Android如何实现exclude aar包中的某个jar包


直接把aar包里的Jar打包的时候给去掉,就像下面这这样。注意,要使用exclude module这种方式,直接使用exclude group方式没有效果。exclude group的方法适用于exclude JAR包中的文件。








另外,有人开发了 排除AAR(Jar)包中冗余或者冲突类的gradle脚本 。如果图方便的话,可以直接用这个脚本来排除。


Android ViewPager存在界面卡住的BUG

ViewPager中使用setCurrentItem长距离设置当前显示的位置的时候,比如0->600,600->10001000->500 这样的长距离跳转。会导致函数卡住在

函数中很长时间, 甚至一直不能跳出循环。具体卡住的的循环代码如下:


赋值的。恰好,我们的代码中返回的是Integer.MAX_VALUE。咨询了同事,当时设置这个数值的目的是为了解决循环滚动展示才设置的。代码是直接抄的 Android无限广告轮播 自定义BannerView / 如何优雅的实现一个可复用的 PagerAdapter

通过Google搜索关键词 BannerAdapter extends PagerAdapter 可以找到类似的代码。


完整的项目代码可以点击此处下载 ViewPager / ViewPagerAppCompatV7。项目编译完成之后,多点击几次 Change Size 按钮就可以复现界面长时间卡住的情况。第二个项目是支持appcompat-v7:18.0.0的版本,目的是观察各个版本的代码是否存在不同,结论是,都一样


如果能把android.support升级到androidx的话,可以试试最新的ViewPager2,最新的ViewPager2是用RecyclerView 实现的,应该不会有以前的问题了。



Android无限广告轮播 - ViewPager源码分析

Using a Thread Pool in Android


In my last post Using HanderThread in Android, I showed how to offload short blocking tasks to a worker thread. While HandlerThread is good for tasks running in a sequential manner, there are cases where background tasks do not have dependencies on each other. To get these tasks done as quickly as possible, you might want to exploit the powerful multi-core processor on the mobile device and run the tasks concurrently on more than one worker thread.

A thread pool is a good fit for this scenario. Thread pool is a single FIFO task queue with a group of worker threads. The producers (E.g. the UI thread) sends tasks to the task queue. Whenever any worker threads in the thread pool become available, they remove the tasks from the front of the queue and start running them.

Comparing with starting a random number of individual worker threads, using a thread pool prevent the overhead of killing and recreating threads every time a worker thread is needed. It also gives you fine control over the number of threads and their lifecycle. E.g. ThreadPoolExecutor allows you to specify how many core threads, how many max threads the pool should create and the keep alive time for the idle threads.

Android supports Java’s Executor framework which offers the following classes for using a thread pool.

  • Executor: an interface which has a execute method. It is designed to decouple task submission from running.
  • Callable: An Interface similar to runnable but allow a result to be returned.
  • Future: Like a promise in JavaScript. It represents the result for an asynchronous task.
  • ExecutorService: an interface which extends Executor interface. It is used to manage threads in the threads pool.
  • ThreadPoolExecutor: a class that implements ExecutorService which gives fine control on the thread pool (Eg, core pool size, max pool size, keep alive time, etc.)
  • ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor: a class that extends ThreadPoolExecutor. It can schedule tasks after a given delay or periodically.
  • Executors: a class that offers factory and utility methods for the aforementioned classes.
  • ExecutorCompletionService: a class that arranges submitted task to be placed on a queue for accessing results.

Basic Thread Pool

The simplest way of creating a thread pool is to use one of the factory methods from Executors class.

newFixedThreadPool creates a thread pool with a a fixed number of thread in the pool specified by the user. The user can call setCorePoolSized(int) later to resize the thread pool.

newCachedThreadPool creates a new thread when there is a task in the queue. When there is no tasks in the queue for 60 seconds, the idle threads will be terminated.

newSingleThreadExecutor creates a thread pool with only one thread.

To add a task to the thread pool, call one of the following methods.

The second method returns a future object. It can be used to retrieve the result from the callable by calling future.get() or cancel the task by calling future.cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning).

Advanced Thread Pool

If you want to have finer control over the thread pool, ThreadPoolExecutor class can be used. In the following example, I first find the available processors of the phone. The thread pool is configured to have core size as the NUMBER_OF_CORES, the maximum core size as the NUMBER_OF_CORES x 2, idle threads’ keep-alive time as 1 second, task queue as a LinkedBlockingQueue object and a custom thread factory.

Cancel Tasks

To stop the tasks in the task queue from execution, we just need to clear the task queue. To allow the running threads to be stopped, store all future objects in a list and call cancel on every object which is not done.

Handle Activity Lifecycle

One thing the thread pool framework does not handle is the Android activity lifecycle. If you want your thread pool to survive the activity lifecycle and reconnect to your activity after it is re-created (E.g. after an orientation change), it needs to be created and maintained outside the activity.

In my example, I made a static singleton class called CustomThreadPoolManager. It has a private constructor. It creates an instance of itself and return that single instance in the static getInstance method. It also holds a weak reference to the Activity. The reference is later used to communicate with the UI thread (see the next section).

In the Activity, get the thread pool singleton instance by calling the getInstance static method. Set the activity to the CustomThreadPoolManager. As CustomThreadPoolManager keeps the reference to the Activity as a weak reference, you don’t need to worry about leaking the Activity.

Communicate with UI Thread

When each task finishes, you may need to send some data back to the UI thread. A safe way of doing this is to send a message to the handler of the UI thread. First, extend Handler class and define what the UI thread should do when a message is received.

In the CustomThreadPoolManager, use the Activity’s weak reference to send the message to the UI thread.

In the CustomCallable, as it has reference to the CustomThreadPoolManager, it can send the message by calling CustomThreadPoolManager’s sendMessageToUiThread method.

Source Code

The full source code for the example used in this post is available on Github.

也可本站下载一份 代码拷贝


Using a Thread Pool in Android

Activity singleInstance/singleTop启动模式的理解



Android 默认的一种启动模式。不需要为activity设置launchMode。这种启动模式简单的来说就是当你startActivity的时候,他就创建一个。












可以看到出现两个单独的实例 Hist #2/Hist #1,而不是预期的忽略第二次调用。





完整例子代码,点击此处下载 MyApplication


Java Calendar 获取上下午


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使用华为Honor V8习惯了Android屏幕最下方的三个操作按键(返回/Home/列表),三个按键所在的位置被称之为"导航栏"。

最近换了华为Honor 30,想要点返回键时,却发现手机屏幕上没有返回键。手势操作非常不方便,经常误操作。而且有些界面适配的很不好,界面上没有设置回退功能。当缺少系统层面的返回按键的时候,只能强制退出应用。



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继续阅读Gradle: 一个诡异的问题(ERROR: Failed to parse XML AndroidManifest.xml ParseError at [row,col]:[5,5] Message: expected start or end tag)

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1. 阴影以及高度--elevation

继续阅读Android 5.x新特性之elevation(阴影),tinting(着色)以及clipping(剪裁)







