close LIBC __stack_chk_guard __register_atfork pthread_self __stack_chk_fail __aeabi_memcpy4 LIBC_N __aeabi_memset4 __cxa_finalize pthread_once strcpy realloc pthread_getspecific __cxa_atexit __strcat_chk atoi strncmp __aeabi_memclr memcmp __aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0 LIBC_R __aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr1 malloc strlen qsort __vsnprintf_chk free pthread_setspecific pthread_key_create strncpy __aeabi_memclr4 __aeabi_memclr8 calloc __aeabi_memcpy strcmp floorf PVRSRVDebugPrintf PVRSRVAllocDeviceMem PVRSRVFreeDeviceMem glBindBuffer glBufferData glBufferSubData glDeleteBuffers glGenBuffers PVRSRVUnlockMutex glClear glClearColor glClearDepthf glClearStencil PVRSRVLockMutex glDrawArrays glDrawElements KEGLGetDrawableParameters PVRSRVCreateMutex PVRSRVDestroyMutex PVRSRVMemSet SGXAddRenderTarget SGXRemoveRenderTarget TQCleanupBufferQueue KEGLBindImage KEGLGetImageSource KEGLUnbindImage PVRSRVMapDeviceMem PVRSRVUnmapDeviceMem KEGLCreateRenderSurface KEGLDestroyRenderSurface glBindFramebuffer glBindRenderbuffer glCheckFramebufferStatus glDeleteFramebuffers glDeleteRenderbuffers glFramebufferRenderbuffer glFramebufferTexture2D glGenFramebuffers glGenRenderbuffers glGenerateMipmap glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv glGetRenderbufferParameteriv glIsFramebuffer glIsRenderbuffer glRenderbufferStorage glGetAttachedShaders glGetAttribLocation glGetBooleanv glGetBufferParameteriv glGetError glGetFloatv glGetIntegerv glGetProgramInfoLog glGetProgramiv glGetShaderInfoLog glGetShaderPrecisionFormat glGetShaderSource glGetShaderiv glGetString glGetTexParameterfv glGetTexParameteriv glGetUniformfv glGetUniformiv glGetVertexAttribPointerv glGetVertexAttribfv glGetVertexAttribiv glIsBuffer glIsEnabled glIsProgram glIsShader glIsTexture PVRSRVPollForValue SGXQueueTransfer TQAddBufferToQueue PVRSRVCreateAppHintState PVRSRVFreeAppHintState PVRSRVGetAppHint glFinish glFlush glHint glPixelStorei glReadPixels glScissor KEGLFlagStartFrame KEGLGetPDSFragBuffer KEGLResizeRenderSurface PVRSRVClientEvent PVRSRVEventObjectWait PVRSRVGetMiscInfo SGXKickTA KEGLGetBlob KEGLSetBlob PVRSRVGetLibFuncAddr PVRSRVLoadLibrary PVRSRVUnloadLibrary glAttachShader glBindAttribLocation glCompileShader glCreateProgram glCreateShader glDeleteProgram glDeleteShader glDetachShader glGetActiveAttrib glLinkProgram glReleaseShaderCompiler glShaderBinary glShaderSource glUseProgram glValidateProgram glBlendColor glBlendEquation glBlendEquationSeparate glBlendFunc glBlendFuncSeparate glColorMask glCullFace glDepthFunc glDepthMask glDepthRangef glDisable glEnable glFrontFace glLineWidth glPolygonOffset glSampleCoverage glStencilFunc glStencilFuncSeparate glStencilMask glStencilMaskSeparate glStencilOp glStencilOpSeparate glViewport glActiveTexture glBindTexture glCompressedTexImage2D glCompressedTexSubImage2D glCopyTexImage2D glCopyTexSubImage2D glDeleteTextures glGenTextures glTexImage2D glTexParameterf glTexParameterfv glTexParameteri glTexParameteriv glTexSubImage2D PVRSRVAllocDeviceMemSparse glGetActiveUniform glGetUniformLocation glUniform1f glUniform1fv glUniform1i glUniform1iv glUniform2f glUniform2fv glUniform2i glUniform2iv glUniform3f glUniform3fv glUniform3i glUniform3iv glUniform4f glUniform4fv glUniform4i glUniform4iv glUniformMatrix2fv glUniformMatrix3fv glUniformMatrix4fv SetupTerminateBuffers glDisableVertexAttribArray glEnableVertexAttribArray glVertexAttrib1f glVertexAttrib1fv glVertexAttrib2f glVertexAttrib2fv glVertexAttrib3f glVertexAttrib3fv glVertexAttrib4f glVertexAttrib4fv glVertexAttribPointer PVRSRVAllocUserModeMem PVRSRVFreeUserModeMem PVRSRVCallocUserModeMem PVRSRVReallocUserModeMem libgcc 
