1# Copyright 2018, The Android Open Source Project
3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5# You may obtain a copy of the License at
7#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13# limitations under the License.
15# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
16# pylint: disable=line-too-long
19Result Reporter
21The result reporter formats and prints test results.
24Example Output for command to run following tests:
25CtsAnimationTestCases:EvaluatorTest, HelloWorldTests, and WmTests
27Running Tests ...
32android.animation.cts.EvaluatorTest.UnitTests (7 Tests)
33[1/7] android.animation.cts.EvaluatorTest#testRectEvaluator: PASSED (153ms)
34[2/7] android.animation.cts.EvaluatorTest#testIntArrayEvaluator: PASSED (0ms)
35[3/7] android.animation.cts.EvaluatorTest#testIntEvaluator: PASSED (0ms)
36[4/7] android.animation.cts.EvaluatorTest#testFloatArrayEvaluator: PASSED (1ms)
37[5/7] android.animation.cts.EvaluatorTest#testPointFEvaluator: PASSED (1ms)
38[6/7] android.animation.cts.EvaluatorTest#testArgbEvaluator: PASSED (0ms)
39[7/7] android.animation.cts.EvaluatorTest#testFloatEvaluator: PASSED (1ms)
44android.test.example.helloworld.UnitTests(2 Tests)
45[1/2] android.test.example.helloworld.HelloWorldTest#testHalloWelt: PASSED (0ms)
46[2/2] android.test.example.helloworld.HelloWorldTest#testHelloWorld: PASSED (1ms)
51com.android.tradefed.targetprep.UnitTests (1 Test)
52RUNNER ERROR: com.android.tradefed.targetprep.TargetSetupError:
53Failed to install WmTests.apk on Reason:
54    error message ...
59CtsAnimationTestCases: Passed: 7, Failed: 0
60HelloWorldTests: Passed: 2, Failed: 0
61WmTests: Passed: 0, Failed: 0 (Completed With ERRORS)
631 test failed
66from __future__ import print_function
68from collections import OrderedDict
70import constants
71import atest_utils as au
73from test_runners import test_runner_base
77BENCHMARK_ESSENTIAL_KEYS = {'repetition_index', 'cpu_time', 'name', 'repetitions',
78                            'run_type', 'threads', 'time_unit', 'iterations',
79                            'run_name', 'real_time'}
80# TODO(b/146875480): handle the optional benchmark events
81BENCHMARK_OPTIONAL_KEYS = {'bytes_per_second', 'label'}
83INT_KEYS = {'cpu_time', 'real_time'}
85class PerfInfo():
86    """Class for storing performance test of a test run."""
88    def __init__(self):
89        """Initialize a new instance of PerfInfo class."""
90        # perf_info: A list of benchmark_info(dict).
91        self.perf_info = []
93    def update_perf_info(self, test):
94        """Update perf_info with the given result of a single test.
96        Args:
97            test: A TestResult namedtuple.
98        """
99        all_additional_keys = set(test.additional_info.keys())
100        # Ensure every key is in all_additional_keys.
101        if not BENCHMARK_ESSENTIAL_KEYS.issubset(all_additional_keys):
102            return
103        benchmark_info = {}
104        benchmark_info['test_name'] = test.test_name
105        for key, data in test.additional_info.items():
106            if key in INT_KEYS:
107                data_to_int = data.split('.')[0]
108                benchmark_info[key] = data_to_int
109            elif key in BENCHMARK_EVENT_KEYS:
110                benchmark_info[key] = data
111        if benchmark_info:
112            self.perf_info.append(benchmark_info)
114    def print_perf_info(self):
115        """Print summary of a perf_info."""
