2 * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17package android.hardware.audio.effect@4.0;
19import android.hardware.audio.common@4.0;
20import IEffectBufferProviderCallback;
22interface IEffect {
23    /**
24     * Initialize effect engine--all configurations return to default.
25     *
26     * @return retval operation completion status.
27     */
28    @entry
29    init() generates (Result retval);
31    /**
32     * Apply new audio parameters configurations for input and output buffers.
33     * The provider callbacks may be empty, but in this case the buffer
34     * must be provided in the EffectConfig structure.
35     *
36     * @param config configuration descriptor.
37     * @param inputBufferProvider optional buffer provider reference.
38     * @param outputBufferProvider optional buffer provider reference.
39     * @return retval operation completion status.
40     */
41    setConfig(EffectConfig config,
42            IEffectBufferProviderCallback inputBufferProvider,
43            IEffectBufferProviderCallback outputBufferProvider)
44            generates (Result retval);
46    /**
47     * Reset the effect engine. Keep configuration but resets state and buffer
48     * content.
49     *
50     * @return retval operation completion status.
51     */
52    reset() generates (Result retval);
54    /**
55     * Enable processing.
56     *
57     * @return retval operation completion status.
58     */
59    @callflow(next={"prepareForProcessing"})
60    enable() generates (Result retval);
62    /**
63     * Disable processing.
64     *
65     * @return retval operation completion status.
66     */
67    @callflow(next={"close"})
68    disable() generates (Result retval);
70    /**
71     * Set the rendering device the audio output path is connected to.  The
72     * effect implementation must set EFFECT_FLAG_DEVICE_IND flag in its
73     * descriptor to receive this command when the device changes.
74     *
75     * Note: this method is only supported for effects inserted into
76     *       the output chain.
77     *
78     * @param device output device specification.
79     * @return retval operation completion status.
80     */
81    setDevice(bitfield<AudioDevice> device) generates (Result retval);
83    /**
84     * Set and get volume. Used by audio framework to delegate volume control to
85     * effect engine. The effect implementation must set EFFECT_FLAG_VOLUME_CTRL
86     * flag in its descriptor to receive this command. The effect engine must
87     * return the volume that should be applied before the effect is
88     * processed. The overall volume (the volume actually applied by the effect
89     * engine multiplied by the returned value) should match the value indicated
90     * in the command.
91     *
92     * @param volumes vector containing volume for each channel defined in
93     *                EffectConfig for output buffer expressed in 8.24 fixed
94     *                point format.
95     * @return result updated volume values.
96     * @return retval operation completion status.
97     */
98    setAndGetVolume(vec<uint32_t> volumes)
99            generates (Result retval, vec<uint32_t> result);
101    /**
102     * Notify the effect of the volume change. The effect implementation must
103     * set EFFECT_FLAG_VOLUME_IND flag in its descriptor to receive this
104     * command.
105     *
106     * @param volumes vector containing volume for each channel defined in
107     *                EffectConfig for output buffer expressed in 8.24 fixed
108     *                point format.
109     * @return retval operation completion status.
110     */
111    volumeChangeNotification(vec<uint32_t> volumes)
112            generates (Result retval);
114    /**
115     * Set the audio mode. The effect implementation must set
116     * EFFECT_FLAG_AUDIO_MODE_IND flag in its descriptor to receive this command
117     * when the audio mode changes.
118     *
119     * @param mode desired audio mode.
120     * @return retval operation completion status.
121     */
122    setAudioMode(AudioMode mode) generates (Result retval);
124    /**
125     * Apply new audio parameters configurations for input and output buffers of
126     * reverse stream.  An example of reverse stream is the echo reference
127     * supplied to an Acoustic Echo Canceler.
128     *
129     * @param config configuration descriptor.
130     * @param inputBufferProvider optional buffer provider reference.
131     * @param outputBufferProvider optional buffer provider reference.
132     * @return retval operation completion status.
133     */
134    setConfigReverse(EffectConfig config,
135            IEffectBufferProviderCallback inputBufferProvider,
136            IEffectBufferProviderCallback outputBufferProvider)
137            generates (Result retval);
139    /**
140     * Set the capture device the audio input path is connected to. The effect
141     * implementation must set EFFECT_FLAG_DEVICE_IND flag in its descriptor to
142     * receive this command when the device changes.
143     *
144     * Note: this method is only supported for effects inserted into
145     *       the input chain.
146     *
147     * @param device input device specification.
148     * @return retval operation completion status.
149     */
150    setInputDevice(bitfield<AudioDevice> device) generates (Result retval);
152    /**
153     * Read audio parameters configurations for input and output buffers.
154     *
155     * @return retval operation completion status.
156     * @return config configuration descriptor.
157     */
158    getConfig() generates (Result retval, EffectConfig config);
160    /**
161     * Read audio parameters configurations for input and output buffers of
162     * reverse stream.
163     *
164     * @return retval operation completion status.
