close LIBC exit pthread_create __stack_chk_guard __strlen_chk fork dup __register_atfork dup2 strsep __stack_chk_fail __cxa_finalize open __strrchr_chk pthread_mutex_init realloc pipe __cxa_atexit getpagesize pthread_attr_setdetachstate pthread_mutex_destroy strncmp read pthread_mutex_lock execl __aeabi_memclr LIBC_N __open_2 __aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0 LIBC_R ioctl poll __aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr1 malloc pthread_mutexattr_settype __vsnprintf_chk free perror __errno strncpy __aeabi_memclr4 pthread_attr_destroy __aeabi_memclr8 pthread_mutex_unlock pthread_mutexattr_init pthread_attr_init calloc strcmp PVRSRVDebugPrintf PVRSRVGetMiscInfo PVRSRVMapFullDmaBuf PVRSRVUnmapDmaBuf omap_bo_del omap_bo_dmabuf omap_bo_new omap_device_del omap_device_new PVR2DBlt3DExt PVR2DMemFree PVR2DMemWrap PVR2DQueryBlitsComplete PVRSRVClientEvent PVRSRVEventObjectWait PVRSRVGetLibFuncAddr PVRSRVLoadLibrary PVRSRVMemCopy PVRSRVModifyCompleteSyncOps PVRSRVModifyPendingSyncOps PVRSRVSyncOpsFlushToModObj SGXQueueTransfer native_handle_close native_handle_create native_handle_delete sync_merge HMI PVR2DCreateDeviceContext PVR2DDestroyDeviceContext PVRSRVAcquireDeviceData PVRSRVConnect PVRSRVCreateAppHintState PVRSRVCreateDeviceMemContext PVRSRVDestroyDeviceMemContext PVRSRVDisconnect PVRSRVEnumerateDevices PVRSRVFreeAppHintState PVRSRVGetAppHint PVRSRVReleaseMiscInfo SGXCreateTransferContext SGXDestroyTransferContext SGXGetClientInfo PVRSRVCreateSyncInfoModObj PVRSRVDebugPrintfDumpCCB PVRSRVDestroySyncInfoModObj libgcc
No permissions for 'dumpsys SurfaceFlinger'. %s: Failed to add unmapped buffer to mapper (ID=%llu) %s: Duplicate psSyncData detected in mapper list! %s: ID=%llu added already (meminfo=%p) Failed to get dmabuf fd for bo Full contents of /d/sync: gralloc_unregister_buffer %s: Cannot unmap buffer ID=%llu read %s: Failed to allocate USAGE_HW_SYNC_TQ pool (err=%d) OpenPVRServices %s: Failed to create device memory context BGRX_8888 %s: execl of dumpsys failed (errno=%d) %s: read(2) of dumpsys stdout pipe failed (errno=%d) Abridged contents of 'dumpsys SurfaceFlinger': gralloc_register_buffer %s: Mismatching lock usage bits 0xP..MFHWR=0x%.8x vs requested usage bits 0xP..MFHWR=0x%.8x %s: Invalid piFenceFd parameter gralloc_device_pool_setup %s: You may see failing kernel assertions after this message /system/bin/dumpsys %s: Map of handle failed FlushAllKindOps %s: Stale maps left in cache; probably an application bug RAW10 %s: Buffer is already unlocked %s: Invalid iFenceFd parameter (%d) %s: Failed to get sync debug %s: Can't find glGetString in GLES2 library %s: Failed to spawn DeferFlushOpworker thread %s: Failed to close /dev/ion MapperPrintByDevVAddr %s %s: Unwrap via PVR2D failed gralloc_module_flagneedfence %s: Failed to insert fence gralloc_module_debugfence %s: Cannot find buffer to free %s: Failed to free locked buffer %p (ID=%llu) gralloc_device_pool_close RegisterBufferFormat %s: Failed to enumerate devices %s: Generic buffer formats must be registered first. Re-order your gralloc constructors. RAW16 %s: read(2) of sync debug file failed (errno=%d) gralloc_module_getwop0 UnmapImportedToMapper gralloc_device_free %s: Failed to close /dev/pvr_sync %s: Failed to destroy PVR2D context