116        if not self.perf_info:
117            return
118        classify_perf_info, max_len = self._classify_perf_info()
119        separator = '-' * au.get_terminal_size()[0]
120        print(separator)
121        print("{:{name}}    {:^{real_time}}    {:^{cpu_time}}    "
122              "{:>{iterations}}".format(
123                  'Benchmark', 'Time', 'CPU', 'Iteration',
124                  name=max_len['name']+3,
125                  real_time=max_len['real_time']+max_len['time_unit']+1,
126                  cpu_time=max_len['cpu_time']+max_len['time_unit']+1,
127                  iterations=max_len['iterations']))
128        print(separator)
129        for module_name, module_perf_info in classify_perf_info.items():
130            print("{}:".format(module_name))
131            for benchmark_info in module_perf_info:
132                # BpfBenchMark/MapWriteNewEntry/1    1530 ns     1522 ns   460517
133                print("  #{:{name}}    {:>{real_time}} {:{time_unit}}    "
134                      "{:>{cpu_time}} {:{time_unit}}    "
135                      "{:>{iterations}}".format(benchmark_info['name'],
136                                                benchmark_info['real_time'],
137                                                benchmark_info['time_unit'],
138                                                benchmark_info['cpu_time'],
139                                                benchmark_info['time_unit'],
140                                                benchmark_info['iterations'],
141                                                name=max_len['name'],
142                                                real_time=max_len['real_time'],
143                                                time_unit=max_len['time_unit'],
144                                                cpu_time=max_len['cpu_time'],
145                                                iterations=max_len['iterations']))
147    def _classify_perf_info(self):
148        """Classify the perf_info by test module name.
150        Returns:
151            A tuple of (classified_perf_info, max_len), where
152            classified_perf_info: A dict of perf_info and each perf_info are
153                                 belong to different modules.
154                e.g.
155                    { module_name_01: [perf_info of module_1],
156                      module_name_02: [perf_info of module_2], ...}
157            max_len: A dict which stores the max length of each event.
158                     It contains the max string length of 'name', real_time',
159                     'time_unit', 'cpu_time', 'iterations'.
160                e.g.
161                    {name: 56, real_time: 9, time_unit: 2, cpu_time: 8,
162                     iterations: 12}
163        """
164        module_categories = set()
165        max_len = {}
166        all_name = []
167        all_real_time = []
168        all_time_unit = []
169        all_cpu_time = []
170        all_iterations = ['Iteration']
171        for benchmark_info in self.perf_info:
172            module_categories.add(benchmark_info['test_name'].split('#')[0])
173            all_name.append(benchmark_info['name'])
174            all_real_time.append(benchmark_info['real_time'])
175            all_time_unit.append(benchmark_info['time_unit'])
176            all_cpu_time.append(benchmark_info['cpu_time'])
177            all_iterations.append(benchmark_info['iterations'])
178        classified_perf_info = {}
179        for module_name in module_categories:
180            module_perf_info = []
181            for benchmark_info in self.perf_info:
182                if benchmark_info['test_name'].split('#')[0] == module_name:
183                    module_perf_info.append(benchmark_info)
184            classified_perf_info[module_name] = module_perf_info
185        max_len = {'name': len(max(all_name, key=len)),
186                   'real_time': len(max(all_real_time, key=len)),
187                   'time_unit': len(max(all_time_unit, key=len)),
188                   'cpu_time': len(max(all_cpu_time, key=len)),
189                   'iterations': len(max(all_iterations, key=len))}
190        return classified_perf_info, max_len
193class RunStat:
194    """Class for storing stats of a test run."""
196    def __init__(self, passed=0, failed=0, ignored=0, run_errors=False,
197                 assumption_failed=0):
198        """Initialize a new instance of RunStat class.
200        Args:
201            passed: Count of passing tests.
202            failed: Count of failed tests.
203            ignored: Count of ignored tests.
204            assumption_failed: Count of assumption failure tests.
205            run_errors: A boolean if there were run errors
206        """
207        # TODO(b/109822985): Track group and run estimated totals for updating
208        # summary line
209        self.passed = passed
210        self.failed = failed
211        self.ignored = ignored
212        self.assumption_failed = assumption_failed
213        self.perf_info = PerfInfo()
214        # Run errors are not for particular tests, they are runner errors.
215        self.run_errors = run_errors
217    @property
218    def total(self):
219        """Getter for total tests actually ran. Accessed via self.total"""
220        return self.passed + self.failed
223class ResultReporter:
224    """Result Reporter class.
226    As each test is run, the test runner will call self.process_test_result()
227    with a TestResult namedtuple that contains the following information:
228    - runner_name:   Name of the test runner
229    - group_name:    Name of the test group if any.
230                     In Tradefed that's the Module name.
231    - test_name:     Name of the test.
232                     In Tradefed that's qualified.class#Method
233    - status:        The strings FAILED or PASSED.
234    - stacktrace:    The stacktrace if the test failed.
235    - group_total:   The total tests scheduled to be run for a group.
236                     In Tradefed this is provided when the Module starts.
237    - runner_total:  The total tests scheduled to be run for the runner.
