2 * Copyright 2020, The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17import viewerConfig from "ProtoLogJsonSafePath/services.core.protolog.json"
19import { nanos_to_string } from './transform.js'
21const PROTOLOG_VERSION = "1.0.0"
23class FormatStringMismatchError extends Error {
24  constructor(message) {
25    super(message);
26  }
29function get_param(arr, idx) {
30  if (arr.length <= idx) {
31    throw new FormatStringMismatchError('No param for format string conversion');
32  }
33  return arr[idx];
36function format_text(messageFormat, data) {
37  let out = ""
38  const strParams = data.strParams;
39  let strParamsIdx = 0;
40  const sint64Params = data.sint64Params;
41  let sint64ParamsIdx = 0;
42  const doubleParams = data.doubleParams;
43  let doubleParamsIdx = 0;
44  const booleanParams = data.booleanParams;
45  let booleanParamsIdx = 0;
46  for (let i = 0; i < messageFormat.length;) {
47    if (messageFormat[i] == '%') {
48      if (i + 1 >= messageFormat.length) {
49        // Should never happen - protologtool checks for that
50        throw new Error("Invalid format string")
51      }
52      switch (messageFormat[i + 1]) {
53        case '%':
54          out += '%';
55          break;
56        case 'd':
57          out += get_param(sint64Params, sint64ParamsIdx++).toString(10);
58          break;
59        case 'o':
60          out += get_param(sint64Params, sint64ParamsIdx++).toString(8);
61          break;
62        case 'x':
63          out += get_param(sint64Params, sint64ParamsIdx++).toString(16);
64          break;
65        case 'f':
66          out += get_param(doubleParams, doubleParamsIdx++).toFixed(6);
67          break;
68        case 'e':
69          out += get_param(doubleParams, doubleParamsIdx++).toExponential();
70          break;
71        case 'g':
72          out += get_param(doubleParams, doubleParamsIdx++).toString();
73          break;
74        case 's':
75          out += get_param(strParams, strParamsIdx++);
76          break;
77        case 'b':
78          out += get_param(booleanParams, booleanParamsIdx++).toString();
79          break;
80        default:
81          // Should never happen - protologtool checks for that
82          throw new Error("Invalid format string conversion: " + messageFormat[i + 1]);
83      }
84      i += 2;
85    } else {
86      out += messageFormat[i];
87      i += 1;
88    }
89  }
90  return out;
93function transform_unformatted(entry) {
94  return {
95    text: (entry.messageHash.toString() + ' - [' + entry.strParams.toString() +
96      '] [' + entry.sint64Params.toString() + '] [' + entry.doubleParams.toString() +
97      '] [' + entry.booleanParams.toString() + ']'),
98    time: nanos_to_string(entry.elapsedRealtimeNanos),
99    tag: "INVALID",
100    at: "",
101    timestamp: entry.elapsedRealtimeNanos,
102  };
105function transform_formatted(entry, message) {
106  return {
107    text: format_text(message.message, entry),
108    time: nanos_to_string(entry.elapsedRealtimeNanos),
109    tag: viewerConfig.groups[message.group].tag,
110    at: message.at,
111    timestamp: entry.elapsedRealtimeNanos,
112  };
115function transform_message(entry) {
116  let message = viewerConfig.messages[entry.messageHash]
117  if (message === undefined) {
118    return transform_unformatted(entry);
119  } else {
120    try {
121      return transform_formatted(entry, message);
122    } catch (err) {
123      if (err instanceof FormatStringMismatchError) {
124        return transform_unformatted(entry);
125      }
126      throw err;
127    }
128  }
131function transform_protolog(log) {
132  if (log.version !== PROTOLOG_VERSION) {
133    throw new Error('Unsupported log version');
134  }
135  if (viewerConfig.version !== PROTOLOG_VERSION) {
136    throw new Error('Unsupported viewer config version');
137  }
139  let data = log.log.map(entry => (transform_message(entry)))
140  data.sort(function(a, b) { return a.timestamp - b.timestamp })
141  let transformed = {
142    children: data
143  }
144  return transformed
147export { transform_protolog };