UnpackRevision: The SGX core revision flag is 0x%X and we expected 0x%X, which are not compatible revisions. glGenVertexArraysOES HardwareMakeTextureMipmapLevels: Can't ghost the texture DisableHWTQTextureReadBack RetrieveOrInsertNamedItem: Failed to Create Object of NameType %d Unknown pixel format UnloadCompilerModule: Unloading the module caused an error LinkVertexFragmentPrograms: Cannot get local memory for active uniforms Unknown sampler type [0] USSE Fragment buffer UnpackUniPatchInput: UniPatch failed to create a shader glMapBuffer: Buffer didn't become free glPushDebugGroupKHR: Failed to create new debug group PickDrawElementsProc: ScheduleTA did not work properly glBindVertexArrayOES InitContext: InitSpecialUSECodeBlocks failed ComputeFrameBufferCompleteness: Inconsistent samples across attachments. GetStridedSurfaceData: Unsupported pixel format Ran out of sync objects on frame %u gl_ LinkVertexFragmentPrograms: Cannot get local memory for active uniform blocks CopyBuiltinUniformDataFromState: not a built-in uniform Couldn't allocate USE state copy code CreateVertexUnpackUSECode: Invalid case in switch statement PDS Vertex shader SGXBS_Calloc: Realloc failed. Returning NULL glProgramBinaryOES glGetQueryivEXT CreateSharedState: Failed to create PDS fragment code heap! MaxOQVisibilityIndices glReadPixels: Failed to get strided data Start Frame failed StartFrame: Unable to allocate strided render scratch buffer GLSLFreeCompiledUniflexProgram LinkVertexFragmentPrograms: Cannot get local memory for active varying list The invariance for varying variable %s does not match in vertex and fragment shaders PVRUniPatchSetTextureFormat: Invalid sampler-index. Must be 0-%d PreGen Vtx PDS Sec PreGen MTE PDS Copy UCH_CodeHeapCreate: Out of host mem FlushSpecifiedBufferRange: Buffer didn't become free GL_NO_ERROR eurasiacon/opengles2/drawvarray.c glDrawArrays: ValidateState() failed glDrawElements: Can't prepare to draw Index offset %u is larger than index buffer size %zu glMapBufferOES glGetProgramBinaryOES InitContext: CreateBufObjState failed InitContext: AddummyRenderTarget failed ReleaseImageFromTexture: Unsupported pixel format GLESGetImageSource: Can't make texture resident FreeRenderBuffer: Can't remove item from surface list MakeTextureMipmapLevels: Base level mipmap is NULL HardwareMakeTextureMipmapLevels: the loaded memory is null FlushBehaviour WaitForTA: Timeout failed on waiting for TA ReclaimPDSVariantMemKRM: Shouldn't be called ever PVRUniPatchCreateContext: Context alloc failed CBUF_GetBufferSpace: Buffer is already locked ! SGXBS_CreateSharedShaderState: The size of the shader is invalid. Corrupt binary! glGetObjectLabelKHR InitContext: HashTableCreate failed CreateSharedState: PVRSRVCreateMutex failed on hSecondaryLock (%d) CreateSharedState: PVRSRVCreateMutex failed on hTertiaryLock (%d) eurasiacon/opengles2/get.c TLSKeyCreate: Failed to create a thread-specific data key InitializeGLSLCompiler: Failed to initialise the GLSL compiler ! glCompileShader: Failed to compile program Warning: Unknown bank for degamma source INDEX_DATA PDS_AUX_PREGEN UCH_CodeHeapCreate: Out of host mem 2 InitAccumUSECodeBlocks: Couldn't allocate USE code for HW BG Object glDrawElements: ValidateState() failed glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES glEndQueryEXT CreateDummyVDMTErminateStream: Couldn't allocate USSE terminate buffer MakeTextureMipmapLevels: The format of the base level mipmap is NULL OverloadTexLayout MakeTexStorageResident: TextureMakeResident failed eurasiacon/opengles2/uniform.c %s SetupIteratorsAndTextureLookups: Unknown USP_HW_PSINPUT_FMT! SetupRenderState: Unsupported cull mode eurasiacon/opengles2/vertex.c PDS_VERT UCH_CodeHeapCreate: Out of device mem GhostBufObj: Out of memory. Could not ghost buffer object at %p MultiDrawBatchOnVBuffer: Bad mode (0x%X) - shouldn't be here glBeginQueryEXT InitContext: CreateSharedState failed InitContext: CreateVertexArrayObjectState failed ComputeFrameBufferCompleteness: Couldn't insert item into surface list DisableHWTQCopyBlit DumpCompilerLogFiles MaxVertexBufferSize InitialiseVSOutputs glReadPixels: Surface is invalid WaitForRender: Trying force-flip workaround CreateProgramState: Failed to create Dummy Frag USSE code block glCopyTexSubImage2D: