




Robolectric 3.x编写屏幕分辨率/多语言/资源文件相关测试用例

在编写 Android 测试用例的时候,有时候我们需要涉及到屏幕分辨率相关测试用例。



其他相关的测试参数,参考 Device Configuration

注意需要在 build.gradle 中增加资源包含信息,否则在测试的时候会找不到指定的资源文件,默认只测试代码,被测试的资源文件不打包进入应用。



Android Studio 3.6.3/4.0/4.1/4.2配置Robolectric-3.8/4.3.1/4.5.1/4.6.1 Powermock-1.6.6单元测试环境


目前版本的Android Studio 3.6.3/4.0/4.1/4.2使用Robolectric-3.8/4.3.1/4.5.1/4.6.1,只能配合Powermock-1.6.6,不能高于这个版本PowerMock ,尽管软件源中的版本已经更新升级到2.0.7版本了,但是Robolectric并没有及时更新依赖。尝试过使用最新版本的PowerMock,结果很多莫名的报错。

如果 Windows 系统下出现如下提示,受限于Windows系统路径不能超过260个字符的限制

貌似Windows 10 Build 14352版中已经可以通过修改注册表去除260字符的路径长度限制了。








继续阅读Android Studio 3.6.3/4.0/4.1/4.2配置Robolectric-3.8/4.3.1/4.5.1/4.6.1 Powermock-1.6.6单元测试环境


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Android Studio 2.1.3配置Robolectric-3.0,Powermock-1.6.5单元测试环境

Android Studio提供了比较方便的单元测试,但是由于Android系统的限制(ClassloaderGoogle自己实现的,Powermock无法修改底层的bytecode),目前Powermock还没办法直接在设备上执行测试,但是我们代码中难免存在一些静态对象,需要测试的时候,只能求助于PowermockRobolectric的组合。





Beyond Mocking with PowerMock

PowerMock is a Java framework that allows you to for example mock static and final methods, final classes and construction of new objects. PowerMock is thus a powerful framework and it's quite easy to misuse it unless you know what you're doing. What I've seen time and again is that people are using mocking when what they probably should be doing is stubbing. With all the powerful features in PowerMock it can easily lead to complicated and hard-to-maintain test code.

Mocking vs Stubbing

So what's the difference and why does it matter? Mocking can be summarized more in terms of a specification:

1. Setup how your mocks should behave in your test. This means creating a specification for the mocks involved in this particular test.
2. Perform the actual test
3. Verify that the interactions with the mocks matched the specification (created during setup)

If a mocked method is called more or less times than what's defined in the specification the test will fail. I would argue that most often you don't need this kind of rigorous approach. Sure you may need a way to specify that a method (let's call it X) doesn't call a third-party system but instead having it return some pre-defined value. It doesn't follow that it's always interesting to verify that X was called a particular number of times with with some exact arguments. Sometimes it's legitimate and useful, but as long as the result of the method we're testing behaves as expected (for example that it returns the expected result), the call to X is less important and may be regarded as an implementation detail.

Stubbing on the other hand doesn't require a specification to be fulfilled. What you do is to something like this:

1. Define what the collaborator methods should return when you run your test
2. Perform the actual test

Now if a collaborator happens to be called more than once, or perhaps not at all, doesn't really matter as long as the end result of the actual test behaves as expected.

So what does all this has to do with PowerMock? Well PowerMock has something called a “stubbing” API that let's you do quite many things without having to revert to mocking. You don't actually have to depend on any third-party mocking API either (like EasyMock and Mockito).

Stubbing, suppressing and replacing with PowerMock

If all you need to do is stubbing a non-static public collaborator method you don't need PowerMock. You're probably better off with just vanilla Mockito or EasyMock. How ever if you want to stub a static or private method, suppressing a constructor or replacing a method PowerMock can help!


So first consider stubbing a method with PowerMock. Consider the following simple Java class:

Let's say we want to stub the static hello method to always return an expected value using the PowerMock stubbing API:

Which means that a call to the hello method like this:

will now always return the string "Hello World".

Note that stub is statically imported from and method from You would also have to prepare MyClass1 for test using @PrepareForTest(MyClass1.class) and use the PowerMock runner
Stubbing a private method looks very similar:


You can also suppress methods, constructors and fields that you're not interested in. Essentially what this means is that “this piece of code doesn't do anything useful for this particular test case, just get it out of the way”. For example consider the following class:

When unit testing the made-up hello method there's no need for us to load the “some.dll” so let's get rid of it:

It’s also possible to suppress all constructors of a class:

or all methods:

In this case all methods declared in SomeClass will return a default value.

