1 #ifndef __UAPI_CAM_ISP_H__
2 #define __UAPI_CAM_ISP_H__
4 #include "cam_defs.h"
5 #include "cam_isp_vfe.h"
6 #include "cam_isp_ife.h"
9 /* ISP driver name */
10 #define CAM_ISP_DEV_NAME                        "cam-isp"
12 /* HW type */
13 #define CAM_ISP_HW_BASE                         0
14 #define CAM_ISP_HW_CSID                         1
15 #define CAM_ISP_HW_VFE                          2
16 #define CAM_ISP_HW_IFE                          3
17 #define CAM_ISP_HW_ISPIF                        4
18 #define CAM_ISP_HW_MAX                          5
20 /* Color Pattern */
21 #define CAM_ISP_PATTERN_BAYER_RGRGRG            0
22 #define CAM_ISP_PATTERN_BAYER_GRGRGR            1
23 #define CAM_ISP_PATTERN_BAYER_BGBGBG            2
24 #define CAM_ISP_PATTERN_BAYER_GBGBGB            3
25 #define CAM_ISP_PATTERN_YUV_YCBYCR              4
26 #define CAM_ISP_PATTERN_YUV_YCRYCB              5
27 #define CAM_ISP_PATTERN_YUV_CBYCRY              6
28 #define CAM_ISP_PATTERN_YUV_CRYCBY              7
29 #define CAM_ISP_PATTERN_MAX                     8
31 /* Usage Type */
32 #define CAM_ISP_RES_USAGE_SINGLE                0
33 #define CAM_ISP_RES_USAGE_DUAL                  1
34 #define CAM_ISP_RES_USAGE_MAX                   2
36 /* Resource ID */
37 #define CAM_ISP_RES_ID_PORT                     0
38 #define CAM_ISP_RES_ID_CLK                      1
39 #define CAM_ISP_RES_ID_MAX                      2
41 /* Resource Type - Type of resource for the resource id
42  * defined in cam_isp_vfe.h, cam_isp_ife.h
43  */
45 /* Lane Type in input resource for Port */
46 #define CAM_ISP_LANE_TYPE_DPHY                  0
47 #define CAM_ISP_LANE_TYPE_CPHY                  1
48 #define CAM_ISP_LANE_TYPE_MAX                   2
50 /* ISP Resurce Composite Group ID */
51 #define CAM_ISP_RES_COMP_GROUP_NONE             0
52 #define CAM_ISP_RES_COMP_GROUP_ID_0             1
53 #define CAM_ISP_RES_COMP_GROUP_ID_1             2
54 #define CAM_ISP_RES_COMP_GROUP_ID_2             3
55 #define CAM_ISP_RES_COMP_GROUP_ID_3             4
56 #define CAM_ISP_RES_COMP_GROUP_ID_4             5
57 #define CAM_ISP_RES_COMP_GROUP_ID_5             6
58 #define CAM_ISP_RES_COMP_GROUP_ID_MAX           6
60 /* ISP packet opcode for ISP */
61 #define CAM_ISP_PACKET_OP_BASE                  0
62 #define CAM_ISP_PACKET_INIT_DEV                 1
63 #define CAM_ISP_PACKET_UPDATE_DEV               2
64 #define CAM_ISP_PACKET_OP_MAX                   3
66 /* ISP packet meta_data type for command buffer */
67 #define CAM_ISP_PACKET_META_BASE                0
68 #define CAM_ISP_PACKET_META_LEFT                1
69 #define CAM_ISP_PACKET_META_RIGHT               2
70 #define CAM_ISP_PACKET_META_COMMON              3
71 #define CAM_ISP_PACKET_META_DMI_LEFT            4
72 #define CAM_ISP_PACKET_META_DMI_RIGHT           5
73 #define CAM_ISP_PACKET_META_DMI_COMMON          6
74 #define CAM_ISP_PACKET_META_CLOCK               7
75 #define CAM_ISP_PACKET_META_CSID                8
76 #define CAM_ISP_PACKET_META_DUAL_CONFIG         9
81 /* DSP mode */
82 #define CAM_ISP_DSP_MODE_NONE                   0
83 #define CAM_ISP_DSP_MODE_ONE_WAY                1
84 #define CAM_ISP_DSP_MODE_ROUND                  2
86 /* ISP Generic Cmd Buffer Blob types */
91 /* Query devices */
92 /**
93  * struct cam_isp_dev_cap_info - A cap info for particular hw type
94  *
95  * @hw_type:            Hardware type for the cap info
