/packages/apps/TV/src/com/android/tv/parental/ |
D | ContentRatingSystem.java | 43 private final String mName; field in ContentRatingSystem 81 return mDomain + DELIMITER + mName; in getId() 85 return mName; in getName() 139 return mDomain.equals(rating.getDomain()) && mName.equals(rating.getRatingSystem()); in ownsRating() 146 return this.mName.equals(other.mName) && this.mDomain.equals(other.mDomain); in equals() 153 return 31 * mName.hashCode() + mDomain.hashCode(); in hashCode() 167 mName = name; in ContentRatingSystem() 181 private String mName; field in ContentRatingSystem.Builder 196 mName = name; in setName() 246 if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mName)) { in build() [all …]
/packages/apps/Bluetooth/src/com/android/bluetooth/btservice/ |
D | ProfileService.java | 59 private final String mName; field in ProfileService 114 mName = getName(); in ProfileService() 120 Log.d(mName, "onCreate"); in onCreate() 131 Log.d(mName, "onStartCommand()"); in onStartCommand() 136 Log.e(mName, "Permission denied!"); in onStartCommand() 141 Log.d(mName, "onStartCommand ignoring null intent."); in onStartCommand() 160 Log.d(mName, "onBind"); in onBind() 164 throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot bind to " + mName); in onBind() 172 Log.d(mName, "onUnbind"); in onUnbind() 184 sb.append(mName); in dump() [all …]
/packages/services/Car/tests/CarDeveloperOptions/src/com/android/car/developeroptions/applications/ |
D | ProcStatsEntry.java | 43 final String mName; field in ProcStatsEntry 66 mName = proc.getName(); in ProcStatsEntry() 84 mName = procName; in ProcStatsEntry() 95 mName = in.readString(); in ProcStatsEntry() 128 if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Eval pkg of " + mName + ": single pkg " + mPackages.get(0)); in evaluateTargetPackage() 149 if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Eval pkg of " + mName + ", pkg " in evaluateTargetPackage() 153 + mUid + " in process " + mName); in evaluateTargetPackage() 156 ProcessState pkgProc = pkgState.mProcesses.get(mName); in evaluateTargetPackage() 158 Log.w(TAG, "No process " + mName + " found in package state " in evaluateTargetPackage() 170 if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Eval pkg of " + mName + ": best pkg " in evaluateTargetPackage() [all …]
/packages/apps/Settings/src/com/android/settings/applications/ |
D | ProcStatsEntry.java | 43 final String mName; field in ProcStatsEntry 66 mName = proc.getName(); in ProcStatsEntry() 84 mName = procName; in ProcStatsEntry() 95 mName = in.readString(); in ProcStatsEntry() 128 if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Eval pkg of " + mName + ": single pkg " + mPackages.get(0)); in evaluateTargetPackage() 149 if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Eval pkg of " + mName + ", pkg " in evaluateTargetPackage() 153 + mUid + " in process " + mName); in evaluateTargetPackage() 156 ProcessState pkgProc = pkgState.mProcesses.get(mName); in evaluateTargetPackage() 158 Log.w(TAG, "No process " + mName + " found in package state " in evaluateTargetPackage() 170 if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Eval pkg of " + mName + ": best pkg " in evaluateTargetPackage() [all …]
/packages/apps/Contacts/src/com/android/contacts/model/ |
D | SimContact.java | 47 private final String mName; field in SimContact 57 mName = name; in SimContact() 63 this(other.mId, other.mName, other.mPhone, other.mEmails); in SimContact() 71 return mName; in getName() 94 if (mName != null) { in appendCreateContactOperations() 96 StructuredName.DISPLAY_NAME, mName)); in appendCreateContactOperations() 121 .add(ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME_PRIMARY, mName) in appendAsContactRow() 126 return !TextUtils.isEmpty(mName); in hasName() 143 if (mName != null) { in getLookupKey() 144 return "sim-n-" + Uri.encode(mName); in getLookupKey() [all …]
