous '%0' declaration specifier. '__vector' must be first use of 'double' with '__vector' requires VSX support to be enabled (available on POWER7 or later) cannot use 'float' with '__vector' cannot use 'long' with '__vector' cannot use 'long double' with '__vector' use of 'long long' with '__vector bool' requires VSX support (available on POWER7 or later) or extended Altivec support (available on POWER8 or later) to be enabled '%select{|short|long|long long}0 %1' is invalid property %0 not found on object of type %1; did you mean to access instance variable %2? property %0 attempting to use instance variable %1 declared in super class %2 instance variables cannot be of reference type instance variable %0 accessed in class method kernel call to non-global function %0 kernel function %0 must be a free function or static member function kernel function type %0 must have void return type pointer arguments to kernel functions must reside in '__global', '__constant' or '__local' address space unnamed variable cannot be implicitly captured in a lambda expression lambda expression in default argument cannot capture any entity variable %0 with flexible array member cannot be captured in a lambda expression cannot assign to a variable captured by copy in a non-mutable lambda variable %0 cannot be implicitly captured in a lambda with no capture-default specified a lambda expression may not appear inside of a constant expression incomplete result type %0 in lambda expression cannot deduce lambda return type from initializer list lambda expression in an unevaluated operand string literal in language linkage specifier cannot have an encoding-prefix unknown linkage language cannot apply asm label to %select{variable|function}0 after its first use list-initializer for non-class type %0 must not be parenthesized non-template literal operator must have one or two parameters literal operator cannot have a default argument literal operator must have C++ linkage non-namespace scope '%0' cannot have a literal operator member parameter of literal operator must have type 'unsigned long long', 'long double', 'char', 'wchar_t', 'char16_t', 'char32_t', or 'const char *' literal operator %0 must be in a namespace or global scope invalid literal operator parameter type %0, did you mean %1? template parameter list for literal operator must be either 'char...' or 'typename T, T...' literal operator template cannot have any parameters '__local' variable cannot have an initializer %select{non-const|volatile}0 lvalue reference to type %1 cannot bind to an initializer list temporary %select{non-const|volatile}0 lvalue reference %diff{to type $ cannot bind to a temporary of type $|cannot bind to incompatible temporary}1,2 %select{non-const|volatile}0 lvalue reference %diff{to type $ cannot bind to a value of unrelated type $|cannot bind to a value of unrelated type}1,2 rvalue reference %diff{to type $ cannot bind to lvalue of type $|cannot bind to incompatible lvalue}0,1 %select{unknown|unsupported}0 machine mode %1 %select{first|second|third|fourth}0 parameter of 'main' (%select{argument count|argument array|environment|platform-specific data}0) must be of type %1 main cannot be declared as global variable 'main' must return 'int' too many parameters (%0) for 'main': must be 0, 2, or 3 %0 cannot be a template 'std::experimental::coroutine_traits' must be a class template 'std::current_exception' must be a function std::initializer_list must be a class template with a single type parameter control may reach end of non-void block member initializer %0 does not name a non-static data member or base class initializer %0 does not name a non-static data member or base class; did you mean the %select{base class|member}1 %2? call to non-static member function without an object argument out-of-line %select{declaration|definition}2 of %0 does not match any declaration in %1 out-of-line %select{declaration|definition}2 of %0 does not match any declaration in %1; did you mean %3? return type of out-of-line definition of %q0 differs from that in the declaration out-of-line definition of %0 from class %1 without definition extra qualification on member %0 member function %0 not viable: 'this' argument has type %1, but function is not marked %select{const|restrict|const or restrict|volatile|const or volatile|volatile or restrict|const, volatile, or restrict}2 initializer on function does not look like a pure-specifier member %0 has the same name as its class no member %0 in %1; it has not yet been instantiated non-friend class member %0 cannot have a qualified name class member cannot be redeclared multiple overloads of %0 instantiate to the same signature %1 base of member reference is a function; perhaps you meant to call it%select{| with no arguments}0? member pointer refers into non-class type %0 conversion from pointer to member of class %0 to pointer to member of class %1 via virtual base %2 is not allowed %select{instance|class}1 method %0 not found ; did you mean %2? exception specification in declaration does not match previous declaration exception specification in explicit instantiation does not match instantiated one inheritance model does not match %select{definition|previous declaration}0 uuid does not match previous declaration visibility does not match previous declaration instance variables may not be placed in %select{categories|class extension}0 missing actual type specifier for pipe string literal must be prefixed by '@' %select{constructor for %1 must explicitly initialize the|implicit default constructor for %1 must explicitly initialize the|cannot use constructor inherited from base class %4;}0 %select{base class|member}2 %3 %select{which|which|of %1}0 does not have a default constructor %0 is missing exception specification '%1' missing context for method declaration missing '[' at start of message send expression missing context for property implementation declaration property implementation in a category with no category declaration synthesized property %0 must either be named the same as a compatible instance variable or must explicitly name an instance variable C++ requires a type specifier for all declarations cannot use C++ 'try' in the same function as SEH '__try' mode attribute only supported for integer and floating-point types type of machine mode does not match type of base type @import of module '%0' in implementation of '%1'; use #import import of module '%0' appears within %1 %select{'module'|'module partition'|'module implementation'}0 declaration found while %select{not |not |}0building module interface %select{local variable|parameter|typedef}0 %1 cannot be declared __module_private__ local %select{struct|interface|union|class|enum}0 cannot be declared __module_private__ %select{template|partial|member}0 specialization cannot be declared __module_private__ import of module '%0' appears within same top-level module '%1' %select{declaration|definition|default argument|explicit specialization|partial specialization}0 of %1 must be imported from module '%2' before it is required missing '#include %3'; %select{declaration|definition|default argument|explicit specialization|partial specialization}0 of %1 must be imported from module '%2' before it is required %select{declaration|definition|default argument|explicit specialization|partial specialization}0 of %1 must be imported from one of the following modules before it is required:%2 '__leave' statement not in __try block '__builtin_ms_va_start' used in System V ABI function multiple initializations given for base %0 multiple default labels in one switch virtual function %q0 has more than one final overrider in %1 multiple initializations given for non-static member %0 initializing multiple members of union 'mutable' and 'const' cannot be mixed 'mutable' cannot be applied to functions 'mutable' can only be applied to member variables 'mutable' cannot be applied to references you need to include <guiddef.h> before using the '__uuidof' operator you need to include <typeinfo> before using the 'typeid' operator lookup of %0 in member access expression is ambiguous %0 cannot appear before '::' because it is not a class%select{ or namespace|, namespace, or enumeration}1; did you mean ':'? type %0 cannot be used prior to '::' because it has no members %select{call to non-static member function|use of non-static data member}0 %2 of %1 from nested type %3 nested redefinition of %0 'abi_tag' %0 missing in original declaration array 'new' cannot have initialization arguments only the first dimension of an allocated array may have dynamic size cannot allocate array of 'auto' allocation of incomplete type %0 no %select{getter|setter}0 defined for property %1 invalid use of '__super', %0 has no base classes cannot use dynamic_cast with -fno-rtti no matching function found in local scope no matching function %0 found in local scope; did you mean %3? no member named %0 in %1 no member named %0 in %1; did you mean to use '->' instead of '.'? no member named %0 in %1; did you mean %select{|simply }2%3? no template named %0 in %1; did you mean %select{|simply }2%3? cannot find interface declaration for %0 expression is not assignable no suitable member %0 in %1 no @interface declaration found in class messaging of %0 no template named %0; did you mean %1? cannot use typeid with -fno-rtti argument to noexcept specifier must be a constant expression a getter method is needed to perform a compound assignment on a property no getter method %1 for %select{increment|decrement}0 of property non-ASM statement in naked function is not supported non-deleted function %0 cannot override a deleted function non-extern declaration of %0 follows extern declaration declaration of non-local variable in 'for' loop non-static declaration of %0 follows static declaration non-thread-local declaration of %0 follows thread-local declaration template argument / label address difference / what did you expect? non-type template argument refers to subobject '%0' qualified name refers into a specialization of %select{function|variable}0 template %1 non-type template parameter %0 with type %1 has incompatible initializer of type %2 non-variable declaration in 'for' loop %0 is not virtual and cannot be declared pure block pointer to non-function type is invalid non-static data member defined out-of-line address argument to nontemporal builtin must be a pointer (%0 invalid) address argument to nontemporal builtin must be a pointer to integer, float, pointer, or a vector of such types (%0 invalid) block declared 'noreturn' should not return lambda declared 'noreturn' should not return function declared '[[noreturn]]' after its first declaration '_Noreturn' can only appear on functions %select{assignment to readonly property|no setter method %1 for assignment to property}0 %select{%select{increment|decrement}1 of readonly property|no setter method %2 for %select{increment|decrement}1 of property}0 cannot specialize a %select{dependent template|template template parameter}0 type %0 is not a direct or virtual base of %1 call to function %0 that is neither visible in the template definition nor found by argument-dependent lookup anonymous bit-field has non-integral type %0 bit-field %0 has non-integral type %1 no %select{struct|interface|union|class|enum}0 named %1 in %2 %0 attribute only applies to %select{Objective-C object|pointer|pointer-to-CF-pointer}1 parameters overriding method has mismatched ns_consumed attribute on its parameter 'NSObject' attribute is for pointer types only overriding method has mismatched ns_returns_%select{not_retained|retained}0 attributes nullability keyword %0 cannot be applied to multi-level pointer type %1 nullability specifier %0 cannot be applied to non-pointer type %1 array of interface %0 is invalid (probably should be an array of pointers) parameter of %0 attribute must be a single name of an Objective-C %select{class|protocol}1 attribute %0 can only be applied to @protocol definitions, not forward declarations parameter of %0 attribute must be 'id' when used on a typedef 'objc_bridge(id)' is only allowed on structs and typedefs of void pointers could not find Objective-C class %0 to convert %1 to %2 %0 must be name of an Objective-C class to be able to convert %1 to %2 %0 must be explicitly converted to %1; use %select{%objcclass2|%objcinstance2}3 method for this conversion CF object of type %0 is bridged to %1, which is not an Objective-C class Objective-C declarations may only appear in global scope cannot use '%0' with Objective-C exceptions disabled illegal type %0 used in a boxed expression incomplete type %0 used in a boxed expression Objective-C index expression has incomplete class type %0 method for accessing %select{dictionary|array}1 element must have Objective-C object return type instead of %0 '__kindof' specifier cannot be applied to non-object type %0 '__kindof' type specifier must precede the declarator literal construction method %0 has incompatible signature indexing expression is invalid because subscript type %0 has multiple type conversion functions non-trivially copyable type %0 cannot be used in a boxed expression ObjectiveC object of type %0 is bridged to %1, which is not valid CF object cannot assign to class object (%0 invalid) cannot catch an Objective-C object by value %select{extension|category}0 of non-parameterized class %1 cannot have type parameters forward declaration of non-parameterized class %0 cannot have type parameters class %0 previously declared with type parameters objc_precise_lifetime only applies to retainable types; type here is %0 property attributes '%0' and '%1' are mutually exclusive property with '%0' attribute must be of object type objc_root_class attribute may only be specified on a root class declaration cannot implement a category for class %0 that is only visible via the Objective-C runtime cannot implement subclass %0 of a superclass %1 that is only visible via the Objective-C runtime %select{dictionary|array}1 subscript base type %0 is not an Objective-C object method object parameter type %0 is not object type method index parameter type %0 is not integral type method key parameter type %0 is not object type expected method to %select{read|write}1 %select{dictionary|array}2 element not found on object of type %0 cannot assign to this %select{dictionary|array}1 because assigning method's 2nd parameter of type %0 is not an Objective-C pointer type indexing expression is invalid because subscript type %0 is not an Objective-C pointer indexing expression is invalid because subscript type %0 is not an integral or Objective-C pointer type @synchronized requires an Objective-C object type (%0 invalid) @throw requires an Objective-C object type (%0 invalid) type argument %0 does not satisfy the bound (%1) of type parameter %2 type argument %0 cannot explicitly specify nullability no type or protocol named %0 type argument %0 must be a pointer (requires a '*') type argument %0 is neither an Objective-C object nor a block type type argument %0 cannot be qualified with '%1' angle brackets contain both a %select{type|protocol}0 (%1) and a %select{protocol|type}0 (%2) type arguments cannot be applied to non-class type %0 type arguments cannot be applied to non-parameterized class %0 type arguments cannot be applied to already-specialized class type %0 too %select{many|few}0 type arguments for class %1 (have %2, expected %3) %select{forward class declaration|class definition|category|extension}0 has too %select{few|many}1 type parameters (expected %2, have %3) type bound %0 for type parameter %1 conflicts with %select{implicit|previous}2 bound %3%select{for type parameter %5|}4 type parameter %0 bound %1 cannot explicitly specify nullability missing type bound %0 for type parameter %1 in %select{@interface|@class}2 missing '*' in type bound %0 for type parameter %1 type bound %0 for type parameter %1 is not an Objective-C pointer type type bound %1 for type parameter %0 cannot be qualified with '%2' redeclaration of type parameter %0 %select{in|co|contra}0variant type parameter %1 conflicts with previous %select{in|co|contra}2variant type parameter %3 cannot declare variable inside @interface or @protocol interface type %1 cannot be %select{returned|passed}0 by value; did you forget * in %1? offsetof requires array type, %0 invalid cannot compute offset of bit-field %0 invalid application of 'offsetof' to a field of a virtual base offsetof of incomplete type %0 offsetof requires struct, union, or class type, %0 invalid argument of aligned clause should be array%select{ or pointer|, pointer, reference to array or reference to pointer}1, not %0 %select{a variable|a parameter|'this'}0 cannot appear in more than one aligned clause expected pointer, array, reference to pointer, or reference to array in 'is_device_ptr clause' OpenMP array section is not allowed here expected at least one 'to' clause or 'from' clause specified to '#pragma omp target update' the statement for 'atomic capture' must be a compound statement of form '{v = x; x binop= expr;}', '{x binop= expr; v = x;}', '{v = x; x = x binop expr;}', '{v = x; x = expr binop x;}', '{x = x binop expr; v = x;}', '{x = expr binop x; v = x;}' or '{v = x; x = expr;}', '{v = x; x++;}', '{v = x; ++x;}', '{++x; v = x;}', '{x++; v = x;}', '{v = x; x--;}', '{v = x; --x;}', '{--x; v = x;}', '{x--; v = x;}' where x is an l-value expression with scalar type the statement for 'atomic capture' must be an expression statement of form 'v = ++x;', 'v = --x;', 'v = x++;', 'v = x--;', 'v = x binop= expr;', 'v = x = x binop expr' or 'v = x = expr binop x', where x and v are both l-value expressions with scalar type the statement for 'atomic' must be an expression statement of form '++x;', '--x;', 'x++;', 'x--;', 'x binop= expr;', 'x = x binop expr' or 'x = expr binop x', where x is an l-value expression with scalar type the statement for 'atomic read' must be an expression statement of form 'v = x;', where v and x are both lvalue expressions with scalar type directive '#pragma omp atomic' cannot contain more than one 'read', 'write', 'update' or 'capture' clause the statement for 'atomic update' must be an expression statement of form '++x;', '--x;', 'x++;', 'x--;', 'x binop= expr;', 'x = x binop expr' or 'x = expr binop x', where x is an l-value expression with scalar type the statement for 'atomic write' must be an expression statement of form 'x = expr;', where x is a lvalue expression with scalar type bit fields cannot be used to specify storage in a '%0' clause arguments of OpenMP clause 'reduction' with bitwise operators cannot be of floating type arguments of OpenMP clause 'reduction' for 'min' or 'max' must be of %select{scalar|arithmetic}0 type const-qualified list item cannot be reduction const-qualified variable cannot be %0 constructs with the same name must have a 'hint' clause with the same value redefinition of user-defined reduction for type %0 %0 appears multiple times in clauses on the same declare target directive %0 must not appear in both clauses 'to' and 'link' 'depend' clauses cannot be mixed with '%0' clause expected %0 loop iteration variable expected '+' or '-' operation 'depend(%select{source|sink:vec}0)' clause%select{|s}0 cannot be mixed with 'depend(%select{sink:vec|source}0)' clause%select{s|}0 unexpected expression: number of expressions is larger than the number of associated loops declare target region may not be enclosed within another declare target region expected access to data field expected variable name as a base of the array %select{subscript|section}0 expected a reference to an integer-typed parameter expected expression containing only member accesses and/or array sections based on named variables expected a reference to a parameter specified in a 'uniform' clause %0 is not a global variable, static local variable or static data member %0 is not a global variable, static local variable or static data member; did you mean %1 expected variable name%select{| or data member of current class}0 expected variable name%select{|, data member of current class}0, array element or array section expression requires explicit conversion from %0 to %1 lastprivate variable cannot be firstprivate in '#pragma omp distribute' reduction variable in '#pragma omp teams' cannot be firstprivate in '#pragma omp distribute' private variable in '#pragma omp teams' cannot be firstprivate in '#pragma omp distribute' a firstprivate variable with incomplete type %0 '#pragma omp declare simd' can only be applied to functions arguments of '#pragma omp %0' must have %select{global storage|static storage duration}1 '%0' and '%1' clause are mutually exclusive and may not appear on the same directive the name of the construct must be specified in presence of 'hint' clause expression has incomplete class type %0 %select{map type '%1' is not allowed|map type must be specified}0 for '#pragma omp %2' %0 used in declare target directive is not a variable or a function name a lastprivate variable with incomplete type %0 argument of a linear clause should be of integral or pointer type, not %0 a linear variable with incomplete type %0 'linear' clause cannot be specified along with 'ordered' clause with a parameter variable with local storage in initial value of threadprivate variable '%0' statement cannot be used in OpenMP for loop could not calculate number of iterations calling 'operator-' with upper and lower loop bounds increment expression must cause %0 to %select{decrease|increase}1 on each iteration of OpenMP for loop condition of OpenMP for loop must be a relational comparison ('<', '<=', '>', or '>=') of loop variable %0 increment clause of OpenMP for loop must perform simple addition or subtraction on loop variable %0 initialization clause of OpenMP for loop is not in canonical form ('var = init' or 'T var = init') loop iteration variable in the associated loop of 'omp %1' directive may not be %0, predetermined as %2 variable must be of integer or %select{pointer|random access iterator}0 type variable already marked as mapped in current construct multiple array elements associated with the same variable are not allowed in map clauses of the same construct argument to '%0' clause must be a %select{non-negative|strictly positive}1 integer value variable %0 must have explicitly specified data sharing attributes expected at least one map clause for '#pragma omp %0' no more 'if' clause is allowed %select{statement after '#pragma omp %1' must be a for loop|expected %2 for loops after '#pragma omp %1'%select{|, but found only %4}3}0 expression must have integral or unscoped enumeration type, not %0 type %0 is not mappable to target unable to resolve declare reduction construct for type %0 variable can appear only once in OpenMP '%0' clause variable can appear only once in OpenMP 'target update' construct 'ordered' directive %select{without any clauses|with 'threads' clause}0 cannot be closely nested inside ordered region with specified parameter 'ordered' directive with 'depend' clause cannot be closely nested inside ordered region without specified parameter 'ordered' clause with a parameter can not be specified in '#pragma omp %0' directive original storage of expression in data environment is shared but data environment do not fully contain mapped expression storage orphaned 'omp %0' directives are prohibited; perhaps you forget to enclose the directive into a %select{|||target |teams }1region? %select{orphaned 'omp section' directives are prohibited, it|'omp section' directive}0 must be closely nested to a sections region%select{|, not a %1 region}0 argument of a reduction clause of a %0 construct must not appear in a firstprivate clause on a task construct the statement for '#pragma omp parallel sections' must be a compound statement statement in 'omp parallel sections' directive must be enclosed into a section region expected reference to one of the parameters of function %0%select{| or 'this'}1 parent region for 'omp %select{cancellation point/cancel}0' construct cannot be nowait parent region for 'omp %select{cancellation point/cancel}0' construct cannot be ordered pointer cannot be mapped along with a section derived from itself a private variable with incomplete type %0 region cannot be%select{| closely}0 nested inside '%1' region%select{|; perhaps you forget to enclose 'omp %3' directive into a parallel region?|; perhaps you forget to enclose 'omp %3' directive into a for or a parallel for region with 'ordered' clause?|; perhaps you forget to enclose 'omp %3' directive into a target region?|; perhaps you forget to enclose 'omp %3' directive into a teams region?}2 OpenMP constructs may not be nested inside an atomic region cannot nest 'critical' regions having the same name %0 OpenMP constructs may not be nested inside a simd region list item of type %0 is not valid for specified reduction operation: unable to provide default initialization value reduction variables may not be accessed in an explicit task a reduction list item with incomplete type %0 argument of OpenMP clause 'reduction' must reference the same object in all threads reduction type cannot be %select{qualified with 'const', 'volatile' or 'restrict'|a function|a reference|an array}0 type arguments of '#pragma omp %0' cannot be of reference type %1 directive must be at file or namespace scope %0 variable must be %1 same pointer derreferenced in multiple different ways in map clause expressions 'schedule' clause with 'nonmonotonic' modifier cannot be specified if an 'ordered' clause is specified 'nonmonotonic' modifier can only be specified with 'dynamic' or 'guided' schedule kind section of pointer to function type %0 section of pointer to incomplete type %0 section length is evaluated to a negative value %0 section length is unspecified and cannot be inferred because subscripted value is %select{not an array|an array of unknown bound}0 array section must be a subset of the original array the statement for '#pragma omp sections' must be a compound statement statement in 'omp sections' directive must be enclosed into a section region '%0' statement cannot be used in OpenMP simd region the 'copyprivate' clause must not be used with the 'nowait' clause single declaration is expected after 'declare simd' directive target construct with nested teams region contains statements outside of the teams construct threadprivate variables are not allowed in '%0' clause threadprivate variables cannot be used in target constructs threadprivate variable with incomplete type %0 array section %select{lower bound|length}0 is not an integer subscripted value is not an array or pointer expected %0 in OpenMP clause '%1' modifier '%0' cannot be used along with modifier '%1' mapped storage cannot be derived from a union incorrect reduction identifier, expected one of '+', '-', '*', '&', '|', '^', '&&', '||', 'min' or 'max' or declare reduction for type %0 expected %select{|one of}0 %1 directive name modifier%select{|s}0 expected pointer or reference to pointer in 'use_device_ptr' clause '#pragma omp %0' must appear in the scope of the %q1 variable declaration variable %0 cannot be threadprivate because it is %select{thread-local|a global named register variable}1 '#pragma omp %0' must precede all references to variable %q1 %0 variable cannot be in a %1 clause in '#pragma omp %2' directive arguments of OpenMP clause '%0' in '#pragma omp %2' directive cannot be of variably-modified type %1 one of 'for', 'parallel', 'sections' or 'taskgroup' is expected %0 variable cannot be %1 directive name modifier '%0' is not allowed for '#pragma omp %1' expected %select{'val' modifier|one of 'ref', val' or 'uval' modifiers}0 variable of non-reference type %0 can be used only with 'val' modifier, but used with '%1' the parameter of the 'ordered' clause must be greater than or equal to the parameter of the 'collapse' clause the value of 'simdlen' parameter must be less than or equal to the value of the 'safelen' parameter only %select{'omp_priv' or 'omp_orig'|'omp_in' or 'omp_out'}0 variables are allowed in %select{initializer|combiner}0 expression access specifier can only have annotation attributes only constructors take base initializers only enumeration types have underlying types bit-fields are not supported in OpenCL cannot refer to a block inside block the __block storage type is not permitted invalid number of arguments to function: %0 first argument to %0 must be a pipe type invalid pipe access modifier (expecting %0) invalid argument type to function %0 (expecting %1 having %2) invalid argument %0 to function: %1, expecting a generic pointer argument cannot cast non-zero value '%0' to 'event_t' casting to type %0 is not allowed variable in constant address space must be initialized blocks with parameters are not accepted in this prototype of enqueue_kernel call blocks used in enqueue_kernel call are expected to have parameters of type 'local void*' illegal call to enqueue_kernel, expected %0 argument type illegal call to enqueue_kernel, incorrect argument types illegal call to enqueue_kernel, parameter needs to be specified as integer type mismatch in number of block parameters and local size arguments passed declaring kernel argument of event type is not allowed Using %0 function requires the extension '%1' to be enabled invalid block variable declaration - using 'extern' storage class is disallowed pointers to functions are not allowed %select{non-kernel function|function scope}0 variable cannot be declared in %1 address space %select{program scope|static local|extern}0 variable must reside in %1 address space declaring variable of type %0 is not allowed %select{loading directly from|assigning directly to}0 pointer to type %1 requires cl_khr_fp16. Use vector data %select{load|store}0 builtin functions instead declaring function parameter of type %0 is not allowed; did you forget * ? image3d_t access qualifier write_only requires cl_khr_3d_image_writes extension to be enabled implicit declarations are not allowed implicit conversions between vector types (%0 and %1) are not permitted access qualifier can only be used for pipe and image type Argument and result of function %0 must have the same bitwidth invalid block variable declaration - must be %select{const qualified|initialized}0 access qualifier %0 can not be used for %1 %select{|prior to OpenCL version 2.0}2 declaring function return value of type %0 is not allowed %select{; did you forget * ?|}1 array of %0 type is invalid in OpenCL attribute %0 can only be applied to a kernel function multiple access qualifiers %select{function|kernel}0 cannot be called 'main' pointer to type %0 is invalid in OpenCL kernel parameter cannot be declared as a pointer to a pointer use of %select{type |declaration}0%1 requires %2 extension to be enabled return value cannot be qualified with address space missing const qualifier for global sampler invalid application of '%select{sizeof|alignof|vec_step|__builtin_omp_required_simd_align}0' to a void type taking address of a capture is not allowed block type cannot be used as expression in ternary expression in OpenCL type %0 can only be used as a function parameter in OpenCL the %0 type cannot be used to declare a structure or union field OpenCL version %0 does not support the '%1' %select{type qualifier|storage class specifier}2 invalid prototype, variadic arguments are not allowed in OpenCL expecting lvalue here variable length arrays are not supported in OpenCL invalid application of '__builtin_omp_required_simd_align' to an expression, only type is allowed circular pointer delegation detected use of 'operator->' on type %0 would invoke a sequence of more than %1 'operator->' calls %0 cannot take a dependent type as first parameter; use %1 instead first parameter of %0 must have type %1 parameter of %0 cannot have a default argument %0 cannot be declared inside a namespace %0 cannot be declared static in global scope %0 cannot have a dependent return type; use %1 instead %0 must return type %1 %0 template must have at least two parameters %0 must have at least one parameter %0 cannot take a dependent type as first parameter; use size_t (%1) instead %0 takes type size_t (%1) as first parameter parameter of overloaded %0 cannot have a default argument overloaded %0 must be a %select{unary|binary|unary or binary}2 operator (has %1 parameter%s1) overloaded %0 must be a non-static member function overloaded %0 must have at least one parameter of class or enumeration type parameter of overloaded post-%select{increment|decrement}1 operator must have type 'int' (not %0) overloaded %0 cannot be a static member function overloaded %0 cannot be variadic os_log() argument %0 is too big (%1 bytes, max %2) os_log() format argument is not a string constant defaulting this %select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}0 would delete it after its first declaration operand argument to overflow builtin must be an integer (%0 invalid) result argument to overflow builtin must be a pointer to a non-const integer (%0 invalid) exception specification of overriding function is more lax than base version call to %0 is ambiguous ambiguous conversion for %select{|static_cast|reinterpret_cast|dynamic_cast|C-style cast|functional-style cast}0 from %1 to %2 call to constructor of %0 is ambiguous call to member function %0 is ambiguous call to object of type %0 is ambiguous use of overloaded operator '%0' is ambiguous (with operand types %1 and %2) use of overloaded operator '%0' is ambiguous (operand type %1) call to %select{unavailable|deleted}0 function %1%2 %select{|static_cast|reinterpret_cast|dynamic_cast|C-style cast|functional-style cast}0 from %1 to %2 uses deleted function call to %select{unavailable|deleted}0 constructor of %1 call to %select{unavailable|deleted}0 member function %1%2 call to %select{unavailable|deleted}0 function call operator in type %1%2 overload resolution selected %select{unavailable|deleted}0 operator '%1'%2 call to implicitly-deleted %select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor|function}0 of %1 object of type %0 cannot be %select{constructed|copied|moved|assigned|assigned|destroyed}1 because its %select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}1 is implicitly deleted functions that differ only in their return type cannot be overloaded cannot convert %1 to %2 without a conversion operator type %0 does not provide a %select{subscript|call}1 operator no matching conversion for %select{|static_cast|reinterpret_cast|dynamic_cast|C-style cast|functional-style cast}0 from %1 to %2 no matching function for call to %0 no matching constructor for initialization of %0 no matching literal operator for call to %0%select{| with argument of type %2| with arguments of types %2 and %3}1%select{| or 'const char *'}4%select{|, and no matching literal operator template}5 no matching member function for call to %0 no matching function for call to object of type %0 no viable overloaded '%0' no viable overloaded operator[] for type %0 static and non-static member functions with the same parameter types cannot be overloaded reference to overloaded function could not be resolved; did you mean to call it%select{| with no arguments}0? 'ownership_returns' attribute index does not match; here it is %0 %0 attribute only applies to %select{pointer|integer}1 arguments pack expansion contains parameter packs %0 and %1 that have different lengths (%2 vs. %3) pack expansion contains parameter pack %0 that has a different length (%1 vs. %2) from outer parameter packs pack expansion for initialization of member %0 pack expansion does not contain any unexpanded parameter packs C does not support default arguments default arguments cannot be added to an out-of-line definition of a member of a %select{class template|class template partial specialization|nested class in a template}0 missing default argument on parameter missing default argument on parameter %0 default arguments can only be specified for parameters in a function declaration parameter pack cannot have a default argument redefinition of default argument default argument references local variable %0 of enclosing function default argument references parameter %0 default argument references 'this' default arguments cannot be added to a function template that has already been declared argument may not have 'void' type parameter name omitted %select{parameters|function return value}0 cannot have __fp16 type; did you forget * ? cannot parenthesize the name of a method when forming a member pointer %select{class|variable}0 template partial specialization does not specialize any template argument; to %select{declare|define}1 the primary template, remove the template argument list partial specialization of %0 does not use any of its template parameters ambiguous partial specializations of %0 class template partial specialization %0 cannot be redeclared partial specialization cannot be declared as a friend 'new' expression with placement arguments refers to non-placement 'operator delete' call to pointer to member function of type %0 drops '%1' qualifier%s2 pointer-to-member function type %0 can only be called on an %select{rvalue|lvalue}1 invalid use of pointer to member type after %select{.*|->*}0 this builtin is only valid on POWER7 or later CPUs %select{incompatible|duplicate}0 directives '%1' and '%2' invalid argument of type %0; expected an integer type %select{invalid value '%0'; must be positive|value '%0' is too large}1 expected a for, while, or do-while loop to follow '%0' mac68k alignment pragma is not supported on this target #pragma visibility pop with no matching #pragma visibility push #pragma visibility push with no matching #pragma visibility pop instance variable %0 is private type of property %0 (%1) does not match type of accessor %2 (%3) property %0 found on object of type %1; did you mean to access it with the "." operator? use of Objective-C property in function nested in Objective-C container not supported, move function outside its container property %0 is already implemented property %0 has a variably modified type type of property %0 (%1) does not match type of instance variable %2 (%3) property access is using %0 method which is unavailable property %0 refers to an incomplete Objective-C class %1 (with no @interface available) property %0 not found on object of type %1 property %0 cannot be found in forward class object %1 property %0 not found on object of type %1; did you mean %2? synthesized properties %0 and %1 both claim setter %2 - use of this setter will cause unexpected behavior property cannot have array or function type %0 instance variable %0 is protected protocol has circular dependency object expression of non-scalar type %0 cannot be used in a pseudo-destructor expression call to pseudo-destructor cannot have any arguments %0 does not refer to a type name in pseudo-destructor expression; expected the name of type %1 the type of object expression %diff{($) does not match the type being destroyed ($)|does not match the type being destroyed}0,1 in pseudo-destructor expression friend declaration cannot have a pure-specifier exception declarator cannot be qualified friend function definition cannot be qualified with '%0' no function named %0 with type %1 was found in the specified scope qualified member access refers to a member in %0 %q0 is not a member of class %1 %select{property|instance variable}0 access cannot be qualified with '%1' @catch parameter declarator cannot be qualified parameter declarator cannot be qualified typedef declarator cannot be qualified cannot build range expression with array function parameter %0 since parameter with array type %1 is treated as pointer type %2 assigning to 'readonly' return result of an Objective-C message not allowed invalid type %0 to %1 operator %select{struct|union}0 kernel parameters may not contain pointers recursive evaluation of default argument trying to recursively use %0 as superclass of %1 redeclaration of %0 with a different type%diff{: $ vs $|}1,2 redefinition of %0 redefinition of %0 as different kind of symbol redefinition of %0 as an alias for a different namespace redefinition of %0 with a different type%diff{: $ vs $|}1,2 %select{typedef|type alias|type alias template}0 redefinition with different types%diff{ ($ vs $)|}1,2 redefinition of a 'extern inline' function %0 is not supported in %select{C99 mode|C++}1 redefinition of enumerator %0 redefinition of label %0 redefinition of %select{typedef|type alias}0 for variably-modified type %1 cannot refer to declaration with an array type inside block reference to %select{__device__|__global__|__host__|__host__ __device__}0 function %1 in %select{__device__|__global__|__host__|__host__ __device__}2 function reference to %select{__device__|__global__|__host__|__host__ __device__}0 function %1 in global initializer cannot refer to declaration of structure variable with flexible array member inside block reference initialization of type %0 with initializer of type %1 is ambiguous %0 does not refer to a value ref-qualifier '%select{&&|&}0' is not allowed on a constructor ref-qualifier '%select{&&|&}0' is not allowed on a destructor cannot overload a member function %select{without a ref-qualifier|with ref-qualifier '&'|with ref-qualifier '&&'}0 with a member function %select{without a ref-qualifier|with ref-qualifier '&'|with ref-qualifier '&&'}1 cannot refer to declaration with a variably modified type inside block binding value %diff{of type $ to reference to type $|to reference}0,1 drops %select{<<ERROR>>|'const'|'restrict'|'const' and 'restrict'|'volatile'|'const' and 'volatile'|'restrict' and 'volatile'|'const', 'restrict', and 'volatile'}2 qualifier%plural{1:|2:|4:|:s}2 reference %diff{to type $ could not bind to an %select{rvalue|lvalue}1 of type $|could not bind to %select{rvalue|lvalue}1 of incompatible type}0,2 reference to type %0 cannot bind to an initializer list %select{non-const|volatile}0 reference cannot bind to bit-field%select{| %1}2 %select{non-const|volatile}0 reference cannot bind to vector element '&' cannot precede a capture when the capture default is '&' reference cannot be initialized with multiple values pipes packet types cannot be of reference type reference to local %select{variable|binding}1 %0 declared in enclosing %select{%3|block literal|lambda expression|context}2 cannot form a reference to 'void' declaration of reference variable %0 requires an initializer reference to type %0 requires an initializer function declared with regparm(%0) attribute was previously declared %plural{0:without the regparm|:with the regparm(%1)}1 attribute %0 attribute cannot be repeated variable does not have a constant initializer cannot subclass a class that was declared with the 'objc_subclassing_restricted' attribute returning block that lives on the local stack @throw (rethrow) used outside of a @catch block void block should not return a value cannot return from %0 return in the catch of a function try block of a constructor is illegal return statement not allowed in coroutine; did you mean 'co_return'? %select{void function|void method|constructor|destructor}1 %0 must not return a value function declared with the ns_returns_retained attribute was previously declared without the ns_returns_retained attribute %0 cannot use 'super' because it is a root class rvalue reference type %0 is not allowed in exception specification sampler_t variable required - got %0 sampler_t initialization requires 32-bit integer, not %0 second argument to __builtin_call_with_static_chain must be of pointer type second argument to 'va_arg' is of abstract type %0 second argument to 'va_arg' is of incomplete type %0 %0 causes a section type conflict with %1 cannot use SEH '__try' in blocks, captured regions, or Obj-C method decls SEH '__try' is not supported on this target chosen constructor is explicit in copy-initialization selector element of type %0 cannot be a constant l-value expression selector element is not a valid lvalue selector element type %0 is not a valid object type of setter must be void initialization is not supported for __shared__ variables. requested shift is a vector of type %0 but the first operand is not a vector (%1) index for __builtin_shufflevector must be less than the total number of vector elements first two arguments to __builtin_shufflevector must have the same type first two arguments to __builtin_shufflevector must be vectors index for __builtin_shufflevector must be a constant integer invalid application of '%select{sizeof|alignof|vec_step|__builtin_omp_required_simd_align}0' to a function type invalid application of '%select{sizeof|alignof|vec_step|__builtin_omp_required_simd_align}0' to an incomplete type %1 invalid application of '%select{sizeof|alignof|typeof}0' to bit-field application of '%select{alignof|sizeof}1' to interface %0 is not supported on this architecture and platform %0 does not refer to the name of a parameter pack %0 does not refer to the name of a parameter pack; did you mean %1? specialization of member %q0 does not specialize an instantiated member explicit specialization of %0 after instantiation cannot specialize %select{|(with 'template<>') }0a member of an unspecialized template forward declaration of %select{class|struct|interface|union|enum}0 cannot have a nested name specifier static_assert expression is not an integral constant expression static_assert failed%select{ %1|}0 function declared in block scope cannot have 'static' storage class static data member %0 not allowed in anonymous struct static data member %0 not allowed in local class %1 static data member %0 already has an initializer cannot cast %0 to %1 via virtual base %2 variables in function scope cannot be declared static the 'static' modifier for the array size is not legal in new expressions kernel functions cannot be declared static 'main' is not allowed to be declared static static declaration of %0 follows non-static declaration static member %0 cannot be a bit-field 'static' can only be specified inside the class definition 'static' member function %0 overrides a virtual function in a base class interface type cannot be statically allocated unsupported standard library implementation: 'std::%0' is not a class template %0 attribute cannot be applied to a declaration static data member definition cannot specify a storage class @catch parameter cannot have storage specifier '%0' storage class specified for a member declaration existing instance variable %1 for strong property %0 may not be __weak subscript of pointer to function type %0 subscript of pointer to incomplete type %0 subscript requires size of interface %0, which is not constant for this architecture and platform use of '__super' inside a lambda is unsupported '%0' parameter must have pointer%select{| to unqualified pointer}1 type; type here is %2 'swift_error_result' parameter must follow 'swift_context' parameter 'swift_indirect_result' parameters must be first parameters of function '%0' parameter can only be used with swiftcall calling convention switch condition type %0 requires explicit conversion to %1 switch condition has incomplete class type %0 cannot jump from switch statement to this case label multiple conversions from switch condition type %0 to an integral or enumeration type @synthesize not allowed in a category's implementation @synthesize not allowed on a class property %0 cannot synthesize weak property in file using manual reference counting cannot synthesize weak property because the current deployment target does not support weak references invalid transaction abort code definition of type %0 conflicts with %select{typedef|type alias}1 of the same name implicit declaration introduced by elaborated type conflicts with a %select{non-struct type|non-class type|non-union type|non-enum type|typedef|type alias|template|type alias template|template template argument}0 of the same name %select{non-struct type|non-class type|non-union type|non-enum type|typedef|type alias|template|type alias template|template template argument}1 %0 cannot be referenced with a %select{struct|interface|union|class|enum}2 specifier friend type templates must use an elaborated type ambiguous constructor call when %select{copying variable|copying parameter|returning object|throwing object|copying member subobject|copying array element|allocating object|copying temporary|initializing base subobject|initializing vector element|capturing value}0 of type %1 %select{copying variable|copying parameter|returning object|throwing object|copying member subobject|copying array element|allocating object|copying temporary|initializing base subobject|initializing vector element|capturing value}0 of type %1 invokes deleted constructor copying a temporary object of incomplete type %0 no viable constructor %select{copying variable|copying parameter|returning object|throwing object|copying member subobject|copying array element|allocating object|copying temporary|initializing base subobject|initializing vector element|capturing value}0 of type %1 address taken in non-type template argument for template parameter of reference type %0 non-type template argument refers to non-static data member %0 %select{too few|too many}0 template arguments for %select{class template|function template|template template parameter|template}1 %2 sorry, non-type template argument of pointer-to-member type %1 that refers to member %q0 of a different class is not supported yet non-type template argument refers to non-static member function %0 template argument for non-type template parameter must be an expression template argument for template template parameter must be a class template%select{| or type alias template}0 template argument for template type parameter must be a type template argument for template type parameter must be a type; did you forget 'typename'? non-type template parameter of reference type %diff{$ cannot bind to template argument of type $|cannot bind to template of incompatible argument type}0,1 template argument for non-type template parameter is treated as function type %0 non-type template argument of type %0 is not a constant expression non-type template argument for template parameter of pointer type %0 must have its address taken non-type template argument of type %0 cannot be converted to a value of type %1 non-type template argument does not refer to any declaration non-type template argument of type %0 is not an integral constant expression non-type template argument of type %0 must have an integral or enumeration type non-type template argument does not refer to an object or function non-type template argument is not a pointer to member constant template argument does not refer to a class or alias template, or template template parameter non-type template argument refers to %select{function|object}0 %1 that does not have linkage template argument is the type of an unresolved overloaded function reference binding of non-type template parameter %diff{of type $ to template argument of type $|to template argument}0,1 ignores qualifiers non-type template argument of reference type %0 is not an object template template argument has different template parameters than its corresponding template template parameter non-type template argument refers to thread-local object null non-type template argument must be cast to template parameter type %0 null non-type template argument of type %0 does not match template parameter of type %1 cannot refer to %select{class|variable}0 template %1 without a template argument list template name refers to non-type template %0 templates cannot be declared inside of a local class %select{implicit|explicit}0 instantiation of undefined template %1 %select{implicit|explicit}0 instantiation of template %1 within its own definition missing 'template' keyword prior to dependent template name '%0%1' '%0%1' instantiated to a class template, not a function template %0 following the 'template' keyword does not refer to a template templates must have C++ linkage member %0 declared as a template extraneous 'template<>' in declaration of member %0 use of class template %0 requires template arguments a non-type template parameter cannot have type %0 template non-type parameter has a different type %0 in template %select{|template parameter }1redeclaration templates can only be declared in namespace or class scope template parameter missing a default argument template parameter redefines default argument template parameter has a different kind in template %select{|template parameter }0redeclaration %select{too few|too many}0 template parameters in template %select{|template parameter }1redeclaration template parameter list matching the non-templated nested type %0 should be empty ('template<>') template parameter pack cannot have a default argument template parameter pack must be the last template parameter declaration of %0 shadows template parameter default template argument not permitted on a friend template cannot add a default template argument to the definition of a member of a class template %select{template type|non-type template|template template}0 parameter%select{| pack}1 conflicts with previous %select{template type|non-type template|template template}0 parameter%select{ pack|}1 nested name specifier '%0' for declaration does not refer into a class, class template or class template partial specialization recursive template instantiation exceeded maximum depth of %0 explicit specialization of %0 in class scope cannot declare an explicit specialization in a friend explicit specialization of %0 in function scope %select{class template|class template partial|variable template|variable template partial|function template|member function|static data member|member class|member enumeration}0 specialization of %1 must originally be declared in namespace %2 %select{class template|class template partial|variable template|variable template partial|function template|member function|static data member|member class|member enumeration}0 specialization of %1 must originally be declared in the global scope default argument not permitted on an explicit %select{instantiation|specialization}0 of function %1 extraneous template parameter list in template specialization or out-of-line template definition template specialization declaration cannot be a friend template specialization requires 'template<>' template specialization or definition requires a template parameter list corresponding to the nested type %0 %select{class template|class template partial|variable template|variable template partial|function template|member function|static data member|member class|member enumeration}0 specialization of %1 must occur at global scope %select{class template|class template partial|variable template|variable template partial|function template|member function|static data member|member class|member enumeration}0 specialization of %1 not in a namespace enclosing %2 can only provide an explicit specialization for a class template, function template, variable template, or a member function, static data member, %select{or member class|member class, or member enumeration}0 of a class template extraneous 'template<>' in declaration of %0 %1 template template parameter must have its own template parameters a typedef cannot be a template cannot declare a class template with no name extraneous 'template<>' in declaration of variable %0 tentative definition has type %0 that is never completed 'this' cannot be %select{implicitly |}0captured in this context 'this' cannot be explicitly captured when the capture default is '=' 'this' cannot be%select{| implicitly}0 used in a static member function declaration initializer for thread-local variable must be a constant expression '%0' variables must have global storage thread-local declaration of %0 follows non-thread-local declaration type of thread-local variable has non-trivial destruction thread-local declaration of %0 with %select{static|dynamic}1 initialization follows declaration with %select{dynamic|static}1 initialization thread-local storage is not supported for the current target cannot throw an object of abstract type %0 cannot throw object of incomplete type %0 cannot throw pointer to object of incomplete type %0 alignment (%0) of thread-local variable %1 is greater than the maximum supported alignment (%2) for a thread-local variable on this target only one element declaration is allowed trailing return type may not be nested within parentheses function with trailing return type must specify return type 'auto', not %0 %0 cannot be defined in a type alias template %0 cannot be defined in a condition types may not be defined in a for range declaration %0 cannot be defined in a parameter type %0 cannot be defined in the result type of a function %0 cannot be defined in a type specifier type of property %0 in class extension does not match property type in primary class a parameter pack may not be accessed at an out of bounds index 'type_tag_for_datatype' attribute requires the initializer to be an %select{integer|integral}0 constant expression 'type_tag_for_datatype' attribute requires the initializer to be an %select{integer|integral}0 constant expression that can be represented by a 64 bit integer %0 is not supported on this target address of %select{bit-field|vector element|property expression|register variable}0 requested taking the address of a destructor taking the address of a temporary object of type %0 conversion %diff{from $ to $|between types}0,1 is ambiguous cannot assign to 'self' outside of a method in the init family cannot assign to 'self' in a class method arithmetic on a pointer to an incomplete type %0 fast enumeration variables cannot be modified in ARC by default; declare the variable __strong to allow this array type %0 is not assignable %select{cannot assign to return value because function %1 returns a const value|cannot assign to variable %1 with const-qualified type %2|cannot assign to %select{non-|}1static data member %2 with const-qualified type %3|cannot assign to non-static data member within const member function %1|read-only variable is not assignable}0 can't apply bitwise operation to non-integral vectors (%0) value of type %0 is not contextually convertible to 'bool' ordered compare requires two args of floating point type%diff{ ($ and $)|}0,1 floating point classification requires argument of floating point type (passed in %0) called object type %0 is not a function or function pointer too few %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to %select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, expected %1, have %2 too few %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to %select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, expected at least %1, have %2 too few %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to %select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, at least argument %1 must be specified too few %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to %select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, expected at least %1, have %2; did you mean %3? too few %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to %select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, single argument %1 was not specified too few %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to %select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, expected %1, have %2; did you mean %3? too many %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to %select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, expected %1, have %2 too many %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to %select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, expected at most %1, have %2 too many %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to %select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, expected at most single argument %1, have %2 arguments too many %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to %select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, expected at most %1, have %2; did you mean %3? too many %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to %select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, expected single argument %1, have %2 arguments too many %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to %select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, expected %1, have %2; did you mean %3? cast to incomplete type %0 cast to union type from type %0 not present in union '__builtin_choose_expr' requires a constant expression comparison of distinct block types%diff{ ($ and $)|}0,1 comparison of distinct pointer types%diff{ ($ and $)|}0,1 equality comparison between function pointer and void pointer (%0 and %1) comparison between pointer and integer (%0 and %1) used type %0 where integer or floating point type is required used type %0 where floating point type is not allowed used type %0 where arithmetic or pointer type is required incompatible operand types%diff{ ($ and $)|}0,1 non-pointer operand type %0 incompatible with %select{NULL|nullptr}1 %select{%diff{assigning to $ from incompatible type $|assigning to type from incompatible type}0,1|%diff{passing $ to parameter of incompatible type $|passing type to parameter of incompatible type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with incompatible result type $|returning type from a function with incompatible result type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to incompatible type $|converting type to incompatible type}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of incompatible type $|initializing type with an expression of incompatible type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of incompatible type $|sending type to parameter of incompatible type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to incompatible type $|casting type to incompatible type}0,1}2%select{|; dereference with *|; take the address with &|; remove *|; remove &}3%select{|: different classes%diff{ ($ vs $)|}5,6|: different number of parameters (%5 vs %6)|: type mismatch at %ordinal5 parameter%diff{ ($ vs $)|}6,7|: different return type%diff{ ($ vs $)|}5,6|: different qualifiers (%select{none|const|restrict|const and restrict|volatile|const and volatile|volatile and restrict|const, volatile, and restrict}5 vs %select{none|const|restrict|const and restrict|volatile|const and volatile|volatile and restrict|const, volatile, and restrict}6)|: different exception specifications}4 incompatible block pointer types %select{%diff{assigning to $ from $|assigning to different types}0,1|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|passing to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|returning from function with different return type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|initializing with expression of different type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|sending to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2 value of type %0 is not implicitly convertible to %1 conversion from %0 to %1 is not allowed in a converted constant expression conversion from %0 to %1 in converted constant expression would bind reference to a temporary variable has incomplete type %0 conversion function %diff{from $ to $|between types}0,1 invokes a deleted function vector is not assignable (contains duplicate components) used type %0 where integer is required operand of type %0 where arithmetic or pointer type is required fields must have a constant size: 'variable length array in structure' extension will never be supported cannot %select{decrement|increment}1 value of type %0 %select{%diff{assigning $ to $|assigning to different types}1,0|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|passing to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|returning from function with different return type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|initializing with expression of different type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|sending to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2 changes address space of pointer %select{%diff{assigning $ to $|assigning to different types}1,0|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|passing to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|returning from function with different return type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|initializing with expression of different type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|sending to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2 changes retain/release properties of pointer definition of variable with array type needs an explicit size or an initializer incomplete definition of type %0 incomplete type %0 is not assignable indirection requires pointer operand (%0 invalid) cannot take the address of an rvalue of type %0 extra '&' taking address of overloaded function invalid operands to binary expression (%0 and %1) pointer to function type %0 may not be 'restrict' qualified restrict requires a pointer or reference (%0 is invalid) restrict requires a pointer or reference instance variables must have a constant size assignment to cast is illegal, lvalue casts are not supported member reference type %0 is not a pointer %0 does not have a member named %1 %0 does not have a member named %1; did you mean %2? member reference base type %0 is not a structure or union member reference type %0 is %select{a|not a}1 pointer; did you mean to use '%select{->|.}1'? cannot refer to type member %0 in %1 with '%select{.|->}2' cannot refer to member %0 in %1 with '%select{.|->}2' %diff{return type $ must match previous return type $|return type must match previous return type}0,1 when %select{block literal|lambda expression}2 has unspecified explicit return type array size is negative non-object type %0 is not assignable no viable conversion%select{%diff{ from $ to $|}1,2|%diff{ from returned value of type $ to function return type $|}1,2}0 no viable conversion%diff{ from $ to incomplete type $|}0,1 %select{comparison between %diff{ ($ and $)|}0,1|arithmetic operation with operands of type %diff{ ($ and $)|}0,1|conditional operator with the second and third operands of type %diff{ ($ and $)|}0,1}2 which are pointers to non-overlapping address spaces ordered comparison between pointer and zero (%0 and %1) arithmetic on%select{ a|}0 pointer%select{|s}0 to%select{ the|}2 function type%select{|s}2 %1%select{| and %3}2 arithmetic on%select{ a|}0 pointer%select{|s}0 to void illegal storage class on file-scoped variable illegal storage class on function statement requires expression of integer type (%0 invalid) statement requires expression of scalar type (%0 invalid) %diff{$ and $ are not pointers to compatible types|pointers to incompatible types}0,1 array subscript is not an integer subscripted value is not an array, pointer, or vector invalid argument type %0 to unary expression vector operands do not have the same number of elements (%0 and %1) cannot convert between vector values of different size (%0 and %1) cannot convert between vector and non-scalar values (%0 and %1) zero-length arrays are not permitted in C++ unsupported: typedef changes linkage of anonymous type, but linkage was already computed typedef member %0 cannot be a bit-field typedef name must be an identifier missing 'typename' prior to dependent type name '%0%1' no type named %0 in %1 no type named 'type' in %0; 'enable_if' cannot be used to disable this declaration typename specifier refers to non-type member %0 in %1 typename specifier refers to a dependent using declaration for a value %0 in %1 %0 is unavailable %0 is unavailable in ARC %0 is unavailable: %1 %0 has unknown return type; cast the call to its declared return type no known method %select{%objcinstance1|%objcclass1}0; cast the message send to the method's return type %0 has unknown type; cast it to its declared type to use it declaration of %0 is missing in %1 class use of undeclared label %0 definition of class %0 must be available to use Objective-C %select{array literals|dictionary literals|numeric literals|boxed expressions|string literals}1 cannot find protocol declaration for %0 cannot find protocol declaration for %0; did you mean %1? use of undeclared %0 use of undeclared %0; did you mean %1? use of undeclared identifier %0 use of undeclared identifier %0; did you mean %1? cannot find interface declaration for %0; did you mean %1? cannot find interface declaration for %0, superclass of %1 cannot find interface declaration for %0, superclass of %1; did you mean %2? inline variable %q0 is not defined cannot determine underlying type of incomplete enumeration type %0 %select{expression|base type|declaration type|data member type|bit-field size|static assertion|fixed underlying type|enumerator value|using declaration|friend declaration|qualifier|initializer|default argument|non-type template parameter type|exception type|partial specialization|__if_exists name|__if_not_exists name|lambda|block}0 contains%plural{0: an|:}1 unexpanded parameter pack%plural{0:|1: %2|2:s %2 and %3|:s %2, %3, ...