96  * @reserved:           reserved field for alignment
97  * @hw_version:         Hardware version
98  *
99  */
100 struct cam_isp_dev_cap_info {
101 	uint32_t              hw_type;
102 	uint32_t              reserved;
103 	struct cam_hw_version hw_version;
104 };
106 /**
107  * struct cam_isp_query_cap_cmd - ISP query device capability payload
108  *
109  * @device_iommu:               returned iommu handles for device
110  * @cdm_iommu:                  returned iommu handles for cdm
111  * @num_dev:                    returned number of device capabilities
112  * @reserved:                   reserved field for alignment
113  * @dev_caps:                   returned device capability array
114  *
115  */
116 struct cam_isp_query_cap_cmd {
117 	struct cam_iommu_handle       device_iommu;
118 	struct cam_iommu_handle       cdm_iommu;
119 	int32_t                       num_dev;
120 	uint32_t                      reserved;
121 	struct cam_isp_dev_cap_info   dev_caps[CAM_ISP_HW_MAX];
122 };
124 /* Acquire Device */
125 /**
126  * struct cam_isp_out_port_info - An output port resource info
127  *
128  * @res_type:                   output resource type defined in file
129  *                              cam_isp_vfe.h or cam_isp_ife.h
130  * @format:                     output format of the resource
131  * @wdith:                      output width in pixels
132  * @height:                     output height in lines
133  * @comp_grp_id:                composite group id for the resource.
134  * @split_point:                split point in pixels for the dual VFE.
135  * @secure_mode:                flag to tell if output should be run in secure
136  *                              mode or not. See cam_defs.h for definition
137  * @reserved:                   reserved field for alignment
138  *
139  */
140 struct cam_isp_out_port_info {
141 	uint32_t                res_type;
142 	uint32_t                format;
143 	uint32_t                width;
144 	uint32_t                height;
145 	uint32_t                comp_grp_id;
146 	uint32_t                split_point;
147 	uint32_t                secure_mode;
148 	uint32_t                reserved;
149 };
151 /**
152  * struct cam_isp_in_port_info - An input port resource info
153  *
154  * @res_type:                   input resource type define in file
155  *                              cam_isp_vfe.h or cam_isp_ife.h
156  * @lane_type:                  lane type: c-phy or d-phy.
157  * @lane_num:                   active lane number
158  * @lane_cfg:                   lane configurations: 4 bits per lane
159  * @vc:                         input virtual channel number
160  * @dt:                         input data type number
161  * @format:                     input format
162  * @test_pattern:               test pattern for the testgen
163  * @usage_type:                 whether dual vfe is required
164  * @left_start:                 left input start offset in pixels
165  * @left_stop:                  left input stop offset in pixels
166  * @left_width:                 left input width in pixels
167  * @right_start:                right input start offset in pixels.
168  *                              Only for Dual VFE
169  * @right_stop:                 right input stop offset in pixels.
170  *                              Only for Dual VFE
171  * @right_width:                right input width in pixels.
