把系统从Struts2 迁移到 Spring MVC六大步总结

基于struts的系统迁移到SpringMVC架构上来,共分六部曲,让系统一部一部迁移过来,本文讲的知识点以Struts2 to Spring4,但是针对其他应用场景也是可以参考的。

Step 1: 替换基本的框架库。

Firstly while migrating from struts to spring we have to replace our struts related libraries with spring libraries in lib folder.

I have mentioned basic libraries of both struts and spring for your clarification.

Struts basic libraries :
  1. struts.jar
  2. struts-legacy.jar
  3. etc.. 

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Spring basic libraries :

  1. standard.jar
  2. org.springframework.asm-4.0.1.RELEASE-A.jar
  3. org.springframework.beans-4.0.1.RELEASE-A.jar
  4. org.springframework.context-4.0.1.RELEASE-A.jar
  5. org.springframework.core-4.0.1.RELEASE-A.jar
  6. org.springframework.expression-4.0.1.RELEASE-A.jar
  7. org.springframework.web.servlet-4.0.1.RELEASE-A.jar
  8. org.springframework.web-4.0.1.RELEASE-A.jar
  9. etc..

Step 2: 修改web.xml配置文件

In this step we have to remove Action filter dispatcher for the web.xml and add Spring dipatcher servlet as Front controller
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In Strut application web.xml look like as follows

In Spring application web.xml look like as follows

Step 3: 替换Struts本身的配置文件

Now replace all struts configuration files to spring configuration file as follows

In Struts applivation struts configuration file-

In Spring application spring configuration file as follows

Here, <context:component-scan> tag is used, so that spring will load all the components from given package i.e. " com.geekonjavaonjava.spring.login.controller".

Use this in Struts2 : Get value of struts property tag into jsp variable

We can use different view resolver, here I have used InternalResourceViewResolver. In which prefix and suffix are used to resolve the view by prefixing and suffixing values to the object returned by ModelAndView in action class.

Step 4: 修改JSP文件

While migration an application from struts to spring we need to change in jsp file as following

Firstly replace all tlds-

Replace these with following spring taglib's :

In Struts :

In Spring :

Here commandName is going to map with corresponding formbean for that jsp. Next we will see, how action is getting called with spring 4 annotations.

Step 5: 修改Action 类文件

Now following changes need to be done in action classes for struts to spring migration using annotations-

Struts Action:

Spring action

Step 6: 修改前端验证机制

In struts JSP file validation changes as follows

In Spring JSP file as follows-


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MimeType 文件列表参考

 1. Mozilla MDN Web Docs: https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/HTTP/Basics_of_HTTP/MIME_types/Common_types

扩展名 文档类型 MIME 类型
.aac AAC audio audio/aac
.abw AbiWord document application/x-abiword
.arc Archive document (multiple files embedded) application/x-freearc
.avi AVI: Audio Video Interleave video/x-msvideo
.azw Amazon Kindle eBook format application/vnd.amazon.ebook
.bin Any kind of binary data application/octet-stream
.bmp Windows OS/2 Bitmap Graphics image/bmp
.bz BZip archive application/x-bzip
.bz2 BZip2 archive application/x-bzip2
.csh C-Shell script application/x-csh
.css Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) text/css
.csv Comma-separated values (CSV) text/csv
.doc Microsoft Word application/msword
.docx Microsoft Word (OpenXML) application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
.eot MS Embedded OpenType fonts application/vnd.ms-fontobject
.epub Electronic publication (EPUB) application/epub+zip
.gif Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) image/gif
HyperText Markup Language (HTML) text/html
.ico Icon format image/vnd.microsoft.icon
.ics iCalendar format text/calendar
.jar Java Archive (JAR) application/java-archive
JPEG images image/jpeg
.js JavaScript text/javascript
.json JSON format application/json
.jsonld JSON-LD format application/ld+json
Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) audio/midi audio/x-midi
.mjs JavaScript module text/javascript
.mp3 MP3 audio audio/mpeg
.mpeg MPEG Video video/mpeg
.mpkg Apple Installer Package application/vnd.apple.installer+xml
.odp OpenDocument presentation document application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation
.ods OpenDocument spreadsheet document application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet
.odt OpenDocument text document application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text
.oga OGG audio audio/ogg
.ogv OGG video video/ogg
.ogx OGG application/ogg
.otf OpenType font font/otf
.png Portable Network Graphics image/png
.pdf Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) application/pdf
.ppt Microsoft PowerPoint application/vnd.ms-powerpoint
.pptx Microsoft PowerPoint (OpenXML) application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation
.rar RAR archive application/x-rar-compressed
.rtf Rich Text Format (RTF) application/rtf
.sh Bourne shell script application/x-sh
.svg Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) image/svg+xml
.swf Small web format (SWF) or Adobe Flash document application/x-shockwave-flash
.tar Tape Archive (TAR) application/x-tar
Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) image/tiff
.ttf TrueType Font font/ttf
.txt Text, (generally ASCII or ISO 8859-n) text/plain
.vsd Microsoft Visio application/vnd.visio
.wav Waveform Audio Format audio/wav
.weba WEBM audio audio/webm
.webm WEBM video video/webm
.webp WEBP image image/webp
.woff Web Open Font Format (WOFF) font/woff
.woff2 Web Open Font Format (WOFF) font/woff2
.xhtml XHTML application/xhtml+xml
.xls Microsoft Excel application/vnd.ms-excel
.xlsx Microsoft Excel (OpenXML) application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
.xml XML application/xml 代码对普通用户来说不可读 (RFC 3023, section 3)
text/xml 代码对普通用户来说可读 (RFC 3023, section 3)
.xul XUL application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml
.zip ZIP archive application/zip
.3gp 3GPP audio/video container video/3gpp
.3g2 3GPP2 audio/video container video/3gpp2
.7z 7-zip archive application/x-7z-compressed

2. AOSP MediaFle:  



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