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2 <!--  Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
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13      See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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15  -->
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19     <string name="calendar_storage" msgid="5387668002987562770">"የቀንመቁጠሪያማከማቻ"</string>
20     <string name="calendar_default_name" msgid="6924293766625167275">"ነባሪ"</string>
21     <string name="calendar_info" msgid="6687678621418059281">"የቀን መቁጠሪያመረጃ"</string>
22     <string name="calendar_info_error" msgid="5575162446528419982">"ስህተት"</string>
23     <string name="calendar_info_no_calendars" msgid="4287534468186704433">"ምንም ቀንመቁጠሪያ ዎች የለዎትም"</string>
24     <string name="calendar_info_events" msgid="1805502308105103803">"ዝግጅቶች: <xliff:g id="EVENTS">%1$d</xliff:g>"</string>
25     <string name="calendar_info_events_dirty" msgid="8879392112564499515">"ክስተቶች፡<xliff:g id="EVENTS_0">%1$d</xliff:g>፣ አልተቀመጡም፡<xliff:g id="DIRTY_EVENTS">%2$d</xliff:g>"</string>
26     <string name="provider_label" msgid="2306513350843464739">"ቀን መቁጠሪያ"</string>
27     <string name="debug_tool_delete_button" msgid="5052706251268452090">"አሁን ሰርዝ"</string>
28     <string name="debug_tool_start_button" msgid="5384780896342913563">"ጀምር"</string>
29     <string name="debug_tool_message" msgid="4862486669932821937">"አሁን 1 ) የቀን መቁጠሪያህን የውሂብ ጎታዎች ወደ sd ካርድ/usb ማከማቻ በማንኛውም ትግበራ እንዲነበብ ልትገለብጥ  እና2) ኢሜይል ልታደርግ ነው። ከመሣሪያው ላይ በተሳካ ከገለበጥክ በኋላወይም ኢሜይል ከተቀበልክ በኋላ መሰረዝ አትርሳ።"</string>
30     <string name="debug_tool_email_sender_picker" msgid="2000311987477419397">"ፋይልህን ለመላክ ፕሮግራም ምረጥ"</string>
31     <string name="debug_tool_email_subject" msgid="2403590332256471194">"የቀን መቁጠሪያ ውሂብ ጎታ አባሪ ተደርጓል"</string>
32     <string name="debug_tool_email_body" msgid="4835949635324134017">"የቀን መቁጠሪያዬ ውሂብ ጎታ ከቀጠሮዎቼ እና የግል መረጃዎች ጋር አባሪ ተደርጓል። በደንብ ይጠበቅ።"</string>
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