165     * @return config configuration descriptor.
166     */
167    getConfigReverse() generates (Result retval, EffectConfig config);
169    /**
170     * Queries for supported combinations of main and auxiliary channels
171     * (e.g. for a multi-microphone noise suppressor).
172     *
173     * @param maxConfigs maximum number of the combinations to return.
174     * @return retval absence of the feature support is indicated using
175     *                NOT_SUPPORTED code. RESULT_TOO_BIG is returned if
176     *                the number of supported combinations exceeds 'maxConfigs'.
177     * @return result list of configuration descriptors.
178     */
179    getSupportedAuxChannelsConfigs(uint32_t maxConfigs)
180            generates (Result retval, vec<EffectAuxChannelsConfig> result);
182    /**
183     * Retrieves the current configuration of main and auxiliary channels.
184     *
185     * @return retval absence of the feature support is indicated using
186     *                NOT_SUPPORTED code.
187     * @return result configuration descriptor.
188     */
189    getAuxChannelsConfig()
190            generates (Result retval, EffectAuxChannelsConfig result);
192    /**
193     * Sets the current configuration of main and auxiliary channels.
194     *
195     * @return retval operation completion status; absence of the feature
196     *                support is indicated using NOT_SUPPORTED code.
197     */
198    setAuxChannelsConfig(EffectAuxChannelsConfig config)
199            generates (Result retval);
201    /**
202     * Set the audio source the capture path is configured for (Camcorder, voice
203     * recognition...).
204     *
205     * Note: this method is only supported for effects inserted into
206     *       the input chain.
207     *
208     * @param source source descriptor.
209     * @return retval operation completion status.
210     */
211    setAudioSource(AudioSource source) generates (Result retval);
213    /**
214     * This command indicates if the playback thread the effect is attached to
215     * is offloaded or not, and updates the I/O handle of the playback thread
216     * the effect is attached to.
217     *
218     * @param param effect offload descriptor.
219     * @return retval operation completion status.
220     */
221    offload(EffectOffloadParameter param) generates (Result retval);
223    /**
224     * Returns the effect descriptor.
225     *
226     * @return retval operation completion status.
227     * @return descriptor effect descriptor.
228     */
229    getDescriptor() generates (Result retval, EffectDescriptor descriptor);
231    /**
232     * Set up required transports for passing audio buffers to the effect.
233     *
234     * The transport consists of shared memory and a message queue for reporting
235     * effect processing operation status. The shared memory is set up
236     * separately using 'setProcessBuffers' method.
237     *
238     * Processing is requested by setting 'REQUEST_PROCESS' or
239     * 'REQUEST_PROCESS_REVERSE' EventFlags associated with the status message
240     * queue. The result of processing may be one of the following:
241     *   OK if there were no errors during processing;
242     *   INVALID_ARGUMENTS if audio buffers are invalid;
243     *   INVALID_STATE if the engine has finished the disable phase;
244     *   NOT_INITIALIZED if the audio buffers were not set;
245     *   NOT_SUPPORTED if the requested processing type is not supported by
246     *                 the effect.
247     *
248     * @return retval OK if both message queues were created successfully.
249     *                INVALID_STATE if the method was already called.
250     *                INVALID_ARGUMENTS if there was a problem setting up
251     *                                  the queue.
252     * @return statusMQ a message queue used for passing status from the effect.
253     */
254    @callflow(next={"setProcessBuffers"})
255    prepareForProcessing() generates (Result retval, fmq_sync<Result> statusMQ);
257    /**
258     * Set up input and output buffers for processing audio data. The effect
259     * may modify both the input and the output buffer during the operation.
260     * Buffers may be set multiple times during effect lifetime.
261     *
262     * The input and the output buffer may be reused between different effects,
263     * and the input buffer may be used as an output buffer. Buffers are
264     * distinguished using 'AudioBuffer.id' field.
265     *
266     * @param inBuffer input audio buffer.
267     * @param outBuffer output audio buffer.
268     * @return retval OK if both buffers were mapped successfully.
269     *                INVALID_ARGUMENTS if there was a problem with mapping
270     *                                  any of the buffers.
271     */
272    setProcessBuffers(AudioBuffer inBuffer, AudioBuffer outBuffer)
273            generates (Result retval);
275    /**
276     * Execute a vendor specific command on the effect. The command code
277     * and data, as well as result data are not interpreted by Android
278     * Framework and are passed as-is between the application and the effect.
279     *
280     * The effect must use standard POSIX.1-2001 error codes for the operation
281     * completion status.
282     *
283     * Use this method only if the effect is provided by a third party, and
284     * there is no interface defined for it. This method only works for effects
285     * implemented in software.
286     *
287     * @param commandId the ID of the command.
288     * @param data command data.
289     * @param resultMaxSize maximum size in bytes of the result; can be 0.
290     * @return status command completion status.
291     * @return result result data.