}1 friends can only be classes or functions unexpected interface name %0: expected expression unexpected namespace name %0: expected expression unexpected type name %0: expected expression cannot define the implicit copy assignment operator for %0, because non-static %select{reference|const}1 member %2 cannot use copy assignment operator %select{constructor for %1|implicit default constructor for %1|cannot use constructor inherited from %1:}0 must explicitly initialize the %select{reference|const}2 member %3 unions cannot be base classes union member %0 has reference type %1 the address of a declaration with unknown type can only be cast to a pointer type address-of operator cannot be applied to a call to a function with unknown return type function %0 with unknown type must be given a function type variable %0 with unknown type cannot be given a function type no type named %0 in %1; did you mean %select{|simply }2%3? unknown receiver %0; did you mean %1? unknown %select{type|class}1 name %0; did you mean %2? unknown type name %0 unknown type name %0; did you mean %1? must explicitly qualify name of member function when taking its address call to unsupported expression with unknown type %0 has unknown type, which is not supported for this kind of declaration unsupported expression with unknown type cannot cast %0 to its %select{private|protected}2 base class %1 illegal redeclaration of property in class extension %0 (attribute must be 'readwrite', while its primary must be 'readonly') illegal redeclaration of 'readwrite' property in class extension %0 (perhaps you intended this to be a 'readwrite' redeclaration of a 'readonly' public property?) use of default argument to function %0 that is declared later in class %1 must use '%1' tag to refer to type %0%select{| in this scope}2 use of %0 with tag type that does not match previous declaration using declaration cannot refer to class member using declaration cannot refer to a namespace using declaration cannot refer to a scoped enumerator target of using declaration conflicts with declaration already in scope declaration conflicts with target of using declaration already in scope using declaration cannot refer to a constructor %0 is not a direct base of %1, cannot inherit constructors using declaration cannot refer to a destructor cannot befriend target of using declaration using declaration refers to its own class using declaration refers into '%0', which is not a base class of %1 using declaration in class refers into '%0', which is not a class redeclaration of using declaration using declaration pack expansion at block scope produces multiple values using declaration cannot refer to a template specialization dependent using declaration resolved to type without 'typename' no namespace named %0 in %1; did you mean %select{|simply }2%3? no namespace named %0; did you mean %1? %select{|member}0 using declaration %1 instantiates to an empty pack using declaration requires a qualified name 'typename' keyword used on a non-type cannot call operator __uuidof on a type with multiple GUIDs cannot call operator __uuidof on a type with no GUID CUDA device code does not support va_arg 'va_start' used in function with fixed args 'va_start' used in %select{System V|Win64}0 ABI function array types cannot be value-initialized function types cannot be value-initialized variable concept declaration must be initialized variable template partial specialization %0 cannot be redefined no variable template matches%select{| partial}0 specialization no variable template matches specialization; did you mean to use %0 as function template instead? declared type of variable concept must be 'bool' %select{variable|static data member}0 instantiated with function type %1 variable-sized object may not be initialized 'new' cannot allocate object of variably modified type %0 non-type template parameter of variably modified type %0 variably modified type %0 cannot be used as a template argument 'typeid' of variably modified type %0 CUDA device code does not support variadic functions 'vec_step' requires built-in scalar or vector type, %0 invalid %select{too many|too few}0 elements in vector initialization (expected %1 elements, have %2) unions cannot have virtual functions 'virtual' cannot be specified on member function templates 'virtual' can only appear on non-static member functions 'virtual' can only be specified inside the class definition variable length array declaration cannot have 'extern' linkage variable length array declaration cannot have 'static' storage duration variable length array declaration not allowed at file scope variable length array cannot be formed during template argument deduction variably modified type declaration cannot have 'extern' linkage variably modified type declaration not allowed at file scope function declaration cannot have variably modified type 'void' must be the first and only parameter if specified 'void' as parameter must not have type qualifiers existing instance variable %1 for __weak property %0 must be __weak sampler type cannot be used with the __local and __global address space qualifiers this builtin is only available on x86-64 targets invalid rounding argument asm-specifier for input or output variable conflicts with asm clobber list initializer for aggregate is not a compile-time constant anonymous types declared in an anonymous %select{struct|union}0 are an extension types declared in an anonymous %select{struct|union}0 are a Microsoft extension anonymous %select{struct|union}0 cannot be '%1' anonymous unions are a C11 extension initialization of an array %diff{of type $ from a compound literal of type $|from a compound literal}0,1 is a GNU extension parenthesized initialization of a member array is a GNU extension implicit conversion from array size expression of type %0 to %select{integral|enumeration}1 type %2 is a C++11 extension 'auto' type specifier is a C++11 extension anonymous structs are a C11 extension %select{qualifier in |static |}0array size %select{||'[*] '}0is a C99 feature flexible array members are a C99 feature cast between pointer-to-function and pointer-to-object is an extension %select{case value|enumerator value|non-type template argument|array size|constexpr if condition}0 %select{cannot be narrowed from type %2 to %3|evaluates to %2, which cannot be narrowed to type %3}1 complex initialization specifying real and imaginary components is an extension use of this statement in a constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 is a C++14 extension multiple return statements in constexpr function is a C++14 extension constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 never produces a constant expression variable declaration in a constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 is a C++14 extension type definition in a constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 is a C++14 extension 'co_return' used in a function that uses neither 'co_await' nor 'co_yield' use of the %0 attribute is a C++14 extension use of the %0 attribute is a C++1z extension decomposition declarations are a C++1z extension default initialization of an object of const type %0%select{| without a user-provided default constructor}1 is a Microsoft extension cannot delete expression with pointer-to-'void' type %0 ISO C++11 does not allow conversion from string literal to %0 designated initializers are a C99 feature duplicate '%0' declaration specifier ISO C++1z does not allow dynamic exception specifications empty %select{struct|union}0 is a GNU extension befriending enumeration type %0 is a C++11 extension enumeration values exceed range of largest integer ISO C restricts enumerator values to range of 'int' (%0 is too %select{small|large}1) incremented enumerator value %0 is not representable in the largest integer type ambiguous use of internal linkage declaration %0 defined in multiple modules explicit conversion functions are a C++11 extension duplicate explicit instantiation of %0 ignored as a Microsoft extension qualifier in explicit instantiation of %q0 requires a template-id (a typedef is not permitted) explicit specialization cannot have a storage class expression is not an %select{integer|integral}0 constant expression; folding it to a constant is a GNU extension flexible array member %0 in otherwise empty %select{struct|interface|union|class|enum}1 is a GNU extension flexible array member %0 in otherwise empty %select{struct|interface|union|class|enum}1 is a Microsoft extension %0 may not be used as an array element due to flexible array member %0 may not be nested in a struct due to flexible array member flexible array initialization is a GNU extension flexible array member %0 in a union is a GNU extension flexible array member %0 in a union is a Microsoft extension 'begin' and 'end' returning different types (%0 and %1) is a C++1z extension ISO C forbids forward references to 'enum' types redeclaration of already-defined enum %0 is a GNU extension use of identifier %0 found via unqualified lookup into dependent bases of class templates is a Microsoft extension complex numbers are an extension in a freestanding C99 implementation unqualified friend declaration referring to type outside of the nearest enclosing namespace is a Microsoft extension; add a nested name specifier explicit specialization of %0 within class scope is a Microsoft extension anonymous structs are a GNU extension arithmetic on%select{ a|}0 pointer%select{|s}0 to%select{ the|}2 function type%select{|s}2 %1%select{| and %3}2 is a GNU extension subscript of a pointer to void is a GNU extension arithmetic on%select{ a|}0 pointer%select{|s}0 to void is a GNU extension jump from this goto statement to its label is a Microsoft extension function previously declared with an %select{explicit|implicit}0 exception specification redeclared with an %select{implicit|explicit}0 exception specification implicit declaration of function %0 is invalid in C99 implicitly declaring library function '%0' with type %1 in-class initializer for static data member of type %0 is a GNU extension in-class initializer for static data member is not a constant expression; folding it to a constant is a GNU extension ISO C++1z does not allow incrementing expression of type bool initialized lambda captures are a C++14 extension constant expression evaluates to %0 which cannot be narrowed to type %1 type %0 cannot be narrowed to %1 in initializer list non-constant-expression cannot be narrowed from type %0 to %1 in initializer list inline variables are a C++1z extension ISO C does not support '~' for complex conjugation of %0 complex integer types are a GNU extension ISO C does not support '++'/'--' on complex integer type %0 static %select{function|variable}0 %1 is used in an inline function with external linkage return type of 'main' is not 'int' ISO C++ does not allow 'main' to be used by a program too many braces around scalar initializer declaration specifier missing, defaulting to 'int' type specifier missing, defaults to 'int' ISO C90 forbids mixing declarations and code import of C++ module '%0' appears within extern "C" language linkage specification redundant #include of module '%0' appears within %1 anonymous %select{structs|unions}0 are a Microsoft extension static_cast between pointer-to-function and pointer-to-object is a Microsoft extension using the undeclared type %0 as a default template argument is a Microsoft extension non-type template argument containing a dereference operation is a Microsoft extension explicit constructor calls are a Microsoft extension forward references to 'enum' types are a Microsoft extension implicit conversion between pointer-to-function and pointer-to-object is a Microsoft extension %select{class template|class template partial|variable template|variable template partial|function template|member function|static data member|member class|member enumeration}0 specialization of %1 outside namespace enclosing %2 is a Microsoft extension template argument for template type parameter must be a type; omitted 'typename' is a Microsoft extension using declaration referring to inaccessible member '%0' (which refers to accessible member '%1') is a Microsoft compatibility extension 'mutable' on a reference type is a Microsoft extension lookup of %0 in member access expression is ambiguous; using member of %1 use of enumeration in a nested name specifier is a C++11 extension %select{%diff{assigning to $ from $|assigning to different types}0,1|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|passing to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|returning from function with different return type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|initializing with expression of different type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|sending to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2 discards qualifiers in nested pointer types when type is in parentheses, array cannot have dynamic size declaration does not declare anything %select{struct|union}0 without named members is a GNU extension non-class friend type %0 is a C++11 extension 'main' is not allowed to be declared _Noreturn using extended field designator is an extension offset of on non-POD type %0 offset of on non-standard-layout type %0 vector component name '%0' is an OpenCL version 2.2 feature replacement function %0 cannot be declared 'inline' out-of-line declaration of a member must be a definition parameter %0 was not declared, defaulting to type 'int' %diff{promoted type $ of K&R function parameter is not compatible with the parameter type $|promoted type of K&R function parameter is not compatible with parameter type}0,1 declared in a previous prototype %select{class|variable}0 template partial specialization is not more specialized than the primary template %select{class|variable}0 template partial specialization contains %select{a template parameter|template parameters}1 that cannot be deduced; this partial specialization will never be used plain '_Complex' requires a type specifier; assuming '_Complex double' predefined identifier is only valid inside function pseudo-destructors on type void are a Microsoft extension function definition with pure-specifier is a Microsoft extension redefinition of typedef %0 is a C11 feature ISO C++1z does not allow 'register' storage class specifier friend function %0 retaining previous language linkage is an extension %select{void function|void method|constructor|destructor}1 %0 should not return a value void %select{function|method|block}1 %0 should not return void expression non-void %select{function|method}1 %0 should return a value C++98 requires an accessible copy constructor for class %2 when binding a reference to a temporary; was %select{private|protected}0 no viable constructor %select{copying variable|copying parameter|returning object|throwing object|copying member subobject|copying array element|allocating object|copying temporary|initializing base subobject|initializing vector element|capturing value}0 of type %1; C++98 requires a copy constructor when binding a reference to a temporary invalid application of '%select{sizeof|alignof|vec_step}0' to a function type invalid application of '%select{sizeof|alignof|vec_step}0' to a void type '%0' is not permitted on a declaration of a type capture of '*this' by copy is a C++1z extension static_assert with no message is a C++1z extension static data member %0 in union is a C++11 extension redeclaring non-static %0 as static is a Microsoft extension string literal operator templates are a GNU extension ISO C90 does not allow subscripting non-lvalue array address non-type template argument cannot be surrounded by parentheses template argument uses local type %0 non-type template argument referring to %select{function|object}0 %1 with internal linkage is a C++11 extension template argument uses unnamed type 'template' keyword outside of a template default template arguments for a function template are a C++11 extension first declaration of %select{class template|class template partial|variable template|variable template partial|function template|member function|static data member|member class|member enumeration}0 specialization of %1 outside namespace %2 is a C++11 extension ISO C forbids taking the address of an expression of type 'void' method parameter type %diff{$ does not match super class method parameter type $|does not match super class method parameter type}0,1 C99 forbids casting nonscalar type %0 to the same type cast to union type is a GNU extension incompatible operand types (%0 and %1) pointer type mismatch%diff{ ($ and $)|}0,1 C99 forbids conditional expressions with only one void side pointer/integer type mismatch in conditional expression%diff{ ($ and $)|}0,1 %select{%diff{assigning to $ from $|assigning to different types}0,1|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|passing to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|returning from function with different return type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|initializing with expression of different type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|sending to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2 discards qualifiers incompatible function pointer types %select{%diff{assigning to $ from $|assigning to different types}0,1|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|passing to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|returning from function with different return type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|initializing with expression of different type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|sending to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2%select{|; dereference with *|; take the address with &|; remove *|; remove &}3 incompatible pointer types %select{%diff{assigning to $ from $|assigning to different types}0,1|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|passing to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|returning from function with different return type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|initializing with expression of different type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|sending to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2%select{|; dereference with *|; take the address with &|; remove *|; remove &}3 %select{%diff{assigning to $ from $|assigning to different types}0,1|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|passing to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|returning from function with different return type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|initializing with expression of different type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|sending to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2 converts between pointers to integer types with different sign incompatible integer to pointer conversion %select{%diff{assigning to $ from $|assigning to different types}0,1|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|passing to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|returning from function with different return type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|initializing with expression of different type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|sending to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2%select{|; dereference with *|; take the address with &|; remove *|; remove &}3 incompatible pointer to integer conversion %select{%diff{assigning to $ from $|assigning to different types}0,1|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|passing to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|returning from function with different return type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|initializing with expression of different type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|sending to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2%select{|; dereference with *|; take the address with &|; remove *|; remove &}3 %select{%diff{assigning to $ from $|assigning to different types}0,1|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|passing to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|returning from function with different return type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|initializing with expression of different type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|sending to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2 converts between void pointer and function pointer tentative definition of variable with internal linkage has incomplete non-array type %0 ISO C++ does not allow indirection on operand of type %0 ordered comparison of function pointers (%0 and %1) ordered comparison between pointer and zero (%0 and %1) is an extension ordered comparison between pointer and integer (%0 and %1) zero size arrays are an extension typedef requires a name 'typename' occurs outside of a template use of undeclared identifier %0; unqualified lookup into dependent bases of class template %1 is a Microsoft extension unelaborated friend declaration is a C++11 extension; specify '%select{struct|interface|union|class|enum}0' to befriend %1 union member %0 has reference type %1, which is a Microsoft extension using directive refers to implicitly-defined namespace 'std' field %0 with variable sized type %1 not at the end of a struct or class is a GNU extension variable templates are a C++14 extension 'main' is not allowed to be declared variadic variable length arrays are a C99 feature variable length array folded to constant array as an extension __final is a GNU extension, consider using C++11 final constrained by %select{|implicitly }1%select{private|protected}0 inheritance here %select{|implicitly }1declared %select{private|protected}0 here protected %select{constructor|destructor}0 can only be used to %select{construct|destroy}0 a base class subobject must name member using the type of the current context %0 can only access this member on an object of type %0 add a pair of parentheses to declare a variable candidate function made ineligible by enable_if declared with %0 attribute here allocated with 'new%select{[]|}0' here lookup in the object type %0 refers here lookup from the current scope refers here candidate found by name lookup is %q0 inherited from base class %0 here member found by ambiguous name lookup because of ambiguity in conversion %diff{of $ to $|between types}0,1 use __bridge to convert directly (no change in ownership) use %select{__bridge_retained|CFBridgingRetain call}1 to make an ARC object available as a +1 %0 use %select{__bridge_transfer|CFBridgingRelease call}1 to transfer ownership of a +1 %0 into ARC use __bridge with C-style cast to convert directly (no change in ownership) use __bridge_retained with C-style cast to make an ARC object available as a +1 %0 use __bridge_transfer with C-style cast to transfer ownership of a +1 %0 into ARC field has non-trivial ownership qualification declaration uses type that is ill-formed in ARC declaration in interface is not in the '%select{alloc|copy|init|new}0' family because %select{its result type is not an object pointer|its result type is unrelated to its receiver type}1 init method must return a type related to its receiver type declaration in interface block will be retained by %select{the captured object|an object strongly retained by the captured object}0 also accessed here declaration uses __weak, but ARC is disabled declaration uses __weak, which the current deployment target does not support array %0 declared here conversion to %select{integral|enumeration}0 type %1 declared here constraint '%0' is already present here use constraint modifier "%0" type %0 is incomplete setter and getter must both be synthesized, or both be user defined,or the property must be nonatomic attribute is here previous overload of function is here property should be changed to be readwrite %0 has been explicitly marked %select{unavailable|deleted|deprecated|partial}1 here explicitly cast the pointer to silence this warning base class %0 specified here bit-field is declared here did you mean to use __block %0? called by %0 %0 declared here callee declares array parameter as static here declaration missing '[[carries_dependency]]' attribute is here cast expression to void to silence warning consider defining %0 with the '%1' calling convention class is declared here explicitly declare getter %objcinstance0 with '%1' to return an 'unowned' object parameter of the 'collapse' clause compatible type %0 specified here place parentheses around the assignment to silence this warning use '==' to turn this assignment into an equality comparison use '!=' to turn this compound assignment into an inequality comparison conflicting attribute is here conflicting %0 here previous return statement is here member not initialized by constructor virtual base class declared here constructor declared here type conversion function declared here use 'static' to give inline function %0 internal linkage conflicting __device__ function declared here candidate template ignored: target attributes do not match this declaration is not a prototype; add 'void' to make it a prototype for a zero-parameter function declare the parameter __autoreleasing explicitly to suppress this warning declare the parameter __strong or capture a __block __strong variable to keep values alive across autorelease pools function is a coroutine due to use of '%select{co_await|co_yield|co_return}0' here declared %select{'returns_nonnull'|'nonnull'}0 here required by 'require_constant_initializer' attribute here during template argument deduction for %select{class|variable}0 template %select{partial specialization |}1%2 %3 in instantiation of default argument for '%0' required here default argument declared here in instantiation of default function argument expression for '%0' required here %0 defined here conversion to pointer type %0 qualify call to silence this warning %select{copy|move}0 assignment operator of %1 is implicitly deleted because field %2 is of %select{reference|const-qualified}4 type %3 copy constructor of %0 is implicitly deleted because field %1 is of rvalue reference type %2 copy %select{constructor|assignment operator}0 is implicitly deleted because %1 has a user-declared move %select{constructor|assignment operator}2 %select{default constructor of|constructor inherited by}0 %1 is implicitly deleted because all %select{data members|data members of an anonymous union member}2 are const-qualified %select{default constructor of|constructor inherited by}0 %1 is implicitly deleted because field %2 of %select{reference|const-qualified}4 type %3 would not be initialized virtual destructor requires an unambiguous, accessible 'operator delete' %select{default constructor of|copy constructor of|move constructor of|copy assignment operator of|move assignment operator of|destructor of|constructor inherited by}0 %1 is implicitly deleted because %select{base class %3|%select{||||variant }4field %3}2 has %select{no|a deleted|multiple|an inaccessible|a non-trivial}4 %select{%select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor|%select{default|corresponding|default|default|default}4 constructor}0|destructor}5%select{||s||}4 template parameter is used in default argument declared here must qualify identifier to find this declaration in dependent base class type %0 is declared here due to '%0' being dllexported%select{|; try compiling in C++11 mode}1 element %0 also has value %1 put the semicolon on a separate line to silence this warning remove parentheses to declare a variable change this ',' to a ';' to call %0 replace parentheses with an initializer to declare a variable jump enters lifetime of block which captures a destructible C++ object jump enters lifetime of block which strongly captures a variable jump enters lifetime of block which weakly captures a variable enum %0 was explicitly specialized here remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment declared here%select{ in module '%1'|}0 place parentheses around comparison expression to evaluate it first use '%0' instead jump exits scope of __block variable jump exits lifetime of block which captures a destructible C++ object jump exits lifetime of block which strongly captures a variable jump exits lifetime of block which weakly captures a variable jump exits scope of variable with __attribute__((cleanup)) jump exits catch block jump exits try block jump exits scope of variable with non-trivial destructor jump exits autoreleasepool block jump exits @catch block jump exits @finally block jump exits scope of __strong variable jump exits @synchronized block jump exits @try block jump exits scope of __weak variable jump exits __except block jump exits __finally block jump exits __try block jump exits scope of lifetime-extended temporary with non-trivial destructor explicit instantiation candidate function %q0 template here %1 explicit instantiation definition is here explicit instantiation refers here explicit specialization declared here while substituting explicitly-specified template arguments into function template %0 %1 'template<>' header not required for explicitly-specialized class %0 declared here extern "C" language linkage specification begins here declared %select{in global scope|with C language linkage}0 here did you forget ';'? field designator refers here final overrider of %q0 in %1 initialized flexible array member %0 is here selected '%select{begin|end}0' %select{function|template }1%2 with iterator type %3 in implicit call to 'operator%select{!=|*|++}0' for iterator of type %1 did you mean to use '%0'? treat the string as an argument to avoid this format string is defined here forward declaration of class here forward declaration of template entity is here found near match '%0' did you mean %0? while substituting deduced template arguments into function template %0 %1 in instantiation of function template specialization %q0 requested here function template %q0 matches specialization %1 suffix with parentheses to turn this into a function call prefix with the address-of operator to silence this warning or because setter is declared here, but no getter method %0 is found inline assembly label %0 declared here Guarded_by declared here. hidden overloaded virtual function %q0 declared here%select{|: different classes%diff{ ($ vs $)|}2,3|: different number of parameters (%2 vs %3)|: type mismatch at %ordinal2 parameter%diff{ ($ vs $)|}3,4|: different return type%diff{ ($ vs $)|}2,3|: different qualifiers (%select{none|const|restrict|const and restrict|volatile|const and volatile|volatile and restrict|const, volatile, and restrict}2 vs %select{none|const|restrict|const and restrict|volatile|const and volatile|volatile and restrict|const, volatile, and restrict}3)|: different exception specifications}1 type declaration hidden declaration hides type field of illegal %select{type|pointer type}0 %1 declared here class implementation is declared here when implemented by class %0 implicit %select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}0 inferred target collision: call to both %select{__device__|__global__|__host__|__host__ __device__}1 and %select{__device__|__global__|__host__|__host__ __device__}2 members %0 is an implicit parameter explicitly defaulted function was implicitly deleted here in implicit initialization of binding declaration %0 add 'constexpr' default member initializer declared here when looking up '%select{begin|end}0' function for range expression of type %1 in implicit initialization of %select{array element %1 with omitted initializer|field %1 with omitted initializer|trailing array elements in runtime-sized array new}0 in initialization of temporary of type %0 created to list-initialize this reference include the header <%0> or explicitly provide a declaration for '%1' conformance of forward class %0 to protocol %1 can not be confirmed possible target of indirect goto statement consider using __builtin_trap() or qualifying pointer with 'volatile' use '|=' to turn this inequality comparison into an or-assignment inherited constructor for %0 first required here insert an explicit cast to silence this issue insert 'break;' to avoid fall-through insert '%0;' to silence this warning add an explicit instantiation declaration to suppress this warning if %q0 is explicitly instantiated in another translation unit (skipping %0 context%s0 in backtrace; use -ftemplate-backtrace-limit=0 to see all) %select{implicit|explicit}0 instantiation first required here it delegates to instance variable is declared here lambda expression begins here implicit capture of lambda object due to conversion to block pointer here local declaration nearly matches type of %ordinal0 parameter of local declaration does not match definition%diff{ ($ vs $)|}1,2 the other acquisition of %0 '%1' is here %0 acquired here use '%0' for a bitwise operation remove constant to silence this warning add parentheses after the '!' to evaluate the %select{comparison|bitwise operator}0 first add parentheses around left hand side expression to silence this warning %select{decremented|incremented}0 here change return type to 'int' remove '_Noreturn' member is declared here member %0 declared here member declaration does not match because it %select{is|is not}0 const qualified member declaration nearly matches type of %ordinal0 parameter of member declaration does not match definition%diff{ ($ vs $)|}1,2 '->' applied to return value of the operator->() declared here implicit %select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}0 for %1 first required here explicitly cast the argument to size_t to silence this warning did you mean to compare the result of %0 instead? method %0 declared here compiler has implicitly changed method %0 return type method %0 is used for the forward class %0 begins here namespace %0 defined here consider using vld1_%0%1() to initialize a vector from memory, or vcreate_%0%1() to initialize from an integer constant consider using vld1q_%0%1() to initialize a vector from memory, or vcombine_%0%1(vcreate_%0%1(), vcreate_%0%1()) to initialize from integer constants not-yet-instantiated member is declared here %0 is not literal because it has base class %1 of non-literal type %0 is not literal because it has data member %1 of %select{non-literal|volatile}3 type %2 incomplete type %0 is not a literal type %0 is not literal because it is not an aggregate and has no constexpr constructors other than copy or move constructors %0 is not literal because it has a non-trivial destructor %0 is not literal because it has a user-provided destructor %select{struct|interface|class}0 with virtual base %plural{1:class|:classes}1 is not a literal type non-templated declaration is here because it has a default argument because type %0 has a virtual %select{member function|base class}1 because field %0 has an initializer because no %select{<<ERROR>>|constructor|constructor|assignment operator|assignment operator|<<ERROR>>}2 can be used to %select{<<ERROR>>|copy|move|copy|move|<<ERROR>>}2 %select{base class|field|an object}0 of type %3 because %select{base class of |field of |}0type %1 has no default constructor because type %0 has a member with %select{no|no|__strong|__weak|__autoreleasing}1 ownership because its parameter is %diff{of type $, not $|of the wrong type}2,3 because the function selected to %select{construct|copy|move|copy|move|destroy}2 %select{base class|field}0 of type %1 is not trivial because %select{base class of |field of |}0type %1 has a user-provided %select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}2 because it is a variadic function destructor for %0 is not trivial because it is virtual declaration missing '[[noreturn]]' attribute is here %0 should be declared prior to the call site%select{| or in %2| or in an associated namespace of one of its arguments}1 insert '%select{_Nonnull|_Nullable|_Null_unspecified}0' if the %select{pointer|block pointer|member pointer|array parameter}1 %select{should never be null|may be null|should not declare nullability}0 %0 specified here use nullability type specifier %0 to affect the innermost pointer type of %1 '%0' declared here method marked as designated initializer of the class here use 'isEqual:' instead %select{first|second|third}0 parameter has unexpected type %1 (should be %2) method returns unexpected type %0 (should be an object type) add a super class to fix this problem type parameter %0 declared here %select{expected assignment expression|expected compound statement|expected exactly two expression statements|expected in right hand side of the first expression}0 '%0' clause used here %select{expected an expression statement|expected built-in assignment operator|expected expression of scalar type|expected lvalue expression}0 %select{expected an expression statement|expected built-in binary or unary operator|expected unary decrement/increment operation|expected expression of scalar type|expected assignment expression|expected built-in binary operator|expected one of '+', '*', '-', '/', '&', '^', '%|', '<<', or '>>' built-in operations|expected in right hand side of expression}0 as specified in %select{'collapse'|'ordered'|'collapse' and 'ordered'}0 clause%select{||s}0 %select{|previous }0'hint' clause with value '%1' %select{|previous }0directive with no 'hint' clause specified defined as %0 implicitly determined as %0 loop step is expected to be %select{negative|positive}0 due to this condition %select{statement|directive}0 outside teams construct here nested teams construct here 'nowait' clause is here 'ordered' clause with specified parameter mappable type cannot be polymorphic %select{static data member is predetermined as shared|variable with static storage duration is predetermined as shared|loop iteration variable is predetermined as private|loop iteration variable is predetermined as linear|loop iteration variable is predetermined as lastprivate|constant variable is predetermined as shared|global variable is predetermined as shared|non-shared variable in a task construct is predetermined as firstprivate|variable with automatic storage duration is predetermined as private}0%select{|; perhaps you forget to enclose 'omp %2' directive into a parallel or another task region?}1 previous 'critical' region starts here '%0' clause is specified here previous clause with directive name modifier specified here previously referenced here mappable type cannot contain static members predetermined as a firstprivate in a task construct here previously declared '%0' here use -foperator-arrow-depth=N to increase 'operator->' limit 'operator->' declared here produces an object of type %0 (skipping %0 'operator->'%s0 in backtrace) overridden method is here overridden virtual function is here built-in candidate %0 candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function |function |constructor |is the implicit default constructor|is the implicit copy constructor|is the implicit move constructor|is the implicit copy assignment operator|is the implicit move assignment operator|inherited constructor|inherited constructor }0%2%select{| has different class%diff{ (expected $ but has $)|}4,5| has different number of parameters (expected %4 but has %5)| has type mismatch at %ordinal4 parameter%diff{ (expected $ but has $)|}5,6| has different return type%diff{ ($ expected but has $)|}4,5| has different qualifiers (expected %select{none|const|restrict|const and restrict|volatile|const and volatile|volatile and restrict|const, volatile, and restrict}4 but found %select{none|const|restrict|const and restrict|volatile|const and volatile|volatile and restrict|const, volatile, and restrict}5)| has different exception specification}3 candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function|function|constructor|constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor|inherited constructor}0 %select{|template }1not viable: requires%select{ at least| at most|}2 %3 argument%s3, but %4 %plural{1:was|:were}4 provided candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function|function|constructor|constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor|inherited constructor}0 %select{|template }1not viable: %select{requires at least|allows at most single|requires single}2 argument %3, but %plural{0:no|:%4}4 arguments were provided candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function |function |constructor |constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor|inherited constructor }0%1 not viable: %select{%ordinal6|'this'}5 argument (%2) is in address space %3, but parameter must be in address space %4 candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function |function |constructor |constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor|inherited constructor }0%1 not viable: cannot implicitly convert argument %diff{of type $ to $|type to parameter type}2,3 for %select{%ordinal5 argument|object argument}4 under ARC candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function |function |constructor |constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor|inherited constructor }0%1 not viable: cannot %select{convert from|convert from|bind}2 %select{base class pointer|superclass|base class object of type}2 %3 to %select{derived class pointer|subclass|derived class reference}2 %4 for %ordinal5 argument candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function |function |constructor |constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor|inherited constructor }0%1 not viable: no known conversion %diff{from $ to $|from argument type to parameter type}2,3 for %select{%ordinal5 argument|object argument}4%select{|; dereference the argument with *|; take the address of the argument with &|; remove *|; remove &}6 candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function |function |constructor |constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor|inherited constructor }0%1 not viable: cannot convert argument of incomplete type %diff{$ to $|to parameter type}2,3 for %select{%ordinal5 argument|object argument}4%select{|; dereference the argument with *|; take the address of the argument with &|; remove *|; remove &}6 candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function |function |constructor |constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor|inherited constructor }0%1 not viable: %ordinal4 argument (%2) would lose %select{const|restrict|const and restrict|volatile|const and volatile|volatile and restrict|const, volatile, and restrict}3 qualifier%select{||s||s|s|s}3 candidate %select{|function|||function|||||function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)||}0 not viable: 'this' argument has type %2, but method is not marked %select{const|restrict|const or restrict|volatile|const or volatile|volatile or restrict|const, volatile, or restrict}3 candidate template ignored: failed template argument deduction candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function |function |constructor |constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor|inherited constructor }0%1 not viable: %select{%ordinal6|'this'}5 argument (%2) has %select{no|__weak|__strong}3 ownership, but parameter has %select{no|__weak|__strong}4 ownership candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function |function |constructor |constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor|inherited constructor }0%1 not viable: cannot convert initializer list argument to %3 candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function |function |constructor |constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor|inherited constructor }0%1 not viable: expects an l-value for %select{%ordinal3 argument|object argument}2 candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function |function |constructor |constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor|inherited constructor }0%1 not viable: no overload of %3 matching %2 for %ordinal4 argument candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function |function |constructor |constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor|inherited constructor }0%1 not viable: %select{%ordinal6|'this'}5 argument (%2) has %select{no|__unsafe_unretained|__strong|__weak|__autoreleasing}3 ownership, but parameter has %select{no|__unsafe_unretained|__strong|__weak|__autoreleasing}4 ownership candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function|function|constructor|constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor|inherited constructor}0 not viable: call to %select{__device__|__global__|__host__|__host__ __device__|invalid}1 function from %select{__device__|__global__|__host__|__host__ __device__|invalid}2 function candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function |function |constructor |constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor|inherited constructor }0%1 not viable: %ordinal4 argument (%2) would lose __unaligned qualifier candidate template ignored: deduced type %diff{$ of %ordinal0 parameter does not match adjusted type $ of argument|of %ordinal0 parameter does not match adjusted type of argument}1,2%3 candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function |function |constructor |constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|inherited constructor|inherited constructor }0%1 has been %select{explicitly made unavailable|explicitly deleted|implicitly deleted}2 candidate template ignored: disabled by %0%1 candidate disabled: %0 candidate disabled due to OpenCL extension candidate template ignored: invalid explicitly-specified argument for template parameter %0 candidate template ignored: invalid explicitly-specified argument for %ordinal0 template parameter candidate template ignored: couldn't resolve reference to overloaded function %0 candidate address cannot be taken because parameter %0 has pass_object_size attribute candidate %select{constructor|template}0 ignored: instantiation %select{takes|would take}0 its own class type by value candidate template ignored: couldn't infer template argument %0 candidate template ignored: deduced conflicting %select{types|values|templates}0 for parameter %1%diff{ ($ vs. $)|}2,3 candidate template ignored: deduced values %diff{of conflicting types for parameter %0 (%1 of type $ vs. %3 of type $)|%1 and %3 of conflicting types for parameter %0}2,4 constructor from base class %0 inherited here candidate template ignored: substitution exceeded maximum template instantiation depth candidate template ignored: could not match %diff{$ against $|types}0,1 candidate template ignored: could not match %q0 against %q1 candidate template ignored: substitution failure%0%1 candidate template ignored: cannot deduce a type for %0 that would make %2 equal %1 conversion candidate of type %0 remaining %0 candidate%s0 omitted; pass -fshow-overloads=all to show them declared with index %0 here passing argument to parameter here passing argument to parameter %0 here parameter pack %0 declared here parameter of type %0 is declared here explicitly redeclare %0 to silence this warning partial specialization matches %0 non-deducible template parameter %0 inline function performs a conversion which is forbidden in ARC possible target for call place parentheses around the %0 expression to evaluate it first place parentheses around the '?:' expression to evaluate it first place parentheses around the '%0' expression to silence this warning module loaded from '%0' previous declaration of class template partial specialization %0 is here previously declared '%1' here previous attribute is here %0 is a builtin with type %1 for type %0 previous explicit instantiation is here previous initialization %select{|with side effects }0is here%select{| (side effects may not occur at run time)}0 previous inheritance model specified here previously defined as an alias for %0 previous template specialization is here previous uuid specified here did you mean to call the %0 method? while substituting prior template arguments into %select{non-type|template}0 template parameter%1 %2 use __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) attribute instead property %0 is declared %select{deprecated|unavailable|partial}1 here property declared here property synthesized here jump bypasses setup of __block variable jump bypasses initialization of variable with __attribute__((cleanup)) jump enters controlled statement of constexpr if jump bypasses initialization of catch block jump bypasses initialization of try block jump enters controlled statement of if available jump bypasses auto release push of @autoreleasepool block jump bypasses initialization of @catch block jump bypasses initialization of @finally block jump bypasses initialization of __strong variable jump bypasses initialization of @synchronized block jump bypasses initialization of @try block jump bypasses initialization of __weak variable jump bypasses initialization of __except block jump bypasses initialization of __finally block jump bypasses initialization of __try block jump bypasses variable initialization jump bypasses initialization of non-POD variable jump bypasses variable with a non-trivial destructor jump bypasses initialization of variable length array jump bypasses initialization of VLA type alias jump bypasses initialization of VLA typedef protocol is declared here protocol %0 has no definition protocol method is here it could also be property of type %0 declared here qualified call to %0::%1 is treated as a virtual call to %1 due to -fapple-kext unimplemented pure virtual method %0 in %1 receiver is instance of class declared here receiver expression is here receiver is treated with 'id' type for purpose of method lookup %select{reference|pointer}0 member declared here member with reference subobject declared here binding reference variable %0 here %select{const|reference}0 member %1 will never be initialized %0 returns a reference class template declared here use 'static_cast' to adjust the pointer correctly while %select{upcasting|downcasting}0 %select{overridden|current}0 method is explicitly declared 'instancetype'%select{| and is expected to return an instance of its class type}0 %select{overridden|current}0 method is part of the '%select{|alloc|copy|init|mutableCopy|new|autorelease|dealloc|finalize|release|retain|retainCount|self}1' method family%select{| and is expected to return an instance of its class type}0 %select{class|instance}0 method %1 is assumed to return an instance of its receiver type (%2) overridden method returns an instance of its class type remove the call to '%0' since unsigned values cannot be negative remove call to max function and unsigned zero argument remove std::move call here use function '%0' instead %select{function|method|block}0 has been explicitly marked sentinel here attempt to specialize declaration here explicitly specialized declaration is here use array indexing to silence this warning change size argument to be the size of the destination change the argument to be the free space in the destination buffer minus the terminating null byte did you mean %select{struct|interface|class}0 here? class with specified objc_requires_property_definitions attribute is declared here surrounding namespace with visibility attribute ends here surrounding namespace with visibility attribute starts here conversion to %select{integral|enumeration}0 type %1 non-type template argument refers to %select{function|object}0 here non-type template argument refers here template argument refers to function template %0, here class template %0 was explicitly specialized here in instantiation of template class %q0 requested here class template %0 was instantiated here template is declared here %select{function template|class template|variable template|type alias template|template template parameter}0 %1 declared here while checking a default template argument used here in instantiation of enumeration %q0 requested here in instantiation of exception specification for %0 requested here in instantiation of member class %q0 requested here in instantiation of member function %q0 requested here template non-type parameter has a different type %0 in template argument previous non-type template parameter with type %0 is here in instantiation of default member initializer %q0 requested here template parameter has a different kind in template argument template parameter is declared here %select{too few|too many}0 template parameters in template template argument previous default template argument defined here previous %select{template type|non-type template|template template}0 parameter%select{| pack}1 declared here %select{template type|non-type template|template template}0 parameter%select{| pack}1 does not match %select{template type|non-type template|template template}0 parameter%select{ pack|}1 in template argument previous template %select{declaration|template parameter}0 is here use -ftemplate-depth=N to increase recursive template instantiation depth in instantiation of static data member %q0 requested here in instantiation of template type alias %0 requested here unnamed type used in template argument was declared here in instantiation of variable template specialization %q0 requested here Thread warning in function '%0' %select{alignment|size}0 of first field is %1 bits %0 is incomplete %select{function %1 which returns const-qualified type %2 declared here|variable %1 declared const here|%select{non-|}1static data member %2 declared const here|member function %q1 is declared const here}0 did you mean to use '.' instead? use a tag name here to establish linkage prior to definition referenced member %0 is declared here enclose %0 in an @available check to silence this warning remove the %select{'%1' if its condition|condition if it}0 is always %select{false|true}2 during field initialization in %select{this|the implicit default}0 constructor uninitialized reference member is here %select{uninitialized use occurs|variable is captured by block}0 here silence by adding parentheses to mark code as explicitly dead use non-reference type %0 use reference type %0 to prevent copying use 'thread_local' to allow this use non-reference type %0 to keep the copy or type %1 to prevent copying used here used in initialization here implicit default constructor suppressed by user-declared constructor %select{|previous }0using declaration use %select{an alias declaration|a typedef declaration|a reference|a const variable|a constexpr variable}0 instead conflicting declaration target of using declaration add 'typename' to treat this using declaration as a type in value-initialization of type %0 here variable %0 is declared here variable %0 is%select{| explicitly}1 captured here initialize the variable %0 to silence this warning previous declaration of variable template partial specialization is here %select{%1 is a virtual base class of base class %2 declared here|virtual base class %1 declared here}0 which delegates to detected while default synthesizing properties in class implementation within field of type %0 declared here non-virtual member function marked '%0' hides virtual member %select{function|functions}1 only virtual member functions can be marked '%0' absolute value function %0 given an argument of type %1 but has parameter of type %2 which may cause truncation of value abstract class is marked '%select{final|sealed}0' initializer for virtual base class %0 of abstract class %1 will never be used access declarations are deprecated; use using declarations instead type of property %0 does not match type of accessor %1 acquiring %0 '%1' requires negative capability '%2' %0 '%1' must be acquired before '%2' Cycle in acquired_before/after dependencies, starting with '%0' operator '%0' has lower precedence than '%1'; '%1' will be evaluated first reference cannot be bound to dereferenced null pointer in well-defined C++ code; pointer may be assumed to always convert to true reference cannot be bound to dereferenced null pointer in well-defined C++ code; comparison may be assumed to always evaluate to %select{true|false}0 %select{alias|ifunc}2 will always resolve to %0 even if weak definition of %1 is overridden %select{alias|ifunc}1 will not be in section '%0' but in the same section as the %select{aliasee|resolver}2 second argument to __builtin_alloca_with_align is supposed to be in bits multiple suitable %0 functions for %1; no 'operator delete' function will be invoked if initialization throws an exception width of anonymous bit-field (%0 bits) exceeds width of its type; value will be truncated to %1 bit%s1 ARC %select{unused|__unsafe_unretained|__strong|__weak|__autoreleasing}0 lifetime qualifier on return type is ignored assigning %select{array literal|dictionary literal|numeric literal|boxed expression|<should not happen>|block literal}0 to a weak %select{property|variable}1; object will be released after assignment %select{destination for|source of}0 this %1 call is a pointer to ownership-qualified type %2 performSelector may cause a leak because its selector is unknown weak %select{variable|property|implicit property|instance variable}0 %1 may be accessed multiple times in this %select{function|method|block|lambda}2 and may be unpredictably set to nil; assign to a strong variable to keep the object alive weak %select{variable|property|implicit property|instance variable}0 %1 is accessed multiple times in this %select{function|method|block|lambda}2 but may be unpredictably set to nil; assign to a strong variable to keep the object alive capturing %0 strongly in this block is likely to lead to a retain cycle assigning retained object to %select{weak|unsafe_unretained}0 %select{property|variable}1; object will be released after assignment assigning retained object to unsafe property; object will be released after assignment method parameter of type %0 with no explicit ownership array index %0 is past the end of the array (which contains %1 element%s2) array index %0 is before the beginning of the array ignored asm label '%0' on automatic variable value size does not match register size specified by the constraint and modifier the argument to %0 has side effects that will be discarded memory order argument to atomic operation is invalid writable atomic property %0 cannot pair a synthesized %select{getter|setter}1 with a user defined %select{getter|setter}2 @protocol is using a forward protocol declaration of %0 'abi_tag' attribute on %select{non-inline|anonymous}0 namespace ignored consumed analysis attribute is attached to member of class '%0' which isn't marked as consumable attribute %0 after definition is ignored %0 attribute parameter %1 is negative and will be ignored propagating dll attribute to %select{already instantiated|explicitly specialized}0 base class template without dll attribute is not supported redeclaration of %q0 should not add %q1 attribute explicit instantiation declaration should not be 'dllexport' definition of dllimport static field %0 attribute can only be applied to instance variables or properties %0 attribute ignored %0 attribute ignored on inline function '%0' attribute cannot be specified on a definition 'nonnull' attribute applied to function with no pointer arguments 'nonnull' attribute when used on parameters takes no arguments %0 attribute ignored when parsing type 'packed' attribute was ignored on bit-fields with single-byte alignment in older versions of GCC and Clang %0 attribute only applies to a pointer or reference (%1 is invalid) attribute declaration must precede definition target does not support 'protected' visibility; using 'default' %0 attribute only applies to return values that are pointers %0 attribute only applies to return values that are pointers or references 'sentinel' attribute requires named arguments 'sentinel' attribute only supported for variadic %select{functions|blocks}0 %0 attribute argument not supported: %1 unknown visibility %0 attribute %0 cannot be applied to %select{functions|Objective-C method}1 without return value __weak attribute cannot be specified on a field declaration __weak attribute cannot be specified on an automatic variable when ARC is not enabled property is assumed atomic when auto-synthesizing the property readonly IBOutlet property %0 when auto-synthesized may not work correctly with 'nib' loader 'auto' storage class specifier is redundant and incompatible with C++11 auto property synthesis will not synthesize property %0 declared in protocol %1 'auto' deduced as 'id' in declaration of %0 auto property synthesis will not synthesize property %0; it will be implemented by its superclass, use @dynamic to acknowledge intention autosynthesized property %0 will use %select{|synthesized}1 instance variable %2, not existing instance variable %3 unknown platform %0 in availability macro feature cannot be %select{introduced|deprecated|obsoleted}0 in %1 version %2 before it was %select{introduced|deprecated|obsoleted}3 in version %4; attribute ignored cast from function call of type %0 to non-matching type %1 receiver type %0 is not 'id' or interface pointer, consider casting it to 'id' base class %0 is uninitialized when used here to access %q1 binding reference member %0 to stack allocated parameter %1 binding reference %select{|subobject of }1member %0 to a temporary value binding dereferenced null pointer to reference has undefined behavior width of bit-field %0 (%1 bits) exceeds the width of its type; value will be truncated to %2 bit%s2 '%0' within '%1' block captures an autoreleasing out-parameter, which may result in use-after-free bugs attribute %0 ignored, because it cannot be applied to omitted return type '%0' qualifier on omitted return type %1 has no effect switch condition has boolean value braces around scalar initializer 'break' is bound to loop, GCC binds it to switch use of unknown builtin %0 call to pure virtual member function %0 has undefined behavior; overrides of %0 in subclasses are not available in the %select{constructor|destructor}1 of %2 too %select{few|many}0 arguments in call to %1 cannot pass object of %select{non-POD|non-trivial}0 type %1 through variadic %select{function|block|method|constructor}2; call will abort at runtime cannot resolve lock expression empty case range specified overflow converting case value to switch condition type (%0 to %1) cast from %0 to %1 increases required alignment from %2 to %3 cast between incompatible calling conventions '%0' and '%1'; calls through this pointer may abort at runtime nonnull %select{function call|parameter}0 '%1' will evaluate to 'true' on first encounter cast of type %0 to %1 is deprecated; use sel_getName instead cast from %0 to %1 drops %select{const and volatile qualifiers|const qualifier|volatile qualifier}2 cast from %0 to %1 must have all intermediate pointers const qualified to be safe category is implementing a method which will also be implemented by its primary class calling convention %0 ignored for this target %0 calling convention ignored on constructor/destructor %0 calling convention ignored on variadic function cannot refer to a non-static member from the handler of a %select{constructor|destructor}0 function try block input conversion stopped due to an input byte that does not belong to the input codeset UTF-8 class method %objcclass0 not found (return type defaults to 'id') class method %objcclass0 not found (return type defaults to 'id'); did you mean %objcclass2? GCC does not allow the 'cleanup' attribute argument to be anything other than a simple identifier collection expression type %0 may not respond to %1 possible misuse of comma operator here %select{self-|array }0comparison always evaluates to %select{false|true|a constant}1 bitwise comparison always evaluates to %select{false|true}0 comparison of two values with different enumeration types%diff{ ($ and $)|}0,1 concatenated NSString literal for an NSArray expression - possibly missing a comma using the result of an assignment as a condition without parentheses conflicting distributed object modifiers on parameter type in declaration of %0 conflicting parameter types in declaration of %0%diff{: $ vs $|}1,2 conflicting distributed object modifiers on return type in declaration of %0 conflicting return type in declaration of %0%diff{: $ vs $|}1,2 conflicting variadic declaration of method and its implementation conflicting distributed object modifiers on parameter type in implementation of %0 conflicting parameter types in implementation of %0%diff{: $ vs $|}1,2 conflicting distributed object modifiers on return type in implementation of %0 conflicting return type in implementation of %0%diff{: $ vs $|}1,2 conversion function converting %0 to its base class %1 will never be used conversion function converting %0 to itself will never be used conversion function converting %0 to %1 will never be used constructor parameter %0 shadows the field %1 of %2 use of this statement in a constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 is incompatible with C++ standards before C++14 multiple return statements in constexpr function is incompatible with C++ standards before C++14 constexpr function with no return statements is incompatible with C++ standards before C++14 variable declaration in a constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 is incompatible with C++ standards before C++14 type definition in a constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 is incompatible with C++ standards before C++14 initialized lambda captures are incompatible with C++ standards before C++14 variable templates are incompatible with C++ standards before C++14 attribute %0 ignored, because it cannot be applied to a type 'constexpr' non-static member function will not be implicitly 'const' in C++14; add 'const' to avoid a change in behavior decomposition declarations are incompatible with C++ standards before C++1z inline variables are incompatible with C++ standards before C++1z by value capture of '*this' is incompatible with C++ standards before C++1z static_assert with no message is incompatible with C++ standards before C++1z non-type template parameters declared with %0 are incompatible with C++ standards before C++1z mangled name of %0 will change in C++17 due to non-throwing exception specification in function signature implicit conversion from array size expression of type %0 to %select{integral|enumeration}1 type %2 is incompatible with C++98 'auto' type specifier is incompatible with C++98 cast between pointer-to-function and pointer-to-object is incompatible with C++98 'constexpr' specifier is incompatible with C++98 constructor call from initializer list is incompatible with C++98 delegating constructors are incompatible with C++98 scalar initialized from empty initializer list is incompatible with C++98 befriending enumeration type %0 is incompatible with C++98 enumeration type in nested name specifier is incompatible with C++98 explicit conversion functions are incompatible with C++98 friend declaration naming a member of the declaring class is incompatible with C++98 jump from this goto statement to its label is incompatible with C++98 jump from this indirect goto statement to one of its possible targets is incompatible with C++98 initialization of initializer_list object is incompatible with C++98 use of non-static data member %0 in an unevaluated context is incompatible with C++98 non-class friend type %0 is incompatible with C++98 %select{anonymous struct|union}0 member %1 with a non-trivial %select{constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}2 is incompatible with C++98 passing object of trivial but non-POD type %0 through variadic %select{function|block|method|constructor}1 is incompatible with C++98 reference initialized from initializer list is incompatible with C++98 substitution failure due to access control is incompatible with C++98 static data member %0 in union is incompatible with C++98 jump from switch statement to this case label is incompatible with C++98 %select{copying variable|copying parameter|returning object|throwing object|copying member subobject|copying array element|allocating object|copying temporary|initializing base subobject|initializing vector element}1 of type %2 when binding a reference to a temporary would %select{invoke an inaccessible constructor|find no viable constructor|find ambiguous constructors|invoke a deleted constructor}0 in C++98 redundant parentheses surrounding address non-type template argument are incompatible with C++98 local type %0 as template argument is incompatible with C++98 use of null pointer as non-type template argument is incompatible with C++98 non-type template argument referring to %select{function|object}0 %1 with internal linkage is incompatible with C++98 unnamed type as template argument is incompatible with C++98 use of 'template' keyword outside of a template is incompatible with C++98 default template arguments for a function template are incompatible with C++98 %select{class template|class template partial|variable template|variable template partial|function template|member function|static data member|member class|member enumeration}0 specialization of %1 outside namespace %2 is incompatible with C++98 use of 'typename' outside of a template is incompatible with C++98 befriending %1 without '%select{struct|interface|union|class|enum}0' keyword is incompatible with C++98 '%0' type specifier is incompatible with C++98 inheriting constructors are incompatible with C++98 ms_struct may not produce Microsoft-compatible layouts for classes with base classes or virtual functions array backing the initializer list will be destroyed at the end of %select{the full-expression|the constructor}0 -dealloc is being overridden in a category declaration of %0 will not be visible outside of this function declaration shadows a %select{local variable|variable in %2|static data member of %2|field of %2}1 attribute %0 is ignored, place it after "%select{class|struct|interface|union|enum}1" to apply attribute to type declaration %plural{1:enumeration value %1 not explicitly handled in switch|2:enumeration values %1 and %2 not explicitly handled in switch|3:enumeration values %1, %2, and %3 not explicitly handled in switch|:%0 enumeration values not explicitly handled in switch: %1, %2, %3...}0 atomic by default property %0 has a user defined %select{getter|setter}1 (property should be marked 'atomic' if this is intended) constructor for %0 creates a delegation cycle %select{delete|destructor}0 called on %1 that is abstract but has non-virtual destructor 'delete' applied to a pointer-to-array type %0 treated as 'delete[]' deleting pointer to incomplete type %0 may cause undefined behavior %select{delete|destructor}0 called on non-final %1 that has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor %0 is deprecated 'deprecated' attribute on anonymous namespace ignored definition of implicit copy %select{constructor|assignment operator}1 for %0 is deprecated because it has a user-declared %select{copy %select{assignment operator|constructor}1|destructor}2 Implementing deprecated %select{method|class|category}0 %0 may be deprecated because the receiver type is unknown %0 is deprecated: %1 out-of-line definition of constexpr static data member is redundant in C++17 and is deprecated 'register' storage class specifier is deprecated and incompatible with C++1z conversion from string literal to %0 is deprecated explicit call to +initialize results in duplicate call to +initialize instance variable %0 is being directly accessed explicit call to [super initialize] should only be in implementation of +initialize %q0 redeclared inline; %1 attribute ignored double precision constant requires cl_khr_fp64, casting to single precision acquiring %0 '%1' that is already held duplicate definition of category %1 on interface %0 attribute %0 is already applied with different parameters attribute %0 is already applied element %0 has been implicitly assigned %1 which another element has been assigned multiple declarations of method %0 found and ignored duplicate protocol definition of %0 is ignored %select{destination for|source of|first operand of|second operand of}0 this %1 call is a pointer to %select{|class containing a }2dynamic class %3; vtable pointer will be %select{overwritten|copied|moved|compared}4 for loop has empty body format string is empty if statement has empty body empty parentheses interpreted as a function declaration range-based for loop has empty body switch statement has empty body while loop has empty body overflow in enumeration value equality comparison with extraneous parentheses exception of type %0 will be caught by earlier handler dynamic exception specifications are deprecated declaration requires an exit-time destructor expecting %0 '%1' to be held at start of each loop expecting %0 '%1' to be held at the end of function explicit instantiation of %0 that occurs after an explicit specialization has no effect 'extern' variable has an initializer control reaches end of non-void coroutine control reaches end of non-void function control reaches end of non-void lambda function declared 'noreturn' should not return fallthrough annotation in unreachable code field %0 is uninitialized when used here enumeration value %0 is out of range of flags in enumeration type %1 magnitude of floating-point constant too large for type %0; maximum is %1 magnitude of floating-point constant too small for type %0; minimum is %1 comparing floating point with == or != is unsafe 'begin' and 'end' returning different types (%0 and %1) is incompatible with C++ standards before C++1z loop variable %0 %diff{has type $ but is initialized with type $| is initialized with a value of a different type}1,2 resulting in a copy loop variable %0 of type %1 creates a copy from type %2 loop variable %0 is always a copy because the range of type %1 does not return a reference using '%%P' format specifier without precision %select{values of type|enum values with underlying type}2 '%0' should not be used as format arguments; add an explicit cast to %1 instead format specifies type %0 but the argument has %select{type|underlying type}2 %1 using '%0' format specifier annotation outside of os_log()/os_trace() invalid conversion specifier '%0' invalid position specified for %select{field width|field precision}0 cannot mix positional and non-positional arguments in format string '%0' %select{length modifier|conversion specifier}1 is not supported by ISO C using length modifier '%0' with conversion specifier '%1' is not supported by ISO C positional arguments are not supported by ISO C format string is not a string literal format string is not a string literal (potentially insecure) length modifier '%0' results in undefined behavior or no effect with '%1' conversion specifier format string should not be a wide string position arguments in format strings start counting at 1 (not 0) redefinition of forward class %0 of a typedef name of an object type is ignored cannot call function '%1' while %0 '%2' is held calling function '%1' requires holding %0 %select{'%2'|'%2' exclusively}3 instantiation of function %q0 required here, but no definition is available function definition inside an Objective-C container is deprecated %0 overrides a member function but is not marked 'override' Objective-C GC does not allow weak variables on the stack declaration requires a global constructor declaration requires a global destructor 'gnu_inline' attribute requires function to be marked 'inline', attribute ignored passing variable '%1' by reference requires holding %0 %select{'%2'|'%2' exclusively}3 %select{instance variable|property}2 with %0 attribute must be an object type (invalid %1) IBOutletCollection properties should be copy/strong and not assign assigning %select{field|instance variable}0 to itself inheritance model ignored on %select{primary template|partial specialization}0 size of static array must be an integer constant expression implicit truncation from %2 to bit-field changes value from %0 to %1 initialization of pointer of type %0 to null from a constant boolean expression implicit conversion discards imaginary component: %0 to %1 implicit conversion from enumeration type %0 to different enumeration type %1 implicit conversion increases floating-point precision: %0 to %1 implicit conversion turns floating-point number into integer: %0 to %1 implicit conversion loses floating-point precision: %0 to %1 implicit conversion of out of range value from %0 to %1 changes value from %2 to %3 implicit conversion from %0 to %1 changes non-zero value from %2 to %3 implicit conversion turns floating-point number into bool: %0 to %1 implicit conversion loses integer precision: %0 to %1 implicit conversion from %2 to %3 changes value from %0 to %1 implicit conversion changes signedness: %0 to %1 operand of ? changes signedness: %0 to %1 implicit conversion from %0 to %1 changes value from %2 to %3 implicit conversion of %select{NULL|nullptr}0 constant to %1 implicit boolean conversion of Objective-C object literal always evaluates to true address of%select{| function| array}0 '%1' will always evaluate to 'true' implicit conversion turns string literal into bool: %0 to %1 implicit conversion turns vector to scalar: %0 to %1 class property %0 requires method %1 to be defined - use @dynamic or provide a method implementation in this class implementation class property %0 requires method %1 to be defined - use @dynamic or provide a method implementation in this category default assign attribute on property %0 which implements NSCopying protocol is not appropriate with -fobjc-gc[-only] property is assumed atomic by default declaration of built-in function '%1' requires inclusion of the header <%0> implicit declaration of function %0 block implicitly retains 'self'; explicitly mention 'self' to indicate this is intended behavior direct base %0 is inaccessible due to ambiguity:%1 %select{%diff{assigning to $ from incompatible type $|assigning to type from incompatible type}0,1|%diff{passing $ to parameter of incompatible type $|passing type to parameter of incompatible type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with incompatible result type $|returning type from a function with incompatible result type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to incompatible type $|converting type to incompatible type}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of incompatible type $|initializing type with an expression of incompatible type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of incompatible type $|sending type to parameter of incompatible type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to incompatible type $|casting type to incompatible type}0,1}2 incompatible vector types %select{%diff{assigning to $ from $|assigning to different types}0,1|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|passing to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|returning from function with different return type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|initializing with expression of different type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|sending to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2 encoding of %0 type is incomplete because %1 component has unknown encoding incrementing expression of type bool is deprecated and incompatible with C++1z 'objc_independent_class' attribute may be put on a typedef only; attribute is ignored indirection of non-volatile null pointer will be deleted, not trap all paths through this function will call itself constant expression evaluates to %0 which cannot be narrowed to type %1 in C++11 type %0 cannot be narrowed to %1 in initializer list in C++11 non-constant-expression cannot be narrowed from type %0 to %1 in initializer list in C++11 initializing pointer member %0 with the stack address of parameter %1 %select{field|base class}0 %1 will be initialized after %select{field|base}2 %3 initializer overrides prior initialization of this subobject inline namespace reopened as a non-inline namespace instance method %objcinstance0 not found (return type defaults to 'id') instance method %objcinstance0 not found (return type defaults to 'id'); did you mean %objcinstance2? instance method %0 found instead of class method %1 cast to %1 from smaller integer type %0 'internal_linkage' attribute on a non-static local variable is ignored invalid use of a cast in an inline asm context requiring an l-value: accepted due to -fheinous-gnu-extensions, but clang may remove support for this in the future invalid capability name '%0'; capability name must be 'mutex' or 'role' invalid constructor form class in system header, should not be explicit local declaration of %0 hides instance variable declaration of instance variables in the interface is deprecated jump out of __finally block has undefined behavior ignored 'inline' attribute on kernel function %0 kernel function %0 is a member function; this may not be accepted by nvcc %0 '%1' is acquired exclusively and shared in the same scope %0 '%1' is not held on every path through here '&&' within '||' use of logical '%0' with constant operand logical not is only applied to the left hand side of this %select{comparison|bitwise operator}0 '%0' is bound to current loop, GCC binds it to the enclosing loop state of variable '%0' must match at the entry and exit of loop comparison of unsigned%select{| enum}2 expression %0 is always %1 only one parameter on 'main' declaration variable named 'main' with external linkage has undefined behavior bool literal returned from 'main' taking the max of %select{a value and unsigned zero|unsigned zero and a value}0 is always equal to the other value control may reach end of non-void coroutine control may reach end of non-void function control may reach end of non-void lambda variable %0 may be uninitialized when %select{used here|captured by block}1 %0 may not respond to %1 %0 will always overflow destination buffer size argument in %0 call is a comparison MIPS 'interrupt' attribute only applies to functions that have %select{no parameters|a 'void' return type}0 availability does not match previous declaration %select{|overriding }4method %select{introduced after|deprecated before|obsoleted before}0 %select{the protocol method it implements|overridden method}4 on %1 (%2 vs. %3) %select{|overriding }1method cannot be unavailable on %0 when %select{the protocol method it implements|its overridden method}1 is available 'delete%select{|[]}0' applied to a pointer that was allocated with 'new%select{[]|}0'; did you mean 'delete%select{[]|}0'? section does not match previous declaration suggest braces around initialization of subobject %plural{1:enumeration value %1 not handled in switch|2:enumeration values %1 and %2 not handled in switch|3:enumeration values %1, %2, and %3 not handled in switch|:%0 enumeration values not handled in switch: %1, %2, %3...}0 no case matching constant switch condition '%0' auto property synthesis is synthesizing property not explicitly synthesized missing field %0 initializer format string missing method has no return type specified; defaults to 'id' no previous prototype for function %0 missing sentinel in %select{function call|method dispatch|block call}0 no previous extern declaration for non-static variable %0 comparison of integers of different signs: %0 and %1 modifying constructor parameter %0 that shadows a field of %1 multiple methods named %0 found several methods with selector %0 of mismatched types are found for the @selector expression vector initializers are not compatible with NEON intrinsics in big endian mode auto property synthesis will not synthesize property %0 because it is 'readwrite' but it will be synthesized 'readonly' via another property auto property synthesis will not synthesize property %0 because it cannot share an ivar with another synthesized property %select{struct|interface|union|class|enum}0 %1 does not declare any constructor to initialize its non-modifiable members enums in the Microsoft ABI are signed integers by default; consider giving the enum %0 an unsigned underlying type to make this code portable %0 '%1' is still held at the end of function conflicting parameter types in declaration of %0: %1 vs %2 conflicting parameter types in implementation of %0: %1 vs %2 conflicting return type in declaration of %0: %1 vs %2 conflicting return type in implementation of %0: %1 vs %2 expression which evaluates to zero treated as a null pointer constant of type %0 cannot pass %select{non-POD|non-trivial}0 object of type %1 to variadic %select{function|block|method|constructor}2; expected type from format string was %3 %0 has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor comparison of nonnull %select{function call|parameter}0 '%1' %select{not |}2equal to a null pointer is '%select{true|false}2' on first encounter function %0 declared 'noreturn' should not return not a Doxygen trailing comment use of unary operator that may be intended as compound assignment (%0=) not enough variable arguments in %0 declaration to fit a sentinel case value not in enumerated type %0 integer constant not in range of enumerated type %0 %0 attribute only applies to %select{functions|methods|properties}1 that return %select{an Objective-C object|a pointer|a non-retainable pointer}2 'NSObject' attribute may be put on a typedef only; attribute is ignored null passed to a callee that requires a non-null argument use of NULL in arithmetic operation comparison between NULL and non-pointer %select{(%1 and NULL)|(NULL and %1)}0 comparison of %select{address of|function|array}0 '%1' %select{not |}2equal to a null pointer is always %select{true|false}2 synthesized setter %0 for null_resettable property %1 does not handle nil null returned from %select{function|method}0 that requires a non-null return value nullability specifier %0 cannot be applied to non-pointer type %1; did you mean to apply the specifier to the %select{pointer|block pointer|member pointer|function pointer|member function pointer}2? inferring '_Nonnull' for pointer type within %select{array|reference}0 is deprecated implicit conversion from nullable pointer %0 to non-nullable pointer type %1 %select{pointer|block pointer|member pointer}0 is missing a nullability type specifier (_Nonnull, _Nullable, or _Null_unspecified) array parameter is missing a nullability type specifier (_Nonnull, _Nullable, or _Null_unspecified) using %0 directive in %select{NSString|CFString}1 which is being passed as a formatting argument to the formatting %select{method|CFfunction}2 adding '%0' to '%1' might cause circular dependency in container object of type %0 is not compatible with %select{array element type|dictionary key type|dictionary value type}1 %2 designated initializer missing a 'super' call to a designated initializer of the super class designated initializer invoked a non-designated initializer designated initializer should only invoke a designated initializer on 'super' method override for the designated initializer of the superclass %objcinstance0 not found %0 bridges to %1, not %2 %0 cannot bridge to %1 assignment to Objective-C's isa is deprecated in favor of object_setClass() direct access to Objective-C's isa is deprecated in favor of object_getClass() direct comparison of %select{an array literal|a dictionary literal|a numeric literal|a boxed expression|}0 has undefined behavior method possibly missing a [super %0] call cannot catch an exception thrown with @throw in C++ in the non-unified exception model bitmasking for introspection of Objective-C object pointers is strongly discouraged objc_precise_lifetime is not meaningful for %select{__unsafe_unretained|__autoreleasing}0 objects 'copy' attribute must be specified for the block property when -fobjc-gc-only is specified default property attribute 'assign' not appropriate for non-GC object no 'assign', 'retain', or 'copy' attribute is specified - 'assign' is assumed retain'ed block property does not copy the block - use copy attribute instead setter cannot be specified for a readonly property using %0 with a literal is redundant parameterized class %0 already conforms to the protocols listed; did you forget a '*'? %0 attribute cannot be applied to %select{methods in protocols|dealloc}1 class %0 defined without specifying a base class convenience initializer missing a 'self' call to another initializer convenience initializer should not invoke an initializer on 'super' direct comparison of a string literal has undefined behavior use of old-style cast aligned clause will be ignored because the requested alignment is not a power of 2 zero linear step (%0 %select{|and other variables in clause }1should probably be const) OpenMP loop iteration variable cannot have more than 64 bits size and will be narrowed OpenMP only allows an ordered construct with the simd clause nested in a simd construct declaration is not declared in any declare target region array section %select{lower bound|length}0 is of type 'char' class implementation may not have super class %0 attribute is deprecated and ignored in OpenCL version %1 OpenCL extension attribute can only be used with function passing non-generic address space pointer to %0 generates dynamic conversion where it is not needed Blocks passed to enqueue_kernel cannot use %select{global|stack}0 variables that are a pointer type in the %select{local|private}1 address space predefined identifiers are not supported %0 should not return a null pointer unless it is declared 'throw()'%select{| or 'noexcept'}1 os_log() '%%n' format specifier is not allowed comparison of %select{constant %0|true|false}1 with %select{expression of type %2|boolean expression}3 is always %select{false|true}4 type %0 requires %1 bytes of alignment and the default allocator only guarantees %2 bytes overloaded operator %select{>>|<<}0 has higher precedence than comparison operator %q0 hides overloaded virtual %select{function|functions}1 padding %select{struct|interface|class}0 %1 with %2 %select{byte|bit}3%s2 to align anonymous bit-field padding %select{struct|interface|class}0 %1 with %2 %select{byte|bit}3%s2 to align %4 padding size of %0 with %1 %select{byte|bit}2%s1 to alignment boundary parameter '%0' not in expected state when the function returns: expected '%1', observed '%2' argument not in expected state; expected '%0', observed '%1' %0 is a large (%1 bytes) pass-by-value argument; pass it by reference instead ? parentheses were disambiguated as a function declaration %0 is only available conditionally %0 may be partial because the receiver type is unknown %0 is partial: %1 passing object of class type %0 through variadic %select{function|block|method|constructor}1%select{|; did you mean to call '%3'?