1// This example client is written as a test, but it is executing from a system
2// context. All this code would look the same if it was running in system
3// server for example.
5cc_test {
6    name: "android.hardware.tests.extension.vibrator-client",
7    srcs: [
8        // system code has the option to use the unstable C++ libbinder API
9        // or the NDK one. For maximum code portability, using the ndk client
10        // makes the most sense, but both are provided here as an example.
11        "test-cpp-client.cpp",
12        "test-ndk-client.cpp",
13    ],
14    shared_libs: [
15        "libbinder",
16        "libutils",
17        "android.hardware.vibrator-cpp",
18        "android.hardware.tests.extension.vibrator-cpp",
20        "libbinder_ndk",
21        "android.hardware.vibrator-ndk_platform",
22        "android.hardware.tests.extension.vibrator-ndk_platform",
23    ],