238                     In Tradefed this is not available so is None.
240    The Result Reporter will print the results of this test and then update
241    its stats state.
243    Test stats are stored in the following structure:
244    - self.run_stats: Is RunStat instance containing stats for the overall run.
245                      This include pass/fail counts across ALL test runners.
247    - self.runners:  Is of the form: {RunnerName: {GroupName: RunStat Instance}}
248                     Where {} is an ordered dict.
250                     The stats instance contains stats for each test group.
251                     If the runner doesn't support groups, then the group
252                     name will be None.
254    For example this could be a state of ResultReporter:
256    run_stats: RunStat(passed:10, failed:5)
257    runners: {'AtestTradefedTestRunner':
258                            {'Module1': RunStat(passed:1, failed:1),
259                             'Module2': RunStat(passed:0, failed:4)},
260              'RobolectricTestRunner': {None: RunStat(passed:5, failed:0)},
261              'VtsTradefedTestRunner': {'Module1': RunStat(passed:4, failed:0)}}
262    """
264    def __init__(self, silent=False, collect_only=False, flakes_info=False):
265        """Init ResultReporter.
267        Args:
268            silent: A boolean of silence or not.
269        """
270        self.run_stats = RunStat()
271        self.runners = OrderedDict()
272        self.failed_tests = []
273        self.all_test_results = []
274        self.pre_test = None
275        self.log_path = None
276        self.silent = silent
277        self.rerun_options = ''
278        self.collect_only = collect_only
279        self.flakes_info = flakes_info
281    def process_test_result(self, test):
282        """Given the results of a single test, update stats and print results.
284        Args:
285            test: A TestResult namedtuple.
286        """
287        if test.runner_name not in self.runners:
288            self.runners[test.runner_name] = OrderedDict()
289        assert self.runners[test.runner_name] != FAILURE_FLAG
290        self.all_test_results.append(test)
291        if test.group_name not in self.runners[test.runner_name]:
292            self.runners[test.runner_name][test.group_name] = RunStat()
293            self._print_group_title(test)
294        self._update_stats(test,
295                           self.runners[test.runner_name][test.group_name])
296        self._print_result(test)
298    def runner_failure(self, runner_name, failure_msg):
299        """Report a runner failure.
301        Use instead of process_test_result() when runner fails separate from
302        any particular test, e.g. during setup of runner.
304        Args:
305            runner_name: A string of the name of the runner.
306            failure_msg: A string of the failure message to pass to user.
307        """
308        self.runners[runner_name] = FAILURE_FLAG
309        print('\n', runner_name, '\n', '-' * len(runner_name), sep='')
310        print('Runner encountered a critical failure. Skipping.\n'
311              'FAILURE: %s' % failure_msg)
313    def register_unsupported_runner(self, runner_name):
314        """Register an unsupported runner.
316           Prints the following to the screen:
318           RunnerName
319           ----------
320           This runner does not support normal results formatting.
321           Below is the raw output of the test runner.
323           RAW OUTPUT:
324           <Raw Runner Output>
326           Args:
327              runner_name: A String of the test runner's name.
328        """
329        assert runner_name not in self.runners
330        self.runners[runner_name] = UNSUPPORTED_FLAG
331        print('\n', runner_name, '\n', '-' * len(runner_name), sep='')
332        print('This runner does not support normal results formatting. Below '
333              'is the raw output of the test runner.\n\nRAW OUTPUT:')
335    def print_starting_text(self):
336        """Print starting text for running tests."""
337        print(au.colorize('\nRunning Tests...', constants.CYAN))
339    def print_summary(self):
340        """Print summary of all test runs.
342        Returns:
343            0 if all tests pass, non-zero otherwise.
345        """
346        if self.collect_only:
347            return self.print_collect_tests()
348        tests_ret = constants.EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS
349        if not self.runners:
350            return tests_ret
351        print('\n{}'.format(au.colorize('Summary', constants.CYAN)))
352        print(au.delimiter('-', 7))
353        if self.rerun_options:
354            print(self.rerun_options)
355        failed_sum = len(self.failed_tests)
356        for runner_name, groups in self.runners.items():
357            if groups == UNSUPPORTED_FLAG:
358                print(runner_name, 'Unsupported. See raw output above.')
359                continue
360            if groups == FAILURE_FLAG:
361                tests_ret = constants.EXIT_CODE_TEST_FAILURE
362                print(runner_name, 'Crashed. No results to report.')
