/tools/test/connectivity/acts/framework/acts/test_utils/bt/pts/ |
D | pts_base_class.py | 201 raw_handle = re.search('handle = \'(.*)\'O with', description_to_parse) 203 raw_size = re.search('with <= \'(.*)\' byte', description_to_parse) 211 raw_handle = re.search('handle = \'(.*)\'O with', description_to_parse) 213 raw_size = re.search('with <= \'(.*)\' byte', description_to_parse) 222 raw_handle = re.search('handle = \'(.*)\'O <=', description_to_parse) 224 raw_size = re.search('<= \'(.*)\' byte', description_to_parse) 233 raw_handle = re.search('handle = \'(.*)\'O and', description_to_parse) 235 raw_offset = re.search('greater than \'(.*)\' byte', 245 raw_handle = re.search('handle = \'(.*)\'O with', description_to_parse) 247 raw_size = re.search('greater than \'(.*)\' byte', [all …]
/tools/test/connectivity/acts/framework/acts/test_utils/wifi/ |
D | wifi_performance_test_utils.py | 119 match = re.search(self.PEER_REGEX, llstats_output) 560 match = re.search(LOSS_REGEX, line) 563 match = re.search(RTT_REGEX, line) 733 match = re.search('bssid=.*', status_output) 744 match = re.search('FREQUENCY=.*', signal_poll_output) 750 match = re.search('RSSI=.*', signal_poll_output) 760 match = re.search('AVG_RSSI=.*', signal_poll_output) 769 match = re.search('.*signal avg:.*', per_chain_rssi) 836 bssid_result = re.search(bssid + '.*', 1242 fw_version = re.search(FW_REGEX, fw_output).group('firmware')
/tools/test/connectivity/acts/framework/acts/controllers/buds_lib/ |
D | apollo_lib.py | 110 match = re.search(DEVICE_REGEX, line) 354 match = re.search(regexp, res[0][0]) 702 if re.search(regexp, line): 822 match = re.search(OTA_RECEIVE_CSR_REGEX, line) 975 if not re.search(r'pskey', result.lower()) and LOG_REGEX.match( 1079 if response_regex.search(line): 1215 match = re.search(new_crash_regex, crash_dump_str) 1219 basic, app_stack = re.search(crash_stack_regex,
D | b29_lib.py | 69 match = re.search(DEVICE_REGEX, line) 120 match = version_match.search(version_str) 139 if success_match.search(out):
D | logserial.py | 118 m = re.search(regex, port_address) 148 m = re.search('USB\\\\.*', r)
/tools/repohooks/tools/ |
D | cpplint.py | 626 if _SEARCH_C_FILE.search(line): 629 if _SEARCH_KERNEL_FILE.search(line): 690 return _regexp_compile_cache[pattern].search(s) 1763 if re.search(r'Copyright', lines[line], re.I): break 4087 if not _EMPTY_CONDITIONAL_BODY_PATTERN.search(body): 4559 match = _RE_PATTERN_INCLUDE.search(line) 4629 match = re.search(start_pattern, text, re.M) 4709 match = _RE_PATTERN_INCLUDE.search(line) 4775 function_name = re.search(r'\b((?:string)?printf)\s*\(', 5492 match = _RE_PATTERN_INCLUDE.search(clean_line) [all …]
/tools/test/connectivity/acts/framework/acts/controllers/utils_lib/ssh/ |
D | connection.py | 214 valid_connection = re.search('^CONNECTED: %s' % identifier, 237 had_dns_failure = (result.exit_status == 255 and re.search( 249 had_timeout = re.search( 261 unknown_host = re.search(
/tools/test/connectivity/acts/framework/acts/test_utils/tel/ |
D | tel_test_utils.py | 821 result = re.search(r"mVoiceRegState=(\S+)\((\S+)\)", output) 836 result = re.search(r"mServiceState=(\S+)", output) 1717 return re.search(r"mCallIncomingNumber=(.*)", output).group(1) 1802 match = re.search(r"%s: (.*)" % attr, call) 1819 result = re.search(r"Call TC@%s: {(.*?)}" % num, output, re.DOTALL) 1826 match = re.search(r"%s: (.*)" % attr, result) 7844 result = re.search(r"(\d+):(\d+):(\d+) diag_mdlog", output) 7849 result = re.search(r"(\d+):(\d+) diag_mdlog", output) 8065 result = re.search(r"package:(.*)", out) 8482 result = re.search(r"version-baseband: (\S+)", output) [all …]