}2 moving a temporary object prevents copy elision moving a local object in a return statement prevents copy elision taking the absolute value of %select{pointer|function|array}0 type %1 is suspicious dereference of type %1 that was reinterpret_cast from type %0 has undefined behavior #pragma options align=reset failed: %0 expected #pragma pack parameter to be '1', '2', '4', '8', or '16' specifying both a name and alignment to 'pop' is undefined value of #pragma pack(show) == %0 #pragma %0(pop, ...) failed: %1 only variables can be arguments to '#pragma unused' undeclared variable %0 used as an argument for '#pragma unused' %0 has lower precedence than %1; %1 will be evaluated first operator '?:' has lower precedence than '%0'; '%0' will be evaluated first object format flags cannot be used with '%0' conversion specifier '%select{*|.*}0' specified field %select{width|precision}0 is missing a matching 'int' argument field %select{width|precision}0 should have type %1, but argument has type %2 data argument not used by format string missing object format flag format string contains '\0' within the string body format string is not null-terminated flag '%0' is ignored when flag '%1' is present incomplete format specifier more '%%' conversions than data arguments '%0' is not a valid object format flag flag '%0' results in undefined behavior with '%1' conversion specifier %select{field width|precision}0 used with '%1' conversion specifier, resulting in undefined behavior data argument position '%0' exceeds the number of data arguments (%1) use of __private_extern__ on a declaration may not produce external symbol private to the linkage unit and is deprecated profile data may be out of date: of %0 function%s0, %1 %plural{1:has|:have}1 no data and %2 %plural{1:has|:have}2 mismatched data that will be ignored no profile data available for file "%0" property %0 not found on object of type %1; did you mean to access property %2? property attribute in class extension does not match the primary class '%1' attribute on property %0 does not match the property inherited from %2 property declared as returning non-retained objects; getter returning retained objects primary property declaration is implicitly strong while redeclaration in class extension is weak property access is using %0 method which is deprecated getter name mismatch between property redeclaration (%1) and its original declaration (%0) property type %0 is incompatible with type %1 inherited from %2 property of type %0 was selected for synthesis passing the value that '%1' points to by reference requires holding %0 %select{'%2'|'%2' exclusively}3 the pointer incremented by %0 refers past the end of the array (that contains %1 element%s2) the pointer decremented by %0 refers before the beginning of the array 'objc_independent_class' attribute may be put on Objective-C object pointer type only; attribute is ignored '%0' type qualifier%s1 on return type %plural{1:has|:have}1 no effect attribute 'readonly' of property %0 restricts attribute 'readwrite' of property inherited from %1 receiver %0 is a forward class and corresponding @interface may not exist incompatible redeclaration of library function %0 %q0 redeclared without %1 attribute: previous %1 ignored %q0 redeclared without 'dllimport' attribute: 'dllexport' attribute added #pragma redefine_extname is applicable to external C declarations only; not applied to %select{function|variable}0 %1 redefinition of %0 will not be visible outside of this function variable %0 is %select{decremented|incremented}1 both in the loop header and in the loop body redundant move in return statement reference %0 is not yet bound to a value when used here 'register' storage specifier on @catch parameter will be ignored 'reinterpret_cast' %select{from|to}3 class %0 %select{to|from}3 its %select{virtual base|base at non-zero offset}2 %1 behaves differently from 'static_cast' method is expected to return an instance of its class type %diff{$, but is declared to return $|, but is declared to return different type}0,1 protocol method is expected to return an instance of the implementing class, but is declared to return %0 %select{remainder|division}0 by zero is undefined returning address of label, which is local returning %select{address of|reference to}0 local temporary object %select{address of|reference to}0 stack memory associated with local variable %1 returned return state set for an unconsumable type '%0' return value not in expected state; expected '%0', observed '%1' return value of %0 is a large (%1 bytes) pass-by-value object; pass it by reference instead ? %0 has C-linkage specified, but returns user-defined type %1 which is incompatible with C %0 has C-linkage specified, but returns incomplete type %1 which could be incompatible with C instance method %0 is being used on 'Class' which is not in the root class comparison of %0 unsigned%select{| enum}2 expression is always %1 sampler initializer has invalid %0 bits zero field width in scanf format string is unused no closing ']' for '%%[' in scanf format string second argument to 'va_start' is not the last named parameter second argument to 'va_arg' is of promotable type %0; this va_arg has undefined behavior because arguments will be promoted to %1 second argument to 'va_arg' is of non-POD type %0 second argument to 'va_arg' is of ARC ownership-qualified type %0 explicitly assigning value of variable of type %0 to itself explicitly moving variable of type %0 to itself property %0 requires method %1 to be defined - use @synthesize, @dynamic or provide a method implementation in this class implementation property %0 requires method %1 to be defined - use @dynamic or provide a method implementation in this category shift count >= width of type shifting a negative signed value is undefined shift count is negative signed shift result (%0) requires %1 bits to represent, but %2 only has %3 bits signed shift result (%0) sets the sign bit of the shift expression's type (%1) and becomes negative expression with side effects will be evaluated despite being used as an operand to 'typeid' expression with side effects has no effect in an unevaluated context sizeof on pointer operation will return size of %0 instead of %1 sizeof on array function parameter will return size of %0 instead of %1 '%0' call operates on objects of type %1 while the size is based on a different type %2 did you mean to %select{dereference the argument to 'sizeof' (and multiply it by the number of elements)|remove the addressof in the argument to 'sizeof' (and multiply it by the number of elements)|provide an explicit length}0? argument to 'sizeof' in %0 call is the same pointer type %1 as the %select{destination|source}2; expected %3 or an explicit length variable %0 is %select{used|captured}1 uninitialized whenever %select{'%3' condition is %select{true|false}4|'%3' loop %select{is entered|exits because its condition is false}4|'%3' loop %select{condition is true|exits because its condition is false}4|switch %3 is taken|its declaration is reached|%3 is called}2 '%0' ignored on this declaration array argument is too small; contains %0 elements, callee requires at least %1 non-constant static local variable in inline function may be different in different files 'main' should not be declared static static variable %0 is suspiciously used within its own initialization this %select{function declaration is not|old-style function definition is not preceded by}0 a prototype adding %0 to a string pointer does not append to the string adding %0 to a string does not append to the string result of comparison against %select{a string literal|@encode}0 is unspecified (use strncmp instead) size argument in %0 call appears to be size of the source; expected the size of the destination the value of the size argument in 'strncat' is too large, might lead to a buffer overflow size argument in 'strncat' call appears to be size of the source the value of the size argument to 'strncat' is wrong %2 defined as %select{a struct|an interface|a class}0%select{| template}1 here but previously declared as %select{a struct|an interface|a class}3%select{| template}1 %select{struct|interface|class}0%select{| template}1 %2 was previously declared as a %select{struct|interface|class}3%select{| template}1 subtraction of pointers to type %0 of zero size has undefined behavior subobject initialization overrides initialization of other fields within its enclosing subobject array subscript is of type 'char' block could be declared with attribute 'noreturn' %select{function|method}0 %1 could be declared with attribute 'noreturn' the semantics of this intrinsic changed with GCC version 4.4 - the newer semantics are provided here taking address of packed member %0 of class or structure %q1 may result in an unaligned pointer value overlapping comparisons always evaluate to %select{false|true}0 non-type template argument with value '%0' converted to '%1' for unsigned template parameter of type %2 non-type template argument value '%0' truncated to '%1' for template parameter of type %2 exported templates are unsupported dependent nested name specifier '%0' for friend template declaration is not supported; ignoring this friend declaration dependent nested name specifier '%0' for friend class declaration is not supported; turning off access control for %1 extraneous template parameter list in template specialization pointer is initialized by a temporary array, which will be destroyed at the end of the full-expression tentative array definition assumed to have one element 'this' pointer cannot be null in well-defined C++ code; pointer may be assumed to always convert to true 'this' pointer cannot be null in well-defined C++ code; comparison may be assumed to always evaluate to %select{true|false}0 %0 attribute requires arguments whose type is annotated with 'capability' attribute; type here is %1 %0 attribute can only be applied in a context annotated with 'capability("mutex")' attribute %0 only applies to pointer types; type here is %1 ignoring %0 attribute because its argument is invalid Thread safety beta warning. Thread safety verbose warning. %select{alignment|size}0 of field %1 (%2 bits) does not match the %select{alignment|size}0 of the first field in transparent union; transparent_union attribute ignored first field of a transparent union cannot have %select{floating point|vector}0 type %1; transparent_union attribute ignored transparent_union attribute can only be applied to a union definition; attribute ignored transparent union definition must contain at least one field; transparent_union attribute ignored '%0' only applies to %select{function|pointer|Objective-C object or block pointer}1 types; type here is %2 specified %0 type tag requires a null pointer argument type %0 doesn't match specified %1 type tag %select{that requires %3|}2 this type tag was not designed to be used with this function '%0' qualifier on function type %1 has no effect '%0' qualifier on function type %1 has unspecified behavior '%0' qualifier on reference type %1 has no effect vector operands do not have the same elements sizes (%0 and %1) 'static' has no effect on zero-length arrays unannotated fall-through between switch labels unannotated fall-through between switch labels in partly-annotated function %0 may be unavailable because the receiver type is unknown undeclared selector %0 undeclared selector %0; did you mean %1? method definition for %0 not found cannot find protocol definition for %0 inline function %q0 is not defined %select{function|variable}0 %q1 has internal linkage but is not defined reinterpret_cast from %0 to %1 has undefined behavior %0 is only available on %1 %2 or newer __declspec attribute %0 is not supported method %0 in protocol %1 not implemented no method with selector %0 is implemented in this translation unit block pointer variable %0 is uninitialized when captured by block variable %0 is uninitialized when used within its own initialization reference %0 is not yet bound to a value when used within its own initialization variable %0 is uninitialized when %select{used here|captured by block}1 unknown attribute %0 ignored unknown sanitizer '%0' ignored releasing %0 '%1' that was not held releasing %0 '%1' using %select{shared|exclusive}2 access, expected %select{shared|exclusive}3 access packed attribute is unnecessary for %0 %select{function|variable}0 %1 is not needed and will not be emitted member function %0 is not needed and will not be emitted 'static' function %0 declared in header file should be declared 'static inline' code will never be executed 'break' will never be executed default label in switch which covers all enumeration values loop will run at most once (loop increment never executed) 'return' will never be executed multiple unsequenced modifications to %0 unsequenced modification and access to %0 taking the absolute value of unsigned type %0 has no effect Ignoring unsupported '%0' in the target attribute string ignoring return value of function declared with %0 attribute %select{%select{|in}1equality|relational}0 comparison result unused unused variable %0 container access result unused - container access should not be used for side effects unused exception parameter %0 expression result unused unused function %0 unused label %0 unused %select{typedef|type alias}0 %1 unused member function %0 unused parameter %0 private field %0 is not used ivar %0 which backs the property is not referenced in this property's accessor property access result unused - getters should not be used for side effects expression result unused; should this cast be to 'void'? expression result unused; assign into a variable to force a volatile load invalid invocation of method '%0' on object '%1' while it is in the '%2' state invalid invocation of method '%0' on a temporary object while it is in the '%1' state use of out-of-scope declaration of %0 %0 was marked unused but was used user-defined literal suffixes not starting with '_' are reserved%select{; no literal will invoke this operator|}0 using namespace directive in global context in header passing %select{an object that undergoes default argument promotion|an object of reference type|a parameter declared with the 'register' keyword}0 to 'va_start' has undefined behavior %select{reading|writing}1 the value pointed to by '%0' requires holding %select{any mutex|any mutex exclusively}1 %select{reading|writing}3 the value pointed to by '%1' requires holding %0 %select{'%2'|'%2' exclusively}3 instantiation of variable %q0 required here, but no definition is available %select{reading|writing}1 variable '%0' requires holding %select{any mutex|any mutex exclusively}1 %select{reading|writing}3 variable '%1' requires holding %0 %select{'%2'|'%2' exclusively}3 variable%select{s| %1|s %1 and %2|s %1, %2, and %3|s %1, %2, %3, and %4}0 used in loop condition not modified in loop body defaulted move assignment operator of %0 will move assign virtual base class %1 multiple times Use of 'long' with '__vector' is deprecated specifying vector types with the 'mode' attribute is deprecated; use the 'vector_size' attribute instead variable length array used weak identifier %0 never declared an already-declared variable is made a weak_import declaration %0 explicit template instantiation %0 will emit a vtable in every translation unit %0 has no out-of-line virtual method definitions; its vtable will be emitted in every translation unit using %select{integer|floating point|complex}1 absolute value function %0 when argument is of %select{integer|floating point|complex}2 type %select{|empty }0%select{struct|union}1 has size 0 in C, %select{size 1|non-zero size}2 in C++ _Generic and_eq bitand bitor compl not_eq or_eq xor_eq not_keyword compatibility_alias defs encode implementation finally synchronized autoreleasepool package required optional synthesize dynamic available *** Identifier Table Stats: # Identifiers: %d objc threadprivate parallel task simd sections single master critical taskyield taskwait taskgroup flush ordered teams cancel target data target enter data target exit data target parallel target parallel for target update parallel for parallel for simd parallel sections for simd cancellation point declare reduction taskloop taskloop simd end declare target distribute parallel for distribute parallel for simd distribute simd target parallel for simd target simd teams distribute teams distribute simd teams distribute parallel for simd teams distribute parallel for target teams target teams distribute target teams distribute parallel for num_threads safelen simdlen collapse firstprivate lastprivate reduction linear copyin copyprivate proc_bind schedule nowait untied mergeable write update capture seq_cst depend threads map num_teams thread_limit priority grainsize nogroup num_tasks hint dist_schedule defaultmap from use_device_ptr is_device_ptr threadprivate or thread local close spread guided runtime monotonic nonmonotonic val uval tofrom always scalar fun kernel-address leak array-bounds shift-exponent shift signed-integer-overflow unreachable vla-bound vptr unsigned-integer-overflow dataflow cfi-cast-strict cfi-derived-cast cfi-icall cfi-unrelated-cast cfi-nvcall cfi-vcall safe-stack undefined undefined-trap local-bounds bounds efficiency-cache-frag efficiency-working-set efficiency-all sfs 1 3 <<<INVALID BUFFER>> long int long unsigned int long long int long long unsigned int e-m:e-p:32:32-i1:8:32-i8:8:32-i16:16:32-i64:32-f64:32-a:0:32-n32 1 __builtin_bitrev __builtin_getid Si __builtin_getps __builtin_setps vUiUi r0 r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6 r7 r9 r10 r11 dp sp lr e-m:e-p:32:32:32-a:0-n16:32-i64:64:64-i32:32:32-i16:16:16-i1:8:8-f32:32:32-f64:64:64-v32:32:32-v64:64:64-v512:512:512-v1024:1024:1024-v2048:2048:2048 hexagonv4 __HEXAGON_V4__ 4 __QDSP6_V4__ hexagonv5 5 hexagonv55 hexagonv60 hvx hvx-double __HVXDBL__ __builtin_SI_to_SXTHI_asrh __builtin_brev_ldd LLi*LLi*LLi*i __builtin_brev_ldw i*i*i*i __builtin_brev_ldh s*s*s*i __builtin_brev_lduh Us*Us*Us*i __builtin_brev_ldb c*c*c*i __builtin_brev_ldub Uc*Uc*Uc*i __builtin_circ_ldd LLi*LLi*LLi*iIi __builtin_circ_ldw i*i*i*iIi __builtin_circ_ldh s*s*s*iIi __builtin_circ_lduh Us*Us*Us*iIi __builtin_circ_ldb c*c*c*iIi __builtin_circ_ldub Uc*Uc*Uc*iIi __builtin_brev_std LLi*LLi*LLii __builtin_brev_stw i*i*ii __builtin_brev_sth s*s*ii __builtin_brev_sthhi __builtin_brev_stb c*c*ii __builtin_circ_std LLi*LLi*LLiiIi __builtin_circ_stw i*i*iiIi __builtin_circ_sth s*s*iiIi __builtin_circ_sthhi __builtin_circ_stb c*c*iiIi __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_cmpeq iii __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_cmpgt __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_cmpgtu __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_cmpeqp iLLiLLi __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_cmpgtp __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_cmpgtup __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_rcmpeqi __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_rcmpneqi __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_rcmpeq __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_rcmpneq __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_bitsset __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_bitsclr __builtin_HEXAGON_C4_nbitsset __builtin_HEXAGON_C4_nbitsclr __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_cmpeqi __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_cmpgti __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_cmpgtui __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_cmpgei __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_cmpgeui __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_cmplt __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_cmpltu __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_bitsclri __builtin_HEXAGON_C4_nbitsclri __builtin_HEXAGON_C4_cmpneqi __builtin_HEXAGON_C4_cmpltei __builtin_HEXAGON_C4_cmplteui __builtin_HEXAGON_C4_cmpneq __builtin_HEXAGON_C4_cmplte __builtin_HEXAGON_C4_cmplteu __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_and __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_or __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_xor __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_andn __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_not __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_orn __builtin_HEXAGON_C4_and_and iiii __builtin_HEXAGON_C4_and_or __builtin_HEXAGON_C4_or_and __builtin_HEXAGON_C4_or_or __builtin_HEXAGON_C4_and_andn __builtin_HEXAGON_C4_and_orn __builtin_HEXAGON_C4_or_andn __builtin_HEXAGON_C4_or_orn __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_pxfer_map __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_any8 __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_all8 __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_vitpack __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_mux __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_muxii __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_muxir __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_muxri __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_vmux LLiiLLiLLi __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_mask LLii __builtin_HEXAGON_A2_vcmpbeq __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_vcmpbeqi iLLii __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_vcmpbeq_any __builtin_HEXAGON_A2_vcmpbgtu __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_vcmpbgtui __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_vcmpbgt __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_vcmpbgti __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_cmpbeq __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_cmpbeqi __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_cmpbgtu __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_cmpbgtui __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_cmpbgt __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_cmpbgti __builtin_HEXAGON_A2_vcmpheq __builtin_HEXAGON_A2_vcmphgt __builtin_HEXAGON_A2_vcmphgtu __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_vcmpheqi __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_vcmphgti __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_vcmphgtui __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_cmpheq __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_cmphgt __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_cmphgtu __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_cmpheqi __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_cmphgti __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_cmphgtui __builtin_HEXAGON_A2_vcmpweq __builtin_HEXAGON_A2_vcmpwgt __builtin_HEXAGON_A2_vcmpwgtu __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_vcmpweqi __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_vcmpwgti __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_vcmpwgtui __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_boundscheck iiLLi __builtin_HEXAGON_A4_tlbmatch __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_tfrpr __builtin_HEXAGON_C2_tfrrp __builtin_HEXAGON_C4_fastcorner9 __builtin_HEXAGON_C4_fastcorner9_not __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_acc_hh_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_acc_hh_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_acc_hl_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_acc_hl_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_acc_lh_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_acc_lh_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_acc_ll_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_acc_ll_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_nac_hh_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_nac_hh_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_nac_hl_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_nac_hl_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_nac_lh_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_nac_lh_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_nac_ll_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_nac_ll_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_acc_sat_hh_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_acc_sat_hh_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_acc_sat_hl_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_acc_sat_hl_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_acc_sat_lh_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_acc_sat_lh_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_acc_sat_ll_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_acc_sat_ll_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_nac_sat_hh_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_nac_sat_hh_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_nac_sat_hl_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_nac_sat_hl_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_nac_sat_lh_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_nac_sat_lh_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_nac_sat_ll_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_nac_sat_ll_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_hh_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_hh_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_hl_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_hl_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_lh_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_lh_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_ll_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_ll_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_sat_hh_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_sat_hh_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_sat_hl_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_sat_hl_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_sat_lh_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_sat_lh_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_sat_ll_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_sat_ll_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_rnd_hh_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_rnd_hh_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_rnd_hl_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_rnd_hl_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_rnd_lh_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_rnd_lh_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_rnd_ll_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_rnd_ll_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_sat_rnd_hh_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_sat_rnd_hh_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_sat_rnd_hl_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_sat_rnd_hl_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_sat_rnd_lh_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_sat_rnd_lh_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_sat_rnd_ll_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpy_sat_rnd_ll_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpyd_acc_hh_s0 LLiLLiii __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpyd_acc_hh_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpyd_acc_hl_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpyd_acc_hl_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpyd_acc_lh_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpyd_acc_lh_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpyd_acc_ll_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpyd_acc_ll_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpyd_nac_hh_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpyd_nac_hh_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpyd_nac_hl_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpyd_nac_hl_s1 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpyd_nac_lh_s0 __builtin_HEXAGON_M2_mpyd_nac_lh_s1 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__builtin_msa_adds_a_d __builtin_msa_adds_s_b __builtin_msa_adds_s_h __builtin_msa_adds_s_w __builtin_msa_adds_s_d __builtin_msa_adds_u_b V16UcV16UcV16Uc __builtin_msa_adds_u_h V8UsV8UsV8Us __builtin_msa_adds_u_w V4UiV4UiV4Ui __builtin_msa_adds_u_d V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLi __builtin_msa_addv_b V16cV16cV16c __builtin_msa_addv_h V8sV8sV8s __builtin_msa_addv_w V4iV4iV4i __builtin_msa_addv_d V2LLiV2LLiV2LLi __builtin_msa_addvi_b V16cV16cIUi __builtin_msa_addvi_h V8sV8sIUi __builtin_msa_addvi_w V4iV4iIUi __builtin_msa_addvi_d V2LLiV2LLiIUi __builtin_msa_and_v __builtin_msa_andi_b V16UcV16UcIUi __builtin_msa_asub_s_b __builtin_msa_asub_s_h __builtin_msa_asub_s_w __builtin_msa_asub_s_d __builtin_msa_asub_u_b __builtin_msa_asub_u_h __builtin_msa_asub_u_w __builtin_msa_asub_u_d __builtin_msa_ave_s_b __builtin_msa_ave_s_h __builtin_msa_ave_s_w __builtin_msa_ave_s_d __builtin_msa_ave_u_b __builtin_msa_ave_u_h __builtin_msa_ave_u_w __builtin_msa_ave_u_d __builtin_msa_aver_s_b __builtin_msa_aver_s_h __builtin_msa_aver_s_w __builtin_msa_aver_s_d __builtin_msa_aver_u_b __builtin_msa_aver_u_h __builtin_msa_aver_u_w __builtin_msa_aver_u_d __builtin_msa_bclr_b __builtin_msa_bclr_h __builtin_msa_bclr_w __builtin_msa_bclr_d __builtin_msa_bclri_b __builtin_msa_bclri_h V8UsV8UsIUi __builtin_msa_bclri_w V4UiV4UiIUi __builtin_msa_bclri_d V2ULLiV2ULLiIUi __builtin_msa_binsl_b V16UcV16UcV16UcV16Uc __builtin_msa_binsl_h V8UsV8UsV8UsV8Us __builtin_msa_binsl_w V4UiV4UiV4UiV4Ui __builtin_msa_binsl_d V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLi __builtin_msa_binsli_b V16UcV16UcV16UcIUi __builtin_msa_binsli_h V8UsV8UsV8UsIUi __builtin_msa_binsli_w V4UiV4UiV4UiIUi __builtin_msa_binsli_d V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLiIUi __builtin_msa_binsr_b __builtin_msa_binsr_h __builtin_msa_binsr_w __builtin_msa_binsr_d __builtin_msa_binsri_b __builtin_msa_binsri_h __builtin_msa_binsri_w __builtin_msa_binsri_d __builtin_msa_bmnz_v __builtin_msa_bmnzi_b __builtin_msa_bmz_v __builtin_msa_bmzi_b __builtin_msa_bneg_b __builtin_msa_bneg_h 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__builtin_msa_ilvr_w __builtin_msa_ilvr_d __builtin_msa_insert_b V16ScV16ScIUii __builtin_msa_insert_h V8SsV8SsIUii __builtin_msa_insert_w V4SiV4SiIUii __builtin_msa_insert_d V2SLLiV2SLLiIUiLLi __builtin_msa_insve_b V16ScV16ScIUiV16Sc __builtin_msa_insve_h V8SsV8SsIUiV8Ss __builtin_msa_insve_w V4SiV4SiIUiV4Si __builtin_msa_insve_d V2SLLiV2SLLiIUiV2SLLi __builtin_msa_ld_b V16Scv*Ii __builtin_msa_ld_h V8Ssv*Ii __builtin_msa_ld_w V4Siv*Ii __builtin_msa_ld_d V2SLLiv*Ii __builtin_msa_ldi_b V16cIi __builtin_msa_ldi_h V8sIi __builtin_msa_ldi_w V4iIi __builtin_msa_ldi_d V2LLiIi __builtin_msa_madd_q_h V8SsV8SsV8SsV8Ss __builtin_msa_madd_q_w V4SiV4SiV4SiV4Si __builtin_msa_maddr_q_h __builtin_msa_maddr_q_w __builtin_msa_maddv_b V16ScV16ScV16ScV16Sc __builtin_msa_maddv_h __builtin_msa_maddv_w __builtin_msa_maddv_d V2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLi __builtin_msa_max_a_b __builtin_msa_max_a_h __builtin_msa_max_a_w __builtin_msa_max_a_d __builtin_msa_max_s_b __builtin_msa_max_s_h __builtin_msa_max_s_w 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s102 s103 s104 s105 s106 s107 s108 s109 s110 s111 s112 s113 s114 s115 s116 s117 s118 s119 s120 s121 s122 s123 s124 s125 s126 s127 vcc scc flat_scratch exec_lo exec_hi vcc_lo vcc_hi flat_scratch_lo flat_scratch_hi E-m:e-p:32:32-i64:64-f128:64-n32-S64 sparc __sparcv9 __sparcv9__ __sparc_v9__ f934 leon2 at697e at697f leon3 ut699 gr712rc leon4 gr740 g0 g1 g2 g6 g7 o0 o1 o2 o3 o4 o5 o6 o7 l0 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 l7 i0 i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 i7 sun __svr4__ __SVR4 _XOPEN_SOURCE __C99FEATURES__ _LARGEFILE_SOURCE _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE __EXTENSIONS__ e-m:e-p:32:32-i64:64-f128:64-n32-S64 E-m:e-i64:64-n32:64-S128 E-m:e-i1:8:16-i8:8:16-i64:64-f128:64-a:8:16-n32:64 iv* transactional-execution __builtin_tbegin_nofloat __builtin_tbeginc nj __builtin_tx_nesting_depth __builtin_tx_assist __builtin_non_tx_store vULi*ULi __builtin_s390_lcbb UivC*Ii __builtin_s390_vlbb V16ScvC*Ii __builtin_s390_vll V16ScUivC* __builtin_s390_vstl vV16ScUiv* __builtin_s390_vperm __builtin_s390_vpdi V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLiIi __builtin_s390_vpksh __builtin_s390_vpkshs V16ScV8SsV8Ssi* __builtin_s390_vpksf __builtin_s390_vpksfs V8SsV4SiV4Sii* __builtin_s390_vpksg __builtin_s390_vpksgs V4SiV2SLLiV2SLLii* __builtin_s390_vpklsh __builtin_s390_vpklshs V16UcV8UsV8Usi* __builtin_s390_vpklsf __builtin_s390_vpklsfs V8UsV4UiV4Uii* __builtin_s390_vpklsg __builtin_s390_vpklsgs V4UiV2ULLiV2ULLii* __builtin_s390_vuphb V8SsV16Sc __builtin_s390_vuphh V4SiV8Ss __builtin_s390_vuphf V2SLLiV4Si __builtin_s390_vuplb __builtin_s390_vuplhw __builtin_s390_vuplf __builtin_s390_vuplhb V8UsV16Uc __builtin_s390_vuplhh V4UiV8Us __builtin_s390_vuplhf V2ULLiV4Ui __builtin_s390_vupllb __builtin_s390_vupllh __builtin_s390_vupllf __builtin_s390_vaq __builtin_s390_vacq __builtin_s390_vaccb __builtin_s390_vacch __builtin_s390_vaccf __builtin_s390_vaccg __builtin_s390_vaccq __builtin_s390_vacccq __builtin_s390_vavgb __builtin_s390_vavgh __builtin_s390_vavgf __builtin_s390_vavgg __builtin_s390_vavglb __builtin_s390_vavglh __builtin_s390_vavglf __builtin_s390_vavglg __builtin_s390_vceqbs V16ScV16ScV16Sci* __builtin_s390_vceqhs V8SsV8SsV8Ssi* __builtin_s390_vceqfs V4SiV4SiV4Sii* __builtin_s390_vceqgs V2SLLiV2SLLiV2SLLii* __builtin_s390_vchbs __builtin_s390_vchhs __builtin_s390_vchfs __builtin_s390_vchgs __builtin_s390_vchlbs V16ScV16UcV16Uci* __builtin_s390_vchlhs V8SsV8UsV8Usi* __builtin_s390_vchlfs V4SiV4UiV4Uii* __builtin_s390_vchlgs V2SLLiV2ULLiV2ULLii* __builtin_s390_vcksm __builtin_s390_vclzb __builtin_s390_vclzh __builtin_s390_vclzf __builtin_s390_vclzg __builtin_s390_vctzb __builtin_s390_vctzh __builtin_s390_vctzf __builtin_s390_vctzg __builtin_s390_verimb V16UcV16UcV16UcV16UcIi __builtin_s390_verimh V8UsV8UsV8UsV8UsIi __builtin_s390_verimf V4UiV4UiV4UiV4UiIi __builtin_s390_verimg V2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLiV2ULLiIi __builtin_s390_verllb V16UcV16UcUi __builtin_s390_verllh V8UsV8UsUi __builtin_s390_verllf V4UiV4UiUi __builtin_s390_verllg V2ULLiV2ULLiUi __builtin_s390_verllvb __builtin_s390_verllvh __builtin_s390_verllvf __builtin_s390_verllvg __builtin_s390_vgfmb __builtin_s390_vgfmh __builtin_s390_vgfmf __builtin_s390_vgfmg V16UcV2ULLiV2ULLi __builtin_s390_vgfmab V8UsV16UcV16UcV8Us __builtin_s390_vgfmah __builtin_s390_vgfmaf V2ULLiV4UiV4UiV2ULLi __builtin_s390_vgfmag V16UcV2ULLiV2ULLiV16Uc __builtin_s390_vmahb __builtin_s390_vmahh __builtin_s390_vmahf __builtin_s390_vmalhb __builtin_s390_vmalhh __builtin_s390_vmalhf __builtin_s390_vmaeb V8SsV16ScV16ScV8Ss __builtin_s390_vmaeh __builtin_s390_vmaef V2SLLiV4SiV4SiV2SLLi __builtin_s390_vmaleb __builtin_s390_vmaleh __builtin_s390_vmalef __builtin_s390_vmaob __builtin_s390_vmaoh __builtin_s390_vmaof __builtin_s390_vmalob __builtin_s390_vmaloh __builtin_s390_vmalof __builtin_s390_vmhb __builtin_s390_vmhh __builtin_s390_vmhf __builtin_s390_vmlhb __builtin_s390_vmlhh __builtin_s390_vmlhf __builtin_s390_vmeb __builtin_s390_vmeh __builtin_s390_vmef __builtin_s390_vmleb __builtin_s390_vmleh __builtin_s390_vmlef __builtin_s390_vmob __builtin_s390_vmoh __builtin_s390_vmof __builtin_s390_vmlob __builtin_s390_vmloh __builtin_s390_vmlof __builtin_s390_vpopctb __builtin_s390_vpopcth __builtin_s390_vpopctf __builtin_s390_vpopctg __builtin_s390_vsq __builtin_s390_vsbcbiq __builtin_s390_vsbiq __builtin_s390_vscbib __builtin_s390_vscbih __builtin_s390_vscbif __builtin_s390_vscbig __builtin_s390_vscbiq __builtin_s390_vsl __builtin_s390_vslb __builtin_s390_vsldb V16UcV16UcV16UcIi __builtin_s390_vsra __builtin_s390_vsrab __builtin_s390_vsrl __builtin_s390_vsrlb __builtin_s390_vsumb V4UiV16UcV16Uc __builtin_s390_vsumh __builtin_s390_vsumgh V2ULLiV8UsV8Us __builtin_s390_vsumgf __builtin_s390_vsumqf V16UcV4UiV4Ui __builtin_s390_vsumqg __builtin_s390_vtm iV16UcV16Uc __builtin_s390_vfaeb __builtin_s390_vfaebs V16UcV16UcV16UcIii* __builtin_s390_vfaeh V8UsV8UsV8UsIi __builtin_s390_vfaehs V8UsV8UsV8UsIii* __builtin_s390_vfaef V4UiV4UiV4UiIi __builtin_s390_vfaefs V4UiV4UiV4UiIii* __builtin_s390_vfaezb __builtin_s390_vfaezbs __builtin_s390_vfaezh __builtin_s390_vfaezhs __builtin_s390_vfaezf __builtin_s390_vfaezfs __builtin_s390_vfeeb __builtin_s390_vfeebs V16UcV16UcV16Uci* __builtin_s390_vfeeh __builtin_s390_vfeehs V8UsV8UsV8Usi* __builtin_s390_vfeef __builtin_s390_vfeefs V4UiV4UiV4Uii* __builtin_s390_vfeezb __builtin_s390_vfeezbs __builtin_s390_vfeezh __builtin_s390_vfeezhs __builtin_s390_vfeezf __builtin_s390_vfeezfs __builtin_s390_vfeneb __builtin_s390_vfenebs __builtin_s390_vfeneh __builtin_s390_vfenehs __builtin_s390_vfenef __builtin_s390_vfenefs __builtin_s390_vfenezb __builtin_s390_vfenezbs __builtin_s390_vfenezh __builtin_s390_vfenezhs __builtin_s390_vfenezf __builtin_s390_vfenezfs __builtin_s390_vistrb __builtin_s390_vistrbs V16UcV16Uci* __builtin_s390_vistrh __builtin_s390_vistrhs V8UsV8Usi* __builtin_s390_vistrf __builtin_s390_vistrfs V4UiV4Uii* __builtin_s390_vstrcb __builtin_s390_vstrcbs V16UcV16UcV16UcV16UcIii* __builtin_s390_vstrch __builtin_s390_vstrchs V8UsV8UsV8UsV8UsIii* __builtin_s390_vstrcf __builtin_s390_vstrcfs V4UiV4UiV4UiV4UiIii* __builtin_s390_vstrczb __builtin_s390_vstrczbs __builtin_s390_vstrczh __builtin_s390_vstrczhs __builtin_s390_vstrczf __builtin_s390_vstrczfs __builtin_s390_vfcedbs V2SLLiV2dV2di* __builtin_s390_vfchdbs __builtin_s390_vfchedbs __builtin_s390_vfidb V2dV2dIiIi __builtin_s390_vflndb __builtin_s390_vflpdb __builtin_s390_vfmadb __builtin_s390_vfmsdb __builtin_s390_vfsqdb __builtin_s390_vftcidb V2SLLiV2dIii* zEC12 arch10 arch11 z196 E-m:e-i1:8:16-i8:8:16-i64:64-f128:64-v128:64-a:8:16-n32:64 vx E-p:32:32:32-i1:8:8-i8:8:32-i16:16:32-i32:32:32-i64:32:32-f32:32:32-f64:32:32-v64:32:32-v128:32:32-v256:32:32-v512:32:32-v1024:32:32-a0:0:32-n32 tce __TCE__ __TCE_V1__ e-p:32:32:32-i1:8:8-i8:8:32-i16:16:32-i32:32:32-i64:32:32-f32:32:32-f64:32:32-v64:32:32-v128:32:32-v256:32:32-v512:32:32-v1024:32:32-a0:0:32-n32 tcele e-m:o-p:32:32-f64:32:64-f80:128-n8:16:32-S128 e-m:e-p:32:32-f64:32:64-f80:32-n8:16:32-S128 __x86_64__ i386 __tune_i386__ i486 __pentium_mmx__ 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__builtin_ia32_emms __builtin_ia32_paddb __builtin_ia32_paddw __builtin_ia32_paddd V2iV2iV2i __builtin_ia32_paddsb __builtin_ia32_paddsw __builtin_ia32_paddusb __builtin_ia32_paddusw __builtin_ia32_psubb __builtin_ia32_psubw __builtin_ia32_psubd __builtin_ia32_psubsb __builtin_ia32_psubsw __builtin_ia32_psubusb __builtin_ia32_psubusw __builtin_ia32_pmulhw __builtin_ia32_pmullw __builtin_ia32_pmaddwd V2iV4sV4s __builtin_ia32_pand V1LLiV1LLiV1LLi __builtin_ia32_pandn __builtin_ia32_por __builtin_ia32_pxor __builtin_ia32_psllw V4sV4sV1LLi __builtin_ia32_pslld V2iV2iV1LLi __builtin_ia32_psllq __builtin_ia32_psrlw __builtin_ia32_psrld __builtin_ia32_psrlq __builtin_ia32_psraw __builtin_ia32_psrad __builtin_ia32_psllwi V4sV4si __builtin_ia32_pslldi V2iV2ii __builtin_ia32_psllqi V1LLiV1LLii __builtin_ia32_psrlwi __builtin_ia32_psrldi __builtin_ia32_psrlqi __builtin_ia32_psrawi __builtin_ia32_psradi __builtin_ia32_packsswb V8cV4sV4s __builtin_ia32_packssdw V4sV2iV2i __builtin_ia32_packuswb __builtin_ia32_punpckhbw __builtin_ia32_punpckhwd __builtin_ia32_punpckhdq __builtin_ia32_punpcklbw __builtin_ia32_punpcklwd __builtin_ia32_punpckldq __builtin_ia32_pcmpeqb __builtin_ia32_pcmpeqw __builtin_ia32_pcmpeqd __builtin_ia32_pcmpgtb __builtin_ia32_pcmpgtw __builtin_ia32_pcmpgtd __builtin_ia32_maskmovq vV8cV8cc* __builtin_ia32_movntq vV1LLi*V1LLi __builtin_ia32_vec_init_v2si V2iii __builtin_ia32_vec_init_v4hi V4sssss __builtin_ia32_vec_init_v8qi V8ccccccccc __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v2si iV2ii __builtin_ia32_cvtpi2ps V4fV4fV2i __builtin_ia32_cvtps2pi V2iV4f __builtin_ia32_cvttps2pi __builtin_ia32_pavgb __builtin_ia32_pavgw __builtin_ia32_pmaxsw __builtin_ia32_pmaxub __builtin_ia32_pminsw __builtin_ia32_pminub __builtin_ia32_pmovmskb iV8c __builtin_ia32_pmulhuw __builtin_ia32_psadbw V4sV8cV8c __builtin_ia32_pshufw V4sV4sIc __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v4hi iV4sIi __builtin_ia32_vec_set_v4hi V4sV4siIi __builtin_ia32_cvtpd2pi V2iV2d __builtin_ia32_cvtpi2pd V2dV2i __builtin_ia32_cvttpd2pi __builtin_ia32_paddq __builtin_ia32_pmuludq V1LLiV2iV2i __builtin_ia32_psubq __builtin_ia32_pabsb V8cV8c ssse3 __builtin_ia32_pabsd __builtin_ia32_pabsw V4sV4s __builtin_ia32_palignr V8cV8cV8cIc __builtin_ia32_phaddd __builtin_ia32_phaddsw __builtin_ia32_phaddw __builtin_ia32_phsubd __builtin_ia32_phsubsw __builtin_ia32_phsubw __builtin_ia32_pmaddubsw __builtin_ia32_pmulhrsw __builtin_ia32_pshufb __builtin_ia32_psignw __builtin_ia32_psignb __builtin_ia32_psignd __builtin_ia32_comieq iV4fV4f __builtin_ia32_comilt __builtin_ia32_comile __builtin_ia32_comigt __builtin_ia32_comige __builtin_ia32_comineq __builtin_ia32_ucomieq __builtin_ia32_ucomilt __builtin_ia32_ucomile __builtin_ia32_ucomigt __builtin_ia32_ucomige __builtin_ia32_ucomineq __builtin_ia32_comisdeq iV2dV2d __builtin_ia32_comisdlt __builtin_ia32_comisdle __builtin_ia32_comisdgt __builtin_ia32_comisdge __builtin_ia32_comisdneq __builtin_ia32_ucomisdeq __builtin_ia32_ucomisdlt __builtin_ia32_ucomisdle __builtin_ia32_ucomisdgt __builtin_ia32_ucomisdge __builtin_ia32_ucomisdneq __builtin_ia32_cmpeqps __builtin_ia32_cmpltps __builtin_ia32_cmpleps __builtin_ia32_cmpunordps __builtin_ia32_cmpneqps __builtin_ia32_cmpnltps __builtin_ia32_cmpnleps __builtin_ia32_cmpordps __builtin_ia32_cmpeqss __builtin_ia32_cmpltss __builtin_ia32_cmpless __builtin_ia32_cmpunordss __builtin_ia32_cmpneqss __builtin_ia32_cmpnltss __builtin_ia32_cmpnless __builtin_ia32_cmpordss __builtin_ia32_minps __builtin_ia32_maxps __builtin_ia32_minss __builtin_ia32_maxss __builtin_ia32_cmpeqpd __builtin_ia32_cmpltpd __builtin_ia32_cmplepd __builtin_ia32_cmpunordpd __builtin_ia32_cmpneqpd __builtin_ia32_cmpnltpd __builtin_ia32_cmpnlepd __builtin_ia32_cmpordpd __builtin_ia32_cmpeqsd __builtin_ia32_cmpltsd __builtin_ia32_cmplesd __builtin_ia32_cmpunordsd __builtin_ia32_cmpneqsd __builtin_ia32_cmpnltsd __builtin_ia32_cmpnlesd __builtin_ia32_cmpordsd __builtin_ia32_minpd __builtin_ia32_maxpd __builtin_ia32_minsd __builtin_ia32_maxsd 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__builtin_ia32_vpermt2vard128_maskz __builtin_ia32_vpermt2vard256_mask __builtin_ia32_vpermt2vard256_maskz __builtin_ia32_vpermt2varpd128_mask V2dV2LLiV2dV2dUc __builtin_ia32_vpermt2varpd128_maskz __builtin_ia32_vpermt2varpd256_mask V4dV4LLiV4dV4dUc __builtin_ia32_vpermt2varpd256_maskz __builtin_ia32_vpermt2varps128_mask V4fV4iV4fV4fUc __builtin_ia32_vpermt2varps128_maskz __builtin_ia32_vpermt2varps256_mask V8fV8iV8fV8fUc __builtin_ia32_vpermt2varps256_maskz __builtin_ia32_vpermt2varq128_mask __builtin_ia32_vpermt2varq128_maskz __builtin_ia32_vpermt2varq256_mask __builtin_ia32_vpermt2varq256_maskz __builtin_ia32_pmovswb512_mask V32cV32sV32cUi __builtin_ia32_pmovuswb512_mask __builtin_ia32_pmovwb512_mask __builtin_ia32_cvtpd2qq128_mask V2LLiV2dV2LLiUc avx512vl,avx512dq __builtin_ia32_cvtpd2qq256_mask V4LLiV4dV4LLiUc __builtin_ia32_cvtpd2uqq128_mask __builtin_ia32_cvtpd2uqq256_mask __builtin_ia32_cvtps2qq128_mask V2LLiV4fV2LLiUc __builtin_ia32_cvtps2qq256_mask V4LLiV4fV4LLiUc 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__builtin_ia32_prold512_mask V16iV16iIiV16iUs __builtin_ia32_prolq512_mask V8LLiV8LLiIiV8LLiUc __builtin_ia32_prold128_mask V4iV4iIiV4iUc __builtin_ia32_prold256_mask V8iV8iIiV8iUc __builtin_ia32_prolq128_mask V2LLiV2LLiIiV2LLiUc __builtin_ia32_prolq256_mask V4LLiV4LLiIiV4LLiUc __builtin_ia32_prolvd512_mask __builtin_ia32_prolvq512_mask __builtin_ia32_prord512_mask V16iV16iiV16iUs __builtin_ia32_prorq512_mask V8LLiV8LLiiV8LLiUc __builtin_ia32_prolvd128_mask __builtin_ia32_prolvd256_mask __builtin_ia32_prolvq128_mask __builtin_ia32_prolvq256_mask __builtin_ia32_prord128_mask __builtin_ia32_prord256_mask __builtin_ia32_prorq128_mask __builtin_ia32_prorq256_mask __builtin_ia32_prorvd512_mask __builtin_ia32_prorvq512_mask __builtin_ia32_prorvd128_mask __builtin_ia32_prorvd256_mask __builtin_ia32_prorvq128_mask __builtin_ia32_prorvq256_mask __builtin_ia32_psllv32hi V32sV32sV32s __builtin_ia32_psllw512 V32sV32sV8s __builtin_ia32_psllwi512 V32sV32si __builtin_ia32_psllv16hi avx512bw,avx512vl __builtin_ia32_psllv8hi __builtin_ia32_pslldi512 __builtin_ia32_psllqi512 V8LLiV8LLii __builtin_ia32_psrlv32hi __builtin_ia32_psrlv16hi __builtin_ia32_psrlv8hi __builtin_ia32_psrldi512 __builtin_ia32_psrlqi512 __builtin_ia32_psrav32hi __builtin_ia32_psrav16hi __builtin_ia32_psrav8hi __builtin_ia32_psravq128 __builtin_ia32_psravq256 __builtin_ia32_psraw512 __builtin_ia32_psrawi512 __builtin_ia32_psrlw512 __builtin_ia32_psrlwi512 __builtin_ia32_movdqa32load128_mask __builtin_ia32_movdqa32load256_mask __builtin_ia32_movdqa32load512_mask V16iV16iC*V16iUs __builtin_ia32_movdqa32store512_mask vV16i*V16iUs __builtin_ia32_movdqa64load512_mask V8LLiV8LLiC*V8LLiUc __builtin_ia32_movdqa64store512_mask vV8LLi*V8LLiUc __builtin_ia32_movdqa32store128_mask __builtin_ia32_movdqa32store256_mask __builtin_ia32_movdqa64load128_mask V2LLiV2LLiC*V2LLiUc __builtin_ia32_movdqa64load256_mask V4LLiV4LLiC*V4LLiUc __builtin_ia32_movdqa64store128_mask __builtin_ia32_movdqa64store256_mask 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__builtin_ia32_vcvtss2usi32 UiV4fIi __builtin_ia32_vcvttsd2si32 __builtin_ia32_vcvttsd2usi32 __builtin_ia32_vcvttss2si32 __builtin_ia32_vcvttss2usi32 __builtin_ia32_vpermi2vard512_mask __builtin_ia32_vpermi2varpd512_mask V8dV8dV8LLiV8dUc __builtin_ia32_vpermi2varps512_mask V16fV16fV16iV16fUs __builtin_ia32_vpermi2varq512_mask __builtin_ia32_vpermilvarpd512 V8dV8dV8LLi __builtin_ia32_vpermilvarps512 V16fV16fV16i __builtin_ia32_vpermt2vard512_maskz __builtin_ia32_vpermt2varpd512_maskz __builtin_ia32_vpermt2varps512_maskz __builtin_ia32_vpermt2varq512_maskz __builtin_ia32_ptestmb512 ULLiV64cV64cULLi __builtin_ia32_ptestmw512 UiV32sV32sUi __builtin_ia32_ptestnmb512 __builtin_ia32_ptestnmw512 __builtin_ia32_ptestmb128 UsV16cV16cUs __builtin_ia32_ptestmb256 UiV32cV32cUi __builtin_ia32_ptestmw128 UcV8sV8sUc __builtin_ia32_ptestmw256 UsV16sV16sUs __builtin_ia32_ptestnmb128 __builtin_ia32_ptestnmb256 __builtin_ia32_ptestnmw128 __builtin_ia32_ptestnmw256 __builtin_ia32_ptestmd128 UcV4iV4iUc 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annot_pragma_ms_pointers_to_members annot_pragma_ms_vtordisp annot_pragma_ms_pragma annot_pragma_opencl_extension annot_pragma_openmp annot_pragma_openmp_end annot_pragma_loop_hint annot_module_include annot_module_begin annot_module_end /lib/Basic /src/tools/clang cfe/ llvm/ expected root node expected array expected integer version mismatch, expected 0 expected string expected mapping node for file or directory entry unknown value for 'type' missing key 'contents' or 'external-contents' 'use-external-name' is not supported for directories yes off missing key ' 7.0 7.5 8.0 sm_20 sm_21 sm_30 sm_32 sm_35 sm_37 sm_50 sm_52 sm_53 sm_60 sm_61 sm_62 compute_20 compute_30 compute_32 compute_35 compute_37 compute_50 compute_52 compute_53 compute_60 compute_61 compute_62 <unknown> __llvm_prf_names __llvm_covmap Number of metadatas above which we emit an index to enable lazy-loading LLVM4.0.0svn Size: inliner-function-import-stats basic verbose Enable inliner stats for imported functions NoDefinition Callee will not be inlined into Caller because its definition is unavailable NotInlined Inlined inlined into AlwaysInline should always be inlined (cost=always) NeverInline should never be inlined (cost=never) TooCostly too costly to inline (cost= Cost , threshold= Threshold IncreaseCostInOtherContexts Not inlining. Cost of inlining increases the cost of inlining in other contexts CanBeInlined can be inlined into with cost= (threshold= internalize-public-api-file A file containing list of symbol names to preserve A list of symbol names to preserve llvm.global_ctors llvm.global_dtors A file containing list of basic blocks to not extract Try to avoid reuse of byte array addresses using aliases Second argument of llvm.type.test must be metadata A member of a type identifier may not have an explicit section A global var member of a type identifier must be a definition Type offset must be a constant Type identifier may not contain both global variables and functions Unsupported architecture for jump tables .cfi.jumptable __cfi_global_var_init __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .text.cfi cortex-a8 jmp ${ b.w $ wasm.index bits How many functions in module could be used for MergeFunctions pass sanity check. '0' disables this check. Works only with '-debug' key. Profile file loaded by -sample-profile sample-profile-max-propagate-iterations Maximum number of iterations to go through when propagating sample block/edge weights through the CFG. Emit a warning if less than N% of records in the input profile are matched to the IR. Emit a warning if less than N% of samples in the input profile are matched to the IR. Inlined functions that account for more than N% of all samples collected in the parent function, will be inlined again. sample-profile of available profile records ( %) were applied available profile samples ( <UNKNOWN LOCATION> llvm.dbg.declare wholeprogramdevirt __cfi_check __cfi_check_fail Add an attribute to a function. This should be a pair of 'function-name:attribute-name', for example -force-attribute=foo:noinline. This option can be specified multiple times. norecurse readnone argmemonly safestack sanitize_address sanitize_memory sanitize_thread sspreq sspstrong uwtable import-instr-limit Only import functions with less than N instructions import-instr-evolution-factor As we import functions, multiply the `import-instr-limit` threshold by this factor before processing newly imported functions As we import functions called from hot callsite, multiply the `import-instr-limit` threshold by this factor before processing newly imported functions Multiply the `import-instr-limit` threshold for hot callsites Multiply the `import-instr-limit` threshold for cold callsites Print imported functions Enable import metadata like 'thinlto_src_module' thinlto_src_module summary-file The summary file to use for function importing. function-import Error importing module: .llvm. .val llvm.metadata Constant Hoisting Max recurse depth (default = 1000) .pre LoadPRE load eliminated by PRE LoadClobbered load of type not eliminated in favor of OtherAccess because it is clobbered by ClobberedBy LoadElim eliminated InfavorOfValue Disable memory promotion in LICM pass .lcssa Enable LSR phi elimination sroa endian_shift .extract .shift .insert oldload MaxUsesPerAllocaPartition Maximum number of uses of a partition MaxPartitionsPerAlloca Maximum number of partitions per alloca .gep scalarize-load-store Allow the scalarizer pass to scalarize loads and store .upto Do not separate the constant offset from a GEP instruction Verify this pass produces no dead code Split GEPs to a variadic base and a constant offset for better CSE Control the number of bonus instructions (default = 1) Speculative execution is not applied to basic blocks where the cost of the instructions to speculatively execute exceeds this limit. Speculative execution is not applied to basic blocks where the number of instructions that would not be speculatively executed exceeds this limit. Speculative execution is applied only to targets with divergent branches, even if the pass was configured to apply only to all targets. Speculatively execute instructions Speculatively execute instructions if target has divergent branches structurizecfg.uniform tailcallelim Enable partial-overwrite tracking in DSE early-cse NumCSECVP Number of compare instructions CVP'd Max integer bitwidth to consider in float2int(default=64) Max number of instructions to hoist (default unlimited = -1) Max number of basic blocks on the path between hoisting locations (default = 4, unlimited = -1) Hoist instructions from the beginning of the BB up to the maximum specified depth (default = 100, unlimited = -1) Maximum length of dependent chains to hoist (default = 10, unlimited = -1) verify-indvars Verify the ScalarEvolution result after running indvars Choose the strategy to replace exit value in IndVarSimplify never cheap indvars-post-increment-ranges Use post increment control-dependent ranges in IndVarSimplify indvars irce irce.loop.clone mainloop llvm.loop.unroll.disable llvm.loop.licm_versioning.disable Max block size to duplicate for jump threading The number of predecessors to search for a stronger condition to use to thread over a weaker condition .thr_comm Combine Adjacent Loads load-combine NumLoadsCombined Number of loads combined Prefetch write addresses Number of instructions to prefetch ahead Min stride to add prefetches Max number of iterations to prefetch ahead loop-data-prefetch Prefetched prefetched memory access Turn on DominatorTree and LoopInfo verification after Loop Distribution loop-distribute-non-if-convertible Whether to distribute into a loop that may not be if-convertible by the loop vectorizer The maximum number of SCEV checks allowed for Loop Distribution The maximum number of SCEV checks allowed for Loop Distribution for loop marked with #pragma loop distribute(enable) Enable the new, experimental LoopDistribution Pass MultipleExitBlocks multiple exit blocks NotLoopSimplifyForm loop is not in loop-simplify form MemOpsCanBeVectorized memory operations are safe for vectorization NoUnsafeDeps no unsafe dependences to isolate CantIsolateUnsafeDeps cannot isolate unsafe dependencies TooManySCEVRuntimeChecks too many SCEV run-time checks needed. loop-distribute Distribute distributed loop NotDistributed loop not distributed: use -Rpass-analysis=loop-distribute for more info loop not distributed: loop not distributed: failed explicitly specified loop distribution Use loop idiom recognition code size heuristics when compilingwith -Os/-Oz loop-idiom memset_pattern16 Interchange if you gain more than this number Max number of memchecks allowed per eliminated load on average The maximum number of SCEV checks allowed for Loop Load Elimination The maximum increment for loop rerolling The maximum number of failures to tolerate during fuzzy matching. (default: 400) The default maximum header size for automatic loop rotation Do not sink instructions that require cloning unless they execute less than this percent of the time. Do not sink instructions that have too many uses. unroll-threshold The baseline cost threshold for loop unrolling unroll-max-percent-threshold-boost The maximum 'boost' (represented as a percentage >= 100) applied to the threshold when aggressively unrolling a loop due to the dynamic cost savings. If completely unrolling a loop will reduce the total runtime from X to Y, we boost the loop unroll threshold to DefaultThreshold*std::min(MaxPercentThresholdBoost, X/Y). This limit avoids excessive code bloat. unroll-max-iteration-count-to-analyze Don't allow loop unrolling to simulate more than this number ofiterations when checking full unroll profitability unroll-count Use this unroll count for all loops including those with unroll_count pragma values, for testing purposes unroll-max-count Set the max unroll count for partial and runtime unrolling, fortesting purposes unroll-full-max-count Set the max unroll count for full unrolling, for testing purposes unroll-allow-partial Allows loops to be partially unrolled until -unroll-threshold loop size is reached. Allow generation of a loop remainder (extra iterations) when unrolling a loop. Unroll loops with run-time trip counts The max of trip count upper bound that is considered in unrolling Unrolled size limit for loops with an unroll(full) or unroll_count pragma. If the runtime tripcount for the loop is lower than the threshold, the loop is considered as flat and will be less aggressively unrolled. Allows loops to be peeled when the dynamic trip count is known to be low. LoopUnrollPass: DominatorTreeAnalysis not cached at a higher level LoopUnrollPass: LoopAnalysis not cached at a higher level LoopUnrollPass: ScalarEvolutionAnalysis not cached at a higher level LoopUnrollPass: OptimizationRemarkEmitterAnalysis not cached at a higher level loop-unroll UnrollAsDirectedTooLarge Unable to unroll loop as directed by unroll(enable) pragma because unrolled size is too large. FullUnrollAsDirectedTooLarge Unable to fully unroll loop as directed by unroll pragma because unrolled size is too large. CantFullUnrollAsDirectedRuntimeTripCount Unable to fully unroll loop as directed by unroll(full) pragma because loop has a runtime trip count. DifferentUnrollCountFromDirected Unable to unroll loop the number of times directed by unroll_count pragma because remainder loop is restricted (that could architecture specific or because the loop contains a convergent instruction) and so must have an unroll count that divides the loop trip multiple of TripMultiple . Unrolling instead UnrollCount time(s). llvm.loop.unroll.full llvm.loop.unroll.enable llvm.loop.unroll.runtime.disable Max loop size to unswitch Enable the use of the block frequency analysis to access PGO heuristics to minimize code growth in cold regions. Coldness threshold in percentage. The loop header frequency (relative to the entry frequency) is compared with this threshold to determine if non-trivial unswitching should be enabled. LoopVersioningLICM's minimum allowed percentageof possible invariant instructions per loop LoopVersioningLICM's threshold for maximum allowed loop nest/depth LVDomain LVAliasScope Weight of the branch likely to be taken (default = 2000) Weight of the branch unlikely to be taken (default = 1) The probability of a guard failing is assumed to be the reciprocal of this value (default = 1 << 20) gc.safepoint_poll rs4gc-clobber-non-live rs4gc-allow-statepoint-with-no-deopt-info __tmp_use base_ee is_base_value base_phi base_select base_ie base_sv deopt-lowering .relocated .casted Use full module build paths in the profile counter names for static functions. VP PGOFuncName ir fe adcg*704 ': can only link appending global with another appending global! Appending variables linked with different const'ness! Appending variables with different alignment need to be linked! Appending variables with different visibility need to be linked! Appending variables with different unnamed_addr need to be linked! Appending variables with different section name need to be linked! linking module flags ' ': IDs have conflicting override values ': IDs have conflicting behaviors ': IDs have conflicting values ': does not have the required value Linking COMDATs named ' Could not open input file: parse Parse IR irparse LLVM IR Parsing <string> constant bigger than 64 bits detected! constant bigger than 128 bits detected! Null bytes are not allowed in names end of file in string constant invalid value number (too large)! weak_odr appending unnamed_addr local_unnamed_addr externally_initialized extern_weak localdynamic initialexec localexec zeroinitializer caller within tail musttail notail triple source_filename unwind deplibs datalayout unordered acquire acq_rel singlethread nnan ninf arcp nsrnd fast exact inbounds inrange sideeffect alignstack inteldialect prefix prologue fastcc coldcc x86_stdcallcc x86_fastcallcc x86_thiscallcc x86_vectorcallcc arm_apcscc arm_aapcscc arm_aapcs_vfpcc msp430_intrcc avr_intrcc avr_signalcc ptx_kernel ptx_device spir_kernel spir_func x86_64_sysvcc x86_64_win64cc x86_regcallcc webkit_jscc swiftcc anyregcc preserve_mostcc preserve_allcc ghccc x86_intrcc hhvmcc hhvm_ccc cxx_fast_tlscc amdgpu_vs amdgpu_gs amdgpu_ps amdgpu_cs amdgpu_kernel attributes alwaysinline allocsize builtin byval inalloca dereferenceable dereferenceable_or_null inaccessiblememonly inaccessiblemem_or_argmemonly inlinehint inreg jumptable nest nobuiltin nocapture noimplicitfloat nonlazybind noredzone nounwind optsize returned signext sret swifterror swiftself zeroext opaque comdat exactmatch largest noduplicates samesize xchg nand blockaddress distinct uselistorder uselistorder_bb personality x86_fp80 fp128 ppc_fp128 metadata x86_mmx token lshr ashr icmp fcmp call zext fptrunc uitofp sitofp fptoui fptosi inttoptr ptrtoint addrspacecast va_arg indirectbr invoke resume cmpxchg atomicrmw fence getelementptr extractelement insertelement shufflevector extractvalue insertvalue landingpad cleanupret catchret catchswitch catchpad cleanuppad DW_TAG_ DW_ATE_ DW_VIRTUALITY_ DW_LANG_ DW_CC_ DW_OP_ DW_MACINFO_ DIFlag CSK_ NoDebug FullDebug LineTablesOnly expected function name in blockaddress use of undefined metadata '! expected '=' after name non-struct types may not be recursive expected 'global' or 'constant' expected '=' here Expected '!' here expected end of metadata node symbol with local linkage must have default visibility An alias or ifunc must have pointer type explicit pointee type doesn't match operand's pointee type redefinition of global '@ forward reference and definition of alias have different types invalid type for global variable expected '{' here cannot have an attribute group reference in an attribute group global variable reference must have pointer type ' defined with type ' expected string constant expected localdynamic, initialexec or localexec invalid use of function-only attribute expected '(' expected ')' expected metadata or 'align' Expected ordering on atomic instruction expected index void type only allowed for function results pointers to void are invalid - use i8* instead pointer to this type is invalid expected '*' in address space expected ',' in argument list expected ')' at end of argument list expected '...' at end of argument list for musttail call in varargs function invalid function return type expected number in address space zero element vector is illegal invalid vector element type ' is not a basic block invalid use of a non-first-class type instructions returning void cannot have a name expected value token expected end of struct constant expected end of packed struct expected end of constant constant vector must not be empty vector elements must have integer, pointer or floating point type vector element # is not of type ' expected end of array constant invalid array element type: array element # expected comma in inline asm expression expected constraint string expected '(' in block address expression expected comma in block address expression expected ')' in block address expression expected basic block name in blockaddress cannot take blockaddress inside a declaration referenced value is not a basic block cannot take address of numeric label after the function is defined expected '(' after constantexpr cast expected 'to' in constantexpr cast expected ')' at end of constantexpr cast invalid cast opcode for cast from ' ' to ' expected '(' in extractvalue constantexpr expected ')' in extractvalue constantexpr extractvalue operand must be aggregate type invalid indices for extractvalue expected '(' in insertvalue constantexpr expected comma in insertvalue constantexpr expected ')' in insertvalue constantexpr insertvalue operand must be aggregate type invalid indices for insertvalue insertvalue operand and field disagree in type: ' ' instead of ' expected '(' in compare constantexpr expected comma in compare constantexpr expected ')' in compare constantexpr compare operands must have the same type fcmp requires floating point operands icmp requires pointer or integer operands expected '(' in binary constantexpr expected comma in binary constantexpr expected ')' in binary constantexpr operands of constexpr must have same type nuw only applies to integer operations nsw only applies to integer operations constexpr requires integer operands expected '(' in logical constantexpr expected comma in logical constantexpr expected ')' in logical constantexpr constexpr requires integer or integer vector operands expected comma after getelementptr's type base of getelementptr must be a pointer getelementptr index must be an integer getelementptr vector index has a wrong number of elements base element of getelementptr must be sized invalid getelementptr indices inrange keyword may not appear on pointer operand expected three operands to select invalid operands to shufflevector expected two operands to extractelement invalid extractelement operands expected three operands to insertelement invalid insertelement operands DICompositeType DICompileUnit DISubprogram DILexicalBlock DILexicalBlockFile DIModule DITemplateTypeParameter DITemplateValueParameter DIGlobalVariable DILocalVariable DIObjCProperty DIImportedEntity DIMacro DIMacroFile expected metadata type missing required field 'scope' missing required field 'tag' missing required field 'name' missing required field 'value' missing required field 'file' missing 'distinct', required for !DISubprogram when 'isDefinition' missing required field 'type' expected '(' here expected unsigned integer expected ')' here invalid metadata-value-metadata roundtrip functions are not values, refer to them as pointers invalid use of function-local name invalid type for inline asm constraint string integer constant must have integer type floating point constant invalid for type floating point constant does not have type ' null must be a pointer type invalid type for undef constant invalid empty array initializer invalid type for null constant packed'ness of initializer and type don't match of struct initializer doesn't match struct element type expected a basic block function expected to be numbered '% expected function name expected '(' in function argument list 'builtin' attribute not valid on function functions with 'sret' argument must return void invalid forward reference to function as global value! invalid forward reference to function ' invalid redefinition of function ' redefinition of function '@ type of definition and forward reference of '@ ' disagree redefinition of argument '% duplicate case value in switch case value is not a constant integer expected ']' at end of block list Invalid result type for LLVM function too many arguments specified argument is not of expected type ' not enough parameters specified for call expected scope value for catchswitch expected 'unwind' after catchswitch scope expected 'caller' in catchswitch expected ',' after insertelement value fast-math-flags specified for call without floating-point scalar or vector return type atomic load must have explicit non-zero alignment stored value and pointer type do not match atomic store must have explicit non-zero alignment atomic store cannot use Acquire ordering cmpxchg failure argument shall be no stronger than the success argument cmpxchg failure ordering cannot include release semantics compare value and pointer type do not match new value and pointer type do not match cmpxchg operand must be a first class value expected binary operation in atomicrmw atomicrmw value and pointer type do not match atomicrmw operand must be an integer atomicrmw operand must be power-of-two byte-sized integer expected non-empty list of uselistorder indexes expected >= 2 uselistorder indexes invalid function forward reference in uselistorder_bb invalid declaration in uselistorder_bb invalid numeric label in uselistorder_bb expected basic block name in uselistorder_bb invalid basic block in uselistorder_bb expected type expected field label here column scope inlinedAt invalid field ' field ' ' cannot be specified more than once value for ' ' too large, limit is tag lowerBound file baseType extraData elements runtimeLang vtableHolder templateParams directory checksumkind checksum language producer isOptimized runtimeVersion splitDebugFilename emissionKind enums retainedTypes globals imports macros dwoId splitDebugInlining linkageName isLocal isDefinition scopeLine containingType virtuality virtualIndex thisAdjustment unit declaration variables discriminator exportSymbols nodes configMacros includePath isysroot expr setter getter entity expensive-combines Enable expensive instruction combines addconv .off .not .lobit .mask .elt split __memcpy_chk putchar chari puts fputc Aggregate arguments to code-extracted functions gep_ .reg2mem .reload inlined functions all functions imported functions inlined anywhere imported functions inlined into importing module non-imported functions inlined anywhere Convert noalias attributes to metadata during inlining. Convert align attributes to assumptions during inlining. Verify loop lcssa form (time consuming) llvm.loop gc-leaf-function Allow runtime unrolled loops to be unrolled with epilog instead of prolog. FullyUnrolled completely unrolled loop with iterations Peeled peeled loop by PeelCount PartialUnrolled unrolled loop by a factor of with a breakout at trip BreakoutTrip with trips per branch with run-time trip count Max average trip count which will cause loop peeling. Force a peel count regardless of profiling information. unroll_iter niter .nsub .ncmp Add no-alias annotation for instructions that are disambiguated by memchecks LVerDomain The maximum number of stores/phis MemorySSAwill consider trying to walk past (default = 100) Verify MemorySSA in legacy printer pass. Sanitizer interface function redefined: __sanitizer_stat_report __sanitizer_stat_init phi-node-folding-threshold Control the amount of phi node folding to perform (default = 2) simplifycfg-dup-ret Duplicate return instructions into unconditional branches simplifycfg-sink-common Sink common instructions down to the end block simplifycfg-hoist-cond-stores Hoist conditional stores if an unconditional store precedes Hoist conditional stores even if an unconditional store does not precede - hoist multiple conditional stores into a single predicated store When merging conditional stores, do so even if the resultant basic blocks are unlikely to be if-converted as a result Allow exactly one expensive instruction to be speculatively executed Limit maximum recursion depth when calculating costs of speculatively executed instructions branch_weights magicptr infloop switch.idx.cast switch.idx.mult switch.offset switch.cast switch.shiftamt switch.downshift switch.masked switch.gep inverted.cmp Treat error-reporting calls as cold Enable unsafe double to float shrinking for math lib calls strcmpload iprintf siprintf fiprintf Symbol Rewrite Map descriptor key must be a scalar descriptor value must be a scalar invalid regex: exactly one of transform or target must be specified unable to transforn in Disable generation of discriminator information. Perform shrink-wrap on lib calls with domain errors Perform shrink-wrap on lib calls with range errors Perform shrink-wrap on lib calls with pole errors foo bar baz quux barney snork zot blam hoge wibble wobble widget wombat ham eggs pluto spam We do not support this DWARF encoding yet! Enable interprocedural register allocation to reduce load/store at procedure calls. The maximum number of pointers may-alias sets may contain before degradation ..., cgscc-passmgr MaxSCCIterations Maximum CGSCCPassMgr iterations on one SCC -1 Recognize reduction patterns. Try to delinearize array references. Print dominance tree of function to 'dot' file (with no function bodies) Print postdominance tree of function to 'dot' file (with no function bodies) .dot '... for ' ' function " { }"]; __gnat_eh_personality ProcessCLRException rust_eh_personality Control the amount of inlining to perform (default = 225) Threshold for inlining functions with inline hint Threshold for inlining functions with cold attribute Threshold for hot callsites instcount NumGetElementPtrInst Number of GetElementPtr insts NumLoadInst Number of Load insts NumStoreInst Number of Store insts NumCallInst Number of Call insts NumInvokeInst Number of Invoke insts NumAllocaInst Number of Alloca insts Unusual: Return statement in function with noreturn attribute Undefined behavior: indirectbr with no destinations Undefined behavior: Null pointer dereference Undefined behavior: Write to read-only memory Undefined behavior: Write to text section Unusual: Load from function body Undefined behavior: Load from block address Undefined behavior: Call to block address Undefined behavior: Branch to non-blockaddress Undefined behavior: Buffer overflow Undefined behavior: Memory reference address is misaligned Undefined behavior: Call argument count mismatches callee argument count Undefined behavior: Call return type mismatches callee return type Undefined behavior: Call argument type mismatches callee parameter type Undefined behavior: Call with "tail" keyword references alloca Undefined behavior: memcpy source and destination overlap Undefined behavior: va_start called in a non-varargs function Unusual: unreachable immediately preceded by instruction without side effects Undefined result: sub(undef, undef) Undefined behavior: Division by zero Undefined result: Shift count out of range Undefined result: xor(undef, undef) Pessimization: Static alloca outside of entry block Undefined result: extractelement index out of range Use this to specify the default maximum number of instructions to scan backward from a given instruction, when searching for available loaded value force-vector-width Sets the SIMD width. Zero is autoselect. force-vector-interleave Sets the vectorization interleave count. Zero is autoselect. runtime-memory-check-threshold When performing memory disambiguation checks at runtime do not generate more than this number of comparisons (default = 8). Maximum number of comparisons done when trying to merge runtime memory checks. (default = 100) Maximum number of dependences collected by loop-access analysis (default = 100) Enable symbolic stride memory access versioning Enable conflict detection in loop-access analysis NoDep Unknown Forward ForwardButPreventsForwarding Backward BackwardVectorizable BackwardVectorizableButPreventsForwarding NotInnerMostLoop loop is not the innermost loop CFGNotUnderstood loop control flow is not understood by analyzer CantComputeNumberOfIterations could not determine number of loop iterations NonSimpleLoad read with atomic ordering or volatile read CantVectorizeInstruction instruction cannot be vectorized NonSimpleStore write with atomic ordering or volatile write CantIdentifyArrayBounds cannot identify array bounds CantCheckMemDepsAtRunTime cannot check memory dependencies at runtime UnsafeMemDep unsafe dependent memory operations in loop. Use #pragma loop distribute(enable) to allow loop distribution to attempt to isolate the offending operations into a separate loop loop-accesses ScalarEvolution must have been cached at a higher level AliasAnalysis must have been cached at a higher level cl::location(x) specified more than once! Verify loop info (time consuming) <deleted> <unnamed loop> llvm::StringRef llvm::getTypeName() [DesiredTypeName = llvm::Loop] DesiredTypeName = Clobber Def NonFuncLocal The number of instructions to scan in a block in memory dependency analysis (default = 100) The number of blocks to scan during memory dependency analysis (default = 1000) enable-objc-arc-opts enable/disable all ARC Optimizations ARCInstKind::Retain ARCInstKind::RetainRV ARCInstKind::ClaimRV ARCInstKind::RetainBlock ARCInstKind::Release ARCInstKind::Autorelease ARCInstKind::AutoreleaseRV ARCInstKind::AutoreleasepoolPush ARCInstKind::AutoreleasepoolPop ARCInstKind::NoopCast ARCInstKind::FusedRetainAutorelease ARCInstKind::FusedRetainAutoreleaseRV ARCInstKind::LoadWeakRetained ARCInstKind::StoreWeak ARCInstKind::InitWeak ARCInstKind::LoadWeak ARCInstKind::MoveWeak ARCInstKind::CopyWeak ARCInstKind::DestroyWeak ARCInstKind::StoreStrong ARCInstKind::CallOrUser ARCInstKind::Call ARCInstKind::User ARCInstKind::IntrinsicUser ARCInstKind::None objc_retainedObject objc_unretainedObject objc_unretainedPointer objc_retain_autorelease llvm.arc.annotation.bottomup.bbend String !Passed !Missed !Analysis !AnalysisFPCommute !AnalysisAliasing DebugLoc A count is hot if it exceeds the minimum count to reach this percentile of total counts. A count is cold if it is below the minimum count to reach this percentile of total counts. Verify region info (time consuming) print-region-style style of printing regions bb rn Show only simple regions in the graphviz viewer Print regions of function to 'dot' file (with no function bodies) Maximum number of iterations SCEV will symbolically execute a constant derived loop verify-scev Verify ScalarEvolution's backedge taken counts (slow) verify-scev-maps Verify no dangling value in ScalarEvolution's ExprValueMap (slow) Threshold for inlining multiplication operands into a SCEV Maximum depth of recursive compare complexity <nuw> <nsw> <nw> uglygep scevgep Vector functions library Accelerate SVML ??2@YAPAXI@Z ??2@YAPAXIABUnothrow_t@std@@@Z ??2@YAPEAX_K@Z ??2@YAPEAX_KAEBUnothrow_t@std@@@Z ??3@YAXPAX@Z ??3@YAXPAXABUnothrow_t@std@@@Z ??3@YAXPAXI@Z ??3@YAXPEAX@Z ??3@YAXPEAXAEBUnothrow_t@std@@@Z ??3@YAXPEAX_K@Z ??