/packages/apps/Bluetooth/src/com/android/bluetooth/map/ |
D | BluetoothMapAccountItem.java | 33 private final String mName; field in BluetoothMapAccountItem 46 this.mName = name; in BluetoothMapAccountItem() 105 if (!other.mName.equals(this.mName)) { in compareTo() 107 Log.d(TAG, "Wrong name : " + this.mName + " vs " + other.mName); in compareTo() 145 result = prime * result + ((mName == null) ? 0 : mName.hashCode()); in hashCode() 171 if (mName == null) { in equals() 172 if (other.mName != null) { in equals() 175 } else if (!mName.equals(other.mName)) { in equals() 204 return mName + " (" + mBase_uri + ")"; in toString() 212 return mName; in getName()
D | BluetoothMapConvoContactElement.java | 53 private String mName = null; field in BluetoothMapConvoContactElement 76 this.mName = name; in BluetoothMapConvoContactElement() 130 return mName; in getName() 134 this.mName = name; in setName() 207 if (mName != null) { in encode() 209 BluetoothMapUtils.stripInvalidChars(mName)); in encode() 257 newElement.mName = attributeValue; in createFromXml() 323 if (mName == null) { in equals() 324 if (other.mName != null) { in equals() 327 } else if (!mName.equals(other.mName)) { in equals()
D | BluetoothMapConvoListingElement.java | 50 private String mName = ""; //title of the conversation #REQUIRED, but allowed empty field in BluetoothMapConvoListingElement 102 return mName; in getName() 109 this.mName = name; in setName() 267 if (mName != null) { in encode() 269 BluetoothMapUtils.stripInvalidChars(mName)); in encode() 313 newElement.mName = attributeValue; in createFromXml() 386 if (mName == null) { in equals() 387 if (other.mName != null) { in equals() 390 } else if (!mName.equals(other.mName)) { in equals()
/packages/apps/TV/src/com/android/tv/util/ |
D | RecurringRunner.java | 44 private final String mName; field in RecurringRunner 53 mName = runnable.getClass().getCanonicalName(); in RecurringRunner() 54 if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, " Delaying " + mName + " " + (intervalMs / 1000.0) + " seconds"); in RecurringRunner() 59 SoftPreconditions.checkState(!mRunning, TAG, mName + " start is called twice."); in start() 98 if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "Next run of " + mName + " at " + new Date(next)); in postAt() 104 if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "Starting " + mName); in postAt() 107 Log.w(TAG, "Error running " + mName, e); in postAt() 113 Log.w(TAG, "Scheduling a future run of " + mName + " at " + new Date(next) + "failed"); in postAt() 115 if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "Actual delay of " + mName + " is " + (delay / 1000.0) + " seconds."); in postAt() 127 long next = getSharedPreferences().getLong(mName, System.currentTimeMillis()); in getNextRunTime() [all …]
/packages/apps/PermissionController/src/com/android/packageinstaller/role/model/ |
D | AppOp.java | 38 private final String mName; field in AppOp 52 mName = name; in AppOp() 59 return mName; in getName() 83 return Permissions.setAppOpMode(packageName, mName, mMode, context); in grant() 98 int defaultMode = Permissions.getDefaultAppOpMode(mName); in revoke() 99 return Permissions.setAppOpMode(packageName, mName, defaultMode, context); in revoke() 116 + "mName='" + mName + '\'' in toString() 132 && Objects.equals(mName, appOp.mName) in equals() 138 return Objects.hash(mName, mMaxTargetSdkVersion, mMode); in hashCode()