RGBX_8888 gralloc_module_unmap %s: Invalid dest buffer ID=%llu gralloc_module_getimplementationformat_public %s: Failed to merge mapper sync fds write %s: Failed to allocate buffer handle %s: Failed to open services (err=%d) system_server /dev/pvr_sync pvr_sync %s: ID=%llu, 0xP..MFHWR=0x%.8x %s: Failed to destroy sync info mod object BGRA_8888 %s: Buffer cannot be locked for any write operation when it is already locked %s: Unexpectedly failed to look up handle %s: entered fallback path unexpectedly %s: Invalid handle (%p) %s: Invalid source format (%d) /proc/self/cmdline %s: Graphics HAL not initialized %s: Failed to open /dev/%s %s: Failed to disconnect services %s: Duplicate psMemInfo detected in mapper list! %s: Unsupported usage bits (0xP..MFHWR=0x%.8x) set on handle %s: Blit via PVR2D failed (%d) %s: Timeout waiting for blit to complete %s: Failed to get GLES2 function table %s: Allocation parameters did not match pool Imagination Technologies hal_exit gpu0 %s: Invalid open ID '%s' ClosePVRServices GenericMap RAW12 dumpsys Permission Denial: %s: Cannot unregister unregistered buffer (ID=%llu) gralloc_module_blit_to_handle %s: Unimplemented (rotated blit) %s: Cannot create sync on unmapped bufferID=%llu (%p) %s: PVRSRVModifyPendingSyncOps failed %s: PVR_SYNC_IOC_CREATE_FENCE ioctl failed %s: Invalid parameter CheckDeferFlushOp %s: Failed to open services connection %s: Importing dmabuf into PVR services failed %s: Failed to create sync fd %s: Invalid handle %s: Computing destination plane 0 parameters failed %s: Failed to allocate psSyncData gralloc_device_alloc %s: Cannot free a buffer not allocated by this process %s: Invalid parameter (for software map) %s: No matching format found for Imported buffer %s: Failed to unmap imported buffer validate_lock_rectangle %s: Framebuffer/bypass usage bits are incompatible with non-GPU-renderable pixel format (%d) gralloc_device_dump %s: Failed to open omap drm device (permissions?) Y16 %s: Invalid destination format (%d) %s: Wrap via PVR2D failed %s: Error closing buffer handle fd __lock %s: Pool allocation could not be located in mapper. %s: Failed to release SGX client misc info %s: Cannot map buffer ID=%llu before register DebugNativeFence %s: FATAL ERROR: Buffer format "%s" is marked as not YUV but defines a chroma order IMG Graphics HAL state: GenericFlushCache %s: Cannot unlock unmapped buffer %s: Invalid phTransferContext parameter blit_internal /system/vendor/lib/egl/ %s: Dumping sync debug failed (errno=%d). InsertBlankEntry RGB_565 gralloc_module_setaccumbuffer %s: Failed to allocate memory %s: Invalid color format (%d) %s: Failed to free USAGE_HW_SYNC_TQ pool (err=%d) /dev/dri/renderD128 MapperLogSyncObjects %s: Duplicate WOC DevVA=%.8x detected in mapper list! Failed to create omap bo NV12 /d/sync %s: Unsupported YUV pixel format (%d) for lock_ycbcr() function %s: pfnComputeParams for plane 1 failed gralloc_module_getycbcrformat %s: Unmap of handle failed FlushClientDriverBuffers %s: Entry allocation failed %s: FATAL ERROR: Buffer format "%s" is marked as YUV but lacks a chroma order %s: Failed to create device context %s: Failed to destroy transfer context %s: Dumping all active sync objects.. %s: Duplicate psClientSyncInfo detected in mapper list! %s: Duplicate ROC