2< Test stopped during notifyFramePop without exception on pop of calledFunction
3< Single call with PopFrame on StandardTestObject { cnt: 0 } base-call-count: 0
4< result is StandardTestObject { cnt: 2 } base-call count: 1
5< Test stopped during notifyFramePop without exception on pop of doNothing
6< Single call with PopFrame on StandardTestObject { cnt: 0 } base-call-count: 0
7< result is StandardTestObject { cnt: 1 } base-call count: 1
8< Test stopped during notifyFramePop with exception on pop of calledFunction
9< Single call with PopFrame on ExceptionThrowTestObject { cnt: 0 } base-call-count: 0
10< art.Test1953$ExceptionThrowTestObject$TestError thrown and caught!
11< result is ExceptionThrowTestObject { cnt: 2 } base-call count: 1
12< Test stopped during notifyFramePop with exception on pop of doThrow
13< Single call with PopFrame on ExceptionCatchTestObject { cnt: 0 } base-call-count: 0
14< art.Test1953$ExceptionCatchTestObject$TestError caught in called function.
15< result is ExceptionCatchTestObject { cnt: 1 } base-call count: 1
17< Test stopped during a ClassLoad event.
18< Single call with PopFrame on ClassLoadObject { cnt: 0, curClass: 0} base-call-count: 0
19< Failed to pop frame due to java.lang.RuntimeException: JVMTI_ERROR_OPAQUE_FRAME
20< 	art.Test1953.popFrame(Native Method)
21< 	art.Test1953.runTestOn(Test1953.java)
22< 	art.Test1953.runTestOn(Test1953.java)
23< 	art.Test1953.runTests(Test1953.java)
24< 	<Additional frames hidden>
25< TC0.foo == 1
26< result is ClassLoadObject { cnt: 1, curClass: 1} base-call count: 1
27< Test stopped during a ClassPrepare event.
28< Single call with PopFrame on ClassLoadObject { cnt: 0, curClass: 1} base-call-count: 0
29< Failed to pop frame due to java.lang.RuntimeException: JVMTI_ERROR_OPAQUE_FRAME
30< 	art.Test1953.popFrame(Native Method)
31< 	art.Test1953.runTestOn(Test1953.java)
32< 	art.Test1953.runTestOn(Test1953.java)
33< 	art.Test1953.runTests(Test1953.java)
34< 	<Additional frames hidden>
35< TC1.foo == 2
36< result is ClassLoadObject { cnt: 1, curClass: 2} base-call count: 1