_U@YAPAXI@Z ??_U@YAPAXIABUnothrow_t@std@@@Z ??_U@YAPEAX_K@Z ??_U@YAPEAX_KAEBUnothrow_t@std@@@Z ??_V@YAXPAX@Z ??_V@YAXPAXABUnothrow_t@std@@@Z ??_V@YAXPAXI@Z ??_V@YAXPEAX@Z ??_V@YAXPEAXAEBUnothrow_t@std@@@Z ??_V@YAXPEAX_K@Z _IO_getc _IO_putc _ZdaPv _ZdaPvRKSt9nothrow_t _ZdaPvj _ZdaPvm _ZdlPv _ZdlPvRKSt9nothrow_t _ZdlPvj _ZdlPvm _Znaj _ZnajRKSt9nothrow_t _Znam _ZnamRKSt9nothrow_t _Znwj _ZnwjRKSt9nothrow_t _Znwm _ZnwmRKSt9nothrow_t __cxa_atexit __isoc99_scanf __isoc99_sscanf __memmove_chk __memset_chk __nvvm_reflect __sincospi_stret __sincospif_stret __sqrt_finite __sqrtf_finite __sqrtl_finite __stpcpy_chk __stpncpy_chk __strcpy_chk __strdup __strncpy_chk __strndup __strtok_r access atof atoi atol atoll bcmp bcopy chmod chown clearerr closedir ctermid exp10f exp10l fclose fdopen feof ferror fflush ffsll fgetc fgetpos fgets fileno flockfile flsl flsll fopen fopen64 fputs fread free fseek fseeko fseeko64 fsetpos fstat fstat64 fstatvfs fstatvfs64 ftell ftello ftello64 ftrylockfile funlockfile fwrite getc getc_unlocked getchar getenv getitimer getlogin_r getpwnam gets gettimeofday htonl htons isascii lchown lstat lstat64 memalign memccpy mempcpy memrchr mkdir mktime ntohl ntohs open open64 opendir pclose perror popen posix_memalign pread putc pwrite qsort readlink reallocf realpath rename rewind rmdir setbuf setitimer setvbuf stat stat64 statvfs statvfs64 strcoll strnlen strtod strtof strtok_r strtol strtold strtoll strtoul strtoull vceilf vfabsf llvm.fabs.f32 vfloorf vsqrtf llvm.sqrt.f32 vexpf vexpm1f vlogf vlog1pf vlog10f llvm.log10.f32 vlogbf vsinf llvm.sin.f32 vcosf llvm.cos.f32 vtanf vasinf vacosf vatanf vsinhf vcoshf vtanhf vasinhf vacoshf __svml_sin2 __svml_sin4 __svml_sin8 __svml_sinf4 __svml_sinf8 __svml_sinf16 __svml_cos2 __svml_cos4 __svml_cos8 __svml_cosf4 __svml_cosf8 __svml_cosf16 __svml_pow2 __svml_pow4 __svml_pow8 __svml_powf4 __svml_powf8 __svml_powf16 llvm.pow.f64 llvm.pow.f32 __svml_exp2 __svml_exp4 __svml_exp8 __svml_expf4 __svml_expf8 fwrite$UNIX2003 fputs$UNIX2003 _copysign Mali specific Alias Analysis print-all-alias-modref-info print-no-aliases <-> The minimum count to the direct call target for the promotion The percentage threshold for the promotion Max number of promotions for a single indirect call callsite MachOUniversalBinary::ObjectForArch::getAsObjectFile() called when Parent is a nullptr MachOUniversalBinary::ObjectForArch::getAsArchive() called when Parent is a nullptr File too small to be a Mach-O universal file contains zero architecture types bad magic number fat_arch structs would extend past the end of the file offset plus size of cputype ( ) extends past the end of the file align (2^ ) too large for cputype ( ) (maximum 2^ ) offset overlaps universal headers contains two of the same architecture (cputype ( Unknown architecture named: fat file does not contain .mbs2_code %d at offset name contains a leading space for archive member header at offset archive header truncated before the name field for archive member header at offset long name offset characters after the '/' are not all decimal numbers: ' ' for archive member header at offset past the end of the string table for archive member header at offset long name length characters after the #1/ are not all decimal numbers: ' extends past the end of the member or archive for archive member header at offset characters in size field in archive header are not all decimal numbers: ' characters in AccessMode field in archive header are not all decimal numbers: ' ' for the archive member header at offset characters in LastModified field in archive header are not all decimal numbers: ' characters in UID field in archive header are not all decimal numbers: ' characters in GID field in archive header are not all decimal numbers: ' File too small to be an archive IMAGE_REL_AMD64_ABSOLUTE IMAGE_REL_AMD64_ADDR64 IMAGE_REL_AMD64_ADDR32 IMAGE_REL_AMD64_ADDR32NB IMAGE_REL_AMD64_REL32 IMAGE_REL_AMD64_REL32_1 IMAGE_REL_AMD64_REL32_2 IMAGE_REL_AMD64_REL32_3 IMAGE_REL_AMD64_REL32_4 IMAGE_REL_AMD64_REL32_5 IMAGE_REL_AMD64_SECTION IMAGE_REL_AMD64_SECREL IMAGE_REL_AMD64_SECREL7 IMAGE_REL_AMD64_TOKEN IMAGE_REL_AMD64_SREL32 IMAGE_REL_AMD64_PAIR IMAGE_REL_AMD64_SSPAN32 IMAGE_REL_ARM_ABSOLUTE IMAGE_REL_ARM_ADDR32 IMAGE_REL_ARM_ADDR32NB IMAGE_REL_ARM_BRANCH24 IMAGE_REL_ARM_BRANCH11 IMAGE_REL_ARM_TOKEN IMAGE_REL_ARM_BLX24 IMAGE_REL_ARM_BLX11 IMAGE_REL_ARM_SECTION IMAGE_REL_ARM_SECREL IMAGE_REL_ARM_MOV32A IMAGE_REL_ARM_MOV32T IMAGE_REL_ARM_BRANCH20T IMAGE_REL_ARM_BRANCH24T IMAGE_REL_ARM_BLX23T IMAGE_REL_I386_ABSOLUTE IMAGE_REL_I386_DIR16 IMAGE_REL_I386_REL16 IMAGE_REL_I386_DIR32 IMAGE_REL_I386_DIR32NB mips2 micromips invalid section header entry size (e_shentsize) in ELF header section header table goes past the end of the file invalid alignment of section headers section table goes past the end of file invalid sh_type invalid section contents size invalid sh_entsize size is not a multiple of sh_entsize invalid section offset invalid section index invalid sh_type for string table, expected SHT_STRTAB empty string table string table non-null terminated index past the end of the symbol table invalid string offset ELF32-i386 ELF32-iamcu ELF32-x86-64 ELF32-arm-little ELF32-arm-big ELF32-avr ELF32-hexagon ELF32-lanai ELF32-mips ELF32-ppc ELF32-riscv ELF32-sparc ELF32-wasm ELF32-amdgpu ELF32-unknown ELF64-i386 ELF64-x86-64 ELF64-aarch64-little ELF64-aarch64-big ELF64-ppc64 ELF64-riscv ELF64-s390 ELF64-sparc ELF64-mips ELF64-wasm ELF64-amdgpu-hsacobj ELF64-amdgpu ELF64-BPF ELF64-unknown Invalid ELFCLASS! load commands extend past the end of the file load command cmdsize not a multiple of 8 cmdsize not a multiple of 4 LC_DATA_IN_CODE data in code info LC_LINKER_OPTIMIZATION_HINT linker optimization hints LC_FUNCTION_STARTS function starts data LC_SEGMENT_SPLIT_INFO split info data LC_DYLIB_CODE_SIGN_DRS code signing RDs data LC_CODE_SIGNATURE code signature data LC_DYLD_INFO LC_DYLD_INFO_ONLY LC_UUID command has incorrect cmdsize more than one LC_UUID command LC_SEGMENT_64 LC_SEGMENT LC_LOAD_DYLIB LC_LOAD_WEAK_DYLIB LC_LAZY_LOAD_DYLIB LC_REEXPORT_DYLIB LC_LOAD_UPWARD_DYLIB LC_ID_DYLINKER LC_LOAD_DYLINKER LC_DYLD_ENVIRONMENT LC_VERSION_MIN_MACOSX LC_VERSION_MIN_IPHONEOS LC_VERSION_MIN_TVOS LC_VERSION_MIN_WATCHOS LC_SOURCE_VERSION command more than one LC_SOURCE_VERSION command LC_MAIN command more than one LC_MAIN command LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO command LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO_64 command LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO_64 LC_SUB_FRAMEWORK cmdsize too small LC_SUB_FRAMEWORK sub_framework_command LC_SUB_UMBRELLA cmdsize too small LC_SUB_UMBRELLA sub_umbrella_command sub_umbrella LC_SUB_LIBRARY cmdsize too small LC_SUB_LIBRARY sub_library_command sub_library LC_SUB_CLIENT cmdsize too small LC_SUB_CLIENT sub_client_command LC_ROUTINES command more than one LC_ROUTINES and or LC_ROUTINES_64 command LC_ROUTINES_64 command more than one LC_ROUTINES_64 and or LC_ROUTINES command LC_UNIXTHREAD more than one LC_UNIXTHREAD command LC_THREAD for cmd value of: is obsolete and not supported contains LC_DYSYMTAB load command without a LC_SYMTAB load command ilocalsym in LC_DYSYMTAB load command extends past the end of the symbol table ilocalsym plus nlocalsym in LC_DYSYMTAB load command extends past the end of the symbol table nextdefsym in LC_DYSYMTAB load command extends past the end of the symbol table iextdefsym plus nextdefsym in LC_DYSYMTAB load command extends past the end of the symbol table nundefsym in LC_DYSYMTAB load command extends past the end of the symbol table iundefsym plus nundefsym in LC_DYSYMTAB load command extends past the end of the symbol table no LC_ID_DYLIB load command in dynamic library filetype bad section index: for symbol at index past the end of string table, for symbol at index GENERIC_RELOC_VANILLA GENERIC_RELOC_PAIR GENERIC_RELOC_SECTDIFF GENERIC_RELOC_PB_LA_PTR GENERIC_RELOC_LOCAL_SECTDIFF GENERIC_RELOC_TLV X86_64_RELOC_UNSIGNED X86_64_RELOC_SIGNED X86_64_RELOC_BRANCH X86_64_RELOC_GOT_LOAD X86_64_RELOC_GOT X86_64_RELOC_SUBTRACTOR X86_64_RELOC_SIGNED_1 X86_64_RELOC_SIGNED_2 X86_64_RELOC_SIGNED_4 X86_64_RELOC_TLV ARM_RELOC_VANILLA ARM_RELOC_PAIR ARM_RELOC_SECTDIFF ARM_RELOC_LOCAL_SECTDIFF ARM_RELOC_PB_LA_PTR ARM_RELOC_BR24 ARM_THUMB_RELOC_BR22 ARM_THUMB_32BIT_BRANCH ARM_RELOC_HALF ARM_RELOC_HALF_SECTDIFF ARM64_RELOC_UNSIGNED ARM64_RELOC_SUBTRACTOR ARM64_RELOC_BRANCH26 ARM64_RELOC_PAGE21 ARM64_RELOC_PAGEOFF12 ARM64_RELOC_GOT_LOAD_PAGE21 ARM64_RELOC_GOT_LOAD_PAGEOFF12 ARM64_RELOC_POINTER_TO_GOT ARM64_RELOC_TLVP_LOAD_PAGE21 ARM64_RELOC_TLVP_LOAD_PAGEOFF12 ARM64_RELOC_ADDEND PPC_RELOC_VANILLA PPC_RELOC_PAIR PPC_RELOC_BR14 PPC_RELOC_BR24 PPC_RELOC_HI16 PPC_RELOC_LO16 PPC_RELOC_HA16 PPC_RELOC_LO14 PPC_RELOC_SECTDIFF PPC_RELOC_PB_LA_PTR PPC_RELOC_HI16_SECTDIFF PPC_RELOC_LO16_SECTDIFF PPC_RELOC_HA16_SECTDIFF PPC_RELOC_JBSR PPC_RELOC_LO14_SECTDIFF PPC_RELOC_LOCAL_SECTDIFF Mach-O 64-bit unknown i386-apple-darwin x86_64 x86_64-apple-darwin x86_64h x86_64h-apple-darwin armv4t armv4t-apple-darwin armv5e armv5e-apple-darwin xscale xscale-apple-darwin armv6 armv6-apple-darwin armv6m armv6m-apple-darwin armv7 armv7-apple-darwin armv7em thumbv7em-apple-darwin armv7k armv7m armv7s arm64 pointer text abs32 text rel32 Unrecognized MachO magic number load command 0 extends past the end all load commands in the file Structure read out-of-range LC_SYMTAB cmdsize too small more than one LC_SYMTAB command LC_SYMTAB command symoff field of LC_SYMTAB command extends past the end of the file struct nlist_64 struct nlist symoff field plus nsyms field times sizeof( ) of LC_SYMTAB command symbol table stroff field of LC_SYMTAB command stroff field plus strsize field of LC_SYMTAB command string table LC_DYSYMTAB cmdsize too small more than one LC_DYSYMTAB command LC_DYSYMTAB command tocoff field of LC_DYSYMTAB command tocoff field plus ntoc field times sizeof(struct dylib_table_of_contents) of LC_DYSYMTAB command table of contents modtaboff field of LC_DYSYMTAB command struct dylib_module_64 struct dylib_module modtaboff field plus nmodtab field times sizeof( ) of LC_DYSYMTAB command module table extrefsymoff field of LC_DYSYMTAB command extrefsymoff field plus nextrefsyms field times sizeof(struct dylib_reference) of LC_DYSYMTAB command reference table indirectsymoff field of LC_DYSYMTAB command indirectsymoff field plus nindirectsyms field times sizeof(uint32_t) of LC_DYSYMTAB command indirect table extreloff field of LC_DYSYMTAB command extreloff field plus nextrel field times sizeof(struct relocation_info) of LC_DYSYMTAB command external relocation table locreloff field of LC_DYSYMTAB command locreloff field plus nlocrel field times sizeof(struct relocation_info) of LC_DYSYMTAB command local relocation table cmdsize too small command command more than one LC_DYLD_INFO and or LC_DYLD_INFO_ONLY command rebase_off field of rebase_off field plus rebase_size field of bind_off field of bind_off field plus bind_size field of weak_bind_off field of weak_bind_off field plus weak_bind_size field of lazy_bind_off field of lazy_bind_off field plus lazy_bind_size field of export_off field of LC_ID_DYLIB more than one LC_ID_DYLIB command LC_ID_DYLIB load command in non-dynamic library file type name.offset field too small, not past the end of the dylib_command struct name.offset field extends past the end of the load command name.offset field too small, not past the end of the dylinker_command struct more than one LC_VERSION_MIN_MACOSX, LC_VERSION_MIN_IPHONEOS, LC_VERSION_MIN_TVOS or LC_VERSION_MIN_WATCHOS command LC_RPATH cmdsize too small LC_RPATH path.offset field too small, not past the end of the rpath_command struct LC_RPATH path.offset field extends past the end of the load command LC_RPATH library name extends past the end of the load command more than one LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO and or LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO_64 command LC_LINKER_OPTION cmdsize too small LC_LINKER_OPTION string count .offset field too small, not past the end of the flavor in extends past end of command count in count not x86_THREAD_STATE64_COUNT for flavor number which is a x86_THREAD_STATE64 flavor in x86_THREAD_STATE64 extends past end of command in count not ARM_THREAD_STATE_COUNT for flavor number which is a ARM_THREAD_STATE flavor in ARM_THREAD_STATE extends past end of command in count not ARM_THREAD_STATE64_COUNT for flavor number which is a ARM_THREAD_STATE64 flavor in ARM_THREAD_STATE64 extends past end of command in PPC_THREAD_STATE extends past end of command in unknown cputype ( ) load command for command can't be checked LC_TWOLEVEL_HINTS has incorrect cmdsize more than one LC_TWOLEVEL_HINTS command offset field of LC_TWOLEVEL_HINTS command offset field plus nhints times sizeof(struct twolevel_hint) field of LC_TWOLEVEL_HINTS command two level hints Malformed MachO file. extends past the end all load commands in the file the mach header extends past the end of the file inconsistent cmdsize in for the number of sections offset field of section not past the headers of the file offset field plus size field of section size field of section greater than the segment addr field of section less than the segment's vmaddr addr field plus size of section greater than than the segment's vmaddr plus vmsize section contents reloff field of section reloff field plus nreloc field times sizeof(struct relocation_info) of section section relocation entries fileoff field in fileoff field plus filesize field in greater than vmsize field __PAGEZERO .version .vehw .cble .ccom .cfra .cver .ctsc .ctse .cgeo .ssrc .d3ds .variants start Expected integer Unable to allocate memory for optional_block CBLE Expected .cble stop Unable to allocate memory for optional_block CCOM Expected .ccom stop Unable to allocate memory for optional_block CFRA Expected .cfra stop Unable to allocate memory for optional_block CVER Expected .cver stop Unable to allocate memory for optional_block CTSC Expected .ctsc stop Unable to allocate memory for optional_block CTSE Expected .ctse stop Unable to allocate memory for optional_block CGEO Expected .cgeo stop Expected .ssrc stop Expected .d3ds stop Expected .variants stop .core Expected integer or string for enumerated type Invalid enumerated string value .major Unexpected name (was expecting type .major) .minor Unexpected name (was expecting type .minor) MALI_T60x MALI_T62x MALI_T76x MALI_T72x MALI_TFRx MALI_T86x MALI_T82x MALI_T83x MALI_TMIx MALI_TSIx MALI_THEx MALI_TNOx MALI_TKAx MALI_TTRx MALI_TGOx MALI_TDVx MALI_TBOx MALI_TEGx .suni Unexpected block type (was expecting .suni) .ubuf Unexpected block type (was expecting .ubuf) .svar Unexpected block type (was expecting .svar) .ebin Unexpected block type (was expecting .ebin) .count Unexpected name (was expecting type .count) .symb .name Unexpected block type (was expecting .name) .flags Unexpected name (was expecting type .flags) Value read for 'flags' larger than symbol_flags_MAX_VALUE_ALLOWED .semantics Unexpected name (was expecting type .semantics) .address .binding Unexpected name (was expecting type .binding) .location Unexpected name (was expecting type .location) .type Unexpected block type (was expecting .type) .nof_rloc Unexpected name (was expecting type .nof_rloc) .rloc .nof_relo Unexpected name (was expecting type .nof_relo) .relo .nof_fixp Unexpected name (was expecting type .nof_fixp) .fixp .sini Expected .sini stop NONE MALI_SSBO MALI_SSBO_MAX_SIZE MALI_IMAGE_SIZES MALI_TEXTURE_SIZES MALI_ATOMIC_COUNTERS MALI_COLOR_SPACE_COEFF MALI_TEXTURE_GATHER_MIRROR MALI_NO_RMU MALI_NO_RMU_PER_VIEW MALI_TB_ICD MALI_VERTEX_IS_PREVIOUS MALI_TEXTURE_SIZES_SPIRV MALI_SAMPLER_SPIRV MALI_PATCH_VERTICES_IN_TESS_CONTROL MALI_PATCH_VERTICES_IN_TESS_EVALUATION MALI_POINT_SIZE_PARAMETERS MALI_PRIMITIVES_GENERATED MALI_SAMPLE_BUFFERS MALI_SAMPLE_NUM_MASK MALI_SAMPLE_POSITION MALI_TESS_IS_PREVIOUS MALI_VIEW_ID MALI_VIEWPORT_TRANSFORM MALI_ROTATE MALI_ROTATE_INVERT MALI_ROTATE_POINT_COORD MALI_BLEND_COLOR DEPTH_RANGE MALI_FRAGCOORD_OFFSET VERTEX_INDEX INSTANCE_INDEX VERTEX_ID PRIMITIVE_ID INSTANCE_ID SAMPLE_ID IS_FRONT_FACING POINT_COORD FRAG_COORD FB_COLOR FB_DEPTH FB_STENCIL NUM_WORK_GROUPS WORK_GROUP_SIZE WORK_GROUP_ID LOCAL_INVOCATION_ID GLOBAL_INVOCATION_ID LOCAL_INVOCATION_INDEX HELPER_INVOCATION INVOCATION_ID PATCH_VERTICES_IN TESS_COORD SAMPLE_POSITION SAMPLE_MASK_IN LAYER PRIMITIVE_ID_OUT TESS_LEVEL_OUTER TESS_LEVEL_INNER INDEX_BUFFER BOUNDING_BOX CLIP_POSITION CLAMPED_POINTSIZE FRAG_COLOR FRAG_DATA FRAG_DEPTH FRAG_STENCIL POSITION POINTSIZE VIEW_ID MALI_FRAG_PILOT_INSTANCE_ID PER_VERTEX FRAG_POSITION CLIP_DISTANCE CULL_DISTANCE SUBGROUP_INVOCATION_ID .tpac Unable to allocate memory for optional_block TPAC Expected .tpac stop .tpar Unable to allocate memory for optional_block TPAR Expected .tpar stop .tpge Unable to allocate memory for optional_block TPGE Expected .tpge stop .tpib Unable to allocate memory for optional_block TPIB Expected .tpib stop .tpma Unable to allocate memory for optional_block TPMA Expected .tpma stop .tppo Unable to allocate memory for optional_block TPPO Expected .tppo stop .tpqu Unable to allocate memory for optional_block TPQU Expected .tpqu stop .tppr Unable to allocate memory for optional_block TPPR Expected .tppr stop .tppw Unable to allocate memory for optional_block TPPW Expected .tppw stop .tpsa Unable to allocate memory for optional_block TPSA Expected .tpsa stop .tpst Unable to allocate memory for optional_block TPST .offset Unexpected name (was expecting type .offset) .array_size Unexpected name (was expecting type .array_size) .element_type Unexpected block type (was expecting .element_type) .scalar_type .vector_size .scalar_size Unexpected name (was expecting type .scalar_size) .precision Unexpected name (was expecting type .precision) .stride Unexpected name (was expecting type .stride) .aux_qualifier Unexpected name (was expecting type .aux_qualifier) .component Unexpected name (was expecting type .component) FLOAT SINT UINT 32 64 UNKNOWN HIGHP MEDIUMP LOWP .layout Unexpected name (was expecting type .layout) .kind Unexpected name (was expecting type .kind) .nof_members .tpse .instance_name Expected .instance_name stop UNIFORM_BUFFER STORAGE_BLOCK INPUT_BLOCK OUTPUT_BLOCK .nof_columns Unexpected name (was expecting type .nof_columns) .is_row_major Unexpected name (was expecting type .is_row_major) .major_stride Unexpected name (was expecting type .major_stride) .column_type Unexpected block type (was expecting .column_type) .address_space Unexpected name (was expecting type .address_space) .pointed_type Unexpected block type (was expecting .pointed_type) PRIVATE GLOBAL LOCAL .type_name .sym_idx .reg_offset Unexpected name (was expecting type .reg_offset) .uni_offset Unexpected name (was expecting type .uni_offset) .size Unexpected name (was expecting type .size) .section_idx ABS16 ABS32 ABS64 ATTR_INDEX_LS0 ATTR_INDEX_LS1 UNIFORM_INDEX_LS0 UNIFORM_INDEX_LS1 UNIFORM_BUFFER_INDEX_LS0 UNIFORM_BUFFER_INDEX_LS1 LS_DISPLACEMENT_LS0 LS_DISPLACEMENT_LS1 PSV_DISPLACEMENT .value Unexpected name (was expecting type .value) .needs_high Unexpected name (was expecting type .needs_high) Value read for 'needs_high' larger than 1 Could not allocate memory for field 'values' .values Unexpected name (was expecting type .values) .sizes .rt_num .aux_idx .nof_epta Unexpected name (was expecting type .nof_epta) .epta .data_section_offset Unexpected name (was expecting type .data_section_offset) .fsha Unexpected block type (was expecting .fsha) .entrypoint_name .dbug Expected .dbug stop .grel Expected .grel stop .bfre Expected .bfre stop .fd3d Expected .fd3d stop .xpta Expected .xpta stop .vlkn Expected .vlkn stop .objc Unexpected block type (was expecting .objc) Unexpected block type (was expecting EPTA) .sym_lhs_name Unexpected block type (was expecting .sym_lhs_name) .sym_lhs_offset Unexpected name (was expecting type .sym_lhs_offset) .sym_rhs_name Unexpected block type (was expecting .sym_rhs_name) .sym_rhs_offset Unexpected name (was expecting type .sym_rhs_offset) .tls_size Unexpected name (was expecting type .tls_size) .nof_reg Unexpected name (was expecting type .nof_reg) .nof_rmu Unexpected name (was expecting type .nof_rmu) .variant Unexpected name (was expecting type .variant) Unexpected block type (was expecting DBUG) Expected integer (binary reference number Expected integer (binary code size .nof_global_relo Unexpected name (was expecting type .nof_global_relo) .allow_merging_workgroups Unexpected name (was expecting type .allow_merging_workgroups) .allow_forward_pixel_kill Unexpected name (was expecting type .allow_forward_pixel_kill) .spdb Unable to allocate memory for optional_block SPDb Expected .spdb stop .spdc Unable to allocate memory for optional_block SPDc Expected .spdc stop .spdf Unable to allocate memory for optional_block SPDf Expected .spdf stop .spdv Unable to allocate memory for optional_block SPDv Expected .spdv stop .pdsc Expected .pdsc stop .ffbd_hi Unexpected name (was expecting type .ffbd_hi) .ffbd_lo Unexpected name (was expecting type .ffbd_lo) .preload_compute Unexpected name (was expecting type .preload_compute) .preload_fragment Unexpected name (was expecting type .preload_fragment) .rt_count Unexpected name (was expecting type .rt_count) Could not allocate memory for field 'rt_index' .rt_index Unexpected name (was expecting type .rt_index) Could not allocate memory for field 'size' Could not allocate memory for field 'type' Unexpected name (was expecting type .type) Could not allocate memory for field 'return_addr' .return_addr Unexpected name (was expecting type .return_addr) .preload_vertex Unexpected name (was expecting type .preload_vertex) .varying0 Unexpected name (was expecting type .varying0) .varying1 Unexpected name (was expecting type .varying1) .primary_shader_wait Unexpected name (was expecting type .primary_shader_wait) .output_type Unexpected name (was expecting type .output_type) DEPTH_NONE DEPTH_GENERAL DEPTH_GREATER_EQUAL DEPTH_LESS_EQUAL .nof_xptl Unexpected name (was expecting type .nof_xptl) .xptl .nof_rhs Unexpected name (was expecting type .nof_rhs) .xptr .constant_0 Unexpected name (was expecting type .constant_0) .constant_1 Unexpected name (was expecting type .constant_1) .constant_2 Unexpected name (was expecting type .constant_2) .constant_3 Unexpected name (was expecting type .constant_3) .swizzle_x Unexpected name (was expecting type .swizzle_x) .swizzle_y Unexpected name (was expecting type .swizzle_y) .swizzle_z Unexpected name (was expecting type .swizzle_z) .swizzle_w Unexpected name (was expecting type .swizzle_w) Expected .sym_rhs_name stop .used_set_bitmask Unexpected name (was expecting type .used_set_bitmask) .offset_first_sw_blend Unexpected name (was expecting type .offset_first_sw_blend) .cmmn Unexpected block type (was expecting .cmmn) .kern Unexpected block type (was expecting .kern) .vela .sinp .sout Unexpected block type (was expecting .sout) .simg Unexpected block type (was expecting .simg) .ssmp Unexpected block type (was expecting .ssmp) .s3bo Unexpected block type (was expecting .s3bo) .nof_ebin Unexpected name (was expecting type .nof_ebin) Could not allocate memory for block EBIN .lang ESSL1 ESSL3 ESSL310 OPENCL2 HLSL SPIRV ESSL320 .nof_kpar Unexpected name (was expecting type .nof_kpar) .kpar .workgroup_local_size Unexpected name (was expecting type .workgroup_local_size) .thread_limit_hint Unexpected name (was expecting type .thread_limit_hint) .workgroup_size Expected .workgroup_size stop .declared_name Unexpected block type (was expecting .declared_name) .uniform_name Unexpected block type (was expecting .uniform_name) Unexpected name (was expecting type .x) Unexpected name (was expecting type .y) Unexpected name (was expecting type .z) .output_vars .lcal Expected .lcal stop .bldm Expected .bldm stop .alpha_info Expected .alpha_info stop .nb_outputs .outputs .nb_locations_used Unexpected name (was expecting type .nb_locations_used) .local_storage_size Unexpected name (was expecting type .local_storage_size) .achn .sampler_name Unexpected block type (was expecting .sampler_name) Unexpected name (was expecting type .rt) .sampler_component Unexpected name (was expecting type .sampler_component) .uniform_component Unexpected name (was expecting type .uniform_component) CONSTANT_0 CONSTANT_1 SAMPLER UNIFORM UNIFORM_X_SAMPLER RT0 .gpos Expected .gpos stop .vmvw Expected .vmvw stop .sym_a_name Unexpected block type (was expecting .sym_a_name) .sym_b_name Unexpected block type (was expecting .sym_b_name) .num_views Unexpected name (was expecting type .num_views) .mtes Unexpected block type (was expecting .mtes) .n_vertices .primitive_mode .vertex_spacing Unexpected name (was expecting type .vertex_spacing) .ordering Unexpected name (was expecting type .ordering) .point_mode Unexpected name (was expecting type .point_mode) Value read for 'point_mode' larger than 1 .max_tessfactor Unexpected name (was expecting type .max_tessfactor) .has_control_point_phase Unexpected name (was expecting type .has_control_point_phase) Value read for 'has_control_point_phase' larger than 1 .n_vertices_in Unexpected name (was expecting type .n_vertices_in) UNSET ISOLINES TRIANGLES QUADS EQUAL FRACTIONAL_EVEN FRACTIONAL_ODD POW2 CCW CW .mgeo Unexpected block type (was expecting .mgeo) .gsvc Could not allocate memory for block GSVC Expected .gsvc stop .n_invocations Unexpected name (was expecting type .n_invocations) .max_vertices Unexpected name (was expecting type .max_vertices) .layered_rendering Unexpected name (was expecting type .layered_rendering) .input_primitive_mode Unexpected name (was expecting type .input_primitive_mode) .output_primitive_mode Unexpected name (was expecting type .output_primitive_mode) .stream_mask Unexpected name (was expecting type .stream_mask) .rasterizer_pos_slot Unexpected name (was expecting type .rasterizer_pos_slot) .nb_patch_vertices Unexpected name (was expecting type .nb_patch_vertices) POINTS LINES LINES_ADJACENCY TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY PATCH LINE_STRIP TRIANGLE_STRIP .nof_layers Unexpected name (was expecting type .nof_layers) Could not allocate memory for field 'index_counts' .index_counts Unexpected name (was expecting type .index_counts) .nof_vertices Unexpected name (was expecting type .nof_vertices) .primitives_generated Unexpected name (was expecting type .primitives_generated) .extra Unexpected name (was expecting type .extra) .shader_src Unexpected block type (was expecting .shader_src) .linked_shader_src Expected .linked_shader_src stop Unexpected block type (was expecting D3DS) stop trying to remove an unassigned memory R_X86_64_NONE R_X86_64_64 R_X86_64_PC32 R_X86_64_GOT32 R_X86_64_PLT32 R_X86_64_COPY R_X86_64_GLOB_DAT R_X86_64_JUMP_SLOT R_X86_64_RELATIVE R_X86_64_GOTPCREL R_X86_64_32 R_X86_64_32S R_X86_64_16 R_X86_64_PC16 R_X86_64_8 R_X86_64_PC8 R_X86_64_DTPMOD64 R_X86_64_DTPOFF64 R_X86_64_TPOFF64 R_X86_64_TLSGD R_X86_64_TLSLD R_X86_64_DTPOFF32 R_X86_64_GOTTPOFF R_X86_64_TPOFF32 R_X86_64_PC64 R_X86_64_GOTOFF64 R_X86_64_GOTPC32 R_X86_64_GOT64 R_X86_64_GOTPCREL64 R_X86_64_GOTPC64 R_X86_64_GOTPLT64 R_X86_64_PLTOFF64 R_X86_64_SIZE32 R_X86_64_SIZE64 R_X86_64_GOTPC32_TLSDESC R_X86_64_TLSDESC_CALL R_X86_64_TLSDESC R_X86_64_IRELATIVE R_X86_64_GOTPCRELX R_X86_64_REX_GOTPCRELX R_386_NONE R_386_32 R_386_PC32 R_386_GOT32 R_386_PLT32 R_386_COPY R_386_GLOB_DAT R_386_JUMP_SLOT R_386_RELATIVE R_386_GOTOFF R_386_GOTPC R_386_32PLT R_386_TLS_TPOFF R_386_TLS_IE R_386_TLS_GOTIE R_386_TLS_LE R_386_TLS_GD R_386_TLS_LDM R_386_16 R_386_PC16 R_386_8 R_386_PC8 R_386_TLS_GD_32 R_386_TLS_GD_PUSH R_386_TLS_GD_CALL R_386_TLS_GD_POP R_386_TLS_LDM_32 R_386_TLS_LDM_PUSH R_386_TLS_LDM_CALL R_386_TLS_LDM_POP R_386_TLS_LDO_32 R_386_TLS_IE_32 R_386_TLS_LE_32 R_386_TLS_DTPMOD32 R_386_TLS_DTPOFF32 R_386_TLS_TPOFF32 R_386_TLS_GOTDESC R_386_TLS_DESC_CALL R_386_TLS_DESC R_386_IRELATIVE R_386_GOT32X R_MIPS_NONE R_MIPS_16 R_MIPS_32 R_MIPS_REL32 R_MIPS_26 R_MIPS_HI16 R_MIPS_LO16 R_MIPS_GPREL16 R_MIPS_LITERAL R_MIPS_GOT16 R_MIPS_PC16 R_MIPS_CALL16 R_MIPS_GPREL32 R_MIPS_UNUSED1 R_MIPS_UNUSED2 R_MIPS_UNUSED3 R_MIPS_SHIFT5 R_MIPS_SHIFT6 R_MIPS_64 R_MIPS_GOT_DISP R_MIPS_GOT_PAGE R_MIPS_GOT_OFST R_MIPS_GOT_HI16 R_MIPS_GOT_LO16 R_MIPS_SUB R_MIPS_INSERT_A R_MIPS_INSERT_B R_MIPS_DELETE R_MIPS_HIGHER R_MIPS_HIGHEST R_MIPS_CALL_HI16 R_MIPS_CALL_LO16 R_MIPS_SCN_DISP R_MIPS_REL16 R_MIPS_ADD_IMMEDIATE R_MIPS_PJUMP R_MIPS_RELGOT R_MIPS_JALR R_MIPS_TLS_DTPMOD32 R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL32 R_MIPS_TLS_DTPMOD64 R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL64 R_MIPS_TLS_GD R_MIPS_TLS_LDM R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL_HI16 R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL_LO16 R_MIPS_TLS_GOTTPREL R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL32 R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL64 R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL_HI16 R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL_LO16 R_MIPS_GLOB_DAT R_MIPS_PC21_S2 R_MIPS_PC26_S2 R_MIPS_PC18_S3 R_MIPS_PC19_S2 R_MIPS_PCHI16 R_MIPS_PCLO16 R_MIPS16_26 R_MIPS16_GPREL R_MIPS16_GOT16 R_MIPS16_CALL16 R_MIPS16_HI16 R_MIPS16_LO16 R_MIPS16_TLS_GD R_MIPS16_TLS_LDM R_MIPS16_TLS_DTPREL_HI16 R_MIPS16_TLS_DTPREL_LO16 R_MIPS16_TLS_GOTTPREL R_MIPS16_TLS_TPREL_HI16 R_MIPS16_TLS_TPREL_LO16 R_MIPS_COPY R_MIPS_JUMP_SLOT R_MICROMIPS_26_S1 R_MICROMIPS_HI16 R_MICROMIPS_LO16 R_MICROMIPS_GPREL16 R_MICROMIPS_LITERAL R_MICROMIPS_GOT16 R_MICROMIPS_PC7_S1 R_MICROMIPS_PC10_S1 R_MICROMIPS_PC16_S1 R_MICROMIPS_CALL16 R_MICROMIPS_GOT_DISP R_MICROMIPS_GOT_PAGE R_MICROMIPS_GOT_OFST R_MICROMIPS_GOT_HI16 R_MICROMIPS_GOT_LO16 R_MICROMIPS_SUB R_MICROMIPS_HIGHER R_MICROMIPS_HIGHEST R_MICROMIPS_CALL_HI16 R_MICROMIPS_CALL_LO16 R_MICROMIPS_SCN_DISP R_MICROMIPS_JALR R_MICROMIPS_HI0_LO16 R_MICROMIPS_TLS_GD R_MICROMIPS_TLS_LDM R_MICROMIPS_TLS_DTPREL_HI16 R_MICROMIPS_TLS_DTPREL_LO16 R_MICROMIPS_TLS_GOTTPREL R_MICROMIPS_TLS_TPREL_HI16 R_MICROMIPS_TLS_TPREL_LO16 R_MICROMIPS_GPREL7_S2 R_MICROMIPS_PC23_S2 R_MICROMIPS_PC21_S1 R_MICROMIPS_PC26_S1 R_MICROMIPS_PC18_S3 R_MICROMIPS_PC19_S2 R_MIPS_NUM R_MIPS_PC32 R_MIPS_EH R_AARCH64_NONE R_AARCH64_ABS64 R_AARCH64_ABS32 R_AARCH64_ABS16 R_AARCH64_PREL64 R_AARCH64_PREL32 R_AARCH64_PREL16 R_AARCH64_MOVW_UABS_G0 R_AARCH64_MOVW_UABS_G0_NC R_AARCH64_MOVW_UABS_G1 R_AARCH64_MOVW_UABS_G1_NC R_AARCH64_MOVW_UABS_G2 R_AARCH64_MOVW_UABS_G2_NC R_AARCH64_MOVW_UABS_G3 R_AARCH64_MOVW_SABS_G0 R_AARCH64_MOVW_SABS_G1 R_AARCH64_MOVW_SABS_G2 R_AARCH64_LD_PREL_LO19 R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_LO21 R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21 R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21_NC R_AARCH64_ADD_ABS_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_LDST8_ABS_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_TSTBR14 R_AARCH64_CONDBR19 R_AARCH64_JUMP26 R_AARCH64_CALL26 R_AARCH64_LDST16_ABS_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_LDST32_ABS_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_LDST64_ABS_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_MOVW_PREL_G0 R_AARCH64_MOVW_PREL_G0_NC R_AARCH64_MOVW_PREL_G1 R_AARCH64_MOVW_PREL_G1_NC R_AARCH64_MOVW_PREL_G2 R_AARCH64_MOVW_PREL_G2_NC R_AARCH64_MOVW_PREL_G3 R_AARCH64_LDST128_ABS_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_MOVW_GOTOFF_G0 R_AARCH64_MOVW_GOTOFF_G0_NC R_AARCH64_MOVW_GOTOFF_G1 R_AARCH64_MOVW_GOTOFF_G1_NC R_AARCH64_MOVW_GOTOFF_G2 R_AARCH64_MOVW_GOTOFF_G2_NC R_AARCH64_MOVW_GOTOFF_G3 R_AARCH64_GOTREL64 R_AARCH64_GOTREL32 R_AARCH64_GOT_LD_PREL19 R_AARCH64_LD64_GOTOFF_LO15 R_AARCH64_ADR_GOT_PAGE R_AARCH64_LD64_GOT_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_LD64_GOTPAGE_LO15 R_AARCH64_TLSGD_ADR_PREL21 R_AARCH64_TLSGD_ADR_PAGE21 R_AARCH64_TLSGD_ADD_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_TLSGD_MOVW_G1 R_AARCH64_TLSGD_MOVW_G0_NC R_AARCH64_TLSLD_ADR_PREL21 R_AARCH64_TLSLD_ADR_PAGE21 R_AARCH64_TLSLD_ADD_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_TLSLD_MOVW_G1 R_AARCH64_TLSLD_MOVW_G0_NC R_AARCH64_TLSLD_LD_PREL19 R_AARCH64_TLSLD_MOVW_DTPREL_G2 R_AARCH64_TLSLD_MOVW_DTPREL_G1 R_AARCH64_TLSLD_MOVW_DTPREL_G1_NC R_AARCH64_TLSLD_MOVW_DTPREL_G0 R_AARCH64_TLSLD_MOVW_DTPREL_G0_NC R_AARCH64_TLSLD_ADD_DTPREL_HI12 R_AARCH64_TLSLD_ADD_DTPREL_LO12 R_AARCH64_TLSLD_ADD_DTPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_TLSLD_LDST8_DTPREL_LO12 R_AARCH64_TLSLD_LDST8_DTPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_TLSLD_LDST16_DTPREL_LO12 R_AARCH64_TLSLD_LDST16_DTPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_TLSLD_LDST32_DTPREL_LO12 R_AARCH64_TLSLD_LDST32_DTPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_TLSLD_LDST64_DTPREL_LO12 R_AARCH64_TLSLD_LDST64_DTPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_TLSIE_MOVW_GOTTPREL_G1 R_AARCH64_TLSIE_MOVW_GOTTPREL_G0_NC R_AARCH64_TLSIE_ADR_GOTTPREL_PAGE21 R_AARCH64_TLSIE_LD64_GOTTPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_TLSIE_LD_GOTTPREL_PREL19 R_AARCH64_TLSLE_MOVW_TPREL_G2 R_AARCH64_TLSLE_MOVW_TPREL_G1 R_AARCH64_TLSLE_MOVW_TPREL_G1_NC R_AARCH64_TLSLE_MOVW_TPREL_G0 R_AARCH64_TLSLE_MOVW_TPREL_G0_NC R_AARCH64_TLSLE_ADD_TPREL_HI12 R_AARCH64_TLSLE_ADD_TPREL_LO12 R_AARCH64_TLSLE_ADD_TPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_TLSLE_LDST8_TPREL_LO12 R_AARCH64_TLSLE_LDST8_TPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_TLSLE_LDST16_TPREL_LO12 R_AARCH64_TLSLE_LDST16_TPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_TLSLE_LDST32_TPREL_LO12 R_AARCH64_TLSLE_LDST32_TPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_TLSLE_LDST64_TPREL_LO12 R_AARCH64_TLSLE_LDST64_TPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_LD_PREL19 R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_ADR_PREL21 R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_ADR_PAGE21 R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_LD64_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_ADD_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_OFF_G1 R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_OFF_G0_NC R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_LDR R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_ADD R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_CALL R_AARCH64_TLSLE_LDST128_TPREL_LO12 R_AARCH64_TLSLE_LDST128_TPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_TLSLD_LDST128_DTPREL_LO12 R_AARCH64_TLSLD_LDST128_DTPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_COPY R_AARCH64_GLOB_DAT R_AARCH64_JUMP_SLOT R_AARCH64_RELATIVE R_AARCH64_TLS_DTPREL64 R_AARCH64_TLS_DTPMOD64 R_AARCH64_TLS_TPREL64 R_AARCH64_TLSDESC R_AARCH64_IRELATIVE R_AARCH64_P32_ABS32 R_AARCH64_P32_ABS16 R_AARCH64_P32_PREL32 R_AARCH64_P32_PREL16 R_AARCH64_P32_MOVW_UABS_G0 R_AARCH64_P32_MOVW_UABS_G0_NC R_AARCH64_P32_MOVW_UABS_G1 R_AARCH64_P32_MOVW_SABS_G0 R_AARCH64_P32_LD_PREL_LO19 R_AARCH64_P32_ADR_PREL_LO21 R_AARCH64_P32_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21 R_AARCH64_P32_ADD_ABS_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_P32_LDST8_ABS_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_P32_TSTBR14 R_AARCH64_P32_CONDBR19 R_AARCH64_P32_JUMP26 R_AARCH64_P32_CALL26 R_AARCH64_P32_LDST16_ABS_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_P32_LDST32_ABS_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_P32_LDST64_ABS_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_P32_MOVW_PREL_G0 R_AARCH64_P32_MOVW_PREL_G0_NC R_AARCH64_P32_MOVW_PREL_G1 R_AARCH64_P32_LDST128_ABS_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_P32_GOT_LD_PREL19 R_AARCH64_P32_ADR_GOT_PAGE R_AARCH64_P32_LD64_GOT_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_P32_LD32_GOTPAGE_LO14 R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLD_MOVW_DTPREL_G1 R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLD_MOVW_DTPREL_G0 R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLD_MOVW_DTPREL_G0_NC R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLD_ADD_DTPREL_HI12 R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLD_ADD_DTPREL_LO12 R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLD_ADD_DTPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLD_LDST8_DTPREL_LO12 R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLD_LDST8_DTPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLD_LDST16_DTPREL_LO12 R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLD_LDST16_DTPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLD_LDST32_DTPREL_LO12 R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLD_LDST32_DTPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLD_LDST64_DTPREL_LO12 R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLD_LDST64_DTPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_P32_TLSIE_ADR_GOTTPREL_PAGE21 R_AARCH64_P32_TLSIE_LD32_GOTTPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_P32_TLSIE_LD_GOTTPREL_PREL19 R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLE_MOVW_TPREL_G1 R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLE_MOVW_TPREL_G0 R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLE_MOVW_TPREL_G0_NC R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLE_ADD_TPREL_HI12 R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLE_ADD_TPREL_LO12 R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLE_ADD_TPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLE_LDST8_TPREL_LO12 R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLE_LDST8_TPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLE_LDST16_TPREL_LO12 R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLE_LDST16_TPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLE_LDST32_TPREL_LO12 R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLE_LDST32_TPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLE_LDST64_TPREL_LO12 R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLE_LDST64_TPREL_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_P32_TLSDESC_ADR_PAGE21 R_AARCH64_P32_TLSDESC_LD32_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_P32_TLSDESC_ADD_LO12_NC R_AARCH64_P32_TLSDESC_CALL R_AARCH64_P32_COPY R_AARCH64_P32_GLOB_DAT R_AARCH64_P32_JUMP_SLOT R_AARCH64_P32_RELATIVE R_AARCH64_P32_IRELATIVE R_ARM_NONE R_ARM_PC24 R_ARM_ABS32 R_ARM_REL32 R_ARM_LDR_PC_G0 R_ARM_ABS16 R_ARM_ABS12 R_ARM_THM_ABS5 R_ARM_ABS8 R_ARM_SBREL32 R_ARM_THM_CALL R_ARM_THM_PC8 R_ARM_BREL_ADJ R_ARM_TLS_DESC R_ARM_THM_SWI8 R_ARM_XPC25 R_ARM_THM_XPC22 R_ARM_TLS_DTPMOD32 R_ARM_TLS_DTPOFF32 R_ARM_TLS_TPOFF32 R_ARM_COPY R_ARM_GLOB_DAT R_ARM_JUMP_SLOT R_ARM_RELATIVE R_ARM_GOTOFF32 R_ARM_BASE_PREL R_ARM_GOT_BREL R_ARM_PLT32 R_ARM_CALL R_ARM_JUMP24 R_ARM_THM_JUMP24 R_ARM_BASE_ABS R_ARM_ALU_PCREL_7_0 R_ARM_ALU_PCREL_15_8 R_ARM_ALU_PCREL_23_15 R_ARM_LDR_SBREL_11_0_NC R_ARM_ALU_SBREL_19_12_NC R_ARM_ALU_SBREL_27_20_CK R_ARM_TARGET1 R_ARM_SBREL31 R_ARM_V4BX R_ARM_TARGET2 R_ARM_PREL31 R_ARM_MOVW_ABS_NC R_ARM_MOVT_ABS R_ARM_MOVW_PREL_NC R_ARM_MOVT_PREL R_ARM_THM_MOVW_ABS_NC R_ARM_THM_MOVT_ABS R_ARM_THM_MOVW_PREL_NC R_ARM_THM_MOVT_PREL R_ARM_THM_JUMP19 R_ARM_THM_JUMP6 R_ARM_THM_ALU_PREL_11_0 R_ARM_THM_PC12 R_ARM_ABS32_NOI R_ARM_REL32_NOI R_ARM_ALU_PC_G0_NC R_ARM_ALU_PC_G0 R_ARM_ALU_PC_G1_NC R_ARM_ALU_PC_G1 R_ARM_ALU_PC_G2 R_ARM_LDR_PC_G1 R_ARM_LDR_PC_G2 R_ARM_LDRS_PC_G0 R_ARM_LDRS_PC_G1 R_ARM_LDRS_PC_G2 R_ARM_LDC_PC_G0 R_ARM_LDC_PC_G1 R_ARM_LDC_PC_G2 R_ARM_ALU_SB_G0_NC R_ARM_ALU_SB_G0 R_ARM_ALU_SB_G1_NC R_ARM_ALU_SB_G1 R_ARM_ALU_SB_G2 R_ARM_LDR_SB_G0 R_ARM_LDR_SB_G1 R_ARM_LDR_SB_G2 R_ARM_LDRS_SB_G0 R_ARM_LDRS_SB_G1 R_ARM_LDRS_SB_G2 R_ARM_LDC_SB_G0 R_ARM_LDC_SB_G1 R_ARM_LDC_SB_G2 R_ARM_MOVW_BREL_NC R_ARM_MOVT_BREL R_ARM_MOVW_BREL R_ARM_THM_MOVW_BREL_NC R_ARM_THM_MOVT_BREL R_ARM_THM_MOVW_BREL R_ARM_TLS_GOTDESC R_ARM_TLS_CALL R_ARM_TLS_DESCSEQ R_ARM_THM_TLS_CALL R_ARM_PLT32_ABS R_ARM_GOT_ABS R_ARM_GOT_PREL R_ARM_GOT_BREL12 R_ARM_GOTOFF12 R_ARM_GOTRELAX R_ARM_GNU_VTENTRY R_ARM_GNU_VTINHERIT R_ARM_THM_JUMP11 R_ARM_THM_JUMP8 R_ARM_TLS_GD32 R_ARM_TLS_LDM32 R_ARM_TLS_LDO32 R_ARM_TLS_IE32 R_ARM_TLS_LE32 R_ARM_TLS_LDO12 R_ARM_TLS_LE12 R_ARM_TLS_IE12GP R_ARM_PRIVATE_0 R_ARM_PRIVATE_1 R_ARM_PRIVATE_2 R_ARM_PRIVATE_3 R_ARM_PRIVATE_4 R_ARM_PRIVATE_5 R_ARM_PRIVATE_6 R_ARM_PRIVATE_7 R_ARM_PRIVATE_8 R_ARM_PRIVATE_9 R_ARM_PRIVATE_10 R_ARM_PRIVATE_11 R_ARM_PRIVATE_12 R_ARM_PRIVATE_13 R_ARM_PRIVATE_14 R_ARM_PRIVATE_15 R_ARM_ME_TOO R_ARM_THM_TLS_DESCSEQ16 R_ARM_THM_TLS_DESCSEQ32 R_ARM_IRELATIVE R_AVR_NONE R_AVR_32 R_AVR_7_PCREL R_AVR_13_PCREL R_AVR_16 R_AVR_16_PM R_AVR_LO8_LDI R_AVR_HI8_LDI R_AVR_HH8_LDI R_AVR_LO8_LDI_NEG R_AVR_HI8_LDI_NEG R_AVR_HH8_LDI_NEG R_AVR_LO8_LDI_PM R_AVR_HI8_LDI_PM R_AVR_HH8_LDI_PM R_AVR_LO8_LDI_PM_NEG R_AVR_HI8_LDI_PM_NEG R_AVR_HH8_LDI_PM_NEG R_AVR_CALL R_AVR_LDI R_AVR_6 R_AVR_6_ADIW R_AVR_MS8_LDI R_AVR_MS8_LDI_NEG R_AVR_LO8_LDI_GS R_AVR_HI8_LDI_GS R_AVR_8 R_AVR_8_LO8 R_AVR_8_HI8 R_AVR_8_HLO8 R_AVR_SYM_DIFF R_AVR_16_LDST R_AVR_LDS_STS_16 R_AVR_PORT6 R_AVR_PORT5 R_HEX_NONE R_HEX_B22_PCREL R_HEX_B15_PCREL R_HEX_B7_PCREL R_HEX_LO16 R_HEX_HI16 R_HEX_32 R_HEX_16 R_HEX_8 R_HEX_GPREL16_0 R_HEX_GPREL16_1 R_HEX_GPREL16_2 R_HEX_GPREL16_3 R_HEX_HL16 R_HEX_B13_PCREL R_HEX_B9_PCREL R_HEX_B32_PCREL_X R_HEX_32_6_X R_HEX_B22_PCREL_X R_HEX_B15_PCREL_X R_HEX_B13_PCREL_X R_HEX_B9_PCREL_X R_HEX_B7_PCREL_X R_HEX_16_X R_HEX_12_X R_HEX_11_X R_HEX_10_X R_HEX_9_X R_HEX_8_X R_HEX_7_X R_HEX_6_X R_HEX_32_PCREL R_HEX_COPY R_HEX_GLOB_DAT R_HEX_JMP_SLOT R_HEX_RELATIVE R_HEX_PLT_B22_PCREL R_HEX_GOTREL_LO16 R_HEX_GOTREL_HI16 R_HEX_GOTREL_32 R_HEX_GOT_LO16 R_HEX_GOT_HI16 R_HEX_GOT_32 R_HEX_GOT_16 R_HEX_DTPMOD_32 R_HEX_DTPREL_LO16 R_HEX_DTPREL_HI16 R_HEX_DTPREL_32 R_HEX_DTPREL_16 R_HEX_GD_PLT_B22_PCREL R_HEX_GD_GOT_LO16 R_HEX_GD_GOT_HI16 R_HEX_GD_GOT_32 R_HEX_GD_GOT_16 R_HEX_IE_LO16 R_HEX_IE_HI16 R_HEX_IE_32 R_HEX_IE_GOT_LO16 R_HEX_IE_GOT_HI16 R_HEX_IE_GOT_32 R_HEX_IE_GOT_16 R_HEX_TPREL_LO16 R_HEX_TPREL_HI16 R_HEX_TPREL_32 R_HEX_TPREL_16 R_HEX_6_PCREL_X R_HEX_GOTREL_32_6_X R_HEX_GOTREL_16_X R_HEX_GOTREL_11_X R_HEX_GOT_32_6_X R_HEX_GOT_16_X R_HEX_GOT_11_X R_HEX_DTPREL_32_6_X R_HEX_DTPREL_16_X R_HEX_DTPREL_11_X R_HEX_GD_GOT_32_6_X R_HEX_GD_GOT_16_X R_HEX_GD_GOT_11_X R_HEX_IE_32_6_X R_HEX_IE_16_X R_HEX_IE_GOT_32_6_X R_HEX_IE_GOT_16_X R_HEX_IE_GOT_11_X R_HEX_TPREL_32_6_X R_HEX_TPREL_16_X R_HEX_TPREL_11_X R_HEX_LD_PLT_B22_PCREL R_HEX_LD_GOT_LO16 R_HEX_LD_GOT_HI16 R_HEX_LD_GOT_32 R_HEX_LD_GOT_16 R_HEX_LD_GOT_32_6_X R_HEX_LD_GOT_16_X R_HEX_LD_GOT_11_X R_HEX_23_REG R_LANAI_NONE R_LANAI_21 R_LANAI_21_F R_LANAI_25 R_LANAI_32 R_LANAI_HI16 R_LANAI_LO16 R_PPC_NONE R_PPC_ADDR32 R_PPC_ADDR24 R_PPC_ADDR16 R_PPC_ADDR16_LO R_PPC_ADDR16_HI R_PPC_ADDR16_HA R_PPC_ADDR14 R_PPC_ADDR14_BRTAKEN R_PPC_ADDR14_BRNTAKEN R_PPC_REL24 R_PPC_REL14 R_PPC_REL14_BRTAKEN R_PPC_REL14_BRNTAKEN R_PPC_GOT16 R_PPC_GOT16_LO R_PPC_GOT16_HI R_PPC_GOT16_HA R_PPC_PLTREL24 R_PPC_JMP_SLOT R_PPC_LOCAL24PC R_PPC_REL32 R_PPC_TLS R_PPC_DTPMOD32 R_PPC_TPREL16 R_PPC_TPREL16_LO R_PPC_TPREL16_HI R_PPC_TPREL16_HA R_PPC_TPREL32 R_PPC_DTPREL16 R_PPC_DTPREL16_LO R_PPC_DTPREL16_HI R_PPC_DTPREL16_HA R_PPC_DTPREL32 R_PPC_GOT_TLSGD16 R_PPC_GOT_TLSGD16_LO R_PPC_GOT_TLSGD16_HI R_PPC_GOT_TLSGD16_HA R_PPC_GOT_TLSLD16 R_PPC_GOT_TLSLD16_LO R_PPC_GOT_TLSLD16_HI R_PPC_GOT_TLSLD16_HA R_PPC_GOT_TPREL16 R_PPC_GOT_TPREL16_LO R_PPC_GOT_TPREL16_HI R_PPC_GOT_TPREL16_HA R_PPC_GOT_DTPREL16 R_PPC_GOT_DTPREL16_LO R_PPC_GOT_DTPREL16_HI R_PPC_GOT_DTPREL16_HA R_PPC_TLSGD R_PPC_TLSLD R_PPC_REL16 R_PPC_REL16_LO R_PPC_REL16_HI R_PPC_REL16_HA R_PPC64_NONE R_PPC64_ADDR32 R_PPC64_ADDR24 R_PPC64_ADDR16 R_PPC64_ADDR16_LO R_PPC64_ADDR16_HI R_PPC64_ADDR16_HA R_PPC64_ADDR14 R_PPC64_ADDR14_BRTAKEN R_PPC64_ADDR14_BRNTAKEN R_PPC64_REL24 R_PPC64_REL14 R_PPC64_REL14_BRTAKEN R_PPC64_REL14_BRNTAKEN R_PPC64_GOT16 R_PPC64_GOT16_LO R_PPC64_GOT16_HI R_PPC64_GOT16_HA R_PPC64_GLOB_DAT R_PPC64_JMP_SLOT R_PPC64_RELATIVE R_PPC64_REL32 R_PPC64_ADDR64 R_PPC64_ADDR16_HIGHER R_PPC64_ADDR16_HIGHERA R_PPC64_ADDR16_HIGHEST R_PPC64_ADDR16_HIGHESTA R_PPC64_REL64 R_PPC64_TOC16 R_PPC64_TOC16_LO R_PPC64_TOC16_HI R_PPC64_TOC16_HA R_PPC64_TOC R_PPC64_ADDR16_DS R_PPC64_ADDR16_LO_DS R_PPC64_GOT16_DS R_PPC64_GOT16_LO_DS R_PPC64_TOC16_DS R_PPC64_TOC16_LO_DS R_PPC64_TLS R_PPC64_DTPMOD64 R_PPC64_TPREL16 R_PPC64_TPREL16_LO R_PPC64_TPREL16_HI R_PPC64_TPREL16_HA R_PPC64_TPREL64 R_PPC64_DTPREL16 R_PPC64_DTPREL16_LO R_PPC64_DTPREL16_HI R_PPC64_DTPREL16_HA R_PPC64_DTPREL64 R_PPC64_GOT_TLSGD16 R_PPC64_GOT_TLSGD16_LO R_PPC64_GOT_TLSGD16_HI R_PPC64_GOT_TLSGD16_HA R_PPC64_GOT_TLSLD16 R_PPC64_GOT_TLSLD16_LO R_PPC64_GOT_TLSLD16_HI R_PPC64_GOT_TLSLD16_HA R_PPC64_GOT_TPREL16_DS R_PPC64_GOT_TPREL16_LO_DS R_PPC64_GOT_TPREL16_HI R_PPC64_GOT_TPREL16_HA R_PPC64_GOT_DTPREL16_DS R_PPC64_GOT_DTPREL16_LO_DS R_PPC64_GOT_DTPREL16_HI R_PPC64_GOT_DTPREL16_HA R_PPC64_TPREL16_DS R_PPC64_TPREL16_LO_DS R_PPC64_TPREL16_HIGHER R_PPC64_TPREL16_HIGHERA R_PPC64_TPREL16_HIGHEST R_PPC64_TPREL16_HIGHESTA R_PPC64_DTPREL16_DS R_PPC64_DTPREL16_LO_DS R_PPC64_DTPREL16_HIGHER R_PPC64_DTPREL16_HIGHERA R_PPC64_DTPREL16_HIGHEST R_PPC64_DTPREL16_HIGHESTA R_PPC64_TLSGD R_PPC64_TLSLD R_PPC64_REL16 R_PPC64_REL16_LO R_PPC64_REL16_HI R_PPC64_REL16_HA R_RISCV_NONE R_RISCV_32 R_RISCV_64 R_RISCV_RELATIVE R_RISCV_COPY R_RISCV_JUMP_SLOT R_RISCV_TLS_DTPMOD32 R_RISCV_TLS_DTPMOD64 R_RISCV_TLS_DTPREL32 R_RISCV_TLS_DTPREL64 R_RISCV_TLS_TPREL32 R_RISCV_TLS_TPREL64 R_RISCV_BRANCH R_RISCV_JAL R_RISCV_CALL R_RISCV_CALL_PLT R_RISCV_GOT_HI20 R_RISCV_TLS_GOT_HI20 R_RISCV_TLS_GD_HI20 R_RISCV_PCREL_HI20 R_RISCV_PCREL_LO12_I R_RISCV_PCREL_LO12_S R_RISCV_HI20 R_RISCV_LO12_I R_RISCV_LO12_S R_RISCV_TPREL_HI20 R_RISCV_TPREL_LO12_I R_RISCV_TPREL_LO12_S R_RISCV_TPREL_ADD R_RISCV_ADD8 R_RISCV_ADD16 R_RISCV_ADD32 R_RISCV_ADD64 R_RISCV_SUB8 R_RISCV_SUB16 R_RISCV_SUB32 R_RISCV_SUB64 R_RISCV_GNU_VTINHERIT R_RISCV_GNU_VTENTRY R_RISCV_ALIGN R_RISCV_RVC_BRANCH R_RISCV_RVC_JUMP R_RISCV_RVC_LUI R_RISCV_GPREL_I R_RISCV_GPREL_S R_390_NONE R_390_8 R_390_12 R_390_16 R_390_32 R_390_PC32 R_390_GOT12 R_390_GOT32 R_390_PLT32 R_390_COPY R_390_GLOB_DAT R_390_JMP_SLOT R_390_RELATIVE R_390_GOTOFF R_390_GOTPC R_390_GOT16 R_390_PC16 R_390_PC16DBL R_390_PLT16DBL R_390_PC32DBL R_390_PLT32DBL R_390_GOTPCDBL R_390_64 R_390_PC64 R_390_GOT64 R_390_PLT64 R_390_GOTENT R_390_GOTOFF16 R_390_GOTOFF64 R_390_GOTPLT12 R_390_GOTPLT16 R_390_GOTPLT32 R_390_GOTPLT64 R_390_GOTPLTENT R_390_PLTOFF16 R_390_PLTOFF32 R_390_PLTOFF64 R_390_TLS_LOAD R_390_TLS_GDCALL R_390_TLS_LDCALL R_390_TLS_GD32 R_390_TLS_GD64 R_390_TLS_GOTIE12 R_390_TLS_GOTIE32 R_390_TLS_GOTIE64 R_390_TLS_LDM32 R_390_TLS_LDM64 R_390_TLS_IE32 R_390_TLS_IE64 R_390_TLS_IEENT R_390_TLS_LE32 R_390_TLS_LE64 R_390_TLS_LDO32 R_390_TLS_LDO64 R_390_TLS_DTPMOD R_390_TLS_DTPOFF R_390_TLS_TPOFF R_390_20 R_390_GOT20 R_390_GOTPLT20 R_390_TLS_GOTIE20 R_390_IRELATIVE R_390_PC12DBL R_390_PLT12DBL R_390_PC24DBL R_390_PLT24DBL R_SPARC_NONE R_SPARC_8 R_SPARC_16 R_SPARC_32 R_SPARC_DISP8 R_SPARC_DISP16 R_SPARC_DISP32 R_SPARC_WDISP30 R_SPARC_WDISP22 R_SPARC_HI22 R_SPARC_22 R_SPARC_13 R_SPARC_LO10 R_SPARC_GOT10 R_SPARC_GOT13 R_SPARC_GOT22 R_SPARC_PC10 R_SPARC_PC22 R_SPARC_WPLT30 R_SPARC_COPY R_SPARC_GLOB_DAT R_SPARC_JMP_SLOT R_SPARC_RELATIVE R_SPARC_UA32 R_SPARC_PLT32 R_SPARC_HIPLT22 R_SPARC_LOPLT10 R_SPARC_PCPLT32 R_SPARC_PCPLT22 R_SPARC_PCPLT10 R_SPARC_10 R_SPARC_11 R_SPARC_64 R_SPARC_OLO10 R_SPARC_HH22 R_SPARC_HM10 R_SPARC_LM22 R_SPARC_PC_HH22 R_SPARC_PC_HM10 R_SPARC_PC_LM22 R_SPARC_WDISP16 R_SPARC_WDISP19 R_SPARC_7 R_SPARC_5 R_SPARC_6 R_SPARC_DISP64 R_SPARC_PLT64 R_SPARC_HIX22 R_SPARC_LOX10 R_SPARC_H44 R_SPARC_M44 R_SPARC_L44 R_SPARC_REGISTER R_SPARC_UA64 R_SPARC_UA16 R_SPARC_TLS_GD_HI22 R_SPARC_TLS_GD_LO10 R_SPARC_TLS_GD_ADD R_SPARC_TLS_GD_CALL R_SPARC_TLS_LDM_HI22 R_SPARC_TLS_LDM_LO10 R_SPARC_TLS_LDM_ADD R_SPARC_TLS_LDM_CALL R_SPARC_TLS_LDO_HIX22 R_SPARC_TLS_LDO_LOX10 R_SPARC_TLS_LDO_ADD R_SPARC_TLS_IE_HI22 R_SPARC_TLS_IE_LO10 R_SPARC_TLS_IE_LD R_SPARC_TLS_IE_LDX R_SPARC_TLS_IE_ADD R_SPARC_TLS_LE_HIX22 R_SPARC_TLS_LE_LOX10 R_SPARC_TLS_DTPMOD32 R_SPARC_TLS_DTPMOD64 R_SPARC_TLS_DTPOFF32 R_SPARC_TLS_DTPOFF64 R_SPARC_TLS_TPOFF32 R_SPARC_TLS_TPOFF64 R_SPARC_GOTDATA_HIX22 R_SPARC_GOTDATA_LOX10 R_SPARC_GOTDATA_OP_HIX22 R_SPARC_GOTDATA_OP_LOX10 R_SPARC_GOTDATA_OP R_WEBASSEMBLY_NONE R_WEBASSEMBLY_DATA R_WEBASSEMBLY_FUNCTION R_AMDGPU_NONE R_AMDGPU_ABS32_LO R_AMDGPU_ABS32_HI R_AMDGPU_ABS64 R_AMDGPU_REL32 R_AMDGPU_REL64 The maximum nesting depth allowed for assembly macros. unexpected token .set .equ .equiv .ascii .asciz .string .byte .short .2byte .long .int .4byte .quad .8byte .octa .single .float .double .align .align32 .balign .balignw .balignl .p2align .p2alignw .p2alignl .org .fill .zero .extern .globl .global .lazy_reference .no_dead_strip .symbol_resolver .private_extern .reference .weak_definition .weak_reference .weak_def_can_be_hidden .comm .common .lcomm .abort .include .incbin .code16 .code16gcc .rept .rep .irp .irpc .endr .bundle_align_mode .bundle_lock .bundle_unlock .if .ifeq .ifge .ifgt .ifle .iflt .ifne .ifb .ifnb .ifc .ifeqs .ifnc .ifnes .ifdef .ifndef .ifnotdef .elseif .else .end .endif .skip .space .file .line .loc .stabs .cv_file .cv_func_id .cv_loc .cv_linetable .cv_inline_linetable .cv_inline_site_id .cv_def_range .cv_stringtable .cv_filechecksums .sleb128 .uleb128 .cfi_sections .cfi_startproc .cfi_endproc .cfi_def_cfa .cfi_def_cfa_offset .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset .cfi_def_cfa_register .cfi_offset .cfi_rel_offset .cfi_personality .cfi_lsda .cfi_remember_state .cfi_restore_state .cfi_same_value .cfi_restore .cfi_escape .cfi_signal_frame .cfi_undefined .cfi_register .cfi_window_save .macros_on .macros_off .macro .exitm .endm .endmacro .purgem .err .error .warning .reloc .dc .dc.a .dc.b .dc.d .dc.l .dc.s .dc.w .dc.x .dcb .dcb.b .dcb.d .dcb.l .dcb.s .dcb.w .dcb.x .ds .ds.b .ds.d .ds.l .ds.p .ds.s .ds.w .ds.x directional label undefined invalid use of pseudo-symbol '.' as a label invalid symbol redefinition not currently supported for this target unknown directive _emit _EMIT __EMIT ALIGN unexpected token in '.if' directive unexpected token in '.ifb' directive expected comma after first string for '.ifeqs' directive expected comma after first string for '.ifnes' directive Encountered a .elseif that doesn't follow an .if or an .elseif unexpected token in '.elseif' directive Encountered a .else that doesn't follow an .if or an .elseif Encountered a .endif that doesn't follow an .if or .else macros cannot be nested more than Use -asm-macro-max-nesting-depth to increase this limit. <instantiation> invalid argument identifier for formal argument cannot mix positional and keyword arguments ' in macro ' too many positional arguments expected identifier in ' ' directive out of range literal value unknown token in expression unexpected token in directive infinity inf in directive alignment must be a power of 2 alignment directive can never be satisfied in this many bytes, ignoring maximum bytes expression in '.org' directive unexpected token in '.fill' directive '.fill' directive with negative size has no effect '.fill' directive with size greater than 8 has been truncated to 8 '.fill' directive pattern has been truncated to 32-bits unexpected token in '.zero' directive expected identifier in directive invalid '.comm' or '.lcomm' directive size, can't be less than zero invalid '.comm' or '.lcomm' directive alignment, can't be less than zero unexpected token in '.abort' directive .abort detected. Assembly stopping. .abort ' ' detected. Assembly stopping. expected string in '.include' directive unexpected token in '.include' directive Could not find include file ' expected string in '.incbin' directive unexpected token in '.incbin' directive skip is negative Could not find incbin file ' expected absolute expression negative count has no effect unexpected token in ' Count is negative expected identifier in '.irp' directive expected comma in '.irp' directive expected End of Statement expected identifier in '.irpc' directive expected comma in '.irpc' directive unexpected token in '.irpc' directive expected end of statement unmatched '.endr' directive unexpected token after expression in '.bundle_align_mode' directive invalid bundle alignment size (expected between 0 and 30) invalid option for '.bundle_lock' directive align_to_end unexpected token after '.bundle_lock' directive option unexpected token in '.bundle_unlock' directive in ' file number less than one unexpected token in '.file' directive explicit path specified, but no file number file number already allocated unexpected token in '.line' directive unexpected token in '.loc' directive file number less than one in '.loc' directive unassigned file number in '.loc' directive line number less than zero in '.loc' directive column position less than zero in '.loc' directive prologue_end is_stmt is_stmt value not 0 or 1 is_stmt value not the constant value of 0 or 1 unsupported directive '.stabs' expected file number in '.cv_file' directive unexpected token in '.cv_file' directive unexpected token in '.cv_func_id' directive function id already allocated expected 'within' identifier in '.cv_inline_site_id' directive inlined_at expected 'inlined_at' identifier in '.cv_inline_site_id' directive expected line number after 'inlined_at' unexpected token in '.cv_inline_site_id' directive line number less than zero in '.cv_loc' directive column position less than zero in '.cv_loc' directive unexpected token in '.cv_linetable' directive expected SourceField in '.cv_inline_linetable' directive File id less than zero in '.cv_inline_linetable' directive expected SourceLineNum in '.cv_inline_linetable' directive Line number less than zero in '.cv_inline_linetable' directive Expected End of Statement Expected an identifier .eh_frame .debug_frame simple in '.cfi_startproc' directive unexpected token in '.cfi_signal_frame' expected identifier in '.macro' directive Vararg parameter ' ' should be last one in the list of parameters. missing parameter qualifier for ' vararg is not a valid parameter qualifier for ' pointless default value for required parameter ' no matching '.endmacro' in definition ' is already defined macro defined with named parameters which are not used in macro body, possible positional parameter found in body which will have no effect unexpected ' ' in file, no current macro definition expected identifier in '.purgem' directive unexpected token in '.purgem' directive ' is not defined unexpected token in '.end' directive .err encountered .error directive invoked in source file .error argument must be a string .warning directive invoked in source file .warning argument must be a string expected end of statement in '.warning' directive expression is not a constant value expression is negative expected comma expected relocation name expression must be relocatable unexpected token in .reloc directive unknown relocation name ' directive with negative repeat count has no effect literal value out of range for directive unexpected expression in _emit unexpected expression in align literal value not a power of two greater then zero while in macro instantiation unexpected backslash at end of string invalid variant ' invalid token in expression expected symbol variant after '@' unexpected token in variant, expected ')' unexpected modifier on variable reference expected ')' in parentheses expression .section .def .scl .endef .secrel32 .secidx .safeseh .linkonce .seh_proc .seh_endproc .seh_startchained .seh_endchained .seh_handler .seh_handlerdata .seh_pushreg .seh_setframe .seh_stackalloc .seh_savereg .seh_savexmm .seh_pushframe .seh_endprologue .weak expected comdat type such as 'discard' or 'largest' after protection bits offset is not a multiple of 16 size is not a multiple of 8 you must specify an offset on the stack .alt_entry .desc .indirect_symbol .lsym .subsections_via_symbols .dump .load .pushsection .popsection .previous .secure_log_unique .secure_log_reset .zerofill .data_region .end_data_region .const .const_data .constructor .cstring .destructor .dyld .fvmlib_init0 .fvmlib_init1 .lazy_symbol_pointer .linker_option .literal16 .literal4 .literal8 .mod_init_func .mod_term_func .non_lazy_symbol_pointer .thread_local_variable_pointer .objc_cat_cls_meth .objc_cat_inst_meth .objc_category .objc_class .objc_class_names .objc_class_vars .objc_cls_meth .objc_cls_refs .objc_inst_meth .objc_instance_vars .objc_message_refs .objc_meta_class .objc_meth_var_names .objc_meth_var_types .objc_module_info .objc_selector_strs .objc_string_object .objc_symbols .picsymbol_stub .static_const .static_data .symbol_stub .thread_init_func .tlv .ident .watchos_version_min .tvos_version_min .ios_version_min .macosx_version_min indirect symbol not in a symbol pointer or stub section expected identifier in .indirect_symbol directive unexpected token in '.indirect_symbol' directive ignoring directive .dump for now expected identifier after '.section' directive __text __data .secure_log_unique used but AS_SECURE_LOG_FILE environment variable unset. invalid '.tbss' directive size, can't be less thanzero __thread_bss expected segment name after '.zerofill' directive expected section name after comma in '.zerofill' directive invalid '.zerofill' directive alignment, can't be less than zero jt16 jt32 __bss __cstring __destructor __dyld __fvmlib_init0 __fvmlib_init1 __la_symbol_ptr __literal16 __literal4 __literal8 __mod_term_func __nl_symbol_ptr __thread_ptr __OBJC __cat_cls_meth __cat_inst_meth __category __class __class_vars __cls_meth __cls_refs __inst_meth __instance_vars __message_refs __meta_class __module_info __protocol __selector_strs __string_object __symbols __picsymbol_stub __static_const __static_data __symbol_stub __thread_data __thread_init __thread_vars invalid update specifier, comma expected invalid OS update number should only be used for overriding previous version_min directive .rodata .data.rel .data.rel.ro .symver .weakref .local .protected .internal .hidden .subsection Section cannot specifiy a group name while also acting as a member of the last group Mergeable section must specify the type expected '@<type>', '%<type>' or "<type>" entry size must be positive expected group name Linkage must be 'comdat' expected 'unique' expected commma unique id must be positive unique id is too large .note .preinit_array init_array fini_array preinit_array nobits progbits unknown section type DWARF2 only supports one section per compilation unit expected STT_<TYPE_IN_UPPER_CASE>, '#<type>', '%<type>' or "<type>" expected STT_<TYPE_IN_UPPER_CASE>, '#<type>', '@<type>', '%<type>' or "<type>" expected symbol type in directive unsupported attribute in '.type' directive unexpected token in '.type' directive expected a comma Print the global id for each value when reading the module summary Malformed block Invalid record Invalid value Invalid function metadata: incoming forward references Invalid ID Invalid cast Explicit gep type does not match pointee type of pointer operand EXTRACTVAL: Invalid instruction with 0 indices EXTRACTVAL: Invalid type EXTRACTVAL: Invalid struct index EXTRACTVAL: Invalid array index INSERTVAL: Invalid instruction with 0 indices INSERTVAL: Invalid type INSERTVAL: Invalid struct index INSERTVAL: Invalid array index Inserted value type doesn't match aggregate type Invalid type for value Explicit invoke type is not a function type Callee is not a pointer Callee is not of pointer to function type Explicit invoke type does not match pointee type of callee operand Personality function mismatch Old-style alloca with a non-pointer type Callee is not a pointer type Explicit call type does not match pointee type of callee operand Fast-math-flags specified for call without floating-point scalar or vector return type Invalid instruction with no BB Operand bundles found with no consumer Never resolved value found in function Invalid function metadata: outgoing forward refs Explicit gep operator type does not match pointee type of pointer operand Invalid alignment value Explicit load/store type does not match pointee type of pointer operand Never resolved function from blockaddress Invalid global variable comdat ID Invalid calling convention ID Bitwidth for integer type out of range Invalid TYPE table: Only named structs can be forward referenced Invalid Summary Block: record for version expected Invalid Summary Block: version expected Invalid summary version Alias expects aliasee summary to be parsed Name attachment that does not follow a combined record Array element type can't be an Array or a Blob Invalid abbrev number abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789._ Import full type definitions for ThinLTO. Invalid record: metadata strings with no strings Invalid record: metadata strings corrupt offset Invalid metadata attachment FK_Data_1 FK_Data_2 FK_Data_4 FK_Data_8 FK_PCRel_1 FK_PCRel_2 FK_PCRel_4 FK_PCRel_8 FK_GPRel_1 FK_GPRel_2 FK_GPRel_4 FK_GPRel_8 FK_DTPRel_4 FK_DTPRel_8 FK_TPRel_4 FK_TPRel_8 FK_SecRel_1 FK_SecRel_2 FK_SecRel_4 FK_SecRel_8 APP NO_APP .code32 .zero .ascii .asciz .byte .short .long .quad 0x%02x , 0x bytes cannot have fixups in virtual section! non-zero initializer found in section ' non-zero initializer found in virtual section As secure log file name (initialized from AS_SECURE_LOG_FILE env variable) llvm-mc (based on LLVM 4.0.0svn) Emitting values inside a locked bundle is forbidden <<invalid>> <<none>> DTPOFF DTPREL GOTOFF GOTREL GOTPCREL GOTTPOFF INDNTPOFF NTPOFF GOTNTPOFF TLSGD TLSLD TLSLDM TPOFF tlscall tlsdesc target1 target2 prel31 sbrel tlsldo higher highera highest highesta got@l got@h got@ha tocbase toc@l toc@h toc@ha dtpmod tprel@l tprel@h tprel@ha tprel@higher tprel@highera tprel@highest tprel@highesta dtprel@l dtprel@h dtprel@ha dtprel@higher dtprel@highera dtprel@highest dtprel@highesta got@tprel got@tprel@l got@tprel@h got@tprel@ha got@dtprel got@dtprel@l got@dtprel@h got@dtprel@ha got@tlsgd got@tlsgd@l got@tlsgd@h got@tlsgd@ha tlsgd got@tlsld got@tlsld@l got@tlsld@h got@tlsld@ha tlsld gotpcrel32@lo gotpcrel32@hi rel32@lo rel32@hi tlvp page ie ldplt got_prel Common symbol ' 0%llxh %llxh __eh_frame __ustring __textcoal_nt __const_coal __datacoal_nt __common __gcc_except_tab __LD __compact_unwind __DWARF __apple_names names_begin __apple_objc objc_begin __apple_namespac namespac_begin __apple_types types_begin __debug_abbrev section_abbrev __debug_info section_info __debug_line section_line __debug_frame __debug_pubnames __debug_pubtypes __debug_gnu_pubn __debug_gnu_pubt __debug_str __debug_loc section_debug_loc __debug_aranges __debug_ranges debug_range __debug_macinfo debug_macinfo __debug_inlined __debug_cu_index __debug_tu_index __LLVM_STACKMAPS __llvm_stackmaps __LLVM_FAULTMAPS __llvm_faultmaps .gcc_except_table .debug_abbrev .debug_info .debug_line .debug_pubnames .debug_pubtypes .debug_gnu_pubnames .debug_gnu_pubtypes .debug_str .debug_loc .debug_aranges .debug_ranges .debug_macinfo .apple_names .apple_objc .apple_namespaces .apple_types .debug_info.dwo .debug_types.dwo .debug_abbrev.dwo .debug_str.dwo .debug_line.dwo .debug_loc.dwo skel_loc .debug_str_offsets.dwo .debug_addr addr_sec .debug_cu_index .debug_tu_index .llvm_stackmaps .debug$S .debug$T .drectve .pdata .sxdata .tls$ 0123456789_.abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ S_REGULAR S_ZEROFILL cstring_literals S_CSTRING_LITERALS 4byte_literals S_4BYTE_LITERALS 8byte_literals S_8BYTE_LITERALS literal_pointers S_LITERAL_POINTERS non_lazy_symbol_pointers S_NON_LAZY_SYMBOL_POINTERS lazy_symbol_pointers S_LAZY_SYMBOL_POINTERS symbol_stubs S_SYMBOL_STUBS mod_init_funcs S_MOD_INIT_FUNC_POINTERS mod_term_funcs S_MOD_TERM_FUNC_POINTERS coalesced S_COALESCED S_GB_ZEROFILL interposing S_INTERPOSING 16byte_literals S_16BYTE_LITERALS S_DTRACE_DOF S_LAZY_DYLIB_SYMBOL_POINTERS thread_local_regular S_THREAD_LOCAL_REGULAR thread_local_zerofill S_THREAD_LOCAL_ZEROFILL thread_local_variables S_THREAD_LOCAL_VARIABLES thread_local_variable_pointers S_THREAD_LOCAL_VARIABLE_POINTERS thread_local_init_function_pointers S_THREAD_LOCAL_INIT_FUNCTION_POINTERS pure_instructions S_ATTR_PURE_INSTRUCTIONS S_ATTR_NO_TOC strip_static_syms S_ATTR_STRIP_STATIC_SYMS no_dead_strip S_ATTR_NO_DEAD_STRIP live_support S_ATTR_LIVE_SUPPORT unsupported directive in streamer No open frame parent function id not introduced by .cv_func_id or .cv_inline_site_id all .cv_loc directives for a function must be in the same section .seh_* directives are not supported on this target No open Win64 EH frame function! Chained unwind areas can't have handlers! EmitRawText called on an MCStreamer that doesn't support it, something must not be fully mc'ized 64bit private internal linkonce linkonce_odr weak weak_odr common appending extern_weak available_externally to not_atomic consume ssp x86. sse4a.movnt. avx.movnt. avx512.storent. sse2.storel.dq sse.storeu. sse2.storeu. avx.storeu. avx512.mask.storeu. sse2.pcmpeq. avx2.pcmpeq. sse2.pcmpgt. avx2.pcmpgt. sse.add.ss sse2.add.sd sse.sub.ss sse2.sub.sd sse.mul.ss sse2.mul.sd sse.div.ss sse2.div.sd avx512.mask.pcmpeq. avx512.mask.pcmpgt. sse41.pmaxsb sse2.pmaxs.w sse41.pmaxsd sse2.pmaxu.b sse41.pmaxuw sse41.pmaxud sse41.pminsb sse2.pmins.w sse41.pminsd sse2.pminu.b sse41.pminuw sse41.pminud avx512.mask.pminu sse2.cvtdq2pd sse2.cvtps2pd avx.cvtdq2.pd.256 avx.cvt.ps2.pd.256 avx512.mask.cvtdq2pd. avx512.mask.cvtudq2pd. cvtdq2 cvtudq2 cvtdq2pd cvtudq2pd cvtps2pd avx512.mask.loadu. avx512.mask.load. xop.vpcom xop.vpcmov sse42.crc32.64.8 avx.vbroadcast.s sse41.pmovsx sse41.pmovzx avx2.pmovsx avx2.pmovzx avx512.mask.pmovsx avx512.mask.pmovzx pmovsx avx.vbroadcastf128 avx2.vbroadcasti128 avx2.pbroadcast avx2.vbroadcast avx512.pbroadcast avx512.mask.broadcast.s avx512.mask.palignr. avx512.mask.valign. sse2.psll.dq avx2.psll.dq sse2.psrl.dq avx2.psrl.dq sse2.psll.dq.bs avx2.psll.dq.bs avx512.psll.dq.512 sse2.psrl.dq.bs avx2.psrl.dq.bs avx512.psrl.dq.512 sse41.pblendw sse41.blendp avx.blend.p avx2.pblendw avx2.pblendd. avx.vinsertf128. avx2.vinserti128 avx.vextractf128. avx2.vextracti128 stackprotectorcheck avx512.mask.perm.df. avx512.mask.perm.di. avx.vpermil. sse2.pshuf.d avx512.mask.vpermil.p avx512.mask.pshuf.d. sse2.pshufl.w avx512.mask.pshufl.w. sse2.pshufh.w avx512.mask.pshufh.w. avx512.mask.shuf.p avx512.mask.movddup avx512.mask.movshdup avx512.mask.movsldup avx512.mask.movshdup. avx512.mask.punpckl avx512.mask.unpckl. avx512.mask.punpckh avx512.mask.unpckh. avx512.mask.pand. avx512.mask.pandn. avx512.mask.por. avx512.mask.pxor. avx512.mask.and. avx512.mask.andn. avx512.mask.or. avx512.mask.xor. avx512.mask.padd. avx512.mask.psub. avx512.mask.pmull. avx512.mask.add.p avx512.mask.div.p avx512.mask.mul.p avx512.mask.sub.p avx512.mask.pshuf.b. avx512.mask.pmul.dq. avx512.mask.pmulu.dq. avx512.mask.psll .128 .256 avx512.mask.psrl avx512.mask.psra avx512.mask.move.s avx512.mask.vpermilvar. ps.128 pd.128 ps.256 pd.256 ps.512 pd.512 .old arm.neon.vclz llvm.ctlz. arm.neon.vcnt ^arm\.neon\.vld([1234]|[234]lane)\.v[a-z0-9]*$ .p0i8 ^arm\.neon\.vst([1234]|[234]lane)\.v[a-z0-9]*$ aarch64.thread.pointer arm.thread.pointer cttz. invariant.start invariant.end masked.load. masked.store. objectsize. avx512.mask.add.ps.256 avx512.mask.div.pd.128 avx512.mask.div.pd.256 avx512.mask.div.ps.128 avx512.mask.div.ps.256 avx512.mask.mul.pd.128 avx512.mask.mul.pd.256 avx512.mask.mul.ps.128 avx512.mask.mul.ps.256 avx512.mask.sub.pd.128 avx512.mask.sub.pd.256 avx512.mask.sub.ps.128 avx512.mask.sub.ps.256 avx512.mask.psll.d avx512.mask.psll.q avx512.mask.psll.w avx512.mask.psra.d avx512.mask.psra.q avx512.mask.psra.w avx512.mask.psrl.d avx512.mask.psrl.q avx512.mask.psrl.w avx512.mask.pslli avx512.mask.psrai avx512.mask.psrli avx512.mask.psllv avx512.mask.psrav avx512.mask.psrlv avx512.mask.store.p avx512.mask.store.b. avx512.mask.store.w. avx512.mask.store.d. avx512.mask.store.q. avx512.psll.dq avx512.psrl.dq sse41.ptest sse41.insertps sse41.dppd sse41.dpps sse41.mpsadbw avx.dp.ps.256 avx2.mpsadbw xop.vfrcz.ss xop.vfrcz.sd xop.vpermil2 decltype(nullptr) Address space 0 can never be non-integral Invalid address space, must be a 24bit integer Missing size specification for pointer in datalayout string Missing alignment specification for pointer in datalayout string Pointer ABI alignment must be a power of 2 Pointer preferred alignment must be a power of 2 Missing alignment specification in datalayout string ABI alignment specification must be >0 for non-aggregate types Zero width native integer type in datalayout string Unexpected trailing characters after mangling specifier in datalayout string Expected mangling specifier in datalayout string Unknown mangling specifier in datalayout string Unknown mangling in datalayout string Unknown specifier in datalayout string Invalid preferred alignment, must be a 16bit integer Invalid preferred alignment, must be a power of 2 Preferred alignment cannot be less than the ABI alignment number of bits must be a byte width multiple llvm.dbg.value DIFlagZero DIFlagPrivate DIFlagProtected DIFlagPublic DIFlagFwdDecl DIFlagAppleBlock DIFlagBlockByrefStruct DIFlagVirtual DIFlagArtificial DIFlagExplicit DIFlagPrototyped DIFlagObjcClassComplete DIFlagObjectPointer DIFlagVector DIFlagStaticMember DIFlagLValueReference DIFlagRValueReference DIFlagExternalTypeRef DIFlagSingleInheritance DIFlagMultipleInheritance DIFlagVirtualInheritance DIFlagIntroducedVirtual DIFlagBitField DIFlagNoReturn DIFlagMainSubprogram DIFlagIndirectVirtualBase CSK_MD5 CSK_SHA1 CSK_None pass-remarks pattern Enable optimization remarks from passes whose name match the given regular expression pass-remarks-missed Enable missed optimization remarks from passes whose name match the given regular expression pass-remarks-analysis Enable optimization analysis remarks from passes whose name match the given regular expression ) in Verify dominator info (time consuming) llvm. amdgcn hexagon nvvm s390 xcore not_intrinsic llvm.addressofreturnaddress llvm.adjust.trampoline llvm.annotation llvm.assume llvm.bitreverse llvm.bswap llvm.canonicalize llvm.ceil llvm.clear_cache llvm.convert.from.fp16 llvm.convert.to.fp16 llvm.convertff llvm.convertfsi llvm.convertfui llvm.convertsif llvm.convertss llvm.convertsu llvm.convertuif llvm.convertus llvm.convertuu llvm.copysign llvm.coro.alloc llvm.coro.begin llvm.coro.destroy llvm.coro.done llvm.coro.end llvm.coro.frame llvm.coro.free llvm.coro.id llvm.coro.param llvm.coro.promise llvm.coro.resume llvm.coro.save llvm.coro.size llvm.coro.subfn.addr llvm.coro.suspend llvm.cos llvm.ctlz llvm.ctpop llvm.cttz llvm.debugtrap llvm.donothing llvm.eh.dwarf.cfa llvm.eh.exceptioncode llvm.eh.exceptionpointer llvm.eh.return.i32 llvm.eh.return.i64 llvm.eh.sjlj.callsite llvm.eh.sjlj.functioncontext llvm.eh.sjlj.longjmp llvm.eh.sjlj.lsda llvm.eh.sjlj.setjmp llvm.eh.sjlj.setup.dispatch llvm.eh.typeid.for llvm.eh.unwind.init llvm.exp llvm.exp2 llvm.expect llvm.experimental.deoptimize llvm.experimental.gc.relocate llvm.experimental.gc.result llvm.experimental.gc.statepoint llvm.experimental.guard llvm.experimental.patchpoint.i64 llvm.experimental.patchpoint.void llvm.experimental.stackmap llvm.fabs llvm.floor llvm.flt.rounds llvm.fma llvm.fmuladd llvm.frameaddress llvm.gcread llvm.gcroot llvm.gcwrite llvm.get.dynamic.area.offset llvm.instrprof.increment llvm.instrprof.increment.step llvm.instrprof.value.profile llvm.invariant.end llvm.invariant.group.barrier llvm.invariant.start llvm.lifetime.end llvm.lifetime.start llvm.load.relative llvm.localaddress llvm.localescape llvm.localrecover llvm.log llvm.log10 llvm.log2 llvm.longjmp llvm.masked.compressstore llvm.masked.expandload llvm.masked.gather llvm.masked.load llvm.masked.scatter llvm.masked.store llvm.maxnum llvm.memcpy llvm.memcpy.element.atomic llvm.memmove llvm.memset llvm.minnum llvm.nearbyint llvm.objectsize llvm.pcmarker llvm.pow llvm.powi llvm.prefetch llvm.ptr.annotation llvm.read_register llvm.readcyclecounter llvm.returnaddress llvm.rint llvm.round llvm.sadd.with.overflow llvm.setjmp llvm.siglongjmp llvm.sigsetjmp llvm.sin llvm.smul.with.overflow llvm.sqrt llvm.ssub.with.overflow llvm.stackguard llvm.stackprotector llvm.stackrestore llvm.stacksave llvm.thread.pointer llvm.trap llvm.trunc llvm.type.checked.load llvm.type.test llvm.uadd.with.overflow llvm.umul.with.overflow llvm.usub.with.overflow llvm.va_copy llvm.va_end llvm.va_start llvm.var.annotation llvm.write_register llvm.aarch64.clrex llvm.aarch64.crc32b llvm.aarch64.crc32cb llvm.aarch64.crc32ch llvm.aarch64.crc32cw llvm.aarch64.crc32cx llvm.aarch64.crc32h llvm.aarch64.crc32w llvm.aarch64.crc32x llvm.aarch64.crypto.aesd llvm.aarch64.crypto.aese llvm.aarch64.crypto.aesimc llvm.aarch64.crypto.aesmc llvm.aarch64.crypto.sha1c llvm.aarch64.crypto.sha1h llvm.aarch64.crypto.sha1m llvm.aarch64.crypto.sha1p llvm.aarch64.crypto.sha1su0 llvm.aarch64.crypto.sha1su1 llvm.aarch64.crypto.sha256h llvm.aarch64.crypto.sha256h2 llvm.aarch64.crypto.sha256su0 llvm.aarch64.crypto.sha256su1 llvm.aarch64.dmb llvm.aarch64.dsb llvm.aarch64.hint llvm.aarch64.isb llvm.aarch64.ldaxp llvm.aarch64.ldaxr llvm.aarch64.ldxp llvm.aarch64.ldxr llvm.aarch64.neon.abs llvm.aarch64.neon.addhn llvm.aarch64.neon.addp llvm.aarch64.neon.cls llvm.aarch64.neon.fabd llvm.aarch64.neon.facge llvm.aarch64.neon.facgt llvm.aarch64.neon.faddv llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtas llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtau llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtms llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtmu llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtns llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtnu llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtps llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtpu llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtxn llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtzs llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtzu llvm.aarch64.neon.fmax llvm.aarch64.neon.fmaxnm llvm.aarch64.neon.fmaxnmp llvm.aarch64.neon.fmaxnmv llvm.aarch64.neon.fmaxp llvm.aarch64.neon.fmaxv llvm.aarch64.neon.fmin llvm.aarch64.neon.fminnm llvm.aarch64.neon.fminnmp llvm.aarch64.neon.fminnmv llvm.aarch64.neon.fminp llvm.aarch64.neon.fminv llvm.aarch64.neon.fmulx llvm.aarch64.neon.frecpe llvm.aarch64.neon.frecps llvm.aarch64.neon.frecpx llvm.aarch64.neon.frintn llvm.aarch64.neon.frsqrte llvm.aarch64.neon.frsqrts llvm.aarch64.neon.ld1x2 llvm.aarch64.neon.ld1x3 llvm.aarch64.neon.ld1x4 llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2 llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2lane llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2r llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3 llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3lane llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3r llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4 llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4lane llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4r llvm.aarch64.neon.pmul llvm.aarch64.neon.pmull llvm.aarch64.neon.pmull64 llvm.aarch64.neon.raddhn llvm.aarch64.neon.rbit llvm.aarch64.neon.rshrn llvm.aarch64.neon.rsubhn llvm.aarch64.neon.sabd llvm.aarch64.neon.saddlp llvm.aarch64.neon.saddlv llvm.aarch64.neon.saddv llvm.aarch64.neon.scalar.sqxtn llvm.aarch64.neon.scalar.sqxtun llvm.aarch64.neon.scalar.uqxtn llvm.aarch64.neon.shadd llvm.aarch64.neon.shll llvm.aarch64.neon.shsub llvm.aarch64.neon.smax llvm.aarch64.neon.smaxp llvm.aarch64.neon.smaxv llvm.aarch64.neon.smin llvm.aarch64.neon.sminp llvm.aarch64.neon.sminv llvm.aarch64.neon.smull llvm.aarch64.neon.sqabs llvm.aarch64.neon.sqadd llvm.aarch64.neon.sqdmulh llvm.aarch64.neon.sqdmull llvm.aarch64.neon.sqdmulls.scalar llvm.aarch64.neon.sqneg llvm.aarch64.neon.sqrdmulh llvm.aarch64.neon.sqrshl llvm.aarch64.neon.sqrshrn llvm.aarch64.neon.sqrshrun llvm.aarch64.neon.sqshl llvm.aarch64.neon.sqshlu llvm.aarch64.neon.sqshrn llvm.aarch64.neon.sqshrun llvm.aarch64.neon.sqsub llvm.aarch64.neon.sqxtn llvm.aarch64.neon.sqxtun llvm.aarch64.neon.srhadd llvm.aarch64.neon.srshl llvm.aarch64.neon.sshl llvm.aarch64.neon.sshll llvm.aarch64.neon.st1x2 llvm.aarch64.neon.st1x3 llvm.aarch64.neon.st1x4 llvm.aarch64.neon.st2 llvm.aarch64.neon.st2lane llvm.aarch64.neon.st3 llvm.aarch64.neon.st3lane llvm.aarch64.neon.st4 llvm.aarch64.neon.st4lane llvm.aarch64.neon.subhn llvm.aarch64.neon.suqadd llvm.aarch64.neon.tbl1 llvm.aarch64.neon.tbl2 llvm.aarch64.neon.tbl3 llvm.aarch64.neon.tbl4 llvm.aarch64.neon.tbx1 llvm.aarch64.neon.tbx2 llvm.aarch64.neon.tbx3 llvm.aarch64.neon.tbx4 llvm.aarch64.neon.uabd llvm.aarch64.neon.uaddlp llvm.aarch64.neon.uaddlv llvm.aarch64.neon.uaddv llvm.aarch64.neon.uhadd llvm.aarch64.neon.uhsub llvm.aarch64.neon.umax llvm.aarch64.neon.umaxp llvm.aarch64.neon.umaxv llvm.aarch64.neon.umin llvm.aarch64.neon.uminp llvm.aarch64.neon.uminv llvm.aarch64.neon.umull llvm.aarch64.neon.uqadd llvm.aarch64.neon.uqrshl llvm.aarch64.neon.uqrshrn llvm.aarch64.neon.uqshl llvm.aarch64.neon.uqshrn llvm.aarch64.neon.uqsub llvm.aarch64.neon.uqxtn llvm.aarch64.neon.urecpe llvm.aarch64.neon.urhadd llvm.aarch64.neon.urshl llvm.aarch64.neon.ursqrte llvm.aarch64.neon.ushl llvm.aarch64.neon.ushll llvm.aarch64.neon.usqadd llvm.aarch64.neon.vcopy.lane llvm.aarch64.neon.vcvtfp2fxs llvm.aarch64.neon.vcvtfp2fxu llvm.aarch64.neon.vcvtfp2hf llvm.aarch64.neon.vcvtfxs2fp llvm.aarch64.neon.vcvtfxu2fp llvm.aarch64.neon.vcvthf2fp llvm.aarch64.neon.vsli llvm.aarch64.neon.vsri llvm.aarch64.rbit llvm.aarch64.sdiv llvm.aarch64.sisd.fabd llvm.aarch64.sisd.fcvtxn llvm.aarch64.stlxp llvm.aarch64.stlxr llvm.aarch64.stxp llvm.aarch64.stxr llvm.aarch64.udiv llvm.amdgcn.atomic.dec llvm.amdgcn.atomic.inc llvm.amdgcn.buffer.atomic.add llvm.amdgcn.buffer.atomic.and llvm.amdgcn.buffer.atomic.cmpswap llvm.amdgcn.buffer.atomic.or llvm.amdgcn.buffer.atomic.smax llvm.amdgcn.buffer.atomic.smin llvm.amdgcn.buffer.atomic.sub llvm.amdgcn.buffer.atomic.swap llvm.amdgcn.buffer.atomic.umax llvm.amdgcn.buffer.atomic.umin