/tools/test/connectivity/acts/framework/acts/controllers/rohdeschwarz_lib/ |
D | contest.py | 171 match = re.search('(?<={}).+(?=\\\\)'.format(prefix), 178 match = re.search('(?<=Exit code: )-?\d+', output) 270 match = re.search('(?<=Margin search completed, the lowest '
/tools/asuite/aidegen/lib/ |
D | source_locator.py | 375 search_result = re.search(pattern, java_file) 529 search = os.sep.join( 531 results = glob.glob(search, recursive=True)
D | native_module_info.py | 170 if re.search(_INC_GEN_CHECK, src) and not os.path.isfile(src): 193 match = re.search(_INC_GEN_CHECK, include)
/tools/test/openhst/resources/ |
D | stress_test.dsp_trigger_and_screen_off.ascii_proto | 2 "voice search when the DSP should be enabled. The search is "
/tools/test/connectivity/acts/framework/acts/test_utils/users/ |
D | users.py | 38 return re.search("Success(.* (.*\d))", out).group(2) 56 result = re.search("mCurrentUserId:(\d+)", out)
/tools/test/connectivity/acts/framework/acts/controllers/utils_lib/commands/ |
D | route.py | 100 match = re.search('dev (?P<net_interface>.*)', line) 109 match = re.search(
D | ip.py | 60 match = re.search('inet (?P<address>[^\s]*) brd (?P<bcast>[^\s]*)', 68 match = re.search('inet (?P<address>[^\s]*)', line)
/tools/test/openhst/ |
D | stress_test.py | 184 self.searches = [re.compile(regex).search for regex in regexes] 190 for search in self.searches: 191 if search(line.decode("utf-8")):
/tools/asuite/aidegen/sdk/ |
D | android_sdk.py | 145 match_api_level = self._RE_API_LEVEL.search(properties) 148 match_code_name = self._RE_CODE_NAME.search(properties)
/tools/test/connectivity/acts/framework/acts/controllers/ |
D | android_device.py | 845 result = re.search(r"userId=(\d+)", output) 1296 result = re.search('addr:(.*) Bcast', ip_string) 1319 result = re.search('Gateway (.*) DNS servers', gateway_string)
/tools/tradefederation/core/atest/test_finders/ |
D | tf_integration_finder_unittest.py | 122 def test_load_xml_file(self, search): argument 124 search.return_value = [os.path.join(uc.TEST_DATA_DIR,
/tools/asuite/atest/test_finders/ |
D | tf_integration_finder_unittest.py | 126 def test_load_xml_file(self, search): argument 128 search.return_value = [os.path.join(uc.TEST_DATA_DIR,
/tools/trebuchet/core/common/src/main/kotlin/trebuchet/util/ |
D | BufferReader.kt | 55 inline fun skipTo(search: StringSearch) { in isDigit() 56 val foundAt = search.find(buffer, index, endIndexExclusive) in isDigit()
/tools/test/connectivity/acts_tests/tests/google/coex/hotspot_tests/ |
D | HotspotWiFiChannelTest.py | 216 match = re.search('freq=.*', out) 236 match = re.search(r'[0-9.]+MHz', out)
/tools/test/connectivity/acts/tests/google/wifi/ |
D | WifiChaosTest.py | 204 gateway_ip = re.search('via (.*) dev', str(route_response)).group(1) 300 self.chan = re.search(r'(\d+)',item).group(0)
/tools/test/connectivity/acts/framework/acts/test_utils/bt/ |
D | bt_contacts_utils.py | 76 fullname = fullname_regex.search(current_vcard[0]) 80 email = email_regex.search(current_vcard[0])
/tools/tradefederation/core/src/com/android/tradefed/result/ |
D | BugreportCollector.java | 301 Predicate search(Relation relation, Collection<Freq> freqs, Noun noun) { in search() method in BugreportCollector 377 Predicate storedP = search(relation, applicableFreqs, noun); in check()