363                failed_sum += 1
364                continue
365            for group_name, stats in groups.items():
366                name = group_name if group_name else runner_name
367                summary = self.process_summary(name, stats)
368                if stats.failed > 0:
369                    tests_ret = constants.EXIT_CODE_TEST_FAILURE
370                if stats.run_errors:
371                    tests_ret = constants.EXIT_CODE_TEST_FAILURE
372                    failed_sum += 1 if not stats.failed else 0
373                print(summary)
374        self.run_stats.perf_info.print_perf_info()
375        print()
376        if tests_ret == constants.EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS:
377            print(au.colorize('All tests passed!', constants.GREEN))
378        else:
379            message = '%d %s failed' % (failed_sum,
380                                        'tests' if failed_sum > 1 else 'test')
381            print(au.colorize(message, constants.RED))
382            print('-'*len(message))
383            self.print_failed_tests()
384        if self.log_path:
385            print('Test Logs have saved in %s' % self.log_path)
386        return tests_ret
388    def print_collect_tests(self):
389        """Print summary of collect tests only.
391        Returns:
392            0 if all tests collection done.
394        """
395        tests_ret = constants.EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS
396        if not self.runners:
397            return tests_ret
398        print('\n{}'.format(au.colorize('Summary:' + constants.COLLECT_TESTS_ONLY,
399                                        constants.CYAN)))
400        print(au.delimiter('-', 26))
401        for runner_name, groups in self.runners.items():
402            for group_name, _ in groups.items():
403                name = group_name if group_name else runner_name
404                print(name)
405        print()
406        if self.log_path:
407            print('Test Logs have saved in %s' % self.log_path)
408        return constants.EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS
410    def print_failed_tests(self):
411        """Print the failed tests if existed."""
412        if self.failed_tests:
413            for test_name in self.failed_tests:
414                failed_details = test_name
415                if self.flakes_info:
416                    flakes_method = test_name.replace('#', '.')
417                    flakes_info = au.get_flakes(test_method=flakes_method)
418                    if (flakes_info and
419                            flakes_info.get(constants.FLAKE_PERCENT, None)):
420                        failed_details += (
421                            ': flakes percent: {}%, flakes postsubmit per week:'
422                            ' {}'.format(float(flakes_info.get(
423                                constants.FLAKE_PERCENT)),
424                                         flakes_info.get(
425                                             constants.FLAKE_POSTSUBMIT, '0')))
426                print(failed_details)
428    # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
429    def process_summary(self, name, stats):
430        """Process the summary line.
432        Strategy:
433            Error status happens ->
434                SomeTests: Passed: 2, Failed: 0 <red>(Completed With ERRORS)</red>
435                SomeTests: Passed: 2, <red>Failed</red>: 2 <red>(Completed With ERRORS)</red>
436            More than 1 test fails ->
437                SomeTests: Passed: 2, <red>Failed</red>: 5
438            No test fails ->
439                SomeTests: <green>Passed</green>: 2, Failed: 0
441        Args:
442            name: A string of test name.
443            stats: A RunStat instance for a test group.
445        Returns:
446            A summary of the test result.
447        """
448        passed_label = 'Passed'
449        failed_label = 'Failed'
450        flakes_label = ''
451        ignored_label = 'Ignored'
452        assumption_failed_label = 'Assumption Failed'
453        error_label = ''
454        host_log_content = ''
455        flakes_percent = ''
456        if stats.failed > 0:
457            failed_label = au.colorize(failed_label, constants.RED)
458            mod_list = name.split()
459            module = ''
460            if len(mod_list) > 1:
461                module = mod_list[1]
462            if module:
463                flakes_info = au.get_flakes(test_module=module)
464                if (flakes_info and
465                        flakes_info.get(constants.FLAKE_PERCENT, None)):
466                    flakes_label = au.colorize('Flakes Percent:',
467                                               constants.RED)
468                    flakes_percent = '{:.2f}%'.format(float(flakes_info.get(
469                        constants.FLAKE_PERCENT)))
470        if stats.run_errors:
471            error_label = au.colorize('(Completed With ERRORS)', constants.RED)
472            # Only extract host_log_content if test name is tradefed
473            # Import here to prevent circular-import error.