D | RequiredMetaData.java | 35 private final String mName; field in RequiredMetaData 51 mName = name; in RequiredMetaData() 58 return mName; in getName() 78 if (metaData.containsKey(mName)) { in isQualified() 79 Object metaDataValue = metaData.get(mName); in isQualified() 89 + "mName='" + mName + '\'' in toString() 105 && Objects.equals(mName, that.mName) in equals() 111 return Objects.hash(mName, mValue, mOptional); in hashCode()
D | PermissionSet.java | 33 private final String mName; field in PermissionSet 42 mName = name; in PermissionSet() 48 return mName; in getName() 59 + "mName='" + mName + '\'' in toString() 73 return Objects.equals(mName, that.mName) in equals() 79 return Objects.hash(mName, mPermissions); in hashCode()
D | Role.java | 75 private final String mName; field in Role 169 mName = name; in Role() 188 return mName; in getName() 458 Log.w(LOG_TAG, packageName + " not qualified for " + mName in isPackageQualified() 621 otherRoleNames.remove(mName); in revoke() 664 + "(" + mName + ")"); in killApp() 684 Constants.IS_NONE_ROLE_HOLDER_SELECTED_KEY + mName, false); in isNoneHolderSelected() 697 .remove(Constants.IS_NONE_ROLE_HOLDER_SELECTED_KEY + mName) in onHolderAddedAsUser() 737 .putBoolean(Constants.IS_NONE_ROLE_HOLDER_SELECTED_KEY + mName, true) in onNoneHolderSelectedAsUser() 744 + "mName='" + mName + '\'' in toString() [all …]
/packages/apps/PermissionController/src/com/android/packageinstaller/permission/model/ |
D | PermissionGroup.java | 29 private final String mName; field in PermissionGroup 40 mName = name; in PermissionGroup() 49 return mName; in getName() 106 if (mName == null) { in equals() 107 if (other.mName != null) { in equals() 110 } else if (!mName.equals(other.mName)) { in equals() 127 return mName != null ? mName.hashCode() + mTotal + mGranted : mTotal + mGranted; in hashCode()
/packages/apps/QuickSearchBox/tests/src/com/android/quicksearchbox/ |
D | MockSource.java | 51 private final String mName; field in MockSource 58 mName = name; in MockSource() 64 getClass().getName() + "." + mName); in getIntentComponent() 93 return "MockSource " + mName; in getLabel() 105 return "Suggestions from MockSource " + mName; in getSettingsDescription() 131 Uri data = new Uri.Builder().scheme("content").authority(mName).path(query).build(); in createSuggestion() 142 return s.mName.equals(mName); in equals() 149 return mName.hashCode(); in hashCode()
/packages/apps/SecureElement/src/com/android/se/ |
D | Terminal.java | 71 private final String mName; field in Terminal 143 mName); in stateChange() 160 mName); in stateChange() 168 Log.e(mTag, mName + " died"); in serviceDied() 173 mName); in serviceDied() 193 if (mName.startsWith(SecureElementService.ESE_TERMINAL)) { 199 Log.e(mTag, mName + " could not be initialized again"); 205 Log.e(mTag, mName + " reach maximum retry count"); 217 mName = name; in Terminal() 232 android.hardware.secure_element.V1_2.ISecureElement.getService(mName, in initialize() [all …]
/packages/apps/Gallery2/src/com/android/gallery3d/filtershow/filters/ |
D | FilterRepresentation.java | 31 private String mName; field in FilterRepresentation 53 mName = name; in FilterRepresentation() 57 FilterRepresentation representation = new FilterRepresentation(mName); in copy() 81 && representation.mName.equalsIgnoreCase(mName) in equals() 108 return mName; in toString() 112 mName = name; in setName() 116 return mName; in getName() 262 mName = rep[i][1]; in deSerializeRepresentation()
/packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/java/src/com/android/inputmethod/latin/ |
