- ANDROID 高性能图形处理 之 二. OPENGL ES
- OpenCV官方文档
- Lowest overhead camera to CPU to GPU approach on android
- GPU Computing in Android? With ARM Mali-T604 & RenderScript Compute You Can!
- Can Android renderscript run on GPU?
- Evolution of Renderscript Performance
- Use OpenCL in Android camera preview based CV application
- Rendering camera into multiple surfaces - on and off screen
- CLprocessor.cpp
- 使用Mali T760通过clCreateContext创建OpenCL和OpenGL交互的cl context失败,返回CL_INVALID_GL_SHAREGROUP_REFERENCE_KHR
- angle/src/tests/gl_tests/ImageTest.cpp
- Android使用Direct Textures提高glReadPixels、glTexImage2D性能
- Use of EGL_IMAGE_PRESERVED_KHR in eglCreateImageKHR.
- android 下使用Direct Texture
- EGLImage on Android NDK
- Using OpenGL ES to Accelerate Apps with Legacy 2D GUIs
- fuyufjh/GraphicBuffer
- MALI-400 : eglCreateImageKHR, EGL_GL_TEXTURE_2D_KHR and updating textures with the CPU
- Why is eglCreateImageKHR returning EGL_NO_IMAGE_KHR (on android)?
- How to use GraphicBuffer in android ndk
- ARM® Mali™ GPU OpenCL Developer Guide
- Pixel format support for EGLImage/GraphicBuffer?
- angle/src/tests/gl_tests/ImageTest.cpp