1#!/usr/bin/env python
3# Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
5# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7# You may obtain a copy of the License at
9#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15# limitations under the License.
18import logging
19import os
20import sys
21import unittest
23import target_file_utils
24import proc_utils as utils
26from proc_tests import ProcAsoundTests
27from proc_tests import ProcCmdlineTest
28from proc_tests import ProcCpuFileTests
29from proc_tests import ProcFsFileTests
30from proc_tests import ProcKmsgTest
31from proc_tests import ProcMapsTest
32from proc_tests import ProcMiscTest
33from proc_tests import ProcMemInfoTest
34from proc_tests import ProcModulesTest
35from proc_tests import ProcQtaguidCtrlTest
36from proc_tests import ProcRemoveUidRangeTest
37from proc_tests import ProcSimpleFileTests
38from proc_tests import ProcShowUidStatTest
39from proc_tests import ProcStatTest
40from proc_tests import ProcUidIoStatsTest
41from proc_tests import ProcUidTimeInStateTest
42from proc_tests import ProcUidConcurrentTimeTests
43from proc_tests import ProcUidCpuPowerTests
44from proc_tests import ProcVersionTest
45from proc_tests import ProcVmallocInfoTest
46from proc_tests import ProcVmstatTest
47from proc_tests import ProcZoneInfoTest
50    ProcAsoundTests.ProcAsoundCardsTest(),
51    ProcCmdlineTest.ProcCmdlineTest(),
52    ProcCpuFileTests.ProcCpuInfoTest(),
53    ProcCpuFileTests.ProcLoadavgTest(),
54    ProcFsFileTests.ProcDiskstatsTest(),
55    ProcFsFileTests.ProcFilesystemsTest(),
56    ProcFsFileTests.ProcMountsTest(),
57    ProcFsFileTests.ProcSwapsTest(),
58    ProcKmsgTest.ProcKmsgTest(),
59    ProcMapsTest.ProcMapsTest(),
60    ProcMiscTest.ProcMisc(),
61    ProcMemInfoTest.ProcMemInfoTest(),
62    ProcModulesTest.ProcModulesTest(),
63    ProcQtaguidCtrlTest.ProcQtaguidCtrlTest(),
64    ProcRemoveUidRangeTest.ProcRemoveUidRangeTest(),
65    ProcSimpleFileTests.ProcCorePattern(),
66    ProcSimpleFileTests.ProcCorePipeLimit(),
67    ProcSimpleFileTests.ProcDirtyBackgroundBytes(),
68    ProcSimpleFileTests.ProcDirtyBackgroundRatio(),
69    ProcSimpleFileTests.ProcDirtyExpireCentisecs(),
70    ProcSimpleFileTests.ProcDmesgRestrict(),
71    ProcSimpleFileTests.ProcDomainname(),
72    ProcSimpleFileTests.ProcDropCaches(),
73    ProcSimpleFileTests.ProcExtraFreeKbytes(),
74    ProcSimpleFileTests.ProcHostname(),
75    ProcSimpleFileTests.ProcHungTaskTimeoutSecs(),
76    ProcSimpleFileTests.ProcKptrRestrictTest(),
77    ProcSimpleFileTests.ProcMaxMapCount(),
78    ProcSimpleFileTests.ProcMmapMinAddrTest(),
79    ProcSimpleFileTests.ProcMmapRndBitsTest(),
80    ProcSimpleFileTests.ProcModulesDisabled(),
81    ProcSimpleFileTests.ProcOverCommitMemoryTest(),
82    ProcSimpleFileTests.ProcPageCluster(),
83    ProcSimpleFileTests.ProcPanicOnOops(),
84    ProcSimpleFileTests.ProcPerfEventMaxSampleRate(),
85    ProcSimpleFileTests.ProcPerfEventParanoid(),
86    ProcSimpleFileTests.ProcPidMax(),
87    ProcSimpleFileTests.ProcPipeMaxSize(),
88    ProcSimpleFileTests.ProcProtectedHardlinks(),
89    ProcSimpleFileTests.ProcProtectedSymlinks(),
90    ProcSimpleFileTests.ProcRandomizeVaSpaceTest(),
91    ProcSimpleFileTests.ProcSchedChildRunsFirst(),
92    ProcSimpleFileTests.ProcSchedLatencyNS(),
93    ProcSimpleFileTests.ProcSchedRTPeriodUS(),
94    ProcSimpleFileTests.ProcSchedRTRuntimeUS(),
95    ProcSimpleFileTests.ProcSchedTunableScaling(),
96    ProcSimpleFileTests.ProcSchedWakeupGranularityNS(),
97    ProcShowUidStatTest.ProcShowUidStatTest(),
98    ProcSimpleFileTests.ProcSuidDumpable(),
99    ProcSimpleFileTests.ProcSysKernelRandomBootId(),
100    ProcSimpleFileTests.ProcSysRqTest(),
101    ProcSimpleFileTests.ProcUptime(),
102    ProcStatTest.ProcStatTest(),
