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3     Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
5     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7     You may obtain a copy of the License at
9          http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15     limitations under the License.
16 -->
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23    <item msgid="6771274300523132094">"호주 동부 - QLD"</item>
24    <item msgid="4685547681424666687">"호주 동부 - NSW"</item>
25    <item msgid="5259393186526893961">"산지 표준시 - 도슨 크리크"</item>
26    <item msgid="5984634754870859705">"중앙 표준시 - 서스케처원"</item>
27    <item msgid="5340374311583423836">"동부 표준시 - 아티코칸"</item>
28    <item msgid="8922086438245451625">"대서양 표준시 - 퀘벡"</item>
29    <item msgid="8353677384517034413">"하와이 알류샨 - 하와이"</item>
30    <item msgid="6426791761018806420">"하와이 알류샨 - 알래스카"</item>
31    <item msgid="7076353182411415610">"태평양 표준시 - 메틀라카틀라"</item>
32    <item msgid="373990592918179890">"산지 표준시 - 애리조나"</item>
33    <item msgid="353899326999279114">"태평양 - 바하 칼리포니아"</item>
34    <item msgid="6432134534714673873">"산지 - 치와와"</item>
35    <item msgid="7629345735485663968">"중앙 - 타마울리파스"</item>
36    <item msgid="3874729044260979505">"산지 - 소노라"</item>
37    <item msgid="1106209575683600471">"동아프리카 시간"</item>
38    <item msgid="6538017087072480128">"대서양 표준시"</item>
39    <item msgid="6758957851822881177">"대서양 표준시"</item>
40    <item msgid="2477556470536619081">"동유럽 시간"</item>
41    <item msgid="7328461310893621937">"칼리닌그라드 시간"</item>
42    <item msgid="4212642599758736931">"아마존 - 혼도니아"</item>
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