
  • ubuntu 24.04.2 LTS
  • Visual Studio Code 1.98.2
  • Android Studio Meerkat | 2024.3.1
  • Flutter 3.29.1

在使用 Flutter 编写代码的时候,如下代码进行格式化







在Visual Studio Code中调试Flutter Dart代码报错未验证断点(Unverified Breakpoint)

  • ubuntu 24.04.2 LTS
  • Visual Studio Code 1.98.2
  • Flutter 3.29.1

在使用 Visual Studio Code 调试 Flutter 代码的时候,如果在依赖库的代码中设置断点,会无法断点,并且提示断点未验证,"Unverified Breakpoint"。


继续阅读在Visual Studio Code中调试Flutter Dart代码报错未验证断点(Unverified Breakpoint)


fastforge (原名 flutter_distributor)是一个强大的工具,支持跨平台发布和高级打包选项。


确保 fastforge 已安装:



  • macOS:

    • 如果打包 DMG 安装包:macos/packaging/dmg/make_config.yaml

    • 如果打包 PKG 安装包:macos/packaging/pkg/make_config.yaml

    • distribute_options.yaml

  • Windows:

    • 如果打包 exe 安装包:windows/packaging/exe/inno_setup.sas


    • 如果打包 msix windows/packaging/msix/make_config.yaml

  • Linux:

    • linux/packaging/appimage

      有两个文件 linux/packaging/appimage/AppRun


    • linux/packaging/deb 文件 linux/packaging/deb/make_config.yaml

    • linux/packaging/rpm 文件 linux/packaging/rpm/make_config.yaml


  1. 打包 macOS (DMG 和 PKG)

  2. 打包 Windows (EXE 和 MSIX)

  3. 打包 Linux (DEB、RPM 和 AppImage)


Flutter 3.29.1-使用U盾完成数据的加解密(国密算法SKF接口)

参考 Python3-使用U盾完成数据的加解密(国密算法SKF接口),那么相同的功能如何使用 Flutter FFI 实现呢?

  • Flutter 3.29.1
  • ffi 2.1.4
  • pointycastle 3.6.0
  • pkcs7 1.0.5
  • convert 3.1.2





VSCode GDB调试控制台报错"-var-create: unable to create variable object"


在使用 Visual Studio Code (1.97.2) 进行 GDB 调试时,想使用 x 命令看一下某地址处的数值。出现如下报错:




  • 如果是想查看某个变量的值,直接在输入框里输入变量名就好了;

  • 如果要执行GDB命令,则需要加-exec前缀,如下图:


解决在macOS上使用Flutter项目访问网络报错 "SocketException: Connection failed (OS Error: Operation not permitted, errno = 1)"



  • pub.dev中安装一个网络包,如httpdio
  • 在您的 Flutter 应用程序中添加所有必要的网络代码
  • 如果需要,添加任何所需的API密钥





注意:如果你要给一个旧的Flutter应用添加macOS支持,你可能需要运行flutter create --platforms macos . ,把macOS添加为构建目标。我在macOS上运行我的大部分应用程序,所以在构建响应式UI时,我可以轻松地调整窗口的大小。


macOS应用程序默认为沙盒,如果你没有添加所需的权限,就会发生SocketException 的错误。

要解决这个问题,请打开名为macos/Runner/DebugProfile.entitlements 的文件并添加以下内容。

然后,打开macos/Runner/Release.entitlements ,做同样的事情。


在iOS上,只要你连接到一个安全的https 终端,该应用就可以正常运行(不需要额外的配置)。



在安卓系统中,曾经需要AndroidManifest.xml 文件中添加INTERNET权限。



如何解决 "SocketException:连接失败(操作不允许)",在macOS上使用Flutter

Error: Gradle build failed to produce an .apk file. It's likely that this file was generated under /xxxx/build, but the tool couldn't find it.

Flutter 升级到 3.27.3 版本,然后升级 Android 构建工具到最新的 AGP 8.8.0 版本,然后编译报错:

于是在项目的配置文件中寻找配置 "build" 目录的地方,于是在 Flutter 项目的 Android 工程根目录下找到,如下:

注意 getLayout().setBuildDirectory('../build') ,以前的 Gradle 版本是可以正常编译的,现在的版本需要需要改为 rootProject.buildDir = "../build" 。



Flutter 3.3

32-bit iOS deprecation

As we announced earlier with the 3.0 stable release, due to decreased usage, that release was the last one to support 32-bit iOS devices and iOS versions 9 and 10. This change affects the iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPhone 5C, and the 2nd, 3d, and 4th generation iPad devices. The 3.3 stable version of Flutter and all following stable releases no longer support 32-bit iOS devices and iOS versions 9 and 10. This means that apps built against Flutter 3.3 and later won’t run on those devices.

Sunsetting macOS 10.11 and 10.12

In the Q4 2022 stable release, we expect to drop support for macOS versions 10.11 and 10.12. This means that apps built against stable Flutter SDKs after that point will no longer work on these versions, and the minimum macOS version supported by Flutter will increase to 10.13 High Sierra.

Bitcode deprecation

Bitcode will no longer be accepted for iOS app submission in the upcoming Xcode 14 release, and projects with bitcode enabled will emit a build warning in this version of Xcode. In light of this, Flutter will drop support for bitcode in a future stable release.

By default, Flutter apps don’t have bitcode enabled, and we don’t expect this to impact many developers. However, if you have enabled bitcode manually in your Xcode project, disable it as soon as you upgrade to Xcode 14. You can do so by opening ios/Runner.xcworkspace and setting the build setting Enable Bitcode to No. Add-to-app developers should disable it in the host Xcode project.

