2  "presubmit": [
3    {
4      "name": "CtsNNAPITestCases"
5    },
6    {
7      "name": "NeuralNetworksTest_static",
8      "options": [
9        {
10          // Restrict NeuralNetworksTest_static to run only a single
11          // pass consisting of:
12          // * useCpuOnly = 0
13          // * computeMode = ComputeMode::ASYNC
14          // * allowSyncExecHal = 1
15          //
16          // The value here is a bitmask indicating only "pass 10"
17          // should be run (1024 = 2^10). The bit conversions can be
18          // found in frameworks/ml/nn/runtime/test/TestMain.cpp.
19          "native-test-flag": "1024"
20        }
21      ]
22    },
23    {
24      "name": "NeuralNetworksTest_utils"
25    }
26  ],
27  "imports": [
28    {
29      "path": "hardware/interfaces/neuralnetworks"
30    },
31    {
32      "path": "external/tensorflow/tensorflow/lite/delegates/nnapi"
33    }
34  ]