RTSP回放时如何通过RTP的timestamp计算NPT时间(Normal Play Time)

客户端通过RTSPPLAY方法开始播放、定位播放、快速/慢速播放(Scale)某非实时视频时,客户端会通过Range头字段指定NPT时间,即让服务器开始从NPT指定时刻开始播放视频(NPTNormal Play Time---正常播放时间)即播放位置离文件开始部分的相对时间)。

播放开始后,下一次发送PLAY命令前,客户端需要根据服务器发来的RTP timestamp计算当前收到的帧的NPT时间。








  • begin_npt: PLAY返回消息里Range: npt=18.8-3600中的开始时间(秒)timestamp_len: RTP timestamp的最大表示个数,4个字节,所以是2^320x100000000
  • reset_counter: RTP timestamp的归零次数
  • current_timestamp: 当前收到的RTPtimestamp
  • start_timestamp: PLAY返回消息里的RTP-Info里的rtptime(指明此后第一个收到的RTP包的timestamp值)
  • clock_rate: 时钟频率,即SDP a=rtpmap:96 H264/90000里的90000
  • scale: PLAY里请求和返回中的Scale值(以返回为准)

NPTRTP timestamp的进一步讨论

RTPtimestamp里的wallclock应该是表示RTP会话开始到当前的绝对elapsed时间,与NPT不是对应的。(比如PAUSE以后,重新PLAYNPT是影片开始的相对时间,而RTP timestampRTP会话开始的相对时间)

加速播放时(RTSP scale=2),在PLAY返回让nptrtptime映射后,npt计算时要加倍计算,而rtptime间隔保持不变。

另外,关于RTP timestamp与帧率等关系可参考RTP timestamp与帧率及时钟频率的关系


[1] RFC2326 (Appendix B: Interaction with RTP):

For scaling (see Section 12.34), RTP timestamps should correspond to
the playback timing. For example, when playing video recorded at 30
frames/second at a scale of two and speed (Section 12.35) of one, the
server would drop every second frame to maintain and deliver video
packets with the normal timestamp spacing of 3,000 per frame, but NPT
would increase by 1/15 second for each video frame.The client can maintain a correct display of NPT by noting the RTP
timestamp value of the first packet arriving after repositioning. The
sequence parameter of the RTP-Info (Section 12.33) header provides
the first sequence number of the next segment.[2] 3GPP 26.234 (A.3.2.4 Timestamp handling after PAUSE/PLAY requests):

The description below intends to clarify how RTP timestamps are specified within the 3GPP PSS when a client sends a PLAY request following a PAUSE request. The RTP timestamp space must be continuous along time during a session and then reflect the actual time elapsed since the beginning of the session. A server must reflect the actual time interval elapsed between the last RTP packets sent before the reception of the PAUSE request and the first RTP packets sent after the reception of the PLAY request in the RTP timestamp. A client will need to compute the mapping between NPT time and RTP timestamp each time it receives a PLAY response for on-demand content. This means that a client must be able to cope with any gap in RTP timestamps after a PLAY request.

The PLAY request can include a Range header if the client wants to seek backward or forward in the media, or without a Range header if the client only wants to resume the paused session.

In this example Client C plays a media file from Server S. RTP timestamp rate in this example is 1000Hz for clarity.

C -> S: PLAY rtsp://example.com/mediastream RTSP/1.0
CSeq: 2
Session: 123456
Range: npt=1.125-

S -> C: RTSP/1.0 200 OK
CSeq: 2
Session: 123456
Range: npt=1.120-
RTP-Info: url=rtsp://example.com/mediastream;seq=1000;rtptime=5000

S -> C: RTP packet - seq = 1000 - rtptime = 5000 - corresponding media time (NPT time) = 1120ms
S -> C: RTP packet - seq = 1001 - rtptime = 5040 - corresponding media time (NPT time) = 1160ms
S -> C: RTP packet - seq = 1002 - rtptime = 5080 - corresponding media time (NPT time) = 1200ms
S -> C: RTP packet - seq = 1003 - rtptime = 5120 - corresponding media time (NPT time) = 1240ms

C -> S: PAUSE rtsp://example.com/mediastream RTSP/1.0
CSeq: 3
Session: 123456

S -> C: RTSP/1.0 200 OK
CSeq: 3
Session: 123456

[10 seconds elapsed]

C -> S: PLAY rtsp://example.com/mediastream RTSP/1.0
CSeq: 4
Session: 123456

S -> C: RTSP/1.0 200 OK
CSeq: 4
Session: 123456
Range: npt=1.280-
RTP-Info: url=rtsp://example.com/mediastream;seq=1004;rtptime=15160

S -> C: RTP packet - seq = 1004 - rtptime = 15160 - corresponding media time (NPT time) = 1280ms
S -> C: RTP packet - seq = 1005 - rtptime = 15200 - corresponding media time (NPT time) = 1320ms
S -> C: RTP packet - seq = 1006 - rtptime = 15240 - corresponding media time (NPT time) = 1360ms

C -> S: PAUSE rtsp://example.com/mediastream RTSP/1.0
CSeq: 5
Session: 123456

S -> C: RTSP/1.0 200 OK
CSeq: 5
Session: 123456

C -> S: PLAY rtsp://example.com/mediastream RTSP/1.0
CSeq: 6
Session: 123456
Range: npt=0.5-

[55 milliseconds elapsed during request processing]

S -> C: RTSP/1.0 200 OK
CSeq: 6
Session: 123456
Range: npt=0.480-
RTP-Info: url=rtsp://example.com/mediastream;seq=1007;rtptime=15295

S -> C: RTP packet - seq = 1007 - rtptime = 15295 - corresponding media time (NPT time) = 480ms
S -> C: RTP packet - seq = 1008 - rtptime = 15335 - corresponding media time (NPT time) = 520ms
S -> C: RTP packet - seq = 1009 - rtptime = 15375 - corresponding media time (NPT time) = 560ms




  1. RTP包中的rtptime
  2. PLAY请求的Response中的rtp timenpt
  3. RTCPSR(Sender Report)中的rtpntp时间戳对


npt顾名思义Normal PLay Time,正常播放时间,指出了流相对与播放开始时的绝对位置。播放开始时的之间定义为0.0s。这个特殊的常量now被定义为现场事件的当前时刻。"now"常数允许客户端请求接收实时反馈而不是存储或者延时的版本。因为对于这种情况而言,既没有绝对时间,也没有0时间,所以需要该参数。



上面的处理仅仅实现了媒体内的同步,在实现媒体间同步时,还需要进行其他的处理工作。这就需要用到RTCPSR(Sender Report)。在SR中包含一个<rtpntp>时间戳对,通过这个时间戳对可以将音频和视频准确的定位到一个绝对时间轴上。