Failed to get strided data Default texture object is bound to the target eurasiacon/opengles2/texdata.c eurasiacon/opengles2/texmgmt.c WriteEndOfTileUSSECode2xMSAA : memory layout not supported Warning: Unhandled data size when doing LD / ST CBUF_CreateBuffer: Invalid buffer type %d glBufferSubData: Can't update data as buffer didn't become free FreeBufferObject: Problem freeing buffer object AllocateBufferDataStore: Can't update/free buffer as buffer didn't become free InitContext: Couldn't initialise the TA kick VAO manager CreateSharedState: PVRSRVCreateMutex failed on hFlushListLock (%d) SGXBS_CreateBinaryProgram glCopyTexSubImage2D: Can't flush HW PrepareHWTQTextureCopyBlit: Unsupported memory layout TextureCreateImageLevel: Unknown pixel format: %d Unimplemented packing... FRM_Attach: Unable to get a new attachment. InitAccumUSECodeBlocks: Couldn't allocate USE vertex code for Accumulate Object UnpackUniPatchInput: The UniPatch input data is too long. Corrupt binary! UnKnown EGL Error glMultiDrawArrays: Can't prepare to draw InitContext: CreateDummyVDMTerminateState failed CreateSharedState: Couldn't initialise the texture manager DeInitContext: Remove dummyrendertarget failed Couldn't allocate USE vertex code for Scissor Object SetupZLSRegs: Bad external Z Buffer Mode (%d) DoKickTA: SetupPixelEventProgram() failed Active size for varying %s in fragment shaders is greater than that in vertex shaders RecompileVertexShader: Failed to compile program glTexStorage2D: levels is greater than floor(log2(max(width, height))) + 1 Specified internalformat is not an accepted value glBindVertexArrayOES: vertex array deleted or not yet created (by calling glGenVertexArrays) Warning: Invalid bank for load / store source CBUF_CreateBuffer: Requested buffer type should not be CBUF_TYPE_PDS_FRAG_BUFFER KRM_Initialize: Invalid mutex parameter %s(%s) glGetPointervKHR InitContext: Failed to fill pregen buffer %u CreateSharedState: Failed to create USSE vertex code heap! DisableHWTQNormalBlit EnableStaticMTECopy PrepareToDraw: Invalid drawable GLSLInitCompiler LinkVertexFragmentPrograms: Cannot get local memory for active attrib list Invalid precision qualifier GhostUSEShaderVariant: Out of memory. Could not ghost USE variant at %p glCopyTexImage2D: Couldn't flush HW glCopyTexImage2D: Failed to get strided data Texture dimension, mipmap level or sample count is negative Couldn't create default texture IsKickFinished: Invalid manager type glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT glDeleteQueriesEXT glDebugMessageControlKHR InitContext: Couldn't create unshareable names array %d InitContext: CreateProgramState failed Imagination Technologies FBODepthDiscard StrictBinaryVersionComparison eurasiacon/opengles2/pixelop.c LinkVertexFragmentPrograms: Cannot get local memory for fragment shader constant storage The type for varying variable %s does not match in vertex and fragment shaders RecompileVertexShader: Failed to succesfully compile program eurasiacon/opengles2/state.c FreeTextureState: BindTexture %u,%u failed WritePDSVertexShaderProgramWithVAO: Can't allocate meminfo for VAO CBUF_GetBufferSpace: Run out of space in the %s buffer, with no outstanding HW ops UnpackRevision: Corrupt binary shader version table (SGXBS_HW_VerTable_V0). Cannot find the SGX core revision flag 0x%X in version 0x%X. glBufferData: Can't update/free buffer as buffer didn't become free Couldn't allocate USE vertex code for Clear Object glPushDebugGroupKHR FreeContextSharedState: PVRSRVDestroyMutex failed on hFlushListLock (%d) FlushRenderSurface: ScheduleTA did not work properly on the current surface PowerVR SGX 544MP OpenGL ES GLSL ES 1.00 build 3.1.56-ee9209c5-dirty glGetString unknown name DefaultVertexBufferSize GLSLShutDownCompiler CreateSharedShaderState: UniPatch failed to create a shader CopyTextureData: CopyTwiddledTextureDataSW Failed to copy sparse texture CreateDummyTexture: Can't create our black dummy texture CreateExternalTextureState: Texture with unmatched stride and width not supported eurasiacon/opengles2/use.c SetupIteratorsAndTextureLookups: exceeded maximum number of iteration commands (SW limit) UnpackRevision: Corrupt binary shader version table (SGXBS_HW_VerTable_V0). No revision flag in version 0x%X. glBindBuffer: Failed to Create Buffer Object or, to insert it into NamesArray Couldn't allocate clear variant array GetVertexIndexBufferSpace: Can't prepare to draw CreateLineStripStaticIndices: Can't allocate memory for static index buffer glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES glMultiDrawElements glGetDebugMessageLogKHR PolygonFactorMultiplier glReadPixels: Couldn't flush HW CreateProgramState: Failed to initialise Unipatch ! FreeTexture: Can't remove item from surface list Warning: Unknown bank for packing source PDS_MTE_COPY_PREGEN USSE_FRAG WaitUntilResourceIsNotNeeded: Trying force-flip workaround ReadU16: Buffer overflow ReadString: Buffer overflow GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY glMultiDrawArrays InitContext: CreateOcclusionQueriesState failed ComputeFrameBufferCompleteness: Couldn't allocate memory for additional Z Buffer PolygonUnitsMultiplier glShaderBinary: SGXBS_CreateSharedShaderState did not return an error but the returned pointer is NULL In-built attributes unsupported in GLSL ES CreateDummyTexture: Can't create our white dummy texture SetupUSEVertexShader: Unipatch failed to finalise the shader WritePDSPixelShaderProgram: Failed to allocate PDS variant structure ReadU32: Buffer overflow Couldn't allocate USE fragment code for clear variant DrawBatchOnVBuffer: Bad mode (0x%X) - shouldn't be here glGenQueriesEXT GLESGetImageSource: CEM source requested from non-CEM texture FlushRenderSurface: ScheduleTA did not work properly on the attachment DisableHWTQMipGen DefaultVDMBufferSize LoadCompilerModule: Couldn't load library %s LinkVertexFragmentPrograms: Cannot get local memory for vertex shader constant storage LinkVertexFragmentPrograms: Cannot get local memory for built in uniform list SetupTextureRenderTargetControlWords: Can't make texture resident Unknown texture format PDS_FRAG KRM_Initialize: Invalid callback parameter glMultiDrawElements: ValidateState() failed glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT glDebugMessageInsertKHR CreateSharedState: PVRSRVCreateMutex failed on hPrimaryLock (%d) GLES2DestroyGC: Failed to deinit the gc ReleaseImageFromTexture: Invalid BytesPerPixel (%d) GLESGetImageSource: Format mismatch with RenderbufferStorage DefaultPDSVertBufferSize MaxGhostedBOMem FreeQueryObject: Problem freeing query object MakeQueryComplete: Problem completing query object GLSLDisplayMetrics Uniform variable %s type/precision does not match in vertex and fragment shader glTexStorage2D: the specified target%x is invalid TranslateLevel: Unknown twiddle block size WritePDSPixelShaderProgram: Failed to allocate hash compare structure Warning: Unknown bank for packing destination CBUF_CreateBuffer: Requested buffer type should not be CBUF_TYPE_USE_FRAG_BUFFER PDS_VERT_SEC_PREGEN Couldn't allocate USE fragment code for Clear Object glClear: Can't send drawmask for clear glPushDebugGroupKHR: Failed to save push message string AddDebugMessageToDebugLog: Can't allocate memory to log debug message string GL_INVALID_OPERATION glUnmapBufferOES glMultiDrawArraysEXT glGetActiveUniformBlockNameIMG GLES2CreateGC: Can't alloc memory for the gc InitContext: Invalid buffer type GetFrameBufferCompleteness: format mismatch with RenderbufferStorage CreateQueryObject: Cannot allocate memory for occlusion query object glProgramBinaryOES: SGXBS_CreateProgramState did not return an error but the returned pointer is NULL ResetUniformBlockBindings: Cannot get local memory for binding points glCopyTexImage2D: Cannot be used with immutable-format textures Unknown HW format glTexStorage2DEXT: Encountered an error SetupUSEFragmentShader: Unipatch failed to finalise the shader Couldn't allocate