D | EmojiAltPhysicalKeyDetector.java | 46 private final String mName; field in EmojiAltPhysicalKeyDetector.EmojiHotKeys 53 mName = name; in EmojiHotKeys() 60 Log.d(TAG, "EmojiHotKeys.onKeyDown() - " + mName + " - considering " + keyEvent); in onKeyDown() 67 Log.d(TAG, "EmojiHotKeys.onKeyDown() - " + mName + " - enabling action"); in onKeyDown() 73 Log.d(TAG, "EmojiHotKeys.onKeyDown() - " + mName + " - disabling action"); in onKeyDown() 81 Log.d(TAG, "EmojiHotKeys.onKeyUp() - " + mName + " - considering " + keyEvent); in onKeyUp() 98 Log.d(TAG, "EmojiHotKeys.onKeyUp() - " + mName + " - firing action"); in onKeyUp() 105 … Log.d(TAG, "EmojiHotKeys.onKeyUp() - " + mName + " - canceled, ignoring action"); in onKeyUp() 114 Log.d(TAG, "EmojiHotKeys.onKeyUp() - " + mName + " - disabling action"); in onKeyUp()
/packages/apps/Contacts/src/com/android/contacts/model/account/ |
D | AccountDisplayInfo.java | 32 private final CharSequence mName; field in AccountDisplayInfo 41 mName = name; in AccountDisplayInfo() 52 return mName; in getNameLabel() 76 return !TextUtils.equals(mName, mType); in hasDistinctName() 84 return withNameAndType(mName, type); in withType() 93 return new AccountDisplayInfo(mSource, context.getString(nameFormat, mName), in formatted() 98 return withName(context.getString(nameFormat, mName)); in withFormattedName()
/packages/services/Car/tests/CarDeveloperOptions/src/com/android/car/developeroptions/homepage/contextualcards/ |
D | ContextualCard.java | 53 private final String mName; field in ContextualCard 77 return mName; in getName() 170 mName = builder.mName; in ContextualCard() 194 mName = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(CardDatabaseHelper.CardColumns.NAME)); in ContextualCard() 195 mBuilder.setName(mName); in ContextualCard() 241 return mName.hashCode(); in hashCode() 257 return TextUtils.equals(mName, that.mName); in equals() 268 private String mName; field in ContextualCard.Builder 291 mName = name; in setName()
/packages/apps/Settings/src/com/android/settings/homepage/contextualcards/ |
D | ContextualCard.java | 53 private final String mName; field in ContextualCard 78 return mName; in getName() 175 mName = builder.mName; in ContextualCard() 200 mName = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(CardDatabaseHelper.CardColumns.NAME)); in ContextualCard() 201 mBuilder.setName(mName); in ContextualCard() 249 return mName.hashCode(); in hashCode() 265 return TextUtils.equals(mName, that.mName); in equals() 276 private String mName; field in ContextualCard.Builder 300 mName = name; in setName()
/packages/services/Car/car-lib/src/android/car/trust/ |
D | TrustedDeviceInfo.java | 40 private final String mName; field in TrustedDeviceInfo 45 mName = name; in TrustedDeviceInfo() 64 return mName; in getName() 79 mName = in.readString(); in TrustedDeviceInfo() 91 dest.writeString(mName); in writeToParcel() 99 mName); in toString() 123 return String.join(DEVICE_INFO_DELIMITER, String.valueOf(mHandle), mAddress, mName); in serialize()
/packages/services/Car/car-lib/src/com/android/car/internal/ |
D | CarPermission.java | 31 private final String mName; field in CarPermission 36 mName = name; in CarPermission() 41 if (mName != null) { in checkGranted() 44 mContext.checkCallingOrSelfPermission(mName); in checkGranted() 55 + mName in assertGranted() 65 return mName; in toString()
/packages/apps/Gallery2/src/com/android/gallery3d/data/ |
D | Face.java | 26 private String mName; field in Face 31 mName = name; in Face() 33 Utils.assertTrue(mName != null && mPersonId != null && rect != null); in Face() 49 return mName; in getName() 63 return mName.compareTo(another.mName); in compareTo()
/packages/services/Car/car-lib/src/android/car/projection/ |
D | ProjectionStatus.java | 264 private final String mName; field in ProjectionStatus.MobileDevice 284 mName = builder.mName; in MobileDevice() 292 mName = source.readString(); in MobileDevice() 301 dest.writeString(mName); in writeToParcel() 314 return mName; in getName() 358 + ", mName='" + mName + '\'' in toString() 370 private String mName; field in ProjectionStatus.MobileDevice.Builder 380 mName = name; in Builder()