1 /*
2 * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
16 #define LOG_TAG "android.hardware.health@2.0-service.bonito"
17 #include <android-base/logging.h>
19 #include <android-base/file.h>
20 #include <android-base/parseint.h>
21 #include <android-base/strings.h>
22 #include <health2/Health.h>
23 #include <health2/service.h>
24 #include <healthd/healthd.h>
25 #include <hidl/HidlTransportSupport.h>
26 #include <pixelhealth/BatteryMetricsLogger.h>
27 #include <pixelhealth/CycleCountBackupRestore.h>
28 #include <pixelhealth/DeviceHealth.h>
29 #include <pixelhealth/LowBatteryShutdownMetrics.h>
31 #include "BatteryRechargingControl.h"
32 #include "BatteryInfoUpdate.h"
33 #include "LearnedCapacityBackupRestore.h"
34 #include <fstream>
35 #include <iomanip>
36 #include <string>
37 #include <vector>
39 namespace {
41 using android::hardware::health::V2_0::DiskStats;
42 using android::hardware::health::V2_0::StorageAttribute;
43 using android::hardware::health::V2_0::StorageInfo;
44 using ::device::google::bonito::health::BatteryRechargingControl;
45 using ::device::google::bonito::health::BatteryInfoUpdate;
46 using ::device::google::bonito::health::LearnedCapacityBackupRestore;
47 using hardware::google::pixel::health::BatteryMetricsLogger;
48 using hardware::google::pixel::health::CycleCountBackupRestore;
49 using hardware::google::pixel::health::DeviceHealth;
50 using hardware::google::pixel::health::LowBatteryShutdownMetrics;
52 #define FG_DIR "/sys/class/power_supply"
53 constexpr char kBatteryResistance[] {FG_DIR "/bms/resistance"};
54 constexpr char kBatteryOCV[] {FG_DIR "/bms/voltage_ocv"};
55 constexpr char kVoltageAvg[] {FG_DIR "/battery/voltage_now"};
56 constexpr char kCycleCountsBins[] {FG_DIR "/bms/device/cycle_counts_bins"};
58 static BatteryRechargingControl battRechargingControl;
59 static BatteryInfoUpdate battInfoUpdate;
60 static BatteryMetricsLogger battMetricsLogger(kBatteryResistance, kBatteryOCV);
61 static LowBatteryShutdownMetrics shutdownMetrics(kVoltageAvg);
62 static CycleCountBackupRestore ccBackupRestoreBMS(
63 8, kCycleCountsBins, "/persist/battery/qcom_cycle_counts_bins");
64 static DeviceHealth deviceHealth;
65 static LearnedCapacityBackupRestore lcBackupRestore;
67 #define EMMC_DIR "/sys/devices/platform/soc/7c4000.sdhci"
68 const std::string kEmmcHealthEol{EMMC_DIR "/health/eol"};
69 const std::string kEmmcHealthLifetimeA{EMMC_DIR "/health/lifetimeA"};
70 const std::string kEmmcHealthLifetimeB{EMMC_DIR "/health/lifetimeB"};
71 const std::string kEmmcVersion{"/sys/block/mmcblk0/device/fwrev"};
72 const std::string kDiskStatsFile{"/sys/block/mmcblk0/stat"};
73 const std::string kEmmcName{"MMC0"};
assert_open(const std::string & path)75 std::ifstream assert_open(const std::string& path) {
76 std::ifstream stream(path);
77 if (!stream.is_open()) {
78 LOG(FATAL) << "Cannot read " << path;
79 }
80 return stream;
81 }
83 template <typename T>
read_value_from_file(const std::string & path,T * field)84 void read_value_from_file(const std::string& path, T* field) {
85 auto stream = assert_open(path);
86 stream.unsetf(std::ios_base::basefield);
87 stream >> *field;
88 }
read_emmc_version(StorageInfo * info)90 void read_emmc_version(StorageInfo* info) {
91 uint64_t value;
92 read_value_from_file(kEmmcVersion, &value);
93 std::stringstream ss;
94 ss << "mmc0 " << std::hex << value;
95 info->version = ss.str();
96 }
fill_emmc_storage_attribute(StorageAttribute * attr)98 void fill_emmc_storage_attribute(StorageAttribute* attr) {
99 attr->isInternal = true;
100 attr->isBootDevice = true;
101 attr->name = kEmmcName;
102 }
104 } // anonymous namespace
healthd_board_init(struct healthd_config *)106 void healthd_board_init(struct healthd_config*) {
107 ccBackupRestoreBMS.Restore();
108 lcBackupRestore.Restore();
109 }
healthd_board_battery_update(struct android::BatteryProperties * props)111 int healthd_board_battery_update(struct android::BatteryProperties *props) {
112 battRechargingControl.updateBatteryProperties(props);
113 deviceHealth.update(props);
114 battInfoUpdate.update(props);
115 battMetricsLogger.logBatteryProperties(props);
116 shutdownMetrics.logShutdownVoltage(props);
117 ccBackupRestoreBMS.Backup(props->batteryLevel);
118 lcBackupRestore.Backup();
119 return 0;
120 }
get_storage_info(std::vector<StorageInfo> & vec_storage_info)122 void get_storage_info(std::vector<StorageInfo>& vec_storage_info) {
123 vec_storage_info.resize(1);
124 StorageInfo* storage_info = &vec_storage_info[0];
125 fill_emmc_storage_attribute(&storage_info->attr);
127 read_emmc_version(storage_info);
128 read_value_from_file(kEmmcHealthEol, &storage_info->eol);
129 read_value_from_file(kEmmcHealthLifetimeA, &storage_info->lifetimeA);
130 read_value_from_file(kEmmcHealthLifetimeB, &storage_info->lifetimeB);
131 return;
132 }
get_disk_stats(std::vector<DiskStats> & vec_stats)134 void get_disk_stats(std::vector<DiskStats>& vec_stats) {
135 vec_stats.resize(1);
136 DiskStats* stats = &vec_stats[0];
137 fill_emmc_storage_attribute(&stats->attr);
139 auto stream = assert_open(kDiskStatsFile);
140 // Regular diskstats entries
141 stream >> stats->reads
142 >> stats->readMerges
143 >> stats->readSectors
144 >> stats->readTicks
145 >> stats->writes
146 >> stats->writeMerges
147 >> stats->writeSectors
148 >> stats->writeTicks
149 >> stats->ioInFlight
150 >> stats->ioTicks
151 >> stats->ioInQueue;
152 return;
153 }
main(void)155 int main(void) {
156 return health_service_main();
157 }