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3     Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
5     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7     You may obtain a copy of the License at
9          http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15     limitations under the License.
16 -->
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20  <string-array name="timezone_rename_labels">
21    <item msgid="4609638052107641231">"የአውስትራሊያ ማዕከላዊ - ኤን ቲ"</item>
22    <item msgid="4345275500159159867">"የአውትራሊያ ማዕከላዊ - ኤስ ኤ"</item>
23    <item msgid="6771274300523132094">"የአውትራሊያ ምስራቃዊ - ኪዩ ኤል ዲ"</item>
24    <item msgid="4685547681424666687">"የአውስትራሊያ ምስራቃዊ - ኤን ኤስ ደብልዩ"</item>
25    <item msgid="5259393186526893961">"የተራራ መደበኛ - ዳውሰን ክሪክ"</item>
26    <item msgid="5984634754870859705">"ማዕከላዊ መደበኛ - ሳስካቸዋን"</item>
27    <item msgid="5340374311583423836">"ምስራቃዊ መደበኛ - አቲኮካን"</item>
28    <item msgid="8922086438245451625">"አትላንቲክ መደበኛ - ኴቤክ"</item>
29    <item msgid="8353677384517034413">"ሃዋዪ-አሊዩሻን - ሃዋዪ"</item>
30    <item msgid="6426791761018806420">"ሃዋዪ-አሊዩሻን - አላስካ"</item>
31    <item msgid="7076353182411415610">"ፓሲፊክ መደበኛ - መትላካትላ"</item>
32    <item msgid="373990592918179890">"የተራራ መደበኛ - አሪዞና"</item>
33    <item msgid="353899326999279114">"ፓሲፊክ - ባያ ካሊፎርኒያ"</item>
34    <item msgid="6432134534714673873">"ተራራ - ቺዋዋ"</item>
35    <item msgid="7629345735485663968">"ማዕከላዊ - ታማውሊፓስ"</item>
36    <item msgid="3874729044260979505">"ተራራ - ሶኖራ"</item>
37    <item msgid="1106209575683600471">"የምስራቅ አፍሪካ ሰዓት"</item>
38    <item msgid="6538017087072480128">"የአትላንቲክ መደበኛ ሰዓት"</item>
39    <item msgid="6758957851822881177">"የአትላንቲክ መደበኛ ሰዓት"</item>
40    <item msgid="2477556470536619081">"የምስራቃዊ አውሮፓ ሰዓት"</item>
41    <item msgid="7328461310893621937">"የካሊኒንግራድ ሰዓት"</item>
42    <item msgid="4212642599758736931">"አማዞን - ዶንዶኒያ"</item>
43    <item msgid="2370319280810537375">"ብራሲሊያ - ፓራ"</item>
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45  <string-array name="backup_country_names">
46    <item msgid="9141777876082196578">"ሲንት ማርተን"</item>
47    <item msgid="5330962017221568054">"የካሪቢያን ኔዘርላንድስ"</item>
48    <item msgid="1465164631761814300">"ኩራሳዎ"</item>
49    <item msgid="8972081011408691260">"ደቡብ ሱዳን"</item>
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