llvm.amdgcn.buffer.atomic.xor llvm.amdgcn.buffer.load llvm.amdgcn.buffer.load.format llvm.amdgcn.buffer.store llvm.amdgcn.buffer.store.format llvm.amdgcn.buffer.wbinvl1 llvm.amdgcn.buffer.wbinvl1.sc llvm.amdgcn.buffer.wbinvl1.vol llvm.amdgcn.class llvm.amdgcn.cos llvm.amdgcn.cubeid llvm.amdgcn.cubema llvm.amdgcn.cubesc llvm.amdgcn.cubetc llvm.amdgcn.cvt.pk.u8.f32 llvm.amdgcn.dispatch.id llvm.amdgcn.dispatch.ptr llvm.amdgcn.div.fixup llvm.amdgcn.div.fmas llvm.amdgcn.div.scale llvm.amdgcn.ds.bpermute llvm.amdgcn.ds.permute llvm.amdgcn.ds.swizzle llvm.amdgcn.fcmp llvm.amdgcn.fmul.legacy llvm.amdgcn.fract llvm.amdgcn.frexp.exp llvm.amdgcn.frexp.mant llvm.amdgcn.groupstaticsize llvm.amdgcn.icmp llvm.amdgcn.image.atomic.add llvm.amdgcn.image.atomic.and llvm.amdgcn.image.atomic.cmpswap llvm.amdgcn.image.atomic.dec llvm.amdgcn.image.atomic.inc llvm.amdgcn.image.atomic.or llvm.amdgcn.image.atomic.smax llvm.amdgcn.image.atomic.smin llvm.amdgcn.image.atomic.sub llvm.amdgcn.image.atomic.swap llvm.amdgcn.image.atomic.umax llvm.amdgcn.image.atomic.umin 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llvm.bifrost.barrier llvm.bifrost.bitfield.extracts llvm.bifrost.bitfield.extractu llvm.bifrost.bitfield.insert llvm.bifrost.bitselect llvm.bifrost.blend llvm.bifrost.blend.d3d llvm.bifrost.blend.d3d.3 llvm.bifrost.blendshader.blend llvm.bifrost.cbrt llvm.bifrost.clamps llvm.bifrost.clampu llvm.bifrost.clper llvm.bifrost.clz llvm.bifrost.clz.m1 llvm.bifrost.copysign llvm.bifrost.cos.fast llvm.bifrost.cos.gles llvm.bifrost.cos.lookup llvm.bifrost.cosh llvm.bifrost.cospi llvm.bifrost.cubemap llvm.bifrost.cycle.counter llvm.bifrost.default.uniform.buffer llvm.bifrost.delta.x.coarse llvm.bifrost.delta.x.fine llvm.bifrost.delta.y.coarse llvm.bifrost.delta.y.fine llvm.bifrost.discard llvm.bifrost.divide llvm.bifrost.divide.round.ne llvm.bifrost.dual.tex.frag llvm.bifrost.dual.tex.no.frag llvm.bifrost.eureka llvm.bifrost.exp llvm.bifrost.exp.fast llvm.bifrost.exp10 llvm.bifrost.exp2 llvm.bifrost.exp2.fast llvm.bifrost.expm1 llvm.bifrost.fclamp llvm.bifrost.fma.round.down llvm.bifrost.fma.round.ne llvm.bifrost.fma.round.tz llvm.bifrost.fma.round.up llvm.bifrost.fmax llvm.bifrost.fmax.nan llvm.bifrost.fmin llvm.bifrost.fmin.nan llvm.bifrost.fmul.n llvm.bifrost.fptosi.down llvm.bifrost.fptosi.te llvm.bifrost.fptosi.tz llvm.bifrost.fptosi.up llvm.bifrost.fptoui.down llvm.bifrost.fptoui.te llvm.bifrost.fptoui.tz llvm.bifrost.fptoui.up llvm.bifrost.fptrunc.down llvm.bifrost.fptrunc.sticky llvm.bifrost.fptrunc.te llvm.bifrost.fptrunc.tz llvm.bifrost.fptrunc.up llvm.bifrost.frexpe llvm.bifrost.frexpm llvm.bifrost.fround.even llvm.bifrost.get.attribute.index llvm.bifrost.get.buffer.of llvm.bifrost.get.core.id llvm.bifrost.get.cumulative.coverage llvm.bifrost.get.fragment.xy llvm.bifrost.get.global.id llvm.bifrost.get.image.index llvm.bifrost.get.imagesampler.index llvm.bifrost.get.instance.index llvm.bifrost.get.internal.vertex.id llvm.bifrost.get.lane.id llvm.bifrost.get.local.id.01 llvm.bifrost.get.local.id.2f llvm.bifrost.get.primitive.facing llvm.bifrost.get.primitive.id llvm.bifrost.get.rasterizer.coverage llvm.bifrost.get.sample.position.array llvm.bifrost.get.sampler.index llvm.bifrost.get.uniform.buffer.offset llvm.bifrost.get.vertex.index llvm.bifrost.get.workgroup.id llvm.bifrost.hadds llvm.bifrost.haddu llvm.bifrost.half.divide llvm.bifrost.half.exp llvm.bifrost.half.exp10 llvm.bifrost.half.exp2 llvm.bifrost.half.exp2.mul llvm.bifrost.half.log llvm.bifrost.half.log10 llvm.bifrost.half.log2 llvm.bifrost.half.recip llvm.bifrost.half.rsqrt llvm.bifrost.half.sqrt llvm.bifrost.iaddc llvm.bifrost.idpadd.v2s16 llvm.bifrost.idpadd.v2u16 llvm.bifrost.idpadd.v4s8 llvm.bifrost.idpadd.v4u8 llvm.bifrost.ilogb llvm.bifrost.instance.index.pre.inc llvm.bifrost.isubb llvm.bifrost.kaboom llvm.bifrost.ld.attr llvm.bifrost.ld.attr.auto llvm.bifrost.ld.attr.tex llvm.bifrost.ld.attr.tex.conv llvm.bifrost.ld.cvt llvm.bifrost.ld.itile.stencil llvm.bifrost.ld.svar llvm.bifrost.ld.tile llvm.bifrost.ld.tile.depth llvm.bifrost.ld.uattr llvm.bifrost.ld.uattr.tex llvm.bifrost.ld.uattr.tex.conv llvm.bifrost.ld.ucvt llvm.bifrost.ld.uniform llvm.bifrost.ld.uniform.fau llvm.bifrost.ld.uvar llvm.bifrost.ld.var llvm.bifrost.ld.var.auto llvm.bifrost.ld.var.auto.t llvm.bifrost.ld.var.center.auto.t llvm.bifrost.ld.var.center.t llvm.bifrost.ld.var.flat llvm.bifrost.ld.var.flat.auto llvm.bifrost.ld.var.sys llvm.bifrost.ld.var.sys.center llvm.bifrost.ld.var.t llvm.bifrost.ld.var.uflat llvm.bifrost.ld.varpointcoord llvm.bifrost.ld.varw llvm.bifrost.ld.varz llvm.bifrost.ldexp llvm.bifrost.ldvar.and llvm.bifrost.ldvar.center llvm.bifrost.ldvar.centroid llvm.bifrost.ldvar.explicit llvm.bifrost.ldvar.flat llvm.bifrost.ldvar.noperspective llvm.bifrost.ldvar.or llvm.bifrost.ldvar.perspective llvm.bifrost.ldvar.provoking llvm.bifrost.ldvar.sample llvm.bifrost.lea.attr.auto llvm.bifrost.lea.attr.f16 llvm.bifrost.lea.attr.f32 llvm.bifrost.lea.attr.f64 llvm.bifrost.lea.attr.tex.conv.f16 llvm.bifrost.lea.attr.tex.conv.f32 llvm.bifrost.lea.attr.tex.conv.f64 llvm.bifrost.lea.attr.tex.f16 llvm.bifrost.lea.attr.tex.f32 llvm.bifrost.lea.attr.tex.f64 llvm.bifrost.lea.sattr.i16 llvm.bifrost.lea.sattr.i32 llvm.bifrost.lea.sattr.i64 llvm.bifrost.lea.sattr.tex.conv.i16 llvm.bifrost.lea.sattr.tex.conv.i32 llvm.bifrost.lea.sattr.tex.conv.i64 llvm.bifrost.lea.sattr.tex.i16 llvm.bifrost.lea.sattr.tex.i32 llvm.bifrost.lea.sattr.tex.i64 llvm.bifrost.lea.uattr.i16 llvm.bifrost.lea.uattr.i32 llvm.bifrost.lea.uattr.tex.conv.i16 llvm.bifrost.lea.uattr.tex.conv.i32 llvm.bifrost.lea.uattr.tex.i16 llvm.bifrost.lea.uattr.tex.i32 llvm.bifrost.legacy.get.uniform llvm.bifrost.legacy.get.uniform.high llvm.bifrost.legacy.get.uniform.low llvm.bifrost.length llvm.bifrost.local.segment.base.address llvm.bifrost.log llvm.bifrost.log.fast llvm.bifrost.log10 llvm.bifrost.log1p llvm.bifrost.log2 llvm.bifrost.log2.fast llvm.bifrost.logb llvm.bifrost.maxs llvm.bifrost.maxu llvm.bifrost.mins llvm.bifrost.minu llvm.bifrost.normalize llvm.bifrost.permute.v2i16 llvm.bifrost.permute.v4i8 llvm.bifrost.pow llvm.bifrost.powr llvm.bifrost.private.addV3combine llvm.bifrost.private.cubemapV3 llvm.bifrost.private.fadd.rscale llvm.bifrost.private.fma.n.round.ne llvm.bifrost.private.fptrunc.down llvm.bifrost.private.fptrunc.sticky llvm.bifrost.private.fptrunc.te llvm.bifrost.private.fptrunc.tz llvm.bifrost.private.fptrunc.up llvm.bifrost.private.ld.attr.autoV3 llvm.bifrost.private.ld.attr.tex.convV3 llvm.bifrost.private.ld.attr.texV3 llvm.bifrost.private.ld.attrV3 llvm.bifrost.private.ld.cvtV3 llvm.bifrost.private.ld.cvtV3V3 llvm.bifrost.private.ld.itile.stencilV3 llvm.bifrost.private.ld.tile.depthV3 llvm.bifrost.private.ld.tileV3 llvm.bifrost.private.ld.uattr.tex.convV3 llvm.bifrost.private.ld.uattr.texV3 llvm.bifrost.private.ld.uattrV3 llvm.bifrost.private.ld.ucvtV3 llvm.bifrost.private.ld.ucvtV3V3 llvm.bifrost.private.ld.uniform.fauV3 llvm.bifrost.private.ld.uniformV3 llvm.bifrost.private.ld.var.auto.tV3 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llvm.s390.vmob llvm.s390.vmof llvm.s390.vmoh llvm.s390.vpdi llvm.s390.vperm llvm.s390.vpklsf llvm.s390.vpklsfs llvm.s390.vpklsg llvm.s390.vpklsgs llvm.s390.vpklsh llvm.s390.vpklshs llvm.s390.vpksf llvm.s390.vpksfs llvm.s390.vpksg llvm.s390.vpksgs llvm.s390.vpksh llvm.s390.vpkshs llvm.s390.vsbcbiq llvm.s390.vsbiq llvm.s390.vscbib llvm.s390.vscbif llvm.s390.vscbig llvm.s390.vscbih llvm.s390.vscbiq llvm.s390.vsl llvm.s390.vslb llvm.s390.vsldb llvm.s390.vsq llvm.s390.vsra llvm.s390.vsrab llvm.s390.vsrl llvm.s390.vsrlb llvm.s390.vstl llvm.s390.vstrcb llvm.s390.vstrcbs llvm.s390.vstrcf llvm.s390.vstrcfs llvm.s390.vstrch llvm.s390.vstrchs llvm.s390.vstrczb llvm.s390.vstrczbs llvm.s390.vstrczf llvm.s390.vstrczfs llvm.s390.vstrczh llvm.s390.vstrczhs llvm.s390.vsumb llvm.s390.vsumgf llvm.s390.vsumgh llvm.s390.vsumh llvm.s390.vsumqf llvm.s390.vsumqg llvm.s390.vtm llvm.s390.vuphb llvm.s390.vuphf llvm.s390.vuphh llvm.s390.vuplb llvm.s390.vuplf llvm.s390.vuplhb llvm.s390.vuplhf llvm.s390.vuplhh llvm.s390.vuplhw llvm.s390.vupllb llvm.s390.vupllf llvm.s390.vupllh llvm.wasm.current.memory llvm.wasm.grow.memory llvm.x86.3dnow.pavgusb llvm.x86.3dnow.pf2id llvm.x86.3dnow.pfacc llvm.x86.3dnow.pfadd llvm.x86.3dnow.pfcmpeq llvm.x86.3dnow.pfcmpge llvm.x86.3dnow.pfcmpgt llvm.x86.3dnow.pfmax llvm.x86.3dnow.pfmin llvm.x86.3dnow.pfmul llvm.x86.3dnow.pfrcp llvm.x86.3dnow.pfrcpit1 llvm.x86.3dnow.pfrcpit2 llvm.x86.3dnow.pfrsqit1 llvm.x86.3dnow.pfrsqrt llvm.x86.3dnow.pfsub llvm.x86.3dnow.pfsubr llvm.x86.3dnow.pi2fd llvm.x86.3dnow.pmulhrw llvm.x86.3dnowa.pf2iw llvm.x86.3dnowa.pfnacc llvm.x86.3dnowa.pfpnacc llvm.x86.3dnowa.pi2fw llvm.x86.3dnowa.pswapd llvm.x86.addcarry.u32 llvm.x86.addcarry.u64 llvm.x86.addcarryx.u32 llvm.x86.addcarryx.u64 llvm.x86.aesni.aesdec llvm.x86.aesni.aesdeclast llvm.x86.aesni.aesenc llvm.x86.aesni.aesenclast llvm.x86.aesni.aesimc llvm.x86.aesni.aeskeygenassist llvm.x86.avx.addsub.pd.256 llvm.x86.avx.addsub.ps.256 llvm.x86.avx.blendv.pd.256 llvm.x86.avx.blendv.ps.256 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llvm.x86.avx512.rsqrt28.pd llvm.x86.avx512.rsqrt28.ps llvm.x86.avx512.rsqrt28.sd llvm.x86.avx512.rsqrt28.ss llvm.x86.avx512.scatter.dpd.512 llvm.x86.avx512.scatter.dpi.512 llvm.x86.avx512.scatter.dpq.512 llvm.x86.avx512.scatter.dps.512 llvm.x86.avx512.scatter.qpd.512 llvm.x86.avx512.scatter.qpi.512 llvm.x86.avx512.scatter.qpq.512 llvm.x86.avx512.scatter.qps.512 llvm.x86.avx512.scatterdiv2.df llvm.x86.avx512.scatterdiv2.di llvm.x86.avx512.scatterdiv4.df llvm.x86.avx512.scatterdiv4.di llvm.x86.avx512.scatterdiv4.sf llvm.x86.avx512.scatterdiv4.si llvm.x86.avx512.scatterdiv8.sf llvm.x86.avx512.scatterdiv8.si llvm.x86.avx512.scatterpf.dpd.512 llvm.x86.avx512.scatterpf.dps.512 llvm.x86.avx512.scatterpf.qpd.512 llvm.x86.avx512.scatterpf.qps.512 llvm.x86.avx512.scattersiv2.df llvm.x86.avx512.scattersiv2.di llvm.x86.avx512.scattersiv4.df llvm.x86.avx512.scattersiv4.di llvm.x86.avx512.scattersiv4.sf llvm.x86.avx512.scattersiv4.si llvm.x86.avx512.scattersiv8.sf llvm.x86.avx512.scattersiv8.si llvm.x86.avx512.vbroadcast.sd.512 llvm.x86.avx512.vbroadcast.ss.512 llvm.x86.avx512.vcomi.sd llvm.x86.avx512.vcomi.ss llvm.x86.avx512.vcvtsd2si32 llvm.x86.avx512.vcvtsd2si64 llvm.x86.avx512.vcvtsd2usi32 llvm.x86.avx512.vcvtsd2usi64 llvm.x86.avx512.vcvtss2si32 llvm.x86.avx512.vcvtss2si64 llvm.x86.avx512.vcvtss2usi32 llvm.x86.avx512.vcvtss2usi64 llvm.x86.avx512.vpermilvar.pd.512 llvm.x86.avx512.vpermilvar.ps.512 llvm.x86.bmi.bextr.32 llvm.x86.bmi.bextr.64 llvm.x86.bmi.bzhi.32 llvm.x86.bmi.bzhi.64 llvm.x86.bmi.pdep.32 llvm.x86.bmi.pdep.64 llvm.x86.bmi.pext.32 llvm.x86.bmi.pext.64 llvm.x86.clflushopt llvm.x86.flags.read.u32 llvm.x86.flags.read.u64 llvm.x86.flags.write.u32 llvm.x86.flags.write.u64 llvm.x86.fma.vfmadd.pd llvm.x86.fma.vfmadd.pd.256 llvm.x86.fma.vfmadd.ps llvm.x86.fma.vfmadd.ps.256 llvm.x86.fma.vfmadd.sd llvm.x86.fma.vfmadd.ss llvm.x86.fma.vfmaddsub.pd llvm.x86.fma.vfmaddsub.pd.256 llvm.x86.fma.vfmaddsub.ps llvm.x86.fma.vfmaddsub.ps.256 llvm.x86.fma.vfmsub.pd llvm.x86.fma.vfmsub.pd.256 llvm.x86.fma.vfmsub.ps llvm.x86.fma.vfmsub.ps.256 llvm.x86.fma.vfmsub.sd llvm.x86.fma.vfmsub.ss llvm.x86.fma.vfmsubadd.pd llvm.x86.fma.vfmsubadd.pd.256 llvm.x86.fma.vfmsubadd.ps llvm.x86.fma.vfmsubadd.ps.256 llvm.x86.fma.vfnmadd.pd llvm.x86.fma.vfnmadd.pd.256 llvm.x86.fma.vfnmadd.ps llvm.x86.fma.vfnmadd.ps.256 llvm.x86.fma.vfnmadd.sd llvm.x86.fma.vfnmadd.ss llvm.x86.fma.vfnmsub.pd llvm.x86.fma.vfnmsub.pd.256 llvm.x86.fma.vfnmsub.ps llvm.x86.fma.vfnmsub.ps.256 llvm.x86.fma.vfnmsub.sd llvm.x86.fma.vfnmsub.ss llvm.x86.fxrstor llvm.x86.fxrstor64 llvm.x86.fxsave llvm.x86.fxsave64 llvm.x86.int llvm.x86.mmx.emms llvm.x86.mmx.femms llvm.x86.mmx.maskmovq llvm.x86.mmx.movnt.dq llvm.x86.mmx.packssdw llvm.x86.mmx.packsswb llvm.x86.mmx.packuswb llvm.x86.mmx.padd.b llvm.x86.mmx.padd.d llvm.x86.mmx.padd.q llvm.x86.mmx.padd.w llvm.x86.mmx.padds.b llvm.x86.mmx.padds.w llvm.x86.mmx.paddus.b llvm.x86.mmx.paddus.w llvm.x86.mmx.palignr.b llvm.x86.mmx.pand llvm.x86.mmx.pandn llvm.x86.mmx.pavg.b llvm.x86.mmx.pavg.w llvm.x86.mmx.pcmpeq.b llvm.x86.mmx.pcmpeq.d llvm.x86.mmx.pcmpeq.w llvm.x86.mmx.pcmpgt.b llvm.x86.mmx.pcmpgt.d llvm.x86.mmx.pcmpgt.w llvm.x86.mmx.pextr.w llvm.x86.mmx.pinsr.w llvm.x86.mmx.pmadd.wd llvm.x86.mmx.pmaxs.w llvm.x86.mmx.pmaxu.b llvm.x86.mmx.pmins.w llvm.x86.mmx.pminu.b llvm.x86.mmx.pmovmskb llvm.x86.mmx.pmulh.w llvm.x86.mmx.pmulhu.w llvm.x86.mmx.pmull.w llvm.x86.mmx.pmulu.dq llvm.x86.mmx.por llvm.x86.mmx.psad.bw llvm.x86.mmx.psll.d llvm.x86.mmx.psll.q llvm.x86.mmx.psll.w llvm.x86.mmx.pslli.d llvm.x86.mmx.pslli.q llvm.x86.mmx.pslli.w llvm.x86.mmx.psra.d llvm.x86.mmx.psra.w llvm.x86.mmx.psrai.d llvm.x86.mmx.psrai.w llvm.x86.mmx.psrl.d llvm.x86.mmx.psrl.q llvm.x86.mmx.psrl.w llvm.x86.mmx.psrli.d llvm.x86.mmx.psrli.q llvm.x86.mmx.psrli.w llvm.x86.mmx.psub.b llvm.x86.mmx.psub.d llvm.x86.mmx.psub.q llvm.x86.mmx.psub.w llvm.x86.mmx.psubs.b llvm.x86.mmx.psubs.w llvm.x86.mmx.psubus.b llvm.x86.mmx.psubus.w llvm.x86.mmx.punpckhbw llvm.x86.mmx.punpckhdq llvm.x86.mmx.punpckhwd llvm.x86.mmx.punpcklbw llvm.x86.mmx.punpckldq llvm.x86.mmx.punpcklwd llvm.x86.mmx.pxor llvm.x86.monitorx llvm.x86.mwaitx llvm.x86.pclmulqdq llvm.x86.rdfsbase.32 llvm.x86.rdfsbase.64 llvm.x86.rdgsbase.32 llvm.x86.rdgsbase.64 llvm.x86.rdpkru llvm.x86.rdpmc llvm.x86.rdrand.16 llvm.x86.rdrand.32 llvm.x86.rdrand.64 llvm.x86.rdseed.16 llvm.x86.rdseed.32 llvm.x86.rdseed.64 llvm.x86.rdtsc llvm.x86.rdtscp llvm.x86.seh.ehguard llvm.x86.seh.ehregnode llvm.x86.seh.lsda llvm.x86.seh.recoverfp llvm.x86.sha1msg1 llvm.x86.sha1msg2 llvm.x86.sha1nexte llvm.x86.sha1rnds4 llvm.x86.sha256msg1 llvm.x86.sha256msg2 llvm.x86.sha256rnds2 llvm.x86.sse.cmp.ps llvm.x86.sse.cmp.ss llvm.x86.sse.comieq.ss llvm.x86.sse.comige.ss llvm.x86.sse.comigt.ss llvm.x86.sse.comile.ss llvm.x86.sse.comilt.ss llvm.x86.sse.comineq.ss llvm.x86.sse.cvtpd2pi llvm.x86.sse.cvtpi2pd llvm.x86.sse.cvtpi2ps llvm.x86.sse.cvtps2pi llvm.x86.sse.cvtsi2ss llvm.x86.sse.cvtsi642ss llvm.x86.sse.cvtss2si llvm.x86.sse.cvtss2si64 llvm.x86.sse.cvttpd2pi llvm.x86.sse.cvttps2pi llvm.x86.sse.cvttss2si llvm.x86.sse.cvttss2si64 llvm.x86.sse.ldmxcsr llvm.x86.sse.max.ps llvm.x86.sse.max.ss llvm.x86.sse.min.ps llvm.x86.sse.min.ss llvm.x86.sse.movmsk.ps llvm.x86.sse.pshuf.w llvm.x86.sse.rcp.ps llvm.x86.sse.rcp.ss llvm.x86.sse.rsqrt.ps llvm.x86.sse.rsqrt.ss llvm.x86.sse.sfence llvm.x86.sse.sqrt.ps llvm.x86.sse.sqrt.ss llvm.x86.sse.stmxcsr llvm.x86.sse.ucomieq.ss llvm.x86.sse.ucomige.ss llvm.x86.sse.ucomigt.ss llvm.x86.sse.ucomile.ss llvm.x86.sse.ucomilt.ss llvm.x86.sse.ucomineq.ss llvm.x86.sse2.clflush llvm.x86.sse2.cmp.pd llvm.x86.sse2.cmp.sd llvm.x86.sse2.comieq.sd llvm.x86.sse2.comige.sd llvm.x86.sse2.comigt.sd llvm.x86.sse2.comile.sd llvm.x86.sse2.comilt.sd llvm.x86.sse2.comineq.sd llvm.x86.sse2.cvtdq2ps llvm.x86.sse2.cvtpd2dq llvm.x86.sse2.cvtpd2ps llvm.x86.sse2.cvtps2dq llvm.x86.sse2.cvtsd2si llvm.x86.sse2.cvtsd2si64 llvm.x86.sse2.cvtsd2ss llvm.x86.sse2.cvtsi2sd llvm.x86.sse2.cvtsi642sd llvm.x86.sse2.cvtss2sd llvm.x86.sse2.cvttpd2dq llvm.x86.sse2.cvttps2dq llvm.x86.sse2.cvttsd2si llvm.x86.sse2.cvttsd2si64 llvm.x86.sse2.lfence llvm.x86.sse2.maskmov.dqu llvm.x86.sse2.max.pd llvm.x86.sse2.max.sd llvm.x86.sse2.mfence llvm.x86.sse2.min.pd llvm.x86.sse2.min.sd llvm.x86.sse2.movmsk.pd llvm.x86.sse2.packssdw.128 llvm.x86.sse2.packsswb.128 llvm.x86.sse2.packuswb.128 llvm.x86.sse2.padds.b llvm.x86.sse2.padds.w llvm.x86.sse2.paddus.b llvm.x86.sse2.paddus.w llvm.x86.sse2.pause llvm.x86.sse2.pavg.b llvm.x86.sse2.pavg.w llvm.x86.sse2.pmadd.wd llvm.x86.sse2.pmovmskb.128 llvm.x86.sse2.pmulh.w llvm.x86.sse2.pmulhu.w llvm.x86.sse2.pmulu.dq llvm.x86.sse2.psad.bw llvm.x86.sse2.psll.d llvm.x86.sse2.psll.q llvm.x86.sse2.psll.w llvm.x86.sse2.pslli.d llvm.x86.sse2.pslli.q llvm.x86.sse2.pslli.w llvm.x86.sse2.psra.d llvm.x86.sse2.psra.w llvm.x86.sse2.psrai.d llvm.x86.sse2.psrai.w llvm.x86.sse2.psrl.d llvm.x86.sse2.psrl.q llvm.x86.sse2.psrl.w llvm.x86.sse2.psrli.d llvm.x86.sse2.psrli.q llvm.x86.sse2.psrli.w llvm.x86.sse2.psubs.b llvm.x86.sse2.psubs.w llvm.x86.sse2.psubus.b llvm.x86.sse2.psubus.w llvm.x86.sse2.sqrt.pd llvm.x86.sse2.sqrt.sd llvm.x86.sse2.ucomieq.sd llvm.x86.sse2.ucomige.sd llvm.x86.sse2.ucomigt.sd llvm.x86.sse2.ucomile.sd llvm.x86.sse2.ucomilt.sd llvm.x86.sse2.ucomineq.sd llvm.x86.sse3.addsub.pd llvm.x86.sse3.addsub.ps llvm.x86.sse3.hadd.pd llvm.x86.sse3.hadd.ps llvm.x86.sse3.hsub.pd llvm.x86.sse3.hsub.ps llvm.x86.sse3.ldu.dq llvm.x86.sse3.monitor llvm.x86.sse3.mwait llvm.x86.sse41.blendvpd llvm.x86.sse41.blendvps llvm.x86.sse41.dppd llvm.x86.sse41.dpps llvm.x86.sse41.insertps llvm.x86.sse41.movntdqa llvm.x86.sse41.mpsadbw llvm.x86.sse41.packusdw llvm.x86.sse41.pblendvb llvm.x86.sse41.phminposuw llvm.x86.sse41.pmuldq llvm.x86.sse41.ptestc llvm.x86.sse41.ptestnzc llvm.x86.sse41.ptestz llvm.x86.sse41.round.pd llvm.x86.sse41.round.ps llvm.x86.sse41.round.sd llvm.x86.sse41.round.ss llvm.x86.sse42.crc32.32.16 llvm.x86.sse42.crc32.32.32 llvm.x86.sse42.crc32.32.8 llvm.x86.sse42.crc32.64.64 llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpestri128 llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpestria128 llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpestric128 llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpestrio128 llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpestris128 llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpestriz128 llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpestrm128 llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpistri128 llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpistria128 llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpistric128 llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpistrio128 llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpistris128 llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpistriz128 llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpistrm128 llvm.x86.sse4a.extrq llvm.x86.sse4a.extrqi llvm.x86.sse4a.insertq llvm.x86.sse4a.insertqi llvm.x86.ssse3.pabs.b llvm.x86.ssse3.pabs.b.128 llvm.x86.ssse3.pabs.d llvm.x86.ssse3.pabs.d.128 llvm.x86.ssse3.pabs.w llvm.x86.ssse3.pabs.w.128 llvm.x86.ssse3.phadd.d llvm.x86.ssse3.phadd.d.128 llvm.x86.ssse3.phadd.sw llvm.x86.ssse3.phadd.sw.128 llvm.x86.ssse3.phadd.w llvm.x86.ssse3.phadd.w.128 llvm.x86.ssse3.phsub.d llvm.x86.ssse3.phsub.d.128 llvm.x86.ssse3.phsub.sw llvm.x86.ssse3.phsub.sw.128 llvm.x86.ssse3.phsub.w llvm.x86.ssse3.phsub.w.128 llvm.x86.ssse3.pmadd.ub.sw llvm.x86.ssse3.pmadd.ub.sw.128 llvm.x86.ssse3.pmul.hr.sw llvm.x86.ssse3.pmul.hr.sw.128 llvm.x86.ssse3.pshuf.b llvm.x86.ssse3.pshuf.b.128 llvm.x86.ssse3.psign.b llvm.x86.ssse3.psign.b.128 llvm.x86.ssse3.psign.d llvm.x86.ssse3.psign.d.128 llvm.x86.ssse3.psign.w llvm.x86.ssse3.psign.w.128 llvm.x86.subborrow.u32 llvm.x86.subborrow.u64 llvm.x86.tbm.bextri.u32 llvm.x86.tbm.bextri.u64 llvm.x86.vcvtph2ps.128 llvm.x86.vcvtph2ps.256 llvm.x86.vcvtps2ph.128 llvm.x86.vcvtps2ph.256 llvm.x86.wrfsbase.32 llvm.x86.wrfsbase.64 llvm.x86.wrgsbase.32 llvm.x86.wrgsbase.64 llvm.x86.wrpkru llvm.x86.xabort llvm.x86.xbegin llvm.x86.xend llvm.x86.xgetbv llvm.x86.xop.vfrcz.pd llvm.x86.xop.vfrcz.pd.256 llvm.x86.xop.vfrcz.ps llvm.x86.xop.vfrcz.ps.256 llvm.x86.xop.vfrcz.sd llvm.x86.xop.vfrcz.ss llvm.x86.xop.vpcmov llvm.x86.xop.vpcmov.256 llvm.x86.xop.vpcomb llvm.x86.xop.vpcomd llvm.x86.xop.vpcomq llvm.x86.xop.vpcomub llvm.x86.xop.vpcomud llvm.x86.xop.vpcomuq llvm.x86.xop.vpcomuw llvm.x86.xop.vpcomw llvm.x86.xop.vpermil2pd llvm.x86.xop.vpermil2pd.256 llvm.x86.xop.vpermil2ps llvm.x86.xop.vpermil2ps.256 llvm.x86.xop.vphaddbd llvm.x86.xop.vphaddbq llvm.x86.xop.vphaddbw llvm.x86.xop.vphadddq llvm.x86.xop.vphaddubd llvm.x86.xop.vphaddubq llvm.x86.xop.vphaddubw llvm.x86.xop.vphaddudq llvm.x86.xop.vphadduwd llvm.x86.xop.vphadduwq llvm.x86.xop.vphaddwd llvm.x86.xop.vphaddwq llvm.x86.xop.vphsubbw llvm.x86.xop.vphsubdq llvm.x86.xop.vphsubwd llvm.x86.xop.vpmacsdd llvm.x86.xop.vpmacsdqh llvm.x86.xop.vpmacsdql llvm.x86.xop.vpmacssdd llvm.x86.xop.vpmacssdqh llvm.x86.xop.vpmacssdql llvm.x86.xop.vpmacsswd llvm.x86.xop.vpmacssww llvm.x86.xop.vpmacswd llvm.x86.xop.vpmacsww llvm.x86.xop.vpmadcsswd llvm.x86.xop.vpmadcswd llvm.x86.xop.vpperm llvm.x86.xop.vprotb llvm.x86.xop.vprotbi llvm.x86.xop.vprotd llvm.x86.xop.vprotdi llvm.x86.xop.vprotq llvm.x86.xop.vprotqi llvm.x86.xop.vprotw llvm.x86.xop.vprotwi llvm.x86.xop.vpshab llvm.x86.xop.vpshad llvm.x86.xop.vpshaq llvm.x86.xop.vpshaw llvm.x86.xop.vpshlb llvm.x86.xop.vpshld llvm.x86.xop.vpshlq llvm.x86.xop.vpshlw llvm.x86.xrstor llvm.x86.xrstor64 llvm.x86.xrstors llvm.x86.xrstors64 llvm.x86.xsave llvm.x86.xsave64 llvm.x86.xsavec llvm.x86.xsavec64 llvm.x86.xsaveopt llvm.x86.xsaveopt64 llvm.x86.xsaves llvm.x86.xsaves64 llvm.x86.xsetbv llvm.x86.xtest llvm.xcore.bitrev llvm.xcore.checkevent llvm.xcore.chkct llvm.xcore.clre llvm.xcore.clrpt llvm.xcore.clrsr llvm.xcore.crc32 llvm.xcore.crc8 llvm.xcore.edu llvm.xcore.eeu llvm.xcore.endin llvm.xcore.freer llvm.xcore.geted llvm.xcore.getet llvm.xcore.getid llvm.xcore.getps llvm.xcore.getr llvm.xcore.getst llvm.xcore.getts llvm.xcore.in llvm.xcore.inct llvm.xcore.initcp llvm.xcore.initdp llvm.xcore.initlr llvm.xcore.initpc llvm.xcore.initsp llvm.xcore.inshr llvm.xcore.int llvm.xcore.mjoin llvm.xcore.msync llvm.xcore.out llvm.xcore.outct llvm.xcore.outshr llvm.xcore.outt llvm.xcore.peek llvm.xcore.setc llvm.xcore.setclk llvm.xcore.setd llvm.xcore.setev llvm.xcore.setps llvm.xcore.setpsc llvm.xcore.setpt llvm.xcore.setrdy llvm.xcore.setsr llvm.xcore.settw llvm.xcore.setv llvm.xcore.sext llvm.xcore.ssync llvm.xcore.syncr llvm.xcore.testct llvm.xcore.testwct llvm.xcore.waitevent llvm.xcore.zext ret phi <Invalid operator> selected values for vector select must be vectors vector select requires selected vectors to have the same vector length as select condition select condition must be i1 or <n x i1> prof fpmath tbaa.struct alias.scope deopt gc-transition Print PassManager debugging information Disabled disable debug output Arguments print pass arguments to pass to 'opt' Structure Executions Details print-before Print IR before specified passes print-after Print IR after specified passes print-before-all Print IR before each pass print-after-all Print IR after each pass filter-print-funcs function names Only print IR for functions whose name match this for all print-[before|after][-all] options Required Preserved Used Time each pass, printing elapsed time for each on exit pass BasicBlock Pass Manager function_entry_count function_section_prefix llvm.module.flags PIC Level PIE Level ProfileSummary Maximum optimization to perform SCC ( on llvm::StringRef llvm::getTypeName() [DesiredTypeName = llvm::Module] llvm::StringRef llvm::getTypeName() [DesiredTypeName = llvm::Function] InstrProf SampleProfile DetailedSummary ProfileFormat TotalCount MaxCount MaxInternalCount MaxFunctionCount NumCounts NumFunctions statepoint-id statepoint-num-patch-bytes i128 f128 ppcf128 isVoid glue x86mmx v2i1 v3i1 v4i1 v8i1 v16i1 v32i1 v64i1 v1i8 v2i8 v3i8 v4i8 v8i8 v16i8 v32i8 v64i8 v1i16 v2i16 v3i16 v4i16 v8i16 v16i16 v32i16 v1i32 Struct tag nodes must have an odd number of operands! Offset entries must be constants! Bitwidth between the offsets and struct type entries must match TBAA is only for loads, stores and calls! Old-style TBAA is no longer allowed, use struct-path TBAA instead Immutability tag on struct tag metadata must be a constant Immutability part of the struct tag metadata must be either 0 or 1 Malformed struct tag metadata: base and access-type should be non-null and point to Metadata nodes Offset must be constant integer Offset not zero at the point of scalar access Access bit-width not the same as description bit-width Did not see access type in access path! Broken module found, compilation aborted! Failed to strip malformed debug info Broken function found, compilation aborted! Functions may not have common linkage Functions cannot return aggregate values! Invalid struct return type! Attribute after last parameter! Attribute 'builtin' can only be applied to a callsite. Calling convention does not support varargs or perfect forwarding! Argument value does not match function argument type! Function arguments must have first-class types! Function takes metadata but isn't an intrinsic Function takes token but isn't an intrinsic Functions returns a token but isn't an intrinsic Referencing personality function in another module! unmaterialized function cannot have metadata function declaration may not have a !dbg attachment function declaration may not have a !prof attachment Function declaration shouldn't have a personality routine llvm intrinsics cannot be defined! Entry block to function must not have predecessors! blockaddress may not be used with the entry block! function must have a single !dbg attachment function !dbg attachment must be a subprogram function must have a single !prof attachment Invalid user of intrinsic instruction! Function is marked as dllimport, but not external. !dbg attachment points at wrong subprogram for function Global is external, but doesn't have external or weak linkage! huge alignment values are unsupported Global is used by function in a different module More than one parameter has attribute nest! More than one parameter has attribute returned! Incompatible argument and return types for 'returned' attribute Cannot have multiple 'swiftself' parameters! Cannot have multiple 'swifterror' parameters! Attributes 'readnone and readonly' are incompatible! Attributes 'readnone and writeonly' are incompatible! Attributes 'readonly and writeonly' are incompatible! Attributes 'readnone and inaccessiblemem_or_argmemonly' are incompatible! Attributes 'readnone and inaccessiblememonly' are incompatible! Attributes 'noinline and alwaysinline' are incompatible! Attribute 'optnone' requires 'noinline'! Attributes 'optsize and optnone' are incompatible! Attributes 'minsize and optnone' are incompatible! Attribute 'jumptable' requires 'unnamed_addr' element size number of elements Attributes 'byval', 'inalloca', 'nest', 'sret', 'nocapture', 'returned', 'swiftself', and 'swifterror' do not apply to return values! Attributes 'byval', 'inalloca', 'inreg', 'nest', and 'sret' are incompatible! Attributes 'inalloca and readonly' are incompatible! Attributes 'sret and returned' are incompatible! Attributes 'zeroext and signext' are incompatible! Wrong types for attribute: Attribute 'swifterror' only applies to parameters with pointer to pointer type! Attribute 'swifterror' only applies to parameters with pointer type! swifterror value can only be loaded and stored from, or as a swifterror argument! swifterror value should be the second operand when used by stores swifterror value when used in a callsite should be marked with swifterror attribute !prof annotations should have exactly 2 operands first operand should not be null expected string with name of the !prof annotation first operand should be 'function_entry_count' second operand should not be null expected integer argument to function_entry_count Invalid operand for global metadata! Expected no forward declarations! All nodes should be resolved! location requires a valid scope inlined-at should be a location invalid expression invalid tag invalid subrange count invalid pointer to member type invalid scope invalid base type invalid file invalid composite elements invalid vtable holder invalid reference flags class/union requires a filename invalid subroutine type ref invalid checksum kind compile units must be distinct invalid filename invalid emission kind invalid enum list invalid enum type invalid retained type list invalid retained type invalid global variable list invalid global variable ref invalid imported entity list invalid imported entity ref cannot have column info without line info invalid scope ref anonymous module invalid type ref local variable requires a valid scope Unexpected metadata round-trip through values function-local metadata used outside a function subprogram definitions must be distinct subprogram definitions must have a compile unit subprogram declarations must not have a compile unit Basic Block does not have terminator! PHI nodes must have at least one entry. If the block is dead, the PHI should be removed! PHINode should have one entry for each predecessor of its parent basic block! PHI node has multiple entries for the same basic block with different incoming values! PHI node entries do not match predecessors! Instruction has bogus parent pointer! Operand is null Found return instr that returns non-void in Function of void return type! Function return type does not match operand type of return inst! Terminator found in the middle of a basic block! Instruction not embedded in basic block! Instruction has a name, but provides a void value! Instruction referencing instruction not embedded in a basic block! Use of instruction is not an instruction! Instruction has null operand! Instruction operands must be first-class values! Cannot take the address of an intrinsic! Cannot invoke an intrinsic other than donothing, patchpoint, statepoint, coro_resume or coro_destroy Referencing function in another module! Referring to a basic block in another function! Referring to an argument in another function! Referencing global in another module! Cannot take the address of an inline asm! fpmath requires a floating point result! fpmath takes one operand! fpmath accuracy must have float type fpmath accuracy not a positive number! invalid fpmath accuracy! Ranges are only for loads, calls and invokes! nonnull applies only to pointer types nonnull applies only to load instructions, use attributes for calls or invokes align applies only to pointer types align applies only to load instructions, use attributes for calls or invokes align takes one operand! align metadata value must be an i64! align metadata value must be a power of 2! alignment is larger that implementation defined limit invalid !dbg metadata attachment Instruction does not dominate all uses! Invalid bitcast inttoptr not supported for non-integral pointers ptrtoint not supported for non-integral pointers It should have at least one range! The lower limit must be an integer! The upper limit must be an integer! Range types must match instruction type! Range must not be empty! Intervals are overlapping Intervals are not in order Intervals are contiguous dereferenceable, dereferenceable_or_null apply only to pointer types dereferenceable, dereferenceable_or_null apply only to load instructions, use attributes for calls or invokes dereferenceable, dereferenceable_or_null metadata value must be an i64! fragment is larger than or outside of variable fragment covers entire variable Branch condition is not 'i1' type! Switch constants must all be same type as switch value! Duplicate integer as switch case Indirectbr operand must have pointer type! Indirectbr destinations must all have pointer type! The unwind destination does not have an exception handling instruction! Called function is not the same type as the call! Called function requires more parameters than were provided! Incorrect number of arguments passed to called function! Call parameter type does not match function signature! inalloca argument for call has mismatched alloca swifterror argument for call has mismatched alloca swifterror argument should come from an alloca or parameter swifterror argument for call has mismatched parameter Attribute 'sret' cannot be used for vararg call arguments! Function has metadata parameter but isn't an intrinsic Function has token parameter but isn't an intrinsic Return type cannot be token for indirect call! Multiple deopt operand bundles Multiple gc-transition operand bundles Multiple funclet operand bundles Expected exactly one funclet bundle operand Funclet bundle operands should correspond to a FuncletPadInst inlinable function call in a function with debug info must have a !dbg location Intrinsic has incorrect return type! Intrinsic was not defined with variable arguments! Callsite was not defined with variable arguments! Intrinsic name not mangled correctly for type arguments! Should be: info argument of llvm.coro.begin must refer to an initialized constant info argument of llvm.coro.begin must refer to either a struct or an array is_zero_undef argument of bit counting intrinsics must be a constant int invalid llvm.dbg.declare intrinsic call 1 alignment argument of memory intrinsics must be a constant int alignment argument of memory intrinsics must be a power of 2 isvolatile argument of memory intrinsics must be a constant int element size of the element-wise atomic memory intrinsic must be a constant int element size of the element-wise atomic memory intrinsic must be a power of 2 incorrect alignment of the destination argument incorrect alignment of the source argument llvm.gcroot parameter #1 must be an alloca. llvm.gcroot parameter #2 must be a constant. llvm.gcroot parameter #1 must either be a pointer alloca, or argument #2 must be a non-null constant. Enclosing function does not use GC. llvm.init_trampoline parameter #2 must resolve to a function. invalid arguments to llvm.prefetch llvm.stackprotector parameter #2 must resolve to an alloca. size argument of memory use markers must be a constant integer llvm.invariant.end parameter #2 must be a constant integer llvm.localescape used outside of entry block multiple calls to llvm.localescape in one function llvm.localescape only accepts static allocas llvm.localrecover first argument must be function defined in this module idx argument of llvm.localrecover must be a constant int gc.statepoint support for inline assembly unimplemented gc.result operand #1 must be from a statepoint gc.result result type does not match wrapped callee wrong number of arguments gc.relocate must return a pointer or a vector of pointers safepoints should have unique landingpads safepoint block should be well formed gc relocate should be linked to a statepoint gc relocate is incorrectly tied to the statepoint gc.relocate operand #2 must be integer offset gc.relocate operand #3 must be integer offset gc.relocate: statepoint base index out of bounds gc.relocate: statepoint derived index out of bounds gc.statepoint: insufficient arguments gc.statement: number of call arguments must be constant integer gc.statepoint: mismatch in number of call arguments gc.statepoint: number of transition arguments must be a constant integer gc.statepoint: number of deoptimization arguments must be a constant integer gc.relocate: statepoint base index doesn't fall within the 'gc parameters' section of the statepoint call gc.relocate: statepoint derived index doesn't fall within the 'gc parameters' section of the statepoint call gc.relocate: relocated value must be a gc pointer gc.relocate: vector relocates to vector and pointer to pointer gc.relocate: relocating a pointer shouldn't change its address space eh.exceptionpointer argument must be a catchpad masked_load: must return a vector masked_load: mask must be vector masked_load: return must match pointer type masked_load: pass through and data type must match masked_load: vector mask must be same length as data masked_store: mask must be vector masked_store: storee must match pointer type masked_store: vector mask must be same length as data experimental_guard cannot be invoked experimental_guard must have exactly one "deopt" operand bundle experimental_deoptimize cannot be invoked experimental_deoptimize must have exactly one "deopt" operand bundle experimental_deoptimize return type must match caller return type calls to experimental_deoptimize must be followed by a return calls to experimental_deoptimize must be followed by a return of the value computed by experimental_deoptimize invalid llvm.dbg. intrinsic address/value intrinsic variable intrinsic expression llvm.dbg. intrinsic requires a !dbg attachment mismatched subprogram between llvm.dbg. variable and !dbg attachment gc.statepoint must read and write all memory to preserve reordering restrictions required by safepoint semantics gc.statepoint ID must be a constant integer gc.statepoint number of patchable bytes must be a constant integer gc.statepoint number of patchable bytes must be positive gc.statepoint callee must be of function pointer type gc.statepoint number of arguments to underlying call must be constant integer gc.statepoint number of arguments to underlying call must be positive gc.statepoint mismatch in number of vararg call args gc.statepoint doesn't support wrapping non-void vararg functions yet gc.statepoint mismatch in number of call args gc.statepoint flags must be constant integer unknown flag used in gc.statepoint flags argument gc.statepoint call argument does not match wrapped function type gc.statepoint number of transition arguments must be constant integer gc.statepoint number of transition arguments must be positive gc.statepoint number of deoptimization arguments must be constant integer gc.statepoint number of deoptimization arguments must be positive gc.statepoint too few arguments according to length fields illegal use of statepoint token gc.result or gc.relocate are the only value uses of a gc.statepoint gc.result connected to wrong gc.statepoint gc.relocate connected to wrong gc.statepoint ResumeInst needs to be in a function with a personality. The resume instruction should have a consistent result type inside a function. CleanupReturnInst needs to be provided a CleanupPad CleanupReturnInst must unwind to an EH block which is not a landingpad. CatchReturnInst needs to be provided a CatchPad CatchSwitchInst needs to be in a function with a personality. CatchSwitchInst not the first non-PHI instruction in the block. CatchSwitchInst has an invalid parent. CatchSwitchInst must unwind to an EH block which is not a landingpad. CatchSwitchInst cannot have empty handler list CatchSwitchInst handlers must be catchpads EH pad cannot be in entry block. Block containing LandingPadInst must be jumped to only by the unwind edge of an invoke. Block containg CatchPadInst must be jumped to only by its catchswitch. EH pad cannot handle exceptions raised within it A single unwind edge may only enter one EH pad EH pad jumps through a cycle of pads Integer arithmetic operators only work with integral types! Integer arithmetic operators must have same type for operands and result! Floating-point arithmetic operators only work with floating-point types! Floating-point arithmetic operators must have same type for operands and result! Logical operators only work with integral types! Logical operators must have same type for operands and result! Shift return type must be same as operands! Allocation instruction pointer not in the generic address space! Cannot allocate unsized type Alloca array size must have integer type Load operand must be a pointer. loading unsized types is not allowed Load cannot have Release ordering Atomic load must specify explicit alignment atomic load operand must have integer, pointer, or floating point type! Non-atomic load cannot have SynchronizationScope specified atomic memory access' size must be byte-sized atomic memory access' operand must have a power-of-two size Store operand must be a pointer. Stored value type does not match pointer operand type! storing unsized types is not allowed Store cannot have Acquire ordering Atomic store must specify explicit alignment atomic store operand must have integer, pointer, or floating point type! Non-atomic store cannot have SynchronizationScope specified GEP base pointer is not a vector or a vector of pointers GEP into unsized type! Invalid indices for GEP pointer type! GEP is not of right type for indices! Vector GEP result width doesn't match operand's Invalid GEP index vector width All GEP indices should be of integer type fence instructions may only have acquire, release, acq_rel, or seq_cst ordering. cmpxchg instructions must be atomic. cmpxchg instructions cannot be unordered. cmpxchg instructions failure argument shall be no stronger than the success argument First cmpxchg operand must be a pointer. cmpxchg operand must have integer or pointer type Expected value type does not match pointer operand type! atomicrmw instructions must be atomic. atomicrmw instructions cannot be unordered. First atomicrmw operand must be a pointer. atomicrmw operand must have integer type! Argument value type does not match pointer operand type! Invalid binary operation! Trunc only operates on integer Trunc only produces integer trunc source and destination must both be a vector or neither DestTy too big for Trunc ZExt only operates on integer ZExt only produces an integer zext source and destination must both be a vector or neither Type too small for ZExt SExt only operates on integer SExt only produces an integer sext source and destination must both be a vector or neither Type too small for SExt FPToUI source and dest must both be vector or scalar FPToUI source must be FP or FP vector FPToUI result must be integer or integer vector FPToUI source and dest vector length mismatch FPToSI source and dest must both be vector or scalar FPToSI source must be FP or FP vector FPToSI result must be integer or integer vector FPToSI source and dest vector length mismatch UIToFP source and dest must both be vector or scalar UIToFP source must be integer or integer vector UIToFP result must be FP or FP vector UIToFP source and dest vector length mismatch SIToFP source and dest must both be vector or scalar SIToFP source must be integer or integer vector SIToFP result must be FP or FP vector SIToFP source and dest vector length mismatch FPTrunc only operates on FP FPTrunc only produces an FP fptrunc source and destination must both be a vector or neither DestTy too big for FPTrunc FPExt only operates on FP FPExt only produces an FP fpext source and destination must both be a vector or neither DestTy too small for FPExt PtrToInt source must be pointer PtrToInt result must be integral PtrToInt type mismatch PtrToInt Vector width mismatch IntToPtr source must be an integral IntToPtr result must be a pointer IntToPtr type mismatch IntToPtr Vector width mismatch AddrSpaceCast source must be a pointer AddrSpaceCast result must be a pointer AddrSpaceCast must be between different address spaces AddrSpaceCast vector pointer number of elements mismatch CleanupPadInst needs to be in a function with a personality. CleanupPadInst not the first non-PHI instruction in the block. CleanupPadInst has an invalid parent. Unwind edges out of a funclet pad must have the same unwind dest Unwind edges out of a catch must have the same unwind dest as the parent catchswitch CatchPadInst needs to be in a function with a personality. CatchPadInst needs to be directly nested in a CatchSwitchInst. CatchPadInst not the first non-PHI instruction in the block. Both operands to ICmp instruction are not of the same type! Invalid operand types for ICmp instruction Invalid predicate in ICmp instruction! Both operands to FCmp instruction are not of the same type! Invalid operand types for FCmp instruction Invalid predicate in FCmp instruction! PHI nodes not grouped at top of basic block! PHI nodes cannot have token type! PHI node operands are not the same type as the result! cannot use musttail call with inline asm cannot guarantee tail call due to mismatched varargs cannot guarantee tail call due to mismatched parameter types cannot guarantee tail call due to mismatched calling conv cannot guarantee tail call due to mismatched ABI impacting function attributes bitcast following musttail call must use the call musttail call must be precede a ret with an optional bitcast musttail call result must be returned Invalid operands for select instruction! Select values must have same type as select instruction! User-defined operators should not live outside of a pass! Invalid extractelement operands! Invalid insertelement operands! Invalid shufflevector operands! Invalid ExtractValueInst operands! LandingPadInst needs at least one clause or to be a cleanup. The landingpad instruction should have a consistent result type inside a function. LandingPadInst needs to be in a function with a personality. Catch operand does not have pointer type! Filter operand is not an array of constants! EH pads can't handle each other's exceptions all indices passed to llvm.localrecover must be less than the number of arguments passed ot llvm.localescape in the parent function Global variable initializer type does not match global variable type! invalid linkage for intrinsic global variable wrong type for intrinsic global variable wrong initalizer for intrinsic global variable invalid llvm.used member members of llvm.used must be named Global is marked as dllimport, but not external !dbg attachment of global variable must be a DIGlobalVariableExpression Alias should have private, internal, linkonce, weak, linkonce_odr, weak_odr, or external linkage! Aliasee cannot be NULL! Alias and aliasee types should match! Aliasee should be either GlobalValue or ConstantExpr unrecognized named metadata node in the llvm.dbg namespace invalid compile unit comdat global value has private linkage invalid requirement on flag, flag is not present in module invalid requirement on flag, flag does not have the required value incorrect number of operands in module flag invalid behavior operand in module flag (expected constant integer) invalid behavior operand in module flag (unexpected constant) invalid ID operand in module flag (expected metadata string) invalid value for 'require' module flag (expected metadata pair) invalid value for 'require' module flag (first value operand should be a string) invalid value for 'append'-type module flag (expected a metadata node) module flag identifiers must be unique (or of 'require' type) incorrect number of operands in llvm.ident metadata invalid value for llvm.ident metadata entry operand(the operand should be a string) All DICompileUnits must be listed in llvm.dbg.cu All llvm.experimental.deoptimize declarations must have the same calling convention 0b 0x General options TRUE True FALSE False ' is invalid value for boolean argument! Try 0 or 1 ' value invalid for integer argument! ' value invalid for uint argument! Generic Options help-list Display list of available options (-help-list-hidden for more) help-list-hidden Display list of all available options help Display available options (-help-hidden for more) help-hidden Display all available options print-options Print non-default options after command line parsing print-all-options Print all option values after command line parsing Display the version of this program inconsistency in registered CommandLine options error - this positional option will never be matched, because it does not Require a value, and a cl::ConsumeAfter option is active! error - option can never match, because another positional argument will match an unbounded number of values, and this option does not require a value! not enough values! number DW_TAG_null DW_TAG_array_type DW_TAG_class_type DW_TAG_entry_point DW_TAG_enumeration_type DW_TAG_formal_parameter DW_TAG_imported_declaration DW_TAG_label DW_TAG_lexical_block DW_TAG_member DW_TAG_pointer_type DW_TAG_reference_type DW_TAG_compile_unit DW_TAG_string_type DW_TAG_structure_type DW_TAG_subroutine_type DW_TAG_typedef DW_TAG_union_type DW_TAG_unspecified_parameters DW_TAG_variant DW_TAG_common_block DW_TAG_common_inclusion DW_TAG_inheritance DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine DW_TAG_module DW_TAG_ptr_to_member_type DW_TAG_set_type DW_TAG_subrange_type DW_TAG_with_stmt DW_TAG_access_declaration DW_TAG_base_type DW_TAG_catch_block DW_TAG_const_type DW_TAG_constant DW_TAG_enumerator DW_TAG_file_type DW_TAG_friend DW_TAG_namelist DW_TAG_namelist_item DW_TAG_packed_type DW_TAG_subprogram DW_TAG_template_type_parameter DW_TAG_template_value_parameter DW_TAG_thrown_type DW_TAG_try_block DW_TAG_variant_part DW_TAG_variable DW_TAG_volatile_type DW_TAG_dwarf_procedure DW_TAG_restrict_type DW_TAG_interface_type DW_TAG_namespace DW_TAG_imported_module DW_TAG_unspecified_type DW_TAG_partial_unit DW_TAG_imported_unit DW_TAG_condition DW_TAG_shared_type DW_TAG_type_unit DW_TAG_rvalue_reference_type DW_TAG_template_alias DW_TAG_coarray_type DW_TAG_generic_subrange DW_TAG_dynamic_type DW_TAG_atomic_type DW_TAG_call_site DW_TAG_call_site_parameter DW_TAG_skeleton_unit DW_TAG_immutable_type DW_TAG_MIPS_loop DW_TAG_format_label DW_TAG_function_template DW_TAG_class_template DW_TAG_GNU_template_template_param DW_TAG_GNU_template_parameter_pack DW_TAG_GNU_formal_parameter_pack DW_TAG_APPLE_property DW_TAG_BORLAND_property DW_TAG_BORLAND_Delphi_string DW_TAG_BORLAND_Delphi_dynamic_array DW_TAG_BORLAND_Delphi_set DW_TAG_BORLAND_Delphi_variant DW_AT_sibling DW_AT_location DW_AT_name DW_AT_ordering DW_AT_byte_size DW_AT_bit_offset DW_AT_bit_size DW_AT_stmt_list DW_AT_low_pc DW_AT_high_pc DW_AT_language DW_AT_discr DW_AT_discr_value DW_AT_visibility DW_AT_import DW_AT_string_length DW_AT_common_reference DW_AT_comp_dir DW_AT_const_value DW_AT_containing_type DW_AT_default_value DW_AT_inline DW_AT_is_optional DW_AT_lower_bound DW_AT_producer DW_AT_prototyped DW_AT_return_addr DW_AT_start_scope DW_AT_bit_stride DW_AT_upper_bound DW_AT_abstract_origin DW_AT_accessibility DW_AT_address_class DW_AT_artificial DW_AT_base_types DW_AT_calling_convention DW_AT_count DW_AT_data_member_location DW_AT_decl_column DW_AT_decl_file DW_AT_decl_line DW_AT_declaration DW_AT_discr_list DW_AT_encoding DW_AT_external DW_AT_frame_base DW_AT_friend DW_AT_identifier_case DW_AT_macro_info DW_AT_namelist_item DW_AT_priority DW_AT_segment DW_AT_specification DW_AT_static_link DW_AT_type DW_AT_use_location DW_AT_variable_parameter DW_AT_virtuality DW_AT_vtable_elem_location DW_AT_allocated DW_AT_associated DW_AT_data_location DW_AT_byte_stride DW_AT_entry_pc DW_AT_use_UTF8 DW_AT_extension DW_AT_ranges DW_AT_trampoline DW_AT_call_column DW_AT_call_file DW_AT_call_line DW_AT_description DW_AT_binary_scale DW_AT_decimal_scale DW_AT_small DW_AT_decimal_sign DW_AT_digit_count DW_AT_picture_string DW_AT_mutable DW_AT_threads_scaled DW_AT_explicit DW_AT_object_pointer DW_AT_endianity DW_AT_elemental DW_AT_pure DW_AT_recursive DW_AT_signature DW_AT_main_subprogram DW_AT_data_bit_offset DW_AT_const_expr DW_AT_enum_class DW_AT_linkage_name DW_AT_string_length_bit_size DW_AT_string_length_byte_size DW_AT_rank DW_AT_str_offsets_base DW_AT_addr_base DW_AT_rnglists_base DW_AT_dwo_id DW_AT_dwo_name DW_AT_reference DW_AT_rvalue_reference DW_AT_macros DW_AT_call_all_calls DW_AT_call_all_source_calls DW_AT_call_all_tail_calls DW_AT_call_return_pc DW_AT_call_value DW_AT_call_origin DW_AT_call_parameter DW_AT_call_pc DW_AT_call_tail_call DW_AT_call_target DW_AT_call_target_clobbered DW_AT_call_data_location DW_AT_call_data_value DW_AT_noreturn DW_AT_alignment DW_AT_export_symbols DW_AT_deleted DW_AT_defaulted DW_AT_loclists_base DW_AT_MIPS_loop_begin DW_AT_MIPS_tail_loop_begin DW_AT_MIPS_epilog_begin DW_AT_MIPS_loop_unroll_factor DW_AT_MIPS_software_pipeline_depth DW_AT_MIPS_linkage_name DW_AT_MIPS_stride DW_AT_MIPS_abstract_name DW_AT_MIPS_clone_origin DW_AT_MIPS_has_inlines DW_AT_MIPS_stride_byte DW_AT_MIPS_stride_elem DW_AT_MIPS_ptr_dopetype DW_AT_MIPS_allocatable_dopetype DW_AT_MIPS_assumed_shape_dopetype DW_AT_MIPS_assumed_size DW_AT_sf_names DW_AT_src_info DW_AT_mac_info DW_AT_src_coords DW_AT_body_begin DW_AT_body_end DW_AT_GNU_vector DW_AT_GNU_template_name DW_AT_GNU_odr_signature DW_AT_GNU_macros DW_AT_GNU_dwo_name DW_AT_GNU_dwo_id DW_AT_GNU_ranges_base DW_AT_GNU_addr_base DW_AT_GNU_pubnames DW_AT_GNU_pubtypes DW_AT_GNU_discriminator DW_AT_BORLAND_property_read DW_AT_BORLAND_property_write DW_AT_BORLAND_property_implements DW_AT_BORLAND_property_index DW_AT_BORLAND_property_default DW_AT_BORLAND_Delphi_unit DW_AT_BORLAND_Delphi_class DW_AT_BORLAND_Delphi_record DW_AT_BORLAND_Delphi_metaclass DW_AT_BORLAND_Delphi_constructor DW_AT_BORLAND_Delphi_destructor DW_AT_BORLAND_Delphi_anonymous_method DW_AT_BORLAND_Delphi_interface DW_AT_BORLAND_Delphi_ABI DW_AT_BORLAND_Delphi_return DW_AT_BORLAND_Delphi_frameptr DW_AT_BORLAND_closure DW_AT_LLVM_include_path DW_AT_LLVM_config_macros DW_AT_LLVM_isysroot DW_AT_APPLE_optimized DW_AT_APPLE_flags DW_AT_APPLE_isa DW_AT_APPLE_block DW_AT_APPLE_major_runtime_vers DW_AT_APPLE_runtime_class DW_AT_APPLE_omit_frame_ptr DW_AT_APPLE_property_name DW_FORM_addr DW_FORM_block2 DW_FORM_block4 DW_FORM_data2 DW_FORM_data4 DW_FORM_data8 DW_FORM_string DW_FORM_block DW_FORM_block1 DW_FORM_data1 DW_FORM_flag DW_FORM_sdata DW_FORM_strp DW_FORM_udata DW_FORM_ref_addr DW_FORM_ref1 DW_FORM_ref2 DW_FORM_ref4 DW_FORM_ref8 DW_FORM_ref_udata DW_FORM_indirect DW_FORM_sec_offset DW_FORM_exprloc DW_FORM_flag_present DW_FORM_strx DW_FORM_addrx DW_FORM_ref_sup DW_FORM_strp_sup DW_FORM_data16 DW_FORM_line_strp DW_FORM_implicit_const DW_OP_addr DW_OP_deref DW_OP_const1u DW_OP_const1s DW_OP_const2u DW_OP_const2s DW_OP_const4u DW_OP_const4s DW_OP_const8u DW_OP_const8s DW_OP_constu DW_OP_consts DW_OP_dup DW_OP_drop DW_OP_over DW_OP_pick DW_OP_swap DW_OP_rot DW_OP_xderef DW_OP_abs DW_OP_and DW_OP_div DW_OP_minus DW_OP_mod DW_OP_mul DW_OP_neg DW_OP_not DW_OP_or DW_OP_plus DW_OP_plus_uconst DW_OP_shl DW_OP_shr DW_OP_shra DW_OP_xor DW_OP_skip DW_OP_bra DW_OP_eq DW_OP_ge DW_OP_gt DW_OP_le DW_OP_lt DW_OP_ne DW_OP_lit0 DW_OP_lit1 DW_OP_lit2 DW_OP_lit3 DW_OP_lit4 DW_OP_lit5 DW_OP_lit6 DW_OP_lit7 DW_OP_lit8 DW_OP_lit9 DW_OP_lit10 DW_OP_lit11 DW_OP_lit12 DW_OP_lit13 DW_OP_lit14 DW_OP_lit15 DW_OP_lit16 DW_OP_lit17 DW_OP_lit18 DW_OP_lit19 DW_OP_lit20 DW_OP_lit21 DW_OP_lit22 DW_OP_lit23 DW_OP_lit24 DW_OP_lit25 DW_OP_lit26 DW_OP_lit27 DW_OP_lit28 DW_OP_lit29 DW_OP_lit30 DW_OP_lit31 DW_OP_reg0 DW_OP_reg1 DW_OP_reg2 DW_OP_reg3 DW_OP_reg4 DW_OP_reg5 DW_OP_reg6 DW_OP_reg7 DW_OP_reg8 DW_OP_reg9 DW_OP_reg10 DW_OP_reg11 DW_OP_reg12 DW_OP_reg13 DW_OP_reg14 DW_OP_reg15 DW_OP_reg16 DW_OP_reg17 DW_OP_reg18 DW_OP_reg19 DW_OP_reg20 DW_OP_reg21 DW_OP_reg22 DW_OP_reg23 DW_OP_reg24 DW_OP_reg25 DW_OP_reg26 DW_OP_reg27 DW_OP_reg28 DW_OP_reg29 DW_OP_reg30 DW_OP_reg31 DW_OP_breg0 DW_OP_breg1 DW_OP_breg2 DW_OP_breg3 DW_OP_breg4 DW_OP_breg5 DW_OP_breg6 DW_OP_breg7 DW_OP_breg8 DW_OP_breg9 DW_OP_breg10 DW_OP_breg11 DW_OP_breg12 DW_OP_breg13 DW_OP_breg14 DW_OP_breg15 DW_OP_breg16 DW_OP_breg17 DW_OP_breg18 DW_OP_breg19 DW_OP_breg20 DW_OP_breg21 DW_OP_breg22 DW_OP_breg23 DW_OP_breg24 DW_OP_breg25 DW_OP_breg26 DW_OP_breg27 DW_OP_breg28 DW_OP_breg29 DW_OP_breg30 DW_OP_breg31 DW_OP_regx DW_OP_fbreg DW_OP_bregx DW_OP_piece DW_OP_deref_size DW_OP_xderef_size DW_OP_nop DW_OP_push_object_address DW_OP_call2 DW_OP_call4 DW_OP_call_ref DW_OP_form_tls_address DW_OP_call_frame_cfa DW_OP_bit_piece DW_OP_implicit_value DW_OP_stack_value DW_OP_implicit_pointer DW_OP_addrx DW_OP_constx DW_OP_entry_value DW_OP_const_type DW_OP_regval_type DW_OP_deref_type DW_OP_xderef_type DW_OP_convert DW_OP_reinterpret DW_OP_GNU_push_tls_address DW_OP_GNU_addr_index DW_OP_GNU_const_index DW_OP_LLVM_fragment DW_ATE_address DW_ATE_boolean DW_ATE_complex_float DW_ATE_float DW_ATE_signed DW_ATE_signed_char DW_ATE_unsigned DW_ATE_unsigned_char DW_ATE_imaginary_float DW_ATE_packed_decimal DW_ATE_numeric_string DW_ATE_edited DW_ATE_signed_fixed DW_ATE_unsigned_fixed DW_ATE_decimal_float DW_ATE_UTF DW_ATE_UCS DW_ATE_ASCII DW_ACCESS_public DW_ACCESS_protected DW_ACCESS_private DW_VIS_local DW_VIS_exported DW_VIS_qualified DW_VIRTUALITY_none DW_VIRTUALITY_virtual DW_VIRTUALITY_pure_virtual DW_LANG_C89 DW_LANG_C DW_LANG_Ada83 DW_LANG_C_plus_plus DW_LANG_Cobol74 DW_LANG_Cobol85 DW_LANG_Fortran77 DW_LANG_Fortran90 DW_LANG_Pascal83 DW_LANG_Modula2 DW_LANG_Java DW_LANG_C99 DW_LANG_Ada95 DW_LANG_Fortran95 DW_LANG_PLI DW_LANG_ObjC DW_LANG_ObjC_plus_plus DW_LANG_UPC DW_LANG_D DW_LANG_Python DW_LANG_OpenCL DW_LANG_Go DW_LANG_Modula3 DW_LANG_Haskell DW_LANG_C_plus_plus_03 DW_LANG_C_plus_plus_11 DW_LANG_OCaml DW_LANG_Rust DW_LANG_C11 DW_LANG_Swift DW_LANG_Julia DW_LANG_Dylan DW_LANG_C_plus_plus_14 DW_LANG_Fortran03 DW_LANG_Fortran08 DW_LANG_RenderScript DW_LANG_Mips_Assembler DW_LANG_GOOGLE_RenderScript DW_LANG_BORLAND_Delphi DW_ID_case_sensitive DW_ID_up_case DW_ID_down_case DW_ID_case_insensitive DW_CC_normal DW_CC_program DW_CC_nocall DW_CC_pass_by_reference DW_CC_pass_by_value DW_CC_GNU_borland_fastcall_i386 DW_CC_BORLAND_safecall DW_CC_BORLAND_stdcall DW_CC_BORLAND_pascal DW_CC_BORLAND_msfastcall DW_CC_BORLAND_msreturn DW_CC_BORLAND_thiscall DW_CC_BORLAND_fastcall DW_CC_LLVM_vectorcall DW_INL_not_inlined DW_INL_inlined DW_INL_declared_not_inlined DW_INL_declared_inlined DW_ORD_row_major DW_ORD_col_major DW_DSC_label DW_DSC_range DW_LNS_extended_op DW_LNS_copy DW_LNS_advance_pc DW_LNS_advance_line DW_LNS_set_column DW_LNS_negate_stmt DW_MACINFO_define DW_MACINFO_undef DW_MACINFO_start_file DW_MACINFO_end_file DW_MACINFO_vendor_ext DW_CFA_nop DW_CFA_advance_loc DW_CFA_offset DW_CFA_restore DW_CFA_set_loc DW_CFA_advance_loc1 DW_CFA_advance_loc2 DW_CFA_advance_loc4 DW_CFA_offset_extended DW_CFA_restore_extended DW_CFA_undefined DW_CFA_same_value DW_CFA_register DW_CFA_remember_state DW_CFA_restore_state DW_CFA_def_cfa DW_CFA_def_cfa_register DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset DW_CFA_def_cfa_expression DW_CFA_expression DW_CFA_offset_extended_sf DW_CFA_def_cfa_sf DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset_sf DW_APPLE_PROPERTY_readonly DW_APPLE_PROPERTY_getter DW_APPLE_PROPERTY_assign DW_APPLE_PROPERTY_readwrite DW_APPLE_PROPERTY_retain DW_APPLE_PROPERTY_copy DW_APPLE_PROPERTY_nonatomic DW_APPLE_PROPERTY_setter DW_APPLE_PROPERTY_atomic DW_APPLE_PROPERTY_weak DW_APPLE_PROPERTY_strong Execute graph viewer in the background. Creates tmp file litter. aaaaaa aa0000 00aa00 aa5500 0055ff aa00aa 00aaaa 555555 ff5555 55ff55 ffff55 5555ff ff55ff 55ffff ffaaaa aaffaa ffffaa aaaaff ffaaff aaffff xdg-open Graphviz xdot|xdot.py gv dot|fdp|neato|twopi|circo dotty fdp neato twopi circo : 0xb76 0xc08 0xc09 0xc0f 0xc20 0xc23 0xc24 0x51 0x06f krait /proc/cpuinfo <stdin> -%%%%%% BC ELF MZ /proc/self/fd/%d /proc/self/fd COLUMNS Seed for the random number generator 0123456789 arm2 arm3 arm6 arm7m arm8 arm810 strongarm strongarm110 strongarm1100 strongarm1110 arm7tdmi arm7tdmi-s arm710t arm720t arm9 arm9tdmi arm920 arm920t arm922t arm9312 arm940t ep9312 arm10tdmi arm1020t arm9e arm946e-s arm966e-s arm968e-s arm10e arm1020e arm1022e arm926ej-s arm1136j-s arm1136jf-s arm1136jz-s arm1176j-s arm1176jz-s mpcore mpcorenovfp arm1176jzf-s arm1156t2-s arm1156t2f-s cortex-m0 cortex-m0plus cortex-m1 sc000 cortex-a5 cortex-a7 cortex-a9 cortex-a12 cortex-a15 cortex-a17 cortex-r4 cortex-r4f cortex-r5 cortex-r7 cortex-r8 cortex-r52 sc300 cortex-m3 cortex-m4 cortex-m7 cortex-a32 cortex-a35 cortex-a53 cortex-a57 cortex-a72 cortex-a73 cyclone exynos-m1 exynos-m2 exynos-m3 iwmmxt swift -crc -dsp +fp-armv8 -fp-armv8 -crypto -neon falkor kryo vulcan +fullfp16 +spe +ras arm thumb eb vfp vfpv2 vfpv3 vfpv3-fp16 vfpv3-d16 vfpv3-d16-fp16 vfpv3xd vfpv3xd-fp16 vfpv4 vfpv4-d16 fpv4-sp-d16 fpv5-d16 fpv5-sp-d16 fp-armv8 neon-fp16 neon-vfpv4 neon-fp-armv8 crypto-neon-fp-armv8 softvfp armv2 armv2a 2A v2a armv3 armv3m 3M v3m armv4 4T v4t armv5t 5T armv5te 5TE v5e armv5tej 5TEJ armv6k 6K v6k armv6t2 6T2 v6t2 armv6kz 6KZ v6kz armv6-m 6-M v6m armv7-a 7-A armv7-r 7-R v7r armv7-m 7-M v7m armv7e-m 7E-M v7em armv8-a 8-A armv8.1-a 8.1-A v8.1a armv8.2-a 8.2-A v8.2a armv8-r 8-R v8r armv8-m.base 8-M.Baseline v8m.base armv8-m.main 8-M.Mainline v8m.main iwmmxt2 7-S v7s 7-K v7k crc dsp idiv sec virt fp16 -fullfp16 ras -ras maverick arm,thumb lse +lse -lse profile -spe fpe2 fpe3 vfp2 vfp3 vfp4 v6hl v6sm v6zk v7hl Unable to find target for this triple (no targets are registered) Enable -time-passes memory tracking (this may be slow) File to append -stats and -timer output to misc Miscellaneous Ungrouped Timers aarch64_be armeb bpfel bpfeb mipsel mips64el msp430 powerpc64 powerpc64le riscv32 riscv64 sparcv9 sparcel s390x thumbeb nvptx nvptx64 le32 le64 amdil amdil64 hsail hsail64 spir spir64 kalimba lanai shave renderscript32 renderscript64 opencl64 bifrost32 apple scei nvidia myriad mesa cloudabi darwin dragonfly freebsd fuchsia kfreebsd macosx netbsd openbsd solaris windows haiku minix rtems nacl bitrig cuda nvcl amdhsa elfiamcu mesa3d contiki gnuabi64 gnueabihf gnueabi gnux32 code16 eabi eabihf musl musleabi musleabihf msvc itanium cygnus amdopencl coreclr ppc32 systemz i786 i886 i986 coff macho mbs2 YAML #;/?:@&=+$,_.!~*'()[] Not dealing with this yet ,:?[]{} -?:,[]{}#&*!|>'"%@` \ Unexpected token. 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E+ #z @ P # `q I A D ? e O aH - p )F P D e QB`x ? e q @ N @@ j H 0N A #z I D e main index_record patch_offset processed_patch_info gl_WorkGroupID default_uniform_buffer output_primitive partitioning viewport_size viewport_transform half_line_width connectivity_length_table_ connectivity_length_table )G C e \ @q 0 O `@ % p 2 ) D` e C E @) D e A Qx % `q FEqH - p ) DX e !@ x` e . XD( 0 d -Q @ D ? 0& ,0 j -Z $yp e7 i $e@ ? " X 0 d w . 3 #z @ P # `q I A D ? e O qH - p )V P D e @B`x `q$ /_ p@ ? @ | ? `q ) DX e !A x` e h& XD( 0 d -Q @ D ? b 0& ,0 j ,Z xp e7 i $e@ ? X 0 d w . E+ #z @ P # `q I A D ? e O aH - p )F P D e QB`x ? e q @ N @@ j H 0N A #z I D e main index_record patch_offset processed_patch_info gl_WorkGroupID default_uniform_buffer gl_mali_SSBOCompute output_primitive partitioning viewport_size viewport_transform half_line_width connectivity_length_table_ connectivity_length_table )G K e H \X @q 0 O @ % p w *CA K A 0 e q * A H 1 0 F X e q K D O * M HX 0C X e @ D O p *P C` @ ! 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AI j !R `Y` e $ [ BE!(0 q e7 h $r `P I LX e 0N #z ) DX e !P |01 * [ @ | 3 m ,r D + ` # H1!A ` 1 8 XD 0 d + # !A 1 XD 0 d ) A F w e @I2 B w- `q I D e main index_record patch_offset processed_patch_info gl_WorkGroupID default_uniform_buffer gl_mali_SSBOCompute output_primitive partitioning viewport_size viewport_transform half_line_width connectivity_length_table_ connectivity_length_table )G K e H \X @q 0 O @ % p { *CA K A 0 e q * A H 1 0 F X e q K D O * M HX 0C X e @ D O p *P C` @ ! X e J D @ | ,r D + # ( H1!A 1 h XD 0 d + # ( !A 1 H XD 0 d ) D w e @ E w- `q *B @ !C X e p XD 0 d J @ H ( H D 7 i1p +P D O ) N X % `q \ T +@ D` G JX)! @[ e j C Y x` -'eh $eb @x0 q H X 0 d w / +@ ! /W ` ! M[ - ( XD 0 d -Q s A ('HY x@ y ; 3 W b(! g 5 ?= ; H N O %(0 ? #e. N D 8 y & + QTI d 1 h)'X Y ? s "` M @ J ? X e+ eA 6 G ? X cd 7l { 0 K A d 1 @ . QDh j 0! e "D # . ; #z %C c b W }> ^ | e O r . 3H j b 0'C @ E e b R a c gG } a 1 o 2 ?5 O x0$? e y . f #z %@ X ? @ Q= S E ? e Od $r l . H j 0'_ X G CI @ e fd $r N 3 #z )K @ d 1 ( H ) e !C @Y e7B H XD ! P 0 D `-@ H [ 'AD + ? * [D @d 0 d . 1H j (%A @ ?A : G B X f{ eh C ? r J A a ? e'cd $6 z K @ d 1 aX1) p e &C # #z j AD: ^ D ? O | e t . I j H 0% B ?iX P <2D Od N %' #z ) D ? e H 0%B A ? h ` M B ?iX QCJ2x ? e N %' #z ! )K @ d 1 AX ) p e %C G B 9 @ S # O r @ @ # p /B H w 0!S X` e H \X e r % N #z I D e )S `@` e 0! px` e j @ Y C j`\d 8r pP N #z main index_record patch_offset processed_patch_info gl_WorkGroupID default_uniform_buffer gl_mali_SSBOCompute output_primitive partitioning viewport_size viewport_transform half_line_width connectivity_length_table_ connectivity_length_table )GA K e X @q 0 O `@ % p *C K A 0 e q * 0H H1 0 F X e q K D O * I2HX 0C X e @ D O p *P C` B ! X e * B @ | ,r D + # hHX1!A 1 H XD 0 d + @ # h !A @ 1 ( XD 0 d ) @ D w e @ P E w- `q *B @ !C X e XD 0 d * 0@ 'E X XD @ 0 d J @ ( H D 7 H P p J 0@ H) 0 @ D O P 1p +P D O ) N X % `q | d )` L` e H #@ |0! 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AI j !R `Y` e $ [ BE!(0 q e7 h $r `P I LX e 0N #z ) DX e !P |01 * [ @ | 3 m ,r D + ` # H1!A ` 1 8 XD 0 d + # !A 1 XD 0 d ) A F w e @I2 B w- `q I D e main point_record patch_offset processed_patch_info gl_WorkGroupID default_uniform_buffer output_primitive partitioning viewport_size viewport_transform half_line_width /GE K@ e X @q 0 O `@ % p J *C H F 0 e q * AH ! C X@ e @ H Z / p $ *A H HB !Q !- Y ed s ) & w - ! xX e h* XD 0 d ) P@@ e @XV # `q / U A wM @ \` `q -A V #A pY 2` [D 0 d -@ & Lf ! & 2V - 8 U0 9 fr)- 3 eP B @ \0 d Y e y /@Mc 0! & B e }Z @ G G ? 7 h 4f E ,0 k lZ \Wy@ e7 h Y @ ? e . 3 #z @ P # `q @ A D ? p I M H@ e CE H - p . AH k 0'D PX ? r @ Z A Cx ? e7 l $r N # #z /S qH ? B x = `q ) HX e !@ |` e P ZD 0 d -A @ D ? r 0& ,0 k ,Z S x@ e7 i $a O e <Z | e7 ) v . E+ #z @ P # `q I A D ? e )_ p@ e @ ; `q 4 /F Q A 0& B@x kx [D 0 d N A #z I D e main point_record patch_offset processed_patch_info gl_WorkGroupID default_uniform_buffer output_primitive partitioning viewport_size viewport_transform half_line_width /G C@ e @q 0 O @ % p ~ * @ N X % `q r /F H "@ \p Z ` [D 0 0 d *O d ? ! ` e ]H `s /G ae * 0& P( k Z WQ e7 k x@ e t N E+ #z -SEq @ | `q . P@ k H 0'@ p E <2 Q[V ?5 Ol 4gO x ? 4 Z ` x@ e7 1 | e y N %' #z . H k H 0'G ee 9 ? e b( r N %' #z . H k H2 0 C PX ? e q N %' #z /A [ %A ` XD ' P 0 D `/o H 'O "4? * Z ^ |` e7 m Z x@[ e t )A I ? e @_ yX `q @ d #% p )A @9 e | e q -@ Lf ! a 2V - E V0 E fr)- 3 eP B @ \0 d Y e y -e V C d 0'H \ }d9 lN X r # bh 4a@ 8 e G 9 8 k b R Y ? e 9 PU @ | 0 ) A@ e %_a G @ } ^ ? d 4eAYD O ? Z #z2 d P p # y I D ? e @ @ p . @ k 0!P X@ eG [ | e7 ( r N #z AQ I ? e p C I - p . H k I 0'D X ? $@ Z A x ? e7 l $r N #z /S H ? BHrx = `q ) HX e !@L |` e 8 ZD 0 d -A P ? 0& E ,0 k ,Z S x@ e7 i $a d O e <Z | e7 ) v . E+ #z @ P # `q I R ? e )_ @ e @E ; `q 4 /FCA X & B x k [ 0 t `s . P@ k !Q P ? e [ | e7 m $r @ @ N @@ k 0N #z )B pH e 0 OB |` e q N A #z I D e main point_record patch_offset processed_patch_info gl_WorkGroupID default_uniform_buffer output_primitive partitioning viewport_size viewport_transform half_line_width /G C@ e @q 0 O @ % p * @ N X % `q /C H "V |0 ! 8 P bd s *@ l ? ! ` e | e ] r * @ @ X # `q . TH k Z 0'W ee % 2 E tx0 e O aA ? e #=2 fY6 e Od A v 8 e y N E+ #z . H k 0 B PX ? e q . E+ #z @ \ `q . UH k 0'X p E ? Z AC ? e7 l $aX x e < }0 BcX ?5 Ol @ x($? e y )@ ( e ! | e 0{ XD 0 N A k b 0N f/ #z . @ k 0'G ee 9 P O ? e b ea 2 g > X 0 d w 0 N f/ #z . H k 0 D PX ? e q N E+ #z -Q $ e ! 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P@ k !A P ? eG C[ | e7 l $r @ N @@ k 0N #z )B pH e 0 OB |` e q N A #z I D e main index_buffer_uvec4 index_buffer_uint index_record gl_WorkGroupID gl_mali_SSBOCompute _connectivity_table connectivity_table J KX (-P D ? H 'F ( d d ` - k `s LA H p -D # ? 0& ,0 o 8D Od . #z L X `q @ D p # K @ d 1 !P ) E H@[ - !O 1(0 s e , OF3 si- \ aO 3(8 s e z P c s e \ X0 ? e y ) @@Z e !_ 0X0 s e , @ % \ r ) ? e A 0C 0 l . #b @ #% `q )A H ? e 0& \0 l :D Od . #b @ #% `q -N ? a 0 8 l q / . #b @ #% `q )C @ ? e 0 \0 l q N #b I D e main index_buffer_uvec4 index_buffer_uint index_record gl_WorkGroupID gl_mali_SSBOCompute _connectivity_table connectivity_table J KX ()F 0@ e H E e 1 `q A AH ?- p 4 -P D ? !A Q( e h Z |X e7 l $a x@ e P Z @ 0 d w D @ (p K P@ d 1 !P -P T [ !OEa(0 s e , I (@[ e \ aO `X0 s e , ( Z e \ O a 0 s e y )` a s e % X@Z : C Y ` as- \n Q ,` t ) p D e !A ? e ` XD 0 d ) DX e O y % `q B @ % p -A q ! x@ e M D P t `. @ l Hb 0!A X ? e XD 0 d N %' #b X . H l H 0%B X ? @ X e7 d $r 0 N %' #b x . H l H 0 A q e q N %' #b A H e p )O C ? e @ !y@ `q I D e main point_to_patch_uvec4 point_to_patch_uint point_buffer_uvec2 point_buffer_uint point_record processed_patch_info gl_WorkGroupID J C )O e D | `q T E @@ p ] . H m H (! 0X@Z e: 1<8 H x ? e'c) r @ ` $8 A !P p )B S a s e HA 'B P s * E N B +-'eki Q G e t ) H@f - 0%P (0V 1 P x8 e 3 e syX r QD : e + I w e y . % #b 8 @ X e q )QI H ? e %P p 5 /XGz ! F P `I `s - A I C H 0& A 8 m @ 5 e d $r N %' #b 8 /@ D[ % G |0 O ? Od Q | e A ?e p /@ 0@ H 0%@ C ` o p A c a D 7 e x L p 3 > S C | e 9 | N %' #j ) JA e 0! C 8 e{ 2 @ \8 u O# eS X ? w[ 8 Od w . # #j @ # `q @ # p -P N C 0& 8 m : PF @ 2 ;e ` e@ 4 ># R | e " v . #b %O E ? P XD 0 d N @ m 1 0N #b - A ?)X @ G # `q /A D @ \ `q @ )N @ D e 0! @ ? e D c . 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P = ? - @ < M ? e \d $r A ?e p O H ? e p -I D ? b 0&P \8 ux O x@ # e # ? $ X ` % S A S G e 9 | )A P D e E #j q .@ 0A u 0# s L XD 0 d N E+ #j + c L 0! P G ? e 0 ? e c r N E+ #j + s$ L H2 0&@ x u 8 _ 3x ? O( | e t . %' #j @ # `q @ # p ) D ? e 0& \0 m P `(8 % + a BS ? e H E > Od w N # #b -A D ? 0& ,0 m 0 q B | e S dr N # #b ) D ? e 2 0C \0 m N # #b X -O D ? 0& ,0 m q, D d N # #b X - B ? X @J G # `q @ % p j @ D p i . h m H H 0 e q 0 J @@ -P Lf 0! E 2V - X 2 H 1x -- 3 aP s( e 0 P A "(@ \ ` x e y )O H@ e ( #A @ aL J" |F ONA X `X c " CL p X %' #b2 d ` 0X e y ) D ?'- b 0& |0 m m@ B 4 e'ed $r N E+ #b . #I m 0C w e N E+ #b H @ @ - p )C " e 0 \0 m q N E+ #b 8 )OM# - #Q p Q w ? O a L ? e X H Od w ) @X e ! x@ e XD & P 0 H `-A A ? H 0& ,0 m l0 P 0 e Od $eOQT p X * d w . % #b C E ? e . Q$i m H 0#O Q" ML} }@ @ 5 ?eL ed ,r . %' #b %A E ? x$ XD 0 d N A m H2 0N %' #b 8 ) Q$ D ? e H 0& \0 m r- D d N %' #b 8 ) Q D ? e H 0& \0 m bm D d . %' #b 8 %O E ? $ XD 0 d . Q$I m H2 0% Q* ?MX D d . %' #b 8 @ # `q - 3 ? C | e ) Ib ? e @ # `q @ % p @ D p , /N !H !X 1x -- * C Z 0 H `s )@ QH & ( |X e q> + #A H !@ 1 H XD 0 d ) D e ! 0%B @ ? < @ u d 8r . #j HA @ @ # `q @ @ # @ p I D e - A ?) HH 0& ,0 m D d . ! #b 8 @ pX e q N @ m 0 0N #b ` )- A@ ? ` @ , g 9 `q& . E H m 0C ` E e N #b - A ?) H8 0& ,0 m D d . ! #b 8 @ pX e q N @ m 0N #b ` - @ A ?) x 0& A ,0 m R, G ? e O S dr N b #b h . A H m 0C E e N b #b 8 -@ @ ? X H 0! X e @ D c N ! #b * * main inputs gl_GlobalInvocationID outputs constants num_attributes ) D` e @ ; `q I A LX e J r . A p 0 A X ? e q . #z @ `q I D e gl_FragCoord gl_FrontFacing gl_PointCoord gl_FragDepth K #A @) @ @ ! /1 , H)p +@ ! /1 L P)!@ X@ e J R | e $r ; K ` #1 aX1)N D e , 1#@IB @! / X 0 H `s )A D` e ) b # `q K #1 L i1/O ee L i# # ZD 0 d N < > @ gl_FragCoord gl_FrontFacing gl_PointCoord pilot_pos pilot_pc gl_FragDepth J 4 KX #$ @ )@ @ ` e !@ Xp & D #p @K @ h) < lX e @ C [ > gl_FragCoord gl_FrontFacing gl_PointCoord I LX e hN < > @c M C p drawcalls #version 310 es #extension GL_OES_sample_variables : enable precision highp int; precision highp float; in vec2 texcoord; layout(binding = 0) uniform highp sampler2D uniform_sampler; void main() { gl_FragDepth = texture(uniform_sampler, texcoord).x; } #version 310 es #extension GL_OES_sample_variables : enable precision highp int; precision highp float; in vec2 texcoord; layout(binding = 0) uniform highp sampler2D uniform_sampler; void main() { vec3 v = texture(uniform_sampler, texcoord).rgb; gl_FragDepth = dot(v, vec3(255.0/16777216.0, 255.0 / 65536.0, 0.99609381)); } #version 310 es #extension GL_OES_sample_variables : enable precision highp int; precision highp float; in vec2 texcoord; layout(binding = 0) uniform highp sampler2DMS uniform_sampler; void main() { gl_FragDepth = texelFetch(uniform_sampler, ivec2(floor(texcoord)), gl_SampleID).x; } #version 310 es #extension GL_OES_sample_variables : enable precision highp int; precision highp float; in vec2 texcoord; layout(binding = 0) uniform highp sampler2DMS uniform_sampler; void main() { vec3 v = texelFetch(uniform_sampler, ivec2(floor(texcoord)), gl_SampleID).rgb; gl_FragDepth = dot(v, vec3(255.0 / 16777216.0, 255.0 / 65536.0, 0.99609381)); } #version 310 es #extension GL_OES_sample_variables : enable #extension GL_ARM_framebuffer_write : enable precision highp int; precision highp float; in vec2 texcoord; layout(binding = 0) uniform highp isampler2D uniform_sampler; void main() { gl_FragStencil = texture(uniform_sampler, texcoord).x; } #version 310 es #extension GL_ARM_framebuffer_write : enable #extension GL_OES_sample_variables : enable precision highp int; precision highp float; in vec2 texcoord; layout(binding = 0) uniform highp isampler2DMS uniform_sampler; void main() { gl_FragStencil = texelFetch(uniform_sampler, ivec2(floor(texcoord)), gl_SampleID).x; } #version 310 es #extension GL_OES_sample_variables : enable #extension GL_ARM_framebuffer_write : enable precision highp int; precision highp float; in vec2 texcoord; layout(binding = 0) uniform highp sampler2D uniform_sampler; void main() { vec4 v = texture(uniform_sampler, texcoord).rgba; gl_FragDepth = v.r * 255.0 / 16777216.0 + v.g * 255.0 / 65536.0 + v.b * 0.99609381; gl_FragStencil = int(v.a * 255.0 + 0.5); } #version 310 es #extension GL_OES_sample_variables : enable #extension GL_ARM_framebuffer_write : enable precision highp int; precision highp float; in vec2 texcoord; layout(binding = 0) uniform highp sampler2DMS uniform_sampler; void main() { vec4 v = texelFetch(uniform_sampler, ivec2(floor(texcoord)), gl_SampleID).rgba; gl_FragDepth = v.r * 255.0 / 16777216.0 + v.g * 255.0 / 65536.0 + v.b * 0.99609381; gl_FragStencil = int(v.a * 255.0 + 0.5); } #version 310 es precision highp int; precision highp float; layout(%s, location = 0, binding = 0) uniform highp readonly %s src_image; in vec2 texcoord; layout(location = 0) out %s fragColor; void main() { fragColor = imageLoad(src_image, ivec2(texcoord)); } #version 310 es precision highp float; layout(binding = 0) uniform highp sampler2D tex; in vec4 texcoord; layout(location = 0) out mediump vec4 fragColor; void main() { fragColor = texture(tex, texcoord.xy); } #version 310 es precision highp float; layout(binding = 0) uniform highp sampler3D tex;in vec4 texcoord; layout(location = 0) out mediump vec4 fragColor; void main() { fragColor = 0.5 * (texture(tex, texcoord.xyz) + texture(tex, texcoord.xyw)); } ( 8 ? R 4? ? 5? 5? ? 5? ? ? ? ?