103    ProcUidIoStatsTest.ProcUidIoStatsTest(),
104    ProcUidTimeInStateTest.ProcUidTimeInStateTest(),
105    ProcUidConcurrentTimeTests.ProcUidConcurrentActiveTimeTest(),
106    ProcUidConcurrentTimeTests.ProcUidConcurrentPolicyTimeTest(),
107    ProcUidCpuPowerTests.ProcUidCpuPowerTimeInStateTest(),
108    ProcUidCpuPowerTests.ProcUidCpuPowerConcurrentActiveTimeTest(),
109    ProcUidCpuPowerTests.ProcUidCpuPowerConcurrentPolicyTimeTest(),
110    ProcVersionTest.ProcVersionTest(),
111    ProcVmallocInfoTest.ProcVmallocInfoTest(),
112    ProcVmstatTest.ProcVmstat(),
113    ProcZoneInfoTest.ProcZoneInfoTest(),
116TEST_OBJECTS_64 = {
117    ProcSimpleFileTests.ProcMmapRndCompatBitsTest(),
121class VtsKernelProcFileApiTest(unittest.TestCase):
122    """Test cases which check content of proc files.
124    Attributes:
125        _PROC_SYS_ABI_SWP_FILE_PATH: the path of a file which decides behaviour of SWP instruction.
126    """
128    _PROC_SYS_ABI_SWP_FILE_PATH = "/proc/sys/abi/swp"
130    def setUp(self):
131        """Initializes tests.
133        Data file path, device, remote shell instance and temporary directory
134        are initialized.
135        """
136        serial_number = os.environ.get("ANDROID_SERIAL")
137        self.assertTrue(serial_number, "$ANDROID_SERIAL is empty.")
138        self.dut = utils.AndroidDevice(serial_number)
140    def testProcPagetypeinfo(self):
141        # TODO(b/109884074): make mandatory once incident_helper is in AOSP.
142        out, err, r_code = self.dut.shell.Execute("which incident_helper")
143        if r_code != 0:
144            logging.info("incident_helper not present")
145            return
147        filepath = "/proc/pagetypeinfo"
148        # Check that incident_helper can parse /proc/pagetypeinfo.
149        out, err, r_code = self.dut.shell.Execute(
150                "cat %s | incident_helper -s 2001" % filepath)
151        self.assertEqual(
152                r_code, 0,
153            "Failed to parse %s." % filepath)
155    def testProcSysrqTrigger(self):
156        filepath = "/proc/sysrq-trigger"
158        # This command only performs a best effort attempt to remount all
159        # filesystems. Check that it doesn't throw an error.
160        self.dut.shell.Execute("echo u > %s" % filepath)
162        # Reboot the device.
163        self.dut.shell.Execute("echo b > %s" % filepath)
164        self.assertTrue(self.dut.IsShutdown(10), "Device is still alive.")
165        self.assertTrue(self.dut.WaitForBootCompletion(300))
166        self.assertTrue(self.dut.Root())
168    def testProcUidProcstatSet(self):
170        def UidIOStats(uid):
171            """Returns I/O stats for a given uid.
173            Args:
174                uid, uid number.
176            Returns:
177                list of I/O numbers.
178            """
179            stats_path = "/proc/uid_io/stats"
180            out, err, r_code = self.dut.shell.Execute(
181                    "cat %s | grep '^%d'" % (stats_path, uid))
182            return out.split()
184        def CheckStatsInState(state):
185            """Sets VTS (root uid) into a given state and checks the stats.
187            Args:
188                state, boolean. Use False for foreground,
189                and True for background.
190            """
191            state = 1 if state else 0
192            filepath = "/proc/uid_procstat/set"
193            root_uid = 0
195            # fg write chars are at index 2, and bg write chars are at 6.
196            wchar_index = 6 if state else 2
197            old_wchar = UidIOStats(root_uid)[wchar_index]
198            self.dut.shell.Execute("echo %d %s > %s" % (root_uid, state, filepath))
199            # This should increase the number of write syscalls.
