1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 class Foo {
18   volatile Object bar;
19 }
21 public class Main {
main(String[] args)23   public static void main(String[] args) {
24     Main main = new Main();
25     main.test();
26     System.out.println("passed");
27   }
29   // Check that no explicit null check is emitted for the field load of volatile
30   // field `Foo.bar` before entering the Baker read barrier thunk.
31   //
32   // Note: We cannot check the ARM64 assembly code of the Baker read barrier
33   // thunk code, as it is not emitted in the CFG output.
34   //
35   /// CHECK-START-ARM64: void Main.test() disassembly (after)
36   /// CHECK:       <<Foo:l\d+>> InstanceFieldGet [{{l\d+}}] field_name:Main.foo field_type:Reference loop:<<Loop:B\d+>>
37   /// CHECK:       NullCheck [<<Foo>>] dex_pc:<<PC:\d+>> loop:<<Loop>>
38   /// CHECK-NEXT:  InstanceFieldGet [<<Foo>>] dex_pc:<<PC>> field_name:Foo.bar field_type:Reference loop:<<Loop>>
39   /// CHECK-NEXT:      add w<<BaseRegNum:\d+>>, {{w\d+}}, #0x8 (8)
40   /// CHECK-NEXT:      adr lr, #+0x{{c|10}}
41   // The following instruction (generated by
42   // `art::arm64::CodeGeneratorARM64::EmitBakerReadBarrierCbnz`) checks the
43   // Marking Register (X20) and goes into the Baker read barrier thunk if MR is
44   // not null. The null offset (#+0x0) in the CBNZ instruction is a placeholder
45   // for the offset to the Baker read barrier thunk (which is not yet set when
46   // the CFG output is emitted).
47   /// CHECK-NEXT:      cbnz x20, #+0x0
48   /// CHECK-NEXT:      ldar {{w\d+}}, [x<<BaseRegNum>>]
test()50   public void test() {
51     // Continually check that reading field `foo.bar` throws a
52     // NullPointerException while allocating over 64 MiB of memory (with heap
53     // size limited to 16 MiB), in order to increase memory pressure and
54     // eventually trigger a concurrent garbage collection, which will start by
55     // putting the GC in marking mode and enable read barriers (when the
56     // Concurrent Copying collector is used).
57     for (int i = 0; i != 64 * 1024; ++i) {
58       allocateAtLeast1KiB();
59       try {
60         // Read volatile field `bar` of `foo`, which is null, and is expected
61         // to produce a NullPointerException. On ARM64, this is implemented as a
62         // load-acquire (LDAR instruction).
63         //
64         // When the Concurrent Copying GC is marking, read barriers are enabled
65         // and the field load executes code from a Baker read barrier thunk.
66         // On ARM64, there used to be a bug in this thunk for the load-acquire
67         // case, where an explicit null check was missing, triggering an
68         // unhandled SIGSEGV when trying to load the lock word from the volatile
69         // field (b/140507091).
70         Object foo_bar = foo.bar;
71       } catch (NullPointerException e) {
72         continue;
73       }
74       // We should not be here.
75       throw new Error("Expected NullPointerException");
76     }
77   }
79   // Allocate at least 1 KiB of memory on the managed heap.
80   // Retain some allocated memory and release old allocations so that the
81   // garbage collector has something to do.
allocateAtLeast1KiB()82   public static void allocateAtLeast1KiB() {
83     memory[allocationIndex] = new Object[1024 / 4];
84     ++allocationIndex;
85     if (allocationIndex == memory.length) {
86       allocationIndex = 0;
87     }
88   }
90   public static Object[] memory = new Object[1024];
91   public static int allocationIndex = 0;
93   private Foo foo;
95 }