172  *                              Only for dual VFE
173  * @line_start:                 top of the line number
174  * @line_stop:                  bottome of the line number
175  * @height:                     input height in lines
176  * @pixel_clk;                  sensor output clock
177  * @batch_size:                 batch size for HFR mode
178  * @dsp_mode:                   DSP stream mode (Defines as CAM_ISP_DSP_MODE_*)
179  * @hbi_cnt:                    HBI count for the camif input
180  * @reserved:                   Reserved field for alignment
181  * @num_out_res:                number of the output resource associated
182  * @data:                       payload that contains the output resources
183  *
184  */
185 struct cam_isp_in_port_info {
186 	uint32_t                        res_type;
187 	uint32_t                        lane_type;
188 	uint32_t                        lane_num;
189 	uint32_t                        lane_cfg;
190 	uint32_t                        vc;
191 	uint32_t                        dt;
192 	uint32_t                        format;
193 	uint32_t                        test_pattern;
194 	uint32_t                        usage_type;
195 	uint32_t                        left_start;
196 	uint32_t                        left_stop;
197 	uint32_t                        left_width;
198 	uint32_t                        right_start;
199 	uint32_t                        right_stop;
200 	uint32_t                        right_width;
201 	uint32_t                        line_start;
202 	uint32_t                        line_stop;
203 	uint32_t                        height;
204 	uint32_t                        pixel_clk;
205 	uint32_t                        batch_size;
206 	uint32_t                        dsp_mode;
207 	uint32_t                        hbi_cnt;
208 	uint32_t                        reserved;
209 	uint32_t                        num_out_res;
210 	struct cam_isp_out_port_info    data[1];
211 };
213 /**
214  * struct cam_isp_resource - A resource bundle
215  *
216  * @resoruce_id:                resource id for the resource bundle
217  * @length:                     length of the while resource blob
218  * @handle_type:                type of the resource handle
219  * @reserved:                   reserved field for alignment
220  * @res_hdl:                    resource handle that points to the
221  *                                     resource array;
222  *
223  */
224 struct cam_isp_resource {
225 	uint32_t                       resource_id;
226 	uint32_t                       length;
227 	uint32_t                       handle_type;
228 	uint32_t                       reserved;
229 	uint64_t                       res_hdl;
230 };
232 /**
233  * struct cam_isp_port_hfr_config - HFR configuration for this port
234  *
235  * @resource_type:              Resource type
236  * @subsample_pattern:          Subsample pattern. Used in HFR mode. It
237  *                              should be consistent with batchSize and
238  *                              CAMIF programming.
239  * @subsample_period:           Subsample period. Used in HFR mode. It
240  *                              should be consistent with batchSize and
241  *                              CAMIF programming.
242  * @framedrop_pattern:          Framedrop pattern
243  * @framedrop_period:           Framedrop period
244  * @reserved:                   Reserved for alignment
245  */
246 struct cam_isp_port_hfr_config {
247 	uint32_t                       resource_type;
248 	uint32_t                       subsample_pattern;
249 	uint32_t                       subsample_period;
250 	uint32_t                       framedrop_pattern;
251 	uint32_t                       framedrop_period;
252 	uint32_t                       reserved;
253 } __attribute__((packed));
255 /**
256  * struct cam_isp_resource_hfr_config - Resource HFR configuration
257  *
258  * @num_ports:                  Number of ports
259  * @reserved:                   Reserved for alignment
260  * @port_hfr_config:            HFR configuration for each IO port
261  */
262 struct cam_isp_resource_hfr_config {
263 	uint32_t                       num_ports;
264 	uint32_t                       reserved;
265 	struct cam_isp_port_hfr_config port_hfr_config[1];
266 } __attribute__((packed));
268 /**
269  * struct cam_isp_dual_split_params - dual isp spilt parameters
270  *
271  * @split_point:                Split point information x, where (0 < x < width)