DevVA=%.8x detected in mapper list! RGBA_8888 SurfaceFlinger global state: %s: pfnComputeParams for plane 2 failed gralloc_setup %s: sync poll() failed (errno=%d) %s: DeferFlushOp failed. Allocation will leak. gralloc IMG SGX Graphics HAL ID=%llu, 0xP..MFHWR=0x%.8x, WOP/WOC=0x%x/0x%x, ROP/ROC=0x%x/0x%x, ROP2/ROC2=0x%x/0x%x, WOC DevVA=0x%.8x, ROC DevVA=0x%.8x, ROC2 DevVA=0x%.8x %s: Failed to create sync info mod object %s: Failed to look up ID=%llu %s: Trying force-flip workaround %s: Timed out waiting for ops to flush glGetString %s: Failed to add buffer handle to mapper %s: Failed to get SGX client misc info %s: Dumping buffered log messages.. MapperSanityCheck calloc %s: Failed to dup2() pipe fd to stdout (errno=%d) %s: Failed to close write end of pipe (errno=%d) %s: Re-alloc of stdout buffer failed (errno=%d) %s: Cannot unregister a locked buffer (ID=%llu) %s: Cannot map buffer ID=%llu gralloc_module_gettransfercontext CheckOpsFlushed fb0 Dumping all active sync objects.. gralloc_module_map gralloc_module_blit_to_vaddr %s: Invalid src buffer ID=%llu pvr_cleanup __free gralloc_device_pool_alloc ID=%llu, 0xP..MFHWR=0x%.8x, WOP/WOC=0x%x/0x%x, ROP/ROC=0x%x/0x%x, ROP2/ROC2=0x%x/0x%x, WOC DevVA=0x%.8x, ROC DevVA=0x%.8x, ROC2 DevVA=0x%.8x DumpServiceDebug %s: Invalid parameter (%p) gralloc_module_lock_ycbcr gralloc_module_getlastwrite0 gralloc_module_createfence %s: Timed out waiting for %s ops to complete /system/vendor/lib/egl/ %s: Invalid parameter (%p, %p, %p) I420 Y8 %s: pipe() failed (errno=%d) %s: fork() failed (errno=%d) %s: Mismatching src/dest dimensions (src %dx%d, dest %dx%d) %s: Cannot create sync on buffer ID=%llubefore register (%p) FencePowerOptimization MapperRemove Failed to get omap device %s: Cannot unmap unregistered buffer __map %s: Invalid lock rectangle (%d,%d->%d,%d) for buffer dimensions (%dx%d) %s: Function table is wrong version (%d, wanted %d) AllocNativeFence %s: PVR_SYNC_IOC_DEBUG_FENCE ioctl failed surfaceflinger %s: Duplicate ID=%llu detected in mapper list! YV12 %s: Invalid parameter (%p): MapAndAddImportedToMapper %s: Failed to load GLES2 library %s: Unsupported usage bits (0xP..MFHWR=0x%.8x) for allocation DeferFlushOpWorker %s: Failed to acquire device data %s: Failed to close timeline_wa sync gralloc_module_decref %s: Failed to add mapped imported buffer to mapper %s: Cannot lock buffer ID=%llu before register (%p) %s: Failed to load GLES1 library hal_init hal_open %s: Failed to get SGX client info BLOB %s: Failed to destroy device memory context %s: Failed to get client misc info buffer_generic_init SysfsProcfsToBuffer gralloc_module_lock gralloc_module_unlock %s: PVRSRVModifyCompleteSyncOps failed gralloc_module_blit_from_stamp gralloc_module_printbufferbydevvaddr %s: Failed to alloc fence %s: Map of imported handle (%d) failed (err=%d) %s: Duplicate ROC2 DevVA=%.8x detected in mapper list! RGB_888 SurfaceFlinger gralloc_module_incref validate_handle __unmap %s: Can't find glGetString in GLES1 library %s: PVR_SYNC_IOC_ALLOC_FENCE ioctl failed CreateNativeFence %s: Couldn't create transfer queue %s: Invalid apsSyncInfo parameter AddUnmappedToMapper %s: Failed to get GLES1 function table