USE pixel event PTOFF code PreGen Aux PDS Copy eurasiacon/opengles2/debug.c MultiDrawBatchOnVBuffer: ValidateState() failed glDeleteVertexArraysOES glDiscardFramebufferEXT glPopDebugGroupKHR ComputeFrameBufferCompleteness: Can't create render surface. ExternalZBufferMode AllowTrilinearNPOT glTexSubImage2D: Missing/Unsupported format conversion Couldn't allocate HWBG variant array SGXBS_Calloc: Calloc failed. Returning NULL ReadU8: Buffer overflow 0123456789abcdef WriteDirect16Indices: Bad eMode (0x%X) - shouldn't be here glUniformBlockBindingIMG glGetQueryObjectuivEXT CreateSharedState: Couldn't create names array %d FreeContextSharedState: PVRSRVDestroyMutex failed on hTertiaryLock (%d) HardwareMipGen: Timeout failed on waiting for previous texture mipgen DoKickTA: SGXKickTA() failed with error %d AddNewUniforms: Cannot get local memory for uniform block active uniform indices list CreateExternalTextureState: Unsupported height glBindVertexArrayOES: CreateVertexArrayObject failed KRM_Initialize: Could not allocate attachment pool FreeContextSharedState: PVRSRVDestroyMutex failed on hSecondaryLock (%d) SetupFrameBufferColorAttachment: Couldn't insert item into surface list MakeTextureMipmapLevels: Unknown texture format ! DisableHWTQTextureUpload DisableHWTextureUpload eurasiacon/opengles2/occquery.c Varying variable %s is used in fragment shader, but not found in vertex shader. glTexStorage2DEXT: MakeTexStorageResident failed DestroyDummyTexture: Can't free our white dummy texture GetConstantDataPtr: unrecognised reg type SetupUSESecondaryUploadTask: Out of USE memory! KRM_FlushUnKickedResource: Invalid resource manager type BindBuffer: Failed to Create Buffer Object or, to insert it into NamesArray CreateSequentialStaticIndices: Can't allocate memory for static index buffer glIsQueryEXT glDebugMessageCallbackKHR DefaultIndexBufferSize DefaultPregenMTECopyBufferSize EnableRecompileOpt DoKickTA: Couldn't allocate memory for Z buffer EmitState : Couldn't Kick TA as required for BRN 48913 WA Warning: Unknown dependency for PHAS. Setting to None VDM Control Stream VERTEX_DATA UnpackRevision: At least one of the SGX core revision flags 0x%X and 0x%X in version 0x%X cannot be found in the binary shader version table (SGXBS_HW_VerTable_V0) glObjectLabelKHR glDrawBuffersEXT InitContext: CreateRenderBufferState failed CreateProgramState: Failed to create Dummy Vert USSE code block GLSLCompileToUniflex Not enough contiguous indices for attribute %s. CreateExternalTextureState: Unsupported width VDM_CTRL UCH_CodeHeapDestroy: In heap %p there are still at least %d memory leaks InitAccumUSECodeBlocks: Failed to allocate Dummy Pixel Secondary PDS program glBufferSubData: Can't allocate memory for object GetGLDebugMessageState: Incorrect value for source, type or severity glGetUniformIndicesIMG GLES2CreateGC: Failed to init the gc InitContext: CreateDebugMachine failed CreateSharedState: Failed to create USSE fragment code heap! ComputeFrameBufferCompleteness: Unknown texture format RetrieveOrInsertNamedItem: Failed to Insert NamedItem in NamesArray %d eurasiacon/opengles2/sgxif.c eurasiacon/opengles2/shader.c WaitForPendingOpsOnSurfaces: Timeout failed on waiting for previous texture transfer DestroyPDSVariantGhostKRM: Shouldn't be called ever Warning: Unknown bank for gamma source AllocateBufferDataStore: Can't allocate memory for object InitContext: CreateTextureState failed CreateSharedState: Couldn't initialise the USSE code variant manager Failed to acquire CPU mapping for texture device memory DestroyFBORenderSurface: Couldn't remove item from surface list OpenGLES 2.0 API %s generated error code 0x%x LoadCompilerModule: Some of the function pointers could not be retrieved. TexImage*, CompressedTexImage*, CopyTexImage* or TexImage* API called with the same texture CBUF_CreateBuffer: Failed to alloc sync update dev mem for buffer %u UnpackBinary: The magic number in the header should be 0x%X but it is 0x%X. Corrupt binary! UnpackRevision: The u16ReservedA flag is 0x%X but we expected 0x0. UnpackRevision: Corrupt binary shader version table (SGXBS_HW_VerTable_V0). The SGX core version flag is 0x%X which is not listed in binary shader revision table(SGXBS_HW_VerTable_V0), or the table lacks a SGXBS_VER_SEPERATOR before this version if it is presented in the table. UnmapBuffer: Buffer didn't become free GetClientDebugMessageState: Incorrect value for source, type or severity GL_INVALID_VALUE PickDrawElementsProc: Failed to create larger dynamic vertex buffer glMultiDrawArrays: ValidateState() failed glGetIntegeri_vIMG DestroyFBORenderSurface: Couldn't destroy render surface WaitForRender: Timeout DoKickTA: KEGLResizeRenderSurface() failed OutputTerminateState failed, even though space should have been reserved for it FreeListOfVertexUSEVariants: Kicking the TA failed CopyTwiddledTextureDataDW: Failed to calculate used texture pages glClear: Can't send clear prims CreateIDInfo: Can't allocate memory for IDInfo structure GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION glGetUniformBlockIndexIMG glBindBufferBaseIMG FreeContextSharedState: PVRSRVDestroyMutex failed on hPrimaryLock (%d) FreeAllQueryObjects: Problem freeing query object LinkVertexFragmentPrograms: Cannot get local memory for active user uniform list RecompileVertexShader: UniPatch failed to create a shader eurasiacon/opengles2/tex.c glCopyTexSubImage2D: Couldn't flush HW eurasiacon/opengles2/vertexarrobj.c CBUF_UpdateBufferPos: Buffer is not locked, cannot update pos IsResourceInUse: Invalid manager type. glDrawArrays: Can't prepare to draw Index offset %ld is larger than index buffer size %zu DetermineMinAndMaxIndices: Bad type (0x%X) - shouldn't be here glMultiDrawElementsEXT glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMG glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMG glBindBufferRangeIMG InitContext: Failed to create TA sync object DeInitContext: FreeTextureState failed eurasiacon/opengles2/fbo.c eurasiacon/opengles2/makemips.c AdjustShaderPrecision EnableVaryingPrecisionOpt RecompileVertexShader: Bad Coord Mask UpdateEGLImage: Can't make texture resident Invalid apphint for overloading texture layout - npot textures cannot be twiddled CreateDummyTexture: Can't free our white dummy texture CreateExternalTextureState: Unsupported stride CreateExternalTextureState: Unsupported pixel format %d Unknown stream-type Dynamic Vertex data Dynamic Index data glBufferSubData: No memory for object data glGetActiveUniformsivIMG glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES: Can't ghost the texture glBindRenderbuffer: Failed to Create RenderBuffer Object or, to insert it into NamesArray glBindFramebuffer: ScheduleTA did not work properly HardwareMipGen: Unsupported texture format TriangleSplitThreshold CreateNamesArray: Invalid name type SetupIteratorsAndTextureLookups: exceeded maximum number of HW iterated components CBUF_UpdateTACtrlKickBase: Should always be space after we've assigned some new buffers UnpackRevision: Corrupt binary shader version table (SGXBS_HW_VerTable_V0). Revision 0x%X in version 0x%X from groups %d and %d. DrawBatchOnVBuffer: ValidateState() failed glGetActiveUniformBlockivIMG glBindFramebuffer: Failed to Create FrameBuffer Object or, to insert it into NamesArray DynamicSplitCalc Hash table alloc failed TextureCreateImageLevel: Error while creating external texture state DestroyDummyTexture: Can't free our black dummy texture SetupTileBuffers: Couldn't allocate memory for tile buffer LoadSecondaryAttributes: Could not allocate memory for scratch area Unsupported source format. Ignoring. KRM_Initialize: Invalid type parameter eurasiacon/opengles2/bufobj.c eurasiacon/opengles2/clear.c glMultiDrawElements: Can't prepare to draw InitContext: Failed to create buffer %u CreateSharedState: Couldn't initialise the TA kick buffer object manager GLES2MakeCurrentGC: Invalid drawable - what do we do? HardwareMipGen: Failed to generate texture mipmap