474            from test_runners import atest_tf_test_runner
475            if name == atest_tf_test_runner.AtestTradefedTestRunner.NAME:
476                find_logs = au.find_files(self.log_path,
477                                          file_name=constants.TF_HOST_LOG)
478                if find_logs:
479                    host_log_content = au.colorize(
480                        '\n\nTradefederation host log:', constants.RED)
481                for tf_log_zip in find_logs:
482                    host_log_content = host_log_content + au.extract_zip_text(
483                        tf_log_zip)
484        elif stats.failed == 0:
485            passed_label = au.colorize(passed_label, constants.GREEN)
486        summary = ('%s: %s: %s, %s: %s, %s: %s, %s: %s, %s %s %s %s'
487                   % (name,
488                      passed_label,
489                      stats.passed,
490                      failed_label,
491                      stats.failed,
492                      ignored_label,
493                      stats.ignored,
494                      assumption_failed_label,
495                      stats.assumption_failed,
496                      flakes_label,
497                      flakes_percent,
498                      error_label,
499                      host_log_content))
500        return summary
502    def _update_stats(self, test, group):
503        """Given the results of a single test, update test run stats.
505        Args:
506            test: a TestResult namedtuple.
507            group: a RunStat instance for a test group.
508        """
509        # TODO(109822985): Track group and run estimated totals for updating
510        # summary line
511        if test.status == test_runner_base.PASSED_STATUS:
512            self.run_stats.passed += 1
513            group.passed += 1
514        elif test.status == test_runner_base.IGNORED_STATUS:
515            self.run_stats.ignored += 1
516            group.ignored += 1
517        elif test.status == test_runner_base.ASSUMPTION_FAILED:
518            self.run_stats.assumption_failed += 1
519            group.assumption_failed += 1
520        elif test.status == test_runner_base.FAILED_STATUS:
521            self.run_stats.failed += 1
522            self.failed_tests.append(test.test_name)
523            group.failed += 1
524        elif test.status == test_runner_base.ERROR_STATUS:
525            self.run_stats.run_errors = True
526            group.run_errors = True
527        self.run_stats.perf_info.update_perf_info(test)
529    def _print_group_title(self, test):
530        """Print the title line for a test group.
532        Test Group/Runner Name
533        ----------------------
535        Args:
536            test: A TestResult namedtuple.
537        """
538        if self.silent:
539            return
540        title = test.group_name or test.runner_name
541        underline = '-' * (len(title))
542        print('\n%s\n%s' % (title, underline))
544    # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
545    def _print_result(self, test):
546        """Print the results of a single test.
548           Looks like:
549           fully.qualified.class#TestMethod: PASSED/FAILED
551        Args:
552            test: a TestResult namedtuple.
553        """
554        if self.silent:
555            return
556        if not self.pre_test or (test.test_run_name !=
557                                 self.pre_test.test_run_name):
558            print('%s (%s %s)' % (au.colorize(test.test_run_name,
559                                              constants.BLUE),
560                                  test.group_total,
561                                  'Test' if test.group_total <= 1 else 'Tests'))
562        if test.status == test_runner_base.ERROR_STATUS:
563            print('RUNNER ERROR: %s\n' % test.details)
564            self.pre_test = test
565            return
566        if test.test_name:
567            color = ''
568            if test.status == test_runner_base.PASSED_STATUS:
569                # Example of output:
570                # [78/92] test_name: PASSED (92ms)
571                color = constants.GREEN
572            elif test.status in (test_runner_base.IGNORED_STATUS,
573                                 test_runner_base.ASSUMPTION_FAILED):
574                # Example: [33/92] test_name: IGNORED (12ms)
575                # Example: [33/92] test_name: ASSUMPTION_FAILED (12ms)
576                color = constants.MAGENTA
577            else:
578                # Example: [26/92] test_name: FAILED (32ms)
579                color = constants.RED
580            print('[{}/{}] {}'.format(test.test_count,
581                                      test.group_total,
582                                      test.test_name), end='')
583            if self.collect_only:
584                print()
585            else:
586                print(': {} {}'.format(au.colorize(test.status, color),
587                                       test.test_time))
588            if test.status == test_runner_base.PASSED_STATUS:
589                for key, data in test.additional_info.items():
590                    if key not in BENCHMARK_EVENT_KEYS:
591                        print('\t%s: %s' % (au.colorize(key, constants.BLUE),
592                                            data))
593            if test.status == test_runner_base.FAILED_STATUS:
594                print('\nSTACKTRACE:\n%s' % test.details)
595        self.pre_test = test