See Apple’s documentation to learn more about bitcode distribution.

Flutter 3.7

Supported platforms

As of the current release, Flutter supports the following platforms as part of Google-tested and best-effort platform tier:

Platform Version Channels
Android API 16 (Android 4.1) & above All
iOS iOS 11 & above All
Linux Debian, 64-bit All
macOS El Capitan (10.11) & above All
Web Chrome 84 & above All
Web Firefox 72.0 & above All
Web Safari on El Capitan & above All
Web Edge 1.2.0 & above All
Windows Windows 7 & above, 64-bit All

All channels include master, beta, and stable channels.

Google-tested platforms
Platform Version
Android Android SDK 19–30*
iOS 14-15
Linux Debian 10
Linux Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
macOS Monterey (12) & above
Web Chrome 84
Web Firefox 72.0
Web Safari / Catalina
Web Edge 1.2.0
Windows Windows 10

* Passing tests on Android SDK 19 also confers a passing result on SDK 20. This is because Android SDK 20 has additional support for Android Wear, but otherwise no new or deprecated API.

Best-effort platforms
Platform Version
Android Android SDK 16–18
iOS iOS 11-13
Linux Debian 11
Linux Debian 9 & below
Linux Ubuntu 20.04
Linux Ubuntu 22.04 (Aspirational Google-tested platform)
macOS El Capitan (10.11) - Big Sur (11)*
Windows Windows 11 (Aspirational Google-tested platform)
Windows Windows 8
Windows Windows 7

* Flutter 3.3 is the last stable release with macOS 10.11 through 10.13 best-effort support.

Unsupported platforms
Platform Version
Android Android SDK 15 & below
iOS iOS 10 & below and arm7v 32-bit iOS
Linux Any 32-bit platform
macOS Yosemite (10.10) & below
Windows Windows Vista & below
Windows Any 32-bit platform

Flutter 3.24.5

目标平台 目标架构 支持版本 CI 测试版本 不支持版本
Android SDK x64, Arm32, Arm64 21 至 34 21 至 34 20 和更早版本
iOS Arm64 12 至 18 17 11 和更早版本
macOS x64, Arm64 Mojave (10.14) 至 Sequoia (15) Ventura (13), Sonoma (14) High Sierra (10.13) 和更早版本
Windows x64, Arm64 10, 11 10 8 和更早版本
Debian (Linux) x64, Arm64 10, 11, 12 11, 12 9 和更早版本
Ubuntu (Linux) x64, Arm64 20.04 LTS 至 24.04 LTS 20.04 LTS, 22.04 LTS 23.10 和更早的非 LTS 版本
Chrome (Web) JavaScript, WebAssembly 最新的 2 个 119, 125 95 和更早版本
Firefox (Web) JavaScript 最新的 2 个 132 98 和更早版本
Safari (Web) JavaScript 15.6 和更新版本 15.6 15.5 和更早版本
Edge (Web) JavaScript, WebAssembly 最新的 2 个 119, 125 95 和更早版本

Flutter 3.27.0

目标平台 目标架构 支持版本 CI测试版本 不支持版本
Android SDK x64, Arm32, Arm64 21 to 34 21 to 34 20 and earlier
iOS Arm64 12 to 18 17 11 and earlier
macOS x64, Arm64 Mojave (10.14) to Sequoia (15) Ventura (13), Sonoma (14) High Sierra (10.13) and earlier
Windows x64, Arm64 10, 11 10 8 and earlier
Debian (Linux) x64, Arm64 10, 11, 12 11, 12 9 and earlier
Ubuntu (Linux) x64, Arm64 20.04 LTS to 24.04 LTS 20.04 LTS, 22.04 LTS 23.10 and earlier non-LTS
Chrome (Web) JavaScript, WebAssembly Latest 2 119, 125 95 and earlier
Firefox (Web) JavaScript Latest 2 132 98 and earlier
Safari (Web) JavaScript 15.6 and newer 15.6 15.5 and earlier
Edge (Web) JavaScript, WebAssembly Latest 2 119, 125 95 and earlier


Flutter Web 调试问题: Assertion Failed on Text Input Click in Chrome (Flutter 3.27.0, Dart 3.6.0)


  • Flutter 版本: 3.27.0 / 3.27.1 / 3.27.2
  • Dart 版本: 3.6.0
  • 编译器: Android Studio Ladybug | 2024.2.1 Patch 3
  • 操作系统: macOS Sequoia 15.2 (Apple M2) / Windows 11 专业版 23H2
  • 浏览器: Chrome (131.0.6778.205)


直接从 Flutter API 官方页面(Form Class Documentation)复制 Form 示例,并使用 Flutter 的 Web 调试模式运行。


这个问题是 Flutter 3.27.0 /  3.27.1 / 3.27.2 的缺陷,官方已经在 Flutter 3.27.3 / 3.28 版本修复,后续升级到 Flutter 3.27.3 / 3.28 即可解决此问题。

目前(2024/12/23master 通道已经修复这个问题,可以通过切换到 master 通道来解决:

目前(2025/01/25Flutter 3.27.3 已经修复这个问题,升级到此版本可以修复问题。


Could not find a command named "/data/Android/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/snapshots/frontend_server.dart.snapshot"

经过多次的 Flutter 版本升级,以前的老项目脚本在执行 flutter pub get 相关的命令时候报错如下:

解决方法为删除项目下的所有 pubspec.lock 文件即可。


Flutter 错误:找不到名为 frontend_server.dart.snapshot 的命令