2 B B B @ MB B % B B B @ MB B /' B B B @ MB B B B B @ MB B / B B B @ MB B @> B B B @ MB B 8 D D B @ MB B YV12 : D D B @ MB B Y8 8 #E cE B @ MB B Y16 - #E cE B @ MB B !% E E B @ MB B & ) E E B @ MB B % " E E B @ MB B ! < [F yF B @ MB B NV12 0 F @ B B @ MB B ] TMWH 3 3 ) }L O S %\ Y = ]g q _ d e Q R I y~ ^ _ ] g -h h h i qj o q
Android (5484270 based on r353983c) clang version 9.0.3 ( 745b335211bb9eadfa6aa6301f84715cee4b37c5) ( 60cf23e54e46c807513f7a36d0a7b777920b5881) (based on LLVM 9.0.3svn) Android (6170260 based on r370808b) clang version 10.0.2 ( 122c8c71fd2978587324fd3c7ccbda7984520828) Linker: LLD 9.0.3 ( 3ee225094a683a0f52ad9a00299a7f2004a2c997)
.init_array .fini_array .ARM.exidx .text .got .comment .got.plt .rel.plt .bss .ARM.attributes .dynstr .gnu.version_r .interp .rel.dyn .gnu.version .dynsym .gnu_debuglink .gnu.hash .gnu.version_d .dynamic .ARM.extab .shstrtab .rodata .data
No permissions for 'dumpsys SurfaceFlinger'. %s: Failed to add unmapped buffer to mapper (ID=%llu) %s: Duplicate psSyncData detected in mapper list! %s: ID=%llu added already (meminfo=%p) Failed to get dmabuf fd for bo Full contents of /d/sync: gralloc_unregister_buffer %s: Cannot unmap buffer ID=%llu read %s: Failed to allocate USAGE_HW_SYNC_TQ pool (err=%d) OpenPVRServices %s: Failed to create device memory context BGRX_8888 %s: execl of dumpsys failed (errno=%d) %s: read(2) of dumpsys stdout pipe failed (errno=%d) Abridged contents of 'dumpsys SurfaceFlinger': gralloc_register_buffer %s: Mismatching lock usage bits 0xP..MFHWR=0x%.8x vs requested usage bits 0xP..MFHWR=0x%.8x %s: Invalid piFenceFd parameter gralloc_device_pool_setup %s: You may see failing kernel assertions after this message /system/bin/dumpsys %s: Map of handle failed FlushAllKindOps %s: Stale maps left in cache; probably an application bug RAW10 %s: Buffer is already unlocked %s: Invalid iFenceFd parameter (%d) %s: Failed to get sync debug %s: Can't find glGetString in GLES2 library %s: Failed to spawn DeferFlushOpworker thread %s: Failed to close /dev/ion MapperPrintByDevVAddr %s %s: Unwrap via PVR2D failed gralloc_module_flagneedfence %s: Failed to insert fence gralloc_module_debugfence %s: Cannot find buffer to free %s: Failed to free locked buffer %p (ID=%llu) gralloc_device_pool_close RegisterBufferFormat %s: Failed to enumerate devices %s: Generic buffer formats must be registered first. Re-order your gralloc constructors. RAW16 %s: read(2) of sync debug file failed (errno=%d) gralloc_module_getwop0 UnmapImportedToMapper gralloc_device_free %s: Failed to close /dev/pvr_sync %s: Failed to destroy PVR2D context RGBX_8888 gralloc_module_unmap %s: Invalid dest buffer ID=%llu gralloc_module_getimplementationformat_public %s: Failed to merge mapper sync fds write %s: Failed to allocate buffer handle %s: Failed to open services (err=%d) system_server /dev/pvr_sync pvr_sync %s: ID=%llu, 0xP..MFHWR=0x%.8x %s: Failed to destroy sync info mod object BGRA_8888 %s: Buffer cannot be locked for any write operation when it is already locked %s: Unexpectedly failed to look up handle %s: entered fallback path unexpectedly %s: Invalid handle (%p) %s: Invalid source format (%d) /proc/self/cmdline %s: Graphics HAL not initialized %s: Failed to open /dev/%s %s: Failed to disconnect services %s: Duplicate psMemInfo detected in mapper list! %s: Unsupported usage bits (0xP..MFHWR=0x%.8x) set on handle %s: Blit via PVR2D failed (%d) %s: Timeout waiting for blit to complete %s: Failed to get GLES2 function table %s: Allocation parameters did not match pool Imagination Technologies hal_exit gpu0 %s: Invalid open ID '%s' ClosePVRServices GenericMap RAW12 dumpsys Permission Denial: %s: Cannot unregister unregistered buffer (ID=%llu) gralloc_module_blit_to_handle %s: Unimplemented (rotated blit) %s: Cannot create sync on unmapped bufferID=%llu (%p) %s: PVRSRVModifyPendingSyncOps failed %s: PVR_SYNC_IOC_CREATE_FENCE ioctl failed %s: Invalid parameter CheckDeferFlushOp %s: Failed to open services connection %s: Importing dmabuf into PVR services failed %s: Failed to create sync fd %s: Invalid handle %s: Computing destination plane 0 parameters failed %s: Failed to allocate psSyncData gralloc_device_alloc %s: Cannot free a buffer not allocated by this process %s: Invalid parameter (for software map) %s: No matching format found for Imported buffer %s: Failed to unmap imported buffer validate_lock_rectangle %s: Framebuffer/bypass usage bits are incompatible with non-GPU-renderable pixel format (%d) gralloc_device_dump %s: Failed to open omap drm device (permissions?) Y16 %s: Invalid destination format (%d) %s: Wrap via PVR2D failed %s: Error closing buffer handle fd __lock %s: Pool allocation could not be located in mapper. %s: Failed to release SGX client misc info %s: Cannot map buffer ID=%llu before register DebugNativeFence %s: FATAL ERROR: Buffer format "%s" is marked as not YUV but defines a chroma order IMG Graphics HAL state: GenericFlushCache %s: Cannot unlock unmapped buffer %s: Invalid phTransferContext parameter blit_internal /system/vendor/lib/egl/ %s: Dumping sync debug failed (errno=%d). InsertBlankEntry RGB_565 gralloc_module_setaccumbuffer %s: Failed to allocate memory %s: Invalid color format (%d) %s: Failed to free USAGE_HW_SYNC_TQ pool (err=%d) /dev/dri/renderD128 MapperLogSyncObjects %s: Duplicate WOC DevVA=%.8x detected in mapper list! Failed to create omap bo NV12 /d/sync %s: Unsupported YUV pixel format (%d) for lock_ycbcr() function %s: pfnComputeParams for plane 1 failed gralloc_module_getycbcrformat %s: Unmap of handle failed FlushClientDriverBuffers %s: Entry allocation failed %s: FATAL ERROR: Buffer format "%s" is marked as YUV but lacks a chroma order %s: Failed to create device context %s: Failed to destroy transfer context %s: Dumping all active sync objects.. %s: Duplicate psClientSyncInfo detected in mapper list! %s: Duplicate ROC DevVA=%.8x detected in mapper list! RGBA_8888 SurfaceFlinger global state: %s: pfnComputeParams for plane 2 failed gralloc_setup %s: sync poll() failed (errno=%d) %s: DeferFlushOp failed. Allocation will leak. gralloc IMG SGX Graphics HAL ID=%llu, 0xP..MFHWR=0x%.8x, WOP/WOC=0x%x/0x%x, ROP/ROC=0x%x/0x%x, ROP2/ROC2=0x%x/0x%x, WOC DevVA=0x%.8x, ROC DevVA=0x%.8x, ROC2 DevVA=0x%.8x %s: Failed to create sync info mod object %s: Failed to look up ID=%llu %s: Trying force-flip workaround %s: Timed out waiting for ops to flush glGetString %s: Failed to add buffer handle to mapper %s: Failed to get SGX client misc info %s: Dumping buffered log messages.. MapperSanityCheck calloc %s: Failed to dup2() pipe fd to stdout (errno=%d) %s: Failed to close write end of pipe (errno=%d) %s: Re-alloc