- z o = _ @ < < H H @ @ H H H H @ @ H H @ @ @ @ @ @ ! " # $ % X & X ' @ ( @ ) X * X + , H - . / 0 1 2 3 X 4 X 5 6 7 X 8 X 9 : H ; @ < = > ? @ @ @ A H B @ C @ D @ E H F @ G H H H I @ J @ K H L H M H N H O H P @ Q @ R H S H T H U @ V @ W @ X @ Y @ Z @ [ @ \ H ] H ^ @ _ @ ` X a X b X c @ d @ e @ f @ g x h x i X j @ k @ l @ m @ n X o X p X q @ r @ s @ t @ u @ v @ w @ x @ y @ z @ { @ | X } X ~ X @ @ @ @ T T T T \ \ T T T T T T T T override default v1.r10p0-01rel0.18d0462009affd05c324ea67886ec08c Release timkle01 2018-07-15_22:41:55 U:r10p0-01rel0 gl_FragDepth mem2reg simplifycfg constprop instcombine basicaa early-cse lower-expect targetlibinfo globalopt deadargelim basiccg always-inline functionattrs lazy-value-info jump-threading correlated-propagation tailcallelim reassociate loop-simplify loop-rotate loop-unswitch scalar-evolution indvars loop-idiom loop-deletion loop-unroll memcpyopt strip-dead-prototypes e-i64:64-i128:128-i256:256-i512:512-i1024:1024-i24:32-i48:64-i96:128-i192:256-n8:16:32:64 e-m:e-i64:64-i128:128-n8:16:32:64 e-m:e-p:32:32-i64:64-i128:128-n8:16:32:64 Expected<T> must be checked before access or destruction. Unchecked Expected<T> contained error: Expected<T> value was in success state. (Note: Expected<T> values in success mode must still be checked prior to being destroyed). Linker failed. Symbol definition not found: Program aborted due to an unhandled Error: Error value was Success. (Note: Success values must still be checked prior to being destroyed). Optimizations failed. invalid source module. BIFL linker failed. kernelstats replace_math_bifs LLVM passes used Available LLVM passes Internal error: pass ' ' not initialized properly (out of memory error) ignoring pass ' ' (pass not registered) Failed to open file ' ' - using default pass sequence __bifrost_length __bifrost_normalize __bifrost_rotate __bitreverse __bifrost_idpadd_v4u8 __bifrost_idpadd_v4s8 __bifrost_idpadd_v2u16 __bifrost_idpadd_v2s16 add_sat sub_sat __bifrost_local_segment_base_address __bifrost_private_segment_base_address half_divide half_exp2 half_exp10 half_log2 half_log10 half_recip half_rsqrt half_sqrt native_cos native_divide native_exp native_exp2 native_exp10 native_log native_log2 native_log10 native_powr native_recip native_rsqrt native_sin native_sqrt __fmin_nan __bifrost_ldexp __accurate_f32_divide __bifrost_sqrt_round_ne __bifrost_fmax __bifrost_fmin __fmax_nan __bifrost_cos_lookup __bifrost_sin_lookup bitselect __bifrost_barrier arm_get_core_id __bifrost_get_workgroup_id __bifrost_get_global_id __bifrost_get_local_id_01 __bifrost_get_local_id_2f get_sub_group_local_id shuffle native_tan mem_fence read_mem_fence write_mem_fence get_max_sub_group_size Entry point: work registers used uniform registers used Tuples: A / L / T / Overall Number of tuples for shortest code path unknown (the shader contains printf calls) bound) Number of tuples for longest code path unknown (the shader contains printf calls) Number of tuples for longest code path unknown (the shader contains loops) Number of tuples for longest code path: Note: The tuple counts do not include possible stalls due to cache misses. kernel_param_ +initialize-register-values out-bifrost -cl-single-precision-constant -cl-denorms-are-zero -cl-opt-disable -cl-mad-enable -cl-no-signed-zeros -cl-unsafe-math-optimizations -cl-finite-math-only -cl-fast-relaxed-math __FAST_RELAXED_MATH__ -cl-strict-aliasing ignoring deprecated OpenCL C option '-cl-strict-aliasing' -cl-uniform-work-group-size -cl-arm-non-uniform-work-group-size -cl-arm-svm 'CL1.1' unsupported OpenCL C version ' ' (currently supported: -cl-kernel-arg-info unknown OpenCL C option ' __ENDIAN_LITTLE__ __IMAGE_SUPPORT__ cannot request -container=none with other container options cannot request for container with source code only OpenCL C option ' ' requires at least OpenCL C -create-library -enable-link-options -Werror unknown emit option " -fno-dim-interchange -fno-kernel-unroller -fno-kernel-vectorizer -fkernel-unroller optimisation option '-fkernel-unroller' ignored for this architecture -fkernel-unroller= -fkernel-unroller-stride optimisation option '-fkernel-unroller-stride' ignored for this architecture -fkernel-unroller-stride= -fkernel-vectorizer optimisation option '-fkernel-vectorizer' ignored for this architecture -fkernel-vectorizer= -fbasic-block-vectorizer optimisation option '-fbasic-block-vectorizer' ignored for this architecture -verify -allow-noinline -kernel-stats= kernel statistics file already exists -print-available-passes -print-pass-sequence -spirv-transit -pass-sequence-from-file= -pass-sequence= ignoring invalid optimization level ' -container= invalid chunk name '-container= invalid target name '-b -revision= -XINITIALIZE_REGISTER_VALUES -print-build-info -print-default-target unknown build option ' unknown compile option ' unknown link option ' unrecognised core/revision combination parameter missing invalid kernel name ' encountered invalid build options cannot open source file ' Failed to open directory: ./ Compiler frontend failed (error code Build called before compile. Compiler middle failed (error code Linking failed (error code #define __OPENCL_VERSION__ CL_VERSION_2_0 typedef unsigned int size_t; typedef signed int intptr_t; typedef unsigned int uintptr_t; #define __CLCC_ENABLE_CL20_ATOMICS__ #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_arm_printf : enable #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64 : enable Failed to open directory ' Failed to handle include build options the OpenCL program contains recursion. The following functions can call themselves: An OpenCL module cannot contain recursion. __to_global __to_local __to_private program contains no kernel information program contains invalid kernel information Kernel statistics is possibly collected on an unoptimized IR. This may cause inaccuracy in an argument access type computation. "name": " "type": " "scalar_ops": "vector_ops": "int_to_fp": "fp_to_int": "is_kernel": "basic_blocks": "insert_elements": "extract_elements": "shuffle_vectors": "loops": "max_loop_depth": "arguments": [ "llvm_type": " , "addr_space": , "access_qual": " , "cl_type": " , "access_type_qual": " , "access type": "calls": [ {"name": " "count": "bifls": [ {"mangled_name": " "unmangled_name": " "arith_types": { "operation_types": { __gpu_convert_image_to_index_ struct unnamed struct gl_mali_FragCoordOffset gl_mali_non_rmu_buffer , unknown e-m:e-p:32:32-i8:8-i16:16-i32:32-i64:64-i128:128-n8:16:32:64 e-m:e-i8:8-i16:16-i32:32-i64:64-i128:128-n8:16:32:64 Gens : Kills: LiveAnalysis: LiveIns : LiveOuts: LiveInsEngine Undefs: Invalid Early schedule: Node order: Critical path: Reg pressure: Reg critical: Reg excess: Frees Nodes: Max Preds cycle: pre_ra_sched Pre-RA Machine Scheduler Data Flow Analysis: error opening file ' ' for writing! done. digraph " digraph unnamed { label=" [shape=record, label="{ -> Node Third operand ins't a constant descriptor? TEXC opcode is/isn't convergent and shouldn't/should be! VAR_TEX opcode doesn't agree with it's LOD modifier! TEXS_2D opcode doesn't agree with it's LOD modifier! Copy expected to have a subregister attached to the input operand TLS memory access crossing 128-bit boundary! Illegal temporary register write! Invalid ModId ' ' on instruction ' ModId ' ' is the default modifier for family P_FMA_or_ADD P_FMA_and_ADD ConflictMask: NoConflict RegBlock RegBlockIn RegBlockPTOut RegBlockCTOut FAURAM ClauseBlock BB# Clause BBRegInfo use-def: (instr: def-use: label=" <edge id=" " source=" " target=" </edge> Digraph style=filled; node [fillcolor=white, style="filled"]; <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <graphml xmlns="http://graphml.graphdrawing.org/xmlns" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:y="http://www.yworks.com/xml/graphml" xmlns:yed="http://www.yworks.com/xml/yed/3" xsi:schemaLocation="http://graphml.graphdrawing.org/xmlns http://www.yworks.com/xml/schema/graphml/1.1/ygraphml.xsd"> <key for="node" id="dngfx" yfiles.type="nodegraphics"/> <key for="edge" id="degfx" yfiles.type="edgegraphics"/> <graph id="G" edgedefault="undirected"> </graph> </graphml> [shape=record,label=" <node id=" #000000 #FFCC00 </node> subgraph cluster_t label=""; fillcolor=white; <graph id=" [shape=rectangle,style=filled,color=red,label=" \<\- DepSlot"]; [shape=record,style=filled,fillcolor=red,label=" [shape=rectangle]; subgraph cluster_ label=""; fillcolor=lightseagreen [style=dashed]; <edge id="se "; fillcolor=grey; { rank=same; C empty; fillcolor=lightgrey; #FFFFFF #404040 _end -> _start [style=dashed,fillcolor=red]; <edge id="cfe <edge id="de Instruction Selection and Scheduling mem: 64-bit clauses not supported by the specified core. Invalid ShaderFlow flags combination. Valid combinations are: Modifiers: Families: Family Combinations: OM Families: (M_FORMAT_FRONTEND) (M_FORMAT_BACKEND) Warning: un-handled fiuxup kind: Clause layout: ClauseEncoding { Padding clause Header: Plg: Eplg: Clause Constants: FAURAM : RegBlock: FMA Inst: (temporary ADD Inst: RegBlock Enc: , %src2, %src3, %src4, %src5, %src6, %src7 , %src2, %src3, %src4, %src5, %src6, %src7, %src8, %src9 , %src2, %src3, %src4, %src5, %src6, %src7, %src8 , %src2, %src3, %src4, %src5, %src6, %src7, %src8, %src9, %src10 GRDESC_DER TexelOffset NoClamp ArrayEnable CubeMap LOD-explicit LOD-bias-low-clamp Weights G:green G:alpha F16.clamp_0_inf F16.clamp_m1_1 F16.clamp_0_1 F32.clamp_0_inf F32.clamp_m1_1 F32.clamp_0_1 [DUALTEX|PS: |SIMode| clause <<Unknown DAG Node>> Prefetch AtomicFence AtomicCmpSwap AtomicCmpSwapWithSuccess AtomicSwap AtomicLoadAdd AtomicLoadSub AtomicLoadAnd AtomicLoadOr AtomicLoadXor AtomicLoadNand AtomicLoadMin AtomicLoadMax AtomicLoadUMin AtomicLoadUMax AtomicLoad AtomicStore PCMarker ReadCycleCounter SrcValue EntryToken TokenFactor AssertSext AssertZext BasicBlock ValueType Register RegisterMask OpaqueConstant Constant ConstantFP GlobalAddress GlobalTLSAddress FrameIndex JumpTable GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE RETURNADDR ADDROFRETURNADDR FRAMEADDR LOCAL_RECOVER READ_REGISTER WRITE_REGISTER FRAME_TO_ARGS_OFFSET EH_DWARF_CFA EH_RETURN EH_SJLJ_SETJMP EH_SJLJ_LONGJMP EH_SJLJ_SETUP_DISPATCH ConstantPool TargetIndex ExternalSymbol BlockAddress BUILD_VECTOR OpaqueTargetConstant TargetConstant TargetConstantFP TargetGlobalAddress TargetGlobalTLSAddress TargetFrameIndex TargetJumpTable TargetConstantPool TargetExternalSymbol MCSymbol TargetBlockAddress CopyToReg CopyFromReg merge_values inlineasm eh_label handlenode fminnum fmaxnum fminnan fmaxnan fsincos fnearbyint smul_lohi umul_lohi sdivrem udivrem fcopysign fgetsign fcanonicalize vselect select_cc insert_vector_elt extract_vector_elt concat_vectors insert_subvector extract_subvector scalar_to_vector vector_shuffle carry_false shl_parts sra_parts srl_parts sign_extend zero_extend any_extend sign_extend_inreg any_extend_vector_inreg sign_extend_vector_inreg zero_extend_vector_inreg truncate fp_round flt_rounds fp_round_inreg fp_extend sint_to_fp uint_to_fp fp_to_sint fp_to_uint bitcast addrspacecast fp16_to_fp fp_to_fp16 callseq_start callseq_end catchret cleanupret masked_load masked_store masked_gather masked_scatter vastart dynamic_stackalloc extract_element build_pair stacksave stackrestore debugtrap lifetime.start lifetime.end gc_transition.start gc_transition.end get.dynamic.area.offset bitreverse cttz_zero_undef ctlz_zero_undef init_trampoline adjust_trampoline settrue settrue2 setfalse setfalse2 <APFloat( , anyext , trunc to <unknown> SelectionDAG has nodes: FastISel missed call: FastISel missed terminator: FastISel miss: In function: intrinsic % target intrinsic % unknown intrinsic # SelectionDAG::viewGraph is only available in debug builds on systems with Graphviz or gv! SelectionDAG::clearGraphAttrs is only available in debug builds on systems with Graphviz or gv! SelectionDAG::setGraphAttrs is only available in debug builds SelectionDAG::getGraphAttrs is only available in debug builds SelectionDAG::setGraphColor is only available in debug builds SelectionDAG::setSubgraphColor is only available in debug builds CROSS RC COPY plaintext=circle GraphRoot color=blue,style=dashed label =" Unprocessed value in a map! Value with legal type was transformed! Processed value not in any map! Value in multiple maps! ReplacedValues PromotedIntegers SoftenedFloats ScalarizedVectors ExpandedIntegers ExpandedFloats SplitVectors WidenedVectors PromotedFloats implicit-def: -byte Reload -byte Folded Reload -byte Spill -byte Folded Spill Reload Reuse DEBUG_VALUE: [fragment offset= [complex expression] (long double) Printing <null> Type Depth= Parent Loop BB Child Loop BB Depth invalid operand in inline asm: ' .intel_syntax .att_syntax Abbreviation @ , Offset: , Size: String: InlineString: LocList: : Size: bifrost.set.attribute.index bifrost.set.image.index bifrost.set.sampler.index bifrost.set.imagesampler.index gles.is_epta gles.xpta tu.attribs shader_lang gl_mali_TextureSizesVertex gl_mali_TextureSizesFragment gl_mali_TextureSizesCompute gl_mali_TextureSizesTessCtrl gl_mali_TextureSizesTessEval gl_mali_TextureSizesGeometry In Function: AAMDNodes not supported for: Argument Illegal bit size: Subtarget does not support fp64: Illegal vector size: Floating Point was expected: Integer was expected: Result Tex is/isn't convergent but shouldn't/should be! Operation is illegal in: Texel offset requires at least one argument: Shadow mapping requires at least one extra argument: Array enable requries at least one extra argument: 3D texturing requires an extra argument: Lod mode is illegal in: Should use tex according to the modifiers: Cube-map dimension expects one extra operand according to the modifier: Argument 7 has invalid input: Argument and result vector width mismatch: Invalid argument and result type combination: Argument 0 is expected to be a modifier intrinsic, but was: Argument 0 of argument 0 is expected to be undef, but was: Argument 0 of argument 0 is expected to be a modifier intrinsic, but was: Only the 'flat' modifier is allowed with ld.svar and ld.uvar: Second modifier invalid: First modifier invalid: digraph { " [ shape=box ] -> "BB# " -> "BB# " [ color=lightgray ] unsupported GC: GC roots for GC safe points for , live = { Clean updater: Null updater. updater with gap = , last start = : Area 1: Spills: Area 2: ********** INTERVALS ********** RegMasks: ********** MACHINEINSTRS ********** Live Registers: (uninitialized) (empty) [Unknown] Can't print out MachineBasicBlock because parent MachineFunction is null derived from LLVM BB EH LANDING PAD ADDRESS TAKEN bytes) Live Ins: Predecessors according to CFG: Successors according to CFG: MachineBlockFrequencyInfo::view is only available in debug builds on systems with Graphviz or gv! block-frequency-info: : float = , int = edge MBB# -> MBB# probability is =============================-------------------------------- Inorder PostDominator Tree: Inorder Dominator Tree: DFSNumbers invalid: slow queries. <<exit node>> # Machine code for function Function Live Ins: # End machine code for function MachineFunction::viewCFG is only available in debug builds on MachineFunction::viewCFGOnly is only available in debug builds on Frame Objects: variable sized , align= , fixed , at location [SP Jump Tables: Constant Pool: earlyclobber, ,read-undef imp-use internal <regmask more... <regliveout> <MCSym= <call frame instruction> <intrinsic:@ <intrinsic: Volatile (addrspace= (align= (alias.scope= (noalias= (nontemporal) (dereferenceable) (invariant) UNKNOWN [sideeffect] [mayload] [maystore] [isconvergent] [alignstack] [attdialect] [inteldialect] :[reguse :[regdef :[regdef-ec :[clobber tiedto:$ flags: FrameSetup FrameDestroy line no: inlined @[ indirect Loop at depth containing: <header> <latch> <exiting> GenericScheduler RegionPolicy: ShouldTrackPressure= OnlyTopDown= OnlyBottomUp= Critical Path(GS-RR ): Critical Path(PGS-RR ): ScheduleDAGMI::viewGraph is only available in debug builds on ensemble: pred=BB# pred=null head=BB# +instrs depth invalid height= succ=BB# succ=null tail=BB# height invalid , crit= trace BB# --> BB# instrs. cycles. <- BB# -> BB# Instruction: *** Bad machine code: - function: FrameDestroy < > is after FrameSetup < Predecessor BB# has exit state ( ), while BB# has entry state ( Successor BB# MBB is not in the predecessor list of the successor BB# MBB is not in the successor list of the predecessor BB# - basic block: BB# - instruction: Last instruction was at First terminator was: operands expected, but given. - operand is not a register. Register bank too small( ) to fit Expect register class but got nothing Register class does not support subreg index does not fully support subreg index Expected a register, but got a register Live stack: - liverange: - regunit: - v. register: - lanemask: - interval: - at: - ValNo: Block ends at last instruction was at Virtual register is used after the block. is a predecessor according to the CFG. must be live through the block. is not needed live through the block. still has defs or uses : valnos live into BB# , not live before Valno # live out of BB# Valno # - segment: FixedStack Max Pressure: Live In: Live Out: Curr Pressure: Error while trying to spill Allocas: Block liveness: ): begin , livein , liveout Alloca liveness: Stack regions: ), range Stack objects: Unknown <entry> ScheduleDAG::viewGraph is only available in debug builds on invalid DW.ref. $non_lazy_ptr /EXPORT: -export: .rodata.cst *** Code after LSR *** *** Final LLVM Code input to ISel *** After Instruction Selection Error: Super register of reserved register is not reserved. %physreg BadUnit~ ********** REGISTER MAP ********** -> fi# empty <ir-block badref> %ir-block. address-taken landing-pad successors: liveins: frame-setup debug-location %fixed-stack. %stack. target-flags( <unknown>) <unknown target flag> <unknown bitmask target flag> internal killed early-clobber debug-use (tied-def %const. target-index( %jump-table. blockaddress( liveout( <mcsymbol intrinsic(@ volatile non-temporal dereferenceable invariant jump-table constant-pool call-entry call-entry $ Dependency DependencyAll , align , !tbaa , !alias.scope , !noalias , !range same_value <mcsymbol> offset def_cfa_register def_cfa_offset def_cfa <unserializable cfi operation> <badref> <badreg> Clobbered Registers: shadow-stack callsites: callsite locations <Unprocessed operand> Register Direct Indirect Constant Constant Index [encoding: .byte , .byte , .short , .int live-out registers [encoding: .short , .byte 0, .byte expanded from here expanded from macro ' (skipping expansions in backtrace; use -fmacro-backtrace-limit=0 to see all) in file included from in module ' ' imported from while building module ' #define <uninit> @import /* clang -E: implicit import for " /* clang -E: implicit import for module /* clang -E -dI */ #pragma clang __debug #pragma message(" warning " error " diagnostic push diagnostic pop diagnostic warning ignored #pragma warning( #pragma warning(push #pragma warning(pop) #undef fatal error (clang) (in PCH) In file included from In included file: In module ' While building module ' fix-it:" File Line * (directive at (frontend) <unnamed-type- __block_literal_ top level *** Dumping IRgen Record Layout Record: Layout: <CGRecordLayout LLVMType: NonVirtualBaseLLVMType: IsZeroInitializable: BitFields:[ <CGBitFieldInfo Offset: IsSigned: StorageSize: StorageOffset: restrict __read_only __write_only __read_write __regcall3__ Expansion, Skipped, (Expanded file = eh.CatchableTypeArray. rtti.TypeDescriptor (ABIArgInfo Kind= Direct Type= InAlloca Offset= Indirect Align= ByVal= Realign= CoerceAndExpand Type= /DEFAULTLIB: llvm.named.register. _OBJC_CLASS_ __ObjC_Protocol_Holder_Ugly_Hack AnotherHack NSAutoreleasePool .objc_class_name_ .globl .objc_class_name_ .lazy_reference .objc_class_name_ .objc_category_name_ .globl .objc_category_name_ OBJC_CLASS_ OBJC_METACLASS_ _NSConstantStringClassReference objc_ehtype_vtable l_OBJC_$_CATEGORY_ OBJC_IVAR_$_ l_OBJC_PROTOCOL_REFERENCE_$_ l_OBJC_PROTOCOL_$_ l_OBJC_LABEL_PROTOCOL_$_ OBJC_CLASS_$_NSConstantString ;unknown;unknown;0;0;; __omp_offloading STATISTICS: <eof> parser at end of file <unknown> parser at unknown location : at annotation token : unknown current parser token : current parser token ' (anonymous) init_seg data_seg bss_seg const_seg code_seg section nounroll options visibility ms_struct redefine_extname FP_CONTRACT EXTENSION comment detect_mismatch pointers_to_members vtordisp intrinsic force_cuda_host_device optimize Flags: FnScope BreakScope ContinueScope DeclScope ControlScope ClassScope BlockScope TemplateParamScope FunctionPrototypeScope FunctionDeclarationScope AtCatchScope ObjCMethodScope SwitchScope TryScope FnTryCatchScope SEHTryScope SEHExceptScope OpenMPDirectiveScope OpenMPLoopDirectiveScope OpenMPSimdDirectiveScope Parent: (clang::Scope*) Depth: MSLastManglingNumber: MSCurManglingNumber: Entity : (clang::DeclContext*) NRVO not allowed NRVO candidate : (clang::VarDecl*) *** Semantic Analysis Stats: SFINAE diagnostics trapped. __attribute__(( sizeof( strlen( throw() noexcept noexcept( (vector of ' values) Variable Parameter CF audited function Parameter Exception Binding Temporary CompoundLiteral RelatedResult Delegating ArrayElement VectorElement ComplexElement LambdaCapture Failed sequence: too many initializers for reference array requires initializer list address of unaddressable function was taken array requires initializer list or string literal array requires initializer list or wide string literal narrow string into wide char array wide string into char array incompatible wide string into wide char array array type mismatch non-constant array initializer address of overloaded function failed overload resolution for reference initialization failed non-const lvalue reference bound to temporary non-const lvalue reference bound to bit-field non-const lvalue reference bound to vector element non-const lvalue reference bound to unrelated type rvalue reference bound to an lvalue reference initialization drops qualifiers reference initialization failed conversion failed conversion from property failed too many initializers for scalar referencing binding to initializer list initializer list for non-aggregate, non-scalar type overloading failed for user-defined conversion constructor overloading failed default initialization of a const variable initialization of incomplete type list initialization checker failure variable length array has an initializer initializer expression isn't contextually valid list constructor overloading failed list copy initialization chose explicit constructor Dependent sequence Normal sequence: resolve address of overloaded function derived-to-base (rvalue) derived-to-base (xvalue) derived-to-base (lvalue) bind reference to lvalue bind reference to a temporary final copy in class direct-initialization extraneous C++03 copy to temporary user-defined conversion via qualification conversion (rvalue) qualification conversion (xvalue) qualification conversion (lvalue) non-atomic-to-atomic conversion load (lvalue to rvalue) implicit conversion sequence ( implicit conversion sequence with narrowing prohibited ( list aggregate initialization unwrap reference initializer list rewrap reference initializer list constructor initialization list initialization via constructor zero initialization C assignment string initialization Objective-C object conversion indexing for array initialization loop array initialization loop array initialization array initialization (GNU extension) parenthesized array initialization pass by indirect copy and restore pass by indirect restore Objective-C object retension std::initializer_list from initializer list list initialization from std::initializer_list OpenCL sampler_t from integer constant OpenCL event_t from zero OpenCL queue_t from zero static_cast< result(s) , ambiguous , base paths present lookup results for (by copy constructor) (direct reference binding) (reference binding) No conversions required aggregate initialization Worst std::initializer_list element conversion: Standard conversion: User-defined conversion: Ellipsis conversion Ambiguous conversion Bad conversion #pragma nounroll disable assume_safety type name read_only write_only read_write *** Analysis Based Warnings Stats: functions analyzed ( w/o CFGs). CFG blocks built. average CFG blocks per function. max CFG blocks per function. functions analyzed for uninitialiazed variables variables analyzed. average variables per function. max variables per function. block visits. average block visits per function. max block visits per function. COMPLETION: (Hidden) Pattern : OVERLOAD: (scope) (block context: (ENTRY)] (EXIT)] (INDIRECT GOTO DISPATCH)] (NORETURN)] default catch ( Preds (Unreachable) Succs ({ ... ; (OperatorCall) (BindTemporary) (CXXConstructExpr, (Base initializer) (Delegating initializer) (Member initializer) (Implicit destructor) CFGNewAllocator( (Base object destructor) (Member object destructor) () (Temporary object destructor) (Temp Dtor) try ... static init do ... while ? ... : ... || ... && ... __builtin_choose_expr( switch Uninitialized Float: Vector: ComplexInt: ComplexFloat: LValue: <todo> Array: Struct bases: fields: Union: MemberPointer: <todo> AddrLabelDiff: <todo> <uninitialized> (char*) *** AST Context Stats: types total. Builtin types Complex Pointer BlockPointer LValueReference RValueReference MemberPointer ConstantArray IncompleteArray VariableArray DependentSizedArray DependentSizedExtVector ExtVector FunctionProto FunctionNoProto UnresolvedUsing Typedef Adjusted Decayed TypeOfExpr Decltype UnaryTransform Elaborated Attributed TemplateTypeParm SubstTemplateTypeParm SubstTemplateTypeParmPack TemplateSpecialization InjectedClassName DependentName DependentTemplateSpecialization PackExpansion ObjCTypeParam ObjCObject ObjCInterface ObjCObjectPointer Total bytes = implicit default constructors created implicit copy constructors created implicit move constructors created implicit copy assignment operators created implicit move assignment operators created implicit destructors created the global namespace the global scope block literal lambda expression namespace method function ' (vector of (no argument) template nullptr (no qualifiers) (no qualifiers) * ...] <<<NULL>>> LocInfo Type dependent instantiation_dependent variably_modified contains_unexpanded_pack imported written as lvalue reference static <invalid sloc> altivec altivec pixel altivec bool neon poly trailing_return volatile restrict noreturn produces_result regparm underlying_type depth index TemplateArgument nullptr integral template template expansion decltype(auto) undeduced expansions QualType parent in (local) hidden implicit referenced invalid constexpr first also in protected private capture this capture nested inline CXXCtorInitializer required optional readonly assign readwrite retain nonatomic atomic strong unsafe_unretained struct __module_private__ definition virtual typename covariant contravariant bounded virtual target nominated constructed mutable synthesize private protected public package default _delete delete trivial noexcept-unevaluated noexcept-uninstantiated <<NULL params x tls_dynamic callinit listinit combiner initializer dynamic compiler FallThrough SwiftContext SwiftErrorResult SwiftIndirectResult Annotate CFConsumed CarriesDependency NSConsumed PassObjectSize AMDGPUFlatWorkGroupSize AMDGPUNumSGPR AMDGPUNumVGPR AMDGPUWavesPerEU ARMInterrupt ARMThreadLimitHint AcquireCapability AcquiredAfter AcquiredBefore AlignMac68k Aligned AllocSize AlwaysInline AnalyzerNoReturn AnyX86Interrupt ArcWeakrefUnavailable ArgumentWithTypeTag AsmLabel AssertCapability AssertExclusiveLock AssertSharedLock AssumeAligned Availability C11NoReturn CFAuditedTransfer CFReturnsNotRetained CFReturnsRetained CFUnknownTransfer CUDAConstant CUDADevice CUDAGlobal CUDAHost CUDAInvalidTarget CUDALaunchBounds CUDAShared CXX11NoReturn CallableWhen Capability CapturedRecord Cleanup Constructor Consumable ConsumableAutoCast ConsumableSetOnRead Convergent DLLExport DLLImport Deprecated Destructor DisableTailCalls EmptyBases EnableIf ExclusiveTrylockFunction FastCall FlagEnum Flatten FormatArg GNUInline GuardedBy GuardedVar IBAction IBOutlet IBOutletCollection InitPriority IntelOclBicc InternalLinkage LTOVisibilityPublic LayoutVersion LockReturned LocksExcluded MSInheritance MSNoVTable MSP430Interrupt MSStruct MSVtorDisp MaxFieldAlignment MayAlias MinSize MipsInterrupt NSConsumesSelf NSReturnsAutoreleased NSReturnsNotRetained NSReturnsRetained NoAlias NoCommon NoDebug NoDuplicate NoInline NoInstrumentFunction NoMips16 NoReturn NoSanitize NoSplitStack NoThreadSafetyAnalysis NoThrow NonNull NotTailCalled OMPCaptureNoInit OMPThreadPrivateDecl ObjCBridge ObjCBridgeMutable ObjCBridgeRelated ObjCException ObjCExplicitProtocolImpl ObjCIndependentClass ObjCMethodFamily ObjCNSObject ObjCPreciseLifetime ObjCRequiresPropertyDefs ObjCRequiresSuper ObjCReturnsInnerPointer ObjCRootClass ObjCSubclassingRestricted OpenCLExtension OpenCLKernel OpenCLUnrollHint OpenCLVersion OptimizeNone Override Ownership ParamTypestate PreserveAll PreserveMost PtGuardedBy PtGuardedVar RegCall ReleaseCapability ReqdWorkGroupSize RequireConstantInit RequiresCapability Restrict ReturnTypestate ReturnsNonNull ReturnsTwice ScopedLockable Section SelectAny Sentinel SetTypestate SharedTrylockFunction StdCall SwiftCall SysVABI TLSModel TestTypestate ThisCall TransparentUnion TryAcquireCapability TypeTagForDatatype TypeVisibility Unavailable VecReturn VecTypeHint VectorCall Visibility WarnUnused WarnUnusedResult WeakImport WeakRef WorkGroupSizeHint X86ForceAlignArgPointer XRayInstrument AlignValue InitSeg LoopHint OMPDeclareSimdDecl OMPDeclareTargetDecl ObjCBoxable ObjCDesignatedInitializer ObjCRuntimeName ObjCRuntimeVisible OpenCLAccess Overloadable RenderScriptKernel Inherited Implicit Generic IsPointer Unavailable Strict Unknown Consumed Unconsumed Vectorize VectorizeWidth Interleave InterleaveCount Unroll UnrollCount Distribute Enable Disable Numeric AssumeSafety BestCase BS_Undefined BS_Inbranch BS_Notinbranch MT_Link OMF_None OMF_alloc OMF_copy OMF_init OMF_mutableCopy OMF_new AAPCS_VFP LayoutCompatible MustBeNull Default Hidden Protected IR_None IR_ARCForbiddenType IR_ForbiddenWeak IR_ARCForbiddenConversion IR_ARCInitReturnsUnrelated IR_ARCFieldWithOwnership <undeserialized declarations> StoredDeclsMap primary DeclarationName <undeserialized lookups> lvalue xvalue bitfield objcproperty vectorcomponent ' ComputeLHSTy= ComputeResultTy= (CXXTemporary elidable zeroing global functional cast to field array filler extended by selector= isFreeIvar class= super (instance) super (class) Kind=MethodRef Getter=" " Setter=" Kind=PropertyRef Property=" Messaging= Getter&Setter Kind=ArraySubscript GetterForArray=" Kind=DictionarySubscript GetterForDictionary=" " SetterForArray=" " SetterForDictionary=" ADL) = ' sizeof alignof vec_step __builtin_omp_required_simd_align <<<NULL>>> OMPClause <implicit> catch all Name=" explicitly implicitly Param=" ParamIndex= Position=< " CloseName=" Text=" Attrs: SelfClosing RenderNormal RenderBold RenderMonospaced RenderEmphasized Unable to print values of type Unable to dump values of type __attribute__((amdgpu_flat_work_group_size( __attribute__((amdgpu_num_sgpr( __attribute__((amdgpu_num_vgpr( __attribute__((amdgpu_waves_per_eu( __attribute__((interrupt(" __attribute__((arm_thread_limit_hint( __attribute__((abi_tag( [[gnu::abi_tag( __attribute__((acquire_capability( [[clang::acquire_capability( __attribute__((acquire_shared_capability( [[clang::acquire_shared_capability( __attribute__((exclusive_lock_function( __attribute__((shared_lock_function( __attribute__((acquired_after( __attribute__((acquired_before( __attribute__((alias(" [[gnu::alias(" __attribute__((align_value( __attribute__((aligned( [[gnu::aligned( __declspec(align( alignas( _Alignas( __attribute__((alloc_size( [[gnu::alloc_size( __attribute__((always_inline)) [[gnu::always_inline]] __forceinline __attribute__((analyzer_noreturn)) __attribute__((annotate(" __attribute__((interrupt)) __attribute__((objc_arc_weak_reference_unavailable)) __attribute__((argument_with_type_tag( __attribute__((pointer_with_type_tag( __asm__(" __attribute__((assert_capability( [[clang::assert_capability( __attribute__((assert_shared_capability( [[clang::assert_shared_capability( __attribute__((assert_exclusive_lock( __attribute__((assert_shared_lock( __attribute__((assume_aligned( [[gnu::assume_aligned( __attribute__((availability( , strict , introduced= , deprecated= , obsoleted= , unavailable __attribute__((blocks(" _Noreturn __attribute__((cdecl)) [[gnu::cdecl]] __cdecl _cdecl __attribute__((cf_audited_transfer)) __attribute__((cf_consumed)) __attribute__((cf_returns_not_retained)) __attribute__((cf_returns_retained)) __attribute__((cf_unknown_transfer)) __attribute__((constant)) __attribute__((device)) __attribute__((global)) __attribute__((host)) __attribute__((launch_bounds( __attribute__((shared)) [[noreturn]] __attribute__((callable_when( __attribute__((capability(" [[clang::capability(" __attribute__((shared_capability(" [[clang::shared_capability(" __attribute__((carries_dependency)) [[carries_dependency]] __attribute__((cleanup( [[gnu::cleanup( __attribute__((cold)) [[gnu::cold]] __attribute__((common)) [[gnu::common]] __attribute__((const)) [[gnu::const]] __attribute__((__const)) [[gnu::__const]] __attribute__((constructor( [[gnu::constructor( __attribute__((consumable(" __attribute__((consumable_auto_cast_state)) __attribute__((consumable_set_state_on_read)) __attribute__((convergent)) [[clang::convergent]] __declspec(dllexport) __attribute__((dllexport)) [[gnu::dllexport]] __declspec(dllimport) __attribute__((dllimport)) [[gnu::dllimport]] __attribute__((deprecated(" [[gnu::deprecated(" __declspec(deprecated(" [[deprecated(" __attribute__((destructor( [[gnu::destructor( __attribute__((disable_tail_calls)) [[clang::disable_tail_calls]] __declspec(empty_bases) __attribute__((enable_if( __attribute__((exclusive_trylock_function( [[fallthrough]] [[clang::fallthrough]] __attribute__((fastcall)) [[gnu::fastcall]] __fastcall _fastcall sealed __attribute__((flag_enum)) __attribute__((flatten)) [[gnu::flatten]] __attribute__((format( [[gnu::format( __attribute__((format_arg( [[gnu::format_arg( __attribute__((gnu_inline)) [[gnu::gnu_inline]] __attribute__((guarded_by( __attribute__((guarded_var)) __attribute__((hot)) [[gnu::hot]] __attribute__((ibaction)) __attribute__((iboutlet)) __attribute__((iboutletcollection( __attribute__((ifunc(" [[gnu::ifunc(" __attribute__((init_priority( #pragma init_seg __attribute__((intel_ocl_bicc)) __attribute__((internal_linkage)) [[clang::internal_linkage]] [[clang::lto_visibility_public]] __declspec(layout_version( __attribute__((lock_returned( __attribute__((locks_excluded( #pragma clang loop #pragma unroll #pragma nounroll __attribute__((ms_abi)) [[gnu::ms_abi]] __single_inheritance( __multiple_inheritance( __virtual_inheritance( __unspecified_inheritance( __declspec(novtable) __attribute__((interrupt( __attribute__((ms_struct)) [[gnu::ms_struct]] __attribute__((may_alias)) [[gnu::may_alias]] __attribute__((minsize)) __attribute__((mips16)) [[gnu::mips16]] __attribute__((mode( [[gnu::mode( __attribute__((ns_consumed)) __attribute__((ns_consumes_self)) __attribute__((ns_returns_autoreleased)) __attribute__((ns_returns_not_retained)) __attribute__((ns_returns_retained)) __attribute__((naked)) [[gnu::naked]] __declspec(naked) __declspec(noalias) __attribute__((nocommon)) [[gnu::nocommon]] __attribute__((nodebug)) [[gnu::nodebug]] __attribute__((noduplicate)) [[clang::noduplicate]] __attribute__((noinline)) [[gnu::noinline]] __declspec(noinline) __attribute__((no_instrument_function)) [[gnu::no_instrument_function]] __attribute__((nomips16)) [[gnu::nomips16]] __attribute__((noreturn)) [[gnu::noreturn]] __declspec(noreturn) __attribute__((no_sanitize( [[clang::no_sanitize( __attribute__((no_split_stack)) [[gnu::no_split_stack]] __attribute__((no_thread_safety_analysis)) __attribute__((nothrow)) [[gnu::nothrow]] __declspec(nothrow) __attribute__((nonnull( [[gnu::nonnull( __attribute__((not_tail_called)) [[clang::not_tail_called]] #pragma omp declare simd #pragma omp declare target __attribute__((objc_boxable)) __attribute__((objc_bridge( __attribute__((objc_bridge_mutable( __attribute__((objc_bridge_related( __attribute__((objc_designated_initializer)) __attribute__((objc_exception)) __attribute__((objc_protocol_requires_explicit_implementation)) __attribute__((objc_independent_class)) __attribute__((objc_method_family(" __attribute__((NSObject)) __attribute__((objc_precise_lifetime)) __attribute__((objc_requires_property_definitions)) __attribute__((objc_requires_super)) __attribute__((objc_returns_inner_pointer)) __attribute__((objc_root_class)) __attribute__((objc_runtime_name(" __attribute__((objc_runtime_visible)) __attribute__((objc_subclassing_restricted)) __read_only read_only __write_only write_only __read_write read_write __attribute__((opencl_extension(" __kernel kernel __attribute__((opencl_unroll_hint( __attribute__((opencl_version( __attribute__((optnone)) [[clang::optnone]] __attribute__((overloadable)) override __attribute__((ownership_holds( __attribute__((ownership_returns( __attribute__((ownership_takes( __attribute__((packed)) [[gnu::packed]] __attribute__((param_typestate(" __attribute__((pascal)) __pascal _pascal __attribute__((pass_object_size( __attribute__((pcs(" [[gnu::pcs(" __attribute__((preserve_all)) __attribute__((preserve_most)) __attribute__((pt_guarded_by( __attribute__((pt_guarded_var)) __attribute__((pure)) [[gnu::pure]] __attribute__((regcall)) [[gnu::regcall]] __regcall __attribute__((release_capability( [[clang::release_capability( __attribute__((release_shared_capability( [[clang::release_shared_capability( __attribute__((release_generic_capability( [[clang::release_generic_capability( __attribute__((unlock_function( __attribute__((kernel)) __attribute__((reqd_work_group_size( __attribute__((require_constant_initialization)) [[clang::require_constant_initialization]] __attribute__((requires_capability( [[clang::requires_capability( __attribute__((exclusive_locks_required( __attribute__((requires_shared_capability( [[clang::requires_shared_capability( __attribute__((shared_locks_required( __declspec(restrict) __attribute__((malloc)) [[gnu::malloc]] __attribute__((return_typestate(" __attribute__((returns_nonnull)) [[gnu::returns_nonnull]] __attribute__((returns_twice)) [[gnu::returns_twice]] __attribute__((scoped_lockable)) __attribute__((section(" [[gnu::section(" __declspec(allocate(" __declspec(selectany) __attribute__((sentinel( [[gnu::sentinel( __attribute__((set_typestate(" __attribute__((shared_trylock_function( __attribute__((stdcall)) [[gnu::stdcall]] __stdcall _stdcall __attribute__((swiftcall)) [[gnu::swiftcall]] __attribute__((swift_context)) [[gnu::swift_context]] __attribute__((swift_error_result)) [[gnu::swift_error_result]] __attribute__((swift_indirect_result)) [[gnu::swift_indirect_result]] __attribute__((sysv_abi)) [[gnu::sysv_abi]] __attribute__((tls_model(" [[gnu::tls_model(" __attribute__((target(" [[gnu::target(" __attribute__((test_typestate(" __attribute__((thiscall)) [[gnu::thiscall]] __thiscall _thiscall __declspec(thread) __attribute__((transparent_union)) [[gnu::transparent_union]] __attribute__((try_acquire_capability( [[clang::try_acquire_capability( __attribute__((try_acquire_shared_capability( [[clang::try_acquire_shared_capability( __attribute__((type_tag_for_datatype( __attribute__((type_visibility(" [[clang::type_visibility(" __attribute__((unavailable(" [[maybe_unused]] __attribute__((unused)) [[gnu::unused]] __attribute__((used)) [[gnu::used]] __declspec(uuid(" [uuid(" __attribute__((vecreturn)) __attribute__((vec_type_hint( __attribute__((vectorcall)) __vectorcall _vectorcall __attribute__((visibility(" [[gnu::visibility(" __attribute__((warn_unused)) [[nodiscard]] [[clang::warn_unused_result]] __attribute__((warn_unused_result)) [[gnu::warn_unused_result]] __attribute__((weak)) [[gnu::weak]] __attribute__((weak_import)) __attribute__((weakref(" [[gnu::weakref(" __attribute__((work_group_size_hint( __attribute__((force_align_arg_pointer)) __attribute__((xray_always_instrument)) [[clang::xray_always_instrument]] __attribute__((xray_never_instrument)) [[clang::xray_never_instrument]] simdlen( uniform aligned( linear( (anonymous *** Decl Stats: decls total. AccessSpec decls, each ( bytes) Block decls, Captured decls, ClassScopeFunctionSpecialization decls, Empty decls, Export decls, ExternCContext decls, FileScopeAsm decls, Friend decls, FriendTemplate decls, Import decls, LinkageSpec decls, Label decls, Namespace decls, NamespaceAlias decls, ObjCCompatibleAlias decls, ObjCCategory decls, ObjCCategoryImpl decls, ObjCImplementation decls, ObjCInterface decls, ObjCProtocol decls, ObjCMethod decls, ObjCProperty decls, BuiltinTemplate decls, ClassTemplate decls, FunctionTemplate decls, TypeAliasTemplate decls, VarTemplate decls, TemplateTemplateParm decls, Enum decls, Record decls, CXXRecord decls, ClassTemplateSpecialization decls, ClassTemplatePartialSpecialization decls, TemplateTypeParm decls, ObjCTypeParam decls, TypeAlias decls, Typedef decls, UnresolvedUsingTypename decls, Using decls, UsingDirective decls, UsingPack decls, UsingShadow decls, ConstructorUsingShadow decls, Binding decls, Field decls, ObjCAtDefsField decls, ObjCIvar decls, Function decls, CXXMethod decls, CXXConstructor decls, CXXConversion decls, CXXDestructor decls, MSProperty decls, NonTypeTemplateParm decls, Var decls, Decomposition decls, ImplicitParam decls, OMPCapturedExpr decls, ParmVar decls, VarTemplateSpecialization decls, VarTemplatePartialSpecialization decls, EnumConstant decls, IndirectField decls, OMPDeclareReduction decls, UnresolvedUsingValue decls, OMPThreadPrivate decls, ObjCPropertyImpl decls, PragmaComment decls, PragmaDetectMismatch decls, StaticAssert decls, TranslationUnit decls, #pragma omp end declare target __asm ( friend template < typename extern " inline @compatibility_alias @interface __covariant __contravariant @implementation @class @protocol bycopy oneway @required @optional @property readonly getter = setter = readwrite nonatomic null_resettable __module_private__ template<> typedef using typename using namespace mutable extern static __private_extern__ constexpr explicit = delete = default __thread _Thread_local thread_local #pragma omp declare reduction ( initializer( #pragma omp threadprivate @synthesize @dynamic static_assert( operator operator"" operator <using-directive> _block_invoke __cdecl __stdcall __fastcall __thiscall __vectorcall __regcall CLglobal CLlocal CLconstant CLgeneric CUdevice CUconstant CUshared __strong __autoreleasing U10__float128 11objc_object 10objc_class 13objc_selector 11ocl_sampler 9ocl_event 12ocl_clkevent 9ocl_queue 13ocl_reserveid U13block_pointer u8__uuidoft u8__uuidofz _SUBSTPACK_ v110_SUBSTPACK v18co_await v18co_yield dtdefpT ns_returns_retained U17pass_object_size ns_consumed u6typeof 12_GLOBAL__N_1 U8__kindof objcproto 8ocl_pipe U7_Atomic Ua9enable_ifI __cxx_global_var_init __dtor_ __filt_ _block_invoke_ <lambda_ <unnamed-enum- <unnamed-type-$S PAUocl_image1d_ro@@ PAUocl_image1d_array_ro@@ PAUocl_image1d_buffer_ro@@ PAUocl_image2d_ro@@ PAUocl_image2d_array_ro@@ PAUocl_image2d_depth_ro@@ PAUocl_image2d_array_depth_ro@@ PAUocl_image2d_msaa_ro@@ PAUocl_image2d_array_msaa_ro@@ PAUocl_image2d_msaa_depth_ro@@ PAUocl_image2d_array_msaa_depth_ro@@ PAUocl_image3d_ro@@ PAUocl_image1d_wo@@ PAUocl_image1d_array_wo@@ PAUocl_image1d_buffer_wo@@ PAUocl_image2d_wo@@ PAUocl_image2d_array_wo@@ PAUocl_image2d_depth_wo@@ PAUocl_image2d_array_depth_wo@@ PAUocl_image2d_msaa_wo@@ PAUocl_image2d_array_msaa_wo@@ PAUocl_image2d_msaa_depth_wo@@ PAUocl_image2d_array_msaa_depth_wo@@ PAUocl_image3d_wo@@ PAUocl_image1d_rw@@ PAUocl_image1d_array_rw@@ PAUocl_image1d_buffer_rw@@ PAUocl_image2d_rw@@ PAUocl_image2d_array_rw@@ PAUocl_image2d_depth_rw@@ PAUocl_image2d_array_depth_rw@@ PAUocl_image2d_msaa_rw@@ PAUocl_image2d_array_msaa_rw@@ PAUocl_image2d_msaa_depth_rw@@ PAUocl_image2d_array_msaa_depth_rw@@ PAUocl_image3d_rw@@ __block_invoke ??_C@_ ?filt$ __super *** Dumping AST Record Layout <ASTRecordLayout Size: DataSize: Alignment: FieldOffsets: [ (empty) vtable pointer) vftable pointer) vbtable pointer) (vtordisp for vbase [sizeof= , dsize= nvsize= , nvalign= | *** Stmt/Expr Stats: stmts/exprs total. <<<NULL STATEMENT>>> <null expr> continue; co_return while ( __builtin_astype( delete <forwarded> typeid( __uuidof( __builtin_choose_expr( __builtin_convertvector( co_await co_yield /*base*/ /*updater*/ _Generic( /*implicit*/ /*implicit*/( /*no init*/ @available(...) @encode( @protocol( @selector( __builtin_offsetof( __builtin_shufflevector( sizeof...( alignof _Alignof __alignof vec_step __builtin_omp_required_simd_align __builtin_va_arg( __if_exists ( __if_not_exists ( #pragma omp atomic num_threads( safelen( collapse( default( firstprivate lastprivate reduction( aligned copyprivate proc_bind( schedule( ordered mergeable seq_cst depend( device( threads num_teams( thread_limit( priority( grainsize( nogroup num_tasks( dist_schedule( defaultmap( use_device_ptr is_device_ptr #pragma omp barrier #pragma omp cancel #pragma omp cancellation point #pragma omp critical #pragma omp flush #pragma omp distribute #pragma omp distribute parallel for #pragma omp distribute parallel for simd #pragma omp distribute simd #pragma omp for #pragma omp for simd #pragma omp parallel for #pragma omp parallel for simd #pragma omp simd #pragma omp target parallel for simd #pragma omp target simd #pragma omp target teams distribute #pragma omp target teams distribute parallel for #pragma omp taskloop #pragma omp taskloop simd #pragma omp teams distribute #pragma omp teams distribute parallel for #pragma omp teams distribute parallel for simd #pragma omp teams distribute simd #pragma omp master #pragma omp ordered #pragma omp parallel #pragma omp parallel sections #pragma omp section #pragma omp sections #pragma omp single #pragma omp target data #pragma omp target #pragma omp target enter data #pragma omp target exit data #pragma omp target parallel #pragma omp target parallel for #pragma omp target teams #pragma omp target update #pragma omp task #pragma omp taskgroup #pragma omp taskwait #pragma omp taskyield #pragma omp teams @catch (...) { /* todo */ } @synchronized ( @catch( @finally @autoreleasepool __except ( <<unknown expr type>> __finally __leave; default: switch ( (no value) throw( noexcept __unaligned __global __local __constant __generic __attribute__((address_space( __unsafe_unretained volatile __restrict NULL TYPE _Complex __vector __pixel __vector __bool __vector __attribute__((neon_vector_type( __attribute__((neon_polyvector_type( __attribute__((__vector_size__( * sizeof( typeof typeof( decltype( __underlying_type( anonymous (anonymous namespace):: __kindof __ptr32 __ptr64 __sptr __uptr _Nonnull _Nullable _Null_unspecified type-parameter- decltype(auto) __auto_type read_only write_only _Atomic( __attribute__((ext_vector_type( __attribute__((ns_consumed)) __attribute__((pcs("aapcs"))) __attribute__((pcs("aapcs-vfp"))) __attribute__((regparm ( __attribute__(( address_space( __vector_size__( neon_vector_type( neon_polyvector_type( regparm( objc_gc( objc_ownership( autoreleasing noreturn fastcall stdcall thiscall swiftcall vectorcall sysv_abi regcall inteloclbicc preserve_most preserve_all VFTable indices for -- accessible via vbtable index vfptr at offset Construction vtable for (' Vtable for ' entries). vcall_offset ( vbase_offset ( offset_to_top ( [pure] [deleted] [return adjustment: non-virtual vbase offset offset [this adjustment: vcall offset offset () [complete] () [deleting] [unused] -- ( ) vtable address -- Virtual base offset offsets for ' Thunks for ' return adjustment: this adjustment: VTable indices for ' VFTable for () [scalar deleting] [return adjustment (to type ' vbptr at offset vbase # non-virtual] [this adjustment: vtordisp at vbptr at to the left, vboffset at in the vbtable, comments::Token Kind= .framework/ .system_framework Headers/ Frameworks/ PrivateHeaders/ MacroInfo builtin disabled allow_redefinitions_without_warning warn_if_unused header_guard #define <macro> DefMacroDirective UndefMacroDirective VisibilityMacroDirective from_pch Modules: Headers: .Private MacroState ambiguous overrides ModuleMacro active overridden endregion push_macro pop_macro system_header dependency diagnostic __debug arc_cf_code_audited assume_nonnull FENV_ACCESS CX_LIMITED_RANGE include_alias [StartOfLine] [LeadingSpace] [ExpandDisabled] [UnClean=' MACRO: *** Preprocessor Stats: directives found: #define. #undef. #include/#include_next/#import: source files entered. max include stack depth #if/#ifndef/#ifdef. #else/#elif. #endif. #pragma. #if/#ifndef#ifdef regions skipped obj/fn/builtin macros expanded, on the fast path. token paste (##) operations performed, Preprocessor Memory: B total BumpPtr: Macro Expanded Tokens: Predefines Buffer: Macros: #pragma push_macro Info: Poison Reasons: Comment Handlers: Header Map <can't format argument> *** File Manager Stats: real files found, real dirs found. virtual files found, virtual dirs found. dir lookups, dir cache misses. file lookups, file cache misses. <null selector> framework module [system] [extern_c] requires umbrella header " umbrella " config_macros [exhaustive] header " export conflict module * { export * <invalid loc> <invalid> <Spelling= *** Source Manager Stats: files mapped, mem buffers mapped. local SLocEntry's allocated ( bytes of capacity), B of Sloc address space used. loaded SLocEntries allocated, bytes of files mapped, files with line #'s computed, files with macro args computed. FileID scans: linear, binary. SLocEntry <FileID <SourceLocation covers <FileID included from contents overridden contents from spelling from macro range < aapcs16 aapcs-linux +neonfp -neonfp __attribute__((__ +fp64-denormals {st(1)} __OPENCL64__ version 4.0.0 { 'version': 0, 'case-sensitive': ' 'use-external-names': ' 'overlay-relative': ' 'ignore-non-existent-contents': ' 'roots': [ 'type': 'directory', 'name': " 'contents': [ 'type': 'file', 'external-contents': " Success End of File No coverage data found Unsupported coverage format version Truncated coverage data Malformed coverage data Map Name: Value: Value: [null] [null] Metadata: slot = Metadata: function = WARNING: Internalize couldn't load file ' '! Continuing as if it's empty. WARNING: BlockExtractor couldn't load file ' align all-ones :c}@plt int3 int3 int3 : Import Error renaming module irce: looking at loop irce: loop has inductive range checks: InductiveRangeCheck: Kind: Offset: Scale: Length: CheckUse: Operand: irce: in function constrained ExpressionTypeVariable, variable = ExpressionTypeConstant, constant = etype = opcode = ExpressionTypeBasic, operands = { ExpressionTypeCall, represents call at ExpressionTypeLoad, represents Load at with DefiningAccess ExpressionTypeStore, represents Store at ExpressionTypeAggregateValue, , intoperands = { ExpressionTypePhi, Base Pairs: (w/Relocation) derived Live Variables: Safepoint For: Number live values: Base Pairs (w/o Relocation): Unrecognized instrumentation profile encoding format Invalid instrumentation profile data (bad magic) Invalid instrumentation profile data (file header is corrupt) Unsupported instrumentation profile format version Unsupported instrumentation profile hash type Too much profile data Truncated profile data Malformed instrumentation profile data No profile data available for function Function control flow change detected (hash mismatch) Function basic block count change detected (counter mismatch) Counter overflow Function value site count change detected (counter mismatch) Failed to compress data (zlib) Failed to uncompress data (zlib) Empty raw profile file __profn_ , calls: sampled lines Samples collected in the function's body { No samples collected in the function's body Samples collected in inlined callsites { : inlined callee: No inlined callsites in this function Invalid sample profile data (bad magic) Unsupported sample profile format version Malformed sample profile data Unrecognized sample profile encoding format Profile encoding format unsupported for writing operations Truncated function name table Unimplemented feature Function: Unexpected end of memory buffer: Unexpected file type: Unexpected version: .repack ------- Dumping inliner stats for [ ] ------- -- List of inlined functions: Inlined function [ : #inlines = , #inlines_to_importing_module = -- Summary: All functions: , imported functions: = MemoryDef( = MemoryPhi( MemoryUse( MemorySSA for function: AliasSet[ alias, No access Ref Mod Mod/Ref [volatile] forwarding to Pointers: Unknown instructions: Alias Set Tracker: alias sets for pointer values. Alias sets for function ' Cached assumptions for function: BlockFrequencyInfo::view is only available in debug builds on systems with Graphviz or gv! Printing analysis results of BFI for function ---- Branch Probabilities ---- Printing analysis results of BPI for function Writing ' error opening file for writing! |<s64>truncated... Clearing all analysis results for: Invalidating all non-preserved analyses for: Invalidating analysis: Running analysis: Starting CGSCC pass manager run. Running pass: Finished CGSCC pass manager run. Deleting outgoing edge from ' Deleting internal edge from ' Enqueuing the existing RefSCC in the update worklist: Enqueuing a new RefSCC in the update worklist: Switch outgoing call edge to a ref edge from ' Switch outgoing ref edge to a call edge from ' Switch an internal ref edge to a call edge from ' Enqueuing the existing SCC in the worklist: Enqueuing a newly earlier in post-order SCC: Enqueuing the existing SCC in the worklist: Enqueuing a newly formed SCC: CallGraph Root is: <<null function: 0x Call graph node for function: ' Call graph node <<null function>> >> #uses= > calls function ' external node No call graph has been built! Call Graph SCC Pass Manager Printing <null> Function callgraph Call graph external node Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of Cost Model: Unknown cost for instruction: Delinearization on function In Loop with Header: AccessFunction: failed to delinearize Base offset: ArrayDecl[UnknownSize] with elements of bytes. ArrayRef DemandedBits: 0x Empty Point is < Distance is Line is confused consistent splitable da analyze - da analyze - split level = , iteration = DIVERGENT: DIVERGENT: Dominator tree Post dominance root node domonly postdom Post dominator tree postdomonly DomFrontier for BB <<exit node>> DominanceFrontier for function: IV Users for loop with backedge-taken count (post-inc with loop Printing <null> User Printing the call graph for module: Edges in function: RefSCC with call SCCs: SCC with functions: [style=dashed,label="ref"] Comparing group ( Against group ( Run-time memory checks: Grouped accesses: High: Member: Memory dependences are safe with a maximum dependence distance of with run-time checks Report: Dependences: Too many dependences, not recorded Store to invariant address was found in loop. SCEV assumptions: Expressions re-written: Loop access info in function ' Printing <null> block Loop Pass Manager Starting pass manager run. Finished in block from: The following are dereferenceable: (aligned) (unaligned) Compile unit: unknown-language( Subprogram: Global variable: unknown-encoding( unknown-tag( (identifier: ' PHITransAddr contains extra instructions: InstInput # PostDominatorTree for function: Functions in with hot/cold annotations: :hot entry :cold entry Region tree: End region tree Region Tree for function: <deleted> Region Pass Manager Printing <null> Block Region Graph Not implemented constraint=false colorscheme = "paired12" label = ""; style = filled; color = style = solid; regonly (trunc alignof( offsetof( ***COULDNOTCOMPUTE*** Classifying expressions for: --> Exits: <<Unknown>> LoopDispositions: { Determining loop execution counts for: Equal predicate: Added Flags: <multiple exits> backedge-taken count is Unpredictable backedge-taken count. max backedge-taken count is , actual taken count either this or zero. Unpredictable max backedge-taken count. Predicated backedge-taken count is Predicates: Unpredictable predicated backedge-taken count. pointers, call sites PartialAlias MustAlias ===== Alias Analysis Evaluator Report ===== Alias Analysis Evaluator Summary: No pointers! Total Alias Queries Performed no alias responses may alias responses partial alias responses must alias responses Alias Analysis Evaluator Pointer Alias Summary: Alias Analysis Mod/Ref Evaluator Summary: no mod/ref! Total ModRef Queries Performed no mod/ref responses mod responses ref responses mod & ref responses Alias Analysis Evaluator Mod/Ref Summary: : Ptr: ------------------------------------------------------------- Interval Contents: Interval Predecessors: Interval Successors: No object file for requested architecture The file was not recognized as a valid object file Invalid data was encountered while parsing the file The end of the file was unexpectedly encountered String table must end with a null terminator Invalid section index Bitcode section not found in object file Invalid symbol index .mbs2_asm remaining size of archive too small for next archive member header offset to next archive member past the end of the archive after member parsed instruction: [ .endmacro byte ptr word ptr dword ptr qword ptr xword ptr xmmword ptr ymmword ptr invalid hexadecimal floating-point constant: expected at least one significand digit invalid hexadecimal floating-point constant: expected exponent part 'p' invalid hexadecimal floating-point constant: expected at least one exponent digit unterminated comment invalid binary number invalid hexadecimal number unterminated single quote single quote way too long unterminated string constant invalid character in input Corrupted bitcode .cfi_startproc simple .cfi_endproc .syntax unified .subsections_via_symbols .linker_option " .data_region .data_region jt8 .data_region jt16 .data_region jt32 .end_data_region .watchos_version_min .tvos_version_min .ios_version_min .macosx_version_min .thumb_func .weakref .type function gnu_indirect_function tls_object no_type gnu_unique_object .hidden .indirect_symbol .internal .lazy_reference .local .no_dead_strip .symbol_resolver .alt_entry .private_extern .protected .reference .weak_definition .weak_def_can_be_hidden .def .endef .safeseh .secidx .secrel32 .size .comm .lcomm .zerofill .uleb128 .sleb128 .fill .p2align .p2alignw .p2alignl .balign .balignw .balignl .file .ident basic_block prologue_end epilogue_begin is_stmt discriminator .cv_file .cv_func_id .cv_inline_site_id within inlined_at .cv_loc .cv_linetable .cv_inline_linetable .cv_def_range .cv_stringtable .cv_filechecksums .cfi_sections .eh_frame , .debug_frame .debug_frame .cfi_def_cfa .cfi_def_cfa_offset .cfi_def_cfa_register .cfi_offset .cfi_personality .cfi_lsda .cfi_remember_state .cfi_restore_state .cfi_same_value .cfi_rel_offset .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset .cfi_escape .cfi_signal_frame .cfi_undefined .cfi_register .cfi_window_save .seh_proc .seh_endproc .seh_startchained .seh_endchained .seh_pushreg .seh_setframe .seh_stackalloc .seh_savereg .seh_savexmm .seh_pushframe .seh_endprologue .seh_handler , @unwind , @except .seh_handlerdata .intel_syntax noprefix .reloc encoding: [ fixup offset: , value: , kind: .bundle_align_mode .bundle_lock align_to_end .bundle_unlock <MCFixup Value: MCAlignFragment MCDataFragment MCCompactEncodedInstFragment MCFillFragment MCRelaxableFragment MCOrgFragment MCDwarfFragment MCDwarfCallFrameFragment MCLEBFragment MCSafeSEHFragment MCCVInlineLineTableFragment MCCVDefRangeTableFragment MCDummyFragment <MCFragment LayoutOrder: HasInstructions: BundlePadding: (emit nops) Alignment: ValueSize: MaxBytesToEmit: Contents:[ , Fixups:[ , AddrDelta: LineDelta: Signed: RangeStart: RangeEnd: <MCAssembler Sections:[ Symbols:[ , , Index: <MCOperand INVALID UNDEFINED <MCInst <MCInst # <MCSection Fragments:[ , .section one_only, discard, same_size, same_contents, associative, largest, newest, ,#alloc ,#execinstr ,#write ,#exclude init_array fini_array preinit_array progbits ,comdat ,unique, .subsection mach-o section specifier requires a segment whose length is between 1 and 16 characters mach-o section specifier requires a segment and section separated by a comma mach-o section specifier requires a section whose length is between 1 and 16 characters mach-o section specifier uses an unknown section type mach-o section specifier of type 'symbol_stubs' requires a size specifier mach-o section specifier has invalid attribute mach-o section specifier cannot have a stub size specified because it does not have type 'symbol_stubs' mach-o section specifier has a malformed stub size ' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor) ' is not a recognized feature for this target (ignoring feature) Available CPUs for this target: Available features for this target: Use +feature to enable a feature, or -feature to disable it. For example, llc -mcpu=mycpu -mattr=+feature1,-feature2 = comdat exactmatch largest noduplicates samesize = type ; Materializable ; Function Attrs: declare define section " prefix prologue personality !<unknown kind # <empty name> hidden protected dllimport dllexport webkit_jscc anyregcc preserve_mostcc preserve_allcc cxx_fast_tlscc x86_stdcallcc x86_fastcallcc x86_thiscallcc x86_regcallcc x86_vectorcallcc intel_ocl_bicc arm_apcscc arm_aapcscc arm_aapcs_vfpcc msp430_intrcc avr_intrcc avr_signalcc ptx_kernel ptx_device x86_64_sysvcc x86_64_win64cc spir_func spir_kernel swiftcc x86_intrcc hhvm_ccc amdgpu_vs amdgpu_gs amdgpu_ps amdgpu_cs amdgpu_kernel sideeffect alignstack inteldialect comdat <null operand!> ; uselistorder directives uselistorder ; ModuleID = ' source_filename = " target datalayout = " target triple = " module asm " attributes # distinct <temporary!> !DILocation( inlinedAt !DIExpression( !DIGlobalVariableExpression( !GenericDINode( operands: { !DISubrange( lowerBound !DIEnumerator( !DIBasicType( encoding !DIDerivedType( baseType extraData !DICompositeType( elements runtimeLang vtableHolder templateParams !DISubroutineType( !DIFile( checksumkind: !DICompileUnit( language isOptimized runtimeVersion emissionKind retainedTypes globals imports splitDebugInlining !DISubprogram( isLocal isDefinition scopeLine containingType virtuality virtualIndex thisAdjustment declaration variables !DILexicalBlock( !DILexicalBlockFile( discriminator !DINamespace( exportSymbols !DIModule( !DITemplateTypeParameter( !DITemplateValueParameter( !DIGlobalVariable( !DILocalVariable( !DIObjCProperty( attributes !DIImportedEntity( !DIMacro( !DIMacroFile( x86_fp80 ppc_fp128 metadata x86_mmx %"type addrspace( <badref> = musttail notail cleanup catch filter ] unwind to caller unwind to inalloca swifterror inbounds <unknown operation singlethread ; <label>: ; Error: Block without parent! No predecessors! preds = external addrspace( externally_initialized , section " thread_local(localdynamic) thread_local(initialexec) thread_local(localexec) <<NULL ALIASEE>> zeroinitializer inrange <placeholder or erroneous Constant> sanitize_address alwaysinline argmemonly builtin convergent swifterror swiftself inaccessiblememonly inaccessiblemem_or_argmemonly inalloca inlinehint jumptable minsize noalias nobuiltin nocapture noduplicate noimplicitfloat noinline nonlazybind nonnull noredzone norecurse nounwind optnone optsize readnone writeonly returned returns_twice signext sspstrong safestack sanitize_thread sanitize_memory uwtable zeroext allocsize( full-set empty-set Printing <null> Value : in function DominatorTree for function: Releasing pass ' Running pass ' on module ' basic block ' is not initialized. Verify if there is a pass dependency cycle. Required Passes: Error: Required pass not found! Possible causes: - Pass misconfiguration (e.g.: missing macros) - Corruption of the global PassRegistry Pass Arguments: ' is not preserving ' ' is the last user of following pass instances. Free these instances Executing Pass ' Made Modification ' Freeing Pass ' ' on BasicBlock ' ' on Function ' ' on Module ' ' on Region ' ' on Loop ' ' on Call Graph Nodes ' Analyses: Uninitialized Pass FunctionPass Manager ModulePass Manager BasicBlockPass Manager BISECT: running pass BISECT: running case ( BISECT: NOT running case ( Pass::print not implemented for pass: ' Basic Block in function ' ' does not have terminator! Multiple errors: Multiple errors Inconvertible error value. An error has occurred that could not be converted to a known std::error_code. Please file a bug. Number of memory regions: Bytes used: Bytes allocated: Bytes wasted: (includes alignment, etc) Recycler element size: Recycler element alignment: Number of elements free for recycling: : for the - option: (default: = *unknown option value* *no default* = *cannot print option value* : CommandLine Error: Option ' ' registered more than once! ' is all messed up! : Unknown command line argument ' '. Try: ' -help' : Did you mean '- : Not enough positional command line arguments specified! Must specify at least positional argument : See: - help : Too many positional arguments specified! Can specify at most positional arguments: See: -help This option category has no options. OVERVIEW: USAGE: [subcommand] [options] SUBCOMMAND ' SUBCOMMANDS: Type " <subcommand> -help" to get more help on a specific subcommand OPTIONS: LLVM (http://llvm.org/): version 4.0.0svn Optimized build Default target: Host CPU: LLVM ERROR: UNREACHABLE executed Error: Trying 'xdg-open' program... Running 'Graphviz' program... Running 'xdot.py' program... Running ' ' program... Running 'dotty' program... Error: Couldn't find a usable graph viewer program: Tried ' Remember to erase graph file: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu Program arguments: Child timed out but wouldn't die Child timed out Error waiting for child process Executable " " doesn't exist! 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UU 6 : UU n f UU UU 2 n UUUU : * z J Z j * " : j > b : z . UU UU Z B UU UU UU UU R N UU UU UU J UU & UU UU UU UU UU UU UU & . UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU v UU 6 " UU UU UU UU UU UU UU & . UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU J UU & UU UU UU UU UU UU UU & . UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU J UU & UU UU UU UU UU UU UU & . UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU v UU 6 " UU UU UU UU UU UU UU & . UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UUUU UU UU * UUUU UU UU V Z B UU UU UU J UU & UU UU UU UU UU UU UU & . UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU n UU & . UU UU UU UU v UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU * UU * UU & . UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UUUU UU UU Z B UU UU UU UUUU UU R Z v UU UU UU " UUUU UU UU R F N UU UU UU UU r z UU UU UU UU UU UU b UU : " UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU : UU UU R Z UU UU UU UUUU UU UU . 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B 0l h2 /fL yB F -!+f J( 1 J S (J4 --I j % M S *x *_ J | O, a* J J s UUUU !. j R"!; j J 4} M ; j 4 T* dh J "! 9e l Z-!+ R g S 4M "=c K s ]k +> UUUU ZU 4 j m ,!/ o % j"); -M F S(9 yVq := j j 8 : 4 W j " P M +_ J | Z )% ]~ J UUU a*9 j .e - f") j 0 '> k +$ a* S s ZUUU * 4) j B 4 ) a*9 J s ZUUU y Q := j j 8 3 4 W j M + +_ J | S( x De @ "=; eJ A I &! UUUU J &T*)/ jb. y x * jM g K b -& e a/ a* eK 1 a*9 ZU Z - jB / a* j" * - j " , Z - j : j"); * 2 ( '> -!; M C N ,aX - R *ch ZUUU J ) 9 ^U Z e j"0 O jr+J R"0; 5 * # -& s $ } jUUU J 9 jb a* a* * a* jB (> - -& jR : (m - RUU , - jB -& jR* ,m - RUU - - jB -& jR * -m - RUU " - jB -& jR : "m - RUU & - jB -& jR* &m - RUU . - jB , -& *B * .m - : J M g J s .UUU ; a* * ;$ a*9 j J s j 0 jR* a 4wVi` J) M4- - J s * -! q 6 C -!+ M s a*9 : Z -& jb ) a* *UU% J a* j * e - J a* j " eY - J a* jb : e) - J a* * 2 ei - F ZUU J - a*yW * \ * a* jB (> - -& jR* (m - RUU , - jB -& jR * ,m - RUU - - jB -& jR : -m - RUU " - jB -& jR* "m - RUU & - jB -& jR * &m - RUU . - jB , -& *B : .m - : J M g J s .UUU ; a* * ;$ a*9 j J s j 0 jR a 4wVi` J) M4- - J s * -! q 6 C -!+ M s a*9 : Z -& jb ) a* *UU% J a* j ( e - J a* j eY - J a* jb * e) - J a* * " ei - F ZUU J - +} a* j 2 + a* a*9 eK + a* *2 , a* * * c a* O ) a* j L ` * m j Ji J s , ,! * * a* O | ( a*) j -u - n R s j"); jb 2 '> Q > % $ -!; M C -e - UUUU U ( " - j + j"); *j '> <~ $ -!; M C N "e - * Jh ZUUU J U ^U Z - J - jb -& jr " -,K - RUU " J - jb -& *r 2 ",K - RUU > a*9 j " z M 3` } ! 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B 0l h2 /fL yB F -!+f J( S J S (J4 --I j % M S *x *_ J | O, a* J J s UUUU !. j R"!; j J 4} M ; j 4 T* dh J "! 9e l Z-!+ R g S 4M "=c K s ]k +> UUUU ZU 4 j m ,!/ o % j"); -M F S(9 yVq := j j 8 : 4 W j : P M +_ J | Z )% ]~ J UUU a*9 j .e - f") j + 0 '> k +$ a* S s ZUUU * 4) j B 4 ) a*9 J s ZUUU y Q := j j 8 3 4 W j M + +_ J | S( x De @ "=; eJ A I &! UUUU J &T*)/ jb y x * jM g K b -& e a/ a* eK 1 a*9 ZU Z - jB * / a* j" " - j : , Z - j : j"); * + ( '> -!; M C N ,aX - R *ch ZUUU J ) 9 ^U Z e j"0 O jr C R"0; 5 * # -& s $ } jUUU J 9 jb a* a* * a* jB (> - -& jR 2 (m - RUU , - jB* -& jR ,m - RUU - - jB -& jR " -m - RUU " - jB -& jR 2 "m - RUU & - jB* -& jR &m - RUU . - jB , -& *B " .m - : J M g J s .UUU ; a* * ;$ a*9 j J s j 0 jR a 4wVi` J) M4- - J s * -! q 6 C -!+ M s a*9 : Z -& jb ) a* *UU% J a* j ( e - J a* j eY - J a* jb * e) - J a* * " ei - F ZUU J - a*yW * \ * a* jB (> - -& jR * (m - RUU , - jB -& jR : ,m - RUU - - jB -& jR* -m - RUU " - jB -& jR * "m - RUU & - jB -& jR : &m - RUU . - jB , -& *B* .m - : J M g J s .UUU ; a* * * ;$ a*9 j J s j 0 jR* a 4wVi` J) M4- - J s * -! q 6 C -!+ M s a*9 : Z -& jb ) a* *UU% J a* j * e - J a* j " eY - J a* jb : e) - J a* * 2 ei - F ZUU J - +} a* j + a* a*9 eK + a* *2 * , a* * c a* O ) a* j L ` * m j Ji J s , ,! * a* O ( a*) j + -u - n R s j"); jb '> Q > % $ -!; M C -e - UUUU U ( " - j j"); *j " '> <~ $ -!; M C N "e - * Jh ZUUU J U ^U Z - J - jb -& jr : -,K - RUU " J - jb -& *r* ",K - RUU > a*9 j : z M 3` } ! 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J s a* c ' s * E ; R * R f * :( *- 3 * -&{W * j 0 j" r] 'f$ &h * Z#0 Q A V C( + U ( j 0 . G J - J * U [ i - jb+ 8 h"0 o hh : M I A V * -! 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J G V < J - *o 0 R"0; l Z < * U - jb ' 0 ~) j " 0 `+- n + : *9 eK a - I Ji J s J a* * : e - ] " % a*) `KCR CUU M ; j a a* >k ZU J s $ j -!g < H() s Jh W aX I l -!g U jB e #1 ) [F . a* U JB N "9 +Q !0 aK 49 UU ZUUU 4 O * * 4 * * JUUU $ 6 L j" M <k e < ; J s a82j"! * Q L I e -!; UUUuUUU + J - j * L *i a*9 u -!; * a*y a* O * M * $ Z"0{W $ M * "> ZUUU a* * b a*yW ; j" a*9 z ">; j m a*= m #> j a( b#> - Jh m #= Q G V . J - j *i jUUU s Z m 8f*) ( j"( ch "> M l m !=' J !&; uK J j a f*) ( j mH "> M l a !=' J !&; uK J j d*)# * R"0{( Ji J - M * ; a*9 * L ' j 8 #= J !&; uK 8 M Ji J s JUUU f*) ( * 8><`M K < m a* P s PUU a L * X a* 8 M ; * 8 -& * $ w)9 h JUUU *M s -& * Jv) ! hh M O l M * M {W VUUU a*9 * M j" " 0 j * rK ( *-! : + J - a* j" * - Z L ' j 2 2 -YI + + - J s a* . a*9 rK UUUUU * 0 g s # " { ; F 8 K n $ P C r b 7 % ) U U U U z b UU UUUUUUUU " UU UU UUUU UU UU f UU " * UU UU UU UU UU UU J r f n UU UU j UU UU UUUU UU UU b UU : " UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU . UUUU : j : a*)K j * #J j " , g uB J * < -! * * j G tB V ,!'o Jhy a* O J s * a* j ( X L ' j X L ; o r := j j ) - j" *i0 * * Z ' 8 R S ) < - I j -E J / a*9 J s ! ; -) c A ; J s ^ * ; * R N * lx k # g n ; HB N # R , * ` & , > a*9 -K @ f j" e9 f 0 ( f c f c f J s $ 0 J(9 J( * + Z *G(9 n : *G( J s j"0 jr * , -yI + +m - J s J a* * " a*9 rK j"0 j : -yI + + - J s Z a* * 2 a*9 rK 3 ' * * $ a* J -5I J s ! $ --I- mi J S 3 j"+ J/ % n # ) C( J s a* a* * a*yW a* j" j j 0 j 2 z r] +z * j N j 0 J | Z r] +z : j g y> j 0 J | r] ? 8 - z * * n Z s a* j * a*9 j * a* * $ -! j a*Q J J s a* * a*9 * j"0 * -yI Ji a* J s a* J ! a*9 J s a* j ` - * M / jr( 2l a* ]z+ bK{ 3 ' jb j#0 q + -& J l j 0 .(y q g"0 ftK a*9 Z * U E [ - j m ~) p 6 < j"!' I { V , C( h D e 3 a*9 MK .!; B * q< - j" k *-9 J < - jb * -&+ -` j v s U Z + - j 2 , ~) b D + - IMK --I Ji J s , - j") z j "9 b H s a* j ` - | " a*9 eKCR : -! * &![ rUU k & L j M j" ,+ M ; U a* j" j -!g % &0 b m !1' A l L /v l u : L /vL IB M G ZU 0 L # j 2 L j M vT l Z#1 lh c S U s S ; U ZUUU ; J(! j Jh / j jE( M l ? h *V e < "9 M aB -!; U : a*-O j2 2 -& y + + - H s :2 )- ] n c x 4 U s n ; UUU * M ' * ** ' !>; U l a* O TUUU ^UUU -& n * *) a* OI l jUUU M ; * ?2 H( n *j R U a*9 * -!; * a*y / a*9 * a* O M * Z"0{W M * "> ZUUU 8 a* * ; a*yW a* * /=?2 a* bl( "# 3 eKCR 1 a*yW J a* j ( J4 - I Ji J s a* - * - I Ji J s 0 b ; * V O PUU a* * % - I- Ji J U a* j < - I Ji J s J a* - * " J4 - I Ji J s L b ; * Z V O PUU -& jb w)9 - j JF * !>+/ jb | a* UUU a* j i y^ "> j" a*= ` "> j M j 5. J - J G !&; Z 8 f*) ( jB O "> * M l 8 !=' J !&; uK J j y f*) ( jB x^ "> *O M l y !=' J !&; uK J j < f*) ( jB 9O "> *_ M l < !=' J !&; uK J j f*) ( * < a*) L ' j ) } R"0GO8 *bh . - l !&; - J R s JUUU f*) ( j } 0 L ' Uh k W"0 ^ .< - # | M ; l * JUUU * f*) ( * gM K W XUU J + -& * mM bi J S J a* * 82 -&/ * Z ] *m( #> U M {W ^UUU Z a* * 82 -&+ * J ] *o( M ; U l ZUUU+ 8 j"0 O j R"0; J : #&; uK * 9<c*) ( * M ; -& O * M * ( M {W VUUU a*9 * * M j2 * ;0 a* j * rK ( *-! * " > *-9 + bK a* j" * - Z L ' j 2 2 -YI + + - J s a* . a*9 rK UUUUU * 0 g s # " { ; F 8 K n $ P C r b 7 % ) U U U U Z b UU UUUUUUUU " UU UU UUUU UU UU f UU " * UU UU UU UU UU UU J r f n UU UU j UU UU UUUU UU UU b UU : " UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU n UUUU J : a*)K j * #J j " , g uB J * < -! * * j G tB V ,!'o Jhy a* O J s s * a* j ( X L ' j X L ; m r := j j ) J - j 8 * * XW k J S ) K4 - I jb -E J a* J s y A - J c A ; J s * ; - R j E K { ; s *c c O s E ; * f * , f - & L c N f R # j"0 j"+ -yI , + + - J s J a*9 (a - j"0 j : -yI + + - J s Z a* * 2 a*9 rK 3 ' * a* O 3 *: " J/ J) 3 % C( J s m a*yW * j 0 *2 * r] +z j j 0 J | r] +z j g ] ; J | e a*9 * &j0 "! j ) !#! f VJ ) 2 eKfR : "! ) JiRc a* ]J s % a*9 a* * a* : ki ~ a*9 J s a* j" : - jR M ; j M j + }y6c - a 3 j < Z"! ) Jh a j 0 . J G V < J - *o 0 R"0; l Z 2 * U - jb % 0 ~) j " 0 `+- n + : *9 eK a - I Ji J s J a* * : e - ] " % a*) `KCR CUU M ; j a a* >k ZU J s $ j -!g < H() s Jh W aX I l -!g U jB e #1 ) [F . a* U JB N "9 +Q !0 aK 49 UU ZUUU 4 O * * 4 * * JUUU $ 6 L j" M <k e < ; J s a82j"! * Q L I e -!; UUUuUUU + J - j * L *i a*9 u -!; * a*y a* O * M * $ Z"0{W $ M * "> ZUUU a* * b a*yW ; j" a*9 z ">; j m a*= m #> j a( b#> - Jh m #= Q G V . J - j *i jUUU s Z m 8f*); j"( j4 -7 / 8 o * L ' U ^ m R"0GO Jh s. - s !&; J f*); j mH4 "> M l a !=' J Q < ,7 .sK a a*9 Z d*)# * -7 1( Ji J - M * ; a*9 * L ' j 8 #= J !&; uK 8 M Ji J s JUUU f*); * -7 <9 a* P l PUU a L * X a* 8 M ; * 8 -& * $ w)9 h JUUU *M s -& * Jv) ! hh M O l M * M {W VUUU a*9 * M j" " 0 j * rK ( *-! : + J - a* j" * - Z L ' j 2 2 -YI + + - J s a* . a*9 rK UUUUU * 0 g s # " { ; F 8 K n $ P C r b 7 % ) U U U U z b UU UUUUUUUU " UU UU UUUU UU UU f UU " * UU UU UU UU UU UU J r f n UU UU j UU UU UUUU UU UU b UU : " UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU . UUUU : j : a*)K j * #J j " , g uB J * < -! * * j G tB V ,!'o Jhy a* O J s * a* j ( X L ' j X L ; o r := j j ) - j" *i0 * * Z ' 8 R S ) < - I j -E J / a*9 J s ! ; -) c A ; J s ^ * ; * R N * lx k # g n ; HB N # R , * ` & , > a*9 -K @ f j" e9 f 0 ( f c f c f J s $ 0 J(9 J( * + Z *G(9 n : *G( J s j"0 jr * , -yI + +m - J s J a* * " a*9 rK j"0 j : -yI + + - J s Z a* * 2 a*9 rK 3 ' * * $ a* J -5I J s ! $ --I- mi J S 3 j"+ J/ % n # ) C( J s a* a* * a*yW a* j" j j 0 j 2 z r] +z * j N j 0 J | Z r] +z : j g y> j 0 J | r] ? 8 - z * * n Z s a* j * a*9 j * a* * $ -! j a*Q J J s a* * a*9 * j"0 * -yI Ji a* J s a* J ! a*9 J s a* j ` - * M / jr( 2l a* ]z+ bK{ 3 ' jb j#0 q + -& J l j 0 .(y q g"0 ftK a*9 Z * U E [ - j m ~) p 6 < j"!' I { V , C( h D e 3 a*9 MK .!; B * q< - j" k *-9 J < - jb * -&+ -` j v s U Z + - j 2 , ~) b D + - IMK --I Ji J s , - j") z j "9 b H s a* j ` - | " a*9 eKCR : -! * &![ rUU k & L j M j" ,+ M ; U a* j" j -!g % &0 b m !1' A l L /v l u : L /vL IB M G ZU 0 L # j 2 L j M vT l Z#1 lh c S U s S ; U ZUUU ; J(! j Jh / j jE( M l ? h *V e < "9 M aB -!; U : a*-O j2 2 -& y + + - H s :2 )- ] n c x 4 U s n ; UUU * M ' * ** ' !>; U l a* O TUUU ^UUU -& n * *) a* OI l jUUU M ; * ?2 H( n *j R U a*9 * -!; * a*y / a*9 * a* O M * Z"0{W M * "> ZUUU 8 a* * ; a*yW a* * /=?2 a* bl( "# 3 eKCR 1 a*yW J a* j ( J4 - I Ji J s a* - * - I Ji J s 0 b ; * V O PUU a* * % - I- Ji J U a* j < - I Ji J s J a* - * " J4 - I Ji J s L b ; * Z V O PUU -& jb w)9 - j JF * !>+/ jb | a* UUU a* j i y^ "> j" a*= ` "> j M j 5. J - J G !&; Z f*); jB O "> * M l 8 !=' J a !&; uK 8 ,79 Z 8 f*); jB x^ "> *O M l y !=' J a !&; uK y ,79 Z f*); jB 9O "> *_ M l < !=' J Q ,7 .sK | a*9 Z < f*); * -7) } L ' j ) } R"0GO8 *bh 7. - l !&; d*) j ~ 0 L ' Uh k z R"0 ^ . - *! E M k M 8 a*9 TUUU J ( f*); * -7 0 XUU R + -& * mM bi J S J a* * 82 -&/ * Z ] *m( #> U M {W ^UUU Z a* * 82 -&+ * J ] *o( M ; U l ZUUU+ 8 j"0 O j R"0; J : #&; uK * 9<f*); * z +79 -& O * M * ( M {W VUUU a*9 * * M j2 * ;0 a* j * rK ( *-! * " > *-9 + bK a* j" * - Z L ' j 2 2 -YI + + - J s a* . a*9 rK UUUUU * 0 g s # " { ; F 8 K n $ P C r b 7 % ) U U U U - - F, * UUUU : j * Z J z . B UU UU UU UU UU v UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU * UU * UU & . UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU v UU 6 " UU UU UU UU UU UU UU & . UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU Z B UU UU UU UU UU Z B UU UU UU UU R Z v UU UU UU UU r z UU UU UU UU UU UU & UU UU V Z B UU UU UU " UU UU V Z B UU UU UU J UU & UU UU UU UU UU UU UU & . UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU J UU & UU UU UU UU UU UU UU & . UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU J UU & UU UU UU UU UU UU UU & . UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU J UU & UU UU UU UU UU UU UU & . UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU b UU : " UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU : UU UU R Z UU UU UU UUUU UU UU UUUU : j * Z J z . 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( - j : a* j ,_ - u [n") j ^ '> !H k * 4 Q s 4- a*9 UUUU eVq := j j 8 uM 4 W j M + X +_ J | M S( *d DU J M cJ A 4 -& UUUU U ( , - jr " -u - j * a*9 4 j"); j } '> H k * 4 Q s ZUUU eVq := j j 8 uM 4 W j M + X +_ J | M S( *d DU J M cJ A 4 -& UUUU U ( -} - jb 2 a*9 R s a* * - a* g -& jb -!; -p j VUU JF 0 -!; * ' * - j2 * j"0 Jhd 5 a*9 eK^R j -& * < *9 a B#'</ - I s a* U U 4M -! jb ' - e J s 49 jb " '<O - j a* * : a*yW a* * J -! jb( ' - 4 4! jb '<_ J - j a* *" * M * LUU % L ; jb * a* a* * " a* g @ > a* j 2 a* # a* J s a*9 a*9 * + a*= * &E - j j"0; -& * *9 A B V r - I s & - Im ri Z% J - U a* O * -! j & - J 4! j : & V J - s a*9 U C N VUU ! x jb r 9 jB/ a* a* * $Y - jb a* 2 g # & a* J s 6 a*9 J -& jr/ $ - RUU - jb J -& jr * - RUU ! - jb J -& jr : ! - RUU , - jb J -& jr/ , - RUU - - jb J -& jr * - - RUU " - j " a*9 " a* j : * A - * 2 : a*yW \ * $ - jb S a* u J s J -& jr * $ - RUU - jb J -& jr : - RUU ! - jb J -& jr/ ! - RUU , - jb J -& jr * , - RUU - - jb J -& jr : - - RUU a*9 j 2 a* a* j ( 8^ a*9 y~ a* j2 Z a* j * " E - . a* J s v a* Ji J s " a* j " * A - j : z a*9 a* j2 2 a* j a* " # :U a* J s V a*9 a* * a* * [A a* O + a* j 5 L ` * E j 9 ,! 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L * \ C \ {WQ s 8 L j" ( - I = , - J s \ * * # c] : R s ( - * a*9 r UUUUUUUU UUUUUUUU UUUUUUUU UUUUUUUU z n UUUU & UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU > UU UU b UU : " UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UUUU UU UU UUUU UUUU * ij a* j + - t R s * a* j : a* * a* * 8 a* L ** / - Jh J U a* * a* Ji J s a* * = a*yW L ; j" / - I J( bK / - *" * j P 1 2 -YI b ; L # Q s L ; : y. a* R s a*yK j z a* O * * - j2 UUUUUUU L * ; L ; * $ L U l kM R U a* * $ a* Ji J s -&{K j j a* O * -&; j2 - UUUUUUUUU g L j * L ; * C ' $ L U l | kM L ; * -&{K j j a* O * B -&; j2 - UUUUUUUUU g L j 2 L ; * C ' $ L U l | kM L ; * B -&{K j j a* O * -&; j2 - UUUUUUUUU g L j * L ; * C ' $ L U l | kM L ; * -&{K j j a* O * -&; j2 - UUUUUUUUU g L j : L ; * C ' $ L U l | kM L ; * f72 : * L ; * 2 ) - oh J # . a* * j -& O * J a* * , L * J 4 \ C I 0 \ {WQ s e L j" ( - I .L = , - J s 4 \ * #K c] :y R s ( - * * a*9 F UUUUUUUU z n UUUU F & UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU b UU : " UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UUUU UUUU * , a* * * - *v R"0 N b a* U *vi J ) U L / j" / - L * 6 L (h : a* P s WUU a*9 j + - * M * UUU L ; j / - L *"+ ' : L .e a* R s : j"0 O j "0 rK ) - j" L >( k < L ; U l L " ; 2 L C : Z )y - R s R UUUUUUUU UUUUUU UUUU . UU UU f UU " * UU UU UU UU UU UU j UUUU UU UU UUUU UU UU b UU : " UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UUUU UUUU a*9 j + - L ' j 2 -YI + * - J s : a*) * Z * j * O * X L j" ( - " n x' + M J.J i a*9 a* * a*9 + - j L / * > > a* J s $*8kM Ji J s L ; *2+ ) - G QUU J - a*9 b UUUUUUUU UU UUUU . UU UU f UU " * UU UU UU UU UU UU j UUUU UU UU UUUU UU UU b UU : " UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UUUU UUUU a*9 j + - L ' j" 2 -YI + * - J s z a*) * Z . X L j" ( - m J s a* * : a*) j") O * a* * f a* i J s + j - j * L %(6 a* U s > M Ji J s z L ; *2 : ) - * F PUU J - (< L ; * -& O * a* / j + - * oh ) a*9 JJB N (< L {W * M * # a* g ^UUU a* * f a* i J s + j - j * L %(6 a* U s > M Ji J s z L ; *2( ) - * F PUU J - (< L ; * -& O * * a* / j + - i*< L * M ; ) * - * 2 a*9 b UUUUUUUU UU UUUU . UU UU f UU " * UU UU UU UU UU UU j UUUU UU UU UUUU UU UU b UU : " UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UUUU UUUU a*9 j + - L ' j" 2 -YI + * - J s z a*) * Z . X L j" ( - m J s a* * : a*) j") O * a* * f a* i J s + j - j * L %(6 a* U s > M Ji J s z L ; *2 : ) - * F PUU J - (< L ; * -& O * a* / j + - * oh ) a*9 JJB N (< L {W * M * # a* g ^UUU a* * f a* i J s + j - j * L %(6 a* U s > M Ji J s z L ; *2( ) - * F PUU J - (< L ; * -& O * * a* / j + - i*< L * M ; ) * - * 2 a*9 b UUUUUUUU UU UUUU . UU UU f UU " * UU UU UU UU UU UU j UU UU UUUU UU UU b UU : " UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UUUU UUUU a*9 j" + - L ' j 2 -YI J) * - J s : a*) * Z L ; *" ( - *nh J J # , -! j * - " 9 : #. s < *i `6 re " J + : % j ZUUU * , - j" *%/ h ,!; M s *j ,!k n S ,8- *-/je aUU q jj-! QU um * / j / Y a* I l)s iji M / l v 8 #. k s & - R s L ' U . L j" : ) - *a W"0 ^ <ae] I g -8 ">; ue"D L . * - j a % ( e # 4 U d a*9 ZUUU j - j i 0 L ' j" ) J - *e R"0; N J . - j j - j j0 - I Ji J s : L ' j : ) J - *{ R"0; N J . * - j " l() ( * c M ( :gi J - #& . * * g&)K i [ *1 me J M 4 j"); U s * i M j ( 4 L c $m = 8-M O U l ] 2 C L g U s}U a*9 UUkTUU J L # j" ) - R *i Z R"0 a*9 TUUU J . : - j j a* j J L ' j : ) J - . : - j j a* j h <O L ' j ) J - 6 L ; U l M ; jB #& j 1 me F ^ . > - b * R s c*) ( * M NUU a* O * a 3 j j0 u) * a* * : ) J - a*9 a* j + - J & ! J s j a* Ji J s L ; ) - R r 2 UUUUUUUU UU UUUU . UU UU f UU " * UU UU UU UU UU UU j UU UU UUUU UU UU b UU : " UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UUUU UUUU j * a* j + - L ' j , 2 -YI J) * - J s L # ) > a*9 JJB N ( - j" * j - j" * - j" * * - j [ a* j * a*9 j" " a* j" : a* * 2 : a*) Z a* * ) - I Ji - a*yW J s a* j + $ - I Ji J s a* - * , - I Ji J s " b ; * V O PUU a* j a*) * J a* j2 - I r Ji JT $& *i j < hI" Z j+$ ue a I j * ] *h c & !. me s 9 UUU a* j * ( )= j M ' Q > * l * *)/ j * a* J / a* * ; a* J s P a* J c a* J s a*9 : a* j " a* D -&+/ J s : v) a*9 U s a* jb * a* j" 1 ` - * " a*9 eKCR *) j * U j$)'/ *N ( j - J | iv - j * . *n L ' M A _ L ; VUUU + - j i , L ; j " ) - *MF > ,! aKfR !&; a* jb : a* j" 2 a* j * a* j j"0 O j R"0; J J rK l() ( j _ M ( I ; s 4 ` ; ; a o S :: ,! aKfR a*u x L ' j a*9 bY M ; uKy UUU L ' * a*) xUU^UUU + a* * - I b a a*) P s a* * Lm a* t J s 0 6 L ' j y 0 L ' U b "= R G F J M p,l g e a* U lUU } M ; UU ZUUU < L ; j ( ) - :0m] U l s L 7 ki G ? 8 L G U lUU < L ; UU . - j !&; ] .L ' a*9 U l ZUUU * a* j j L ' j" " ) J - *y R"0; N J . - j * a* j L ' j") ) J - . - j * a* j 3< L ' j" " ) J - * { a*) Q l g i( J( W - #& Q l j % .a - j M ; 8k() ( * M sUU a*yW * a*9 * a* j . * a* O * a* O * a* j -& j ( a* Z < -&' * R \ .8 *jh o *] {WQ F J *UUU a* O * a* j * -& j a* Z < -&' * R \ .0 j ] ; U l J *UUU L ' j }/ a* L ; *" 2 ) - a*9 a* j" + - J ! 