levels (error=%d) DisableHWTQBufferBlit EnableBlobCache StartFrame: Unsupported pixel format SGXBS_CreateBinaryShader glCopyTexImage2D: SetupTextureRenderTargetControlWords() failed %s[%d] LoadSecondaryAttributes: Could not allocate memory for indexable temporaries WritePDSVertexShaderProgramWithVAO: No vertex shader! ReadFloat: Buffer overflow GetNumIndices: Bad mode (0x%X) - shouldn't be here glGetBufferPointervOES glIsVertexArrayOES InitContext: Remove dummy render target on cleanup failed eurasiacon/opengles2/eglimage.c OptimisedValidation eurasiacon/opengles2/scissor.c StartFrame: Unsupported bytes per pixel for detwiddle BindTexture: Failed to Create Texture Object, or to insert it into NamesArray ReadBackTextureData: Timeout failed on waiting for texture upload Warning: Unhandled data size in EOT task UnpackRevision: Corrupt binary shader version table (SGXBS_HW_VerTable_V0). Forget a SGXBS_VER_SEPERATOR between core versions? glBufferData: Can't allocate memory for object GhostBufObj: Can't allocate new data store for a ghosted buffer object glClear: Can't prepare to draw GL_INVALID_ENUM MultiDrawArraysAutoIndices: Cannot get enough space for indices for primitive %d glTexStorage2DEXT CreateSharedState: Couldn't initialise the 3D kick buffer object manager CreateSharedState: Couldn't initialise the attachment render manager CreateSharedState: Failed to create buffer object fragment heap! OpenGL ES 2.0 build 3.1.56-ee9209c5-dirty EnableSparseTextureAlloc PrepareToDraw: KEGLResizeRenderSurface() failed ScheduleTA: Unsupported BPP to twiddle surface No built-in attributes in GLSL ES language: %s. FreeVertexArrayObjectInternalPointers: Problem freeing VAO's MemInfo Blending source not supported. Ignoring. PDS Fragment shader CBUF_CreateBuffer: psBuffer allocation failed CBUF_CreateBuffer: DeviceMem alloc of 0x%x failed for buffer %d ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 ! % 1 5 ! & @ ! % C @ A D E h m $ #Eg vT2 S C T D ? 0 x j V p $ | * G F0 F i D [ \ " k q Cy ! Ib% @ @ QZ^& ] / S D ! 7 ZE og L* B9 q "a m 8 D K`K p ~ ( ' 0 9 | eV D") *C # 9 Y[e } ] O~ o , C N ~S 5 : * L M N P O Q h ) p / GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_depth_texture GL_OES_egl_sync GL_OES_element_index_uint GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_EGL_image_external GL_OES_fbo_render_mipmap GL_OES_fragment_precision_high GL_OES_get_program_binary GL_OES_mapbuffer GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_OES_required_internalformat GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_standard_derivatives GL_OES_surfaceless_context GL_OES_texture_float GL_OES_texture_half_float GL_OES_texture_npot GL_OES_vertex_array_object GL_OES_vertex_half_float GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer GL_EXT_draw_buffers GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture GL_EXT_occlusion_query_boolean GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch GL_EXT_shader_texture_lod GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_EXT_texture_rg GL_IMG_multisampled_render_to_texture GL_IMG_program_binary GL_IMG_read_format GL_IMG_shader_binary GL_IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc GL_IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc2 GL_IMG_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_IMG_texture_npot GL_IMG_uniform_buffer_object GL_KHR_debug GL_EXT_texture_storage Link Error: Vertex shader is missing. Link Error: Vertex shader was not successfully compiled. Link Error: Fragment shader is missing. Link Error: Fragment shader was not successfully compiled. Unpack error: could not load corrupt binary data. 0 $ - ( < ; @ " # O S ` I % L J $ K A @ 8 & 9 ( ) ' : = @ > @ ? ! Z ! Z 2  3 4 \ 5 W 6 l 7 f P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ^ ` 2 f @ @ @ @ ( ( @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 8 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 ?  ? ? 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