292     */
293    command(uint32_t commandId, vec<uint8_t> data, uint32_t resultMaxSize)
294            generates (int32_t status, vec<uint8_t> result);
296    /**
297     * Set a vendor-specific parameter and apply it immediately. The parameter
298     * code and data are not interpreted by Android Framework and are passed
299     * as-is between the application and the effect.
300     *
301     * The effect must use INVALID_ARGUMENTS return code if the parameter ID is
302     * unknown or if provided parameter data is invalid. If the effect does not
303     * support setting vendor-specific parameters, it must return NOT_SUPPORTED.
304     *
305     * Use this method only if the effect is provided by a third party, and
306     * there is no interface defined for it. This method only works for effects
307     * implemented in software.
308     *
309     * @param parameter identifying data of the parameter.
310     * @param value the value of the parameter.
311     * @return retval operation completion status.
312     */
313    setParameter(vec<uint8_t> parameter, vec<uint8_t> value)
314            generates (Result retval);
316    /**
317     * Get a vendor-specific parameter value. The parameter code and returned
318     * data are not interpreted by Android Framework and are passed as-is
319     * between the application and the effect.
320     *
321     * The effect must use INVALID_ARGUMENTS return code if the parameter ID is
322     * unknown. If the effect does not support setting vendor-specific
323     * parameters, it must return NOT_SUPPORTED.
324     *
325     * Use this method only if the effect is provided by a third party, and
326     * there is no interface defined for it.  This method only works for effects
327     * implemented in software.
328     *
329     * @param parameter identifying data of the parameter.
330     * @param valueMaxSize maximum size in bytes of the value.
331     * @return retval operation completion status.
332     * @return result the value of the parameter.
333     */
334    getParameter(vec<uint8_t> parameter, uint32_t valueMaxSize)
335            generates (Result retval, vec<uint8_t> value);
337    /**
338     * Get supported configs for a vendor-specific feature. The configs returned
339     * are not interpreted by Android Framework and are passed as-is between the
340     * application and the effect.
341     *
342     * The effect must use INVALID_ARGUMENTS return code if the feature ID is
343     * unknown. If the effect does not support getting vendor-specific feature
344     * configs, it must return NOT_SUPPORTED. If the feature is supported but
345     * the total number of supported configurations exceeds the maximum number
346     * indicated by the caller, the method must return RESULT_TOO_BIG.
347     *
348     * Use this method only if the effect is provided by a third party, and
349     * there is no interface defined for it.  This method only works for effects
350     * implemented in software.
351     *
352     * @param featureId feature identifier.
353     * @param maxConfigs maximum number of configs to return.
354     * @param configSize size of each config in bytes.
355     * @return retval operation completion status.
356     * @return configsCount number of configs returned.
357     * @return configsData data for all the configs returned.
358     */
359    getSupportedConfigsForFeature(
360            uint32_t featureId,
361            uint32_t maxConfigs,
362            uint32_t configSize) generates (
363                    Result retval,
364                    uint32_t configsCount,
365                    vec<uint8_t> configsData);
367    /**
368     * Get the current config for a vendor-specific feature. The config returned
369     * is not interpreted by Android Framework and is passed as-is between the
370     * application and the effect.
371     *
372     * The effect must use INVALID_ARGUMENTS return code if the feature ID is
373     * unknown. If the effect does not support getting vendor-specific
374     * feature configs, it must return NOT_SUPPORTED.
375     *
376     * Use this method only if the effect is provided by a third party, and
377     * there is no interface defined for it.  This method only works for effects
378     * implemented in software.
379     *
380     * @param featureId feature identifier.
381     * @param configSize size of the config in bytes.
382     * @return retval operation completion status.
383     * @return configData config data.
384     */
385    getCurrentConfigForFeature(uint32_t featureId, uint32_t configSize)
386            generates (Result retval, vec<uint8_t> configData);
388    /**
389     * Set the current config for a vendor-specific feature. The config data
390     * is not interpreted by Android Framework and is passed as-is between the
391     * application and the effect.
392     *
393     * The effect must use INVALID_ARGUMENTS return code if the feature ID is
394     * unknown. If the effect does not support getting vendor-specific
395     * feature configs, it must return NOT_SUPPORTED.
396     *
397     * Use this method only if the effect is provided by a third party, and
398     * there is no interface defined for it.  This method only works for effects
399     * implemented in software.
400     *
401     * @param featureId feature identifier.
402     * @param configData config data.
403     * @return retval operation completion status.
404     */
405    setCurrentConfigForFeature(uint32_t featureId, vec<uint8_t> configData)
406            generates (Result retval);
408    /**
409     * Called by the framework to deinitialize the effect and free up
410     * all the currently allocated resources. It is recommended to close
411     * the effect on the client side as soon as it is becomes unused.
412     *
413     * @return retval OK in case the success.
414     *                INVALID_STATE if the effect was already closed.
415     */
416    @exit
417    close() generates (Result retval);