200            self.dut.shell.Execute("echo foo")
201            self.assertLess(
202                int(old_wchar),
203                int(UidIOStats(root_uid)[wchar_index]),
204                "Number of write syscalls has not increased.")
206        CheckStatsInState(False)
207        CheckStatsInState(True)
209    def testProcPerUidTimes(self):
210        # TODO: make these files mandatory once they're in AOSP
211        try:
212            filepaths = self.dut.FindFiles('/proc/uid', 'time_in_state')
213        except:
214            logging.info("/proc/uid/ directory does not exist and is optional")
215            return
217        if not filepaths:
218            logging.info('per-UID time_in_state files do not exist and are optional')
219            return
221        for filepath in filepaths:
222            self.assertTrue(self.dut.Exists(filepath),
223                            '%s does not exist.' % filepath)
224            permission = self.dut.GetPermission(filepath)
225            self.assertTrue(target_file_utils.IsReadOnly(permission))
226            file_content = self.dut.ReadFileContent(filepath)
228    def testProcSysAbiSwpInstruction(self):
229        """Tests /proc/sys/abi/swp.
231        /proc/sys/abi/swp sets the execution behaviour for the obsoleted ARM instruction
232        SWP. As per the setting in /proc/sys/abi/swp, the usage of SWP{B}
233        can either generate an undefined instruction abort or use software emulation
234        or hardware execution.
235        """
236        if not ('arm' in self.cpu_abi(self.dut) and self.is64Bit(self.dut)):
237            logging.info("file not present on non-ARM64 device")
238            return
240        filepath = '/proc/sys/abi/swp'
242        self.assertTrue(self.dut.Exists(filepath), '%s does not exist.' % filepath)
243        permission = self.dut.GetPermission(filepath)
244        self.assertTrue(target_file_utils.IsReadWrite(permission))
246        file_content = self.dut.ReadFileContent(filepath)
247        try:
248            swp_state = int(file_content)
249        except ValueError as e:
250            self.fail("Failed to parse %s" % filepath)
251        self.assertTrue(swp_state >= 0 and swp_state <= 2,
252                        "%s contains incorrect value: %d"
253                        % (filepath, swp_state))
255    def cpu_abi(self, dut):
256        """CPU ABI (Application Binary Interface) of the device."""
257        out = dut._GetProp("ro.product.cpu.abi")
258        if not out:
259            return "unknown"
261        cpu_abi = out.lower()
262        return cpu_abi
264    def is64Bit(self, dut):
265        """True if device is 64 bit."""
266        out, _, _ = dut.shell.Execute('uname -m')
267        return "64" in out
270def run_proc_file_test(test_object):
271    """Reads from the file and checks that it parses and the content is valid.
273    Args:
274        test_object: inherits KernelProcFileTestBase, contains the test functions
275    """
276    def test(self):
277        if test_object in TEST_OBJECTS_64 and not self.is64Bit(self.dut):
278            logging.info("Skip test for 64-bit kernel.")
279            return
280        test_object.set_api_level(self.dut)
281        filepath = test_object.get_path()
282        if not self.dut.Exists(filepath) and test_object.file_optional(dut=self.dut):
283            logging.info("%s does not exist and is optional." % filepath)
284            return
285        self.assertTrue(self.dut.Exists(filepath), '%s does not exist.' % filepath)
286        permission = self.dut.GetPermission(filepath)
287        self.assertTrue(test_object.get_permission_checker())
288        self.assertTrue(test_object.get_permission_checker()(permission),
289                        "%s: File has invalid permissions (%s)" % (filepath,
290                                                                   permission))
292        logging.info("Testing format of %s", filepath)
293        self.assertTrue(
294            test_object.prepare_test(self.dut), "Setup failed!")
296        if not test_object.test_format():
297            return
299        file_content = self.dut.ReadFileContent(filepath)
300        try:
301            parse_result = test_object.parse_contents(file_content)
302        except (SyntaxError, ValueError, IndexError) as e:
303            self.fail("Failed to parse! " + str(e))
304        self.assertTrue(
305            test_object.result_correct(parse_result), "Results not valid!")
306    return test
309if __name__ == "__main__":
310    try:
311        for test_object in TEST_OBJECTS.union(TEST_OBJECTS_64):
312            test_func = run_proc_file_test(test_object)
313            setattr(VtsKernelProcFileApiTest, 'test_' +
314                    test_object.__class__.__name__, test_func)
315        suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(
316            VtsKernelProcFileApiTest)
317        results = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)
318    finally:
319        if results.failures:
320            sys.exit(1)