You can also essentially suppress an entire class, meaning all methods, constructors and fields:


What if we only want to stub the hello method in MyClass1 when the parameter arg is equal to “John”? For all other arguments we like to invoke the original method. We can achieve this by replacing the method with an InvocationHandler like this:

This means that if you invoke MyClass1.hello("Someone") it'll return Hello Someone but calling it with John will return Hello John, you are awesome!.

You can also replace a method with another method! For example you may want to replace all log outputs in an integration test with your own method that simply prints everything to the console. Consider the following example:

Imagine that the Logger.debug(..) method logs to disk but in our test we simply want to print to the console. We could implement a new class for this:

And replace the Logger.debug(..) method with the ConsoleLogger.print(..) method in our test case:

This means that all calls to Logger.debug(..) will be replaced with ConsoleLogger.print(..). Note that this only works for static methods!

(Also note that in a real-life scenario there are most likely better ways to solve this problem, e.g. by simply configuring the original Logger to print to the console during our integration test).


As you've hopefully seen there are more to PowerMock than just mocking. For example it's often better to simply stub third party api calls than to mock them. PowerMock has good support for doing this in a simple way even for legacy systems. As always PowerMock should be used with care so whenever you find the urge to use PowerMock make sure you look into possible alternatives as well.

原文链接:Beyond Mocking with PowerMock

使用 Mockito 单元测试


1. 需求知识

2. 使用 存根(Stub) 和 模拟对象(Mock Object) 进行测试

2.1. 为什么需要模拟?

2.2. 存根(Stub) vs. 模拟对象 (Mock)

2.3. 行为测试 vs. 状态测试

2.4. 生成模拟对象

3. 模拟框架( Mock Framework)

4. Mockito

4.1. 使用 Mockito 模拟对象

4.2. 使用 Mockito

4.3. Mockito的限制

4.4. 模拟对象的配置

4.5. 验证模拟对象的行为

4.6. Spy

5. Mockito 在 Android 平台测试

5.1. 在 Android 使用 Mockito

5.2. 安装

6. 链接和参考




2. 使用 存根(Stub) 和 模拟对象(Mock Object) 进行测试

2.1. 为什么需要模拟?


为了解决这个问题, 可以使用 存根 (Stub) 或者 模拟 (Mock) 对象的方法进行测试。

2.2. 存根(Stub) vs. 模拟对象 (Mock)


一个模拟对象(mock object)是一个接口或者抽象类的虚拟实现。例如:





2.3. 行为测试 vs. 状态测试

Mock 对象允许你对行为进行测试。有一些测试不需要验证结果,但是需要检查某些方法是否被正确的参数调用过。这种测试为行为测试。


2.4. 生成模拟对象

你们可以使用Mock 框架来生成模拟对象。Mock 框架允许你在运行期间创建对象,并且定义它的一些行为。


3. 模拟框架( Mock Framework)

比较流行的模拟框架有 EasyMock、jMock 和 Mockito。下面的列表是这些框架的链接。
# jMock
# EasyMock
# Mockito

4. Mockito

4.1. 使用 Mockito 模拟对象

Mockito 是比较流行的模拟框架,可以与JUnit 联合起来测试。它允许你进行创建和配置模拟对象。

Mockito的官方网站: Mockito 主页.

4.2. 使用 Mockito

Mockito 支持使用 mock() 静态方法创建模拟对象。

同样也支持 @Mock注解方式,如果使用注解的方式,需要使用在初始化方法调用 MockitoAnnotation.InitMock( this ) 方法

例如,下面的例子就是使用 Mockito 进行对类 ClassToTest 的单元测试。


可以使用静态导入方法调用方法 mock()

4.3. Mockito的限制

Mockito 以下的类型不能进行构造:

  • 终态类(final classes)
  • 匿名类(anonymous classes)
  • 基本数据类型(primitive types)

4.4. 模拟对象的配置

Mockito 可以使用 verify() 方法来确认某些方法是否被调用过.

when(....).thenReturn(....) 结构可以为某些条件给定一个预期的返回值.

同样可以使用doReturn(object).when(kdskfsk).methodCall 结构

4.5. 验证模拟对象的行为

Mockito 跟踪了所有的方法调用和参数的调用情况。verify()可以验证方法的行为。


4.6. Spy

@Spy 或者方法 spy() 可以包含一个真实的对象. 每次调用,除非特出指定,委托给改真实对象的调用.

5. Mockito 在 Android 平台测试

5.1. 在 Android 使用 Mockito

Mockito 同样也可以在安卓平台上进行测试。

5.2. 安装

在 Android 测试项目中使用 Mockito。添加下面的包到Android 测试项目的 libs 目录
接下来可以在你的测试项目中使用 Mockito 。

6. 链接和参考

Mockito 项目主页
Mockito 的依赖注入功能
Unit tests with Mockito - Tutorial
使用 Mockito 单元测试 – 教程