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J s j a* Ji J s L ; : ) - B UUUUUUUU UUUUUU UUUU . UU UU f UU " * UU UU UU UU UU UU j UUUU UU UU UUUU UU UU b UU : " UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UUUU UUUU z : a* j" + - 2 L ' j 2 -YI J) 3* - J s a*9 : a*) * Z L j" (, - 0 a* O * , -! j" * - *^ # ; Z2 s = a*9 *)/ * 3 a*9 Z% a* * a* 1 2 * a* O q "? * -&w H ZUUU J s q * P * 4 4M R @ wl =M l ql 4% - JhqS !3 iJ s {)9 + . - j" : ,!' r + a* J s H L c a*9 J s I L ; - j L ; * " ) - * F @UU J + L {W * ^ a*9 * -& O * a* jb* + - l"! j / a* 6 h *: rK M ; * , * o[ j"0 O a* * a* i z a*9 J s + : - j ( a* : ] |/0 M J s 2 a* z a*9 J l L ; *2 ) - *(F PUU J - : L ; * !.; * m a* O a* / j + - m L # * 2 a*9 Z rK a*9 B b " UUUUUUUU UU UUUU . UU UU f UU " * UU UU UU UU UU UU j UUUU UU UU UUUU UU UU b UU : " UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UUUU UUUU : : a* j" + - L ' j 2 -YI J) * - J s : a*) * Z L ; *" ( - *nh J J # j -!; *b * z - J * ? 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Block's instance name does not match. ~sep~ gl_mali 0 1 2 3 f 4 h h h h F 5 H P Q j X Y j Z j j V ` a k b k k X c k k X k X X ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( UNKNOWN BASE CCTX CDBG CDEPS CDSB CFRAME CINSTR CMAR CMATH CMEM COBJ CPOM CSTATE CUTILS EGL GLES CL COMP GPU OSU STDLIB UMP VG CMEMBASEALLOC VK VKPPLCACHE GFX GFXPROG HAL CLPOM `EGL_ANDROID_image_native_buffer EGL_ANDROID_recordable EGL_ANDROID_native_fence_sync EGL_ANDROID_framebuffer_target EGL_ANDROID_image_crop EGL_ANDROID_blob_cache EGL_KHR_partial_update EGL_KHR_mutable_render_buffer @ ? ? ? ? b c d e # GLSL.std.450 main 6 main ! 6 8 @ADEPQTU CBGFSRWV LMHI\]XY ONKJ_^[Z0145 !$%pqtu`ade3276#"'&srwvcbgf<=89,-()|}xylmhi?>;:/.+*~{zonkj ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! @ ! @ 0 ! @ ! @ @ ! @ ! @ ! ! ! @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! @ @ @ ` @ A " # " # " # & ' & ' & ' & ' & ' $ % $ % @ADEPQTU CBGFSRWV LMHI\]XY ONKJ_^[Z0145 !$%pqtu`ade3276#"'&srwvcbgf<=89,-()|}xylmhi?>;:/.+*~{zonkj @ADEPQTU CBGFSRWV LMHI\]XY ONKJ_^[Z0145 !$%pqtu`ade3276#"'&srwvcbgf<=89,-()|}xylmhi?>;:/.+*~{zonkj @ @ @ @ ` ` P p P 0 0 p p P P p 0 ` 0 ` @ @ @ d precision highp int; precision highp float; uniform OUTPUT_TYPE color; layout(location = RT_INDEX) out OUTPUT_TYPE fragColor; void main() { fragColor = color; } precision highp int; precision highp float; uniform OUTPUT_TYPE color; layout(yuv) out OUTPUT_TYPE fragColor; void main() { fragColor = color; } #version 310 es #extension GL_OES_sample_variables : enable precision highp int; precision highp float; in vec2 texcoord; uniform highp sampler2D uniform_sampler; vec2 %s(vec2 tex_coord) { %s} void main() { vec3 v = texture( uniform_sampler, %s( texcoord) ).rgb; gl_FragDepth = dot(v, vec3(255.0/16777216.0, 255.0 / 65536.0, 0.99609381)); } uniform highp sampler2DMS uniform_sampler; void main() { gl_FragDepth = texelFetch( uniform_sampler, %s, %s ).x; } #version 310 es #extension GL_OES_sample_variables : enable precision highp int; precision highp float; in vec2 texcoord; uniform highp sampler2DMS uniform_sampler; void main() { vec3 v = texelFetch( uniform_sampler, ivec2( floor( texcoord ) ), %s ).rgb; gl_FragDepth = dot(v, vec3(255.0/16777216.0, 255.0 / 65536.0, 0.99609381)); } uniform highp usampler2DMS uniform_sampler; void main() { gl_FragStencil = int( texelFetch( uniform_sampler, %s, %s ).y ); } #extension GL_ARM_shader_framebuffer_fetch : enable highp vec4 gl_LastFragColorARM; layout(location=RT_INDEX) out highp vec4 fragColor; void main() { fragColor = gl_LastFragColorARM; } #extension GL_ARM_shader_framebuffer_fetch : enable #extension GL_ARM_internal_r8_layout : enable precision highp int; precision highp float; uniform mat4 yuvmat; layout(r8, binding = 1) uniform writeonly mediump image2D img; layout(location = RT_INDEX) out vec4 fragColor; layout(location = 0) in vec2 fragCoord; void main() { vec4 yuvcolor = yuvmat * gl_LastFragColorARM; fragColor.rg = yuvcolor.yz; ivec2 coord = ivec2(floor(fragCoord.xy)); imageStore(img, coord, yuvcolor.x); } void main() { } 0 @ ` 01234567 MBS2 s VEHW CVER s CMMN s VELA SSYM SYMBP STRI attr_PrimaryColor $ TYPE TPGE SYMBL STRI attr_PointSize $ TYPE TPGE SYMBL STRI attr_TexCoord7 $ TYPE TPGE SYMBL STRI attr_TexCoord6 $ TYPE TPGE SYMBL STRI attr_TexCoord5 $ TYPE TPGE SYMBL STRI attr_TexCoord4 $ TYPE TPGE SYMBL STRI attr_TexCoord3 $ TYPE TPGE SYMBL STRI attr_TexCoord2 $ TYPE TPGE SYMBL STRI attr_TexCoord1 $ TYPE TPGE SYMBL STRI attr_TexCoord0 $ TYPE TPGE SYMBT STRI attr_SkinningWeights $ TYPE TPGE SYMBT STRI attr_SkinningIndices $ TYPE TPGE SYMBH STRI attr_Normal $ TYPE TPGE SYMBL STRI attr_Position $ TYPE TPGE SSYM SYMBT STRI var_ClipPlaneSignedDist $ TYPE TPGE SYMBH STRI var_FogDist $ TYPE TPGE SYMBl STRI var_PrimaryColorTwosided $ TYPE( TPAR TYPE TPGE SYMBP STRI var_PrimaryColor $ TYPE TPGE SYMBL STRI var_TexCoord7 $ TYPE TPGE SYMBL STRI var_TexCoord6 $ TYPE TPGE SYMBL STRI var_TexCoord5 $ TYPE TPGE SYMBL STRI var_TexCoord4 $ TYPE TPGE SYMBL STRI var_TexCoord3 $ TYPE TPGE SYMBL STRI var_TexCoord2 $ TYPE TPGE SYMBL STRI var_TexCoord1 $ TYPE TPGE SYMBL STRI var_TexCoord0 $ TYPE TPGE SYMBL STRI gl_PointSize $A TYPE TPGE SYMBH STRI gl_Position $@ TYPE TPGE SSYM8 SYMBX STRI FogFactor $ > TYPE TPGE RLOC > SYMBX STRI NumLights $ < TYPE TPGE RLOC < SYMBd STRI LightAttenuation 4 TYPE( TPAR TYPE TPGE SYMBx STRI LightSpotCosCutoffAngle 4 TYPE( TPAR TYPE TPGE RLOC SYMBt STRI LightSpotExponent 4 TYPE( TPAR TYPE TPGE RLOC SYMBd STRI LightSpotDirection 4 TYPE( TPAR TYPE TPGE SYMBp STRI LightPosition 4 TYPE( TPAR TYPE TPGE RLOC SYMB` STRI LightSpecular 4 p TYPE( TPAR TYPE TPGE SYMB` STRI LightDiffuse 4 0 TYPE( TPAR TYPE TPGE SYMBp STRI LightAmbient 4 P TYPE( TPAR TYPE TPGE RLOC P SYMBX STRI SceneColor $ P TYPE TPGE RLOC P SYMB\ STRI SceneAmbient $ X TYPE TPGE RLOC X SYMBh STRI MaterialSpecularExponent $ TYPE TPGE RLOC SYMBP STRI MaterialEmissive 4 TYPE TPGE SYMBd STRI MaterialDiffuseAlpha $ TYPE TPGE RLOC SYMBh STRI PointSizeAttenuationCoefs $ 0 TYPE TPGE RLOC 0 SYMB` STRI PointSizeParameters $ @ TYPE TPGE RLOC @ SYMBp STRI TextureMatrices 4 TYPE8 TPAR0 TYPE$ TPMA TPGE SYMBd STRI ClipPlaneCoefficients $ TYPE TPGE RLOC SYMBt STRI SkinningMatrices 4 TYPE8 TPAR0 TYPE$ TPMA TPGE SYMBX STRI NumBones $ TYPE TPGE RLOC SYMBt STRI ViewportTransform $ TYPE( TPAR TYPE TPGE RLOC SYMBl STRI ProjViewport $ TYPE$ TPMA TPGE RLOC @ SYMBt STRI ModelViewProjViewport $ ` TYPE$ TPMA TPGE RLOC ` @ SYMBh STRI ModelView $ TYPE$ TPMA TPGE RLOC @ SYMBl STRI NormalMatrix $ TYPE$ TPMA TPGE RLOC 0 SSYM SSYM SSYM UBUF EBIN RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA 7 STRIL transform__skinning_off__eyespacepos_off__eyespacenormal_all__normalize_all BFRE SPDv ` OBJC0 J # ) H( e ! 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I D6R e EBIN RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRIL transform__skinning_on__eyespacepos_all__eyespacenormal_on__normalize_off BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # * M G @A 0 e q ` @ E pP ` +@A ? D Q !P e ` Y P bd s ` -@ 8 ! e " 3 e S E D ) e ! Q 8 e F 1E % x D o ,) A e ! 8 e 0 F 1 I x D o Q ` e ) 8 e ! ! U 8 e X F 1 9 D o Q t G /@ J M $ # D X P ` bd s ` ) A e D %` @ y X KB e7 d $c P y D * A X P 8 e bh $6 ` zP ) @ A e %@ y $ 8 A e Od S y D ) A e ! d x e 0 T E p y D o ,) O A e ! U x e X U BJ y % o ,r 0 /@ J M $ # A D X P ` bd s ` ) A e D %` @ y X KB e7 d $c P y D * @ X P 8 e bh $6 ` zP ) @ A e %@ y 8 A e Od S y D ) A e ! d x e 0 T Ip y D o Q ` e ) O A e ! U x e X U DJ y o ,r /@ 0J M # A D X P ` bd s ` ) A e %` @ y X CB e7 d $c P y D * @ X P 8 e bh $6 ` zP ) @ A e $ %@ y 8 A e Od S y D ) A e D ! d x e 0 E Ip y D o ,) O A e ! U x e X E x e o $) A D e ! P E e 2 E e d $a Vp A e -b A e d Y @ E e ) D e ! @ E e @ 1 e A e d $a E e @ X e d Y T @ e ) A e ! 0 E e -b ( e d $a X( e 2 v @ e d Y & ( e ) Q4 , e ! U p e ! 0 e d $aC e h e' d Y X e 2 ) $ $ e ! 0X e ,` 9 C Y0 d $c F C <2 l i Y@ 8:J e 2 ?) I@ e ! `@ e @@1 X( e d $a X( e Ba |p + Y@ $y 9J e ? ) @ e 5 <% & < 6 ` 5) H * E C H\# Y f G e ) f A e 0& D- " U e d $a p E e 2 e d Y @ E e ) e ! P E e ( L 1 E e d $a Q l ` [ @ E+ 9J!z2 p Y A e ? ) AH@ e ! ` `@ e X 2 e d $a P E e 1 0 e h Y E e EBIN RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA 7 STRIh lighting__numlights_off__twosided_all__spotlight_all__specular_all__attenuation_all__colormaterial_all BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # ( L ` 0 X t ` ( @ E ! # C;` xN #z EBIN RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA 7 STRIh lighting__numlights_zero__twosided_all__spotlight_all__specular_all__attenuation_all__colormaterial_off BFRE SPDv ` OBJC N l # H 0) @@ e ! A e 1 XD 0 EBIN RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA 7 STRIt lighting__numlights_zero__twosided_all__spotlight_all__specular_all__attenuation_all__colormaterial_ambientdiffuse BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D L p/ ) Ah h C4 0! - D4_$ p ! B |4 3c df ! t# s DG 1 h ` lN #z EBIN RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA 7 STRIh lighting__numlights_one__twosided_off__spotlight_off__specular_off__attenuation_off__colormaterial_off BFRE SPDv ` OBJC + 2H@ !@ 2( 9J q e Pd $c X B I" @ l - d Y ( 6 e ? ) R e ! ( e E C x h ,a x u A I r Bi4 Rd Y A 7R e ? ) I2 F H4 H ! 86R e A @6R e d $c@A r LQ | e ( v# + D L 0! E ,` eW E /z - F ( h 8N #z EBIN` RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA 7 STRIt lighting__numlights_one__twosided_off__spotlight_off__specular_off__attenuation_off__colormaterial_ambientdiffuse BFRE SPDv ` OBJC` + 2H@ !@ 2( 9J q e Pd $c X B I" @ l - d Y ( 6 e ? ) R e ! ( e E C x h ,a x u A I r Bi4 Rd Y A 7R e ? +@A H h L ! X06R e Q 2 E e d $a @6R e a ( ` e ` dv/ +@ H h L H h e q# ) A $ e C A # @) $ e # @ G \ t e $a ` e H 0P` `X l - [ pX h N # @ 0N #z @ EBINd RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA 7 STRIh lighting__numlights_one__twosided_off__spotlight_off__specular_on__attenuation_off__colormaterial_off BFRE SPDv ` OBJCp + 2H@ !@ 2( 9J q e Pd $c X B I" @ l - d Y ( 6 e ? ) R e ! ( e E C x h ,a x u A I r Bi4 Rd Y A 7R e ? ) J A6RI4 # 86R A " G e ' a@ @ u ~ X T 0 C a Q Y x ' e ) e ! R v e a ` l h d $c H | lN P xp x {@f @ x e > y 0)pI C / ! I \ \p' e Xd $c@ A L p | p ` N ` x 9 @ @ | W* -p A h X H !UH |0 eG O ( e ( ` A r @M ` X g L Ad ,6! C 0Vc= u>z# @) ) ( e ! 1 eW B E (@ `[4/ $a E X4 p @ C$ e c Y @X t e N A G 0N #z EBIN RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA 7 STRIt lighting__numlights_one__twosided_off__spotlight_off__specular_on__attenuation_off__colormaterial_ambientdiffuse BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ 0h@ L # I2 @ R D X @ e Ro $a e > \ e 3`O I" @ l y ) A H 6 e ! \ ] e U @@ 1 n/ d $c C x h ? @A0( YJ e h Y u B e ? ) B A6Ri4 ! 86RE4 @ 0 t P T ` ta " G e R u/Fm Y 0 C e + C l #P ( p E > e o $a R v e a ` l h ,SF H | y + H C ! xp x R D X p $c`A L \p' e Xd Af PA > 9 | W* ; ?,@A` h Y # h )[ Y X r X 4gt X ! 8P X g eG @ 9! 2Vc= u>| ) L` e 0! \ ` e 8 @P` 1 ! e $a eW , e / ^ z D ) F$ e @ ! X to4 E C l ;` lc X h R XF 0 EBIN RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA 7 STRIh lighting__numlights_one__twosided_off__spotlight_off__specular_on__attenuation_on__colormaterial_off BFRE SPDv ` OBJC + 2H@ !@ 2( 9J q e Pd $c X B I" @ l - d Y ( 6 e ? ) R `4 ! / F4 H H |p ,a x @4 T A0 2 B e R( Y " 7R e ? + C6RM ! L" G e l` 0 S e d $c I @6Rm } D Q x u ~ T/ u/F < y + C l #P ( p p > PX0v e d $c@ @X8l L ` 2 ` 5b h d G | y +` C ! ( n4 ; |: @M / ( $aP , `Xx' @4 ; @f N4 > y W* ; ?,P F #@K2 CdN L E X h 1 ` a% |0 e O D X ( u @ 9 @ @ |! 2Vc= u>) A L A4 H! ! ~ e ` ? 0 a l d $c@H Gf L @ X P 9J q7 pN 0X0p@ e y ) ! A$ p4 @ 0! X P4 8 X ! B e7 d $a x T4 | B L c ^ ?z3 tG N #z EBIN\ RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA 7 STRIp lighting__numlights_one__twosided_off__spotlight_off__specular_on__attenuation_on__colormaterial_ambientdiffuse BFRE SPDv ` OBJC` + 2H@ !@ 2( 9J q e Pd $c X B A" G l - Y ( 6 e ? ) R e ! ( e E |p ,a x @4 T H2 s BI4 R( Y 7R e ? + A6Ri ! S(0 e @ ` e T ` da@M u ~ x T M0 C a Q Y B x ' e ) # e ! S v e a ` l h d $c S z DN PL"xp x {@f @B x e > y 0)` C / H ! \ l \x' e T> $c@ #N L @ ` " p , p e `? P 9 op 2 | +@ H h L $PI | x D2 e x8 8 ,ex r X' < u @ ' d e p 9 0Vc= u>|! +@ "H L ! # g P 1 PI x8J q ) G X0p@ e t ) A ( e @ C F @ @I A$ L H p/ ) H h e ! X - e ,b IR @ e d $a pX8 e ( e Y O! A e ) @ h e 0& /zB D ( " IB : X h ,a I , t4 p D E 0 } t Y | e N #z EBINT RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRIx lighting__numlights_one__numlights_many__twosided_off__spotlight_off__specular_all__attenuation_off__colormaterial_off BFRE SPDv ` OBJCP + I2H@ !@ 2( 9J q C x e Pl $c " l 2 ,` e ` Y B |h e ? /@ 0H f Q 2 A> < `q 0 ) e ! 7 e e d $a 1 n x D x u q Y@M ( YJ e ? ) Q B e ! M h C4 X F 7R Th ,c G6Rm b ` @Q u ~/ d [ u/F + PT ! MC e X 6E0 e h $a T v e a ` l h d [ O | +`K A !` xp x G X p $a ; P b d Af , t e > 9 ; ?| W* +pM p $@ x ,N e |0 e Z) gX X x H < M $r @M d \ eG @ 9! C 0Vc= u>| /@ Ff L `q# 0 )@ @ e 2 !PM 8 e P F X 0 0 S `s' 0 ) $ e HB # M L FE | e $) A$ e # } A N4/ d $c E l J 1 F P ( Q `. /z G 0# X L XD 0 d N A #z @ EBIN RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI lighting__numlights_one__numlights_many__twosided_off__spotlight_off__specular_all__attenuation_off__colormaterial_ambientdiffuse BFRE SPDv ` OBJC * ?zF G ! 3 @ e `$ XD 0 d @ D L p/ ) i h C4 ! ( - e_ , M3( 3` la@ X 9J e e Pd [ A B ? ) @$ A H4 # @ l x @ D d /@ H f " Q A> < `q 0 ) e ! 7 e e d $a $ 1 n " D y u q Y@Q4) YJ e ? ) C$' B e ! Q4 7Ra4 86R T ,a P e $H 4 C e # [ ` l )AQD D u ~ # E u/F A t ' e/ s da U e bE @X8l e i Y ` l e < + i@ #` Y ; @U5 / ( $ap @ Y- \x' e ; @f PQ > 9 ; ?| W* ,P 4I # h ) ( Y x 0Y X n 4gD @Y h C X :P Y g L 0 9 0Vc= u>|! )@ @ e H !PQ 8 e H X ' 0 0 S `s 0 + A& L B C Q @ e ) 5 $ e ! # e - 5* e 3` da @ ` e h 8 0 l d PA `CE y ) H O4 H 0! ( o4 EE ?z3 tG ` xN ! #z EBIN4 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRIx lighting__numlights_one__numlights_many__twosided_off__spotlight_off__specular_off__attenuation_all__colormaterial_off BFRE SPDv ` OBJC0 + I2H@ !@ 2( 9J q C x e Pl $c " l 2 ,` e ` Y B |h e ? /@ 0H f Q 2 A> < `q 0 ) e ! 7 e e d $a 1 n [ x @4? q Y@ ) YJ e ? ) " B e ! Q 7Ra4 p S 2 t T $a MC e X E @6R e Td [ ` 5 l )_ BP e H '@ N h ` X # 0 0 'S `s )@ @ e ! !P 8 e X 0 0 &S `s 0 + h L R ! | e P ` ? a l d $c | j T X0p@m Rh ,v ) U & e ! # # e l A x e' i P 0 #E t . /z G 0# X L XD 0 d N A #z @ EBINt RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI lighting__numlights_one__numlights_many__twosided_off__spotlight_on__spotlight_off__specular_all__attenuation_all__colormaterial_off BFRE SPDv ` OBJC` + I2H@ !@ 2( 9J q C x e Pl $c " l 2 ,` e ` Y B |h e ? /@ 0@ f H M < `q 0 ) e '@ 7 e 'S da 1 n K O S u? q> _ $y AP e y ) Q h C4 ! x e I q e Sd $a e m | + Y@ ) 9J e ? ) H@ e ! # `@i4 |2 @ YJ ,aP r B e ` P 6R P T ` S G6R e ? y ) t e (" ! T 8 e Bm` @Q$ @ u ~ d $c # u/F " X @ ' s2 [ S $ +PM 1 C ( `q )P H ? e B B 0X f L `q - $ D np %P +B m P Y0:q[4/ ' dc P |x ) P( k \0 e y 0 8@ ) ^ c $@ X8 zc ` ` 8 o ,a^ ,0 e I F ' PM fd \ t e'C 9 X| I e -Q P v ! @ l e l` P x p + ,c` ; @ / ( Af p #) e > 9 ; ?| W* ) A e ! E `y ; @ d 0dP | ,N eS |0 e Z z x \ eGI 9 0Vc= u>|! -@ A X !@Q e p 8 P X ?P Y g LA) t# -@ @ ? H M , L `q ' ) $ e # O L FE K | e $) M (F$ e ! g D4 ` G g , d ,a *C e < `CP ` P 0 #E y . /z G 0# X L XD 0 d N A #z @ EBIN RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI lighting__numlights_one__numlights_many__twosided_off__spotlight_on__spotlight_off__specular_on__specular_off__attenuation_on__attenuation_off__colormaterial_ambientdiffuse BFRE SPDv ` OBJC * ?zF G ! 3 @ e `$ XD 0 d @ D L p/ ) i h C4 ! ( - e_ , M3( 3` la@ X 9J e e Pd [ A B ? ) @$ A H4 # @ l x @ D d /@ @ f H Q < `q 0 ) 0 A e B '@ 7 e 'S da 1 n K S S u? q> _ ey AP e y ) U5 h C4 ! 0y e q e Sd $a e Qm | + Y@ U) 9J e ? ) &H@ e ! D+ `@i4 9}2 @ $ YJ ,aP r B e P 0 6R P T ` W% G6R e ? y ) T t e ! U 8 e m` @Ue @ u ~ d $c d u/F a " @ ' s2 [ $ +PQ4 1 C ) `q )P I ? e B X f L `q - e D np %P D3B m P PY0:q[4/ ' dc T |x E) P( k \0 e y 0 8@ ) D ^ c $@ Y8 z ` ` 8 o ,a^ ,0 e (K F D/ PM fd \ t e'C 9 X| I e -P\T v # @ l L 3m` P 4x p + ,c`Y& & ; @ 6 / ( Af p ) e > 9# ; ?| W* ) 69C e 2 ! E `y ; P $ d 0cp y ? H : AQ A> e O&S ` 3 p 9 @ @ | ) 5 $ e HC %` $ A h X/ 4 Y X 0Y n <a ) e Y0 m P"S j Y g eg= u>y! C @) ) M# D& e ! E, e < $ @ e d $a E e -< 5* e ` Y @ ` e ) # D e ! 0 e < @A `CE ` lr ) H O4 H 0! ( o4 EE ?z3 tG ` xN ! #z EBIN` RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI lighting__numlights_one__numlights_many__twosided_on__spotlight_on__spotlight_off__specular_all__attenuation_all__colormaterial_off BFRE SPDv ` OBJCP + I2H@ !@ 2( 9J q? C x e Pm $c " l 2 ,` e ` Y |` e ? I Lh e /H 0@ f < `q 0 ) e ! 7 e H # d <c 1 L p ` x S t7 q< _ 5y AP e y ) Q h u ! N h e `,Z q e Sd $a M e m Q | + Y@ ) 9J e ? ) H@ e # `@m h I 0 @ 0Y YJ e d $a $r Bi4 D G6Rm l 6R e ? y + A6RM !@ y ` e *J \ D u/Fm ,c Y , > e o Y T e ) D e " !N e X P \ & & `c \ t Z X ed w ? @ `A 1 p )N @ e C %P Y ? p ` X 0 &S `s+ + C A $ ! \ ` e -b \ e/ d $aP `Y08q[4 x" @ X Y@ x7 s , e y + ^ ![ PY P xa e c cp 8 q *` Y p C e d * PM C 9 j1? | E ) H t e C Y e -_ P v ! @ l e 3m` + ,aPM x_ 9 @ / {@f ` 5) e > y ; ?`p 2) A e ! `y ; @O | dP , (-N e |0 e Z z x \ eGI 9 0Vc= u>|! -P 4 A X %D Y- Y0 m 8P'S `aPQ ( p e 3 `R y@ ? e 6 # @) < z' K A L ) ( $ n4 H # &) h L .VM D ( ) A e ! x e ` g d ,c Bf p X0 @ x * Y@ |p e ; ?)@ x !p Y / 0 `!P 4c (p' { D P x * 8 @f ` , > 9 @ @ | W* + A h !E |0 eG O T Y ( ` u @ X g e Ad j $ eg= u>y r1? @)) N4 ! &B h4 X ' r @ e $c f l P 2 Bf : P 0 ` y . G 0# X L D ( d N A #z X . G 0C @ e N A #z @ EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI lighting__numlights_one__numlights_many__twosided_on__spotlight_on__spotlight_off__specular_on__specular_off__attenuation_on__attenuation_off__colormaterial_ambientdiffuse BFRE SPDv ` OBJC * ? A G C 3 @ e @ D L p/ ) i h C4 ! M ( - e_ , 3( 3` la@ X 9J e e Pd [ A B ? ) B$ A H4 # @ l h @ [E x@ e7 ` d/H @ f " < `q 0 ) e B ! 7 e H d <c $ 1 L $` %y S t7 q< _ vy AP e y ) U% h u ! R h e 4 q e Sd $a Q e Xm U | + Y@ U) 9J e ? ) I@ e # @ `@m "K 0 @ pY YJ e d $a #-r Bi4 D G6Rm l D 6R e ? y + A6RM !@ Sy ` e 2L \ u/Fm ,c ] , > e o Y U e ) E e H !N 3 e x Q \ & & `c \ t z X ed w ? @ A 1 p )N 0A e %P @Y ? $` X 0 &S `s+ + A $ H ! \ ` e -b \ e/ d $aP Y08q[4 * @ 0Y Y@ x7 s , e y + 4 ^ ![ Y P xa e c cp 8 q 2` Y p e d 43 PM C 9 j1? | E ) $I t e C PY e -_YP v ! A@ l e sm` + ,aPQ4 x_ 9 @ U / {@f ` v) e > y ; ?`p 2) U A e ! ` `y ; @S | dP , j-N e 5y0 Z z x]w)0 eGI 9 0Vc= u>|! -P u A X %D E - PY0 m 8P'S `aPU ) p e Z 3 `VEy@ ? e 6 # @) < z' K `A L " K U A& L HS ) $ e ! # e < T @ e d $a (B h C P 7yp x {@f @ y e > y 0)` A / ! ] = \ H-2 Yx' > ,e` p P b X P 0 $ 2 ` 4 h eGI y `p 2 < +E %h r X < 0 u @ ' ` 3 J > d 0& e d j E, eg= u>y r1? @)) 4 D e ! E e < @Y8f x h ,a 2 e x ! P @ e/ d Y E e + f l ! X ` e h y E e d $c Y g l 0l F P ( ` `) 0H O4 H 0! ( o4 EE ?z3 tG ` x. ! #z ! X o4 ` ED d ) @ O4 H 0# z tC XD 0 N ! #z EBIN RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA 7 STRI( pointsize__copy_off__attenuation_all BFRE SPDv OBJC EBIN` RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA 7 STRI$ pointsize__copy_on__attenuation_off BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # . z E H 0C \0 <m `N #b EBIN RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA 7 STRI$ pointsize__copy_on__attenuation_on BFRE SPDv ` OBJC@ * D ! X e ` K |p ,a J x S e } N e Tn Y \p e ) n H 0# K | P D ? @ X YJ e h $f z2pBE H < \8 <m # v N #b EBIN RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA 7 STRI fog__dist_off BFRE SPDv OBJC EBIN< RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA 7 STRI fog__dist_on BFRE SPDv ` OBJC . / A D 0C \ t e N #b ` EBIN RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA 7 STRI clipplane__plane0_off BFRE SPDv OBJC EBINT RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA 7 STRI clipplane__plane0_on BFRE SPDv ` OBJC . z#v D 0! X l e BaE 0X(| l d ,N #b ` EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect0__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 d Y U% ` e @ D D p1 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D0 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F3 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D% F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect0__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 l Y U% ` e @ D D p5 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D4 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F7 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D% F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect0__2 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 t Y U% ` e @ D D p9 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D8 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F; d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D% F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect0__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 | Y U% ` e @ D D p= +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D< d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F? d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D% F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect0__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pA +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D@ d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FC d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D% F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect0__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pE +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DD d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FG d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D% F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect0__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pI +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DH d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FK d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D% F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect0__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pM +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DL d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FO d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D% F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect1__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 d Y U% ` e @ D D p1 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D0 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F3 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D& F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect1__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 l Y U% ` e @ D D p5 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D4 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F7 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D& F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect1__2 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 t Y U% ` e @ D D p9 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D8 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F; d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D& F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect1__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 | Y U% ` e @ D D p= +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D< d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F? d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D& F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect1__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pA +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D@ d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FC d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D& F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect1__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pE +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DD d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FG d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D& F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect1__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pI +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DH d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FK d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D& F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect1__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pM +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DL d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FO d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D& F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect2__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 d Y U% ` e @ D D p1 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D0 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F3 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D' F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect2__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 l Y U% ` e @ D D p5 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D4 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F7 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D' F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect2__2 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 t Y U% ` e @ D D p9 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D8 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F; d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D' F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect2__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 | Y U% ` e @ D D p= +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D< d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F? d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D' F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect2__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pA +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D@ d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FC d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D' F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect2__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pE +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DD d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FG d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D' F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect2__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pI +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DH d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FK d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D' F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect2__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pM +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DL d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FO d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D' F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect3__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 d Y U% ` e @ D D p1 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D0 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F3 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D( F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect3__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 l Y U% ` e @ D D p5 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D4 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F7 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D( F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect3__2 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 t Y U% ` e @ D D p9 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D8 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F; d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D( F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect3__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 | Y U% ` e @ D D p= +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D< d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F? d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D( F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect3__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pA +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D@ d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FC d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D( F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect3__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pE +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DD d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FG d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D( F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect3__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pI +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DH d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FK d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D( F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect3__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pM +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DL d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FO d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D( F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect4__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 d Y U% ` e @ D D p1 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D0 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F3 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D) F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect4__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 l Y U% ` e @ D D p5 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D4 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F7 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D) F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect4__2 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 t Y U% ` e @ D D p9 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D8 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F; d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D) F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect4__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 | Y U% ` e @ D D p= +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D< d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F? d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D) F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect4__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pA +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D@ d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FC d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D) F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect4__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pE +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DD d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FG d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D) F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect4__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pI +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DH d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FK d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D) F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect4__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pM +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DL d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FO d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D) F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect5__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 d Y U% ` e @ D D p1 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D0 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F3 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D* F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect5__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 l Y U% ` e @ D D p5 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D4 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F7 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D* F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect5__2 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 t Y U% ` e @ D D p9 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D8 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F; d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D* F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect5__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 | Y U% ` e @ D D p= +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D< d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F? d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D* F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect5__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pA +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D@ d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FC d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D* F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect5__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pE +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DD d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FG d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D* F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect5__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pI +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DH d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FK d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D* F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect5__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pM +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DL d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FO d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D* F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect6__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 d Y U% ` e @ D D p1 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D0 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F3 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D+ F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect6__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 l Y U% ` e @ D D p5 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D4 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F7 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D+ F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect6__2 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 t Y U% ` e @ D D p9 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D8 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F; d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D+ F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect6__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 | Y U% ` e @ D D p= +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D< d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F? d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D+ F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect6__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pA +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D@ d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FC d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D+ F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect6__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pE +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DD d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FG d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D+ F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect6__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pI +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DH d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FK d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D+ F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect6__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pM +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DL d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FO d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D+ F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect7__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 d Y U% ` e @ D D p1 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D0 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F3 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D, F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect7__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 l Y U% ` e @ D D p5 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D4 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F7 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D, F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect7__2 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 t Y U% ` e @ D D p9 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D8 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F; d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D, F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect7__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 | Y U% ` e @ D D p= +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D< d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F? d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D, F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect7__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pA +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D@ d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FC d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D, F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect7__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pE +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DD d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FG d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D, F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect7__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pI +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DH d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FK d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D, F Xd N #z EBIN| RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformreflect7__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pM +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DL d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FO d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D, F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal0__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p1 +@ R D ! S e E >D0 d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D2 d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D3 d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D% F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal0__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p5 +@ R D ! S e E >D4 d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D6 d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D7 d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D% F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal0__2 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p9 +@ R D ! S e E >D8 d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D: d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D; d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D% F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal0__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p= +@ R D ! S e E >D< d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D> d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D? d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D% F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal0__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pA +@ R D ! S e E >D@ d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DB d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DC d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D% F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal0__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pE +@ R D ! S e E >DD d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DF d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DG d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D% F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal0__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pI +@ R D ! S e E >DH d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DJ d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DK d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D% F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal0__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pM +@ R D ! S e E >DL d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DN d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DO d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D% F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal1__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p1 +@ R D ! S e E >D0 d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D2 d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D3 d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D& F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal1__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p5 +@ R D ! S e E >D4 d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D6 d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D7 d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D& F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal1__2 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p9 +@ R D ! S e E >D8 d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D: d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D; d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D& F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal1__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p= +@ R D ! S e E >D< d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D> d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D? d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D& F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal1__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pA +@ R D ! S e E >D@ d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DB d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DC d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D& F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal1__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pE +@ R D ! S e E >DD d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DF d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DG d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D& F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal1__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pI +@ R D ! S e E >DH d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DJ d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DK d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D& F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal1__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pM +@ R D ! S e E >DL d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DN d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DO d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D& F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal2__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p1 +@ R D ! S e E >D0 d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D2 d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D3 d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D' F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal2__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p5 +@ R D ! S e E >D4 d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D6 d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D7 d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D' F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal2__2 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p9 +@ R D ! S e E >D8 d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D: d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D; d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D' F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal2__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p= +@ R D ! S e E >D< d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D> d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D? d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D' F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal2__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pA +@ R D ! S e E >D@ d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DB d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DC d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D' F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal2__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pE +@ R D ! S e E >DD d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DF d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DG d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D' F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal2__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pI +@ R D ! S e E >DH d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DJ d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DK d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D' F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal2__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pM +@ R D ! S e E >DL d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DN d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DO d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D' F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal3__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p1 +@ R D ! S e E >D0 d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D2 d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D3 d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D( F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal3__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p5 +@ R D ! S e E >D4 d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D6 d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D7 d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D( F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal3__2 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p9 +@ R D ! S e E >D8 d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D: d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D; d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D( F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal3__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p= +@ R D ! S e E >D< d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D> d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D? d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D( F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal3__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pA +@ R D ! S e E >D@ d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DB d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DC d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D( F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal3__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pE +@ R D ! S e E >DD d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DF d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DG d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D( F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal3__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pI +@ R D ! S e E >DH d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DJ d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DK d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D( F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal3__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pM +@ R D ! S e E >DL d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DN d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DO d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D( F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal4__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p1 +@ R D ! S e E >D0 d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D2 d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D3 d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D) F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal4__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p5 +@ R D ! S e E >D4 d +@ C D " ! 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G e 84E D: d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D; d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D* F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal5__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p= +@ R D ! S e E >D< d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D> d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D? d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D* F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal5__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pA +@ R D ! S e E >D@ d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DB d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DC d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D* F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal5__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pE +@ R D ! S e E >DD d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DF d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DG d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D* F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal5__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pI +@ R D ! S e E >DH d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DJ d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DK d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D* F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal5__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pM +@ R D ! S e E >DL d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DN d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DO d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D* F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal6__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p1 +@ R D ! S e E >D0 d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D2 d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D3 d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D+ F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal6__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p5 +@ R D ! S e E >D4 d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D6 d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D7 d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D+ F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal6__2 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p9 +@ R D ! S e E >D8 d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D: d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D; d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D+ F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal6__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p= +@ R D ! S e E >D< d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D> d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D? d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D+ F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal6__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pA +@ R D ! S e E >D@ d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DB d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DC d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D+ F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal6__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pE +@ R D ! S e E >DD d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DF d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DG d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D+ F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal6__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pI +@ R D ! S e E >DH d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DJ d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DK d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D+ F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal6__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pM +@ R D ! S e E >DL d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DN d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DO d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D+ F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal7__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p1 +@ R D ! S e E >D0 d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D2 d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D3 d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D, F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal7__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p5 +@ R D ! S e E >D4 d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D6 d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D7 d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D, F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal7__2 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p9 +@ R D ! S e E >D8 d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D: d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D; d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D, F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal7__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D p= +@ R D ! S e E >D< d +@ C D " ! G e 84E D> d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE D? d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D, F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal7__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pA +@ R D ! S e E >D@ d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DB d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DC d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D, F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal7__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pE +@ R D ! S e E >DD d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DF d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DG d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D, F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal7__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pI +@ R D ! S e E >DH d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DJ d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DK d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D, F Xd N #z EBIN( RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnormal7__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC @ D D pM +@ R D ! S e E >DL d +@ C D " ! G e 84E DN d +@ c D C ! g e 8tE DO d ) A ` e 0! `] x |0 A$ e d $f o{ D, F Xd N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen0__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p1 +@ D " ! e G >D0 d +@ D C ! e A6E D2 d +@ D ! e A E D3 d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D% m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen0__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p5 +@ D " ! e G >D4 d +@ D C ! e A6E D6 d +@ D ! e A E D7 d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D% m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen0__2 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p9 +@ D " ! e G >D8 d +@ D C ! e A6E D: d +@ D ! e A E D; d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D% m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen0__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p= +@ D " ! e G >D< d +@ D C ! e A6E D> d +@ D ! e A E D? d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D% m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen0__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pA +@ D " ! e G >D@ d +@ D C ! e A6E DB d +@ D ! e A E DC d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D% m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen0__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pE +@ D " ! e G >DD d +@ D C ! e A6E DF d +@ D ! e A E DG d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D% m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen0__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pI +@ D " ! e G >DH d +@ D C ! e A6E DJ d +@ D ! e A E DK d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D% m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen0__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pM +@ D " ! e G >DL d +@ D C ! e A6E DN d +@ D ! e A E DO d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D% m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen1__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p1 +@ D " ! e G >D0 d +@ D C ! e A6E D2 d +@ D ! e A E D3 d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D& m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen1__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p5 +@ D " ! e G >D4 d +@ D C ! e A6E D6 d +@ D ! e A E D7 d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D& m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen1__2 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p9 +@ D " ! e G >D8 d +@ D C ! e A6E D: d +@ D ! e A E D; d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D& m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen1__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p= +@ D " ! e G >D< d +@ D C ! e A6E D> d +@ D ! e A E D? d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D& m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen1__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pA +@ D " ! e G >D@ d +@ D C ! e A6E DB d +@ D ! e A E DC d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D& m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen1__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pE +@ D " ! e G >DD d +@ D C ! e A6E DF d +@ D ! e A E DG d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D& m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen1__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pI +@ D " ! e G >DH d +@ D C ! e A6E DJ d +@ D ! e A E DK d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D& m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen1__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pM +@ D " ! e G >DL d +@ D C ! e A6E DN d +@ D ! e A E DO d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D& m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen2__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p1 +@ D " ! e G >D0 d +@ D C ! e A6E D2 d +@ D ! e A E D3 d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D' m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen2__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p5 +@ D " ! e G >D4 d +@ D C ! e A6E D6 d +@ D ! e A E D7 d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D' m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen2__2 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p9 +@ D " ! e G >D8 d +@ D C ! e A6E D: d +@ D ! e A E D; d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D' m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen2__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p= +@ D " ! e G >D< d +@ D C ! e A6E D> d +@ D ! e A E D? d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D' m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen2__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pA +@ D " ! e G >D@ d +@ D C ! e A6E DB d +@ D ! e A E DC d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D' m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen2__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pE +@ D " ! e G >DD d +@ D C ! e A6E DF d +@ D ! e A E DG d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D' m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen2__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pI +@ D " ! e G >DH d +@ D C ! e A6E DJ d +@ D ! e A E DK d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D' m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen2__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pM +@ D " ! e G >DL d +@ D C ! e A6E DN d +@ D ! e A E DO d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D' m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen3__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p1 +@ D " ! e G >D0 d +@ D C ! e A6E D2 d +@ D ! e A E D3 d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D( m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen3__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p5 +@ D " ! e G >D4 d +@ D C ! e A6E D6 d +@ D ! e A E D7 d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D( m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen3__2 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p9 +@ D " ! e G >D8 d +@ D C ! e A6E D: d +@ D ! e A E D; d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D( m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen3__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p= +@ D " ! e G >D< d +@ D C ! e A6E D> d +@ D ! e A E D? d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D( m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen3__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pA +@ D " ! e G >D@ d +@ D C ! e A6E DB d +@ D ! e A E DC d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D( m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen3__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pE +@ D " ! e G >DD d +@ D C ! e A6E DF d +@ D ! e A E DG d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D( m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen3__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pI +@ D " ! e G >DH d +@ D C ! e A6E DJ d +@ D ! e A E DK d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D( m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen3__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pM +@ D " ! e G >DL d +@ D C ! e A6E DN d +@ D ! e A E DO d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D( m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen4__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p1 +@ D " ! e G >D0 d +@ D C ! e A6E D2 d +@ D ! e A E D3 d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D) m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen4__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p5 +@ D " ! e G >D4 d +@ D C ! e A6E D6 d +@ D ! e A E D7 d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D) m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen4__2 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p9 +@ D " ! e G >D8 d +@ D C ! e A6E D: d +@ D ! e A E D; d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D) m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen4__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p= +@ D " ! e G >D< d +@ D C ! e A6E D> d +@ D ! e A E D? d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D) m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen4__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pA +@ D " ! e G >D@ d +@ D C ! e A6E DB d +@ D ! e A E DC d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D) m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen4__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pE +@ D " ! e G >DD d +@ D C ! e A6E DF d +@ D ! e A E DG d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D) m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen4__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pI +@ D " ! e G >DH d +@ D C ! e A6E DJ d +@ D ! e A E DK d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D) m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen4__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pM +@ D " ! e G >DL d +@ D C ! e A6E DN d +@ D ! e A E DO d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D) m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen5__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p1 +@ D " ! e G >D0 d +@ D C ! e A6E D2 d +@ D ! e A E D3 d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D* m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen5__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p5 +@ D " ! e G >D4 d +@ D C ! e A6E D6 d +@ D ! e A E D7 d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D* m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen5__2 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p9 +@ D " ! e G >D8 d +@ D C ! e A6E D: d +@ D ! e A E D; d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D* m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen5__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p= +@ D " ! e G >D< d +@ D C ! e A6E D> d +@ D ! e A E D? d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D* m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen5__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pA +@ D " ! e G >D@ d +@ D C ! e A6E DB d +@ D ! e A E DC d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D* m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen5__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pE +@ D " ! e G >DD d +@ D C ! e A6E DF d +@ D ! e A E DG d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D* m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen5__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pI +@ D " ! e G >DH d +@ D C ! e A6E DJ d +@ D ! e A E DK d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D* m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen5__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pM +@ D " ! e G >DL d +@ D C ! e A6E DN d +@ D ! e A E DO d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D* m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen6__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p1 +@ D " ! e G >D0 d +@ D C ! e A6E D2 d +@ D ! e A E D3 d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D+ m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen6__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p5 +@ D " ! e G >D4 d +@ D C ! e A6E D6 d +@ D ! e A E D7 d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D+ m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen6__2 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p9 +@ D " ! e G >D8 d +@ D C ! e A6E D: d +@ D ! e A E D; d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D+ m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen6__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p= +@ D " ! e G >D< d +@ D C ! e A6E D> d +@ D ! e A E D? d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D+ m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen6__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pA +@ D " ! e G >D@ d +@ D C ! e A6E DB d +@ D ! e A E DC d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D+ m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen6__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pE +@ D " ! e G >DD d +@ D C ! e A6E DF d +@ D ! e A E DG d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D+ m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen6__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pI +@ D " ! e G >DH d +@ D C ! e A6E DJ d +@ D ! e A E DK d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D+ m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen6__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pM +@ D " ! e G >DL d +@ D C ! e A6E DN d +@ D ! e A E DO d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D+ m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen7__0 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p1 +@ D " ! e G >D0 d +@ D C ! e A6E D2 d +@ D ! e A E D3 d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D, m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen7__1 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p5 +@ D " ! e G >D4 d +@ D C ! e A6E D6 d +@ D ! e A E D7 d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D, m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen7__2 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p9 +@ D " ! e G >D8 d +@ D C ! e A6E D: d +@ D ! e A E D; d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D, m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen7__3 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D p= +@ D " ! e G >D< d +@ D C ! e A6E D> d +@ D ! e A E D? d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D, m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen7__4 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pA +@ D " ! e G >D@ d +@ D C ! e A6E DB d +@ D ! e A E DC d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D, m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen7__5 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pE +@ D " ! e G >DD d +@ D C ! e A6E DF d +@ D ! e A E DG d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D, m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen7__6 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pI +@ D " ! e G >DH d +@ D C ! e A6E DJ d +@ D ! e A E DK d ) e 0! U e D0 $ e d $f { D, m`G e h $N #z EBIN8 RLOC > RLOC < RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC P RLOC P RLOC X RLOC RLOC RLOC 0 RLOC @ RLOC RLOC RLOC RLOC @ RLOC ` @ RLOC @ RLOC 0 FSHA @ 7 STRI texcoordtransformnongen7__7 BFRE SPDv ` OBJC J # @ D D pM +@ D " ! e G >DL d +@ D C ! e A6E DN d +@ D ! e A E DO d ) e 0! 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Q4 7Ra4 86R T ,a P e $H 4 C e # [ ` l )AQD D u ~ # E u/F A t ' e/ s da U e bE @X8l e i Y ` l e < + i@ #` Y ; @U5 / ( $ap @ Y- \x' e ; @f PQ > 9 ; ?| W* ,P 4I # h ) ( Y x 0Y X n 4gD @Y h C X :P Y g L 0 9 0Vc= u>|! )@ @ e H !PQ 8 e H X ' 0 0 S `s 0 + A& L B C Q @ e ) 5 $ e ! # e - 5* e 3` da @ ` e h 8 0 l d PA `CE y ) H O4 H 0! ( o4 EE ?z3 tG ` xN ! #z J # . z E H 0C \0 <m `N #b * D ! X e ` K |p ,a J x S e } N e Tn Y \p e ) n H 0# K | P D ? @ X YJ e h $f z2pBE H < \8 <m # v N #b . / A D 0C \ t e N #b ` . z#v D 0! X l e BaE 0X(| l d ,N #b ` +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 d Y U% ` e @ D D p1 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D0 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F3 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D% F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 l Y U% ` e @ D D p5 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D4 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F7 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D% F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 t Y U% ` e @ D D p9 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D8 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F; d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D% F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 | Y U% ` e @ D D p= +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D< d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F? d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D% F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pA +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D@ d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FC d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D% F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pE +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DD d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FG d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D% F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pI +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DH d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FK d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D% F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pM +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DL d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FO d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D% F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 d Y U% ` e @ D D p1 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D0 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F3 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D& F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 l Y U% ` e @ D D p5 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D4 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F7 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D& F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 t Y U% ` e @ D D p9 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D8 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F; d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D& F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 | Y U% ` e @ D D p= +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D< d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F? d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D& F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pA +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D@ d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FC d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D& F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pE +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DD d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FG d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D& F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pI +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DH d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FK d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D& F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pM +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DL d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FO d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D& F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 d Y U% ` e @ D D p1 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D0 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F3 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D' F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 l Y U% ` e @ D D p5 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D4 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F7 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D' F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 t Y U% ` e @ D D p9 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D8 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F; d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D' F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 | Y U% ` e @ D D p= +@ D D ) ! 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E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 l Y U% ` e @ D D p5 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D4 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F7 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D( F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 t Y U% ` e @ D D p9 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D8 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F; d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D( F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 | Y U% ` e @ D D p= +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D< d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F? d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D( F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pA +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D@ d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FC d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D( F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pE +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DD d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FG d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D( F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pI +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DH d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FK d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D( F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pM +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DL d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FO d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D( F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 d Y U% ` e @ D D p1 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D0 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F3 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D) F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 l Y U% ` e @ D D p5 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D4 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F7 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D) F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 t Y U% ` e @ D D p9 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D8 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F; d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D) F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 | Y U% ` e @ D D p= +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D< d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F? d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D) F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pA +@ D D ) ! 