of stdout buffer failed (errno=%d) %s: Cannot unregister a locked buffer (ID=%llu) %s: Cannot map buffer ID=%llu gralloc_module_gettransfercontext CheckOpsFlushed fb0 Dumping all active sync objects.. gralloc_module_map gralloc_module_blit_to_vaddr %s: Invalid src buffer ID=%llu pvr_cleanup __free gralloc_device_pool_alloc ID=%llu, 0xP..MFHWR=0x%.8x, WOP/WOC=0x%x/0x%x, ROP/ROC=0x%x/0x%x, ROP2/ROC2=0x%x/0x%x, WOC DevVA=0x%.8x, ROC DevVA=0x%.8x, ROC2 DevVA=0x%.8x DumpServiceDebug %s: Invalid parameter (%p) gralloc_module_lock_ycbcr gralloc_module_getlastwrite0 gralloc_module_createfence %s: Timed out waiting for %s ops to complete /system/vendor/lib/egl/ %s: Invalid parameter (%p, %p, %p) I420 Y8 %s: pipe() failed (errno=%d) %s: fork() failed (errno=%d) %s: Mismatching src/dest dimensions (src %dx%d, dest %dx%d) %s: Cannot create sync on buffer ID=%llubefore register (%p) FencePowerOptimization MapperRemove Failed to get omap device %s: Cannot unmap unregistered buffer __map %s: Invalid lock rectangle (%d,%d->%d,%d) for buffer dimensions (%dx%d) %s: Function table is wrong version (%d, wanted %d) AllocNativeFence %s: PVR_SYNC_IOC_DEBUG_FENCE ioctl failed surfaceflinger %s: Duplicate ID=%llu detected in mapper list! YV12 %s: Invalid parameter (%p): MapAndAddImportedToMapper %s: Failed to load GLES2 library %s: Unsupported usage bits (0xP..MFHWR=0x%.8x) for allocation DeferFlushOpWorker %s: Failed to acquire device data %s: Failed to close timeline_wa sync gralloc_module_decref %s: Failed to add mapped imported buffer to mapper %s: Cannot lock buffer ID=%llu before register (%p) %s: Failed to load GLES1 library hal_init hal_open %s: Failed to get SGX client info BLOB %s: Failed to destroy device memory context %s: Failed to get client misc info buffer_generic_init SysfsProcfsToBuffer gralloc_module_lock gralloc_module_unlock %s: PVRSRVModifyCompleteSyncOps failed gralloc_module_blit_from_stamp gralloc_module_printbufferbydevvaddr %s: Failed to alloc fence %s: Map of imported handle (%d) failed (err=%d) %s: Duplicate ROC2 DevVA=%.8x detected in mapper list! RGB_888 SurfaceFlinger gralloc_module_incref validate_handle __unmap %s: Can't find glGetString in GLES1 library %s: PVR_SYNC_IOC_ALLOC_FENCE ioctl failed CreateNativeFence %s: Couldn't create transfer queue %s: Invalid apsSyncInfo parameter AddUnmappedToMapper %s: Failed to get GLES1 function table
2 B B B @ MB B % B B B @ MB B /' B B B @ MB B B B B @ MB B / B B B @ MB B @> B B B @ MB B 8 D D B @ MB B YV12 : D D B @ MB B Y8 8 #E cE B @ MB B Y16 - #E cE B @ MB B !% E E B @ MB B & ) E E B @ MB B % " E E B @ MB B ! < [F yF B @ MB B NV12 0 F @ B B @ MB B ] TMWH 3 3 ) }L O S %\ Y = ]g q _ d e Q R I y~ ^ _ ] g -h h h i qj o q
Android (5484270 based on r353983c) clang version 9.0.3 ( 745b335211bb9eadfa6aa6301f84715cee4b37c5) ( 60cf23e54e46c807513f7a36d0a7b777920b5881) (based on LLVM 9.0.3svn) Android (6170260 based on r370808b) clang version 10.0.2 ( 122c8c71fd2978587324fd3c7ccbda7984520828) Linker: LLD 9.0.3 ( 3ee225094a683a0f52ad9a00299a7f2004a2c997)
.init_array .fini_array .ARM.exidx .text .got .comment .got.plt .rel.plt .bss .ARM.attributes .dynstr .gnu.version_r .interp .rel.dyn .gnu.version .dynsym .gnu_debuglink .gnu.hash .gnu.version_d .dynamic .ARM.extab .shstrtab .rodata .data