272  *                              left ISP's input ends at x + righ padding and
273  *                              Right ISP's input starts at x - left padding
274  * @right_padding:              Padding added past the split point for left
275  *                              ISP's input
276  * @left_padding:               Padding added before split point for right
277  *                              ISP's input
278  * @reserved:                   Reserved filed for alignment
279  *
280  */
281 struct cam_isp_dual_split_params {
282 	uint32_t                       split_point;
283 	uint32_t                       right_padding;
284 	uint32_t                       left_padding;
285 	uint32_t                       reserved;
286 };
288 /**
289  * struct cam_isp_dual_stripe_config - stripe config per bus client
290  *
291  * @offset:                     Start horizontal offset relative to
292  *                              output buffer
293  *                              In UBWC mode, this value indicates the H_INIT
294  *                              value in pixel
295  * @width:                      Width of the stripe in bytes
296  * @tileconfig                  Ubwc meta tile config. Contain the partial
297  *                              tile info
298  * @port_id:                    port id of ISP output
299  *
300  */
301 struct cam_isp_dual_stripe_config {
302 	uint32_t                       offset;
303 	uint32_t                       width;
304 	uint32_t                       tileconfig;
305 	uint32_t                       port_id;
306 };
308 /**
309  * struct cam_isp_dual_config - dual isp configuration
310  *
311  * @num_ports                   Number of isp output ports
312  * @reserved                    Reserved field for alignment
313  * @split_params:               Inpput split parameters
314  * @stripes:                    Stripe information
315  *
316  */
317 struct cam_isp_dual_config {
318 	uint32_t                           num_ports;
319 	uint32_t                           reserved;
320 	struct cam_isp_dual_split_params   split_params;
321 	struct cam_isp_dual_stripe_config  stripes[1];
322 } __attribute__((packed));
324 /**
325  * struct cam_isp_clock_config - Clock configuration
326  *
327  * @usage_type:                 Usage type (Single/Dual)
328  * @num_rdi:                    Number of RDI votes
329  * @left_pix_hz:                Pixel Clock for Left ISP
330  * @right_pix_hz:               Pixel Clock for Right ISP, valid only if Dual
331  * @rdi_hz:                     RDI Clock. ISP clock will be max of RDI and
332  *                              PIX clocks. For a particular context which ISP
333  *                              HW the RDI is allocated to is not known to UMD.
334  *                              Hence pass the clock and let KMD decide.
335  */
336 struct cam_isp_clock_config {
337 	uint32_t                       usage_type;
338 	uint32_t                       num_rdi;
339 	uint64_t                       left_pix_hz;
340 	uint64_t                       right_pix_hz;
341 	uint64_t                       rdi_hz[1];
342 } __attribute__((packed));
344 /**
345  * struct cam_isp_bw_vote - Bandwidth vote information
346  *
347  * @resource_id:                Resource ID
348  * @reserved:                   Reserved field for alignment
349  * @cam_bw_bps:                 Bandwidth vote for CAMNOC
350  * @ext_bw_bps:                 Bandwidth vote for path-to-DDR after CAMNOC
351  */
353 struct cam_isp_bw_vote {
354 	uint32_t                       resource_id;
355 	uint32_t                       reserved;
356 	uint64_t                       cam_bw_bps;
357 	uint64_t                       ext_bw_bps;
358 } __attribute__((packed));
360 /**
361  * struct cam_isp_bw_config - Bandwidth configuration
362  *
363  * @usage_type:                 Usage type (Single/Dual)
364  * @num_rdi:                    Number of RDI votes
365  * @left_pix_vote:              Bandwidth vote for left ISP
366  * @right_pix_vote:             Bandwidth vote for right ISP
367  * @rdi_vote:                   RDI bandwidth requirements
368  */
370 struct cam_isp_bw_config {
371 	uint32_t                       usage_type;
372 	uint32_t                       num_rdi;
373 	struct cam_isp_bw_vote         left_pix_vote;
374 	struct cam_isp_bw_vote         right_pix_vote;
375 	struct cam_isp_bw_vote         rdi_vote[1];
376 } __attribute__((packed));
378 #endif /* __UAPI_CAM_ISP_H__ */