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E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 t Y U% ` e @ D D p9 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D8 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F; d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D* F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 | Y U% ` e @ D D p= +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D< d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F? d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D* F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pA +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D@ d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FC d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D* F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pE +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DD d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FG d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D* F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pI +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DH d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FK d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D* F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pM +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >DL d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FO d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D* F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 d Y U% ` e @ D D p1 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D0 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F3 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D+ F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 l Y U% ` e @ D D p5 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D4 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F7 d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D+ F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 t Y U% ` e @ D D p9 +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D8 d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F; d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D+ F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 | Y U% ` e @ D D p= +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D< d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E F? d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D+ F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pA +@ D D ) ! Q @ e E >D@ d +@ A D C ! A e @ ` e d $a t e . E FC d ) A ` e 0! w A `] E=2 *B e d $f { D+ F Xd N #z +@ D D ! E e a,b T 0 l d $a A@ ( U0 X ` 6 Y U% ` e @ D D pE +@ D D ) ! 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R$ E V B6 4G+l Bw Pg uM 7 H d@T b T 0 & 0Kp % m ! eX ` - M Y F ` %X `@ 0l@ A@ Y d " e `4A 2 ` : 1K@ gP AP 0 ip AP 0 V & PG0 f 6 Y , An 2n A hB 2lZ@q 2n A hB 2t\@t 2n A@ hB 2|^0 0K % F ` f ; h | , w b 0 nq D ` H 9L 8 [8 \ a ,>m Eo G nA NQ 19 , o m C 1 !Y $ n H 2 GM ERD 8 b ERD 8 r !L x nqH d $8 a I 9L 8 o I 9L 8 n I 9L 8 n I 9L 8 a ! hB 2 A0 , B8 nq D ` q= 0 y[ N a ` t ( 2( R b 4GR 0 " pCp 5! " R pC A! R$ 5 F v B6 4G+l Bw Pg uM 7 H d@S R S B0 & q 0Kp % l ! eX ` , ! M Y F ` %X `@ 0l@| 4G0 f q D 0 @ F ` z 6 Y , 1n AE A hB 2PS0n e A hB 2XU0 @ 0K@ % F ` ` f # A A F A0 i A " F0 A0 q A R F` A0 y h w , v b M8 a " % `@ 0l@ A@ Y " . nq D ` H 9L 8 [ S [8 \ a ,>m G nA NQX 19 , o m C 1 !Y $ n H 2 GM ERD 8 b ERD 8 r !L x nqH d I 9L 8 n I 9L 8 o I 9L 8 n I 9L 8 a ` t ( 2( R b 4 R 0T" pCp 9! " S pC E! R$ E V B6 4G+l Bw Pg uM 7 H d@T b T B0 & 0Kp % m ! eX ` - ! 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R$ E V B6 4G+l Bw Pg uM 7 H d@T b T 0 & 0Kp % m ! eX ` - M Y F ` %X `@ 0l@ A@ Y d " e `4A 2 ` : 1K@ gP AP 0 ip AP 0 V & PG0 f 6 Y , An 2n A hB 2lZ@q 2n A hB 2t\@t 2n A@ hB 2|^0 0K % F ` f ; h | , w b 0 nq D ` H 9L 8 [8 \ a ,>m Eo G nA NQ 19 , o m C 1 !Y $ n H 2 GM ERD 8 b ERD 8 r !L x nqH d $8 a I 9L 8 o I 9L 8 n I 9L 8 n I 9L 8 a ! hB 2 A0 , B8 nq D ` q= 0 y[ N a ` t ( 2( R b 4GR 0 " pCp 5! " R pC A! R$ 5 F v B6 4G+l Bw Pg uM 7 H d@S R S B0 & q 0Kp % l ! eX ` , ! M Y F ` %X `@ 0l@| 4G0 f q D 0 @ F ` z 6 Y , 1n AE A hB 2PS0n e A hB 2XU0 @ 0K@ % F ` ` f # A A F A0 i A " F0 A0 q A R F` A0 y h w , v b M8 a " % `@ 0l@ A@ Y " . nq D ` H 9L 8 [ S [8 \ a ,>m G nA NQX 19 , o m C 1 !Y $ n H 2 GM ERD 8 b ERD 8 r !L x nqH d I 9L 8 n I 9L 8 o I 9L 8 n I 9L 8 a ` t ( 2( R b 4 R 0T" pCp 9! " S pC E! R$ E V B6 4G+l Bw Pg uM 7 H d@T b T B0 & 0Kp % m ! eX ` - ! 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PSEUDO_BLEND_D3D_3_v4f32 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_iBI64_v4f32 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_iBI64_v4f32 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_iBI64_v4f32 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_iBI64_v4f32 ADD_BLEND_D1_D3D_v4f32 ADD_BLEND_Q1_D3D_v4f32 ADD_BLEND_D1_D2_D3D_v4f32 ADD_BLEND_Q1_Q2_D3D_v4f32 PSEUDO_BLEND_D3D_v4f32 ADD_LOAD_v4f32 PSEUDO_BLEND_v4f32 ADD_TEXS_2D_NOLOD_v4f32 FMA_and_ADD_TEXS_2D_DTSEL_NOLOD_v4f32 FMA_and_ADD_TEXS_2D_DTSEL_IMM_NOLOD_v4f32 ADD_TEXS_2D_LOD_v4f32 FMA_and_ADD_TEXS_2D_DTSEL_LOD_v4f32 FMA_and_ADD_TEXS_2D_DTSEL_IMM_LOD_v4f32 ADD_STORE_v4f32 ADD_BLEND_FRAG_v4f32 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_sBI_v4f32 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_sBI_v4f32 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_sBI_v4f32 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_sBI_v4f32 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_uBI_v4f32 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_uBI_v4f32 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_uBI_v4f32 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_uBI_v4f32 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_DTSEL_v4f32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL_v4f32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_DTSEL_v4f32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_v4f32 ADD_BLEND_CO_v4f32 ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_v4f32 ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_v4f32 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FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_uBI_v2i32 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_DTSEL_v2i32 FMA_and_ADD_LSHIFT_DOUBLE_CO_v2i32 ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_v2i32 ADD_AXCHG_CO_v2i32 ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_v2i32 FMA_and_ADD_ATOM_COMP_NORET_v2i32 FMA_and_ADD_ATOM_CMUX_NORET_v2i32 FMA_and_ADD_ATOM_COMP_RET_v2i32 FMA_and_ADD_ATOM_CMUX_RET_v2i32 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_iBI64_v3i32 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_iBI64_v3i32 ADD_LOAD_v3i32 ADD_STORE_v3i32 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_sBI_v3i32 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_sBI_v3i32 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_uBI_v3i32 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_uBI_v3i32 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_DTSEL_v3i32 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_iBI64_v4i32 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_iBI64_v4i32 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_iBI64_v4i32 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_iBI64_v4i32 ADD_BLEND_D1_D3D_v4i32 ADD_BLEND_Q1_D3D_v4i32 ADD_BLEND_D1_D2_D3D_v4i32 ADD_BLEND_Q1_Q2_D3D_v4i32 ADD_LOAD_v4i32 ADD_STORE_v4i32 ADD_BLEND_FRAG_v4i32 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_sBI_v4i32 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_sBI_v4i32 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_sBI_v4i32 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_sBI_v4i32 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_uBI_v4i32 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_uBI_v4i32 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_uBI_v4i32 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_uBI_v4i32 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_DTSEL_v4i32 ADD_BLEND_CO_v4i32 ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_v4i32 ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_v4i32 FMA_ATOM_C1_i32 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_WIDEN_16_iBI64_i32 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_WIDEN_8_iBI64_i32 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_iBI64_i32 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_iBI64_i32 FMA_and_ADD_AXCHG_CO_iBI64_i32 ADD_LOAD_WIDEN_16_i32 ADD_LOAD_WIDEN_8_i32 FMA_ISUBB_i32 FMA_ISUB_i32 ADD_ISUB_i32 FMA_IMSUB_i32 FMA_IMRSUB_i32 FMA_LSHIFT_RSUB_i32 ADD_LSHIFT_RSUB_i32 FMA_ARSHIFT_RSUB_i32 ADD_ARSHIFT_RSUB_i32 FMA_RSHIFT_RSUB_i32 ADD_RSHIFT_RSUB_i32 FMA_and_ADD_SEG_SUB_i32 FMA_LSHIFT_SUB_i32 ADD_LSHIFT_SUB_i32 FMA_ARSHIFT_SUB_i32 ADD_ARSHIFT_SUB_i32 FMA_RSHIFT_SUB_i32 ADD_RSHIFT_SUB_i32 FMA_IADDC_i32 ADD_BRANCHC_i32 FMA_ATOM_C_i32 FMA_IMAD_i32 ADD_LOAD_i32 FMA_IADD_i32 ADD_IADD_i32 FMA_and_ADD_SEG_ADD_i32 FMA_LSHIFT_ADD_i32 ADD_LSHIFT_ADD_i32 FMA_ARSHIFT_ADD_i32 ADD_ARSHIFT_ADD_i32 FMA_RSHIFT_ADD_i32 ADD_RSHIFT_ADD_i32 FMA_RED_i32 ADD_RED_i32 ADD_BAR_RED_i32 FMA_AND_i32 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FMA_ATOM_C1_RETURN_i32 FMA_ATOM_C_RETURN_i32 FMA_and_ADD_RETURN_i32 ADD_LD_TILE_CO_i32 ADD_ST_TILE_CO_i32 ADD_AXCHG_CO_i32 ADD_LD_CVT_CO_i32 ADD_ST_CVT_CO_i32 FMA_ICMP_i32 ADD_ICMP_i32 FMA_NOP_i32 ADD_NOP_i32 ADD_CLPER_SUBGROUP_i32 C_CALL_SETUP_i32 ADD_CLPER_i32 FMA_XOR_i32 ADD_XOR_i32 FMA_LSHIFT_XOR_i32 ADD_LSHIFT_XOR_i32 FMA_RSHIFT_XOR_i32 ADD_RSHIFT_XOR_i32 FMA_OR_i32 ADD_OR_i32 FMA_LSHIFT_OR_i32 ADD_LSHIFT_OR_i32 FMA_RSHIFT_OR_i32 ADD_RSHIFT_OR_i32 FMA_LSHIFT_i32 ADD_LSHIFT_i32 FMA_ARSHIFT_i32 ADD_ARSHIFT_i32 FMA_RSHIFT_i32 ADD_RSHIFT_i32 FMA_POPCOUNT_i32 FMA_NOT_i32 ADD_NOT_i32 FMA_LROT_i32 ADD_LROT_i32 FMA_RROT_i32 ADD_RROT_i32 FMA_INSERT_i32 FMA_DIS_INVALID_INST_i32 ADD_DIS_INVALID_INST_i32 FMA_DIS_AMBIGUOUS_INST_i32 ADD_DIS_AMBIGUOUS_INST_i32 FMA_ATOM_POST_i32 FMA_BITREV_i32 ADD_TEXC_NOCONV_i32 ADD_TEXC_ARG_NOCONV_i32 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_ARG_NOCONV_i32 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_ARG_NOCONV_i32 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_NOCONV_i32 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_NOCONV_i32 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ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_IMM_CO_v4s32 ADD_LD_ATTR_CO_v4s32 ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_CO_v4s32 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CO_v4s32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV_v4s32 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV_v4s32 FMA_EXTRACT1_s32 ADD_EXTRACT2_s32 FMA_IMEDIAN3_s32 FMA_IMIN3_s32 FMA_IMAX3_s32 FMA_ISUB_s32 ADD_ISUB_s32 FMA_HADD_s32 ADD_HADD_s32 FMA_IADD_s32 ADD_IADD_s32 ADD_IABSDIF_s32 ADD_BRANCH_s32 FMA_ICMPI_s32 ADD_ICMPI_s32 FMA_CSEL_s32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL_s32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_DTSEL_s32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_s32 FMA_SHADDXL_s32 PSEUDO_REM_s32 ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_CO_s32 ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_IMM_CO_s32 ADD_LD_ATTR_CO_s32 ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_CO_s32 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CO_s32 FMA_ICMP_s32 ADD_ICMP_s32 FMA_IAVGR_s32 FMA_IABS_s32 ADD_IABS_s32 PSEUDO_DIV_s32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV_s32 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV_s32 ADD_BRANCHZ_s32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL_v2u32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_DTSEL_v2u32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_v2u32 ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_CO_v2u32 ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_IMM_CO_v2u32 ADD_LD_ATTR_CO_v2u32 ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_CO_v2u32 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CO_v2u32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV_v2u32 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV_v2u32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL_v3u32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_DTSEL_v3u32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_v3u32 ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_CO_v3u32 ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_IMM_CO_v3u32 ADD_LD_ATTR_CO_v3u32 ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_CO_v3u32 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CO_v3u32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV_v3u32 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV_v3u32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL_v4u32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_DTSEL_v4u32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_v4u32 ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_CO_v4u32 ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_IMM_CO_v4u32 ADD_LD_ATTR_CO_v4u32 ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_CO_v4u32 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CO_v4u32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV_v4u32 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV_v4u32 FMA_EXTRACT1_u32 ADD_EXTRACT2_u32 FMA_IMEDIAN3_u32 FMA_IMIN3_u32 FMA_IMAX3_u32 FMA_ISUB_u32 ADD_ISUB_u32 FMA_HADD_u32 ADD_HADD_u32 FMA_IADD_u32 ADD_IADD_u32 ADD_IABSDIF_u32 ADD_BRANCH_u32 FMA_ICMPI_u32 ADD_ICMPI_u32 FMA_CSEL_u32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL_u32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_DTSEL_u32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_u32 FMA_SHADDXL_u32 PSEUDO_REM_u32 ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_CO_u32 ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_IMM_CO_u32 ADD_LD_ATTR_CO_u32 ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_CO_u32 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CO_u32 FMA_ICMP_u32 ADD_ICMP_u32 FMA_IAVGR_u32 PSEUDO_DIV_u32 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV_u32 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV_u32 ADD_BRANCHZ_u32 FMA_CLZ_u32 FMA_and_ADD_PSEUDO_LOAD_BI_i192 FMA_and_ADD_PSEUDO_STORE_BI_i192 ADD_TEXC_NOCONV_i192 ADD_TEXC_ARG_NOCONV_i192 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_ARG_NOCONV_i192 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_ARG_NOCONV_i192 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_NOCONV_i192 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_NOCONV_i192 ADD_TEXC_CONV_i192 ADD_TEXC_ARG_CONV_i192 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_ARG_CONV_i192 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_ARG_CONV_i192 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_CONV_i192 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_CONV_i192 ADD_CUBEFACE2 PSEUDO_FLOG2 PSEUDO_HALF_LOG2 PSEUDO_ATAN2 PSEUDO_FEXP2 PSEUDO_HALF_EXP2 FMA_and_ADD_VN_ASST_V3 FMA_and_ADD_PSEUDO_LOAD_BI_i224 FMA_and_ADD_PSEUDO_STORE_BI_i224 ADD_TEXC_ARG_NOCONV_i224 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_ARG_NOCONV_i224 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_ARG_NOCONV_i224 ADD_TEXC_ARG_CONV_i224 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_ARG_CONV_i224 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_ARG_CONV_i224 ADD_LOAD_i24 ADD_STORE_i24 FMA_F32_TO_F64 ADD_F32_TO_F64 FMA_S64_TO_F64 ADD_S64_TO_F64 FMA_U64_TO_F64 ADD_U64_TO_F64 FMA_and_ADD_SHADDX_iBI64 FMA_S32_TO_S64 ADD_S32_TO_S64 FMA_F64_TO_S64 ADD_F64_TO_S64 FMA_U32_TO_U64 ADD_U32_TO_U64 FMA_F64_TO_U64 ADD_F64_TO_U64 PSEUDO_ATOM_C_64 PSEUDO_ATOM_CMUX_64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_iBI64_v2f64 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_iBI64_v2f64 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_iBI64_v2f64 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_iBI64_v2f64 ADD_LOAD_v2f64 ADD_STORE_v2f64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_sBI_v2f64 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_sBI_v2f64 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_sBI_v2f64 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_sBI_v2f64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_uBI_v2f64 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_uBI_v2f64 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_uBI_v2f64 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_uBI_v2f64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_DTSEL_v2f64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL_v2f64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_DTSEL_v2f64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_v2f64 ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_v2f64 ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_v2f64 ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_CO_v2f64 ADD_LD_ATTR_CO_v2f64 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CO_v2f64 FMA_and_ADD_VN_ASST_v2f64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV_v2f64 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV_v2f64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL_v3f64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_DTSEL_v3f64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_v3f64 ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_CO_v3f64 ADD_LD_ATTR_CO_v3f64 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CO_v3f64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV_v3f64 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV_v3f64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL_v4f64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_DTSEL_v4f64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_v4f64 ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_CO_v4f64 ADD_LD_ATTR_CO_v4f64 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CO_v4f64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV_v4f64 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV_v4f64 FMA_VN_ASST1_f64 ADD_VN_ASST2_f64 FMA_FMEDIAN3_f64 FMA_FMIN3_f64 FMA_FMAX3_f64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_iBI64_f64 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_iBI64_f64 FMA_and_ADD_AXCHG_CO_iBI64_f64 FMA_FMA_f64 FMA_ILOGB_f64 ADD_ILOGB_f64 FMA_LOGB_f64 ADD_LOGB_f64 ADD_LOAD_f64 FMA_FADD_f64 ADD_FADD_f64 FMA_FROUND_f64 FMA_FMUL_SLICE_f64 ADD_FREXPE_DE_f64 ADD_FADD_ASCALE_f64 FMA_FMA_MSCALE_f64 FMA_FMUL_MSCALE_f64 FMA_FMA_RSCALE_f64 ADD_FADD_RSCALE_f64 FMA_FMUL_RSCALE_f64 FMA_FREXPE_f64 ADD_FREXPE_f64 ADD_STORE_f64 FMA_FNEG_f64 ADD_FNEG_f64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_sBI_f64 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_sBI_f64 FMA_and_ADD_AXCHG_CO_sBI_f64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_uBI_f64 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_uBI_f64 FMA_and_ADD_AXCHG_CO_uBI_f64 FMA_CSEL_f64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_DTSEL_f64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL_f64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_DTSEL_f64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_f64 FMA_FMUL_f64 FMA_FREXPM_f64 ADD_FREXPM_f64 FMA_FMIN_f64 ADD_FMIN_f64 ADD_AXCHG_CO_f64 ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_CO_f64 ADD_LD_ATTR_CO_f64 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CO_f64 PSEUDO_FRECIP_f64 FMA_FCMP_f64 ADD_FCMP_f64 FMA_LDEXP_f64 ADD_LDEXP_f64 FMA_FABS_f64 ADD_FABS_f64 ADD_FPCLASS_f64 ADD_BRANCH_LOWBITS_f64 FMA_QUIET_f64 ADD_QUIET_f64 PSEUDO_FSQRT_f64 PSEUDO_FRSQRT_f64 PSEUDO_FDIV_f64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV_f64 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV_f64 FMA_FMAX_f64 ADD_FMAX_f64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_iBI64_v2i64 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_iBI64_v2i64 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_iBI64_v2i64 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_iBI64_v2i64 ADD_LOAD_v2i64 FMA_and_ADD_ATOM_PRE_AADD_v2i64 ADD_STORE_v2i64 FMA_and_ADD_ATOM_PRE_v2i64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_sBI_v2i64 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_sBI_v2i64 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_sBI_v2i64 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_sBI_v2i64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_uBI_v2i64 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_uBI_v2i64 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_uBI_v2i64 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_uBI_v2i64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_DTSEL_v2i64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL_v2i64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_DTSEL_v2i64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_v2i64 ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_v2i64 ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_v2i64 ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_CO_v2i64 ADD_LD_ATTR_CO_v2i64 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CO_v2i64 FMA_and_ADD_ATOM_COMP_NORET_v2i64 FMA_and_ADD_ATOM_CMUX_NORET_v2i64 FMA_and_ADD_ATOM_COMP_RET_v2i64 FMA_and_ADD_ATOM_CMUX_RET_v2i64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV_v2i64 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV_v2i64 FMA_ATOM_C1_i64 ADD_LOAD_WIDEN_32_i64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_WIDEN_32_iBI64_i64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_WIDEN_16_iBI64_i64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_WIDEN_8_iBI64_i64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_iBI64_i64 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_iBI64_i64 FMA_and_ADD_AXCHG_CO_iBI64_i64 ADD_LOAD_WIDEN_16_i64 ADD_LOAD_WIDEN_8_i64 FMA_ISUB_i64 ADD_ISUB_i64 FMA_IMSUB_i64 FMA_IMRSUB_i64 FMA_LSHIFT_RSUB_i64 ADD_LSHIFT_RSUB_i64 FMA_ARSHIFT_RSUB_i64 ADD_ARSHIFT_RSUB_i64 FMA_RSHIFT_RSUB_i64 ADD_RSHIFT_RSUB_i64 FMA_and_ADD_SEG_SUB_i64 FMA_LSHIFT_SUB_i64 ADD_LSHIFT_SUB_i64 FMA_ARSHIFT_SUB_i64 ADD_ARSHIFT_SUB_i64 FMA_RSHIFT_SUB_i64 ADD_RSHIFT_SUB_i64 FMA_ATOM_C_i64 FMA_IMAD_i64 ADD_LOAD_i64 FMA_IADD_i64 ADD_IADD_i64 FMA_and_ADD_SEG_ADD_i64 FMA_LSHIFT_ADD_i64 ADD_LSHIFT_ADD_i64 FMA_ARSHIFT_ADD_i64 ADD_ARSHIFT_ADD_i64 FMA_RSHIFT_ADD_i64 ADD_RSHIFT_ADD_i64 FMA_RED_i64 ADD_RED_i64 ADD_BAR_RED_i64 FMA_AND_i64 ADD_AND_i64 FMA_LSHIFT_AND_i64 ADD_LSHIFT_AND_i64 FMA_RSHIFT_AND_i64 ADD_RSHIFT_AND_i64 FMA_and_ADD_PSEUDO_CALL_IND_i64 FMA_DIS_INVALID_TUPLE_i64 ADD_DIS_INVALID_TUPLE_i64 ADD_ACMPSTORE_i64 ADD_STORE_i64 FMA_ATOM_PRE_i64 FMA_DIS_INVALID_CLAUSE_i64 ADD_DIS_INVALID_CLAUSE_i64 ADD_AXCHG_i64 ADD_ACMPXCHG_i64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_WIDEN_32_sBI_i64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_WIDEN_16_sBI_i64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_WIDEN_8_sBI_i64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_sBI_i64 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_sBI_i64 FMA_and_ADD_AXCHG_CO_sBI_i64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_WIDEN_32_uBI_i64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_WIDEN_16_uBI_i64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_WIDEN_8_uBI_i64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_uBI_i64 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_uBI_i64 FMA_and_ADD_AXCHG_CO_uBI_i64 PSEUDO_FI_i64 FMA_CSEL_i64 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_DTSEL_i64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL_i64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_DTSEL_i64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_i64 FMA_and_ADD_CALL_i64 FMA_and_ADD_PSEUDO_CALL_i64 FMA_IMUL_i64 PSEUDO_IMUL_i64 FMA_SHADDXL_i64 ADD_LDCLN_i64 FMA_ATOM_C1_RETURN_i64 FMA_ATOM_C_RETURN_i64 FMA_and_ADD_RETURN_i64 ADD_LD_TILE_CO_i64 ADD_ST_TILE_CO_i64 ADD_AXCHG_CO_i64 FMA_and_ADD_LSHIFT_LONG_CO_i64 FMA_and_ADD_ARSHIFT_LONG_CO_i64 FMA_and_ADD_RSHIFT_LONG_CO_i64 FMA_and_ADD_LROT_LONG_CO_i64 FMA_and_ADD_RROT_LONG_CO_i64 ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_CO_i64 ADD_LD_ATTR_CO_i64 ADD_LD_CVT_CO_i64 ADD_ST_CVT_CO_i64 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CO_i64 FMA_ICMP_i64 ADD_ICMP_i64 FMA_PSEUDO_CMP_i64 FMA_NOP_i64 ADD_NOP_i64 C_CALL_SETUP_i64 FMA_XOR_i64 ADD_XOR_i64 FMA_LSHIFT_XOR_i64 ADD_LSHIFT_XOR_i64 FMA_RSHIFT_XOR_i64 ADD_RSHIFT_XOR_i64 FMA_LROT_XOR_i64 FMA_RROT_XOR_i64 FMA_OR_i64 ADD_OR_i64 FMA_LSHIFT_OR_i64 ADD_LSHIFT_OR_i64 FMA_RSHIFT_OR_i64 ADD_RSHIFT_OR_i64 FMA_LSHIFT_i64 ADD_LSHIFT_i64 FMA_ARSHIFT_i64 ADD_ARSHIFT_i64 FMA_RSHIFT_i64 ADD_RSHIFT_i64 FMA_NOT_i64 ADD_NOT_i64 FMA_LROT_i64 FMA_RROT_i64 FMA_INSERT_i64 FMA_DIS_INVALID_INST_i64 ADD_DIS_INVALID_INST_i64 FMA_DIS_AMBIGUOUS_INST_i64 ADD_DIS_AMBIGUOUS_INST_i64 FMA_ATOM_POST_i64 ADD_TEXC_NOCONV_i64 ADD_TEXC_ARG_NOCONV_i64 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_ARG_NOCONV_i64 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_ARG_NOCONV_i64 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_NOCONV_i64 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_NOCONV_i64 ADD_TEXC_CONV_i64 ADD_TEXC_ARG_CONV_i64 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_ARG_CONV_i64 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_ARG_CONV_i64 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_CONV_i64 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV_i64 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_CONV_i64 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV_i64 FMA_MOV_i64 ADD_MOV_i64 PSEUDO_MOV_i64 FMA_MUX_i64 ADD_MUX_i64 C_CALL_DESTROY_i64 FMA_EXTRACT1_s64 ADD_EXTRACT2_s64 FMA_IMEDIAN3_s64 FMA_IMIN3_s64 FMA_IMAX3_s64 FMA_ISUB_s64 ADD_ISUB_s64 PSEUDO_RHADD_s64 FMA_HADD_s64 ADD_HADD_s64 PSEUDO_HADD_s64 FMA_IADD_s64 ADD_IADD_s64 ADD_IABSDIF_s64 FMA_CSEL_s64 PSEUDO_REM_s64 FMA_ICMP_s64 ADD_ICMP_s64 FMA_PSEUDO_CMP_s64 FMA_IAVGR_s64 FMA_IABS_s64 ADD_IABS_s64 PSEUDO_ABS_s64 PSEUDO_ISUB_SAT_s64 PSEUDO_IADD_SAT_s64 PSEUDO_DIV_s64 FMA_EXTRACT1_u64 ADD_EXTRACT2_u64 FMA_IMEDIAN3_u64 FMA_IMIN3_u64 FMA_IMAX3_u64 FMA_ISUB_u64 ADD_ISUB_u64 PSEUDO_RHADD_u64 FMA_HADD_u64 ADD_HADD_u64 PSEUDO_HADD_u64 FMA_IADD_u64 ADD_IADD_u64 ADD_IABSDIF_u64 ADD_LD_GCLK_u64 FMA_CSEL_u64 PSEUDO_REM_u64 PSEUDO_CLZ_M_u64 FMA_ICMP_u64 ADD_ICMP_u64 FMA_PSEUDO_CMP_u64 FMA_IAVGR_u64 PSEUDO_ISUB_SAT_u64 PSEUDO_IADD_SAT_u64 PSEUDO_DIV_u64 FMA_CLZ_u64 PSEUDO_CLZ_u64 FMA_and_ADD_VN_ASST_V4 ADD_FEXP_TABLE_u4 PSEUDO_TEXC_ARG_5 PSEUDO_TEXC_ARG_DTSEL_5 PSEUDO_TEXC_ARG_DTSEL_IMM_5 FMA_V2F32_TO_V2F16 ADD_V2F32_TO_V2F16 FMA_V2S16_TO_V2F16 ADD_V2S16_TO_V2F16 FMA_V2U16_TO_V2F16 ADD_V2U16_TO_V2F16 FMA_V2S8_TO_V2F16 ADD_V2S8_TO_V2F16 FMA_V2U8_TO_V2F16 ADD_V2U8_TO_V2F16 FMA_V2S32_TO_V2S16 FMA_V2F16_TO_V2S16 ADD_V2F16_TO_V2S16 FMA_V2S8_TO_V2S16 ADD_V2S8_TO_V2S16 FMA_V2U32_TO_V2U16 FMA_V2F16_TO_V2U16 ADD_V2F16_TO_V2U16 FMA_V2U8_TO_V2U16 ADD_V2U8_TO_V2U16 ADD_VN_ASST2_v2f16 FMA_FMEDIAN3_v2f16 FMA_FMIN3_v2f16 FMA_FMAX3_v2f16 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_iBI64_v2f16 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_iBI64_v2f16 FMA_and_ADD_AXCHG_CO_iBI64_v2f16 FMA_FMA_v2f16 FMA_DELTA_v2f16 ADD_DELTA_v2f16 FMA_ILOGB_v2f16 ADD_ILOGB_v2f16 FMA_LOGB_v2f16 ADD_LOGB_v2f16 ADD_LOAD_v2f16 FMA_FADD_v2f16 ADD_FADD_v2f16 FMA_FROUND_v2f16 ADD_FROUND_v2f16 ADD_FREXPE_DE_v2f16 ADD_FADD_ASCALE_v2f16 FMA_FMA_MSCALE_v2f16 FMA_FMUL_MSCALE_v2f16 FMA_FMA_RSCALE_v2f16 FMA_FMUL_RSCALE_v2f16 FMA_FREXPE_v2f16 ADD_FREXPE_v2f16 ADD_STORE_v2f16 FMA_FNEG_v2f16 ADD_FNEG_v2f16 FMA_DAVG_v2f16 ADD_DAVG_v2f16 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_sBI_v2f16 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_sBI_v2f16 FMA_and_ADD_AXCHG_CO_sBI_v2f16 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_uBI_v2f16 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_uBI_v2f16 FMA_and_ADD_AXCHG_CO_uBI_v2f16 FMA_CSEL_v2f16 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_DTSEL_v2f16 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL_v2f16 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_DTSEL_v2f16 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_v2f16 FMA_FMUL_v2f16 FMA_FREXPM_v2f16 ADD_FREXPM_v2f16 FMA_FMIN_v2f16 ADD_FMIN_v2f16 ADD_AXCHG_CO_v2f16 ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_CO_v2f16 ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_IMM_CO_v2f16 ADD_LD_ATTR_CO_v2f16 ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_CO_v2f16 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CO_v2f16 FMA_FCMP_v2f16 ADD_FCMP_v2f16 FMA_LDEXP_v2f16 ADD_LDEXP_v2f16 FMA_FMEDIAN3S_v2f16 FMA_FABS_v2f16 ADD_FABS_v2f16 FMA_QUIET_v2f16 ADD_QUIET_v2f16 PSEUDO_FSQRT_v2f16 PSEUDO_FDIV_v2f16 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV_v2f16 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV_v2f16 ADD_LD_VAR_SPECIAL_W_v2f16 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ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_SPECIAL_W_v3f16 ADD_LD_VAR_IMM_W_v3f16 ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_IMM_W_v3f16 ADD_LD_VAR_W_v3f16 ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_W_v3f16 ADD_LD_VAR_SPECIAL_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v3f16 ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_SPECIAL_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v3f16 ADD_LD_VAR_IMM_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v3f16 ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_IMM_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v3f16 ADD_LD_VAR_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v3f16 ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v3f16 ADD_VN_ASST3_v4f16 PSEUDO_BLEND_D3D_3_v4f16 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_iBI64_v4f16 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_iBI64_v4f16 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_iBI64_v4f16 FMA_and_ADD_AXCHG_CO_iBI64_v4f16 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_iBI64_v4f16 ADD_BLEND_D1_D3D_v4f16 ADD_BLEND_Q1_D3D_v4f16 ADD_BLEND_D1_D2_D3D_v4f16 ADD_BLEND_Q1_Q2_D3D_v4f16 PSEUDO_BLEND_D3D_v4f16 ADD_LOAD_v4f16 PSEUDO_BLEND_v4f16 ADD_TEXS_2D_NOLOD_v4f16 FMA_and_ADD_TEXS_2D_DTSEL_NOLOD_v4f16 FMA_and_ADD_TEXS_2D_DTSEL_IMM_NOLOD_v4f16 ADD_TEXS_2D_LOD_v4f16 FMA_and_ADD_TEXS_2D_DTSEL_LOD_v4f16 FMA_and_ADD_TEXS_2D_DTSEL_IMM_LOD_v4f16 ADD_STORE_v4f16 ADD_BLEND_FRAG_v4f16 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FMA_and_ADD_VAR_TEX_WITH_PRELOADS_DTSEL_W_CONV_v4f16 FMA_and_ADD_VAR_TEX_DTSEL_W_CONV_v4f16 FMA_and_ADD_VAR_TEX_WITH_PRELOADS_DTSEL_IMM_W_CONV_v4f16 FMA_and_ADD_VAR_TEX_DTSEL_IMM_W_CONV_v4f16 ADD_VAR_TEX_WITH_PRELOADS_W_CONV_v4f16 ADD_VAR_TEX_W_CONV_v4f16 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV_v4f16 ADD_LD_VAR_SPECIAL_W_v4f16 ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_SPECIAL_W_v4f16 ADD_LD_VAR_IMM_W_v4f16 ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_IMM_W_v4f16 ADD_LD_VAR_W_v4f16 ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_W_v4f16 ADD_LD_VAR_SPECIAL_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v4f16 ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_SPECIAL_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v4f16 ADD_LD_VAR_IMM_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v4f16 ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_IMM_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v4f16 ADD_LD_VAR_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v4f16 ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v4f16 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_iBI64_v8f16 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_iBI64_v8f16 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_iBI64_v8f16 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_iBI64_v8f16 ADD_LOAD_v8f16 ADD_STORE_v8f16 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_sBI_v8f16 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_sBI_v8f16 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_sBI_v8f16 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_sBI_v8f16 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_uBI_v8f16 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_uBI_v8f16 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_uBI_v8f16 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_uBI_v8f16 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_DTSEL_v8f16 ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_v8f16 ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_v8f16 FMA_VN_ASST1_f16 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_iBI64_f16 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_iBI64_f16 ADD_TEXS_2D_f16 ADD_LOAD_f16 ADD_TEXS_CUBE_f16 ADD_FATAN_TABLE_f16 ADD_STORE_f16 ADD_BRANCH_f16 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_sBI_f16 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_sBI_f16 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_uBI_f16 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_uBI_f16 FMA_and_ADD_VN_ASST_SCAL_f16 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_DTSEL_f16 FMA_and_ADD_TEXS_CUBE_DTSEL_f16 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL_f16 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_DTSEL_f16 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_f16 FMA_and_ADD_TEXS_CUBE_DTSEL_IMM_f16 PSEUDO_FDIV_IMM_f16 ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_CO_f16 ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_IMM_CO_f16 ADD_LD_ATTR_CO_f16 ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_CO_f16 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CO_f16 ADD_FRCP_f16 ADD_FRSQ_f16 ADD_VAR_TEX_WITH_PRELOADS_f16 ADD_FPCLASS_f16 ADD_FPOW_SC_DET_f16 PSEUDO_FSQRT_f16 ADD_FATAN_ASSIST_f16 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV_f16 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV_f16 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ADD_BRANCH_u16 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL_u16 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_DTSEL_u16 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_u16 PSEUDO_REM_u16 ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_CO_u16 ADD_LD_ATTR_CO_u16 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CO_u16 PSEUDO_DIV_u16 FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV_u16 ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV_u16 ADD_BRANCHZ_u16 FMA_and_ADD_PSEUDO_LOAD_BI_i256 FMA_and_ADD_PSEUDO_STORE_BI_i256 ADD_TEXC_NOCONV_i256 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_NOCONV_i256 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_NOCONV_i256 ADD_TEXC_CONV_i256 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_CONV_i256 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_CONV_i256 ADD_LOAD_i96 ADD_STORE_i96 ADD_LDCLN_i96 ADD_LD_TILE_CO_i96 ADD_ST_TILE_CO_i96 ADD_LD_CVT_CO_i96 ADD_ST_CVT_CO_i96 ADD_TEXC_ARG_NOCONV_i96 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_ARG_NOCONV_i96 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_ARG_NOCONV_i96 ADD_TEXC_ARG_CONV_i96 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_ARG_CONV_i96 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_ARG_CONV_i96 PSEUDO_TEXC_ARG_6 PSEUDO_TEXC_ARG_DTSEL_6 PSEUDO_TEXC_ARG_DTSEL_IMM_6 ADD_FSIN_TABLE_u6 ADD_FCOS_TABLE_u6 ADD_FSINCOS_OFFSET_u6 FMA_IMAD_i27 FMA_IMUL_i27 PSEUDO_TEXC_ARG_7 PSEUDO_TEXC_ARG_DTSEL_7 PSEUDO_TEXC_ARG_DTSEL_IMM_7 ADD_LOAD_i128 ADD_STORE_i128 ADD_LDCLN_i128 ADD_LD_TILE_CO_i128 ADD_ST_TILE_CO_i128 ADD_LD_CVT_CO_i128 ADD_ST_CVT_CO_i128 ADD_TEXC_NOCONV_i128 ADD_TEXC_ARG_NOCONV_i128 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_ARG_NOCONV_i128 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_ARG_NOCONV_i128 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_NOCONV_i128 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_NOCONV_i128 ADD_TEXC_CONV_i128 ADD_TEXC_ARG_CONV_i128 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_ARG_CONV_i128 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_ARG_CONV_i128 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_CONV_i128 FMA_and_ADD_TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_CONV_i128 ADD_LOAD_i48 ADD_STORE_i48 ADD_LD_TILE_CO_i48 ADD_ST_TILE_CO_i48 ADD_LD_CVT_CO_i48 ADD_ST_CVT_CO_i48 FMA_V4S16_TO_V4S8 FMA_V4U16_TO_V4U8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_iBI64_v2i8 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_iBI64_v2i8 ADD_LOAD_v2i8 ADD_STORE_v2i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_sBI_v2i8 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_sBI_v2i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_uBI_v2i8 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_uBI_v2i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_DTSEL_v2i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_iBI64_v3i8 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_iBI64_v3i8 ADD_LOAD_v3i8 ADD_STORE_v3i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_sBI_v3i8 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_sBI_v3i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_uBI_v3i8 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_uBI_v3i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_DTSEL_v3i8 FMA_ATOM_C1_v4i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_iBI64_v4i8 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_iBI64_v4i8 FMA_and_ADD_AXCHG_CO_iBI64_v4i8 FMA_ISUB_v4i8 ADD_ISUB_v4i8 FMA_IMSUB_v4i8 FMA_IMRSUB_v4i8 FMA_LSHIFT_RSUB_v4i8 FMA_ARSHIFT_RSUB_v4i8 FMA_RSHIFT_RSUB_v4i8 FMA_LSHIFT_SUB_v4i8 FMA_ARSHIFT_SUB_v4i8 FMA_RSHIFT_SUB_v4i8 FMA_MKVEC_v4i8 FMA_ATOM_C_v4i8 FMA_IMAD_v4i8 ADD_LOAD_v4i8 FMA_IADD_v4i8 ADD_IADD_v4i8 FMA_IDPADD_v4i8 FMA_LSHIFT_ADD_v4i8 FMA_ARSHIFT_ADD_v4i8 FMA_RSHIFT_ADD_v4i8 FMA_RED_v4i8 ADD_RED_v4i8 FMA_LSHIFT_AND_v4i8 FMA_RSHIFT_AND_v4i8 ADD_STORE_v4i8 FMA_PERMUTE_v4i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_sBI_v4i8 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_sBI_v4i8 FMA_and_ADD_AXCHG_CO_sBI_v4i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_uBI_v4i8 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_uBI_v4i8 FMA_and_ADD_AXCHG_CO_uBI_v4i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_DTSEL_v4i8 FMA_IMUL_v4i8 FMA_ATOM_C1_RETURN_v4i8 FMA_ATOM_C_RETURN_v4i8 ADD_AXCHG_CO_v4i8 FMA_IDP_v4i8 FMA_ICMP_v4i8 ADD_ICMP_v4i8 FMA_LSHIFT_XOR_v4i8 FMA_RSHIFT_XOR_v4i8 FMA_LSHIFT_OR_v4i8 FMA_RSHIFT_OR_v4i8 FMA_LSHIFT_v4i8 ADD_LSHIFT_v4i8 FMA_ARSHIFT_v4i8 ADD_ARSHIFT_v4i8 FMA_RSHIFT_v4i8 ADD_RSHIFT_v4i8 FMA_ATOM_POST_v4i8 FMA_MUX_v4i8 ADD_MUX_v4i8 FMA_SWZ_v4i8 ADD_SWZ_v4i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_iBI64_v16i8 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_iBI64_v16i8 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_iBI64_v16i8 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_iBI64_v16i8 ADD_LOAD_v16i8 ADD_STORE_v16i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_sBI_v16i8 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_sBI_v16i8 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_sBI_v16i8 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_sBI_v16i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_uBI_v16i8 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_uBI_v16i8 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_uBI_v16i8 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_uBI_v16i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_DTSEL_v16i8 ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_v16i8 ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_v16i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_iBI64_v8i8 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_iBI64_v8i8 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_iBI64_v8i8 FMA_and_ADD_AXCHG_CO_iBI64_v8i8 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_iBI64_v8i8 ADD_LOAD_v8i8 ADD_STORE_v8i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_sBI_v8i8 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_sBI_v8i8 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_sBI_v8i8 FMA_and_ADD_AXCHG_CO_sBI_v8i8 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_sBI_v8i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_uBI_v8i8 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_uBI_v8i8 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_uBI_v8i8 FMA_and_ADD_AXCHG_CO_uBI_v8i8 FMA_and_ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_uBI_v8i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_DTSEL_v8i8 ADD_ACMPSTORE_CO_v8i8 ADD_AXCHG_CO_v8i8 ADD_ACMPXCHG_CO_v8i8 FMA_ATOM_C1_i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_iBI64_i8 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_iBI64_i8 FMA_ATOM_C_i8 ADD_LOAD_i8 ADD_STORE_i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_sBI_i8 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_sBI_i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_uBI_i8 FMA_and_ADD_STORE_uBI_i8 FMA_and_ADD_LOAD_DTSEL_i8 FMA_ATOM_C1_RETURN_i8 FMA_ATOM_C_RETURN_i8 FMA_ATOM_POST_i8 FMA_IMEDIAN3_v4s8 FMA_IMIN3_v4s8 FMA_IMAX3_v4s8 FMA_ISUB_v4s8 ADD_ISUB_v4s8 FMA_HADD_v4s8 ADD_HADD_v4s8 FMA_IADD_v4s8 ADD_IADD_v4s8 ADD_IABSDIF_v4s8 FMA_ICMP_v4s8 ADD_ICMP_v4s8 FMA_IAVGR_v4s8 FMA_IMEDIAN3S_v4s8 FMA_IABS_v4s8 ADD_IABS_v4s8 PSEUDO_REM_s8 PSEUDO_DIV_s8 FMA_IMEDIAN3_v4u8 FMA_IMIN3_v4u8 FMA_IMAX3_v4u8 FMA_ISUB_v4u8 ADD_ISUB_v4u8 FMA_HADD_v4u8 ADD_HADD_v4u8 FMA_IADD_v4u8 ADD_IADD_v4u8 ADD_UADIF_v4u8 ADD_FS_UADIF_v4u8 ADD_IABSDIF_v4u8 FMA_ICMP_v4u8 ADD_ICMP_v4u8 FMA_IAVGR_v4u8 FMA_IMEDIAN3S_v4u8 FMA_CLZ_v4u8 PSEUDO_REM_u8 PSEUDO_DIV_u8 FMA_VIEWPORT_TRANSFORM_R58R59 ADD_EUREKA ADD_IMOV_FMA FMA_and_ADD_PSEUDO_ISUBB G_FSUB FMA_SEG_SUB ADD_SEG_SUB FMA_and_ADD_PSEUDO_IADDC G_INTRINSIC ADD_INSTANCE_INDEX_PRE_INC G_FPTRUNC G_TRUNC ADD_TEXC PSEUDO_ATOM_PRE_C FMA_IDX_REG_READ G_LOAD G_FADD FMA_SEG_ADD ADD_SEG_ADD FMA_IMULD FMA_PSEUDO_IMULD G_AND FMA_and_ADD_IMULD_SCND ADD_BLEND LIFETIME_END ADD_JUMP_IND G_BRCOND LOAD_STACK_GUARD G_USUBE FMA_FMUL_CSLICE FMA_FENCE REG_SEQUENCE G_UADDE PSEUDO_HALF_DIVIDE BUNDLE ADD_LD_TILE ADD_ST_TILE PSEUDO_FSQRT_RNE PSEUDO_FDIV_ROUND_NE LOCAL_ESCAPE G_STORE CLAUSE FMA_RETE ADD_RETE FMA_IDX_REG_WRITE PSEUDO_S64_TO_F32_RTE PSEUDO_U64_TO_F32_RTE PSEUDO_F32_TO_S64_RTE PSEUDO_F32_TO_U64_RTE DBG_VALUE G_GLOBAL_VALUE PSEUDO_LENGTH_2F PSEUDO_NORM_2F PSEUDO_LENGTH_3F PSEUDO_NORM_3F PSEUDO_LENGTH_4F PSEUDO_NORM_4F IMPLICIT_DEF EXTRACT_SUBREG INSERT_SUBREG SUBREG_TO_REG PSEUDO_FLOG PSEUDO_HALF_LOG ADD_BRANCH_DIVERG ADD_BRANCH_NO_DIVERG PSEUDO_LENGTH_2H PSEUDO_NORM_2H PSEUDO_LENGTH_3H PSEUDO_NORM_3H PSEUDO_LENGTH_4H PSEUDO_NORM_4H FMA_and_ADD_ATOM_POST_LH PSEUDO_FATANH PSEUDO_FTANH PSEUDO_FASINH PSEUDO_FSINH PSEUDO_FACOSH PSEUDO_FCOSH FMA_and_ADD_SHADDX_sBI FMA_and_ADD_SHADDX_uBI PHI PSEUDO_FSINPI PSEUDO_FCOSPI G_FPTOSI G_FPTOUI ADD_REPACK ADD_CALL_NOSTACK FMA_AND_SMASK ADD_WMASK PSEUDO_ATEST_MASK ADD_LD_VAR_SPECIAL GC_LABEL EH_LABEL ADD_BAR_REL ADD_CUBE_SSEL FMA_DTSEL FMA_and_ADD_LEA_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL FMA_and_ADD_LEA_ATTR_DTSEL FMA_and_ADD_LEA_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL ADD_CUBE_TSEL G_SHL FMA_and_ADD_ATOM_POST_HL PATCHABLE_TAIL_CALL ADD_JUMP_CALL ADD_DOORBELL KILL G_FMUL G_MUL G_FREM G_SREM G_UREM FMA_DTSEL_IMM ADD_LD_VAR_IMM ADD_LEA_ATTR_IMM ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_IMM ADD_LEA_TEX_IMM ADD_KABOOM SEQ_YUV_FAST_TRANSFORM INLINEASM PSEUDO_FATAN CLAUSE_BEGIN PSEUDO_ASIN PSEUDO_FSIN CFI_INSTRUCTION PSEUDO_S64_TO_F32_RTN PSEUDO_U64_TO_F32_RTN PSEUDO_F32_TO_S64_RTN PSEUDO_F32_TO_U64_RTN G_SSUBO ADD_LEA_ATTR_CO ADD_ATEST_CO G_SADDO G_SMULO G_UMULO PSEUDO_FLOG1P PSEUDO_CUBEMAP STACKMAP FMA_TRAP ADD_TRAP ADD_SLEEP G_GEP ADD_BAR_PREP G_SITOFP G_UITOFP PSEUDO_HALF_RECIP G_FCMP G_ICMP ADD_JUMP ADD_COP ADD_BLEND_NOP FAULTING_LOAD_OP PATCHABLE_OP PSEUDO_S64_TO_F32_RTP PSEUDO_U64_TO_F32_RTP PSEUDO_F32_TO_S64_RTP PSEUDO_F32_TO_U64_RTP ADD_WMASK_SUBGROUP PSEUDO_FEXP PSEUDO_HALF_EXP ADD_LD_VAR G_BR ADD_BARRIER PATCHABLE_FUNCTION_ENTER G_ASHR G_LSHR G_XOR G_OR G_INTTOPTR ADD_LEA_ATTR ADD_LD_ATTR PSEUDO_POWR ADD_COP_R ADD_LD_VAR_SPECIAL_WITH_PRELOADS ADD_LD_VAR_IMM_WITH_PRELOADS ADD_LD_VAR_WITH_PRELOADS PSEUDO_FSIN_GLES PSEUDO_FCOS_GLES PSEUDO_ACOS PSEUDO_FCOS C_EOS ADD_COP_RS COPY_TO_REGCLASS G_INTRINSIC_W_SIDE_EFFECTS ADD_COP_S ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT G_EXTRACT G_SELECT FMA_and_ADD_ATOM_COMP_AADD_NORET FMA_and_ADD_ATOM_COMP_AADD_RET PATCHABLE_RET PSEUDO_RET ADD_JUMP_RET ADD_ZS_EMIT PSEUDO_ZS_EMIT PSEUDO_S_EMIT PSEUDO_Z_EMIT PATCHABLE_FUNCTION_EXIT G_FCONSTANT G_CONSTANT STATEPOINT PATCHPOINT G_PTRTOINT ADD_GET_EXCEPT FMA_SET_EXCEPT LIFETIME_START PSEUDO_FCBRT G_INSERT PSEUDO_HALF_RSQRT PSEUDO_HALF_SQRT G_BITCAST PSEUDO_FLOG10_FAST PSEUDO_FEXP10_FAST PSEUDO_FLOG2_FAST PSEUDO_FEXP2_FAST PSEUDO_FLOG_FAST PSEUDO_FEXP2_MUL_FAST PSEUDO_FSIN_FAST PSEUDO_FEXP_FAST PSEUDO_FCOS_FAST ADD_ATEST PSEUDO_ATEST FMA_and_ADD_IMULD_FRST ADD_IDX_REG_ASST FMA_VIEWPORT_TRANSFORM_STCVT PSEUDO_VIEWPORT_TRANSFORM_STCVT ADD_LD_CVT ADD_ST_CVT G_FPEXT G_SEXT G_ANYEXT G_ZEXT __MODS_1_T __MODS_2_T G_FDIV G_SDIV G_UDIV FMA_and_ADD_LEA_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV ADD_LEA_ATTR_TEX_CONV PSEUDO_POW ADD_ATOM_CX G_FRAME_INDEX ADD_LEA_TEX ADD_LEA_ATTR_TEX ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX FMA_JUMP_EX ADD_FPOW_SC_APPLY COPY PSEUDO_S64_TO_F32_RTZ PSEUDO_U64_TO_F32_RTZ PSEUDO_F32_TO_S64_RTZ PSEUDO_F32_TO_U64_RTZ FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL_v2auto FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_DTSEL_v2auto FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_v2auto ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_CO_v2auto ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_IMM_CO_v2auto ADD_LD_ATTR_CO_v2auto ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_CO_v2auto ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CO_v2auto FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV_v2auto ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV_v2auto ADD_LD_VAR_SPECIAL_W_v2auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_SPECIAL_W_v2auto ADD_LD_VAR_IMM_W_v2auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_IMM_W_v2auto ADD_LD_VAR_W_v2auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_W_v2auto ADD_LD_VAR_SPECIAL_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v2auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_SPECIAL_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v2auto ADD_LD_VAR_IMM_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v2auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_IMM_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v2auto ADD_LD_VAR_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v2auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v2auto FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL_v3auto FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_DTSEL_v3auto FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_v3auto ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_CO_v3auto ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_IMM_CO_v3auto ADD_LD_ATTR_CO_v3auto ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_CO_v3auto ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CO_v3auto FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV_v3auto ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV_v3auto ADD_LD_VAR_SPECIAL_W_v3auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_SPECIAL_W_v3auto ADD_LD_VAR_IMM_W_v3auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_IMM_W_v3auto ADD_LD_VAR_W_v3auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_W_v3auto ADD_LD_VAR_SPECIAL_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v3auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_SPECIAL_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v3auto ADD_LD_VAR_IMM_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v3auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_IMM_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v3auto ADD_LD_VAR_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v3auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v3auto FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL_v4auto FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_DTSEL_v4auto FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_v4auto ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_CO_v4auto ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_IMM_CO_v4auto ADD_LD_ATTR_CO_v4auto ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_CO_v4auto ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CO_v4auto FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV_v4auto ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV_v4auto ADD_LD_VAR_SPECIAL_W_v4auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_SPECIAL_W_v4auto ADD_LD_VAR_IMM_W_v4auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_IMM_W_v4auto ADD_LD_VAR_W_v4auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_W_v4auto ADD_LD_VAR_SPECIAL_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v4auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_SPECIAL_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v4auto ADD_LD_VAR_IMM_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v4auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_IMM_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v4auto ADD_LD_VAR_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v4auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_WITH_PRELOADS_W_v4auto FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL_auto FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_DTSEL_auto FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_auto ADD_LD_ATTR_IMM_CO_auto ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_IMM_CO_auto ADD_LD_ATTR_CO_auto ADD_LD_VAR_FLAT_CO_auto ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CO_auto FMA_and_ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV_auto ADD_LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV_auto ADD_LD_VAR_SPECIAL_W_auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_SPECIAL_W_auto ADD_LD_VAR_IMM_W_auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_IMM_W_auto ADD_LD_VAR_W_auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_W_auto ADD_LD_VAR_SPECIAL_WITH_PRELOADS_W_auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_SPECIAL_WITH_PRELOADS_W_auto ADD_LD_VAR_IMM_WITH_PRELOADS_W_auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_IMM_WITH_PRELOADS_W_auto ADD_LD_VAR_WITH_PRELOADS_W_auto ADD_LD_VAR_CENTER_WITH_PRELOADS_W_auto 0 Q D ? g O @ w . 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FLOG10 HALF_LOG10 FEXP10 HALF_EXP10 <+*>PSEUDO_LOAD_BI.i160 <+*>PSEUDO_STORE_BI.i160 +TEXC_ARG_NOCONV.i160 <+*>TEXC_DTSEL_ARG_NOCONV.i160 <+*>TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_ARG_NOCONV.i160 +TEXC_ARG_CONV.i160 <+*>TEXC_DTSEL_ARG_CONV.i160 <+*>TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_ARG_CONV.i160 *CUBEFACE1 FEXPM1 *VIEWPORT_TRANSFORM_R58R59_Z0W1 *VIEWPORT_TRANSFORM_STCVT_Z0W1 *VIEWPORT_TRANSFORM_R58R59_W1 *VIEWPORT_TRANSFORM_STCVT_W1 PSEUDO_ATOM_C.32 PSEUDO_ATOM_CMUX.32 *S32_TO_F32 +S32_TO_F32 *U32_TO_F32 +U32_TO_F32 *F64_TO_F32 *F16_TO_F32 +F16_TO_F32 *S16_TO_F32 +S16_TO_F32 *U16_TO_F32 +U16_TO_F32 *S8_TO_F32 +S8_TO_F32 *U8_TO_F32 +U8_TO_F32 *F32_TO_S32 +F32_TO_S32 *S64_TO_S32 *F16_TO_S32 +F16_TO_S32 *S16_TO_S32 +S16_TO_S32 *S8_TO_S32 +S8_TO_S32 *F32_TO_U32 +F32_TO_U32 *U64_TO_U32 *F16_TO_U32 +F16_TO_U32 *U16_TO_U32 +U16_TO_U32 *U8_TO_U32 +U8_TO_U32 *VN_ASST1.f32 +VN_ASST2.f32 *FMEDIAN3.f32 *FMIN3.f32 *FMAX3.f32 <+*>LOAD_iBI64.f32 <+*>STORE_iBI64.f32 <+*>AXCHG_CO_iBI64.f32 *FMA.f32 *DELTA.f32 +DELTA.f32 +FRCBRT_APPROX_A.f32 *LOGB.f32 +LOGB.f32 *ILOGB.f32 +ILOGB.f32 +FRCBRT_APPROX_B.f32 +FRCBRT_APPROX_C.f32 +TEXS_2D.f32 +LOAD.f32 *FADD.f32 +FADD.f32 +FLOGD.f32 *FROUND.f32 +FROUND.f32 +DISCARD.f32 +TEXS_CUBE.f32 *FMUL_SLICE.f32 +FREXPE_DE.f32 +FADD_ASCALE.f32 *FADD_LSCALE.f32 *FMA_MSCALE.f32 *FMUL_MSCALE.f32 *FMA_RSCALE.f32 +FADD_RSCALE.f32 *FMUL_RSCALE.f32 +FLOG_TABLE.f32 +FATAN_TABLE.f32 *FREXPE.f32 +FREXPE.f32 +STORE.f32 *FNEG.f32 +FNEG.f32 *DAVG.f32 +DAVG.f32 +BRANCH.f32 <+*>LOAD_sBI.f32 <+*>STORE_sBI.f32 <+*>AXCHG_CO_sBI.f32 <+*>LOAD_uBI.f32 <+*>STORE_uBI.f32 <+*>AXCHG_CO_uBI.f32 <+*>VN_ASST_SCAL.f32 *CSEL.f32 <+*>LOAD_DTSEL.f32 <+*>TEXS_CUBE_DTSEL.f32 <+*>LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL.f32 <+*>LD_ATTR_DTSEL.f32 <+*>LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL.f32 *FMUL.f32 <+*>TEXS_CUBE_DTSEL_IMM.f32 *FREXPM.f32 +FREXPM.f32 *FMIN.f32 +FMIN.f32 +AXCHG_CO.f32 +LD_ATTR_IMM_CO.f32 +LD_VAR_FLAT_IMM_CO.f32 +LD_ATTR_CO.f32 +LD_VAR_FLAT_CO.f32 +LD_ATTR_TEX_CO.f32 +FRCP.f32 FRECIP.f32 *FCMP.f32 +FCMP.f32 *LDEXP.f32 +LDEXP.f32 +FEXP.f32 +FRSQ.f32 *FABS.f32 +FABS.f32 +FPCLASS.f32 +BRANCH_LOWBITS.f32 +FPOW_SC_DET.f32 *QUIET.f32 +QUIET.f32 FSQRT.f32 FRSQRT.f32 FRECIP_FAST.f32 FSQRT_FAST.f32 FRSQRT_FAST.f32 +FATAN_ASSIST.f32 FDIV.f32 <+*>LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV.f32 +LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV.f32 +LD_VAR_SPECIAL_W.f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_SPECIAL_W.f32 +LD_VAR_IMM_W.f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_IMM_W.f32 +LD_VAR_W.f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_W.f32 +LD_VAR_SPECIAL_WITH_PRELOADS_W.f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_SPECIAL_WITH_PRELOADS_W.f32 +LD_VAR_IMM_WITH_PRELOADS_W.f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_IMM_WITH_PRELOADS_W.f32 +LD_VAR_WITH_PRELOADS_W.f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_WITH_PRELOADS_W.f32 *FMAX.f32 +FMAX.f32 +VAR_TEX.f32 +FRCP_APPROX.f32 +FRSQ_APPROX.f32 +BRANCHZ.f32 <+*>LOAD_iBI64.v2f32 <+*>STORE_iBI64.v2f32 <+*>ACMPSTORE_CO_iBI64.v2f32 <+*>AXCHG_CO_iBI64.v2f32 <+*>ACMPXCHG_CO_iBI64.v2f32 +LOAD.v2f32 +STORE.v2f32 <+*>LOAD_sBI.v2f32 <+*>STORE_sBI.v2f32 <+*>ACMPSTORE_CO_sBI.v2f32 <+*>AXCHG_CO_sBI.v2f32 <+*>ACMPXCHG_CO_sBI.v2f32 <+*>LOAD_uBI.v2f32 <+*>STORE_uBI.v2f32 <+*>ACMPSTORE_CO_uBI.v2f32 <+*>AXCHG_CO_uBI.v2f32 <+*>ACMPXCHG_CO_uBI.v2f32 <+*>LOAD_DTSEL.v2f32 <+*>LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL.v2f32 <+*>LD_ATTR_DTSEL.v2f32 <+*>LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL.v2f32 +ACMPSTORE_CO.v2f32 +AXCHG_CO.v2f32 +ACMPXCHG_CO.v2f32 +LD_ATTR_IMM_CO.v2f32 +LD_VAR_FLAT_IMM_CO.v2f32 +LD_ATTR_CO.v2f32 +LD_VAR_FLAT_CO.v2f32 +LD_ATTR_TEX_CO.v2f32 <+*>VN_ASST.v2f32 <+*>LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV.v2f32 +LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV.v2f32 +LD_VAR_SPECIAL_W.v2f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_SPECIAL_W.v2f32 +LD_VAR_IMM_W.v2f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_IMM_W.v2f32 +LD_VAR_W.v2f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_W.v2f32 +LD_VAR_SPECIAL_WITH_PRELOADS_W.v2f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_SPECIAL_WITH_PRELOADS_W.v2f32 +LD_VAR_IMM_WITH_PRELOADS_W.v2f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_IMM_WITH_PRELOADS_W.v2f32 +LD_VAR_WITH_PRELOADS_W.v2f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_WITH_PRELOADS_W.v2f32 <+*>LOAD_iBI64.v3f32 <+*>STORE_iBI64.v3f32 +LOAD.v3f32 +STORE.v3f32 <+*>LOAD_sBI.v3f32 <+*>STORE_sBI.v3f32 <+*>LOAD_uBI.v3f32 <+*>STORE_uBI.v3f32 <+*>LOAD_DTSEL.v3f32 <+*>LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL.v3f32 <+*>LD_ATTR_DTSEL.v3f32 <+*>LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL.v3f32 +LD_ATTR_IMM_CO.v3f32 +LD_VAR_FLAT_IMM_CO.v3f32 +LD_ATTR_CO.v3f32 +LD_VAR_FLAT_CO.v3f32 +LD_ATTR_TEX_CO.v3f32 <+*>LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV.v3f32 +LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV.v3f32 +LD_VAR_SPECIAL_W.v3f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_SPECIAL_W.v3f32 +LD_VAR_IMM_W.v3f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_IMM_W.v3f32 +LD_VAR_W.v3f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_W.v3f32 +LD_VAR_SPECIAL_WITH_PRELOADS_W.v3f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_SPECIAL_WITH_PRELOADS_W.v3f32 +LD_VAR_IMM_WITH_PRELOADS_W.v3f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_IMM_WITH_PRELOADS_W.v3f32 +LD_VAR_WITH_PRELOADS_W.v3f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_WITH_PRELOADS_W.v3f32 <+*>LOAD_iBI64.v4f32 <+*>STORE_iBI64.v4f32 <+*>ACMPSTORE_CO_iBI64.v4f32 <+*>ACMPXCHG_CO_iBI64.v4f32 +BLEND_D1_D3D.v4f32 +BLEND_Q1_D3D.v4f32 +BLEND_D1_D2_D3D.v4f32 +BLEND_Q1_Q2_D3D.v4f32 +LOAD.v4f32 BLEND.v4f32 +TEXS_2D_NOLOD.v4f32 <+*>TEXS_2D_DTSEL_NOLOD.v4f32 <+*>TEXS_2D_DTSEL_IMM_NOLOD.v4f32 +TEXS_2D_LOD.v4f32 <+*>TEXS_2D_DTSEL_LOD.v4f32 <+*>TEXS_2D_DTSEL_IMM_LOD.v4f32 +STORE.v4f32 +BLEND_FRAG.v4f32 <+*>LOAD_sBI.v4f32 <+*>STORE_sBI.v4f32 <+*>ACMPSTORE_CO_sBI.v4f32 <+*>ACMPXCHG_CO_sBI.v4f32 <+*>LOAD_uBI.v4f32 <+*>STORE_uBI.v4f32 <+*>ACMPSTORE_CO_uBI.v4f32 <+*>ACMPXCHG_CO_uBI.v4f32 <+*>LOAD_DTSEL.v4f32 <+*>LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL.v4f32 <+*>LD_ATTR_DTSEL.v4f32 <+*>LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL.v4f32 +BLEND_CO.v4f32 +ACMPSTORE_CO.v4f32 +ACMPXCHG_CO.v4f32 +LD_ATTR_IMM_CO.v4f32 +LD_VAR_FLAT_IMM_CO.v4f32 +LD_ATTR_CO.v4f32 +LD_VAR_FLAT_CO.v4f32 +LD_ATTR_TEX_CO.v4f32 <+*>VAR_TEX_WITH_PRELOADS_DTSEL_W_NOCONV.v4f32 <+*>VAR_TEX_DTSEL_W_NOCONV.v4f32 <+*>VAR_TEX_WITH_PRELOADS_DTSEL_IMM_W_NOCONV.v4f32 <+*>VAR_TEX_DTSEL_IMM_W_NOCONV.v4f32 +VAR_TEX_WITH_PRELOADS_W_NOCONV.v4f32 +VAR_TEX_W_NOCONV.v4f32 <+*>LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV.v4f32 <+*>VAR_TEX_WITH_PRELOADS_DTSEL_W_CONV.v4f32 <+*>VAR_TEX_DTSEL_W_CONV.v4f32 <+*>VAR_TEX_WITH_PRELOADS_DTSEL_IMM_W_CONV.v4f32 <+*>VAR_TEX_DTSEL_IMM_W_CONV.v4f32 +VAR_TEX_WITH_PRELOADS_W_CONV.v4f32 +VAR_TEX_W_CONV.v4f32 +LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV.v4f32 +LD_VAR_SPECIAL_W.v4f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_SPECIAL_W.v4f32 +LD_VAR_IMM_W.v4f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_IMM_W.v4f32 +LD_VAR_W.v4f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_W.v4f32 +LD_VAR_SPECIAL_WITH_PRELOADS_W.v4f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_SPECIAL_WITH_PRELOADS_W.v4f32 +LD_VAR_IMM_WITH_PRELOADS_W.v4f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_IMM_WITH_PRELOADS_W.v4f32 +LD_VAR_WITH_PRELOADS_W.v4f32 +LD_VAR_CENTER_WITH_PRELOADS_W.v4f32 *ATOM_C1.i32 <+*>LOAD_WIDEN_16_iBI64.i32 <+*>LOAD_WIDEN_8_iBI64.i32 <+*>LOAD_iBI64.i32 <+*>STORE_iBI64.i32 <+*>AXCHG_CO_iBI64.i32 +LOAD_WIDEN_16.i32 +LOAD_WIDEN_8.i32 *ISUBB.i32 *ISUB.i32 +ISUB.i32 *IMSUB.i32 *IMRSUB.i32 *LSHIFT_RSUB.i32 +LSHIFT_RSUB.i32 *RSHIFT_RSUB.i32 +RSHIFT_RSUB.i32 *ARSHIFT_RSUB.i32 +ARSHIFT_RSUB.i32 <+*>SEG_SUB.i32 *LSHIFT_SUB.i32 +LSHIFT_SUB.i32 *RSHIFT_SUB.i32 +RSHIFT_SUB.i32 *ARSHIFT_SUB.i32 +ARSHIFT_SUB.i32 *IADDC.i32 +BRANCHC.i32 *ATOM_C.i32 *IMAD.i32 +LOAD.i32 *IADD.i32 +IADD.i32 <+*>SEG_ADD.i32 *LSHIFT_ADD.i32 +LSHIFT_ADD.i32 *RSHIFT_ADD.i32 +RSHIFT_ADD.i32 *ARSHIFT_ADD.i32 +ARSHIFT_ADD.i32 *RED.i32 +RED.i32 +BAR_RED.i32 *AND.i32 +AND.i32 *LSHIFT_AND.i32 +LSHIFT_AND.i32 *RSHIFT_AND.i32 +RSHIFT_AND.i32 +SHIFT_DOUBLE.i32 *LSHIFT_DOUBLE.i32 *FLSHIFT_DOUBLE.i32 *RSHIFT_DOUBLE.i32 *ARSHIFT_DOUBLE.i32 *FRSHIFT_DOUBLE.i32 *LROT_DOUBLE.i32 *RROT_DOUBLE.i32 +STORE.i32 +ACMPSTORE.i32 *ICMPF.i32 +ICMPF.i32 +AXCHG.i32 +ACMPXCHG.i32 +BRANCH.i32 +SHADDXH.i32 <+*>LOAD_WIDEN_16_sBI.i32 <+*>LOAD_WIDEN_8_sBI.i32 <+*>LOAD_sBI.i32 <+*>STORE_sBI.i32 <+*>AXCHG_CO_sBI.i32 <+*>LOAD_WIDEN_16_uBI.i32 <+*>LOAD_WIDEN_8_uBI.i32 <+*>LOAD_uBI.i32 <+*>STORE_uBI.i32 <+*>AXCHG_CO_uBI.i32 *ICMPI.i32 +ICMPI.i32 *CSEL.i32 <+*>LOAD_DTSEL.i32 *IMUL.i32 *ICMPM.i32 +ICMPM.i32 +LDCLN.i32 *ATOM_C1_RETURN.i32 *ATOM_C_RETURN.i32 +LD_TILE_CO.i32 +ST_TILE_CO.i32 +AXCHG_CO.i32 +LD_CVT_CO.i32 +ST_CVT_CO.i32 *ICMP.i32 +ICMP.i32 *NOP.i32 +NOP.i32 +CLPER.i32 *OR.i32 +OR.i32 *XOR.i32 +XOR.i32 *LSHIFT_XOR.i32 +LSHIFT_XOR.i32 *RSHIFT_XOR.i32 +RSHIFT_XOR.i32 *LSHIFT_OR.i32 +LSHIFT_OR.i32 *RSHIFT_OR.i32 +RSHIFT_OR.i32 *LSHIFT.i32 +LSHIFT.i32 *RSHIFT.i32 +RSHIFT.i32 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<+*>ATOM_COMP_NORET.v2i32 <+*>ATOM_CMUX_NORET.v2i32 <+*>ATOM_COMP_RET.v2i32 <+*>ATOM_CMUX_RET.v2i32 <+*>LOAD_iBI64.v3i32 <+*>STORE_iBI64.v3i32 +LOAD.v3i32 +STORE.v3i32 <+*>LOAD_sBI.v3i32 <+*>STORE_sBI.v3i32 <+*>LOAD_uBI.v3i32 <+*>STORE_uBI.v3i32 <+*>LOAD_DTSEL.v3i32 <+*>LOAD_iBI64.v4i32 <+*>STORE_iBI64.v4i32 <+*>ACMPSTORE_CO_iBI64.v4i32 <+*>ACMPXCHG_CO_iBI64.v4i32 +BLEND_D1_D3D.v4i32 +BLEND_Q1_D3D.v4i32 +BLEND_D1_D2_D3D.v4i32 +BLEND_Q1_Q2_D3D.v4i32 +LOAD.v4i32 +STORE.v4i32 +BLEND_FRAG.v4i32 <+*>LOAD_sBI.v4i32 <+*>STORE_sBI.v4i32 <+*>ACMPSTORE_CO_sBI.v4i32 <+*>ACMPXCHG_CO_sBI.v4i32 <+*>LOAD_uBI.v4i32 <+*>STORE_uBI.v4i32 <+*>ACMPSTORE_CO_uBI.v4i32 <+*>ACMPXCHG_CO_uBI.v4i32 <+*>LOAD_DTSEL.v4i32 +BLEND_CO.v4i32 +ACMPSTORE_CO.v4i32 +ACMPXCHG_CO.v4i32 <+*>CALL_i32 <+*>RETURN_i32 *EXTRACT1.s32 +EXTRACT2.s32 *IMEDIAN3.s32 *IMIN3.s32 *IMAX3.s32 *ISUB.s32 +ISUB.s32 *HADD.s32 +HADD.s32 *IADD.s32 +IADD.s32 +IABSDIF.s32 +BRANCH.s32 *ICMPI.s32 +ICMPI.s32 *CSEL.s32 <+*>LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL.s32 <+*>LD_ATTR_DTSEL.s32 <+*>LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL.s32 *SHADDXL.s32 REM.s32 +LD_ATTR_IMM_CO.s32 +LD_VAR_FLAT_IMM_CO.s32 +LD_ATTR_CO.s32 +LD_VAR_FLAT_CO.s32 +LD_ATTR_TEX_CO.s32 *ICMP.s32 +ICMP.s32 *IAVGR.s32 *IABS.s32 +IABS.s32 DIV.s32 <+*>LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV.s32 +LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV.s32 +BRANCHZ.s32 <+*>LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL.v2s32 <+*>LD_ATTR_DTSEL.v2s32 <+*>LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL.v2s32 +LD_ATTR_IMM_CO.v2s32 +LD_VAR_FLAT_IMM_CO.v2s32 +LD_ATTR_CO.v2s32 +LD_VAR_FLAT_CO.v2s32 +LD_ATTR_TEX_CO.v2s32 <+*>LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV.v2s32 +LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV.v2s32 <+*>LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL.v3s32 <+*>LD_ATTR_DTSEL.v3s32 <+*>LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL.v3s32 +LD_ATTR_IMM_CO.v3s32 +LD_VAR_FLAT_IMM_CO.v3s32 +LD_ATTR_CO.v3s32 +LD_VAR_FLAT_CO.v3s32 +LD_ATTR_TEX_CO.v3s32 <+*>LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV.v3s32 +LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV.v3s32 <+*>LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL.v4s32 <+*>LD_ATTR_DTSEL.v4s32 <+*>LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL.v4s32 +LD_ATTR_IMM_CO.v4s32 +LD_VAR_FLAT_IMM_CO.v4s32 +LD_ATTR_CO.v4s32 +LD_VAR_FLAT_CO.v4s32 +LD_ATTR_TEX_CO.v4s32 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<+*>ACMPSTORE_CO_sBI.v4f16 <+*>AXCHG_CO_sBI.v4f16 <+*>ACMPXCHG_CO_sBI.v4f16 <+*>LOAD_uBI.v4f16 <+*>STORE_uBI.v4f16 <+*>ACMPSTORE_CO_uBI.v4f16 <+*>AXCHG_CO_uBI.v4f16 <+*>ACMPXCHG_CO_uBI.v4f16 <+*>LOAD_DTSEL.v4f16 <+*>LD_ATTR_IMM_DTSEL.v4f16 <+*>LD_ATTR_DTSEL.v4f16 <+*>LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL.v4f16 +BLEND_CO.v4f16 +ACMPSTORE_CO.v4f16 +AXCHG_CO.v4f16 +ACMPXCHG_CO.v4f16 +LD_ATTR_IMM_CO.v4f16 +LD_VAR_FLAT_IMM_CO.v4f16 +LD_ATTR_CO.v4f16 +LD_VAR_FLAT_CO.v4f16 +LD_ATTR_TEX_CO.v4f16 <+*>VN_ASST.v4f16 <+*>VAR_TEX_WITH_PRELOADS_DTSEL_W_NOCONV.v4f16 <+*>VAR_TEX_DTSEL_W_NOCONV.v4f16 <+*>VAR_TEX_WITH_PRELOADS_DTSEL_IMM_W_NOCONV.v4f16 <+*>VAR_TEX_DTSEL_IMM_W_NOCONV.v4f16 +VAR_TEX_WITH_PRELOADS_W_NOCONV.v4f16 +VAR_TEX_W_NOCONV.v4f16 <+*>LD_ATTR_TEX_DTSEL_CONV.v4f16 <+*>VAR_TEX_WITH_PRELOADS_DTSEL_W_CONV.v4f16 <+*>VAR_TEX_DTSEL_W_CONV.v4f16 <+*>VAR_TEX_WITH_PRELOADS_DTSEL_IMM_W_CONV.v4f16 <+*>VAR_TEX_DTSEL_IMM_W_CONV.v4f16 +VAR_TEX_WITH_PRELOADS_W_CONV.v4f16 +VAR_TEX_W_CONV.v4f16 +LD_ATTR_TEX_CONV.v4f16 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<+*>STORE_uBI.i16 <+*>LOAD_DTSEL.i16 *ATOM_C1_RETURN.i16 *ATOM_C_RETURN.i16 +LD_TILE_CO.i16 +ST_TILE_CO.i16 +LD_CVT_CO.i16 +ST_CVT_CO.i16 *ATOM_POST.i16 +TEXC_NOCONV.i16 <+*>TEXC_DTSEL_NOCONV.i16 <+*>TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_NOCONV.i16 +TEXC_CONV.i16 <+*>TEXC_DTSEL_CONV.i16 <+*>TEXC_DTSEL_IMM_CONV.i16 +BRANCHZ.i16 *ATOM_C1.v2i16 <+*>LOAD_iBI64.v2i16 <+*>STORE_iBI64.v2i16 <+*>AXCHG_CO_iBI64.v2i16 *ISUB.v2i16 +ISUB.v2i16 *IMSUB.v2i16 *IMRSUB.v2i16 *LSHIFT_RSUB.v2i16 *RSHIFT_RSUB.v2i16 *ARSHIFT_RSUB.v2i16 *LSHIFT_SUB.v2i16 *RSHIFT_SUB.v2i16 *ARSHIFT_SUB.v2i16 *MKVEC.v2i16 +MKVEC.v2i16 *ATOM_C.v2i16 *IMAD.v2i16 +LOAD.v2i16 *IADD.v2i16 +IADD.v2i16 *IDPADD.v2i16 *LSHIFT_ADD.v2i16 *RSHIFT_ADD.v2i16 *ARSHIFT_ADD.v2i16 *RED.v2i16 +RED.v2i16 *LSHIFT_AND.v2i16 *RSHIFT_AND.v2i16 +STORE.v2i16 *PERMUTE.v2i16 <+*>LOAD_sBI.v2i16 <+*>STORE_sBI.v2i16 <+*>AXCHG_CO_sBI.v2i16 <+*>LOAD_uBI.v2i16 <+*>STORE_uBI.v2i16 <+*>AXCHG_CO_uBI.v2i16 *CSEL.v2i16 <+*>LOAD_DTSEL.v2i16 *IMUL.v2i16 *ATOM_C1_RETURN.v2i16 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ambiguous-member-template analyzer-incompatible-plugin anonymous-pack-parens arc%arc-bridge-casts-disallowed-in-nonarc arc-maybe-repeated-use-of-weak arc-non-pod-memaccess arc-performSelector-leaks arc-repeated-use-of-weak arc-retain-cycles arc-unsafe-retained-assign array-bounds array-bounds-pointer-arithmetic asm asm-ignored-qualifier asm-operand-widths assign-enum assume at-protocol atomic-memory-ordering atomic-properties*atomic-property-with-user-defined-accessor attribute-packed-for-bitfield attributes auto-disable-vptr-sanitizer auto-import auto-storage-class auto-var-id availability backend-plugin backslash-newline-escape bad-function-cast bind-to-temporary-copy bitfield-constant-conversion bitfield-width bitwise-op-parentheses block-capture-autoreleasing bool-conversion bool-conversions braced-scalar-init bridge-cast builtin-macro-redefined builtin-memcpy-chk-size builtin-requires-header c++-compat c++0x-compat c++0x-extensions c++0x-narrowing c++11-compat(c++11-compat-deprecated-writable-strings c++11-compat-pedantic*c++11-compat-reserved-user-defined-literal c++11-extensions c++11-extra-semi c++11-inline-namespace c++11-long-long c++11-narrowing c++14-binary-literal c++14-compat c++14-compat-pedantic c++14-extensions c++1y-extensions c++1z-compat c++1z-extensions c++98-c++11-c++14-compat!c++98-c++11-c++14-compat-pedantic c++98-c++11-compat c++98-c++11-compat-pedantic c++98-compat#c++98-compat-bind-to-temporary-copy%c++98-compat-local-type-template-args c++98-compat-pedantic'c++98-compat-unnamed-type-template-args c11-extensions c99-compat c99-extensions cast-align cast-calling-convention cast-of-sel-type cast-qual char-align char-subscripts clang-cl-pch class-varargs comma comment comments compare-distinct-pointer-types complex-component-init conditional-type-mismatch conditional-uninitialized config-macros constant-conversion constant-logical-operand constexpr-not-const consumed conversion conversion-null coreturn-without-coawait covered-switch-default cstring-format-directive ctor-dtor-privacy cuda-compat custom-atomic-properties dangling-else dangling-field dangling-initializer-list date-time dealloc-in-category debug-compression-unavailable declaration-after-statement delegating-ctor-cycles delete-incomplete delete-non-virtual-dtor deprecated deprecated-attributes deprecated-declarations!deprecated-dynamic-exception-spec deprecated-implementations deprecated-increment-bool deprecated-objc-isa-usage%deprecated-objc-pointer-introspection5deprecated-objc-pointer-introspection-performSelector deprecated-register deprecated-writable-strings direct-ivar-access disabled-macro-expansion disabled-optimization discard-qual distributed-object-modifiers div-by-zero division-by-zero dll-attribute-on-redeclaration%dllexport-explicit-instantiation-decl dllimport-static-field-def documentation documentation-deprecated-sync documentation-html documentation-pedantic documentation-unknown-command dollar-in-identifier-extension double-promotion duplicate-decl-specifier duplicate-enum duplicate-method-arg duplicate-method-match duplicate-protocol dynamic-class-memaccess dynamic-exception-spec effc++ embedded-directive empty-body empty-decomposition empty-translation-unit encode-type endif-labels enum-compare enum-conversion enum-too-large exceptions exit-time-destructors expansion-to-defined explicit-initialize-call explicit-ownership-type extended-offsetof extern-c-compat extern-initializer extra extra-qualification extra-semi extra-tokens fallback flag-enum flexible-array-extensions float-conversion float-equal float-overflow-conversion float-zero-conversion for-loop-analysis format format-extra-args format-invalid-specifier format-non-iso format-nonliteral format-pedantic format-security format-y2k format-zero-length format=2 four-char-constants frame-larger-than= function-def-in-objc-container future-compat gcc-compat global-constructors gnu gnu-alignof-expression gnu-anonymous-struct gnu-array-member-paren-init gnu-auto-type gnu-binary-literal gnu-case-range gnu-complex-integer gnu-compound-literal-initializer gnu-conditional-omitted-operand gnu-designator gnu-empty-initializer gnu-empty-struct gnu-flexible-array-initializer gnu-flexible-array-union-member gnu-folding-constant gnu-imaginary-constant gnu-include-next gnu-label-as-value gnu-redeclared-enum gnu-statement-expression gnu-static-float-init$gnu-string-literal-operator-template gnu-union-cast"gnu-variable-sized-type-not-at-end gnu-zero-line-directive!gnu-zero-variadic-macro-arguments header-guard header-hygiene idiomatic-parentheses ignored-attributes ignored-optimization-argument ignored-pragma-intrinsic ignored-pragmas ignored-qualifiers implicit implicit-atomic-properties*implicit-conversion-floating-point-to-bool implicit-exception-spec-mismatch implicit-fallthrough!implicit-fallthrough-per-function implicit-function-declaration implicit-int implicit-retain-self implicitly-unsigned-literal import&import-preprocessor-directive-pedantic inaccessible-base include-next-absolute-path include-next-outside-header incompatible-exception-spec#incompatible-function-pointer-types"incompatible-library-redeclaration incompatible-ms-struct incompatible-pointer-types.incompatible-pointer-types-discards-qualifiers incompatible-property-type incompatible-sysroot incomplete-implementation incomplete-module incomplete-umbrella inconsistent-dllimport inconsistent-missing-override increment-bool infinite-recursion init-self initializer-overrides inline inline-asm inline-new-delete"instantiation-after-specialization int-conversion int-conversions int-to-pointer-cast int-to-void-pointer-cast integer-overflow invalid-command-line-argument invalid-constexpr invalid-iboutlet&invalid-initializer-from-system-header invalid-noreturn invalid-offsetof invalid-or-nonexistent-directory invalid-partial-specialization invalid-pch invalid-pp-token invalid-source-encoding invalid-token-paste jump-seh-finally keyword-compat keyword-macro knr-promoted-parameter language-extension-token large-by-value-copy liblto literal-conversion literal-range local-type-template-args logical-not-parentheses logical-op-parentheses long-long loop-analysis macro-redefined main main-return-type malformed-warning-check many-braces-around-scalar-init max-unsigned-zero memsize-comparison method-signatures microsoft microsoft-anon-tag microsoft-cast microsoft-charize microsoft-comment-paste microsoft-const-init microsoft-cpp-macro"microsoft-default-arg-redefinition microsoft-end-of-file microsoft-enum-forward-reference microsoft-enum-value microsoft-exception-spec microsoft-exists#microsoft-explicit-constructor-call microsoft-extra-qualification microsoft-fixed-enum microsoft-flexible-array microsoft-goto microsoft-include microsoft-mutable-reference microsoft-pure-definition microsoft-redeclare-static microsoft-sealed microsoft-template microsoft-union-member-reference microsoft-unqualified-friend microsoft-using-decl microsoft-void-pseudo-dtor mismatched-new-delete mismatched-parameter-types mismatched-return-types mismatched-tags missing-braces missing-declarations missing-exception-spec missing-field-initializers missing-format-attribute missing-include-dirs missing-method-return-type missing-noreturn missing-prototype-for-cc missing-prototypes missing-selector-name missing-sysroot missing-variable-declarations module-build module-conflict module-file-config-mismatch module-file-extension module-import-in-extern-c"modules-ambiguous-internal-linkage modules-import-nested-redundant most move msvc-include multichar multiple-move-vbase narrowing nested-anon-types nested-externs new-returns-null newline-eof non-gcc non-literal-null-conversion'non-modular-include-in-framework-module non-modular-include-in-module non-pod-varargs non-virtual-dtor nonnull nonportable-cfstrings nonportable-include-path nonportable-system-include-path!nonportable-vector-initialization null-arithmetic null-character null-conversion null-dereference nullability nullability-completeness"nullability-completeness-on-arrays nullability-declspec nullability-extension#nullability-inferred-on-nested-type nullable-to-nonnull-conversion+objc-autosynthesis-property-ivar-name-match objc-circular-container objc-cocoa-api objc-designated-initializers objc-forward-class-redefinition objc-interface-ivars objc-literal-compare objc-literal-conversion objc-macro-redefinition objc-method-access objc-missing-property-synthesis objc-missing-super-calls objc-multiple-method-names"objc-noncopy-retain-block-property objc-nonunified-exceptions objc-property-implementation objc-property-implicit-mismatch*objc-property-matches-cocoa-ownership-rule objc-property-no-attribute objc-property-synthesis#objc-protocol-method-implementation objc-protocol-property-synthesis objc-protocol-qualifiers"objc-readonly-with-setter-property objc-redundant-api-use objc-redundant-literal-use objc-root-class objc-string-compare objc-string-concatenation odr old-style-cast old-style-definition opencl-unsupported-rgba openmp-clauses openmp-loop-form openmp-target option-ignored out-of-line-declaration over-aligned overflow overlength-strings overloaded-shift-op-parentheses overloaded-virtual override-module overriding-method-mismatch overriding-t-option packed padded parentheses parentheses-equality partial-availability pass pass-analysis pass-failed pass-missed pch-date-time pedantic pedantic-core-features pessimizing-move pointer-arith pointer-bool-conversion pointer-sign pointer-to-int-cast pointer-type-mismatch potentially-evaluated-expression pragma-once-outside-header#pragma-system-header-outside-header pragmas&predefined-identifier-outside-function private-extern private-header private-module profile-instr-out-of-date profile-instr-unprofiled property-access-dot-syntax property-attribute-mismatch protocol%protocol-property-synthesis-ambiguity qualified-void-return-type range-loop-analysis readonly-iboutlet-property receiver-expr receiver-forward-class redeclared-class-member redundant-decls redundant-move register reinterpret-base-class remark-backend-plugin reorder requires-super-attribute reserved-id-macro reserved-user-defined-literal retained-language-linkage return-stack-address return-type return-type-c-linkage rtti-for-exceptions sanitize-address section selector selector-type-mismatch self-assign self-assign-field self-move semicolon-before-method-body sentinel sequence-point serialized-diagnostics shadow shadow-all shadow-field-in-constructor$shadow-field-in-constructor-modified shadow-ivar shadow-uncaptured-local shift-count-negative shift-count-overflow shift-negative-value shift-op-parentheses shift-overflow shift-sign-overflow shorten-64-to-32 sign-compare sign-conversion sign-promo signed-enum-bitfield sizeof-array-argument sizeof-array-decay sizeof-pointer-memaccess sometimes-uninitialized source-uses-openmp spir-compat stack-protector static-float-init static-in-inline$static-inline-explicit-instantiation static-local-in-inline static-self-init strict-aliasing strict-aliasing=0 strict-aliasing=1 strict-aliasing=2 strict-overflow strict-overflow=0 strict-overflow=1 strict-overflow=2 strict-overflow=3 strict-overflow=4 strict-overflow=5 strict-prototypes strict-selector-match string-compare string-conversion string-plus-char string-plus-int strlcpy-strlcat-size strncat-size super-class-method-mismatch switch switch-bool switch-default switch-enum%sync-fetch-and-nand-semantics-changed synth tautological-compare*tautological-constant-out-of-range-compare tautological-overlap-compare tautological-pointer-compare tautological-undefined-compare$tentative-definition-incomplete-type thread-safety thread-safety-analysis thread-safety-attributes thread-safety-beta thread-safety-negative thread-safety-precise thread-safety-reference thread-safety-verbose trigraphs type-limits type-safety typedef-redefinition typename-missing unable-to-open-stats-file unavailable-declarations undeclared-selector undef undefined-bool-conversion undefined-func-template undefined-inline undefined-internal undefined-reinterpret-cast undefined-var-template unevaluated-expression unguarded-availability unicode unicode-whitespace uninitialized unknown-argument unknown-attributes unknown-escape-sequence unknown-pragmas unknown-sanitizers unknown-warning-option unnamed-type-template-args unneeded-internal-declaration unneeded-member-function unreachable-code unreachable-code-aggressive unreachable-code-break unreachable-code-loop-increment unreachable-code-return unsequenced unsupported-cb#unsupported-dll-base-class-template unsupported-friend unsupported-nan unsupported-visibility unusable-partial-specialization unused unused-argument unused-command-line-argument unused-comparison unused-const-variable unused-exception-parameter 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__nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_envreg28 __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_envreg29 __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_envreg3 __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_envreg30 __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_envreg31 __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_envreg4 __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_envreg5 __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_envreg6 __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_envreg7 __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_envreg8 __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_envreg9 __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_gridid __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_laneid __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_lanemask_eq __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_lanemask_ge __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_lanemask_gt __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_lanemask_le __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_lanemask_lt __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_nctaid_w __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_nctaid_x __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_nctaid_y __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_nctaid_z __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_nsmid __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_ntid_w __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_ntid_x __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_ntid_y __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_ntid_z __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_nwarpid __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_pm0 __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_pm1 __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_pm2 __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_pm3 __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_smid __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_tid_w 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